Course Title: System Identification and Adaptive Control TPC 4 0 4
The objectives of this course are
1. To give an overview on the different data driven identification methods 2. To make the student understand the principles of relay based identification 3. To enable the student to select a suitable model for identification 4. To elaborate the concept of estimating the parameters of the selected Objectives: models using parameter estimation algorithm 5. To impart knowledge on how to recursively estimate the parameters of discrete input –output models (ARX/ARMAX etc) using recursive parameter estimation methods 6. To make the student understand the principles of STR, MRAC and Gain scheduling. • Ability to develop various models from the experimental data • Will be able to select a suitable model and parameter estimation algorithm for the identification of systems Expected Outcome: • Will be able to carry out the verification and validation of identified model • Will be able to design simple adaptive controllers for linear systems. • Ability to identify, formulate, analyse the implementation of adaptive controllers to the engineering problems. Module No. 1 Introduction 9 Hours Introduction and overview of Systems Identification, Adaptive Control and applications. System Identification-motivation and overview - Non-parametric methods: Impulse response, step response and Frequency response methods, correlation and spectral analysis methods. Module No. 2 Parameter Estimation Methods 9 Hours Parametric model structures-ARX, ARMAX, OE, BJ models - Linear regression - Least square estimates, statistical properties of LS Estimates. Weighted least squares, maximum likelihood estimation, Prediction error methods, Instrumental variable methods, Recursive Least squares method- Exercises using system identification toolbox. Module No. 3 Relay Feedback and Closed Loop Identification 12 Hours A generalized relay feedback identification method – model; structure selection- relay feedback identification of stable processes: FOPDT and SOPDT model. Relay feedback Identification of unstable processes: FOPDT and SOPDT model. Illustrative examples. Identification of systems operating in closed loop: Identifiability considerations – direct identification – indirect identification Module No. 4 Gain Scheduling 9 Hours Introduction- The principle - Design of gain scheduling controllers- Nonlinear transformations - application of gain scheduling - Auto-tuning techniques: Methods based on Relay feedback. Module No. 5 Deterministic, Stochastic and Predictive Self-Tuning 12 Hours Regulators Introduction- Pole Placement design - Indirect Self-tuning regulators - direct self-tuning regulators – Disturbances with known characteristics. Introduction – Design of minimum variance controller - Design of moving average controller - stochastic self-tuning regulators. Module No. 6 Model – Reference Adaptive Systems 9 Hours Introduction- MIT rule – Determination of adaptation gain - Lyapunov theory –Design of MRAS using Lyapunov theory – Relations between MRAS and STR. Text Books 1. K. J. Astrom and B. Wittenmark, Adaptive Control, Addison - Pearson, 2006. 2. L. Ljung, System Identificaiton: Theory for the user, Prentice -Hall, 2007. Reference Books 1. T. Soderstorm and Petre Stoica, “System Identification”, Prentice Hall International(UK) Ltd., 1989. 2. K.S. Narendra and A.M. Annaswamy, Stable Adaptive Systems,, Prentice-Hall, 1989. 3. Miroslav Krsti, Ioannis Kanellakopoulos, and Petar V. Kokotovic, Nonlinear and Adaptive Control Design, Wiley-Interscience, 1995
Dr. Umakanta Nanda Dr. P. K. Ray Dr. Subhasish Mahapatra