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Q1-Week 1

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School San Antonio National High School Grade Level 10

Teacher Katherine A. Hechanova Learning Area SCIENCE

Teaching Dates and Time Week 1 (July 29-August 2) Quarter First
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of the relationship among the locations of volcanoes, earthquake epicenters, and mountain ranges
B. Performance Standards The learners shall be able to (1). Demonstrate ways to ensure disaster preparedness during earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions (2). Suggest ways by which he/she
can contribute to government efforts in reducing damage due to earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions.
C. Learning Describe and relate the distribution of active volcanoes, earthquake epicenters, and major mountain belts to Plate Tectonic Theory
Competencies/Objectives S10ES–Ia-j-36.1
Write LC code for each 1. Determine the scientific basis for 1. Describe the location of plate 1. Describe the location of 1. State the plate tectonic 1. Illustrate the processes that
dividing the lithospheric plates. boundaries. active volcanoes. theory. occur along each type of plate
2. Locate the location of plates and 2. Infer the location of plate 2. Locate active volcanoes in 2. Describe and relate the boundary.
plate boundary. boundaries in relation to the Pacific relation to major mountain distribution of active
3. Relate the location of plate volcanoes, earthquake
boundaries to the edges of each
belt of fire. belts. epicenters, and major
continent. 2. Describe the distribution of mountain belts to plate
earthquake epicenters in relation to tectonic theory.
plate boundaries.
II. CONTENT Plate Boundaries Location of Earthquake epicenters Distribution of Active Volcanoes Plate tectonic theory Plate boundaries
and Major mountain belts
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide page pp. 11-13 pp. 7-10 pp. 7-10
2. Learner’s Materials pages pp 5-7 5-10 pp. 10-11 pp. 8-10 pp. 8-10
3. Textbooks pages
4. Additional Materials for
Learning Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources
IV. PROCEDURES What is plate? Relate Pangaea to the present the distribution of mountain ranges
A. Reviewing previous lesson or What comes into your mind when Review the steps in locating location of continents. with the distribution of earthquake
presenting the new lesson you hear the word Earth and earthquake epicenter. epicenters and volcanoes?
B. Establishing a purpose for the Identify the 7 continents and the Where are plate boundaries > Let the students look at Figure 2: Why do plates move?
lesson. plates presented in the map. located. Map of the Plate boundaries on
page 7 and ask the ff. questions:
_What do you think is the
basis of dividing the world in such
C. Presenting Show the picture of Pangaea. Allow Compare the structure of plates to >Introduce the Learners Activity 2 Present a glass of water with How does the plates move? In
examples/instances of the new the learners to share their ideas on dried up piece of land and how will "Lets Mark the Boundaries" and piece of paper o top of it. Rotate what direction do they tend to
lesson what Pangea in relation to the lava flow on it, creating the ring of tell them that the next activity will the glass and allow the learners move?
location of the continents and fire. help them confirm their answers to o infer how do plats move base
plates. the question. from that example.
D. Discussing new concepts and Activity 1: Trace my Boundary Activity: Put Me Up Refer to Activity 2: Let’s Mark the Present a video clip on plate Show to the learners the
practicing new skills #1 (Group Activity) Boundaries on pp. 10-11 of the tectonic theory. materials they need to perform
From the given Activity Sheet, LM. an activity:
Given the picture of the world map, locate the location of earthquake
locate the different plates and trace
their boundaries.
epicenters. 1. Modeling clay
2. Piece of paper
Activity 2: Presentation of Output
Show the three directions of
motion of plate boundaries and
allow the learners to design
their own procedure such that
they can clearly illustrate the
three plate boundaries.
E. Discussing new concepts and Processing of reflection. Allow the learners to share their Group Activity
practicing new skills #2 reflections on what they have seen,
and beyond.
F. Developing mastery (leads to How can you identify the location of Describe the distribution of Answer Guide Question # 5-14 of What is plate tectonic? Sharing of reflection.
Formative Assessment) plate boundaries in relation to the earthquake epicenter in relation to Activity 2. How it is related to Pangaea?
continents? plate boundaries.
Sharing of students’ reflection.
G. Finding practical applications To which other practical life Weeks ago, earthquake with Spot an epicenter, volcano or Cite a landmass where your What specific landforms can be
of concepts and skills in daily situations we use the term magnitude 4.3 occurs at Culasi- mountain ranges in your locality. ancestors believed they were once associated in each of the plate
living boundary? Explain. Tibiao area. Share your insights Infer what does this geologic connected and later were boundary of your activity.
about that incident. event/features tells you. separated. Use their story to support
the phenomena and use your
scientific learning to support your
H. Making generalizations and There are seven continents and How would you describe the How does the location of What is plate tectonic theory? Describe the direction of
abstractions about the lesson therefore seven relatively large location of plate boundaries in earthquake epicenter, volcano and How does is support the movement motion of each type of plate
plates. However, you can observe a relation to earthquake epicenters? mountain range relate? of plates? boundary.
number of smaller plates
surrounding these large plates.
-What is the relation of plate
Cite sample landform formation
boundary to the present location of found in your locality related to
the continents? the landform formations shown
-How does plates move apart from in every plate boundary.
each other?
I. Evaluating learning 1. What is plate and plate 1. How are earthquake distributed Formative Test Illustrate the following:
boundary? on the map? 1. What is plate tectonic theory? 1, plates moving towards each
2. Describe the location of plates in 2. Infer the location of plate other
the map in relation to their plate boundaries and earthquake 2. Which statement illustrates the
boundary. distribution of mountain ranges with
3. Determine the scientific basis for
epicenters. the distribution of earthquake
2. plates moving away from
dividing the lithospheric plates. epicenters and volcanoes? each other
4 How would you infer on the a. They are located in different
continuous movement of plates as directions. 3. Plates slide past each other
time goes by? b. They are not randomly
c. They are both found anywhere.

3. How are volcanoes distributed?

(Not randomly distributes, they are
of the same location where
earthquake epicenters are found.)
4. What are the basis of dividing the
Earth's lithosphere? (geologic
activity such as: seismicity,
volcanism and mountain formation)

5.If you found your place is lying on

the top of a moving plate, what will
you do? 2 pts.

J. Additional activities for Locate at least 5 plates you wanted Ass. Ass. .Bring pictures of the different
application or remediation to visit in the map. Find the different earthquake Draw the map showing the relative landforms resulting from each
epicenters occur in your ,locality for the motion of plates and list down the plate boundary.
past 5 years plates that shows: a. moving away
from each other b. moving
towards each other c. sliding
each other
V. REMARKS Topic to be continued next day. Topic to be continued next day Topic to be continued next day Topic to be continued next day
A No. of learners who earned 80% in the
B. No. of earners who require additional
activities for remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which
my principal or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or localized materials
did I use/discover which I wish to share
with other teachers?
Prepared by:
`Principal I/OIC

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