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Date: 10th July, 2024

Moro Andy Samuel Nelson Ankrah Richmond Philip Prince Kyereme
Department of Chemical Engineering, Kwame Nkrumah University of Sci. and Tech.


Keywords: In this experiment, we looked into the permeability and
fluidization properties of granular materials in this lab
1. Permeability
experiment. Permeability is a measure of how easily a
2. Fluidization fluid may move through a porous medium and this was
ascertained by using the Darcy’s law.Under controlled
3. Porosity
conditions, a soil sample acting as a packed bed in a
4. Darcy's Law column was subjected to fluid flow and the hydraulic
conductivity was calculated.We're looking at the
5. Hydraulic
permeability coefficient and void ratio of a specific
sample. These flow principles are present in natural
6. Fluid Flow occurrences and in the design of industrial plants. The
experimental approach involves graphing pressure
7. Tortuosity
head (y) against volumetric flow (x) to obtain Darcy's
8. Void Fraction equation in the form y = mx + c. Different factors and
formulas like the Darcy equation and permeability are
9. Reynolds Number
also considered in this process.
10. Pressure Drop

Permeability is a measure of a material’s ability to allow fluids (liquids or gases) to pass
through its interconnected pore spaces. It is a critical property in various fields, including
geology, hydrology, petroleum engineering, and environmental science, as it determines how
easily fluids can move through soil, rock, or other porous media.Fluidization on the other
hand is the process by which solid particles are suspended and behave like fluids when
exposed to an upward fluid flow.
The permeability and fluidization studies lab experiment seeks to investigate the underlying
principles that control fluid movement through porous media, as well as the behavior of the
soil sample under fluid flow circumstances.This experiment entails evaluating the
permeability of the soil sample using Darcy’s law and examining fluidization behavior by
gradually increasing fluid velocity to bed expansion and void fractions.In soil, porosity comes
from having tiny spaces within it. Permeability happens when these spaces are linked,
forming a way for fluids to move. If soil has high porosity, it usually has high permeability
too. On the flip side, soil with low permeability is called impervious. This factor is super
important in industries like oil and gas, where how easily fluids move through underground
formations affects how easily we can get hydrocarbons out. Fluidization, on the other hand, is
a process that turns a bed of solid particles into a fluid-like state by adding a flow of liquid or
gas.In the field of chemical engineering, this process is widely applied, especially in activities
like catalytic cracking, gasification, and drying, where a fluidized bed reactor enhances heat
and mass transfer, improves reaction kinetics, and provides better process control. This brings
us to the concept of void ratio, a crucial factor in studying permeability and fluidization. Void
ratio is the ratio of pore space volume to solid particle volume in a porous material. The
permeability of such material is closely linked to its void ratio. Higher void ratios usually
lead to better permeability as there is more space for fluid to flow through. The Kozeny-
Carman equation is commonly used to connect a packed bed's permeability to its void ratio,
particle size, and shape. The Darcy equation helps determine water flow rate and potential
distribution in a soil column under steady-state conditions. When the soil is unsaturated,
adjustments are made by incorporating the Buckingham equation to describe water
movement. In a steady-state flow under these conditions: i. The soil is fully saturated ii. The
pressure gradient remains constant iii. Soil mass stays the same iv. Flow rate remains steady.
When it comes to unsaturated soils, the Buckingham modification equation looks at how

water moves through the soil, but this time it involves a hydraulic conductivity function,

water content, and matric potential. It's like a twist on the Darcy equation but tailored for
∆𝑃 ∆𝑃
unsaturated conditions.𝑞 =− 𝐾 𝜐 , 𝑞 =− 𝐾 ℎ
∆𝐻 ∆𝐻

Where 𝐾 𝜐 and 𝐾 ℎ represent the unsaturated hydraulic conductivity function, 𝜐 is the

volumetric water content and h is the matric potential. However, q can also be expressed in

terms of volumetric flow rate and cross-sectional area as;

𝑞 = 𝐴, cm/s

In studying how water moves through soil or rock, hydraulic conductivity plays a vital role.
It's all about how easily water can flow through different materials. This parameter is crucial
for groundwater models that predict water movement in aquifers. Hydraulic conductivity and
permeability are closely linked, showing how well fluids can move through a material.
Knowing the hydraulic conductivity of an aquifer helps us understand its water source
potential and plan groundwater management effectively. Darcy's law mathematically defines
hydraulic conductivity, connecting flow rate, area, pressure difference, and medium length. It
can vary a lot depending on the medium's characteristics and fluid properties. Materials with
larger grains typically have higher hydraulic conductivity than fine-grained ones. The
Permeability/Fluidization Studies Unit, a key setup in experiments, observes liquid
fluidization in a granular bed. The unit includes a permeability meter, a transparent cylinder
used to study soil samples. By controlling the water flow direction, researchers can study
permeability or fluidization behavior. The cylinder features pressure taps at the top and
bottom to measure pressure changes during the experiment.In the experiment, they use
pressure taps to measure the total pressure at different points of the soil sample. The water for
the permeability meter comes from a see-through tank with an overflow above it. By
adjusting the tank's height, they can change the pressure applied. Metal filtering discs are
placed between the floor and the sample's top and bottom to act as filters and evenly
distribute the water flow. The unit includes two types of manometers: a tube manometer for
low pressures and a Bourdon manometer for high pressures.

1. To determine the permeability coefficient of a sample.

2. To determine the void ratio of a given sample.

The Edibon permeability/fluidization unit studies unit is the instrument used to measure and
understand the characteristics of flow through a bed of particles (soil). This unit consists of;
1. Permeameter: Is basically a transparent acrylic cylinder that encases the soil specimen to
be tested.
2. Filter metallic disk; Acts primarily to distribute flow over entire cross section of the
3. Piezometer or manometer; It will allow the observation of the total head
4. Two bourdon type nanometers

1. Methodology

The PEFP unit was the apparatus used. The mass of the sand required for the

experimental procedure was measured and the dry sand was placed in the

permeameter up to the desired height in a loose way. It was ensured that the apparatus

was not jarred. The height of the sand in the cylinder as well as the cross-sectional

area was noted. The permeameter was then covered, screwed down tightly and

clamped. The upper tank was filled up to the overflow. Valve (2) was opened slowly

until water was seen at the bottom inlet. The valve was closed after. The level of

water, (L1) was recorded. The purge valve located at the top of the cylinder was

opened. Valve (2) was opened until water came out of the purge valve. The new level

of water (L2) was recorded. The water manometer was selected with the

corresponding valves and the difference of height measured. The valves were opened

and closed in order to configure the unit. The difference in total pressures as a

measurement of the manometer was recorded and the previous steps were followed

for different flows.

2. Results and Discussion

From the graph, the slope of the line is -6.0952 cm.min/L


Q(L/min) H1(cm) H2(cm) H1 – H2(cm)

0.25 128 205 77

0.5 163 235 72

0.75 145 198 53

1.0 133 212 79

1.25 162 200 38

1.5 132 205 73

1.75 164 236 72

2.0 143 199 56



y= m𝑥 + c

y = -6.0952x + 71.857

m =-6.0952𝑐𝑚−2 𝑠−1

Diameter of the cylinder, D = 46 mm = 4.6 cm

𝐷2 (4.6𝑐𝑚)2 1
𝐴=𝜋 =𝜋 × 2 = 16.621𝑐𝑚2
4 4 10

Height of soil, L = 58 cm

𝐿 58
k=− =− = 0.57256L/𝑐𝑚2 𝑚𝑖𝑛
𝑚𝐴 −6.0952×16.621

−𝐿𝑄 0.57256L×1000𝑐𝑚3×1𝑚𝑖𝑛

⸫ K=9.54296cm/s

The EDIBON experiment about permeability and fluidization explores how liquids flow

through a bed of particles, important in nature and industrial plants. Its main goal is to find

the permeability coefficient and void ratio of a given sample. Soil permeability depends on

factors like solid makeup, grain sizes, and soil changes over time. The permeability

coefficient is a crucial indicator of how permeable the soil is. Labs use various methods,

including falling head and constant head permeability tests, to determine this coefficient

accurately.The decision between the two tests relies on how permeable the soil is, with the

constant head test usually preferred for highly permeable soils. The equation y = -6.0952x +

71.857 from the graph indicates a negative slope, meaning as the fluid flow rate goes up, the

total potential decreases. Any discrepancies in the values might be due to errors during the

experiment, potentially related to soil saturation levels. The permeability coefficient (K)

reflects how fluids interact with porous materials, where higher K values suggest better fluid

flow. A K value of 9.54296cm/s likely suggests gravel soil since it exceeds 0.1. Soil

permeability, the soil's ability to transmit fluids such as water or air, is influenced by various

factors that affect fluid movement through the soil matrix. Particle size significantly impacts

permeability, with larger particles creating more space for fluid movement. Conversely,

smaller particles, being tightly packed, impede fluid flow. The void ratio, measuring void

volume compared to total soil volume, also affects permeability. A higher void ratio means

more space between particles, enhancing fluid passage and increasing permeability. On the

other hand, fluid characteristics within soil pores can also impact permeability. Viscous fluids

encounter more resistance, reducing permeability, while less viscous fluids flow more easily,

boosting permeability. Additionally, the soil's saturation level, whether fully or partially

saturated, influences permeability. Fully saturated soils have fewer air pockets, aiding fluid

flow, while partially saturated soils have more restrictions.By grasping these elements that

impact soil permeability, engineers and scientists can better forecast and control fluid flow in

various soil varieties, enhancing processes like groundwater flow, drainage, and filtration.

3. Conclusions and Recommendations

The soil type can be identified by the permeability coefficient, and with a value of
9.54296 cm/sec, the sand sample is considered gravel as its permeability exceeds 0.1
cm/sec. The experiment illustrated Darcy's law, where the line of best fit displayed a
positive incline when the water flow rate decreased and the pressure head rose. A higher
permeability value can indicate better fluid flow characteristics, which can impact the
efficiency and performance of the process.

4. References
1. Soil characteristics significant in evaluating permeability, AM O'NEAL - Soil Science,

1949 - journals.lww.com

2. Interaction of soil deformations, structure and permeability, JM Kirby, BG Blunden - Soil

Research, 1991 - CSIRO Publishing

3. Kunii, D., & Levenspiel, O. (1991). Fluidization Engineering (2nd ed.). Butterworth-

Heinemann.This text delves into the principles of fluidization, exploring the behavior of

fluidized beds and their applications in chemical and process engineering.

4. Scheidegger, A. E. (1974). The Physics of Flow Through Porous Media (3rd ed.).

University of Toronto Press.This book examines the fundamental physical principles

governing the flow of fluids in porous media, offering detailed theoretical insights and

practical examples.


2. Permeability refers to the ability of a soil to transmit water or other fluids through its pore

spaces. It is a key property in understanding how water moves through soil, which has

significant implications for various engineering, agricultural, and environmental applications.

Applications of Soil Permeability

 Civil Engineering (Design of Foundations and Earth Structures):

Explanation: Understanding soil permeability is essential to guaranteeing the integrity

and stability of constructions. For instance, seepage through the dam must be taken into

account by engineers when designing earth dams in order to avoid erosion and possible

failure. Designing drainage systems and choosing suitable materials to regulate water

flow are made easier by an understanding of permeability.

• Environmental Engineering (Contaminant Transport and Remediation):

Designing landfill liners and controlling groundwater contamination are two applications.

Explanation: The permeability of soil and groundwater controls the passage of pollutants

through them. Understanding soil permeability is useful in environmental remediation

because it can be used to forecast the spread of pollutants and create remediation or

containment plans that work. For instance, precise permeability data is needed when

designing impermeable landfill liners to stop leachate from contaminating groundwater.

 Agricultural Engineering (Irrigation and Drainage Systems):

Explanation: Soil permeability affects how water moves through the soil, which is critical

for efficient irrigation practices. Proper knowledge of soil permeability ensures that irrigation

systems are designed to deliver water evenly and avoid waterlogging or insufficient hydration

of crops. Similarly, drainage systems need to be designed to prevent water stagnation, which

can harm plant roots and reduce agricultural productivity.

3. Permeability relates to how connected the pores in a material are to aid in the free

movement of fluids, whereas porosity is concerned with the number of pores in a medium.

4. a. Particle size: Soil permeability rises with particle size.

b. Void ratio: As the void ratio increases, so does soil permeability.

c. Larger masses or coarser particles will have higher permeability.

d. Soil permeability is influenced by the structural arrangement of soil particles, since the

interconnectedness of pores impacts water flow. Closely packed particles contain few or no

pores, allowing just a limited amount of water to pass through them.

e. Pore fluid properties - Pore fluid increases soil permeability by allowing water to pass

through easily. A viscous pore fluid reduces soil permeability as resistance increases.

f. Degree of saturation - Fully saturated soil is more permeable than partially saturated soil,

which has air spaces caused by entrapped air released by the percolating fluid or water. The

air hinders the flow channel, lowering permeability.

g. Soil stratification - Soil stratification occurs when porosity changes abruptly at different

depths within the potential active root zones. This enhances the soil's permeability.

5. Field Permeability Tests: It includes methods such as the pumping test and the slug test.

For a pumping test, water is pumped out from a well and the drawdown in nearby observation

wells is measured. The permeability is calculated based on the rate of pumping and the

drawdown data. For a slug test, a sudden change in water level (either addition or removal of

water) in a well is monitored, and the recovery rate is used to determine the permeability.

𝐾1 𝐾2
6. =
𝑒21 𝑒22

𝐾1 × 𝑒22
𝐾2 =

K1= 3.6 × 10−3 𝑐𝑚/𝑠 e1=0.2 e1=0.5

3.6×10−3 × 0.52

K2= 0.0225𝑐𝑚/𝑠

Therefore, the soil sample is clean sand.


I declare that:

 This report is my unaided work and is a true reflection of the lab I participated in.

 Large portions of it have not been submitted by another student for assessment.

 Significant portions of it were not copied from an internet source or a book.

 Significant portions of it were not written using chatgpt or any other AI tool.

 If any of the above statements turn out to be false, I forfeit the marks awarded to this


NELSON ANKRAH RICHMOMD. ………………. ………………….

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