Restorative Management of The Worn Dentition pt4
Restorative Management of The Worn Dentition pt4
Restorative Management of The Worn Dentition pt4
Restorative Management of
the Worn Dentition: 4.
tooth preparation with better
Abstract: This is the final paper of a four part series on the management of worn retention and resistance forms.
dentition. The factors affecting the selection of restorative techniques for generalized
l In cases where there is no stable
toothwear, such as pulpal vitality, jaw relationship and occlusal guidance are discussed.
The practical steps of oral rehabilitation using fixed prostheses are illustrated with two occlusal relationship because the
clinical cases. existing dentition is severely
damaged or the patient is partially
Dent Update 2002; 29: 318–324 edentulous, the need for a
reorganized approach is obvious.
Clinical Relevance: Generalized toothwear requiring complex rehabilitation
should be managed by a systematic step-by-step approach.
With extensively broken teeth, pulpal
vitality must also be determined before
restorative treatment is carried out.
In dentate patients presenting with
generalized toothwear, interocclusal
clearance can be provided with an
increase of OVD. The amount of OVD
increase required depends on:
Before irreversible fixed prostheses are A healthy 67-year-old man presented
provided it is advisable to use a with severe pain from 6|. On examination,
Figure 9. Case 1: left buccal view showing the
reversible device, such as a hard maxillary exposure of secondary dentine and the space after debonding palatal veneer on canine.
occlusal splint or removable overlay root canals of 6| could be seen clinically
denture, to evaluate a patient’s adaptive as a result of severe occlusal wear (Figure
ability to the new occlusal scheme and 3). Dentine sensitivity, especially to for mandibular protrusion, while the
protect the remaining tooth tissues. contact with cold water, was associated canines and all posterior teeth were
However, quite how an asymptomatic with teeth showing generalized toothwear involved in lateral excursions.
patient with worn dentition should be (Figure 4). There was minimal difference
monitored with splint wearing before the between ICP and RCP. The upper and Treatment
definitive restorative treatment is lower central incisors were responsible After completion of endodontic treatment
of 6|, an upper acrylic occlusal splint was
constructed at a 4 mm increase of OVD to
a b protect the worn dentition, and to assess
the adaptation of the patient to a
reorganized occlusal scheme (Figure 5). A
‘mutually protected’ occlusal scheme was
used. Canine guidance was used for
lateral excursions, while anterior guidance
was shared among all the anterior teeth.
After the patient had adapted to the
new occlusal scheme, temporary nickel-
Figure 6. Case 1: (a) occlusal view showing the amount of anterior space created by palatal chromium palatal veneers were
veneers bonded on upper canines. (b) The amount of posterior separation is visible on the right constructed on 3| and |3 according to an
buccal view.
incisal guidance table fabricated with the
occlusal splint. The palatal veneers final restorations for all anterior teeth
Case 2
established an accurate increase in OVD, except |2, for which a pontic with cervical
and provided occlusal guidance (Figure A 50-year-old woman was referred pink porcelain was used. The posterior
6). Initial posterior support and because of generalized worn dentition. teeth were then prepared in four sextants
restoration of the worn posterior teeth The patient’s periodontal health was for ceramometal and gold crowns
were achieved using a posterior resin excellent, but endodontic treatment was (Figures 14 and 15).
composite (SureFil, Dentsply, Milford, performed for 4|, |7 and 7|. All of the
DE 19963-0359, USA) (Figure 7). Anterior posterior teeth had been extensively and
guidance was re-established with gold repeatedly restored with amalgam SUMMARY
palatal veneers on 21|12, labial porcelain because of caries and toothwear. The In addition to fixed adhesive and
veneers on 1|1 and incisal resin- upper anterior teeth had been previously conventional castings, removable partial
composite restorations on 2|2 (Figure 8). restored with porcelain jacket crowns, dentures, or a combination of both fixed
One month after anterior guidance was which accelerated the wear of the lower and removable prostheses, may be
re-established the premolars and molars anterior teeth (Figure 11). Little difference considered in the management of
on both sides were prepared in two visits. was found between the RPC and ICP. generalized toothwear.
Full-arch impressions were taken for the There was Class II division 2 incisal It is very uncommon for the severity
construction of adhesive gold onlays on malocclusion, with mandibular protrusion of toothwear to be the same in different
654|6 and |56, full gold crowns on 76| and guided by the lower incisors against the parts of the dentition, even in patients
a cantilever conventional ceramometal coarse porcelain surfaces of upper with ‘generalized’ toothwear, and
bridge to replace a missing first premolar. crowns. Group function was present for patients with generalized toothwear
lateral excursions on both sides. From the
articulated study casts, unstable contacts
between the heavily restored upper and
lower posterior teeth in ICP were noted.
To evaluate the patient’s ability to adapt to
an increased OVD and a new reorganized
occlusal scheme, a lower overlay denture
was constructed to cover 321|123. An
upper onlay denture was also used to
Figure 11. Case 2: worn lower anterior teeth, provide even bilateral posterior support Figure 14. Case 2: frontal view showing the
frontal view. finished restorations.
(Figure 12). The use of two separate partial
dentures maintained posterior support
while the anterior teeth were undergoing
reconstruction. The lower onlay denture
also temporarily restored the appearance
of the worn teeth.
After 2 months, pin-retained core build
ups were placed on the worn lower
anterior teeth 1|12 at an increased OVD,
using a cermet material (Ketac Silver,
Figure 12. Case 2: overlay denture at increased ESPE, D-82229 Seefeld, Germany) (Figure Figure 15. Case 2: left buccal view, showing
OVD in place. 13). Ceramometal crowns were used as posterior separation in mandibular protrusion.
and their replacement with partial or Adequate coronal tissues for Review/monitor
complete dentures without first adhesive/conventional castings? ± preventive care
thoroughly exploring the possibility of
more conservative approaches is
unacceptable: extraction should be used Yes No (severe toothwear)
only in the last resort if the existing teeth
are unsalvageable, or if replacement of
such teeth is not essential. It may be more Existing OVD satisfactory? Teeth require endodontic treatment
appropriate to accept a sub-optimal
aesthetic outcome based on the existing Yes No Yes
worn teeth, such as partial restoration of
the crown length of the worn incisors with
Full arch restorations At increased OVD restore with No
resin composite or onlay denture, rather required? Yes adhesive/conventional castings
than an ‘optimal’ aesthetic appearance OR post-crown
with acrylic denture teeth replacements. OR overdenture
Successful management of different No
degrees of toothwear requires early
diagnosis of the problem and an
understanding of the different treatment At existing OVD, restore At increased OVD, restore At increased OVD, restore
strategies and techniques available, and with adhesive/conventional with adhesive/conventional with adhesive/conventional
of the properties of dental materials. castings using ‘every other castings OR overlay casting after:
Close co-operation with dental tooth’ technique denture 1. core build-up
2. crown lengthening
specialists such as orthodontists, 3. post-crown after
periodontists and prosthodontists is elective endodontics
necessary when there are opportunities OR overlay denture
for improved treatment results. OR overdenture after
The restorative management of elective endodontics
generalized toothwear is outlined in Figure
Figure 16. Flowchart of management of generalized toothwear.
16. Successful maintenance requires
regular recall for monitoring and
preventive measures.
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