Specialized Nutrition Support
Specialized Nutrition Support
Specialized Nutrition Support
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CONTRAINDICATIONS • conditions warranting total bowel rest, such as severe
acute necrotizing pancreatitis (unless jejunal enteral
Specialized nutrition therapy is usually not indicated for: feeding can be provided beyond the ligament of Treitz)
• severe inflammatory bowel disease
malnourished patients who are eating adequate amounts • upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage (caused by esophageal
to meet their estimated nutrient requirements varices, portal hypertension, or cirrhosis)
well-nourished patients who are anticipated to resume • short-bowel syndrome (less than 100 cm of small bowel
adequate oral intake within 7 days; and remaining)
patients whose prognosis does not warrant aggressive • intestinal obstruction (depending on location)
nutritional care • a prognosis that does not warrant aggressive nutrition
The decision to provide nutrition therapy should be based on
effective communication with the patient and family, realistic NUTRITION INTERVENTION
goals, and respect for patient autonomy.
Enteral feedings can be nutritionally adequate if an
ENTERAL NUTRITION SUPPORT THERAPY FOR ADULTS appropriate formula is selected with consideration of each
patient’s individual estimated requirements.
Enteral nutrition support therapy – provision of nutrients Tube feedings may be used as the sole source of nutrients
to the gastrointestinal tract via a feeding tube, catheter, or or as a supplement to inadequate oral nutrition.
stoma to maintain or replete the patient’s nutritional permissive underfeeding rather than overfeeding obese
reserves. critically ill patients may produce better medical outcomes
Enteral nutrition is the preferred route for the provision For patients with a body mass index (BMI) greater than 30
of nutrition for patients who cannot meet their needs kg/m2, the goal of the enteral nutrition regimen should not
through voluntary oral intake. This section pertains to exceed 60% to 70% of target energy requirements or 11
nutrition support via enteral tube feeding. TIONS to 14 kcal/kg actual body weight per day (or 22 to 25
kcal/kg ideal body weight per day)
NUTRITION ASSESSMENT Antioxidant vitamins (including vitamin E and ascorbic
acid) and trace minerals (including selenium, zinc, and
INDICATIONS copper) may improve patient outcome, especially in burns,
trauma, and critical illness requiring mechanical ventilation.
A combination of antioxidant vitamins and trace minerals
Enteral nutrition support via tube feeding should be
(specifically selenium) should be provided to all critically ill
considered as a proactive therapeutic strategy for patients
patients receiving specialized nutrition therapy.
who are unable to ingest adequate amounts of nutrients
orally and have an adequately functioning gastrointestinal
How to Order the Diet
ADVANTAGES OF ENTERAL NUTRITION OVER The physician in collaboration with the dietitian determines
PARENTERAL NUTRITION: the appropriate prescription for the enteral nutrition
regimen, including the route and type of formula.
• a much lower cost and shorter length of hospital stay A dietitian should facilitate the selection of the formula type
• the avoidance of complications associated with parenteral and goal rate for tube feeding.
feedings (eg, infectious complications pneumothorax,
catheter embolism, and cholecystitis) (the support of the The order specifies:
metabolic response to stress and a favorable modulation of • product, either by name or as “Standard Tube Feeding,”
the immune response in critically ill patients according to hospital protocol
• the maintenance of gastrointestinal mucosal integrity and • volume, rate, and timing, including the initial volume and
prevention of bacterial translocation. rate, as well as the progression and goal volume and
rate (at a standard dilution of 1.0 kcal/mL, the volume
Guidelines from the ASPEN and the SCCM states: will be roughly equal to the number of kilocalories
traditional nutrition assessment tools (albumin, prealbumin,
• administration and monitoring, following either the
and anthropometry) are not validated in critical care
facility’s standard procedures or individualized orders,
including the administration of extra water to flush the
Before the initiation of feedings, assessments should
tube or meet fluid requirements.
include the evaluation of weight loss and previous nutrient
intake prior to admission, level of disease severity,
comorbid conditions, and function of the gastrointestinal Routes of Access for Enteral Tube Feeding
The type and route of feeding tube should depend on
CONTRAINDICATIONS the patient’s needs and the route that optimizes nutrient
delivery (stomach or small bowel) for disease management
The smallest tube possible should be used for patient
Enteral nutrition support should be avoided in patients who do
comfort, and correct placement of the feeding tube should
not have an adequately functioning gastrointestinal tract or who
are hemodynamically unstable. Specific contraindications be confirmed by X-ray prior to use.
include: When the anticipated need for enteral nutrition exceeds 4
to 6 weeks, a more permanent enteral access device is
• intractable vomiting indicated.
• severe diarrhea
• high-output enterocutaneous fistula (greater than 500
mL/day) and distal to site of feeding tube tip placement
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SEVERAL TYPES OF FEEDING TUBE PLACEMENTS: Soy polysaccharide an insoluble fiber, and guar gum a
soluble fiber are common types of fiber used in formulas.
• Orogastric: The feeding tube is inserted through the
mouth, with the tip resting in the stomach. Formulas containing omega-3 fatty acids:
• Nasogastric: The feeding tube is inserted through the
nose, with the tip resting in the stomach. The type and amount of fat in enteral formulas may affect
• Nasoduodenal: The feeding tube is inserted through the immune function
nose, with the tip resting in the duodenum. Fish oils, a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, provide
• Nasojejunal: The feeding tube is inserted through the eicosapentaenoic acid.
nose, with the tip resting in the jejunum. Unlike omega-6 fatty acids, which are found in more
• Esophagostomy: The feeding tube is inserted through a common fat sources (eg, corn oil and soybean oil) and have
surgical opening in the neck and passed through the a greater immunosuppressive effect, eicosapentaenoic
esophagus, with the tip resting in the stomach. acid metabolizes into less immunosuppressive
• Gastrostomy: The feeding tube is inserted through the prostaglandins and leukotrienes.
abdominal wall into the stomach via percutaneous
endoscopic guidance or surgical placement (surgical Formulas containing arginine:
“open” gastrostomy).
• Jejunostomy: The feeding tube is inserted through the Arginine is a conditionally essential amino acid during
abdominal wall into the jejunum via percutaneous stress due to the greater utilization of the urea cycle.
endoscopic guidance or surgical placement (surgical Arginine is important in immune function and wound
“open” jejunostomy). healing and is commonly found in immune-enhancing and
wound-healing enteral formulas.
Enteral Formula: Categories and Selection Arginine may be useful in treating inflammatory diseases
and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, and it
Formulas should be selected based on enhances collagen formation in wound healing
digestibility/availability of nutrients, nutritional adequacy,
viscosity, osmolality, ease of use, and cost. Formulas containing glutamine:
Enteral formulations are considered medical foods by the
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Classified as a nonessential amino acid, glutamine is the
primary oxidative fuel for rapidly dividing cells, such as
Standard formulas include synthetic formulas and enterocytes and leukocytes.
blenderized formulas. Glutamine is not present in standard parenteral formulas,
Enteral formulas contain a large amount of water; their and it is present in only small amounts in enteral formulas.
water content generally ranges from 70% to 85% Glutamine supplementation is contraindicated in patients
Standard or polymeric formulas: Standard or polymeric with hyperammonemia, hepatic failure, or renal failure
formulas must be digested into dipeptides and tripeptides, due to excess ammonia production.
free amino acids, and simple sugars in the small bowel.
Lactalbumin, whey, and egg albumin are also sources of Formulas containing branched-chain amino acids (BCAA):
intact proteins
Carbohydrates provide 40% to 90% of total energy. The Formulas supplemented with BCAA have primarily been
fat content ranges from less than 10% to more than 50% of used for patients with hepatic failure in an attempt to
total energy. improve the ratio of BCAA to aromatic amino acids and
Elemental or semi-elemental formulas: These formulas prevent or improve hepatic encephalopathy.
consist of hydrolyzed macronutrients. Protein is present
either as free amino acids (monomeric) or as bound amino Formulas for renal disease:
acids in dipeptides or tripeptides (oligomeric).
Modular components: These products are individually
Renal formulas are energy-dense formulas that contain
packaged components that may be combined in varying
whole proteins and have a modified electrolyte content (eg,
amounts to meet the patient’s individual nutritional needs.
sodium, potassium, phosphorus, and magnesium).
These formulas may be indicated in renal patients whose
serum electrolyte levels are difficult to manage or for whom
renal dialysis is delayed
Most specialty renal formulas are energy dense, so that
Nutrient-modified and disease-specific formulas have
volume can be restricted if needed. The protein content
been altered in one or more nutrients in an attempt to
ranges from less than 40 g to more than 70 g in 2,000 kcal.
optimize nutrition support without exacerbating the
If dialysis is delayed, an energy-dense, reduced-protein
metabolic disturbances associated with various diseases.
formula is appropriate.
Formulas for hepatic disease:
Formulas containing fiber:
Standard formulations should be used in ICU patients with
acute and chronic liver disease.
Fiber is added to enteral formulas for a variety of potential
Nutrition regimens should avoid restricting protein in
health benefits. patients with liver failure.
Short-chain fatty acids, the preferred fuel for colonocytes, Special enteral formulas have been designed for patients
help to increase mucosal growth and promote sodium and with hepatic failure.
water absorption. It is important to consider the type of fiber
supplemented in the enteral formula.
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Formulas for pulmonary disease and ARDS: Approximate Free Water Content of Nutritional Formulas
Pulmonary disease formulas are low in carbohydrate and Formula mL H2O/mL Formula mL
high in fat to decrease carbon dioxide (CO2) production in H20/kcal
patients with compromised pulmonary function. 1.0 kcal/mL 0.84 0.84
Formulas that contain omega-3 fatty acids may be 1.0 kcal/mL with 0.83 0.83
beneficial in patients with early ARDS. fiber
1.5 kcal/mL 0.78 0.52
Formulas for diabetes mellitus:
2.0 kcal/mL 0.71 0.36
Patients with diabetes mellitus who follow a diet with
increased intake of monounsaturated fatty acids along with
lower carbohydrate intake may have improved blood
Energy density: An energy density of 1 kcal/mL is
glucose control. Therefore, enteral formulas with modified
considered standard.
amounts and types of carbohydrate and fat have been
Osmolality: Products are available at isotonic
osmolalities (300 mOsm/kg), moderate osmolalities
(400 mOsm/kg), and high osmolalities (700 mOsm/kg).
Formulas containing immune modulating nutrients:
The main contributors to osmolality are sugars, free amino
acids, and electrolytes. Lipids are isotonic and therefore
Formulas have been designed with increased amounts of do not contribute to osmolality. Highcarbohydrate, amino
immune-enhancing nutrients (eg, arginine, glutamine, acid–based, or peptide-based formulas have moderate to
nucleotides, omega-3 fatty acids or fish oil) and high osmolality.
antioxidant vitamins and minerals. Protein: Protein sources are intact proteins, peptides, or
amino acids. Generally, protein contributes 9% to 24% of
WATER/FLUID REQUIREMENTS total energy. High-nitrogen formulas may not be well
tolerated in patients with certain renal or hepatic disorders.
The National Research Council recommends 1 mL of fluid High-nitrogen concentrations can result in a higher renal
per 1 kcal of energy expenditure for adults with average solute load and can predispose elderly patients to
energy expenditure who live under average environmental dehydration. One gram of nitrogen requires 40 to 60 mL of
conditions. water for excretion.
Fat: Fat sources are long-chain triglycerides (LCT) and
Medical conditions that may reduce fluid requirements: MCT. The fat content usually ranges from 3% to 35% of
• heart failure energy for amino acid–based or peptide-based formulas
• acute respiratory failure and from 25% to 55% of energy for standard formulas. Fats
• renal failure do not contribute to osmolality.
• ascites, syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone Carbohydrate: Carbohydrate is the most easily digested
• malignant hypertension and absorbed nutrient. Enzyme digestion is very efficient,
as surface digestion is not rate limiting (except with
Fluid requirements may be increased for: lactose). The carbohydrate content of formulas ranges from
• pregnant patients 35% to 90% of energy.
• patients with fever, burns, diarrhea, vomiting, or high Lactose: Lactose is present in milk-based formulas and
output fistulas or ostomies some blenderized formulas. Most commercial formulas
• patients receiving ventilatory support. are lactose free. Due to the presumed high incidence of
secondary lactase deficiency in illness, lactose is not
Patients with pressure ulcers and patients medically present in most enteral formulas.
managed on air-fluidized beds also have additional fluid Residue: Milk-based formulas and other formulas with
needs. intact nutrients are generally low residue. Blenderized and
fiber-supplemented formulas leave a moderate to high
Methods to determine fluid requirements: residue.
Fiber: See the previous discussion of formulas containing
Method 1: Holliday-Segar Method fiber in the nutrient-modified formulas list.
Sodium and potassium: Select formula according to the
Body Weight (actual) Water Requirement patient’s nutrition prescription and laboratory profile.
Renal solute load: The main contributors to renal solute
≤ 10 kg 100 mL/kg
load are protein, sodium, potassium, and chloride. A
1,000 mL + 50 mL/kg for
between 10 kg and 20 kg high–renal solute load in sensitive patients can result in
each kg > 10 kg clinical dehydration.
> 20 kg 1,500 mL + 20 mL/kg for Safety: A ready-to-use closed bag or system is
each kg > 20 kg recommended, as it is more sterile and provides less risk
for contamination than canned or powdered products.
Method 2: Recommended Daily Allowances Method Formulas that are made in a blender in the facility are
discouraged because they carry a greater risk of infection,
1 mL per kilocalorie of energy expenditure require careful handling, tend to clog tubes, and need a
high volume to meet nutrient needs.
Method 3: Fluid Balance Method Viscosity: Blenderized, high-fiber, and high-density
formulas should not be administered through tubes with a
Urine output + 500 mL/day diameter smaller than 10 French unless a pump is used.
Formulas may flow through an 8-French diameter tube
when a pump is used (15).
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Vitamin K: Patients who are receiving enteral nutrition Bring formula to room temperature before feeding, but do
support while on anticoagulant therapy should be not allow the formula to remain unrefrigerated for more
monitored closely. Significant vitamin K intake from enteral than 12 hours.
formulas can antagonize the effect of the anticoagulant The hang time for formula in an open system should be
drug warfarin and result in treatment failure. Most enteral less than 8 hours or as specified by the manufacturer.
formulations contain modest amounts of vitamin K and Formula from a closed system is provided in ready-
provide daily vitamin K intake similar to the average dietary tohang, prefilled containers and may hang for 24 to 48
intake from foods. Consistent intake of an enteral hours per manufacturer’s guidelines. Discard any
formulation containing less than 100 mcg of vitamin K per formula remaining in the container after the hang time has
1,000 kcal is not expected to cause warfarin resistance expired.
Cost: Amino acid–based formulas and peptide-based Opened, unused formula should be kept refrigerated for
formulas are usually more expensive than synthetic no longer than the manufacturer’s specifications (usually
formulas containing intact nutrients. 24-48 hours)
Intermittent or cyclic feedings are administered over an 8- Provide mouth and nose care every 8 hours to prevent
to 20-hour period by using a pump to control the rate of parotitis and skin breakdown around the nose.
delivery. Verify the placement of a nasoenteric tube prior to feeding
This method of tube feeding is most beneficial for patients initiation and every 4 to 8 hours thereafter, or as specified
who are progressing from complete tube feeding by the organization’s protocol.
support to oral feedings as discontinuation of feedings
during the day may help to stimulate the appetite. Avoidance of intestinal hypoxia and bowel necrosis:
Intermittent or cyclic feeding is also beneficial for
ambulatory home-care patients who are unable to Assess bowel sounds every 8 hours.
tolerate bolus feedings because it allows freedom from the Feed into the small bowel (postpyloric position).
pump and equipment. Administer feeding in patients who are adequately fluid
resuscitated and have a sustained mean arterial pressure
Bolus formula delivery not requiring a pump: of at least 70 mm Hg, and are at steady or decreasing dos
of vasoactive agents.
The syringe bolus-feeding method involves the delivery of Use iso-osmolar, low residue formulations, initiated at 10 –
240 to 480 mL of formula via a feeding tube over a 20- to 20 ml/hr and advance the feedings when tolerance is
30-minute period, three to six times a day, to meet demonstrated.
estimated nutritional requirements. Assess the need to hold feedings if the patient experiences
This method is usually restricted to gastric feedings and a sudden period of hypotension (mean arterial pressure <
may be contraindicated in patients who have a high risk of 60 - 70 mm Hg), if the dosages of pressor agents (e.g.,
aspiration, disorders of glucose metabolism, or fluid dobutamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine) are
management issues. increased, or if the need for ventilatory support is increased
(3, 56).
ENTERAL FEEDING FORMULA AND EQUIPMENT Assess the need to hold feedings if the patient develops
MAINTENANCE GUIDELINES increased nasogastric output, abdominal distention, or
abdominal pain.
Avoidance of gastrointestinal intolerance and aspiration:
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Aspiration in the Critically Ill state that feeding ideally determine the morbidity, mortality, or severity of disease or
should be into the small bowel with the tube tip at or below inflammatory status (not reliable in critically ill patients)
the ligament of Treitz when two or more risk factors for baseline measurements of liver function tests
aspiration are present. These risk factors include: prior daily measurements of calcium, magnesium, and
aspiration, decreased level of consciousness, phosphorus until stable, then weekly measurement
neuromuscular disease, structural abnormalities of the baseline complete blood cell count, then measured as
aerodigestive tract, endotracheal intubation, vomiting, needed
persistently high gastric residual volumes (GRVs), and the a 24-hour urine analysis for urine urea nitrogen (or total
need for a supine position. urea nitrogen) once the goal rate of tube feeding is
Use a 50-mL or 60-mL syringe to check GRVs in attained, then weekly measurements until stable
nasogastric-fed or gastrostomy-fed patients before each
intermittent or bolus feeding. Feeding tubes with a diameter Other patient monitoring guidelines:
smaller than 10 French may be unreliable in determining
residuals. The GRV should be checked before bolus Weigh the patient at least once per week.
feedings. Maintain daily records of intake, output, and bowel
Blue dye should not be added to enteral formulas to detect movements.
aspiration. The risk of using blue dye outweighs any Monitor vital signs to determine whether a systemic
perceived benefit. The presence of blue dye in tracheal inflammatory response is present
secretions is not a sensitive indicator for aspirations.
If not contraindicated, maintain the head of the patient’s Signs of systemic inflammatory response syndrome:
bed at a 30-45 angle during feedings to reduce the risk of
aspiration pneumonia and the reflux of gastric contents into body temperature of >38.0°C or <36.0°C
the esophagus and pharynx. If bolus feeding, keep the heart rate of >90 beats/minute
head of the bed in this position for 30 to 60 minutes after breathing rate of >20 breaths/minute (often obscured by
feeding. mechanical ventilation)
If the patient has a history of gastroparesis or repeated high leukocyte count of >12,000 mm3 or <4,000 mm3, or a left
GRVs ranging from 200 to 500 mL, then consider the shift (>10% bands)
use of a promotility agent, if there are no contraindications
Medications via enteral feeding tubes:
Diarrhea and Probiotics:
Feeding tubes should be irrigated with at least 15 mL of
Diarrhea in the ICU patient receiving enteral nutrition warm purified or sterile water (or saline) before and
should prompt an investigation to distinguish between immediately after the administration of medications.
infectious diarrhea, osmotic diarrhea, or malabsorption. Multiple types of medication should be administered
Metabolic/laboratory data monitoring guidelines: Temporary cessation of enteral feeding may be indicated
for 1 hour before and 1 hour after the administration of
Serum protein levels are no longer considered to be phenytoin sodium (Dilantin), a commonly used
reliable or valid as an indicator of a critical care patient’s anticonvulsant medication, because components of the
nutritional status or response to nutrition therapies enteral formula, such as calcium, decrease the
bioavailability of this drug.
Evidence has shown that serum protein levels are markers of
the stress response and disease severity, rather than Transitional feedings, enteral to oral or supplemental
indicators of nutritional status or protein requirements. For parenteral nutrition:
monitoring the adequacy of protein intake, the most useful
(although still limited) laboratory indicator may be nitrogen
Depending on the swallowing function of the patient, oral
balance, which reflects the adequacy of protein intake in
intake should begin with liquids and advance to appropriate
matching catabolic demand.
foods as tolerated.
Switching the patient from a continuous tube feeding to
Requirements or Section III: Burns
night tube feeding only or discontinuing tube feeding 1 to 2
hours before meals will often stimulate the appetite and
In critically ill adult patients the promotion of glucose levels speed transition to adequate oral intake.
between 140 and 180 mg/dL is currently recommended When oral intake consistently meets or exceeds 60% of the
Tight blood glucose control (80 to 110 mg per dL) is not patient’s energy requirements and 100% of the fluid
associated with reduced hospital length of stay (LOS), requirements, discontinuation of tube feedings should be
infectious complications, cost of medical care, days on considered. If a critically ill patient is unable to meet energy
mechanical ventilation or mortality and increases risk of requirements (100% of the target energy goal) after 7 to 10
hypoglycemia as previously suggested days by the enteral route alone, supplemental parenteral
In surgical (primarily cardiac) patients, tight control of blood nutrition should be considered. The provision of
glucose reduces the risk of some types of infectious supplemental parenteral nutrition prior to this 7- to 10-day
complications. period does not improve the patient’s nutritional status and
may be detrimental.
Suggested laboratory monitoring guidelines include:
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Nutrient Sources and Indications • Protein requirements for the critically ill patient are at
least 1.5 g/kg per day
Energy requirements: Mildly permissive underfeeding should • The protein requirements of critically ill patients who are
be considered, at least initially, for all adult critically ill intensive not obese (BMI <30 kg/m2) are 1.2 to 2.0 g/kg actual
care unit (ICU) patients receiving parenteral nutrition. body weight per day
• Protein sparing does not typically improve with
Carbohydrate sources: The most commonly used source protein intakes greater than 1.5 g/kg per day, except in
of carbohydrate is dextrose. Dextrose in its monohydrate severely burned patients.
form provides 3.4 kcal/g. Commercial dextrose solutions are • The ASPEN guidelines for critical care ICU adult
available in concentrations ranging from 2.5% to 70%. These patients recommend a daily protein intake of more than
solutions are acidic, with a pH ranging from 3.5 to 6.5. 2.0 g/kg ideal body weight for class I and II obese
Carbohydrate requirements: The minimum requirements for patients (BMI, 30 to 40 kg/m2) and more than 2.5 g/kg
dextrose are 1 mg/kg per minute (approximately 100 g/day for ideal body weight for class III obese patients (BMI >40
a 70-kg person). The maximum amount of carbohydrate kg/m2) (6).
tolerated is approximately 5 to 7 mg/kg per minute. • For all patients, a 24-hour urine collection for urinary
urea nitrogen may be collected and used to
Hyperglycemia, which is caused by various factors including subsequently adjust the prescription for protein delivery.
stress, is the most common complication of parenteral nutrition.
For patients with hyperglycemia, the parenteral nutrition Lipid sources: Isotonic lipid emulsions provide energy and
dextrose should be started conservatively and gradually essential fatty acids. Lipid sources are derived from soybean
increased to the patient’s individualized goal rate. oil or a 50:50 mixture of soybean and safflower oils.
Protein sources: Crystalline amino acids, which provide 4 Lipid requirements: When a patient is medically stable, lipids
kcal/g, are the most common source of protein in parenteral provide an important source of essential fatty acids.
formulas. Standard or balanced amino acid products are • 2% to 4% of daily energy needs should be supplied as
mixtures of essential and nonessential amino acids ranging in linoleic acid (1% to 2% of linoleic acid and 0.25% to
concentrations from 3% to 20%, although 8.5% and 10% are 0.5% of alpha-linolenic acid) or 25 to 100 mg/kg of
most frequently used for parenteral nutrition compounding. essential fatty acids.
Most commercially available amino acid formulations also • A minimum of 500 mL of 10% lipid stock solution or 250
contain electrolytes, buffers, or both. Modified or special amino mL of 20% stock solution administered over 8 to 10
acid products have been formulated for certain disease states hours, two to three times per week, is sufficient to
and conditions in which conventional amino acid solutions may prevent a deficiency of essential fatty acids.
not be well tolerated (eg, renal failure and hepatic failure) • 500 mL of a 20% fat emulsion can be given once a
ASPEN guidelines for nutrition support are the basis for • Four hours after lipid infusion, acceptable serum
the following discussion of specialized amino acid triglycerides levels are less than 250 mg/dL for
formulas: piggybacked lipids and less than 400 mg/dL for
continuous lipid infusion
Formulations for liver disease: Standard formulations • Infusion rates of greater than 110 mg/kg per hour may
should be used in ICU patients with acute and chronic liver result in reduced lipid clearance and impaired
disease. Protein restriction should be avoided in reticuloendothelial function and pulmonary exchange.
patients with liver failure • It is recommended that fat intake be restricted to less
Formulations for renal disease: Essential amino acids than 25% to 30% of total energy, or 1 g/kg per day, and
are the primary protein source in formulations designed for provided slowly over 8 to 10 hours if administered as an
patients with renal disease. This formula design is based intravenous supplement.
on the theory that nonessential amino acids can be • No more than 2.5 g/kg per 24 hours should be provided
physiologically recycled from urea, while the essential to adult patients
amino acids must be provided by the diet
Concentrated amino acid formulations: Highly Parenteral Intravenous Vitamins and Requirements
concentrated (15% to 20%) amino acid formulations are
available for use when fluid restriction is required. These The required amounts of ascorbic acid, thiamin,
formulations are similar in composition to standard amino pyridoxine, and folic acid were increased, and a
acid formulas, except that they may contain larger requirement for vitamin K was added
amounts of acetate With the addition of vitamin K to these formulations, the
Pediatric formulations: Pediatric formulas have been prothrombin time and international normalized ratio of
designed to meet the unique amino acid requirements of patients who receive anticoagulant therapy should be
neonates, infants, and children in order to promote weight closely monitored, and anticoagulant medication should
gain, nitrogen balance, and growth and to avoid an excess be adjusted as needed
of certain amino acids (eg, phenylalanine and methionine) One formula without vitamin K is available for patients
Glutamine: Glutamine is a conditionally essential amino whose prothrombin time or international normalized ratio
acid during times of metabolic stress. levels are difficult to manage
Weekly intravenous supply of 250 to 500 mcg
Protein requirements: Protein requirements should be based phylloquinone is adequate to preserve coagulation in PN
on the patient’s individual needs and disease process. patients.
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Vitamin Amount
Thiamin (B1) 6 mg The serum phosphate levels of critically ill patients should
Riboflavin (B2) 3.6 mg be monitored closely, and phosphate should be provided
Pyridoxine (B3) 6 mg when needed due to its essential role in optimal
pulmonary function
Cyanocobalamin (B12) 5 mcg
Electrolytes are available in salt forms, including sodium
Niacin 40 mg
and potassium as chloride acetate or phosphate; calcium
Folic acid 600 mcg as chloride, gluconate, or gluceptate; and magnesium as
Pantothenic acid 15 mg sulfate or chloride. Calcium gluconate and magnesium
Biotin 60 mcg sulfate are the preferred forms of these cations because
Ascorbic acid 200 mg they produce fewer physiochemical incompatibilities
Vitamin A (retinol) 1 mg Acetate and chloride do not have specific ranges for
Vitamin D 5 mcg intake; rather, they are adjusted as needed to maintain the
Vitamin E 10 mg acid-base balance
Vitamin K 150 mcg
Daily Electrolyte Requirements
Parenteral Intravenous Trace Minerals and Requirements
Electrolyte Requirement
The ASPEN recommendations for daily parenteral intake Sodium and potassium 1-2 mEq/kg + replacement
of the trace elements zinc, copper, chromium, and losses
manganese were updated in 2004 (Table B-5) and Calcium 10-15 mEq
remains the most current. Magnesium 8-20 mEq
addition of selenium supplementation (20 to 60 mcg/day). Phosphate 20-40 mmol
Trace minerals are available as single-entity and
combination products in various concentrations for adults,
Total Nutrient Admixture Parenteral Solutions
children, and neonates; products with a combination of
trace minerals and electrolytes are also available.
Total nutrient admixture parenteral solutions, also known
Other elements that may be supplemented on an
as three-in-one or all-in-one solutions, are composed of
individualized basis include molybdenum, iodine, and iron.
amino acids, dextrose, lipids, vitamins, trace
Iron supplementation is generally not required for short-
elements, and electrolytes in one container.
term parenteral nutrition, unless the patient is anemic.
Oral iron supplementation is the preferred route.
Stability and Compatibility
Daily Parenteral Trace Element Supplementation for
Adults (Dose per Day) The concentrations of calcium and phosphate ions are
directly related to the risk of precipitation, which can result
in serious injury and death.
Trace Element 2004 ASPEN Gastrointestinal
As the concentration of either micronutrient rises, the
Recommendation Losses
likelihood of precipitation increases.
Zinca 2.5-5.0 mga Addb The salt form of calcium added to the PN formulation can
Copper 0.3-0.5 mg 500 mcg/d have a dramatic impact on the risk of precipitation
Chromium 10-15 mcg 20 mcgc
Manganese 60-100 mcg — Calcium gluconate and calcium gluceptate are generally
Selenium 20-60 mcg — less dissociated salt forms of calcium than the chloride
• a Add 2 mg/day for hypermetabolic patients for a total of 6 salts
to 12 mg/day. The amount of free calcium available to form insoluble
• b Add 12 mg/L of small bowel losses, and add 17 mcg/kg complexes with phosphate is reduced
of stool or ileostomy losses.
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Transferrinb Baseline, then weekly
Nitrogen balance As needed
Weight Daily until stable, then two or three times per week
Vital signs (temperature, pulse, blood pressure, respiratory
Every 8 hours as needed
• a Half of total calcium (Ca) is protein bound; therefore, during hypoalbuminemia, the true calcium status may not be represented
by measuring serum calcium levels. There is a 0.8 mg/dL decrease in the total concentration of serum calcium for each 1.0 mg/dL
decrease in the albumin concentration below 4.0 g/dL. Correct serum calcium can be estimated by the following formula: Ca++
(mg/dL) = Measured Ca++ (mg/dL) + 0.8 [4.0 – Albumin (g/dL)]. However, this formula provides only an estimate and a review of
the evidence suggests this formula may actually overestimate the corrected calcium concentration in critically ill patients (45).
When an accurate evaluation is needed, the ionized calcium level should be obtained.
• b The levels of acute phase hepatic proteins (albumin, prealbumin, and transferrin) can decrease by as much as 25% as a result
of acute or chronic inflammatory conditions and are no longer reliable indicators in critically ill patients. This decrease impacts
their usability in determining nutrition repletion. If inflammatory markers (eg, C-reactive protein) indicate an inflammatory
metabolism, these proteins may not be reliable indicators of nutritional status. Acute phase hepatic proteins may only be reliable
when malnutrition is not complicated by inflammatory metabolism caused by acute or chronic disease.
See Section III: Clinical Nutrition Management, Parenteral Nutrition: Metabolic Complications of Central Parenteral Nutrition
and Calculating Total Parenteral Nutrition.
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