Art of Sacred 3
Art of Sacred 3
Art of Sacred 3
© 2013 by Koch Media GmbH, Gewerbegebiet 1, 6604 Höfen, Austria. Deep Silver is a division of Koch Media GmbH.
Deep Silver and their respective logos are trademarks of Koch Media. All other trademarks, logos and copyrights are property of their respective owners. All rights reserved.
Some of the pictures contained in this book may reveal important parts of the plot.
KYTHON, THE MALAKHIM ASSASSIN....................................................................................... 32 ULGHOR, THE GLADIATOR........................................................................................................... 96 IN MOTION, THE 2D CINEMATICS. . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
CLAIRE, THE SERAPHIM PALADIN................................................................................................ 39 LEKTORIS, THE DARK ELF............................................................................................................... 97
VILLAINS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
ASHEN EMPIRE................................................................................................................................... 57
Once rulers of most of the land that bears their name, the Ancarians’ time of glo-
ry has passed, crushed by the Ashen Empire’s inexorable expansion. Retreated
from great castles and vast cities to forest villages and wooden huts, but their
spirit has yet to be broken. They are the backbone of the Resistance against
Zane, and their talent at guerilla warfare has no equal.
The base shape from which the Ancarian symbol has been derived is the “square”.
It brings the connotations of strength and stability evolving until being the cup
of life. Moreover, the green and brown main colors bind it to mother nature and
Each race has a set of specific materials for their outfits and
weapons. This helps to differentiate the cultures of Ancaria
better and makes them easier to recognize.
Ancarian favored materials are:
The Khukuri descend from steppe nomads who gradually settled higher and
higher in the northern mountains of Ancaria, carving a place for themselves
away from all the high and mighty empires of the lowlands. Tough survivors
with strong philosophical ideals, they seem aloof to outsiders. Relying mainly
on hunting to sustain themselves, they are the most talented archers the world
has ever seen. Yet once the feasts are over, a nice story around the fireplace
lifts spirits high and the harsh cold is soon forgotten.
The base shape from which the Khukuri symbol has been dereived is the “cir-
cle”. It realtes to faith and fullfilment evolving until becoming the Moon. Fur-
thermore, the white and blue colors are reminders of the sky and ice, bringing
connotations of light and serenity.
Each race has a set of specific materials for their outfits and
weapons. This helps to differentiate the cultures of Ancaria bet-
ter and makes them easier to recognize.
As the Khukuri culture is based in the mountains, their favourite
materials are:
The Malakhim have appeared very recently in Ancaria, as if they were born out
of the darkness that is engulfing the world. Deadly warriors that walk alone,
they have been witnessed striking at the Ashen forces with gleeful slaughter,
displaying amazing skill in fighting and disappearing. Dark smoky wings adorn
their backs, making some wonder if they are somehow related to the Seraphim.
The base shape from which the Malakhim symbol has been derived is the “rect-
angle”. Pointing downward and upward it can be read as descending and ascend-
ing movement (negative vs. positive). The three basic rectangles finally evolved
into the diamond shapes in black and red colors, which carry meanings of feroc-
ity and bravery.
Each race has a set of specific materials for their outfits and
weapons. This helps to differentiate the cultures of Ancaria
better and makes them easier to recognize.
Malakhim favoured materials are:
And what a fearsome fighter he is! He pounces like a cat on its prey, wielding curved
The Malakhim’s symbol is the
blades that rend the flesh, while his mysterious spells of darkness obfuscate him from
base shape as well the ornaments
harm. He has little value for life it seems, as many of his deadly powers are drawn di-
inspiration for Kython’s outfit.
rectly from his own blood, which when spilled spells doom for his foes. This is when
As a result of having that sharp
he regains the title of “demon” bestowed upon his people.
shaped diamond symbol as base,
the Malakhim outfit shows plen-
ty of spiky edges and geometric
COLOR CODE cuts in the clothes.
The Malakhim use dark colors with wild contrast.
The Seraphim are immortal beings created by the Gods at the dawn of time
to act as protectors to young Ancaria. Fair of hair but not faint of heart, these
winged guardians fought tirelessly to bring about an age of peace one thousand
years ago. Their work done, they went into hermitage, dedicating themselves
to prayer and meditation. But the fires of war have roused the Seraphim once
more to descend back into the world and end Zane’s tyranny.
The base shape from which the Seraphim symbol has been derived is the“cir-
cle”. It evolved into a winged shape and is used for the very elegant and “fluid”
design of the armor. It relates to faith and fulfilment, and the creamy and purple
colors bring connotations of light, nobility and power.
Each race has a set of specific materials for their outfits and
weapons. This helps to differentiate the cultures of Ancaria
better and makes them easier to recognize.
Seraphim favoured materials are:
Claire fought endless battles throughout history and rose to become the right
hand maiden of Sister Telari, the Seraphim leader. More at home on the battle-
field than in meditation, part of her is happy that the time of seclusion has ended
and she can spring into action once more. But her heart aches for all the fallen
Seraphim that Zane’s ambition has felled, and her holy vengeance is terrible to
behold. The Seraphim’s symbol is the
She is a master swordswoman, slashing through her enemies in a base shape as well the orna-
whirlwind carried by her ethereal wings. Whoever is spared her blade ments inspiration for Claire’s
finds himself quickly smitten by her holy powers, as she calls for di- outfit.
vine favor to destroy her enemies and pull them away from her al-
As a result of having that
lies. Seeing her enter the battlefield brings terror to evil everywhere.
winged symbol, the Seraphim
outfit shows plenty of winged
COLOR CODE shapes and very organic fluid
The Seraphim use clear and bright colors.
elegant cuts in the clothes.
The Safiri were once pirates and corsairs raiding the Southern Seas for suste-
nance and riches. But as time brought wisdom and desire for peace, most Safiri
settled down, founding coastal cities and becoming merchants and protectors
of the seas. Their culture birthed wondrous architecture dedicated to the Sun
and the waves, and mighty warriors who now join the Resistance against the
Ashen Empire, which has reached their shores.
The base shape from which the Safiri symbol has been derived is the“circle”. It
evolved into the Sun shape because the Safiri is the culture of the Sun. It relates
to faith and fulfilment, and the bright golden color brings connotations of light,
nobility and power as well as wealth.
Each race has a set of specific materials for their outfits and
weapons. This helps to differentiate the cultures of Ancaria
better and makes them easier to recognize. The Safiri are
the richest nation so their favourite materials are:
The Ashen were a small Human kingdom, nestled at the base of sleeping vol-
canos in a rugged land of dust and ashes (hence the name). Their fate changed
drastically when the Dark Elf Matriarch was banished from Ancaria with her son
Zane, who settled the Ashen lands with their retinue of Dark Elves. Seeing this
small helpless kingdom he quickly took control, founded the new capital of Ash-
gar, and over the next centuries turned it into what is now the Ashen Empire, a
powerful war machine capable of subjugating all the lands.
The Ashen symbol comes from the basic shape “rectangle” pointing downward.
It can be read as descending movement. The black and purple colors convey
nobility and power.
Arm detail
Ailana is the consort of Zane, a Dark Elf who’s heart is as black as his
mother’s was. She sits beside him on the throne of the Ashen and
carries the bidding of her husband and master in the capital while
he focuses his efforts on the rest of Ancaria.
Daughter to Zane and Ailana, Princess
Lilliane seems to have inherited none
of their bellicose nature and penchant
for utter domination, she feels much
closer to the other people of Ancaria.
This is probably why she hasn’t been
seen in ages, probably locked away
where she can’t tarnish the Emperor’s
name. That is, if she even still lives.
Early concepts
A cocky corsair, Karr Tel is one of those Safiri who refused to relinquish the
old days of preying on the weak. Guiding his armada of mercenaries from his
flagship Gloria, Karr Tel has been terrorizing the Southern Sea settlements
for decades, pursued by Marak and the Order of the Sun for his crimes. It
was only natural that Zane would pay handsomely for Karr Tel’s loyalty. His
sights are now set on the Safiri lands themselves.
Once a member of the proud Seraphim people, the Black one gave into the
lust of battle, letting the darkness consume her till her former noble ideals
were no more. The Gods had no choice but to banish her into the Under-
world, where the dark magics progressively twisted her mind and body into
a mockery of her former beauty. She now rules over her small kingdom and
awaits her opportunity to break back into Ancaria and subjugate the living,
aided by her pet monster Snibbles.
© 2013 by Koch Media GmbH, Gewerbegebiet 1, 6604 Höfen, Austria.
Deep Silver is a division of Koch Media GmbH. Deep Silver and their respective logos are trademarks of Koch Media. All other trademarks, logos and copyrights are property of their respective owners. All rights reserved.
When Zane was exiled, his personal retinue of Dark Elves followed him to the Ashen lands. Over the centuries and through devious experiments, these immortal beings agreed to become even more powerful to serve their
master. This is how the terrible Legion of Dust, the Empire’s elite, came into being. Their burning armors are made of pure hate energy, which they radiate so strongly that only monstrous creatures like the Berserker can re-
main their beasts of burden long enough without being consumed.
© 2013 by Koch Media GmbH, Gewerbegebiet 1, 6604 Höfen, Austria.
Deep Silver is a division of Koch Media GmbH. Deep Silver and their respective logos are trademarks of Koch Media. All other trademarks, logos and copyrights are property of their respective owners. All rights reserved.
Early concepts
Part of Karr Tel’s flotilla of pirates and miscreants, these mercenaries will gladly betray anyone for a bit of gold. Wielding traditional scimitars and explosives, they are as efficient on land as they are at sea. Any city that sees
their passing must be prepared for slaughter and pillaging as these drunken savages stop at nothing to have their cruel fun and fill their pockets with riches.
© 2013 by Koch Media GmbH, Gewerbegebiet 1, 6604 Höfen, Austria.
Deep Silver is a division of Koch Media GmbH. Deep Silver and their respective logos are trademarks of Koch Media. All other trademarks, logos and copyrights are property of their respective owners. All rights reserved.
The Grimmocs constitute the biggest proportion of the Ashen Empire’s war machine, but they are not the only greenskins in its ranks. The smaller Gremlins, a cousin race with higher numbers but smaller builds, represent
their cannon fodder. Waves of them are thrown on the frontlines to swarm the enemy, allowing the Grimmocs to reach melee range while the opposing ranks are in disarray.
© 2013 by Koch Media GmbH, Gewerbegebiet 1, 6604 Höfen, Austria.
Deep Silver is a division of Koch Media GmbH. Deep Silver and their respective logos are trademarks of Koch Media. All other trademarks, logos and copyrights are property of their respective owners. All rights reserved.
The various dark corners of Ancaria are filled with deadly creatures and terrifying monsters. But just like anywhere, it’s the bugs that are the most ubiquitous. Be they the fiery critters of the scorching desert or the poisonous
ones deep in the water facility of Khorad, there will be much squashing to do.
© 2013 by Koch Media GmbH, Gewerbegebiet 1, 6604 Höfen, Austria.
Deep Silver is a division of Koch Media GmbH. Deep Silver and their respective logos are trademarks of Koch Media. All other trademarks, logos and copyrights are property of their respective owners. All rights reserved.
The woods and forests of Ancaria have some of the most beauti-
ful glades and stunning vistas you could imagine. They are not still
paintings however, and are very much teeming with life. And with
the mindless destruction of the advancing Ashen army, that life has
become more hostile to intruders than ever before. Even ancient
nature elementals have awoken from from their magical sleep to
defend the sanctity of their planet!
© 2013 by Koch Media GmbH, Gewerbegebiet 1, 6604 Höfen, Austria.
Deep Silver is a division of Koch Media GmbH. Deep Silver and their respective logos are trademarks of Koch Media. All other trademarks, logos and copyrights are property of their respective owners. All rights reserved.
The Underworld is a place of ghosts and demons, where the darkness of the world takes physical form and produces the most terrifying creatures one can imagine. Creatures like the All-watchers and their mental powers flay
at the sanity of mortals, while ethereal Wraiths consume the soul in bolts of utter darkness. No creature can resist the corruption of the Underworld, and even the fearsome Troll can be twisted into a corrupt mockery of its
real appearance.
© 2013 by Koch Media GmbH, Gewerbegebiet 1, 6604 Höfen, Austria.
Deep Silver is a division of Koch Media GmbH. Deep Silver and their respective logos are trademarks of Koch Media. All other trademarks, logos and copyrights are property of their respective owners. All rights reserved.
Every great team needs an equally great coach to keep it on the track to victory from the sidelines. This is Aria’s role
among the Resistance Heroes. Through the magic basin in the Seraphim stronghold, she guides them through the treach-
erous locations they must visit, ensuring they can accomplish their goal of thwarting the Ashen Empire at every turn.
But Aria is more than just a mission dispatcher. Daughter of Sister Telari, the Seraphim leader, her father is a mysterious
Malakhim. As such, she is the only child born of two different immortal beings, an omen of change and a herald of vic-
tory in the prophecies of Ancaria. No surprise that Zane wants to kidnap her for his nefarious designs!
Lektoris was an Oracle for the Dark Elves, but no one ever
believed his grim predictions (although they were always
true). He grew apathetic, until even the prediction of his
own murder did not faze him one bit. Now he shares his
powers and pessimism with whoever is unlucky enough to
wield him.
© 2013 by Koch Media GmbH, Gewerbegebiet 1, 6604 Höfen, Austria.
Deep Silver is a division of Koch Media GmbH. Deep Silver and their respective logos are trademarks of Koch Media. All other trademarks, logos and copyrights are property of their respective owners. All rights reserved.
© 2013 by Koch Media GmbH, Gewerbegebiet 1, 6604 Höfen, Austria.
Deep Silver is a division of Koch Media GmbH. Deep Silver and their respective logos are trademarks of Koch Media. All other trademarks, logos and copyrights are property of their respective owners. All rights reserved.
CONCEPT ART Guido Eickmeyer
Nikolay Stoyanov
Mateja Petkovic
Markus Lenz (Keen Games) PRODUCER
Mirko Hering