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Web Security: Web Security Considerations, Secure Socket Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer
Security (TLS), Secure Electronic Transaction (SET). Intruders, Viruses and Firewalls:
Intruders, Intrusion Detection, Password Management, Virus and related threats,
Countermeasures, Firewall Design Principles, Types of Firewalls. Case Studies on
Cryptography and Security: Secure Inter Branch Transactions, Cross Site Vulnerability,
Virtual Elections.
Usage of internet for transferring or retrieving the data has got many benefits
like speed, reliability, security etc. Much of the Internet's success and popularity lies
in the fact that it is an open global network. At the same time, the fact that it is open
and global makes it not very secure. The unique nature of the Internet makes
exchanging information and transacting business over it inherently dangerous. The
faceless, voiceless, unknown entities and individuals that share the Internet may or
may not be who or what they profess to be. In addition, because the Internet is a
global network, it does not recognize national borders and legal jurisdictions. As a
result, the transacting parties may not be where they say they are and may not be
subject to the same laws or regulations.
For the exchange of information and for commerce to be secure on any
network, especially the Internet, a system or process must be put in place that
satisfies requirements for confidentiality, access control, authentication, integrity,
and nonrepudiation. These requirements are achieved on the Web through the use of
encryption and by employing digital signature technology. There are many examples
on the Web of the practical application of encryption. One of the most important is
the SSL protocol.
A summary of types of security threats faced in using the Web is given below:

One way of grouping the security threats is in terms of passive and active attacks.
Passive attacks include eavesdropping on network traffic between browser and
server and gaining access to information on a website that is supposed to be restricted.
Active attacks include impersonating another user, altering messages in transit
between client and server and altering information on a website. Another way of
classifying these security threats is in terms of location of the threat: Web server, Web
browser and network traffic between browser and server.
Web Traffic Security Approaches
Various approaches for providing Web Security are available, where they are similar
in the services they provide and also similar to some extent in the mechanisms they
use. They differ with respect to their scope of applicability and their relative location
within the TCP/IP protocol stack. The main approaches are IPSec, SSL or TLS and
Relative location of Security Faculties in the TCP/IP Protocol Stack
IPSec provides security at the network level and the main advantage is that it is
transparent to end users and applications. In addition, IPSec includes a filtering
capability so that only selected traffic can be processed. Secure Socket Layer or
Transport Layer Security (SSL/TLS) provides security just above the TCP at
transport layer. Two implementation choices are present here. Firstly, the SSL/TLS
can be implemented as a
part of TCP/IP protocol suite, thereby being transparent to applications.
Alternatively, SSL can be embedded in specific packages like SSL being implemented
by Netscape and Microsoft Explorer browsers. Secure Electronic Transaction (SET)
approach provides application-specific services i.e., according to the security
requirements of a particular application. The main advantage of this approach is that
service can be tailored to the specific needs of a given application.


SSL was developed by Netscape to provide security when transmitting information

on the Internet. The Secure Sockets Layer protocol is a protocol layer which may be
placed between a reliable connection-oriented network layer protocol (e.g. TCP/IP)
and the application protocol layer (e.g. HTTP).
SSL provides for secure communication between client and server by allowing mutual

authentication, the use of digital signatures for integrity and encryption for privacy.
SSL protocol has different versions such as SSLv2.0, SSLv3.0, where SSLv3.0 has an
advantage with the addition of support for certificate chain loading. SSL 3.0 is the
basis for the Transport Layer Security [TLS] protocol standard. SSL is designed to
make use of TCP to provide a reliable end-to-end secure service. SSL is not a single
protocol, but rather two layers of protocols as shown below:

The SSL Record Protocol provides basic security services to various higher-layer
protocols. In particular, the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), which provides the
transfer service for Web client/server interaction, can operate on top of SSL. Three
higher-layer protocols are defined as part of SSL: the Handshake Protocol, The
Change Cipher Spec Protocol, and the Alert Protocol. Two important SSL concepts are
the SSL session and the SSL connection, which are defined in the specification as
• Connection: A connection is a transport (in the OSI layering model definition) that
provides a suitable type of service. For SSL, such connections are peer-to-peer
relationships. The connections are transient. Every connection is associated with one
• Session: An SSL session is an association between a client and a server. Sessions are
created by the Handshake Protocol. Sessions define a set of cryptographic security
parameters, which can be shared among multiple connections. Sessions are used to
avoid the expensive negotiation of new security parameters for each connection.

An SSL session is stateful. Once a session is established, there is a current operating

state for both read and write (i.e., receive and send). In addition, during the
Handshake Protocol, pending read and write states are created. Upon successful
conclusion of the Handshake Protocol, the pending states become the current states.
An SSL session may include multiple secure connections; in addition, parties may have
multiple simultaneous sessions.
A session state is defined by the following parameters:
Session identifier: An arbitrary byte sequence chosen by the server to identify an
active or resumable session state.
Peer certificate:An X509.v3 certificate of the peer. This element of the state may
be null.
Compression method: The algorithm used to compress data prior to encryption.
Cipher spec:Specifies the bulk data encryption algorithm (such as null, AES, etc.)
and a hash algorithm (such as MD5 or SHA-1) used for MAC calculation. It also defines
cryptographic attributes such as the hash_size.
Master secret:48-byte secret shared between the client and server.
Is resumable:A flag indicating whether the session can be used to initiate new

A connection state is defined by the following parameters:
Server and client random: Byte sequences that are chosen by the server and
client for each connection.
Server write MAC secret: The secret key used in MAC operations on data sent by
the server.
Client write MAC secret: The secret key used in MAC operations on data sent by
the client.
Server write key:The conventional encryption key for data encrypted by the
server and decrypted by the client.
Client write key: The conventional encryption key for data encrypted by the client
and decrypted by the server.
Initialization vectors: When a block cipher in CBC mode is used, an initialization
vector (IV) is maintained for each key. This field is first initialized by the SSL
Handshake Protocol. Thereafter the final ciphertext block from each record is
preserved for use as the IV with the following record.
Sequence numbers: Each party maintains separate sequence numbers for
transmitted and received messages for each connection. When a party sends or
receives a change cipher spec message, the appropriate sequence number is set to
zero. Sequence numbers may not exceed 264-1.
SSL Record Protocol
The SSL Record Protocol provides two services for SSL connections:
• Confidentiality: The Handshake Protocol defines a shared secret key that is used for
conventional encryption of SSL payloads.
• Message Integrity: The Handshake Protocol also defines a shared secret key that is
used to form a message authentication code (MAC).
The Record Protocol takes an application message to be transmitted, fragments the
data into manageable blocks, optionally compresses the data, applies a MAC,
encrypts, adds a header, and transmits the resulting unit in a TCP segment. Received
data are decrypted, verified, decompressed, and reassembled and then delivered to
higher-level users. The overall operation of the SSL Record Protocol is shown below:

The first step is fragmentation. Each upper-layer message is fragmented into blocks
of 214 bytes (16384 bytes) or less. Next, compression is optionally applied.
Compression must be lossless and may not increase the content length by more than
1024 bytes. The next step in processing is to compute a message authentication code
over the compressed data. For this purpose, a shared secret key is used. The
calculation is defined as:
hash(MAC_write_secret ||
pad_2 ||
hash(MAC_write_secret ||
pad_1 || seq_num ||
SSLCompressed.type ||
SSLCompressed.length || SSLCompressed.fragment)) Where,
MAC_write_secret = Secret shared key pad_1
= the byte 0x36 (0011
0110) repeated 48 times
(384 bits) for MD5 and 40 times for
pad_2 = the byte
d 48
for MD5
and 40
for SHA-

The main difference between HMAC and above calculation is that the two pads are
concatenated in SSLv3 and are XORed in HMAC. Next, the compressed message plus
the MAC are encrypted using symmetric encryption. Encryption may not increase the
content length by more than 1024 bytes, so that the total length may not exceed 214 +
2048. The encryption algorithms allowed are AES-128/256, IDEA-128, DES-40, 3DES-
168, RC2-40, Fortezza, RC4-40 and RC4-128. For stream encryption, the compressed
message plus the MAC are encrypted whereas, for block encryption, padding may be
added after the MAC prior to encryption.

The final step of SSL Record Protocol processing is to prepend a header,
consisting of the following fields:
• Content Type (8 bits): The higher layer protocol used to process the enclosed
• Major Version (8 bits): Indicates major version of SSL in use. For SSLv3, the value is 3.
• Minor Version (8 bits): Indicates minor version in use. For SSLv3, the value is 0.
• Compressed Length (16 bits): The length in bytes of the plaintext
fragment (or compressed fragment if compression is used). The
maximum value is 214 + 2048.
The content types that have been defined are change_cipher_spec, alert, handshake,
and application_data.
SSL Change Cipher Spec Protocol
The Change Cipher Spec Protocol is one of the three SSL-specific protocols that use
the SSL Record Protocol, and it is the simplest. This protocol consists of a single
message, which consists of a single byte with the value 1.
The sole purpose of this message is to cause the pending state to be copied into the
current state, which updates the cipher suite to be used on this connection.
SSL Alert Protocol
The Alert Protocol is used to convey SSL-related alerts to the peer entity. As
with other applications that use SSL, alert messages are compressed and encrypted,
as specified by the current state. Each message in this protocol consists of two bytes.
The first byte takes the value warning(1) or fatal(2) to convey the severity of the
message. If the level is fatal, SSL immediately terminates the connection. Other
connections on the same session may continue, but no new connections on this
session may be established. The second byte contains a code that indicates the specific
alert. The fatal alerts are listed below
• unexpected_message: An inappropriate message was received.
• bad_record_mac: An incorrect MAC was received.
• decompression_failure: The decompression function received improper input (e.g.,
unable to decompress or decompress to greater than maximum allowablelength).
• handshake_failure: Sender was unable to negotiate an acceptable set of security
parameters given the options available.
• illegal_parameter: A field in a handshake message was out of range or inconsistent
with other fields.
The remainder of the alerts are given below:
• close_notify: Notifies the recipient that the sender will not send any more messages
on this connection. Each party is required to send a close_notify alert before closing the
write side of a connection.
• no_certificate: May be sent in response to a certificate request if no appropriate
certificate is available.
• bad_certificate: A received certificate was corrupt (e.g., contained a signature that
did not verify).
• unsupported_certificate: The type of the received certificate is not supported.
• certificate_revoked: A certificate has been revoked by its signer.
• certificate_expired: A certificate has expired.
• certificate_unknown: Some other unspecified issue arose in processing the
certificate, rendering it unacceptable.
SSL Handshake Protocol
SSL Handshake protocol ensures establishment of reliable and secure session
between client and server and also allows server & client to:
• authenticate each other
• to negotiate encryption & MACalgorithms
• to negotiate cryptographic keys to beused

The Handshake Protocol consists of a series of messages exchanged by client and

server. All of these have the format shown below and each message has three fields:
• Type (1 byte): Indicates one of 10 messages.

• Length (3 bytes): The length of the message in bytes.

• Content (>=0 bytes): The parameters associated with this message

The following figure shows the initial exchange needed to establish a logical
connection between client and server. The exchange can be viewed as having four
phases.in phases o Establish Security Capabilities
o Server Authentication and Key Exchange
o Client Authentication and Key Exchange
o Finish

Phase 1. Establish Security Capabilities

This phase is used to initiate a logical connection and to establish the security
capabilities that will be associated with it. The exchange is initiated by the client,
which sends a client_hello message with the following parameters:
• Version: The highest SSL version understood by the client.
• Random: A client-generated random structure, consisting of a 32-bit timestamp and
28 bytes generated by a secure random number generator. These values serve as
nonces and are used during key exchange to prevent replayattacks.

Session ID: A variable-length session identifier. A nonzero value indicates that the
client wishes to update the parameters of an existing connection or create a new
connection on this session. A zero value indicates that the client wishes to establish a
new connection on a new session.
• CipherSuite: This is a list that contains the combinations of cryptographic
algorithms supported by the client, in decreasing order of preference. Each element
of the list (each cipher suite) defines both a key exchange algorithm and a CipherSpec.
• Compression Method: This is a list of the compression methods the client supports.

Phase 2. Server Authentication and Key Exchange
The server begins this phase by sending its certificate via a certificate message, which
contains one or a chain of X.509 certificates. The certificate message is required for
any agreed-on key exchange method except anonymous Diffie-Hellman. Next, a
server_key_exchange message may be sent if it is required. It is not required in two
instances: (1) The server has sent a certificate with fixed Diffie-Hellman parameters,
(2) RSA key exchange is to be used.

Phase 3. Client Authentication and Key Exchange

Once the server_done message is received by client, it should verify whether a valid
certificate is provided and check that the server_hello parameters are acceptable. If
all is satisfactory, the client sends one or more messages back to the server. If the
server has requested a certificate, the client begins this phase by sending a
certificate message. If no suitable certificate is available, the client sends a
no_certificate alert instead. Next is the client_key_exchange message, for which the

content of the message depends on the type of key exchange.

Phase 4. Finish
This phase completes the setting up of a secure connection. The client sends a
change_cipher_spec message and copies the pending CipherSpec into the current
CipherSpec. The client then immediately sends the finished message under the new
algorithms, keys, and secrets. The finished message verifies that the key exchange and
authentication processes were successful.


TLS was released in response to the Internet community’s demands for a
standardized protocol. TLS (Transport Layer Security), defined in RFC 2246, is a
protocol for establishing a secure connection between a client and a server. TLS
(Transport Layer Security) is capable of authenticating both the client and the server
and creating a encrypted connection between the two. Many protocols use TLS
(Transport Layer Security) to establish secure connections, including HTTP, IMAP,
POP3, and SMTP. The TLS Handshake Protocol first negotiates key exchange using an
asymmetric algorithm such as RSA or Diffie-Hellman. The TLS Record Protocol then
begins opens an encrypted channel using a symmetric algorithm such as RC4, IDEA,
DES, or 3DES. The TLS Record Protocol is also responsible for ensuring that the
communications are not altered in transit. Hashing algorithms such as MD5 and SHA
are used for this purpose. RFC 2246 is very similar to SSLv3. There are some minor
differences ranging from protocol version numbers to generation of key material.
Version Number: The TLS Record Format is the same as that of the SSL Record Format
and the fields in the header have the same meanings. The one difference is in version
values. For the current version of TLS, the Major Version is 3 and the Minor Version is
Message Authentication Code: Two differences arise one being the actual algorithm and
the other being scope of MAC calculation. TLS makes use of the HMAC algorithm
defined in RFC 2104. SSLv3 uses the same algorithm, except that the padding bytes are
concatenated with the secret key rather than being XORed with the secret key padded
to the block length. For TLS, the MAC calculation encompasses the fields indicated in
the following expression:
HMAC_hash(MAC_write_secret, seq_num || TLSCompressed.type || TLSCompressed.version ||
TLSCompressed.length || TLSCompressed.fragment)
The MAC calculation covers all of the fields covered by the SSLv3
calculation, plus the field TLSCompressed.version, which is the version
of the protocol being employed.
Pseudorandom Function: TLS makes use of a pseudorandom function referred to as PRF
to expand secrets into blocks of data for purposes of key generation or validation. The
PRF is based on the following data expansion function:
P_hash(secret, seed) = HMAC_hash(secret, A(1) || seed) || HMAC_hash(secret, A(2) || seed) ||
HMAC_hash(secret, A(3) || seed) || ...
A() is

d as
A(0) =
A(i) = HMAC_hash (secret, A(i - 1))
The data expansion function makes use of the HMAC algorithm, with either MD5 or
SHA- 1 as the underlying hash function. As can be seen, P_hash can be iterated as
many times as necessary to produce the required quantity of data. each iteration
involves two executions of HMAC, each of which in turn involves two executions of the
underlying hash algorithm.

SET is an open encryption and security specification designed to protect credit card
transactions on the Internet. SET is not itself a payment system. Rather it is a set of
security protocols and formats that enables users to employ the existing credit card
payment infrastructure on an open network, such as the Internet, in a secure fashion.
In essence, SET provides three services:
• Provides a secure communications channel among all parties involved in a
• Provides trust by the use of X.509v3 digital certificates
• Ensures privacy because the information is only available to parties in a transaction
when and where necessary
SET Requirements
Provide confidentiality of payment and ordering information Ensure the integrity
of all transmitted data
Provide authentication that a cardholder is a legitimate user of a credit card
account Provide authentication that a merchant can accept credit card transactions
through its
relationship with a financial institution
Ensure the use of the best security practices and system design techniques to
protect all legitimate parties in an electronic commerce transaction
Create a protocol that neither depends on transport security mechanisms nor
prevents their use
Facilitate and encourage interoperability among software and network providers
SET Key Features
To meet the requirements, SET incorporates the following features:
• Confidentiality of information
• Integrity of data
• Cardholder account authentication
• Merchant authentication

SET Participants
Cardholder: purchasers interact with merchants from personal computers over
the Internet
Merchant: a person or organization that has goods or services to sell to the
cardholder Issuer: a financial institution, such as a bank, that provides the
cardholder with the

payment card.
Acquirer: a financial institution that establishes an account with a merchant and
processes payment card authorizations and payments
Payment gateway: a function operated by the acquirer or a designated third party
that processes merchant payment messages
Certification authority (CA): an entity that is trusted to issue X.509v3 public-key
certificates for cardholders, merchants, and payment gateways
Events in a transaction
1. The customer obtains a credit card account with a bank that supports electronic
payment and SET
2. The customer receives a X.509v3 digital certificate signed by the bank.
3. Merchants have their own certificates
4. The customer places an order
5. The merchant sends a copy of its certificate so that the customer can verify that it's
a valid store
6. The order and payment are sent
7. The merchant requests payment authorization
8. The merchant confirms the order
9. The merchant ships the goods or provides the service to the customer
10. The merchant requests payment

The purpose of the dual signature is to link two messages that are intended for two
different recipients. The customer wants to send the order information (OI) to the
merchant and the payment information (PI) to the bank. The merchant does not need
know the customer's credit card number, and the bank does not need to know the
details of the customer's order. The customer is afforded extra protection in terms of
privacy by keeping these two items separate. The two items must be linked and the

link is needed so that the customer can prove that this payment is intended for this
order and not for some other goods or service.

The customer takes the hash (using SHA-1) of the PI and the hash of the OI. These two
hashes are then concatenated and the hash of the result is taken. Finally, the
customer encrypts the final hash with his or her private signature key, creating the
dual signature.
The operation can be summarized as

where KRc is the customer's private signature key. Now suppose that the merchant is
in possession of the dual signature (DS), the OI, and the message digest for the PI
(PIMD). The merchant also has the public key of the customer, taken from the
customer's certificate. Then the merchant can compute the quantities H(PIMS||H[OI])
and DKUc(DS) where KUc is the customer's public signature key. If these two quantities
are equal, then the merchant has verified the signature. Similarly, if the bank is in
possession of DS, PI, the message digest for OI (OIMD), and the customer's public key,
then the bank can
compute H(H[OI]||OIMD) and DKUc(DS). Again, if these two quantities are equal, then
the bank has verified the signature. To summarize:
The merchant has received OI and verified the signature. The bank has received PI
and verified the signature.
The customer has linked the OI and PI and can prove the linkage.

For a merchant to substitute another OI, he has to find another OI whose hash exactly
matches OIMD, which is deemed impossible. So, the OI cannot be linked with another

Purchase Request

The message includes the following:
1. Purchase-related information, which will be forwarded to the payment gateway by
the merchant and consists of: PI, dual signature & OI message digest (OIMD). These
are encrypted using Ks. A digital envelope is also present which is formed by
encrypting Ks with the payment gateway's public key-exchange key.
2. Order-related information, needed by the merchant and consists of: OI, dual
signature, PI message digest (PIMD). OI is sent in the clear.
3. Cardholder certificate. This contains the cardholder’s public signature key. It is
needed by the merchant and payment gateway.

Merchant receives the Purchase Request message, the following actions are done:
1. verifies cardholder certificates using CA sigs
2. verifies dual signature using customer's public signature key to ensure order has
not been tampered with in transit & that it was signed using cardholder's private
signature key
3. processes order and forwards the payment information to the payment gateway
for authorization
4. sends a purchase response to cardholder

The Purchase Response message includes a response block that acknowledges the
order and references the corresponding transaction number. This block is signed by
the merchant using its private signature key. The block and its signature are sent to
the customer, along with the merchant’s signature certificate. Necessary action will be
taken by cardholder’s software upon verification of the certificates and signature.
One of the most publicized attacks to security is the intruder, generally referred to as
hacker or cracker. Three classes of intruders are as follows
 Masquerader – an individual who is not authorized to use the computer and
who penetrates a system’s access controls to exploit a legitimate user’s
 Misfeasor – a legitimate user who accesses data, programs, or resources for
which such access is not authorized, or who is authorized for such access but
misuse his or her privileges.
 Clandestine user – an individual who seizes supervisory control of the
system and uses this control to evade auditing and access controls or to
suppress audit collection.
The masquerader is likely to be an outsider; the misfeasor generally is an insider; and
the clandestine user can be either an outsider or an insider. Intruder attacks range
from the benign to the serious. At the benign end of the scale, there are many people
who simply wish to explore internets and see what is out there. At the serious end are
individuals who are attempting to read privileged data, perform unauthorized
modifications to data, or disrupt the system. Benign intruders might be tolerable,
although they do consume resources and may slow performance for legitimate users.
However there is no way in advance to know whether an intruder will be benign or
Intrusion techniques The objective of the intruders is to gain access to a system or

to increase the range of privileges accessible on a system. Generally, this requires the
intruders to acquire information that should be protected. In most cases, the
information is in the form of a user password. Typically, a system must maintain a file
that associates a password with each authorized user. If such a file is stored with no
protection, then it is an easy matter to gain access to it. The password files can be
protected in one of the two ways:
 One way encryption – the system stores only an encrypted form of user’s
password. In practice, the system usually performs a one way transformation
(not reversible) in which the password is used to generate a key for the
encryption function and in which a fixed length output is produced.
 Access control – access to the password file is limited to one or a very few
The following techniques are used for learning passwords.
 Try default passwords used with standard accounts that are shipped with the
system. Many administrators do not bother to change these defaults.
 Exhaustively try all short passwords.
Try words in the system’s online dictionary or a list of likely passwords.

 Collect information about users such as their full names, the name of their
spouse and children, pictures in their office and books in their office that are
related to hobbies.
 Try user’s phone number, social security numbers and room numbers.

 Try all legitimate license plate numbers.

 Use a torjan horse to bypass restriction on access.

 Tap the line between a remote user and the host system. Two principle
 Detection – concerned with learning of an attack, either before or after its

 Prevention – challenging security goal and an uphill bottle at all times.

Inevitably, the best intrusion prevention system will fail. A system's second line
of defense is intrusion detection, and this has been the focus of much research in
recent years. This interest is motivated by a number of considerations, including the
1. If an intrusion is detected quickly enough, the intruder can be identified and
ejected from the system before any damage is done or any data are compromised.
2. An effective intrusion detection system can serve as a deterrent, so acting to
prevent intrusions.
3. Intrusion detection enables the collection of information about intrusion
techniques that can be used to strengthen the intrusion prevention facility.

Intrusion detection is based on the assumption that the behavior of the
intruder differs from that of a legitimate user in ways that can be quantified.
Figure 18.1 suggests, in very abstract terms, the nature of the task confronting
the designer of an intrusion detection system. Although the typical behavior of an
intruder differs from the typical behavior of an authorized user, there is an overlap in
these behaviors. Thus, a loose interpretation of intruder behavior, which will catch
more intruders, will also lead to a number of "false positives," or authorized users
identified as intruders. On the other hand, an attempt to limit false positives by a tight
interpretation of intruder behavior will lead to an increase in false negatives, or
intruders not identified as intruders. Thus, there is an element of compromise and art
in the practice of intrusion detection.
Perhaps the most sophisticated types of threats to computer systems are presented
by programs that exploit vulnerabilities in computing systems.

Name Description
Virus Attaches itself to a program and
propagates copies of itself to other
Worm Program that propagates copies of itself to
other computers
Logic bomb Triggers action when condition occurs
Trojan horse Program that contains unexpected
additional functionality

Backdoor (trapdoor) Program modification that allows
unauthorized access to functionality
Exploits Code specific to a single vulnerability or
set of vulnerabilities
Downloaders Program that installs other items on a
machine that is under attack. Usually, a
downloader is sent in an e-mail.
Auto-rooter Malicious hacker tools used to break into
new machines remotely
Kit (virus generator) Set of tools for generating new viruses
Spammer programs Used to send large volumes of unwanted
Flooders Used to attack networked computer
systems with a large volume of traffic to
carry out a denial of service (DoS) attack
Keyloggers Captures keystrokes on a compromised
Rootkit Set of hacker tools used after attacker has
broken into a computer system and gained
root-level access
Zombie Program activated on an infected machine
that is activated to launch attacks on other

Malicious software can be divided into two categories: those that need a host program, and
those that are independent.
The former are essentially fragments of programs that cannot exist independently of some
actual application program, utility, or system program. Viruses, logic bombs, and backdoors
are examples. The latter are self-contained programs that can be scheduled and run by the
operating system. Worms and zombie programs are examples.

The Nature of Viruses A virus is a piece of software that can "infect" other programs by
modifying them; the modification includes a copy of the virus program, which can then
go on to infect other programs. A virus can do anything that other programs do. The only
difference is that it attaches itself to another program and executes secretly when the
host program is run. Once a virus is executing, it can perform any function, such as erasing
files and programs. During its lifetime, a typical virus goes through the following four
Dormant phase: The virus is idle. The virus will eventually be activated by some
event, such as a date, the presence of another program or file, or the capacity of
the disk exceeding some limit. Not all viruses have this stage.
Propagation phase: The virus places an identical copy of itself into other
programs or into certain system areas on the disk. Each infected program will now
contain a clone of the virus, which will itself enter a propagation phase.
Triggering phase: The virus is activated to perform the function for which it was
intended. As with the dormant phase, the triggering phase can be caused by a
variety of system events, including a count of the number of times that this copy

of the virus has made copies of itself.
Execution phase: The function is performed. The function may be harmless, such
as a message on the screen, or damaging, such as the destruction of programs and
data files.
Virus Structure
A virus can be prepended or postpended to an executable program, or it can be
embedded in some other fashion. The key to its operation is that the infected program,
when invoked, will first execute the virus code and then execute the original code of the
program. An infected program begins with the virus code and works as follows.
The first line of code is a jump to the main virus program. The second line is a special
marker that is used by the virus to determine whether or not a potential victim program
has already been infected with this virus. When the program is invoked, control is
immediately transferred to the main virus program. The virus program first seeks out
uninfected executable files and infects them. Next, the virus may perform some action,
usually detrimental to the system. This action could be performed every time the
program is invoked, or it could be a logic bomb that triggers only under certain
conditions. Finally, the virus transfers control to the original program. If the infection
phase of the program is reasonably rapid, a user is unlikely to notice any difference
between the execution of an infected and uninfected program.
A virus such as the one just described is easily detected because an infected version of a
program is longer than the corresponding uninfected one. A way to thwart such a simple
means of detecting a virus is to compress the executable file so that both the infected and
uninfected versions are of identical length.. The key lines in this virus are numbered, and
Figure 19.3 [COHE94] illustrates the operation. We assume that program P1 is infected
with the virus CV. When this program is invoked, control passes to its virus, which
performs the following steps:
For each uninfected file P2 that is found, the virus first compresses that file to
produce P'2, which is shorter than the original program by the size of thevirus.
A copy of the virus is prepended to the compressed program.

The compressed version of the original infected program, P'1, is uncompressed

The uncompressed original program is executed.

In this example, the virus does nothing other than propagate. As in the previous example,
the virus may include a logic bomb.
Initial Infection
Once a virus has gained entry to a system by infecting a single program, it is in a position
to infect some or all other executable files on that system when the infected program
executes. Thus, viral infection can be completely prevented by preventing the virus from
gaining entry in the first place. Unfortunately, prevention is extraordinarily difficult
because a virus can be part of any program outside a system. Thus, unless one is content
to take an absolutely bare piece of iron and write all one's own system and application
programs, one is vulnerable.
Types of Viruses
Following categories as being among the most significant types of viruses:
Parasitic virus: The traditional and still most common form of virus. A parasitic
virus attaches itself to executable files and replicates, when the infected program
is executed, by finding other executable files to infect.
Memory-resident virus: Lodges in main memory as part of a resident system
program. From that point on, the virus infects every program that executes.
Boot sector virus: Infects a master boot record or boot record and spreads when a
system is booted from the disk containing the virus.
Stealth virus: A form of virus explicitly designed to hide itself from detection by
antivirus software.
Polymorphic virus: A virus that mutates with every infection, making detection by
the "signature" of the virus impossible.
Metamorphic virus: As with a polymorphic virus, a metamorphic virus mutates
with every infection. The difference is that a metamorphic virus rewrites itself
completely at each iteration, increasing the difficulty of detection. Metamorphic
viruses my change their behavior as well as their appearance.
One example of a stealth virus was discussed earlier: a virus that uses
compression so that the infected program is exactly the same length as an uninfected
version. Far more sophisticated techniques are possible. For example, a virus can place
intercept logic in disk I/O routines, so that when there is an attempt to read suspected
portions of the disk using these routines, the virus will present back the original,
uninfected program.
A polymorphic virus creates copies during replication that are functionally
equivalent but have distinctly different bit patterns
Macro Viruses
In the mid-1990s, macro viruses became by far the most prevalent type of virus. Macro
viruses are particularly threatening for a number of reasons:
1. A macro virus is platform independent. Virtually all of the macro viruses infect
Microsoft Word documents. Any hardware platform and operating system that supports
Word can be infected.
2. Macro viruses infect documents, not executable portions of code. Most of the
information introduced onto a computer system is in the form of a document rather than
a program.
3. Macro viruses are easily spread. A very common method is by electronic mail.

Macro viruses take advantage of a feature found in Word and other office
applications such as Microsoft Excel, namely the macro. In essence, a macro is an
executable program embedded in a word processing document or other type of file.
Typically, users employ macros to automate repetitive tasks and thereby save keystrokes.
The macro language is usually some form of the Basic programming language. A user
might define a sequence of keystrokes in a macro and set it up so that the macro is
invoked when a function key or special short combination of keys is input. Successive
releases of Word provide increased protection against macro viruses. For example,
Microsoft offers an optional Macro Virus Protection tool that detects suspicious Word
files and alerts the customer to the potential risk of opening a file with macros. Various
antivirus product vendors have also developed tools to detect and correct macro viruses.
E-mail Viruses
A more recent development in malicious software is the e-mail virus. The first rapidly
spreading e-mail viruses, such as Melissa, made use of a Microsoft Word macro embedded
in an attachment. If the recipient opens the e-mail attachment, the Word macro is
activated. Then
1. The e-mail virus sends itself to everyone on the mailing list in the user's e-mail package.
2. The virus does local damage.

A worm is a program that can replicate itself and send copies from computer to computer
across network connections. Upon arrival, the worm may be activated to replicate and
propagate again. Network worm programs use network connections to spread from
system to system. Once active within a system, a network worm can behave as a computer
virus or bacteria, or it could implant Trojan horse programs or perform any number of
disruptive or destructive actions. To replicate itself, a network worm uses some sort of
network vehicle. Examples include the following:
 Electronic mail facility: A worm mails a copy of itself to other systems.
 Remote execution capability: A worm executes a copy of itself on another system.
 Remote login capability: A worm logs onto a remote system as a user and then
uses commands to copy itself from one system to the other.
The new copy of the worm program is then run on the remote system where, in
addition to any functions that it performs at that system, it continues to spread in the
same fashion. A network worm exhibits the same characteristics as a computer virus: a
dormant phase, a propagation phase, a triggering phase, and an execution phase.
The Morris Worm
The Morris worm was designed to spread on UNIX systems and used a number of
different techniques for propagation.
1. It attempted to log on to a remote host as a legitimate user. In this method, the worm
first attempted to crack the local password file, and then used the discovered passwords
and corresponding user IDs. The assumption was that many users would use the same
password on different systems. To obtain the passwords, the worm ran a password-
cracking program that tried
a. Each user's account name and simple permutations of it
b. A list of 432 built-in passwords that Morris thought to be likely
c. All the words in the local system directory
2. It exploited a bug in the finger protocol, which reports the whereabouts of a remote
3. It exploited a trapdoor in the debug option of the remote process that receives and
sends mail.
If any of these attacks succeeded, the worm achieved communication with the operating
system command interpreter.
Recent Worm Attacks In late 2001, a more versatile worm appeared, known as Nimda.
Nimda spreads by multiple mechanisms:
 from client to client via e-mail
 from client to client via open network shares
 from Web server to client via browsing of compromised Web sites
 from client to Web server via active scanning for and exploitation of various
A firewall is inserted between the premises network and the Internet to establish
a controlled link and to erect an outer security wall or perimeter, forming a single choke
point where security and audit can be imposed. A firewall:
1. Defines a single choke point that keeps unauthorized users out of the protected
network, prohibits potentially vulnerable services from entering or leaving the network,
and provides protection from various kinds of IP spoofing and routing attacks.
2. provides a location for monitoring security-related events
3. is a convenient platform for several Internet functions that are not security related,
such as NAT and Internet usage audits or logs
4. A firewall can serve as the platform for IPSec to implement virtual private networks.

Design Goals of Firewalls

All traffic from inside to outside must pass through the firewall (physically blocking all
access to the local network except via the firewall)
Only authorized traffic (defined by the local security police) will be allowed to pass
The firewall itself is immune to penetration (use of trusted system with a secure
operating system)
The four general techniques that firewalls use to control access and enforce the sites
security policies are:
Service control: Determines the types of Internet services that can be accessed, inbound
or outbound
Direction control: Determines the direction in which particular service requests are
allowed to flow
User control: Controls access to a service according to which user is attempting to
access it
Behavior control: Controls how particular services are used (e.g. filter e-mail)
The limitations of Firewalls are:
1. Cannot protect against attacks that bypass the firewall, eg PCs with dial-out capability
to an ISP, or dial-in modem pool use.
2. do not protect against internal threats, eg disgruntled employee or one who cooperates
with an attacker
3. cannot protect against the transfer of virus-infected programs or files, given wide
variety of O/S & applications supported
Types of Firewalls

Firewalls are generally classified as three types: packet filters, application-level
gateways, & circuit-level gateways.
Packet-filtering Router
A packet-filtering router applies a set of rules to each incoming and outgoing IP packet to
forward or discard the packet. Filtering rules are based on information contained in a
network packet such as src & dest IP addresses, ports, transport protocol & interface.

If there is no match to any rule, then one of two default policies are applied:
that which is not expressly permitted is prohibited (default action is discard packet),
conservative policy
that which is not expressly prohibited is permitted (default action is forward packet),
permissive policy

The default discard policy is more conservative. Initially, everything is blocked, and
services must be added on a case-by-case basis. This policy is more visible to users, who
are more likely to see the firewall as a hindrance. The default forward policy increases
ease of use for end users but provides reduced security; the security administrator must,
in essence, react to each new security threat as it becomes known. One advantage of a
packet-filtering router is its simplicity. Also, packet filters typically are transparent to
users and are very fast.
The table gives some examples of packet-filtering rule sets. In each set, the rules are
applied top to bottom.

A. Inbound mail is allowed to a gateway host only (port 25 is for SMTP incoming
B. explicit statement of the default policy
C. tries to specify that any inside host can send mail to the outside, but has problem that
an outside machine could be configured to have some other application linked to port 25
D. properly implements mail sending rule, by checking ACK flag of a TCP segment isset
E. this rule set is one approach to handling FTP connections
Some of the attacks that can be made on packet-filtering routers & countermeasures are:
IP address spoofing: where intruder transmits packets from the outside with internal
host source IP addresses, need to filter & discard such packets
Source routing attacks: where source specifies the route that a packet should take to
bypass security measures, should discard all source routed packets
Tiny fragment attacks: intruder uses the IP fragmentation option to create extremely
small fragments and force the TCP header information into separate fragments to
circumvent filtering rules needing full header info, can enforce minimum fragment size
to include full header.
Stateful Packet Filters
A traditional packet filter makes filtering decisions on an individual packet basis and does
not take into consideration any higher layer context. A stateful inspection packet filter
tightens up the rules for TCP traffic by creating a directory of outbound TCP connections,
and will allow incoming traffic to high-numbered ports only for those packets that fit the
profile of one of the entries in this directory. Hence they are better able to detect bogus
packets sent out of context.
An application-level gateway (or proxy server), acts as a relay of application-level
traffic. The user contacts the gateway using a TCP/IP application, such as Telnet or FTP,
and the gateway asks the user for the name of the remote host to be accessed. When the
user responds and provides a valid user ID and authentication information, the gateway
contacts the application on the remote host and relays TCP segments containing the
application data between the two endpoints. If the gateway does not implement the proxy
code for a specific application, the service is not supported and cannot be forwarded
across the firewall.

Application-level gateways tend to be more secure than packet filters. Rather than trying
to deal with the numerous possible combinations that are to be allowed and forbidden at
the TCP and IP level, the application-level gateway need only scrutinize a few allowable
applications. In addition, it is easy to log and audit all incoming traffic at the application
level. A prime disadvantage of this type of gateway is the additional processing overhead
on each connection. In effect, there are two spliced connections between the end users,
with the gateway at the splice point, and the gateway must examine and forward all traffic
in both directions.
A circuit-level gateway relays two TCP connections, one between itself and an
inside TCP user, and the other between itself and a TCP user on an outside host. Once the
two connections are established, it relays TCP data from one connection to the other
without examining its contents. The security function consists of determining which
connections will be allowed. It is typically used when internal users are trusted to decide
what external services to access.
One of the most common circuit-level gateways is SOCKS, defined in RFC 1928. It
consists of a SOCKS server on the firewall, and a SOCKS library & SOCKS-aware
applications on internal clients. The protocol described here is designed to provide a
framework for client-server applications in both the TCP and UDP domains to
conveniently and securely use the services of a network firewall. The protocol is
conceptually a "shim-layer" between the application layer and the transport layer, and as
such does not provide network-layer gateway services, such as forwarding of ICMP

Bastion Host
A bastion host is a critical strong point in the network’s security, serving as a platform
for an application-level or circuit-level gateway, or for external services. It is thus
potentially exposed to "hostile" elements and must be secured to withstand this. Common
characteristics of a bastion host include that it:
 executes a secure version of its O/S, making it a trusted system
 has only essential services installed on the bastion host
 may require additional authentication before a user is allowed access to the proxy
 is configured to support only a subset of the standard application’s command set,
with access only to specific hosts
 maintains detailed audit information by logging all traffic
 has each proxy module a very small software package specifically designed for
network security
 has each proxy independent of other proxies on the bastion host
 have a proxy performs no disk access other than to read its initial configuration
 have each proxy run as a non-privileged user in a private and secured directory
 A bastion host may have two or more network interfaces (or ports), and must be
trusted to enforce trusted separation between these network connections,
relaying traffic only according to policy.

Firewall Configurations
In addition to the use of a simple configuration consisting of a single system, more
complex configurations are possible and indeed more common. There are three common
firewall configurations.
The following figure shows the “screened host firewall, single-homed bastion
configuration”, where the firewall consists of two systems:
• a packet-filtering router - allows Internet packets to/from bastion only
• a bastion host - performs authentication and proxy functions

This configuration has greater security, as it implements both packet-level & application-
level filtering, forces an intruder to generally penetrate two separate systems to
compromise internal security, & also affords flexibility in providing direct Internet access
to specific internal servers (eg web) if desired.
The next configuration illustrates the “screened host firewall, dual-homed bastion
configuration” which physically separates the external and internal networks, ensuring
two systems must be compromised to breach security. The advantages of dual layers of
security are also present here.

Again, an information server or other hosts can be allowed direct communication with
the router if this is in accord with the security policy, but are now separated from the
internal network.
The third configurations illustrated below shows the “screened subnet firewall
configuration”, being the most secure shown.

It has two packet-filtering routers, one between the bastion host and the Internet and the
other between the bastion host and the internal network, creating an isolated sub-
network. This may consist of simply the bastion host but may also include one or more
information servers and modems for dial-in capability. Typically, both the Internet and
the internal network have access to hosts on the screened subnet, but traffic across the
screened subnet is blocked.
This configuration offers several advantages:
• There are now three levels of defense to thwart intruders

• The outside router advertises only the existence of the screened subnet to the Internet;
therefore the internal network is invisible to the Internet
• Similarly, the inside router advertises only the existence of the screened subnet to the
internal network; hence systems on the inside network cannot construct direct routes to
the Internet

Computer security and computer forensics are distinct but related disciplines due
to the degree of overlap of raw material used by both fields. In general, computer security
aims to preserve a system as it is meant to be (as per the security policies) whereas
computer forensics (and especially network or intrusion forensics) sets out to explain
how a policy became violated. Therefore, the main difference can be seen as one of system
integrity versus culpability for an event or set of events.

Whereas the two fields may use similar data sources, they have different and
sometimes opposing aims. For example, security countermeasures such as encryption or
data wiping tools may work against the computer forensic investigation. The security
measures will complicate the investigation as the data must be decrypted prior to
analysis. In addition, security functions tend to only implement minimal logging by
design. Therefore, not all the information required will be available to the forensic

Computer security is an established field of computer science, whilst computer

forensics is an emergent area. Increasingly, computer security will involve forensic
investigation techniques, and vice versa. Therefore, both fields have much to learn from
each other.


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