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VII LFT EN AD Oligo Furnas Mix 15 10 2021 3630

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Product Information

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Essentials | Micronutrients
Blended Mix

Oligo Furnas Mix

Van Iperen Oligo Furnas Mix is a highly pure and uniform blend of EDTA
chelated Micronutrients fertilizer, which dissolves rapidly and completely.
Our product is dust free and is recommended at different phenological
stages. The high level of Micronutrients in our formula improves plant
vitality and production.
Composition (%w/w)
• Overcomes general Micronutrient defiencies
Magnesium Oxide 7.8% • Micronutrients 100% chelated and fully available up to a pH of 9
Boron 0.4% (Iron up to a pH of 6)
Cobalt 0.05% • Developed for foliar application. Also suitable for fertigation in open
Copper 1.0% field and greenhouses
Iron 5.0%
Manganese 4.0%
Molybdenum 0.05% Product Characteristics
Zinc 1.5%
• Rapidly dissolvable at high concentration
• Low in Chloride
Agronomical Targets • Raspberry shaped microgranules
• Patented micro granulation process
• Available in both Standard (physical blend) and Premium
(chemical blend) mixes
• Easy to handle and apply


Compatible with other fertilizers. The pH

of the tank solution should be above 4.

Oligo Furnas Mix - AD - 15/10/2021

LET’S MAKE THE GREEN SWITCH Van Iperen International B.V. | tel. +31 (0)186 578 888 | info@iperen.com | www.vaniperen.com
Sheet 2 / 2

Did you know? Dosage | Fertigation

The European law allows using the term
"chelated micronutrient" starting 80% of
actual chelation. This means that on the Crop Application date Min kg/ha/season Max kg/ha/season
market you may find some fertilizers Fruit trees
• As of beginning of
that claim to be chelates, when in fact 5 10
fertigation program
they are only 80% chelated! At Van
Iperen, we chose to always go for quality, Citrus
and all our chelated micronutrients are • As of beginning of
6 12
100% chelated! Van Iperen offers fertigation program
adequate chelated micronutrients with
• As of beginning of
chelating agents, for all growing 4 8
fertigation program
Fruit vegetables
• As of beginning of
4 8
fertigation program

• As of beginning of
8 12
Let's make the green switch! fertigation program

We are Van Iperen International a Dutch

producer of Specialty Fertilizers and Dosage | Foliar application
Biostimulants. We are eager to change
the rules of the game in plant nutrition,
by providing highly innovative solutions Crop Application date Min Max Conc. %
to growers for more sustainable kg/ha/appl kg/ha/appl (w/v)
agriculture. Your local Van Iperen Sales Fruit trees 1 - 3 applications:
Manager will help you and guide you to • During vegetative 0.7 1 0.1
make the green switch together. growth - in post-harvest

Citrus 1 - 4 applications:
• During vegetative 0.5 1.5 0.2
growth - in post-harvest

Strawberry 1 - 3 applications:
0.5 0.7 0.1
• Until fruit setting

2 - 5 applications:
Fruit vegetables • Until fruit setting
0.5 1.0 0.2
• During intensive
vegetative growth

In case of foliar feeding as part of a mix with crop protection products or other
fertilizers, a compatibility test has to be done prior to preparing the spray-mix.
The mentioned indicated dosages and application stages are given as a guideline.
Exact dosages, concentration and application stage are subject to local conditions, use
of other fertilizers and can only be given after an objective diagnosis.
Oligo Furnas Mix - AD - 15/10/2021

LET’S MAKE THE GREEN SWITCH Van Iperen International B.V. | tel. +31 (0)186 578 888 | info@iperen.com | www.vaniperen.com

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