43 Turbomachinery & 30 Pump Users Symposia (Pump & Turbo 2014) September 23-25, 2014 - Houston, TX - Pumpturbo - Tamu.edu
43 Turbomachinery & 30 Pump Users Symposia (Pump & Turbo 2014) September 23-25, 2014 - Houston, TX - Pumpturbo - Tamu.edu
43 Turbomachinery & 30 Pump Users Symposia (Pump & Turbo 2014) September 23-25, 2014 - Houston, TX - Pumpturbo - Tamu.edu
43rd Turbomachinery & 30th Pump Users Symposia (Pump & Turbo 2014)
September 23-25, 2014 | Houston, TX | pumpturbo.tamu.edu
Grant O. Musgrove is a Research compressors for LNG and refinery jobs, and in Rotordynamic
Engineer in the Machinery Program at team, working on high speed rotor balancing. He has also
Southwest Research Institute. He currently worked as Test Engineer, responsible of Mechanical and
conducts applied research for Performance Tests of Centrifugal Compressors,
turbomachinery applications in the Oil & Turboexpanders and Steam Turbines. Mr. Bertoneri received
Gas and power generation industries. His a B.S. and M.S. degree (Mechanical Engineering, 2010) from
active research areas are wet gas University of Pisa.
compression, supercritical CO2, and
turbomachinery design. Mr. Musgrove’s ABSTRACT
responsibilities range from technical analysis to project During upstream production of natural gas fields, it is
management for both experimental and computational common that a gas-liquid mixture of product is brought to the
activities. Mr. Musgrove graduated from Oklahoma State surface. The mixture, termed wet gas, is generally made up of
University in 2007 and from The Pennsylvania State mostly gas with a small amount of liquid, typically up to 5%
University in 2009 with B.S. and M.S. degrees in Mechanical by volume of the mixture. Because of the difficulties of
Engineering, respectively. compressing wet gas, the practical approach has been to
separate the liquid and gas phases before compression.
Melissa A. Poerner is a Senior Research However, large separation equipment is unfavorable for
Engineer and Test Program Coordinator in subsea installations because of the cost to place machinery on
the Machinery Program at Southwest the sea floor. Instead, a compressor designed for wet gas
Research Institute. Her background operation is preferred because it eliminates the need for large
includes work related to analysis and testing separation equipment leading to plant simplification and cost
of compressors and other large machinery reduction. To address this design need, researchers have been
in adverse conditions such as wet gas or active in addressing the challenges with wet gas compression.
corrosive gas. In the past, she has been As result, experimental work has been conducted to study the
directly involved with design, operation, and project effects of wet gas on compressor aerodynamic and mechanical
management or wet gas compression test programs. Ms. performance. This experimental research has presented many
Poerner’s work experience is supported by a Bachelor’s of challenges in recreating wet gas conditions and quantifying
Science in Mechanical Engineering from Texas A&M the effect of the liquid on the compressor performance. The
University and a Master’s of Science in Mechanical results from this testing have helped to characterize the
Engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology. performance effects. But so far each work has focused on a
range of test variables without identifying those that have the
Matteo Bertoneri is a Conceptual Design largest effect on compressor performance. This paper aims to
Engineer within GE Oil & Gas, in provide the reader with an overview of the completed wet gas
Florence, Italy. His current duties involve research, the challenges associated with doing the
research, development and prototype- experimental work, and a discussion of the resulting trends
testing activities on mechanical and observed in most of the wet gas research. This will include an
thermodynamics conceptual design of new in-depth review of relevant literature on wet gas compression
Centrifugal Compressors. His previous testing and performance, a discussion of the important
tasks were in Requisition office, designing
Table 3.
Test Parameters and Order of Magnitude
Test Variable Units Order of Range of Values
Speed [rpm] 103 8,000 – 11,000
Suction Pressure [bar] 101 19 – 20
Suction Air Temperature [°C] 101 42 – 64
Air-Water T [°C] 100 -8 – 10
Air Volume Flow [ACMH] 102 - 103 460 – 1160
Water Volume Flow [gpm] 101 - 102 0.6 – 5.8
Water-Air Density Ratio [-] 101 45 – 50
LVF [-] 10-2 0.3 - 3.0%
LMF [-] 10-1 12 – 60%
2.5 2.5
Perfect Fit Perfect Fit
2 Dry Regression Model 2 Dry Regression Model
Wet Regression Model Wet Regression Model
1.5 Measured Isentropic Efficiency 1.5
Measured Compressor PR
1 1
0.5 0.5
0 0
-0.5 -0.5
-1 -1
-1.5 -1.5
-2 -2
-2.5 -2.5
-2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 -2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Predicted Compressor PR Predicted Isentropic Efficency
2.5 2.5
Perfect Fit Perfect Fit
2 Dry Regression Model 2 Dry Regression Model
Wet Regression Model Wet Regression Model
1.5 1.5
1 1
Measured Shaft Torque
0.5 0.5
0 0
-0.5 -0.5
-1 -1
-1.5 -1.5
-2 -2
-2.5 -2.5
-2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 -2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Predicted Shaft Torque Predicted Axial Thrust
0.5 0.5
0 0
-0.5 -0.5
-1 -1
-1.5 -1.5
-2 -2
-2.5 -2.5
-2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 -2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Predicted Compressor PR Predicted Isentropic Efficency
2.5 2.5
Perfect Fit Perfect Fit
2 Dry Regression Model 2 Dry Regression Model
Wet Regression Model Wet Regression Model
1.5 1.5
1 1
Measured Shaft Torque
0 0
-0.5 -0.5
-1 -1
-1.5 -1.5
-2 -2
-2.5 -2.5
-2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 -2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Predicted Shaft Torque Predicted Axial Thrust
Using the second-order regression model, the set of volume flow of the wet operating point. Nominal values of
inputs was investigated to determine which of them were not LMF and LVF are calculated using the gas volume flow of the
required to adequately predict compressor performance. A corresponding dry operating point. The purpose of
total of 23 variations of the input set were investigated to investigating nominal values lies in the simplicity of selecting
determine the minimum set required. The adequacy of each operating conditions for future wet gas testing. The second-
variable set is determined using the R2 fit of the model to the order model presented above is shown in Figure 11 as the first
measured test data, as shown in Figure 11. A primary goal of variable set that includes both nominal and actual values of
defining the variable set is to determine the importance of LMF and LVF. Moving from left to right on Figure 11 each
LVF and LMF on the model output. The motivation for this variable set is reduced by one variable at a time. The influence
exercise is that much of the literature uses LVF as a primary of using the actual and nominal values of LMF and LVF is
test variable for elevated pressure tests, and LMF as a primary seen to affect only the isentropic efficiency and axial thrust by
test variable for atmospheric pressure tests. The goal is to as much as one percent of the R2 fit. The air-water density
determine if one is more important than the other, or if both ratio was found to not affect the regression model fit, likely
should be considered. The horizontal axis of Figure 11 is because the air-water density ratio is included in the
generated to show the set of variables that were combined calculation of LMF. Removing the water volume flow rate
with the noted LVF or LMF variables. For this data, both from the variable set had a small effect on the model fit;
nominal and actual LMF and LVF values are compared. however, including LMF and LVF together results in a
Actual values of LMF and LVF are calculated using the gas regression model with similar fit to larger variable sets.
Regression 0.96
R Fit 0.95
R2 Fit
Compressor PR
Shaft Torque
Axial Thrust
0.91 Isentropic Efficiency
Figure 11. Sensitivity of 2nd Order Wet Regression Model to Selection of Variables
As expected, the water flow rate and air-water density ratio are 20
not required to define an input variable set as long as LMF and 18
LVF are included to account for the density ratio and water
flow rate. The unexpected result, however, is that the
temperature difference between the air and water has a major 14
effect on the model fit. This suggests that air and water 12
temperature differences are important for wet gas Bin
compression. Considering the thermodynamics of 8
compression, it would be expected that the inlet temperature
difference would be important. However, the temperature
difference has not been thoroughly studied in the literature, 4
and the amount of temperature difference required to 2
significantly affect compressor performance has not been 0
quantified. From the test data set, the maximum temperature
difference was less than 10°C; whereby most data points had a Air-Water Temperature Difference [°C]
temperature difference less than 2°C, as shown in Figure 12.
Because only a few degrees of temperature difference were Figure 12. Histogram of Air-Water Temperature Difference
measured for most data points, the air-water temperature for all Wet Gas Data Points
difference was not expected to be significant for the regression
Figure 13. Normalized Regression Coefficients for 2nd Order Dry Model
0.9 Compressor PR
0.8 Shaft Torque
0.7 Axial Thrust
Isentropic Efficiency
Normalized 0.6
Regression 0.5
Coefficient 0.4
Figure 14. Normalized Regression Coefficients for 2nd Order Wet Model
Figure 15. Potential Influence of Wet Gas: (left) Liquid Droplets Leading to Premature Flow Separation or (Right) Liquid Film
Significantly Increasing Surface Roughness [39]
The interaction between the gas and liquid for non-ideal compression, much of the research is dis-jointed among a
liquid conditions is not a simple task, and this is a growing range of compressor designs and operating conditions such
area of interest to improve wet gas predictions. Boundary that a clear picture of wet gas effects is not possible. As wet
layer analysis is quite complex to estimate the flow near the gas compressor prototypes are being designed for sub-sea
air and water interface [40] when trying to model the natural service, more experimental work will be needed to determine
physics. Computational methods are more attractive, but still the effect of flow path design features on compressor
rely on empirical models for the interaction of the phases. To performance. To that end, a harmonized test campaign
resolve the complex interactions between gas and liquid evaluating the performance and durability of multiple designs
phases, computational cost is high due to the number of in the same test facility can provide directly comparable test
equations to solve the momentum, energy, and turbulence data. While aerodynamic performance data is still needed for
equations of both gas and liquid phases. Additional equations future compressor designs, future experimental work will
are included to account for the interfacial communication likely begin investigating rotor-dynamic, and durability of the
between the fluids. Furthermore, resolving the fluid inter- machine.
phase requires a very fine mesh in regions where the gas and
liquid interface is to occur. At this time, CFD solutions for wet CONCLUSIONS
gas compression are being done, but information is limited on Test experience from the authors and a review of relevant
their accuracy and computational efficiency. Because of the literature on the subject of wet gas compression has been
complexity of modeling the multiphase flow while accounting presented for Oil & Gas applications with centrifugal
for the natural physics of the gas-liquid interface, SwRI has compressors. Considerations for experimental testing have
recently been investigating the use of an alternative been presented to discuss a typical test setup in detail and
computational flow solver using a lattice-Boltzmann (LB) provide insight for selection of loop hardware and control. An
method. Effectively, the LB method arrives at the Navier overview of analytical work in wet gas compression was
Stokes equations while utilizing a mesoscopic method for presented to show the current state-of-the-art in the literature.
fluid predictions. Advantages of the LB method are that it is A regression analysis was presented to show the significant
implicitly transient, does not require a discretized mesh, and test variables observed during a wet gas test campaign.
can account for multiphase flows with a few additional Important test variables were found to be dependent on the
equations. Through internal research work at SwRI, the LB measurement being made; however, liquid mass fraction was
method shows promise, but requires more work to accurately found to be important for measuring compressor pressure
predict wet gas aerodynamics. ratio, efficiency, torque, and thrust. Liquid volume fraction
Experimental was found to be important for measuring pressure ratio and
As part of sub-sea technology development, compressor efficiency, which suggests the importance of future tests to use
performance and operation at sub-sea conditions are being fluids that allow for gas-liquid density ratios similar to actual
actively researched at a handful of locations throughout the operation. From the regression analysis and the overview of
world. Although wet gas compressor test results have been experimental and analytical, suggestions for wet gas work
published in the literature for nearly a decade, the Oil & Gas were presented to call attention to areas of wet gas research
industry still does not have enough information to confidently that require further study.
predict wet gas performance, mechanical operation, or
machine durability for all conditions. While the available wet NOMENCLATURE
gas testing has revealed important information on wet gas LMF = Liquid mass fraction, ṁℓ/(ṁℓ+ṁg) (-)
The authors wish to thank GE Oil & Gas for their support
and allowing the use of test data in this paper. The authors
also thank David Ransom at Southwest Research Institute for
supporting this paper.