A New
A New
A New
Abstract—In the world full of visual content, digital image In section.II proposed algorithm including embedding and
authentication has become an important concern. Digital image extraction is described and its software implementation along
watermarking can play a key role in this regard. Though several with performance checks and attacks is discussed in section.
techniques and algorithms exist in literature but color image
watermarking techniques with its hardware implementation are III. In section.IV we elaborated proposed hardware architec-
few. The objective of this paper is to introduce a new algorithm ture hierarchically while FPGA and ASIC implementations are
for watermarking a color cover image using color watermark. given in section.V. Results are analyzed in section.VI and the
The basic technique is to alter the pixel values of the cover image, conclusion in section.VII.
based on the similarity between cover image and watermark. The
amount of alteration can be controlled by a parameter called II. P ROPOSED A LGORITHM
modulation index, which also decides the quality of cover image
as well as that of extracted watermark image. A pseudo-noise A. Embedding Algorithm
code is used for embedding and extraction of the watermark,
hence only authorized users having exact pseudo-noise code People in literature have modified either one [6] or two
can extract the watermark. This is an invisible watermarking [3] LSB or any bit-plane [4] of cover image pixels, but in
technique, so it doesn’t affect the appearance of the original proposed algorithm multiple bits may change depending upon
image significantly. Furthermore, FPGA as well as ASIC based modulation index. The color depth of watermark image is 12
hardware implementation of the aforesaid algorithm is realized. bpp and that of the cover image is 24 bpp. The algorithm
For real-time application hardware realization is more efficient
than software implementation. The proposed algorithm and is developed for embedding watermark image of size (64 x
its VLSI implementation have been compared with stat-of-art 64) pixel on cover image of size (256 x 256) pixel. The
research work present in literature. Throughput of the proposed color of every pixel is determined by three intensity values of
algorithm is high and it can also be used for digital video Red, Green and Blue (RGB). A color image consists of three
watermarking. intensity planes, one for each color. These intensity planes
Index Terms—ASIC, Color watermarking, Data hiding, FPGA,
Hardware implementation; can be viewed as separate intensity images or 2D matrices
and each pixel or element in such matrix is represented by 4
I. I NTRODUCTION bits, while in cover image that contains 8 bits.
Digital images fall in a wide category based on pixel
depth and presentation such as binary, grayscale and color
images. There are many watermarking algorithms which can
embed binary or grayscale watermarks. As the amount of
information increases rapidly for color images, embedding
becomes difficult and unreliable. In this paper, we present an
algorithm to embed 12 bits per pixel (bpp) color watermark Fig. 1. Color image format.
into 24 bpp color cover image. A basic property of a color
image is that it consists of three grayscale or intensity images. Each plane of watermark image can be embedded into
Each pixel is defined in three intensity planes simultaneously, corresponding plane of cover image and the same way
and these three values collectively decide the color of a watermark can be extracted from each plane and combine
pixel. We split RGB images into intensity planes and divide extracted planes to get color watermark.
the planes into smaller segments and then encode or decode
information recursively. Software implementation using MAT- Inputs: Cover and Watermark images, MI, and PN codes;
LAB checks functionality and performance of the algorithm Outputs: Watermarked image;
whereas ASIC and FPGA based design checks feasibility of Step.1: Divide both watermark and cover image into 3
hardware implementation. We will also compare efficiency of intensity planes and select a segment of size (8 x 8) pixel
both implementations. from cover image and that of size (2 x 2) from watermark
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where, Ā & B̄ are mean values of A & B & R is correlation;
(2µA µB + C1 )(2σAB + C2 )
SSIM (A, B) = (7)
(µ2A + µ2B + C1 )(σA
2 + σ2 + C )
B 2
A. Robustness
The proposed algorithm is robust against noise like salt &
pepper, Gaussian, Poisson and speckle; it can also withstand
JPEG compression, crop, brightness adjustments, scaling and
overwriting attacks. Extracted watermarks before and after
various attacks on embedded image, are obtained and the
correlations among watermarks extracted with and without Fig. 4. Top Level
attack are given below.
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Fig. 6. Positional Match
1 bit out of 2-bit “CF” to two identical “WM” blocks and two
watermark pixels will produce as shown in Fig. 10.
Fig. 7. Encoder
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Semi-Custom ASIC implementation of the algorithm is
A. FPGA Based Hardware Implementation done using Encounter and Innovus tools of licensed Cadence
EDA software. A total of 1198 macros from SCL library of
Xilinx Spartan 3E FPGA kit with XC3S500E device is used. 180 nm technology node were implemented on a die area
Xilinx ISE 14.7 project navigator along with XST synthesis of 0.045 mm2 . Maximum time delay produced by critical
tool and ISim simulator are used for interfacing, RTL synthesis path is 15.671 ns, hence a clock of 63.8 MHz frequency is
and simulation respectively. Power analysis was done using used to simulate and analyze power consumption. Total power
XPower Analyzer. calculated is 0.507 mW which is way less than FPGA power
Verilog HDL is used to model description and to create consumption and it is intuitive too. Reports are given in Table
test benches. Every block and registers are described and (IV).
simulated separately and then full encoder and extraction Macro cells from SCL library are routed using four metal
units are designed hierarchically. Data flow is controlled by layers namely M1(blue), M2(red), M3(green), top m(yellow).
controller block by generating various control signals to enable Power ring has M3 & top m and cell rows has power stripes
registers at certain clock cycles. Same clock is used throughout of M1. Physical layout is given in Fig. 13. IO pins are at die
the model. Top level test bench provides data inputs in proper boundary.
sequence to verify design functionally. Input, output, clock and
clear signals were observed in ISim simulator. TABLE IV
Resource, timing and power reports are given in Table (III). R ESOURCE , T IMING , AND P OWER R EPORTS OF ASIC I MPLEMENTATION
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Research Work Processing Domain FPGA/ASIC Technology Area(mm2 )/ LUT/ LE #FF Power(mW) Frequency(MHz)
[1,7] Invisible, Spatial FPGA (Cyclone IV E) 4399 1969 201.72 88.69
ASIC (90 nm) 1.52 — 4.69 181.82
[4] Invisible, Spatial ASIC (350 nm) 213.54 — 2.05 545
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