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Original programming manual

PDM360 NG Touch


Runtime system V02.03.xx


ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27


1 About this manual 5

1.1 Copyright ..............................................................................................................................6
1.2 Overview: documentation modules for ecomatmobile devices ............................................6
1.3 CODESYS programming manual ........................................................................................7
1.4 What do the symbols and formats mean? ...........................................................................7
1.5 How is this documentation structured? ................................................................................8
1.6 History of the instructions (CR1082) ..................................................................................8

2 Safety instructions 9
2.1 What previous knowledge is required? ..............................................................................10
2.2 Note! ...................................................................................................................................10
2.3 Start-up behaviour of the controller....................................................................................11

3 System description 12
3.1 Information about the device ..............................................................................................12
3.2 Hardware ............................................................................................................................13
3.2.1 Display elements ........................................................................................................................ 14
3.2.2 Operating elements .................................................................................................................... 15
3.2.3 Limitations for program and data memories ............................................................................... 16
3.2.4 Real-time clock (RTC) ................................................................................................................ 17
3.2.5 Camera visualisation .................................................................................................................. 18
3.3 Interfaces ...........................................................................................................................19
3.3.1 Inputs (technology) ..................................................................................................................... 20
3.3.2 Outputs (technology) .................................................................................................................. 23
3.3.3 CAN ............................................................................................................................................ 24
3.3.4 USB ............................................................................................................................................ 24
3.3.5 Ethernet ...................................................................................................................................... 24
3.3.6 Analogue video input .................................................................................................................. 25
3.4 Software description ..........................................................................................................26
3.4.1 Software components ................................................................................................................. 27
3.4.2 Programming system CODESYS 2.3 ......................................................................................... 28
3.4.3 ifm target package for CODESYS .............................................................................................. 28
3.4.4 Operating states ......................................................................................................................... 28

4 Installation 29
4.1 Install the CODESYS programming system ......................................................................30
4.2 Install the device-specific target package ..........................................................................30
4.3 Update the runtime system of the device ..........................................................................31
4.3.1 Notes .......................................................................................................................................... 32
4.3.2 Enter the recovery mode ............................................................................................................ 34
4.3.3 Update the runtime system......................................................................................................... 34
4.3.4 Configure IP parameter of ethernet interface ............................................................................. 37
4.3.5 Quit the recovery mode .............................................................................................................. 40

5 Device configuration 41
5.1 Enter the setup mode .........................................................................................................42
5.2 Operating instructions ........................................................................................................43
5.2.1 Key functionality ......................................................................................................................... 44
5.2.2 Navigation key ............................................................................................................................ 49
5.2.3 Touchscreen............................................................................................................................... 49

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27

5.2.4 Setup: Working with enabled password protection ..................................................................... 50

5.3 Setup: start screen .............................................................................................................52
5.3.1 Setup: System settings ............................................................................................................... 53
5.3.2 Setup: Display system information ............................................................................................. 63
5.3.3 Setup: More functions ................................................................................................................ 64
5.4 PDF file viewer ...................................................................................................................78
5.4.1 PDF: Navigating in the PDF file .................................................................................................. 79
5.4.2 PDF-Viewer: Display PDF file in full-screen mode ..................................................................... 80
5.4.3 PDF-Viewer: Display extended menu ......................................................................................... 81
5.4.4 PDF-Viewer: Display the tabel of content of the PDF file ........................................................... 82
5.5 Setup: Start the application ................................................................................................83
5.6 Automatically restore system files......................................................................................84
5.7 Exit setup, reboot device ....................................................................................................84

6 Programming 85
6.1 Set the target system .........................................................................................................86
6.1.1 Create CODESYS project manually ........................................................................................... 87
6.1.2 Configure the controller .............................................................................................................. 88
6.1.3 Configure CAN interfaces ........................................................................................................... 89
6.1.4 Use access protection ................................................................................................................ 91
6.2 First steps ...........................................................................................................................93
6.2.1 Programming notes for CODESYS projects ............................................................................... 94
6.2.2 Create PLC program ................................................................................................................ 114
6.2.3 Add additional libraries ............................................................................................................. 115
6.2.4 Programming interfaces ........................................................................................................... 116
6.2.5 Save project in the device ........................................................................................................ 122
6.3 Configuration of the inputs and outputs ...........................................................................123
6.3.1 Notes ........................................................................................................................................ 124
6.3.2 Configure input ......................................................................................................................... 124
6.3.3 Configure output ....................................................................................................................... 124
6.4 Use visualisations ............................................................................................................125
6.4.1 Notes on visualisations ............................................................................................................. 126
6.4.2 Create visualisation .................................................................................................................. 132
6.4.3 Configuring functions of operating elements ............................................................................ 133
6.4.4 Use of optical and acustical feedback ...................................................................................... 136
6.4.5 Install fonts (true type fonts) ..................................................................................................... 137
6.5 Use of touch screen functions ..........................................................................................139
6.5.1 General notes ........................................................................................................................... 139
6.5.2 Process touch screen inputs .................................................................................................... 139
6.5.3 Use visual feedback ................................................................................................................. 141
6.5.4 Calibration of the touch screen ................................................................................................. 142
6.6 Install and set up mobile camera .....................................................................................143
6.6.1 Setup and operate Ethernet cameras ....................................................................................... 144
6.6.2 Setup and operate analogue cameras ..................................................................................... 148

7 ifm function elements 155

7.1 ifm libraries for the device CR1082 ..................................................................................156
7.1.1 Library ifm_CR1082_Vxxyyzz.LIB ............................................................................................ 157
7.1.2 Library ifm_PDMng_util_Vxxyyzz.LIB ....................................................................................... 158
7.1.3 Library ifm_PDM360NG_special_V02yyzz.LIB ........................................................................ 158
7.1.4 Library ifm_PDM360NG_linux_syscall_asynch_V02yyzz.LIB .................................................. 158
7.1.5 Library ifm_PDM360NG_USB_Vxxyyzz.lib .............................................................................. 159
7.1.6 Library ifm_PDM360NG_USB_LL_V02yyzz.LIB ...................................................................... 159
7.1.7 Library ifm_PDM_input_V01yyzz.LIB ....................................................................................... 159
7.1.8 Library ifm_RAWCan_NT_Vxxyyzz.LIB.................................................................................... 160
7.1.9 Library ifm_CANopen_NT_Vxxyyzz.LIB ................................................................................... 161
7.1.10 Library ifm_J1939_NT_Vxxyyzz.LIB ......................................................................................... 163
7.1.11 Library ifm_NetVarLib_NT_Vxxyyzz.LIB................................................................................... 163
7.2 ifm function elements for the device CR1082 ..................................................................164
7.2.1 POUs: Setup the device ........................................................................................................... 165

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27

7.2.2 POUs: Read device information ............................................................................................... 175

7.2.3 POUs: Adjust analouge and digital values................................................................................ 181
7.2.4 POUs: Manage, read and write the USB memory device ......................................................... 185
7.2.5 Function elements: Control LED + buzzer ................................................................................ 193
7.2.6 POUs: Manage visualisation .................................................................................................... 198
7.2.7 POUs: Use touch screen functions ........................................................................................... 224
7.2.8 POUs: Help functions ............................................................................................................... 226
7.2.9 Function elements: RAW-CAN (Layer 2) .................................................................................. 230
7.2.10 Function elements: CANopen................................................................................................... 258
7.2.11 Function elements: SAE J1939 ................................................................................................ 306

8 Diagnosis and error handling 343

8.1 Diagnosis .........................................................................................................................344
8.2 Fault .................................................................................................................................344
8.3 Response to system errors ..............................................................................................344
8.3.1 Example process for response to an error message ................................................................ 344
8.4 CAN / CANopen: errors and error handling .....................................................................344

9 Annex 345
9.1 Address assignment in Ethernet networks ......................................................................346
9.2 System flags.....................................................................................................................347
9.2.1 System flags: system ............................................................................................................... 348
9.2.2 System flags: Inputs and Outputs ............................................................................................. 348
9.2.3 System flags: Status LED ......................................................................................................... 349
9.2.4 System flags: function keys ...................................................................................................... 350
9.2.5 System flags: navigation keys .................................................................................................. 351
9.2.6 System flags: error flags ........................................................................................................... 352
9.3 Possible operating modes inputs/outputs ........................................................................353
9.4 CANopen tables ...............................................................................................................354
9.4.1 Structure of CANopen messages ............................................................................................. 355
9.4.2 Boot-up message ..................................................................................................................... 360
9.4.3 Network management (NMT) ................................................................................................... 361
9.4.4 CANopen error code ................................................................................................................ 366

10 Glossary of Terms 370

11 Index 379

12 Notizen • Notes • Notes 384

13 ifm weltweit • ifm worldwide • ifm à l’échelle internationale 385

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
About this manual Copyright

1 About this manual

Copyright ..................................................................................................................................................6
Overview: documentation modules for ecomatmobile devices ................................................................6
CODESYS programming manual .............................................................................................................7
What do the symbols and formats mean? ................................................................................................7
How is this documentation structured? ....................................................................................................8
History of the instructions (CR1082) ......................................................................................................8

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
About this manual Copyright


1.1 Copyright

© All rights reserved by ifm electronic gmbh. No part of this manual may be reproduced and used
without the consent of ifm electronic gmbh.
All product names, pictures, companies or other brands used on our pages are the property of the respective rights owners:
• AS-i is the property of the AS-International Association, (→ www.as-interface.net)
• CAN is the property of the CiA (CAN in Automation e.V.), Germany (→ www.can-cia.org)
• CODESYS™ is the property of the 3S – Smart Software Solutions GmbH, Germany (→ www.codesys.com)
• DeviceNet™ is the property of the ODVA™ (Open DeviceNet Vendor Association), USA (→ www.odva.org)
• EtherNet/IP® is the property of the →ODVA™
• IO-Link® (→ www.io-link.com) is the property of the →PROFIBUS Nutzerorganisation e.V., Germany
• Microsoft® is the property of the Microsoft Corporation, USA (→ www.microsoft.com)
• PROFIBUS® is the property of the PROFIBUS Nutzerorganisation e.V., Germany (→ www.profibus.com)
• PROFINET® is the property of the →PROFIBUS Nutzerorganisation e.V., Germany
• Windows® is the property of the →Microsoft Corporation, USA

1.2 Overview: documentation modules for ecomatmobile devices


The documentation for ecomatmobile devices consists of the following modules:

1. Data sheet
Contents Technical data in a table
Source → www.ifm.com > select your country > [Data sheet search] > CR1082 > [Technical data in PDF format]

2. Installation instructions / operating instructions

Contents Instructions for installation, electrical installation, (commissioning*), technical data
Source The instructions are supplied with the device
They are also found on ifm's homepage:
→ www.ifm.com > select your country > [Data sheet search] > CR1082 > [Operating instructions]

3. Programming manual + online help

Contents Description of the configuration and the functions of the device software
Source → www.ifm.com > select your country > [Data sheet search] > CR1082 > [Operating instructions]

4. System manual "Know-how ecomatmobile"

Contents Know-how about the following topics:
• Overview Templates and demo programs
• CAN, CANopen
• Control outputs
• User flash memory
• Visualisations
• Overview of the files and libraries used
Source → www.ifm.com > select your country > [Data sheet search] > CR1082 > [Operating instructions]
*) The descriptions in brackets are only included in the instructions of certain devices.

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
About this manual CODESYS programming manual


1.3 CODESYS programming manual


In the additional "Programming Manual for CODESYS V2.3" you obtain more details about the use of
the programming system.
This manual can be downloaded free of charge from ifm's website:
→ www.ifm.com > Select your country > [Service] > [Download] > [Systems for mobile machines]
You also find manuals and online help for ecomatmobile at:
→ ecomatmobile DVD "Software, tools and documentation"

1.4 What do the symbols and formats mean?


The following symbols or pictograms illustrate the notes in our instructions:

Death or serious irreversible injuries may result.

Slight reversible injuries may result.

Property damage is to be expected or may result.

Important notes concerning malfunctions or disturbances

Other remarks
► ... Request for action
> ... Reaction, result
→ ... "see"
abc Cross-reference
123 Decimal number
0x123 Hexadecimal number
0b010 Binary number
[...] Designation of pushbuttons, buttons or indications

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
About this manual How is this documentation structured?


1.5 How is this documentation structured?


This documentation is a combination of different types of manuals. It is for beginners and also a
reference for advanced users. This document is addressed to the programmers of the applications.
How to use this manual:
 Refer to the table of contents to select a specific subject.
 Using the index you can also quickly find a term you are looking for.
 At the beginning of a chapter we will give you a brief overview of its contents.
 Abbreviations and technical terms → Annex.
In case of malfunctions or uncertainties please contact the manufacturer at:
→ www.ifm.com > Select your country > [Contact].
We want to become even better! Each separate section has an identification number in the top right
corner. If you want to inform us about any inconsistencies, indicate this number with the title and the
language of this documentation. Thank you very much for your support!
We reserve the right to make alterations which can result in a change of contents of the
documentation. You can find the current version on ifm's website at:
→ www.ifm.com > Select country > [Data sheet search] > (Article no.) > [Operating instructions]

1.6 History of the instructions (CR1082)


What has been changed in this manual? An overview:

Date Theme Change
2013-07-04 various - CR1082 with touch operating elements
- Target V02.00
2014-04-29 FB CAN_REMOTE_RESPONSE More precise description of the function block ENABLE
2014-06-30 Name of the documentation "System manual" renamed as "Programming manual"
2014-08-26 Description of inputs, outputs highside / lowside replaced by positive / negative
2015-01-13 Structure of documentation for error codes, system • error flags:
flags now only in the annex, chapter System flags
• CAN / CANopen errors and error handling:
now only in the system manual "Know-How"
• error codes, EMCY codes:
now in the annex, chapter Error tables
2015-04-24 Various - Runtime system V02.03

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
Safety instructions History of the instructions (CR1082)

2 Safety instructions

What previous knowledge is required? ..................................................................................................10

Note! .......................................................................................................................................................10
Start-up behaviour of the controller ........................................................................................................11

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
Safety instructions What previous knowledge is required?


2.1 What previous knowledge is required?


This document is intended for people with knowledge of control technology and PLC programming
with IEC 61131-3.
To program the PLC, the people should also be familiar with the CODESYS software.
The document is intended for specialists. These specialists are people who are qualified by their
training and their experience to see risks and to avoid possible hazards that may be caused during
operation or maintenance of a product. The document contains information about the correct handling
of the product.
Read this document before use to familiarise yourself with operating conditions, installation and
operation. Keep the document during the entire duration of use of the device.
Adhere to the safety instructions.

2.2 Note!

No characteristics are warranted with the information, notes and examples provided in this manual.
With the drawings, representations and examples given no responsibility for the system is assumed
and no application-specific particularities are taken into account.
► The manufacturer of the machine/equipment is responsible for ensuring the safety of the
► Follow the national and international regulations of the country in which the machine/installation is
to be placed on the market!

Non-observance of these instructions can lead to property damage or personal injury!
ifm electronic gmbh does not assume any liability in this regard.
► The acting person must have read and understood the safety instructions and the corresponding
chapters in this manual before working on and with this device.
► The acting person must be authorised to work on the machine/equipment.
► The acting person must have the qualifications and training required to perform this work.
► Adhere to the technical data of the devices!
You can find the current data sheet on ifm's homepage at:
→ www.ifm.com > Select your country > [Data sheet search] > (article number.) > [Technical data
in PDF format]
► Note the installation and wiring information as well as the functions and features of the devices!
→ supplied installation instructions or on ifm's homepage:
→ www.ifm.com > Select your country > [Data sheet search] > (article number.) > [Operating
► Please note the corrections and notes in the release notes for the existing documentation,
available on the ifm website:
→ www.ifm.com > Select your country > [Data sheet search] > (article number.) > [Operating

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
Safety instructions Start-up behaviour of the controller

To ensure the protection rating:
- Cover the unused M12 sockets using the protective caps E73004!
- Permissible tightening torque of the protective caps = 0.6...0.8 Nm.

Danger of burn-in effects!
If the device is operated with the same visualisation for many hours, the image may be burned into the
► Operate the device with changing visualisations!


2.3 Start-up behaviour of the controller


Danger due to unintentional and dangerous start of machine or plant sections!
► When creating the program, the programmer must ensure that no unintentional and dangerous
start of machines or plant sections after a fault (e.g. e-stop) and the following fault elimination can
 Realise restart inhibit!
► In case of an error, set the outputs concerned to FALSE in the program!

A restart can, for example, be caused by:

• voltage restoration after power failure
• reset after watchdog response because of too long a cycle time
• error elimination after an E-stop
To ensure a safe behaviour of the controller:
► monitor the voltage supply in the application program.
► In case of an error switch off all relevant outputs in the application program.
► Additionally monitor relay contacts which can cause hazardous movements in the application
program (feedback).
► If necessary, ensure that welded relay contacts in the application project cannot trigger or continue
hazardous movements.
► Additionally monitor relay contacts which can cause hazardous movements in the application
program (feedback).
► If necessary, ensure that welded relay contacts in the application project cannot trigger or continue
hazardous movements.

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
System description Information about the device

3 System description

Information about the device ..................................................................................................................12

Hardware ................................................................................................................................................13
Interfaces ................................................................................................................................................19
Software description ...............................................................................................................................26


3.1 Information about the device


These instructions describe the following models of the device familiy 'PDM360' from ifm electronic
 PDM360 NG - 7": CR1082
Software release:
Runtime system: V02.03.xx

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
System description Hardware


3.2 Hardware

Display elements ....................................................................................................................................14

Operating elements ................................................................................................................................15
Limitations for program and data memories ...........................................................................................16
Real-time clock (RTC) ............................................................................................................................17
Camera visualisation ..............................................................................................................................18

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
System description Hardware


3.2.1 Display elements


The device has the following display elements.



Designation Data

Technology TFT
Screen diagonal 7" (15.7 cm)
Aspect ratio 15:9
Resolution 800 x 480 pixels
Colour depth 6 bits per colour channel = 18 bits = 262 144 representable colours
(Create the image as "True Color" with 24 bits)

Background illumination LED

Photoelectric sensor Measures the brightness of the environment at the installation location of the device.
Can be used to dim the background illumination and/or the key LEDs.



The intergrated status LED indicates the operating states of the device. By default the following colour
codes and flashing frequencies apply:

LED colour Flashing frequency Description

Black Permanently off no supply voltage
Green 5 Hz Boot process application programm
2 Hz Application program running (RUN) or: device in Setup mode
Permanently on Application programm stopped (STOP) or: no project available
Red 2 Hz Anwendungsprogramm läuft mit Fehler, z.B.:
- ERROR_TEMPERATURE: Device temperature too high / loo low
- ERROR_POWER: Supply voltage too high / too low
5 Hz System stopped, i.e. Linux watchdog has been triggered
Permanently on System error (fatal error); device is in RESET mode
Red / orange 2 Hz (alternating) Error: Temperature too high or too low; Device is in RESET mode until
temperature is back again in normal range
Orange 5 Hz Boot process Recovery mode
2 Hz Device is in Recovery mode
Permanently on System reset

Colour and flashing frequency of the status LED can be programmed in the CODESYS

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
System description Hardware


Key LEDs

All keys are seperately backlit by LEDs. The LEDs can be programmed in the CODESYS application.
Behaviour in Setup mode: → Key functionality (→ page 44)

Audio signalling device (buzzer)


The audio signalling device integrated into the device can be programmed in the CODESYS
 Tone duration (off, permanent tone, key click
 Tone pitch (500...5000 Hz)

3.2.2 Operating elements


The device is equipped with the following operating elements:

Function keys
 with pressure point
 backlit with programmable LEDs
Navigation key
 as a combination of 5 independent keys
 backlit with programmable LEDs
Touch screen
 Resistive technology,
i.e. display reacts to pressure by fingers (can be also operated when wearing gloves) and
 direct selection and activation of GUI elements

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
System description Hardware


3.2.3 Limitations for program and data memories


Memory area Size

128/256 Mbytes RAM
Total memory space 1
128 Mbytes Flash

 For program code 8 Mbytes

Data memory /data 1 024 Mbytes

Memory for retain data ² 32 kbytes

Memory in the directory /tmp Not defined

Memory for bitmap files (80 x 100 pixels each, 24-bit colour depth)
45 Mbytes
Memory for font files
System need 75 Mbytes
1 ... Memory size: → data sheet
2 ... Retain data → Retain variables (→ page 96)

 The CR1082 does not support online change!

(= option to change the program code online without having to delete the original
program first)
 The data memory /data is NOT initialised during the start process any more as
from firmeware V01.05 on. To use the data memory it must be mounted to the file
system of the device in the CODESYS application program by means of the
function block → INIT_DATA_MEMORY.
 The memory can be extended optionally at the USB interface. The USB memory
device is only for momentary use (e.g. to back up files)!
The USB connectors are not suitable for permanent operation in mobile

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
System description Hardware


3.2.4 Real-time clock (RTC)


The device contains a real-time clock. During the system start the device synchronises the
(secondary) system clock with the (primary) real-time clock. The system clock can be used as follows:
• read the current clock time in the application program
• time stamp in (automatically generated) event protocols
• registration of operating times
Features of the real-time clock:
• is battery backed and continues to run in the switched-off device
• can be set to different UTC based time zones
• device monitors the charging status of the backup battery
The functions from the following libraries control the real-time clock or retrieve the values:
 SysLibRtc.lib (3S)
This library offers functions to access the real-time clock of the device:
• reading and setting the real-time clock
• reading the current display mode
• checking the status of the battery
The processing is done synchronously.
 SysLibTime.lib (3S)
This library is required for representing the task time evaluation in the task editor of CODESYS.
• reading the real-time clock of the device with the function blocks from this library
The processing is done synchronously.

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
System description Hardware


3.2.5 Camera visualisation


Interface Type of signal Characteristics

Ethernet Digital  Up to 4 camera images representable at the same time
 Colour: 24 bits / greyscale: 8 bits

More than 4 cameras connected to the network can have a strong

impact on the data traffic in the network.
The device supports ifm Ethernet cameras with the firmware
version 5.1001 or higher.
Analogue video input Analogue  2 analogue connections
(FBAS)  Automatic NTSC / PAL recognition
 Only 1 camera image representable at the same time
 Switching between 2 cameras possible

Supported analogue cameras

Recommended reference cameras:
 ifm electronic: O2M200, O2M201, O2M202, O2M203
Tested cameras from third-party manufacturers:
 Motec: MC3100-3R
 Vision Techniques: VT70
Use of other cameras without warranty from ifm electronic gmbh

The following applies to all camera interfaces:

 Brightness of the camera image 0...100 % adjustable in 1% steps.
 Visualisation and camera image representable at the same time (overlaid).
 Failure of a camera is signalled.
 Cameras can be activated / deactivated separately.
 Rotation of the camera image by 0° / 90° / 180° / 270°
 Scaling of the camera image 0...400 % with unchanged proportion.

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
System description Interfaces


3.3 Interfaces

The device has the following interfaces.

For location of the connections an and specifications: → installation instruction, data


ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
System description Interfaces


3.3.1 Inputs (technology)

Operating modes ....................................................................................................................................21

Safety instructions about Reed relays ....................................................................................................22

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
System description Interfaces


Operating modes

The device offers 1 input channel (IN00). It can be operated as:

 Binary input (→ Binary inputs (→ page 21))
 Analogue input (→ Analogue inputs (→ page 22))

For parameter of the input channel: → installation instruction, data sheet


Binary inputs

The binary input can be operated in following modes:

• binary input plus switching (BL) for positive sensor signal
• binary input minus switching (BH) for negative sensor signal
Depending on the device the binary inputs can configured differently. In addition to the protective
mechanisms against interference, the binary inputs are internally evaluated via an analogue stage.
This enables diagnosis of the input signals. But in the application software the switching signal is
directly available as bit information

In = pin binary-input n
(CR) = device
(1) = input filter
(2a) = input minus switching
(2b) = input plus switching
(3) = voltage

Figure: basic circuit of binary input minus switching / plus switching for negative and positive sensor signals

In = pin binary input n In = pin binary input n

(S) = sensor (S) = sensor

Basic circuit of binary input plus switching (BL) Basic circuit of binary input minus switching (BH)
for positive sensor signal: for negative sensor signal:
Input = open  signal = low (GND) Input = open  signal = high (supply)

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
System description Interfaces


Analogue inputs

The analogue inputs can be configured via the application program. The measuring range can be set
as follows:
• current input 0...20 mA
• voltage input 0...10 V
• voltage input 0...32 V
If in the operating mode "0...32 V" the supply voltage is read back, the measurement can also be
performed ratiometrically. This means potentiometers or joysticks can be evaluated without additional
reference voltage. A fluctuation of the supply voltage then has no influence on this measured value.

In case of ratiometric measurement the connected sensors should be supplied with VBBS of the
device. So, faulty measurements caused by offset voltage are avoided.

In = pin multifunction input n

(CR) = device
(1) = input filter
(2) = analogue current measuring
(3a) = binary-input plus switching
(3b) = binary-input minus switching
(4a) = analogue voltage measuring 0...10 V
(4b) = analogue voltage measuring 0...32 V
(5) = voltage
(6) = reference voltage

Figure: principle block diagram multifunction input


Safety instructions about Reed relays


For use of non-electronic switches please note the following:

Contacts of Reed relays may be clogged (reversibly) if connected to the device inputs without
series resistor.

► Remedy: Install a series resistor for the Reed relay:

Series resistor = max. input voltage / permissible current in the Reed relay
Example: 32 V / 500 mA = 64 Ohm
► The series resistor must not exceed 5 % of the input resistance RE of the device input→ data
sheet). Otherwise, the signal will not be detected as TRUE.
RE = 3 000 Ohm
 max. series resistor = 150 Ohm

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
System description Interfaces


3.3.2 Outputs (technology)

Binary output ..........................................................................................................................................23



Binary output

The device offers 1 output channel (OUT00). It can be operated as a binary, high side output.

Qn = pin binary output n

(L) = Load

Block diagram high side output for positive output signal

For parameter of the output: → installation instruction, data sheet

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
System description Interfaces


3.3.3 CAN
The device has 4 CAN interfaces. They can be used to realize the following functions:
 configurable as CAN Layer 2, CANopen Master/Slave, SAE J1939

Available protocols:
CAN interface CAN 1 CAN 2 CAN 3 CAN 4

Download ID (default) ID 127 ID 126 ID 125 ID 124

CAN protocols CAN Layer 2 CAN Layer 2 CAN Layer 2 CAN Layer 2
CANopen CANopen CANopen CANopen
SAE J1939 SAE J1939 SAE J1939 SAE J1939


3.3.4 USB

The device offers 2 USB interfaces. They can be used to realize the following functions:
 Connect USB memory to the device (supported file systems: FAT16, FAT32, VFAT, EXT2, EXT3)
 Connect external devices to the device (keyboard, mouse)

3.3.5 Ethernet

The device offers 1 Ethernet interface. It can be used to realize the following functions:
 Download a application program from CODESYS to the device (programing interface)
 Connect ethernet camera systems to the device
 External access to the device:
– Telnet/FTP (unencrypted)
– SSH/SCP (encrypted)

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
System description Interfaces


3.3.6 Analogue video input


The device offers 2 analogue video inputs. They can be used to realize the following functions:
 Connect analogue video camera systems to the device
 Input signal: S-Video (FBAS); supported signals: PAL, NTSC

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
System description Software description

3.4 Software description

Software components .............................................................................................................................27

Programming system CODESYS 2.3 .....................................................................................................28
Operating states .....................................................................................................................................28

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
System description Software description


3.4.1 Software components


The device has the following software componentscommunicates with the hardware as below:

Software component Can user change the component? By means of what tool?
Operating system (Linux derivate) No ---
Upgrade yes
Runtime system (RTS) 2 Image file
Downgrade no
Application program
with libraries

1 ... The operating system will be changed partially while updating the runtime system of the device. Therefore, an
downgrade of the runtime system is not possible.
2 ... The runtime system version number must correspond to the target version number in the CODESYS target system


Runtime system

Basic program in the device, establishes the connection between the hardware of the device and the
application program.
Normally it is necessary to download the runtime system only once. Then, the application program can
be loaded into the controller (also repeatedly) without affecting the runtime system.
ifm electronic maintains the runtime system and releases update packages. The user can download
the current release from the website of ifm electronic gmbh:
→ www.ifm.com > Select your country > [Service] > [Download]

Application program

Software specific to the application, implemented by the machine manufacturer, generally containing
logic sequences, limits and expressions that control the appropriate inputs, outputs, calculations and

The user is responsible for the reliable function of the application programs he designed. If necessary,
he must additionally carry out an approval test by corresponding supervisory and test organisations
according to the national regulations.

The visualisation pages and embedded graphics are part of the CODESYS application program.

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
System description Software description


3.4.2 Programming system CODESYS 2.3


The user can create application programs for the CR1082 by using the programming system
CODESYS 2.3. In this manual we refer to the CODESYS version

In the "programming manual CODESYS 2.3" you will find more details about how to use
the programming system "CODESYS for Automation Alliance". This manual can be
downloaded free of charge from ifm's website at:
→ www.ifm.com > Select your country > [Service] > [Download]
→ ecomatmobile DVD "Software, tools and documentation"

3.4.3 ifm target package for CODESYS


ifm electronic provides a device-specific target package for the programming system CODESYS 2.3.
By using the components included in the package the user can easily access the device functions.
The target package contains the following components:
 device-specific target file (*.trg)
 device configuration (*.cfg)
 function libraries for programming according to IEC 61131-3
 ifm-specific error messages
 ifm-specific task configuration

3.4.4 Operating states


For this device we distinguish the following operating states:

 Power on
- booting
 Normal operation
 Power off
- shutoff
- restart
- shutdown
- clamp 15 switch-off
- delayed switch-off
 Recovery / update system

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
Installation Software description

4 Installation

Install the CODESYS programming system ...........................................................................................30

Install the device-specific target package ...............................................................................................30
Update the runtime system of the device ...............................................................................................31

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
Installation Install the CODESYS programming system


4.1 Install the CODESYS programming system


► Download the installation file for CODESYS 2.3 from the ifm website.
→ www.ifm.com > Select your country > [Service] > [Download] > [Systems for mobile machines]
► Install the CODESYS 2.3 programming system on the PC/laptop (→ CODESYS software manual).

4.2 Install the device-specific target package


Detailed information on the device-specific target package: → ifm target package for
CODESYS (→ page 28)

To install the device-specific target package for the CR1082:

► Download the "CR1082 target package" with version V02.03.xx.
→ www.ifm.com > Select your country > [Service] > [Download] > [Systems for mobile machines]
► Open the ZIP file and unzip the contents of the folder CR1082_V02 into the subdirectory
..\Targets\ifm in the CODESYS programm directory.
> Components of the target file can be used in CODESYS 2.3.

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
Installation Update the runtime system of the device


4.3 Update the runtime system of the device

Notes ......................................................................................................................................................32
Enter the recovery mode ........................................................................................................................34
Update the runtime system.....................................................................................................................34
Configure IP parameter of ethernet interface .........................................................................................37
Quit the recovery mode ..........................................................................................................................40

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
Installation Update the runtime system of the device


4.3.1 Notes

Download the update file ........................................................................................................................33

Key assignment in recovery mode .........................................................................................................33
Components of the runtime system ........................................................................................................33

To update the runtime system the device needs to be in recovery mode.

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
Installation Update the runtime system of the device


Download the update file


The user can download the current version of the runtime system from the ifm website.
► Access the download from the ifm website.
(→ www.ifm.com > Select your country > [Service] > [Download] > [Systems for mobile machines])
► Download the ZIP archive with the update file and unzip (e.g. V020301_NoWD_PDM360NG.zip).
> The update file is stored on the PC/laptop (e.g. V020301_NoWD_PDM360NG.ifm).

Key assignment in recovery mode


In the recovery mode, the following key assignment applies:


Components of the runtime system


During the update process the following software compknents of the device will be updated:
1. System software (Linux)
2. Firmware of the keys
3. Firmware of the I/O co-processor
4. Firmware if the watchdog co-processor

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
Installation Update the runtime system of the device


4.3.2 Enter the recovery mode


► Switch off the device (disconnect device from the mains).

► Simultaneously process the following actions:
 Press and keep pressed any 3 keys on the device simultaneously.
 Switch on the device.
To do so, pin 15 and pin 30 must be connected with plus.
> The device is booting.
► Keep the keys pressed until the splash screen appears.
> The ifm recovery screen appears and displays IP configuration of the device's ethernet interface
(IP address, subnet mask and gateway address).
> The device is in recovery mode.

4.3.3 Update the runtime system


Risk of data loss!
Interrupting the update process can result in a loss of the user data stored in the device.
► Do not interrupt the update process!

The runtime system of the device can only be updated in the recovery mode.
The current version of the runtime system can be downloaded from the ifm electronic website
(→ Download the update file (→ page 33)).

► Select one of the following options:

 Runtime system update via USB memory device (→ page 35)
 Runtime system update via web browser (→ page 36)

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
Installation Update the runtime system of the device


Runtime system update via USB memory device


1 Download current release of runtime system

► Download new release of runtime system from the ifm website (→ Download the update file
(→ page 33)).
► Unzip the archive and copy the update file into the root directory of the USB memory.

Only ONE update file is allowed in root directory.

2 Connect the USB memory with the device

► Connect the USB memory with the device (→ installation instructions).
3 Enter the recovery mode
► Enter the recovery mode (→ page 34)
4 Install the runtime system
► Use [] / [] to select the [Install from USB] button.
► Press [ENTER] to start the update process.
> Software components of the device are updated (→ Notes (→ page 32)).
Display shows stIf successful:
> Status message appears: Software update successful.atus messages.

The upgrade process may take a few minutes. Do not press any key on the device during the
upgrade process!

5 Reboot the device neu starten

► Use [] / [] to select the [Reboot] button.
► Press [ENTER] to reboot the device.
> The device reboots.

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
Installation Update the runtime system of the device


Runtime system update via web browser


1 Neues Laufzeitsystem herunterladen

► Download new release of runtime system from the ifm website (→ Download the update file
(→ page 33)).
2 Enter the recovery mode
► Enter the recovery mode (→ page 34)
3 Connect the device with the PC/laptop
► Establish an Ethernet network connection between the device and the PC/laptop
(→ installation instructions).
► Optional: Set the IP configuration of the ethernet interface of the PC/laptop to match the IP
configuration of the device.
4 Acitvate the web interface of the device
► Start the web browser on the PC/laptop.
► Enter the IP address of the device in the address line of the browser and press [ENTER] to
activate the web interface (IP-Adresse: → Schritt 2).
> Browser shows web interface of the device.
> Web interface shows content of [Software Upgrade] tab.
5 Install the runtime system
► Press the [Select...] button.
> Windows explorer appears.
► Select update file (Vxx.yy.zz_PDM360NG.ifm) and press [Open] to proceed.
> [Select image to upload] field shows directory path and file name of the selected update file.
► Press [Send] button to start the update process.
> Software components of the device are updated (→ Notes (→ page 32)).
> Web interface and device display show status messages.
If successful:
> Status message appears: Software update successful.

The upgrade process may take a few minutes. Do not press any key on the device during the
upgrade process!

6 Reboot the device neu starten

► Use [] / [] to select the [Reboot] button.
► Press [ENTER] to reboot the device.
> The device reboots.

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
Installation Update the runtime system of the device


4.3.4 Configure IP parameter of ethernet interface


In order to update the runtime system of the CR1082 via a network infrastructure, the device's
ethernet interface needs to be configured. The device provides the following options for configuration
of the ethernet interface:
 Manual The operator sets the interface parameters (IP address, subnet mask,
gateway address) manually.

 Automatic The interface parameters are set automatically by the network's DHCP
server (DHCP = Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol).

To configure the IP parameter of the ethernet interface:

► Select one of the following options:
 Synchronize the IP parameters with DHCP sever (→ page 38)
 Configure the IP parameter manually (→ page 39)

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
Installation Update the runtime system of the device


Synchronize the IP parameters with DHCP sever


1 Connect device with IP network

► Connect ethernet interface of the device with the IP network.
2 Select menu page
► Enter the Recovery mode (→ Enter the recovery mode (→ page 34)).
► Use [] / [] to select the [Network Setup] menu and press [ENTER].
> Menu page displays available configuration options and current values of the IP parameters
([IP-address], [netmask], [gateway])
3 Set IP parameters
► Use [] / [] to select the [DHCP] menu item and press [ENTER].
> Device tries to obtain the IP parameters of the ethernet interface from the DHCP server of the

If successful:
> [Network Setup] menu page appears.
> Information bar shows active values of the IP parameters [IP-address], [netmask] und
> Device can be accessed via the IP network by using the shown parameters.
If not successful:
> Error message is displayed.
► Press [ESC] to return to the [Network Setup] menu page.
► Remove the error cause and repeat the procedure.

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
Installation Update the runtime system of the device


Configure the IP parameter manually


Detailed information about the assignment of IP addresses in Ethernet networks: → Address

assignment in Ethernet networks (→ page 346).

1 Select menu page

► Enter the Recovery mode (→ Enter the recovery mode (→ page 34)).
► Use [] / [] to select the [Network Setup] menu and press [ENTER].
> Menu page displays available configuration options and current values of the IP parameters
([IP-address], [netmask], [gateway])
► Use [] / [] to select the [Manual Setup] menu item and press [ENTER].
► Menu page displays options for manually setting of the IP parameters of the ethernet interface.
2 Set IP address
► Use [] / [] to select the [IP Address] menu item and press [ENTER].
> Menu page displays [IP address] input boxes.
> Right input box is in edit mode (dark-grey background).
► Use [] / [] to increment /decrement the number in the input box until the required value is
> Input box displays the new value.
► Use [] / [] to select the next input box and use [] / [] to enter the required number.
► Repeat the procedure until the required IP adress is set.
► Press [OK] to apply the new values and to return to the previous menu page.
Press [ESC] to cancel to input procedure, to keep the old values and to return to the previous
menu page.
3 Set subnetmask and gateway addess
► Repeat step 1 to set [Network Mask] and [Default Gateway].
4 Apply new values
► Use [] / [] to select [Apply] menu item and press [ENTER].
> New values are applied.
► Press [ESC] to return to the [Network Setup] menu page.
> Information bar displays current values of the interface parameters [IP-address], [netmask] und

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
Installation Update the runtime system of the device


4.3.5 Quit the recovery mode


► Select ifm recovery screen.

► Use [] / [] to select the menu item [Reboot] and press [ENTER] to activate it.
► The device reboots.

If there is a valid project stored on the device, this project will be startet automatically
after completing the reboot process.
If there is no valid project stored on the device, the CR1082 automatically enters the
setup mode after completing the reboot process.

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
Device configuration Update the runtime system of the device

5 Device configuration

Enter the setup mode .............................................................................................................................42

Operating instructions .............................................................................................................................43
Setup: start screen .................................................................................................................................52
PDF file viewer .......................................................................................................................................78
Setup: Start the application ....................................................................................................................83
Automatically restore system files ..........................................................................................................84
Exit setup, reboot device ........................................................................................................................84

This chapter describes the configuration of the device in the setup mode.

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
Device configuration Enter the setup mode


5.1 Enter the setup mode


If no valid application is stored in the device, the device passes automatically in the setup
mode after power on.

► Disconnect the device from power supply.

► Perform the following actions simultaneously:
 Press any 2 keys simultaneously and keep them pressed.
 Switch on the device.
► Keep both keys pressed until the setup menu appears.
> Device boots and passes into the setup mode.
> The start screen of the setup mode appears.

► Select one of the following submenus:

Submenu Description

[SETUP] Start setup menu

(→ Setup: start screen (→ page 52))
[PDF-VIEWER] Start the PDF file viewer
(→ PDF file viewer (→ page 78))
[LOAD APPLICATION] Load and start the PLC application
(→ Setup: Start the application (→ page 83))

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
Device configuration Operating instructions


5.2 Operating instructions

Key functionality .....................................................................................................................................44

Navigation key ........................................................................................................................................49
Touchscreen ...........................................................................................................................................49
Setup: Working with enabled password protection ................................................................................50

In setup mode, the following rules apply:

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
Device configuration Operating instructions


5.2.1 Key functionality


The assignment of the function keys is context sensitive. The function of a key is described by the text
label of the corresponding button on the screen.
Only active function keys have a labeled button.
Only active function keys are backlit by the key LED.
The following table provides an overview of the available key functions:

Button Description Example

[SELECT] Select next GUI element Select next menu item
[BACKSEL] Select previous GUI element Select previous menu item
[ENTER] Activate function of the selected GUI element Change to selected menu
Show content of the selected directory
[EXIT] Change to upper menu level Leave current menu page and change to upper
menu level
[LOAD] Load selected GUI element Load font file in the device memory
[RELOAD] Update Update view of current directory
[SAVE] Save selected file or configuration Save IP address
[START] Start process Start receiving CAN frames
[STOP] Stop process Stop receiving CAN frames

[], [],  move to direction Select character of on-screen keyboard

[], []  Increment/decrement value in selected number

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
Device configuration Operating instructions


Operation: Navigate in the setup menu


To navigate in the setup menu:

► Use [SELECT] to select the next menu item (forward).

Use [BACKSEL] tot select the previous menu item (backward).
> The selected menu item has a black frame.
► Use [ENTER] to change to the selected menu page.
Use [EXIT] to change to the higher-level menu.
> The information field shows information about the current menu page (i.e. System settings).

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
Device configuration Operating instructions


Operation: Navigate within a menu screen


To navigate within a menu page:

► Use [SELECT] or [BACKSEL] to select the requested GUI element (i.e. number field, option field).
> The selected GUI element has a black frame.
> The selected GUI element is activated and can be changed.
► Use [ENTER] to activate / deactivate the selected GUI element (i.e. option field)
Use []/[] to increment/decrement the value of the selected GUI element (i.e. number field).
> The changes are displayed.
► Use [SAVE] to confirm and apply the changes.
► Use [EXIT] to change to the higher-level menu.

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
Device configuration Operating instructions


Operation: Navigate in the file directory


To navigate in the file directory:

► Use [SELECT] to select a specific window (i.e. [Name], [Places], [Favorites] and [UP])
> The selected window is focused (black frame or dark-grey header).
► Use []/[] to select an specific item within the selected window (i.e. file, directory).
> The selected item has a light-grey background.
► Use [ENTER] to change into the selected directory.
Start action according to key label (i.e. Use [RESTORE] to restore the data saved in the selected
backup file).
> Selected action is proceeded.
> Use [EXIT] to change to the higher-level menu.

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
Device configuration Operating instructions


Operation: Enter a text using the on-screen keyboard


The user interface of the runtime system has an on-screen keyboard. It appears automatically as soon
as the user is expected to enter characters.

The on-screen keyboard shows the German character set (QWERTZ keyboard layout).
To protect sensitive information only the character entered last appears in plain text. All other
characters are replaced by an *.

To enter a text:

► Use [] / [] and [] / [] to select the button of the requested character.
> The selected button is highlighted (black frame).
► Use [ENTER] to activate the selected button.
> The entered character appears in the input box.
► Repeat the process for all requested characters.
► Use [CONFIRM PASSWD] to confirm the entry
Use [EXIT] to cancel and return to the previous setup screen .

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
Device configuration Operating instructions


5.2.2 Navigation key


The navigation key consists of the following single keys:

 4 direction keys (, , , )
 1 function key (center key)

The keys of the navigation key can be used as an alternative as well as an equivalent to function keys.
The following table shows operating elements with the same function:

Navigation key Function key Function

[] Move up

[] Move left

[BACKSEL] Select previous menu item

[] Move right

[SELECT] Select next menu item

[] Move down

[ENTER] Activate menu item / button


5.2.3 Touchscreen

In setup mode the touchscreen of the device is enabled.

The operator can execute the functions of the following GUI elements by touching them on the
 Buttons (i.e. [SELECT], [ENTER])
 Menu items (i.e. [SYSTEM SETTINGS])
 Keys of the on-screen keyboard
 Symbols in the file directory and the PDF viewer
 Input field (i.e. IP address)
As optical feedback the display shows a red circle at the point of contact.

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
Device configuration Operating instructions


5.2.4 Setup: Working with enabled password protection


If the password protection is enabled, the operator has only accress to the following menu functions:
 [SETUP] > [System Information]
 [SETUP] > [ACTIONS] > [Keyboard Test]
 [SETUP] > [ACTIONS] > [Calibrate Touchscreen]

All other menu functions are disabled.

Additionally, after changing to the setup menu the display shows the following setup start screen:

Select one of the following options:

 Setup: Setup menu with restricted access rights (→ page 51)
 Setup: Enter the password for full access to the setup menu (→ page 51)

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
Device configuration Operating instructions


Setup: Setup menu with restricted access rights


Protected setup functions have the following characteristics:

 They are disabled in all setup submenus (greyed out).
 They cannot be selected with [SELECT] / [BACKSEL].

To call the setup menu with restricted access rights:

1 Select menu page
> The setup menu appears
> Disabled functions are greyed out.
2 Select menu item
► Use [SELECT] / [BACKSEL] to select the requested menu item .
> The selected menu item has a black frame.
► Use [ENTER] to change to the selected setup screen.
Use [EXIT] return to the previous setup screen.

Setup: Enter the password for full access to the setup menu

To enter the password to have full access to the setup menu:

1 Select menu page
> Display shows on-screen keyboard for entering the password.
2 Enter passwort
► Enter the correct password (→ Operation: Enter a text using the on-screen keyboard (→ page 48)).
► Use [CONFIRM PASSWD] to confirm the entry
Use [EXIT] to cancel and return to the previous setup screen .
> The setup menu appears.
> Information bar displays a confirmation message.
> All setup functions can be selected without any restriction.

Full access to all setup function is only valid until the user exits the setup menu.
► When the setup menu is called, enter the password again!

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
Device configuration Setup: start screen


5.3 Setup: start screen


► Select [SETUP] and press [ENTER].

> [SETUP] menu appears:

► Select one of the following menu items:

Name Description
[SYSTEM SETTINGS] Access system settings
(→ Setup: System settings (→ page 53))
[SYSTEM INFORMATION]: Display system information:
(→ Setup: Display system information (→ page 63))
[ACTIONS] Access additional functions
(→ Setup: More functions (→ page 64))

Consider notes regarding the work with enabled password protection!

→ Setup: Working with enabled password protection (→ page 50)

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
Device configuration Setup: start screen


5.3.1 Setup: System settings


The menu [SETUP] > [SYSTEM SETTINGS] provides access to the following functions:

Menu item Function

[ETHERNET] → Setup: Configure the IP parameters manually (→ page 55)

[CAN] → Setup: Set the CAN interfaces (→ page 57)
[RTC] → Setup: Set the real-time clock (RTC) (→ page 58)
[BACKLIGHT] → Setup: Set the display brightness (→ page 59)
[NETWORK SERVICES] → Setup: Set the network services (→ page 60)
[PASSWORD SETTINGS] → Download the update file (→ page 33)

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Device configuration Setup: start screen


Setup: Configure the Ethernet interface


The device provides the following options for configuration of the Ethernet interface:
 Manual The operator sets the interface parameters (IP address, subnet mask,
gateway address) manually.

 Automatic The interface parameters are set automatically by the network's DHCP
server (DHCP = Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol).

To configure the IP parameter of the ethernet interface:

► Select one of the following options:
 Synchronize the IP parameters with DHCP sever (→ page 38)
 Configure the IP parameter manually (→ page 39)

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Device configuration Setup: start screen


Setup: Configure the IP parameters manually


 IP address (factory settings) =

 Login data to access the device via Telnet/SSH and FTP/SCP:
PASSWORD = pdm360ng
 Further information regarding the address assignment in Ethernet networks:
→ Address assignment in Ethernet networks (→ page 346).

To set the IP parameters of the Ethernet interface manually:

1 Select menu page
► Navigation path: [SETUP] > [SYSTEM SETTINGS] > [ETHERNET] > [MANUAL]
> Menu page displays the following information:
Name Description Possible values
[IP Address] IP address of the Ethernet interaface of the device i.e.

[Netmask] Subnetmask of the network segment i.e.

[Gateway] IP address of the network gateway i.e.

2 Set IP parameters
► Use [SELECT] / [BACKSEL] to select the required number field.
► Use [] / [] to increment / decrement the number in the selected number field until the
requested value has been reached.
> Number field shows the required value.
► Optional: Repeat the procedure until the values in all number fields are correctly set.
3 Save changed values
► Press [SAVE] to confirm and save the changed values.

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Device configuration Setup: start screen


Setup: Configure the IP parameters automatically


To use DHCP, the device must be connected to a DHCP server via the Ethernet interface.

To set the IP parameters of the Ethernet interface by means of the Dynamic Host Configuration
Protocol (DHCP).
1 Select menu page
► Navigation path: [SETUP] > [SYSTEM SETTINGS] > [ETHERNET] > [DHCP]
> Menu page displays the following information:
Bezeichung Bedeutung Mögliche Werte
[DHCP Client] Status of DHCP client of the device DHCP client disabled

DHCP client enabled

[IP Address] IP address of the Ethernet interface of the device i.e.

[Netmask] Subnetmask of the network segment i.e.

[Gateway] IP address of the network gateway i.e.

2 Enable DHCP client of the device

► Press [ENTER] to enable the [DHCP Client] checkbox.
> The DHCP client tries to obtain valid IP parameters from the DHCP server.
> Status message appears: Trying to get DHCP lease...

If successful:
> [IP Address], [Netmask] and [Gateway] show valid values assigned by the DHCP server.
> Status message appears: DHCP configured successfully
If not successful:
> Status message appears: Failed to get DHCP lease!
► Use [EXIT] to stop the configuration process.
► Check the connection to the DHCP server!
► Repeat the configuration process (s.a.).

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Device configuration Setup: start screen


Setup: Set the CAN interfaces


To set the parameters of the CAN interfaces:

1 Select menu page
► Navigation path: [SETUP] > [SYSTEM SETTINGS] > [CAN]
> Menu page displays the following informations:
Name Description
[CAN Bus 1] Settings of of CAN interace 1

[CAN Bus 2] Settings of of CAN interface 2

[CAN Bus 3] Settings of of CAN interface 3
[CAN Bus 4] * Settings of of CAN interface 4
* ... only available at devices with 4 CAN interfaces

2 Select CAN interface

► Use [SELECT] / [BACKSEL] to select the requested CAN interface.
► Press [ENTER] to change to the selected menu page.
> Menu page displays the following informations:
Name Description Possible values
[Baudrate CAN Bus x] * Baudrate of the selected CAN interface 0 kBit/s
20 kBit/s
50 kBit/s
100 kBit/s
125 kBit/s
250 kBit/s
500 kBit/s
800 kBit/s
1 MBit/s
* ... x = ID of the selected CAN interface

3 Change baudrate of the CAN interface

► Press [ENTER] to change to the selected menu page.
> Menu page displays the current baudrate of the selected CAN interface.
► Use [] / [] to set the required value.
► Press [SAVE] to confirm and save the changed values.
► Press [EXIT ] to return to the upper next menu level.
> Optional: Repeat steps 2 and 3 to set the values of additional CAN interfaces.

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Device configuration Setup: start screen


Setup: Set the real-time clock (RTC)


To set the real-time clock.

1 Select menu page
► Navigation path: [SETUP] > [SYSTEM SETTINGS] > [RTC]
> Menu page displays the following informations:
Name Description Possible values
[YYYY] Year 2000 ... 2100
[MM] Month 1 ... 12
[DD] Day 1 ... 31
[hh] Hour 0 ... 23
[mm] Minute 0 ... 59
[ss] Second 0 ... 59

2 Change date and time of the real-time clock (RTC)

► Use [SELECT] / [BACKSEL] to select the required number field.
> Selected number field has focus (black frame).
► Use [] / [] to set the required value.
► Optional: Repeat step 2 to set the values of additional number fields.
3 Save changed values
► Press [SAVE] to confirm and save the changed values.
> Information bar displays acknowledge message.
► Press [EXIT ] to return to the upper next menu level.

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Device configuration Setup: start screen


Setup: Set the display brightness


The setup menu is always displayed with a 100 % brightness. The changed brightness
will only become effective outside the setup menu.

So set the display brightness:

1 Select menu page
► Navigationspfad: [SETUP] > [SYSTEM SETTINGS] > [BACKLIGHT]
> Men u page displays the following informations:
Name Description Possible values
[Brightness in %] Relative brightness of the display 0 minimal brightness
(values at %) ...
100 maximal brightness

2 Set brightness level of display

► Use [] / [] to set the required value.
► Press and keep pressed the [TEST] button to test the set value.
3 Save the new value
► Press [SAVE] to confirm and save the changed values.
> Information bar displays acknowledge message.
► Press [EXIT ] to return to the upper next menu level.

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Device configuration Setup: start screen


Setup: Set the network services


The secure network services Secure Shell (SSH) and Secure Copy (SCP) are always
available. The user can therefore access the device via SSH and SCP if the network
services Telnet and FTP are inactive.
(→ Access the device with SSH (→ page 120), → Copy the files with SCP (→ page 121)).

To set the Telnet and FTP network services.

1 Select menu page
► Menu page displays the following informations:
Name Description Possible values
[Telnet] Enable / Disable the Telnet service of the device Telnet enabled

Telnet disabled

[FTP] Enable / Disable the FTP service of the device FTP enabled

FTP disabled

2 Enable / Disable Telnet service

► Use [SELECT] / [BACKSEL] to select the [Telnet] check box.
► Press [ENTER] to enable / disable the the Telnet service.
> Information bar displays status of the service:
[running] = Telnet service is enabled
[not running] = Telnet service is disabled
3 Enable / Disabled FTP service
► Use [SELECT] / [BACKSEL] to select the [FTP] check box.
► Press [ENTER] to enable / disable the the FTP service.
> Information bar displays status of the service:
[running] = FTP service is enabled
[not running] = FTP service is disabled
> Press [EXIT ] to return to the upper next menu level.

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Device configuration Setup: start screen


Setup: Set the password protection


The menu page [SETUP] > [SYSTEM SETTINGS] > [PASSWORD SETTINGS] provides access to the
following options:
 Setup: Change the system password (→ page 61)
 Setup: Enable / Disable password protection (→ page 62)

Setup: Change the system password


In case of a password loss a recovery update has to be processed.

► Update the runtime system of the device (→ Update the runtime system of the device
(→ page 31))
► If necessary, restore the saved data (→ Restore: Restore the system files (→ page 74))

Notes on operation of the on-screen keyboard: → Operation: Enter a text using the on-screen
keyboard (→ page 48)

To change the system password.

1 Select menu page
► Navigationspfad: [SETUP] > [SYSTEM SETTINGS] > [PASSWORD SETTINGS] > [Change
System Password]
> Menu page displays on-screen keyboard.
2 Enter the old password
► Enter the old password.
► Use [CONFIRM] to confirm the input.
Gibt der Anwender das falsche Passwort ein, erscheint folgende Fehlermeldung: PASSWORD
► Eingabe des Passwort wiederholen!

3 Enter new password

► Enter new password.
► Use [CONFIRM] to confirm the entered password.
► Re-enter the new password and use [CONFIRM] to confirm the entered password.
> Information bar displays acknowledge message: PASSWORD CHANGED.
> New password is applied.
If the operator enters 2 different passwords the following error message appears: PASSWORDS
► Re-enter the passwords correctly!

► Press [EXIT ] to return to the upper next menu level.

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Device configuration Setup: start screen


Setup: Enable / Disable password protection


On delivery the password protection for the setup menu is deactivated.

If the password protection is activated after the first setup, the password set at the factory is
valid: pdm360ng
► To ensure effective protection, change the default system password!
The programming software CODESYS can access the IEC project saved on the device even
with activated password protection.
► To prevent reading of the IEC project on the device, activate the password protection with
the PLC browser (→ Activate the access protection for an IEC project (→ page 92)).

If the password protection is enabled the operator has restricted access to the functions of the
setup menu (→ Setup: Working with enabled password protection (→ page 50)).

To enable / disable the password protection of the device:

1 Select menu page
> Information bar displays status of the password protection:
[Setup Password is now enabled] = Password protection is enabled
[Setup Password is now disabled] = password protection is disabled
2 Set password protection
► Use [SELECT] / [BACKSEL] to select the [Enable Setup Password] / [Disable Setup
Password] button.
► Use [ENTER] to press the button.
> Password protection is enabled / disabled.
> Infomation bar displays status of the password protection (→ step 1).
► Press [EXIT ] to return to the upper next menu level.

The password protection does not become active before the next call of the setup menu.
► Use [EXIT] repeatedly to change to the startscreen of the setup mode.
► Use [ENTER] to enter the setup menu.

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Device configuration Setup: start screen


5.3.2 Setup: Display system information


To display the system information:

1 Select menu page
► Navigation path: [SETUP] > [SYSTEM INFORMATION]
> Menu page displays the following information:
Bezeichnung Bedeutung

[Serial Number] Serial number of the device

[SW Version] Software version
[FW Version WD] Firmware version of the watch-dog component
[FW Version IO] Firmware version of the I/O interface
[FW Version Keyboard1] Firmware version of the keyboard 1
[FW Version Keyboard2] Firmware version of the keyboard 2
[FW Version Keyboard3] Firmware version of the keyboard 3

[MAC Address] MAC address of the Ethernet interface

[Supply Voltage] Value of the supply voltage
[Internal Voltages] Internal voltage values
[System Temperatures] Temperatures in the system
[Memory Alloc Sitze/Used] Memory size / memory used

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Device configuration Setup: start screen


5.3.3 Setup: More functions


The submenu [SETUP] > [ACTIONS] provides access to the following functions:

Menu item Function

[REBOOT] → Setup: Reboot the device (→ page 65)
[CAN TEST] → Setup: Test the CAN interfaces (→ page 66)
[SPLASH SCREEN] → Setup: Define the splash screen (→ page 68)
[KEYBOARD TEST] → Setup: Test input elements (→ page 69)
[BACKUP/RESTORE] → Setup: Backup / Restore software components (→ page 70)
[USB REMOVE] → Setup: Safely remove the USB device (→ page 75)
[FONTS] → Setup: Manage fonts (→ page 76)
[FORMAT STORAGE] → Setup: Format the internal storage (→ page 77)
[Calibrate Touchscreen] → Setup: Calibrate the touchscreen (→ page 77)

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Device configuration Setup: start screen


Setup: Reboot the device


To reboot the device:

1 Select menu page
► Navigation path: [SETUP] > [ACTIONS] > [REBOOT]
> [Reboot] menu page appears.
2 Reboot the device
► Press [ENTER] to reboot the device.
> Device reboots.

If a valid project is loaded, this project is started after a reboot.

If no valid project is saved, the setup splash menu appears again after rebooting.

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Device configuration Setup: start screen


Setup: Test the CAN interfaces


To test the CAN interfaces of the device, process one of the following functiions:
 CAN test: Transmit data (→ page 66)
 CAN test: Receive data (→ page 67)

CAN test: Transmit data


To test transmitting CAN messages:

1 Select menu page
► Navigation path: [SETUP] > [ACTIONS] > [CAN TEST]
> Menu page [CAN Bus Selection] appears.
2 Select CAN interface
► Use [SELECT] / [BACKSEL] to select the requested CAN interface and press [ENTER] to
> Menu page [CAN Test Selection] appears.
3 Set test message and sender ID
► Use [SELECT] / [BACKSEL] to select the [CAN Transmit Test, Bus x] button and press
[ENTER] to confirm.
> Menu page displays the following information.
Name Description Possible values

[Tx Bytes (hex)] CAN test message (8 bytes) byte:

Every byte can be set seperatly (hexadecimal 00 = 0
number). ...
FF = 255
[CAN Tx-ID (hex)] CAN-ID of the sender (hexadecimal number) 00000000
[Tx Frame Counter] Number of transmitted messages

► Set the test CAN message to be sent in hex format in [Tx Bytes (hex)].
► Set the test CAN message to be sent in hex format in [Tx Bytes (hex)].
4 Transmit test message
► Press [START] to start the transmission.
> Device tries to send the test message on the selected CAN interface.
> The number of the CAN messages sent since the beginning of the transfer appears in [Tx
Frame Counter].
If successful:
> Information bar displays confirmation message.
► Press [STOP] to finish the cyclic transmission of the test message.
If not successful:
> Information bar displays error message.
► Press [STOP] to finish the cyclic transmission of the test message.
► Check the CAN interface connection.
► Repeat the procedure.

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Device configuration Setup: start screen

If no baudrate of the CAN interface was set the test will be processed with 125 Kbits/s.


CAN test: Receive data


To test receiving CAN messages:

1 Select menu page
► Navigation path: [SETUP] > [ACTIONS] > [CAN TEST]
> [CAN Bus Selection] menu page appears.
2 Select CAN interface
► Use [SELECT] / [BACKSEL] to select the requested CAN interface and press [ENTER] to
> [CAN Test Selection] menu page appears.
3 Receive CAN message
► Use [SELECT] / [BACKSEL] to select the [CAN Receive Test, Bus x] button and press
[ENTER] to confirm.
> Menu page displays the following informations:
Name Description Possible values
[Rx Bytes (hex)] Received CAN message (8 bytes); byte:
Each byte containes a hexadecimal value. 00 = 0
FF = 255
[CAN Rx-ID (hex)] CAN-ID of the receiver (hexadecimal value) 00000000
[Rx Frame Counter] Number of received messages

► Press [START] to start receiving messages on the selected CAN interface. (→ note)
> [Rx Bytes (hex)] displays the content of the received messages (hexadecimal value).
> [CAN Rx-Id (hex)] displays CAN ID related to the revceived message (hexadecimal value).
> [Rx Frame Counter] displays the number of messages received sicne the start of the

If successful:
> [Rx Frame Counter] displays value > 0.
► Press [STOP] to finish receiving CAN messages.
If not successful:
> [Rx Frame Counter] displays value 0.
► Pres [STOP] to finish receiving CAN messages.
► Check the CAN interface connection.
► Repeat the procedure.

If no baudrate of the CAN interface was set the test will be processed with 125 Kbits/s.

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Device configuration Setup: start screen


Setup: Define the splash screen


Specifications for the image file, which is used as splash screen → Visualisation limits
(→ page 128)

To change the splash screen of the device:

1 Select menu page
► Navigation path: [SETUP] > [ACTIONS] > [SPLASH SCREEN]
2 Select source of image file
> Menu page displays the following options:
Name Description

[Load from USB device] Load the image file from a USB device
[Load from /tmp] Load the image file from the directory /tmp of the device

[Load from ...] Load the image file from a selectable directory

► Use [SELECT] / [BACKSEL] to select the requested menu item and press [ENTER] to confirm.
> Menu page displays the selected image source.
3 Set splash screen
► Select the requested image file.
> Selected image file has focus.
► Use [LOAD] to save the file in the device and to use the image as splash screen.

Specifications of the splash screen image


The user can define a user-defined splash screen. The image file has the following restricitions:

Parameter Restriction

File type Bitmap (*.bmp) RLE compressed

File name Naming convention = 8.3, only small characters
Resolution 800 x 480 Pixel
Colours 262.144 (18 Bit)
File size  256 kByte

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Device configuration Setup: start screen


Setup: Test input elements


To test the function of the keys, the key LEDs and the navigation switch:
1 Select menu page
► Navigation path: [SETUP] > [ACTIONS] > [KEYBOARD TEST]
> [Keyboard Test] menu page appears.
2 Test function keys
► Press any function key and keep it pressed.
> The key-related area on the screen is displayed brighter.
> The key LED is off.
3 Test navigation switch
► Use [OK] or [] / [] to switch between the two input fields of the group [Navigation Switch
> Selected field gets a black frame.
► Use [] / [] to increment / decrement the value displayed in the selected field.

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Device configuration Setup: start screen


Setup: Backup / Restore software components


To backup data stored on the device as well as to restore data to the device, the following options are

Name Description
[BACKUP SYSTEM INFORMATION] Save the system information
(→ Backup: Save the system information (→ page 71))
[BACKUP SYSTEM] Save the system software
(→ Backup: Save the system files (→ page 72))
[RESTORE SYSTEM] Restore the system software
(→ Restore: Restore the system files (→ page 74))

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Device configuration Setup: start screen


Backup: Save the system information


Contents of the file → Setup: Display system information (→ page 63).

To save the system information:

1 Select menu page
► Navigation path: [SETUP] > [ACTIONS] > [BACKUP/RESTORE]
> [System Backup & Restore] menu page appears.
► Select [BACKUP SYSTEM INFORMATION] and press [ENTER] to confirm.
2 Select memory location
> Menu page displays the following options:
Bezeichnung Bedeutung
[Save to USB device] Save data to a USB device
[Save to /tmp] Save data to the device directory /tmp

[Save to ...] Save data to a selectable directory of the device

► Use [SELECT] / [BACKSEL] to select the requested menu item and press [ENTER] to confirm.
> Menu page displays the content of the selected memory location.
3 Save the system information
► Select requested directory.
► Press [SAVE] to save the system information.
> Devices saves the file containing the system information in the selected directory.

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Device configuration Setup: start screen


Backup: Save the system files


If the backup and the restore device have different runtime versions, the restoration of a backup file
can lead to an undefinable system behaviour of the PDM360 NG!
The runtime versions on the backup and restore devices must be identical.
► Ensure that the runtime systems on the backup and restore device are of the same version!
(→ Update the runtime system of the device (→ page 31))

To save the system files to a selectable location:

1 Select menu page
► Navigation path: [SETUP] > [ACTIONS] > [BACKUP/RESTORE]
> [System Backup & Restore] menu page appears.
► Select [BACKUP SYSTEM] and press [ENTER] to confirm.
2 Select software components
> Menu page displays the following options:
Name Description
[Select All] Enable all software components
[Backup Ethernet Settings] Settings of the Ethernet network adapter
[Backup Backlight Settings] Settings of the background illumination
[Backup Splash Screen] Splash screen
[Backup Retain Data] Retain data
[Backup User Filesystem (/home)] User file system

[Backup Internal Mass Storage (/data)] Mass storage contents

► Use [SELECT] / [BACKSEL] to select the required components and press [ENTER] zu enable /
= Exclude software component from backup file
= Include software component in backup file
► Optional: Repeat procedure for additional software components.

Check [Select All] to include all software components in the backup file.

► Press [CONFIRM] to confirm the selection.

3 Select memory location for backup file
> Menu page displays the following options:
Name Description
[Save to USB device] Save data to a USB device
[Save to /tmp] Save data to directory /tmp

[Save to ...] Save data to a selectable directory

► Use [SELECT] / [BACKSEL] to select the requested menu item and press [ENTER] to confirm.

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Device configuration Setup: start screen

> Menu page displays content of the selected memory location.

4 Save backup file
► Optional: Select required target directory.
► Press [SAVE] to save the selected system files in a backup file (.bup).
> Device saves backup file in selected directory.
► If required,press [ABORT] to cancel the backup process.

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Device configuration Setup: start screen


Restore: Restore the system files


If the backup and the restore device have different runtime versions, the restoration of a backup file
can lead to an undefinable system behaviour of the PDM360 NG!
The runtime versions on the backup and restore devices must be identical.
► Ensure that the runtime systems on the backup and restore device are of the same version!
(→ Update the runtime system of the device (→ page 31))

► Use the option "Auto Restore" for the automatic restoration of system files from a backup
file (→ Automatically restore system files (→ page 84)).

To restore the system files from a backup file (*.bup):

1 Select menu page
► Navigation path: [SETUP] > [ACTIONS] > [BACKUP/RESTORE]
> [System Backup & Restore] menu page appears.
► Select [RESTORE SYSTEM] and press [ENTER] to confirm.
2 Select backup file
► Menu page displays the following options:
Name Description
[Restore from USB device] Restore data from USB device
[Restore from /tmp] Restore data from directory /tmp

[Restore from ...] Restore data from a selectable directory

► Use [SELECT] / [BACKSEL] to select the memory location of the backup file and press
[ENTER] to confirm.
> Menu page displays content of selected memory location.
► Select backup file.
► Press [RESTORE] to load the selected backup file.
3 Select software components
> Menu page displays list of software components included in the backup file.

Software components not included in the backup file are geyed out!

► Use [SELECT] / [BACKSEL] to select the software components to be restored and press
[ENTER] to check / uncheck the option field:
= Exclude software component from restoring process
= Include software component in restoring process
► Optional: Repeat procedure for additional software components.
► Press [CONFIRM] to confirm the selection.
> Device restores the selected software components.
> Status bar displays progess of restoring process.
► If required, press [EXIT] to cancel the restoring process.

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Device configuration Setup: start screen

Setup: Safely remove the USB device


Risk of data loss on the USB device!
► Unmount USB devices before removing them from the runtime system!
► Do not remove the USB device before unmounting has been confirmed!

To safely remove a USB device:

1 Select menu page
► Navigation path: [SETUP] > [ACTIONS] > [USB REMOVE]
2 Remove the USB device from runtime system
> Menu page displays directory /media containing all mounted USB devices (grey background).
► Use [] / [] to select the requested USB device.
► Press [REMOVE] to unmount the selected USB device from the file system.
> USB device is unmounted.
> Informaation bar displays confirmation message.
> Operator can safetly disconnect the USB device from the system.

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Device configuration Setup: start screen


Setup: Manage fonts


To manage font files (True Type Fonts) on the device, the following options are available:

Name Description
[LOAD FONT] Install font files on the device
(→ Fonts: Load the font (→ page 76))
[REMOVE FONT] Remove font files stored on the device
(→ Fonts: Remove the font (→ page 76))


Fonts: Load the font


To install a font file (true type fonts) on the device:

1 Select menu page
► Navigation path: [SETUP] > [ACTIONS] > [FONTS] > [LOAD FONT]
2 Select source of the font file
> Menu page displays the following options:
Name Description
[Load from USB device] Load font file from USB device
[Load from /tmp] Load font file from /tmp-directory

[Load from ...] Load font file from a selectable directory

► Use [SELECT] / [BACKSEL] to select the requested menu item and press [ENTER] to confirm.
> Menu page displays selected source.
3 Install font file
► Select the requested font file.
> Selected font file has focus.
► Press [LOAD] to save the selected font file on the device.
> After rebooting the device the installed font file can be used in CODESYS projects.
► Optional: Repeat steps 2 and 3 to install additional font file on the device.

Fonts: Remove the font


To remove font file installed on the device:

1 Select menu page
► Navigation path: [SETUP] > [ACTIONS] > [FONTS] > [REMOVE FONT]
> Men page displays installed font files saved in the directory /home/fonts.
2 Remove font files
► Use [] / [] to select the requested font file (.ttf).
► Press [REMOVE] to remove the selected font file from the device.
> Font file is removed from the device.
► Optional: Repeat step 2 to remove additional font files from the device.

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
Device configuration Setup: start screen


Setup: Format the internal storage


Risk of data loss!
> When this action is confirmed, all user data in the directory /data of the storage medium is
irretrievably deleted!
► Save files that you will need to an external medium prior to formatting!

To format the user data of the device:

To format the device-internal storage:
1 Select menu page
► Navigation path: [SETUP] > [ACTIONS] > [FORMAT STORAGE]
> [Format internal Mass storage] menu page appears.
2 Speicher formatieren
► Press [ENTER] to start the formating process.
> The device-internal user data in directory /data is formated.
> Information bar displays a confirmation message.

Setup: Calibrate the touchscreen


To calibrate the touchscreen of the device:

1 Select menu page
> Menu page for toruch screen calibration appears.
2 Calibrate touchscreen
> Calibration process starts.
► Touch the black cross displayed on the touchscreen.
> Next calibration step appears.
► Repeat step until the calibration process is completed.
> If successful, the information bar displays a confirmation message.

Use the backlit function key above the navigation keys to cancel calibration process.

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
Device configuration PDF file viewer


5.4 PDF file viewer

PDF: Navigating in the PDF file ..............................................................................................................79

PDF-Viewer: Display PDF file in full-screen mode .................................................................................80
PDF-Viewer: Display extended menu ....................................................................................................81
PDF-Viewer: Display the tabel of content of the PDF file .......................................................................82

The setup menu uitlises a PDF file viewer. The operator can use it to display PDF files stored in the
directories /home/pdf and /media.
To display a PDF file:
► Enter the setup mode (→ Enter the setup mode (→ page 42))
► Select [PDF-Viewer] menu item.
► Use [ENTER] to change to the PDF file viewer.
► Choose one of the following options:

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
Device configuration PDF file viewer


5.4.1 PDF: Navigating in the PDF file


► Select requested PDF file and press [ENTER] to open the file (→ Operation: Navigate in the file
directory (→ page 47)).
> PDF file is loaded.
> Display shows the content of the PDF file:

► Use [] / [] to scroll up / down in the document.

► Use [ZOOM+] / [ZOOM-] to enlarge / reduce the document view.
► Use [PAGE+] / [PAGE-] to select the next / previous page of the PDF file.
► Use [] / [] to shift the document view to the right / left.
► Use [FULL] to change to the full-screen mode (→ PDF-Viewer: Display PDF file in full-screen mode
(→ page 80)).
► Use [EXIT] to change to the extended menu (→ PDF-Viewer: Display extended menu (→ page 81)).

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
Device configuration PDF file viewer


5.4.2 PDF-Viewer: Display PDF file in full-screen mode


► Load PDF file (→ PDF file viewer (→ page 78)).

► Use [FULL] to change to the full-screen mode.
> Display shows content of PDF file in full-screen mode:

> Use [] / [] to scroll up / down in the document.

► Use [+] / [–] to enlarge / reduce the document view.
► Use / to select the next / previous page of the PDF file.
► Use [>] / [<] to shift the document view to the right / left.
► Use to return to the standard view (→ PDF: Navigating in the PDF file (→ page 79)).
► Use [] to change to the extended menu (→ PDF-Viewer: Display extended menu (→ page 81)).

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
Device configuration PDF file viewer


5.4.3 PDF-Viewer: Display extended menu


► Start the PDF viewer (→ PDF file viewer (→ page 78))

► Use [EXIT] to change to the extended menu.
> Menu page displays the extended menu:

► Use [SELECT] / [BACKSEL] to select one of the following menu items and press [ENTER]:
 [OPEN NEW PDF FILE] Open new PDF file
→ PDF file viewer (→ page 78)
 [SHOW PDF FILE: Open the selected PDF file
/Verzeichnis/Dateiname] → PDF: Navigating in the PDF file (→ page 79)
 [SHOW INDEX OF: Open index of the selected PDF file
/Verzeichnis/Dateiname] → PDF-Viewer: Display the tabel of content of the PDF file (→ page 82)

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
Device configuration PDF file viewer


5.4.4 PDF-Viewer: Display the tabel of content of the PDF file


► Display PDF file in full-screen mode (→ PDF-Viewer: Display PDF file in full-screen mode (→ page 80)).
► Change to extended menu (→ PDF-Viewer: Display extended menu (→ page 81)).
► Select [SHOW INDEX OF: /Verzeichnis/Dateiname] menu item and press [ENTER].
> Menu page displays the tabel of contents of PDF file:

► Use [] / [] to select an item in the table of contents.

► Use [UNFOLD] to to expand the view of the item.
► Use [FOLD] to hide the view of the item.
► Use [ENTER] to display the content of the selected item.
► Use [EXIT] to return to the extended menu (→ PDF-Viewer: Display extended menu (→ page 81)).

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
Device configuration Setup: Start the application


5.5 Setup: Start the application


► Enter the setup mode (→ Enter the setup mode (→ page 42))
► Select [LOAD APPLICATION] button.
► Use [ENTER] to start the application.

If a valid application program is saved:

> The application starts.
> The LED flashes green at 2 Hz (→ Status-LED (→ page 14)).

If no valid application program is saved:

> A white blank screen appears.
> The LED lights green.
► Transfer a valid application to the device via CODESYS
► Reboot the device (supply voltage OFF > ON)

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
Device configuration Automatically restore system files


5.6 Automatically restore system files


The function "Auto Restore" automatically identifies backup files saved in the root directory of a USB
memory device (*.bup) and restores their contents. Several devices can be easily and time-savingly
provided with the same software configuration (e.g. install a backup on controllers of the same type in
several vehicles).
1 Create a backup file
► Enter the setup modus (→ Enter the setup mode (→ page 42))
► Create backup of device configuration of the master device and store the backup file on an
USB memory device (→ Backup: Save the system files (→ page 72)).

The device only recognises backup files in the root directory of the USB memory device.
► Save the master backup file in the root directory of the USB memory device!

2 Automatically install the system files on the device

Only one backup file may be in the root directory of the USB memory device. If there
are several backup files in the root directory, the automatic restore process will be
stopped. An error message appears.
► Delete unneeded backup files in the root directory of the USB memory device!

► Connect the USB memory device with the master backup file with the target device
► Enter the setup mode (→ Enter the setup mode (→ page 42))
► Select [SETUP] and press [ENTER] to change in the setup menu.
> The setup automatically recognises the structure and contents of the backup file.
> The menu screen shows the system components contained in the backup file.
► Press [START] to start the restore process.
> The selected system components are transferred to the device.
If successful:
> The menu screen shows the completion message.
3 Reboot the device
► Press [REBOOT] to reboot the device.
> Device reboots.
> If a valid project is loaded, this project is started after rebooting.
If no valid project is loaded, the device enters the setup mode after rebooting.

5.7 Exit setup, reboot device


→ Setup: Reboot the device (→ page 65)

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
Programming Exit setup, reboot device

6 Programming

Set the target system ..............................................................................................................................86

First steps ...............................................................................................................................................93
Configuration of the inputs and outputs ................................................................................................123
Use visualisations .................................................................................................................................125
Use of touch screen functions ..............................................................................................................139
Install and set up mobile camera ..........................................................................................................143

This chapter describes the programming of the device with CODESYS 2.3.

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
Programming Set the target system


6.1 Set the target system

Create CODESYS project manually .......................................................................................................87

Configure the controller ..........................................................................................................................88
Configure CAN interfaces .......................................................................................................................89
Use access protection ............................................................................................................................91

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
Programming Set the target system


6.1.1 Create CODESYS project manually


When installing the ecomatmobile DVD "Software, tools and documentation", projects with
templates have been stored in the program directory of your PC:
...\ifm electronic\CoDeSys V2.3\Projects\Template_DVD_Vx.y
► Open the requested template in CODESYS via:
[Datei] > [Neu aus Vorlage…]
> CODESYS creates a new project which shows the basic program structure. It is strongly
recommended to follow the shown procedure.

► Double click on the program symbol "CoDeSys V2.3" on the Windows desktop
Activate [Start] > [All Programs] > [ifm electronic] > [CoDeSys V2.3] > [CoDeSys V2.3].
> The CODESYS programming environment appears.
2 Create a new project with CR1082
► Select [File] > [New].
> The window [Target Settings] appears.
► In the list [Configuration] select CR1082 and press [OK] to apply the selection.

When selecting the target system make sure that the target version matches the
version of the runtime system installed on the device!

> The window with the configuration options of the target system appears.
► Press [OK] to apply the basic settings.
3 Select the programming language
> The window [New POU] appears.
► Select type and programming language of the POU PLC_PRG and press [OK] to confirm.
> From the target file, CODESYS loads the description of the device hardware, the default
configuration of the device and the standard libraries with important basic functions.
> The program editor appears with the opened POU PLC_PRG.
4 Save the project
► Save the project with [File] > [Save as ...].

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
Programming Set the target system


6.1.2 Configure the controller


In the PLC configuration the programmer can configure the target system.
To access the PLC configuration:
► In the project organizer select the tab [Ressourcen]:

► In the resources tree: double click on [PLC Configuration]

> The editor window shows the current PLC configuration of the device.
Via the PLC configuration the programmer has easy access to the following components:
 System and error flags
Depending on the application and the application program, these flags must be processed and
evaluated. Access is made via their symbolic names.
 Structure of the inputs and outputs
These can directly be designated symbolically (highly recommended!) in the nodes [Inputs Binary]
and [Outputs Binary] and are available in the whole project as global variables.

The programmer configures the input of the device directly in the PLC application!
(→ Configuration of the inputs and outputs (→ page 123))

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
Programming Set the target system


6.1.3 Configure CAN interfaces


The CR1082 is designed as a display for representing process data. It is thus conditionally
real-time capable. Computationally intensive processes can cause long cycle times!
► Avoid computationally intensive functions (controller, encoder, control of diesel engines,
operation as CANopen master)!
► Monitor the cycle time during the runtime of the PLC program! Cycle times in the range
from 5 ... 10 ms are no problem.

The device can be configured either as CANopen master or CanSlave. The configuration is carried out
in the PLC configuration (→. Configure the controller (→ page 88)).

Configure the device as CANopen master


To operate the device as CANopen master:

1 Open the system configuration
► In the object organizer select the tab [Ressources].
► Double click on the node [PLC Configuration]
> The editor window shows the PLC configuration of the device
2 Attach CANopen master
► Select [CR1082 Configuration V2] > [Local CAN Communication[FIX]].
> The editor window shows the available CAN interfaces.
► Select the requested CAN interface.
► Right mouse click on [CANopen Interface[FIX]]
> Context menu appears
► In the context menu select [Append subelement] > [CANopen Master ...].
> CANopen master is integrated into the PLC configuration.
> The editor window shows the tab [CAN parameters].
3 Configure the CANopen master
► In the tab [CAN parameters] set the parameters of the CANopen master.

Information on the configuration options: → System manual, chapter Using CAN – description

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
Programming Set the target system


Configure the device as CanSlave


To operate the device as CanSlave in a CAN network:

1 Open the system configuration
► In the object organizer select the tab [Ressources].
► Double click on the node [PLC Configuration]
> The editor window shows the PLC configuration of the device
2 Attach the CANopen slave
► Select [CR1082 Configuration V02] > [Local CAN Communication[FIX]].
> The editor window shows the available CAN interfaces.
► Select the requested CAN interface.
► Right mouse click on [CANopen Interface[FIX]]
> Context menu appears
► In the context menu select [Append subelement] > [CanSlave ...].
> The CANopen slave is integrated into the PLC configuration.
> The editor window shows the tab [CAN parameters].
3 Configure the CANopen slave
► In the tab [CAN parameters] set the parameters of the CANopen slave.

Information on the configuration options: → System manual, chapter Using CAN – description

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
Programming Set the target system


6.1.4 Use access protection


The device has a 3-step access protection.

Target of the protective measure Characteristics
Linux runtime system  Method: Password protection
 protects against unauthorised access to the Linux runtime system via
Telnet/SSH and FTP/SCP
 cannot be deactivated
Setup menu  Method: Password protection
 Restricts the access to functions of the setup menu
 Can be activated/deactivated via the setup menu
(→ Download the update file (→ page 33))
The passwords to protect the setup menu and the Linux runtime system are
IEC project  Method: Password protection
 Prevents reading/copying and unintentional overwritnig of the IEC project on
the device with CODESYS
 Can be activated/deactivated via the PLC browser in CODESYS
(→ Activate the access protection for an IEC project (→ page 92))

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
Programming Set the target system


Activate the access protection for an IEC project


The access protection for the IEC project is set/changed in CODESYS via the PLC browser.

The password to protect the IEC project does not have to be identical with the password to
protect the Linux runtime system.
Additional information about the command setpwd and to delete the password for the
protection of the IEC project: → CODESYS help function.

1 Load CODESYS project

► Open the project to be protected in CODESYS.
> Project window appears.
2 Set password
► In the project window, select the [Resources] tab.
► Double click on [PLC-Browser].
> The PLC browser appears

► Enter the following command in the window [PLC browser]:

setpwd <passwort> 1
(e.g. setpwd pwCR1082 1)
► Use [ENTER] to confirm.
3 Download password protected project to the device
► Save the project and download it to the device.
> The IEC project cannot be read.

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
Programming First steps


6.2 First steps

Programming notes for CODESYS projects ...........................................................................................94

Create PLC program ............................................................................................................................114
Add additional libraries .........................................................................................................................115
Programming interfaces .......................................................................................................................116
Save project in the device ....................................................................................................................122

► Setup the device configuration ( Device configuration (→ page 41)).

► Activate the programming system ( Set the target system (→ page 86)).

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
Programming First steps


6.2.1 Programming notes for CODESYS projects

FB, FUN, PRG in CODESYS .................................................................................................................95

Variables .................................................................................................................................................96
Libraries ................................................................................................................................................110
Note the cycle time! ..............................................................................................................................111
Watchdog behaviour .............................................................................................................................111
Operating sequence .............................................................................................................................112
Creating application program ...............................................................................................................113

Here you receive tips how to program the device.

► See the notes in the CODESYS programming manual
→ www.ifm.com > select your country > [Data sheet search] > CR1082 > [Operating instructions]
→ ecomatmobile DVD "Software, tools and documentation".

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
Programming First steps




In CODESYS we differentiate between the following types of function elements:

FB = function block
• An FB can have several inputs and several outputs.
• An FB may be called several times in a project.
• An instance must be declared for each call.
• Permitted: Call FB and FUN in FB.
FUN = function
• A function can have several inputs but only one output.
• The output is of the same data type as the function itself.
PRG = program
• A PRG can have several inputs and several outputs.
• A PRG may only be called once in a project.
• Permitted: Call PRG, FB and FUN in PRG.

Function blocks must NOT be called in functions!
Otherwise: During execution the application program will crash.
All function elements must NOT be called recursively, nor indirectly!
An IEC application must contain max. 8,000 function elements!

All variables of functions...
• are initialised when called and
• become invalid after return to the caller.
Function blocks have 2 calls:
• an initialisation call and
• the actual call to do something.
Consequently that means for the FB call in a function:
• every time there is an additional initialisation call and
• the data of the last call gets lost.

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
Programming First steps



Supported types of variables


The device supports the following types of variables:

Variable Declaration place Validity area Memory behaviour

local in the declaration part of the function Only valid in the function element volatile
local retain element (POU) (POU) where it was configured. nonvolatile
global In [Resources] > [Global Variables] > Valid in all function elements of this volatile
global retain [Globale_Variables]: CODESYS project. nonvolatile

Network Values are available to all CODESYS volatile

In [Resources] > [Global Variables] > projects in the whole network if the
declaration list variable is contained in its declaration
Network retain lists. nonvolatile

→ CODESYS programming manual

→ ecomatmobile DVD "Software, tools and documentation"

Retain variables

Variables declared as RETAIN generate remanent data. Retain variables keep the values saved in
them when the device is switched on/off or when an online reset is made.

Typical applications for retain variables are for example:

• operating hours which are counted up and retained while the machine is in operation,
• position values of incremental encoders,
• preset values entered in the monitor,
• machine parameters,
i.e. all variables whose values must not get lost when the device is switched off.
All variable types, also complex structures (e.g. timers), can be declared as retain.
► To do so, activate the control field [RETAIN] in the variable declaration (→ window).

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
Programming First steps


Network variables via UDP


Global network variables are used for data exchange between controllers in the network. The values
of global network variables are available to all CoDeSys projects in the whole network if the variables
are contained in their declaration lists.
A distinction is made between export and import variables:
 Export variables originate from the local project.
Their values can be influenced locally.
It is also to be possible to use the variables in one or more other projects, but only with read
access. To do so, these variables must be exported (provided) from the local project.
 Import variables do not originate from the local project but from another project.
Their values cannot be influenced locally.
The variables are used with read access in the local project (and possibly also in several other
projects). To do so, these variables must be imported into the corresponding local project.
► To export or import, the global network variables must be combined in lists. You can assign an
EXP file to every global variable list.
In this example each project has 3 lists of global network variables:
- 1 list with export variables (with local data for reading in other controllers) and
- 2 lists with import variables (with data of the other controllers for local reading).
► When you create a global variable list please note:
 By selecting [Export before compile] in the window [Properties] CoDeSys updates the
corresponding EXP file (e.g. ExportProj1.exp) when the project is compiled.
 By selecting [Import before compile] in the window [Properties], CoDeSys refers to the
corresponding EXP file (e.g. ExportProj1.exp) when the project is compiled, and updates
the list.
UDP (User Datagram Protocol) is a minimal connectionless network protocol belonging to the
transport layer of the internet protocol family. The task of UDP is to pass data which is transmitted via
the internet to the right application.
Information is to be exchanged between 3 devices (controller/PDM) and 1 PC. This is done by means
of the "global network variables" ( figure below). The example only shows the variables x1, x2 and
x3 in the global network variable lists of the corresponding projects.

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
Programming First steps

The project "DemoProj1" contains the global network variable list "Global_Variables_Export_Proj1".
► In the properties of this list enter the file ExportProj1.exp.
► Activate [Export before compile].
> When this project is compiled, ExportProj1.exp is updated.
The project "DemoProj2" contains the global network variable list "Global_Variables_Import_Proj1".
► In the properties of this list enter the file ExportProj1.exp.
► Activate [Import before compile].
> When compilation of this project starts, the list "Globale_Variablen_Import_Proj1" is updated by
means of the file ExportProj.exp and then used for the compilation.

If a project with variables to be exported is changed, all projects which import these global network
variable lists must then be rebuilt to update the lists:
► Menu [Project] > [Rebuild all]
► Menu [Online] > [Create boot project]
> The boot project is saved in the controller/PDM.

To work with network variables the following steps are required:

Step 1 ► Connect devices via Ethernet
Step 2 ► Set IP addresses and subnet mask
Step 3 ► Select first target system and create project (→ page 99)
Step 4 ► Set communication parameters (→ page 100)
Step 5 ► Activate network variable support (→ page 101)
Step 6 ► Integrate libraries (→ page 102)
Step 7 ► Complete and transmit the project (global network variables) (→ page 103)
Step 8 ► Write projects for more devices (→ page 106)
Step 9 ► Transmit projects (→ page 109)
Step 10 ► Test transmission of the global network variables (→ page 109)

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
Programming First steps


Select first target system and create project


When a new project is created in CoDeSys the target file corresponding to the controller must be
loaded. It is selected in the dialogue window for every hardware and acts as an interface to the
hardware for the programming system.

Graphics: target system settings

► Select a suitable target and confirm with [OK].

► Confirm the following window with [OK].
> The window [New POU] appears:

► Setting: language of the POU = FBD.

► Confirm with [OK].
> The following window appears:

► Add the entries shown on the following screenshot to the program POU PLC_PRG:

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
Programming First steps

► With [File] > [Save as ...] save the project in the requested directory.
Here: filename = "DemoProj1" (for the first device in the network)

Set communication parameters


The same communication parameters must be set for the PC, the device (controller/PDM) and the
► Open the following dialogue with [Online] > [Communication Parameters...].
> The following window appears:

► Click [New…]
> The following window appears:

► Select the entry "Tcp/Ip(Level 2 Route)".

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
Programming First steps

► Confirm with [OK].

> The following window appears:

► Enter the corresponding IP address of the controller (compare with step 2).
► applies only to the following devices:
- PDM360: CR1050, CR1051
- PDM360compact: CR1052, CR1053, CR1055, CR1056:
Set [Motorola byteorder] = YES.
► Confirm with [OK].

Activate network variable support


► Click on the tab [Resources] in CoDeSys.

► Double-click on [Target Settings].
> The following window appears:

► Click on the tab [Network functionality].

► Activate the field [Support network variables].
► [Names of supported network interfaces] = UDP ( window).
► Confirm with [OK].
> The data can now be exchanged via global network variables.

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
Programming First steps


Integrate libraries

► Menu [Window] > [Library Manager]

> Display of the libraries already loaded:

► Menu [Insert] > [Additional Library... Ins] or: Key [Ins]

► Insert the following libraries:
- SysLibSockets.lib (3S library)
- SysLibCallback.lib (3S library)
> The library manager should look like this or similar (the sequence is not relevant):

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
Programming First steps


Complete and transmit the project (global network variables)


To demonstrate the exchange of data via global network variables, write one project each for all three
devices. These projects are suitable for this purpose mainly because of the contained global variable
The example shows the project for device 1.
► Click on the tab [Resources] in CoDeSys.
► Select (= click) the entry [Global Variables]:

► Menu [Project] > [Object] > [Add…]:

> Display of the window "Properties":

► Enter the name of the global variable list as shown above.

► Confirm with [OK].
► Enter the variable x1 in the window that appears ( screenshot):

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
Programming First steps

► Right-click on the resource element [Global_Variablen_Export_Proj1].

► Click on [Object Properties...] ( screenshot):

> The following window appears:

► Click on [Add network].

> The window becomes larger ( window):

► Adopt the properties of the list similarly as shown here, but:

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
Programming First steps

 For export list: Activate [Export before compile] and [Write]!

For import list: Activate [Import before compile] and [Read]!
 The entered [Minimum gap] or the [Interval] depends on the application.

In the field [Link to file] > [Filename] it is expected to indicate an EXP file. (After [Project] > [Rebuild
all]) this external file contains the list of global network variables of this project to be exported, but is
NOT saved together with the project. ( CoDeSys online help).
We recommend another method which integrates the lists of global network variables in the project:
 Write projects for more devices (→ page 106) > create import lists.

Excursus: variable list identification (COB ID)

Here we work with variable lists which are exported from one device and imported to one or more
devices. This assignment of the variable lists is identified by a COB ID. The relationship is shown in
the following figure:

Here you see that the COB ID = 51 was assigned to the export variables of DemoProj1 in device 1
and that these variables can be found again with the COB ID = 51 in DemoProj2 and DemoProj3 in
device 2 and device 3. In this example we have used this procedure for the definition of the COB IDs.

For the selection of the COB IDs observe the following:
 The export list and its corresponding import lists must be assigned to the same COB ID.
 In the whole network each COB ID may only be assigned to one export list.

End of excursus: variable list identification (COB ID)

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
Programming First steps

Continuation "Complete project"

► In the window [Properties] of the global variable list click on the button [Settings...] beside
[Network type].
> The following window appears:

► As broadcast address enter the IP address of device 1, but:

In the last group replace the value by "255".
► Confirm with [OK].
► Do not forget: Menu [File] > [Save as...] > indicate directory and filename.
► Confirm with [OK].

Write projects for more devices


Also create export lists for the projects DemoProj2 and DemoProj3.
► Now create corresponding projects with export lists for the two other devices: DemoProj2.pro and
DemoProj3.pro. These files are necessary for the following steps.
Filenames and entries  following table:
Device Project filename Global variable list to be exported COB ID Global variable

1 DemoProj1.pro Globale_Variablen_Export_Proj1 51 x1:INT

2 DemoProj2.pro Globale_Variablen_Export_Proj2 52 x2:INT

3 DemoProj3.pro Globale_Variablen_Export_Proj3 53 x3:INT

> Export lists must now be created for all 3 devices.

Create import lists for the project DemoProj1.
For the project DemoProj1.pro in device 1 we have so far only created the "global network variables"
to be exported.
We now create two lists of global network variables to be imported which are imported from
DemoProj1.pro. Requirement: all 3 projects are available locally or in the LAN.
► Open the project DemoProj1.pro in CoDeSys.
► Click the tab [Resources].
► Select (click) the entry [Global Variables].
► Menu [Project] > [Merge…].
► Select the project DemoProj2.pro.

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Programming First steps

► Confirm with [OK].

> The following window appears:

► Reduce the selection to the requested list:

► Confirm with [OK].

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Programming First steps

► From the menu "[Project] > [Merge…]" repeat the process with DemoProj3.pro and its export list.
> The resources in DemoProj1.pro are now as follows:

Adapt PLC_PRG in all projects.

So far we have "only" organised the data management. Now the executable parts of the projects will
be dealt with.
For each project only one function element is written which increases the contents of the
corresponding variables (x1, x2 or x3,  table at the top) by 1 in each PLC cycle. In our example the
function element PLC_PRG for DemoProj1.pro is shown ( screenshot):

► Create this program for each of the 3 devices:

DemoProj1.pro: global variable x1,
DemoProj2.pro: global variable x2,
DemoProj3.pro: global variable x3.

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Programming First steps


Transmit projects

► Check whether all 3 devices together with the PC are available with their corresponding IP
addresses in the LAN.
► Transmit the 3 created projects DemoProj1...3 to the corresponding devices.
► Start these projects there.

Test transmission of the global network variables


► Check the behaviour of the data transmission by looking at the corresponding global variable lists.
If, for example, in the project DemoProj1.pro you open the variable list
"Globale_Variablen_Import_Proj2", you should note that the value of x2 is increasing.
► Also check the other projects and make sure that the transmission of the global variables in the
network functions.

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Programming First steps


System flags

System flags are factory set global variables. System flags are mapped to IEC addresses (%Ixx,
%Qxx). The programmer can access the following elemnts by using symbol names in the program
 Inputs and outputs
 Functions of the input elements
 Functions of the display elements
 States of system components and characteristic values

Further infomration about system flags of the device: → System flags (→ page 347)



ifm electronic provides the following device-specific function libraries for programming the CR1082
using CODESYS 2.3:

Library Description

ifm_CR1082_Vxxyyzz.lib Device-specific functions

ifm_PDMng_util_Vxxyyzz.lib Help functions
ifm_PDM360NG_USB_Vxxyyzz.lib Maintain devices connected to the USB interface

ifm_PDM360NG_USB_LL_Vxxyyzz.lib Help library for ifm_PDM360NG_USB_Vxxyyzz.lib

ifm_PDM360NG_linux_syscall_asynch_Vxxyyzz.lib Send Linux commands to the system
ifm_RAWCan_NT_Vxxyyzz.lib Functions for CAN layer 2

ifm_CANopen_NT_Vxxyyzz.lib Functions for CANopen

ifm_J1939_NT_Vxxyyzz.lib CAN functions for drive control
ifm_NetVarLib_NT_Vxxyyzz.lib Maintain network variables for CANopen

Further information about the ifm function libraries: → ifm libraries for the device CR1082
(→ page 156)
To add additional libraries to a CODESYS project: → Add additional libraries (→ page 115)

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Programming First steps


Note the cycle time!


For the programmable devices from the controller family ecomatmobile numerous functions are
available which enable use of the devices in a wide range of applications.
As these units use more or fewer system resources depending on their complexity it is not always
possible to use all units at the same time and several times.

Risk that the device acts too slowly!
Cycle time must not become too long!
► When designing the application program the above-mentioned recommendations must be
complied with and tested.
► If necessary, the cycle time must be optimised by restructuring the software and the system


Watchdog behaviour

In this device a watchdog monitors the runtime of system processes, including the process of the
CODESYS application. Each process has to call the wathcdog monitor within a defined time intervall.
If the maximum watchdog time is exceeded:
> all processes are stopped (reset)
> all outputs are switched off
> the screen goes black
> the status LED flashes red at 5 Hz
A process needs a certain time to proceed reset and initialisation routines (watchdog reset).
The following tabel shows the watchdog times for each process:

Prozess Chain-ID Watchdog-Timeout [ms] Watchdog-Reset [ms]

ppc-plclinux 10 1 000 500
eplc main 20 10 000 500
eplc overlay 21 10 000 500
keyboard-service 40 2 000 500
io-coproc-service 50 2 000 500
wd-coproc-service 60 2 000 500

Eliminate the fault:

► Reboot the device via voltage on/off plus.

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Programming First steps


Operating sequence

In principle, there are two options to create a project for display devices:

Sequence Advantages Disadvantages

Visualisation first, then the  In the program it is possible to The PLC parameters and variables required in the
PLC program. cross-reference to the finished images. images have not yet been defined.
 When the PLC program is tested the
images already exist.
PLC program first, then the All parameters and variables are defined in  The parameters from the images (image
visualisation the PLC program before they are referred number, key, LED, etc.) must be found
to in the visualisations. elsewhere.
 The PLC program can only be tested after
creation of the visualisation.

In both cases we urgently recommend to design a precise structure of the visualisation and its
contents before starting.

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Programming First steps


Creating application program


The application program is generated by the CODESYS programming system and loaded in the
controller several times during the program development for testing:
In CODESYS: [Online] > [Login] > load the new program.
For each such download via CODESYS the source code is translated again. The result is that each
time a new checksum is formed in the controller memory. This process is also permissible for safety
controllers until the release of the software.

Graphics: Creation and distribution of the software

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
Programming First steps


6.2.2 Create PLC program


Only some networks are necessary for an executable program. You do not need any special function
block to be able to use important device functions. All monitor functions you can control via system
variables in the PLC configuration ( System flags (→ page 347)).

Familiarise yourself with the programming system CODESYS 2.3!

Familiarise yourself with the programming according to IEC 61131-3!

To create a PLC application.

► In the Object Organizer, select the [POUs] tab:

► Double click on [PLC_PRG].

> Editor window displays input mask of teh selected programming language.
► Enter program code.

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Programming First steps


6.2.3 Add additional libraries


For the CR1082, ifm electronic provides additional CODESYS libraries, that contain device-specific
functions. The libraries will be installed together with the target package of the device (→ ifm libraries
for the device CR1082 (→ page 156)).

The following libraries needs to be installed in order to program the device:

– LinuxSystemLib.Lib
– Standard library Standard.Lib from \CoDeSys\Library\
– Device library CR1082_Vxxyyzz.Lib aus
► If not already installed, add the libraries one by one to the project!

The release numbers of the libraries and the target package must be equal.
V version
xx: 00...99 target version number
yy: 00...99 release number
zz: 00...99 patch number

The basic file name (e.g. "CR1082") and the software version number "xx" (e.g. "04") must
always have the same value! Otherwise the device goes to the STOP mode.
The values for "yy" (release number) and "zz" (patch number) do not have to match.

To add additional libraries to the project:

1 Start library manager
► Click on the [Resources] tab in CODESYS:

► Double-click on [Library Manager] in the left column.

> The window [Library Manager] appears listing the installed libraries.
2 Add additional libraries
► Select [Insert] > [Additional library...].
> File explorer appears displaying the CODESYS library directory.
► Select the requested library and press [Open] to load it.
► Optional: repeat step 2 to install additional libraries.

The functions libraries are stored in the following directories:

– Device library: Targets\ifm\Library\ifm_CR1082
– Help library: Targets\ifm\Library
– CANopen library: Targets\ifm\Library\ifm_CANopen
– RAWCan library: Targets\ifm\Library\ifm_RAWCan
– J1939 library: Targets\ifm\Library\ifm_J1939

3 Save CODESYS project

► Use [File] > [Save] to save the changes in the project.

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Programming First steps


6.2.4 Programming interfaces

Setting-up the programming interface ..................................................................................................117

Access to the Linux runtime system .....................................................................................................119

For programming of the device only the following interface is available:

 Ethernet interface

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Programming First steps


Setting-up the programming interface


The device can be programmed over the Ethernet interface (Position of the connectors: → Installation

Device and CODESYS pc/laptop can be connected directly oder via a ethernet network.
► Only use recommended accessories! (→ Installation instruction)
► For the connection in the network an experienced user or system administrator should set
up the network addresses and do the configuration.

To configure the programming interface:

1 Connect device and CODESYS pc /laptop
► Connect the Ethernet interface of the device with Ethernet interface of the CODESYS
pc/laptop (→ Installation instruction)
2 Set the IP parameters of the Ethernet interfaces
► Set the IP parameters of the Ethernet interface of the device (→ Setup: Configure the Ethernet
interface (→ page 54))
► Set the TCP/IP settings of the Ethernet interface of the CODESYS pc/laptop.

The device and the pc/laptop need to belong to the same ip address space.
► Note the settings of the IP address and the subnet mask! (→ Address assignment in Ethernet
networks (→ page 346))

3 Test Ethernet connection

► Check the correct cable connection between both devices.
> OK if the orange LED beside the network connector lights or flickers.
► Test Ethernet connection (i.e. using PING command at the Windows command line).
4 Set parameters of communication path between CODESYS and the device
► In CODESYS click on [Online] > [Communication Parameters...].
► Click on [New...]
> The window "Communication Parameters: New Channel" appears.

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Programming First steps

► Enter a self-explanatory name, e.g. "PDM_TCP/IP".

► Select the entry "Tcp/Ip (Level 2 Route)" ( screenshot):

► Use [OK] to adopt new parameters.

► Enter the following communication parameters for the new channel ( screenshot below):
- [Address] = e.g. (enter here the actual IP address of the device)
- [Motorola byteorder] = yes
(Double-click to change the value step by step)

► Use [OK] to adopt communication parameters.

> CODESYS and the device should now be able to communicate via the Ethernet interface.

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Programming First steps


Access to the Linux runtime system

Access the device with Telnet ..............................................................................................................120

Access the device with SSH .................................................................................................................120
Copy files with FTP ...............................................................................................................................121
Copy the files with SCP ........................................................................................................................121

To access the Linux runtime system of the device directly via the Ethernet inerface, use one of the
following options.

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Programming First steps


Access the device with Telnet


► Download the Telnet client and install it on the PC (e.g. PuTTY → the operating system of the
Telnet client
► Start the Telnet client
> The program window appears
► Use the following parameters to create a new connection profile:
- PC name/IP address:
- Port: 23
- Transfer protocol: Telnet
► Establish a connection to the device with the created connection profile
> The program window with a prompt appears.
► Enter the following details and confirm with [ENTER]
- User name/login: root
- Password: pdm360ng
> The prompt of the root directory # appears
► Enter the requested command
► When done, enter exit in the prompt and confirm with [ENTER]
> The program window is closed

Access the device with SSH


To establish a secure terminal connection between the PC and the device, proceed as follows:
► Download the SSH client and install it on the PC (e.g. PuTTY (→ www.putty.org))
► Establish an Ethernet connection between the PC and the device.
► If necessary, adapt the IP network settings of the PC and/or the device.
→ Help function of the PC operating system
→ Setup: Configure the IP parameters manually (→ page 55)
► Start the SSH client
► Use the following parameters to create a new connection profile:
- IP address =
- Connection type = SSH
- Port number = 22
► Save the connection profile
► Establish a secure connection between the PC and the device with the saved connection profile
> A safety note appears
► Confirm the safety note
> The terminal window appears
► Enter the following details and confirm with [Enter]:
- login as: = root
- root@' password: pdm360ng
> The success message Welcome using SSH/SCP on IFM PDM360NG ! appears
► Execute the requested commands in the command line
→ Help function of the SSH client
► When done, separate the secure connection with [Shift]+[Strg]+[D]

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
Programming First steps


Copy files with FTP


For some purposes an FTP connection between the PC and the device can be useful:
- Quick data transmission
- Connection also possible via the internet
- If no access to the USB port is possible
In case of doubt or problems please contact your system administrator.
► Establish an Ethernet connection between the PC and the device.
► The PC and the device must have compatible IP addresses and the same subnet mask.
→ Setup: Configure the IP parameters manually (→ page 55).
► Start the file manager on the PC.
► Enter the IP address of the device and, if needed, the requested directory as target address
following "ftp://", e.g. (default IP address in the device)
► After a right-click in the right space of the file manager click [Login as...] in the context menu.
> The dialogue [Login as...] opens.
► Enter the following:
- User name = root
- Password = pdm360ng
► Connect with the device with mouse click on [Login]
► Copy the requested files
► Close the file manager to disconnect the FTP connection.

Copy the files with SCP


To transfer files via a secure SCP connection (Secure CoPy) between the device and the PC, proceed
as follows:
► Download the SCP client and install it on the PC (e.g. WinSCP (→ www.winscp.net))
► Establish an Ethernet connection between the PC and the device.
► If necessary, adapt the IP network settings of the PC and/or the device.
→ Help function of the PC operating system
→ Setup: Configure the IP parameters manually (→ page 55)
► Start the SCP client
► Use the following parameters to create a new connection profile:
- IP address =
- Connection type = SCP
- Port number = 22
- User name/Login = root
- Password = pdm360ng
► Save the connection profile
► Establish a secure connection between the PC and the device with the saved connection profile
> The program windows with the file systems of the PC and the device appear
► Copy the requested files
→ Help function of the SCP client
► When done, separate the secure connection
► End the SCP client

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Programming First steps

6.2.5 Save project in the device


 Device and CODESYS pc/laptop are connected via ethernet interfaces.
 Programming interface is set.
1 Compile project
► Use [Project] > [Rebuild All] to compile the program code for the device.
> After all libraries and variables have been inserted and parameterised as described, no error
messages should appear.

If a project was changed (or a new one created) it must be cleaned before transferring it to the
device. Without cleaning, the program can become unstable due to memory overflow.
► Use [Project] > [Clean all] to clean the project.
> During cleaning, all program elements are reorganised and combined thus reducing the

► Use [Project] > [Save] to save the project.

2 Download the project to the device
► Use [Online] > [Login] to set up a logic connection to the device.
> Confimation message appears:
"The program has changed. Download the new program?"
► Press [Yes] to confirm.
> The compiled project (including the visualisation) is transferred to the device.

The program code is saved on the device in the directory /home/projects. With another
download project files already on the device are not loaded again.
► To delete the project files in the directory /home/projects, use [Online] > [Reset

3 Create boot project

► Use [Online] > [Create boot project] to create a boot project in the device.
> The project ist stored in the remanent memory of the device.
> After rebooting the device the project starts automatically.

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
Programming Configuration of the inputs and outputs


6.3 Configuration of the inputs and outputs

Notes ....................................................................................................................................................124
Configure input .....................................................................................................................................124
Configure output ...................................................................................................................................124

For some devices of the ecomatmobile controller family, additional diagnostic functions can be
activated for the inputs and outputs. So, the corresponding input and output signal can be monitored
and the application program can react in case of a fault.
Depending on the input and output, certain marginal conditions must be taken into account when
using the diagnosis:
► It must be checked by means of the data sheet if the device used has the described input and
output groups (→ data sheet).
 Constants are predefined (e.g. IN_DIGITAL_H) in the device libraries (ifm_CR1082_Vxxyyzz.LIB
) for the configuration of the inputs and outputs.
For details → Possible operating modes inputs/outputs (→ page 353).

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
Programming Configuration of the inputs and outputs


6.3.1 Notes


 All inputs and outputs are factory set to binary, plus switching (BH).
 The diagnostics function is disabled.
 The overload protection is enabled.

Display the I/O configuration


The active configuration of the inputs and outputs can be displayed via the system flags IN00 and

Detailed information on the system flags: → System flags: Inputs and Outputs (→ page 348)


6.3.2 Configure input


The inputs are configured usign teh function block INPUT in the application program.

Detailed information on the function block: → INPUT (→ page 166)

Possible operating mode: → Possible operating modes inputs/outputs (→ page 353)


6.3.3 Configure output


The operting mode of the output is fixed (binary, plus switching (BH)).

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Programming Use visualisations


6.4 Use visualisations

Notes on visualisations .........................................................................................................................126

Create visualisation ..............................................................................................................................132
Configuring functions of operating elements ........................................................................................133
Use of optical and acustical feedback ..................................................................................................136
Install fonts (true type fonts) .................................................................................................................137

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
Programming Use visualisations


6.4.1 Notes on visualisations


 Familiarize yourself with the CODESYS visualisation editor!

► → CODESYS-Online-Hilfe!
 ifm electronic provides various components for CODESYS 2.3 supporting the
praogramming of visualisations.
► → POUs: Manage visualisation (→ page 198)


Drawing area

 The drawing area is equal to the resolution of the display.

 The left upper corner marks the home position (0,0) of the virtual and physical drawing area.
 Virtual drawing area = 2560 x 1536 pixels
(enlarges the physical drawing area)
 All elements in and outside the virtual drawing area are calculated.

The images used in the project can be larger than the given drawing area. In this case only a
selectable part of the image will be displayed.


Resample / scale image


If an image is loaded in the device which does not meet the requirements for size or colour, it is
resized before it is displayed and the colours used are "checked".
Each time the image is opened, it must be resampled. This often leads to much longer times to
change from one image to the other. Corrective measures:
► First carry out all transformations of the bitmap or the image in an image processing program on
your computer.
Only for BasicDisplay: The colour palette is adapted when the image is integrated into the project
by CODESYS. On the device itself no adaptations will be made (size, scaling, colour).
► Only save the suitably transformed images in the visualisation of the device.


 The smallest font size which is clearly visible on the device is 8 points.
 Permissible fonts (true type fonts):
- Arial (standard)
- Courier New
- Times New Roman
- ifm ISO symbols
- Loadable fonts
Install all required fonts on the PC!
 Permissible font size:
- Standard = 10 pixels
- Max. = 72 Pixels
- Permissible nuances = 1 pixel

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
Programming Use visualisations

 Permissible font weights:

- Normal (standard)
- Italic
- Bold
- Bold cursive
 Permissible effects:
- None (standard)
- Underlined
- Crossed out
 The following text scripts are accepted:
- Western (standard)
- Other scripts on request

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Programming Use visualisations


Visualisation limits

Limitations for visualisations .................................................................................................................129

CODESYS visualisation elements ........................................................................................................130
Movement of elements .........................................................................................................................131

When using visualisations the following estrictions apply:

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
Programming Use visualisations


Limitations for visualisations


Designation Limitation

Length of character strings < 255 Zeichen

Length of path names < 255 Zeichen

Number of graphical objects per visualisation page < 2000
Number of bitmapst1 per project No indication possible. These
elements uses the same memmory
Number of character sets per project area.
Number of POUs2 per project 8000
... Specifications of the splash screen: → Setup: Define the splash screen (→ page 68)
... POU (Program Organization Unit) = function, function block or program

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
Programming Use visualisations


CODESYS visualisation elements


Visualisation element Functional safety for the PDM

Polyline o A polyline is to consist of maximum 99 anchor points.
A polyline is not to enclose any area.
Curve o A curve is to consist of maximum 99 anchor points.
A curve is not to enclose any area.
Rectangle + No problems known
Rounded rectangle o Only for very restricted use, slows down the system very much
Circle, ellipse o Only for very restricted use, slows down the system very much
Polygon o A polygon is to consist of maximum 100 anchor points.
Pie chart o Only for very restricted use, slows down the system very much
Visualisation o Possible but too many elements on one page slow down the system
Button + No problems known
Table o dynamically indexed variables are not supported
Trend curve + Supported from firmware V01.05 on; not all CODESYS functions are
available on embedded devices
Alarm table – Not supported
Scales o Possible but too many elements on one page slow down the system
® the following note.
Pointer instrument + Permissible pointer type
- normal arrow
- thin arrow
- wide arrow
- thin needle
Permissible angle indication:
Start and end angle in [degrees]
Bargraph + Can be represented using the following diagram types:
- scale at the bar
- scale in the bar
- bar in the scale
Permissible orientation:
- horizontal
- vertical
Histogram + No problems known
Graphic file + - BMP
- BMP RLE compressed
- WMF (not recommended)
Graphics scaling mode + No problems known:
The mode can be executed as follows:
- isotropic (uniform scaling of height / width)
- anisotropic (non-uniform scaling of height / width)
- fixed (without scaling)
ActiveX element – Not supported

+ ... can be used without problem
o ... can be used with restrictions
– .... cannot be used

To avoid too long image loading times please note:

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
Programming Use visualisations

 It is allowed to save colour bitmaps with a colour depth of 18 bits (max. 24 bits).
 Some visualisations with the CODESYS options are not very satisfactory, e.g. round scales.
Integrate the requested elements as (an externally generated) BMP graphic. It is then sufficient to
turn an arrow in the visualisation depending on values which could change its colour if limit values
are exceeded.

Movement of elements

Image and text elements can be moved on the display in a defined manner.

Element movement Description

Rotate Rotate the element around a defined pivot point
Indicate the angle of rotation
 angle of rotation in [degree]
 positive value = rotation clockwise
 negative value = rotation anticlockwise
Shift Shifting of the element:
 horizontal
 vertical
 only within the drawing area
 max. until leaving the drawing area
Relative shifting of Each edge of the element can be shifted by a specified number of pixels via an
• rectangle INT type variable:
• ellipse / circle  basic position of the 4 edges = zero
 new value shifts this edge by the specified value
Shift direction for value > 0:
 horizontal edge down
 vertical edge to the right
Shift direction for value < 0:
 horizontal edge up
 vertical edge to the left

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
Programming Use visualisations


6.4.2 Create visualisation


1 Select visualisation directory

► In the Object Organizer, select the [Visualizations] tab.
> Object Organizer displays visualisation objects of the project.
2 Create visualisation object
► Right-click on [Visualizations] symbol
> Context menu appears

► Select [Add object ...]

> The [New Visualization] window appears.
► After [Name of the new Visualization] enter the name of the first visualisation object and press
[OK] to confirm.
> CODESYS creates visualisation object in the visualisation directory.
> Visualisation editor appears.
3 Create visualisation element
► Create requested visualisation elements in the drawing area of the visualisation editor:

:: The drawing field corresponds to the size of the LCD display.

Notes on use of visualisations → Notes on visualisations (→ page 126)

► Use [File] > [Save] to save the created visualisation.

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Programming Use visualisations


6.4.3 Configuring functions of operating elements


The signals of the navigation key are evaluated independently of the signals of the
function keys and the touch screen.
The device detects several simultaneously pressed function keys and evaluates them.
When the function key is permanently activated, the device generates a key pulse
sequence (after an adjustable waiting time).


Processing user input


The following tasks have to be solved in the visualisations of the application program:
• jump to the visualisation pages,
• change parameter values in the input fields,
• confirm messages.
To do so, the ecomatmobile PDM devices provide a number of operating elements.
For the devices of the PDM families you can assign functions to certain operating elements or signals.
There are several ways to do so which can also be combined in some cases:
 System variables in the PLC configuration
→ Use edit controls (→ page 135)
 Library ifm_PDM_INPUT_Vxxyyzz.lib (contains FBs to manage input fields)
→ POUs: Manage visualisation (→ page 198)
 CODESYS dialogue [Elements configuration]
→ CODESYS user manual
 Functions and function elements created by the user

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Programming Use visualisations


Numbering of the operating elements


The operating elements of the device are systematically numbered internally. In order to read or to
change the states of the input elements, the user can easily use symbol names in the programming
code of CODESYS.
The following figure shows the assignment of the individual operating elements with system flags:

Function keys: Navigation key:


Numbering of the operating elements


For each key of the device the system detects the following events. Using the results of this detection,
the system generates signals and maps them to system flags:

Event type Events Reference

State  key pressed → System flags: function keys (→ page 350)

 key released → System flags: navigation keys (→ page 351)
 key hold down (continuous operation)

Change of state  pressing key (positive edge)

 releasing key (negative edge)

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
Programming Use visualisations


Use edit controls


ifm provides the programmer with "edit controls". You can link functions to operating elements using
system variables in the PLC configuration.
For normal mode:
MD_KEYx_y Assignment of key y in the group of keys x (preset)

For the edit mode:

ME_KEYx_y Assignment of key y in the group of keys x (Edit mode)

As STRING a key must be assigned a keyword (→ next chapter).

Key groups → Numbering of the operating elements (→ page 134)

System variable → System flags (→ page 347)


Keywords for edit controls


Keyword Meaning in MAPPING Meaning in EDIT MODE

DOWN --- Decrement the value
LEFT --- Cursor by 1 position to the left
RIGHT --- Cursor by 1 position to the right
SHIFT_TAB Jump to the previous element ---
SPACE Change the element to the EDIT MODE Confirm the value
TAB Jump to the next element ---
UP --- Increment the value

Example: edit controls in CR1081


(* Default Mapping ( MD ) *)
MD_KEY3_right:= 'TAB'; (* jump to next element foreward *)
MD_KEY3_left:='SHIFT_TAB'; (* jump to next element backwards *)
MD_KEY3_push:='SPACE'; (* select the element *)
(* Edit Mapping/ Edit mode ( ME )*)
ME_KEY3_UP:='UP'; (* Increment value *)
ME_KEY3_DOWN:='DOWN'; (* Decrement value *)
ME_KEY3_LEFT:='LEFT'; (* Move left on the value position *)
ME_KEY3_RIGHT:='RIGHT'; (* Move right on the value position *)
ME_KEY3_PUSH:='SPACE'; (* Take over value *)
ME_KEY1_5:= 'ESCAPE'; (* Exit edit mode *)

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Programming Use visualisations


6.4.4 Use of optical and acustical feedback


 All operating elements are backlit withLEDs. The LEDs can be controlledin the application
► Only switch those key LEDs in the program which can be sensibly actuated in the
current screen.
 For all keys currently without function:
► Switch off keys LEDs in the program.
 Request to press a certain key:
► Programm the key LED so that it flashes.
 Night design of the operating elements:
 The LEDs for alle operating elements are dimmable.
 For operating at night the LEDs have ONE adjustable basic brightness for all operating
elements. So the operating elements are also backlit if the key LEDs were not switched


Control status LED and key LEDs


To generate an optical feedback indicating, which key can be used for user input, the programmer can
use the key LEDs. The following options are available:

Option Functions Reference

System flags  seperately enable/disable key LEDs → System flags: function keys (→ page 350)
 set night mode for key LEDs → System flags: navigation keys (→ page 351)
 set brightness of key LEDs in night mode → System flags: Status LED (→ page 349)
 set colour of status LED
 set flashing frequency of status LED


Control buzzer

To generate an acoustical feedback indicating user inputs, the programmer can use the
device-internal buzzer. The following options are available:

Option Functions Reference

ifm POUs  set tone pitch of the buzzer signal → Function elements: Control LED + buzzer
 genrate continuous tone (→ page 193)
 generate click on key contact

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Programming Use visualisations


6.4.5 Install fonts (true type fonts)


The character sets supplied by the factory (fonts) are not sufficient for all applications. Here we show
you the example "Cyrillic" to learn how to add more character sets.

If after the installation of large fonts (e.g. Chinese fonts) a device with a CODESYS application is
restarted, the watchdog may be activated!
Reason: It takes some seconds until the new font is initialised.
► Start the device once in the setup mode (→ Enter the setup mode (→ page 42)).

The CR1082 only supports true type fonts!

► Install new font on the PC/laptop (→ Operating instructions operating system).

► Install new font on the device (→ Fonts: Load the font (→ page 76)).
► All font files must have the file attribute "executable". This can normally be carried out with the
FTP programs.
► Reboot the device to activate a new font
► In CODESYS use the corresponding font as shown below:

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Programming Use visualisations


Symbol files

The unit is factory preset with the ISO symbols. An overview and explanations of the installed symbols
is given in the file ifm_iso-documentation.pdf (→ ecomatmobile DVD "Software, tools and
documentation" or on your hard disk in the CODESYS installation directory
Example: ifm_iso_f.ttf

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
Programming Use of touch screen functions


6.5 Use of touch screen functions


6.5.1 General notes


Note the following for the programming of touch screen functions.

 The sensitivity of the touch screen is reduced towards the edges.

► Position the graphical operating elements as central as possible on the touch screen!
 The device has no multitouch function!
 The use of touch operating elements is not suitable for the control of critical functions
(e.g. motor start/stop).
► Use the mechanical keys for the implementation of critical functions!
 The touch screen provides no mechanical feedback when a graphical operating element
has been activated (e.g. button). Therefore, the operator might not know if his input has
been successful.
► Use visual feedback for graphical operating elements (→ Use visual feedback
(→ page 141))!
 Unfavourable light incidence and soiling of the screen surface might affect the
perceptibility of the graphical operating elements.
► Touch operating elements must be sufficiently dimensioned!
► Use a clearly readable font in a sufficient font size for labelling the touch operating


6.5.2 Process touch screen inputs


Operation of the touch screen can be programmed in CODESYS with standard input functions or via
PLC code.
The following table compares the two methods.

Criterion Control of the touch screen operation via

CODESYS standard input function PLC code

Flexibility Programmer is bound to defined functions Flexible interaction between user interface and
application program possible

Response time to input Fast reaction of the visualisation because Response time bound to PLC cycle
event-based processing irrespective of the PLC
Programming Low; simple creation of user interfaces Increased programming complexity
suitable for All groups of users Experienced programmers

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Programming Use of touch screen functions


Input functions for touch screens


CODESYS offers different input functions to define how elements of the graphical user interface (e.g.
buttons) react to actuation of the touch screen.
To access the input functions in CODESYS:
1 Preperations
► Create/open CODESYS project.
► Create new visualisation and create a new object (→ Create visualisation (→ page 132))
2 Configure input function
► Selelct created object.
► Select [Extras] > [Configure].
> The [Regular Element Configuration] window appears.
► Select the [Input] item in the [Category] field.
> [Input] group shows options for input configuration:
Option Description Possible values
[Toggle variable] The state of the Boolean variable is = function disabled
changed when the visualisation object is
touched (= switch mode) = function enabled

[Tap variable] The state of the Boolean variable is = function disabled

changed when the visualisation object is
touched. When releasing the = function enabled
visualisation object, the variable changes
to it's former state (= momentary switch
 [Tap FALSE] Define value of the boolean variable = positive edge (FALSE  TRUE)
when object is touched
= negative edge (TRUE  FALSE)

[Zoom to vis.] The application changes to the indicated = function disabled

visualisation when the visualisation
object is touched. = function enabled

[Execute program] An indicated command / indicated = function disabled

command sequence is carried out when
the visualisation object is touched = function enabled

[Text input of variable The element activated in the list box = function disabled
'Textdisplay'] appears when the visualisation object is
touched. The value will be written into the = function enabled
varibale defined in the category
[Variables] > [Textdisplay]
List Selection of input element [Text] = input field
[Numpad] = Number pad
[Keypad] = On-screen keyboard (German key

Detailed information about configuration options: → CODESYS documentation

► Enable reuqested functions.

► Use [OK] to confirm the input and close the window.

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Programming Use of touch screen functions


Characteristics of the pressure point


To get an feedback from the system in case the display is getting touched, the programmer can use
the global data structure PointOfContact. It provides the following functions:

Variable Funktion
PointOfContact.AfterGlow Show/hide pressure point

PointOfContact.X Show X coordinate of the current pressure point

PointOfContact.Y Show Y coordinate of the current pressure point

PointOfContact.ImagePath Link pressure point to an image file

PointOfContact.Overlap Set the behaviour of pressure point and mouse pointer

Detailed information: → PointOfContact (→ page 225)


6.5.3 Use visual feedback


CODESYS offers the following options to create visual feedback for graphical operating elements:

Option Description
Input element "button" The appearance of the button automatically changes when the button is activated or
deactivated. The programmer does not have to make additional settings.
Change between two bitmaps 2 different bitmaps exist for each condition (activated, deactivated) of an input element.
Both graphics are positioned congruently on 2 visualisation levels. When the operating
element is activated, the bitmap graphics is switched to invisible for the inactive
Touch event on bitmap A touch event triggers a reaction when the input element is activated.
Change of the frame colour The input element has a frame. When deactivated, the frame is colourless or in neutral
colours. The frame colour changes when the frame is activated.

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Programming Use of touch screen functions


6.5.4 Calibration of the touch screen


To be able to calibrate the touch screen from a PLC application, carry out the following changes in the
CODESYS project:
1 Create visualisation page
► Open / Create a project.
► Create an empty visualisati→ page with the designation TOUCHCALIBRATION (→ Create
visualisation (→ page 132))
2 Insert control code in PLC application
► Define a condition for access to the visualisati→ page TOUCHCALIBRATION.
► Define the visualisati→ page which will be opened after successful calibration.
► Define the condition for the cancellation of the calibration process (e.g. change to the
visualisati→ page y when the function x is pressed)

Notes on use:
The calibration process is automatically started when the operator opens the
visualisati→ page TOUCHCALIBRATION.
► Follow the instructions on the screen (→ Setup: Calibrate the touchscreen (→ page 77))!
> When the calibration process is cancelled: The values of the last successful calibration apply.
> When the calibration process has been successfully completed: The touch screen is

The calibration process can only be cancelled as long as the operator has not yet touched the
last cross in the centre of the screen!
The new values apply immediately upon completion of the calibration process! It is not
necessary to reboot the device.

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Programming Install and set up mobile camera


6.6 Install and set up mobile camera

Setup and operate Ethernet cameras ..................................................................................................144

Setup and operate analogue cameras .................................................................................................148

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Programming Install and set up mobile camera


6.6.1 Setup and operate Ethernet cameras


Insert an Ethernet camera image in a CODESYS project


1 Create visualisation
► Open CODESYS project.
► In the Object Organizer, select the [Visualizations] tab
► Create a new visualisation object.
> The drawing area appears.
2 Insert placeholder for camera image
► Select [Insert] > [Bitmap].
► Drag out the contour of the planned camera image on the drawing area.
> The [Open] window appears.
► Select the file camera.bmp in the subdirectory ..\targets\ifm\library\bmp_ng.
> The placeholder graphic is inserted into the drawing area.
> Press [OK] to close the window.
3 Set size and position of the camera image
► Select [Extras] > [Elementlist...].
> [Element list] window appears.
► Select the requested image.
► Under [Position] enter the following values:
Parameter Description Possible values
X X coordinate of the upper left corner of the image i.e. 290
Y Y coordinate of the upper left corner of the image i.e. 220
Width Width of the displayed image (in pixels) recommended: 320
max.: 640

Height Height of the displayed image (in pixels) recommended: 240

max: 480

Image resolutions that are in the range between recommended and maximum image
resolution or above the maximum image resolution, cause a high CPU load.
► Avoid to set such values!
Only the visible area of the display can be used for the camera image (→ datasheet,
resoltution of the display). Images outside this area (in the non-visible area) are ignored.
Instead the image is represented at the last valid position. If there was no valid position, NO
image is represented.

► Press [OK] to apply the entered values and close the window.

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Programming Install and set up mobile camera


Configure the camera bitmap in the dialogue [Bitmap Configuration]


To configure the created camera image:


1 Open the configuration dialogue

► Open the visualisati→ page with placeholder graphic.
► Double click on placeholder graphic
> The window [Bitmap Configuration] appears.
► To configure the camera image, set the following variables and parameters as requested.

The variables entered must be declared. Afterwards they can be used for programming
the application.


2 Set the IP address of the Ethernet camera

► In the category [Text] set the following parameters as requested:
Parameter Description / data type Possible values
[Content] IP address of the Ethernet camera e.g.
→ Operating instructions of the

3 Rotate the camera image

► In the category [Motion absolute] set the following parameter as requested:
Parameter Description / data type Possible values
[Angle]  Rotate the camera image e.g. PLC_PRG.camangle
 INT type variable 0 = no rotation *
(input) 90 = rotate by 90°
180 = rotate by 180°
270 = rotate by 270°
* ... default value which is also applied in case of a not defined variable

4 Indicate the failure of an Ethernet camera

► In the category [Variables] set the following parameter as requested:
Parameter Description / data type Possible values
[Input disable]  Display status message of the e.g. PLC_PRG.connect
Ethernet camera FALSE = Ethernet camera failure
 boolean type variable (output) TRUE = Ethernet camera active

5 Switch between colour and greyscale representation

► In the category [Variables] set the following parameter as requested:
Parameter Description / data type Possible values
[Change color]  Switching between colour and e.g. PLC_PRG.grey
greyscale representation of the FALSE = 8 bit greyscale
camera image TRUE = RGB555 *
 Boolean type variable (input)
* ... default value which is also applied in case of a not defined variable

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Programming Install and set up mobile camera

6 Mirror the camera image at its horizontal axis

► In the category [Variablen] set the following parameter as requested:
Parameter Description / data type Possible values

[Umrechnungsbasis]  Mirror the camera at its e.g. PLC_PRG.mirror

horizontal axis FALSE = do not mirror the image *
 Boolean type variable TRUE = mirror the image
* ... default value which is also applied in case of a not defined variable

7 Switch the camera on/off

► In the category [Variables] set the following parameter as requested:
Parameter Description / data type Possible values

[Conversion factor]  Program the switching on and e.g. PLG_PRG.enable

off of the camera FALSE = switch off the camera
 Boolean type variable (input) TRUE = switch on the camera

► Observe the note!

→ Use of the Ethernet camera image in CODESYS (→ page 147)


8 Provide error messages of the camera

► In the category [Variables] set the following parameter as requested:
Parameter Description / data type Possible values
[Tooltipdisplay]  Providing error messages of the e.g. PLG_PRG.ErrorMessage
connected camera possible error messages: → Table
 STRING type variable (output)

> The following error messages may occur:

Error message Cause Remedy
camera not found The IP address of the camera is Check the settings of the camera
not correct → Set the IP address of the Ethernet camera
(→ page 145)
camera not found No connection between the Check the connection between the camera and
camera and the device the device
: If there is already a connection between the
camera and the device, a connection loss via the
variable in the field [Eingabe deaktivieren] is
→ Indicate the failure of an Ethernet camera
(→ page 145)
invalid target area The camera image is not Check the settings of the camera
completely in the visible area of → Insert an Ethernet camera image in a CODESYS
the display project (→ page 144)
invalid rotation angle The indicated angle of rotation is  Check the settings of the camera
invalid → Rotate the camera image (→ page 145)
 valid angles: 0°, 90°, 180° and 270°
framebuffer error or During the setup of the Ethernet Set the boolean variable for switching the
plane already used camera an analogue camera is Ethernet camera on and off to FALSE
exclusively already running in the overlay → Switch the camera on/off (→ page 146)
mode (the Ethernet camera is not
switched on)

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Programming Install and set up mobile camera


9 Save changed values

► Press [OK] to apply the entered values and close the window.

Use of the Ethernet camera image in CODESYS


Switch-off the camera at page change:

► Switch off cameras in the visualisation BEFORE a page switch is started. Otherwise, the
old camera image stays visible in the new page.
► Do not switch on the requested cameras until the new visualisation is displayed.
► Use globale variable CamsOffOnPageSwitch to autoatically switch off the camera when a
page switch is started (→ CamsOffOnPageSwitch (→ page 173)).

Only the visible area of the display can be used for the camera image (→ datasheet,
resoltution of the display). Images outside this area (in the non-visible area) are ignored.
Instead the image is represented at the last valid position. If there was no valid position, NO
image is represented.

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
Programming Install and set up mobile camera


6.6.2 Setup and operate analogue cameras


Display options for analogue cameras


Analogue cameras provide the following features:

System standard Number of image lines Number of image colums Aspect ratio
PAL 720 576 5:4
NTSC 720 480 3:2

The CR1082 supports the following display modes for analog cameras:

Capture mode Overlay mode

Description The image can only be represented as a  A section of the image can be represented up to
whole. max. 100 % of the original image.
 The centre of the image section is identical with the
centre of the original image.
Scalability Any scaling of the image is possible. The image cannot be scaled.
Scaling behaviour Any scaling of the aspect ratio is The image is represented in the original aspect ratio.
The image representation may be
Frame rate Low frame rate High frame rate
Reason: long processing time!

Place the camera image only in the visible area of the display (datasheet, display resolution)!
Images outside the visible area will be ignored.

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
Programming Install and set up mobile camera


Example: Capture mode


The original image can only be scaled in any manner as full-size image, also asymmetrically.

Original image:

Compressed image: Streched image:

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
Programming Install and set up mobile camera


Example: Overlay mode


The image cannot be scaled.

The centre of the image section is identical with the centre of the original image.

Original image:

Image section 1: Image section 2:

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
Programming Install and set up mobile camera


Insert an analogue camera image in a CODESYS project


1 Create visualisation
► Open CODESYS project.
► In the Object Organizer, select the [Visualizations] tab
► Create a new visualisation object.
> The drawing area appears.
2 Insert placeholder for camera image
► Select [Insert] > [Bitmap].
► Drag out the contour of the planned camera image on the drawing area.
> The [Open] window appears.
► Select the file camera.bmp in the subdirectory ..\targets\ifm\library\bmp_ng.
> The placeholder graphic is inserted into the drawing area.
> Press [OK] to close the window.
3 Set size and position of the camera image
► Select [Extras] > [Elementlist...].
> [Element list] window appears.
► Select the requested image.
► Under [Position] enter the following values:
Parameter Description Possible values
X X coordinate of the upper left corner of the image e.g. 290
Y Y coordinate of the upper left corner of the image e.g. 220
Width Width of the displayed image (in pixels) recommended (PAL): 360
max.: 720

Height Height of the displayed image (in pixels) recommended (PAL): 288
max: 576

Image resolutions that are in the range between recommended and maximum image
resolution or above the maximum image resolution, cause a high CPU load.
► Avoid to set such values!
Only the visible area of the display can be used for the camera image (→ datasheet,
resoltution of the display). Positions outside this area (in the non-visible area) are ignored.

► Press [OK] to apply the entered values and close the window.

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Programming Install and set up mobile camera


Configure camera image


To configure the created camera image:


1 Open the configuration dialogue

► Open the visualisati→ page with placeholder graphic.
► Double click on placeholder graphic
> The window [Bitmap Configuration] appears.
► To configure the camera image, set the following variables and parameters as requested.

The variables entered must be declared. Afterwards they can be used for programming
the application.


2 Select analogue camera

► In the category [Text] set the following parameters as requested:
Parameter Description / data type Possible values
[Content] Select camera Camera0 = 1st analogue camera
Camera1 = 2nd analogue camera

► Use lower-case and upper-case letters when entering the parameter values!


3 Set the display mode

► In the category [Variables] set the following parameter as requested:
Parameter Description / data type Possible values
[Change color]  Switching between capture e.g. PLC_PRG.CamMode
mode and detail mode FALSE = capture mode
 Boolean type variable (input) TRUE = overlay mode


4 Mirror the camera image at its horizontal axis

► In the category [Variables] set the following parameter as requested:
Parameter Description / data type Possible values

[Coversion base]  Mirror the camera at its e.g. PLC_PRG.mirror

horizontal axis FALSE = do not mirror the image *
 Boolean type variable (input) TRUE = mirror the image
* ... default value which is also applied in case of a not defined variable

Parameter only available in the capture mode!


ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
Programming Install and set up mobile camera

5 Rotate the camera image

► In the category [Motion absolute] set the following parameter as requested:
Parameter Description / data type Possible values

[Angle]  Rotate the camera image e.g. PLC_PRG.camangle

 INT type variable (input) 0 = no rotation *
90 = rotate by 90°
180 = rotate by 180°
270 = rotate by 270°
* ... default value which is also applied in case of a not defined variable

The rotation function is only available in the capture mode!

The rotation of the camera image causes a high CPU load which leads to a lower frame rate
and a poorer image quality.


6 Provide error messages of the camera

► In the category [Variables] set the following parameter as requested:
Parameter Description / data type Possible values
[Tooltipdisplay]  Providing error messages of the e.g. PLG_PRG.ErrorMessage
connected camera possible error messages: → Table
 STRING type variable

> The following error messages may occur:

Error message Cause Remedy

invalid target area The camera image is not completely Check the settings of the camera
in the visible area of the display → Insert an analogue camera image in a CODESYS
project (→ page 151)
invalid rotation angle The indicated angle of rotation is  Check the settings of the camera
invalid → Rotate the camera image (→ page 152)
 valid angles: 0°, 90°, 180° and 270°
framebuffer or plane During setup of the analogue Set the boolean variable for switching the analogue
can't be used camera an Ethernet camera is camera on and off to FALSE
exclusively already running in the overlay mode → Switch the camera on/off (→ page 146)
(the analogue camera is not
switched on)


7 Save changed values

► Press [OK] to apply the entered values and close the window.

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
Programming Install and set up mobile camera


Use the analogue camera image in CODESYS


Switch-off the camera at page change:

► Switch off cameras in the visualisation BEFORE a page switch is started. Otherwise, the
old camera image stays visible in the new page.
► Do not switch on the requested cameras until the new visualisation is displayed.
► Use globale variable CamsOffOnPageSwitch to autoatically switch off the camera when a
page switch is started (→ CamsOffOnPageSwitch (→ page 173)).

Only the visible area of the display can be used for the camera image (→ datasheet,
resoltution of the display). Positions outside this area (in the non-visible area) are ignored.

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
ifm function elements Install and set up mobile camera

7 ifm function elements

ifm libraries for the device CR1082 ......................................................................................................156

ifm function elements for the device CR1082.......................................................................................164

All CODESYS function elements (FBs, PRGs, FUNs) are stored in libraries. Below you will find a list of
all the ifm libraries you can use with this device.
This is followed by a description of the function elements, sorted by topic.

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ifm function elements ifm libraries for the device CR1082


7.1 ifm libraries for the device CR1082

Library ifm_CR1082_Vxxyyzz.LIB ........................................................................................................157

Library ifm_PDMng_util_Vxxyyzz.LIB ..................................................................................................158
Library ifm_PDM360NG_special_V02yyzz.LIB ....................................................................................158
Library ifm_PDM360NG_linux_syscall_asynch_V02yyzz.LIB .............................................................158
Library ifm_PDM360NG_USB_Vxxyyzz.lib ..........................................................................................159
Library ifm_PDM360NG_USB_LL_V02yyzz.LIB ..................................................................................159
Library ifm_PDM_input_V01yyzz.LIB ...................................................................................................159
Library ifm_RAWCan_NT_Vxxyyzz.LIB ...............................................................................................160
Library ifm_CANopen_NT_Vxxyyzz.LIB ...............................................................................................161
Library ifm_J1939_NT_Vxxyyzz.LIB ....................................................................................................163
Library ifm_NetVarLib_NT_Vxxyyzz.LIB ..............................................................................................163

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ifm function elements ifm libraries for the device CR1082


7.1.1 Library ifm_CR1082_Vxxyyzz.LIB


This is the device library.

This ifm library contains the following elements:
Element Type Short description
FOCUSED_ELEMENT GV contains the ID of the visualisation object, that has the focus
(→ page 200)
CURSOR_POSITION (→ page 201) GV contains position of the cursor in alphanumerical input elements (e.g. numpad )
FocusFrameImagePath GV contains the directora path to the user-defined focus frame image
(→ page 202)
OverlayVisu (→ page 205) GV contains the designation of the defined overlay visu page
CurrentVisuDisplayed GV contains the designation of the currently displayed visu page
(→ page 206)
PointOfContact (→ page 225) GV contains the coordinates of the pressure point on the touch screen and
configuration options for visual feedback
TouchScreenDisable GV enables/disables the touch screen function of the device
(→ page 172)
CamsOffOnPageSwitch GV enables/disables the automatic switch off of the camera at page switch
(→ page 173)
KEY_MAPPING (→ page 174) GV contains key assignment of system flags with character strings

BUZZER_CLICK (→ page 194) FUN generate acoustic signal using device-internal buzzer
BUZZER_ON (→ page 195) FB generate tone using devcie-internal buzzer
GET_DEVICE_SERIAL FB read serial number of the device
(→ page 176)
GET_ETHERNET (→ page 177) FB read IP parameters of the Ethernet interface
GET_VERSIONS (→ page 179) FB read release numbers of the software components of the device
INPUT (→ page 166) FB set the operating mode of the input channel
KEY_CLICK (→ page 196) FB generate click when key is pressed
LOAD_SPLASH_SCREEN FB define splash screen image
(→ page 171)
SET_BOOTUP_BACKLIGHT FUN set brightness of the display
(→ page 170)
SET_ETHERNET (→ page 168) FB set IP parameters of the Ethernet interface
GV ... Global variable
FB ... Function block
FUN ... Function
PRG ... Program

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ifm function elements ifm libraries for the device CR1082


7.1.2 Library ifm_PDMng_util_Vxxyyzz.LIB


This ifm library contains the following elements:

Element Type Short description
SPEED_UP_VISU_TASK FB accelerates the visualisation process of the device
(→ page 199)
NORM_DINT (→ page 182) FB normalises a value within defined limits to a value with new limits
NORM_REAL (→ page 183) FB normalises a value within defined limits to a value with new limits
TOGGLE (→ page 184) FB enables the setting and resetting of a Boolean variable via only one input bit
INIT_DATA_MEMORY FB mounts the NAND flash memory into the file system of the device
PDM_PAGECONTROL PRG controls the opening of certain visualisation pages
VERSION (→ page 227) PRG indicates the version and history of the library in the comment of the function
GV ... Global variable
FB ... Function block
FUN ... Function
PRG ... Program

7.1.3 Library ifm_PDM360NG_special_V02yyzz.LIB


This ifm library contains the following elements:

Element Type Short description
EXITPLC_START_APPLICATION FUN calls the appliclation indicated at input APPLICATION directly from the running
(→ page 228) control program
GV ... Global variable
FB ... Function block
FUN ... Function
PRG ... Program


7.1.4 Library ifm_PDM360NG_linux_syscall_asynch_V02yyzz.LIB


This ifm library contains the following elements:

Element Type Short description
SYSTEM_ASYNCH (→ page 229) FB sends any command to the Linux operating system (max. 255 characters)
GV ... Global variable
FB ... Function block
FUN ... Function
PRG ... Program

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ifm function elements ifm libraries for the device CR1082


7.1.5 Library ifm_PDM360NG_USB_Vxxyyzz.lib


This ifm library contains the following elements:

Element Type Short description
USB_STORAGE_MANAGER FB manages USB memory connected to USB interface of the device
(→ page 186)
USB_STORAGE_REMOVE FUN umounts an USB memory from the device
(→ page 188)
COPY_PDM_TO_USB PRG copies a file from the device to the connected USB memory
(→ page 189)
COPY_USB_TO_PDM PRG copies a file from the connected USB memory to the device
(→ page 190)
(→ page 191)
GV ... Global variable
FB ... Function block
FUN ... Function
PRG ... Program


7.1.6 Library ifm_PDM360NG_USB_LL_V02yyzz.LIB


ifm_PDM360NG_USB_LL_Vxxyyzz.LIB is an internal library. The librarys functions can only

be accressed indirectly through other CODESYS functions!
► Don't use the functions of the library in a IEC application!


7.1.7 Library ifm_PDM_input_V01yyzz.LIB


This ifm library contains the following elements:

Element Type Short description
INIT_VAR_RETAIN_DINT FB initialises the array of DINT with remanent input values
(→ page 218)
INIT_VAR_RETAIN_INT FB initialises the array of INT with remanent input values
(→ page 220)
INIT_VAR_RETAIN_REAL FB initialises the array of REAL with remanent input values
(→ page 222)
INPUT_DINT (→ page 207) FB input box for DINT values
INPUT_INT (→ page 210) FB input box for INT values
INPUT_REAL (→ page 215) FB input box for REAL values
GV ... Global variable
FB ... Function block
FUN ... Function
PRG ... Program


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ifm function elements ifm libraries for the device CR1082

7.1.8 Library ifm_RAWCan_NT_Vxxyyzz.LIB


This ifm library contains the following function blocks:

Function element Short description
CAN_ENABLE (→ page 232) Initialises the indicated CAN interface
Configures the CAN baud rate
CAN_RECOVER (→ page 233) Activate / deactivate the automatic bus off handling
Restart the CAN interface in case of bus off
CAN_REMOTE_REQUEST (→ page 254) Send a corresponding request and return the response of the other device as a result
CAN_REMOTE_RESPONSE (→ page 256) Provides data to the CAN controller in the device which is automatically sent as a response to
the request of a remote message
CAN_RX (→ page 238) Configures a data receive object and reads out the receive buffer of the data object
CAN_RX_ENH (→ page 239) • Configures a data receive object and reads out the receive buffer of the data object
• Frame type and mask can be selected
CAN_RX_ENH_FIFO (→ page 241) • Configures a data receive object and reads out the receive buffer of the data object
• Frame type and mask can be selected
• Several CAN messages per cycle possible
CAN_RX_RANGE (→ page 243) • Configures a range of data receive objects and reads out the receive buffer of the data objects
• Frame type and mask can be selected
CAN_RX_RANGE_FIFO (→ page 245) • Configures a range of data receive objects and reads out the receive buffer of the data objects
• Frame type and mask can be selected
• Several CAN messages per cycle possible
CAN_SETDOWNLOADID (→ page 234) = Set CAN download ID
Sets the download identifier for the CAN interface
CAN_STATUS (→ page 235) Get status information on the CAN bus selected:
and reset if required: BUSOFF, WARNING_RX, WARNING_TX
CAN_TX (→ page 248) Transfers a CAN data object (message) to the configured CAN interface for transmission at each
CAN_TX_ENH (→ page 249) Transfers a CAN data object (message) to the configured CAN interface for transmission at each
CAN-specific characteristics can be set
CAN_TX_ENH_CYCLIC (→ page 251) Cyclically transfers a CAN data object (message) to the configured CAN interface for
CAN-specific characteristics can be set

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ifm function elements ifm libraries for the device CR1082


7.1.9 Library ifm_CANopen_NT_Vxxyyzz.LIB


This ifm library contains the following function blocks:

Function element Short description
CANOPEN_ENABLE (→ page 260) Initialises the indicated CANopen master interface
Configures the CAN baud rate
CANOPEN_GETBUFFERFLAGS (→ page 262) = CANopen get buffer flags
Provides information on the buffer flags
The flags can be reset via the optional inputs.
CANOPEN_GETEMCYMESSAGES (→ page 300) = Get CANopen emergency messages
Lists all emergency messages that have been received by the controller from other nodes in the
network since the last deletion of messages
The list can be reset by setting the according input.
CANOPEN_GETERRORREGISTER (→ page 302) = Get CANopen error register
Reads the error registers 0x1001 and 0x1003 from the controller
The registers can be reset by setting the respective inputs.
CANOPEN_GETGUARDHBERRLIST (→ page 295) = get CANopen guard and heartbeat error list
Lists all nodes in an array for which the master has detected an error:
guarding error, heartbeat error
The list can be reset by setting the according input.
CANOPEN_GETGUARDHBSTATSLV (→ page 297) = CANopen slave get guard and heartbeat state
Signals the following states to the controller in slave operation:
node guarding monitoring, heartbeat monitoring
The signalled errors can be reset by setting the respective input.
CANOPEN_GETNMTSTATESLAVE (→ page 269) = CANopen slave get network management state
Signals the network operating status of the node
CANOPEN_GETODCHANGEDFLAG (→ page 273) = Get object directory changed flag
Reports any change of value for a particular object directory entry
CANOPEN_GETSTATE (→ page 264) = CANopen set state
Request the parameters of the master, a slave device or a specific node in the network
CANOPEN_GETSYNCSTATE (→ page 291) = CANopen get SYNC state
• Reads the setting of the SYNC functionality (active / not active),
• reads the error state of the SYNC functionality (SyncError)
CANOPEN_NMTSERVICES (→ page 270) = CANopen network management services
Updates the internal node status
and, depending on the NMT command entries:
• triggers an NMT command or
• triggers the initialisation of a node
CANOPEN_READOBJECTDICT (→ page 274) = CANopen read object directory
Reads configuration data from the object directory of the device
CANOPEN_SDOREAD (→ page 278) = CANopen read SDO
Reads an "Expedited SDO" = Expedited Service Data Object
CANOPEN_SDOREADBLOCK (→ page 280) = CANopen read SDO block
Reads the indicated entry in the object directory of a node in the network via SDO block transfer
CANOPEN_SDOREADMULTI (→ page 282) = CANopen read SDO multi
Reads the indicated entry in the object directory of a node in the network
CANOPEN_SDOWRITE (→ page 284) = SDO write
Writes an "Expedited SDO" = Expedited Service Data Object
CANOPEN_SDOWRITEBLOCK (→ page 286) = CANopen write SDO block
Writes in the indicated entry in the object directory of a node in the network via SDO block
CANOPEN_SDOWRITEMULTI (→ page 288) = CANopen write SDO multi
Writes in the indicated entry in the object directory of a node in the network

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ifm function elements ifm libraries for the device CR1082

Function element Short description

CANOPEN_SENDEMCYMESSAGE (→ page 304) = CANopen send emergency message
Sends an EMCY message. The message is assembled from the according parameters and
entered in register 0x1003
CANOPEN_SETSTATE (→ page 266) = CANopen set state
Set the parameters of the master, a slave device or a specific node in the network
CANOPEN_SETSYNCSTATE (→ page 293) = CANopen set SYNC state
Switch the SYNC functionality on and off
CANOPEN_WRITEOBJECTDICT (→ page 275) = CANopen write object directory
Writes configuration data into the object directory of the device

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ifm function elements ifm libraries for the device CR1082


7.1.10 Library ifm_J1939_NT_Vxxyyzz.LIB


This ifm library contains the following function blocks:

Function element Short description
J1939_DM1RX (→ page 335) J1939 Diagnostic Message 1 RX
Receives diagnostic messages DM1 or DM2 from other ECUs
J1939_DM1TX (→ page 337) J1939 Diagnostic Message 1 TX
Transmit an active error message to the CAN stack
J1939_DM1TX_CFG (→ page 340) J1939 Diagnostic Message 1 TX configurable
CAN stack does not send cyclic DM1 "zero active faults" messages
J1939_DM3TX (→ page 342) J1939 Diagnostic Message 3 TX
Deletes inactive DTCs (DM2) on a device
J1939_ENABLE (→ page 308) Initialises the J1939 stack
J1939_GETDABYNAME (→ page 310) = Get destination arbitrary name
Determine the target address of one or several participants by means of the name information
J1939_NAME (→ page 312) Give the device a name for identification in the network
J1939_RX (→ page 321) Receives a single frame message
Shows the message last read on the CAN bus
J1939_RX_FIFO (→ page 323) = J1939 RX with FIFO
Receives all specific messages and successively reads them from a FiFo
J1939_RX_MULTI (→ page 325) = J1939 RX multiframe message
Receives multiframe messages
J1939_SPEC_REQ (→ page 316) = J1939 specific request
Requests and receives a specific message from another controller
J1939_SPEC_REQ_MULTI (→ page 318) = J1939 specific request multiframe message
Requests and receives a specific multiframe message from another controller
J1939_STATUS (→ page 314) Shows relevant information on the J1939 stack
J1939_TX (→ page 327) Sends individual single frame messages
J1939_TX_ENH (→ page 328) = J1939 TX enhanced
Sends individual single frame messages
Can also be set: transmission priority, data length
J1939_TX_ENH_CYCLIC (→ page 330) = J1939 TX enhanced cyclic
Cyclically sends single frame messages
Can also be set: transmission priority, data length, period
J1939_TX_ENH_MULTI (→ page 332) = J1939 TX enhanced Multiframe Message
Sends individual multiframe messages


7.1.11 Library ifm_NetVarLib_NT_Vxxyyzz.LIB


ifm_NetVarLib_NT_Vxxyyzz.LIB is an internal library. The librarys functions can only be

accressed indirectly through other CODESYS functions!
► Don't use the functions of the library in a IEC application!

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ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082


7.2 ifm function elements for the device CR1082

POUs: Setup the device .......................................................................................................................165

POUs: Read device information ...........................................................................................................175
POUs: Adjust analouge and digital values ...........................................................................................181
POUs: Manage, read and write the USB memory device ....................................................................185
Function elements: Control LED + buzzer ...........................................................................................193
POUs: Manage visualisation ................................................................................................................198
POUs: Use touch screen functions ......................................................................................................224
POUs: Help functions ...........................................................................................................................226
Function elements: RAW-CAN (Layer 2) .............................................................................................230
Function elements: CANopen ..............................................................................................................258
Function elements: SAE J1939 ............................................................................................................306

Here you will find the description of the ifm function elements suitable for this device, sorted by topic.

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7.2.1 POUs: Setup the device

INPUT ...................................................................................................................................................166
SET_ETHERNET .................................................................................................................................168
SET_BOOTUP_BACKLIGHT ...............................................................................................................170
TouchScreenDisable ............................................................................................................................172
KEY_MAPPING ....................................................................................................................................174

Here you find units for the setup of the device from a CODESYS application.

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ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082



Unit type = function block (FB)

Unit is contained in the library ifm_CR1082_Vxxyyzz.LIB

Symbol in CODESYS:



INPUT enables determining the state at the input channels (→ data sheet). The FB provides the
current state at the selected channel.
The measurement and the output value result from the operating mode indicated via MODE
• binary input plus switching (BL) for positive sensor signal (with/without diagnosis)
• binary input minus switching (BH) for negative sensor signal
• analogue input 0...20 mA
• analogue input 0...10 V
• analogue input ratiometric 0...32 V

Do not change the operating mode during operation!

The analogue values are provided as standardised values.


Parameters of the inputs


Parameter Data type Description

ENABLE BOOL TRUE: execute this function element
FALSE: unit is not executed
> Function block inputs are not active
> Function block outputs are not specified
MODE INPUT_ANALOG_MODE mode of the input channel
S  chapter Possible operating modes inputs/outputs
(→ page 353)

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ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082


Parameters of the outputs


Parameter Data type Description

VALUE WORD current value or status of the input channel
RESULT INT feedback of the function block
(possible messages  following table)

Possible results for RESULT:

dec | hex
0 00 FB is inactive
1 01 function block is active
242 F2 Error: setting is not possible

If the value 1 or 242 is provided at output RESULT, reset the input ENABLE (ENABLE =

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ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082



Unit type = function block (FB)

Unit is contained in the library ifm_CR1082_Vxxyyzz.LIB

Symbol in CODESYS:




 IP address
 subnet mask and
 gateway address
of the device. If input ENABLE is set to TRUE, the values on the inputs IP_ADDRESS, NETMASK and
GATEWAY are written.

Parameters of the inputs


Parameter Data type Description

ENABLE BOOL TRUE: execute this function element
FALSE: unit is not executed
> Function block inputs are not active
> Function block outputs are not specified
IP ADDRESS STRING(15) IP address of the device
NETMASK STRING(15) Network mask of the TCP/IP network
GATEWAY STRING(15) Gateway address of the TCP/IP network

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ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082


Parameters of the outputs


Parameter Data type Description

RESULT INT feedback of the function block
(possible messages  following table)

Possible results for RESULT:

dec | hex
0 00 FB is inactive
1 01 function block execution completed without error
8 08 function block not yet executed
64 40 Error: Execution failed; FB is active

65 41 Error: more than one FB instance active

80 50 Error: invalid IP address
81 51 Error: invalid network mask
82 52 Error: invalid gateway address

If the value 1, 64, 65, 80, 81 or82 is provided at output RESULT, reset input ENABLE (ENABLE

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ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082



Unit type = function (FUN) of type INT

Unit is contained in the library ifm_CR1082_Vxxyyzz.LIB

Symbol in CODESYS:



With the function SET_BOOTUP_BACKLIGHT the brightness of the display can be set.

When functions are called too frequently (FUN) the Flash memory may be destroyed.
► Call functions only if absolutely necessary!


Parameters of the inputs


Parameter Data type Description

BACKLIGHT BYTE Display brightness (0...100 %)


Parameters of the outputs


Parameter Data type Description

SET_BOOTUP_BACKLIGHT INT Return value of the function

Possible values for the function's reply:

dec | hex
001 01 Brightness of the display set successfully
242 F2 Error: setting is not possible

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ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082



Unit type = function block (FB)

Unit is contained in the library ifm_CRnnn_Vxxyyzz.LIB

Symbol in CODESYS:



LOAD_SPLASH_SCREEN loads an image file from a selectable location and saves it in the flash
memory of the device. The image file will be used as splash screen after the next reboot of the device.

Each call of the FB executes a write operation on the flash memory of the device.
► Do not call the function block cyclically in the program code!
Only one instance of the FB may be active at a time.
Observe the characteristics of the splash screen → chapter Visualisation limits (→ page 128)


Parameters of the inputs


Parameter Data type Description

ENABLE BOOL TRUE: execute this function element
FALSE: unit is not executed
PATH_TO_SPLASH STRING (255) Path of the directory in which the image file is stored


Output parameters

Parameter Data type Description

RESULT INT feedback of the function block
(possible messages  following table)

Possible results for RESULT:

dec | hex
0 00 FB is inactive
1 01 function block is active
242 F2 Error: setting is not possible

If the value 1 or 242 is provided at the RESULT output, reset the ENABLE input (ENABLE =

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ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082



Unit type = global variable (GV)of data type BOOL

Unit is contained in the library ifm_CR1082_Vxxyyzz.LIB


TouchScreenDisable activates/deactivates the touch screen function of screen.

Parameter Data type Possible values

TouchScreenDisable BOOL FALSE Touch screen function is enabled (default setting).
TRUE Touch screen function is disabled.

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ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082



Unit type = global variable (GV)of data type BOOL

Unit is contained in the library ifm_CR1082_Vxxyyzz.LIB


CamsOffOnPageSwitch controls the behaviour of connected cameras in case of a

visualisati→ page switch.

Parameter Datentyp Mögliche Werte

CamsOffOnPageSwitch BOOL FALSE = The connected cameras stay switched on.

TRUE* = The connected cameras will be switched off.
* ... Default value

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ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082



Unit type = global variable (GV)of data type KM

Unit is contained in the library ifm_CR1082_Vxxyyzz.LIB


KEY_MAPPING contains the current key assignment with constant character strings.

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ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082


7.2.2 POUs: Read device information

GET_DEVICE_SERIAL ........................................................................................................................176
GET_ETHERNET .................................................................................................................................177
GET_VERSIONS ..................................................................................................................................179

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ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082



Unit type = function block (FB)

Unit is contained in the library ifm_CR1082_Vxxyyzz.LIB

Symbol in CODESYS:



GET_DEVICE_SERIAL reads the serial number from the device. The current value is provided at
output SERIAL as long as the input ENABLE is set to TRUE. RESULT provides the return value of the

Parameters of the inputs


Parameter Data type Description

ENABLE BOOL TRUE: execute this function element
FALSE: unit is not executed
> Function block inputs are not active
> Function block outputs are not specified


Parameters of the outputs


Parameter Data type Description

SERIAL STRING(14) Serial number of the device (e.g.: "0412AB055")
RESULT INT feedback of the function block
(possible messages  following table)

Possible results for RESULT:

dec | hex
0 00 FB is inactive
1 01 function block execution completed without error
8 08 FB is active – no data was received
64 40 Error: Execution failed; FB is active

65 41 Error: more than one FB instance active

If the value 1, 64 or 65 is provided at output RESULT, reset input ENABLE (ENABLE =

The valied serial number is provided at output SERIAL until the output RESULT has the value

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ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082



Unit type = function block (FB)

Unit is contained in the library ifm_CR1082_Vxxyyzz.LIB

Symbol in CODESYS:



 the IP address of the sensor
 the network mask of the TCP/IP network and
 the IP address of the gateway
and transfers them to the FB outputs IP_ADDRESS, NETMASK und GATEWAY.

Parameters of the inputs


Parameter Data type Description

ENABLE BOOL TRUE: execute this function element
FALSE: unit is not executed

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ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082


Parameters of the outputs


Parameter Data type Description

IP ADDRESS STRING(15) IP address of the device
NETMASK STRING(15) Network mask of the TCP/IP network
GATEWAY STRING(15) Gateway address of the TCP/IP network
RESULT INT feedback of the function block
(possible messages  following table)

Possible results for RESULT:

dec | hex
0 00 FB is inactive
1 01 FB is active: Function successfully executed
8 08 FB is active: Data is read
64 40 FB is active: reading of data failed
65 41 FB is active: more than one instance of the FB active

If the value 1, 64 or 65 is provided at output RESULT, reset input ENABLE (ENABLE =

There are valid values at the outputs IP-ADDRESS, NETMASK and GATEWAY as long as
output RESULT has the value 1.

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ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082



Unit type = function block (FB)

Unit is contained in the library ifm_CR1082_Vxxyyzz.LIB
Symbol in CODESYS:



GET_VERSIONS provides the version numbers of the following software components:

 Runtime system of the device
 Firmware of the hardware used in the device

Parameters of the inputs


Parameter Data type Description

ENABLE BOOL TRUE: execute this function element
FALSE: unit is not executed

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Parameters of the outputs


Parameter Data type Description

SW_VERSION STRING(80) Version of the runtime system
FW_VERSION_IO STRING(80) Firmware version input/output co-processor
FW_VERSION_WD STRING(80) Firmware version watchdog co-processor
KBD1_VERSION STRING(80) Firmware version keyboard 1
KBD2_VERSION STRING(80) Firmware version keyboard 2
KBD3_VERSION STRING(80) Firmware version keyboard 3
RESULT INT Feedback of the function block
(possible messages → following table)

Possible results for RESULT:

dec | hex
0 00 FB is inactive
1 01 FB is active: Function successfully executed
8 08 FB is active: Data is read
64 40 FB is active: reading of data failed
65 41 FB is active: more than one instance of the FB active

If the value 1, 64 or 65 is provided at output RESULT, reset input ENABLE (ENABLE =

Valid values are provided at the outputs SW_VERSION, FW_VERSION_IO,
RESULT has the value 1.

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ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082


7.2.3 POUs: Adjust analouge and digital values

NORM_DINT ........................................................................................................................................182
NORM_REAL .......................................................................................................................................183
TOGGLE ...............................................................................................................................................184

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ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082



Unit type = function block (FB)

Unit is contained in the library ifm_PDMng_UTIL_Vxxyyzz.LIB

Symbol in CODESYS:



NORM_DINT normalises a value within defined limits to a value with new limits.
The FB normalises a value of type DINT, which is within the limits of XH and XL, to an output value
within the limits of YH and YL. This FB is for example used to generate PWM values from analogue
input values.

► The value for X must be in the defined input range between XL and XH!
There is no internal plausibility check of the value X.
Outside this value range the output X_OUT_OF_RANGE is set.
► The result of the calculation (XH-XL)•(YH-YL) must remain in the value range of data type DINT
(-2 147 483 648...2 147 483 647)!
> Due to rounding errors the normalised value can deviate by 1.
> If the limits (XH/XL or YH/YL) are defined in an inverted manner, normalisation is also done in an
inverted manner.


Parameters of the inputs


Parameter Data type Description

X DINT current input value
XH DINT upper limit of input value range
XL DINT lower limit of input value range
YH DINT upper limit of output value range
YL DINT lower limit of output value range


Parameters of the outputs


Parameter Data type Description

Y DINT output value
X_OUT_OF_RANGE BOOL Error: X is beyond the limits of XH and XL

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082



Unit type = function block (FB)

Unit is contained in the library ifm_PDMng_UTIL_Vxxyyzz.LIB

Symbol in CODESYS:



NORM_REAL normalises a value within defined limits to a value with new limits.
The FB normalises a value of type REAL, which is within the limits of XH and XL, to an output value
within the limits of YH and YL. This FB is for example used to generate PWM values from analogue
input values.

► The value for X must be in the defined input range between XL and XH!
There is no internal plausibility check of the value X.
Outside this value range the output X_OUT_OF_RANGE is set.
► The result of the calculation (XH-XL)•(YH-YL) must remain in the value range of data type REAL
> Due to rounding errors the normalised value can deviate by 1.
> If the limits (XH/XL or YH/YL) are defined in an inverted manner, normalisation is also done in an
inverted manner.


Parameters of the inputs


Parameter Data type Description

X REAL Input value
XH REAL Upper limit of output value range
XL REAL Lower limit of the input value range
YH REAL Upper limit of the output value range
YL REAL Lower limit of output value range


Parameters of the outputs


Parameter Data type Description

Y REAL Output value
X_OUT_OF_RANGE BOOL Error: X is beyond the limits of XH and XL

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082



Unit type = function block (FB)

Unit is contained in the library ifm_PDMng_UTIL_Vxxyyzz.LIB

Symbol in CODESYS:



TOGGLE enables the setting and resetting of a Boolean variable via only one input bit.
The first rising edge on the input IN sets the output OUT to 'TRUE'.
The next rising edge resets the output back to 'FALSE'.

Parameters of the inputs


Parameter Data type Description

setting / resetting of the output

Parameters of the outputs


Parameter Data type Description

OUT BOOL 1st edge on IN  TRUE
2nd edge on IN  FALSE
3rd edge on IN  TRUE ...

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ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082


7.2.4 POUs: Manage, read and write the USB memory device

File functions → POUs: File functions

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ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082



Unit type = function block (FB)

Unit is contained in the library ifm_PDM360NG_USB_Vxxyyzz.Lib
Symbol in CODESYS:



USB_STORAGE_MANAGER manages USB memory devices connected to USB interface of the


The FB must called only once in a application program!

The FB detects the following events:

- a USB memory device was connected
- a USB-memory device was disconnected
- Index of the detected USB memory device
The FB utilizes the variable USB_STORAGE_MANAGER_LL.

Parameters of the inputs


Parameter Data type Description

ENABLE BOOL TRUE: execute this function element
FALSE: unit is not executed
> Function block inputs are not active
> Function block outputs are not specified

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Parameters of the outputs


Parameter Data type Description

CHANGED BOOL An USB memory has been connected or disconnected
INSERTED BOOL An USB memory has been connected
REMOVED BOOL An USB memory has been disconnected
INDEX BYTE Index of the detected USB memory
RESULT INT feedback of the function block
(possible messages  following table)

Possible results for RESULT:

dec | hex
0 00 FB is inactive
001 01 FB is active: change is detected
008 08 FB is active: USB memory is monitored
064 40 FB is active: internal fault
065 41 FB is active: FB is not executed, because another instance of this FB
is busy

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ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082



Unit type = function (FUN) of type INT

Unit is contained in the library ifm_PDM360NG_USB_Vxxyyzz.Lib
Symbol in CODESYS:



USB_STORAGE_REMOVE safely unmounts the USB memory from the system.

► Monitor the return value of the function call by using the FB USB_STORAGE_MANAGER
(→ page 186).
► If there is no value returned, the unmounting process was not successful and needs to be

Parameters of the inputs


Parameter Data type Description

INDEX BYTE Index of the USB memory, which is to be dismount from
the system on a safety way

Parameters of the outputs


Parameter Data type Description

USB_STORAGE_REMOVE INT Result of the function

Possible values for the function's reply:

dec | hex
001 01 The dismount command is successfull sent to the USB subsystem
242 F2 Error: the setting is invalid
The dismount command is not sent

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ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082



Unit type = program (PRG)

Unit is contained in the library ifm_PDM360NG_USB_Vxxyyzz.Lib

Symbol in CODESYS:



COPY_PDM_TO_USB copies a file from the memory of the PDM to a connected USB memory device.

Parameters of the inputs


Parameter Data type Description

ENABLE BOOL TRUE: execute this function element
FALSE: unit is not executed
> Function block inputs are not active
> Function block outputs are not specified
COPY BOOL TRUE: rising edge of the press of a key
starts the copy process
FALSE: function element is not executed
(→ page 191)
LOCAL_PATH STRING (80) Path in the PDM memory
Typical: /home or /data
LOCAL_FILE STRING (80) Filename of the file to be copied
(wildcards ? and * also allowed)

Parameters of the outputs


Parameter Data type Description

COMMAND STRING (80) Full Linux command (for control purposes)
DONE BOOL Copy process was successful
RET_VALUE INT Linux return value (for control purposes)

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ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082



Unit type = program (PRG)

Unit is contained in the library ifm_PDM360NG_USB_Vxxyyzz.Lib

Symbol in CODESYS:



COPY_USB_TO_PDM copies a file from a connected USB memory device to the device.

Parameters of the inputs


Parameter Data type Description

ENABLE BOOL TRUE: execute this function element
FALSE: unit is not executed
> Function block inputs are not active
> Function block outputs are not specified
COPY BOOL TRUE: rising edge of the press of a key
starts the copy process
FALSE: function element is not executed
(→ page 191)
LOCAL_PATH STRING (80) Path in the PDM memory
Typical: /home or /data
USB_FILE STRING (80) Filename of the file to be copied
(wildcards ? and * also allowed)


Parameters of the outputs


Parameter Data type Description

COMMAND STRING (80) Full Linux command (for control purposes)
DONE BOOL Copy process was successful
RET_VALUE INT Linux return value (for control purposes)

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082



Unit type = program (PRG)

Unit is contained in the library ifm_PDM360NG_USB_Vxxyyzz.Lib

Symbol in CODESYS:



USB_STORAGE_HANDLER is the main program for handling USB memory devices.

The function element can manage up to 16 USB memory devices.

Parameters of the inputs


Parameter Data type Description

prepares the active USB device for removal
FALSE: function element is not executed
switches to the USB device with the next higher
FALSE: function element is not executed
switches to the USB device with the next lower
FALSE: function element is not executed

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ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082


Parameters of the outputs


Parameter Data type Description

USB_PATH STRING (80) Path of the active USB device
USB_IDX BYTE Index of the active USB device (1...16)
NUMBER_USB_DEVICES WORD Number of all connected USB devices
SELECTED_DEVICE WORD Index of the selected USB device
REMOVE_RESULT INT Result of the command "remove USB device"
( following table)
USB_INSERTED BOOL TRUE: > 1 USB device connected
FALSE: no USB device connected

Possible results for REMOVE_RESULT:

Value Description
dec | hex
001 01 FB execution was finished without error - USB device is removed
242 F2 Error: Removing is not possible
Possible cause: file still open

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7.2.5 Function elements: Control LED + buzzer

BUZZER_CLICK ...................................................................................................................................194
BUZZER_ON ........................................................................................................................................195
KEY_CLICK ..........................................................................................................................................196

Here we show you functions to control the LED and the buzzer in this device.

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ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082



Unit type = function (FUN) of type INT

Unit is contained in the library ifm_CR1082_Vxxyyzz.LIB

Symbol in CODESYS:



With BUZZER_CLICK the integrated buzzer of the device generates a click signal as soon as the
function is called. Adjustable features:
- click repetition time in [ms],
- tone pitch in [Hz].

Parameters of the inputs


Parameter Data type Description

Tone pitch in [Hz]
Permissible = 500...5 000 = 0x01F4...0x1388
DURATION TIME Click repetition time in [ms]
Permissible values: 1...10 ms


Parameters of the outputs


Parameter Data type Description

BUZZER_CLICK INT Return value of the function

Possible values for the function's reply:

dec | hex
001 01 Parameters are OK
242 F2 Error: setting is not possible

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082



Unit type = function block (FB)

Unit is contained in the library ifm_CR1082_Vxxyyzz.LIB

Symbol in CODESYS:



With BUZZER_ON the integrated buzzer of the device generates an adjustable tone:
- The tone duration is determined by the duration of the ENABLE signal.
- The tone pitch results from the parameter FREQUENCY.

Parameters of the inputs


Parameter Data type Description

ENABLE BOOL TRUE: execute this function element
FALSE: unit is not executed
> Function block inputs are not active
> Function block outputs are not specified
Tone pitch in [Hz]
Permissible = 500...5 000 = 0x01F4...0x1388


Parameters of the outputs


Parameter Data type Description

RESULT INT feedback of the function block
(possible messages  following table)

Possible results for RESULT:

dec | hex
0 00 FB is inactive
1 01 function block is active
242 F2 Error: setting is not possible

If the value 1 or 242 is provided at output RESULT, reset the input ENABLE (ENABLE =

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082



Unit type = function block (FB)

Unit is contained in the library ifm_CR1082_Vxxyyzz.LIB

Symbol in CODESYS:



With KEY_CLICK the integrated buzzer of the device generates an adjustable click tone as soon as
one of the keys is pressed:
- The tone pitch results from the parameter FREQUENCY.
- The click repetition time results from the parameter DURATION.

Do not use the FB KEY_CLICK simultaneously with the autorepeat function (→ System flags
(→ page 347)).
Otherwise, the device will produce disagreeable noises.


Parameters of the inputs


Parameter Data type Description

ENABLE BOOL TRUE: execute this function element
FALSE: unit is not executed
> Function block inputs are not active
> Function block outputs are not specified
Tone pitch in [Hz]
Permissible = 500...5 000 = 0x01F4...0x1388
DURATION TIME Click repetition time in [ms]
Permissible values: 1...10 ms

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ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082


Parameters of the outputs


Parameter Data type Description

RESULT INT feedback of the function block
(possible messages  following table)

Possible results for RESULT:

dec | hex
0 00 FB is inactive
1 01 function block is active
242 F2 Error: setting is not possible

If the value 1 or 242 is provided at output RESULT, reset the input ENABLE (ENABLE =

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ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082


7.2.6 POUs: Manage visualisation

FOCUSED_ELEMENT .........................................................................................................................200
CURSOR_POSITION ...........................................................................................................................201
FocusFrameImagePath ........................................................................................................................202
PDM_PAGECONTROL ........................................................................................................................203
OverlayVisu ..........................................................................................................................................205
CurrentVisuDisplayed ...........................................................................................................................206
INPUT_DINT ........................................................................................................................................207
INPUT_INT ...........................................................................................................................................210
INPUT_REAL .......................................................................................................................................215
INIT_VAR_RETAIN_DINT ....................................................................................................................218
INIT_VAR_RETAIN_INT ......................................................................................................................220
INIT_VAR_RETAIN_REAL ...................................................................................................................222

Here we show you function to manage visualisations.

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Unit type = function block (FB)

Unit is contained in the library ifm_PDMng_UTIL_Vxxyyzz.LIB

Symbol in CODESYS:



SPEED_UP_VISU_TASK accelerates the visualisation process of the PDM. This leads to a faster
change to the next page.
During the execution of the application program the FB can be activated or deactivated at any time.

The FB assigns additional CPU processing times to the visualisatoin process. Therefore there
are fewer resources available to other processes (e.g. CAN_communication, control process).
Before the FB is used, test thoroughly if the change has any negative effects on the correct
execution of the application program!


Parameters of the inputs


Parameter Data type Description

FAST BOOL TRUE: execute this function element
FALSE: unit is not executed


Parameters of the outputs


Parameter Data type Description

FAST_VISU BOOL Feedback if change was successful
TRUE: Acceleration mode active
FALSE: Acceleration mode not active

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ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082



Unit type = global variable (GV)of data type DINT

Unit is contained in the library ifm_CR1082_Vxxyyzz.LIB


FOCUSED_ELEMENT contains the ID of the visualisation objetc, which currently has the focus.

Parameter Data type Possible objects

FOCUSED_ELEMENT DINT depending on used visualisation objects

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ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082



Unit type = global variable (GV)of data type DINT

Unit is contained in the library ifm_CR1082_Vxxyyzz.LIB


CURSOR_POSITION contains the current position of the cursor when entering alphanumerical
charachters (e.g. numpad, on-screen keyboard).

Parameter Data type Possible values


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ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082



Unit type = global variable (GV)of data type GV

Unit is contained in the library ifm_CR1082_Vxxyyzz.LIB


FocusFrameImagePath contains the path of the directory where the image file of the user-specific
focus frame is stored.

Parameter Data type Possible values

FocusFrameImagePath STRING[255] Directory path (max. 255 characters)

e.g. '/home/project/my_frame.png'

The image file of the focus frame must have the following characteristics:
 File format: PNG
 Transparency: The area within the frame must be saved as transparent.

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ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082



Unit type = global variable (GV)of data type GV

Unit is contained in the library ifm_CR1082_Vxxyyzz.LIB


PDM_PAGECONTROL controls the opening of certain visualisation pages. In CoDeSys the

visualisation pages are opened and feedback is given via the system variable CurrentVisu (type
With this program it is possible to open a selected visualisati→ page or to scroll through the
visualisations step by step.
Optimum use of the program is ensured when all visualisation names correspond to the same pattern,
i.e. a combination of a basename followed by a 5-digit number (library version V04.00.07 or higher;
before: 3-digit *)).
Visualisation name = PAGE00001, PAGE00002, PAGE00003, etc.
For the basename 1...35 capital letters (no special characters) are allowed. The visualisations should
be numbered consecutively. The program creates the final visualisation name from the parameter
BASENAME and the number or reads the number from the current visualisation name and provides it
in the output parameter ACT_PAGE.
Instead of naming the visualisations with basename and consecutive number every visualisation can
also be named individually, e.g. SERVICE1, MOTORDATA2, CONFIGURATION3. In this case, however,
programming is more complex because basename and visualisation number must be assigned
individually. Scrolling step by step is then very restricted.
Use the letter P as BASENAME, your program is then compatible with the ifm templates.

*) Also note the new 5-digit numbering when naming your existing visualisation pages!

Parameters of the inputs


Parameter Data type Description

INIT BOOL TRUE (only for 1 cycle):
Display is initialised with the initisalisation indicated in
FALSE: during further processing of the program
INIT_PAGE WORD visualisation number which is to be called with INIT
increments the visualisation number
decrements the visualisation number
PAGE_EXTERN WORD The indicated visualisati→ page is directly opened (independent of
reset "0"!
PAGE_MAX WORD maximum number of selectable visualisation pages
BASENAME STRING [35] Common part of the name of the visualisati→ page Visualisation
pages are numbered by their names: eg. P00001. The following
• "P" = BASENAME (only capital letters!)
• "00001" = visualisation number (5 digits!)

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ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082


Parameters of the outputs


Parameter Data type Description

ACT_PAGE WORD current visualisation number

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ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082



Unit type = global variable (GV)of data type STRING[40]

Unit is contained in the library ifm_CR1082_Vxxyyzz.LIB


OverlayVisu contains the name of the visualisati→ page which is used as overlay visualisation. An
overlay visualisation overlays the active visualisation page.

Parameter Data type Possible values

OverlayVisu STRING[40] Designation (max. 40 characters)

e.g. "OverlayPage"

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082



Unit type = global variable (GV)of data type STRING[40]

Unit is contained in the library ifm_CR1082_Vxxyyzz.LIB


CurrentVisuDisplayed conatins the designation of the visualisati→ page currently displayed.

Parameter Data type Possible values

CurrentVisuDisplayed STRING[40] designation of the visualisati→ page (max. 40 characters)

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082



Unit type = function block (FB)

Unit is contained in the library ifm_PDM_INPUT_Vxxyyzz.Lib

Symbol in CODESYS:



INPUT_DINT supports up to 6 input fields which can be assigned to 6 different objects in the
visualisation. The input objects are parameterised with the internal variables FIELD1...FIELD6,
The FB is an alternative to the input function integrated in CoDeSys and more flexible compared to the
CoDeSys input function.
The FB contains no visualisation elements.

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082


Parameters of the inputs


Parameter Data type Description

INIT BOOL TRUE (only for 1 cycle):
Sets the focus to the first input field
FALSE: during further processing of the program
ENABLE BOOL TRUE: execute this function element
FALSE: unit is not executed
> Function block inputs are not active
> Function block outputs are not specified
INIT_VALUE ARRAY [1..6] OF DINT initialisation values for the input fields for the first call
NO_OF_FIELDS BYTE number of required input fields:
value range = 1...6
MIN_MAX_ARRAY ARRAY [1..12] OF DINT defines input limits
index 1 = min. value field 1
index 2 = max. value field 1
index 3 = min. value field 2
index 4 = max. value field 2 etc.
ESC BOOL TRUE: resets the input value to the last valid value
FALSE: function element is not executed
Increments the input value by the value in
Decrements the input value by the value in
> activates input mode for the input field
> changes field colour (only color device)
> cursor flashes
2nd edge FALSE  TRUE:
> resets input mode for the input field
> writes edited values to the output variables
The value is changed by this amount in the active input
KEY_INCREMENT_VALUE2 BOOL TRUE: The value in the active input field is changed by
the amount in INCREMENT_VALUE2 for
FALSE: The value in the active input field is changed by
the amount in INCREMENT_VALUE for
The value is changed by this amount in the active input
CLEAR_ALL_VALUE BOOL TRUE: set all internal and external input values to 0
FALSE: function element is not executed

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ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082


Parameters of the outputs


Parameter Data type Description

INPUT_ACTIV BOOL current visualisation number

FIELDCOUNTER BYTE number of selected input field

external input value, is only adopted with the 2nd rising
... DINT
edge of ENTER

Internal parameters

Parameter Data type Description

FIELD1 DINT Sets the focus for the selected input field.
... DINT Any visualisation object can be used as a focus. The
variable FIELDx must be assigned to this object in the
FIELD6 DINT visualisation. If the input is active, FIELDx is pulsed.

Sets the alarm colour of the input object (only PDM color).
... DINT
The variable must be assigned in the visualisation.
VALUE_FIELD_1 DINT Internal input value which is immediately visible during
the input and transferred to VALUE_FIELDx on the
... DINT second rising edge of ENTER.
VALUE_FIELD_6 DINT The variable must be assigned in the visualisation.

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082



Unit type = function block (FB)

Unit is contained in the library ifm_PDM_INPUT_Vxxyyzz.Lib

Symbol in CODESYS:



INPUT_INT supports up to 6 input fields which can be assigned to 6 different objects in the
visualisation. The input objects are parameterised with the internal variables FIELD1...FIELD6,
The FB is an alternative to the input function integrated in CoDeSys and more flexible compared to the
CoDeSys input function.
The FB contains no visualisation elements.

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082


Parameters of the inputs


Parameter Data type Description

INIT BOOL TRUE (only for 1 cycle):
sets the focus to the first input field
FALSE: during further processing of the program
ENABLE BOOL TRUE: execute this function element
FALSE: unit is not executed
> Function block inputs are not active
> Function block outputs are not specified
INIT_VALUE ARRAY [1..6] OF INT initialisation values for the input fields for the first call

NO_OF_FIELDS BYTE number of required input fields:

value range = 1...6
MIN_MAX_ARRAY ARRAY [1..12] OF INT 0defines input limits
index 1 = min. value field 1
index 2 = max. value field 1
index 3 = min. value field 2
index 4 = max. value field 2 etc.
ESC BOOL TRUE: resets the input value to the last valid value
FALSE: function element is not executed
increments the input value by the value in
decrements the input value by the value in
> activates input mode for the input field
> changes field colour (only color device)
> cursor flashes
2nd edge FALSE  TRUE:
> resets input mode for the input field
> writes edited values to the output variables
The value is changed by this amount in the active input
KEY_INCREMENT_VALUE2 BOOL TRUE: The value in the active input field is changed by
the amount in INCREMENT_VALUE2 for
FALSE: The value in the active input field is changed by
the amount in INCREMENT_VALUE for
The value is changed by this amount in the active input
CLEAR_ALL_VALUE BOOL TRUE: set all internal and external input values to 0
FALSE: function element is not executed

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082


Parameters of the outputs


Parameter Data type Description

INPUT_ACTIV BOOL current visualisation number
FIELDCOUNTER BYTE number of selected input field
external input value, is only adopted with the 2nd rising
... INT
edge of ENTER

Internal parameters

Parameter Data type Description

FIELD1 INT Sets the focus for the selected input field.
... INT Any visualisation object can be used as a focus. The
variable FIELDx must be assigned to this object in the
FIELD6 INT visualisation. If the input is active, FIELDx is pulsed.

Sets the alarm colour of the input object (only PDM color).
... INT
The variable must be assigned in the visualisation.
VALUE_FIELD_1 INT Internal input value which is immediately visible during
the input and transferred to VALUE_FIELDx on the
... INT second rising edge of ENTER.
VALUE_FIELD_6 INT The variable must be assigned in the visualisation.


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ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082

Example: INPUT_INT with 3 input elements


► Integrate the requested function block into the application program and link the inputs and outputs
to the parameters and variables:

► Create the requested visualisation page. In the example the three right elements are intended for
the input of the values:

► When the input elements are configured with the internal parameters FIELD1...FIELD3 a frame is
shown for the selected input object (FIELDn = TRUE, alarm colour frame = black). For the other
objects it is not visible.

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► Select the internal variable VALUE_FIELD_n as text output variable.

> When the application is running the selected input field is indicated by the frame.
> After first edge FALSE  TRUE on FB-input ENTER:
the object frame flashes and the input value can be edited.
> After second edge FALSE  TRUE on FB-input ENTER:
the value is adopted and the frame is shown again statically.

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ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082



Unit type = function block (FB)

Unit is contained in the library ifm_PDM_INPUT_Vxxyyzz.Lib

Symbol in CODESYS:



INPUT_REAL supports up to 6 input fields which can be assigned to 6 different objects in the
visualisation. The input objects are parameterised with the internal variables FIELD1...FIELD6,
The FB is an alternative to the input function integrated in CoDeSys and more flexible compared to the
CoDeSys input function.
The FB contains no visualisation elements.

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ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082


Parameters of the inputs


Parameter Data type Description

INIT BOOL TRUE (only for 1 cycle):
Sets the focus to the first input field
FALSE: during further processing of the program
ENABLE BOOL TRUE: execute this function element
FALSE: unit is not executed
> Function block inputs are not active
> Function block outputs are not specified
INIT_VALUE ARRAY [1..6] OF REAL initialisation values for the input fields for the first call
NO_OF_FIELDS BYTE number of required input fields:
value range 1...6
MIN_MAX_ARRAY ARRAY [1..12] OF REAL defines input limits
index 1 = min. value field 1
index 2 = max. value field 1
index 3 = min. value field 2
index 4 = max. value field 2 etc.
ESC BOOL TRUE: resets the input value to the last valid value
FALSE: function element is not executed
increments the input value by the value in
decrements the input value by the value in
> activates input mode for the input field
> changes field colour (only color device)
> cursor flashes
2nd edge FALSE  TRUE:
> resets input mode for the input field
> writes edited values to the output variables
The value is changed by this amount in the active input
KEY_INCREMENT_VALUE2 BOOL TRUE: The value in the active input field is changed by
the amount in INCREMENT_VALUE2 for
FALSE: The value in the active input field is changed by
the amount in INCREMENT_VALUE for
The value is changed by this amount in the active input
CLEAR_ALL_VALUE BOOL TRUE: set all internal and external input values to 0
FALSE: function element is not executed

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Parameters of the outputs


Parameter Data type Description

INPUT_ACTIV BOOL current visualisation number
FIELDCOUNTER BYTE number of selected input field
external input value, is only adopted with the 2nd rising
... REAL
edge of ENTER

Internal parameters

Parameter Data type Description

FIELD1 REAL Sets the focus for the selected input field.
... REAL Any visualisation object can be used as a focus. The
variable FIELDx must be assigned to this object in the
FIELD6 REAL visualisation. If the input is active, FIELDx is pulsed.

Sets the alarm colour of the input object (only PDM color).
... REAL
The variable must be assigned in the visualisation.
VALUE_FIELD_1 REAL Internal input value which is immediately visible during
the input and transferred to VALUE_FIELDx on the
... REAL second rising edge of ENTER.
VALUE_FIELD_6 REAL The variable must be assigned in the visualisation.

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ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082



Unit type = function block (FB)

Unit is contained in the library ifm_PDM_INPUT_Vxxyyzz.Lib

Symbol in CODESYS:



INIT_VAR_RETAIN_DINT initialises the array of INPUT_DINT (→ page 207) indicated on the input
INIT_VALUE with remanent input values.
If input values are to be saved permanently, the values must be initialised after switching on the
display, otherwise they are overwritten in the first cycle. The FB initialises the array INIT_VALUE of
INPUT_DINT with remanent input values.
The function element compares the values of VALUE1...VALUE6 with the values of INIT_VALUE:
> If the contents of VALUE1...VALUE6 = 0, VALUE1...VALUE6 are written to the array INIT_VALUE.
> If the contents of VALUE1...VALUE6  0, the elements of the array INIT_VALUE are written to

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> The following INPUT function block is then initialised with INIT_VALUE in the first cycle.



Parameters of the inputs


Parameter Data type Description

The variables VALUE_FIELDx of INPUT_DINT
... DINT (→ page 207) declared as retain must be indicated on
this input.
INIT_VALUE ARRAY [1..6] OF DINT If the contents of VALUE1...VALUE6  0, the elements of
the array INIT_VALUE are written to VALUE1...VALUE6.

Parameters of the outputs


Parameter Data type Description

INIT_VALUE ARRAY [1..6] OF DINT If the contents of VALUE1...VALUE6 = 0,
VALUE1...VALUE6 are written to the array INIT_VALUE.

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ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082



Unit type = function block (FB)

Unit is contained in the library ifm_PDM_INPUT_Vxxyyzz.Lib

Symbol in CODESYS:



INIT_VAR_RETAIN_INT initialises the array of INPUT_INT (→ page 210) indicated on the input
INIT_VALUE with remanent input values.
If input values are to be saved permanently, the values must be initialised after switching on the
display, otherwise they are overwritten in the first cycle. The FB initialises the array INIT_VALUE of
INPUT_INT with the remanent input values.
The function element compares the values of VALUE1...VALUE6 with the values of INIT_VALUE:
> If the contents of VALUE1...VALUE6 = 0, VALUE1...VALUE6 are written to the array INIT_VALUE.
> If the contents of VALUE1...VALUE6  0, the elements of the array INIT_VALUE are written to

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> The following INPUT function block is then initialised with INIT_VALUE in the first cycle.



Parameters of the inputs


Parameter Data type Description

The variables VALUE_FIELDx of INPUT_INT (→ page 210)
... INT
declared as retain must be indicated on this input.
INIT_VALUE ARRAY [1..6] OF INT If the contents of VALUE1...VALUE6  0, the elements of
the array INIT_VALUE are written to VALUE1...VALUE6.

Parameters of the outputs


Parameter Data type Description

INIT_VALUE ARRAY [1..6] OF INT If the contents of VALUE1...VALUE6 = 0,
VALUE1...VALUE6 are written to the array INIT_VALUE.

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ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082



Unit type = function block (FB)

Unit is contained in the library ifm_PDM_INPUT_Vxxyyzz.Lib

Symbol in CODESYS:



INIT_VAR_RETAIN_REAL initialises the array of INPUT_REAL (→ page 215) indicated on the input
INIT_VALUE with remanent input values.
If input values are to be saved permanently, the values must be initialised after switching on the
display, otherwise they are overwritten in the first cycle. The FB initialises the array INIT_VALUE of
INPUT_INT with the remanent input values.
The function element compares the values of VALUE1...VALUE6 with the values of INIT_VALUE:
> If the contents of VALUE1...VALUE6 = 0, VALUE1...VALUE6 are written to the array INIT_VALUE.
> If the contents of VALUE1...VALUE6  0, the elements of the array INIT_VALUE are written to

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> The following INPUT function block is then initialised with INIT_VALUE in the first cycle.



Parameters of the inputs


Parameter Data type Description

The variables VALUE_FIELDx declared as retain have to
... REAL be indicated to the FB INPUT_REAL.INPUT_REAL
(→ page 215)
INIT_VALUE ARRAY [1..6] OF REAL If the contents of VALUE1...VALUE6 is not 0, the
elements of the array INIT_VALUE are written to

Parameters of the outputs


Parameter Data type Description

INIT_VALUE ARRAY [1..6] OF REAL If the contents of VALUE1...VALUE6 = 0,
VALUE1...VALUE6 are written to the array INIT_VALUE.

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7.2.7 POUs: Use touch screen functions

PointOfContact .....................................................................................................................................225

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Unit type = global variable (GV)of data type POC

Unit is contained in the library ifm_CR1082_Vxxyyzz.LIB


PointOfContact is a structured variable. It provides information about the point of contact of the
touchscreen and gives access to configuration options for visual feedback. The following table shows
details regarding the different structure variables.

Variable Data type Description

PointOfContact POC Structured variable

 PointOfContact.AfterGlow INT Display of pressure point and afterglow time (in milliseconds) *
Mögliche Werte:
-1 Display of the pressure point deactivated (default setting)
0 Display of the pressure point activated, without afterglow
>0 Display of the pressure point activated, afterglow time in
milliseconds (maximum afterglow time: 5000 ms)
 PointOfContact.X INT X coordinate of the pressure point **
Possible values:
-1 Touch screen not pressed
X X coordinate of the pressure point
(value range: 0 < X < max. horizontal resolution of display)
 PointOfContact.Y INT Y coordinate of the pressure point **
Possible values:
-1 Touch screen not pressed

Y Y coordinate of the pressure point

(value range: 0 < Y < max. vertical resolution of display)
 PointOfContact.ImagePath STRING Directory path to the memory location of the image file, containing the
user-specific pressure point image *
Possible values:
Standard screen is used (blue square, 30x30 pixels) (default
'path' Directory path to the memory location of the image file on the
device, permitted image formats: .jpg, .png, .bmp, .tiff; size:
30x30 pixels
The standard screen is displayed if problems occur with the
image file in the indicated directory!
 PointOfContact.Overlap BOOL Overlap of mouse pointer and pressure point *
Possible values:
FALS Pressure point and mouse pointer are independent of each other
E (default setting)
Mouse pointer only visible if a USB mouse has been
TRUE Pressure point and mouse pointer match.
* ... Read and write access
** ... Read access

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7.2.8 POUs: Help functions


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Unit type = program (PRG)

Unit is contained in the library ifm_PDMng_UTIL_Vxxyyzz.LIB

Symbol in CODESYS:



The program VERSION indicates the version and history of the library in the comment of the function

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ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082



Unit type = function (FUN) of type INT

Unit is contained in the library ifm_PDM360NG_special_Vxxyyzz.LIB

Symbol in CODESYS:



EXITPLC_START_APPLICATION calls the appliclation indicated at input APPLICATION directly from

the running control program. As an option, the directory path and the name of the PDF file to be
opened can be enterd at input APP_PARAM1.

When the application is called with EXITPLC_START_APPLICATION, the runtime system of the
PDM including the active visualisation is terminated. When the application has been exited,
the runtime system starts again.


Parameters of the inputs


Parameter Data type Description

APPLICATION STRING(80) Name of the application to be called
Permissible indications:
'app-chooser': calls the splalsh screen of the
'pdf-viewer': calls the PDF file viewer
APP_PARAM1 STRING(255) Directory path and name of the PDF file to open
(e.g. '/home/pdf/example.pdf')
If no indication is made, the PDF-Viewer starts with the
menu screen to select the PDF file.


Parameters of the outputs


Parameter Data type Description

RESULT INT feedback of the function block
(possible messages  following table)

Possible results for RESULT:

dec | hex
1 01 function block execution completed without error
242 F2 Error: setting is not possible

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Unit type = function block (FB)

Unit is contained in the library ifm_PDM360NG_linux_syscall_asynch_Vxxyyzz.Lib

Symbol in CODESYS:



SYSTEM_ASYNCH sends any command (max. 255 characters) to the Linux operating system. The
command is processed asynchronously in the background.
The function block must be executed (EXECUTE = TRUE) until the FB output DONE = TRUE.

Proper Linux knowledge is required to use the function element!

► Monitor the function element using timeout functions!


Parameters of the inputs


Parameter Data type Description

starts the command execution
COMMAND STRING (255) Linux command line

Parameters of the outputs


Parameter Data type Description

DONE BOOL TRUE (only for 1 cycle):
FB is completely processed
FALSE: during further processing of the program
BUSY BOOL TRUE = system is active (action has not yet been
ERROR BOOL TRUE (only 1 cycle):
Command failed
FALSE: during further processing of the program
RET_VAL WORD Return value of the Linux command

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7.2.9 Function elements: RAW-CAN (Layer 2)

Function elements: RAW-CAN status ..................................................................................................231

Function elements: receive RAW-CAN data ........................................................................................237
Function elements: transmit RAW-CAN data .......................................................................................247
Function elements: RAW-CAN remote.................................................................................................253

Here we describe the RAW-CAN function blocks (CAN Layer 2) of ifm electronic to be used in the
application program.

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Function elements: RAW-CAN status

CAN_ENABLE ......................................................................................................................................232
CAN_RECOVER ..................................................................................................................................233
CAN_SETDOWNLOADID ....................................................................................................................234
CAN_STATUS ......................................................................................................................................235

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ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082



Unit type = function block (FB)

Unit is contained in the library ifm_RawCAN_NT_Vxxyyzz.LIB

Symbol in CODESYS:



With CAN_ENABLE the CAN hardware is initialised. Without this call no other calls are possible in
RAW-CAN or they return an error.
In order to change the baud rate the following procedure is required:
► Maintain the function block on ENABLE=FALSE for the duration of one cycle.
> All protocols are reset.
> Re-initialisation of the CAN interface and the CAN protocols running on it. Any information
available for cyclical transmission is lost as well and must be newly created.
> At renewed ENABLE=TRUE, the new baud rate is adopted.

Parameters of the inputs


Parameter Data type Description

ENABLE BOOL := FALSE TRUE: enable CAN interface
FALSE: disable CAN interface
CHANNEL BYTE CAN interface (1...n) depending on the device
BAUDRATE WORD := 250 Baudrate [kbits/s]
Permissible = 20, 50, 100, 125, 250, 500, 1000


Parameters of the outputs


Parameter Data type Description

RESULT BYTE feedback of the function block
(possible messages → following table)

Possible results for RESULT:

dec | hex
0 00 FB is inactive
1 01 FB execution completed without error – data is valid
8 08 function block is active
9 09 CAN is not active
242 F2 Error: setting is not possible

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ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082



Unit type = function block (FB)

Unit is contained in the library ifm_RawCAN_NT_Vxxyyzz.LIB

Symbol in CODESYS:



CAN_RECOVER has the following tasks:

 to activate / deactivate the automatic bus off handling
 to restart the CAN interface in case of bus off
> In case of bus off: CAN Controller deletes all buffers (including the buffers of the other protocols).
> in case of a bus off a recovery attempt is automatically made after 1 s.
> after 4 failed recovery attempts in a row the affected CAN interface is deactivated.

Parameters of the inputs


Parameter Data type Description

ENABLE BOOL := FALSE TRUE: No automatic recovery after CAN bus off
FALSE: Automatic recovery after CAN bus off
CHANNEL BYTE CAN interface (1...n) depending on the device
RECOVER_EXECUTE BOOL TRUE (only for 1 cycle):
restart of CAN interface
remedy bus off condition
FALSE: function element is not executed
InhibitTime TIME := T#1s Waiting time between bus off and restart of the CAN interface
(optional use of the parameter)

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= Set download ID
Unit type = function block (FB)
Unit is contained in the library ifm_RawCAN_NT_Vxxyyzz.LIB

Symbol in CODESYS:



The download ID is required for data exchange when connecting the runtime system and the
CODESYS development environment. When the device is started the download ID is set with the
default value from the hardware configuration.
With CAN_SETDOWNLOADID this value can be set in the PLC program (e.g. using certain inputs).
The changed ID is also written into the hardware configuration.

Parameters of the inputs


Parameter Data type Description

execute function element once
otherwise: function element is not active
A function element already started is processed.
CHANNEL BYTE CAN interface (1...n) depending on the device
DOWNLOAD_ID BYTE 1...127 = set download ID
0 = read download ID


Parameters of the outputs


Parameter Data type Description

RESULT BYTE feedback of the function block
(possible messages → following table)

Possible results for RESULT:

dec | hex
0 00 FB is inactive
1 01 function block execution completed without error
8 08 function block is active
242 F2 Error: setting is not possible

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ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082



Unit type = function block (FB)

Unit is contained in the library ifm_RawCAN_NT_Vxxyyzz.LIB

Symbol in CODESYS:



CAN_STATUS provides information on the chosen CAN bus.

Without hardware initialisation the following flags can be reset to FALSE:

Parameters of the inputs


Parameter Data type Description

ENABLE BOOL := FALSE TRUE: execute this function element
FALSE: unit is not executed
> Function block inputs are not active
> Function block outputs are not specified
CHANNEL BYTE CAN interface (1...n) depending on the device
CLEAR BOOL := FALSE TRUE: Reset the following flags:
FALSE: function element is not executed

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Parameters of the outputs


Parameter Data type Description

BAUDRATE WORD current baudrate of the CANopen node in [kBaud]
DOWNLOAD_ID BYTE current download ID
BUSOFF BOOL Error CAN BUS OFF at the interface
WARNING_RX BOOL Warning threshold for receiving is exceeded at the interface
WARNING_TX BOOL Warning threshold for transmitting is exceeded at the interface
VERSION DWORD Version of the ifm CAN stack library
BUSLOAD BYTE Current bus load in [%]
RESULT BYTE feedback of the function block
(possible messages → following table)

Possible results for RESULT:

dec | hex
0 00 FB is inactive
1 01 function block execution completed without error
8 08 function block is active
9 09 CAN is not active
242 F2 Error: setting is not possible

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Function elements: receive RAW-CAN data

CAN_RX ...............................................................................................................................................238
CAN_RX_ENH .....................................................................................................................................239
CAN_RX_ENH_FIFO ...........................................................................................................................241
CAN_RX_RANGE ................................................................................................................................243
CAN_RX_RANGE_FIFO ......................................................................................................................245

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Unit type = function block (FB)

Unit is contained in the library ifm_RawCAN_NT_Vxxyyzz.LIB

Symbol in CODESYS:



CAN_RX is used for receiving a message.

The FB limits itself to a few functions and the required memory space is low.
CAN_RX filters for the set identifier. If several CAN messages with the same identifier are received in
one cycle, only the last / latest message is available.

Parameters of the inputs


Parameter Data type Description

ENABLE BOOL TRUE: execute this function element
FALSE: unit is not executed
> Function block inputs are not active
> Function block outputs are not specified
CHANNEL BYTE CAN interface (1...n) depending on the device
ID DWORD Number of the data object identifier:
normal frame (211 IDs):
0...2 047 = 0x0000 0000...0x0000 07FF
extended Frame (229 IDs):
2 048...536 870 911 = 0x0000 0800...0x1FFF FFFF


Parameters of the outputs


Parameter Data type Description

DATA ARRAY [0..7] OF BYTE received data, (1...8 bytes)
RESULT BYTE feedback of the function block
(possible messages → following table)

Possible results for RESULT:

dec | hex
0 00 FB is inactive
1 01 function block execution completed without error
5 05 FB is being processed – still receiving
9 09 CAN is not active
242 F2 Error: setting is not possible

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ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082



= CAN RX enhanced
Unit type = function block (FB)
Unit is contained in the library ifm_RawCAN_NT_Vxxyyzz.LIB

Symbol in CODESYS:



In addition, CAN_RX_ENH provides the following possibilities (as opposed to CAN_RX (→ page 238)):
• select the frame type (11 or 29 bits),
• define a mask for the evaluation of the CAN ID.

Bit comparison of If ID_MASK-Bit = 0, then CAN-ID-Bit may be = 0 or 1.

ID and mask: If ID_MASK-Bit = 1, then CAN-ID-Bit must be = ID-Bit.

With the mask several identifiers can be defined as filters.

ID = 0x100 = 0b0001 0000 0000
ID_MASK = 0x1F1 = 0b0001 1111 0001
Result The CAN IDs with the following bit pattern are evaluated:
0bxxx1 0000 xxx0 (x = any), i.e. for this example (all in [hex]):
100, 102, 104, 106, 108, 10A, 10C, 10E,
300, 302, 304, 306, 308, 30A, 30C, 30E,
500, 502, 504, 506, 508, 50A, 50C, 50E,
700, 702, 704, 706, 708, 70A, 70C, 70E

Parameters of the inputs


Parameter Data type Description

ENABLE BOOL TRUE: execute this function element
FALSE: unit is not executed
> Function block inputs are not active
> Function block outputs are not specified
CHANNEL BYTE CAN interface (1...n) depending on the device
ID DWORD Number of the data object identifier:
normal frame (211 IDs):
0...2 047 = 0x0000 0000...0x0000 07FF
extended Frame (229 IDs):
0...536 870 911 = 0x0000 0000...0x1FFF FFFF
Extended BOOL := FALSE TRUE: extended Frame (ID = 0...229-1)
(optional use of the parameter) FALSE: normal Frame (ID = 0...211-1)
ID_Mask DWORD := 0 filter mask for the identifier:
(optional use of the parameter) if ID_MASK bit = 0, CAN ID bit may be = 0 or 1
if ID_MASK bit = 1, CAN ID bit must be = ID bit

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Parameters of the outputs


Parameter Data type Description

MATCHED_ID DWORD number of the data object identifier
number of the data bytes received
DATA ARRAY [0..7] OF BYTE received data, (1...8 bytes)
RESULT BYTE feedback of the function block
(possible messages → following table)

Possible results for RESULT:

dec | hex
0 00 FB is inactive
1 01 function block execution completed without error
5 05 FB is being processed – still receiving
9 09 CAN is not active
242 F2 Error: setting is not possible

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ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082



= CAN RX enhanced with FiFo

Unit type = function block (FB)
Unit is contained in the library ifm_RawCAN_NT_Vxxyyzz.LIB

Symbol in CODESYS:



In addition, CAN_RX_ENH_FIFO provides a FiFo for the received data (as opposed to CAN_RX_ENH
(→ page 239)). Thus several CAN messages can be received in one cycle.

No overwriting takes place when the FiFo is full. Inbound messages will be lost.

In this event:
► Deactivate and reactive the FB via ENABLE.
> The FiFo is deleted and can be newly filled.

Parameters of the inputs


Parameter Data type Description

ENABLE BOOL TRUE: execute this function element
FALSE: unit is not executed
> Function block inputs are not active
> Function block outputs are not specified
CHANNEL BYTE CAN interface (1...n) depending on the device
ID DWORD Number of the data object identifier:
normal frame (211 IDs):
0...2 047 = 0x0000 0000...0x0000 07FF
extended Frame (229 IDs):
0...536 870 911 = 0x0000 0000...0x1FFF FFFF
Extended BOOL := FALSE TRUE: extended Frame (ID = 0...229-1)
(optional use of the parameter) FALSE: normal Frame (ID = 0...211-1)
ID_Mask DWORD := 0 filter mask for the identifier:
(optional use of the parameter) if ID_MASK bit = 0, CAN ID bit may be = 0 or 1
if ID_MASK bit = 1, CAN ID bit must be = ID bit

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Parameters of the outputs


Parameter Data type Description

MATCHED_ID DWORD number of the data object identifier
number of the data bytes received
DATA ARRAY [0..7] OF BYTE received data, (1...8 bytes)
MORE_DATA_AVAILABLE BOOL TRUE: further received data available in the FiFo
FALSE: no further data available in the FiFo
RESULT BYTE feedback of the function block
(possible messages → following table)

Possible results for RESULT:

dec | hex
0 00 FB is inactive
1 01 function block execution completed without error
5 05 FB is being processed – still receiving
9 09 CAN is not active
242 F2 Error: setting is not possible
250 FA Error: FiFo is full – data was lost

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Unit type = function block (FB)

Unit is contained in the library ifm_RawCAN_NT_Vxxyyzz.LIB

Symbol in CODESYS:



CAN_RX_RANGE provides the following settings:

 select the message type (11 or 29 bits),
 define an identifier range.
CAN_RX filters for the set identifier. If several CAN messages with the same identifier are received in
one cycle, only the last / latest message is available.

Parameters of the inputs


Parameter Data type Description

ENABLE BOOL TRUE: execute this function element
FALSE: unit is not executed
> Function block inputs are not active
> Function block outputs are not specified
CHANNEL BYTE CAN interface (1...n) depending on the device
ID_START DWORD start number of the data object identifier range:
normal frame (211):
0...2 047 = 0x0000 0000...0x0000 07FF
extended frame (229):
0...536 870 911 = 0x0000 0000...0x1FFF FFFF
ID_STOP DWORD end number of the data object identifier range:
normal frame (211):
0...2 047 = 0x0000 0000...0x0000 07FF
extended frame (229):
0...536 870 911 = 0x0000 0000...0x1FFF FFFF
Extended BOOL := FALSE TRUE: extended Frame (ID = 0...229-1)
(optional use of the parameter) FALSE: normal Frame (ID = 0...211-1)

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Parameters of the outputs


Parameter Data type Description

ID DWORD Number of the data object identifier:
normal frame (211 IDs):
0...2 047 = 0x0000 0000...0x0000 07FF
extended Frame (229 IDs):
2 048...536 870 911 = 0x0000 0800...0x1FFF FFFF
number of the data bytes received
DATA ARRAY [0..7] OF BYTE received data, (1...8 bytes)
RESULT BYTE feedback of the function block
(possible messages → following table)

Possible results for RESULT:

dec | hex
0 00 FB is inactive
1 01 function block execution completed without error
5 05 FB is being processed – still receiving
9 09 CAN is not active
242 F2 Error: setting is not possible

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= CAN RX range with FiFo

Unit type = function block (FB)
Unit is contained in the library ifm_RawCAN_NT_Vxxyyzz.LIB

Symbol in CODESYS:



CAN_RX_RANGE_FIFO basically works like CAN_RX_RANGE (→ page 243).

In addition, CAN_RX_RANGE_FIFO provides a FiFo for the received data. Thus several CAN
messages can be received in one cycle.

No overwriting takes place when the FiFo is full. Inbound messages will be lost.

In this event:
► Use ENABLE to deactivate and reactivate the function.
> The FiFo is deleted and can be newly filled.

Parameters of the inputs


Parameter Data type Description

ENABLE BOOL TRUE: execute this function element
FALSE: unit is not executed
> Function block inputs are not active
> Function block outputs are not specified
CHANNEL BYTE CAN interface (1...n) depending on the device
ID_START DWORD start number of the data object identifier range:
normal frame (211):
0...2 047 = 0x0000 0000...0x0000 07FF
extended frame (229):
0...536 870 911 = 0x0000 0000...0x1FFF FFFF
ID_STOP DWORD end number of the data object identifier range:
normal frame (211):
0...2 047 = 0x0000 0000...0x0000 07FF
extended frame (229):
0...536 870 911 = 0x0000 0000...0x1FFF FFFF
Extended BOOL := FALSE TRUE: extended Frame (ID = 0...229-1)
(optional use of the parameter) FALSE: normal Frame (ID = 0...211-1)

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Parameters of the outputs


Parameter Data type Description

ID DWORD Number of the data object identifier:
normal frame (211 IDs):
0...2 047 = 0x0000 0000...0x0000 07FF
extended Frame (229 IDs):
2 048...536 870 911 = 0x0000 0800...0x1FFF FFFF
number of the data bytes received
DATA ARRAY [0..7] OF BYTE received data, (1...8 bytes)
MORE_DATA_AVAILABLE BOOL TRUE: further received data available in the FiFo
FALSE: no further data available in the FiFo
RESULT BYTE feedback of the function block
(possible messages → following table)

Possible results for RESULT:

dec | hex
0 00 FB is inactive
1 01 function block execution completed without error
5 05 FB is being processed – still receiving
9 09 CAN is not active
242 F2 Error: setting is not possible
250 FA Error: FiFo is full – data was lost

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Function elements: transmit RAW-CAN data

CAN_TX_ENH ......................................................................................................................................249

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Unit type = function block (FB)

Unit is contained in the library ifm_RawCAN_NT_Vxxyyzz.LIB

Symbol in CODESYS:



CAN_TX sends a standard message per cycle.

The FB limits itself to a few functions and the required memory space is low.
> If an instance of this FB is called several times during a cycle, the data is also sent several times.
In case of the simple functions CAN_TX and CAN_RX, it is determined by means of the ID whether a
standard or an extended frame is to be sent. With the enhanced versions this is set via the input
EXTENDED. Therefore, extended frames in the ID area 0...2047 cannot be sent via the easy

Parameters of the inputs


Parameter Data type Description

ENABLE BOOL TRUE: execute this function element
FALSE: unit is not executed
> Function block inputs are not active
> Function block outputs are not specified
CHANNEL BYTE CAN interface (1...n) depending on the device
ID DWORD Number of the data object identifier:
normal frame (211 IDs):
0...2 047 = 0x0000 0000...0x0000 07FF
extended Frame (229 IDs):
2 048...536 870 911 = 0x0000 0800...0x1FFF FFFF
DATA ARRAY [0..7] OF BYTE data to be sent (1...8 bytes)


Parameters of the outputs


Parameter Data type Description

RESULT BYTE feedback of the function block
(possible messages → following table)

Possible results for RESULT:

dec | hex
0 00 FB is inactive
1 01 function block execution completed without error
242 F2 Error: setting is not possible
250 FA Error: FiFo is full – data was lost

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ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082



= CAN TX enhanced
Unit type = function block (FB)
Unit is contained in the library ifm_RawCAN_NT_Vxxyyzz.LIB

Symbol in CODESYS:



Additional setting options are offered through CAN_TX_ENH (for: enhanced). Here, all CAN specific
characteristics can be set individually, e.g.:
 Is it an 11 or a 29 bit identifier?
 The additional inputs can be preset so that CAN_TX (→ page 248) is not required.
> If an instance of this FB is called several times during a cycle, the data is also sent several times.

Parameters of the inputs


Parameter Data type Description

Initialise block (only 1 cycle)
> Read block inputs
TRUE: execute this function element
FALSE: unit is not executed
> Function block inputs are not active
> Function block outputs are not specified
CHANNEL BYTE CAN interface (1...n) depending on the device
ID DWORD Number of the data object identifier:
normal frame (211 IDs):
0...2 047 = 0x0000 0000...0x0000 07FF
extended Frame (229 IDs):
0...536 870 911 = 0x0000 0000...0x1FFF FFFF
Extended BOOL := FALSE TRUE: extended Frame (ID = 0...229-1)
(optional use of the parameter) FALSE: normal Frame (ID = 0...211-1)
number of the data bytes to be sent (0...8)
DATA ARRAY [0..7] OF BYTE data to be sent (1...8 bytes)

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Parameters of the outputs


Parameter Data type Description

RESULT BYTE feedback of the function block
(possible messages → following table)

Possible results for RESULT:

dec | hex
0 00 FB is inactive
1 01 function block execution completed without error
242 F2 Error: setting is not possible
250 FA Error: FiFo is full – data was lost

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ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082



= CAN TX enhanced cyclic

Unit type = function block (FB)
Unit is contained in the library ifm_RawCAN_NT_Vxxyyzz.LIB

Symbol in CODESYS:



CAN_TX_ENH_CYCLIC serves for cyclical transmitting of CAN messages.

Otherwise, the FB corresponds to CAN_TX_ENH (→ page 249).
► Set the period duration via the parameter PERIOD.

If a period is too short, this could lead to a high bus load which could affect the performance of the
complete system.


Parameters of the inputs


Parameter Data type Description

ENABLE BOOL TRUE: execute this function element
FALSE: unit is not executed
> Function block inputs are not active
> Function block outputs are not specified
CHANNEL BYTE CAN interface (1...n) depending on the device
ID DWORD Number of the data object identifier:
normal frame (211 IDs):
0...2 047 = 0x0000 0000...0x0000 07FF
extended Frame (229 IDs):
0...536 870 911 = 0x0000 0000...0x1FFF FFFF
Extended BOOL := FALSE TRUE: extended Frame (ID = 0...229-1)
(optional use of the parameter) FALSE: normal Frame (ID = 0...211-1)
DataLengthCode BYTE := 8 length of the data to be sent (0...8 bytes)
(optional use of the parameter)
DATA ARRAY [0..7] OF BYTE data to be sent (1...8 bytes)
PERIOD TIME period duration

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Parameters of the outputs


Parameter Data type Description

RESULT BYTE feedback of the function block
(possible messages → following table)

Possible results for RESULT:

dec | hex
0 00 FB is inactive
8 08 function block is active
9 09 CAN is not active
250 FA Error: FiFo is full – data was lost

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Function elements: RAW-CAN remote

CAN_REMOTE_REQUEST .................................................................................................................254

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Unit type = function block (FB)

Unit is contained in the library ifm_RawCAN_NT_Vxxyyzz.LIB

Symbol in CODESYS:



In order to request a remote message, an according requirement is dispatched via

CAN_REMOTE_REQUEST and the response of the other device is sent back as result.

Parameters of the inputs


Parameter Data type Description

execute function element once
otherwise: function element is not active
A function element already started is processed.
CHANNEL BYTE CAN interface (1...n) depending on the device
ID DWORD Number of the data object identifier:
normal frame (211 IDs):
0...2 047 = 0x0000 0000...0x0000 07FF
extended Frame (229 IDs):
0...536 870 911 = 0x0000 0000...0x1FFF FFFF
Extended BOOL := FALSE TRUE: extended Frame (ID = 0...229-1)
(optional use of the parameter) FALSE: normal Frame (ID = 0...211-1)


Parameters of the outputs


Parameter Data type Description

number of the data bytes received
DATA ARRAY [0..7] OF BYTE received data, (1...8 bytes)
RESULT BYTE feedback of the function block
(possible messages → following table)

Possible results for RESULT:

dec | hex
0 00 FB is inactive
1 01 function block execution completed without error
5 05 FB is being processed – still receiving
9 09 CAN is not active
242 F2 Error: setting is not possible

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Unit type = function block (FB)

Unit is contained in the library ifm_RawCAN_NT_Vxxyyzz.LIB

Symbol in CODESYS:



CAN_REMOTE_RESPONSE provides data to the CAN controller in the device which is automatically
sent upon the request of a remote message.
This FB strongly depends on the device type. Only a limited number of remote messages can be set
BasicController: CR040n, CR041n, CR043n
max. 40 remote messages
BasicDisplay: CR045n
PDM360 NG: CR108n, CR120n max. 100 remote messages

Parameters of the inputs


Parameter Data type Description

Initialise block (only 1 cycle)
> Read block inputs
TRUE: execute this function element
FALSE: unit is not executed
> Function block inputs are not active
> Function block outputs are not specified
CHANNEL BYTE CAN interface (1...n) depending on the device
ID DWORD Number of the data object identifier:
normal frame (211 IDs):
0...2 047 = 0x0000 0000...0x0000 07FF
extended Frame (229 IDs):
0...536 870 911 = 0x0000 0000...0x1FFF FFFF
Extended BOOL := FALSE TRUE: extended Frame (ID = 0...229-1)
(optional use of the parameter) FALSE: normal Frame (ID = 0...211-1)
number of the data bytes to be sent (0...8)
DATA ARRAY [0..7] OF BYTE data to be sent (1...8 bytes)

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Parameters of the outputs


Parameter Data type Description

RESULT BYTE feedback of the function block
(possible messages → following table)

Possible results for RESULT:

dec | hex
0 00 FB is inactive
6 06 FB is being processed – remote for ID not active
7 07 FB is being processed – remote for ID active

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7.2.10 Function elements: CANopen

Function elements: CANopen status ....................................................................................................259

Function elements: CANopen network management ...........................................................................268
Function elements: CANopen object directory .....................................................................................272
Function elements: CANopen SDOs ....................................................................................................277
Function elements: CANopen SYNC ...................................................................................................290
Function elements: CANopen guarding ...............................................................................................294
Function elements: CANopen emergency............................................................................................299

For CANopen, ifm electronic provides a number of function elements which will be explained in the

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Function elements: CANopen status

CANOPEN_ENABLE ............................................................................................................................260
CANOPEN_GETBUFFERFLAGS ........................................................................................................262
CANOPEN_GETSTATE .......................................................................................................................264
CANOPEN_SETSTATE .......................................................................................................................266

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Unit type = function block (FB)

Unit is contained in the library ifm_CANopen_NT_Vxxyyzz.LIB

Symbol in CODESYS:



CANOPEN_ENABLE allows to switch the CANopen master on or off.

► In the application program always call an own instance of the FB CANOPEN_ENABLE
(→ page 260) for every CAN interface!

To avoid guarding or heartbeat errors the nodes must be "shut down" via an appropriate sequence

If the master is restarted after a stop, all other connected nodes also have to be re-initialised.
Without CANOPEN_ENABLE, the CANopen master is started automatically, as far as this has been
selected in the configuration.
The configured baud rate is only adopted if CAN_ENABLE (→ page 232) has not been activated before.

Parameters of the inputs


Parameter Data type Description

• Enable CANopen for the selected channel
• Start CANopen manager or CANopen device
according to the configuration settings
• Disable CANopen for the selected channel
• Terminate CANopen manager or CANopen device
CHANNEL BYTE CAN interface (1...n) depending on the device
Baud rate WORD := 0 Baud rate [kbits/s]
(optional use of the parameter) permissible values = 20, 50, 100, 125, 250, 500, 800, 1 000
0 = use setting from the PLC configuration

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Parameters of the outputs


Parameters Data type Description

RESULT BYTE feedback of the function block
(possible messages → following table)

Possible results for RESULT:

dec | hex
0 00 FB is inactive
1 01 function block execution completed without error
14 0E FB is active
CANopen manager configures devices and sends SDOs
15 0F FB is active
CANopen manager is started
238 EE Error: CANopen configuration is too large and cannot be started
239 EF Error: CANopen manager could not be started
242 F2 Error: setting is not possible

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= Get buffer flags

Unit type = function block (FB)
Unit is contained in the library ifm_CANopen_NT_Vxxyyzz.LIB

Symbol in CODESYS:



CANOPEN_GETBUFFERFLAGS supplies information on the buffer flags.

The flags can be reset via the optional inputs.
The function block returns the state of the overflow flags.

Parameters of the inputs


Parameter Data type Description

execute function element once
otherwise: function element is not active
A function element already started is processed.
CHANNEL BYTE CAN interface (1...n) depending on the device
ResetRXFlags BOOL := FALSE TRUE: Provide fag status at the output and then reset
(optional use of the parameter) FALSE: function element is not executed
ResetTXFlags BOOL := FALSE TRUE: Provide flag status at the output and then reset
(optional use of the parameter) FALSE: function element is not executed

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Parameters of the outputs


Parameter Data type Description

RXOVFL BOOL condition of the RX overflow flag
TRUE: overflow in the receive buffer
FALSE: no overflow in receive buffer
RXWARN BOOL condition of the RX overflow warning flag
TRUE: level in the receive buffer is critical
FALSE: level in the input buffer is uncritical
TXOVFL BOOL condition of the TX overflow flag
TRUE: overflow in the transmit buffer
FALSE: no overflow in transmit buffer
TXWARN BOOL Condition of the TX overflow warning flag
TRUE: Level in the transmit buffer is critical
FALSE: Level in the transmit buffer is uncritical
RESULT BYTE feedback of the function block
(possible messages → following table)

Possible results for RESULT:

dec | hex
0 00 FB is inactive
1 01 function block execution completed without error
8 08 function block not yet executed
242 F2 Error: setting is not possible

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= Get state
Unit type = function block (FB)
Unit is contained in the library ifm_CANopen_NT_Vxxyyzz.LIB

Symbol in CODESYS:



Via CANOPEN_GETSTATE, parameters of the master, a slave device or a specific node in the
network can be set.

Parameters of the inputs


Parameter Data type Description

execute function element once
otherwise: function element is not active
A function element already started is processed.
CHANNEL BYTE CAN interface (1...n) depending on the device
NODE BYTE Node ID = ID of the node (0...127)
Device as CANopen master:
Value = 0:
Only the status information of the device itself is returned at the
outputs. The outputs with information on the nodes are invalid.
Value not 0:
Node ID of a node in the network. For this one as well as for the
device the states are returned at the outputs.
Device as CANopen slave:
Value = 0 (preset):
The status information of the slave is returned at the outputs.
Value not 0:
no action


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Parameters of the outputs


Parameter Data type Description

MASTERSTATE BYTE Master state = internal state of the master:
0 = 0x00 = master starts up
4 = 0x04 = node configuration running
5 = 0x05 = normal operating state of the master
255 = 0xFF = PLC running as slave
PLCNODEID BYTE PLC node ID = node ID of the PLC the program is running on
Value = 0...127 = 0x00...0x7F
CANSTATE BYTE Status of the CANopen network
Device operated as master:
Node ID = 0 (device as such):
0 = 0x00 = OK
128 = 0x80 = BUSOFF
Node ID ≠ 0 (node):
0 = 0x00 = OK
1 = 0x01 = guard or heartbeat error on node
128 = 0x80 = BUSOFF
Device operated as slave:
0 = 0x00 = OK
1 = 0x01 = guard or heartbeat error
128 = 0x80 = BUSOFF
NODESTATE BYTE Node state = internal node state of a slave seen from the master's
perspective. The input NODEID identifies the node.
-1 = 0xFF = reset after ResetNode
1 = 0x01 = waiting for BOOTUP
2 = 0x02 = after receipt of the BOOTUP message
3 = 0x03 = not yet configured: STOPPED
4 = 0x04 = after configuration with SDOs: PRE-OPERATIONAL
5 = 0x05 = after starting the node: OPERATIONAL
97 = 0x61 = optional node
98 = 0x62 = other device type configured than in 0x1000
99 = 0x63 = node guarding
Node state according to CANopen (with these values the status is also
coded in the corresponding messages with regard to the node).
0 0x00 BOOTUP
4 0x04 STOPPED
RESULT BYTE feedback of the function block
(possible messages → following table)

Possible results for RESULT:

dec | hex
0 00 FB is inactive
1 01 FB execution completed without error – data is valid
8 08 FB is active – not yet processed
242 F2 Error: setting is not possible

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= Set state
Unit type = function block (FB)
Unit is contained in the library ifm_CANopen_NT_Vxxyyzz.LIB

Symbol in CODESYS:



Via CANOPEN_SETSTATE, parameters of the master, a slave device or a node in the network can be
The treatment of the NMT state of master, node or device is carried out in the CAN stack or via the
commands of the FB CANOPEN_NMTSERVICES (→ page 270). At the same time admissibility checks are
carried out. For reasons of consistency no inputs are provided for this purpose.

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Parameters of the inputs


Parameter Data type Description

execute function element once
otherwise: function element is not active
A function element already started is processed.
CHANNEL BYTE CAN interface (1...n) depending on the device
NODE BYTE Node ID = ID of the node (0...127)
Device as CANopen master:
Value = 0:
The changes only refer to the device itself.
Value not 0:
Node ID of a node in the network the parameters of which are to be
changed. The established settings are only adopted for this node (not
for the device).
Device as CANopen slave:
In slave mode, the node ID of the slave can be set via this input.
Value = 0:
no action
Value not 0:
The function block adopts this value as the new node ID of the device.
GlobalStart BOOL := TRUE Requirement: FB must be called immediately after starting the IEC
(optional use of the parameter) program. This setting overwrites the setting of the configuration.
TRUE: Start all participants simultaneously
FALSE: Start all participants one after the other
CfgTimeout TIME := T#0ms set configuration timeout for a node:
(optional use of the parameter) Value = 0:
no action – retain configuration data
Value not 0:
overwrite data from the configuration with the new value
InitNoSdos BOOL := FALSE To the node indicated in NODE, during initialisation,...
(optional use of the parameter) TRUE: do not send configuration data
FALSE: send configured SDOs


Parameters of the outputs


Parameter Data type Description

RESULT BYTE feedback of the function block
(possible messages → following table)

Possible results for RESULT:

dec | hex
0 00 FB is inactive
1 01 FB execution completed without error – data is valid
8 08 FB is active – not yet processed
242 F2 Error: setting is not possible

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Function elements: CANopen network management

CANOPEN_GETNMTSTATESLAVE ...................................................................................................269
CANOPEN_NMTSERVICES ................................................................................................................270

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= Get network management state slave

Unit type = function block (FB)
Unit is contained in the library ifm_CANopen_NT_Vxxyyzz.LIB

Symbol in CODESYS:



► Only use the FB if the device is operated as CANopen slave!

With CANOPEN_GETNMTSTATESLAVE, only the operating state according to CANopen and an
error message are reported to the application if an invalid state transition has been requested.

Parameters of the inputs


Parameter Data type Description

execute function element once
otherwise: function element is not active
A function element already started is processed.
CHANNEL BYTE CAN interface (1...n) depending on the device


Parameters of the outputs


Parameter Data type Description

NMTSTATE BYTE Network operating status of the node
0 = INIT
RESULT BYTE feedback of the function block
(possible messages → following table)

Possible results for RESULT:

dec | hex
0 00 FB is inactive
1 01 function block execution completed without error
8 08 FB is active – not yet processed
242 F2 Error: setting is not possible

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= Network management services

Unit type = function block (FB)
Unit is contained in the library ifm_CANopen_NT_Vxxyyzz.LIB

Symbol in CODESYS:



Depending on its NMT command entries, CANOPEN_NMTSERVICES either triggers an NMT

command or the initialisation of a node.
NMT = Network-ManagemenT
The function block updates the internal node status. If a state transition to CANopen (→ system
manual "Know-How ecomatmobile" > NMT state (→ page 362)) should not be permitted, the command
is not executed.
A CANopen device can automatically change its CANopen state by means of the FB:
preoperational  operational

Parameters of the inputs


Parameter Data type Description

execute function element once
otherwise: function element is not active
A function element already started is processed.
CHANNEL BYTE CAN interface (1...n) depending on the device
NODE BYTE CANopen ID of the node
permissible = 1...127 = 0x00...0x7F
NODE = 0:
command applies to all nodes in the network
NODE = Node ID of the device:
command applies to the device as such
NMTSERVICE BYTE network command
0 = init node (except master)
2 = start node
3 = reset node
4 = reset communication
5 = stop node
Timeout TIME := T#0ms waiting time of the FB for the initialisation
(optional use of the parameter) when the time has elapsed, the FB stops waiting.
0 = use value from the configuration

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Parameters of the outputs


Parameter Data type Description

RESULT BYTE feedback of the function block
(possible messages → following table)

Possible results for RESULT:

dec | hex
0 00 FB is inactive
1 01 function block execution completed without error
8 08 function block is active
35 23 at least 1 SDO of the configuration was not successful
36 24 node was already initialised
37 25 when initialisation was requested the node was not in the
043 2B master / slave is not initialised
241 F1 Error: CANopen state transition is not permitted
242 F2 Error: setting is not possible

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Function elements: CANopen object directory

CANOPEN_GETODCHANGEDFLAG .................................................................................................273
CANOPEN_READOBJECTDICT .........................................................................................................274
CANOPEN_WRITEOBJECTDICT .......................................................................................................275

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ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082



= Get object directory changed flag

Unit type = function block (FB)
Unit is contained in the library ifm_CANopen_NT_Vxxyyzz.LIB

Symbol in CODESYS:



CANOPEN_GETODCHANGEDFLAG reports any change of value for a particular object directory


Parameters of the inputs


Parameter Data type Description

execute function element once
otherwise: function element is not active
A function element already started is processed.
CHANNEL BYTE CAN interface (1...n) depending on the device
IDX WORD index in object directory
SUBIDX BYTE sub-index referred to the index in the object directory


Parameters of the outputs


Parameter Data type Description

DATA DWORD parameter value
RESULT BYTE feedback of the function block
(possible messages → following table)

Possible results for RESULT:

dec | hex
0 00 FB is inactive
1 01 function block execution completed without error
8 08 FB is active – not yet processed
242 F2 Error: setting is not possible

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082



= Read object directory

Unit type = function block (FB)
Unit is contained in the library ifm_CANopen_NT_Vxxyyzz.LIB

Symbol in CODESYS:



CANOPEN_READOBJECTDICT reads up to 4 bytes of configuration data from the object directory of

the device for use in the application program.

Parameters of the inputs


Parameter Data type Description

execute function element once
otherwise: function element is not active
A function element already started is processed.
CHANNEL BYTE CAN interface (1...n) depending on the device
IDX WORD index in object directory
SUBIDX BYTE sub-index referred to the index in the object directory


Parameters of the outputs


Parameter Data type Description

DATA DWORD parameter value
RESULT BYTE feedback of the function block
(possible messages → following table)

Possible results for RESULT:

dec | hex
0 00 FB is inactive
1 01 function block execution completed without error
8 08 function block not yet executed
40 28 object directory entry is invalid
242 F2 Error: setting is not possible

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082



= Write object directory

Unit type = function block (FB)
Unit is contained in the library ifm_CANopen_NT_Vxxyyzz.LIB

Symbol in CODESYS:



CANOPEN_WRITEOBJECTDICT writes configuration data to the object directory of the controller.

This could lead to falsification of important system settings, e.g.:
- guarding times
- heartbeat times
► Carefully verify input parameters!


Parameters of the inputs


Parameter Data type Description

execute function element once
otherwise: function element is not active
A function element already started is processed.
CHANNEL BYTE CAN interface (1...n) depending on the device
IDX WORD index in object directory
SUBIDX BYTE sub-index referred to the index in the object directory
DATA DWORD parameter value

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082


Parameters of the outputs


Parameter Data type Description

RESULT BYTE feedback of the function block
(possible messages → following table)

Possible results for RESULT:

dec | hex
0 00 FB is inactive
1 01 function block execution completed without error
8 08 function block not yet executed
40 28 object directory entry is invalid
242 F2 Error: setting is not possible

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ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082


Function elements: CANopen SDOs

CANOPEN_SDOREAD ........................................................................................................................278
CANOPEN_SDOREADBLOCK ............................................................................................................280
CANOPEN_SDOREADMULTI .............................................................................................................282
CANOPEN_SDOWRITE ......................................................................................................................284
CANOPEN_SDOWRITEBLOCK ..........................................................................................................286
CANOPEN_SDOWRITEMULTI ...........................................................................................................288

Here you will find ifm function elements for CANopen handling of Service Data Objects (SDOs).

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082



= SDO read
Unit type = function block (FB)
Unit is contained in the library ifm_CANopen_NT_Vxxyyzz.LIB

Symbol in CODESYS:



CANOPEN_SDOREAD is an easy function block for editing "Expedited SDOs", i.e. SDOs with max.
4 bytes of user data. This type usually represents the bigger part of the SDO communication.
Expedited SDO = Expedited Service Data Object
A considerable amount of memory space can be saved due to the limitation of the data volume to
max. 4 bytes of user data, as this FB only needs to reserve 4 bytes as buffer storage and does not
create a large data array itself.

Parameters of the inputs


Parameter Data type Description

execute function element once
otherwise: function element is not active
A function element already started is processed.
CHANNEL BYTE CAN interface (1...n) depending on the device
NODE BYTE ID of the node
permissible values = 1...127 = 0x01...0x7F
IDX WORD index in object directory
SUBIDX BYTE sub-index referred to the index in the object directory
Timeout TIME := T#10ms waiting time of the FB for the response
(optional use of the parameter) when the time has elapsed, the FB stops waiting.
value = 0: use value from the configuration

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ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082


Parameters of the outputs


Parameter Data type Description

LEN BYTE number of the bytes received (1...4)
DATA DWORD the received data value
RESULT BYTE feedback of the function block
(possible messages → following table)

Possible results for RESULT:

dec | hex
0 00 FB is inactive
1 01 FB execution completed without error – data is valid
5 05 FB is active – no data received yet
32 20 SDO transmission aborted by client or server
(SDO abort code 0x80)
33 21 TIMEOUT elapsed
242 F2 Error: setting is not possible
255 FF buffer overflow – too many data bytes were received

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082



= SDO Read Block

Unit type = function block (FB)
Unit is contained in the library ifm_CANopen_NT_Vxxyyzz.LIB

Symbol in CODESYS:



CANOPEN_SDOREADBLOCK reads the indicated entry in the object directory of a node in the
network via SDO block transfer.
> If the node doesn't support block transfer, the FB automatically changes to "segmented transfer".
You can also directly change to "segmented transfer" via the input.
> The COB ID for the SDO is calculated from the transmitted node ID.
The length of multiframe SDOs is generally not limited.

For systems without a file system (e.g. BasicController CR04nn) the following applies:
► transmit an address to the FB which is accessed by the pointer for writing. The memory area
determined by the start address DATA and the amount of data MAX_LEN must be available!
> If the amount of data is greater than indicated, the transfer is stopped and signalled via RESULT.

For systems with a file system (e.g. PDM360NG CR108n) the following applies:
► transmit the path and name of a file to the FB, in which the data is to be saved in binary format.
> The output RESULT provides information on the status of the SDO transmission.

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082


Parameters of the inputs


Parameter Data type Description

execute function element once
otherwise: function element is not active
A function element already started is processed.
CHANNEL BYTE CAN interface (1...n) depending on the device
NODE BYTE (Node ID) ID of the node
allowed = 1...127 = 0x01...0x7F
The COB ID of the SDO is calculated from the node ID + 0x600
IDX WORD index in object directory
SUBIDX BYTE sub-index referred to the index in the object directory
DATA DWORD Address of the data zone for storage of the received data
Input is without function for devices with file system (Linux).
FILE STRING(80) Path and file name for storage of the received data in binary format
Input without function for device without file system
MAX_LEN DWORD Maximum permitted number of bytes which may be received
SegmentedTransfer BOOL := FALSE TRUE: Segmented SDO transfer
(optional use of the parameter) FALSE: SDO block transfer
Timeout TIME := T#10ms waiting time of the FB for the response
(optional use of the parameter) when the time has elapsed, the FB stops waiting.
value = 0: use value from the configuration


Parameters of the outputs


Parameter Data type Description

LEN DWORD number of received data bytes
RESULT BYTE feedback of the function block
(possible messages → following table)

Possible results for RESULT:

dec | hex
0 00 FB is inactive
1 01 FB execution completed without error – data is valid
16 10 Transmission is active as a segmented download
17 11 Transmission is active as a block download
32 20 SDO transmission aborted by client or server
(SDO abort code 0x80)
33 21 TIMEOUT elapsed
64 40 Error: Write pointer outside admissible data range
65 41 Error: File could not be opened
66 42 Error when writing to file
242 F2 Error: setting is not possible

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082



= SDO read multi

Unit type = function block (FB)
Unit is contained in the library ifm_CANopen_NT_Vxxyyzz.LIB

Symbol in CODESYS:



CANOPEN_SDOREADMULTI reads the indicated entry in the object directory of a node in the
network. The COB ID for the SDO is calculated from the transmitted node ID according to CANopen

Parameters of the inputs


Parameter Data type Description

execute function element once
otherwise: function element is not active
A function element already started is processed.
CHANNEL BYTE CAN interface (1...n) depending on the device
NODE BYTE (Node ID) ID of the node
allowed = 1...127 = 0x01...0x7F
The COB ID of the SDO is calculated from the node ID + 0x600
IDX WORD index in object directory
SUBIDX BYTE sub-index referred to the index in the object directory
Timeout TIME := T#10ms waiting time of the FB for the response
(optional use of the parameter) when the time has elapsed, the FB stops waiting.
value = 0: use value from the configuration

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082


Parameters of the outputs


Parameter Data type Description

LEN DWORD number of the bytes received
permissible values = 1...2 048 = 0x0000 0001...0x0000 0800
DATA ARRAY [0..SDOMAXDATA] OF buffer memory for user data of the SDO data transmission
RESULT BYTE feedback of the function block
(possible messages → following table)

Possible results for RESULT:

dec | hex
0 00 FB is inactive
1 01 FB execution completed without error – data is valid
5 05 FB is active – no data received yet
32 20 SDO transmission aborted by client or server
(SDO abort code 0x80)
33 21 TIMEOUT elapsed
242 F2 Error: setting is not possible
255 FF Error: not enough memory available for the consuming multiframe

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082



= SDO write
Unit type = function block (FB)
Unit is contained in the library ifm_CANopen_NT_Vxxyyzz.LIB

Symbol in CODESYS:



CANOPEN_SDOWRITE is an easy function block for editing "Expedited SDOs", i.e. SDOs with max.
4 bytes user data. This type usually represents the bigger part of the SDO communication.
Expedited SDO = expedited service data object
A considerable amount of memory space can be saved due to the limitation of the data volume to
max. 4 bytes of user data because this FB only needs to reserve 4 bytes as buffer storage and does
not create a large data array itself.

Parameters of the inputs


Parameter Data type Description

execute function element once
otherwise: function element is not active
A function element already started is processed.
CHANNEL BYTE CAN interface (1...n) depending on the device
NODE BYTE ID of the node
permissible values = 1...127 = 0x01...0x7F
IDX WORD index in object directory
SUBIDX BYTE sub-index referred to the index in the object directory
LEN BYTE number of the data bytes to be transmitted
permissible values = 1...4 = 0x01...0x04
DATA ARRAY [0..3] OF BYTE data area (1...4 bytes)
Timeout TIME := T#10ms waiting time of the FB for the response
(optional use of the parameter) when the time has elapsed, the FB stops waiting.
value = 0: use value from the configuration

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082


Parameters of the outputs


Parameter Data type Description

RESULT BYTE feedback of the function block
(possible messages → following table)

Possible results for RESULT:

dec | hex
0 00 FB is inactive
1 01 FB execution completed without error – data is valid
8 08 function block is active
32 20 SDO transmission aborted by client or server
(SDO abort code 0x80)
33 21 TIMEOUT elapsed
242 F2 Error: setting is not possible

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082



= SDO Write Block

Unit type = function block (FB)
Unit is contained in the library ifm_CANopen_NT_Vxxyyzz.LIB

Symbol in CODESYS:



CANOPEN _SDOWRITEBLOCK writes in the indicated entry in the object directory of a node in the
network via SDO block transfer.
You can change to segmented transfer via the FB input if required.
> The COB ID for the SDO is calculated from the transmitted node ID.
> The output RESULT provides information on the status of the SDO transmission.
The length of multiframe SDOs is generally not limited.

For systems without a file system (e.g. BasicController CR04nn) the following applies:
► transmit an address to the FB which is accessed by the pointer for reading.

For systems with a file system (e.g. PDM360NG CR108n) the following applies:
► Transmit the path and name of a file to the FB, from which the data is to be read in binary format.

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082


Parameters of the inputs


Parameter Data type Description

execute function element once
otherwise: function element is not active
A function element already started is processed.
CHANNEL BYTE CAN interface (1...n) depending on the device
NODE BYTE (Node ID) ID of the node
allowed = 1...127 = 0x01...0x7F
The COB ID of the SDO is calculated from the node ID + 0x600
IDX WORD index in object directory
SUBIDX BYTE sub-index referred to the index in the object directory
LEN DWORD number of data bytes to be transmitted in DATA
allowed = 1...2 048 = 0x0000 0001...0x0000 0800
DATA DWORD Address of the data zone for reading of the data to be transmitted
Input is without function for devices with file system (Linux).
FILE STRING(80) Path and file name for reading of the data to be transmitted in binary
Input without function for device without file system
SegmentedTransfer BOOL := FALSE TRUE: Segmented SDO transfer
(optional use of the parameter) FALSE: SDO block transfer
Timeout TIME := T#10ms waiting time of the FB for the response
(optional use of the parameter) when the time has elapsed, the FB stops waiting.
value = 0: use value from the configuration


Parameters of the outputs


Parameter Data type Description

RESULT BYTE feedback of the function block
(possible messages → following table)

Possible results for RESULT:

dec | hex
0 00 FB is inactive
1 01 FB execution completed without error – data is valid
16 10 Transmission is active as a segmented download
17 11 Transmission is active as a block download
32 20 SDO transmission aborted by client or server
(SDO abort code 0x80)
33 21 TIMEOUT elapsed
65 41 Error: File could not be opened
242 F2 Error: setting is not possible

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082



= SDO write multi

Unit type = function block (FB)
Unit is contained in the library ifm_CANopen_NT_Vxxyyzz.LIB

Symbol in CODESYS:



CANOPEN_SDOWRITEMULTI writes the indicated entry in the object directory of a node in the
network. The COB ID for the SDO is calculated from the transmitted node ID according to CANopen

Parameters of the inputs


Parameter Data type Description

execute function element once
otherwise: function element is not active
A function element already started is processed.
CHANNEL BYTE CAN interface (1...n) depending on the device
NODE BYTE ID of the node
permissible values = 1...127 = 0x01...0x7F
IDX WORD index in object directory
SUBIDX BYTE sub-index referred to the index in the object directory
LEN DWORD number of the data bytes to be transmitted
permissible values = 1...2 048 = 0x0000 0001...0x0000 0800
DATA ARRAY [0..SDOMAXDATA] OF buffer memory for user data of the SDO data transmission
Timeout TIME := T#10ms waiting time of the FB for the response
(optional use of the parameter) when the time has elapsed, the FB stops waiting.
value = 0: use value from the configuration

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082


Parameters of the outputs


Parameter Data type Description

RESULT BYTE feedback of the function block
(possible messages → following table)

Possible results for RESULT:

dec | hex
0 00 FB is inactive
1 01 FB execution completed without error – data is valid
8 08 function block is active
32 20 SDO transmission aborted by client or server
(SDO abort code 0x80)
33 21 TIMEOUT elapsed
242 F2 Error: setting is not possible

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Function elements: CANopen SYNC

CANOPEN_GETSYNCSTATE .............................................................................................................291
CANOPEN_SETSYNCSTATE .............................................................................................................293

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ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082



= Get SYNC state

Unit type = function block (FB)
Unit is contained in the library ifm_CANopen_NT_Vxxyyzz.LIB

Symbol in CODESYS:



• the setting of the SYNC functionality (active / not active),
• the error state of the SYNC functionality (SyncError).
If the PLC CAN runs as CANopen slave, it is signalled via this FB whether SYNC signals are absent or
appear regularly.
Synchronous PDOS etc. are handled in the CAN stack. CANOPEN_GETSYNCSTATE, however,
provides the error state so that the application program can react accordingly.

Parameters of the inputs


Parameter Data type Description

execute function element once
otherwise: function element is not active
A function element already started is processed.
CHANNEL BYTE CAN interface (1...n) depending on the device

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082


Parameters of the outputs


Parameter Data type Description

SYNC BOOL status of the SYNC functionality
TRUE: SYNC is activated:
In the master mode SYNC telegrams are generated according to the
settings in the configuration, and synchronous PDOs are transmitted
and received.
In the slave mode SYNC telegrams are received and accordingly
FALSE: SYNC is not active
SYNCERROR BYTE (sync error) SYNC error message
0 = no error
>0 = SYNC error (slave mode)
RESULT BYTE feedback of the function block
(possible messages → following table)

Possible results for RESULT:

dec | hex
0 00 FB is inactive
1 01 function block execution completed without error
8 08 function block not yet executed
242 F2 Error: setting is not possible

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082



= Set SYNC state

Unit type = function block (FB)
Unit is contained in the library ifm_CANopen_NT_Vxxyyzz.LIB

Symbol in CODESYS:



With CANOPEN_SETSYNCSTATE, the SYNC functionality is switched on and off.


Parameters of the inputs


Parameter Data type Description

execute function element once
otherwise: function element is not active
A function element already started is processed.
CHANNEL BYTE CAN interface (1...n) depending on the device
SYNC BOOL status of the SYNC functionality
TRUE: SYNC is activated:
In the master mode SYNC telegrams are generated according to the
settings in the configuration, and synchronous PDOs are transmitted
and received.
In the slave mode SYNC telegrams are received and accordingly
FALSE: SYNC is not active


Parameters of the outputs


Parameter Data type Description

RESULT BYTE feedback of the function block
(possible messages → following table)

Possible results for RESULT:

dec | hex
0 00 FB is inactive
1 01 function block execution completed without error
8 08 function block not yet executed
38 26 SYNC could not be activated
242 F2 Error: setting is not possible

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ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082


Function elements: CANopen guarding

CANOPEN_GETGUARDHBERRLIST .................................................................................................295
CANOPEN_GETGUARDHBSTATSLV ................................................................................................297

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ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082



= Get guard and heartbeat error list

Unit type = function block (FB)
Unit is contained in the library ifm_CANopen_NT_Vxxyyzz.LIB

Symbol in CODESYS:



CANOPEN_GETGUARDHBERRLIST lists all nodes in an array for which the master has detected an
• guarding error
• heartbeat error

Parameters of the inputs


Parameter Data type Description

execute function element once
otherwise: function element is not active
A function element already started is processed.
CHANNEL BYTE CAN interface (1...n) depending on the device
ResetList BOOL := FALSE Reset error list
(optional use of the parameter) TRUE: Provide the error list as well as number of faulty
nodes at the output and then reset.
FALSE: function element is not executed

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082


Parameters of the outputs


Parameter Data type Description

N_NODES WORD Number of nodes with heartbeat or guarding error
0 = none of the nodes has a guarding or heartbeat error
NODEID ARRAY List of node IDs with heartbeat or guarding error.
[0..MAXGUARDERROR] OF The most recent entry is in index 0.
BYTE MAXGUARDERROR depends on device
→ chapter Performance limits of the devices (CANopen)
RESULT BYTE feedback of the function block
(possible messages → following table)

Possible results for RESULT:

dec | hex
0 00 FB is inactive
1 01 function block execution completed without error
8 08 FB is active – not yet processed
242 F2 Error: setting is not possible

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ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082



= Get guard and heartbeat state slave

Unit type = function block (FB)
Unit is contained in the library ifm_CANopen_NT_Vxxyyzz.LIB

Symbol in CODESYS:



CANOPEN_GETGUARDANDHBSTATESLAVE reports the following states to the controller in slave

- monitoring of node guarding
- monitoring of heartbeat
The controller can either be the heartbeat producer or the heartbeat consumer.

Parameters of the inputs


Parameter Data type Description

execute function element once
otherwise: function element is not active
A function element already started is processed.
CHANNEL BYTE CAN interface (1...n) depending on the device
Reset BOOL := FALSE TRUE: Provide the current states at the outputs
(optional use of the parameter) and then reset to "No error"
FALSE: function element is not executed

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ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082


Parameters of the outputs


Parameter Data type Description

GUARDSTATE BYTE Status of node guarding:
0 = 0x00 = no error (or: not active)
1 = 0x01 = timeout (configuration)
127 = 0x7F = no guarding message received
PROD_HBSTATE BYTE controller as heartbeat producer:
0 = 0x00 = inactive
1 = 0x01 = active
CONS_HBSTATE BYTE controller as heartbeat consumer:
0 = 0x00 = no fault
1 = 0x01 = timeout (configuration)
127 = 0x7F = no heartbeat message received yet
CONS_HBCOBID WORD COB-ID of the heartbeat message the consumer heartbeat of the
controller is reacting to (configuration)
RESULT BYTE feedback of the function block
(possible messages → following table)

Possible results for RESULT:

dec | hex
0 00 FB is inactive
1 01 function block execution completed without error
8 08 FB is active – not yet processed
242 F2 Error: setting is not possible

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ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082


Function elements: CANopen emergency

CANOPEN_GETEMCYMESSAGES ....................................................................................................300
CANOPEN_GETERRORREGISTER ...................................................................................................302
CANOPEN_SENDEMCYMESSAGE ...................................................................................................304

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ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082



= Get emergency messages

Unit type = function block (FB)
Unit is contained in the library ifm_CANopen_NT_Vxxyyzz.LIB

Symbol in CODESYS:



CANOPEN_GETEMCYMESSAGES returns all emergency messages that have been received by the
controller from other nodes in the network since the last deletion of messages.
The list can be reset by setting the according input. A maximum of MAXEMCYMSGS messages is
stored. Each message contains information from which the node it was sent. The most recent
message is in index 0.

Parameters of the inputs


Parameter Data type Description

execute function element once
otherwise: function element is not active
A function element already started is processed.
CHANNEL BYTE CAN interface (1...n) depending on the device
RstList BOOL := FALSE TRUE: Provide list with accumulated CAN messages
(optional use of the parameter) at the output and then delete
FALSE: function element is not executed

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082


Parameters of the outputs


Parameter Data type Description

N_MSGS DWORD Number of accumulated messages
EMCY ARRAY [0..MAXEMCYMSGS] Emergency messages
OF T_EMCY The most recent entry is in index 0.
Structure of T_EMCY:
.NODEID ID of the node from which the message came
.EEC Emergency Error Code
.ER Error register
.MSEF Manufacturer Specific Error Code
RESULT BYTE feedback of the function block
(possible messages → following table)

Possible results for RESULT:

dec | hex
0 00 FB is inactive
1 01 function block execution completed without error
8 08 FB is active – not yet processed
242 F2 Error: setting is not possible

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082



= Get error register

Unit type = function block (FB)
Unit is contained in the library ifm_CANopen_NT_Vxxyyzz.LIB

Symbol in CODESYS:



CANOPEN_GETERRORREGISTER reads the error registers 0x1001 and 0x1003 from the controller.

Parameters of the inputs


Parameter Data type Description

execute function element once
otherwise: function element is not active
A function element already started is processed.
CHANNEL BYTE CAN interface (1...n) depending on the device
Reset_1001 BOOL := FALSE TRUE: Reset error register 0x1001
(optional use of the parameter) FALSE: function element is not executed
Reset_1003 BOOL := FALSE TRUE: Reset error register 0x1003
(optional use of the parameter) Set number of entries to 0
FALSE: function element is not executed
The inputs remain unchanged.

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082


Parameters of the outputs


Parameter Data type Description

ER BYTE Content of the error register 0x1001
ERROR_FIELD ARRAY [0..MAXERR] OF Content of the error register 0x1003
DWORD Index 0 = number of the stored errors
Index 1...MAXERR = stored errors
The most recent error is in index 1
Preset: MAXERR = 5
RESULT BYTE feedback of the function block
(possible messages → following table)

Possible results for RESULT:

dec | hex
0 00 FB is inactive
1 01 function block execution completed without error
8 08 FB is active – not yet processed
242 F2 Error: setting is not possible

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ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082



= Send emergency message

Unit type = function block (FB)
Unit is contained in the library ifm_CANopen_NT_Vxxyyzz.LIB

Symbol in CODESYS:



CANOPEN_SENDEMCYMESSAGE sends an EMCY message. The message is assembled from the

according parameters and entered in register 0x1003. The COB ID for the emergency message is
determined from the configuration data.

Parameters of the inputs


Parameter Data type Description

execute function element once
otherwise: function element is not active
A function element already started is processed.
CHANNEL BYTE CAN interface (1...n) depending on the device
sends the next error code
TRUE  FALSE (edge):
If the error is no longer given, a
message that there is no error is sent
after a delay of 1 s.
EEC WORD EEC = Emergency Error Code
ER BYTE := 0 0 = use value from error register 0x1001
(optional use of the parameter)
MSEF ARRAY [0..4] OF BYTE MSEF = Manufacturer Specific Error Code =
Additional error code which is defined by the manufacturer.
Value comes from the application.
Write1003 BOOL := FALSE TRUE: Enter this EMCY message in object 0x1003
(optional use of the parameter) FALSE: function element is not executed
SendSysStatus BOOL := FALSE Send system status
(optional use of the parameter) TRUE: The system status is checked and in case of an
error state this is transmitted to the network.
FALSE: function element is not executed

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Parameters of the outputs


Parameter Data type Description

RESULT BYTE feedback of the function block
(possible messages → following table)

Possible results for RESULT:

dec | hex
0 00 FB is inactive
1 01 function block execution completed without error
8 08 FB is active – not yet processed
39 27 no object 100116 in the configuration
242 F2 Error: setting is not possible

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7.2.11 Function elements: SAE J1939

Function elements: SAE J1939 status .................................................................................................307

Function elements: SAE J1939 request ...............................................................................................315
Function elements: receive SAE J1939 ...............................................................................................320
Function elements: transmit SAE J1939 ..............................................................................................326
Function elements: SAE J1939 diagnosis ............................................................................................334

For SAE J1939, ifm electronic provides a number of function elements which will be explained in the

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Function elements: SAE J1939 status

J1939_ENABLE ....................................................................................................................................308
J1939_GETDABYNAME ......................................................................................................................310
J1939_NAME .......................................................................................................................................312
J1939_STATUS ....................................................................................................................................314

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Unit type = function block (FB)

Unit is contained in the library ifm_J1939_NT_Vxxyyzz.LIB

Symbol in CODESYS:



For initialisation of the J1939 stack, J1939_ENABLE is set to TRUE=1.

> This FB also causes booting of the soft I/Os of the CFG file.
> A different baud rate is only adopted if CAN_ENABLE has not been activated before.
ACE = Address Claiming Enable:
 If an ifm controller communicates with only one engine controller via J1939:
set ACE = FALSE.
 If however several engine controllers are working on the same bus:
set ACE = TRUE.
In this case the engine controllers must support the address claiming!
Otherwise you will risk an overlapping of addresses with subsequent system failure.

Parameters of the inputs


Parameter Data type Description

ENABLE BOOL := FALSE TRUE: Enable J1939 channel
Ace=TRUE: Address claiming effected
FALSE: Block J1939 channel
CHANNEL BYTE CAN interface (1...n) depending on the device
Baud rate WORD := 250 Baud rate [Kbits/s]
(optional use of the parameter) permissible values: 20, 50, 100, 125, 250, 500, 800, 1 000
PreferredAddress BYTE = 252 preferred source address
(optional use of the parameter)
Ace BOOL := TRUE Address Claiming Enable
(optional use of the parameter) TRUE: Address claiming enabled
(control unit is self-configuring)
FALSE: No address claiming

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Parameters of the outputs


Parameter Data type Description

RESULT BYTE feedback of the function block
(possible messages → following table)

Possible results for RESULT:

dec | hex
0 00 FB is inactive
1 01 function block execution completed without error
8 08 function block is active
9 09 CAN is not active
242 F2 Error: setting is not possible

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ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082



= get destination arbitrary name

Unit type = function block (FB)
Unit is contained in the library ifm_J1939_NT_Vxxyyzz.LIB

Symbol in CODESYS:



Via J1939_GETDABYNAME, the target address of one or several participants can be determined by
means of the name information.
 If a specific value is set on the optional inputs:
 the result list will only show the participants with this specific value.
 If no value or the default value is set on the optional inputs:
 this entry is not taken into account during filtration of the list.

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Parameters of the inputs


Parameter Data type Description

ENABLE BOOL TRUE: execute this function element
FALSE: unit is not executed
> Function block inputs are not active
> Function block outputs are not specified
CHANNEL BYTE CAN interface (1...n) depending on the device
IndustryGroup BYTE = 0xFF industry group = industry group of the device
(optional use of the parameter) permissible values = 0...7
255 = 0xFF = filter for all
VehicleSystemInstance BYTE := 0xFF instance of the vehicle system
(optional use of the parameter) permissible values = 0...15 = 0x00...0x0F
255 = 0xFF = filter for all
VehicleSystem BYTE := 0xFF vehicle system
(optional use of the parameter) permissible values = 0...127 = 0x00...0x7F
255 = 0xFF = filter for all
nFunction WORD := 0xFFFF function of the device
(optional use of the parameter) permissible values = 0...255 = 0x0000...0x00FF
65 535 = 0xFFFF = filter for all
FunctionInstance BYTE := 0xFF instance of the function
(optional use of the parameter) permissible values = 0...31 = 0x00...0x1F
255 = 0xFF = filter for all
ECUInstance BYTE := 0xFF instance of the control device
(optional use of the parameter) permissible values = 0...7
255 = 0xFF = filter for all
ManufacturerCode WORD := 0xFFFF manufacturer code (must be requested from SAE)
(optional use of the parameter) permissible values = 0...2047 (211-1) = 0x0000...0x07FF
65 535 = 0xFFFF = filter for all
IdentityNumber DWORD := 0xFFFF FFFF serial number of the device (should not be overwritten)
(optional use of the parameter) permissible values = 0...2047 (211-1))
4 294 967 295 = 0xFFFF FFFF = filter for all


Parameters of the outputs


Parameter Data type Description

DA ARRAY [0..254] OF BYTE List of found participants
255 = no participant found with this number
NUMBER BYTE Number of found bus participants.
RESULT BYTE feedback of the function block
(possible messages → following table)

Possible results for RESULT:

dec | hex
0 00 FB is inactive
1 01 FB execution completed without error – data is valid
8 08 function block is active
242 F2 Error: setting is not possible

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ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082



Unit type = function block (FB)

Unit is contained in the library ifm_J1939_NT_Vxxyyzz.LIB

Symbol in CODESYS:



Via J1939_NAME, the device can be given a name for identification in the network.
By default the name of ifm is used.
The user has the following options to change the name of the device:
► use the information from the CFG file or
► overwrite the requested data via J1939_NAME.
> If no value or a default value is set at the optional inputs:
 the preset value is not overwritten.
The following list shows the composition of the 64 bit NAME information according to SAE J1939-81:
Parameter Data type Description
arbitrary address capable 1 bit any desired address available
industry group 3 bits industry group of the device
vehicle system instance 4 bits instance of the vehicle system
vehicle system 7 bits vehicle system
reserved 1 bit reserved
function 8 bits function of the device
function instance 5 bits instance of the function
ECU instance 3 bits instance of the controller
manufacturer code 11 bits manufacturer code (must be applied for at SAE)
identify number 21 bits serial number of the device (should not be overwritten)

Table: Composition of the 64 bit NAME information according to SAE J1939-81

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Parameters of the inputs


Parameter Data type Description

ENABLE BOOL := FALSE TRUE: Any desired address available
FALSE: Fixed address
CHANNEL BYTE CAN interface (1...n) depending on the device
IndustryGroup BYTE = 0xFF industry group = industry group of the device
(optional use of the parameter) permissible values = 0...7
255 = 0xFF = filter for all
VehicleSystemInstance BYTE := 0xFF instance of the vehicle system
(optional use of the parameter) permissible values = 0...15 = 0x00...0x0F
255 = 0xFF = filter for all
VehicleSystem BYTE := 0xFF vehicle system
(optional use of the parameter) permissible values = 0...127 = 0x00...0x7F
255 = 0xFF = filter for all
nFunction WORD := 0xFFFF function of the device
(optional use of the parameter) permissible values = 0...255 = 0x0000...0x00FF
65 535 = 0xFFFF = filter for all
FunctionInstance BYTE := 0xFF instance of the function
(optional use of the parameter) permissible values = 0...31 = 0x00...0x1F
255 = 0xFF = filter for all
ECUInstance BYTE := 0xFF instance of the control device
(optional use of the parameter) permissible values = 0...7
255 = 0xFF = filter for all
ManufacturerCode WORD := 0xFFFF manufacturer code (must be requested from SAE)
(optional use of the parameter) permissible values = 0...2047 (211-1) = 0x0000...0x07FF
65 535 = 0xFFFF = filter for all
IdentityNumber DWORD := 0xFFFF FFFF serial number of the device (should not be overwritten)
(optional use of the parameter) permissible values = 0...2047 (211-1))
4 294 967 295 = 0xFFFF FFFF = filter for all


Parameters of the outputs


Parameter Data type Description

RESULT BYTE feedback of the function block
(possible messages → following table)

Possible results for RESULT:

dec | hex
0 00 FB is inactive
1 01 function block execution completed without error
8 08 function block is active
242 F2 Error: setting is not possible

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Unit type = function block (FB)

Unit is contained in the library ifm_J1939_NT_Vxxyyzz.LIB

Symbol in CODESYS:



Via J1939_STATUS, relevant information can be read back to the J1939 stack.

Parameters of the inputs


Parameter Data type Description

ENABLE BOOL TRUE: execute this function element
FALSE: unit is not executed
> Function block inputs are not active
> Function block outputs are not specified
CHANNEL BYTE CAN interface (1...n) depending on the device


Parameters of the outputs


Parameter Data type Description

SA BYTE current source address
(e.g. after address claiming)
CYCLIC WORD number of the cyclic messages
TIMEOUT BYTE source address of the node which did not provided data for the
process image in due time
255 = 0xFF = all nodes sent the data in due time
VERSION DWORD Version of the ifm CAN stack library
RESULT BYTE feedback of the function block
(possible messages → following table)

Possible results for RESULT:

dec | hex
0 00 FB is inactive
1 01 Protocol is active
2 02 Protocol is not active
3 03 Source address requested
4 04 Address lost
242 F2 Error: setting is not possible

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Function elements: SAE J1939 request

J1939_SPEC_REQ ..............................................................................................................................316
J1939_SPEC_REQ_MULTI .................................................................................................................318

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= J1939 Specific Request

Unit type = function block (FB)
Unit is contained in the library ifm_J1939_NT_Vxxyyzz.LIB

Symbol in CODESYS:



J1939_SPECIFIC_REQUEST requests and receives a specific message from another controller.

If a multiframe message is requested:
• the FB provides the first 8 bytes of the data
• RESULT indicates an error

Parameters of the inputs


Parameter Data type Description

execute function element once
otherwise: function element is not active
A function element already started is processed.
CHANNEL BYTE CAN interface (1...n) depending on the device
PGN DWORD PGN = Parameter Group Number
Permissible = 0...262 143 = 0x00000000...0x0003FFFF
DA BYTE J1939 address of the requested device

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Parameters of the outputs


Parameter Data type Description

PRIO BYTE message priority (0…7)
LEN WORD number of the bytes received (0...8)
DATA ARRAY [0..7] OF BYTE received data, (1...8 bytes)
RESULT BYTE feedback of the function block
(possible messages → following table)

Possible results for RESULT:

dec | hex
0 00 FB is inactive
1 01 FB execution completed without error – data is valid
5 05 FB is active – no data received yet
64 40 Error: receive multiframe
242 F2 Error: setting is not possible

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ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082



= J1939 Specific Request Multiframe Message

Unit type = function block (FB)
Unit is contained in the library ifm_J1939_NT_Vxxyyzz.LIB

Symbol in CODESYS:



J1939_SPECIFIC_REQUEST requests and receives a specific multiframe message from another


Parameters of the inputs


Parameter Data type Description

execute function element once
otherwise: function element is not active
A function element already started is processed.
CHANNEL BYTE CAN interface (1...n) depending on the device
PGN DWORD PGN = Parameter Group Number
Permissible = 0...262 143 = 0x00000000...0x0003FFFF
DA BYTE J1939 address of the requested device

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Parameters of the outputs


Parameter Data type Description

PRIO BYTE message priority (0…7)
LEN WORD number of data bytes to be transmitted
allowed = 1...1 785 = 0x0001...0x06F9
DATA ARRAY [0..1784] OF BYTE Received data (1...1785 bytes)
RESULT BYTE feedback of the function block
(possible messages → following table)

Possible results for RESULT:

dec | hex
0 00 FB is inactive
1 01 FB execution completed without error – data is valid
5 05 FB is active – no data received yet
242 F2 Error: setting is not possible

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Function elements: receive SAE J1939

J1939_RX .............................................................................................................................................321
J1939_RX_FIFO ...................................................................................................................................323
J1939_RX_MULTI ................................................................................................................................325

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Unit type = function block (FB)

Unit is contained in the library ifm_J1939_NT_Vxxyyzz.LIB

Symbol in CODESYS:



J1939_RX is the easiest method for receiving single frame messages. The message read last on the
CAN bus is returned.

Parameters of the inputs


Parameter Data type Description

ENABLE BOOL TRUE: execute this function element
FALSE: unit is not executed
> Function block inputs are not active
> Function block outputs are not specified
CHANNEL BYTE CAN interface (1...n) depending on the device
PGN DWORD PGN = Parameter Group Number
Permissible = 0...262 143 = 0x00000000...0x0003FFFF

The PGN = 0 is not used.

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Parameters of the outputs


Parameter Data type Description

SA BYTE Source address of the transmitter
PRIO BYTE message priority (0…7)
LEN WORD number of the bytes received (0...8)
DATA ARRAY [0..7] OF BYTE received data, (1...8 bytes)
RESULT BYTE feedback of the function block
(possible messages → following table)

Possible results for RESULT:

dec | hex
0 00 FB is inactive
1 01 function block execution completed without error
5 05 FB is active – no data received yet
9 09 CAN is not active
242 F2 Error: setting is not possible

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= J1939 RX with FIFO

Unit type = function block (FB)
Unit is contained in the library ifm_J1939_NT_Vxxyyzz.LIB

Symbol in CODESYS:



J1939_RX_FIFO enables receipt of all specified messages and their successive reading from a FIFO.

Parameters of the inputs


Parameter Data type Description

ENABLE BOOL TRUE: execute this function element
FALSE: unit is not executed
> Function block inputs are not active
> Function block outputs are not specified
CHANNEL BYTE CAN interface (1...n) depending on the device
PGN DWORD PGN = Parameter Group Number
Permissible = 0...262 143 = 0x00000000...0x0003FFFF

The PGN = 0 is not used.

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Parameters of the outputs


Parameter Data type Description

SA BYTE Source address of the transmitter
PRIO BYTE message priority (0…7)
LEN BYTE number of the bytes received (0...8)
DATA ARRAY [0..7] OF BYTE received data, (1...8 bytes)
MORE_DATA_AVAILABLE BOOL TRUE: further received data available in the FiFo
FALSE: no further data available in the FiFo
RESULT BYTE feedback of the function block
(possible messages → following table)

Possible results for RESULT:

dec | hex
0 00 FB is inactive
1 01 FB execution completed without error – data is valid
5 05 FB is active – no data received yet
242 F2 Error: setting is not possible
250 FA Error: FiFo is full – data was lost

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= J1939 RX multiframe message

Unit type = function block (FB)
Unit is contained in the library ifm_J1939_NT_Vxxyyzz.LIB

Symbol in CODESYS:



J1939_RX_MULTI enables receipt of multi-frame messages.


Parameters of the inputs


Parameter Data type Description

execute function element once
otherwise: function element is not active
A function element already started is processed.
CHANNEL BYTE CAN interface (1...n) depending on the device
PGN DWORD PGN = Parameter Group Number
Permissible = 0...262 143 = 0x00000000...0x0003FFFF

The PGN = 0 is not used.


Parameters of the outputs


Parameter Data type Description

SA BYTE Source address of the transmitter
PRIO BYTE message priority (0…7)
LEN WORD number of the bytes received
permissible values = 0...1 785 = 0x0000 0000...0x0000 06F9
DATA ARRAY [0..1784] OF BYTE data to be sent (1...1785 bytes)
RESULT BYTE feedback of the function block
(possible messages → following table)

Possible results for RESULT:

dec | hex
0 00 FB is inactive
1 01 FB execution completed without error – data is valid
5 05 FB is active – no data received yet
242 F2 Error: setting is not possible

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Function elements: transmit SAE J1939

J1939_TX .............................................................................................................................................327
J1939_TX_ENH ....................................................................................................................................328
J1939_TX_ENH_CYCLIC ....................................................................................................................330
J1939_TX_ENH_MULTI .......................................................................................................................332

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ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082



Unit type = function block (FB)

Unit is contained in the library ifm_J1939_NT_Vxxyyzz.LIB

Symbol in CODESYS:



J1939_TX is the easiest method for transmitting single frame messages.


Parameters of the inputs


Parameter Data type Description

ENABLE BOOL TRUE: execute this function element
FALSE: unit is not executed
> Function block inputs are not active
> Function block outputs are not specified
CHANNEL BYTE CAN interface (1...n) depending on the device
DA BYTE := 249 DA = Destination Address of the ECU
PGN > 61139: parameter DA is ignored
PGN DWORD PGN = Parameter Group Number
Permissible = 0...262 143 = 0x00000000...0x0003FFFF
DATA ARRAY [0..7] OF BYTE data to be sent (1...8 bytes)


Parameters of the outputs


Parameter Data type Description

RESULT BYTE feedback of the function block
(possible messages → following table)

Possible results for RESULT:

dec | hex
0 00 FB is inactive
1 01 function block execution completed without error
242 F2 Error: setting is not possible
250 FA Error: FiFo is full – data was lost

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ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082



= J1939 TX enhanced
Unit type = function block (FB)
Unit is contained in the library ifm_J1939_NT_Vxxyyzz.LIB

Symbol in CODESYS:



Additional setting options are provided by J1939_TX_ENH (for: enhanced) for single frame messages:
 transmitting priority
 data length
Multi frame messages  J1939_TX_ENH_MULTI (→ page 332).

Parameters of the inputs


Parameter Data type Description

ENABLE BOOL TRUE: execute this function element
FALSE: unit is not executed
> Function block inputs are not active
> Function block outputs are not specified
CHANNEL BYTE CAN interface (1...n) depending on the device
DA BYTE := 249 DA = Destination Address of the ECU
PGN > 61139: parameter DA is ignored
Prio BYTE := 3 message priority
(optional use of the parameter) permissible values = 0…7
PGN DWORD PGN = Parameter Group Number
Permissible = 0...262 143 = 0x00000000...0x0003FFFF
Len BYTE := 8 number of the bytes to be transmitted
(optional use of the parameter) permissible values = 0...8
DATA ARRAY [0..7] OF BYTE data to be sent (1...8 bytes)

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Parameters of the outputs


Parameter Data type Description

RESULT BYTE feedback of the function block
(possible messages → following table)

Possible results for RESULT:

dec | hex
0 00 FB is inactive
1 01 function block execution completed without error
242 F2 Error: setting is not possible
250 FA Error: FiFo is full – data was lost

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ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082



= J1939 TX enhanced cyclic

Unit type = function block (FB)
Unit is contained in the library ifm_J1939_NT_Vxxyyzz.LIB

Symbol in CODESYS:



J1939_TX_ENH_CYCLIC serves for cyclic transmitting of CAN messages.

Otherwise, the FB corresponds to J1939_TX_ENH (→ page 328).
► Set the period duration via the parameter PERIOD.

If a period is too short, this could lead to a high bus load!

The bus load can affect the performance of the complete system.


Parameters of the inputs


Parameter Data type Description

ENABLE BOOL TRUE: execute this function element
FALSE: unit is not executed
> Function block inputs are not active
> Function block outputs are not specified
CHANNEL BYTE CAN interface (1...n) depending on the device
DA BYTE := 249 DA = Destination Address of the ECU
PGN > 61139: parameter DA is ignored
Prio BYTE := 3 message priority
(optional use of the parameter) permissible values = 0…7
PGN DWORD PGN = Parameter Group Number
Permissible = 0...262 143 = 0x00000000...0x0003FFFF
Len BYTE := 8 number of the bytes to be transmitted
(optional use of the parameter) permissible values = 0...8
DATA ARRAY [0..7] OF BYTE data to be sent (1...8 bytes)
PERIOD TIME period duration

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Parameters of the outputs


Parameter Data type Description

RESULT BYTE feedback of the function block
(possible messages → following table)

Possible results for RESULT:

dec | hex
0 00 FB is inactive
8 08 function block is active
242 F2 Error: setting is not possible

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ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082



= J1939 TX enhanced multiframe message

Unit type = function block (FB)
Unit is contained in the library ifm_J1939_NT_Vxxyyzz.LIB

Symbol in CODESYS:



The transmission of multi-frame messages is carried out via J1939_TX_ENH_MULTI.

The FB corresponds to J1939_TX_ENH (→ page 328). In addition, it can be determined whether the
transmission shall be executed as BAM (Broadcast Announce Message).

Parameters of the inputs


Parameter Data type Description

execute function element once
otherwise: function element is not active
A function element already started is processed.
CHANNEL BYTE CAN interface (1...n) depending on the device
DA BYTE := 249 DA = Destination Address of the ECU
PGN > 61139: parameter DA is ignored
Prio BYTE := 3 message priority
(optional use of the parameter) permissible values = 0…7
PGN DWORD PGN = Parameter Group Number
Permissible = 0...262 143 = 0x00000000...0x0003FFFF
Len BYTE := 8 number of the bytes to be transmitted
(optional use of the parameter) permissible values = 0...8
DATA ARRAY [0..1784] OF BYTE data to be sent (1...1785 bytes)
Bam BOOL := FALSE BAM = Broadcast Announce Message = message to all participants
(optional use of the parameter) TRUE: multi-frame transmission as BAM
message to all participants
FALSE: automatic; message only to target address

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Parameters of the outputs


Parameter Data type Description

RESULT BYTE feedback of the function block
(possible messages → following table)

Possible results for RESULT:

dec | hex
0 00 FB is inactive
1 01 function block execution completed without error
8 08 function block is active
65 41 Error: transmission is not possible
242 F2 Error: setting is not possible

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Function elements: SAE J1939 diagnosis

J1939_DM1RX .....................................................................................................................................335
J1939_DM1TX ......................................................................................................................................337
J1939_DM1TX_CFG ............................................................................................................................340
J1939_DM3TX ......................................................................................................................................342

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= J1939 Diagnostic Message 1 RX

Unit type = function block (FB)
Unit is contained in the library ifm_J1939_NT_Vxxyyzz.LIB

Symbol in CODESYS:



J1939_RX_DM1 receives diagnostic messages DM1 or DM2 from other ECUs.


Parameters of the inputs


Parameter Data type Description

ENABLE BOOL := FALSE TRUE: execute this function element
FALSE: unit is not executed
> Function block inputs are not active
> Function block outputs are not specified
CHANNEL BYTE CAN interface (1...n) depending on the device
DA BYTE DA = Destination Address of the ECU from where the DTCs are to be
DA = 254: read DTCs from the device itself
ACTIVE BOOL TRUE: Read active DTCs (DM1)
FALSE: Read previously active DTCs (DM2)

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ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082


Parameters of the outputs


Parameter Data type Description

REDSTOPLAMP BOOL red stop lamp (for older projects only)
AMBERWARNINGLAMP BOOL Amber warning lamp (for older projects only)
PROTECTLAMP BOOL protect lamp (for older projects only)
NUMBER BYTE number of the DTCs received (0...8)
SPN WORD Suspect Parameter Number
FMI BYTE Failure Mode Indicator
permissible values = 0...31 = 0x00...0x1F
SPN_CM BOOL conversion method
OC BYTE occurrence count
RESULT BYTE feedback of the function block
(possible messages → following table)
MIL_FC BYTE Status of the electronic component:
Malfunction indicatation light status and flash code:
0 = off
1 = on
2 = flash slowly
3 = flash quickly
REDSTOPLAMP_FC BYTE Status of the electronic component:
red stop light status and flash code:
0 = off
1 = on
2 = flash slowly
3 = flash quickly
AMBERWARNINGLAMP_FC BYTE Status of the electronic component:
Yellow warning light status and flash code:
0 = off
1 = on
2 = flash slowly
3 = flash quickly
PROTECTLAMP_FC BYTE Status of the electronic component:
protection light status and flash mode:
0 = off
1 = on
2 = flash slowly
3 = flash quickly

Possible results for RESULT:

dec | hex
0 00 FB is inactive
1 01 FB execution completed without error – data is valid
8 08 FB is active – no data was received
242 F2 Error: setting is not possible

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ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082



= J1939 Diagnostic Message 1 TX

Unit type = function block (FB)
Unit is contained in the library ifm_J1939_NT_Vxxyyzz.LIB

Symbol in CODESYS:



With J1939_TX_DM1 (DM = Diagnostic Message) the controller can only transmit an active error
message to the CAN stack.
> This message is stored in the hardware configuration.
> The message is marked "active" and transmitted once per second as DM1.
> If the error has already occurred, the event counter is incremented.
The event counter is managed by the CAN stack.
> A disjunction of all bits of the trouble codes is executed. As soon as a bit is set in one of the
trouble codes, it is equally set in the lamp state.
Upon arrival of a request at DM2, the CAN stack can read the according information from the
hardware configuration and transmit it.
> When a DM3 message arrives, all inactive errors are deleted in the error memory in the hardware

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ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082


Parameters of the inputs


Parameter Data type Description

execute function element once
otherwise: function element is not active
A function element already started is processed.
CHANNEL BYTE CAN interface (1...n) depending on the device
Cyclically transmitted (1x per second) as DM1
FALSE: DTC is no longer active
Saved in the hardware configuration
Transmitted as DM2 when requested
REDSTOPLAMP BOOL red stop lamp (for older projects only)
AMBERWARNINGLAMP BOOL Amber warning lamp (for older projects only)
PROTECTLAMP BOOL protect lamp (for older projects only)
SPN WORD Suspect Parameter Number
FMI BYTE Failure Mode Indicator
permissible values = 0...31 = 0x00...0x1F
SPN_CM BOOL conversion method
MIL_FC BYTE Status of the electronic component:
Malfunction indicatation light status and flash code:
0 = off
1 = on
2 = flash slowly
3 = flash quickly
REDSTOPLAMP_FC BYTE Status of the electronic component:
red stop light status and flash code:
0 = off
1 = on
2 = flash slowly
3 = flash quickly
AMBERWARNINGLAMP_FC BYTE Status of the electronic component:
Yellow warning light status and flash code:
0 = off
1 = on
2 = flash slowly
3 = flash quickly
PROTECTLAMP_FC BYTE Status of the electronic component:
protection light status and flash mode:
0 = off
1 = on
2 = flash slowly
3 = flash quickly

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ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082


Parameters of the outputs


Parameter Data type Description

RESULT BYTE feedback of the function block
(possible messages → following table)

Possible results for RESULT:

dec | hex
0 00 FB is inactive
1 01 data was marked "active" in the error memory
242 F2 Error: setting is not possible

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ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082



= J1939 Diagnostic Message 1 TX configurable

Unit type = function block (FB)
Unit is contained in the library ifm_J1939_NT_V02.00.02.LIB or higher

Symbol in CODESYS:



As from runtime system V03.00.03 the CAN stack automatically sends a DM1 message every second
as soon as the FB J1939_ENABLE (→ page 308) is called for the corresponding CAN interface.
► Use the FB J1939_DM1TX_CFG if you do not want the CAN stack to automatically and cyclically
transmit DM1 messages.
The FB offers the following modes for cyclic transmission of DM1 messages:
MODE = 0 The CAN stack sends DM1 "zero active faults" messages in compliance with standards every second.
(preset) A manual transmission of DM1 messages via the FB J1939_DM1TX (→ page 337)is possible.
MODE = 1 The CAN stack does not send DM1 "zero active faults" messages.
DM2 requests are answered automatically.
A manual transmission of DM1 messages via the FBJ1939_DM1TX (→ page 337) is possible.
MODE = 2 The CAN stack does not send cyclic DM1 "zero active faults" messages
Nor does the CAN stack automatically reply to DM2 requests.

Parameters of the inputs


Parameter Data type Description

ENABLE BOOL TRUE: execute this function element
FALSE: unit is not executed
> Function block inputs are not active
> Function block outputs are not specified
CHANNEL BYTE CAN interface (1...n) depending on the device
MODE BYTE := 0 Operating mode of the function block
allowed = 0...2 (→ Description of the FB)

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ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082


Parameters of the outputs


Parameter Data type Description

RESULT BYTE feedback of the function block
(possible messages → following table)

Possible results for RESULT:

dec | hex
0 00 FB is inactive
1 01 function block execution completed without error
242 F2 Error: setting is not possible

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ifm function elements ifm function elements for the device CR1082



= J1939 Diagnostic Message 3 TX

Unit type = function block (FB)
Unit is contained in the library ifm_J1939_NT_Vxxyyzz.LIB

Symbol in CODESYS:



With J1939_DM3TX (DM = Diagnostic Message) you can delete the inactive DTCs on another device.
> As soon as a DM3 message is received, all inactive errors in the error memory are deleted in the
hardware configuration.

Parameters of the inputs


Parameter Data type Description

execute function element once
otherwise: function element is not active
A function element already started is processed.
CHANNEL BYTE CAN interface (1...n) depending on the device
DA BYTE DA = Destination Address of the ECU on which the DTCs are to be
DA = 254: delete DTCs (DM2) in the device itself


Parameters of the outputs


Parameter Data type Description

RESULT BYTE feedback of the function block
(possible messages → following table)

Possible results for RESULT:

dec | hex
0 00 FB is inactive
1 01 function block execution completed without error
242 F2 Error: setting is not possible

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Diagnosis and error handling ifm function elements for the device CR1082

8 Diagnosis and error handling

Diagnosis ..............................................................................................................................................344
Fault ......................................................................................................................................................344
Response to system errors...................................................................................................................344
CAN / CANopen: errors and error handling..........................................................................................344

The runtime-system (RTS) checks the device by internal error checks:

• during the boot phase (reset phase)
• during executing the application program
→ chapter Operating states (→ page 28)
In so doing a high operating reliability is provided, as much as possible.

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
Diagnosis and error handling Diagnosis


8.1 Diagnosis

During the diagnosis, the "state of health" of the device is checked. It is to be found out if and what
→faults are given in the device.
Depending on the device, the inputs and outputs can also be monitored for their correct function.
- wire break,
- short circuit,
- value outside range.
For diagnosis, configuration and log data can be used, created during the "normal" operation of the
The correct start of the system components is monitored during the initialisation and start phase.
Errors are recorded in the log file.
For further diagnosis, self-tests can also be carried out.

8.2 Fault

A fault is the state of an item characterized by the inability to perform the requested function, excluding
the inability during preventive maintenance or other planned actions, or due to lack of external
A fault is often the result of a failure of the item itself, but may exist without prior failure.
In →ISO 13849-1 "fault" means "random fault".

8.3 Response to system errors


In principle, the programmer is responsible to react to the error messages in the application program.
An error description is provided via the error message.
> The system resets the error message as soon as the error causing state is not present anymore.

8.3.1 Example process for response to an error message


The runtime system cyclically writes the system flag TEMPERATURE.

The application program detects the device temperature by retrieving the INT variable.
If permissible values for the application are exceeded or not reached:
> The application program deactivates the outputs.
► Rectify the cause of the error.
> The application program detects the temperature value which has returned to normal:
The machine / system can be restarted or operation can be continued.

8.4 CAN / CANopen: errors and error handling


→ System manual "Know-How ecomatmobile"

→ chapter CAN / CANopen: errors and error handling

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
Annex CAN / CANopen: errors and error handling

9 Annex

Address assignment in Ethernet networks ...........................................................................................346

System flags .........................................................................................................................................347
Possible operating modes inputs/outputs .............................................................................................353
CANopen tables ...................................................................................................................................354

Additionally to the indications in the data sheets you find summary tables in the annex.

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Annex Address assignment in Ethernet networks


9.1 Address assignment in Ethernet networks


In the Ethernet network every IP address MUST be unique.
The following IP addresses are reserved for network-internal purposes and are therefore not allowed
as an address for participants: nnn.nnn.nnn.0 | nnn.nnn.nnn.255.
Only network participants whose subnet mask is identical and whose IP addresses are identical with
respect to the subnet mask can communicate with each other.
If part of the subnet mask = 255, the corresponding IP address parts must be identical.
If part of the subnet mask = 0, the corresponding IP address parts must be different.
If the subnet mask =, 254 participants communicating with each other are possible in
the network.
If the subnet mask =, 256x254 = 65 024 participants communicating with each other are
possible in the network.
In the same physical network different subnet masks of the participants are allowed. They form
different groups of participants which cannot communicate with groups of participants having other
subnet masks.

In case of doubt or problems please contact your system administrator.

Participant A Participant A Participant B Participant B Communication of
IP address Subnet mask IP address Subnet mask participants possible? Yes, 254 participants possible No (same IP address) No (different subnet mask) No (different IP address
82 vs. 116) Yes, 65 024 participants
possible Yes, 65 024 participants
possible no; the whole network is
disturbed because the IP
address xxx.xxx.xxx.0 is not

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Annex System flags


9.2 System flags

System flags: system ............................................................................................................................348

System flags: Inputs and Outputs ........................................................................................................348
System flags: Status LED .....................................................................................................................349
System flags: function keys ..................................................................................................................350
System flags: navigation keys ..............................................................................................................351
System flags: error flags .......................................................................................................................352

The addresses of the system flags can change if the PLC configuration is extended.
► While programming only use the symbol names of the system flags!

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Annex System flags


9.2.1 System flags: system


System flag (symbol name) Data type Access Description

LIGHT_SENSOR BYTE r light sensor 0...255

SUPPLY_VOLTAGE WORD r Supply voltage applied to VBBs in [mV]
CLAMP_15_VOLTAGE BOOL r Voltage monitoring on clamp 15
TEMPERATURE1 INT r Temperature 1 in the device [°C]
TEMPERATURE2 INT r Temperature 2 in the device [°C]
BACKLIGHT BYTE r/w Display brightness 0...100 %
SUPPLY_SWITCH BOOL r/w Bit for switching off the supply latching VBBS. Resetting
the flag is only accepted by the runtime system if the
voltage at clamp 15 < 4 V, otherwise the flag is activated
Separation of VBBS is done before the next PLC cycle
starts. Depending on the charging status of the internal
capacitors it may take some time until the device switches
TRUE: Supply of the device via VBBS is active
FALSE: Supply of the device via VBBS is deactivated
CLAMP_15_SWITCHING_THRESHO WORD r/w Switching threshold for clamp 15

r ... read only

r/w ... read and write

9.2.2 System flags: Inputs and Outputs


System flag (symbol name) Data type Access Description

IN00 BOOL r Status on binary input 00

Requirement: input is configured as binary input
TRUE: Voltage on binary input > 70 % of VBBS
FALSE: Voltage on binary input < 30 % of VBBS
or: not configured as binary input
or: wrong configuration
OUT00 BOOL r/w Status on binary output 00:
TRUE: output activated
FALSE: output deactivated

r ... read only

r/w ... read and write

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Annex System flags


9.2.3 System flags: Status LED


System flag (symbol name) Data type Access Description

LED INT r/w LED color for "LED on"

LED_X INT r/w LED color for "LED off"
LED_MODE INT r/w LED flashing frequency

r ... read only

r/w ... read and write

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Annex System flags


9.2.4 System flags: function keys


The operating elements of the device are systematically numbered. → Numbering of the operating
elements (→ page 134)

System flag (symbol name) Data type Access Description

KEY_PRESSED BOOL r A button was pressed
KEY_CHANGED BOOL r Pulse: Key status changed
(= a button was pressed or released)
EDIT_MODE_ACTIVE BOOL r Status of the edit mode
TRUE = edit mode active
FALSE = edit mode inactive
KEYx_KEYCODE WORD r Bit pattern of all keys of the group x
KEYx_y BOOL r Key y in the group of keys x pressed
(e.g. KEY1_2 = key F2 in the group of keys 1)
RT_KEYx_y BOOL r Pulse (rising trigger):
Key y in the group of keys x pressed
FT_KEYx_y BOOL r Pulse (falling trigger)
Key y in the group of keys x released
AR_KEYx_y BOOL r Signal (auto repeat)
Pulse repetition if the y-key in the group of keys x is
MD_KEYx_y STRING(31) r/w Assignment of key y in the group of keys x
ME_KEYx_y STRING(31) r/w Assignment of key y in the group of keys x
(Edit mode)
LED_KEYx_y BOOL r/w LED for key y in the group of keys x
(e.g. LED_KEY1_2 = LED in key F2 in the group of keys 1)
KEY_AUTOREPEAT_DELAY TIME r/w Delay time until the pulse starts when the key remains
KEY_AUTOREPEAT_PERIOD TIME r/w Repetition rate of the pulse when the key remains pressed
LED_MAX_VALUE BYTE r/w max. brightness of the key LEDs (0...100 %)
LED_NIGHT BOOL r/w TRUE = night brightness of the key LEDs active
FALSE = night brigtness of the key LEDS inactive
LED_NIGHT_VALUE BYTE r/w Night brightness of the key LEDs (0...100%)
x ... 1, 3 (ID of the group of keys → Numbering of the operating elements (→ page 134))
y ... 1...5 (ID of the function key within the group of keys → Numbering of the operating elements (→ page 134))
r ... read only
r/w ... read and write

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Annex System flags


9.2.5 System flags: navigation keys


The operating elements of the device are systematically numbered. → Numbering of the operating
elements (→ page 134)

System flag (symbol name) Data type Access Description

KEY3_LEFT BOOL r Navigation key: Key [] pressed
KEY3_RIGHT BOOL r Navigation key: Key [] pressed
KEY3_UP BOOL r Navigation key: Key [] pressed
KEY3_DOWN BOOL r Navigation key: Key [] pressed
KEY3_PUSH BOOL r Navigation key: Center key pressed
RT_KEY3_LEFT BOOL r Pulse (rising trigger)
Navigation key: Key [] pressed
RT_KEY3_RIGHT BOOL r Pulse (rising trigger)
Navigation key: Key [] pressed
RT_KEY3_UP BOOL r Pulse (rising trigger):
Navigation key: Key [] pressed
RT_KEY3_DOWN BOOL r Pulse (rising trigger)
Navigation key: Key [] pressed
RT_KEY3_PUSH BOOL r Pulse (rising trigger)
Navigation key: Center key pressed
FT_KEY3_LEFT BOOL r Pulse (falling trigger)
Navigation key: Key [] released
FT_KEY3_RIGHT BOOL r Pulse (falling trigger)
Navigation key: Key [] released
FT_KEY3_UP BOOL r Pulse (falling trigger)
Navigation key: Key [] released
FT_KEY3_DOWN BOOL r Pulse (falling trigger)
Navigation key: Key [] released
FT_KEY3_PUSH BOOL r Pulse (falling trigger)
Navigation key: Center key released
AR_KEY3_LEFT BOOL r Pulse repetition when the navigation key [] is kept
AR_KEY3_RIGHT BOOL r Pulse repetition when the navigation key [] is kept
AR_KEY3_UP BOOL r Pulse repetition when the navigation key [] is kept
AR_KEY3_DOWN BOOL r Pulse repetition when the navigation key [] is kept
AR_KEY3_PUSH BOOL r Pulse repetition when the center key of the navigation key
is kept pressed
MD_KEY3_LEFT STRING(31) r/w Navigation key: Assignment [] key
MD_KEY3_RIGHT STRING(31) r/w Navigation key: Assignment [] key
MD_KEY3_UP STRING(31) r/w Navigation key: Assignment [] key

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Annex System flags

System flag (symbol name) Data type Access Description

MD_KEY3_DOWN STRING(31) r/w Navigation key: Assignment [] key

MD_KEY3_PUSH STRING(31) r/w Navigation key: Assignment center key pressed
ME_KEY3_LEFT STRING(31) r/w Navigation key: Assignment [] key
(edit mode)
ME_KEY3_RIGHT STRING(31) r/w Navigation key: Assignment [] key
(edit mode)
ME_KEY3_UP STRING(31) r/w Navigation key: Assignment [] key
(edit mode)
ME_KEY3_DOWN STRING(31) r/w Navigation key: Assignment [] key
(edit mode)
ME_KEY3_PUSH STRING(31) r/w Navigation key: Assignment center key pressed
(edit mode)
LED_NAVIGATION_SWITCH BOOL r/w LED for navigation key

r ... read only

r/w ... read and write


9.2.6 System flags: error flags


System flag (symbol name) Data type Access Description

ERROR_TEMPERATURE BOOL r Temperature error
TRUE: Value out of range
> general error
ERROR_POWER BOOL r Voltage error for VBBS / clamp 15:
TRUE: Value out of range
or: difference (VBB15 - VBBS) too great
> general error

r ... read only

r/w ... read and write

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Annex Possible operating modes inputs/outputs

9.3 Possible operating modes inputs/outputs


Possible configuration combinations (where permissible) are created by adding the configuration

Config. value Config. value

Operating mode of the Operating mode of the
Inputs Outputs
inputs outputs
hex dec hex dec
IN00 IN_DIGITAL_H (plus) 1 1 OUT00 OUT_DIGITAL_H (plus)
IN_DIGITAL_L (minus) 2 2
IN_VOLTAGE30 10 16
IN_RATIO 20 32

= this configuration value is default

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Annex CANopen tables


9.4 CANopen tables

Structure of CANopen messages .........................................................................................................355

Boot-up message .................................................................................................................................360
Network management (NMT) ...............................................................................................................361
CANopen error code .............................................................................................................................366

The following tables will inform you about important values and settings of the CANopen interfaces.

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Annex CANopen tables


9.4.1 Structure of CANopen messages

Structure of the COB ID........................................................................................................................356

Function code / Predefined Connectionset ..........................................................................................357
SDO command bytes ...........................................................................................................................358
SDO abort code ....................................................................................................................................359

A CANopen message consists of the COB ID and up to 8-byte data:

COB ID DLC Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 Byte 4 Byte 5 Byte 6 Byte 7 Byte 8

Details are given in the following chapters.

Please note the reversed byte order! ( Little Endian or Intel format)

Value [hex] Data type Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 Byte 4 Byte 5 Byte 6 Byte 7 Byte 8
12 BYTE 1 2 – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
1234 WORD 3 4 1 2 – – – – – – – – – – – –
12345678 DWORD 7 8 5 6 3 4 1 2 – – – – – – – –

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Annex CANopen tables


Structure of the COB ID


The first part of a message is the COB ID. Structure of the 11-bit COB ID:
Nibble 0 Nibble 1 Nibble 2
11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
-- 3 2 1 0 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
-- function code node ID

The COB ID consists of the Function code / Predefined Connectionset (→ page 357) and the node ID.
Communication object = TPDO1 (TX)
Node number of the device = 0x020 = 32
Function code for the communication object TPDO1 = 0x03
Significance of the function code in the 11-bit COB ID = 0x03 • 0x80 = 0x180
Add the node number (0x020)  the COB ID is: 0x1A0
1 A 0
3 2 1 0 3 2 1 0 3 2 1 0
0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
-- 0x03 = 3 0x020 = 32

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Annex CANopen tables


Function code / Predefined Connectionset


In the "CANopen Predefined Connectionset" some function codes are predefined.

When using the predefined connectionset you can operate a CANopen network of up to
127 participants without the risk of a double assignment of COB IDs.
Broadcast or multicast messages:
Function code
Communication object COB ID [hex] Related parameter objects [hex]
NMT 0 000
SYNC 1 080 1005, 1006, 1007, 1028
TIME 2 100 1012, 1013

Point-to-point messages:
Function code
Communication object COB ID [hex] Related parameter objects [hex]
EMERGENCY 1 080 + node ID 1014, 1015
TPDO1 (TX) 3 180 + node ID 1800
RPDO1 (RX) 4 20016 + node ID 1400
TPDO2 (TX) 5 280 + node ID 1801
RPDO2 (RX) 6 30016 + node ID 1401
TPDO3 (TX) 7 380 + node ID 1802
RPDO3 (RX) 8 400 + node ID 1402
TPDO4 (TX) 9 480 + node ID 1803
RPDO4 (RX) A 500 + node ID 1403
Default SSDO (TX) B 58016 + node ID 1200
Default CSDO (RX) C 60016 + node ID 1280
NMT Error Control E 70016 + node ID 1016, 1017

TX = slave sends to master SSDO = server SDO

RX = slave receives from master CSDO = client SDO

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Annex CANopen tables


SDO command bytes


Structure of an SDO message:

COB-ID DLC Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 Byte 4 Byte 5 Byte 6 Byte 7 Byte 8
XXX 8 Command Index Sub index
depending on the data to be transmitted

Please note the reversed byte order! ( Little Endian or Intel format)

An SDO COB ID consists of:

TX: 0x580 + node ID
RX: 0x600 + node ID
TX = slave sends to master
RX = slave receives from master

DLC = Data Length Code = in CANopen the number of the data bytes in a message.
For →SDO: DLC = 8
SDO command bytes:
Message Data length Description
hex | dec
21 33 request more than 4 bytes send data to slave
22 34 request 1…4 bytes send data to slave
23 35 request 4 bytes send data to slave
27 39 request 3 bytes send data to slave
2B 43 request 2 bytes send data to slave
2F 47 request 1 byte send data to slave

40 64 request --- request data from slave

42 66 response 1…4 bytes send data from slave to master
43 67 response 4 bytes send data from slave to master
47 71 response 3 bytes send data from slave to master
4B 75 response 2 bytes send data from slave to master
4F 79 response 1 byte send data from slave to master

data transfer ok:

60 96 response ---
send confirmation of receipt from slave to master
data transfer failed
80 128 response 4 bytes send abort message from slave to master
 chapter SDO abort code (→ page 359)

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Annex CANopen tables


SDO abort code


The SDO abort code is NOT part of the emergency message!

Abord code

0503 0000 toggle bit not alternated

0504 0000 SDO protocol timed out
0504 0001 client/server command specifier not valid or unknown
0504 0002 invalid block size (block mode only)
0504 0003 invalid sequence number (block mode only)
0504 0004 CRC error (block mode only)
0504 0005 out of memory
0601 0000 unsupported access to an object
0601 0001 attempt to read a write only object
0601 0002 attempt to write a read only object
0602 0000 object does not exist in the object dictionary
0604 0041 object cannot be mapped to the PDO
0604 0042 the number and length of the objects to be mapped would exceed PDO length
0604 0043 general parameter incompatibility reason
0604 0047 general internal incompatibility in the device
0606 0000 access failed due to an hardware error
0607 0010 data type does not match, length of service parameter does not match
0607 0012 data type does not match, length of service parameter too high
0607 0013 data type does not match, length of service parameter too low
0609 0011 sub-index does not exist
0609 0030 value range of parameter exceeded (only for write access)
0609 0031 value of parameter written too high
0609 0032 value of parameter written too low
0609 0036 maximum value is less than minimum value
0800 0000 general error
0800 0020 data cannot be transferred or stored to the application
0800 0021 data cannot be transferred or stored to the application because of local control
0800 0022 data cannot be transferred or stored to the application because of the present device state
object dictionary dynamic generation fails or no object dictionary is present
0800 0023
(e.g. object dictionary is generated from file and generation fails because of an file error)

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Annex CANopen tables


9.4.2 Boot-up message


After booting, the CAN participate sends the boot-up message once:
hex 0x700 + node ID 0x1 0x00
dec 1 792 + node ID 1 0

The participant is now capable of communicating in the CAN network.

DLC = Data Length Code = in CANopen the number of the data bytes in a message.
For →SDO: DLC = 8
The node ID of the participant is 0x7D = 125.
The COP ID of the boot-up message is: 0x77D = 1 917
There are devices that cannot send a [0x700 + Node ID] (these are devices that were built before
version 4 of the CANopen specification).
These devices send the following boot-up message and without status instead:
hex 0x080 + node ID 0x0
dec 128 + node ID 0

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Annex CANopen tables


9.4.3 Network management (NMT)

Network management commands ........................................................................................................362

NMT state .............................................................................................................................................362

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Network management commands


With the following network management commands the user can influence the operating mode of
individual or all CAN participants. Structure:
COB ID DLC Byte 1 Byte 2
0x000 X Command Node ID

Node ID = 00  command valid for all nodes in the network at the same time
COB ID NMT command Description
0x000 0x01 = 01 Node ID start_remode_node Set the node to the "operational" state
0x000 0x02 = 02 Node ID stop_remode_node Set the node to the "STOPPED" state
0x000 0x80 = 128 Node ID enter_pre-operational Set the node to the "PRE-OPERATIONAL" state
0x000 0x81 = 129 Node ID reset_node Node reset
0x000 0x82 = 130 Node ID reset_communication Reset the CAN communication of the node

NMT state

The status byte informs about the state of the CAN participant.

Permitted transitions:
(1) State is automatically reached at power on
(2) Internal initialisation completed – node
automatically goes to PRE-OPERATIONAL
(3) NMT service "Start Remote Node"
(4) + (7) NMT service "Enter PRE-OPERATIONAL"
(5) + (8) NMT service "Stop Remote Node"
(6) NMT service "Start Remote Node"
(9)...(11) NMT service "Reset Node"
(12)...(14) NMT service "Reset Communication"

Graphics: state transitions under CANopen

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NMT state for CANopen master


These statuses show the internal status of the CANopen master stack.
They are not defined by the CANopen specification.

hex | dec
00 0 not defined
Master waits for a boot-up message of the node.
01 1
OR: Master waits for the expiry of the given guard time.
• Master waits for 300 ms.
02 2 • Master requests the object 0x1000.
• Then the state is set to 3.
The master configures its slaves. To do so, all SDOs generated by the configurator are transmitted to the
03 3
slaves one after the other. Then the master changes to status 5.
After transmission of all SDOs to the slaves the master goes to state 5 and remains in this state. State 5 is the
05 5
normal operating state for the master.

To read the node state out of the FB:

Used function block Node state is found here

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Annex CANopen tables


NMT state for CANopen slave


hex | dec
FF -1 The slave is reset by the NMT message "Reset Node" and automatically goes to state 1.
00 0 not defined
state = waiting for BOOTUP
01 1
After max. 2 s or immediately on reception of its boot up message the slave goes to state 2.
state = BOOTUP
02 2
After a delay of 0.5 s the slave automatically goes to state 3.
state = PREPARED
The slave is configured in state 3. The slave remains in state 3 as long as it has received all SDOs generated
by the configurator. It is not important whether during the slave configuration the response to SDO transfers is
abort (error) or whether the response to all SDO transfers is no error. Only the response as such received by
the slave is important – not its contents.
03 3
If in the configurator the option "Reset node" has been activated, a new reset of the node is carried out after
transmitting the object 0x1011 sub-index 1 which then contains the value "load". The slave is then polled again
with the upload of the object 0x1000.
Slaves with a problem during the configuration phase remain in state 3 or directly go to an error state
(state > 5) after the configuration phase.
A node always goes to state 4 except for the following cases:
04 4  it is an "optional" slave and it was detected as non available on the bus (polling for object 0x1000) OR:
 the slave is present but reacted to the polling for object 0x1000 with a type in the lower 16 bits other than
expected by the configurator.
State 5 is the normal operating state of the slave: [Normal Operation].
If the master was configured to [Automatic startup], the slave starts in state 4 (i.e. a "start node" NMT message
05 5
is generated) and the slave goes automatically to state 5.
If the flag GLOBAL_START was set, the master waits until all slaves are in state 4. All slaves are then started
with the NMT command [Start All Nodes].
A node goes to state 97 if it is optional (optional device in the CAN configuration) and has not reacted to the
SDO polling for object 0x1000.
61 97
If the slave is connected to the network and detected at a later point in time, it is automatically started. To do
so, you must have selected the option [Automatic startup] in the CAN parameters of the master.
62 98 A node goes to state 98 if the device type (object 0x1000) does not correspond to the configured type.
In case of a nodeguarding timeout the slave is set to state 99.
As soon as the slave reacts again to nodeguard requests and the option [Automatic startup] is activated, it is
63 99 automatically started by the master. Depending on the status contained in the response to the nodeguard
requests, the node is newly configured or only started.
To start the slave manually it is sufficient to use the method [NodeStart].

Nodeguard messages are transmitted to the slave ...

• if the slave is in state 4 or higher AND
• if nodeguarding was configured.
To read the node state out of the FB:
Used function block Node state is found here

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Annex CANopen tables


CANopen status of the node


Node status according to CANopen (with these values the status is also coded by the node in the
corresponding messages).
CANopen status: Description
hex | dec
00 0 BOOTUP BOOTUP message of the node
The node is in the status STOPPED. There is no exchange of data and the node
cannot be configured, either.
The node is in the status OPERATIONAL and participates in the normal exchange
of data.
The node is in the status PRE-OPERATIONAL and can be configured by the

If nodeguarding active: the most significant status bit toggles between the messages.
Read the node status from the function block:
Function block used Node status is found here
CANx_MASTER_STATUS Structure element LAST_STATE from the array NODE_STATE_SLAVE

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Annex CANopen tables


9.4.4 CANopen error code

Emergency messages ..........................................................................................................................367

Overview CANopen error codes ...........................................................................................................368
Object 0x1001 (error register) ..............................................................................................................369

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Emergency messages

Device errors in the slave or problems in the CAN bus trigger emergency messages:
COB ID DLC Byte 0 Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 Byte 4 Byte 5 Byte 6 Byte 7
0x80 + object
error code device-specific
node ID 0x1001

Please note the reversed byte order! ( Little Endian or Intel format)

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Annex CANopen tables


Overview CANopen error codes


Error Code (hex) Meaning

00xx Reset or no error

10xx Generic error
20xx Current
21xx Current, device input side
22xx Current inside the device
23xx Current, device output side
30xx Voltage
31xx Mains voltage
32xx Voltage inside the device
33xx Output voltage
40xx Temperature
41xx Ambient temperature
42xx Device temperature
50xx Device hardware
60xx Device software
61xx Internal software
62xx User software
63xx Data set
70xx Additional modules
80xx Monitoring
81xx Communication
8110 CAN overrun-objects lost
8120 CAN in error passiv mode
8130 Life guard error or heartbeat error
8140 Recovered from bus off
8150 Transmit COB-ID collision
82xx Protocol error
8210 PDO not processed due to length error
8220 PDO length exceeded
90xx External error
F0xx Additional functions
FFxx Device specific

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Annex CANopen tables


Object 0x1001 (error register)


This object reflects the general error state of a CANopen device. The device is to be considered as
error free if the object 0x1001 signals no error any more.
Bit Meaning (Bedeutung)
0 generic error
1 current
2 voltage
3 temperature

4 communication error
5 device profile specific
6 reserved – always 0
7 manufacturer specific

For an error message more than one bit in the error register can be set at the same time.
Example: CR2033, message "wire break" at channel 2 ( installation manual of the device):
COB-ID DLC Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 Byte 4 Byte 5 Byte 6 Byte 7 Byte 8
0x80 +
00 FF 81 10 00 00 00 00
node ID

Error code = 0xFF00

Error register = 0x81 = 0b1000 0001, thus it consists of the following errors:
• generic error
• manufacturer specific
Concerned channel = 0x0010 = 0b0000 0000 0001 0000 = wire break channel 2

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
Glossary of Terms

10 Glossary of Terms C
CAN = Controller Area Network
Address CAN is a priority-controlled fieldbus system for
This is the "name" of the bus participant. All large data volumes. There are several
participants need a unique address so that the higher-level protocols that are based on CAN,
signals can be exchanged without problem. e.g. 'CANopen' or 'J1939'.

Application software CAN stack

Software specific to the application, CAN stack = software component that deals
implemented by the machine manufacturer, with processing CAN messages.
generally containing logic sequences, limits >

and expressions that control the appropriate

inputs, outputs, calculations and decisions.
CiA = CAN in Automation e.V.
User and manufacturer organisation in
Architecture Germany / Erlangen. Definition and control
Specific configuration of hardware and/or body for CAN and CAN-based network
software elements in a system. protocols.

Homepage → www.can-cia.org

CiA DS 304
Baud DS = Draft Standard
Baud, abbrev.: Bd = unit for the data CANopen device profile for safety
transmission speed. Do not confuse baud with communication
"bits per second" (bps, bits/s). Baud indicates

the number of changes of state (steps, cycles) CiA DS 401

per second over a transmission length. But it is
not defined how many bits per step are DS = Draft Standard
transmitted. The name baud can be traced CANopen device profile for binary and
back to the French inventor J. M. Baudot analogue I/O modules

whose code was used for telex machines.

1 MBd = 1024 x 1024 Bd = 1 048 576 Bd
CiA DS 402
DS = Draft Standard
Boot loader CANopen device profile for drives

On delivery ecomatmobile controllers only

contain the boot loader. CiA DS 403
The boot loader is a start program that allows
DS = Draft Standard
to reload the runtime system and the
CANopen device profile for HMI
application program on the device. >

The boot loader contains basic routines...

• for communication between hardware CiA DS 404
modules, DS = Draft Standard
• for reloading the operating system. CANopen device profile for measurement and
The boot loader is the first software module to control technology
be saved on the device. >


CiA DS 405
DS = Draft Standard
Serial data transmission of several participants CANopen specification of the interface to
on the same cable. programmable controllers (IEC 61131-3)


ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
Glossary of Terms

Depending on event-controlled branchings in

CiA DS 406 the program this can take longer or shorter.

DS = Draft Standard
CANopen device profile for encoders
CiA DS 407 Data type
DS = Draft Standard Depending on the data type, values of different
CANopen application profile for local public sizes can be stored.
transport Data size in the
min. value max. value

type memory

Clamp 15 BOOL FALSE TRUE 8 bits

In vehicles clamp 15 is the plus cable switched BYTE 0 255 8 bits

by the ignition lock. WORD 0 65 535 16 bits

DWORD 0 4 294 967 295 32 bits

COB ID SINT -128 127 8 bits
COB = Communication Object
USINT 0 255 8 bits
ID = Identifier
ID of a CANopen communication object INT -32 768 32 767 16 bits
Corresponds to the identifier of the CAN UINT 0 65 535 16 bits
message with which the communication
DINT -2 147 483 648 2 147 483 647 32 bits
project is sent via the CAN bus.

UDINT 0 4 294 967 295 32 bits

CODESYS -3.402823466
REAL 3.402823466 • 1038 32 bits
• 1038
CODESYS® is a registered trademark of 3S –
ULINT 0 18 446 744 073 709 551 615 64 bits
Smart Software Solutions GmbH, Germany.
'CODESYS for Automation Alliance' associates number of
companies of the automation industry whose char. + 1
hardware devices are all programmed with the

widely used IEC 61131-3 development tool DC

Homepage → www.codesys.com Direct Current


CSV file Diagnosis

CSV = Comma Separated Values (also: During the diagnosis, the "state of health" of
Character Separated Values) the device is checked. It is to be found out if
A CSV file is a text file for storing or and what →faults are given in the device.
exchanging simply structured data. Depending on the device, the inputs and
The file extension is .csv. outputs can also be monitored for their correct
Example: Source table with numerical values: function.
- wire break,
value 1.0 value 1.1 value 1.2 value -1.3
short circuit,
value 2.0 value 2.1 value 2.2 value -2.3
value outside range.
value 3.0 value 3.1 value 3.2 value 3.3diagnosis, configuration and log data can
be used, created during the "normal" operation
This results in the following CSV file: of the device.
value 1.0;value 1.1;value 1.2;value 1.3 The correct start of the system components is
value 2.0;value 2.1;value 2.2;value 2.3 monitored during the initialisation and start
value 3.0;value 3.1;value 3.2;value 3.3

phase. Errors are recorded in the log file.
For further diagnosis, self-tests can also be
Cycle time carried out.

This is the time for a cycle. The PLC program

performs one complete run.

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Glossary of Terms

Dither Embedded software

Dither is a component of the →PWM signals to System software, basic program in the device,
control hydraulic valves. It has shown for virtually the →runtime system.
electromagnetic drives of hydraulic valves that The firmware establishes the connection
it is much easier for controlling the valves if the between the hardware of the device and the
control signal (PWM pulse) is superimposed by application program. The firmware is provided
a certain frequency of the PWM frequency. by the manufacturer of the controller as a part
This dither frequency must be an integer part of the system and cannot be changed by the
of the PWM frequency. user.


Data Length Code = in CANopen the number EMC = Electro Magnetic Compatibility.
of the data bytes in a message. According to the EC directive (2004/108/EEC)
For →SDO: DLC = 8 concerning electromagnetic compatibility (in

short EMC directive) requirements are made

DRAM for electrical and electronic apparatus,
equipment, systems or components to operate
DRAM = Dynamic Random Access Memory.
satisfactorily in the existing electromagnetic
Technology for an electronic memory module
environment. The devices must not interfere
with random access (Random Access
with their environment and must not be
Memory, RAM). The memory element is a
adversely influenced by external
capacitor which is either charged or
electromagnetic interference.
discharged. It becomes accessible via a >

switching transistor and is either read or

overwritten with new contents. The memory EMCY
contents are volatile: the stored information is abbreviation for emergency
lost in case of lacking operating voltage or too Message in the CANopen protocol with which
late restart. errors are signalled.


DTC Ethernet
DTC = Diagnostic Trouble Code = error code Ethernet is a widely used,
In the protocol J1939 faults and errors well be manufacturer-independent technology which
managed and reported via assigned numbers enables data transmission in the network at a
– the DTCs. speed of 10...10 000 million bits per second

(Mbps). Ethernet belongs to the family of

E so-called "optimum data transmission" on a
non exclusive transmission medium. The
ECU concept was developed in 1972 and specified
as IEEE 802.3 in 1985.
(1) Electronic Control Unit = control unit or >

(2) Engine Control Unit = control device of a EUC
engine EUC = Equipment Under Control.
EUC is equipment, machinery, apparatus or

EDS-file plant used for manufacturing, process,

transportation, medical or other activities
EDS = Electronic Data Sheet, e.g. for: (→ IEC 61508-4, section 3.2.3). Therefore, the
• File for the object directory in the CANopen EUC is the set of all equipment, machinery,
master, apparatus or plant that gives rise to hazards
• CANopen device descriptions. for which the safety-related system is required.
Via EDS devices and programs can exchange If any reasonably foreseeable action or
their specifications and consider them in a inaction leads to →hazards with an intolerable
simplified way. risk arising from the EUC, then safety functions

are necessary to achieve or maintain a safe

state for the EUC. These safety functions are

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
Glossary of Terms

performed by one or more safety-related

systems. H

F Heartbeat
The participants regularly send short signals.
FiFo In this way the other participants can verify if a
participant has failed.
FIFO (First In, First Out) = Operating principle >

of the stack memory: The data packet that was

written into the stack memory first, will also be HMI
read first. Each identifier has such a buffer HMI = Human Machine Interface
(queue). >


Flash memory
Flash ROM (or flash EPROM or flash memory) ID
combines the advantages of semiconductor ID = Identifier
memory and hard disks. Similar to a hard disk,
the data are however written and deleted Name to differentiate the devices / participants
blockwise in data blocks up to 64, 128, 256, connected to a system or the message
1024, ... bytes at the same time. packets transmitted between the participants.

Advantages of flash memories

 The stored data are maintained even if IEC 61131
there is no supply voltage. Standard: Basics of programmable logic
 Due to the absence of moving parts, flash controllers
is noiseless and insensitive to shocks and • Part 1: General information
magnetic fields. • Part 2: Production equipment requirements
and tests
Disadvantages of flash memories • Part 3: Programming languages
 A storage cell can tolerate a limited • Part 5: Communication
number of write and delete processes: • Part 7: Fuzzy Control Programming
• Multi-level cells: typ. 10 000 cycles >

• Single level cells: typ. 100 000 cycles

IEC user cycle
 Given that a write process writes memory
blocks of between 16 and 128 Kbytes at IEC user cycle = PLC cycle in the CODESYS
the same time, memory cells which require application program.

no change are used as well.


FRAM Superordinate word for one of the following

FRAM, or also FeRAM, means Ferroelectric terms:
Random Access Memory. The storage installation instructions, data sheet, user
operation and erasing operation is carried out information, operating instructions, device
by a polarisation change in a ferroelectric manual, installation information, online help,
layer. system manual, programming manual, etc.

Advantages of FRAM as compared to

conventional read-only memories: Intended use
• non-volatile,
Use of a product in accordance with the
• compatible with common EEPROMs, but:
information provided in the instructions for use.
• access time approx. 100 ns, >

• nearly unlimited access cycles possible.


IP address
IP = Internet Protocol.
The IP address is a number which is
necessary to clearly identify an internet
participant. For the sake of clarity the number

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Glossary of Terms

is written in 4 decimal values, e.g. M

ISO 11898 MAC-ID

MAC = Manufacturer‘s Address Code
Standard: Road vehicles – Controller area
network = manufacturer's serial number.
→ID = Identifier
• Part 1: Data link layer and physical
Every network card has a MAC address, a
• Part 2: High-speed medium access unit clearly defined worldwide unique numerical
• Part 3: Low-speed, fault-tolerant, medium code, more or less a kind of serial number.
dependent interface Such a MAC address is a sequence of
• Part 4: Time-triggered communication 6 hexadecimal numbers, e.g.
• Part 5: High-speed medium access unit with "00-0C-6E-D0-02-3F".

low-power mode

ISO 11992 Handles the complete organisation on the bus.
Standard: Interchange of digital information on The master decides on the bus access time
and polls the →slaves cyclically.
electrical connections between towing and >

towed vehicles
• Part 1: Physical and data-link layers Misuse
• Part 2: Application layer for brakes and
The use of a product in a way not intended by
running gear
the designer.
• Part 3: Application layer for equipment other The manufacturer of the product has to warn
than brakes and running gear against readily predictable misuse in his user
• Part 4: Diagnostics

ISO 16845 MMI

Standard: Road vehicles – Controller area → HMI (→ page 373)
network (CAN) – Conformance test plan >


MRAM = Magnetoresistive Random Access
J1939 Memory
The information is stored by means of
→ SAE J1939 magnetic storage elements. The property of

certain materials is used to change their

L electrical resistance when exposed to
magnetic fields.
LED Advantages of MRAM as compared to
conventional RAM memories:
LED = Light Emitting Diode. • non volatile (like FRAM), but:
Light emitting diode, also called luminescent • access time only approx. 35 ns,
diode, an electronic element of high coloured • unlimited number of access cycles possible.
luminosity at small volume with negligible >

power loss.

Link Most Significant Bit/Byte

A link is a cross-reference to another part in

the document or to an external document. N

NMT = Network Management = (here: in the
Least Significant Bit/Byte
CANopen protocol).

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
Glossary of Terms

The NMT master controls the operating states

of the NMT slaves. PCMCIA card

PCMCIA = Personal Computer Memory Card

Node International Association, a standard for
expansion cards of mobile computers.
This means a participant in the network.
Since the introduction of the cardbus standard
in 1995 PCMCIA cards have also been called
Node Guarding PC card.

Node = here: network participant

Configurable cyclic monitoring of each →slave PDM
configured accordingly. The →master verfies if
PDM = Process and Dialogue Module.
the slaves reply in time. The slaves verify if the
Device for communication of the operator with
master regularly sends requests. In this way
the machine / plant.
failed network participants can be quickly >

identified and reported.


O PDO = Process Data Object.
The time-critical process data is transferred by
Obj / object means of the "process data objects" (PDOs).
The PDOs can be freely exchanged between
Term for data / messages which can be the individual nodes (PDO linking). In addition
exchanged in the CANopen network. it is defined whether data exchange is to be

event-controlled (asynchronous) or
Object directory synchronised. Depending on the type of data
to be transferred the correct selection of the
Contains all CANopen communication
type of transmission can lead to considerable
parameters of a device as well as
relief for the →CAN bus.
device-specific parameters and data.
According to the protocol, these services are
unconfirmed data transmission: it is not
OBV checked whether the receiver receives the
Contains all CANopen communication message. Exchange of network variables
parameters of a device as well as corresponds to a "1 to n connection"
device-specific parameters and data. (1 transmitter to n receivers).


OPC = OLE for Process Control PDU = Protocol Data Unit.
Standardised software interface for The PDU is an item of the →CAN protocol
manufacturer-independent communication in →SAE J1939. PDU indicates a part of the
automation technology destination or source address.

OPC client (e.g. device for parameter setting

or programming) automatically logs on to OPC PES
server (e.g. automation device) when
Programmable Electronic System ...
connected and communicates with it.
• for control, protection or monitoring,
• dependent for its operation on one or more
Operational programmable electronic devices,
Operating state of a CANopen participant. In • including all elements of the system such as
this mode →SDOs, →NMT commands and input and output devices.
→PDOs can be transferred.


P PGN = Parameter Group Number
PGN = PDU format (PF) + PDU source (PS)
PC card The parameter group number is an item of the
→CAN protocol →SAE J1939. PGN collects
→PCMCIA card
the address parts PF and PS.

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
Glossary of Terms


Pictogram PWM
Pictograms are figurative symbols which PWM = pulse width modulation
convey information by a simplified graphic The PWM output signal is a pulsed signal
representation. (→ chapter What do the symbols between GND and supply voltage.
and formats mean? (→ page 7)) Within a defined period (PWM frequency) the

mark-to-space ratio is varied. Depending on

the mark-to-space ratio, the connected load
PID controller determines the corresponding RMS current.
The PID controller >

(proportional–integral–derivative controller)
consists of the following parts: R
• P = proportional part
• I = integral part ratiometric
• D = differential part (but not for the controller Measurements can also be performed
CR04nn, CR253n). ratiometrically. If the output signal of a sensor

is proportional to its suppy voltage then via

ratiometric measurement (= measurement
PLC configuration proportional to the supply) the influence of the
Part of the CODESYS user interface. supply's fluctuation can be reduced, in ideal
► The programmer tells the programming case it can be eliminated.
system which hardware is to be → analogue input
programmed. >

> CODESYS loads the corresponding RAW-CAN

RAW-CAN means the pure CAN protocol
> Reading and writing the periphery states which works without an additional
(inputs/outputs) is possible. communication protocol on the CAN bus (on
ISO/OSI layer 2). The CAN protocol is

Pre-Op international defined according to ISO 11898-1

and garantees in ISO 16845 the
Pre-Op = PRE-OPERATIONAL mode. interchangeability of CAN chips in addition.
Operating status of a CANopen participant. >

After application of the supply voltage each

participant automatically passes into this state. remanent
In the CANopen network only →SDOs and Remanent data is protected against data loss
→NMT commands can be transferred in this in case of power failure.
mode but no process data. The →runtime system for example
automatically copies the remanent data to a

Process image →flash memory as soon as the voltage supply

falls below a critical value. If the voltage supply
Process image is the status of the inputs and is available again, the runtime system loads
outputs the PLC operates with within one the remanent data back to the RAM memory.
→cycle. The data in the RAM memory of a controller,
 At the beginning of the cycle the PLC however, is volatile and normally lost in case of
reads the conditions of all inputs into the power failure.
process image. >

During the cycle the PLC cannot detect

changes to the inputs. ro
 During the cycle the outputs are only RO = read only for reading only
changed virtually (in the process image). Unidirectional data transmission: Data can only
be read and not changed.
 At the end of the cycle the PLC writes the >

virtual output states to the real outputs.

RTC = Real Time Clock
Provides (batter-backed) the current date and

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
Glossary of Terms

time. Frequent use for the storage of error Examples:

message protocols. • Automatic configuration of all slaves via

→SDOs at the system start,

• reading error messages from the →object
Runtime system directory.
Basic program in the device, establishes the Every SDO is monitored for a response and
connection between the hardware of the repeated if the slave does not respond within
device and the application program. the monitoring time.

rw Self-test
RW = read/ write Test program that actively tests components or
Bidirectional data transmission: Data can be devices. The program is started by the user
read and also changed. and takes a certain time. The result is a test

protocol (log file) which shows what was tested

S and if the result is positive or negative.

SAE J1939 Slave

The network protocol SAE J1939 describes the Passive participant on the bus, only replies on
communication on a →CAN bus in commercial request of the →master. Slaves have a clearly
vehicles for transmission of diagnosis data defined and unique →address in the bus.
(e.g.engine speed, temperature) and control >

Standard: Recommended Practice for a Serial stopped
Control and Communications Vehicle Network Operating status of a CANopen participant. In
• Part 2: Agricultural and Forestry Off-Road this mode only →NMT commands are
Machinery Control and Communication transferred.
Network >

• Part 3: On Board Diagnostics

Implementation Guide
• Part 5: Marine Stern Drive and Inboard Pictograms are figurative symbols which
Spark-Ignition Engine On-Board Diagnostics convey information by a simplified graphic
Implementation Guide representation. (→ chapter What do the symbols
• Part 11: Physical Layer – 250 kBits/s, and formats mean? (→ page 7))
Shielded Twisted Pair >

• Part 13: Off-Board Diagnostic Connector

System variable
• Part 15: Reduced Physical Layer, 250
kBits/s, Un-Shielded Twisted Pair (UTP) Variable to which access can be made via IEC
• Part 21: Data Link Layer address or symbol name from the PLC.
• Part 31: Network Layer

• Part 71: Vehicle Application Layer

• Part 73: Application Layer – Diagnostics
• Part 81: Network Management Protocol
The target contains the hardware description
SD card of the target device for CODESYS, e.g.: inputs
An SD memory card (short for Secure Digital and outputs, memory, file locations.
Memory Card) is a digital storage medium that Corresponds to an electronic data sheet.
operates to the principle of →flash storage. >


SDO The Transmission Control Protocol is part of

SDO = Service Data Object. the TCP/IP protocol family. Each TCP/IP data
The SDO is used for access to objects in the connection has a transmitter and a receiver.
CANopen object directory. 'Clients' ask for the This principle is a connection-oriented data
requested data from 'servers'. The SDOs transmission. In the TCP/IP protocol family the
always consist of 8 bytes. TCP as the connection-oriented protocol

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27
Glossary of Terms

assumes the task of data protection, data flow

control and takes measures in the event of
data loss. (compare: →UDP)

A template can be filled with content.
Here: A structure of pre-configured software
elements as basis for an application program.

UDP (User Datagram Protocol) is a minimal
connectionless network protocol which belongs
to the transport layer of the internet protocol
family. The task of UDP is to ensure that data
which is transmitted via the internet is passed
to the right application.
At present network variables based on →CAN
and UDP are implemented. The values of the
variables are automatically exchanged on the
basis of broadcast messages. In UDP they are
implemented as broadcast messages, in CAN
as →PDOs.
According to the protocol, these services are
unconfirmed data transmission: it is not
checked whether the receiver receives the
message. Exchange of network variables
corresponds to a "1 to n connection"
(1 transmitter to n receivers).

Use, intended
Use of a product in accordance with the
information provided in the instructions for use.

In general the term watchdog is used for a
component of a system which watches the
function of other components. If a possible
malfunction is detected, this is either signalled
or suitable program branchings are activated.
The signal or branchings serve as a trigger for
other co-operating system components to
solve the problem.

WO = write only
Unidirectional data transmission: Data can only
be changed and not read.

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27

CAN_TX_ENH_CYCLIC ......................................................................251
11 Index CANopen
Tables .......................................................................................................... 354
A CANopen error code ............................................................................366
CANopen status of the node ...............................................................365
About this manual ....................................................................................5
CANopen tables...................................................................................354
Access the device with SSH ................................................................120
CANOPEN_ENABLE ...........................................................................260
Access the device with Telnet .............................................................120
CANOPEN_GETBUFFERFLAGS .......................................................262
Access to the Linux runtime system ....................................................119
Activate network variable support .......................................................101
CANOPEN_GETERRORREGISTER ..................................................302
Activate the access protection for an IEC project .................................92
CANOPEN_GETGUARDHBERRLIST ................................................295
Add additional libraries ........................................................................115
CANOPEN_GETGUARDHBSTATSLV ...............................................297
Address ................................................................................................370
CANOPEN_GETNMTSTATESLAVE ..................................................269
Address assignment in Ethernet networks ..........................................346
CANOPEN_GETODCHANGEDFLAG ................................................273
Analogue inputs .....................................................................................22
CANOPEN_GETSTATE ......................................................................264
Analogue video input .............................................................................25
CANOPEN_GETSYNCSTATE ............................................................291
Annex ...................................................................................................345
CANOPEN_NMTSERVICES ...............................................................270
Application program ...............................................................................27
CANOPEN_READOBJECTDICT ........................................................274
Application software.............................................................................370
CANOPEN_SDOREAD .......................................................................278
CANOPEN_SDOREADBLOCK ...........................................................280
Audio signalling device (buzzer) ............................................................15
CANOPEN_SDOREADMULTI ............................................................282
Automatically restore system files .........................................................84
CANOPEN_SDOWRITE .....................................................................284
B CANOPEN_SDOWRITEBLOCK .........................................................286
Backup CANOPEN_SENDEMCYMESSAGE ..................................................304
Save the system files .................................................................................... 72
CANOPEN_SETSTATE ......................................................................266
Save the system information......................................................................... 71
CANOPEN_SETSYNCSTATE ............................................................293
CANOPEN_WRITEOBJECTDICT ......................................................275
Binary inputs ..........................................................................................21
Characteristics of the pressure point ...................................................141
Binary output..........................................................................................23
CiA .......................................................................................................370
Boot loader ..........................................................................................370
CiA DS 304 ..........................................................................................370
Boot-up message.................................................................................360
CiA DS 401 ..........................................................................................370
Bus .......................................................................................................370
CiA DS 402 ..........................................................................................370
BUZZER_CLICK ..................................................................................194
CiA DS 403 ..........................................................................................370
BUZZER_ON .......................................................................................195
CiA DS 404 ..........................................................................................370
C CiA DS 405 ..........................................................................................370
CiA DS 406 ..........................................................................................371
Calibration of the touch screen............................................................142
CiA DS 407 ..........................................................................................371
Camera visualisation .............................................................................18
Clamp 15..............................................................................................371
COB ID.................................................................................................371
CAN ...............................................................................................24, 370
CODESYS ...........................................................................................371
CAN / CANopen
CODESYS programming manual ............................................................7
errors and error handling............................................................................. 344
CODESYS visualisation elements.......................................................130
CAN stack ............................................................................................370
Complete and transmit the project (global network variables) ............103
CAN test
Components of the runtime system.......................................................33
Receive data.................................................................................................. 67
Transmit data................................................................................................. 66 Configuration
camera image .............................................................................................. 144
CAN_ENABLE .....................................................................................232
Configuration of the camera image .....................................................144
CAN_RECOVER .................................................................................233
Configuration of the inputs and outputs...............................................123
CAN_REMOTE_REQUEST ................................................................254
Configure camera image .....................................................................152
Configure CAN interfaces ......................................................................89
CAN_RX ..............................................................................................238
Configure input ....................................................................................124
Configure IP parameter of ethernet interface ........................................37
CAN_RX_ENH_FIFO ..........................................................................241
Configure output ..................................................................................124
CAN_RX_RANGE ...............................................................................243
Configure the camera bitmap in the dialogue [Bitmap Configuration] 145
CAN_RX_RANGE_FIFO .....................................................................245
Configure the controller .........................................................................88
CAN_SETDOWNLOADID ...................................................................234
Configure the device as CANopen master ............................................89
CAN_STATUS .....................................................................................235
Configure the device as CanSlave ........................................................90
CAN_TX ...............................................................................................248
Configure the IP parameter manually....................................................39
CAN_TX_ENH .....................................................................................249
Configuring functions of operating elements .......................................133

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27

Control buzzer .....................................................................................136 FocusFrameImagePath .......................................................................202

Control status LED and key LEDs .......................................................136 Fonts
Copy files with FTP ..............................................................................121 Load the font .................................................................................................. 76
Copy the files with SCP .......................................................................121 Remove the font ............................................................................................ 76
COPY_PDM_TO_USB ........................................................................189 FRAM ...................................................................................................373
COPY_USB_TO_PDM ........................................................................190 Function code / Predefined Connectionset .........................................357
Copyright..................................................................................................6 Function elements
Create CODESYS project manually ......................................................87 CANopen ..................................................................................................... 258
CANopen emergency .................................................................................. 299
Create PLC program............................................................................114
CANopen guarding ...................................................................................... 294
Create visualisation .............................................................................132
CANopen network management ................................................................. 268
Creating application program ..............................................................113 CANopen object directory ........................................................................... 272
CSV file ................................................................................................371 CANopen SDOs .......................................................................................... 277
CurrentVisuDisplayed ..........................................................................206 CANopen status .......................................................................................... 259
CURSOR_POSITION ..........................................................................201 CANopen SYNC .......................................................................................... 290
Cycle time ............................................................................................371 Control LED + buzzer .................................................................................. 193
RAW-CAN (Layer 2) .................................................................................... 230
D RAW-CAN remote ....................................................................................... 253
RAW-CAN status ......................................................................................... 231
Data type..............................................................................................371 receive RAW-CAN data .............................................................................. 237
DC ........................................................................................................371 receive SAE J1939 ...................................................................................... 320
Device configuration ..............................................................................41 SAE J1939 ................................................................................................... 306
Diagnosis .................................................................................... 344, 371 SAE J1939 diagnosis .................................................................................. 334
Diagnosis and error handling...............................................................343 SAE J1939 request ..................................................................................... 315
Display ...................................................................................................14 SAE J1939 status ........................................................................................ 307
Display elements ...................................................................................14 transmit RAW-CAN data ............................................................................. 247
transmit SAE J1939..................................................................................... 326
Display options for analogue cameras ................................................148
Display the I/O configuration ...............................................................124 G
Dither ...................................................................................................372
DLC ......................................................................................................372 General notes ......................................................................................139
Download the update file .......................................................................33 GET_DEVICE_SERIAL .......................................................................176
DRAM ..................................................................................................372 GET_ETHERNET ................................................................................177
Drawing area .......................................................................................126 GET_VERSIONS .................................................................................179
E Hardware ...............................................................................................13
ECU .....................................................................................................372 Heartbeat .............................................................................................373
EDS-file ................................................................................................372 History of the instructions (CR1082) .....................................................8
Embedded software .............................................................................372 HMI ......................................................................................................373
EMC .....................................................................................................372 How is this documentation structured? ...................................................8
Emergency messages .........................................................................367
Enter the recovery mode .......................................................................34 ID .........................................................................................................373
Enter the setup mode ............................................................................42 IEC 61131 ............................................................................................373
Ethernet .........................................................................................24, 372 IEC user cycle ......................................................................................373
EUC .....................................................................................................372 ifm function elements...........................................................................155
Example ifm function elements for the device CR1082 .....................................164
Capture mode .............................................................................................. 149 ifm libraries for the device CR1082 .....................................................156
edit controls in CR1081 ............................................................................... 135 ifm target package for CODESYS .........................................................28
INPUT_INT with 3 input elements .............................................................. 213 ifm weltweit • ifm worldwide • ifm à l’échelle internationale.................385
Overlay mode .............................................................................................. 150 Indicate the failure of an Ethernet camera ..........................................145
Example process for response to an error message ..........................344 Information about the device .................................................................12
Exit setup, reboot device .......................................................................84 INIT_VAR_RETAIN_DINT ...................................................................218
EXITPLC_START_APPLICATION ......................................................228 INIT_VAR_RETAIN_INT .....................................................................220
INIT_VAR_RETAIN_REAL ..................................................................222
INPUT ..................................................................................................166
Fault .....................................................................................................344 Input functions for touch screens ........................................................140
FB, FUN, PRG in CODESYS ................................................................95 INPUT_DINT........................................................................................207
FiFo ......................................................................................................373 INPUT_INT ..........................................................................................210
First steps ..............................................................................................93 INPUT_REAL.......................................................................................215
Flash memory ......................................................................................373 Inputs (technology) ................................................................................20
FOCUSED_ELEMENT ........................................................................200

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27

Insert an analogue camera image in a CODESYS project .................151 Limitations for program and data memories ..........................................16
Insert an Ethernet camera image in a CODESYS project ..................144 Limitations for visualisations ................................................................129
Install and set up mobile camera.........................................................143 Link ......................................................................................................374
Install fonts (true type fonts) ................................................................137 LOAD_SPLASH_SCREEN..................................................................171
Install the CODESYS programming system..........................................30 LSB ......................................................................................................374
Install the device-specific target package .............................................30
Installation ..............................................................................................29 M
Instructions ..........................................................................................373 MAC-ID ................................................................................................374
Integrate libraries .................................................................................102 Master ..................................................................................................374
Intended use ........................................................................................373 Mirror the camera image at its horizontal axis ........................... 146, 152
Interfaces ...............................................................................................19 Misuse..................................................................................................374
Internal parameters............................................................. 209, 212, 217 MMI ......................................................................................................374
IP address............................................................................................373 Movement of elements ........................................................................131
ISO 11898 ............................................................................................374 MRAM ..................................................................................................374
ISO 11992 ............................................................................................374 MSB .....................................................................................................374
ISO 16845 ............................................................................................374
Navigation key .......................................................................................49
J1939 ...................................................................................................374 Network management (NMT) ..............................................................361
J1939_DM1RX ....................................................................................335 Network management commands.......................................................362
J1939_DM1TX .....................................................................................337 Network variables via UDP ....................................................................97
J1939_DM1TX_CFG ...........................................................................340 NMT .....................................................................................................374
J1939_DM3TX .....................................................................................342 NMT state ............................................................................................362
J1939_ENABLE ...................................................................................308 NMT state for CANopen master ..........................................................363
J1939_GETDABYNAME .....................................................................310 NMT state for CANopen slave .............................................................364
J1939_NAME.......................................................................................312 Node ....................................................................................................375
J1939_RX ............................................................................................321 Node Guarding ....................................................................................375
J1939_RX_FIFO ..................................................................................323 NORM_DINT .......................................................................................182
J1939_RX_MULTI ...............................................................................325 NORM_REAL ......................................................................................183
J1939_SPEC_REQ .............................................................................316 Note the cycle time! .............................................................................111
J1939_SPEC_REQ_MULTI ................................................................318 Note! ......................................................................................................10
J1939_STATUS ...................................................................................314 Notes..............................................................................................32, 124
J1939_TX.............................................................................................327 Notes on visualisations ........................................................................126
J1939_TX_ENH ...................................................................................328 Notizen • Notes • Notes .......................................................................384
J1939_TX_ENH_CYCLIC ...................................................................330 Numbering of the operating elements .................................................134
J1939_TX_ENH_MULTI ......................................................................332
Obj / object ...........................................................................................375
Key assignment in recovery mode ........................................................33 Object 0x1001 (error register) .............................................................369
Key functionality.....................................................................................44 Object directory....................................................................................375
Key LEDs ...............................................................................................15 OBV .....................................................................................................375
KEY_CLICK .........................................................................................196 OPC .....................................................................................................375
KEY_MAPPING ...................................................................................174 Open the configuration dialogue ................................................ 145, 152
Keywords for edit controls ...................................................................135 Operating elements ...............................................................................15
Operating instructions............................................................................43
L Operating modes ...................................................................................21
LED ......................................................................................................374 Operating modes of the inputs / outputs .............................................353
Libraries ...............................................................................................110 Operating sequence ............................................................................112
Library ifm_CANopen_NT_Vxxyyzz.LIB..............................................161 Operating states ....................................................................................28
Library ifm_CR1082_Vxxyyzz.LIB .......................................................157 Operation
Library ifm_J1939_NT_Vxxyyzz.LIB ...................................................163 Enter a text using the on-screen keyboard ................................................... 48
Library ifm_NetVarLib_NT_Vxxyyzz.LIB .............................................163 Navigate in the file directory .......................................................................... 47
Library ifm_PDM_input_V01yyzz.LIB ..................................................159 Navigate in the setup menu .......................................................................... 45
Navigate within a menu screen ..................................................................... 46
Library ifm_PDM360NG_linux_syscall_asynch_V02yyzz.LIB ............158
Operational ..........................................................................................375
Library ifm_PDM360NG_special_V02yyzz.LIB ...................................158
Output parameters ...............................................................................171
Library ifm_PDM360NG_USB_LL_V02yyzz.LIB.................................159
Outputs (technology) .............................................................................23
Library ifm_PDM360NG_USB_Vxxyyzz.lib .........................................159
OverlayVisu .........................................................................................205
Library ifm_PDMng_util_Vxxyyzz.LIB .................................................158
Library ifm_RAWCan_NT_Vxxyyzz.LIB ..............................................160
documentation modules for ecomatmobile devices ....................................... 6

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27

Overview CANopen error codes..........................................................368 ro ..........................................................................................................376

Rotate the camera image ........................................................... 145, 153
P RTC......................................................................................................376
Parameters ..........................................................................................283 Runtime system .............................................................................27, 377
PC card ................................................................................................375 Runtime system update via USB memory device .................................35
PCMCIA card .......................................................................................375 Runtime system update via web browser .............................................36
PDF rw .........................................................................................................377
Navigating in the PDF file ............................................................................. 79
PDF file viewer.......................................................................................78 S
PDF-Viewer SAE J1939 .......................................................................... 165, 306, 377
Display extended menu................................................................................. 81 Safety instructions ...................................................................................9
Display PDF file in full-screen mode ............................................................. 80 Safety instructions about Reed relays ...................................................22
Display the tabel of content of the PDF file .................................................. 82
Save changed values ................................................................. 147, 153
PDM .....................................................................................................375
Save project in the device ...................................................................122
PDM_PAGECONTROL .......................................................................203
SD card ................................................................................................377
PDO .....................................................................................................375
SDO .....................................................................................................377
PDU .....................................................................................................375
SDO abort code ...................................................................................359
PES ......................................................................................................375
SDO command bytes ..........................................................................358
PGN .....................................................................................................375
Select analogue camera ......................................................................152
Pictogram .............................................................................................376
Select first target system and create project .........................................99
Pictograms ...............................................................................................7
Self-test ................................................................................................377
PID controller .......................................................................................376
Set communication parameters ...........................................................100
PLC configuration ................................................................................376
Set the display mode ...........................................................................152
PointOfContact ....................................................................................225
Set the IP address of the Ethernet camera .........................................145
Possible operating modes inputs/outputs ...........................................353
Set the target system .............................................................................86
SET_BOOTUP_BACKLIGHT ..............................................................170
Adjust analouge and digital values ............................................................. 181
SET_ETHERNET ................................................................................168
Help functions .............................................................................................. 226
Manage visualisation ................................................................................... 198 Setting-up the programming interface .................................................117
Manage, read and write the USB memory device ...................................... 185 Setup
Read device information ............................................................................. 175 Backup / Restore software components ....................................................... 70
Setup the device .......................................................................................... 165 Calibrate the touchscreen ............................................................................. 77
Use touch screen functions ......................................................................... 224 Change the system password ....................................................................... 61
Predefined connectionset ....................................................................357 Configure the Ethernet interface ................................................................... 54
Configure the IP parameters automatically .................................................. 56
Pre-Op .................................................................................................376
Configure the IP parameters manually ......................................................... 55
Presets .................................................................................................124
Define the splash screen............................................................................... 68
Previous knowledge...............................................................................10 Display system information ........................................................................... 63
Process image .....................................................................................376 Enable / Disable password protection .......................................................... 62
Process touch screen inputs ...............................................................139 Enter the password for full access to the setup menu ................................. 51
Processing user input ..........................................................................133 Format the internal storage ........................................................................... 77
Programming .........................................................................................85 Manage fonts ................................................................................................. 76
Programming interfaces ......................................................................116 More functions ............................................................................................... 64
Programming notes for CODESYS projects .........................................94 Reboot the device ......................................................................................... 65
Safely remove the USB device ..................................................................... 75
Programming system CODESYS 2.3 ....................................................28
Set the CAN interfaces .................................................................................. 57
Provide error messages of the camera ...................................... 146, 153
Set the display brightness ............................................................................. 59
PWM ....................................................................................................376 Set the network services ............................................................................... 60
Set the password protection ......................................................................... 61
Q Set the real-time clock (RTC) ........................................................................ 58
Quit the recovery mode .........................................................................40 Setup menu with restricted access rights ..................................................... 51
start screen .................................................................................................... 52
R Start the application....................................................................................... 83
System settings ............................................................................................. 53
ratiometric ............................................................................................376 Test input elements ....................................................................................... 69
RAW-CAN ............................................................................................376 Test the CAN interfaces ................................................................................ 66
Real-time clock (RTC) ...........................................................................17 Working with enabled password protection .................................................. 50
remanent..............................................................................................376 Setup and operate analogue cameras ................................................148
Resample / scale image ......................................................................126 Setup and operate Ethernet cameras .................................................144
Response to system errors..................................................................344 Slave ....................................................................................................377
Restore Software components ............................................................................27
Restore the system files ................................................................................ 74 Software description ..............................................................................26
Retain variables .....................................................................................96 Specifications of the splash screen image ............................................68

ifm Programming manual PDM360 NG Touch (CR1082) V02.03.xx CODESYS 2.3 2015-08-27

SPEED_UP_VISU_TASK....................................................................199 Watchdog behaviour ............................................................................111

Start-up behaviour of the controller .......................................................11 What do the symbols and formats mean?...............................................7
Status-LED ............................................................................................14 What previous knowledge is required? .................................................10
stopped ................................................................................................377 wo ........................................................................................................378
Structure of CANopen messages ........................................................355 Write projects for more devices ...........................................................106
Structure of the COB ID.......................................................................356
Supported types of variables .................................................................96
Switch between colour and greyscale representation .........................145
Switch the camera on/off .....................................................................146
Symbol files .........................................................................................138
Symbols ...............................................................................................377
Synchronize the IP parameters with DHCP sever ................................38
System description ................................................................................12
System flags ....................................................................... 110, 347, 348
error flags .................................................................................................... 352
function keys................................................................................................ 350
Inputs and Outputs ...................................................................................... 348
navigation keys ............................................................................................ 351
Status LED .................................................................................................. 349
system ......................................................................................................... 348
System variable ...................................................................................377
SYSTEM_ASYNCH .............................................................................229

TCP ......................................................................................................377
Template ..............................................................................................378
Test transmission of the global network variables ..............................109
Texts ....................................................................................................126
TOGGLE ..............................................................................................184
Touchscreen ..........................................................................................49
TouchScreenDisable ...........................................................................172
Transmit projects .................................................................................109

UDP .....................................................................................................378
Update the runtime system....................................................................34
Update the runtime system of the device ..............................................31
USB_STORAGE_HANDLER ..............................................................191
USB_STORAGE_MANAGER .............................................................186
USB_STORAGE_REMOVE ................................................................188
Use access protection ...........................................................................91
Use edit controls ..................................................................................135
Use of optical and acustical feedback .................................................136
Use of the Ethernet camera image in CODESYS ...............................147
Use of touch screen functions .............................................................139
Use the analogue camera image in CODESYS ..................................154
Use visual feedback.............................................................................141
Use visualisations ................................................................................125
Use, intended.......................................................................................378

Variables ................................................................................................96
VERSION .............................................................................................227
Visualisation limits ...............................................................................128

watchdog..................................................................................... 111, 378
Watchdog .............................................................................................378

12 Notizen • Notes • Notes
13 ifm weltweit • ifm worldwide • ifm à l’échelle
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RA, ROU ifm electronic s.r.l. • 1107 Buenos Aires • Tel. +54 11 / 5353 3436
ROK ifm electronic Ltd. • 140-884 Seoul • Tel. +82 2 / 790 5610
RP Gram Industrial, Inc. • 1770 Mantilupa City • Tel. +63 2 / 850 22 18
RUS ifm electronic • 105318 Moscow • Tel. +7 495 921-44-14
S ifm electronic a b • 41250 Göteborg • Tel. +46 31 / 750 23 00
SGP ifm electronic Pte. Ltd. • Singapore 609 916 • Tel. +65 6562 8661/2/3
SK ifm electronic s.r.o. • 835 54 Bratislava • Tel. +421 2 / 44 87 23 29
THA SCM Allianze Co., Ltd. • Bangkok 10 400 • Tel. +66 02 615 4888
TR ifm electronic Ltd. Sti. • 34381 Sisli/Istanbul • Tel. +90 212 / 210 50 80
UA TOV ifm electronic • 02660 Kiev • Tel. +380 44 501 8543
USA ifm efector inc. • Exton, PA 19341 • Tel. +1 610 / 5 24-2000
ZA ifm electronic (Pty) Ltd. • 0157 Pretoria • Tel. +27 12 345 44 49
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