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ABORDO, James Dave L.


Calumpang, General Santos City

May 2024


A Research Project Submitted

To the Research Council

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirement

In Research Project


ABORDO, James Dave L.


General Santos City National High School

Calumpang, General Santos City

Table of Contents

Title Page i

Table of Contents ii

Chapter I: Introduction

Background of the Study 1

Statement of the Problem 1-2

Hypothesis 2

Significance of the Study 2-3

Scope and Limitations 3

Definition of Terms 3-4

Chapter II: Review of Related Literature and Studies

Related Literature 5-6

Related Studies 6

Research Gap

Theoritical Framework 7-8

Chapter III: Research Methodology

Research Design 26

Research Respondents 27

Locale of the study 28

Data collection 29

Interview Techniques 29

Ethical Cosiderations 29

Sampling 30

Data Analysis 30
Chapter I


This chapter gave an overview of the relevant subjects related to the

research and offered useful insights and knowledge that can assist in the
progress of this study.

Background of the Study

One of the biggest challenges faced by firefighters in the Philippines is
the lack of proper equipment and resources. Many fire stations in the country
struggle with outdated equipment, limited water supply, and insufficient
firefighting gear. This puts firefighters at a disadvantage when responding to
emergencies and increases the risks they face in the line of duty (Love S
Lagata, 2022).

The shortage of manpower was one of the obstacles faced by the BFP
personnel and lack of firefighting apparatus (Cherry J Andujar, 2022). These
challenges made an impact physically and mentally which is extremely
stressful and draining during a fire incident. On the other hand, the
participants have learned how to maintain active connection with the public,
they should conduct an fire prevention drill and promote fire safety, raise the
number of force multipliers. Further, the BFP should have the full support of
the community when an emergency occurs. This study explored the
challenges encountered by the BFP of General Santos City in responding fire

Moreover, the fire-fighting capacity of any fire station should conform to

the national and international standards. The location and the service area of
the fire station, are important issues to reduce fire risk. Firefighting practices
are conducted to educate not only the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP)
personnel but also the community residents regarding the ill effects of fire.
The challenge of firefighting lies on the sole dedication and competence of the
officers in the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP). This study aimed to assess the
firefighting practices of the personnel of Bureau of Fire Protection. Descriptive
method of research was employed utilizing questionnaires with follow-up
interviews. The respondents of the research study were the Bureau of Fire
Protection in four sub-fire (Jonathan O Etcuban, 2017).

Lack of equipments and resources are the factor of strong fire prevention
of firefighters. Eric Lloyd S Lantaco (2022) explained Firefighting operations in
the Philippines take too much time to finish due to the minimal resources and
low upgrades in technologies in the bureau of fire protection (BFP); the poor
performance results to increase the damage that makes it close to impossible
to save all of the lives affected by the fire incident.Fire-fighting equipment
should be considered as a means of both prevention and protection.

As a result, most of the participants have different challenges

encountered in responding fire incident. These challenges made an impact
physically and mentally which is extremely stressful and draining during a fire
incident. On the other hand, the participants have learned how to maintain
active connection with the public, promote fire safety, and raise the number of
force multipliers. Further, the BFP should have the full support of the
community when an emergency occurs.

The researcher conduct a survey to utilized the problem of the

firefighters. A deeper understanding of the factors of fire prevention is lack of
equipments and resources. The data obtained were analyzed and it was
revealed that the challenges encountered by the BFP General Santos City in
responding fire incidents.

This research aims to contribute to the ongoing efforts of the firefighters.

The integrity of protection in the interface as an important consideration for
firefighter comfort, mobility and protection against heat hazards. All equipment
helps to keep firefighters safe when there is a fire and to strive for continuous
improvement and the provision of high-quality equipment for Firefighters

Statement of the Problem

The study aims to determine the challenges of the Firefighters of strong fire

prevention and limitations and policy in General Santos City.

The study sought to answer the following questions:

1. What degree is needed to enter and become a firefighter?

2.What are the consequences when becoming a firefighter?

3. What are the limitations and policy when you responding in a fire incident?

4. What are the challenges that you encountered in responding in fire

Scopes and limitation

This study aims to understand and determine the Challenges of

Firefighter in fire prevention and limitations and policy in General Santos City.

The researcher aims to delve into various aspects, including Firefighter's

capability, bravery, and the procedure of their work. By analyzing these

factors, the study seeks to provide valuable understanding of the firefighters


However, it is important to acknowledge the limitations of this study.

Firstly, the research is confined to the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) at

General Santos City. Therefore, the findings may not be fully generalize to

other Firefighter population. Furthermore, the research relies on how they

prevent fire which may be influenced by subjective interpretations. It is also

worth noting that the study does not investigate external factors beyond the

competence, capability, bravery which may also play a role in their hardwork

and persistence.

Benefits and beneficiaries

Firefighters- Firefighters can improve their ability to present through a

Fire drill on fire prevention skills. Those can pick up methods for captivating

and captivate their viewership, enhance their diction and knowledge, and

developing a variety of firefighting scenes. These abilities can improve the

process of teaching and learning to prevent fire incident.

Government official. By this study, it can benefit them as the people

know why firefighters conduct fire drill or seminar. People will have a great

idea about the impact they give to the people in need as well as they can fulfill

the commitment they made.

Citizens- Citizens can improve their ability and knowledge about

preventing fire through a participate on drills and seminar. These are useful

abilities for being awareness in different emergencies.

Employee: Impact of the fire drills that firefighters do, it helps to expand

their knowledge about firefighting. It provides additional knowledge and

improved their ability and skills to survive whenever there is a fire incident.

Researchers - The researcher their skills can be improved with a

seminar session on transmitting techniques. By this, he discovered another

valuable information and knowledgeable techniques .They can pick up

strategies in preventing fire during and after the incident.

Barangay official:. As the past researchers goal is to learn, the future

researcher can have a guide and they will learn on their future research in any

related topic.

Students: Students can improve their capabilities and ability by attending

seminar session and drills that help to emphasize their knowledge on how to

prevent fire.

Definition o terms and Concepts

Fire - Conceptually, it is a phenomenon of combustion manifested in

light, flame, and heat.

Firefighter - Operationally, they are the person whose job is to stop fires

and to save people and property from being harmed.

Hired - Conceptually, payment for the temporary use of something.

Practices - Conceptually, it is an idea, belief, or method.

Prevention - Conceptually, it is an act of preventing or hindering.

Fire - Operationally, it is a rapid oxidation of a material that releasing


Practices - Operationally, it is an act of doing something regularly to

improve your skills.

Protection - Operationally, it refers to keeping something or someone

Procedure - Operationally, a particular way of accomplishing something

or of acting.

Policy- Operationally, a deliberate system of guidelines to guide

decisions and achieve rational outcome



This chapter presents a review of related literature, related studies,

theoritical framework that are relevant to the study of the researchers. This

review of literature determine the challenges of the Firefighters of strong fire

prevention and limitations and policy in General Santos City.

A. Related LIterature

According to T Osifeso(2018), Firefighters are exposed to life-threatening

conditions while carrying out their tasks. These strenuous conditions

predispose them to a high rate of disability, morbidity and mortality. These

hazardous conditions put them at risk for work limitations, but the literature is

scarce in this matter.

Fire officers face numerous challenges in their daily lives, including

disasters, relief operations, and community service. Their safety is at risk if

they are not properly equipped, and their morale and physical integrity are

tested not only professionally but also personally, Cheryl A De Castro(2021).

Based on their experience, they have encountered both positive and negative

situations, making them aware of their vulnerability in dangerous

circumstances. To overcome this, they rely on their resourcefulness and

willingness to compromise. Public education on fire prevention is essential to

minimize compromising situations.

There is a lack of emotional support groups available to help fire officers

cope with work-related stress. To address these issues, it is crucial to

recognize that firefighters' morale is as important as their physical, mental,

and emotional well-being, prioritize work-life balance, incorporate stress-

management and task-management into training, implement standardized

processes for permit requirements, address incomplete equipment and

facilities, and upskill training and recognition, Cherry Cabarrubias (2023)

As a result, most of the participants have different challenges

encountered in responding fire incident. These challenges made an impact

physically and mentally which is extremely stressful and draining during a fire

incident. The participants have learned how to maintain active connection with

the public, promote fire safety, and raise the number of force multipliers, Jose

F Cuevas Jr (2022).

Philippines is one of the countries in Asia known to be vulnerable to the

severe effects of fire disasters as the country loses a considerable amount

worth of damages due to fire disasters, Yoshiki B Kurata (2023). It determine

the factors that significantly affect Filipinos' perceived effectiveness for fire

prevention preparedness in urban areas by integrating Protection Motivation

Theory and the extended Theory of Planned Behavior.

According to Loida L Urriza (2023), BFP should have the full support of

the community when an emergency occur. The participants have sensible of

their actions. To mitigate firefighter life-safety concerns and achieve

successfully fireground outcomes, it is critically important for firefighters to

have the necessary preparedness capabilities to respond. Firefighter

preparedness consists of technical and contextual knowledge, specialized

training, and firefighting experience.

According to MD Asiddao (2021), Firefighters have been incorporated

into the model with the help of the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP)’s

Operational Procedures Manual to determine their expected behavior when

responding to a fire alarm. Simulations were run on a per-incident basis to

determine the total affected area, estimated affected families, and time for the

fire to be put under control under varying densities, traffic conditions,

firefighter response times and manpower.

Fire incidence is a big problem for every local government unit in the

Philippines. The two most detrimental effects of fire incidence are economic

loss and loss of life. To mitigate these losses, proper planning and

implementation of control measures must be done. An essential aspect of

planning and control measures is prediction of possible fire incidences, Merlito

Villa (2021). This study is conducted to analyze data. Results of the analyses

show that fire incidence has no trend or seasonality, and occurrences of fire

are neither consistently increasing nor decreasing over time. Furthermore, the

absence of seasonality in the data indicate that surge of fire incidence may

occur at any time of the year. Therefore, fire prevention activities should be

done all year round and not just during fire prevention month.

There are several different preventive measures that can be used to

reduce the number of fire fatalities in residential buildings, but information on

how effective different measures are for different groups are, however,

lacking. As a result, general measures are often implemented on large

portions of the total population, which is not as cost-effective as targeting

certain measures for certain groups in the population, Marcus Runefors


Fire fighters struggle too much for the safety of our communities. This

study explored the challenges encountered by the BFP in responding fire

incidents. These challenges made an impact physically and mentally which is

extremely stressful and draining during a fire incident, Love S Lagata (2022).

On the other hand, the participants have learned how to maintain active

connection with the public, promote fire safety, and raise the number of force

multipliers. Further, the BFP should have the full support of the community

when an emergency occurs. Lastly, the participants have sensible of their

actions, Elmie A Allanic (2023). To mitigate firefighter life-safety concerns and

achieve successfully fireground outcomes, it is critically important for

firefighters to have the necessary preparedness capabilities to respond.

Firefighter preparedness consists of technical and contextual knowledge,

specialized training, and firefighting experience, Kristian Carlo A Manuales


Challenges and limitation of wearable sensors used in firefighters’

protective clothing, Farshad Shakeriaski (2023). Firefighters should improve

and existing challenges in the design of wearable sensors used in the

firefighters’ protective clothing. Based on Maryam Ghodrat (2023), wearable

sensors are generally used directly on the body or placed on wearable items

to monitor data for the safety of firefighters. Recently, wearable sensors have

attracted much attention from researchers and experts. Most investigations

have addressed novel designs for wearable sensors to enhance firefighters’

safety measures and reduce the risk of exposure to fires.

Based on BFP Philippines (2021), Fire Officer shall have the power to

investigate all causes of fires and if necessary, file the proper complaint with

the city or provincial prosecutor who has jurisdiction over the case. 9514, also

known as the Fire Code of the Philippines, is to provide guidelines, penalties,

and time frames for correcting fire safety violations.

B. Related Study

Based on Sara Jones (2020), A lack of knowledge was a barrier to help-

seeking but increased knowledge served as a facilitator. Barriers included five

subthemes: Can't show weakness, Fear of confidentiality breech, Therapist:

negative experience, Lack of access and availability, and Family burden.

According to Cristina-Ioana Dan (2021), emotional exhaustion and other

symptoms of burnout are often found among emergency services professions,

such as firefighting. Given the social importance of this activity and the high

responsibility it requires, prevention and alleviation of burnout symptoms

become primary concerns in ensuring the well-being of firefighters.

Although, work meaning is one of the factors associated with a lower risk

of developing burnout, its protective role has not been studied in firefighters.

Therefore, the purpose of this study was to assess the buffering role of work

meaning in the health-impairment process of the Job Demands-Resources

model, targeting the relationship between job demands and related emotional

exhaustion, Evangelia Demerouti (2021).

Trucks represent the first-response vehicles in case of emergency rides.

The water tenders form the majority of firefighting vehicles at units of the Fire

Rescue Service of the Czech Republic with the highest mileage per year,

Pavel Poledňák (2019). The drivers should acquire the best driving skills. The

results of the survey shows both a positive impact of the course-driving skills

improved after passing the course, and a negative finding-the insufficiently

short duration of training rides on the polygon. Drivers’ skills were examined

after a certain time from passing the course, univerzita Ostrava (2019).
According to Kenneth John E Etucas(2023), Fire officers showed high

levels of agreement with intrapersonal coping mechanisms, such as

reassessment of oneself, maintaining a positive mindset, and taking personal

responsibility. Interpersonal coping mechanisms had mixed levels of

agreement, highlighting the need for further attention to aspects such as

criticism towards others and problematic relationships. Furthermore, the

correlation analysis reveals no significant relationship between intrapersonal

or interpersonal coping mechanisms and performance.

The level of capabilities of the BFP responding human-induced and

natural disasters is “very much capable”. As to the program’s implementation

level, it has remark of “very much implemented”. As to the challenges

encountered, the BFP mainly experienced a lack of manpower of personnel.

There is a significant difference in the implementation of the program and the

demographic profile of the BFP, however there is no significant difference was

recorded in how the BFP personnel implemented the programs based on the

degree they had attained, Loida L Urriza (2023).

Research Gap

As observed, weakness, Fear of confidentiality breech, Therapist:

negative experience, Lack of access and availability, and Family burden. It
treat that symptoms of burnout are often found among emergency services
professions, such as firefighter. It also discuss the drivers should acquire the
best driving skills. The results of the survey shows both a positive impact of
the course-driving skills improved after passing the course, and a negative
finding-the insufficiently short duration of training rides on the polygon.
Drivers’ skills were examined after a certain time from passing the course.

Interpersonal coping mechanisms had mixed levels of agreement,

highlighting the need for further attention to aspects such as criticism towards
others and problematic relationships. Furthermore, the correlation analysis
reveals no significant relationship between intrapersonal or interpersonal
coping mechanisms and performance.

There are several different preventive measures that can be used to

reduce the number of fire fatalities in residential buildings, but information on
how effective different measures are for different groups are, however,
lacking. As a result, general measures are often implemented on large
portions of the total population, which is not as cost-effective as targeting
certain measures for certain groups in the population

BFP mainly experienced a lack of manpower of personnel. There is a

significant difference in the implementation of the program and the
demographic profile of the BFP, however there is no significant difference was
recorded in how the BFP personnel implemented the programs based on the
degree they had attained
Theoretical Framework
e vent
e pr


t i on
assurance theory

Safetyrisk Evaluate risks

management trategies


Chapter III

This chapter includes the research design, participans, locale of the

study, map of the location of the study, data collection, interview techniques,

ethical considerations , sampling, instrumentation, Data analysis and

interpretation that were employed in the study.

Research Design

This study utilizes a a method research design, incorporating a

ethnography approach to study the Practices of strong fire prevention and

limitations and policy of the newly hired fire officer in General Santos City.

Ethnography approach involves a study of a group like family,

organization, culture, or observation on what are there in their practices. It is a

the study of people in their own environment through the use of methods such

as participant observation and face-to-face interviewing.

The researcher chose Ethnography approach because it allows to investigate

or explore the practices of a group. It will focus on gaining an in-depth

understanding of the study. 00

Research Respondents

The research respondents were selected using stratified sampling

which selected fire officers based on their knowledge and capabilities.

Rank SFO1 to SFO4 are chosen as a research respondents because

they are more knowledgeable and more has capabilities in terms of firefighting

and policies and limitations. It is important to acknowledge the senior fire

officers of their consistently serve in our City.

Locale of the Study

This study conducted at GenSan Fire Station. The Station located at

Pendaton avenue, General Santos City. The participants of this study will

specifically be in the Senior Fire Officers of GenSan Fire Station and

Calumpang Main Fire station.

Data Collection

Permission is granted to conduct a study by the Senior Fire Officer and

Investigation. A permission granted to conduct an interview to their fellow

officers as a data collection methods. These methods will allow to

comprehensive gathering information from the participants.

The study involved the participation of 5 Senior Officers, 4 males and 1

female, aged 32 to 52. Participants must have a knowledge about policies and

limitation and must have more capabilities in terms of firefighting.

Interview Techniques

The researcher used semi-structured in conducting an interview in his

participants. The researcher interview about asking questions , what are they

techniques to prevent the strong fire in fire incidents and What are they know

about the Limitations and policy of the firefighters

Ethical Considerations

For ethical research considerations, before the study will be conducted,

the respondents will receive a detail briefing and key information about the

purpose of the study. Through informed consent, the respondents shall

willingly decide to take part in the study. In order to guarantee anonymity,

secrecy, and the avoid potential harm, all information will be held and handled

with the confidentiality by not disclosing the names and identity of the

research participants.

The researcher adopted the technique of purposive sampling to

meticulously select the most useful to the purposes of the research of the

Senior Fire Officers in General Santos City.

Data analysis and interpretation

The data analysis in this study will involve a Ethnography approach,

which involves a study of a group like family, organization, culture, or

observation on what are there in their practices. It is a the study of people in

their own environment. By this study, the researcher used the ethnography to

interpret the data that used to ensure the validity and reliability of the study.



Felix Echavaria, Junn Quirk Espiritu,Psych Educ Multidisc J, 2024
















Name : James Dave L. Abordo

Date of Birth : March 31, 2007

Place of Birth : General Santos City

Address : Purok Saludin, Barangay Labangal,

General Santos City

Civil Status : Single

Age : 16 years old

Email Address : jamesabordo885@gmail.com

Father : Julliver N. Abordo

Mother : Maylyn L. Abordo


Secondary : General Santos City National High School Rizal Street,

Barangay Calumpang, General Santos City

June 2023

Elementary : Dadiangas West Central Elementary School,

General Santos City

April 2019

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