On Line Join Illuminati Today +27787153652 @@ How To Join Illuminati Fast in Croatia, Cuba, Curacao, Cyprus, Czech Republic
On Line Join Illuminati Today +27787153652 @@ How To Join Illuminati Fast in Croatia, Cuba, Curacao, Cyprus, Czech Republic
On Line Join Illuminati Today +27787153652 @@ How To Join Illuminati Fast in Croatia, Cuba, Curacao, Cyprus, Czech Republic
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On line Join Illuminati Today +27787153652 @@ HOW TO JOIN
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find yourself reading this message don't call it a chance but rather fate has guided your
Am Anna Williams, Life can be so beautiful if you decide not to give up on your happiness,
there was no happiness in my life to a point I felt like giving up on everything, a lot of bad things
were happening in my life one after the other, my husband was cheating on me to a point where
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we had to separate and he left me with the kids to suffer. I visited so many pastors, healers for
help, money was wasted without any result, luckily I saw testimonies about Arofessor !ama
Alphah helping people and when I went to her, she performed a special prayer and told me all my
RTF, PDF, TXT or read online from Scribd
problems are going to end very soon. " days after prayers my husband was back home asking for
forgiveness, am happy we are in love again. I got promoted at work, our financial status is good
and our kids are so happy we are a family again.
#$our meeting is private and confidential%
this document
Or Whatsapp on +27630716312 drmamaalpha
Email: nativespellcaster@gmail.com
We@: http:!!""".i#m.m$!drmamaalpha!%oodospellcaster
! "
We@ : http:!!nativespellcaster."i$site.com!magicmamaalpah
Magic rings for
money +27630716312 Mama gave me Magic
ring to 8x my 8nancial problems and within 2@ hrs i got a lot of
money ! Mama is based in "ob#rg and has got powerf#l money
magic rings to give yo# good l#c$ with money%clear yo#r debts%
get a big tender or contract or sec#re a high paying "ob after
getting a powerf#l magic ring for money% wealth & riches!
Magic rings also give yo# good l#c$! 'o# can #se good l#c$
magic ring when gambling or betting to win!call now to ma$e
an order +27630716312
Is this Hello,
If inappropriate?
you find yourself Report
reading this message don't this but
call it a chance Document
rather fate has guided your
steps. Am &on Ann (urrency , " years ago my husband left home, !y daughter got sick with
multiple sclerosis, I consulted several spiritualists and doctors for help, paid lots of money at least
for the hope of saving my daughter/s life, her situation got worse each day but all was in vain to a
point where I lost hope completely till 0 months ago when I saw a lady testifying about her station
of being in a very bad financial situation and not having babies she has been looking for almost
+M years, she lost marriages till she met Arofessor !ama Alphah a very powerful spiritualist. I
contacted her, she used a very strong and special prayer to sort all my problems, protected me
from all my enemies using her blessed water 1 in few days my husband came back and begged
for forgiveness, I got a new 2ob, my daughter's condition is better. &hank you again !ama Alphah
for bringing my life back 1 close to perfection. 3With her services, enhance your life in more ways
than you can imagine3. If you are tired of being used, she is here to 4&5A your misery.
#$our meeting is private and confidential%
Call Or Whatsapp on +27630716312 drmamaalpha
Email: nativespellcaster@gmail.com
We@: http:!!""".i#m.m$!drmamaalpha!%oodospellcaster
We@ : http:!!nativespellcaster."i$site.com!magicmamaalpah
If you find yourself reading this message don't call it a chance but rather fate has guided your
steps. Am &hando !oloi, Life can be so beautiful if you decide not to give up on your happiness,
there was no happiness in my life to a point I felt like giving up on everything, a lot of bad things
were happening in my life one after the other, my husband was cheating on me to a point where
we had to separate and he left me with the kids to suffer. I visited so many pastors, healers for
help, money was wasted without any result, luckily I saw testimonies about Arofessor !ama
Alphah helping people and when I went to her, she performed a special prayer and told me all my
problems are going to end very soon. " days after prayers my husband was back home asking for
forgiveness, am happy we are in love again. I got promoted at work, our financial status is good
and our kids are so happy we are a family again. $ou can contact her using her email ,6 7Call Or
Whatsapp on +27630716312 drmamaalpha
Email: nativespellcaster@gmail.com
We@: http:!!""".i#m.m$!drmamaalpha!%oodospellcaster
We@ : http:!!nativespellcaster."i$site.com!magicmamaalpah
If you find yourself reading this message don't call it a chance but rather fate has guided your
steps. Am Thando Moloi, " years ago my husband left home, !y daughter got sick with multiple
sclerosis, I consulted several spiritualists and doctors for help, paid lots of money at least for the
hope of saving my daughter/s life, her situation got worse each day but all was in vain to a point
where I lost hope completely till 0 months ago when I saw a lady testifying about her stuation of
being in a very bad financial situation and not having babies she has been looking for almost +M
years, she lost marriages till she met Arofessor !ama Alphah a very powerful spiritualist. I
contacted her, she used a very strong and special prayer to sort all my problems, protected me
from all my enemies using her blessed water 1 in few days my husband came back and begged
for forgiveness, I got a new 2ob, my daughter's condition is better. &hank you again !ama Alphah
for bringing my life back 1 close to perfection. 3With her services, enhance your life in more ways
than you can imagine3. If you are tired of being used, she is here to 4&5A your misery.(ontact
#$our meeting is private and confidential%
Call Or Whatsapp on +27630716312 drmamaalpha
Email: nativespellcaster@gmail.com
We@: http:!!""".i#m.m$!drmamaalpha!%oodospellcaster
We@ : http:!!nativespellcaster."i$site.com!magicmamaalpah
First of all, there is nothing wrong with spiritual prayers. These can be so eloquent, moving and
e<ec=ve. But not everyone feels comfortable making up a prayer on the spur of the moment were your
desparent, that moment were you feel everything thing is not making sense, were you see no one can
help or even understand you situa=on, feel like your not being answered or your prayer is not reaching
were it is suposed to go, that is the situa=on have been living thinking that i was forgo@en =ll i came
acrooss this lady prof !ama Alphah who performed one of her strong prayers she called it a
spontaneous one, my dear you !ust have to believe that with this lady everything is possible, am very
happy everything is falling into place, i have a nice !ob, a loving husband, and we are e"pec=ng our #rst
child, If you find yourself reading this message don't call it a chance but rather fate has guided
your steps try her and you tell me, her Call Or Whatsapp on +27630716312 drmamaalpha
Email: nativespellcaster@gmail.com
We@: http:!!""".i#m.m$!drmamaalpha!%oodospellcaster
We@ : http:!!nativespellcaster."i$site.com!magicmamaalpah
$f your prayer life is stuck in a rut and you feel like you%re saying the same prayers over and over, you see
your life ending, thats the situa=on i used to live & months ago before i meant this powerful lady
pro<esor !ama Alphah who performed a prayer for me and in ' days all my su<ering came to the
end, dont sit back alone and start crying alone, thinking that may be your cursed. try pro<esor !ama
Alphah i know a(er performing this prayer for you everything will start to follow into place. )er
number Email: Mamaalphah@yahoo.com
Call Or WhatsApp on +27631229624 Mamaalphah
W@! : http:""#rmamaalphah.p$%l.com"
We@ : http:!!drmamaalpha."i$site.com!testi&edspellcaster
&i' lat@ly my li(@ )as )ay so !a# that th@ only thin* K ,@pt thin,in* a!o$t )as @n#in* it.
-@s K tho$*ht #@ath )o$l# !@ !@tt@r. Was tir@# o( str$**lin* O !@in* $n#@r@mploy@#. K
ha/@ !@@n loo,in* (or a 0o! (or a )hil@ O Ro# ha# not op@n@# any #oors (or m@. Kt (@lt li,@
h@ )as p$nishin* m@ (or som@thin*. K n@@#@# to ma,@ mor@ mon@y not l@ss. My (amily
)as (allin* apart nothin* )as )or,in* o$t' also my lo/@ li(@ )as not *oo#' my h$s!an# l@(t
m@ (or anoth@r )oman sayin* i )as c$rs@#' th@r@ is nothin* !a# than s@@in* yo$r ,i#s
star/in* an# yo$ can not #o anythin* or !$y th@m )hat th@y )ant. Shats th@ li(@ ha/@ !@@n
li/in* (or th@ last 6 y@ars till i sa) this po)@r($l la#y pro( !ama Alphah on th@ int@rn@t'
sh@ p@r(orm@# a stron* spirit$al pray@r , belive me my dear )h@n @/@rythin* s@@ms to !@
(allin* apart' )h@n th@ )alls s@@m to !@ closin* $p on yo$' )h@n nothin* in this )orl#
s@@ms to hol# no hop@' )h@n @/@rythin* loo,s compl@t@ly hop@l@ss' 0$st r@m@m!@r that
@/@ry thin* is possi!l@' !ama Alphah h@lp@# m@ i *ot a n@) a 0o!' i ha/@ a lo/in* h$s!an#'
am a!l@ to pro/i#@ (or my (amily 'If you find yourself reading this message don't call it a chance
but rather fate has guided your steps. &ry her and you will tell me. 8o not hesitate to contact her
Email: Mamaalphah@yahoo.com
Call Or WhatsApp on +27631229624 Mamaalphah
W@! : http:""#rmamaalphah.p$%l.com"
We@ : http:!!drmamaalpha."i$site.com!testi&edspellcaster
Ar@ yo$ (acin* #i((ic$iti@s in li(@ T Ks it a #i((ic$lt illn@ss or !arr@n@ss an# )ant to cry o$t (or h@lp to
!@ h@al@# !$t #onUt ,no) )hat to #o. K( yo$ (@@l scar@#' alon@' $ns$r@ o( th@ ($t$r@' or #onUt
$n#@rstan# ho) h@alin* )or,s' try this po)@r($l la#y pro( !ama Alphah ' !@ca$s@ thats th@ li(@ i )as
li/in* (or th@ last 3 months' &@alin* can o(t@n !@ a har# thin* to pray (or. W@ A(in# it not @asy to
acc@pt that on@ can h@al $s in an @motional or spirit$al s@ns@' y@t (in# it har# to !@li@/@ that
@/@rythin* is possi!l@' i ha# lost hop@ in my ($t$r@' (ac@# alot o( chall@n*@s an# #i((ic$liti@s in li(@' i
lost my 0o!' my lo/@ li(@ )as also not *oo# ' my h$s!an# l@(t m@ )ith my ,i#s (or anoth@r )oman
sayin* i )as c$rs@#' i ha# no on@ to t$rn too' som@ tim@s i @/@n (ail@# to p$t (oo# on th@ ta!l@ (or my
,i#s' th@y co$l# lac, !$t i co$l# not @/@n pro/i#@' thats th@ )orst thin* that has @/@r happ@n@# to
m@' s@@in* my ,i#s star/@ @/@ry #ay. 5$t this la#y i sa) on th@ int@rn@t h@lp@# m@ an# !ro$*ht !ac,
my happ@n@ss' i can pro/i#@ (or my (amily no)' i *ot a n@) 0o!' a lo/in* h$s!an# an# )@ ar@
@Wp@ctin* t)ins' my #@ar )h@n @/@rythin* loo,s compl@t@ly hop@l@ss' 0$st r@m@m!@r that @/@ry
thin* is possi!l@ an# If you find yourself reading this message don't call it a chance but rather fate has
guided your steps try to contact her and you will tell me,
W@! : http:""#rmamaalphah.p$%l.com"
We@ : http:!!drmamaalpha."i$site.com!testi&edspellcaster
'( dream "as to @e a s)ccess*)l rich manL@)t at the age o*,0L i "as still str)ggling "ith
@asicall( ever(thing in m( li*e- relationship "iseL "e had *ailed to conceive "ith m( partner o*
7 (ears no matter the medical help "e so)ghtLat "orO i "as never promoted *or all the (ears i
"orOedL@)t ever since i so)ght the help o* 'ama /lphah a traditional healer Q +27631229624 R
L ever(thing has changedLshe gave )s po"er*)l her@s and m( "i*e is e$pecting t"in
@o(sL)sing the Smagic mone( ringS i have since @een promoted at "orO and @een a@le to pa(
oT all m( de@ts.4 am so grate*)l to (o) 'ama and am sharing this so that other people can
@e helped. Email: Mamaalphah@yahoo.com
W@! : http:""#rmamaalphah.p$%l.com"
We@ : http:!!drmamaalpha."i$site.com!testi&edspellcaster
We@ : http:!!drmamaalpha."i$site.com!testi&edspellcaster
&'happ('e## (' m" ma!!(a)e le* +$ l$'el('e##, M$'-'&$&# M!"(') a'* #&.e!('),a/e! hea!(') a0$&+ Mama Alphah 1(+h
a heal(') ha'*,( *eM(*e* +$ @(#(+ he! (' he +emple 1he!e he !ea* m" %$!+&'e aMM&!a+el" a'* +$l* me a0$&+ m" pa#+
l(%e,m" ma!!(a)e a'* 0&#('e## a'* (' a MAGIC POT OF ANOINTED OIL2CALL DR *&+L-N&&/L&' pe!%$!me* a #peM(al
MARRIED HER5 a'* (' le## +ha' 6 *a"# all m" p!$0lem# 1e!e $@e! a'* I7m @e!" happ" (' m" ma!!(a)e a'* m" h�a'*
le/ h(# )(!l %!(e'* a'* Mame 0aM8 +$ me2he al#$ )a@e me p$1e!%&l ma)(M p$+ +$ 0$$#+ m" 0&#('e## a'* (+# #+a0(l(+" a'*
pa(* all m" *e0+#,!(') +$ p!$+eM+ me %!$m m" e'em(e#,ma)(M 1alle+ +$ ('M!ea#e m" 9'a'M(al 0le##(')# a'* p!$m$-$'
a+ 1$!8 2The!e (# '$ a'" $+he! 1a" ( Ma' +ha'8 "$& a-% 0&+ +$ +ell $+he!# a0$&+ "$& a'* "$&! 1$!85M$'+aM+ he!2 C$'+aM+
W@! : http:""#rmamaalphah.p$%l.com
We@ : http:!!drmamaalpha."i$site.com!testi&edspellcaster
I% "$& a!e !ea*(') +h(#, +!&#+ me +h(# 1$ma' Ma' help "$&2 ( 1a# a+ +he p$('+ $% '$ !e+&!' a'*
)(@(') &p all +$)e+he!2 m" 1(%e le/ me, m" %!(e'*# a0a'*$'e* me, ( 1a# ha@(') p!$0lem# a+ 1$!8
a'* '$ ma:e! 1ha+ ( *(* m" 1(%e *(*';+ 1a'+ +$ M$me 0aM82 ( 1e'+ +h!$&)h a0$&+ 3< #pell
Ma#+e!# a'* 1a# #Mamme*, +he" *(*';+ *$ a'"+h(') %$! me2 '$+ e@e' +he #l()h+e#+ !e#&l+ a+ all2 (
1e'+ +$ p#"Mh(M# 1h$ +$l* me +ha+ #he 1$&l* M$me 0aM8 a'* 0lah 0lah 0lah, ( 1e'+ +$ =heale!#>
#$ Malle*, +$ )e+ m" =e'e!)"> !()h+ #$ +ha+ #he M$&l* M$me 0aM8, ( *(* a'"+h(') a'* e@e!"+h(')2 0"
+he -me ( me+ 1(+h m(!(a a**$, ( #a(* (% #he Ma';+ *$ +h(# $! (% #he +&!'# me a1a", +he' ( )&e## (
1(ll ha@e +$ )(@e &p2 ( 1a# @e!" @e!" #8ep-Mal 1he' ( Mame (', 0eMa&#e ( ?&#+ %el+ +he!e 1a# !eall"
'$ h$pe, 0&+ 1a# 1(ll(') +$ )(@e (+ $'e la#+ #h$+2 #$ ( #e+ &p 1(+h he! a##(#+a'+ @+ha'8 "$& %$! all
"$&! help5b a'* ( 1e'+ (' %$! a' (' pe!#$' !ea*(')2 +he 9!#+ +h(') #he +$l* me 1a# +ha+ #he 8'e1
a0$&+ m" #(+&a-$', +ha+ #he #a1 ( ha* 0ee' e@e!"1he!e a'* +ha+ ( 1a'+e* m" 1(%e 0aM8 a'*
Malle* he! 0" he! 'ame2 ( 1a# h$'e#+l" #+&''e*2 '$$'e ( ha* 0ee' +$ ha* *$'e +ha+, (' %aM+, (+
8('* $% %!ea8e* me $&+ a 0(+2 #he +$l* me m" Ma#e 1$&l* +a8e -me +$ 9c, +ha+ ( 'ee*e* +$ *$ a l$+
$% Mlea'#(')# 0eMa&#e $% +he #pell# ( ha* )$:e' Ma#+e %$! me, #he #a(* +ha+ (+ 1$&l* 0e a #l$1
p!$Me## 0&+ +ha+ 1e M$&l* )e+ he! +$ a+ lea#+ h$'e#+l" M$'#(*e! )ed') 0aM8 1(+h me2 ( 1a# a0$&+
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'ame2> a'* +ha+ 1a# M$!!eM+ +$$2 #$ ( *eM(*e* +$ )(@e (+ a #h$+2 #he +$l* me #he M$&l*';+
)&a!a'+ee a'"+h(') a'* +ha+ (+ 1$&l* +a8e a 1h(le, 0&+ a/e! e@e!"+h(') #he +$l* me (' +he
!ea*(') ( %el+, ( ?&#+ ha* +$ )(@e (+ a #h$+2 #he 1a# #$ $' p$('+, #$ *(!eM+, #he &#e* ph!a#e# +ha+ m"
1(%e ha* &#e* 1he' 1e #epa!a+e*, #he 'ame* he! 0" 'ame, #he +$l* me 1ha+ 1a# )$(') $' 2 2 2
'$ 1a" ( 1a# '$+ )$(') +$ a+ lea#+ +!"2 I %el+ a 0(+ #+&p(*, +ha+ ( ha* pa(* +$'# $% pe$ple 1h$ 1e!e
'$+ e@e' hal% a# )$$* a# he! +$ help me2 ( %el+ l(8e (% $'l" ( ha* me+ he! 0e%$!e +$ ma8e a l$')
#+$!" #h$!+, +ha+ 1a# alm$#+ 3f m$'+h# a)$ 1he' ( ha* +ha+ 9!#+ !ea*(')2 #('Me +he' ( ha@e
M$mple+e* m$#+ $% +he p!$Me## a'* *&!(') +ha+ p!$Me##, a+ 9!#+ ( #+a!+e* +$ %eel 0e:e!, +he' a#
-me 1e'+ $', m" l(%e #+a!+e* )$(') 0aM8 $' +!aM82 +h(')# #+a!+e* +$ )$ m" 1a" a)a('2 +he' a/e!
a0$&+ m" +h(!* #+ep (' +he p!$Me##, m" 1(%e Malle* me #$00(')2 #he ha* 0!$8e' &p 1(+h +he $+he!
ma'2 l(:le 0" l(:le, 1(+h m(!(a a**$#g help, 1e )$+ Ml$#e! a'* Ml$#e!2 1e 1e!e a0le +$ !e0&(l* $&!
%!(e'*#h(p, a l(:le #+ep a+ a -me2 '$1 1e a!e *a-') a)a('2 1e a!e +a8(') (+ #l$1 +h(# -me2 '$+
e@e!"+h(') (# )!ea+ all +he -me "e+, 0&+ $@e!all 1e a!e *$(') @e!" )$$*2 1e a!e al!ea*" +al8(')
a0$&+ me m$@(') 0aM8 ('2 #$ (% "$& a!e !ea*(') +h(#, a'* "$& 'ee* help, a'* "$& a!e l(8e me a'*
"$& 1e'+ e@e!"1he!e a'* *$';+ 8'$1 1he+he! $! '$+ (+ (# 1$!+h (+, am +ell(') "$& (+ *e9'(+el" (#2
M(!(a A**$ 1$!8 (# !eall" 1$!+h (+# 1e()h+ (' )$l* a'* M(!(a A**$ (# a' a1e#$me 1$ma', a @e!"
)(/e* 1$ma' a'* ( %eel !eall" 0le##e* +ha+ #he #ha!e# +h(# )(/ 1(+h me a'* help# me a'* $+he!
pe$ple 1(+h (+2 She ma*e me a 0el(e@e! a)a(', '$+ $'l" (' ma)(M, 0&+ (' l$@e a'* (' pe$ple2 ( 1(ll
al1a"# 1$!8 1(+h M(!(a A**$ a'* $'l" M(!(a A**$ a# #he (# +he $'l" $'e ( +!&#+, 0eMa&#e #he
1$!8 (# a1e#$me a'* #he *$e# a )!ea+ #e!@(Me +$ pe$ple 1(+h (+2 a'* h(# #+a. (# a plea#&!e +$
1$!8 1(+h +$$2 Y$& Ma' M$'+aM+ he! $' +27631229624 2
+2763122562, '/'/ $pe'e* m" e"e# 4ama pe*h( P!e+$!(a NW I )$+ m$!e +ha' I pa(* %$!2 A/e!
&#(') Sp(!(+&al Wa+e! m" h�a'* Mame 0aM8 Imme*(a+el" a'* I )$+ PREGNANT %$! +he 9!#+ -me
(' m" l(%e a/e! h MISCARRIAGES a'* i &'1a'+e* DIVORCES S+$p *!eam(') a'* #+a!+ l(@(')
MANGALISO DAVID %!$m LADYSMITH K4N +e#-9e# i< "ea!# ecpe!(e'Me a# a FACTORY WORKER2 I
#+a!+e* a# a CLEANER %$! 3f"!# a'* )$+ PROMOTED +$ a RECEPTIONIST 2 T1$ m$'+h# pa#+ I 1a#
p!$m$+e* a)a(' +$ a FLOOR MANAGER Wh(Mh 1a# m" la#+ p$#(-$' (' +he M$mpa'"2 Ma'" pe$ple
0eMame ?eal$&#" a+ e@e' m" %!(e'*# a'* +he" 0laM8ma(le* 1h(Mh %$!Me* m" 0$## +$ 9!e me
1(+h$&+ pa"(') me a'" Me'+2 The GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENT 1a# +a8(') l$') +$ p!$Me## m"
pe'#($' %&'* 2B&+ (+ all Mha')e* 1he' I @(#(+e* MAMA SHAFIK $' Sa+&!*a" #he pe!%$!me* he!
!(+&al# $' M$'*a" a'* I 1a# Ml&e* $' T&e#*a" +$ )$ #()' +he pape!# a'* m" m$'e" 1a#
*ep$#(+e* +he 'ec+ *a" Mama+2763122562, MBUYISANI MYENDE a/e! &#(') WANGUVU
DREAM POWDERS I h(+ a ?aM8p$+ $% 3<MILLION RANDS (' LOTTO a'* I 8eep DREAMING 1(''(')
'&m0e!# *a" 0" *a"2 I+ Mha')e* all m" l(%e a'* am l(@(') l(8e a 8(') '$1 +ha'8 & Mama
+2763122562, jOSE CAVARIO %!$m ALMADA PORTUGAL I l$#+ m" #h$p (' M$Jam0(l&e *&e +$
p$l(-M# 3m"ea!# a)$2 The' I *eM(*e* +$ +!a@el +$ m" &'Mle 9)$ (' RANDFONTEIN jOHANNESBURG
Wh$ ('+!$*&Me* me +$ h(# pe!#$'al +!a*(-$'al *$M+$! mama Sha98 The" )a@e me a MAGIC
WALLET 1h(Mh ma*e 1$'*e!# a'* '$1 I $1' a 0() 0&+Mhe! +1$ 1h$le#ale #h$p# ('
KRUGERSDORP a'* ROODERPORT Tha'8# mama I 1(ll al1a"# !e#peM+ a'* h$'$&! "$&
%$!e@e!2Mall he! +$ help "$& 1(+h +he a0$@e p!$0lem# +2763122562, ,,
Weal+h #pell# +$ 0a'(#h *e0+# 0" (mp!$@(') "$&! 9'a'M(al #+a+&# ma8(') (+ p$##(0le %$! "$& +$ pa"
$. all "$&! *e0+#2 Ma)(M !(')# %$! m$'e" +$ ma8e "$& !(Mh2 M$'e" am&le+# +$ a:!aM+ 1eal+h,
#&MMe## n 0&#('e## #&MMe##2 Weal+h #pell# +$ help "$& *(#M$@e! m$'e" ma8(') (*ea# n
$pp$!+&'(-e# Ge+ a 9'a'M(al 1('*%all n #+!(8e (+ !eaMh a/e! Ma#-') 1eal+h #pell#, )$$* l&M8
m$'e" #pell# n m$'e" 1(''(') #pell#2 G!$1 "$&! 1eal+h n le+ "$&! l(%e 0e 9lle* 1(+h )$$*
%$!+&'e &#(') 1eal+h #pell#2 Ge+ a 0&#('e## l$a' $! h$me l$a' 1(+h 1eal+h #pell# +$ #p(!(+&all"
('o&e'Me +he l$a' *eM(#($' (' "$&! %a@$! Imp!$@e "$&! 0&#('e## #ale# n p!$9+# 1(+h 0&#('e##
#pell# +$ a:!aM+ Ml(e'+# a'* #$l@e all "$&! 0&#('e## p!$0lem#2 F('* a ?$0 $! 0e:e! pa"(') $! )e+ a
#ala!" ('M!ea#e 1(+h 1eal+h #pell#2 Ge+ $&+ $% 9'a'M(al p!$0lem#, #a@e "$&! 0&#('e## n )e+ $&+ $%
*e0+ a/e! I Ma#+ 1eal+h #pell# +$ +&!' "$&! 9'a'Me# a!$&'* Weal+h m$'e" #pell# +$ !em$@e +he
#p(!(+&al 0a!!(e!# +$ "$&! 9'a'M(al #&MMe##2 F(c +he #p(!(+&al !$$+ Ma&#e# $% "$&! m$'e" p!$0lem#
1(+h +he a'Me#+!al #p(!(+# +$ #p(!(+&all" *(a)'$#e "$&! m$'e" p!$0lem# n Ma#+ m$'e" #pell# +ha+
1(ll 9c all "$&! m$'e" p!$0lem# The #p(!(+&al !$$+ Ma&#e# $% "$&! m$'e" p!$0lem# Ma' 0e
a'"+h(') %!$m )e'e!a-$'al M&!#e#, hece# n !e@e')e #pell# Ma#+ $' "$& 0" "$&! e'em(e#, 'e)a-@e
e'e!)", 0a* l&M8 n e@(l #p(!(+# 0l$M8(') "$& %!$m aMh(e@(') "$&! 9'a'M(al *e#-'"2 Sp(!(+&al
Oh my (o#))) * #@@ply thanK mama ,or h@lpin( m@ to 'in at a casino. * am a #isa!l@# p@rson
'ho ha# tri@# a lot o, p@opl@ !$t 'itho$t h@lp- !$t a,t@r * h@ar# an# r@a# in th@ pap@rs
a!o$t p@opl@ t@sti,yin( a!o$t mamas s$p@r casino"lotto rin(s N,or (am!lin(/. * #@ci#@# to
(o an# ha0@ my last chanc@ as * 'as in Qnancial crisis. My ho$s@ 'as a!o$t to !@
r@poss@ss@#- my car 'as alr@a#y r@poss@ss@#- * co$l#nRt @0@n mana(@ to p$t !r@a# on th@
ta!l@- my chil#r@n '@r@ @Str@m@ly $ncontrolla!l@ as * 'asnRt a!l@ to taK@ car@ o, th@m. *
0isit@# mama an# sh@ pray@# ,or m@- (a0@ m@ th@ s$p@r ma(ic rin( T * '@nt to th@ casino.
*mm@#iat@ly * 'as 'innin( at th@ ta!l@s- * 'as so s$rpris@#- * tri@# th@ machin@s an# * 'on
5acKpots a,t@r 5acKpots. * #@@ply s@n# my appr@ciation to MAMA !@ca$s@ my ,amily is
to(@th@r a(ain. * pai# oV my #@!ts- ho$s@ !on#s an# * am happy in my n@' !$sin@ss.
We@o Xretoria 8" 4 got more than 4 paid *or a*ter )sing 9od"a po"der m( h)s@and came
@acO 4mmediatel( and 4 got pregnant *or the &rst time in m( li*e a*ter , miscarriages and 2
)n"anted divorce
[top dreaming and start living mangaliso ;avid *rom <ad(smith O=n testi&es a@o)t his
e$perience 2> (ears as a *actor( "orOer a tr)cO. 4 started as a cleaner *or 10(rs and got
promoted to a receptionist a*ter t"o months to a ?oor manager. Which "as m( last position
in the compan( that led to m( dismissal d)e to aealo)s( people
Ahe compan( *ailed to pa( me m( last salar( and the government department "as taOing
long to process m( pension *)nd .@)t it all changed "hen 4 visited mama sha&O on [at)rda( 4
"as called told to come sign the papers on 'onda(
call or 'hatsapp h@r on +2763W716312
Bose cavario *rom almada Xort)gal 4 lost m( shop in 'o=am@id)e d)e to politics 17(ears ago.
Ahen 4 decided to travel to m( )ncle &go in Dand*ontein Bohannes@)rg. Who introd)ced me
to his personal traditional doctor call or 'hatsapp h@r on +2763W716312
Ahe( gave me a magic "allet "hich made "onders and no" 4 o"n a @ig @)tcher t"o
"holesale shops in fr)gersdorp and rooderport AhanOs mama 4 "ill al"a(s respect and
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