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Dsa chp-1 - English

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Unit-1 Basic Concepts of Data Shite leg@Z 4 Stmwchac_ Basic. conce ph : Data ; igo collecbon of ni paar >—alpha bet i and Sumbal which combine and nepnesent the incfitmaly -_ row 7 Stnuctune “tallow to ghoup nonhomogeneous clement Eogetisch Dota Structure. ar ie 0% mathe matical sepne sentation of date is caller data tauctwe Data Stach i &__sepnese atation eon Logica ne 7 : indrviclual of dota ance i ni; i i ani i i used ef Fe cient =) Fon Data Sta%tne fll wing points as cansidered 4. Armount of rnemnony — s0guined tm chose 2) Arnouat of time witted +. process thy laf 3. Reprsenfation of dota in me mony 4. Openchin _perdoum on a data &. = Dota Stnuctue ho. fillosiag feotous 4.1 “They Con be dlecnyn pase Inte theis Componen element 2. the cunnonge ment fF element: 6 the rain —Acohses of "the ———___ _ dal Types — Dat : Date _Stiw. Ss g__xspactemlation of ¢ > logical xe loti xi indivt ™ lems of date Data Stauchos i woninty —dividled inte ty Linas Stauchao ond —_Nown= Livan Data Dete sauae | Lineon Data | | Won = lineon St Chae lout Structww ! ! LT eanay] [stock | Loueue | Tinbtist! | set] Frabte | Teall | ] 5 ane 1 | Singly link lear [Simple | [Cincatas | id 09. Aniay, Stack, Queue, Bivkdst 7 al Non-linear Dota Structure. Tn this Dolo Stele olata ane not ste ol in & eguence _ynannen_ e4..“Tnee Garoph, Set “Table 2. Homogenous Data Stwelune “The. __Dote Strveinny in hich alle tha Blements hove Sarna. dototype. i colle al Hornogencs Dota _Stauchao cg. Aanoy on The DoteaStautture —? which data _h dif ers Di Ffen nat clotatipe is oiled Aan = hone gencas Data Stnucture ey | Structure, Union, Clas: i ie ben the dota net memnony — dunamivall, mean Tot ¢ nuntime “then that’ ype of “stauchne i Called Dynami Dota _ Stnuchme cg J inkl. t: 6. Stedte Data __ 5 taucture In the Stotic Dots Stnuchre the Sige of he dota. ¢ fixed ond it tant# be _efAonge TT i duxing the exeretimn —of ——_ aroqgseaun 4. Ani Ha Primitive — e __Non= Prinaltice a Titanic ns | ____~ T | [Primitive Dobe Stuucts [Non=Prism’tive i Data Staaten | | | | | | | Featege | [toate] [ Chosoeta! / [anray| | Lift | | Gle: IC Theolean | . ar Late Non \insar | | 1 | | | | Tstock | I @ueuel Wintevstl [reo | | Gasp] | Paimitive Deto Sbauctiar. Primitive Dota Stouchre ane Aindawatel dade ype, } tshich ons suppanfed cm paogéammn'ag leaQuages Tt 1 2! int, Phat, chniect, bnale Tat “i im ’ “it is G_datatype whith ove toro, true andl i = - = ) Aveauge Case __onulysis gut O aaal behovi a Ef 1.4 Almay An —anray is _n gnoup of element _sahich Lavitain a amen —Gnd sama datdype Syntax i= ‘ ee on = datatype __ovrnay name [sige Is Amn is__one _tyac__of since —efoda slaarane wwhich _ choays stomt vitta _iadex _O.. _ 3 Chota etenstics of —Armny 7 opt > Annoy ha 2 which is called clement 2 Fvey element hes _unigue number which is callet _addcas — Element numbers ane honed by name and index of whene index start _fhom _zer0 = All the elemeSt of an hoe Common nam = Caray clements _ ase alusiys stoned in ____SegWenrial manny — Ino insertion and deletion ig slower and time Consuming. but otanchoy and santing— oss fast . _—>_When stray is declared but vot initiahse Contains Soubage value a ___4e = Types iF _ Almay —=—— Thee _on__-Hour type —of 1. One__Dimensional _Asinay — 2. Two Bimensional A = 3. Muli Bimen sional Annay— be all [One Dimensional A: $< An tein ig 9, group of element” wshins —tentain Ame nome ond! same clatertype Le wha sete Tr dokulype —oamoy-nomaL sige] (Eaaagl 2 # include < stdioh > Fteivclude < Conio.h > “void “vnain( > int_n,i, ol so)s | clascn 5 I printf (* ne ety ov wert fo cabs? I ‘stant (y | print t ( ? ari 5 I or C203; Ae = ! print CO nf /. al=” j 33 atch 5, Pe a a printf Ct PeGis 041 wn 3 it+) - paintf (\n nlndl= 2d” i 4 3 getch (V5 I | Output :- How nay dita you went to enter = 4 JEvten Date i= nlol= 1 InfiJ=2 |af2J=3 nl3Jah Entened Dota one i= nfoJ= 1 [rt=2 [2)=3 [nal = ra y!””~—“—sCs—s 2 Tao Din mensional — | Anna Wy = _Someti Dimensions! OY Kaa — aha igunmne. ded likes —in_| mone.__thar on dimen 5 motrix then we we Tao — Dimen! ioael _Arvay. —_ | Syntax as F Example = ## include 2000 +10 = 2010 Adduoss fF aliitid ; Sais 2. Colmar 0% pte ora sf onnay Ainst cel of the aahay. 7 Co. ys occupied by econd (Galuan of T o | ( ae { 9 etal I ule Tol Ua Cols lq - et se CH aN Tt in oun example Oust base ne i br then —neaeennny valleratinn = will bes this Chesie ~. joe “nant. terecaterelt i considening a dato typ of elements 2002 200L- Colie)] fol Coli —Colons 00S 2008 20 2012 2044, Tololato Oia) ololsialny Column } Column Addue calculation fon _pexticulan _anteyy oa AL 1 y= Bae Addisas + b/] mC +iyT Hest = I Bore Addorre = 417° clemat ameotty —_cllocaf ponfirulan dathhy re Me Mamben of ror ‘Lxample:— | Find ths ramon —allvection of a £1 [1 le Ailsa (ALAC = as Addy 2 Wa + zon + 20201) 44) + 2ood + 2 (2+) t- Zon + 2 (3) 2000 +6 2006 | Dadsaas of _ aLaist. TS 2006 q v T vl we » _ 1.8 Oven ew cf diflexeat —dtay —openatinns p Various _opennbions of arse rote ab Hescoube be lora FG) Tanseation pT Adding a new data element inte the nero (i) Deletion Removing a_date element from ths _somnay. (ii) Travensal es stsev seat __ Accessing 7 dato clement +a _teeieaf bs onee in such _& esti thot all the data Clemaat Gus __paacessed St a _ Finding fotaton fon _specific fata in ¢, the. ray CY Sonting Awa Zain data element in _loarcaf (in oscendiuf on descending D onder 7 Ezal Allpanition fon __0910y opeubus () Trsestion %- 7 Thi openation insets an lemevt -dinsessive / cna into___one pee Tnseat (AP, x) | Hoxe As it's on oniay P=y Positem ot which you wont to ingen _ NEw) lement. NZ Number f element in =the _ahnay. X=) Value of the neo “elenwf to be inserted ji the _onoy || Temp | A peapead <— alten l I TEmp <— TEmp-t Step axl oInsent element Ale) <— 7 Step 4i- | Increment size eof the coma eS A <—_ y+" : Step J: [Finished J Eyit Ci) Deletion = This gpexahon i used +o delete, element Frown one dimensiona Caray Algorithm Derete Ca, Pw > Heso, A= Tt’s on cana ra oO =) The “postion! of «which “you want to delete an element g =) Wurbens of elesaents in tht onnay— Step t= | Tnitelsation | TEMP <— P Giep 2:-[ Shift the element oa positien up Repeat while Téme grates < /-1 Afteml <— Alteme+1 | TEMP <— Temp +i Sten 3] Decnement size of the arnay | N<— py-t° ——— Step tl “Step be] pg (Cit) Taowensal = Thi ae ti — dimensional! _onoy, fox in. entry om —dlisplayiag © cLimensiona/ —_Gseuay-—_———__= (a, 1a,ue) Fetwent sf one. Algeni-tuea = TRAVERSE Hex A= It’s fon —onhay - LB=y Lowen limit of __on onnay UB =) Uppen Limit of an onnay, Step 1 [ Taitiols T CouvrT <— 18 Step 2t- C Proce Annoy | ee step 4 while (Couwt < UB) Step ae | Traverse. Antay | wide ALCouwil” on Read AL cout Shep kim Ininement Counten | COUWT <— Count + 4 Shep Site [Finished 1 : we i Exit — Go Seanchi = : Oo Sasa This “Wenation is used to__seanch —_panticular Ly clameat in _one__ dimensional Any. —— Algarten = Searcu CA, Vx) Hone, A =Y Tt -an__Asnay =) Element which you want ty search =) Namben of clernent in the T annoy. Step 1-1 Ini Sp Fi dieige L_ Step 2 i L Penfomm Seanch | Repeat while AL Count J CovwT_< Count + 1. Shep 2 to [Succesfil Search 2 I if Comvt = W then te U Z clee Z ; waite“ Successhel seanch ’ - nf ¥) Son tng —— —atnay —_in ascending — a a This " openation 32 used _4o sont the. —elenaeals gp _ ordi _on—desteathing onda Alponithre = SortCA, aL) Hert, + A=) Tt, fn Arntuy =) Number of element in the _anngy Step t = C tnitialize T LAST < Step 23 Leenham Poss l Re peat. thi te, 5S fon FASS = 1. A= 1. Step Din Pitetialige — SWAP fin each ..'PASS Teme <— 0 Sip bp [ Penanmn pain wise Com pasar al Repeat fon T=1,2,.., LAST -1 te alt] > alr+1J then Ali <->» »lT+4) Temp <— Temp +4. Step 5 [ Finished | — 1 Seanchiag tn element indo amnay Soniting. ¢ Seanthing ane Funda meatal opera hans + Se op jon fF finding letation of party cules deta item fnew alleen f Gisen__ittens, — A table on o file isn collector of xocond and each _serond ha ing__One._on mone freld. — There ane two tne of conching method Ok use = = 1) Lineat Seanch Segueatial Seanch z Biaaay Seanch 1) / inean Seach :- Thi. i the Simplest techigu do tind out ‘ t luce F5 s. table list La __+this _technigue seanch th glue. of cuticuhn elemeat in ‘table on a _list ina 6. gueatia wnonnen until the dlesive second ” fou nd. i + LiwepR seagcw Cr, x) Howe, = Total element Value to be seanch in the. [rad Step 3:- | Find value ca te (LiK1= x) then FLAG <— 0 Gap b | Check frat vase L . If Fhag= t : I then waite (° Unsuccesshl _Seaach D, | else. I wonite C* Sucresshi/ sith”) =D Finished | Ce ° Exit Ib Seach = | \ B inasy 1 Oo. _seaach ng an lement value fom 800 toble 70. list: i Binany search —_aloanithm take — less time. Hus — linea) conth, “Thi. technique i oy [— fhicienf. 47s Allgonithe:= _BIvary searcy (List, p/, x) Henne, ieee se annoy of +h elernent N= Total element = Valk peel conch —? LOW, HIGH , MIDDLE west, middle ‘nit ?. ane hi element Step te | Tita fon Searching | O, HtGe <—" w-1, FLaGeJ Step wf Repect Code fon caching I Repeat thay hep ~h vhile J ow < Aten Step 3:1 Ftad out mine | MALDPLE <— LowW+HiGy 2 Step bb s- [ Find out canthing element T Tr x LIST LMIDpL then HIGH <—— Mzpp.e -4 elseif > List[mrppes LOW MIDDLE + 4 else if = 1157 [mip pred wa then FLAG EO EXIT Step 5 [Seanch i sutcesst.| of _unsut eth] | 7 fa bo <— DO _ = ce “ uccesfe) 2) > se = eT sacl Seach 2) iz Step $= Joe ehed || Exit

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