Cve 323 (Fluid Dynamic & Hydrology)
Cve 323 (Fluid Dynamic & Hydrology)
Cve 323 (Fluid Dynamic & Hydrology)
Hydrology, by its term meaning is the science of water. However it does not gives a complete
view of hydrology in respect to water generating source for creating water resource on earth
system, essential for mankind. After a great exercise and deal the scientists defined the
hydrology as the science dealing the occurrence of rainfall, its distribution & circulation on and
below the earth and physical and chemical reaction with earth materials. Hydrology deals with
the waters of the earth, their distribution and circulation, their physical and chemical properties,
and their interaction with the environment, including interaction with living things and, in
particular, human beings. Engineering hydrology includes those segments of the field pertinent
to design and operation of engineering projects for the control and use of water.
In hydrology, the land unit is the watershed, which also may be referred to as a basin or
A watershed is defined as an area of land in which all of the incoming precipitation drains (i.e.,
“sheds”) to the same place – toward the same body of water or the same topographic low area
(e.g., a sinkhole) – as a result of its topography. This means that a watershed's boundary is
defined by its topographic high points. Watersheds are fairly simple to identify in mountainous
or hilly terrain because their boundaries are defined by ridges (Figure 1). However, in flatland
watersheds, such as in the Coastal Plain of the Southeast, identifying topographic high points can
be very challenging because the highest and lowest elevations may differ only by a few
Scope of hydrology
Hydrology is an indispensable tool in planning and building hydraulic structures.
Divisions of Hydrology:
Hydrology can generally be divided into two main branches
Surface Water Hydrology: It is the study of hydrologic processes that operate at or near earth’s
Ground Water Hydrology: It is the study of underground water.
Engineering Hydrology: Engineering hydrology deals with the planning, design and Operation
of Engineering projects for the control and use of water
Applied Hydrology: Applied hydrology is the study of hydrological cycle, precipitation, runoff,
relationship between precipitation and runoff, hydrographs, Flood Routing
Chemical Hydrology: Study of chemical characteristics of water.
Eco-hydrology: Interaction between organisms and the hydrological cycle.
Hydrogeology: Also referred to as geo-hydrology, is the study of the presence and movement of
ground water.
Hydro-informatics: is the adaptation of information technology to hydrology and water
resource applications
Hydrometeorology: It is the study of the transfer of water and energy between land and water
body surfaces and the lower atmosphere.
Isotope Hydrology: It is the study of isotropic signatures of water (origin and age of water).
Some points: