Popular Radio 1928 01
Popular Radio 1928 01
Popular Radio 1928 01
AMntTiN Presents
a new completely
assembled audio
Push -Au//Power
60Without tubes
East of the Rockies
The AmerTran Push -Pull Power Amplifier is a
new completely assembled two -stage unit. It con-
tains a first stage AmerTran DeLuxe followed by
AmerTran Input and Output Transformers for
clefs a new standard
qua/ill/ in audio
amP /íFcatio
Power Tubes. When operated from a power source
supplying sufficient voltage (such as the new Amer -
Tran A B C Hi-Power Box), the input to the speaker is
almost perfect, and fidelity of reproduction is limited only
by the ability of the speaker. Distortion, from tube harmon-
ics and A C hum, is reduced to a minimum. The energy out-
put to the speaker is increased, especially at the lower musical
frequencies. This means greater clarity of tone at low or high
With the
Home Charger
you can trickle charge too!
THE Rectigon Battery 2 Ampere Rectigon
and store away a full charge
Charger gives you two quickly.
charging rates -you can use it Rectigon is made by workmen
both as a "trickle" charger or who know radio -the organiza-
for high-speed charging of wet X14° °tion that put the first broadcast
"A" and "B" cells. Under ordi- 5A.mpere Rectigon entertainment on the air. Rec-
nary conditions, Rectigon's
trickle rate will replace all the $2i.o tigon is safe, compact, simple
has no moving parts to break and
"A" power your set uses. Then, now wear out-uses no liquids of any
when unusually long hours of
reception have so weakened the battery
i24 °° kind. Will do no harm if you
absent-mindedly tune in, or if the house
that a trickle charger can't restore it, just current fails, while charging. Get Recti-
shift over to Rectigon's high rate terminal gon, the two -rate charger, at your dealer's.
Westinghouse Rectigon
Battery Charger
Offices in All Principal Cities r Representatives Everywhere
Tune in with KDKA -KYW -WBZ- WBZA
your dealer's.
VOLUME XIII January, 1928 ri:R 1
Millions of Broadcast Listeners Have Never The Soldering Science
Heard This Powerful Station By P. C. Ripley PAGE 34
A New Discovery in Loudspeakers
36 Stations You Never Hear By Carl Dorf PAGE 35
The new radio world that waiting for wide -
awake broadcast listeners PAGE 11 "A" Power-Dry and Silent
The Hi -Q "Six" Power Supply A new "A" power -pack that will supply eight
valves- without any attention or upkeep whatever
Constructional details for a snappy "B" power-pack
for the Hi -Q receiver By Clifford H. Hamill PAGE 36
By Raymond Francis Yates PAGE 13
Making Radio Pay
Radio at Sing Sing By James A. Robinson PAGE 38
From an interview with Warden Lawes. PAGE 16
The Victoreen "Super"
Here's the 1928 Browning- Drake! At last -a superheterodyne of quality that is really
How to build the latest model of a long line of easy to construct and operate
popular and easily built receivers By Leslie Biles PAGE 39
By Glenn Browning PAGE 17
The AmerTran Amplifier Power and Quality from DC Lines
A DC push -pull power amplifier that operates
An amazing new unit that combines push -pull from the 110 -volt DC lighting lines
amplification and "ABC" power supply By Albert G. Craig PAGE 42
By Laurence M. Cockaday PAGE 20
In the Professional Set Builder's Shop 58
Listening In. David Lay 80
The Beginner in Radio /Irmstrong Perry 88
Published monthly by Popular Radin, Inc., 119 West 57th St., New York. N. Y.; telephone number, Circle 8180; Douglas H. Cooke. President
and Treasurer; Laurence Al. Cockaday, Secretary; Emma A. Harm, Asst. Treasurer. Price, 25 cents a copy; sggbscri'tion. News $3.00 a year in the U. S.,
Canada and all countries within the domestic postal zone; elsewhere. $3.50 a year, payable in advance. 7.'The InTernational Company, Ltd.. No.
1922, at the Post Office at New York. N. Y.,
5 Bream's Bldg.. London, E. C. 4, sole distributors in England. Entered as second class matter April
title registered as a trade -mark by Popular Radio,
under the act of March 3. 1879. Additional entry at Jamaica. L. I., N. Y. Copyright 1927, and London, England. For advertising rates, address
Inc. Copyright in Great Britain b Popular Radio, Inc., 6 Henrietta St., Covent Garden. W. C.,
Popular Radio, Inc., 119 West 57th St., Nev York; or 225 North Michigan Ave., Chicago.
Printed in U. S. A.
LAURENCE M. COCKADAY, Technical Editor CHARLES L. DAVIS, Managing Editor
_..a -
_-..._ - - _lis:... -
All apparatus advertised in this magazine has been tested and approved by POPULAR RADIO LABORATORY Page 5
I'M telling you, just one year ago I'd never seen a hundred dollar bill
in my life outside of a bank.
You'd think I'm kidding you if you saw the fine Radio business I own
now. But it's gospel truth. Just twelve months ago I was only a poorly
paid clerk, and I thought success had passed me by.
All my crowd in those days-the fellows I met in the pool -hall and at
the bowling- alleys-said a fellow had to have money to make money. They
claimed there was no chance for a fellow whose_family didn't have money
or some business to start him out in. And I'd decided they must be right.
I guess at that time I had just about given up hope. I thought there
must be some kind of a mystery about making a lot of money. But I was
due for a big awakening.
Did I get it? Oh, boy l Read my story and enjoyment out of life, not just existing
and judge for yourself. Hastily I began thumbing the pages of from pay -day to pay -day.
a magazine on the table, searching for an And -just listen to this! Bob was in
IT all started one day last summer, when advertisement that I'd seen many times, my place only the other day, and asked me
for a job! Wilmer is still getting along
Helen. the girl I wanted to marry, was but passed up without thinking, an adver-
leaving for the seashore. Of course I went tisement telling of big opportunities for pretty well on his father's money, but he'd
to the station to see her off. trained men to succeed in the great new trade places with me any day.
As I stepped on to the station platform Radio field. With the advertisement was And Helen? Well -the honeymoon will
Bob Oakes and Wilmer Pratt had just a coupon offering a big free book full of be spent in Honolulu, starting two months
rolled up in their cars. They climbed out information. I sent the coupon in, and in from tomorrow I
wit% their arms full of bundles- books, a few days received a handsome book, HERE'S a real tip. Think it over-are
expensive candy, flowers, all sorts of things. telling about opportunities in the Radio you satisfied? Are you making
Well, sir, I wished I could have swallowed field and how a man can prepare quickly enough money, at work that you like?
in one gulp the little box of drugstore and easily at home to take advantage of This new Radio game is a live-wire field
candy I had bought for Helen -it certainly these opportunities. I read the book care- of golden rewards. The work in any of
looked pitiful beside all that stuff. fully and when I finished I made. my
the 20 different lines of Radio, is fasci-
We three stood there talking to Helen decision. nating, absorbing, well paid. The National
until train -time, while Helen's mother JHAT'S happened in the twelve months Radio Institute -oldest and largest Radio
looked me up and down. Like any young V V since that day, as I've already told home -study school in the world -will train
girl's mother would, she had my financial you, seems almost like a dream to me now. you inexpensively in your own home to
standing already sized up within thirty -five For ten of those twelve months I've had a know Radio from A to Z, and to increase
cents. Cheap suit, cheap hat, she took it Radio business of my own! At first, of your earnings in the Radio field.
all in. And you could see on her face all course, I started it as a little proposition Take another tip-No matter what your
the time what a lot of nerve she thought on the side, under the guidance of the plans are, no matter how much or how
I had to give Bob and Wilmer a run for National Radio Institute, the outfit that little you know about Radio -clip the
Helen. gave me my Radio training. It wasn't long coupon below and look their free book
Well, to make a long story short, Helen before I was getting so much to do in the over. The information it will give you is
was nice, but her mother stood there Radio line that I quit my measly little worth a few minutes of anybody's time.
looking scornful whenever she glanced my clerical job, and devoted my full time to You will place yourself under no obliga-
way, and she hardly spoke to me at all. my Radio business. tion-the book is free, and is gladly sent
I felt about as welcome as the measles, Since that time I've gone right on up, to anyone who wants to know about Radio.
and as uncomfortable as the itch. I began always under the watchful guidance of my Just address: J. E. Smith, President,
to wish that I and my cheap suit and cheap friends at the National Radio Institute. National Radio Institute, Dept. l -K,
hat could sink through the floor, but I They would have given me just as much Washington, D. C.
stayed there and stuck it out. help, too, if I had wanted to follow some
other line of Radio besides building my J. E. SMITH. President.
WHEN Helen's train finally left, I National Radio Institute.
own retail business -such as broadcasting, Dopt. I -K. Washington, D. C.
slunk home, ashamed and humiliated. manufacturing, experimenting, sea oper- Dear Mr. Smith,
I went upstairs to my room and sat there ating, or any of the score of lines they pre- Menge send me your 64 -page free book. printed
In two colors. giving all Information about the
with a lump in my throat, getting hotter pare you for. And to think that until opportunities In Radio and how I eau learn Quickly
and hotter and more ashamed of myself. that day I sent for their eye -opening book, and easily at home to lake advantage of them.
Then I began to see red and redder. I understand this request places me under no obli-
I'd been wailing "I never had a chance!" gation, and that no salesmen will call on me.
Finally I. jumped up and banged the Name
table. "I'll show 'em." I growled through NOW I'm making real money, own a Address
clenched teeth. "There must be some good, car, stand high in my town, Town State
way for a man to make real money!" An can borrow money at the bank any time I Me
idea suddenly flashed through my head. might want it. I'm getting some real fun
tua --- -
JUDGING from the appearance of of them owning their own businesses, Federal control of the railroads. The
many of our contemporaries, it would but they offer a type of intelligent ser- Radio Commission is now planning the
seem that the trick circuit is once again
coming into its own. They are de-
scribed with the usual fiery superlatives
vice that as yet no manufacturers of
receivers have been able to duplicate.
Making a radio set for public use is
obvious step of reducing the number
of stations which, after all, seems to
be the only solution to the problem
and with plenty of claims that would one thing, and giving it intelligent ser- and which, admittedly, can be done
not bear very penetrating scrutiny. vice is another thing. only by a Federal body.
It is estimated that the profits that *
will be built up during 1928 by pro-
fessional set builders will run into many THE double-grid valve threatens to
THE Editorial Staff of POPULAR'.
RADIO has no reason to regret the ac- millions of dollars, and POPULAR RADIO bring many important changes in radio
tion it has taken in publishing the de- is glad to know that it is helping many during the coming year. Its introduc-
tails pf any receiver it has sponsored. men to realize substantial sums and tion has met with an immediate re-
To win its spurs, a new circuit is put to build businesses from which they sponse from those who are quick to see
through a series of most extensive tests can derive a good livelihood in years its startling possibilities. In an early
in our laboratory, and unless it emerges to come. issue of POPULAR RADIO there will ap-
from this exacting examination whole pear the complete description of a set
and triumphant, it is not considered fit utilizing this revolutionary valve. Meas-
IT is hoped that the new department,
for editorial treatment. urements show that the amount of high -
"In the Professional Set Builder's frequency amplification that may be
Shop," will be of benefit to those who had from these valves is far and above
make radios for profit. The Editor that which may be obtained from any
NOT once has this publication vio- welcomes contributions of set builders
known system of amplification in use
lated the faith of its readers in describ- who are moved with the lofty desire to
at the present time.
ing the construction of receivers that do help their brother workers. Manuscripts
not meet the fundamental requirements for this corner should either tell how * *
of engineering. POPULAR RADIO would to save money or how to do a better THERE are approximately 90,000,000
rather describe one good receiver than job in less time. of the world's inhabitants now receiv-
a half dozen poor ones. ing broadcast programs. About 18,000,-
* *
000 receiving sets are now in use for
"THE Professional Set Builder's all these listeners, and it would require
DEREK SHANNON, that brilliant young Shop" is the first attempt that has been approximately 200,000,000 sets to ser-
English radio experimenter who has con- made by any radio publication to ex- vice all of the people within the world's
tributed to POPULAR RADIO previously, tend a helpful and understanding hand reception areas. according to Lawrence
has recently constructed a special re- to the man who makes money building B. Batson, of the Department of
ceiver with which to listen to the trans- good radios. Commerce.
atlantic telephone conversations. Be- These figures are a healthy denial of
lieving that this fascinating diversion IT seems that all the real radio fans some of the rumors that radio has
would be of some interest to our read- are now building short -wave adapters reached the saturation point.
ers, the Editor has asked Mr. Shannon for their receivers. Short -wave recep- * *
to describe his equipment -which he has tion is ideal in many respects, for it
obligingly promised to do. The article permits the fan to avoid interference RUMOR has it that many of the man-
will probably be published in the Feb- and to receive over distances that are ufactured AC receivers are not doing
ruary or March issue of the magazine. amazingly great. POPULAR RADIO has so well in the hands of the novices who
been alert to the growing interest in purchased them. In one case that Ye
* *
this field, and during the coming months Editor knows of they are coming back
IT is surprising how many young men it will publish a number of extremely to the "Receiving Department" as fast
who know radio are turning their tal- valuable articles telling how ordinary as the "Shipping Department" sends
ents into real money these days. Only radio receivers may be equipped to re- them out. AC sets are fine, but they
the other day an enterprising set builder ceive on very short wavelengths. This must be made by manufacturers who
came into the office of POPULAR RADIO opens up a fascinating new world of know their volts, amperes and con-
and proudly displayed a bank account experimentation and adventure. densers!
* *
that ran well into the thousands. He
built (with modest assistance) 147 re- THE Editor's manuscript file is sim-
ceivers last year, with an average profit AFTER a number of months of ex- ply bulging with all sorts of good ma-
of $55 on each one. Incidentally, he perimentation, the Federal Radio Com- terial waiting to find its way into these
had standardized on a POPULAR RADIO mission has accomplished very little of merry pages. The February number
circuit. a practical nature. The bald facts of will carry the details of a corking good
* * new receiver, and there will be twenty
the case are that confusion in the lower
IT is amazing the way the ranks of wavelengths has been aggravated to no or more other articles of exceptional
the professional Set builders in the small extent, and that there has been value to experimenters.
United States are growing. It is now little, if any, perceptible improvement
estimated that from 30.000 to 40,000 even in the upper registers of the dials.
men are engaged in making radio sets One cannot help but wonder if Fed-
for public use. They not only make eral control of wavelengths is going to
them at a very substantial profit, many be any more successful than was the
All apparatus advertised in this magazine has been tested and approved by POPULAR RADIO L\RORATORV
- Pa ,e 7
I built my first G. R. P.
Cone Speaker about six
weeks ago. The tone is
beyond description, es-
pecially the bass notes
which are seldom repro.
duced in either the air
column or smaller cone
611°P 3 FOOT
speakers. Dr. A. A. P., CONE SPEAKER
Chicago, Ill. Build II Yourself
The G. R. P. Speaker
certainly is an A -1
proposition. Thank you
for all you have done to
insure my family and me
real radio enjoyment.
W. G., Montclair, N. J.
am certainly well
pleased with the results.
renders the most per-
fect reproduction that I
o Build
have so far heard. I feel
well paid for the time, 1 ° que Speaker
money and effort ex-
pended. A. W. L., Free -
monl, Nebr. Here is the finest loud speaker that it Absolutely no experience necessary. By fol-
is possible to own. No sum of money lowing the simple, illustrated directions a
-o- can buy better tone quality, greater sen- novice can produce a speaker equal both in
tone quality and appearance to the highest
I believe I now have the sitivity or a wider range of reproduc- priced factory built speaker.
best cone speaker that I tive ability. It reproduces the very
have ever heard. It has
deepest bass notes on their fundamental Endorsed by Leading Experts
a wonderful tone and Noted radio authorities, engineers. acoustic
brings out musical in- frequencies ; it mellows the high notes; experts and musicians enthusiastically praise
struments much better middle register tones are fully repro- the G. R. P. 3 -foot Cone Speaker. Just a
than any horn or cone I duced ; it is natural in tone-not merely very few are Cockade ' of Popular Radio,
know of. M. R. F., Hurd of the Christian Science Monitor, Ken -
Stroudsburg, Pa. low -pitched so as to make it seem as neth Harkness, W. H. Sinclair,' Hercules
if the bass notes are being reproduced.
-o- With all its outstanding and un-
Cavallo and a host of others.
When finished I hung equalled tone quality the G. R. P. a- Enjoy Real Tone Quality
it on the wall, plugged in Don't deny yourself the pleasure of real
foot Cone Speaker is extremely mod- tone quality any longer; and don't feel that
and went after a station,
and I soon got a thrill. I
erate in price-only $13.50 for the you must pay an outrageously high price for
struck a fine concert or- DOUBLE cone and but $10.50 for the real tone quality.
chestra playing. It was SINGLE. Get a G. R. P. 3 -foot Cone Speaker Kit
the most beautiful music today, assemble it yourself in an hour or less
you would want to hear. Anyone Can Assemble It and enjoy the delights of complete repro-
The speaker certainly is duction.
a wonder and I am de- The low prices for G. R. P.
lighted with it. And. I 3 -foot Cone Speaker Kits are No.
3 -ft.
3 G.R.P. Kit for
wish to say right here if made possible because the
Absolutely complete in
I could not get another, speaker is shipped unassem- every particular including Good dealers everywhere
$100 would not buy it. bled. Tremendous savings in G. R. P. Unit either have or can get the
G. E. S., Far Rockaway, transportation cost and dam- Nothing else to
$13.50 G. R. P. 3 -foot Cone Speaker
L. I. ages reduce the cost of the Kit that you want. Or we
finest speaker so that it is Slightly more in Far \Vest will ship it to you direct,
no higher than a very ordi- and Canada.
f.o.b., N. Y. C., on receipt of
nary, low- priced reproducer. No. 4 G.R.P. Kit for price.
I have assembled the a-
foot cone and have com-
pared it with high -priced
The resemblance, however,
ends with the price.
3 -ft. SINGLE Cone
Most complete. lowest
priced Single Wall type
merchandise in my own Cone Kit;
G. R. P. 3 -foot Cone Refuse imitations and sub-
home. Its performance Speaker is so simple to as-
finest tone $10.50 stitutes of the genuine G. R.
is wonderful! Please quality 'P
semble that anyone can do it. P. 3 -foot Cone Speaker Kits.
find enclosed Money
Order in your favor for Send 10 cents for "How to Build Seven Practical 3 -foot Speakers."
which please ship via A wonderful book by Clifford Denton. Regular price 50 cents.
Express another G. R. P.
H. M. R., Jacksonville,
- -
PENN RADIO SALES CO., Sales Agents for
..r Y _
104 Fifth .Ave., Suite 4100, New York City.
Page 8 All apparatus advertised in this magazine has been tested and approved by POPULAR
\\ '',GL/,
A set of these ZETKA PROCESS CLEAR GLASS tubes in your
receiver, operated according to instructions, will enable your receiver
realism -that will truly sur-
to deliver an added richness of tone
prise you. Increased volume and sensitivity, better quality
guaranteed to be obtainable from your present receiver.
are -all ç \\\
I \ ,\,
In no sense are ZETKA tubes a "copy" or a "Bootleg" product. ,,I) Q
They are distinct advance in tube design and are produced in a laboratory
-under Laboratory methods -to
laboratory standards. Their production
is, naturally, limited.
As your regular dealer may not yet be able to supply you, we will at
present ship to you direct on receipt of check or money order
parcel post C.O.D. if you prefer.
To insure proper service for your future needs, send us your
dealer's name and address.
by -or
Ìl :y,
ZETKA tubes are GUARANTEED Z -R -F-Radio Frequency Amplifier,
5 volts. t4 amp. High amplifica
to give satisfaction tion constant. Low plate imped
ance. and low internal capacity.
Uses 90 volts on plate....Price $4.50
ZETKA LABORATORIES, Inc. D-Super- sensitive Detector.
f /
Z- 5 volts
'h amp. High amplification con
stant. Silent (no hiss/ Uses 45
NEWARK, N. J. volts on plate .Price $4.00
Z -A -F-Audio Frequency Amplifier.
volts. Higher Mu, low
`a amp.
5 %
impedance. Plate voltage 90 to
ii.m 135 Price $4.50
s I.
'/ .
`l11, ``
\ Ltt
, .,
Z-A -O -Audio
plifier. 5
Output, or Power Am-
volte, t amp. For
handling large output votunw with-
out distortion. Plate voltage 180.
with 221/2 volts 'C" Price $4.50
.w _.i110,
A Necessary Part of the Radio Industry
"In my estimation POPULAR RADIO is one of the
most reliable and helpful magazines published in the in-
terests of the radio novice, the amateur and the profes-
sional set builder. It is conservative without being stale,
technical without being text -bookish. Any sane observer
of radio conditions must regard POPULAR RADIO as a
vital and necessary part of the radio industry."
-1/1.111k _
more aggressive exploitation of wavelengths distance may be covered with little power.
that are not now available to present broad- Reception on these lower wavelengths
cast receivers. This opinion is shared by opens up to the radio novice and experi-
many radio engineers, who see in the more or -menter a vast new area for exploitation and
less futile efforts of the Federal Radio Com- research. It is little wonder that radio fans
mission the necessity for further research in are rapidly becoming enthusiastic listeners on
the low -wave area of the radio spectrum. It the short wavelengths, and that there is a
has been definitely shown that static is less growing feeling in engineering circles that
prevalent on the shorter waves and that radio is on the eve of important changes.
JANUARY, 1928 Page .13
The Hi -Q "B"
power -pack fits
easily in the Supe-
rior console cabinet
for the Hi-Q re-
ceiver, shown at the
left, and once in-
stalled it may be
completely forgot-
ten, as it requires
absolutely no read-
justment or upkeep.
How to Assemble the Hi -Q Power -Pack side of the front panel, K, in the holes three wood screws screwed through the
After all the instruments and mate- already drilled for them. These two three holes and into the edge of the
rials have been procured, the parts units are fastened together by the man- wooden baseboard, L.
should be mounted on the baseboard, ufacturer and are mounted with a single This done, four rubber feet may be
L. In Figures 3 and '4 the arrange- hole mounting. Then the variable re- attached to the four corners of the base-
ment of these parts is shown. sistor, J, should be mounted in the hole board on the bottom side.
The power block, A, and the con- at the left of the front panel, K. Then
the seven binding posts, M1, M2. M3, How to Wire the Unit
denser block, B, should be mounted side
by side in the positions indicated in M4, M5, M6 and M7, should be It is recommended that all wiring on
these figures. Then the two sockets. C mounted in their respective positions this unit be done with a stranded in-
and D, should be mounted in position on the front panel, K, as shown in sulated wire, such as celatsite.
by means of two wood screws each. Figures 3 and 4. This makes the In wiring up, refer constantly to the
Next the resistance and mounting. E. assembly work complete, except for the picture wiring diagram in Figure 4.
and the fixed condenser, F, should be mounting of the tapped resistor, G. In this diagram all of the instru-
placed in the correct position and This is fastened to the top binding ments and parts are outlined in black
screwed down to the baseboard with post, M4, by the extension lug, and lines, while the wiring itself is shown
two wood screws to each instrument. screwed tight with two nuts on the back in heavy blue lines. Start by tracing
These positions are also indicated in of the binding post. The other end a single lead from its start to its fin-
Figures 3 and 4. of this resistor is held by the wiring ish, on the diagram, continuing through
The next job will be to mount the when that is being done. The front until every connection has been made.
resistor units, H and I, on the right panel itself may then be fastened by The dotted blue lines in the diagram in-
dicate where the wiring is run under-
neath the wooden baseboard. L. Where
the wiring runs from the top of the
baseboard to the bottom of the base-
!4 c,r1;v5,-/Ys Aey
board holes are to be drilled, and these
positions are also indicated in Figure
71; TMFCNNSS/J .tf
Zre ldtitl.Cy 4. When the wiring has been com-
tol bÌ4d1l1, pleted, carefully check over every wire
and see that no single item has been
missed and that no other mistakes have
been made.
There are also a few slight changes
THE CHANGES NECESSARY IN THE RECEIVER necessary in the wiring of the Hi -Q re-
FIGURE 2: This diagram gives the Jew additions to the wiring of ceiver in order to install the power -
the receiver necessary in installing the power unit. A short wire is pack. These changes are shown clearly
attached between the black and brown terminals of the Yaxley plug. in Figure 2. A wire should be run be-
One amperite is removed, and two separate wires are brought out for
the filament supply to the last valve. (Continued on page 61)
JANUARY, 1928 15
0 0
reduced to a state of deadening mo- channels, which is infinitely better than
JANUARY, 1928 Puge 17
FUNDAMENTALS in radio design ductively coupled one; that is, the an- zation, to keep all high- frequency cur-
have not changed much in the past tenna lead connects directly to a tap on rents out of the "B" supply. Conse-
few years, contrary to the belief of the antenna coil through a .0001 mfd. quently a condenser of .5 mfd. capac-
the general public, and receivers which condenser. This system has proven ex- ity is placed in the line which runs
were originally based upon sound elec- tremely efficient, inasmuch as it has a to the primary of the high-frequency
trical principles have remained prac- much more even response over the en- transformer, and a parallel feed is em-
tically unchanged. The original Brown- tire broadcast band of frequencies than ployed which incorporates a high-fre-
ing -Drake circuit of 1924 has had very any other simple circuit tested by the quency choke connected directly to the
few changes made in its essential prin- author. Another advantage is that good plate circuit of the vacuum valve, the
ciples. However, it has been found signal strength may be secured when other end going to a variable resistance
advisable, from time to time, to change using even an extremely short antenna. and then to the "B" supply. Perhaps
the mechanical design so that the re- One disadvantage, however, is that it some of the readers may wonder why
ceiver might be brought up to date in is extremely difficult to make the two a .5 mfd. condenser was used in this
appearance and also to incorporate elec- condensers on the receiver run together parallel feed system, inasmuch as it
trical improvements which have devel- when both long and short antennas are would seem that high- frequency cur-
oped in the last few years. being used alternately. Dr. Drake and rents could readily pass through as small
Due to the fact that many fans are the writer have, for the past season, a condenser as a .006 mfd. It is true
desirous of using power amplifiers been working on what might be termed that the high- frequency currents can
which incorporate either 171 type a "single control" for this circuit and pass through a .006 condenser, but the
valves in push -pull arrangement or 210 have so designed the receiver that the .006 has a large impedance to all low-
type valves, in order to get a large tuning condensers employed may be at- frequency currents, and it is known
amount of undistorted energy delivered tached to one shaft and controlled with that if a plate impedance is added in
to the reproducer, it is thought ad- a drum -type illuminated dial without a high- frequency amplifier valve detec-
visable to describe in this article a making any other adjustments for cer- tion of signals occurs in this valve and
two -valve Browning -Drake tuner com- tain types of antennas. The receiver it does not act solely as a high -fre-
bined with the new AmerTran power - described, however, employs what is quency amplifier. Therefore, keeping
pack amplifier. This makes a fine com- termed a "trimmer condenser" in paral- this in mind, various sizes of condens-
bination, inasmuch as a tremendous un- lel with the first tuning condenser. The ers were experimented with, and it was
distorted volume may be delivered to operator will find that, in most cases, found that a .5 mfd. condenser was
the reproducer. it will be necessary to make slight ad- about as small as could be used in the
The Browning-Drake circuit tonsists justments on this for different stations. place indicated above without seriously
essentially of one stage of tuned -high- Another change which has been made impairing the operation of the first
frequency amplification, with a spe- is that a neutralization system has been vacuum valve.
cially built slot-wound high-frequency developed in order that a large valve Shielding is, for the first time, being
transformer which was developed by may be used as the high- frequency am- recommended for the kit set circuit.
the writer and Dr. F. H. Drake. This plifier. The neutralization system, as The previous official kit set was made
is combined with a regenerative de- will be noted from the schematic wiring as sharp as possible, but when located
tector, the stage of high- frequency am- diagram in Figure 1, consists of a within a radius of a few miles from
plification being neutralized. The re- number of extra turns added on the broadcasting stations it was found that
sulting combination makes a tuner secondary of the high- frequency trans- such a large amount of signal was
which is both easy to build and suffi- former, with the end connected to the picked up on the coils and the wiring
ciently sensitive to enable the operator rotor plates of the neutralizing con- of the set that it was extremely diffi-
to receive almost all signals which are denser, the stator plates then being con- cult to receive distance while the locals
above the noise level. nected to the grid of the first vacuum were on. When located as much as four
The antenna circuit incorporated in valve. It has also been found advis- or five miles from broadcasting stations,
the Browning-Drake receiver is a con- able, even with this system of neutral. the receiver operated very satisfacto-
4 -
7 % c
rily, however. The set builder may now accompanying work sheet and diagrams, in the completed receiver. All the
choose whether to shield the receiver a few constructional tips might be twisted pairs also should be run under-
completely or not, and he should gov- given to advantage. There are two neath the sub- panel. The high -fre-
ern his choice by his local receiving long leads in the set which carry high- quency valve should have from 3 to
conditions. If he is located in an ex- frequency currents; one runs from the 4% volts of negative "C" battery bias.
tremely congested section, he should, by .5 mfd. condenser in the plate circuit No binding posts are put on the sub -
all means, completely shield the two - of the high- frequency valve to the pri- panel for this connection, as it is best
valve tuner; on the other hand, if he mary of the high- frequency transformer, to run them out in a cable, preferably
is located in the country, this would be and the other runs from the end of the using two different colored wires twisted
an added expense and is unnecessary. high- frequency transformer to the ro- together.
In order to facilitate the use of shields for plates of the neutralizing condenser. The set builder will find that if he
and not make the tuner too cumber- These two connections should be kept is extremely careful in constructing the
some, it was found necessary to cut the away from all other leads. Other high - receiver for use with these valves he
tuning coils down from the 3 -inch form frequency connections, such as that will get no hum whatsoever. It is
to a 2 -inch form. The shielding, in from the stator plates of the condenser sometimes necessary, instead of con-
all cases, must be kept a distance of to the grid of the vacuum valve, should necting the cathode directly to the cen-
1 inch away from the low potential end be run as directly as possible. ter point of the filament circuit, to put
and á distance 13/z inches away from In order that the set builder may in a 22 or 45 -volt bias, as recommended
the high potential end of the coils, in use shielding if his location is such as in the instructions which accompany
order that their efficiency be not re- to demand it, a metal sub -panel is em- the valves. The writer, however, fcund
duced. ployed. that in the majority of cases this was
The kit for the new Browning -Drake The grid -leak on the detector valve not necessary and that the cathode can
might be termed a "single -mount unit," is suspended by a stiff wire from the be connected directly to the center tap
as the instruments it employs -two stator plates of the second tuning con- of the resistor which is connected across
Browning-Drake condensers, driven by denser directly to the grid connection the filaments. A little experimenting
the single illuminated drum dial, to- on the valve. on this point is well worth while.
gether with the two coils necessary for
Using AC Valves in the Set Balancing the Set TVith AC Valves
the circuit -are all mounted to make
a single unit. In fact, it is only nec- If the set builder desires to use the In case the set builder chooses to
essary to secure the foundation unit, new type AC valves, he should pro- use AC valves with the two -valve
which consists of front and base panel vide himself with two five -prong sock- Browning-Drake kit set, the balancing
and mounting hardware, to make a ets, as well as one center -tapped re- or neutralizing of the set should be done
tuner which may be used with any sistor of about 50 to 100 ohms. He as follows:
type of low- frequency amplifier. Fur- should also secure two 227 type AC The Clarostat, which is used as a
thermore, it may be constructed for valves. These are heater type valves volume control, should be turned clock-
operation with either AC or DC and require a step-down transformer wise as far as it will easily go. Set
vacuum valves. which supplies 2% volts to heat their the condensers at a low value, say 20
filaments. The filament connections on the scale. Turn the tickler coil
How to Assemble the Receiver should be made by means of two wires down until the second circuit is oscil-
Although the two -valve tuner is quite twisted together. This is extremely lating. This may be determined' by
easy to assemble, with the aid of the necessary if there is to be no AC hum (Cont:uued on page 75)
JANUARY, 1928 Page 19
i , -
r Jò
: r
2: The mounting of the instruments is much simplified by the fact that the
sub -panel comes ready drilled with mounting hardware.
COST OF PARTS-Not over $55.00
Browning -Drake single -mount kit, con- F- Browning-Drake variable midget NI and N2-Benjamin Cle -ra -tone 5-
taining: condenser, .000135 mid.; prong sockets;
A- Browning -Drake antenna coil; G- Aerovox or Tobe .5 mfd. special 0-Clarostat variable resistor;
B- Browning -Drake high- frequency blocking condenser; Browning -Drake foundation unit, con-
transformer; H- Aerovox fixed condenser, .0001 mfd.; sisting of
C- Hammarlund midline variable
condenser, .00045 mfd.;
Tinytobe fixed condenser, .001 mfd.;
Tinytobe fixed condenser, .00007 Q-
= ©
I t
a o
" FKfidstwrNMLeFi
FIGURE 3: The instruments are in BLACK. The wiring above the sub -panel is indicated
in solid RED lines, and that below the sub -panel in dotted RED lines.
* 7g2/GNTX7C.t'ET
ro Cv.acrisJ To iPOUNO
60geNnv-x4,,,ftw otro)
/ \
ii/. PC//. PDM .PEE.R70! Cf. P
cu)FUr6nor.vcPasrs BELOENfXTENS/ONCAPO---r
us ua u,
® e e e Rtx.ertAleut,
e^^,o, Fvfe
'llli? If
l !l40 0
0 nm<aAVes-4.
..i.'' ;..111I
I l' I11'1r1
ms!I °'
Ficvké 2: All the wiring in the AmerTran unit is done above the baseboard, and is
indicated in this diagram by solid RED lines. The instruments are outlined in BLACK.
The spacing of the instruments should follow that shown in Figure 3, as the spacing
shown above has been changed slightly to make the wiring clearer. The spacing of
instruments is important in this unit, since the magnetic fields of the various chokes and
transformers might interact and cause an AC hunt if the units are not correctly spaced.
D and E-Tobe filter condenser for M- AmerTran Deluxe transformer for S-Aerovox Metalohm, 50,000 ohms,
AmerTran power -pack, No. 604, 4 first stage; equipped with mounting;
mfd., 1,000 volts DC; N- Na -ald 5 -prong vacuum valve T and W- Centralab fourth terminal
F -Tobe filter condenser for AmerTran socket, No. 427; potentiometers, 2,000 ohms;
power -pack, No. 1102, 2 mfd., 01, 02 and 03- Na -ald 4 -prong vac- U1 to U10-XL binding posts;
1,500 volts DC; uum valve sockets, No. 426; V- Formica binding-post strip, 3 by 2
the proper plaées; the large one, No. Q, by means of two screws passing to the edge of the baseboard, Q, by
709, is lettered C. Next mount the through it and into the edge of the means of three strong wood screws,
three filter condensers, D, E and F, by wood. placed through holes in the panel, P,
means of two screws to each instru-
ment, as shown in Figures 2 and 3.
The next job is to mount, on the base-
should be cut out of /
Now the large connection panel, P,
-inch Formica to
the size of 454 by 18 by 3/16 inch.
and screwed into the edge of the base -
board, Q.
This completes the construction and
board, Q. the transformer, M. the input Holes for eight binding posts should be assembly of the unit and it is now ready
transformer, L, and the output trans- drilled in it, approximately as shown in to be wired.
former, K. These should first be placed Figure 3, and two holes should be
in position and the three sockets, N, drilled for the potentiometers, T and How to Wire the Amplifier
02 and 03, should be spaced with W. These two latter holes should be All of the connections for this new
enough room for the connections and first marked in so that the two poten- unit, except the AC filament leads, are
then all six instruments should be fas- tiometers will not interfere with any of to be made with Corwico Braidite,
tened down. Next mount the remain- the other instruments mounted on the which is a braided insulation wire heav-
ing socket, 01, with its terminals baseboard. The top view in Figure 3 ily waxed. This wire gives ample in-
turned in the position shown, and shows the exact positions that are to sulation and at the same time is easy
mount the by -pass condensers, G, H, I be carefully carried out in mounting all to work with because of the fact that
and J. These are fastened back to back of the instruments. The layout shown it may be cut into the correct lengths
and screwed to the baseboard with two in this picture must be followed as and then the insulation is easily pushed
screws through each instrument. Then closely as possible if the unit is to back before soldering it in place. The
fasten down the resistor, S, as indi- operate successfully without hum. The wire needs no scraping or cleaning.
cated. This completes the construction picture wiring diagram in Figure 2 First of all connect up the filament
work on the baseboard, Q. does not give the correct spacing of leads to the binding posts, U5, U6, U7
The next job is to cut the Formica parts. and U8. These are the AC filament
binding -post strip, V, to a size of 2 When the panel, P, has been prepared leads and should be made with the
by 3 by 3/16 inch thick, out of % -inch and the eight binding posts, Ui, U2, lengths of wire with which the trans-
stock. The two XL binding posts, U9 US, U4, US, U6, U7 and U8, and the former is equipped. They should be
and U10, should be attached, as shown, two potentiometers, T and W, have been bent around in a neat position and at-
and the binding-post strip may then be mounted in the positions shown in Fig- tached directly to these four binding
fastened into the edge of the baseboard, ure 3, the panel itself may be attached (Continued on page 77)
Page 23
With small outlay in money and a few hours work
following the instructions given in this article -you can
build a receiver that you can boast about to anyone,
both for its easy, selective operation and its astonishing
quality of reproduction
THE theory and design of my latest
receiver, the Counterfonic, have
been described in an article appearing
in the December, 1927, issue of this
magazine. In this article Mr. Dorf
explained the features that I have
strived to bring into actuality-simple
construction, easy tuning, high quality
of reproduction, and, last but not least,
low cost.
I believe that with the carefully A JOB THAT THE BEGINNER CAN COMPLETE
worked out panel arrangement for the The soldering of the connections on the Counterfonic becomes an
astonishingly easy job, by reason of the extreme simplicity of the
assembly of the high- frequency and wiring. Nearly all the wires are run under the sub -panel.
low -frequency circuits, the construction
of this receiver is a relatively simple
job. Although the parts used in the new quency amplification equipped with an
As for sensitivity, the amplification Counterfonic receiver are of excellent output filter for handling the large vol-
per stage is closely tied up with the quality in both design and manufac- ume and for assuring the excellent tone
high efficiency of the balanced circuits ture, the completed receiver costs but quality of which the set is capable.
incorporating the new method of cylin- a fraction of the sum necessary to ob- The tuning is done completely with the
drical coil shielding. As for the qual- tain a manufactured receiver that would single drum dial that operates the three -
ity of reproduction, the new Hiler give comparable results. gang condenser. The only other con-
double- impedance amplifier takes care As a résumé of the design, the re- trols I have incorporated in the design
of this point very completely through ceiver includes two stages of high -fre- are a rheostat for the filaments, an "on"
its novel method of tuning, as explained quency amplification, a vacuum valve and "off" switch and an antenna switch
in a previous article by Mr. Dorf. detector and three stages of low-f re- for changing selectivity.
The schematic wiring diagram for the
Counterfonic Six is shown in Figure 4.
How to Assemble the Instruments
It is best to start mounting the parts
that are to be attached to the sub-
panel, L. Fasten down the three high-
frequency transformers, A, B and C,
with two screws to each instrument,
and then attach the three cylindrical
copper shields, D1, D2 and D3, also
by means of two screws apiece.
Then mount the two neutralizing
condensers, U1 and U2, with two screws
and nuts to each instrument. The
three double -impedance couplers, El,
E2 and E3, and the output filter unit,
F, should next be attached securely.
These are also to be held with two
screws and As.
Next mount the twelve binding
THE RECEIVER FROM BENEATH posts, V1, V2, V3, V4, V5, V6, V7,' V8,
FIGURE 1: The valve sockets across the center of the sub -panel come V9, V10, V 1 1 and V12, in position, as
ready mounted on the drilled panel; this saves much of the assembly indicated in Figure 3. The grid -leak
work. The only instruments mounted under the sub -panel are con-
densers H, P, Q and R. mounting, T, may also be fastened on
J1 mfd.; Wire, screws, solder, etc.
pllll¡ ©Illlv 1419
A-- IQ 0_4
ó 0_16
____ -
r- 4_
ill j
7 LS
4 -,
0 a 0
U C ®- I
Cj r-,,
d L-L
0 (
l` 1" `'' r` ® _1r
I j I
_. ------
FIGURE 3: Solid RED lines indicate the wiring above the sub -panel, dotted REn lines the
wiring beneath. The instruments are outlined in BLACK.
JANUARY, 1923 Page 25
the sub -panel at this time. These are of the two brackets, J1 and J2. Flat- I recommend for this particular re-
all of the instruments mounted on the head machine screws and nuts should ceiver that all other connrtctioxi¢ lie,,
top of the sub -panel, L. be used for this purpose. made with tinned, round busbar.' Re-
Turn the sub -panel over and mount, This completes the construction work, fer constantly to the picture wiring dia-
with suitable screws and nuts, the three except for the mounting of the high- gram in Figure 3 for the exact con-
mica fixed condensers, P, Q and R, in frequency choke coil, G, which is sup- nections that are to be made. to, alb'of'
their proper positions, as shown in Fig- ported by the wiring and may be done the instruments, parts and binding;
ures 1 and 3. Then fasten down the at that time. posts. This diagram carries out the
by -pass condenser, H, as shown in theoretical circuit shown in Figure 4.
Wiring the Counter! onic Six In the picture wiring diagram 411 of
these same illustrations.
The filament resistor, 0, may be fas- As has been explained in the previous the instruments are outlined in black
tened at one end by a screw and nut article, I have laid out this receiver so and the instruments outlined in dotted
to the sub -panel on the underneath side. that the wiring may be accomplished in black lines indicate those parts ,that are
When this is done, fasten the two the easiest manner possible. The com- mounted underneath the sub- pailel..The'
brackets, J1 and J2 with two screws plete wiring to the low- frequency cou- wiring itself is shown jn red and the
on each bracket to the sub -panel, L. pling units may be done by means of parts of the y. iring to be done Under -
To start with the front panel. X, small strip connections, which are fur- neath the sub -panel are hown in dotted_
first mount the three Hammarlund nished as part of the complete kit. (Continued on Page 72) ' '
nvn y
c-=- b e
0 0 o
y7 H6 y5
a 0
- r
How the big electrical manufacturers are
coming to the aid of the broadcast listener
by eliminating interference -producing parts
from electrical appliances for the home.
Owners of LC -28's who put their trust in resistance -coupled
low- frequency amplification will find exactly what they
want in the new National power -pack amplifier. When
used with the LC -28, the National unit supplies all the "B"
voltages necessary for the high- frequency pack, and three
stages of resistance coupling with a 210 type power valve in
the last low- frequency stage.
RADIO fans who are enthusiasts for It consists of two stages of resistance - pack, quite startling reproduction re-
resistance -coupled amplification will coupled amplification, followed by a sults may be obtained. The maximum
be interested in this article, which an- resistance -coupled power stage utilizing volume is greater than necessary, al-
nounces a new resistance -coupled power a large power valve of the 210 type. though it may be controlled to a whis-
amplifier that may be used with the The first stage uses a high -mu valve per, and the quality is of that high
LC -28 high- frequency packs. and the second stage uses a standard order that may be obtained from a cor-
The unit, as shown in the accompany- type amplifier valve. rectly designed and manufactured re-
ing illustrations, is completely contained This unit will supply the total "B" sistance- coupled amplifier.
in a neat metal cabinet that may be power necessary for the LC -28 high - There are two variable adjusters on
placed in the lower portion of the radio frequency pack. as well as for the self - the unit for the intermediate "B"
console which houses the LC -28, or in contained amplifier. When this unit is voltages.
the compartment of the radio table. used with the LC-28 high- frequency In the picture at the beginning of the
article is shown one of the amplifiers install it in the compartment of the or "off," and the switch rheostat on
being installed in the Corbett console radio table upon which is set the re- the LC -28 set itself is left "on" at all
for the LC -28 receiver. Once this has ceiver cabinet, or in the bottom part times. When the knife switch is closed,
been set up and connected, it needs no of the console, if one is used. The con- current flows through the Yaxley relay,
further attention. nections between the colored wires of the valves in the set, and two of the
the Yaxley cable should be made exactly valves in the amplifier, thus causing
The Installation of the Amplifier as shown in Figure 1, with the red and the relay to operate and closing the
In using one of these new units in black wires also running over to the line of the 110 -volt circuit in the am-
connection with the LC -28, it is rec- "A" battery through the knife switch plifier. This causes the rectifier valve
ommended that the connection scheme and the Yaxley relay. The cone repro- and the power valve in the amplifier to
shown in the combination diagram in ducer, shown in the diagram, should be light, thus furnishing complete "B"
Figure 1 be followed closely. connected to the two output jacks at power to the set and to the amplifier
First the LC -28 set is placed in either the left of the binding-post strip, on itself.
the Corbett cabinet or the console. For the amplifier. It is recommended that This complete installation may be
simplicity's sake the rear view of the a Belden extension cord be used at this made in approximately fifteen minutes,
set is shown in Figure 1 installed in place so that the reproducer may be in- and when once installed needs no
the cabinet. At the extreme right is stalled on the opposite side of the room further adjustment except the two con-
shown the connection for the socket from the receiver. trols for the proper high- frequency and
antenna connected to the antenna jack The AC extension cord and plug from detector plate voltages. These are made
of the set. This combination will work the amplifier should be inserted in the on the amplifier with the set in opera-
very satisfactorily without an outdoor socket on the Yaxley switch marked tion and the two adjustments will be
antenna, although the regular outdoor "B" Eliminator, and the extension cord found directly above the binding posts
antenna may be used if desired. The and plug of the Yaxley switch should marked DET and RF'. If the trickle
ground wire should be installed and in- be inserted in a nearby 110-volt, 60- charger is also installed, the set requires
serted in the ground jack on the set, cycle lighting receptacle. The switch no further care outside of filling the
as shown. Then the power -pack ampli- on the receptacle may be left turned storage battery with distilled water two
fier should be equipped with the neces- "on" at all times. or three times a year.
sary vacuum valves. The valves are If desired, a trickle charger may be As stated before, the system of re-
placed in the sockets by turning the connected in combination with the stor- sistance- coupled amplification has many
amplifier on its side, and in the first age battery, and its extension cord and faithful adherents among the radio fans,
socket (on the left) a 240 type high -mu plug should be inserted in the socket and it is believed that this is the first
valve should be used. In the second on the Yaxley relay marked Trickle opportunity offered to them to use a
socket place a type AX Ceco valve, Charger. complete unit supplying power to the
and in the third socket place a type The trickle charger arrangement is not set and incorporating the highest qual-
L -10 valve. Put a type R -81 rectifier shown in the diagram. ity resistance-coupled amplifier operated
valve in the last socket. Then turn The knife switch that is shown in with a 210-type power valve.
the amplifier in its normal position and the diagram is used to turn the set "on" (Continued on page 73)
.y ñN/FE SW/r6N
111 ^R!+i!+/
á_--.. L
6. Readily converted to entire AC or qualities of this excellent transformer. and valve perform a double duty, that
DC operation; Briefly, the circuit consists of two of amplifying two different frequencies
7. May be used as a low- frequency am- highly efficient stages of tuned -high- with no impairing effect to either. At
plifier for the new electric -cut frequency amplification, a crystal de- all times the valve operates on the
records; tector, followed by a transformer, and correct part of its grid -voltage, plate -
8. Absolute absence of regenerative two double -impedance stages -in all, the current curve. Looking back to the old
howls. equivalent of six -valve operation. In method of controlling oscillations in re-
The heart of this circuit is the car - fact, all of the parts necessary for the flex circuits by a potentiometer control
borundum crystal detector in combina- construction of a six -valve set are in- of grid -bias, so detrimental to high -
tion with the AmerTran De Luxe trans- cluded in this kit, with the exception frequency efficiency, or by variation of
former. Reference to Figure 3 will of two sockets. the detector filament voltage, which seri-
reveal the total absence of any bridg- Through the careful plotting of the ously hurt the quality of reproduction,
ing or by- passing condensers in this time and phase relations of the currents it is but small wonder that the once -
part of the circuit, that would other- in the high- frequency end of the circuit, popular reflex has lost favor. The New
wise impair the straight -line amplifying it has been possible to make the sec- (Continued on page 93)
A New Discovery in
The familiar cone and horn
types of loudspeakers have,
at last, .a serious rival in
this new type of reproducer
that operates on the prin-
ciple of "balanced tension"
between two tightly
stretched skins. So extraor-
dinary have been the re-
sults with the Air -Chrome
loudspeaker, which incor-
porates this principle, that
great popularity is pre-
dicted for it by radio ex-
perts who have heard it
THERE are two general types of types, on account of its possibilities and skins, as shown in the cross section
reproducers that have found wide inherent qualities. This has been drawing in Figure 1, are mounted on
pcpularity for radio broadcast reception called the balanced- tension type of re- two frames, and the apex point of each
-the cone type and the horn type. producer. It consists of two tightly is brought to a balanced position due
These are so generally known and un- stretched, but thoroughly flexible, skins to the tensions acting on the center
derstood that it is not necessary to go of treated linen or other material, the point of each skin. To this center
into explanatory details in the varia- center points of which are fastened to- point is attached the pin of the repro-
tions of these two types. gether concentrically so that each one ducer unit.
A third general type has recently forms, in cross section, a hypercycloid, The large stretched skin is of the
been developed by W. B. Whitmore with the apexes of the two pointing correct dimensions and stretched to the
that bids fair to excel both these towards each other. The two stretched (Continued on page 76).
AN "A" power-pack for delivering ene to sixteen. In the list of parts on Figure 4 represent connections made
enough current at the proper the page opposite, the number of the unde.2eath the panel and these con-
voltage to supply anything from a one envelope in which it is to be found is nections should be made with the wire
to an eight -valve receiver and employ- given after each item. That the ensu- provided before the panel is put in
ing no vacuum valve rectifier is indeed ing description may not become unnec- place on the top of the unit. The
an innovation in equipment of this type. essarily involved, no further reference terminals, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14, in
Such is the Knapp "A" power unit, will be made to the hardware, it being Figure 4 represent the special clamp-
which has a low power input of 50 assumed that the builder will locate this ing screws of the binding posts which
watts when operating an average eight - material from the markings on the hold into place the rectifier unit, R, the
valve re: °fiver. The rectifier unit is envelopes. latter being supplied with lugs to en-
perfectly dry ánd has an exceptionally A special base -plate made of coppered gage with the screws mentioned. The
long life, while the operation of the steel is supplied with the kit and on wiring to the rectifier should be done
complete unit is cool and efficient, due this there is mounted, by means of brass with No. 16 tinned copper wire which
to liberally designed transformers and spacers or feet, the transformer, A. It is covered with saturated sleeving.
chokes. Special condensers involving a will be noted from Figure 3 that the The secondary tap leads are now
new principle and measuring only 634 transformer is mounted so that its core soldered to the secondary taps of the
by 2 by 2 inches supply the amazing is horizontal, while the choke coil transformer and, in turn, connected with
capacity of 2.500 mfds., which gives mounted beside it is arranged so that the corresponding binding posts, 1, 2.
perfect capacitative suppression of its core is vertical. It will not be nec- 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, in Figures 3 and
ripples without the least trace of a hum. essary to drill the holes for the machine 4. The transformer taps are desig-
screws, since the special base -plate is nated with numbered paper tabs, so
How to Assemble the Unit supplied with these boles already drilled. that there can be no mistake in con-
For the convenience of the builder, Both the transformer and the choke necting the right transformer tap to the
the small parts of this kit set, includ- coil are supplied with brass spacers, corresponding connector on the panel.
ing all the necessary hardware, bolts, which are used to support the bakelite The top plate should now be screwed
screws, brackets, wire, etc., are placed connection panel or plate carrying the into place, using the machine screws
in envelopes which are supplied with rectifier unit and the secondary connec- and washers supplied for this purpose.
the kit and which are numbered from tion taps. All of the dotted lines in (Continued on page 86)
JANUARY, 1928 Page 37
4-.PEO LEirÓ
lT -+- /TED LEAO
: l2+I
ct I
//' I
L2 2o i ó
C-`/D M ¡rye /9i 49.9J---v---V-Y---P I 72- I
International Newsreel
A reputation as a reliable service man may be gained by any indus-
trious and conscientious radio Jan among the set owners of his imme-
diate neighborhood. Upon this may be built, as the author of this
article built, a lucrative business in servicing, repairing and building
radio sets in the community.
DARADOXICAL as it may seem, the
superheterodyne is probably the
most praised and the most condemned
and original type of receiver. On the
other hand, in a carefully designed su-
perheterodyne there are certain out-
of reproduction, but to have the neces-
sary sensitivity and selectivity to en-
able it to tune through the locals and
circuit known to -day, and has probably standing features that make it superior, pick up stations at great distance.
caused more grief and a greater waste if the apparatus used has been prop- The circuit arrangement is such that
of money than any other circuit or com- erly designed, manufactured and tested, it may be used with either a loop an-
bination of circuits. Yet, basically, the and if the mechanical arrangement has tenna or with an outdoor antenna by
superheterodyne is one of the supreme been laid out with a clear understanding simply throwing the switch. The dr-
circuits for radio reception. of just what will happen in the circuits. cuit contains an oscillator and first de-
It is not the hook-up alone that makes One of the outstanding features of tector coupled together so that the f re-
a good superheterodyne, for with the the superheterodyne is its ability to get quency of the incoming signals may be
exception of the wiring of the oscillator distance reception satisfactorily; in this lowered to the frequency of the three -
there are few differences in the hook- respect it is superior to most of its stage intermedia'. requency amplifier.
ups of the various types of superhetero- rival circuits. And in spite of the tend - This is follower, oy a vacuum valve
dynes in use to -day. The basic circuit ency among fans in recent years to for- detector for rectification and two stages
may be improved, or the parts may get about distance reception in their of high-quality, transformer-coupled
be arranged, with various numbers of interest in low- frequency apparatus and amplification. Two transformers are
intermediate -frequency stages of ampli- quality reproduction, it is the author's incorporated in a single unit known as
fication, but the theory and scheme of opinion that almost every fan at some an audio coupler. The schematic cir-
all types are fundamentally the same. time or other experiences a strong de- cuit diagram for the receiver is shown
Judging by past experience, however, sire to own a receiver capable of bring- in Figure 3.
it is safe to say that many superhetero- ing in programs on the loudspeaker froth
dynes that are built by radio fans are
How the Set Is Constructed
stations far away.
inferior to a'good .tuned-high-frequency The set described in this article is In building the set described in this
or combination tuned -high- frequency not only designed to give high quality article a rectangular section is cut
cut of the baseboard, V, that is fur- V, in the position shown in Figure 1. must not be allowed to go further than
nished with the Corbett cabinet, to al- The coupling unit, B, is mounted simi- just through the metal casing. The
low for the drum dial. The dimensions larly in the position shown in Figure unit, D, is mounted on the baseboard,
of this cut -out are shown in Figure 2. 1. The four high- frequency units, C1, V, in the position shown in Figures 1
The eight sockets, Ml, M2, M3, M4, C2, C3 and C4, are mounted slanting, and 2, by means of two round -head
MS, M6, M7 and MS, are mounted in in the positions shown in the same dia- screws of suitable size for fastening
a straight line in the positions shown gram. The audio unit, D, is drilled and down this heavy instrument.
in Figures 1 and 2. These sockets tapped, as shown in Figure 2, for two The two amperites, J and I, are fas-
are turned with the arrows pointing screws to support the Yaxley cable tened to the baseboard, V, with a single
as shown in Figure 2. plug, R. These two holes are drilled screw to each instrument, in the posi-
The antenna coupler, A, is mounted in the casing as close to the edge as tions shown in Figures 1 and 2.
by means of a single screw fastened possible, so that the windings are not The by -pass condenser, P, is screwed
through the bracket into the baseboard, damaged. The drill, in doing this work, (Continued on page 78)
. J
.:2Ea-T,rU-TaNE Pc.rUPUNr
EEc-T,PV-Ta-rE !iau+fflicrr.roz
Aea.v!/ GïarrE.Pr
T ira vac /,rt-
EuM/NNTO.P lomilaro
Bara--.5.5 B BATTEP/ES
63) o
Arm ,, o;Ui1mh.,
8 © L..JL7 UL6 L6 1 M-t L3 IlL ¿L/
FIGURE 3: This diagram outlines all of the instruments and parts in BLACK;
the wiring is shown in heavy BLUE lines that indicate exactly where the wires
are to be run and connected.
half of the natural inductance of the
unit. '
In Figure 1 are shown two diagrams.
In the top diagram is an alternating
TO get good reproduction in a low - these currents to be measured indi- potential and, in turn, the value of
frequency amplifier, it is of great rectly by means of an instrument that is plate current.
importance that the grid current flow- included in the plate circuit of the If the degree in which the plate cur-
ing be accurately determined. vacuum valve; the necessary sensitivity rent changes with the grid potential is
If a considerable amount of grid cur- of this instrument may be ten thousand known (and that is always the case if
rent flows in the circuit, then distortion times less than that otherwise neces- the characteristic of the valve in ques-
is induced, and this, in the case of low - sary in direct grid-current measure- tion is given). then it is possible to
frequency amplifiers, makes satisfactory ments. calculate the change of grid potential
reproduction impossible. Thus a simple milliammeter in the from the measured variation of plate
The instruments that are necessary plate circuit is made to measure grid current.
for directly measuring grid currents currents of the order of tenths of a The change of grid potential in volts
have to be sensitive -down to about a microampere. is equal to Ig x Rg, where Ig is the grid
hundredth of a microampere. In spe- This method has been evolved from current in amperes and Rg is the grid
cial cases it is even desirable to meas- a consideration of the fact that if grid resistance included in the circuit, in
ure grid currents of the order of ten - current is flowing. then a potential ohms.
thousandths of a microampere. drop will be induced across a resistance Thus it is only necessary to divide
This new method of measuring grid included in the grid circuit. This po- the calculated change of grid potential
currents, devised by the writer, enables tential drop changes the effective grid by the grid resistance in order to know
the amount of grid current flowing in
the circuit.
The formula for the grid current in I
this measuring arrangement is
Ig- pEg
1 Rg
where Ig is the grid current and Rg
is the grid resistance and 6, Eg is the
change of effective grid potential cal -
culated from the variation of plate cur-
rent measured.
The sensitivity of this method is
v. proportional both to the steepness of
the valve characteristic and the amount
of resistance included in the grid cur -
rent. For the usual characteristic steep-
ness of about
5.0 X 10''
and a grid resistance of about 20
megohms, the sensitivity is equal to
S X Rg = 10000. This sensitivity en-
ables grid currents of 1/10000 of a
microampere to be measured by means
1 of a simple milliameter in the plate
V In Figure 4, the measuring layout is
Rg is the grid resistance
S is the short -circuiting plug
P is the grid -bias potentiometer
"C" is the grid bias battery
Rh is the filament resistance
"A" is the filament battery
VI is the valve filament voltmeter
V2 is the grid potential voltmeter
V3 is the plate potential voltmeter
"B" is the plate potential battery
MA is the milliammeter in the plate
The valve characteristics are taken
FIGURE 1: A grid -voltage, grid -c tuent curve that shows the variation
of these two factors in a vacuum valve. by means of changing the grid potential
(Continued on page 70)
J :
L ere kin mar -/5$YLTS
-7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -/ O +/ +2 +3 +4 t5 7 -6 -.S -4 -3 -2 -/ O 0./...s2
FIGURE 2: A grid- voltage, plate -current characteristic of a FIGURE 3: A family of grid- voltage, plate -current curves,
vacuum valve, showing how this factor varies with different taken with varying conditions of grid resistance values,
conditions of grid resistance. indicating the point where grid -current begins to flow.
ASUCCESSFUL power -pack, and However, many experimenters have in the power apparatus it may immedi-
in fact any current -operated re- built power -packs or have used various ately become evident as a very bother-
ceiver, should work without annoying types of AC valves without being able some noise, because its fundamental fre-
extraneous noises of any kind being gen- to find out the cause of this form of quency is at the low range of the musi-
erated within them. This, of course, trouble. cal scale. The frequency of the hum
is an ideal condition much sought after This is particularly true now, since that may cause trouble is of the same
by the broadcast listener. the low- frequency amplifying apparatus frequency as the alternating current in
Absolutely silent operation, however, used in modern receiver designs has the lighting circuits -60 cycles. Other
is seldom obtained, although in cases of been brought up to its present high frequencies that may be generated as
well -designed power units or receivers standards. The better amplifying ap- harmonics-120 cycles, 240 cycles, etc.
the hum is usually reduced to a value paratus to -day amplifies and reproduces -may cause minor trouble, although
where it causes no great disturbance thé low notes of the musical scale to ùsually not so annoying.
and soon becomes practically unnotice- a higher degree than ever before, and A brief consideration of the causes
able to the regular listener. if there is any trace of hum generated of hum in power apparatus, therefore,
valve in a set without causing a no-
ticeable hum, although, if this same
ripple should be applied to previous
amplifier stages the ripple itself would
be amplified along with the signal and
would produce a terrific hum that would
undoubtedly spoil reception.
One method of eliminating this
trouble is to connect the high voltage
lead for feeding current to the power
/OH'E.P .
valve in the last stage, so that its load
TRA/YSFO,P.stry;% will come through only one of the
I / choke coils. This leaves only a small
/ load on the second choke coil and its
--7 inductance value will be maintained at
a high enough value to filter out the
/ ripple in the DC lead that feeds the
other amplifier valves and the detector
valve. Such a scheme is shown at B
in Figure 3, and in many cases cor-
rects a power -pack where the filter it-
self is at fault due to overloading.
Of course, it is presupposed that the
choke coils are properly made and have
an inductance large enough at the loads
at which they are to be used. and also
that the three filter condensers are of
large enough capacity to offer little re-
sistance to the AC ripple currents, at
the same time storing up a suitable
supply of direct current for the re-
ceiver's needs.
However, no change that could pos-
ISOLATING THE FIELDS OF TRANSFORMERS AND CHOKES sibly be made in the filter can elimi-
FIGURE 1: Interaction between the magnetic fields of transformers nate a hum that may be generated di-
and choke coils is one of the most common sources of hums. In rectly by induction.
their efforts to get a simple and compact layout, many set builders
crowd their instruments, with disastrous results. The spacing shown As seen in Figure 1, the power trans-
in this diagram is an example of good spacing of instruments. former used in the power-pack, as well
Notice that the fields, shown in dotted lines, do not interlink, but are as the filter chokes and the first -stage
separated by distances indicated by the arrows. transformer in the low- frequency am-
plifier, have electromagnetic fields that
should be of great interest to set However, when a heavy load is taken spread to a considerable distance in
builders. from such a circuit the inductance of their immediate vicinity. If these in-
Of course, the idea back of noiseless the choke coils may decrease rapidly struments are placed so close to each
operation from an alternating current and thus serve to let quite a per- other that the fields interact, an alter-
source of power presupposes a method centage of "ripple" through to the am- nating- current voltage will be set up in
of rectification or changing of the al- plifying apparatus. This is true where the chokes and in the low-frequency
ternating current into a unidirectional large power valves are used in the last transformer that will be amplified along
current of certain prescribed voltages. stage of amplification. with the signals. producing a bad hum
This is accomplished by a step -up trans- Strangely enough, considerable AC in the loudspeaker.
former and rectifier valve. Direct cur- ripple can be applied to the last power (Continued on pagb 68)
rent in this form, however, is not suit- /ecrrmotr-..
able for reception purposes because it
will be pulsating in nature, whereas it
should be a pure direct current with-
out variations in strength or amplitude.
The type of unit required to elimi-
nate these harmful pulsations that are taut
left after rectification is known as a '""0wta
filter circuit, of which a standard one
is shown at A in Figure 3. This
standard filter consists of two choke
coils in series, that have a smoothing
effect upon current ripples, and three
condensers, that have a storage effect THE FILAMENT WIRING FOR AC VALVES
on the direct-current impulses supplied FIGURE 2: By twisting the wires of the AC leads to the- filaments
to them. Thedretically, such a circuit of AC valves, the fields of the individual leads are made to neutralize
one another, so that the field is confined to the cable itself, and
should take out all pulsations and give cannot affect other nearby circuits. This precaution should always
silent operation. be observed with AC valves.
JANUARY, 1928 Page 53
Resistance -Coupled Ampli- stituted if desired. Two small by -pass grid -leak is virtually essential for the
fication at Its Best condensers of .0001 mfd. capacity com- power valve, while the first and second
plete the high-frequency filter. valves may also be provided with grid -
HERE are some practical data on an
The first and second amplifier valves leaks. After experimenting with various
amplifier that the writer has found to are of the MU -20 or UX -240 or Donle resistance, a unit with a range of from
give excellent results in practice: high -mu type of vacuum valves. The practically zero to 5 megohms (such as
It will be noted from the accompany- last valve should be of the UX -171 the Clarostat universal resistor) was
ing diagram (Figure 1) that the con- type preferably, if sufficient "B" voltage found satisfactory.
ventional hook-up of the resistance - (135 to 180 volts) is available, with the Still another and highly important
coupled amplifier has been followed, correct "C" battery. The UX -112 type variation is the Mershon condenser of
with just a few, but highly important,
deviations. The resistors are of the
usual .1 megohm value. It is strongly
may be substituted if only lower volt-
ages are obtainable. It will be noted
that an output filter, in the form of
full plate voltage ( "B" -
30 mfd. capacity, connected across the
and "B" -F)
of the amplifier. The purpose of this
advised that the resistors be of the choke coil and a 4 mfd. by -pass con- condenser is to provide the necessary
metallized type and of good make, to denser, is employed. The choke coil reserve of energy to reproduce bass
insure noiseless and lasting operation. may be the secondary of a discarded notes. It is little appreciated that the
The coupling condensers are of 0.1 mfd. bass notes -those wonderful double bass
transformer, if necessary, but its in-
capacity. The condensers should be and 'cello strains of the orchestra, and
ductance should approximate 60 henries.
mica insulated, to insure against leak- the big pipes of the organ, for example
age and breakdown. A 300 -turn honey-
This filter is essential for satisfactory
results with the UX -171 type valve. -require many times as much power as
comb coil has been found ideal as a the notes of the middle register. Often,
high- frequency choke, to prevent high - The other variations from standard
practice are to be found in the variable when operating resistance-coupled am-
frequency currents from getting into plifiers on a "B" power-pack, the low
the low- frequency circuits. A standard grid -leaks, which have proved indis-
notes will "crack" or fail. The cause is
pensable for the best results. A variable
high- frequency choke coil may be sub-
.ua><", /NT /err
-I to be found in insufficient "B" energy.
The usual condensers across the output
of the "B" power-pack, serving as
electrical flywheels, so..to speak, are
drained of their accumulated power and
have not time to fill up again; hence the
low bass notes are sometimés nót repro-
duced. The Mershon condenser is an
electrolytic affair, now available for
various purposes. If preferred, paper
condensers may be employed, having a
capacity of at least 12 mfds.
With a reliable variable grid -leak such
as a Clarostat, the grids of the ampli-
A HOOK -UP FOR QUALITY AMPLIFICATION fying valves may be adjusted to the
FIGURE 1: In this schematic wiring diagram of the resistance- coupled precise point of top efficiency, in ac-
amplifier, the high-frequency filter can be seen at the left. At the cordance with the other factors in the
right is the output filter to keep the direct current from the windings
of the reproducer. Note also the three variable grid- leaks. (Continued on page 62) -
All apparatus advertised in thi, n:agacinr has been tested and approved by POPULAR RADIO LABORATORY Page 59
Old Au
A Home Assembled
Thordarson Power Amplifier
Will Make Your Receiver
A Real Musical Instrument
Built around the Thordarson Power Compact R -171. Chit
power amplifier supplies "A," "B." and "C" current for MPROVEMENTS in the newer model receiv-
one UX -171 power tribe and B- voltage for the receiver.
Employs Raytheon B. H. rectifier. V ing sets are all centered around the audio ampli-
fier. There is no reason, however, why you cannot
bring your present receiver up to 1928 standards of
tone quality by building your own Thordarson
Power Amplifier.
With a screw driver, a pair of pliers and a soldering
iron you can build any Thordarson Power Ampli-
fier in an evening's time in your own home. Com-
plete, simple pictorial diagrams are furnished with
every power transformer.
The fact that Thordarson power trans-
formers are used by such leading manu-
This amplifier, mounted on a special metal chassis, uses facturers as Victor, Brunswick, Federal,
the Thordarson Power Compact R -210. Provides "A,"
"B," and "C" current for one UX -210 power -Btube
"B" voltage for the receiver. Employs one 216 or 281
Philco and Willard insures you of un-
questionable quality and performance.
Give your radio set a chance to reproduce real
music. Build a Thordarson Power Amplifier.
Write today for complete constructional booklets
sent free on request.
The Hi-Q Receiver 0
with the fi
1182 Broadway, New York
AB appárätus advertised in this magazine has been tested 'and approved by POPULAR RADIO LABORATORY Page 61
An output unit is recommended for The Hi -Q Instruction Book tells the
use with the reproducer, and a decora- radio -four completely isolated tuned complete story with text, charts, dia-
stages -Automatic Variable Coupling grams and photos. Anyone can follow
tive chest containing such a unit is -symphonic amplification. This non- it and build this wonderful instrument.
shown in the diagram in Figure 1 with o scillating, super -sensitive receiver Get a copy from your dealer or write
the proper connections to the cone re- assures maximum and uniform amplifi- us direct. Price is 25 cents.
producer. This unit protects the re- cation on all wave lengths and estab-
lishes a totally new standard of tonal
4 ..,
producer from high voltage currents 'party.
and helps to improve the quality of ROB E{2T5
reproduction. The Farrand oval cone Hi-Q*: High Ratio of Reactance to Resist- HiQ' SIX
is shown and is officially recommended ance. High ratio-great selectivity-loud HAM MARLUND- ROBERTS, INC.
with the Hi -Q "Six." signals. 1182 Broadway,Dept.B, New York City
The set will tune exactly as before, A r M la tu
as explained in the article in the De-
cember, 1927, issue of this magazine,
and the proper "C" bias for the last
valve in the set may be adjusted by
. rt *.
rotating the left -hand knob on the Hi -Q .i
power supply. The right -hand knob
controls the detector and high-frequency YOUR OWN IIUSIN]ESS
amplifier "B" voltage and should be
adjusted for the loudest signal strength
Without Capital COMMISSION 5:
This combination of apparatus will in your locality to profitably devote All material will be furnished you
your spare time or all your time to a free of charge and you will be paid ..
give the best results obtainable with an attractive commission and salary.
standard vacuum valves, and the com-
plete unit will furnish excellent repro-
duction from both local and distant sta-
pleasant, easy and profitable business
-one that does not require any train-
ing or capital.
- -
) (Continued from page 58)
UY your Hammarlund- DEl: .
I) aE 1
enthusiasts in facilitating such work.
Figure 2 shows the power-pack circuit.
No Voltage at Given Tap: The logi-
cal place to begin the hunt for trouble
in a "B" power -pack is at the resistor
"B" power-pack and the Raytheon
valve removed, a click should be heard
in the testing headphones when Con-
nected in series with a battery between
the plate terminal of the rectifier socket
Rheostats bank, and then work backwards through
the filter, the rectifier valve, and finally
and the "B" positive terminal of the
power -pack. A click should also be
and Switches the power transformer. It is assumed,
of course, that the 110 -volt alternating
heard between the filament terminal of
the rectifier socket and the "B" nega-
current is known to be flowing through tive terminal of the "B" power-pack.
--as usual - the transformer primary when the
power -pack is turned "on," and that
the rectifier valve is not visibly dam-
These clicks should be of equal strength.
If one filament terminal gives a much
louder click than the other, it generally
for compactness of aged in any way. Of course the current indicates a defective buffer condenser.
should be turned "off" before any part If no click is heard on either filament
design and of the power-pack or associated wiring terminal, then the transformer second-
is handled, to avoid dangerous shocks. ary is open- circuited, or the center tap
dependability An open -circuited or burnt -out re- of the transformer does not connect to
in sistor will result in no voltage from the the "B" negative side, as it should.
tap it controls. If the 10,000 -ohm fixed The circuit continuity of the trans-
resistor, R2, becomes open- circuited, former itself may be tested by the click
Hammarlund- Roberts in the case of the "B" power -pack, the between the two filament terminals of
detector voltage will immediately in- the rectifier socket, with the valve re-
crease so that in the tuned- high-fre- moved. If the transformer 'secondary
and quency type of receiver the signal tests O. K. on the foregoing procedure,
strength will be greatly diminished, there must of necessity be an open cir-
POWER SUPPLY while in the regenerative receiver there cuit in the "B" negative lead.
will be constant oscillation. A short- circuit in the secondary of
At your dealers the transformer can be most easily
The simplest method to locate a de-
In Canada: Carter Radio Co., Ltd., Toronto fective resistor is by means of a high- checked by connecting a' 25 -watt, 110 -
resistance voltmeter, connected to each volt lamp in series with the primary.
tap in turn. In fact, this device is es- The current may be turned "on" in the
Offices in principal cities
of the world sential in adjusting "B" power voltages usual way, but with the Raytheon valve
on any receiver, in preference to the removed from the socket. The incan-
'tarter. Radio Co.¡ cut -and-try method. 'In the absence of descent lamp should glow dully, if at
CHIC a.GO IL this device, a 15 -watt, 220 -volt incan- all. If it glows brightly, either the
All apparatus- advertised in this magazine has been tested and approved by POPULAR RADIO LABORATORY Page 63
Insuring Tube
AMPERITE alone gives utmost
life and performance from tubes.
Because AMPERITE alone keeps
the filament voltage, or tempera-
ture, constant, despite "A" battery
variations. Particularly needed
with Battery Eliminators. Simpli-
-O iO
fies wiring and panel design. Ehm-
inates band rheostats and guessing.
Proved for 6 years. Entirely diffe-
AGgMo71"Pa575 LC-27 5/NO/N6POST STA'/P'
rent from fixed filament resistors. "B" POWER FOR THE LC -27
There is no alternative. Insist on
AMPERITE. Price $1.10 with FIGURE 3: The Pilot power -pack is here shown hooked up to the
mounting (inU.S.A.).At all dealers. LC -27 receiver. The connections to any other standard receiver
Write for FREE "Atnperite Book" of would be about the same.
season's beet circuits and latest con-
struction data, to Dept. PR -t.
wise with the filter condensers, Hl, H2, the wires running between it and the
..97-dia 11 amp asty H3, H4, H5, H6, H7 and HS, includ- connection strip on the back of the re-
lC l.[N ST.. YORK ing the buffer condenser. G. These are ceiver. The diagram also shows the con -
to be strapped together with the nection for the storage battery and for
threaded rods and fastened securely in
place with four wood screws.
Now fasten down the two chokes, B
the antenna and ground binding posts.
A standard QRS rectifier valve is first
inserted in the new "B" power -pack,
and C, and the transformer, A, in the and then the set is ready for operation
positions indicated in Figures 1 and exactly as before. except that the plug
2. The last job will be to mount the from the "BC" power-pack must .be
Hammerlund Hi -Q Six socket, F, as shown in the same figures. inserted in a 110 -volt, 60 -cycle AC
i lighting socket and the current switched
The Big Money Maker How to Wire the Set "on." A Baldwin "99" loudspeaker is
This unit may be wired completely recommended with this combination.
Easy to Wire with the connection wire furnished by In using the new power-pack with
Full Complete Kit $95.80 the manufacturer, without soldering.
These connection wires are furnished
an ordinary set, the filament circuit of
the power valve, which is the last valve,
in varying lengths equipped with lugs, is cut off from the battery and a twisted
Send for Big Trade Prices pair of separate wires are run over to
and the resistors and condensers, the
PROFESSIONAL transformers and chokes, as well as the the two left -hand binding posts on the
SET BUILDERS binding posts and the socket, are fur- power -pack, as shown in Figure 3.
nished with screw terminals, under This operates the last valve in the set
Send Your Name and Address which these lugs may be fastened on pure alternating current.
to Me. Information of special tightly. The only other change is that the
interest to you will be sent from
time to time.
If these connection wires are used, "C" negative ( -) terminal for the last
and the circuit is wired exactly as is valve in the set must be connected over
Nationally advertised kits in indicated in the picture wiring diagram to the "C" positive (+) binding post
stock. Goods Shipped Day
Order Received.
in Figure 2, there will be no possi- on the set, or to the "B" negative (-)
bility of making a mistake. binding post on the power -pack.
Hammerlund Hi -Q6 The complete wiring job may be done That's all there is to the job of in-
Victoreen Universal 28
Victoreen Standard 2-Dial in less than half an hour and the unit stallation. If a 4%-volt "C" bias is
Loftin -White should then be ready for operation. needed in the set, it will continue to
Strobodyne be fed from a small Eveready 4$ -volt
Magnaformer How to Use the "BC" Power-pack battery, as the "BC" power-pack fur-
Melo -Heald Hot Spot
Thordarson Amplifier The unit may be used with any five - nishes only the ''C" battery voltage for
Samson Power Compact or six -valve receiver, and a power valve the last valve.
Write for Special Trade Prices of the 171 type may be inserted in the This is probably the first description
Where You Get Good Service last stage of low-frequency amplifica- of a "BC" power -pack that will give
tion. really reliable results at such an 'ex-
For illustrative purposes the diagram tremely low cost. The unit may be
John C. Rau in Figure 3 shows the unit connected
to the LC -27 receiver. The "A" supply
relied upon to operate a standard re-
ceiver for years without trouble or .
524 -12th Street, N. W. Washington, D.C. may be furnished by a storage battery. without fussing with numerous compli-
In this diagram the unit is shown with cated and bothersome adjustments.
All apparatus advertised in this magazine hoc been tested and approved by POPULAR RADIO LABORATORY Page 65
caused from soldering heat, drive the Twenty-two stock types with resistances up to 50,000 ohms.
.411 rated at 25 Watts. List $3.50 each.
chlorides under the protecting insula-
tion with the same resulting conditions Also full line of fixed and tapped wire resistances
that follow the use of the paste. Write for FREE Resistance Circular.
Rosin for a fluxing medium pos- Dept. 18 -C, 175 Varick St., New York, N. Y.
sesses the distinct advantages of not
being corrosive or co--luctive, as
are the chloride fluxes. These two
qualities are paramount in value for
radio use. The striking lack of any
tendency to promote corrosive action
makes it a safe medium for use on the
most delicate wire or part, and the lack
of conductivity works in perfect har- crmsonSymphonic
mony with insulation materials. It is PUSH- PULL UNITS NITS
not hygroscopic, and the residual mat-
ter presents a dense, hard and glass-
like surface that does not favorably mot`""" ds
as a Chemist filters liquids
lend itself to the collection of moisture
or foreign matter, as do the residuals Try this experiment. It probably will assist you to obtain better quality
of the chloride fluxes. of reproduction.
However, any attempt to use rosin
or rosin -core solder on nickel -plated Listen to your set from three or four rooms distant while people talk
parts or connections will result in and the usual house noises are present. Try to understand speech. Do
solder failure, for abietic acid, the you actually hear the s's and k's or does your imagination supply them?
oxide solvent in rosin, has a negligible Can you recognize the high notes of a Stradivarius violin, or do all
capacity for nickel oxide. Should it be violins sound alike?
necessary to make use of nickel -plated Now replace the audio transformers with the Samson Symphonic and
soldering contacts, file away the plating, Samson Symphonic Push -Pull Units. Listen again under the same
and the base metal, usually brass, will conditions. Words arc now
respond to the fluxing power of rosin. crystal clear and music has
Rosin will display its greatest activ- a background and a bril- Symphonic
ity as a flux on metals plated with tin, liance entirely new to you. Push -Pull
cadmium, silver and gold or on tin- Send for authoritative informa- Units
plated but reasonably clean copper, tion from leading engineers
brass, or zinc. Electro tin -plated metals which will be sent for about
the mailing cost. Audio Am-
frequently show such a poor deposit of plification. 25 cts.; B Elimina-
tin and the resultant heavy accumula- tor and Power Amplifier Con-
tion of sulphates and oxides that this struction, 10 cts.; Make -Em-
treatment, unless properly executed, is Better Sheet, 5 cts.: and In-
of questionable relief. Hot tin dipped ductance Units Bulletin, 10 cts.
All four sent for 50 cts.
contacts will usually be found superior.
. In the next article the practical uses
of soldering will be described, with am;ronr% (G.
complete information as to the best
procedure in making soldered joints in
radio construction work.
Principal Office -
Manufacturers since 1882
Canton, Mass.
Page 66 All apparatus advertised in th's magazine has been tested and approved by POPULAR RADIO LABORATORY
TYPE 427
the mounting screws. This socket
also has the grooved top mentioned
Outstanding features: Excellent design and Scientific measurement
construction throughout. Unusual of inductance has made
conveniences for the radio fan, /lauuaarholrl J pacc -
. whether he be one of the experi- wound Coils the most
.. mentally inclined type or a user of efficient and depend-
a standard commercial receiver. Es- able ever devised.
pecially interesting to the professional
radio service man. All of these new
sockets and adapters, except 921S,
have a new feature, consisting of a
guide ring that greatly facilitates easy
insertion of the valves into the
Hammarlund Coil Inductance
Maker: Alden Mfg. Co. Scientifically Measured
NOT very long ago so many turns of wire on such and such
size core were considered accurate enough for inductance
But in this age of multi- tuned, single-control circuits, guess-
work is out of the question. Coils must be matched to the
finest degree.
Not satisfied merely with producing the most efficient type of
coil, Hammarlund devised the instrument, pictured above, to
insure accurate measurement of inductance values.
You can depend on Hammarlund precision. It means stand-
TYPE 425 ardized quality and assurance that you get what you pay for.
Moisture and Heatproof Your dealer sells Hammarlund Matched
bL'iced Condensers Coils for the latest popular circuits.
Name of instrument: Molded mica fixed
Description: These fixed condensers are HAMMARLUND MANUFACTURING COMPANY
made up of mica and foil, and are 424 -438 West 33rd Street, New York
molded into bakelite blocks under
heavy pressure. This bakelite cov-
ering insures permanent capacity val- More than a
úoAt, 3itttnit. Radio, Dealer inquiries
ues and affords excellent protection score of radio invited concern-
against moisture -and against the ef-
venient size and shape. The capacity onon42IIO2ionottotsou4s oilo 2ououououcconO2202ton aOStonottottononcoOp
value is clearly, stamped in the Bake -
lite covering of each condenser. Made
in capacities from .00005 mfd. to .02
mfd.' They are also made with grid-
,' leak clips in two values, .00015 and 4
that your Individual problem bas been covered In an Issue of POPULAR RADIO. and so as
Tt Is possible
.00025 mfd.' 12 an nid to you we endeavor to keep a supply of back numbers In stock. The condensed Index gives a b
O few of the subjects that have appeared recently; look this list over and if the information below
you want Is
Usage: Wherever.capacities of the values n covered, we will be pleased to supply back numbers at 31íe a copy. 0
' :mentioned are required.
. C.
October. 1926
Outstanding features: Accurately rated. 22 December, 1926 b
O ' -How to Build the New LC-27 Receiver. -Uncle Sam's New Short -Wave
Net. 0
Permanent in capacity values. Mois- a -The Radio Road lion. -How Circuit Resistance Affects Selectivity.
ture and heat proof. Equipped with C. --Beta That Earn Incomes. to Build LC-Intermediate O
convenient 'soldering terminals. 11 -Inside Information on New Radio Receiver*. -How
the Power-
Maker: Carter Raditi Co. u0 -Why Signals Fade. -Inside Information on New Radio Receivers. u0
A cable of fine, tinned copper
wires with non -inflammable
Celatsite insulation. Ideal for
sub -panel or point- to-point
wiring. Strips easily, solders
readily. Nine beautiful colors;
sold only in 25 ft. coils, in car- HOW TO RELIEVE OVERLOADED FILTER CIRCUITS
tons colored to match contents. FIGURE 3: At the top is a standard power -pack circuit with two
chokes, filter condensers, and the usual voltage dividing resistances.
Acme tinder a heavy load, such as occurs when a large power valve is
Celatsite Wire used in the last stage, the inductance of the chokes may decrease so
Tinned copper bus bar hook- as to let an AC ripple through to the receiver. if the high voltage
up wire with non- inflam- for the last valve is taken off through only one choke, as shown at B,
mable Celatsite insulation in , this source of hum may be eliminated.
9 bcautifu I colors. Strips
easily, solders readily, won't
crack at bends. Sizes 14, 16, The power transformer, the filter cord parallel with, or near, lamp cords
18, 19; 30 inch lengths.
choke and the first -stage transformer or other wiring connected with the
Spaghetti Tubing must be kept a suitable distance apart house -lighting lines.
Oil, moisture, acid proof; highly
dielectric- used by leading engi-
neers. Nine colors, for wire sizes 12
to eliminate this trouble. A suitable
spacing is indicated by the arrows in
4. Don't place the reproducer near
the house -lighting lines or wires at-
to 18; 30 i nch I engths. (We also Figure 1. This distance can only be tached thereto.
make tinned bus bar, round and
square, in 2 and 2A ft. lengths.) determined by experiment. 5. Don't run long battery wires to
Stranded Enameled In considering a hum generated by either the "A" batteries or the "B" bat-
Antenna the use of AC valves, the most common teries down through the floor to the
Best outdoor antenna trouble is due to the fact that the cellar, where they may come near the
ACME you can buy. Seven heavy alternating currents flowing in house -current meter or wiring.
strands of enameled 6. Don't place any kind of power -
copper wire. Presents the filament circuits are liable to in-
maximum surface for duce similar currents in the amplifying pack too close to the set, either above
reception, resists corrosion; circuits. it, below it or in back of it.
this greatly i mproves the
signal. Outside diameters equal to A remedy for this trouble is to twist These simple precautions should be
sizes 14 and 16. (We also offer solid all the leads running from the heater of help to the experimenter who is try-
and stranded bare, and stranded
tinned antenna.) transformer to the heaters or filaments ing to get silent operation out of a
of the AC valves. If these leads are modernized receiver and to the set
Loop Antenna Wire builder who is constructing a set to be
Sixty strands of No. 38 bare copper twisted, the alternating- current fields
wire for flexibility, 5 strands of No. of the wires will be neutralized and no operated from the AC lines.
36 phosphor bronze to prevent current will be generated in adjacent
stretching. Green or brown silk
covering; best loop wire possible to instruments or circuits. A well -done
make. example of this type of wiring is shown
Battery Cable in Figure 2.
A rayon -covered cable of It is also sometimes found necessary
5, 6, T, 8 or 9 vari- colored EMI
to twist the leads running from the sec-
Flexible Cclatsite wires
amplifier or the receiver. negative ( -) connections also helps
towards eliminating hums. a
3. Don't run a reproducer extension
Lynch Suppressor. 500 ohms
Lynch Suppressor, 600 ohms
good investment. I did not rush in No. 85
3 Aerovox Moulded Condensers.
2.00 1 Lynch Suppressor. 700 ohms 1.50
.02 mfd 1 Durham Metallized Resistor. 6 meg .50
and rush out, leaving a job half undone @ $1.50
1 Aerovox
4.50 2 Tait Brackets 2.00
Moulded Condenser, .00025 mfd .35 1 Alcoa Aluminum Chassis 7.50
when I knew it was possible to get bet- 1 Aerovox Moulded Condenser. .00075 mfd .40 4 Sets Special Aluminum Box Shields for
1 Yaxley Combination Switch and Rheostat LC -28 @ $2.00 8.00
ter results. 6 ohms. No. 906 -K 1.75 1 Aluminum Panel. 6 "x20" 4.50
1 Ynxley Cable Connector Plug with Cable I y," Extension Shaft .50
After I had accumulated a few dol- type 660 3.00
4 Carter Fixed Resistance 4 ohms. typa
lars in spare cash, I had letterheads H -4. @ 25c 1n0 READY -TO -WIRE KIT f PRICE $9015
and business cards printed, and I would
pass the cards out, not promiscuously, POWER PACK -AUDIO AMPLIFIER AND LC -28 UNIPAC
but to those people whom I knew would SILVER MARSHALL TUBE KITS IN STOCK
appreciate real, honest service and who
had the money to pay for it. After COMPLETE 9-8
that things came more or less easily,
and each satisfied customer that I had
KITS IN STOCK iagnaformer
worked for turned out to be a powerful HAMMARLUND ROBERTS HI -Q POWER PACK
influence in the way of advertising my
The next step in my growth came NEW! HAMMARLUND ROBERTS HI -Q SIX
when I found myself able to establish
credit with two local distributors. Now
Our New 1928 Catalog Is Now Ready. Send For It NOW!
I have credit arrangements as high as
$1,000, which gives me more latitude
for work and permits me to finance my
work with less difficulty.
It is rather gratifying to look back
and find that I have not as yet lost a
single customer. I started with very
few and now I have dozens of radio Radio Convenience
sets that I service regularly, some of
them on a monthly payment basis. And Outlets
the good will that I established has
been built up entirely on trustworthi- Wire
ness and expertness.
First I determined that if success, Your THE
even in a small way, should be mine, Home "LYNCH 5"
every service I did should be done model was built around
with the same degree of effort as if I
were doing it for myself; in other words,
I determined at the outset to be an ex- Radio You can expect to duplicate the ex-
ceptional results only with the same
pert, to give expert service and with
it expert workmanship, and to leave the SICKLES COILS
satisfied customer to do my advertising. These are the same standard high
Also, and with emphasis, did I deter- Enjoy your favorite programs in any quality accurately calibrated coils
room in the house. Put the batteries which have had no superior during
mine to use every customer openly and in any out -of -tire -way place. Bring
antenna and ground connections to
the past five years. Specially de-
above board in all dealings. Upon these signed for the
Most convenient point and connect set
two qualities I have built my success. through neat cord and phone tips. Fit
Unfortunately, I do not have a suffi- any standard switch box. Full in- "LYNCH 5"
cient command of words properly to structions for installation with each Coil Set No. 28, $4.50
outlet. There are Sickles Diamond-Weave
impress the reader with the pure enjoy- No. 135 -For Loud Speaker $1.00 Coils for all leading circuits.
ment that I have gotten out of my No. 137 -For Battery Connections 2.50
No. 136--For Aerial and Ground 1.00
work and my little business. Some day or Gang Combinations of any of THE F. W. SICKLES CO.
the above .... up to 4.50 134 UNION STREET
I hope to be the recognized radio dealer
in my home town, and if this dream
At Your Dealer's SPRINGFIELD :: MASS.
comes true, it will have resulted from YAXLEY MFG. CO. No.
Shielded Transformer
Coil Prices
$2.00 each
my,iincere effort to give the people of Dept. P -9 So. Clinton St. 30
24 Browning -Drake
I8A Roberts Circuit
7.50 set
5.00 set
Methuen, Mass., the best kind of radio Chicago, Illinois 25 Aristocrat Circuit
28 Lynch 5
8.00 set
9.50 set
4, reception that their receivers afford.
t tt
Page 70 All apparatus advertised in tl is magazine has been tested and approved by POPULAR RADIO LABORATORY
-+ -
j Truer reproduction -fuller bass-lighter FIGURE 4: This schematic hook -up of the instruments used in the
weight. Its volume is greater than that of grid tests shows the simplicity and practicality of the new method.
any other electric pickup, being generated
by a quadruple pole electro- magnet. The
three units are encased in beautifully with the potentiometer and measuring crosses the other at about 2 volts nega-
finished black bakelite, retaining their rich the coincident plate currents with the tive grid potential and then rapidly
lustre forever. grid resistance shorted by the short - diverges to the right, showing much
ONLY $19.50 circuiting plug S. If a grid resistance is lower plate currents than the other.
At Radio Stores Everywhere now included in the circuit the plate This rise, crossing and fall in the plate
The ELEC-TRU -TONE Corp. current characteristic will be changed current indicates that up to 2 volts
Hibernian Bldg. Los Angeles by the influence of the potential drop negative grid potential the grid current
The originators of electric pickups that across the grid resistance, induced by was negative, due to gas ions. At 2
utilize the radio set
the grid current flowing; up to the point volts negative grid potential the grid
of grid potential where grid current
i :II 11iilli1iliTiiliill just begins to flow all the characteristics
current was zero and from then on the
grid current became positive due to the
will be identical, but from that point electron stream reaching the grid from
they will diverge according to the value the filament. Thus not only the amount
of the grid resistance in the circuit. of grid current but also its direction
Figure 3 shows a group of character- may be determined at a glance from
istics taken in this way. It will be the plate current characteristics taken
noticed that the higher the grid resis- by this new method.
tance is, the more does the curve diverge Figure 1 shows a grid- current curve
from the original valve characteristic taken on the same valve by this same
taken with the grid resistance short - method.
circuited. It will also be noticed that It will be seen that (as was already
the point where grid current begins to to be expected from Figure 3) the grid
For the Radio "that won't flow lies at 1.3 volts negative grid current is negative and ionic up to 1.9
work on a B- Eliminator." potential with the Telefunken high -mu negative grid potential, where it be-
valve (mu 30). comes zero. At more positive grid
The amount of grid current flowing
can be taken from this group of curves
in the following way:
potentials the positive and electronic
grid current rises rapidly. Naturally,
as becomes apparent from Figures 2
The plate current at .5 negative grid and 1, this method is also well suited
One User Says: volts and with the grid resistance short - for determining the vacuum factor of
116 So. 5th Street, circuited is .75 milliamperes, and this a valve.
Salina. Kansas.
"I have one of your Type 7180 'B' plate current is reached at about two From the curve given in Figure 4 the
Units hooked up to six UX -201A volts positive grid potential, when a
tubes, and the 180 volt tap is sup - vacuum factor of that valve was de-
plying current to two UX -112 Power grid resistance of 26.9 megohms is in termined as
Tubes in a Push Pull Amplifier. It
certainly works fine and there seems
to be plenty more 'B' power to spare.
the circuit. Then the grid potential
difference of 2S volts is divided by the -á= 8.5X10-°
PROOF' B' POWER SUPPLY." grid resistance of 26.9 megohms to de-
R. HOZ MEISTER. fine the grid current flowing at .5 volts It can be seen that the method of
The PERMANENT Solution of negative grid potential. measuring grid currents outlined above
Your "B" Troubles Figure 2 shows the characteristics of possesses many advantages, especially
Licensed tinder Patents of Radio Carper.. a special high -mu valve with a certain for the experimenter who does not have
Gijon of America and Associated Cotn
" residue of gas. at his disposal the delicate instruments
It will be noticed that the character- necessary for direct measurement The
W. A. Ready, Pres. Melden, Mass. .., istic taken with the grid resistance in accuracy of the method, however, is
Write for Bulletin L -124 the circuit rises above the one taken sufficiently great for all the ordinary
1 i1I1 11111t111111i1 ti1 1 t with the grid resistance short -circuited, needs of experimentation.
All apparatus advertised in this magazine has been tested and approved by POPULAR RADIO LABORATORY Page 71
40 0
Jo h
The Speaker complete in
cabinet with velvet tapestry
ó ó$
ó óó ó ó ó%
$65.00 ó 0 ó % The Speaker$25.00
without cabinet
ANNOUNCING the new AIR- CHROME bass viol range to the highest notes of the picollo.
Speaker operating on an entirely new BALANCED ALL musical instruments in use today ARE
TENSION principle ....
We are so proud of its
performance -of the fact that it so closely approaches
WITHIN ITS RANGE. ... This speaker is now for
sale -with or without the housing cabinet.
perfection-that we are willing to PUBLISH its The AIR-CHROME speaker represents a new field
operating characteristic. of engineering -the greatest frequency range for
Here is the performance curve -FOR ALL THE commercial speakers-and power without "blast-
WORLD TO SEE. ing" or "rattling."
Here is an opportunity to obtain a speaker which Order from us or your dealer. If your dealer cannot
will respond with practically equal facility from the supply, send us his name.
Here is the speaker has
When this has been done, turn the
filament switch, M2, to the "on" posi-
tion by flipping it "up." All the vac-
Made in all values of resistance
for continuous duty at 20, 40, 100 and
200 watts.
1925 South Western Ave. binding posts at the right encl of the
CHICAGO set, looking from the front. The new
Utah type reproducer has been found I Pity Stale s
All apparatus advertised in this magazine has been tested and approved by POPULAR RADIO LABORATORY Page 73
to work very satisfactorily with this
The set is now ready for use and
the tuning operation is easy. Simply
rotate the drum dial from one end of
the scale to the other and the various
stations will appear at their settings.
Volume should be controlled by the
lower knob operating the rheostat, M,
in Figure 3.
The screws on the neutralizing con-
densers, UI and U2, should next be ad-
justed for neutralization, and each may
be set with a screwdriver at the posi-
tion where no oscillation is encountered
when turning the tuning dial from one
station to another. These two adjust-
ments will have to be set by experi-
ment, but the neutralization is so simple
that the proper settings may be found
by even a novice within ten minutes'
The antenna switch, N1, may be tried Kit Panels
in either the "up" position or the
"down" position, according to the se-
lectivity required. One position will be RECENT additions of to the list
found to be broader in tuning and also handsomely decorated panels for
louder and this switch should be used
to suit convenience according to the famous include
kits Madison Moore
When the receiver has been in use
International One (A. C.) T.
Spot E.
for only a short period, the proper set- Flewellings Super Eight, and the new
ting of the rheostat, M, will be found
for the various stations, giving a repro-
*T Power
B Electric Kit. There are
duction that is truly lifelike in every front and
also panels for Karas (two
I have one of these receivers at home dial), World's Record Super Ten; Cam-
installed in my study, and I get re-
sults that sometimes almost lead me to
field Nine; Tyrmann r Magnaformer,
believe that I am in the broadcasting H. F. L. Victoreen and many others.
studio instead of by my own fireside.
This new receiver, in my opinion, is by
far the best that I have so far devel- These panels are sold by all
oped, and it should give many set build- leading jobbers
ers. and broadcast listeners satisfactory
service and many thrills while listen-
ing to good programs. The FORMICA INSULATION COMPANY
4618 Spring Grove Avenue Cincinnati, Ohio
city State
(3 /Z
P. R.12
FIGURE 4: The two small panels for the binding posts, II and 12,
and 13 and 14, should be cut and drilled according to the above layout.
cut the binding-post panels out of 3/16 - of the base. Fasten the two porcelain
receptacles, F and G, at the right of
inch Formica and drill according to the
data given in Figure 4. Assemble the the base with their terminals at the
binding posts on the panels. lower left- and upper right-hand cor-
plug and insert the plug in the radio A Push- Pullamplifier in the last stage provides the speaker with ample power
set after the first low-frequency stage. to sustain a high volume level without tube overloading, transmitting the full effects
If the radio set does not have a jack of large swings in intensity common in orchestra music.
after the first stage, it will be neces- Type 441 Amplifier
sary to disconnect the wires running
326, UX 171, CX 371, UX 210 or CX 310 tubes.
to the plate and "B" positive (+) ter- For use with UX 226, CX
Input inductance 10 henries
minals of the last transformer and bring '2.25
Input turns ratio 1
a lead from each of these wires out Output impedance ratio 10:1
of the radio set to the corresponding (whole primary to secondary)
plate and "B" positive (-+-) input ter- Price. completely wired $20.00
minals of the push -pull amplifier. Licensed by the Radio Corporation of America for radio, amateur, experimental
Connect the Amplion reproducer to and broadcast reception only, and under the terms of the R. C. A. license the unit
the output terminals, I3 and I4, of the may be sold only with tubes.
amplifier. Turn "on" the radio set
GENERAL RADIO COMPANY Cambridge, Massachusetts
with the battery switch. Insert the
attachment plug in the 120 -volt DC
light socket, reversing this plug few the
correct polarity, if necessary.
The amplifier should now operate
continuously and should give an ex-
cellent quality of reproduction at suit-
able volume for home reception.
The 1928 Browning-Drake Quirk and easy tuning -more Minnie. clearness.
stability. with an X -1, VARIO DENSER In your
, ,. :,I
a. , ' _I and
,", Tubes and
(Continued from page 18) Specified and endorsed by foremost radio de- I
.. fn'm rl,phexdc
signers In all latest and best hook -ups. '.:' ;,.,; ,. Iules, un Teleco
touching the finger to the stator plates MODEL "N "- Mfrmmeter adluslment easily made,
ncs,wca exact oscillation control in all tuned radio
of the second tuning condenser (the frequency circuits. Netitrolrne. Roberts -tube. rent ,ml) du,purs
one to the right as one faces the set).
Browning- Drake, Sliver's Xnnrknín.
range, 1.8 to 20 Mfd. Pelee, $1.00.
The tickler coil should then be set back MODEL "G "- Obtnlna the proper grid capacity an
Inakatiay circuits. alter and Intermediate tregwm,y
tittle AII:., ;Il
T ,
I .
support. Sc-
so that this circuit just goes out of tuning In superheterodyne and positive geld bias In
all sets. Captivity range. Model (1-1. .00002 to
oscillation. Adjusting the trimmer con- .0001 Mrd. Riedel 0.5. .0001 to .0005 Mfd. Model
C-10, .oc,03 to .001 Mfd. frier. each. with grid
denser will, if the set is not neutralized, clips, $1.50.
POST-Push It down
throw this circuit into oscillation, which with your thumb. Insert wire. re-
move pressure, tetre is firmly held.
may be determined as mentioned above. Vibrations will not loosen. releases
instantly. A push post that excels
Set the neutralizing condenser so that in appearance. action. service and Televocal Corporation
convenience. Price, each, I5c.
turning the trimmer condenser has no PUSH POST PANEL -7 push posts
Televocal Building
affect on the oscillation produced in the mounted on black insulating panel Dept. F.4. 588 12th Street,
with permanent white markings. West New York, N. J.
second circuit. The set is then com- Soldering lugs. raising bushings.
'terms for mounting. etc.. In box
pletely neutralized. complete. Price, $1.50.
Investigate the Onodwb, Aperiodic
The unit is designed especially to be Detector Circuit. This is applicable
to any set and adds a stage with. XLPashIPos1
used in connection with low- frequency Out added tuning controls. -
, NN111
giA. J...1 /737-44, . úrIti
1 niI
In1nn b1Ì.1"I6li.ÌinÌÏipi9t;WÁ"
And NOW the
Clarostat in
..w. n
10 .30 AO
óiinm®nwll wm.m.u.nln
3001 IMO GOO ByyiOftw
miniature, designed for THE AIRCHROME GETS THE LOW NOTES
light duty applications in FIGURÉ 2: The solid black curve shows the electrical- acoustical effi-
usual radio set. Just the thing ciency of the Airchrome speaker over the audible frequency range.
for control of volume, tone, A comparison of it with the dotted curve of an ordinary cone speaker
regeneration, stabilization, shows the superiority of the Airchrome, especially on the frequencies
plate voltage, balancing and below 100-the low note of reproduction.
many other purposes wherein
limited current is being han- proper tightness to be tuned to approxi- streched skins, with the reproducer
dled. mately 60 cycles, and the small stretched unit mounted in place, is shown in Fig-
skin has a resonance at approximately ure 1.
does not, however, replace 5,000 cycles. The unit that is used to operate the
ITthe Standard (20 watt) and Concentric waves are set up in the reproducer is of the balanced -armature
the Power (40 watt) Claro- skins as the reproducer unit moves the type. It consists of a large, permanent
stats for the heavy -duty re- combined apexes forward or backward, magnet of high- quality steel mounted
quirements of radio power and the amplitude of this motion varies in a die -cast frame. The die -cast frame
unit, line voltage control, and the tension in opposite directions for also holds the pole pieces and the
super-power amplifier. each of the skins, thus causing the reso- windings through which the voice or
nant effect to slide along in both direc- music currents from the radio set are
Volume Control Claro-
stat has a resistance range
tions through the frequency scale. This
action produces the reproduction curve
to pass. These currents set up a vary-
of 0- 500,000 ohms in several ing field that causes the balanced-
shown in Figure 2. It will be no- armature to change its position and
turns of knob, providing mi- ticed that the new loudspeaker covers
crometric adjustment. Hand- thus pull the pin in one direction or
the range over a wider area than other the other. The pin, in turn, actuates
somely nickel -plated with new existing types of cone units.
style bakelite knob. One hole the two skins.
In construction, the large skin is In external appearance the loud-
mounting. Screw binding mounted upon a heavy square frame of speaker is dressed up to look like a
posts. And a real Clarostat well- seasoned wood, mortised at each small table with a decorated tapestry
through and through- noise- comer so that it will not vibrate. The effect on the front and sides.
less, holds the adjustment, skin is then stretched tight by fasten- The reproduction afforded by this de-
trouble-proof and durable.
Best of all, the price $1.50.
- ing it along each of the four edges.
Two cross -pieces of heavy timber are
then mounted between two of the oppo-
vice, when used with the more modern
amplifiers employing push -pull amplifi-
cation with power valves, is truly a
with all site sides. These cross -pieces are held revelation. The new balanced- tension
look for fa- rigidly on the back of the large frame, reproducer will handle more volume
miliar green box and and serve as two sides for holding the without distortion than any other type
CLAROSTAT stamped small skin. The two other sides of the of loudspeaker now commercially avail-
on shell. Beware of inferior small skin are mortised into these two able, and do it with a naturalness of
substitutes. cross -pieces. The small skin is then tone in both the upper and lower ranges
Ask your dealer to show you the stretched tightly on the small square that is remarkable. The low tones of
complete Clarostat line. Or write frame, and the two skins are drawn
us direct for descriptive literature the drums are reproduced, if wanted,
and technical data. together at the center by the hollow with the same full, robust and floor -
fitting that serves to carry the compres- shaking quality as if the listener were
American Mechanical Labs., Inc. sion lock nut. The lock nut fastens seated in the first row of the orchestra,
Specialists in Variable Resistors to the pin of the electro- dynamic unit while the high notes of musical instru-
285 North 6th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. that is used to operate the reproducer. ments and the consonants of speech
The unit itself is mounted on a rigid come through with startling definiticn
metallic frame that is, in turn, fastened and quality.
securely to the two main cross -pieces Engineers and experts who have
that hold the small skin. heard and measured the new device
A front and back view of the two have predicted a wide popularity for it.
All apparatus advertised in this magazine has been tested and approved by POPULAR RADIO LABORATORY Page 77
outdoor antenna may be used, if de-
The loudspeaker that was used in
the laboratory was a Temple exponen-
tial type reproducer and its tip jacks
are connected to terminals S5 and
S6. To meet the power requirements of
Three standard 45 -volt "B" batteries Radio, Polymet Power is the first
are connected to the Yaxley cable choice of leading engineers. Rigid,
leads, as shown in Figure 4, as well
comparative tests prove Polymet's
as three 4%-volt "C" batteries, one of
superiority in efficiency and value.
which should have the 3 -volt tap. Polymet Condensers are rugged Polymet Bakelite
Place six CX -301 -a type valves in and strong. They are made under Molded Condensers
the first six sockets and two CX -312 the most modern and scientific
type valves in the last two sockets in conditions.
the set.
For the "A" power, the most satis- Polymet Condensers are depend-
factory solution for this receiver, using
able. They stand up and deliver
their full rated capacities through-
eight vacuum valves, is to use an "A" out their long life. Polymet Wire Wound
power-pack to do away with battery Resistors
charging. One that has shown excep- Use Polymet Radio Essentials
tional qualities for this high current in the next set or power unit you
drain, without the slightest sign of hum, build. A word to the wise -look for
is the new Knapp "A" power -pack, Polymet Parts in the next set Polymet Metallized Grid
Leaks and Resistances
which may be obtained in kit form and you buy.
which is described in detail in another Write for complete information regarding Polymet
article in this same issue. This unit is Parts and catalog of all Polymet Radio Essentials.
shown connected up in Figure 4. When POLYMET MANUFACTURING CORPORATION
the set is installed, exactly as shown 587 Broadway, New York City
in the instructions in this diagram, it
gives very fine results from a tone qual-
ity basis, as well as being capable of
bringing in distant programs with clar-
ity and volume.
All of the tuning is done with the
two middle drums on the illuminated POPULAR RADIO DEALER AND JOBBER
dial, while the knob at the right is
used for sensitivity, and the small dial LISTS AVAILABLE TO MANUFACTURERS
at the left is used for turning the set
"on" and "off." The pilot light, also The Service Bureau of POPULAR RADIO is able to place at the disposal of radio
at the right, indicates this condition at manufacturers a list of over 21,000 radio dealers, 3,926 radio manufacturers, 1,746
a glance. In using the set the Vee -coil jobbers and 326 manufacturers' representatives. These addresses are immediately
antenna should be rotated to bring in available for circularizing prospects for new 1928 lines, and more detailed informa-
the station desired with loudest volume. tion and rates will be gladly supplied to those who wish to take advantage of
This, in itself, is a great help in elimi- what is without doubt one of the most carefully kept lists at present offered for use.
nating interference from two stations
Address all inquiries so:
on adjacent wavelengths, the signals of
which come from two different direc- SERVICE BUREAU
`The set has been working for the au-
thor for the last three months in a
most congested metropolitan area with- 119 West 57th Street New York, N. Y.
out once giving the least bit of trouble
.from interference.
Page so All apparatus advertised in this magazine has been tested and approved by POPULAR RADIO LABORATORY
other makes have a 12 -volt battery types of speakers, I decided that there
(6 cells); to use one of them on a radio, was a possibility of building one myself
This vari- you would have to make a tap at the that would suit me better.
able grid center and use half at a time. I chose the roll type, as it would lend
leak pro-
vides the
grid leak value for best results with
every tube.Try it on your set and no-
tice the greatly improved reception.
I si
fect fila-
mentcon- R..
trol. Easily
installed in
place of rheo-
stats now in service. Gives noiseless,
stepless filament control for all tubes.
Use Bradleystats on your next set.
- Cï With a tasteful finish on the paper rolls and the wooden frame, this
reproducer may be made into an interesting addition to the furniture
of the radio room or library.
All apparatus advertised in this magazine has been tested and approved by POPULAR RADIO LABORATORY Pair 81
Note automatic oscillation controls,
automatic locator rings and special con-
A socket is not just a socket-not for
AC tubes. The new AC tubes draw up
to WI amperes. They therefore need
No. 427 the firm, full length contact of Na -ald
For 5 Prong UY 227 Tubes parallel constant - pressure contacts.
The A. C. contacts must also be on the
outside of the tube prongs. They need
to be sturdy, firm and of sufficient cross
section to carry the current. "It's the
contact that counts."
FOR MOUNTING IMPORTANT- Na-ald sockets and
FIGURE 1: The two strips leaning on the the new locator rings are covered by
frame are to be pressed into the grooves patents and patents pending.
to keep the edges of the roll in position.
Na -ald A. C. sockets are not an adapta-
tion of a battery socket, but are de-
itself more to my room than other types. signed particularly to meet A. C. re-
But after building one of the conven- quirements. Note the automatic locator
tional weight and shape, I found that if ring; colored for easy visibility and to
it were hung on the wall it would beat a No. 423 indicate the type of tube to put in
tattoo and if allowed to lean against the For 5 Prong UY 227 Tubes
each socket. Green for No. 227 or de-
wall and rest on the floor, it would dance tector tube, red for No. 226 or all pur-
a jig. So I decided to build one accord- pose tubes and orange for the power
ing to my own ideas. tube. The locator ring makes it pos-
I found that a light framework would sible to aim the tube at the locator
not do, as the roll was so large as to ring, close your eyes, turn the tube and
it slips smoothly and easily into place.
It removes as easily with no clinging
springs to jar the heater and shorten
its life.
Resistor jacks are incorporated in No.
422, No. 424 and No. 426. Grid resis-
tors or suppressors slip into these jacks
No. 424
or slots and connect in series with the
prong and the rest of the circuit.
For UX 226 and all UX Brass Tubes grid
When resistor is removed the circuit is
automatically closed. See page 3 in the
Na -ald book "What to Build" for list
of values of resistances.
Na -ald contacts are nickeled phosphor
bronze alloy rolled to our specifications.
These specifications are the results of
the experience and study in the making
of millions of socket contacts. Na -ald
sockets are made for the set -constructor
laboratory, engineers as well as for the
No. 481 t; largest commercial set manufacturer.
Here are ,the new Centralab
units designed especially for /9" /9-
use in socket power circuits
to carry continuously an un-
usually heavy current for
their size, providing sniootll
acting control under all
Centralab Power Rheostat is
warp- proof, heat -proof, permit-
ting continuous operation at tem-
peratures of 482e F. and beyond.
Resistance wire is wound on
metal core, asbestos in-
sula led. Core expands
with wire, insuring smooth
action. Narrow resist. '1a-
Alice strips give small re-
sistance jumps per turn,
further insurance of evert THE DIMENSIONS OF THE PAPER ROLL
regulation. Compact 2" FIGURE 3: The roll should be cut along the solid lines. around the
diameter, 1" behind panel. edge and creased along the broken vertical line in the center.
Ohms -500, 250, 150, 50,
15, 6, 3, .2, .S-price
cause the frame to vibrate; and if the The roll is made from one piece of
1P4011WEF:P frame were not attached rigidly to some Alhambra Fon -o -Tex, 38 inches square.
Centralab object large enough to hold it, it would The roll is cut out according to the
PotentiometeR make a noise due to the vibration of the
frame against the object with which it
dimensions shown in Figure 3, and
creased along the center. This is
This new unit is identical with the
Power Rheostat except for an ad- was in contact. I also found that it was done by drawing a line through the
ditional terminal, and is especially
suited to obtain variable voltages impossible to tack the edges of the roll center with a fingernail file, length-
for detector tube and variable "C" to the frame and not have the edge vi- wise with the way that it comes off the
bias in socket power circuits. 15,
150, 250 ohms, $1.50; 2,000, $1.75;
5,000, 52.00.
brate against it.
The framework was made heavy, es-
e1-t3 TERMINAL pecially the base and upright part. as
was also the cross -piece that supports
rotenüometem With an added semi -vari-
the driving device. A glance at the
framework shown in Figure 2 seems to
able contact arm, this new
potentiometer Is Identical show it as rather cumbersome, but it
Io the above units. The
4th terndual Is adjustable is none too heavy for good operation.
behind panel to any re-
sistance value. 175 ohm
In fact, if it were heavier it might be
unit gives 2 variable volt- better. The two vertical sections of
ages in ABC power cir-
cuits. 250 ohms Is used
the frame are 2 inches square. The top
with the new Raytheon
ABC. The 2.000 is used and bottom cross -section are 1;4 inches
fer "C" bias in such circuits
as Auger -Trap forer Pack. Two square, while the unit support cross -
0,000 ohm 11111g In aerie. across
output or a "B" dhninetor gives
best possible voltage regulation. 175,
section is 6 inches by I¡¡ inches dimen-
2 n
tuna, $2.00: 2,000, 3.000. 5,000, sions. The base pieces and the two top
corner caps, while not so easily made,
At your dcale,-'., or C. O. D.
Ncnd for new Aar, power add much to the appearance of the
rirruite and dreuita for im-
p,nred B poker control. speaker. All joints are mortised and
glued. The upright pieces are grooved
Central Radio Laboratories
to receive the edges of the roll. The
17 Keefe Ave. Milwaukee, Wisconsin
groove is g inch deep and }8 inch wide.
Two strips are made the exact size of
the grooves, beveled so that when viewed
from the end they will look like key-
stones; they are pressed in behind the
rolls. Figure 1 shows the strips leaning on
the frame. The base pieces are four-
teen inches long. They were carved from
FIGURE 4: The heavy board supporting
the reproducer prevents the framework
stock a little heavier than two inches, from vibrating with the reproducer.
All apparatus advertised in tins magazine has been tested and approved by POPULAR RADIO LABORATORY Page 83
ró11. - It is now folded and the crease
is pressed with a cold iron. Midway
along this crease the operating device is
attached, as shown in Figures 1 and 4.
I used a Western Electric unit. After
the frame has been completed and the
roll thus far made it is placed in the
The TRUTH about
frame and six triangular sections taken
out of each end; the edges are then
brought together and glued. The pieces
which are cut out are 34 inch by 2 or
The term "engineering" has been grossly and frequently misapplied to the design
3 inches. The armature is now attached. of radio parts. Engineering in the modern, American sense, indicates the develop-
and you have a speaker that is inferior ment of methods by which, in the quickest. least expensive way. the specifications
to none. of a given result can be met profitably. On this basis, the PILOT ELECTRIC
M.P.G. COMPANY is one of the very few radio parts manufacturers whose prod-
-B. G. TILLEY, Matoaka, W. Va. ucts represent the application of modern scientific and industrial engineering.
Angeles, California
The No. 304 Truphonic Amplifier, price panel in the form of wood blocks or
can be attached to any radio
cleats screwed to panel and baseboard.
a few minutes.
set in It will bring Packing Radio Sets for
your set up -to -date, give it better For additional security, excelsior can
quality and more volume. You can-
not be convinced until you hear it. Shipment be packed between the set and the walls
Why not see your dealer for a demon- IT is rather difficult to pack radio re-
stration to -day, or order one direct. of the packing box on all sides. In
ceiving or transmitting sets for ship- order to keep the excelsior from getting
_ ment by express or parcel post in inside of the set, several layers of papers
such a manner that they will not be should be spread over the set before the
damaged in transit. It is particularly excelsior is put into the box. If ex-
\ji Audio Soli I .w_
difficult to ship a set that is not in a celsior is not available, wadded news-
cabinet, as it is hard to support' and papers may be used for the packing
protect the panel in order to keep it around the set. The tubes should be re-
from getting broken. If perfect pro- moved from the sockets before the set is
tection is desired, the set must be packed. If they are to be shipped with
packed so tightly that there will be no the set, the best way to pack them is to
danger of it jarring around inside of the replace them in their original cardboard
The No. 303 Amplification set, price $15.00,
including special first stage unit to packing box and becoming damaged. cartons and put them in the excelsior
prevent motor- boating or humming,
together with No. 300 Output unit. But if the set is packed too tightly in that is packed on top of the set. Any
price $5.00, is ideal for the set builder. the box, there is always the chance that small extra pieces of apparatus may be
Truphonic can be used with any set.
It is easy to wire up, and can be used it will be crushed by the very tightness packed by fastening them to the inside
with battery or A. C. tubes and all
power tubes. Write to -day for the of the packing. If the set is to be of the back or top of the box.
Tru honic story and booklet "What shipped in its cabinet, it can be packed The top of the box should be fastened
to Build," Dept. T2.
in a wooden box that fits closely around on with wood screws, so that it can be
ALDEN MANUFACTURING CO. the cabinet on all sides except the front, removed easily and replaced if the set
Springfield, Mass. where the panel is located. Layers of is returned in the same box. The box
cloth or paper can be put between the should be marked plainly with crayola.
shipping box and the sides of the heavy pencil, or paint. It is best to
nnnglommsnnnrnOn011W nnnOnnnrnnmllllnrnnnnnnlnnnlmnt
cabinet to keep the latter from getting write THIS SIDE UP on the top of the
AU apparatus advertised in t its magazine has been tested and approved by POPULAR RADIO LABORATORY Page 85
box. The address of the party to whom
the set is sent and the address of the
sender must be plainly marked on the
box in several places, taking care that
To and FROM are written before the
address and return address respectively.
It is better that printing be used for the Ii w
addresses. As an additional precaution,
MENT-FRAGILE should be conspicuously
printed on the box. It is also wise to of profits is
insure the set; for no matter how care-
fully the set is packed, there is always the only noise
the chance that it. may be damaged or
lost in shipment. in this
Angeles, Cal. absolutely dry os
* * ¡( 11 ,
ul .
"Keep Your Condensers
Clean" Pow[ QJioï
MUCH radio trouble can be traced to
Fo R
particles of dust getting between the
condenser plates. The moral is -keep
your condensers clean. A pipe cleaner
is a very handy article for cleaning be-
sea Builders
!i !
tween the plates, as it is unnecessary to
take the condenser apart.
-L. C. FERGUSON, Ontario, California Knapp A i'owrn KIT
Our money making proposition for Set Builders
A Simple Battery Switch is making the Knapp "A Power Unit. " 4
A NEAT and simple switch for dis- Big Profit and Perfect Satisfaction Guaranteed. 1-
of the
Port Chester, N. Y.
in the circuit as shown here; the lamp s. Quick and easy profits with the Knapp special plan
should be placed across the filament circuit. for set builders.
Page 86 AU apparatus advertised in this magazine has been tested and approved by POPULAR RADIO LABORATORY
FIGURE 4: The various terminal and studs on the top panel are re-
ferred to in the text by the numbers in this diagram. Tice dotted
lines indicate wires that run under the panel; these must be completed
before the panel is mounted.
TUNED RADIO FREQUENCY KIT At this point it would be well to start incidentally, are lettered Cl and C2 in
Especially designed for the Improved Hera the screws, but not tighten them all Figure 3 and one is shown on top of
Dyne 6. Kit consists of 4 twice -matched units.
Adaptable to 201 -A, 199. 112. and the new 240 the way down. the other.
and A. C. Tubes. Tuning range below 200 to
above 550 meters. The builder is now ready to mount When the work of mounting is corn-
This kit will make any circuit better in selec- the input and output receptacle mount- pleted, there is nothing left to do but
tivity, tono and range. Will eliminate losses ing. In this particular item two recep- to make the necessary connections,
wed give the greatest receiving efficiency.
Code No. U -16 (for .0005 Cond.)
tacles, one for the input of the trans- which are unusually few in number.
Codo No. U -163 (for .00035 Cond.) $15.00 former and another for the output of That these connections may be made
the rectifier, are mounted on a single quickly and conveniently, the table
metal bracket, together with a toggle below should be referred to. It shows
u.v(PSAL Sect PS[w)Privt switch, which is used to break the pri- the necessary lengths of wire used be-
mary current of the transformer. The tween the various points.
toggle switch, unlike the receptacle, is Lead Sleeve
not supplied in place and must be at- Lead from 11 to M- 3g ins. 2t/z ins.
tached to the plate, using the knurled 10 to W- 4 ins. 2/ ins.
lock rings supplied for this purpose. 10 to 12- 5 ins. 33 ins.
9 to 13- 634 ins. 5'/z ins.
One of the switch leads is connected to P to 22-I13-ins. 10X ins.
AERO SEVEN the receptacle prong, B, and the other N to 21 -10t/' ins. 9% ins.
lead to the switch is connected to the 14 to start of secondary, 9%
Especially designed for the Aero y. Kit coneiate ins. rubber -covered wire, with
of 3 twice- matched units. Coils are wound on input or primary side of the trans-
Bakelite skeletal forms, assuring a 95 per cent. former. The other receptacle prong, Q, terminal on 14 end.
air dielectric. Tuning range from below 200
to above 550 meters. Adaptable to 210 -A. 199. is connected to the other side of the Tap No. 8 (Figures 3 and 4) of
112. and the new 240 and A. C. Tubes.
Code No. U -12 (for .0005 Cod.) 312.00
transformer primary. After this opera- the transformer, A, is shown connected
Code No. U -123 (for .00035 Cond.) $12.00 tion, the switch and receptacle plate to a small resistance, T. This resist-
NOTE: All AERO Universal Kits for may be screwed into place with the 6/32 ance is supplied with a pig tail and
in tuned radio frequency circuits have
Packed in each coil with a fixed
primary, screws and washers intended for this connecting sleeve which can be instantly
a twice-matched calibration slip showing
the reading of each fixed primary AERO
purpose. slipped over any one of the transformer
Universal Coil at 250 and 500 meters: all At this point the builder should tap studs, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8. In
having an accurate and simdar calibra- mount all of the apparatus on the
tion. Be sure to keep these slips. They're Figure 3, however, it is shown con-
valuable if you decide to add another R. wooden baseboard. This should be done nected to No. 8. The resistance, T, is
F. Stage to your set.
so that the steel base-plate carrying the also supplied with a sleeve which slips
transformer and choke is Y8 inch from over stud No. 9, shown in Figure 4.
We have arranged to furnish the home the end of the wooden board. This It will be seen that this stud No. 9 is
set builder with complete Foundation
Units for the above named Circuits, permits the receptacle prongs to pro- connected underneath the bakelite
drilled and engraved on Westinghouse
Micarta. Detailed blue -prints for both trude the correct distance, when the panel to No. 13. The opposite end of
battery and A. C. operation and wiring metal shield is finally put in place the transformer secondary (see 14a,
diagram for each circuit included with
every foundation unit free. Write for in- after the assembly work has been corn - Figure 2) is now connected to the post,
formation and prices.
pleted. Directly back of the trans- 14, of the rectifier unit. This completes
You should be able to get any of the above former and choke are mounted two spe-
Aero Coils and parts from your dealer. If the connections on the rectifier unit
he should be out of stock order direct from cial dry condensers. Metal straps are made to the transformer, A.
the factory.
provided for these, so that the con- Being a full -wave unit, three output
AERO PRODUCTS, INC. densers can be held to the baseboard terminals are supplied to the rectifier;
Dept. 104 with wood screws. The relative posi- these are numbered 10, 11 and 12. It
1772 Wilson Ave., Chicago, Ill. tions of all these parts is very clearly will be noted that 10 was connected
shown in Figure 3. The condensers, to 12 previously, and that 10 was car-
Page 87
All apparatus advertised in this magazine has been tested and approved by POPULAR RADIO LABORATORY
ried on over to the post, W, in Fig-
ure 4. From W the connection is
carried further to the red lead of the
condenser C1. This connection to the
red lead is very important, since the
red signifies positive and this is the
positive terminal of the rectifier unit.
To cross connections here would ruin
the condenser. From the condenser the
connection is carried to one side of the
choke Ll, which happens to be the
choke which is mounted beside the
transformer under the bakelite connec-
tion plate. These two latter connec-
tions are referred to in Figure 2 as
15 and 17. The opposite side of the
choke, I.1, represented by connection
13a in Figure 2, is connected to the
red terminal lead of condenser C2, and
thence onto the positive side of the
output receptacle, which is the hori- `Phythm, Symphony or Soprano --
zontal one and marked 21 in Figure 2.
Going back to the output of the rec-
tifier unit, it will be noted that a lead
was previously brought from M, which
is the binding post on the top of the
Whatever it is that Radio brings to
your set you can get it crystal clear
undistorted with the
bakelite panel, to 11, which is the cen-
ter tap on the output side of the rec-
tifier unit. Reference is again made to
Figure 4, which shows these two ter-
It will be found that some adjust- in your locality to profitably devote All material will be furnished you
ment on the output voltage will be nec- your spare time or all your time to a free of charge and you will be paid
an attractive commission and salary.
- -- -
essary, and this is done by bringing a and Pprofitable
pleasant, easyY an
P ro business Mail coupon for full particulars.
connection from T to the proper tap -one that does not require any train- POPULAR RADIO, Dept. 46,
of the transformer. While the output t
.. ing or capital. 119 W. 57th St., New York City.
taps are marked from one to eight, it The publishers of POPULAR RADIO Send me full particulars regarding
should not be assumed that this sig- S offer you an opportunity to become your salary and commission offer to J.
nifies the number of valves to be used. their local representative to take care local representatives. 4
bof expiring subscriptions and new sub-
It will be found, for instance, in the
case of a five -valve set, that a tap some-
; scriptions for POPULAR RADIO and one
where between three and six may work fotherpublish.
popular magazine that they
best, when 201 -a type valves are used.
Page 88 All apparatus advertised in this magazine has been tested and approved by POPULAR RADIO LABORATORY
Type OB No.
Air Column 104 inches
Radio Parts Salvaged From punched others in the bottom and sides
Bell 18" x 24 "; depth 13" the Junk Pile with a hammer and a spike. He dug
a pit in the cellar and sunk the pail in it.
Racon Horns insure quality of perform- ALONG with the stuffed owl, the hor-
ance much more naturally than that ob- Through the pail he drove the pipe down
tained by ally other mode of amplification nets' nest, the squirrel skins and the eight feet. He attached his ground wire
because of the true scientific principles of deer's antlers in Roy Bates' den, he had to this and to a water pipe; two grounds
design and the exclusive material em- a copper tank from the wreck of a boot- halve the resistance. Filled with water,
ployed. Every Racon Horn conforms to legger's boat. the pail automatically kept the ground
the latest theory of exponential design. Some boys will sell an old tank for
The RACON Process assures uniform- wet and the connection good.
ity; strength; maximum quality; minimum money to go to the movies. But Bates The wintry wind howled its defiance;
weight. had a better idea: he saw in it an im- there was a thrill in sitting in his cozy
For further details address proved radio aerial. den, bringing in the far -off voices.
He set it on four insulators, soldered "This is WMBF," said an announcer.
a lead -in wire to it and connected it with Miami Beach, Florida! That was
18.24 Washington PL New York, N. Y. his receiver. And it brought in WTAM, reaching out!
Cleveland, Ohio, and other distant sta-
_111 II It tions.
Bates joined the tank with his 110 -
The man at the mike announced an
intermission. "It is very warm here
we are all going to have some ice -
foot outdoor aerial. Pulling together, cream," he said.
From the
"Big, Friendly
Radio House"
NEW 1928 Book
offers finest, new-
est well -known sets;
parts, eliminators,
accessories at lowest
Dealers -
Write for this
Western Radio
136 West Lake St. Dept. 51 With this old copper tank salvaged from the wreck of a bootlegger's
CHICAGO. ILL. boat, Roy Bates improvised an antenna that brought in broadcasters
from across the continent.
All apparatus advertised in t is magazine has been tested and approved by POPULAR RADIO LABORATORY Page 89
rect voltage, but more have none. Op-
erators usually judge by the brightness
of the filament, or by the sound; both
gOre an old Radio Set or refit
one-insist upon
of these methods are inaccurate.
Men who temper steel can judge its
temperature by its color, but that takes
years of experience. Even highly SPECIFIED
in this issue for the
trained vision cannot tell by the glow
of a filament whether it is receiving for Clarity, Tone, Longer Life
the proper voltage or not. Sound is
equally unreliable, for atmospheric con-
A type for every radio need. VICTOREEN
Your dealer will help you select and
ditions change the volume.
the types needed for your set
Beginners sometimes crowd the fila-
ment because increase of voltage C. E. MFG. CO., INC.
National Power
Providwte. R. t. U S. A.
usually increases the sound and seems
to promise better results. Reducing the Amplifiers
voltage suggests loss of power to a be-
ginner, although, in fact, it often is the
only thing that will bring in the broad-
cast clearly. Even the ear sometimes
becomes an accessory to the murder of
the valve, because after hearing loud
sounds, lower ones of great clarity and
beauty may seem weak.
After a filament is damaged by too
high voltages, it may be unable to emit
enough electrons without excessive volt-
age. It is then a sick filament and
will die an untimely death. The thou- PRICE
sand hours or more of service that it
might have given if used properly may
be reduced by more than half.
Most valves used in receivers do not Ready to Attach
need to burn brightly, as they are not
intended for use as electric lights. They
may operate efficiently at such low tem-
peratures that the glow cannot be seen
The Pacent
in daylight unless a deep shadow is
thrown on the filament.
The way to make a valve give the
PHONOVOX (THE Electric Pick-up)
best results for the longest time is to
give it the minimum current that will
produce clear tones. Those who cannot Brings Wonderful New Tone Quality
be happy without making a loud noise
will find it cheaper to turn off the to Your Favorite Records
juice in the radio set and use a horn ATTACH the Pacent PHONOVOR and quickly attached to your radio and
operated by hot air. to your radio and phonograph! phonograph without tools or making
* * Play one of your favorite records! The any changes in wiring. There are no
wonderful tone quality of reproduc- adjustments to make-nothing to wear
Rheostat Regulates Loud- tion ; the greater volume will amaze
speaker Volume and delight you-giving you at the out or get out of order-and it will last
S. R. HIPPLE, a radio inventor of small cost of $12.50 the superb repro- indefinitely. All good radio and phono-
Williamsport, Pennsylvania, reports that duction equivalent to the costly electric graph dealers handle the PHONO-
a filkostat, or pressure type rheostat, phonograph. VOX. Ask for it by name and accept
inserted in the circuit between the "B"
battery and the plate of the last am- And the PHONOVOX is so easily no substitute.
plifier valve will control the volume of Sold and demonstrated by dealers everywhere
the loudspeaker. Other types of rheo-
stats might be employed, but only those PACENT RADIO CORPORATION
wire rheostats that have vernier attach- 156 West 16th Street New York
ments give as smooth and continuous Makers of the famous Pacent Balanced Cone
adjustments as a good rheostat of the Manufacturing Licensee for Great Britain and Ireland, Igranic Electric Co., Ltd., Bedford, England
pressure type.
Page 90 AU apparatus advertised in this magazine has been tested and approved by POPULAR RADIO LABORATORY
force the apex of the big cone. This previously cut from the adhesive fabric,
is cut along the solid line, smeared with across the slit.
cement to the edge of the segment and Now the builder is ready to examine
held in shape until it dries, thereby the job. If that is right, the 18-inch
forming a tiny cone which will later strip of adhesive fabric is dampened
be fitted snugly inside the front cone. and run from the apex of the cone to
This particular speaker is supplied the edge on the inside of the cone.
with an extra -heavy back ring, which The little reinforcing cone which was
is cut out of very heavy, durable board previously cut out and cemented to-
of special composition. The cement is gether should now be spread with ce-
poured on one side of the back ring ment and fastened onto the inside of
and spread freely over the outer ring. the apex of the front cone. With a
Care should be taken to see that none sharp instrument punch a hole in the
of the cement gets on the cross -arm exact apex, working from the inside of
The back ring is now ready to place the cone out.
on the back cone at the points indi- There is now nothing left to do but
cated on the prepared paper. Heavy assemble the driving unit which is sup-
weights should be applied and sufficient plied. First thread the smaller of the
time allowed to insure adequate drying. two conical discs on the chuck. The
Now apply the binding braid to the chuck should be run from the outside
outer edge of the cone, making sure t' rough the hole at the apex of the
Model LC- 28 -D -20 Walnut that it folds over the outer edge in front cone, and the larger of the two
such a manner that half of it is bound discs threaded on the chuck inside the
$70.00 to the front cone and half to the back. front cone. A nut is run under the
The authorized cabinets for the LC -28. A few clothes-pins will help in holding thread and fastened securely. Figure 4
Made to take the aluminum 6x26-inch the braid until it is dry. shows the position of the parts.
panel, with 25 degree slope. Next, the builder must fasten the The builder must now take steps to
back ring latch to the back with a nail fasten the cross -arm to the back ring
or scriber, or some other sharp- pointed securely by means of the nuts, bolts
instrument. Reference to Figure 3 and washers .supplied.
will assist the builder in visualizing this Onto the long thread at one end of
important step. each of the two unit mountings place
The builder now takes the adhesive a nut, and run it all the way up the
fabric which is supplied and cuts off thread. Slide a washer against it.
a strip about 18 inches long. From
' Working from the inside, run the re-
the part of the fabric that is left the mainder of the long thread through the
Model "C" Walnut builder should cut as many ''4 -inch holes in the back ring which are on
The ultimate in elaborate and attractive strips as possible. The cone is then each side of the center hole. Still an-
radio cabinets is offered in our model "C." held as shown in Figure 3, and the other washer should be placed on each
It is an adaptation of the old Italian latch closed, making sure that the of the unit mountings, together with a
Chests, being designed and decorated after tongue slides into the groove. The cone nut which is run up so that the nut is
the spirit of the Renaissance period.
should adjust itself, conforming per- flush with the end of the unit mount-
Grooved for 3/16 -inch panel with re-
movable top rail. Fancy top stay and fectly to the proper shape. If it should ing. The. special cone speaker unit may
piano hinge are applied. fail to do this, due to some slight in- then be put in place, holding the speaker
PRICE LIST accuracy, the constructor should care- with one hand with the apex pointing
fully bring it into shape with his hands. straight down. The driving rod or
Walnut Only It will be noted that the edges of the stylus should be carefully guided so that
Panel 10 in. 12 in. Mounting wedge -shaped piece, which were cut it will thread into the chuck. And here
Size deep deep Weight Boards from the front cone in an earlier part the builder must be careful not to bend
7x18 .16.. ]7. 20 .90
7x21 17.00 1R.rA1 2R 1.00
of the construction, come to a butt the driving rod or to puncture the cone.
7x24 10.00 20.90 31
7x20 20.90 22.00 34 1.20 joint. Lay the cone on a smooth. hard The remainder of the parts involved
7x28 ..... 23.00 37 tan surface with the slit down, as shown in bringing the cone to a workable con-
7x30 ..... 24.00 90 1.40 .
for in Figure 3. Work should be done on dition are so simple that it is not nec-
Corbett cabinets arc in stock ready
shipment. the inside, with the edges of the slit essary to describe them fully. The
tight up against one another. They mounting of the accessories that come
Write for illustrated folders. should be held down tightly with one with the kit is accomplished in a short
CORBETT CABINET MFG. CO. hand while the other hand is used to time, and the unit is ready to be hooked
ST. MARYS, PENNA. glue the 4-inch strips, which had been up to the receiver output.
All apparatus advertised in this magazine has been tested and approved by POPULAR RADIO LABORATORY Page 91
/You Will
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T5 H ERE w
Now Free-Send for your copy today: S
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A lot of information in a small space. Just da
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Page 92 All apparatus advertised in this magazine has been tested and approved by POPULAR RADIO LABORATORY
Audio Frequency Transformers
2 TYPE AF -3
Give more and better amplifi-
cation than any other audio UN/e,I6
combination 9M/L/F/E.P
operating under identical conditions with
standard equipment
Ferranti stands behind this claim of
superiority. Try this quality trans- A POWER OPERATED HOOK -UP
former. Compare it with others, FIGURE 4: By the use of the LC -28 Unipac
and you will be convinced of its amplifier, and suitable reproducer and pick -up /%cEN/
outstanding merit. For volume, units, batteryless reproduction from phono- .f/.Pnoief,E'
quality and range of reproduction graph records may be obtained. The units
you have never heard its equal. shown above were found very satisfactory.
Specified for Popular Hook -Ups
BI Choke, for Vitrohm D. C. Elimina-
tor, $10.00 frequency amplifier, just described, is pac amplifier, the details of construc-
Type AF-4, torM rmer Circuit $8.50 connected with "B" and "C" batteries tion of which were given in the Novem-
Push -Pull Units forVitrohmD.C. and with an Abox "A" eliminator, that ber, 1927, issues, of POPULAR RADIO.
90 Volt Power Amplifier replaces the ordinary storage battery, This amplifier, as said before, is com-
Type AF-4C. Input $9 00 and with a Racon exponential type re- pletely power operated, and when con-
Type OP-7C, Output 9.00
Send for complete data on 90 volt D. C.
producer, equipped with a Baldwin unit. nected, as shown in Figure 4, to an
power amplifier, glvingvolumoand Quality
equal to 180 volt amplifiers on A. C.
This combination, in which each part electric pick -up unit and a suitable re-
properly co-ordinates with every other producer, will give exceptionally high
New Type AF-5 Transformer $14.00
Type AF -3 Transformer 12.00 part, gives exceptionally fine tone re- volume with excellent tone quality. It
Bulletins I to 13 give helpful Information sults with the new electric -cut phono- needs no external batteries of any kind
on better audio amplification, along with
formeers. not isteothere. Send for it. graph records. for its operation, as it uses one 227
There is no charge. A Zetka ZAF vacuum valve has been type amplifier valve in the first stage
West 42nd St., New York, N. Y.
found to operate best in socket D1, and
a Zetka ZAO type vacuum valve works
and a 210 type amplifier valve in the
second stage. There is also included
FERRANTI ELECTRIC, Ltd. best in socket D2 of the low- frequency in the Unipac an 874 voltage -regulator
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
FERRANTI, Ltd. amplifier. These are new type valves valve and two 216 -b rectifier valves.
Hollinwood, England
especially designed for quality repro- An extension cord is fitted to the unit
duction. for plugging into the lighting lines
In setting up this combination, the whenever the phonograph is to be used.
KARAS A- C- FORMER "A" eliminator and the "B" battery, This combination is satisfactory where
FILAMENT SUPPLY as well as the low-frequency amplifier, exceptionally large volume is desired.
TYPE 12 may be placed in a portion of the pho- With this combination the new electric -
LIST PRICE nograph cabinet with the Racon repro- cut records reproduce with such startling
$13.56 ducer, connected by a Belden extension quality that the listener is almost led
cord, on the other side of the room. to believe the song or music is being
The old sound box on the phonograph executed for the first time, while it is
is not used, and this space is, there- being played. The reproduction sounds
fore, made available for most of this like the original.
apparatus. The complete installation on either
This combination is suitable for ordi- of these two units can be done in less
nary home reception and will give than fifteen minutes, once the low -
plenty of volume for this use -many frequency amplifier is constructed.
times more than the old -style phono- A phonograph so improved will com-
graph, with a beautiful tone quality. pare. favorably with the latest type of
electrically operated commercial phono-
The Second Combination
graphs, as it will then contain substan-
Another combination that is totally tially the same type of apparatus. And
NO HUM!volt
At last you mn step down your 110 A. C. bouse
power operated from the 110-volt, 60- while a completely new phonograph
current to operate your set with standard A. C. tubes such cycle AC lighting lines, is shown in the would cost many hundreds of dollars,
as Cunningham. RCA and CeCo, without having to use pictorial hook -up in Figure 4. The
separate device for center tap, and with ABSOLUTELY either one of these units can be in-
NO HUM. You can convert your present battery - nucleus of this unit is the LC -28 Uni- stalled at comparatively low cost.
operated set to A. C. by letting the Karns A- C- Former
Filament Supply. Type 12. replace your'"A" Battery and
charger. VIII operate fi 1 -volt Type 226 or 326 Tubes.
2 254 -volt Type 227 or 327 Tubes, and 2 5-volt Type 177
Tubes at one time. Compact. powerful. sturdy and built
the Karns Way -by precision methods. Write for com-
plete information about the new Earns A- C- Former and
also data on the Knickerbocker 4 and Karns 2 -Dial
" This Is Europe &peaking"
4029-A North Rockwell Street, Chicago Or maybe it's Australia or Africa. All these countries
will be in the receiving range of your old receiver, if
you plug in the Teletrol wavelifter that adapts any
receiver to the magic world ofd short -wave reception.
Don't fail to get the complete constructional details of
this marvelous new device in the February issue of
All apparatus advertised in this magazine has been tested and approved by POPULAR RADIO LABORATORY
Pase 93
Specified for the same wire, run a lead along the base
between the impedance units and coils.
lug of this condenser should be con-
nected to the grid post of socket J1,
Modern Push -pull and connect this wire to the front ter-
minal of amperite P. From this wire
and thence to the right -hand bottom
terminal of the enameled wire winding
make connections to the "F" negative of coil A. The right -hand filament post
Amplifier -)
( terminal of impedance Hl, and of this socket' should be connected to
The selection of Modern Type M Transformers also to the "F" negative ( -) and "B" the remaining terminal of amperite O.
for this circuit confirms the decision of dozens
of leading engineers that Modern Type M positive ( +) terminals of transformer The remaining lug of condenser Q con-
Push -pull Amplification produces the finest re- G, and thence to the remaining outer nects to this same lead.
sults yet obtained.
For this circuit, or for any audio amplifier you lug of potentiometer K. The panel should now be screwed to
may be considering, Type Ai Transformers will From the "B" Det. terminal of the the baseboard for the completion of the
give you the best combination of volume, tone
and true reproduction. cable plug, W, run a wire to the center wiring. First solder the two leads to
Type M -1 and M -2, 1st and 2nd stage, $8.50 terminal of the primary of coil B, and the terminals of switch S. Connect the
each. Type M -3, output, $8.00. Type M-4 and
M -5, Push -pull. $10.00 each. By mail if your make a connection from this lead to two extreme outer terminals (these
dealer cannot supply you.
the nearer terminal of condenser Ql. point upward) of the dial lights, and
From the "B" Amp. post of W run a run a wire from this connection to the
f e
present address of foreign amateurs. POPU-
LAR RADIO is also doing the foreign ama- \\'N
teur the service of forwarding his QSL
cards to the proper destination in this
country. In addition, the magazine will -the set with tuned audio amplif'ca tiov'
publish a monthly list in the "Transoceanic
Calls Heard" column. Address your cards
to the foreign amateurs by call number
and enclose them in envelopes to-
The Calls Heard Editor
119 West S7th Street, New York
For specific uses see "How to Build a Phonograph Amplifier" and the "New Receiver" in this issue. 4
whfch tai he
opera! t.oP?_ ASNINGTON
o is who from the
urn PD have waited- Ma"
d warQ
E.01tit4VAI p nor, ro
STORIES in regard to the com-
ing of AC tubes which would NEjj7ñSD
operate from houselighting
circuits have appeared in various
newspapers, arousing a climax of
anticipation in the public mind The metal outside case is easily
last spring. and quickly removed.
With the acquisition of a license The set is solidly mounted on a
by The Crosley Radio Corporation stout steel chassis. As all controls
under a large group of patents con- are assembled together in the front,
trolled by The Radio Corporation cabinet panels are easily cut to
of America, American Telephone allow their protrusion. The metal
and Telegraph Company. General escutcheon is screwed on over the
Electric Company, Westinghouse shafts and the installation has all
Electric and Manufacturing Com- the appearance of being built to
pany. etc., the Crosley E. The number and quality of the order.
AC Bandboxis possible features Powel Crosley, Jr.. has Two large furniture manufactures '.rave
through the use of the nalia which requires
attention, care and ear- built in it for the price! designed console cabinets in which the
new R.C.A. alternating -And what value Crosley has Bandbox can be superbly installed
current tubes -UX226 ly replacement. (Showers Bros. Mfg. Co. of Bloomingion
added in: Ind.. and ehe Wolf Mfg. Ind. of Kokomo
andUY227.Thesetubes This set incorporates
utilize for their fila- the famous Mershon 1. Complete shielding of all ele- lad.) Powel
ments and heating self-healing electrolytic Crosley. Jr.. has
ments. approved them
regular alternating cur- condenser. It elimi- 2. Absolute balance (genuine Neu - mechanically
rent from the house - nates the danger of trodyne). and acoustically
lighting circuit. . blowing out paper con- 3. Volume control. and has seen to
densers which have 4. Acuminatora for sharpest tun- it that the fa-
The current is stepped
down by means of a
caused so much diffi- in. mous Crosley
M usicones are
transformer without culty in electrically 5. Sin gle cable connections built in them so
need of rectifiers to operated sets. 6. Single station selector. thatthebesttype
7. illuminated dial. of loud speaker
supply the heat necessary for the The Crosley AC Bandbox with the reproduction
functioning of the tubes. 8. Adaptability to ANY type
The new alternating current tubes is may be insured.
converter box. which is included truly revolutionary, and brings installation.
This is the kind
with the Crosley AC Bandbox to the radio user an entirely of a radio you
can be tucked away out of sight. new conception of care -free radio. Today's radio must be adaptable have been wait-
It is connected to the Bandbox This AC model together with to the home. It must fit into all ing for-the real
kinds of con;itions. Perhaps you direct electric set 535
by a cable and also supplies the the battery type BANDBOX
current for the plate voltages which works with standard power have a bookcase corner -a
desk that requires absolutely no attention.
on the tubes, replacing B batteries. supply units and storage batteries. compartment -achest -or even a What if it does run all night! Who
is the country's most talked of bureau drawer where it could be cares? No rtin down batteries greet you
Thus the Crosley AC Bandbox radio! The popularity centers tucked away. Maybe you want it in the morning. You owe it to yourself
functions entirely from the regular to he part of the furnishings, as an to see the Bandbox and listen to its
around two major factors: remarkable performance. If you cannot
houselighting current without need impressive console or credenza easily locate the nearest Crosley dealer.
of batteries, battery chargers. or 1. The imposing array of patents cabinet. The Bandbox fits in his name and address will be supplied
any of the other usual parapher- under which it is built. everywhere. on request. Write Dept. 16.
Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico and West, prices slightly higher
$...... > '. '\~