UTS Coverage Midterm
UTS Coverage Midterm
UTS Coverage Midterm
The spiritual life does not remove us from the world but CHRISTIANITY
leads us deeper into it. -HENRI J.M. NOUWEN
• Belief in God the Father, Jesus Christ as the Son of
SPIRITUAL SELF God, and the Holy Spirit.
• The death, descent into hell, resurrect ion and
- Inner Essence ascension of Christ.
- Connects the person to the sacred, the supernatural, • The holiness of the Church and the communion of
and the universe. saints.
- Experience a feeling of oneness with a higher being • Christ 's second coming, the Day of Judgement and
and the universe. salvation of the faithful.
- Gives a deeper purpose or meaning of one’ s life.
- These are six principles that a Sunni Muslim must
• Imitation believe to be accepted as a Muslim.
• Interaction • Belief in one God (Allah).
• Observation • Belief in his Angels.
• Belief in his holy books.
• Belief in his messengers.
• Parents are a child's first and most influential • Belief in the Day of Judgment and life after death.
teachers. • Belief in divine decree.
• They can shape and mold a child's character,
values, and worldview.
• School’s teach children the existence of religions,
• Better confidence
beliefs, and so on.
• Self-esteem
• The church creates a space for children to spend
• Self-control
time learning about good morals and standards. It
• Purpose in life
can help children to stay grounded, avoid falling
• Sense of peace
into bad habits and guide them throughout their
“Search for the Meaning of Life"
- Viktor Frankl's "Man's Search for Meaning" and
- Spirituality refers to meaning and purpose in one's Logotherapy
life, a search for wholeness, and a relationship with
Dr. Emil Victor Frankl
a transcendent being (Hage, Hopson, Siegel,
Payton, & DeFanti, 2006). - born March 26, 1905, Vienna, Austria
- The root meaning of Spirituality is taken from the - died September 2, 1997, Vienna
Latin word spiritus, meaning breath or life force. - was an Austrian psychiatrist and psychotherapist
❖ In Christian ethics, Peschke ( 1994) describes that who developed the psychological approach known
the experience of the sacred is characterized by as logotherapy. This approach emphasizes the
reverence, faith, fear, trust, love, and admiration search for meaning as a fundamental human drive.
which are intimately connected to god. Frankl's work was heavily influenced by his
❖ Worship is regarded as an essential act to realize the experiences as a prisoner in Nazi concentration
ultimate meaning of transcendence and human life. camps during World War II.
RELIGION Frankl describes how prisoners in the concentration
camps passed through three major phases:
- Is a system of beliefs, rituals, and practices that are
followed by a group of people.
• Shock: Initially, prisoners experienced shock when
- can serve as a source of inspiration and provide a
confronted with the brutal realities of the camp.
framework for spiritual growth and development. A
t the same time, spirituality can enrich a person’s
• Apathy: Over time, many prisoners developed How does Animism affect people?
apathy, a protective emotional shell that helped
them cope with the hardships and brutalities. - Animism cultivates among people a consciousness
of the environment that they are in, thus making
• Depersonalization: In the final phase, prisoners them more mindful of how they act according to
experienced depersonalization, a state where the different things they come in contact with.
everything seemed unreal, akin to a dream.
❖ Throughout the world, in all of the great spiritual
LOGOTHERAPY traditions, there is a teaching about “Divinity”
being within us. From Native American, Hindu and
- is the pursuit of human existence as well as on Buddhist traditions, to Christianity, all the way to
man's search for such a meaning. According to great mystics and scientists. From traditions that
logotherapy, the striving to find a meaning in one's subscribe to the idea of “God, ” to traditions that
life is the primary motivational force in man. In honour the earth or the Light within humanity. We
logotherapy, one can discover the meaning of life in all seem to agree that we are more than a Body.
three different ways: by doing a deed, by There is light/God/Divine consciousness within us.
experiencing a value, and by suffering. Your Spiritual Self is you in your most beautiful
and powerful form. It is the authentic self, the
1. Doing a Deed: Meaning can be discovered through unconditioned part, the you without patterns.
achievements and accomplishments. Setting and
achieving goals give life purpose.