CA FINAL FR RTP May 2024 - CASE STUDY - Word File - DONE
CA FINAL FR RTP May 2024 - CASE STUDY - Word File - DONE
CA FINAL FR RTP May 2024 - CASE STUDY - Word File - DONE
As per para 16(c) of Ind AS 16, elements of cost of PPE includes the initial estimate of the costs
of dismantling and removing the item and restoring the site on which it is located, the obligation
for which an entity incurs either when the item is acquired or as a consequence of having used
the item during a particular period for purposes other than to produce inventories during
that period.
2. Option (b): ` 170 lakhs
Cash flow from operating activities – Indirect method
Particulars ` in lakhs
Net Income after taxes 120
Add /(Less) No- cash or non-operating item:
Depreciation 25
Profit from sale of land (2)
Tax charges for the year (deferred tax liabilities) 15
Decrease in accounts receivables 20
Increase in inventory (10)
Increase in accounts payable 7
Decrease in wages payable (5)
Cash flow from operations 170
3. Option (b): Provision of ` 1.6 lakhs should be recognized with acorresponding charge to profit or loss.
In accordance with Ind AS 37 ‘Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets’, the claim made by
the customer needs to be recognised as a liability in the financial statements for the year ended 31st
March 20X3.
The standard stipulates that a provision should be made when, at the reporting date:
– An entity has a present obligation arising out of a past event.
– There is a probable outflow of economic benefits.
– A reliable estimate can be made of the outflow.
Since, all three of the above conditions are satisfied here, a provision isrequired to be made.
The provision should be measured at the amount the entity would rationally pay to settle the obligation
at the reporting date.
Where there is a range of possible outcomes, the individual most likely outcome is often the most
appropriate measure to use.
In this case, a provision of ` 1.6 lakhs seems appropriate, with acorresponding charge to profit or
4. Option (c): ` 1.76 lakhs; ` 1.42 lakhs
9. Option (d): HSL has an option to measure all such investments either at cost or in accordance with
Ind AS 109. The option is available for each category of investments separately (i.e. subsidiaries,
associates and joint venture)
As per para 10 of Ind AS 27, when an entity prepares separate financial statements, it shall account
for investments in subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates either: (a) at cost, or (b) in
accordance with Ind AS 109. The entity shall apply the same accounting for each category of
In the present case, investment in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures are considered to be
different categories of investments. Further, Ind AS 27 requires accounting for the investment
in subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates either at cost, or in accordance with Ind AS 109 for
each category of Investment. Thus, an entity can carry its investments in subsidiaries at cost and
its investments in associates or joint ventures as financial assets in accordance with Ind AS 109
in its separate financial statements
Fair Value of Net Identifiable Assets ofFamous Limited as on 1st April ` 15,000 crore