Modeling and Simulation of A Solar Photovoltaic Sy
Modeling and Simulation of A Solar Photovoltaic Sy
Modeling and Simulation of A Solar Photovoltaic Sy
Corresponding Author:
M. Abdulkadir
Department of Energy Conversion, Faculty of Electrical Engineering,
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310, Skudai, Johor Bahru, Malaysia.
With the world economic development and growing demand for energy, the conventional energy
sources have become increasingly unable to meet the world demand for the energy. Thus, it is important to
explore more and better means of alternative energy sources like sunlight, wind and biomass. Photovoltaic
energy is a source of interesting energy; it is renewable, inexhaustible and non-polluting, and it is more and
more intensively used as energy sources in various applications [1]. In regard to endless importance of solar
energy, it is worth saying that solar energy is a unique perspective solution for energy crisis. Meanwhile,
despite all these advantages of solar energy, they do not present desirable efficiency [2], [3]. Renewable
energy is gaining tremendous attention in both academia and industry in an effort to reduce greenhouse
emissions. The main renewable sources are biomass, geothermal, hydro, photovoltaic, and wind. Photovoltaic
(PV) power is expected to have the fastest annual growth rate having already shown a top growth rate of
more than 50% in 2006 and 2007 [4]. PV power systems have the advantage that their installation is static
(i.e. no moving parts), simple and quickly compared to other renewable sources. Thus, they have a longer
lifetime span, (typically more than 20 years) [5]. Moreover, due to their low operational cost and
maintenance, they provide a significant solution for powering remote areas. The general descriptions of the
photovoltaic system were discussed in the next section.
as a reference, or baseline, for the solar power generation technology. In general, the status of a photovoltaic
cell technology depends on the cell efficiency, and manufacturing cost. The focus of R&D all over the world
is on improving its efficiency and cost, where the optimal solution is based on a trade-off between the two.
The efficiency of a photovoltaic cell is determined by the material’s ability to absorb photon energy over a
wide range, and on the band gap of the material.
Photovoltaic cells are semiconductors that have weakly bonded electrons at a level of energy called
valence band [7, 8]. When energy strikes this valence band, it frees those bonded electrons and moves them
to another energy level called conduction band. At the conduction band, the electrons are able to conduct
electricity through an electrical load. PV cells use the energy of photons from sunlight to break their band
gap energy thereby producing DC current. Typically, PV cells produce low power (approximately 2-3Watts);
[9] hence several cells are connected together to form modules and panels for higher power applications.
Power regulation elements (e.g. battery, charge controller, converter, etc....) mare also incorporated to match
the output power form to the demanded application. Figure 1 shows the simple concept of photovoltaic
Crystalline and polycrystalline silicons are the materials most commonly used in photovoltaic cells.
The advantage of silicon cells is primarily the abundance of silicon on earth. The photovoltaic cell consists of
several layers of semiconductor materials with different electronic properties [11] – [14]. In a typical
polycrystalline cell, the bulk of the material is silicon, doped with a small quantity of boron to give it a
positive or p-type character. A thin layer on the front of the cell is doped with phosphorous to give it a
negative or n-type character. The interface between these two layers produces an electric field and forms the
so-called a “cell junction” [15]. When the cell is exposed to sunlight, a certain percentage of the incoming
photons are absorbed in the region of the junction, freeing electrons in the silicon crystal. If the photons have
enough energy, the electrons will be able to overcome the electric field at the junction and are free to move
through the silicon and into an external circuit. The direction of the electric current is opposite to its direction
if the device operates as a diode. The next section dwelled on the modeling of photovoltaic system.
The ideal photovoltaic module consists of a single diode connected in parallel with a light generated
current source ( ) as shown in Figure 3, the equation for the output current is given by:
The light current depends on both irradiance and temperature. It is measured at some reference
conditions. Thus,
Where is the photocurrent in (A) which is the light-generated current at the nominal condition (25oC and
1000W/m2), Ki is the short-circuit current/temperature co-efficient at. (0.0017A/K), and are the
actual and reference temperature in Kelvin (K), is the irradiation on the device surface, and 1000W/m2 is
the nominal irradiation [20]. Equation (2) does not adequately represent the behaviour of the cell when
subjected to environmental variations, especially at low voltage [18], [21], and [23]. A more practical model
is shown in Figure 3, where and represents the equivalent series and parallel resistance, respectively.
In this model, a current source which depends on solar radiation and cell temperature; a diode in which
the inverse saturation current depends mainly on the operating temperature; a series resistance and a
shunt resistance which takes into account the resistive losses was considered [24].
Modeling and Simulation of a Solar Photovoltaic System, Its Dynamics and Transient… (M. Abdulkadir)
188 ISSN: 2088-8694
The equations that describe the, I-V and P-V characteristic of the circuit in Figure 4 is given by;
The module saturation current varies with the cell temperature which is given by;
The basic equation that describes the current output of the photovoltaic (PV) module of the
single-diode model is as given in equation (8).
The shunt resistance is inversely related with shunt leakage current to the ground. In general, the
photovoltaic efficiency is insensitive to variation in and the shunt-leakage resistance can be assumed to
approach infinity without leakage current to ground. For an ideal photovoltaic cell, there is no series loss and
no leakage to ground, i.e. = 0 and = ∞ [26].
Where k is the Boltzmann constant (1.38 x 10-23 J K-1), [9] q is the electronic charge (1.602 x 10-19
C), T is the cell temperature (K); A is the diode ideality factor, the series resistance (Ω) and is the
shunt resistance (Ω). is the number of cells connected in series, is the number of cells connected in
parallel, The nonlinear and implicit equation given by Eq. (4) depends on the incident
solar irradiance, the cell temperature, and on their reference values [1]-[9]. These reference values are
generally provided by manufacturers of PV modules for specified operating condition such as STC (Standard
Test Conditions) for which the irradiance is 1000 W/m2 and the cell temperature is 25oC. Real operating
conditions are always different from the standard conditions, and mismatch effects can also affect the real
values of these mean parameters [20], [24]. The use of a simplified circuit model in this work makes it
suitable for power electronics designers to have an easy and effective model for the simulation of
photovoltaic devices with power converters. Based on the above equations and using the electrical
specifications presented in Table 1.1, the PV system model has been developed using LABVIEW as shown
in Figure 5. The next section presents the LABVIEW modeling validation.
II. Maximum power point or MPP, where the product of current and voltage has its maximum (defined by
Impp X Vmpp).
III. Open circuit point, where the current is zero and the voltage has its maximum (open circuit voltage VD).
The measurements taken for obtaining an I-V curve depend on controlling the load current. At open
circuit, when no load current is generated, a first characteristic value can be measured; the open circuit
voltage VD. Decreasing the load fed by the photovoltaic module leads to a decreasing voltage V with an
increasing current I [12]. In other words, by increasing the load current from zero to its maximum value, the
operating point moves from the open circuit voltage at zero current to the short circuit current Isc at zero
voltage. The series of all measured pairs (V, I) yields the characteristic I-V curve of the module. From the
characteristic curves of the module, it is clear that the open circuit voltage of the photovoltaic module, the
point of intersection of the curve with the horizontal axis, varies little with solar radiation changes. It is
inversely proportional to temperature, i.e., a rise in temperature produces a decrease in voltage. Short circuit
current, the point of intersection of the curve with the vertical axis, is directly proportional to solar radiation
and is relatively steady with temperature variations.
Actually, the photovoltaic module acts like a constant current source for most parts of its I-V curve
[11] – [14]. As demonstrated in Figure 6b, an increase in solar radiation causes the output current to increase
and the horizontal part of the curve moves upward. An increase in cell temperature causes the voltage to
move leftward, while decreasing temperature produces the opposite effect. Thus, the I-V curves display how
a photovoltaic module responds to all possible loads under different solar radiation and cell temperature
conditions. An operating point of a photovoltaic module will move by varying solar radiation, cell
temperature, and load values. For a given solar radiation and operating temperature, the output power
depends on the value of the load [25]. As the load increases, the operating point moves along the curve
towards the right. So, only one load value produces a PV maximum power. The maximum power points line,
which is positioned at the knees of the I-V curves, has a nearly constant output voltage at varying solar
radiation conditions. When the temperature varies, the maximum power points are generated in such a
manner that the output current stays approximately constant.
8 110
25 oC
Current (A)
25 oC
Power (w)
50 oC
3 50 oC
75 oC
75 oC
1 30
0 20
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
Voltage (V)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
Voltage (V)
110 8
100 1000W/m2
80 800W/m2
70 5
Current (A)
Power (w)
3 400W/m2
30 2
20 VD
0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 Voltage (V)
Voltage (V)
(c) (d)
Figure 6. (a) I-V Characteristic for varying temperature (b) P-V Characteristic for varying temperature (c) P-
V Characteristic for varying irradiance (d) I-V Characteristic for varying irradiance.
The authors would like to thank the Ministry of Higher Education, MOHE Malaysia for the financial
support and Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, UTM JB for providing the facilities to conduct the research.
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Musa Abdulkadir Born 1974 at Borno State Nigeria. He obtained his Bachelor degree in Electrical and
Electronics Engineering at University of Maiduguri, Nigeria in 2004, Master degree in Electronics
Engineering from Electrical and Electronics Engineering at University of Maiduguri, Nigeria in 2011, and
currently pursuit PhD degree from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia. His areas of interest research
include renewable energy, control technique and application of power converters.
Modeling and Simulation of a Solar Photovoltaic System, Its Dynamics and Transient… (M. Abdulkadir)
192 ISSN: 2088-8694
Ahmad Saudi Samosir was born in Belawan, Indonesia in 1971. He obtained his Bachelor degree in
electrical engineering from University of North Sumatera, Indonesia, in 1995, Master degree in electrical
power engineering from Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia, in 1999, and PhD degree from
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia, in 2010. His areas of interest research include renewable energy,
control technique and application of power converters.
Abdul Halim Mohd Yatim received the B.Sc. degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from
Portsmouth Polytechnic, Portsmouth, U.K., in 1981, the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in power electronics
from Bradford University, Bradford, U.K., in 1984 and 1990, respectively. Since 1982, he has been a
member of the faculty at the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor, Malaysia, where he currently is a
Professor and Dean of the Faculty. His areas of interest research include power quality,
renewable/alternate energy, power electronics application and drives. He was a Commonwealth Fellow
during 1994–1995 at Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh, U.K., and a Visiting Scholar at the Virginia
Power Electronics Centre, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, in 1993. Dr.
Yatim is a Corporate Member of the Institution of Engineers Malaysia. He is a Registered Professional
Engineer with the Malaysian Board of Engineers.