Pasamba Jayden Claire A.-Reaction-Paper-1-Pec-Ftc3
Pasamba Jayden Claire A.-Reaction-Paper-1-Pec-Ftc3
Pasamba Jayden Claire A.-Reaction-Paper-1-Pec-Ftc3
Instruction: Read the journal article entitled: CORE SELF-EVALUATIONS, JOB SATISFACTION,
EDUCATION SYSTEM then answer the following questions in the table.
1. What is the article about and what are its major argument?
The major argument to this article is to determine the relationship of the leader’s core self-
evaluations, transformational leadership and servant leadership styles to their follower’s job satisfaction
in selected Parochial Schools in Manila, Philippines under the Roman Catholic Education System
2. Do you agree with the points of the journal article? Why or Why not?
Yes, because in this journal article its tackle about the core self-evaluations of a leader where this
CSE focus to the personality trait of a one leader, in the journal article said that the leaders that are
high in core self-evaluations in still the sense of self confidence in their followers which help them
improve job performance, which this characteristic is need if you are a leader. Second is the
transformational leadership, Transformational leadership has been viewed as an efficient leadership
style since it allows its followers to participate in solving problems the company may face, in this kind of
leadership it is important to work with your team to change and solve the problems in every situations
comes. Last is the Servant leadership, where the leader responsibility is to serve to his or her
By this kind of leadership that the leader have, the organizations that they have are having their
success at end, and having a good leader there’s always a good followers.
The administrations in QECI are having their transformational and servant leadership, specially
now pandemic. When the pandemic starts the classes are cancelled, where the administrations
specially the leader of our school is having her plan on how their students continue their study, and the
leader face this problem and having her plans on what ideas and things are good to continue the
students education and to having the solutions to this problem. After she plan on what she will do, her
followers which are the teachers and professor follow what the leader said and decisions, and her
follower responsibility is to serve to their students also
Having this kind of leader, who can manage her companions and organization, her followers also
is always active on what she said. Being a leader her responsibility also is to serve to her or his
followers by giving respect and show a good characteristic of become a good leader,