Current Challenges in Practical Object-Oriented Software Design
Current Challenges in Practical Object-Oriented Software Design
Current Challenges in Practical Object-Oriented Software Design
Current Challenges in
Practical Object-Oriented Software Design
Maurı́cio Aniche Joseph W. Yoder Fabio Kon
Delft University of Technology The Refactory, Inc. University of São Paulo
Delft, The Netherlands Urbana, USA São Paulo, Brazil
Abstract—According to the extensive 50-year-old body of From the beginning, modeling meant that the actions and
knowledge in object-oriented programming and design, good interactions of the objects that the program created (imple-
software designs are, among other characteristics, lowly coupled, mented in an object-oriented language) represent the actions
highly cohesive, extensible, comprehensible, and not fragile.
However, with the increased complexity and heterogeneity of and interactions of the corresponding real-world physical (or
contemporary software, this might not be enough. virtual) objects [4]. The goal is to model the real-world
This paper discusses the practical challenges of object-oriented scenario through objects and interactions to represent the
design in modern software development. We focus on three main domain as best as possible. Clearly, more complex real-world
challenges: (1) how technologies, frameworks, and architectures scenarios are more challenging to be modeled into a set of
pressure developers to make design decisions that they would
not take in an ideal scenario, (2) the complexity of current real- classes.
world problems require developers to devise not only a single, Parnas introduced the concept of information hiding in
but several models for the same problem that live and interact modular programming in his 1972 seminal paper “On the
together, and (3) how existing quality assessment techniques for Criteria to Be Used in Decomposing Systems into Modules”
object-oriented design should go beyond high-level metrics. [31]; a concept related to what later was referred to as high
Finally, we propose an agenda for future research that should
be tackled by both scientists and practitioners soon. This paper is
cohesion and loose coupling. In his “The Mythical Man-
a call for arms for more reality-oriented research on the object- Month: Essays on Software Engineering” from 1975, Brooks
oriented software design field. brought the attention to the importance of conceptual integrity
Index Terms—software design, class design, object-oriented in software design with the idea that there should be one mind
design, domain modeling, software engineering, software archi- (or a small, cohesive team) that designs the architecture of the
tecture, object-oriented programming.
system in a consistent and well-thought way [7].
Meyer [27], in his canonical “Object-Oriented Software
Construction” book, discussed several techniques to make
The term “object” in programming dates back from the early reusable, extensible, and maintainable object-oriented design.
1960s, appearing in several MIT projects at that time, such as The Gang of Four [18] proposed a large set of design patterns
Sketchpad [34]. The first programming language to introduce that help developers when looking for elegant solutions to
the concept as a core element was Simula, which introduced recurrent (creational, structural, and behavioral) and reusable
concepts such as classes, objects, inheritance, polymorphism, object-oriented design systems. Rumbaugh, Booch, and Jacob-
and dynamic binding in the late 1960s [11]. son [32] proposed the Unified Modeling Language (UML),
Since then, we have seen the birth of several languages who which the goal was to provide a general-purpose language to
followed OOP ideas in one way or another, such as Smalltalk, aid software developers and business stakeholders throughout
C++, Java, C#, JavaScript, Ruby, and Scala. 50 years later, the modeling process. Martin collected the five most crucial
OOP languages became prevalent in the software development object-oriented design principles, according to his experience,
field, as 7 out of the 10 most popular programming languages in his renowned paper “Design Principles and Design Patterns”
can be considered an object-oriented language (TIOBE index, [24], which later were known as the SOLID principles.
September 2018, Freeman and Pryce [17] presented their views on how test
One might see an object as something that has identity, state, code and, more specifically, mock objects, can help developers
and behavior [29]. In other words, objects can be distinguished in understanding and better defining their class contracts,
from one another based on its unique identity. Also every and how they should collaborate. Evans [13] suggested that
object holds a set of mutable variables that, together, represent developers should work together with domain experts putting
its current state. Finally objects communicate and trigger all their emphasis on modeling the system core domain and
different behaviors, one to another by sending messages or the associated domain problems, and proposed several patterns
functions. to help developers on such activity which he called Domain
The OOP movement made it clear for software engineers Driven Design (DDD).
that modeling is an integral part of software development. Due to the joint effort and complementary work of industry
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III. M ULTIPLE MODELS IN LARGE COMPLEX DOMAINS the same aspect is now represented over multiple classes?1
Theories explaining such questions are a fundamental step
Context: Complex real-world domains often involve com-
towards building guidelines and approaches that can help
plex business flow operations related to several stakeholders.
developers in coping with such complexity. We see it as a call
Different stakeholders might see the same business process
for collaboration between software engineers and requirements
differently from another, and both are probably correct. As
engineering researchers.
an example, an Invoice might represent something simple for
the Sales department, but may play a significant role for the IV. C ONTEXTUALLY MEASURING THE QUALITY OF
Payment department. An Address might be a simple detail for OBJECT- ORIENTED SOFTWARE DESIGN
the Payment department, but might play a major role in the
Delivery department. Context: In a large model, it is fundamentally important
to be able to detect pieces that are (not) well designed or
Time also plays a vital role in complex models. Often,
implemented. However, an important (and hard) question is:
we observe businesses being “event-driven”, meaning that
what constitutes a “good model”? So far, our community
the next state of the system is based on events that happen
has been relying on proxies, such as coupling, cohesion,
asynchronously. A large payment system should wait for a
and complexity [9], i.e., classes that are highly coupled or
credit card company to confirm the payment before proceeding
not cohesive are normally considered poorly designed OO
to the next steps. The shipping of a product only starts after the
classes. Code smells are also a common way to point to
inventory system processes it properly and allows the system
bad implementations, e.g., a God Class is a poorly designed
to continue with the delivery.
class. The simplicity of Code Smells make them both easily
These different “views” on the same problem forces de-
understood by developers and automatically detectable by
velopers to develop several different representations of the
model. In practice, this means that developers should not only
While multiple studies have shown the negative impact
model the main entities and their actions through different
of such code smells in software systems (e.g., [6], [28])
perspectives, but they should also model business events and
and developers have been using quality measurement tools
how these events change the current state of the model.
(e.g., Sonar), our current metrics fail to capture the context
Current solutions: Evans’ Domain-Driven Design ap-
(architectural-wise or domain-wise) of that software system.
proach [13] proposes a set of strategic design patterns that help
There are no single truths in software design. A class might
developers in dividing large models into different “Bounded
have a high coupling, and still be considered a well-designed
Contexts”, and to build a “Context Map” that explicitly shows
class. As a concrete example, developers already expect their
the relationships between the different contexts. We also
Controller classes in an MVC system to be more coupled than
observe the rise of Event-Driven Architectures [16], [5], where
the rest; after all, Controllers are the bridge between the user
developers explicitly deal with domain events.
interface and the model.
Researchers are also aware that modeling real-world do-
Understanding in which context a measurement makes sense
mains is a fundamental activity in requirements engineer-
and, more importantly, in which context a measurement does
ing [30] and that modeling large complex systems are, in-
not make sense is fundamental in our quest for high-quality
deed, an open challenge [8]. Empiricists have been studying
object-oriented software design. In this paper, we conjecture
how developers perform requirements engineering in prac-
that an important cause for the large number of false posi-
tice (e.g., [14]), the advantages and disadvantages of using
tives that static analysis and code quality measurement tools
modeling languages such as UML (e.g., [15], [33]), and how
currently generate [21] is their lack of context.
different modeling tools (e.g., [12]) and techniques (e.g., [25])
Current solutions: Taking into consideration the domain
and the architecture of the system under study has been gaining
More recently, developers have been proposing microser- attention from the community in the last years. Although lin-
vices as a possible alternative to reduce the complexity and ters are widely used [35], [36], and quality monitoring strate-
the coupling between their systems and specific technologies. gies such as Continuous Inspection have been proposed [26],
In essence, we see the idea of modularization [31] being researchers have shown that the domain of the application
discussed by developers from different perspectives. matters when it comes to the presence of code smells [22],
Vision for the future: We lack a clear understanding of that code metric distributions are statistically different among
how complex real-world business processes are and should be the different architectural roles of classes in a system [3], [23],
modeled. Moreover, we lack an understanding of how multiple and that specific architectures may have their own specific
models interact, evolve, and are maintained together, not only smells [2], [19].
from an abstract level, but also from the implementation point Besides, recent research on Technical Debt has shown that
of view. awareness of technical debt influences team behavior. De-
How (and how much) can developers reuse the implementa-
1 Not to mention that object-orientation might not be the best tool to model
tion from one model to the other? How much can one model
certain types of systems and processes. For example, functions might be
(or should) be coupled with another model without causing a better fit in some cases. The recent rise of functional programming and
any harm? How to interpret the notion of cohesion when serverless architectures demonstrates the power of such paradigms.
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