Financial Support Compressed
Financial Support Compressed
Financial Support Compressed
Chartered Accountants
Summary of Networth
Amount in Rs. Amount in AUD $
Immovable Assets
48748800.00 87819 9.00
Liquid Assets ,,,,.
.~.-- "': 4107123.19 73989 .00
52855 923.1 9 95218 8.00
In Words : Rupees Five Crore Twenty Eight Lacs Fifty Five
Thousand Nine Hundred Twenty
Three and Nineteen Paisa Only
CA Ankit Kumar
Membership No. 5
FRNo. 040054N
Place : Kaithal
Date: 23/07 /2024
Udin: 24560752BKEIRD542 l
48748 800.0 0
B) Liguid Asset s
Gold appro x 245 gms @ 5800 /- per gms Mr. Sumit 1421000.00
S/o Mr. Rajku mar (Applicant)
Bank Balan ce with State Bank of India in the name of 25111 23.19
Mr. Sumit S/o Mr. Rajku mar (Applicant) having
Saving Account No. 43154 86172 6 as on date
19/07 /2024
41071 23.19
/.no-:--- ...._
/4)~ 8o'\ 0
g' 1C"£. \~.'
Net Worth (C-D)
.. !=~;.~
c( ,. J~ 52855 923.1 9
~ ~w .:
'l'&d Accoll~,-o~
Vinod Kumar Girdhar
Approved by Haryana Govt.
Urban Local Bodies, Reg. No. 27675/2&21
After making necessary inquires from the property dealer, Market and others,
I have confirmed opinion that the rate of plot in this area is veries from Rs. 46,00,000/-to
47,90,000/- Per Acre in this locality. So I asses value of this Land @ Rs 47,36,000/-per Acre in
this location.
Hence the value this Area @ Rs. 47,36,000/-per Acre.
Measuring 7.5 Acre is @ Rs. 47,36,000/-=3,55,20000/-
Say Rs. 3,55,20000/- (Rs. Three Crore Fifty Five Lacs Twenty Thousand Only)
Note- The proof of ownership is the responsibility of the owner.
Vinod Kumar Girdhar
Approved by Haryana Govt.
Urban Local Bodies, Reg. No. 27675/2&21
After making necessary inquires from the property dealer, Market and others,
I have confirmed opinion that the rate of plot in this area is veries from Rs. 4,000/-to
4,500/- Per Sqyds. in this locality. So I asses value of this Land @ Rs 4,240/-per Sqyds. in this
Hence the value this Area @ Rs. 4,240/-per Sqyds.
Measuring 312.00 is @ Rs. 4,240/-= 1,32,28,800/-
Say Rs. 1,32,28,800/- (Rs. One Crore Thirty Two Lacs Twenty Eight Thousand Eight Hundard
Note- The proof of ownership is the responsibility of the owner.