Q I Nikolai Week 5
Q I Nikolai Week 5
Q I Nikolai Week 5
1. Cut materials according to specified dimensions/specifications.
2. Prepare edge of materials according to specified dimensions/specifications.
Pre-heat flame is properly adjusted all the safety measures must be taken before you do the actual cutting. You
may see how fast cutting goes, but drills and practices will build confidence.
Using the neutral pre-heat flame, heat the spot where you intend to start until the flame turns cherry red. The
pre-heat flame should be held just above the metal surface so as to protect pre-heat holes against metal flow
back from the pure cutting oxygen. It is also done to keep the torch end away from the heat reflected by the
metal surface.
The distance between the end of the pre-heat cones and the surface of the material being cut is known as the
coupling distance. When cutting plates up to 76 mm (3 inches) thick and with Mapp ® gas, the coupling distance
must be about 3.25mm (1/8”). For cutting, coupling distance should be increased to get more heat from the
secondary flame cones. Materials (plates) over 305mm thick (12 inches) should be cut using 19.9-31.8mm
coupling distance.
Straight Cutting
The stinger is pure oxygen flowing out of the center hole of the cutting tip.
Once it starts, it can continue The cut should travel fast enough so through the
metal that the top edge does not melt.
Once the pre-heated spot is cherry red in color, the cutting oxygen lever should be slowly depressed. This
allows the pure cutting oxygen to attack the metal thus removing the metal by flame pressure and oxidation
when allowing the cutting oxygen to flow out slowly, the spot will not be cooled by the fresh oxygen stream.
Cooling could happen if a large gush of oxygen is blown on to the heated spot all at once. The visible oxygen
cutting stream coming from the center hole of the tip when the cutting oxygen valve is opened is called the
Manual hand cutting of sheet cut starts with the torch drawn over the gloved hand. The welder must be
comfortable and be free to move the torch along the line to be cut. It is a good idea for the welder to get into
the position and practice the cutting movements a few times before lighting the torch.
Steady hands are required in manual oxy-acetylene cutting, especially when even straight cuts are needed.
Once the cut starts, the torch must be moved steadily in the Directions of the cut.
The physics of a cut, as the cut progresses along a plate, records of what is happening during the cut which is
preserved along both sides of the key. This record indicates to the welder what is correct or incorrect with the
pre-heat flame cutting speed and oxygen pressure.
Bevel Cutting
When bevel cutting is required, the torch head must be inclined in the position to the preheated metal along
the top edge of the parts. This allows the metal to form the required bevel angle. The tip should be kept high
enough so that the outlet holes are away from any splashing molten metals. Bevel cuts in the production are
usually done by a radiograph. This produces a more accurate cut with less gas.
Position the four pre-heat holes for a A bevel cut made by oxy-acetylene fixed cut.
Other cutting equipment/machines for plates and pipes
After performing task on oxy-acetylene and fuel gas cutting, there are other designed cutting
equipment/machines that produce mass cutting of materials at the largest welding production segment in the
workplace. The illustration/drawing shown on the next page, are the cutting machines with work descriptions
for the students to comprehend more.
A cutting machine can make several complex cuts at one time. Automatic torches are set the same for pre-
heating as the manual torches. However, the motor drives the automatic torch along the line of cut at a speed it
could easily be regulated using a variable control mechanism.
When the starting point on the joint is cherry red, the cutting oxygen is engaged for a continuous flow of
oxygen. Then, the torch travel running mechanism is moved at a speed necessary for a smooth key edge. The
torch head on most automatic cutting torches can be tilted to several angles for marking different bevel cuts.
Using these machines, many different and complex cuts are made evenly.
Radius rods are also available for automatic cutting torches and for circle cutting. Multiple cutting heads are
commonly used for automatic cutting machines, especially where many pieces of the same shape are required.
Parts of a Plasma Arc cutter
Power cable that works for 210-220 volts.
The work table.
Torch with head cable Air supply regulator valve.
The plasma torch tip has several openings. These openings help operate the torch. (A) shows how air keeps the
torch on each side of the metal cool and keeps the hot metal from spattering. (B) allows the air to enter when
the arc struck between the metal and the electrode is producing a pilot arc. When the tip is brought close to
gas, it produces a stiff constricted cutting arc. This delivers a high concentration of heat to a very small area. See
illustration above.
Process fundamentals
The plasma arc cutting process is illustrated in Fig. 1. The basic principle is that the arc formed
between the electrode and the workpiece is constricted by a fine bore, copper nozzle. This increases
the temperature and velocity of the plasma emanating from the nozzle. The temperature of the
plasma is in excess of 20 000°C and the velocity can approach the speed of sound. When used for
cutting, the plasma gas flow is increased so that the deeply penetrating plasma jet cuts through the
material and molten material is removed in the efflux plasma.
The plasma gas flow is critical and must be set according to the current level and the nozzle bore diameter. If
the gas flow is too low for the current level, or the current level too high for the nozzle bore diameter, the arc
will break down forming two arcs in series, electrode to nozzle and nozzle to workpiece. The effect of 'double
arcing' is usually catastrophic with the nozzle melting.
Cut quality
The quality of the plasma cut edge is similar to that achieved with the oxy-fuel process. However, as the plasma
process cuts by melting, a characteristic feature is the greater degree of melting towards the top of the metal
resulting in top edge rounding, poor edge squareness or a bevel on the cut edge. As these limitations are
associated with the degree of constriction of the arc, several torch designs are available to improve arc
constriction to produce more uniform heating at the top and bottom of the cut.
Process variants
The process variants, Figs. 2a to 2e, have principally been designed to improve cut quality and arc stability,
reduce the noise and fume or to increase cutting speed.
Dual gas
Fig.2c. water shrouded
The plasma can be operated either with a water shroud, Fig. 2c, or even with the workpiece submerged some
50 to 75mm below the surface of the water. Compared with conventional plasma, the water acts as a barrier to
provide the following advantages:
Fume reduction
Reduction in noise levels
Improved nozzle life
In a typical example of noise levels at high current levels of 115dB for conventional plasma, a water shroud was
effective in reducing the noise level to about 96dB and cutting under water down to 52 to 85dB.
As the water shroud does not increase the degree of constriction, squareness of the cut edge and the cutting
speed are not noticeably improved.
Air plasma
True or False: Familiar to the properties and the process on how to cut and prepare edge of materials.
Directions: On the space before each number, write T if the statement is correct and F if the statement is
___1. A 305-mm thick plate must have a coupling distance of 19.9 mm - 31.8 mm.
___2. The oxygen lever should be fast depressed when the cherry red color is spotted.
___3. Stinger is pure oxygen flowing out of the side hole of the cutting tip.
___4.Manual hand cutting of sheet with the torch drawn over the gloves hand.
___5. It is a good idea for the welder to be in proper working position and practice the
cutting movements before lighting the torch.
___6. Pre-heat the steel with the welding cutting torch before cutting it.
___7. Prior to the cutting of a metal, its color becomes cherry red.
___8. Coupling distance is the distance between the pre-heat cones and the surfaces of
the materials being cut.
___9. A plate has a thickness of 76 mm. When converted to inches, it is equal to 4
___10. A 3-inch thickness of a plate must have a coupling distance of 3/8 inch.
Directions: Arrange the letters to form word or related to PLASMA CUTTING PROCESS. Write your answer to the
space provided.
1. What material can be cut with oxy acetylene?
2. What is the purpose of plasma cutting?