Gordon 2005
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FIG. 1. Schematic of the low-energy ion beamline scattering apparatus showing various sections: 共a兲 ICP plasma source and extraction optics, 共b兲 high-voltage
floating region including both steering magnets and decelerator, 共c兲 scattering chamber, and 共d兲 scattered product detector.
concept examples: elastic binary collisions at low energy, 共⬎100 A / cm2兲 of a single ion species at low impact energy
core-shell charge exchange collisions involving Ne+, and re- 关50–1400± 5 eV full width half maximum 共FWHM兲兴 onto a
active scattering of CF+3 / CF+2 off Si. grounded target to facilitate ultrahigh vacuum 共UHV兲 scat-
Our design philosophy has been to take an inductively tering studies using both inert and reactive beams. Space
coupled plasma 共ICP兲 source and couple it to a high-voltage charge repulsion is controlled by transporting the ions at high
ion beam transport line with magnetic mass filtering to pro- voltage, with mass filtering, beam steer, and quality adjust-
vide a clean ion beam surface probe with high current ments all occurring on the accelerated beam.
共⬎100 A / cm2兲 and tunable energy 共⬃50 eV–1 keV兲. The particle flux from the target is analyzed with a
Space charge repulsion between the ions, which usually pre- triple-differentially pumped hybrid detector with both energy
cludes high current at low energy, is circumvented using the and mass dispersion. This system combines an electron im-
accel-decel scheme for transport. In this arrangement, ions pact ionizer, hemispherical electrostatic sector, and quadru-
are created at the desired collision energy in the plasma pole mass filter in series with single ion counting on the rear
source, extracted and accelerated to high transport energy 共to end so that small signals of both ions and neutrals can be
fight space charge repulsion兲, and then decelerated back analyzed. With such a scheme, the collision kinematics,
down to their original creation potential right before impact- charge exchange, and chemistry occurring on the target sur-
ing the grounded target. In this way, the beam current is high, face can be separated by fully analyzing the scattered prod-
the collision energy is easily tunable 共by floating the plasma uct flux. In the next few sections, key design aspects of the
source above ground兲, and the target is always kept plasma source, beamline, and scattering system are empha-
grounded. The ICP-based beamline is a generic and robust sized to highlight why low-energy ion beam experiments are
system because any ion created in the plasma can be indi- so demanding and how to work around physical limitations
vidually singled out and delivered to the target as a clean associated with high beam flux at low energy, pumping re-
surface probe composed of only one species and one charge quirements, beam focusing, and scattered product detection.
state. Species scattered by or originating from the target sur-
face are analyzed with a hybrid detector which allows simul- A. Design philosophy
taneous mass and energy filtering—so the kinematics, charge
As inferred in the introduction, a high-current ion beam
exchange, and chemistry which occurs upon scattering can
cannot be exposed to decelerating fields during transport,
be investigated.
otherwise it will diverge. Unfortunately, space charge repul-
sion between the ions can only be “controlled” using
high transport energy 共Langmuir–Child law兲,5 continual
The low-energy, ion beamline scattering system is refocusing,6 or by artificially neutralizing the beam by add-
shown schematically in Fig. 1, with technical specifications ing electrons externally 共see Lawson7兲. The latter two op-
given in Table I. The system is composed of four main sec- tions are usually reserved for very high current beams 共mA兲
tions: 共a兲 ICP ion source with extraction optics; 共b兲 high used in particle accelerators. On the laboratory scale, con-
voltage beamline with magnetic mass filter, focusing ele- tinual refocusing is cumbersome and usually limited to
ments, and deceleration optics; 共c兲 scattering chamber; and highly symmetric systems 共without a mass filter兲; as well,
共d兲 scattered product detector. Specific construction details of artificial neutralization is not an option because a neutralized
each section of the instrument can be found elsewhere.4 The beam cannot be mass filtered. The solution is therefore
design philosophy of the beamline was to provide high fluxes simple—just transport and mass filter the beam at high ac-
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083302-3 Low-energy ion beam scattering apparatus Rev. Sci. Instrum. 76, 083302 共2005兲
TABLE I. Design and operational specifications for the low-energy ion beamline scattering system.
celeration voltage.8–11 What one desires is a symmetric 共usu- B. ICP plasma source and ion beam extraction
ally cylindrical兲, pumpable, high-voltage “shield” around the
ion beam column throughout the beam transport line 共includ- One of the most important choices in any beamline de-
ing the mass filter兲 while working with a grounded target. sign is the ion source itself. The source should have high
This situation is experimentally demanding because it re- conversion efficiency, low operating pressure 共to avoid gas
quires a pumpable high-voltage envelope around the propa- loading the beamline兲, well-defined ion creation potential,
gating ion beam to shield it from the grounded beamline narrow ion energy spread, and compatibility with both inert
chambers which maintain the vacuum. Such an approach has and reactive working gases. Traditionally, Freeman-type,
been used successfully for a 10 keV beamline by construct- low-voltage dc arcs have been the ion source of choice be-
ing an electrostatic mesh chamber inside a grounded vacuum cause of their high current and low pressure operation.3,12,13
shell.3 We have taken a different approach whereby the entire However, arc sources require frequent filament changes 共a
vacuum system itself 共chambers, valves, feedthrus, etc.兲 is few tens of hours for high beam currents兲 and contaminate
floating below ground at the beam transport energy the beam with useless ions resulting from reaction of the
共−20 keV兲. This philosophy avoids all the problems associ- working gas with the hot filament used to sustain the dis-
ated with high-voltage isolation inside vacuum where space charge. We have solved these problems by designing an ICP
is tight and pumping conductance must be maximized. All source and extraction system for our beamline which can
the isolation problems are brought outside of vacuum and we satisfy all the above criteria along with clean, sustained
can avoid making a chamber within a chamber. operation—even with corrosive working gases. The induc-
The high-voltage floating section of our beamline sys- tive coupling scheme is ideal because it can provide high ion
tem, shown in Fig. 1, extends from the end of the premagnet density 共1011–1013 / cm3兲 with low plasma potential
Einzel triplet up to and including the decelerator where it 共⬍20 eV兲 and narrow ion energy spread 共2–5 eV兲, all at low
joins to the grounded scattering chamber. The floating sec- working pressure 共0.1–5 mTorr兲 共for a summary of ICPs, see
tion includes the 60° sector magnet, mass slit, quadrupole Refs. 5 and 14兲.
doublet, 10° steering magnet, and decelerator. Electrical A schematic of the ICP plasma reactor and extraction
breaks are used at both ends to isolate the floating section electrode system is shown in Fig. 2. The plasma reactor is
from the rest of the system with the premagnet Einzel triplet constructed from a 4 in. o . d . ⫻ 4 in. alumina tube 共a Pyrex
共lens number 3兲 and decelerator 共lens numbers 2 and 3兲 func- version is also used兲 with alumina end caps sealed by o-rings
tioning as transfer lenses to shield the beam between sec- to an 8 in. Conflat flange fitted to the front of the beamline.
tions. The vacuum chambers themselves are supported using The plasma is excited by a two-turn, rf-solenoid antenna ex-
a poly-vinyl chloride scaffold system to stand off the floating cited through a ⌸ network at 13.56 MHz. A grounded, cop-
potential and the vacuum pumps 共CT7 cryopump after the per Faraday shield 共similar to Ref. 15兲 is situated between
60° sector, 200 L / s turbo on the quadrupole doublet兲 are also the antenna and reactor to eliminate all capacitive coupling
isolated with electrical breaks. between the plasma and rf antenna. It is imperative that ca-
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083302-4 M. J. Gordon and K. P. Giapis Rev. Sci. Instrum. 76, 083302 共2005兲
exiting ions onto the entrance aperture of the rf/dc quad. The side by sputter coating with 1500 Å of aluminum to provide
energy filtering action of the sector is accomplished by slow- a grounded surface and light shield for the PMT. The PMT
ing down or speeding up ions which enter the sector to the tube itself was housed inside vacuum with a -metal mag-
pass energy of the analyzer 关constant acceptance energy netic shield and pressed firmly against the rear of the scintil-
共CAE兲 mode兴 by sweeping the retarding voltage from lator. The tube is run in pulse count mode with the photo-
−Epass kinetic energy 共KE= 0兲 up to some maximum scanned cathode at positive high voltage to further reduce spurious
energy. A pass energy of 15 eV was used for most of our electron pulses.
scattering experiments because it provided good energy reso-
lution and adequate transport energy through the quadrupole. III. BEAMLINE PERFORMANCE
Both the inlet triplet and four-lens exit system on the sector The major goal of our endeavor was to construct a mass-
analyzer were designed through extensive SIMION simulation. filtered ion beam system which could deliver reasonable flu-
An example ion trajectory calculation for a 50 eV Ar+ beam ence 共100s of A / cm2兲 at low beam energy 共50–1000 eV兲
retarded to the 15 eV pass energy of the analyzer is shown in for surface scattering studies. The real test of such a system
Fig. 5共b兲. Very specific voltage ratios between the inlet and indeed lies in the mass-filtering capability, available current,
exit lens elements were required for proper focus over a wide and scattered product detector performance. As such, we
range of ion energies. As such, a custom, computer con- sought to answer several questions, which are addressed in
trolled power supply system was built for the sector analyzer, the following sections:
inlet, and exit Einzel lens systems.
For the quadrupole, the dc rod voltages were derived 共1兲 Can isotopically pure beams be generated from a com-
directly from the rf drive to the poles by vacuum tube diodes. plex plasma gas mixture 共i.e., one commonly used for
This unique feature allowed the entire rod set and match box dry etching兲?
circuitry to be floated above ground. The ability to artificially 共2兲 What is the current delivery versus beam energy?
move the quad centerline potential above ground was abso- 共3兲 Is the ion beam energy distribution at the target suffi-
lutely necessary because the ion flight energy within the ciently narrow for scattering experiments?
quad must ramp with the energy analyzer retard voltage— 共4兲 Can the impact energy be tuned easily by floating the
otherwise, the flight energy through the quad is not constant. entire ICP plasma source above ground?
The centerline quad potential was attached directly to the
main retarding voltage ramp of the energy filter. In this way,
A. Mass separation
ions fly through the quad at exactly the pass energy of the
energy filter, irrespective of what kinetic energy is being The mass resolution of the ion beamline system was
scanned. Finally, to further decrease the residual gas back- evaluated by forming isotopically clean ion beams from a
ground and prevent ion forming collisions within the quad, a complex plasma gas mixture that is typically used for dry
special cryocooled shroud at 30 K was placed around the etching of SiO2. This situation represents an extreme case of
quad pole set 共not shown兲. beam contamination and can be used to test the ability of an
The extremely small ion signals 共10−15–10−17 Torr effec- ion beam system to give high mass resolution and produce
tive pressure兲 that are generated by electron impact ioniza- clean, pure beams. Figure 6 shows a typical mass sweep of
tion of secondary neutrals leaving the target surface require the beams that can be formed by extracting all the ions from
an extremely sensitive, single-ion type counting system. The a CF4 / Ar/ O2 plasma mixture running at 500 W plasma
problem is unavoidable because ionization by electron im- power. The plot was formed by sweeping the field strength of
pact is quite inefficient. The most well-designed magneti- both the 60° sector and 10° deflector magnets simultaneously
cally confined ionizers running in space charge limited mode via computer control while maintaining the beam energy at
at 10 mA of emission current can only provide a conversion 100 eV and beamline transport voltage at −12 keV. The mass
efficiency of maybe one part in 104.31 This dictates that the exit slit on the 60° magnet was set to a 3 mm width and the
ion detector must be able to count every single ion that is beam current at the target location was measured with a Far-
generated. For this purpose, we developed a hybrid ion aday cup 共500 m diam inlet aperture兲. It can be seen that all
counting system based on the approach of Daly.32 Ions exit- the ions in the plasma source are easily resolved by the sec-
ing the quad are “bunched” by a three element immersion tor magnet and can be transported to the sample as isotopi-
lens 共+200 V , −3 kV, −6 kV兲 at the rear of the quad and they cally pure beams for scattering experiments. Higher resolu-
are subsequently accelerated to −15 to −30 kV by a conver- tion is possible with smaller exit slit size, but better mass
sion dynode. When the high energy ions strike the aluminum separation is not needed for most of the beams shown. Mass
dynode surface 共⬃45°, angle of maximum secondary elec- sweeps of this type demonstrate the power of the beamline
tron emission兲, a shower of secondary electrons 共15–30 keV system for plasma diagnostics as well as a direct feedback
with respect to ground兲 is created. These secondary elec- mechanism for tuning plasma operation to obtain the highest
trons, in turn, are accelerated away from the dynode and yield of the ion species of interest.
converted to light 共max = 408 nm兲 by a plastic scintillator
共⬃3–4 photons/ e− for Bicron BC408兲. Finally, the resulting B. Target current
photon pulses are registered by a special bi-alkali photocath- One of the most important design criteria for the beam-
ode photomultiplier tube 共PMT兲 with maximum sensitivity at line was high beam current at low impact energy. This is
400–420 nm. The scintillator was metallized on the dynode made possible by the accel-decel scheme where ions are cre-
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083302-8 M. J. Gordon and K. P. Giapis Rev. Sci. Instrum. 76, 083302 共2005兲
FIG. 6. Beam currents measured via Faraday cup 共0.5 mm inlet diameter兲 at
the target position for a CF4 / O2 / Ar 共48: 14: 38兲 plasma running at 3.5 mT
and 500 W. Beamline transport voltage was −12 keV and the mass slit was
set to 3 mm width. SiF+ and SiF+2 species result from attack of the pyrex
plasma reactor used for this experiment. Also, O2 was added to the plasma
mix to prevent CF2-like polymer deposition on the reactor walls at high CF4
blending ratios.
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energy analysis of the scattered flux will add a whole new support.
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083302-15 Low-energy ion beam scattering apparatus Rev. Sci. Instrum. 76, 083302 共2005兲
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