Managing CA
Managing CA
Managing CA
Microsoft Corporation Published: June 2007 Author: Microsoft Exchange Documentation Team
The purpose of this document is to help you manage and configure Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 Client Access servers. The information and procedures in this document focus specifically on the features of an Exchange 2007 computer that has the Client Access server role installed. This document provides overviews of the supported client protocols and features and the tasks you must perform to manage and configure them. Important: This document is a deployment-specific compilation of several Exchange 2007 Help topics and is provided as a convenience for customers who want to view the topics in print format. To read the most up-to-date deployment topics, visit the Exchange Server 2007 Library.
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Managing Client Access in Exchange Server 2007..................................................................1 Contents...................................................................................................................................3 Managing Client Access in Exchange Server 2007................................................................11 Understanding Client Access Server Management Tasks......................................................12 Exchange ActiveSync..........................................................................................................12 Outlook Web Access...........................................................................................................14 Outlook Anywhere...............................................................................................................15 POP3 and IMAP4................................................................................................................16 Required Permissions to Manage Client Access....................................................................18 Services Used by a Client Access Server...............................................................................21 Enabling Services...............................................................................................................22 Managing Outlook Web Access..............................................................................................23 Tools for Managing Outlook Web Access............................................................................24 Administrative Tasks for Managing Outlook Web Access....................................................25 Managing Outlook Web Access Virtual Directories in Exchange 2007...................................27 Outlook Web Access Virtual Directories..............................................................................27 Configuring Outlook Web Access Virtual Directories...........................................................29 How to Create an Outlook Web Access Virtual Directory in Exchange 2007..........................31 How to View Properties of an Outlook Web Access Virtual Directory.....................................32 How to Modify Properties on an Outlook Web Access Virtual Directory.................................34 How to Remove an Outlook Web Access Virtual Directory.....................................................35 Managing Outlook Web Access URLs....................................................................................36 Default Outlook Web Access URL.......................................................................................36 How to Enable Explicit Logons in Outlook Web Access..........................................................37 About Explicit Logon............................................................................................................37 How to Simplify the Outlook Web Access URL.......................................................................39 How to Use Outlook Web Access Web Parts.........................................................................41 Permissions for Using Outlook Web Access Web Parts......................................................41 Outlook Web Access Web Parts Syntax..............................................................................42
Using Outlook Web Access Web Parts Manually................................................................49 Managing File and Data Access for Outlook Web Access......................................................49 WebReady Document Viewing............................................................................................49 Public and Private Computer File Access............................................................................50 Data Access Using Outlook Web Access............................................................................50 How to Manage Public and Private Computer File Access.....................................................51 How to Manage WebReady Document Viewing.....................................................................55 How to Manage Maximum Message Size in Outlook Web Access.........................................56 Conditions and Associated Warnings..................................................................................57 Managing Outlook Web Access Advanced Features..............................................................58 Segmentation of Features in Outlook Web Access.............................................................58 Understanding Web Beacons..............................................................................................61 Disabling Web Beacons......................................................................................................62 Language Settings..............................................................................................................62 Character Settings..............................................................................................................63 Gzip Compression Settings.................................................................................................64 Creating Themes for Outlook Web Access..........................................................................65 Customizing the Forms-Based Authentication Logon Page................................................65 How to Manage Segmentation in Outlook Web Access..........................................................66 Segmentation in the Exchange Management Console and the Exchange Management Shell.................................................................................................................................67 How to Configure Gzip Compression Settings........................................................................71 How to Configure Character Settings for Outlook Web Access..............................................72 How to Configure Language Settings for Outlook Web Access..............................................73 About Language Settings....................................................................................................73 How to Create a Theme for Outlook Web Access...................................................................79 What Is Included in a Theme...............................................................................................80 Recommendations..............................................................................................................80 Creating a Theme................................................................................................................81 Changing the Default Outlook Web Access Theme.............................................................87 Customizing the Logon and Logoff Pages...........................................................................87 How to Control Web Beacon and HTML Form Filtering for Outlook Web Access...................96 Configuring Windows SharePoint Services and Windows File Share Integration for Outlook Web Access........................................................................................................................97 Administration.....................................................................................................................97
How to Configure Windows SharePoint Services and Windows File Share Integration for Outlook Web Access...........................................................................................................99 How to Allow or Block Access to Documents in Windows SharePoint Services and Windows File Shares from Specific Servers.....................................................................................102 How to Enable or Block Access from Public and Private Computers....................................104 How to Configure Internal Host Names................................................................................106 Managing Outlook Anywhere................................................................................................107 Managing Outlook Anywhere............................................................................................108 How to Configure Outlook Anywhere with Exchange 2003...................................................109 Configuring Outlook Anywhere for Exchange Server 2003 SP1........................................110 Configuring Outlook Anywhere for Exchange Server 2003................................................110 How to Enable Outlook Anywhere.........................................................................................111 How to Disable Outlook Anywhere........................................................................................113 How to Configure an External Host Name for Outlook Anywhere.........................................115 Managing Exchange ActiveSync...........................................................................................116 Overview of Exchange ActiveSync....................................................................................116 Managing Exchange ActiveSync.......................................................................................117 Managing the Exchange ActiveSync Virtual Directory..........................................................117 Managing the Exchange ActiveSync Virtual Directory.......................................................118 How to Create an Exchange ActiveSync Virtual Directory....................................................119 How to View Properties of an Exchange ActiveSync Virtual Directory..................................120 How to Modify Properties on an Exchange ActiveSync Virtual Directory..............................121 How to Remove an Exchange ActiveSync Virtual Directory.................................................122 Managing Exchange ActiveSync Users................................................................................123 Managing Exchange ActiveSync Users.............................................................................123 How to Enable Exchange ActiveSync for a User..................................................................124 How to Disable Exchange ActiveSync for a User.................................................................125 How to Configure Synchronization Options for Users...........................................................126 Managing an Exchange ActiveSync Server..........................................................................127 Managing an Exchange ActiveSync Server.......................................................................128
How to Disable Exchange ActiveSync..................................................................................129 How to Enable Exchange ActiveSync...................................................................................130 How to Configure Exchange ActiveSync to Access SharePoint Services Sites and Windows File Shares........................................................................................................................131 Configuring Direct Push to Work Through Your Firewall.......................................................133 Overview of Direct Push....................................................................................................133 Configuring Your Firewall for Direct Push..........................................................................133 How to Configure Autodiscover for Exchange ActiveSync....................................................134 Managing Exchange ActiveSync Devices.............................................................................135 Managing Exchange ActiveSync Devices.........................................................................135 Exchange ActiveSync Devices and Compatible Features....................................................136 Devices Enabled for Exchange ActiveSync.......................................................................136 How to Configure a Device for Synchronization...................................................................139 How to Disable a Device for Exchange ActiveSync..............................................................141 How to Enable a Device for Exchange ActiveSync...............................................................142 How to View a List of Devices for a User..............................................................................143 How to Configure Device Password Locking........................................................................144 How to Recover a Device Password....................................................................................146 How to Perform a Remote Wipe on a Device.......................................................................147 How to Install Certificates on a Windows Mobile Powered Device.......................................149 How to Configure Mobile Devices to Synchronize with Exchange Server............................150 Managing Exchange ActiveSync with Policies......................................................................151 Overview of Exchange ActiveSync Mailbox Policies.........................................................152 Managing Exchange ActiveSync Mailbox Policies............................................................152 How to Create an Exchange ActiveSync Mailbox Policy......................................................153 How to Add Users to an Exchange ActiveSync Mailbox Policy.............................................154 How to Modify Exchange ActiveSync Mailbox Policy Settings..............................................156 How to Create Policies for Exchange ActiveSync.................................................................157 Managing Exchange ActiveSync Security.............................................................................159 Exchange ActiveSync Server Security..............................................................................159
Device Security.................................................................................................................160 How to Configure SSL for Exchange ActiveSync..................................................................161 Managing POP3 and IMAP4.................................................................................................162 Managing POP3 and IMAP4 with the Exchange Management Shell................................162 Managing POP3 and IMAP4 with Earlier Versions of Microsoft Exchange........................164 How to Start and Stop the POP3 Service.............................................................................164 How to Start and Stop the IMAP4 Service............................................................................165 How to Manage Calendar Options for POP3........................................................................167 How to Set Connection Limits for POP3...............................................................................168 How to Set Connection Limits for IMAP4..............................................................................170 How to Configure IP Addresses and Ports for POP3 and IMAP4 Access.............................171 How to Set Connection Time-Out Limits for IMAP4..............................................................172 How to Set Connection Time-Out Limits for POP3...............................................................173 How to Configure IMAP4 Access to Exchange 2003 Servers...............................................174 How to Configure POP3 Access to Exchange 2003 Servers................................................176 How to Manage Calendar Options for IMAP4.......................................................................177 How to Enable or Disable POP3 Access for a User..............................................................179 How to Enable or Disable IMAP4 Access for a User............................................................180 How to Enable Protocol Logging for POP3 and IMAP4........................................................181 How to Manage POP3 and IMAP4 Message Retrieval Format Options...............................184 How to Enable POP3 and IMAP4 Users to Use Default Protocol Settings...........................185 Enabling POP3 and IMAP4 on a Client Access Server........................................................187 How to Enable IMAP4 in Exchange 2007.............................................................................187 How to Enable POP3 in Exchange 2007..............................................................................188 Managing the Autodiscover Service.....................................................................................189 Using Separate IIS Web Sites for Internet Access to the Autodiscover Service................190 Using Multiple Sites for Internet Access to the Autodiscover Service................................190 Configuring the Autodiscover Service for Multiple Forests................................................190 Configuring the Autodiscover Service to Use Site Affinity..................................................190
How to Create a New Autodiscover Service Virtual Directory...............................................191 How to Delete the Default Autodiscover Service Virtual Directory........................................192 How to Test Outlook 2007 Autodiscover Connectivity...........................................................193 How to Configure the Autodiscover Service for Internet Access...........................................193 Configuring Internet Access to the Autodiscover Service..................................................194 How to Configure the Autodiscover Service for Multiple Forests..........................................195 How to Configure the Autodiscover Service to Use Site Affinity............................................196 How to Configure Exchange ActiveSync Autodiscover Settings...........................................197 How to Configure the Autodiscover Service for Cross Forest Moves...................................198 How to Configure Exchange Services for the Autodiscover Service.....................................200 Managing the Availability Service.........................................................................................202 How to Configure the Availability Service for Network Load Balanced Computers...............203 Configuring the Availability Server for Network Load Balancing........................................205 How to Configure the Availability Service for Cross-Forest Topologies.................................206 Configuring Windows for Cross-Forest Topologies............................................................207 Exchange 2007 and Exchange 2003 Cross-Forest Availability.........................................209 How to Diagnose Availability Service Issues........................................................................209 Managing Client Access Security..........................................................................................211 Managing Authentication...................................................................................................211 Enhancing Secure Communications Between the Client Access Server and Other Servers .......................................................................................................................................212 How to Add Certificate Manager to Microsoft Management Console....................................212 How to Obtain a Server Certificate from a Certification Authority.........................................213 Managing Outlook Web Access Security..............................................................................214 Authentication Methods.....................................................................................................215 Other Authentication Methods...........................................................................................216 How to Configure Outlook Web Access Virtual Directories to Use SSL................................217 Configuring Forms-Based Authentication for Outlook Web Access......................................218 Using Cookies to Control Access......................................................................................219 Determining User Activity..................................................................................................220 Configuring the Logon Prompt that is Used by Forms-Based Authentication....................220 Understanding Encryption for User Logon from Public and Private Computers................221
Using SSL to Help Secure Outlook Web Access...............................................................222 How to Configure Forms-Based Authentication for Outlook Web Access.............................223 How to Set the Forms-Based Authentication Public Computer Cookie Time-Out Value.......225 How to Set the Forms-Based Authentication Private Computer Cookie Time-Out Value......227 Configuring Standard Authentication Methods for Outlook Web Access...............................229 Standard Authentication Methods.....................................................................................230 How to Configure Integrated Windows Authentication..........................................................232 How to Configure Basic Authentication.................................................................................233 How to Configure Digest Authentication...............................................................................234 Managing POP3 and IMAP4 Security...................................................................................236 Configuring SSL for POP3 and IMAP4 Clients..................................................................236 Configuring Authentication for POP3 and IMAP4..............................................................236 Configuring TLS and SSL for POP3 and IMAP4 Access......................................................236 How to Configure POP3 to Use TLS or SSL.........................................................................237 How to Configure IMAP4 to Use TLS or SSL.......................................................................238 Configuring Authentication for POP3 and IMAP4.................................................................239 How to Configure Authentication for POP3...........................................................................241 How to Configure Authentication for IMAP4..........................................................................242 How to Configure Ports for POP3 Authentication.................................................................243 How to Configure Ports for IMAP4 Authentication................................................................244 Managing Outlook Anywhere Security..................................................................................244 Using an Advanced Firewall Server..................................................................................245 Using SSL for Outlook Anywhere......................................................................................245 Configuring Authentication for Outlook Anywhere.............................................................245 How to Configure SSL for Outlook Anywhere.......................................................................246 How to Configure Authentication for Outlook Anywhere.......................................................247 How to Configure SSL Offloading for Outlook Anywhere......................................................248 How to Configure SSL Certificates to Use Multiple Client Access Server Host Names........249 Using ISA Server 2006 with Exchange 2007........................................................................253
ISA Server 2006 and Exchange 2007...............................................................................253 Earlier Versions of ISA Server and Exchange 2007..........................................................253 Using ISA Server 2006 with Outlook Web Access................................................................255 Benefits of Using ISA Server 2006 with Outlook Web Access...........................................255 Deployment Options..........................................................................................................259 Deploying ISA Server 2006 for Outlook Web Access........................................................260 How to Configure Reverse Proxy Servers for Outlook Web Access.....................................263 Configuring ISA Server 2006 for Exchange Client Access....................................................265 ISA Server 2006 and Exchange 2007...............................................................................265 Benefits of Using ISA Server 2006 with Exchange 2007...................................................266 New Exchange Publishing Rule Wizard............................................................................268 Using ISA Server 2006 with Outlook Anywhere....................................................................268 ISA Server 2006 Features for Outlook Anywhere Client Access.......................................270 ISA Server 2006 Deployment Options for Outlook Anywhere............................................271 How to Deploy ISA Server 2006 for Outlook Anywhere.....................................................272 Using ISA Server 2006 with Exchange ActiveSync...............................................................273 Benefits of Using ISA Server 2006 with Exchange ActiveSync.........................................273 ISA Server 2006 Deployment Prerequisites for Exchange ActiveSync..............................274 How to Deploy ISA Server 2006 for Exchange ActiveSync...............................................274 Managing Details Templates.................................................................................................276 Elements of the Details Templates Editor..........................................................................277 Details Templates Management Tasks..............................................................................278 How to Customize the Details Template...............................................................................279 How to Add the Details Templates Editor to the Microsoft Management Console................283 How to Restore a Details Template to the Default Configuration..........................................284
The Client Access server role also supports services, such as Autodiscover and Web services. This document provides information that will help you manage the Client Access server role in Exchange 2007. After you install the Client Access server role on a computer that is running Exchange 2007, you can configure and manage the various components of the Client Access server role. The Client Access server role includes the following components: Outlook Web Access By default, Outlook Web Access is installed and enabled in an Exchange 2007 organization that has the Client Access server role installed. There are four Outlook Web Access virtual directories that are created in the Internet Information Services (IIS) Web site on the local Exchange 2007 server that let you manage Outlook Web Access. For more information about how to manage Outlook Web Access, see Managing Outlook Web Access and Managing Outlook Web Access Virtual Directories in Exchange 2007. Exchange ActiveSync By default, Exchange ActiveSync is enabled in Exchange 2007. Exchange ActiveSync enables a user to synchronize a mobile device to the user's Exchange mailbox. For more information about how to manage Exchange ActiveSync, see Managing Exchange ActiveSync. POP3 and IMAP4 By default, POP3 and IMAP4 are installed but not enabled when you install the Client Access server role. You can enable them by starting the POP3 and IMAP4 services. POP3 and IMAP4 enable a variety of clients to connect to the Exchange server. These include Outlook, Outlook Express, and third-party clients such as Eudora. For more information about how to manage POP3 and IMAP4 in Exchange 2007, see Managing POP3 and IMAP4.
Exchange ActiveSync
Table 1 lists the most common management tasks for Exchange ActiveSync and the tool or tools that you can use to perform them. Table 1 Management tasks for Exchange ActiveSync Feature Exchange Management Console Limited Exchange Management Shell Complete Complete Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager Limited Other
Managing virtual directories Enabling and disabling Exchange Active Sync Enabling and disabling Exchange Active Sync for a user
Configuring synchronization options for users Viewing Exchange Active Sync logs Using device history tracking Creating custom alerts for device history tracking Configuring authentication Configuring Windows Share Point Services a nd Universal Naming Convention (UNC) file access Configuring a device for synchronization Recovering a device password Configuring device password locking Performing a remote device wipe Managing Exchange Active Sync mailbox policies
Mobile device
Limited Complete
Mobile device
Managing virtual directories Simplifying the URL Configuring redirection Managing file access on public and private computers Configuring WebReady Document Viewing Managing data access Managing Gzip compression Managing Web beacons Managing character settings
Complete Complete Complete Windows Registr y Outlook Web Acc ess user interface
Managing language settings Configuring proxy servers Configuring single user signon Configuring Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificates Configuring ISA Server
Complete Internet Security and Acceleration (ISA) Server or RSA SecurID Complete
ISA Server
Outlook Anywhere
Table 3 lists the most common management tasks for Outlook Anywhere and the tool or tools that you can use to perform them.
Table 3 Management tasks for Outlook Anywhere Feature Exchange Management Console Exchange Management Shell Complete Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager Other
Enabling Outlook Anywhe re for your organization Disabling Outlook Anywhe re for your organization Configuring SSL offloading for Outlook Anywhe re-enabled Client Access servers Configuring ISA Server 2006 Installing the RPC over HTTP Windows Networking component
Configuring authentication Configuring ports for authentication Starting and stopping the POP3 and IMAP4 service Managing calendar options Setting connection limits Configuring IP addresses and ports Setting connection timeout limits Configuring access to Exchange 2003 servers
Complete Complete
GetCASMailbox SetCASMailbox GetClientAccessSe rver SetX ClientAccessSe rver NewX WebServicesVir tualDirectory GetX WebServicesVir tualDirectory RemoveWebServicesVir tualDirectory SetWebServicesVir tualDirectory X
Table 6 summarizes the minimum permissions that are required to perform administrative tasks for Exchange ActiveSync. Table 6 Exchange ActiveSync administrator permissions Task Exchange Organization Administrators X Exchange Server Administrators Exchange Recipient Administrators Exchange ViewOnly Administrators
RemoveActiveSyncDevi ce
ClearX ActiveSyncDevi ce NewActiveSyncVirt ualDirectory RemoveActiveSyncVirt ualDirectory GetActiveSyncVirt ualDirectory SetActiveSyncVirt ualDirectory GetActiveSyncDevi ceStatistics getActiveSyncMail boxPolicy X X
Table 7 summarizes the minimum permissions that are required to perform administrative tasks for Microsoft Office Outlook Web Access. Table 7 Outlook Web Access administrator permissions Task Exchange Organization Administrators Exchange Server Administrators X Exchange Recipient Administrators Exchange ViewOnly Administrators
Table 8 summarizes the minimum permissions that are required to perform administrative tasks for POP3 and IMAP4.
Table 8 POP3 and IMAP4 administrator permissions Task Exchange Organization Administrators Exchange Server Administrators X X X X Exchange Recipient Administrators Exchange ViewOnly Administrators
Important: Logging on to a computer by using full administrative credentials may pose a security risk to the computer and network. Therefore, as a security best practice, do not log on to a computer by using full administrative credentials when you want to perform routine administrative tasks. Instead, you can use the Secondary Logon service or the Run as command to start applications or additional commands in a different security context without having to log off the computer. The Run as command prompts you to enter different credentials before the application or command can run. For more information about the Run as command, see Using Run as in the Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition online Help.
Enabling Services
To enable services that are used by a Client Access server, use the Services snap-in in Microsoft Management Console (MMC). Table 9 shows the Exchange services that may be required.
Table 9 Services that may be required by a Client Access server Service name W3SVC MSExchangeADTopology Display name World Wide Web Publishing Service Microsoft Exchange Active Directory Topology Service Comments This service is required and must be started. This service provides Active Directory topology information to several Exchange Server components. This service does not have any dependencies. By default, this service is stopped. For clients to use POP3 to connect to Microsoft Exchange, this service must be started. This service depends on the Microsoft Exchange Active Dir ectory Topology service. By default, this service is stopped. For clients to use IMAP4 to connect to Microsoft Exchange, this service must be started. This service depends on the Microsoft Exchange Active Dir ectory Topology service.
This service manages the Internet Information Services (IIS) metabase and provides support for the World Wide Web Publishing Service (W3SVC) service, the POP3 service, and the IMAP4 service, which are required by the Client Access server. IIS Admin also supports other applications, such as the metabase update service, which is an internal component of the system attendant. This service configures the RPC virtual directory in IIS and registry data for Outlook Anywhere. This service depends on the Microsoft Exchange Active Dir ectory Topology service. This service is used to distribute offline address book and custom Unified Messaging prompts. This service depends on the Microsoft Exchange Active Dir ectory Topology service.
Exchange 2007 Outlook Web Access offers significant improvements over earlier versions. These include new features for administering Outlook Web Access and a user interface that offers richer functionality and is easier to use. For more information about the improvements in Outlook Web Access, see Client Features in Outlook Web Access. New features, such as segmentation and explicit logon, are available only when you use an Exchange 2007 computer that is running the Client Access server role to connect to an Exchange 2007 server that is running the Mailbox server role.
Registry Editor
Some Outlook Web Access configuration settings, such as the PublicClientTimeout, TrustedClientTimeout, and SSLOffloaded values must be configured by using Registry Editor. Caution: Incorrectly editing the registry can cause serious problems that may require you to reinstall your operating system. Problems resulting from editing the registry incorrectly may not be able to be resolved. Before editing the registry, back up any valuable data.
By using IIS Manager, you can simplify the Outlook Web Access URL that users use to access Outlook Web Access. For more information about how to simplify the Outlook Web Access URL , see How to Simplify the Outlook Web Access URL. You can configure what types of attachments can be accessed by using Outlook Web Access and how those attachments are displayed. You can configure authentication methods, such as standard and forms-based authentication, for Outlook Web Access. You can configure the default language and character settings for an Outlook Web Access virtual directory. For more information about how to modify attachment handling settings for Outlook Web Access, see Managing File and Data Access for Outlook Web Access. For more information about how to configure authentication for Outlook Web Access, see Managing Outlook Web Access Security. For more information about how to configure the language and character settings for Outlook Web Access, see How to Configure Language Settings for Outlook Web Access. For more information about how to configure Gzip compression, see How to Configure Gzip Compression Settings.
Gzip enables data compression. By using Gzip, you can improve performance for users who are using Outlook Web Access over slow network connections.
Outlook Web Access prevent s senders from using Web beacons in junk e-mail messages to retrieve e-mail addresses. You can enable or disable specific Outlook Web Access features according to the needs of your organization. Windows SharePoint Service s and Windows file share integration is a new feature in Outlook Web Access Premi um that provides access to documents in Windows SharePoint Servi ces document libraries and Windows file shares.
For more information about how to disable Web beacons, see How to Control Web Beacon and HTML Form Filtering for Outlook Web Access. For more information about segmentation of Outlook Web Access features , see How to Manage Segmentation in Outlook Web Access. For more information, see Configuring Windows SharePoint Services and Windows File Share Integration for Outlook Web Access.
Configure Microsoft Windows SharePoi nt Services and Windows file share integration
Monitor Client Access servers Monitoring tools and techniques let you determine your system's health and identify potential issues before a problem occurs.
using the Exchange Management Shell, the Exchange Management Console, and Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager. Table 12 describes the Exchange 2007 Outlook Web Access virtual directories. Table 12 Exchange 2007 Outlook Web Access Virtual Directories Name /owa Description This virtual directory is used by Outlook Web Access when accessing mailboxes on Exchange 2007 mailbox servers. This virtual directory is used to access public folders by using the Outlook Web Access application for mailboxes that are located on computers that are running Exchange 2007, Exchange Server 2003, or Exchange 2000 Server. Only public folders that are on servers that are running Exchange 2003 or Exchange 2000 will be available through Outlook Web Access. Users must connect to the /Public virtual directory to view public folders. Public folders are not available through the URL that is used to log on to an Exchange mailbox by using Outlook Web Access. This virtual directory is used with the Outlook Web Access application for mailboxes on computers that are running Exchange 2003 or Exchange 2000.
This virtual directory is used by Outlook Web Access when accessing mailboxes on computers that are running Exchange 2003 or Exchange 2000. If your organization includes Exchange 2000 or Exchange 2003 mailboxes in addition to Exchange 2007 mailboxes, all users can access Outlook Web Access through the /Exchange virtual directory. The Client Access server will automatically redirect Exchange 2007 mailbox users to the /owa virtual directory. Note: If the server that hosts the Client Access server role also hosts the Mailbox server role, users who use the /Exchange virtual directory will be redirected to the /owa virtual directory, which cannot be used by Exchange 2000 or Exchange 2003 mailboxes. If you must support Outlook Web Access access to Exchange 2000 or Exchange 2003 mailboxes, do not install the Client Access and Mailbox roles on the same Exchange 2007 server.
This virtual directory can access the same folders that are available through other virtual directories and is used to change administrative settings and properties. Only users who have administrative permissions can access the /exadmin virtual directory.
Exchange 2007 on Client Access servers and back-end servers that are running Exchange 2003 or Exchange 2000. In most Exchange 2007 deployments, the default Outlook Web Access virtual directories that are created during installation are sufficient for most organizations. You may not have to create new Outlook Web Access virtual directories. Generally, new Outlook Web Access virtual directories are created by businesses that provide hosting or for troubleshooting issues, such as the deletion and re-creation of Outlook Web Access virtual directories. Perform the following tasks on Outlook Web Access virtual directories depending on the needs of your organization. Create a new Outlook Web Access virtual directory You can use the Exchange Management Shell to create a new Outlook Web Access virtual directory. For more information, see How to Create an Outlook Web Access Virtual Directory in Exchange 2007. Note: When the Client Access server role is installed, all the Outlook Web Access virtual directories are installed under the default Web site. All new virtual directories are installed under the default Web site unless a different Web site is specified when the virtual directory is created. View properties on an Outlook Web Access virtual directory You can use the Exchange Management Shell and the Exchange Management Console to view the properties of an Outlook Web Access virtual directory. For more information, see How to View Properties of an Outlook Web Access Virtual Directory.
For information about Outlook Web Access URLs, see Managing Outlook Web Access URLs. For more information about how to use the /exadmin virtual directory, see Using the Administrative Virtual Root.
If you have to create a new virtual directory for Outlook Web Access, make sure that users are aware of the changes you are making. You will be interrupting mail flow for your users. Important: When the default owa virtual directory is created, both forms-based authentication and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption are enabled. However, when you create a new virtual directory by using the New-OWAVirtualDirectory cmdlet, FBA and SSL encryption are not enabled.
For more information about how to configure Outlook Web Access virtual directories, see Managing Outlook Web Access Virtual Directories in Exchange 2007. To use the Exchange Management Shell to create an Outlook Web Access virtual directory To create an Outlook Web Access virtual directory, run the following command: New-OWAVirtualDirectory -OwaVirtualDirectory -OWAVersion "ExchangeVersion" -VirtualDirectoryType Mailboxes -Name "VirtualDirectoryName" -Website "" In the previous procedure, a new Outlook Web Access virtual directory is created under the Web site. For more information about syntax and parameters, see New-OwaVirtualDirectory.
You can also retrieve information for a specific virtual directory on a specific server by using the parameters that are available for the command. For more information about the GetOWAVirtualDirectory command parameters, see Get-OWAVirtualDirectory.
If you use the Exchange Management Console to view the properties for an Outlook Web Access virtual directory, you will be able to view a complete set of properties for the Exchange server that you are on.
Configuring Windows SharePoint Services and Windows File Share Integration for Outlook Web Access Configuring Forms-Based Authentication for Outlook Web Access Configuring Standard Authentication Methods for Outlook Web Access
on the server named Contoso, run the following command: Remove-OwaVirtualDirectory -identity "Contoso\Legacy (second Web site)"
To use the Exchange Management Shell to find orphan virtual directories To find any orphan virtual directories, run the following command: Get-OwaVirtualDirectory | ? { ! [DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry]::Exists($_.MetabasePath) }
To use IIS Manager to remove the ISAPI filter when the last Outlook Web Access virtual directory to be removed was an orphan 1. Open IIS Manager. 2. Navigate to the Web site that hosted the Outlook Web Access virtual directory, right-click the Web site name, and then select Properties. 3. Select the ISAPI filters tab. 4. Remove the Exchange OWA Cookie Authentication ISAPI filter entry. For more information about syntax and parameters, see Remove-OWAVirtualDirectory.
The default URL for Outlook Web Access for mailboxes on an Exchange 2007 server is http://<servername>/owa. For mailboxes on Exchange 2003 or Exchange 2000 servers, the default URL is http://<server name>/exchange. Note: If a user whose mailbox is on an Exchange 2007 server enters the URL that ends with /exchange, the Client Access server will automatically redirect the connection to the URL that ends with /owa. However, a user whose mailbox is on an Exchange 2000 or Exchange 2003 server must use the URL that ends with /exchange.
When explicit logon is used to open a resource mailbox in Outlook Web Access, there will be a set of options available to manage that resource. To use the Exchange Management Shell to grant full access to a mailbox To grant full access to the mailbox named TestA to the user named TestB, run the following command: Add-MailboxPermission -identity TestA -User TestB -AccessRights FullAccess
To open any mailbox from a URL 1. Open a Web browser. 2. Enter the URL for your organization's Outlook Web Access, and then add the SMTP address of the mailbox that you want to open to the end of the URL. For example, to open the mailbox, you would enter <Outlook Web Access URL>/ A mailbox can have more than one SMTP address. You can use any of them to open the mailbox. 3. Log on by using your user name and password. Note: To use this procedure, you must have Full Access permissions for the mailbox that you want to open. To open another user's mailbox or a resource mailbox from Outlook Web Access 1. Log on to Outlook Web Access. 2. At the top of the Outlook Web Access window, click your mailbox name to open the Open Other Mailbox window. 3. Enter the name of the mailbox that you want to open, and then click Open. Note: To open another user's mailbox or a resource mailbox, your mailbox and the mailbox that you are opening must be Exchange 2007 mailboxes. For more information about syntax and parameters, see add-MailboxPermission.
For more information about resource mailboxes, see Managing Resource Scheduling.
this will redirect all requests to https://server name to https://servername/owa. 4. In the The client will be sent to: list, select A directory below URL entered. Note: To access other mailboxes, users must enter the full URL, including the user name. Note: The server name in the URL must be what users type into their browsers to reach Outlook Web Access, and might differ from the host name of the Client Access server, depending on the topology of the network. To use IIS Manager to simplify the Outlook Web Access URL and redirect users to https 1. Create the following file in Notepad and save it to drive:\inetpub\wwwroot as SSLRedirect.htm, replacing <server name> with the name of your Client Access server: <html> <head> <title>HTML Redirection to https:</title> <META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="1; URL=https://<servername>/exchange"> </head> <body> This page is attempting to redirect you to <a href="https:// <servername>/exchange/">https:// <servername>/exchange</a><br> If you are not redirected within a few seconds, please click the link above to access Outlook Web Access. </body></html> 2. Open IIS Manager, and then navigate to Web Sites/Default Web Site. Rightclick Default Web Site, and then click Properties. 3. Click the Home Directory tab, and then select A redirection to a URL. 4. In Redirect to, enter /Exchange. 5. Select The client will be sent to: A directory below the URL entered above. 6. Click the Custom Errors tab, and then find HTTP Error 403;4 in the table. Click 403;4 to select it, and then click Edit. 7. Click Browse to locate the file that you created at the start of this procedure. 8. Click OK to save your changes. 9. Open a Command Prompt window, and then type iisreset /noforce to restart IIS.
Any SMTP address that is associated with the mailbox to be opened. If this section of the URL is missing, the default mailbox of the authenticated user is opened. If no additional parameters are specified, the default behavior is to open the Inbox.
To open the mailbox with the SMTP address, use: https://<server name>/owa/tsmith@fourthcoff
cmd (required if you are specifying any parameter other than the explicit logon mailbox identification)
?cmd=contents displays the Outlook Web Access Web Part that is specified by the parameters instead of the full Outlook Web Access user interface.
If no mailbox is specified, this parameter follows the server directory: https://<server name>/owa/? cmd=contents If a mailbox is specified, this parameter follows the explicit mailbox identification: https://<server name>/owa/<SMTP address>/?cmd=contents If no additional parameters are specified, the default behavior is to open the Inbox.
id (optional)
The folder ID of the folder from which the Web Part should display contents. This can be obtained by using Web services and can be used in applications to dynamically select which folder to open.
The folder ID is the Base64encoded PR_ENTRY_ID of the folder: https://<server name>/owa/? cmd=contents&id=<PR_ENT RY_ID>
f (optional)
A string that specifies the mailbox folder to be shown in the Web Part. The Web Part URL may have to be written by using URL encoding so that it can pass through firewalls. When you use URL encoding, a space becomes %20, and a path delimiter (/) becomes %2f. The folder hierarchy should start from the mailbox root. This folder path can point to ordinary folders or search folders.
To open the subfolder Projects in the Inbox, use: https://<server name>/owa/? cmd=contents&f= inbox %2fprojects
module (optional)
This parameter can be used to specify any of the four default folders without knowing the localized name.
Values for the module parameter are not case sensitive, and include the following: Inbox Calendar Contacts Tasks
To open the calendar of a mailbox regardless of localization: https://<server name>/owa/? cmd=contents&module=calen dar
view (optional)
This parameter specifies the view to be displayed for the folder. The default views when this parameter is not present are as follows: s Calendar Daily Messages Message
The views available vary according to the folder type. Calendar views: Daily The daily calendar view Weekly The weekly calendar view Message views: Messages One line message view, with default sort By%20Sender One line message view sorted by From with sender names that begin with "a" on top By%20Subject One line message view sorted by Subject with subjects that begin with "a" on top By%20Conversation %20Topic Conversation View, available only in Outlook Web Access Pre mium Two%20Line Two line message view, with default sort, available only in Outlook Web Access Pre mium
Contacts Two %20Line Tasks By%20Due %20Date Note: The strings for the default views are automatically URL encoded. The default sort for a view is the way the folder would be sorted if it was opened in the Outlook Web Access client. Exchange 2003 Web Part views that are not supported in Exchange 2007 are as follows: Calendar Monthly
Contact Views: Messages Unread by conversation topic and Phone%20List One sent to. line contact view, with default sort The strings identifying the views are not localized and not case sensitive. Two%20Line Two line contact view with default sort, available only in 45
d, m, y (optional)
Specifies the date for which the calendar should be displayed. These parameters can be entered in any order and can be used singly or together. If any of these parameters are not specified, the default values are the current day, month, and year values. For example, if the current day is May 3, 2007 and you specify a month value of "9" for September, the date displayed will be September 3, 2007.
The valid values for the data parameters are as follows: d=[1-31] m=[1-12] y=[four digit year] To open a calendar to the date May 3, 2007, you would use https://<server name>/owa/? cmd=content&f=calendar&vie w=daily&d=3&m=5&y=2007
part (optional)
Specifies that Outlook Web Access should display a smaller Web Part.
When you use Web Parts to access Outlook Web Access content, the UI that is displayed will be smaller than the full Outlook Web Access UI. The part parameter reduces the UI further. This example shows the tasks list in the smallest Web Part format: https://<server name>/owa/? cmd=contents&f=tasks&part= 1 Figures 1 and 2 show the UI that Outlook Web Access will display with and without part=1 applied to the Tasks Web Part.
Figure 1 shows the Outlook Web Access Tasks Web Part without the parameter part=1. Figure 1 Web Part URL without Part=1
Figure 2 shows the Outlook Web Access Tasks Web Part with the parameter part=1. Figure 2 Web Part URL with Part=1
You can use multiple parameters to specify the folder to be displayed and the format to display it in. If more than one folder parameter is used, the precedence order is id, f, and then module. If none of these parameters is present, the Inbox will be shown by default. Note: If a feature has been turned off by using segmentation, that feature will not be available as a Web Part. For example, if the Outlook Web Access calendar has been disabled, you will not be able to access calendars by using Outlook Web Access Web Parts.
For more information about Outlook Web Access authentication, see the following: Configuring Standard Authentication Methods for Outlook Web Access How to Configure Integrated Windows Authentication
Users can view the following kinds of files by using WebReady Document Viewing: .doc .pdf .ppt .xls
Additionally, the supported MIME types are as follows: application/pdf application/ application/ application/word application/x-mspowerpoint application/x-msexcel
For more information about how to manage WebReady Document Viewing for users, see How to Manage WebReady Document Viewing.
This option specifies the file types that are always enabled for direct file access.
.rpmsg, .xlsx, image/jpeg, .xlsm, .xlsb, .pptx, image/png, image/gif, .pptm, .ppsx, image/bmp .ppsm, .docx, .docx, .docm, .xls, .wmv, .wma, .wav, vsd, .txt, .tif, .rtf, .pub, .ppt, .png, .pdf, .one, .mp3, .jpeg, .gif, .doc, .bmp, .avi .ade, .adp, .asx, .app, .asp, .aspx, .asx, .asx, .bas, .bat, .cer, .chm, .cmd, .com, .cpl, .crt, .csh, .dir, .dcr, .der, .exe, .fxp, .hlp, .hta, .inf, .ins, .isp, .its, .js, .jse, .ksh, .lnk, .mad, .maf, .mag, .mam, .maq, .mar, .mas, .mat, .mau, .mav, .maw, .mda, .mdb, .mde, .mdt, .mdw, .mdz, .msc,.msh, .msh1, .mshxml, .msh1xml, .msi, .msp,.mst, .ops, .pcd, .pif, .plg, .prf,.prg, .ps1, .ps2, .psc1, .psc2, .ps1xml, .ps2xml, .pst, .reg, .scf, .scr, .sct, .shb, .shs, .spl, .swf, .tmp, .url, .vb, .vbe, .vbs, .vsmacros, .vss, .vst, .vsw, .ws, .wsc, .wsf, .wsh, .xml application/xjavascript, application/javascript, application/msaccess, x-internet-signup, text/javascript, application/prg, application/hta, text/scriptlet
This option specifies the file types that are always blocked from direct file access.
Force Save
This option specifies the files that users can access only after they have saved them to the local computer.
.vsmacros, .mshxml, .aspx, .xml, .wsh, .wsf, .wsc, .vsw, .vst, .vss, .vbs, .vbe, .url, .tmp, .swf, .spl, . shs, .shb, .sct, .scr, .scf, .reg, .pst, .prg, .prf, .plg, .pif, .pcd, .ops, .mst, .msp, .msi, .msh, .msc, .mdz, .mdw, .mdt, .mde, .mdb, .mda, .maw, .mav, .mau, .mat, .mas, .mar, .maq, .mam, .mag, .maf, .mad, .lnk, .ksh, .jse, .its, .isp, .ins, .inf, .hta, .hlp, .fxp, .exe, .dir, .dcr, .csh, .crt, .cpl, .com, .cmd, .chm, .cer, .bat, .bas, .asx, .asp, .app, .adp, .ade, .ws, .vb, .js
There is also a default setting for unknown file types. You can set the setting for unknown file types to one of the following values: Allow Block Force Save
To use the Exchange Management Console to configure Direct File Access policy settings for Outlook Web Access 1. In the Exchange Management Console, click Server Configuration, and then click Client Access. 2. In the action pane, in Outlook Web Access, click Properties. 3. On the Outlook Web Access Properties page, click either the Public Computer File Access tab or the Private Computer File Access tab. 4. Under Direct file access, select the check box next to Enable direct file access to let users download attachments. 5. To modify the types of attachments that you want users to be able to access, click the Customize button next to Customize direct file access. 6. On the Direct File Access Settings page, do one of the following: To set the file types and MIME types that you want users to access, click the Allow button, and then set the file name extensions and MIME values on the Allow List page. To set the file types and MIME types that you want to block users from accessing, click the Block button, and then and set the file name extensions and MIME values on the Block List page. To set the file types and MIME types that you want to force users to save before they access them, click the Force Save button, and then set the file name extensions and MIME values on the Force Save List page. For unknown file types, select an option from the list in the Unknown Files box. Select Allow, Block, or Force Save. 7. Click OK to save your settings. To use the Exchange Management Shell to configure attachments policy settings for Outlook Web Access Run the following command: Set-OwaVirtualDirectory Use the syntax in the following example to prevent users on public computers from downloading files: Set-OwaVirtualDirectory -identity "owa (Default Web Site)" -DirectFileAccessOnPublicComputersEnabled $false For more information about syntax and parameters, see Set-OwaVirtualDirectory.
4. Under WebReady Document Viewing, select the check box next to Enable WebReady Document Viewing to let users view common file types in Outlook Web Access. 5. To modify the types of files that you want users to be able to view in Outlook Web Access, click the Supported button under WebReady Document Viewing. 6. On the WebReady Document Viewing Settings page, select the default values, or delete one or more of the file types. 7. Click OK to save your changes. To use the Exchange Management Shell to configure attachments policy settings for Outlook Web Access The following example uses the Set-OwaVirtualDirectory cmdlet to prevent users on public computers from downloading files: Set-OwaVirtualDirectory -identity "owa (Default Web Site)" -WebReadyDocumentViewingPublicComputersEnabled $false
Caution: Before making changes to the Web.config file, make a copy of the file, and store it in a safe location.
Many features can be set for an Outlook Web Access virtual directory by using the Exchange Management Console. You can use the Set-OwaVirtualDirectory cmdlet in the Exchange Management Shell to enable or disable the same features that you can enable and disable by using the Exchange Management Console, in addition to many other Outlook Web Access features for an Outlook Web Access virtual directory. For example, to disable the Reminders feature in Outlook Web Access, you can use the RemindersandNotificationsEnabled parameter. The Reminders feature enables users to receive new mail notifications. You can also modify other Outlook Web Access features, such as Tasks, Contacts, and Themes. For more information about the parameters that you can use to configure segmentation for all users, see Set-OwaVirtualDirectory. For more information about the features that can be configured by using the Exchange Management Console, see How to Manage Segmentation in Outlook Web Access. For more information about how to enable and disable features for specific users, see SetCASMailbox.
Segmentation basis
Segmentation can be performed for individual users and for individual servers. The segmentation setting for each Outlook Web Access feature is stored as a DWORD value in the registry. If the DWORD value is 1, the Outlook Web Access feature is enabled. If the DWORD value is 0, the Outlook Web Access feature is disabled. By default, all features are enabled.
Segmentation can be performed for individual users and for individual virtual directories. You can administer the user and virtual directory segmentation settings for each Outlook Web Access feature by using the Exchange Management Shell. Unlike in Exchange Server 2003, segmentation settings in Exchange 2007 are not configured by editing the registry. The segmentation value that is set for an Outlook Web Access virtual directory is stored on the virtual directory object. The segmentation value that is set for a user is stored in the msExchMailboxFolderS etActive Directory attribut e on the user object. By default, the msExchMailboxFolderSet attribute exists for each user, but the value is not configured. Use the SetCASMailbox cmdlet to configure values for individual users.
The DWORD values that are set for users and for servers are the same. However, they are stored in different locations. The server DWORD value is stored in a registry key. The user DWORD value is stored in the msExchMailboxFolderS etActive Directory attribut e on the user object. By default, the msExchMailboxFolderSet attribute exists, but the value is not configured.
New features in Outlook Web Access in Exch ange 2007 that can be segmented
Not applicable
You can segment the following new Outlook Web Access features: Unified Messaging integration Microsoft Window s SharePoint Service s and Windows file shares integration Microsoft Exchan ge ActiveSync integra tion from Mobile Settings on the Options page
In Outlook Web Access, an incoming e-mail message that has any content that can be used as a Web beacon, regardless of whether the message actually contains a Web beacon,
prompts Outlook Web Access to display a warning message to the user to inform the user that the content has been blocked. If a user knows that a message is legitimate, they can enable the blocked content. If a user does not recognize the sender or the message, they can open the message without unblocking the content and then delete the message without triggering beacons. If your organization does not want to use this feature, you can disable the blocking option for Outlook Web Access.
Language Settings
By using the Set-OwaVirtualDirectory cmdlet in the Exchange Management Shell, you can configure the following language parameter settings on an Outlook Web Access virtual directory:
DefaultClientLanguage The DefaultClientLanguage parameter, a Regional property setting, specifies the Outlook Web Access language that is used when a user who has not selected a specific language on the Options page logs on to Outlook Web Access. This prevents the user from being able to view the initial page to set the time zone and language, but does not prevent the user from changing these settings using the Options in Outlook Web Access after they have logged on. This parameter does not apply to Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server or Exchange 2003 virtual directories. LogonAndErrorLanguage The LogonAndErrorLanguage parameter specifies which language Outlook Web Access uses for forms-based authentication and for error messages that occur when a users current language setting cannot be read. This parameter applies to Exchange 2003 virtual directories. The user can configure the language that is used by Outlook Web Access by using the Regional Settings option in the Options menu after he or she is successfully authenticated for an Outlook Web Access session. The LogonAndErrorLanguage parameter can be configured only by an administrator. The administrator must configure the LogonAndErrorLanguage parameter before the user authenticates into Outlook Web Access. Note: To make all Arabic, Asian, Hebrew, and Urdu text to display correctly in Outlook Web Access, support for languages that are read from right-to-left and script languages must be installed on the client computer. Other languages may also require that the appropriate language pack be installed on the client computer. For more information about syntax and parameters, see Set-OwaVirtualDirectory. For more information about how to configure the language settings for an Outlook Web Access virtual directory, see How to Configure Language Settings for Outlook Web Access.
Character Settings
The Charset parameter specifies how the Web browser decodes data and appends the character set, for example, ISO-8859-15, of the content-type header in the Response object of the Web page. You can use the Response object to send output to the client. By using the Set-OwaVirtualDirectory cmdlet in the Exchange Management Shell, you can configure the character settings on an Outlook Web Access virtual directory. You can configure the following character settings on an Outlook Web Access virtual directory: OutboundCharset The OutboundCharset parameter specifies the character set that is used on messages that are sent by users on a specific Outlook Web Access virtual directory. It accepts three settings: autodetect, alwaysutf8, and userlanguagechoice. Autodetect causes Exchange to examine the first 2 kilobytes (KB) of text and deduce the
character set to use. This is the preferred method. AlwaysUTF8 causes Exchange to always use UTF-8 encoded UNICODE characters on outgoing messages. UserLanguageChoice causes Exchange to use the language that is used in the Outlook Web Access user interface to encode messages. This can be a problem if the preferred language and the language that is used on an individual message are not the same. UseGB18030 The UseGB18030 parameter, a Regional property setting, specifies when the character set GB18030 is used. This parameter is a character-handling key in Active Directory that works in coordination with the OutboundCharset registry key. If USEGB18030 is on and OutboundCharset is set to Autodetect, Outlook Web Access will use GB18030 whenever GB18032 is detected. UseISO8859-15 The UseISO8859-15 parameter, a Regional property setting, specifies when the character set ISO8859-15 is used. This parameter is a characterhandling key in Active Directory that works in coordination with the OutboundCharset registry key. If USEISO8859-15 is on and OutboundCharset is set to Autodetect, Outlook Web Access will use ISO8859-15 whenever ISO8859-1 is detected For more information about syntax and parameters, see Set-OwaVirtualDirectory. For more information about how to configure the character settings for Outlook Web Access, see How to Configure Character Settings for Outlook Web Access.
This setting compresses only static pages. By default, Gzip compression is set to low on Exchange 2007 virtual directories and on Exchange 2000 and Exchange 2003 virtual directories on Exchange 2007 servers that are hosting only the Client Access server role. Compression is not supported on Exchange 2000 and Exchange 2003 virtual directories on Exchange 2007 servers that have the Mailbox server role installed.
No compression is used.
For more information about how to configure Gzip settings, see How to Configure Gzip Compression Settings.
Set-CASMailbox How to Manage Segmentation in Outlook Web Access How to Control Web Beacon and HTML Form Filtering for Outlook Web Access How to Configure Language Settings for Outlook Web Access How to Configure Character Settings for Outlook Web Access How to Configure Gzip Compression Settings
To use the Exchange Management Console to configure Outlook Web Access segmentation 1. In the Exchange Management Console, click Server Configuration, and then click Client Access. 2. In the work pane, select owa (Default Web Site), and then, in the action pane, click Properties. 3. On the owa (Default Web Site)Properties page, click the Segmentation tab. 4. The Segmentation window provides a list of features for Outlook Web Access
that you can enable or disable for all users. 5. To enable or disable a feature for Outlook Web Access for all users, select a feature, and then click Enable or Disable. 6. The status for all features is displayed in the center section in the Segmentation window.
Segmentation in the Exchange Management Console and the Exchange Management Shell
Table 17 lists the segmentation options that are available through the Exchange Management Console and by using Exchange Management Shell parameters. You can use the SetOwaVirtualDirectory cmdlet together with the parameters listed in the table to enable or disable the features on the Segmentation tab that were discussed earlier in Step 3. Table 17 Segmentation options that can be set in the Exchange Management Console and by using Exchange Management Shell parameters Exchange Management Console Exchange ActiveSync Integration Exchange Management Shell Parameter ActiveSyncIntegrationEnable d Description If it is enabled, this option lets users manage a mobile device by using the Options feature in Outlook Web Access. If it is disabled, the option is not visible. If it is enabled, this option lets users see all address lists in the Exchange organization. If it is disabled, the user will see only the default global address list. If it is enabled, this option lets users see Calendar folders by using Outlook Web Access. If it is disabled, the Calendar is still available by using Outlook, but will not be visible from Outlook Web Access.
If it is enabled, this option lets users see Contacts folders by using Outlook Web Access. If it is disabled, Contacts folders are still available by using Outlook, but will not be visible from Outlook Web Access. If it is enabled, this option lets users see the Journal folder by using Outlook Web Access. If it is disabled, the Journal is still available by using Outlook, but will not be visible from Outlook Web Access. If it is enabled, this option enables users to control the junk e-mail settings for their mailbox from Outlook Web Access. If it is disabled, the user will be unable to control the junkemail settings from Outlook Web Access, but any settings that are set by an administrator or set by using Outlook will still be applied.
RemindersAndNotificationsE nabled
If it is enabled, this option lets users receive reminders for calendar items and tasks and notifications for new messages when they are using Outlook Web Access Premiu m. If it is disabled, users will not receive reminders and notifications. Reminders and notifications are not available in Outlook Web Access Light.
If it is enabled, this option makes the Notes folder visible in Outlook Web Access. Outlook Web Access provides view-only access to Notes. If it is enabled, this option lets users access the Outlook Web Access Premiu m client. If it is disabled, only Outlook Web Access Light will be available. If it is enabled, this option lets users see the Search Folders icon in the Outlook Web Access navigati on pane and lets users access any search folders that exist on the server. If it is disabled, the Search Folders icon remains visible in Outlook Web Access, but the folders will not be available. For more information about how to create search folders, see the Outlook Help.
Premium Client
Search Folders
E-mail Signature
If it is enabled, this option lets users use the Outlook Web Access Options to manage signatures for outgoing e-mail messages. If it is enabled, this option lets users check spelling in Outlook Web Access. This feature is not available in Outlook Web Access Light. If it is enabled, this option makes the Tasks features in Outlook Web Access availabl e to users. This feature is not available in Outlook Web Access Light. If it is enabled, this option lets users select a theme by using the Options feature in Outlook Web Access. This feature is not available in Outlook Web Access Light. If it is enabled, this option lets users manage their Unified Messaging settings by using Outlook Web Access.
Spelling Checker
Theme Selection
Change Password
If it is enabled, this option lets users change their Active Directory account password by using Outlook Web Access. Note: To enable users to change passwords that have expired or have been set to User must change at next logon, see Implementing the Change Password feature with Outlook Web Access.
For more information about syntax and instructions for using the Exchange Management Shell to manage Outlook Express segmentation, see Set-OwaVirtualDirectory.
Note: By default, Gzip compression is set to low on all virtual directories. To use the Exchange Management Shell to configure Gzip compression Run the following command to configure Gzip compression to High on an Outlook Web Access virtual directory that is named owa in the default Internet Information Services (IIS) Web site on the local server: Set-OwaVirtualDirectory -identity "owa (Default Web Site)" -GzipLevel High Run the following command to set Gzip compression to Off on an Outlook Web Access virtual directory that is named owa in the default IIS Web site on the local server: Set-OwaVirtualDirectory -identity "owa (Default Web Site)" -GzipLevel Off Note: You must restart Internet Information Services (IIS) by using the command iisrest/noforce for these changes to take effect. For more information about syntax and parameters, see Set-OwaVirtualDirectory.
For more information about permissions, delegating roles, and the rights that are required to administer Exchange Server 2007, see Permission Considerations. To use the Exchange Management Shell to configure character settings for Outlook Web Access Run the following command to configure Outlook Web Access to always use UTF-8 encoded UNICODE characters on all outgoing e-mail messages: Set-OwaVirtualDirectory -identity "Owa (Default Web Site)" -OutboundCharset AlwaysUTF8 Note: The AlwaysUTF8 character setting on the Outlook Web Access virtual directory takes precedence over user-defined settings. Outlook Web Access sets the UTF8 character on all outgoing e-mail messages, regardless of the user's language choice in Outlook Web Access. For more information about syntax and parameters, see Set-OwaVirtualDirectory.
errors and the forms-based authentication logon page. If a value is not set for this language, the default value is 0. This means that the default logon and error language is not defined. If the logon and error language is not defined, Outlook Web Access will default first to the language set on Internet Explorer on the client computer. If the language set on Internet Explorer on the client computer is not supported by Outlook Web Access, Outlook Web Access will use the language of the Client Access server. The default client language setting applies to individual Outlook Web Access virtual directories. The default client language is the client language that is used by Outlook Web Access unless the user uses Regional Settings in Outlook Web Access to change the language and time zone. The default value for this setting is 0. This means the default client language is not defined. If the default client language is not defined, users will be prompted to choose a language and time zone the first time that they log on to Outlook Web Access. If the default client language value is defined, users will not be prompted to choose a language and the Outlook Web Access time zone will use the time zone of the Client Access server. Defining the default client language causes the default folders to be renamed based on the specified language. Users can change the client language and time zone by using Regional Settings in Outlook Web Access, and can rename the default folders after they log on. The client languages are set on individual mailboxes and affect the language that is used in Outlook and Outlook Web Access. If multiple languages are configured, the first language in the list that is supported by the Web browser will be used. If none of the languages in the default languages list is supported by the Web browser, the Client Access server language will be used.
Table 18 Available languages and locales and their associated codes Language (Locale) Arabic (Algeria) Arabic (Bahrain) Arabic (Egypt) Arabic (Iraq) Arabic (Jordan) Arabic (Kuwait) Arabic (Lebanon) Arabic (Libya) Arabic (Morocco) Arabic (Oman) Arabic (Qatar) Arabic (Saudi Arabia) Arabic (Syria) Arabic (Tunisia) Arabic (U.A.E.) Arabic (Yemen) Basque Bulgarian Catalan Chinese (Hong Kong S.A.R) Chinese (Macau S.A.R) Chinese (People's Republic of China) Chinese (Singapore) Chinese (Taiwan) Croatian Czech Danish Dutch (Belgium) Code 5121 15361 3073 2049 11265 13313 12289 4097 6145 8193 16385 1025 10241 7169 14337 9217 1069 1026 1027 3076 5124 2052 4100 1028 1050 1029 1030 2067
Dutch (Netherlands) English (Australia) English (Belize) English (Canada) English (Caribbean) English (Ireland) English (Jamaica) English (New Zealand) English (Republic of the Philippines) English (South Africa) English (Trinidad) English (United Kingdom) English (United States) English (Zimbabwe) Estonian Finnish French (Belgium) French (Canada) French (France) French (Luxembourg) French (Principality of Monaco) French (Switzerland) German (Austria) German (Germany) German (Liechtenstein) German (Luxembourg) German (Switzerland) Greek Hebrew
1043 3081 10249 4105 9225 6153 8201 5129 13321 7177 11273 2057 1033 12297 1061 1035 2060 3084 1036 5132 6156 4108 3079 1031 5127 4103 2055 1032 1037
Hindi Hungarian Icelandic Indonesian Italian (Italy) Italian (Switzerland) Japanese Kazakh Korean Latvian Lithuanian Malay Norwegian (Bokml) Persian Polish Portuguese (Brazil) Portuguese (Portugal) Romanian Russian Serbian (Cyrillic) Serbian (Latin) Slovak Slovenian Spanish (Argentina) Spanish (Bolivia) Spanish (Chile) Spanish (Colombia) Spanish (Costa Rica) Spanish (Dominican Republic)
1081 1038 1039 1057 1040 2064 1041 1087 1042 1062 1063 1086 1044 1065 1045 1046 2070 1048 1049 3098 2074 1051 1060 11274 16394 13322 9226 5130 7178
Spanish (Ecuador) Spanish (El Salvador) Spanish (Guatemala) Spanish (Honduras) Spanish (Mexico) Spanish (Nicaragua) Spanish (Panama) Spanish (Paraguay) Spanish (Peru) Spanish (Puerto Rico) Spanish (International Sort) Spanish (Traditional Sort) Spanish (Uruguay) Spanish (Venezuela) Swedish (Finland) Swedish (Sweden) Thai Turkish Ukrainian Urdu Vietnamese
12298 17418 4106 18442 2058 19466 6154 15370 10250 20490 3082 1034 14346 8202 2077 1053 1054 1055 1058 1056 1066
To use the Outlook Web Access client to configure language settings 1. Use a Web browser to access Outlook Web Access. 2. Click Options, and then click Regional Settings. 3. Under Language, in the Choose language list, click the language that you want to use. Note: The language that you select will determine the date and time settings in the Date and Time Formats section.
4. Click Save to save your language settings. To use the Exchange Management Shell to configure the logon and error language settings for Outlook Web Access Run the following command to set the logon and error language setting: Set-OwaVirtualDirectory -identity "Owa (Default Web Site)" -LogonAndErrorLanguage <language code>
To use the Exchange Management Shell to configure the default client language setting for an Outlook Web Access virtual directory Run the following command to set the default client language setting: Set-OwaVirtualDirectory -identity "Owa (Default Web Site)" -DefaultClientLangugage <language code>
To use the Exchange Management Shell to configure the client languages setting for an individual mailbox Run the following command to set the client languages setting for an individual mailbox: Set-Mailbox identity <mailbox identity> -languages <language code>
For more information about syntax and parameters, see Set-OwaVirtualDirectory and SetMailbox.
You can create additional themes by copying selected files into a new directory and modifying the files to fit the needs of your organization. In the Outlook Web Access user interface, themes are referred as color schemes. When a user selects a custom theme, the elements in the directory of the custom theme are used first, and any necessary elements that have not been customized are drawn from the base theme. For example, if you create a new theme by copying only the header graphics to a new theme and modifying them, when a user selects that theme, the header graphics will come from the new theme, and the rest of the theme properties will come from the base theme. Themes are saved on each Client Access server. If you have more than one Client Access server, and you want a custom theme to be available on all servers, you must copy the theme to the themes directory on each Client Access server.
Many elements of an Outlook Web Access theme can be changed. To avoid creating instability in Outlook Web Access, we recommend that you start by changing only the header, logon and logoff pages, and the colors that are used for selecting and highlighting. If you want to make more complex changes, first study how .css files work. After you have developed a good understanding of cascading style sheets, change a few elements at a time and test your changes to make sure that the result is what you expect. As a best practice, we recommend that you use the following guidelines:
Always make backup copies of the original files before you start editing them, especially when you are editing files in the \themes\base directory. Do not delete the folder \Client Access\OWA\version\themes\base or any of the files in it. Do not change the information bars that appear at the top of messages to warn users about potentially harmful content, phishing attacks, viruses, and blocked or missing content. The following figure illustrates an Outlook Web Access calendar request with two information bars. Figure 3 Outlook Web Access information bars
Creating a Theme
The following procedure gives you the general steps for creating a custom theme for Outlook Web Access. Specifics procedures for changing individual elements in an Outlook Web Access theme are included in the following sections. To create a new Outlook Web Access theme 1. On the Client Access server that is hosting Outlook Web Access, open Windows Explorer, and then find the Exchange server installation directory. 2. In \Client Access\OWA\<version>\themes, create a new folder. 3. Copy the premium.css and owafonts.css files from the base theme to the new folder. 4. Copy the files that you want change to create your theme from the base theme to
the new folder that you created. 5. Modify the files in the new theme folder to create your theme. 6. Restart Internet Information Services (IIS) by using the iisreset/noforce command. 7. Test the new theme by logging on to Outlook Web Access and selecting the new theme.
To name a custom theme by editing the themeinfo.xml file 1. Copy the themeinfo.xml file from the base theme folder to the folder in which you created the custom theme. 2. Open the copy of themeinfo.xml that is in the custom theme folder. 3. Find the theme displayname value, and change the value to the name that you want the theme to have. Example: To name your theme Fourth Coffee, the file should read theme displayname = "Fourth Coffee". 4. Save your changes, and then close themeinfo.xml. Note: If you change the name of a theme, you must stop and start IIS for the change to take effect. You can do this by opening a Command Prompt window and using the command iisreset/noforce.
Premium.css and owafonts.css define the fonts and colors that are used by Outlook Web Access. Logopt.gif, logopb.gif, and nbbkg.gif are the image files that are used to create the header at the top of the page in Outlook Web Access. Open the .gif files in an image editing tool to see how they are used to create the header in Outlook Web Access. The following figure illustrates the original files that are used to create the header for the Seattle Sky Outlook Web Access theme. Figure 4 Outlook Web Access header files
To create a custom header 1. Copy premium.css, owafonts.css, logopt.gif, logopb.gif, and nbbkg.gif from the base theme folder to the custom theme folder. 2. In the custom theme folder, open premium.css by using a text editor such as Notepad. 3. To remove "Connected to Microsoft Exchange" from the header, find "background:url("logopb.gif") no-repeat;" and add display:none; immediately after it. 4. To change the logo, use an image editing tool to open and modify logopt.gif. 5. If you change the background color in logopt.gif, use your image editing tool to edit logopb.gif and nbbkg.gif to have the same background color. 6. After you edit the files, save your changes.
7. To test the changes to your custom theme, log on to Outlook Web Access, click Options, click General Settings, and then select your custom theme from the Appearance menu. You must save your changes and then click Refresh Internet Explorer to see the new theme.
To change the highlight color of the selected module in the navigation bar 1. Open the premium.css file by using a text editor such as Notepad. 2. In the file, find the following: a.nbHiLt { background-color:#FFEFB2; } 3. Replace the RGB value with the RGB value of the color that you want. 4. To test the changes to your custom theme, log on to Outlook Web Access, click Options, click General Settings, and then select your custom theme from the Appearance menu. You must save your changes and then click Refresh to see the new theme. If you already have an active Outlook Web Access session, press F5 to refresh the page so that you can see your changes. The following figure illustrates a section of the Outlook Web Access Navigation bar with the Mail module highlighted.
To change the primary and secondary list selection colors 1. Open the premium.css file by using a text editor such as Notepad. 2. Find the following to change the primary selection color: tr.sel, tr.srsel, tr.lrsel { background-color: #FFEFB2; 3. Find the following to change the secondary selection color: tr.shdw, tr.srshdw, tr.lrshdw { background-color:#F8F0D2;
4. Replace the RGB values for the primary and secondary selection colors with the RGB values of the colors that you want. 5. To test your custom theme, log on to Outlook Web Access, click Options, click General Settings, and then select your custom theme from the Appearance menu. You must save your changes and then click Refresh to see the new theme. If you already have an active Outlook Web Access session, press F5 to refresh the page to see your changes. The primary selection color is used to highlight the selected item in the list pane when the focus is in that pane. If the user then moves the focus to the preview pane or navigation pane, the selected item in the list pane will be highlighted with the secondary selection color. The following figure illustrates the difference between primary and secondary selection colors in Outlook Web Access. Figure 6 Primary and secondary selection colors in Outlook Web Access
Note: You can use the method that was used in the previous procedure to change the RGB values for other theme elements.
To use the Exchange Management Shell to disable theme selection in Outlook Web Access To disable theme selection in Outlook Web Access where the server name is "FourthCoffee", the virtual directory name is "owa", and the Web site name is "Default Web site", run the following command: set-owavirtualdirectory -identity "fourthcoffee\owa (default web site)" -themeselectionenabled $false You can also complete both commands at the same time by running the following command: set-owavirtualdirectory -identity "fourthcoffee\owa (default web site)" -defaulttheme Custom -themeselectionenabled $false
The logon, language selection, and logoff pages use the logon.css file to define text styles and colors. The pages are created by combining several images for the border top, bottom, and sides and also include repeating images and corners for expansion. The following files create the logon page: logon.css lgnbotl.gif lgnbotm.gif lgnbotr.gif lgnexlogo.gif lgnleft.gif lgnright.gif lgntopl.gif lgntopm.gif lgntopr.gif
It is easiest to create a new look by using a solid color because the same collection of images is used for three pages: the logon page, the language selection page that is shown on the first logon per mailbox, and the logoff page. The pages resize horizontally and vertically based on the contents of the page. If you have multiple Client Access servers and want them all to use the same logon and logoff pages, you must copy the modified logon and logoff files to each Client Access server. Caution: Because you must change the files in the base theme to create custom logon and logoff pages, back up copies of all the files that you will be changing before you start to create your custom logon and logoff pages. The following figures illustrate the default Outlook Web Access logon page as it appears if the user clicks show explanation and selects This is a private computer and Use Outlook Web Access Light. One figure shows how the graphics files that create the page fit together. The other figure shows how the logon.css file determines the colors of the background and text on the logon page.
Figure 7 Outlook Web Access logon page displaying custom graphics files
Figure 8 Default Outlook Web Access logon page displaying text options
The following figures illustrate the default Outlook Web Access logoff page. One figure shows how the graphic files that create the page fit together. The other shows how the logon.css file determines the colors of the background and text on the logoff page.
Figure 9 Outlook Web Access logoff page displaying custom graphics files
Figure 10 Default Outlook Web Access logoff page displaying text options
Warning text
The color of the warning text that appears when a user selects This is a private computer. On the existing Outlook Web Access logon page, this warning text light yellow and stands out well against the blue background. If you change the background color of the logon page, you may also want to change the color of the warning text so that it is readable. The primary text color is white. It indicates options that can be selected and entry fields on the Outlook Web Access logon page. Examples include the labels for the user name and password fields, and the text next to the security options. If you have chosen a dark color for your logon pages, white will still work well for this text. Link on the logon page that a user can click to show or hide the explanation of Private and Public logons.
Show explanation
disBis{color:#c8d3e3;} When a user selects Use Outlook Web Access Light, a short explanation about Outlook Web Access Light is displayed. ;color:#fffff; The words Connected to Microsoft Exchange appear at the lower-left corner of the logon and logoff pages. Changing this value changes the color of the text in those words.
Dividing lines
All three pages that use logon.css have thin lines that divide them into sections. These pages include logon, logoff, and language selection. After you change the background and font colors, you may want to change the color of the lines so that the lines will still be visible, but not more visible than the text.
After you have decided which elements you want to change the color of and identified the HTML RGB color values that you will be changing those elements to, use the following procedure to change the color of any element that is defined by a .css file. To change the color of an element 1. Open logon.css. 2. Use the logon and logoff page elements in Table 19 included earlier in this section to find the string that matches the element that you want to change. 3. Replace the HTML RGB color value of the element that you want to change with the new HTML RGB color value that you want to use for that element. 4. Save your changes and close logon.css. 5. Test your changes by opening Internet Explorer and entering the URL for the Outlook Web Access logon page. Note: If you have already opened the Outlook Web Access logon URL, you can test your changes by deleting the temporary Internet files and refreshing Internet Explorer. To do this, click Tools, and then click Internet Options. On the General tab, under Browsing history, click Delete. Under Temporary Internet Files, click Delete files, and then click Yes when you are asked whether you are sure that you want to delete all temporary Internet Explorer files Click OK to close Internet Options, and then press F5 to refresh the logon page.
How to Control Web Beacon and HTML Form Filtering for Outlook Web Access
This section describes how to use the Exchange Management Shell to disable Web beacons and HTML forms on Microsoft Office Outlook Web Access in Microsoft Exchange Server 2007. A Web beacon is a file object, such as a transparent graphic or an image, which is put on a Web site or in an e-mail message. Web beacons are typically used together with HTML cookies to monitor user behavior on a Web site or to validate a recipient's e-mail address when an e-mail message that contains a Web beacon is opened. Web beacons and HTML forms can also contain harmful code and can be used to circumvent e-mail filters. By default, Web beacons and HTML forms are set to UserFilterChoice, which blocks all Web beacons and HTML forms but lets the user unblock them on individual messages. An administrator can use the Exchange Management Shell to change the type of filtering that is used for Web beacon and HTML form content in Outlook Web Access. For more information about Web beacons, see Managing Outlook Web Access Advanced Features.
Configuring Windows SharePoint Services and Windows File Share Integration for Outlook Web Access
This section explains a new feature in Outlook Web Access in Microsoft Exchange Server 2007: integration of Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services and Windows file shares. Windows file shares are also known as Universal Naming Convention (UNC) file shares. The integration of Windows SharePoint Services and Windows file shares in Outlook Web Access gives users read-only access to documents on centralized or personal Windows SharePoint Services document libraries or Windows file shares. Users cannot change files that are stored on Windows SharePoint Services document libraries or Windows file shares when they retrieve them by using Outlook Web Access. Windows SharePoint Services is the engine that lets the administrator create Web sites for information-sharing and document collaboration. Windows SharePoint Services document libraries offer file storage capabilities for saving files and sharing information. This functionality helps users collaborate on documents. Important: The Windows SharePoint Services and Windows file share integration feature is available only in the Exchange 2007 Outlook Web Access Premium client and when either Basic or forms-based authentication is used.
This section explains the administrative tasks that you can perform to configure the Windows SharePoint Services and Windows file share integration feature in Outlook Web Access. You can use the Exchange Management Console and the Exchange Management Shell to perform the following tasks: Allow or block access to Windows SharePoint Services and Windows file share documents on specific servers. Allow or block access to Windows SharePoint Services and Windows file share documents from public and private computers.
Create a list of host names to be treated as internal. Only documents on internal hosts can be accessed from Outlook Web Access. Enable or disable document access to Windows SharePoint Services and Windows file shares by using segmentation. You can do this on individual Outlook Web Access virtual directories by using the Set-OwaVirtualDirectory cmdlet or on a per-user basis by using the Set-CASMailbox cmdlet. Note: By default, segmentation changes take effect after 60 minutes of inactivity for users who are logged on to Outlook Web Access or when a user logs on to Outlook Web Access. To force the changes to take effect immediately, restart IIS by running the command iisreset/noforce on the Client Access server. Windows SharePoint Services and Windows file share integration is configured separately for public and private computer logons.
Default Settings
Table 20 describes the default settings for the Windows SharePoint Services and Windows file share integration feature in Outlook Web Access. Table 20 Default settings for the Windows SharePoint Services and Windows file share integration feature in Outlook Web Access Feature Windows SharePoint Services and Windows file share integration features Block lists Allow lists Document access to Windows SharePoint Services and Windows file shares on unknown servers Windows SharePoint Services and Windows file share document access from public computers Default setting Enabled None None Enabled
How to Configure Windows SharePoint Services and Windows File Share Integration for Outlook Web Access How to Allow or Block Access to Documents in Windows SharePoint Services and Windows File Shares from Specific Servers How to Enable or Block Access from Public and Private Computers How to Configure Internal Host Names
For more information about how to use segmentation to manage Outlook Web Access features for individual virtual directories or on a per-user basis, see the following topics: Set-OwaVirtualDirectory Set-CASMailbox
How to Configure Windows SharePoint Services and Windows File Share Integration for Outlook Web Access
This section describes how to use the Exchange Management Shell to configure Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services and Windows file share integration for Microsoft Outlook Web Access in Exchange 2007. By default, these features are enabled.
4. To configure access through private connections, click the Private Computer File Access tab. 5. Select the Windows File Shares check box to enable or disable access to Windows file shares. 6. Select the Windows SharePoint Services check box to enable or disable access to document libraries on Windows SharePoint Services. 7. Click OK to save your changes or click Cancel to discard them. To use the Exchange Management Shell to enable or disable integration of Windows SharePoint Services document libraries and Windows file shares Open the Exchange Management Shell and run the following command to enable or disable Windows file share access for public computers: Set-OwaVirtualDirectory -Identity "owa (default web site)" -UNCAccessonPublicComputersEnabled <$true|$false>
You can use the following parameters to enable or disable direct access to Windows SharePoint Services document libraries or Windows file shares: UNCAccessOnPrivateComputersEnabled UNCAccessonPublicComputersEnabled WSSAccessOnPublicComputersEnabled WSSAccessonPrivateComputersEnabled
To use the Exchange Management Console to manage access to Windows SharePoint Services document libraries and Windows file shares 1. Open the Exchange Management Console. 2. Locate Server Configuration/Client Access. 3. On the Outlook Web Access tab, select the virtual directory that you want to configure. 4. Click the Remote File Servers tab. 5. Click Block to manage the list of servers to which you want to block access. 6. Click Allow to manage the list of servers that can be accessed. 7. Select the behavior for Unknown Servers by selecting Allow or Block from the list. 8. Click Configure to manage the list of servers that you want to be handled as internal. 9. Click OK to save your changes or click Cancel to discard them.
To use the Exchange Management Shell to manage access to Windows SharePoint Services document libraries and Windows file shares 1. Open the Exchange Management Shell and run the following command to manage the list of servers that are blocked: Set-OwaVirtualDirectory -Identity "owa (default web site)" -RemoteDocumentsBlockedServers <server name1, server name2, > 2. Open the Exchange Management Shell and run the following command to allow or block access to documents on unknown servers. Use either <allow> or <block>. Set-OwaVirtualDirectory -Identity "owa (default web site) -RemoteDocumentsActionforUnknownServers <allow/block> You can use the following parameters to manage access to Windows SharePoint Services document libraries or Windows file shares: Note: By default, changes to these properties take effect after 30 minutes of user inactivity or the next time that the user logs on to Outlook Web Access. To force the changes to take effect immediately, restart Internet Information Services (IIS) by using the command iisreset/noforce. Note: When you add host names to the Block and Allow lists, you must enter a server name. Entering a Windows file share name will not work. RemoteDocumentsActionForUnknownServers RemoteDocumentsAllowedServers RemoteDocumentsBlockedServers RemoteDocumentsInternalDomainSuffixList
How to Allow or Block Access to Documents in Windows SharePoint Services and Windows File Shares from Specific Servers
This section describes how to use the Microsoft Exchange Management Shell and Exchange Management Console to allow and block access to documents in Windows SharePoint Services document libraries and Windows file shares on specific servers. You can use the Set-OwaVirtualDirectory cmdlet in the Exchange Management Shell to create a list of host names for servers for which you want to allow or block access to Windows SharePoint Services and Windows file share documents. For more information about the settings that you can configure on Outlook Web Access, see SetOwaVirtualDirectory. Table 21 lists the parameters that you can configure on an Outlook Web Access virtual directory to allow or block access to documents on specific servers. Table 21 Parameters that can be configured on an Outlook Web Access virtual directory to allow or block access to documents Parameter RemoteDocumentsActionForUnknownServer s Description The RemoteDocumentsActionForUnknownServer s parameter determines whether to allow or block a server host name that is not included in the Allow list or Block list. The RemoteDocumentsAllowedServers parameter creates a list of host names of servers that can be accessed. The RemoteDocumentsBlockedServer parameter creates list of host names of servers that are blocked.
For more information about permissions, delegating roles, and the rights that are required to administer Exchange Server 2007, see Permission Considerations. To use the Exchange Management Console to allow or block access to documents from specific servers 1. Open the Exchange Management Console, select Server Configuration, and then select Client Access. 2. On the Outlook Web Access tab, select the virtual directory that you want to configure, and then double-click it to view its properties. 3. Click the Remote File Servers tab. 4. Click the Block or Allow button, and then add the host names of the servers to which you want to allow or block access. 5. Click OK to save your changes, and then click OK again to exit the properties. To use the Exchange Management Shell to allow or block access to documents on specific servers To allow access, run the following command: Set-OWAVirtualDirectory -Identity "owa (Default web site)" -RemoteDocumentsAllowedServers <host name> To block access, run the following command: Set-OWAVirtualDirectory -Identity "owa (Default web site)" -RemoteDocumentsBlockedServers <host name> To specify the action for unknown servers, run the following command: Set-OWAVirtualDirectory -Identity "owa (Default web site)" -RemoteDocumentsActionforUnknownServers <Allow|Block> Use Allow to allow access to documents on unknown servers, or Block to block access to documents on unknown servers. Note: When you add host names to the Block and Allow lists, you must enter a server name. Entering a Windows file share name will not work. For more information about syntax and parameters, see Set-OwaVirtualDirectory.
This parameter determines the availability of Windows file share documents when formsbased authentication is enabled and the This is a public computer option is selected during Outlook Web Access logon. You can also use Basic authentication. This parameter determines the availability of documents in Windows SharePoint Services document libraries when forms-based authentication is enabled and the This is a private computer option is selected during Outlook Web Access logon. This parameter also determines availability when Basic authentication is used and the target server is using Windows SharePoint Services version 2 or later. This also applies to Digest and Integrated Windows authentication when the target server is using Windows SharePoint Services version 3 and it has been configured to accept Digest and Integrated Windows authentication. This parameter determines the availability of documents in Windows SharePoint Services document libraries when forms-based authentication is enabled and the This is a public computer option is selected during Outlook Web Access logon.
To use Exchange Management Console to enable or disable access to Windows SharePoint Services document libraries and Windows file shares 1. Open the Exchange Management Console, click Server Configuration, and then click Client Access. 2. On the Outlook Web Access tab, select the virtual directory that you want to configure, and then double-click it to view its properties. 3. Click the Public Computer File Access tab or the Private Computer File Access tab. 4. Select the check box next to Windows File Shares to enable or disable access to files. 5. Select the check box next to Windows SharePoint Services to enable or
disable access to document libraries. 6. Click OK to save your changes and exit the properties. To use the Exchange Management Shell to enable or disable access to Windows SharePoint Services document libraries and Windows file shares on a public computer Run the following command: Set-OWAVirtualDirectory -Identity "owa (Default Web Site)" WSSAccessOnPublicComputersEnabled $true|$false
2. On the Outlook Web Access tab, select the virtual directory that you want to configure, and then double-click it to view its properties. 3. Click the Remote File Servers tab. 4. Click the Configure button at the bottom of the page. 5. Enter the domain suffix that you want to add in the text box, and then click Add to add it to the list of domain suffixes to be treated as internal. 6. Click OK to save your changes, and then click OK again to exit the properties. To use the Exchange Management Shell to manage the list of domain suffixes to be treated as internal 1. Run the following command: Set-OWAVirtualDirectory -Identity "owa (Default Web Site)" -RemoteDocumentsInternalDomainSuffixList <> <> can be any domain that you want included in the list of internal domains. 2. To add multiple domains, separate each domain name by using a comma (,). Note: This parameter overwrites existing values. If you want to add a single domain to an existing list, you must include all domains in the command. For more information about syntax and parameters, see Set-OwaVirtualDirectory.
Service Pack 1 (SP1) installed and Exchange 2007 servers that are located in your organization's network. Outlook Anywhere gives users a reliable, efficient way to connect to their Exchange information.
detect which Client Access server is closest to the user's mailbox that resides on either an Exchange 2007 Mailbox server or on an Exchange 2003 back-end server that is enabled for RPC over HTTP. After the user has connected across the Internet by using RPC over HTTP, the Client Access server will then use RPC requests. This ensures that RPC requests stay within the site's intranet. For more information about how to provide an external host name for Outlook Anywhere, see How to Configure an External Host Name for Outlook Anywhere.
When you deploy Outlook Anywhere on a computer that is running Exchange 2007 that has the Client Access server role installed that will provide access to Exchange 2003 or Exchange 2003 SP1 or a later version, you must configure those servers by using the configuration steps for RPC over HTTP for those versions of Exchange.
We recommend that you upgrade your Exchange 2003 servers to SP1 or a later version. If you must use Exchange 2003 servers that do not have SP1, you must follow these steps in order: 1. On the Client Access server, disable the RpcHttpConfigurator by editing the registry.
2. Follow the steps to deploy RPC over HTTP for Exchange 2003 servers. For more information, see Deployment Scenarios for RPC over HTTP.
2. In Registry Editor, locate the following registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\MSExchangeServiceHost\RpcHttpConfigur ator\ 3. Right-click the PeriodicPollingMinutes DWORD value, and then click Modify. 4. In Edit DWORD Value, in the Value Data box, enter 0. 5. Click OK to save your changes.
To use the Exchange Management Console to enable Outlook Anywhere 1. In the console tree, expand Server Configuration, and then click Client Access. 2. In the action pane, click Enable Outlook Anywhere. 3. In the Enable Outlook Anywhere Wizard, in the box under External host name, type the external host name for your organization.
4. Select an available external authentication method. You can select Basic authentication or NTLM authentication. 5. If you are using an SSL accelerator and you want to do SSL offloading, select the check box next to Allow secure channel (SSL) offloading. Note: Do not use this option unless you are sure that you have an SSL accelerator that can handle SSL offloading. If you do not have an SSL accelerator that can handle SSL offloading and you select this option, Outlook Anywhere will not function correctly. 6. Click Enable to apply these settings and enable Outlook Anywhere. 7. Click Finish to close the Enable Outlook Anywhere Wizard. To use the Exchange Management Shell to enable Outlook Anywhere Run the following command: enable-OutlookAnywhere -Server:'ServerName' -ExternalHostName:'ExternalHostName'ExternalAuthenticationMethod:'Basic' -SSLOffloading:$false Note: Running this cmdlet with the ExternalAuthenticationMethod and SSLOffloading parameters will enable Outlook Anywhere with Basic authentication and no SSL offloading. For more information about syntax and parameters, see Enable-OutlookAnywhere.
Anywhere tab. 4. In the text box under External host name, enter the external host name to use for this site. 5. Click OK to save your changes. To use the Exchange Management Shell to configure an external host name for Outlook Anywhere Run the following command: set-OutlookAnywhere -Server:'CAS01' -ExternalHostName:''
For more information about syntax and parameters, see How to Configure an External Host Name for Outlook Anywhere.
Note: Exchange ActiveSync can synchronize e-mail messages, calendar items, contacts, and tasks. You cannot use Exchange ActiveSync to synchronize notes that are in Microsoft Outlook.
Management Scenarios
The following are several tasks that you can perform on the Exchange ActiveSync virtual directory: Modify the accepted authentication types for communication between mobile devices and Exchange ActiveSync. Configure which Windows SharePoint Services and Windows file share servers are allowed and blocked. Configure proxying for your Client Access servers. Configure the Autodiscover URL for Exchange ActiveSync. Enable Bad Item Logging.
For more information about Exchange ActiveSync mailbox policies, see Managing Exchange ActiveSync with Policies. For more information about how to use the Exchange Management Console to manage an Exchange ActiveSync user, see the following topics: How to Enable or Disable Exchange ActiveSync for a Mailbox User How to Add Users to an Exchange ActiveSync Mailbox Policy How to Configure Synchronization Options for Users
Administrative permissions are required to manage the computer that is running Exchange 2007 that has the Client Access server role installed. For more information about the permissions that are required to perform administrative tasks for Exchange ActiveSync, see Required Permissions to Manage Client Access.
To disable Exchange ActiveSync for a user by using the Exchange Management Shell Run the following command: Set-CASMailbox -Identity<SMTP Address of user> -MobileSyncEnabled $false For more information about syntax and parameters, see Set-CASMailbox.
Exchange ActiveSync is enabled on the Microsoft Exchange 2007 computer that has the Client Access server role installed. You have established a device partnership with the Exchange server. For more information about how to establish a device partnership, see How to Configure a Device for Synchronization. To use ActiveSync on a mobile device to configure synchronization options 1. On the mobile device, select Start, select Programs, and then select ActiveSync to start the ActiveSync application. 2. Select Menu, and then select Options to display the Options screen. 3. Select or clear Contacts, Calendar, E-mail, or Tasks. 4. To configure options for any of these data types, select the data type, and then select Settings. To use Pocket Outlook on a mobile device to configure e-mail synchronization options 1. On the mobile device, select Outlook E-mail to start the Pocket Outlook application. 2. Select Menu, select Tools, and then select Manage Folders to display the folder list screen. 3. Select or clear the check box next to the folder name. Selecting the check box enables the folder for synchronization. Clearing the check box disables synchronization for that folder.
For more information about how to manage Windows Mobile powered smartphones, visit the Windows Mobile Center Web site.
directory. You can configure Exchange ActiveSync to access Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services sites and Windows file shares, view Exchange ActiveSync protocol logs, and configure authentication on your Exchange ActiveSync server.
Manage access to Windows SharePoint Services sites and Windows file shares Exchange ActiveSync lets users access documents and links stored on Windows SharePoint Services sites and Windows file shares. You can configure specific sites to be allowed or blocked. Sites that are allowed can be accessed by any user who has Windows SharePoint Services or Windows file share access. Blocked sites cannot be accessed under any circumstances. You can also configure the default behavior for sites that are not specified in the Allowed List or Block List. For more information about how to configure access to Windows SharePoint Services sites and Windows file shares, see How to Configure Exchange ActiveSync to Access SharePoint Services Sites and Windows File Shares. View Exchange ActiveSync protocol logs Exchange ActiveSync contains several reports that you can use to manage your Exchange ActiveSync server. Configure authentication for Exchange ActiveSync By default, Exchange ActiveSync is configured to use Basic authentication and requires Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). You can configure other authentication methods including RSA SecurID.
For more information about how to enable Exchange ActiveSync, see How to Enable Exchange ActiveSync. For more information about how to enable a user for Exchange ActiveSync, see How to Enable Exchange ActiveSync for a User. For more information about how to disable a user for Exchange ActiveSync, see How to Disable Exchange ActiveSync for a User.
3. Right-click MSExchangeSyncAppPool, and then click Start to enable Exchange ActiveSync. Note: If the Start command is unavailable, Exchange ActiveSync is already enabled on this server.
How to Configure Exchange ActiveSync to Access SharePoint Services Sites and Windows File Shares
This section explains how to use the Exchange Management Console or the Exchange Management Shell to manage the list of Windows SharePoint Services sites and Windows file shares that Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync users can access from their mobile devices. Note: The lists of Windows SharePoint Services sites and Windows file shares that are allowed and blocked apply to the whole Exchange ActiveSync virtual directory. You cannot configure these lists for individual users. However, you can disable Windows SharePoint Services sites and Windows file share access for individual users by using Exchange ActiveSync policies.
For more information about permissions, delegating roles, and the rights that are required to administer Exchange Server 2007, see Permission Considerations. To use the Exchange Management Console to configure access to Windows SharePoint Services sites and Windows file shares 1. Open the Exchange Management Console. 2. Under Server Configuration, select Client Access. 3. Select Exchange ActiveSync. 4. In the action pane, under Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync, click Properties. 5. Click the Remote File Servers tab. 6. Click the Block button to add host names of sites that clients are prohibited from accessing. 7. Click the Allow button to add host names of sites that clients are permitted to access. 8. Use the list in the Unknown Servers section to specify the default action that should be taken when a client tries to access a file from a server that is not entered in either the Allow List or Block List. 9. Click the Configure button to enter the domain suffixes that should be treated as internal. Note: If you specify that a domain suffix should be treated as internal, the Exchange ActiveSync client will use the intranet connection to access the content instead of an Internet connection. To use the Exchange Management Shell to configure access to Windows SharePoint Services sites and Windows file shares Run the following command to add two sites to the Block list and one to the Allow list, specify an internal domain suffix, and configure the default action to take when a client tries to access a file from a server that is not entered in the Allow or Block lists: Set-ActiveSyncVirtualDirectory -Identity:"ServerName\Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync (Default Web Site)" -RemoteDocumentsBlockedServers:"ServerName1,ServerName2" -RemoteDocumentsAllowedServers:"ServerName3" RemoteDocumentsInternalDomainSuffixList:"DomainSuffix" -RemoteDocumentsActionForUnknownServers:"Block"
For more information about Exchange ActiveSync mailbox policies, see Managing Exchange ActiveSync with Policies. For more information about how to use the Exchange Management Console and the Exchange Management Shell to manage an Exchange ActiveSync device, see the following topics: How to Configure a Device for Synchronization How to View a List of Devices for a User How to Configure Device Password Locking How to Recover a Device Password
Administrative permissions are required to manage the computer that is running Exchange 2007 that has the Client Access server role installed. For more information about the permissions that are required to perform administrative tasks for Exchange ActiveSync, see Required Permissions to Manage Client Access.
Motorola Motorola has its own synchronization framework that enables over-the-air synchronization through Exchange ActiveSync on a variety of its devices. Symbian Symbian Limited licenses Exchange ActiveSync for use in the Symbian operating system. This operating system is an open standard operating system for mobile telephones.
Direct Push HTML e-mail support Message flags Quick message retrieval Task synchronization Global address book lookup Enhanced calendar views Meeting attendee information Out of Office management Exchange search
Windows SharePoint Services and Windows file share (UNC) document access Enforcement of Exchange ActiveSync mailbox policies Remote device wipe Basic authentication
Integration with Internet Security and Acceleration (ISA) Server Certificate-based authentication
S/MIME support (with Exchange 2007 SP1) Device storage card encryption Support for rights management
Windows Mobile powered devices with the Messaging & Security Feature Pack
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption Basic authentication Integration with ISA Server Certificate-based authentication
S/MIME support (with Exchange 2007 SP1) All Windows Mobile powered devices Synchronization of e-mail messages, calendar, and contact data SSL encryption Basic authentication Integration with ISA Server
For more information about how to manage Windows Mobile-powered smartphones, visit the Windows Mobile Center Web site.
synchronizes with the Exchange server. After the user has synchronized the device with the Exchange server, you can run the following command to retrieve the device ID: Get-ActiveSyncDeviceStatistics -Mailbox:"<EmailAlias>" |fl DeviceID For more information about syntax and parameters, see Set-CASMailbox.
All mobile devices the user has configured for Exchange ActiveSync are displayed in this list. To determine the correct mobile device, use the device name and the last synchronization time from the list of devices. To use the Exchange Management Console to view a list of devices for a user 1. Open the Exchange Management Console. 2. Under Recipient Configuration, select Mailbox. 3. Select a user, and then select Manage Mobile Device from the action pane. The Manage Mobile Device dialog box will display a list of all devices that are configured for synchronization. Note: The Manage Mobile Device link is only available in the action pane for users who have established a mobile device partnership with the Exchange server. To use the Exchange Management Shell to view a list of devices for a user Run the following command: Get-ActiveSyncDeviceStatistics -Mailbox:"alias" For more information about syntax and parameters, see Get-ActiveSyncDeviceStatistics.
Specifying a period of inactivity before you must reenter a device password. This is known as device password locking. This section explains how to configure the device password locking setting.
To use Outlook Web Access to recover a device password 1. In Outlook Web Access, click Options. 2. Select Mobile Devices from the Navigation pane. 3. Select the mobile device from the list. Note: All mobile devices that the user has configured for Exchange ActiveSync are displayed in this list. To determine the correct mobile device, use the device name and the last synchronization time displayed in the list of devices. 4. Click Display Device Password. For more information about syntax and parameters, see Get-ActiveSyncDeviceStatistics.
Note: To perform a remote device wipe on a device by using the Exchange Management Console, the user must be assigned to an Exchange ActiveSync mailbox policy. For more information about how to add users to an Exchange ActiveSync mailbox policy, see How to Add Users to an Exchange ActiveSync Mailbox Policy. To use the Exchange Management Console to perform a remote device wipe 1. Open the Exchange Management Console. 2. Under Recipient Configuration, select Mailbox. 3. Select the user from the Mailbox window. 4. In the action pane, click Manage mobile device, or right-click the user's mailbox, and then click Manage mobile device. 5. Select the mobile device from which you want to clear all data. 6. In the Actions section, click Clear. 7. Click Clear again. To use Outlook Web Access to perform a remote device wipe 1. Open Outlook Web Access. 2. Log on to the device owner's mailbox. 3. Click Options. 4. In the Navigation pane, select Mobile Devices. 5. Select the ID of the device that you want to wipe and remove from the list. 6. Click Wipe all data from device. 7. Click OK. 8. Click Remove Device from List. To use the Exchange Management Shell to perform a remote device wipe 1. Run the following command to obtain the identity of the device: Get-ActiveSyncDeviceStatistics - Mailbox jeffhays | fl Identity 2. Run the following command: Clear-ActiveSyncDevice -Identity WM_jeffhayes For more information about syntax and parameters, see Get-ActiveSyncDeviceStatistics and Clear-ActiveSyncDevice.
3. Under Secure Communications, click View Certificate. 4. In the Certificate dialog box, click the Details tab. 5. Click Copy to File. 6. In the Certificate Export Wizard, click Next. 7. Select No, do not export the private key, and then click Next. 8. Select DER encoded binary X.509 (.CER), and then click Next. 9. Type a file name, click Next, and then click Finish. After you have saved your certificate to a file, you can copy it to your device. To use ActiveSync to install a certificate on a Windows Mobile powered device 1. With your device connected to your computer, click Tools, and then click Explore Smartphone. 2. Drag the .cer file that was created in the previous procedure into a folder on the device. 3. On the device, click Start, and then click File Explorer. 4. Locate the folder that you selected in step 2. 5. Open the .cer file and, when you are prompted, answer Yes.
Exchange ActiveSync in your Exchange 2007 organization, you can create new Exchange ActiveSync mailbox policies or modify existing policies. This section discusses Exchange ActiveSync mailbox policies and how they can be managed in your Exchange 2007 organization.
Designate how long a device can be inactive before requiring the user to enter a password again Wipe a device after a specific number of failed password attempts
For more information about all the settings that you can configure, see setActiveSyncMailboxPolicy.
For more information about how to manage an Exchange ActiveSync server, see Managing an Exchange ActiveSync Server.
-AlphanumericDevicePasswordRequired:$false -MaxInactivityTimeDeviceLock:'unlimited' -MinDevicePasswordLength:$null -PasswordReciveryEnabled:$false -DeviceEncryptionEnabled:$false -AttachmentsEnabled:$true Note: This command creates a new mailbox policy that has the default settings. For more information about how to change the default settings on an Exchange ActiveSync mailbox policy, see How to Modify Exchange ActiveSync Mailbox Policy Settings. For more information about syntax and parameters, see Get-ActiveSyncMailboxPolicy.
In addition, before performing the following procedures, ensure that you have created an Exchange ActiveSync mailbox policy. For more information about creating an Exchange ActiveSync mailbox policy, see How to Create an Exchange ActiveSync Mailbox Policy. To use the Exchange Management Console to add users to an Exchange ActiveSync mailbox policy 1. In the console tree, expand the Recipient Configuration node, and then click Mailbox. 2. In the work pane, right-click the user who you want to assign to a policy, and then click Properties. 3. In the user's Properties dialog box, click Mailbox Features. 4. Click ActiveSync, and then click Properties. 5. Select the Apply an ActiveSync mailbox policy check box. 6. Click Browse to view the Select Exchange ActiveSync Mailbox Policy dialog box. 7. Select an available policy, and then click OK three times to apply your changes. Note: You can add multiple users to a policy at the same time. However, that task must be accomplished by using the Exchange Management Shell. To use the Exchange Management Shell to add users to an Exchange ActiveSync mailbox policy Run the following command: Set-CASMailbox UserName -ActiveSyncMailboxPolicy(GetActiveSyncMailboxPolicy "Policy Name").Identity
To use the Exchange Management Shell to add all users to an Exchange ActiveSync mailbox policy Run the following command: Get-Mailbox | Set-CASMailbox -ActiveSyncMailboxPolicy(GetActiveSyncMailboxPolicy "Policy Name").Identity
To use the Exchange Management Shell to add a filtered list of users to an Exchange ActiveSync mailbox policy Run the following command: Get-Mailbox | where { $_.CustomAttribute1 -match "Manager"
} | Set-CASMailbox -activesyncmailboxpolicy(GetActiveSyncMailboxPolicy "Policy Name").Identity Note: You can substitute CustomAttribute1 for any of the properties on the GetMailbox object. To view the full list, type: Get-Mailbox username |fl For more information about syntax and parameters, see Set-CASMailbox, GetActiveSyncMailboxPolicy, and Get-Mailbox.
Organization Configuration node. 2. In the result pane, click Client Access. 3. In the work pane, click the Exchange ActiveSync mailbox policy that you want to change. 4. In the action pane, click Properties. 5. In the Exchange ActiveSync mailbox policy properties window, configure the settings for the Exchange ActiveSync mailbox policy, and then click OK to accept your changes. To use the Exchange Management Shell to modify the properties of an Exchange ActiveSync mailbox policy Run the following command: Set-ActiveSyncMailboxPolicy -Identity MyPolicy -AllowNonProvisionableDevices $true -AllowSimpleDevicePassword $true -AlphanumericDevicePasswordRequired $true -AttachmentsEnabled $true -DeviceEncryptionEnabled $false -DevicePasswordEnabled $true -DevicePasswordExpiration 12 -DevicePasswordHistory 20 -DevicePolicyRefreshInterval 00:60:00 -MaxAttachmentSize 4 -MaxDevicePasswordFailedAttempts 5 -MaxInactivityTimeDeviceLock 00:15:00 -MinDevicePasswordLength 4 -PasswordRecoveryEnabled $true -UNCAccessEnabled $false -WSSAccessEnabled $false For more information about syntax and parameters, see Set-ActiveSyncMailboxPolicy.
Access server role on a computer that is running Microsoft Exchange Server 2007, no Exchange ActiveSync policies exist. You can create multiple Exchange ActiveSync policies and assign users to these policies.
Device Security
In addition to enhancing the security of the Exchange ActiveSync server, you should also consider enhancing the security of your users' mobile devices. There are several methods that you can use to enhance the security of mobile devices.
Designating how long a device can be inactive before the user is required to re-enter their password. Specifying that the device be wiped if an incorrect password is entered more than a specific number of times. For more information about Exchange ActiveSync mailbox policies, see Managing Exchange ActiveSync with Policies.
Caution: After a remote device wipe has occurred, data recovery will be very difficult. However, no data removal process leaves a device as free from residual data as it is when it is new. Recovery of data from a device may still be possible by using sophisticated tools. For more information about remote device wipe, see Understanding Remote Device Wipe.
Note: If you want to configure SSL only for Exchange ActiveSync, select the Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync virtual directory under the Default Web site. Otherwise you will configure SSL for all virtual directories that are hosted on the Client Access server. 2. On the Directory Security tab, in Secure Communications, click Edit. 3. In Secure Communications, select Require Secure Channel (SSL). 4. After you complete this procedure, your Exchange ActiveSync virtual directory on the Web site is configured to use SSL.
Set-PopSettings Set-ImapSettings
This cmdlet lets you modify all available settings for POP3 on a Client Access server. This cmdlet lets you modify all available settings for IMAP4 on a Client Access server.
For more information about how to use the Set-CASMailbox cmdlet to manage POP3 and IMAP4 settings for a user, see Set-CASMailbox.
Microsoft Exchange POP3, and then click Start. 3. To stop the Microsoft Exchange POP3 service, in the results pane, right-click Microsoft Exchange POP3, and then click Stop. To use net start to start and stop the POP3 service 1. On the Exchange server that has the Client Access server role installed, open a Command Prompt window. 2. To start the service, at the command prompt, type net start MSExchangePOP3, and then press Enter. 3. To stop the service, at the command prompt, type net stop MSExchangePOP3, and then press Enter. 4. Close the Command Prompt window. To verify that the POP3 service is running 1. On the Exchange server that has the Client Access server role installed, open a Command Prompt window. 2. At the command prompt, type telnet localhost 110, and then press ENTER. POP3 is working correctly if Telnet returns "+OK Microsoft Exchange 2007 POP3 server ready". 3. Close Telnet, and then close the Command Prompt window.
Note: After you have set the connection limits for POP3, you must restart the POP3 service. For more information about how to restart the POP3 service, see How to Start and Stop the POP3 Service. Table 27 Descriptions of commands for setting connection limits for POP3 and IMAP4 Command MaxConnections Description Specifies the total number of connections the specified server will accept. This includes authenticated and unauthenticated connections. Specifies the number of connections that the server will accept from a single IP address. Default Value 2,000 Limits 1-25,000
MaxConnectionsFro mSingleIP
MaxConnectionsPer User
Specifies the 10 maximum number of connections that the server will accept from a particular user.
Set-PopSettings -Identity CAS01 -MaxConnectionsFromSingleIP Value To set the connection limit for a user, run the following command: Set-PopSettings -MaxConnectionsPerUser Value For more information about syntax and parameters, see Set-POPSettings.
MaxConnectionsFro mSingleIP
MaxConnectionsPer User
Specifies the 10 maximum number of connections that the server will accept from a particular user.
How to Configure IP Addresses and Ports for POP3 and IMAP4 Access
This section explains how to use the Exchange Management Shell to configure Microsoft Exchange to use ports other than the default ports on the Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 computer that has the Post Office Protocol version 3 (POP3) and Internet Message Access Protocol version 4rev1 (IMAP4) services enabled. Note: After you configure IP addresses and ports for POP3 and IMAP4 access, you must restart the POP3 or IMAP4 service. For more information about how to restart the
POP3 or IMAP4 services, see How to Start and Stop the POP3 Service and How to Start and Stop the IMAP4 Service.
Note: After you have set the connection time-out limits for IMAP4, you must restart the IMAP4 service. For more information about how to restart the IMAP4 service, see How to Start and Stop the IMAP4 Service.
Note: After you have set the connection time-out limits for POP3, you must restart the POP3 service. For more information about how to restart the POP3 service, see How to Start and Stop the POP3 Service.
Note: After you have configured IMAP4 access to Exchange 2003, you must restart the IMAP4 service. For more information about how to restart the IMAP4 service, see How to Start and Stop the IMAP4 Service.
This setting lets you specify a Microsoft Office Outlook Web Access server for users to access their calendar information.
Both files are located in C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\ClientAccess\PopImap. The Microsoft.Exchange.Pop3.exe.config and Microsoft.Exchange.Imap4.exe.config files contain parameters that define how protocol logging for POP3 and IMAP4 works. Table 30 explains these parameters. Table 30 Fields used to classify each protocol event Parameter name AgeQuotaInHours Description This value is set to 24. The protocol log file will be re-created automatically every 24 hours. This value is set to 10000000. The protocol log file will be automatically re-created when the file size exceeds 10000000 bytes. If the file size does not exceed this value, the file will be re-created automatically after the 24hour time period is exceeded. This value is set to 1000000. The protocol log file will create one additional new file every time that the 1000000 byte file size is exceeded.
The information that is on each line of the POP3 and IMAP4 protocol logs is organized by fields that are separated by commas. Table 31 explains the fields that are used to classify each protocol event. Table 31 Fields used to classify each protocol event Field name Description
The date and time of the protocol event. The value is formatted as yyyy-mmddhh:mm:ss.fffZ, where yyyy = year, mm = month, dd = day, hh = hour, mm = minute, ss = second, fff = fractions of a second, and Z signifies Zulu. Zulu is another way to indicate Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). This field is not used for POP3 and IMAP4 protocol logging. A GUID that is unique for each SMTP session but is the same for each event that is associated with that SMTP session. A counter that starts at 0 and is incremented for each event in the same session. The local endpoint of a POP3 or IMAP4 session. This consists of an IP address and TCP port number that is formatted as <IP address>:<port>. The remote endpoint of a POP3 or IMAP4 session. This consists of an IP address and TCP port number that is formatted as <IP address>:<port>. A single character that represents the protocol event. The possible values for the event are as follows: + Connect - Disconnect > Send < Receive * Information
connector-id session-id
sequence-number local-endpoint
data context
Text information that is associated with the POP3 or IMAP4 event. This field is not used for POP3 and IMAP4 protocol logging.
To perform the following procedures on a computer that has the POP3 and IMAP4 services enabled, the account you use must be delegated the Exchange Server Administrator role and membership in the local Administrators group for the target server. For more information about permissions, delegating roles, and the rights that are required to administer Exchange Server 2007, see Permission Considerations. To enable protocol logging for POP3 1. To enable protocol logging for POP3, open the following file in Notepad: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\ClientAccess\PopImap\ Microsoft.Exchange.Pop3.exe.config. Note: The parameter names in the <add key=../> section are case sensitive. 2. Change the following line in the <appSettings> section from: <addkey="ProtocolLog" value="false" /> to: <addkey="ProtocolLog" value="true" /> 3. Save, and then close the Microsoft.Exchange.Pop3.exe.config file. To enable protocol logging for IMAP4 1. To enable protocol logging for IMAP4, open the following file in Notepad: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\ClientAccess\PopImap\ Microsoft.Exchange.Imap4.exe.config. Note: The parameter names in the <add key=../> section are case sensitive. 2. Change the following line in the <appSettings> section from: <addkey="ProtocolLog" value="false" /> to: <addkey="ProtocolLog" value="true" /> 3. Save, and then close the Microsoft.Exchange.Imap4.exe.config file.
To use the Exchange Management Shell to set the message retrieval format for a POP3 user Run the following command: Set-CASMailbox -Identity CAS01 -POPMessageRetrievalFormat value Use one of the message retrieval format options listed in the Value column in table 32. To use the Exchange Management Shell to set the message retrieval format for a IMAP4 user Run the following command: Set-CASMailbox -Identity CAS01 -ImapMessageRetrievalFormat value Use one of the message retrieval format options listed in the Value column in table 32. For more information about syntax and parameters, see Set-CASMailbox.
How to Enable POP3 and IMAP4 Users to Use Default Protocol Settings
This section describes how to enable POP3 and IMAP4 users to use default protocol settings on the Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 Client Access server that has the Internet Message Access Protocol version 4rev1 (IMAP4) service or Post Office Protocol version 3 (POP3) service enabled.
When you use the Set-PopSettings or Set-ImapSettings cmdlets to manage POP3 and IMAP4 settings for all your users, you can also use the Set-CASMailbox cmdlet to specify individual POP3 and IMAP4 settings for your users. You can also use the Set-CASMailbox cmdlet to enable a user to use the default protocol settings for a server when you use the Set-PopSettings or Set-ImapSettings cmdlets. Table 33 shows the parameters to use to configure a POP3 or IMAP4 user to use protocol defaults as specified on the Client Access server. Table 33 POP3 and IMAP4 parameters for the Set-CASMailbox cmdlet Parameter PopUseProtocolDefaults Value $true $false Description This parameter lets you use the protocol defaults as specified by the SetPopSettings cmdlet. This parameter lets you use the protocol defaults as specified by the SetImapSettings cmdlet.
$true $false
To use the Exchange Management Shell to configure an IMAP4 user to use default protocol settings 1. To enable an IMAP4 user to use the default protocol settings for the server, run the following cmdlet: Set-CASMailbox -Identity CAS01 -ImapProtocolDefaults $true 2. To disable the default protocol settings for an IMAP4 user on the server, run the following cmdlet: Set-CASMailbox -Identity CAS01 -ImapProtocolDefaults $false For more information about syntax and parameters, see Set-CASMailbox.
For more information about permissions, delegating roles, and the rights that are required to administer Exchange Server 2007, see Permission Considerations. To use Microsoft Management Console to enable POP3 1. In the Services snap-in, in the console tree, click Services (Local). 2. In the results pane, right-click Microsoft Exchange POP3, and then click Properties. 3. On the General tab, under Startup type, select Automatic, and then click Apply. 4. Under Service status, click Start, and then click OK. To use the Exchange Management Shell to enable POP3 1. Run the following command: Set-service msExchangePOP3 -startuptype automatic 2. Run the following command: Start-service -service msExchangePOP3
The following sections contain information that is required to manage the Autodiscover service.
Using Separate IIS Web Sites for Internet Access to the Autodiscover Service
You can use the Autodiscover service to automatically configure your Outlook 2007 clients to connect to the available Exchange features. For more information, see the following topics: Deployment Options for the Autodiscover Service How to Configure the Autodiscover Service for Internet Access
Managing the Autodiscover Service How to Delete the Default Autodiscover Service Virtual Directory
For more information about permissions, delegating roles, and the rights that are required to administer Exchange Server 2007, see Permission Considerations. To use the Exchange Management Shell to configure a new Web site for the Autodiscover service 1. If you have not already done this, create a new Web site for the Autodiscover service by using Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager. 2. Create a new Autodiscover virtual directory in IIS for the Autodiscover service by running the following command: New-AutodiscoverVirtualDirectory -Websitename <websitename> -BasicAuthentication:$true -WindowsAuthentication:$true Note: A Web site that uses SSL requires that you use a unique IP address. 3. Configure a trusted third-party SSL certificate on the Autodiscover service Web site. For more information about syntax and parameters, see New-AutodiscoverVirtualDirectory.
information about mobile device operating systems that support Autodiscover, contact the manufacturer of your mobile device.
client will then try to contact the Autodiscover service by using the new e-mail address against the new forest. For example, and are separate, trusted forests and the mailbox for a user is This user originally resided in the forest named and was moved to the forest named For this example, you have to set a contact in by using the following command in the Exchange Management Shell: New-MailContact -ExternalEmailAddress '' -Name 'Kweku Ako Adjei' -Alias 'kwekua' -OrganizationalUnit '' -FirstName 'Kweku' -Initials '' -LastName 'Ako Adjei' After you configure the contact, when the user connects to and uses the credentials, the following request is sent to the Outlook 2007 client: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>\r\n <Autodiscover xmlns=" estschema/2006">\r\n <Request>\r\n <EMailAddress></EMailAddress>\r\n <AcceptableResponseSchema> scover/outlook/responseschema/2006a</AcceptableResponseSchema>\r\n </Request>\r\n </Autodiscover> The Outlook 2007 client will receive the following redirect response from <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>\r\n <Autodiscover xmlns=" ma/2006"><Response xmlns=" onseschema/2006a">\r\n <Account>\r\n <Action>redirectAddr</Action>\r\n <RedirectAddr></RedirectAddr>\r\n </Account>\r\n </Response></Autodiscover>
The user will then be able to connect to the Autodiscover service by using this new e-mail address in the forest.
For more information about developing with Exchange 2007 Web services, see Development: Overview. For more information on providing secure Web communications on the Internet or intranets, see Creating a Certificate or Certificate Request for TLS.
How to Configure the Availability Service for Network Load Balanced Computers
This section explains how to use the Exchange Management Shell to configure the Availability service for single forest topologies. Note: You cannot use the Exchange Management Console to configure the Availability service. The Availability service improves information workers' free/busy data by providing secure, consistent, and up-to-date free/busy information to computers that are running Microsoft Office Outlook 2007. By default, this service is installed with Microsoft Exchange Server 2007. For single forest topologies, in which all connecting client computers are running Outlook 2007, only the Availability service is used to retrieve free/busy information. For single forest topologies that contain Exchange 2007 servers and in which the client computers are running Outlook 2007 or Office Outlook 2003 (or earlier), either the Availability service (for the Outlook 2007 clients) or public folders (for the Outlook 2003 (or earlier)) are used to retrieve free/busy information. For single forest topologies that contain both servers running Exchange 2007 and Exchange Server 2003 and in which the client computers are running Outlook 2007 or Outlook 2003 (or earlier), either the Availability service (for the Outlook 2007 clients) or public folders (for the Outlook 2003 (or earlier)) are used to retrieve free/busy information. Table 34 lists the different methods used to retrieve free/busy information in various single forest topologies.
Table 34 Methods to retrieve free/busy information in various single forest topologies Client Outlook 2007 Logged on mailbox Exchange 2007 Target mailbox Exchange 2007 Free/Busy retrieval method The Availability service reads free/busy information from the target mailbox. The Availability service makes HTTP connections to the /public virtual directory of the Exchange 2003 mailb ox. Free/busy information is published in local public folders. Free/busy information is published in local public folders. Outlook Web Access 2007 calls the Availability service API, which reads the free/busy information from the target mailbox. Outlook Web Access 2007 calls the Availability service API, which makes an HTTP connection to the /public virtual directory of the Exchange 2003 mailb ox.
Outlook 2007
Exchange 2007
Exchange 2003
Outlook 2003
Exchange 2007
Exchange 2007
Outlook 2003
Exchange 2007
Exchange 2003
Exchange 2007
Exchange 2007
Exchange 2007
Exchange 2003
Exchange 2003
Exchange 2007
Note: If you have a load balanced set of Client Access servers, you do not have to specify the name of each server when you run the command. You only need to use the name of one of the servers in the network load balanced servers. For detailed syntax and parameter information, see the Set-WebServicesVirtualDirectory reference topic.
For more information about the Autodiscover service, see the following topics: Overview of the Autodiscover Service Managing the Autodiscover Service
However, with organization-wide free/busy data, the Availability service can make cross-forest requests only on behalf of a particular organization. With organization-wide free/busy data, a user's default free/busy information is returned, and it is not possible to control the level of free/busy information that is returned to users in the other forest.
If you are running Office Outlook 2003 or earlier, you must use the Microsoft Exchange InterOrganization Replication tool to synchronize free/busy data across multiple forests. For more information about the Microsoft Exchange Inter-Organization Replication tool, see Microsoft Exchange Server Inter-Organization Replication.
Access servers" On the local Client Access server in the source forest, run the following command to define the access method and associated credentials: Add-AvailabilityAddressSpace -Forestname -AccessMethod PerUserFB -UseServiceAccount:$true Note: To configure bidirectional cross-forest availability, repeat these steps in the target forest. For more information about syntax and parameters, see the following cmdlet reference topics: Get-ClientAccessServer Add-ADPermission Add-AvailabilityAddressSpace Set-AvailabilityConfig
To use the Exchange Management Shell to configure organization-wide free/busy data in an untrusted cross-forest topology 1. On a Client Access server in the target forest, run the following command to set the organization-wide account on the availability configuration object to configure the access level for free/busy information: Set-AvailabilityConfig -OrgWideAccount "\User" 2. Run the following commands to add the Availability address space configuration object for the source forest: $a = get-credential (Enter the credentials for organizationwide user in domain) Add-AvailabilityAddressspace -Forestname -Accessmethod OrgWideFB -Credential:$a If you choose to configure cross-forest availability with trust, and choose to use a service account (instead of specifying organization-wide or per-user credentials), you need to run the following command in the target forest to give Client Access servers in the source forest permission to serialize original user context. To use the Exchange Management Shell to configure trusted cross-forest availability with a service account Run the following command to configure trusted cross-forest availability with a service account: Get-ClientAccessServer | Add-ADPermission -Accessrights Extendedright -Extendedright "ms-Exch-EPI-Token-Serialization" 208
The Autodiscover service provides Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 with configuration information that is needed to connect to Exchange. The Test-OutlookWebServices cmdlet is a diagnostic task that verifies whether the Autodiscover service and the Availability service are correctly configured and can service Outlook client requests. For more information about the Autodiscover service, see the following topics: Overview of the Autodiscover Service
To use the Exchange Management Shell to diagnose Availability service issues for a Client Access server Run the following command: Test-OutlookWebServices -ClientAccessServer ClientAccessServer01
To use the Exchange Management Shell to diagnose Availability service issues across different sites Run the following command: Test-OutlookWebServices -Identity -TargetAddress For more information about syntax and parameters, see Test-OutlookWebServices.
For more information about managing the Availability service, see Managing the Availability Service. For more information about the Autodiscover service, see the following topics: Overview of the Autodiscover Service Managing the Autodiscover Service
Managing Authentication
One of the most important security-related tasks that you can perform for the Client Access server role is to configure an authentication method. The Client Access server role is installed with a default self-signed digital certificate. A digital certificate does two things: It authenticates that its holder is who or what they claim to be. It protects data exchanged online from theft or tampering.
Although the default, self-signed certificate is supported for Exchange ActiveSync and Outlook Web Access, it is not the most secure method of authentication. In addition, it is not supported for Outlook Anywhere. For additional security, consider configuring your Exchange 2007 Client Access server to use a trusted certificate from either a third-party commercial certification authority (CA) or a trusted Windows Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) CA. You can configure authentication separately for Exchange ActiveSync, Outlook Web Access, Outlook Anywhere, POP3, and IMAP4. For more information about how to configure authentication, see the following topics: Configuring Forms-Based Authentication for Outlook Web Access Configuring Authentication for POP3 and IMAP4 Configuring Standard Authentication Methods for Outlook Web Access
Enhancing Secure Communications Between the Client Access Server and Other Servers
After you optimize the security of your communications between clients and the Exchange 2007 server, you must optimize the security of the communications between the Exchange 2007 server and other servers in your organization. HTTP, Exchange ActiveSync, POP3, and IMAP4 communication between the Client Access server and other servers, such as Exchange 2007 servers that have the Mailbox server role installed, domain controllers, and global catalog servers, is encrypted by default.
To perform this procedure, the account you use must be delegated the membership in the local Administrators group. For more information about permissions, delegating roles, and the rights that are required to administer Exchange Server 2007, see Permission Considerations.
To add Certificate Manager to Microsoft Management Console 1. Click Start, click Run, type mmc, and then click OK. 2. In the File menu, click Add/Remove Snap-in. 3. In the Add/Remove Snap-in box, click Add. 4. In the Available Standalone Snap-ins list, click Certificates, and then click Add. 5. Click Computer Account, and then click Next. 6. Click the Local computer (the computer this console is running on) option, and then click Finish. 7. Click Close, and then click OK.
For more information about permissions, delegating roles, and the rights that are required to administer Exchange Server 2007, see Permission Considerations. Important: Before you perform this procedure, you must read Managing Client Access Security. Important: As a security best practice, log on to your computer by using an account that is not in the Administrators group, and then use the runas command to run IIS Manager as an administrator. At a command prompt, type runas /user:Administrative_AccountName "mmc systemroot\system32\inetsrv\iis.msc". To use the Exchange Management Shell to obtain a server certificate from a certification authority 1. Run the following command: New-ExchangeCertificate -generaterequest -subjectname "dc=com,dc=contoso,o=Contoso Corporation," -domainname CAS01,,, , -PrivateKeyExportable:$true -path c:\certrequest_cas01.txt This command will create a text file that contains a certificate request in PKCS#10 format. 2. Use the procedures specified by your chosen CA to send the certificate request to the CA.
Authentication Methods
Client Access Servers in Exchange Server 2007 support more authentication methods than front-end servers in Exchange Server 2003. You can configure the following types of authentication methods on the Exchange 2007 Client Access server: Standard Forms-based authentication
In addition, you can use the following forms of authentication, which are discussed in more detail at the end of this section: ISA Server forms-based authentication Smart card and certificate authentication RSASecureID authentication
Table 35 Comparison of standard and forms-based authentication Authentication method Basic authentication Security level Low (unless Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is enabled) Medium How passwords are sent Base 64-encoded clear text Hashed by using MD5. Hashed when Integrated Windows authentication is used; Kerberos ticket when Kerberos is used. Integrated Windows authentication includes the Kerberos and NTLM authentication methods. Client requirements All browsers support Basic authentication. Microsoft Internet Exp lorer 5 or later versions Internet Explorer 2.0 or later versions for Integrated Windows authentication. Microsoft Windows 20 00 Server or later versions with Internet Explorer 5 or later versions for Kerberos.
Digest authentication
Forms-based authentication
Encrypts user Internet Explorer authentication information and stores it in a cookie. Requires SSL to keep the cookie secure.
Note: The third-party Web site information in this section is provided to help you find the technical information you need. The URLs are subject to change without notice. Smart card and certificate authentication Certificates can reside either in the certificate store on a client computer or on a smart card. A certificate authentication method uses the Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocols. In EAP-TLS certificate authentication, the client and the server prove their identities to one another. For example, an Outlook Web Access client on a user's computer presents its user certificate to the Client Access server, and the Client Access server presents its computer certificate to the Outlook Web Access client computer. This provides mutual authentication. For more information about smart card and other certificate authentication methods, see the Windows Server 2003 Product Help Web site. RSA SecurID authentication You can use the third-party product, RSA SecurID, to configure RSA SecurID authentication methods on the client Access server. For more information about RSA SecurID, see Note: The third-party Web site information in this section is provided to help you find the technical information you need. The URLs are subject to change without notice.
Outlook Web Access that uses a cookie to store a user's encrypted logon credentials in the Internet browser. Tracking the use of this cookie enables the Exchange server to monitor the activity of Outlook Web Access sessions on public and private computers. If a session is inactive for too long, the server blocks access until the user re-authenticates.
It is important to warn users about the risks that are associated with selecting the This is a private computer option. A user should select the private computer option only if they are the sole operator of the computer and the computer complies with the security policies for your organization. For more information about how to configure cookie time-out values for private computers, see How to Set the Forms-Based Authentication Private Computer Cookie Time-Out Value.
The following types of logon prompts can be used by forms-based authentication on the Outlook Web Access logon page. Select the prompt that will be easiest for your users to understand and use. FullDomain The domain and user name of the user in the format domain\user name. For example, Contoso\Kweku. PrincipalName The UPN. The UPN has two parts: the UPN prefix that is the user account name and the UPN suffix that is the DNS domain name. The prefix and the suffix are joined together by the at (@) sign to make the complete UPN. For example, UserName The user name only. The domain name is not included. For example, Kweku. This logon format will work only if the domain name has been configured. Note: If necessary, you can change the format the user must use to log on to Outlook Web Access by configuring the Active Directory directory service and Internet Information Services (IIS). Using Active Directory and IIS to set which user name formats users can enter to be authenticated is independent of the Outlook Web Access forms-based authentication prompt discussed earlier.
Understanding Encryption for User Logon from Public and Private Computers
Encryption of user logon credentials for both public and private Outlook Web Access logon types involves a set of six hashed message authentication codes (HMACs). HMACs are 160bit keys that are generated on the Client Access server. HMACs improve logon security by combining hashing algorithms with cryptographic functions to encrypt user logon credentials. Encryption and decryption of a cookie are performed by the same Client Access server. Only the Client Access server that generated the authentication key has the key to decrypt that cookie. When forms-based authentication for Outlook Web Access is used, the Client Access server cycles through a set of three keys for each type of logon, public and private, at a set rate. This is referred to as the recycle time. The recycle time for a key is one half of the time-out value for the logon. For example, when the time-out value for the public logon is set to 15 minutes, the public key recycle time is 7.5 minutes. The six logon keys are created by the Client Access server when the Outlook Web Access virtual directories are started. Three are used with public computer logons, and three are used with private computer logons. When a user logs on, the current key for their logon type is used to encrypt the user's authentication information into a cookie. When the recycle time has passed, the Client Access server moves to the next key. After all three keys for a type of logon have been used, the Client Access server deletes the oldest
key and creates a new one. The Client Access server always keeps three keys available for each logon type: the current key and the two most recent keys. The recycling of keys continues as long as Outlook Web Access is running on the Client Access server. The same keys are used for all users. Any cookie that has been encrypted by using an active key will be accepted. When a user activity request is received by the Client Access server, the cookie for that request is replaced with a new cookie that has been encrypted with the newest key. A user session is timed out when the cookie associated with it is encrypted by an older key that has been discarded. Because of the relationship between the recycle time of encryption keys and user time-out configured on the server, the actual time-out period for a user can be between the configured time-out and the configured time-out plus one-half of that value. For example, if the configured time-out is 30 minutes, the actual time-out for any user session may be between 30 minutes and 45 minutes. Table 36 provides information about the cookie time-out and authentication key recycling time based on a user logon from a public or private computer. Table 36 Default cookie time-out and authentication key recycling time for each user logon type Logon Cookie time-out value Recycle time for authentication key if you use the default time-out value 7.5 minutes 4 hours
Public Private
One minute to 30 days. The default is 15 minutes. One minute to 30 days. The default is 8 hours.
Note: You can configure the cookie time-out value in minutes by using the registry. The recycle time of the authentication key is at least one-third, and not more than onehalf, that of the cookie time-out value.
For more information about how to customize the forms-based authentication logon page, see Managing Outlook Web Access Advanced Features.
For example, if the default domain is Contoso, and a domain user named Kweku logs on to Outlook Web Access, only Kweku must be entered as the user name. The server will use the default domain Contoso. If the user is not a member of the Contoso domain, the domain and user name must be entered.
To configure the type of logon method that is used by forms-based authentication, run one of the following commands. To configure a full domain logon format, run the following command: Set-owavirtualdirectory -identity "owa (default web site)" -LogonFormat FullDomain To configure a UPN logon format, run the following command: Set-owavirtualdirectory -identity "owa (default web site)" -LogonFormat PrincipalName To configure a user name logon format and set the default domain, run the following command: Set-owavirtualdirectory -identity "owa (default web site)" -LogonFormat UserName -DefaultDomain "<domain name>" Note: You must restart Internet Information Services (IIS) by using the command iisreset/noforce for these changes to take effect.
How to Set the Forms-Based Authentication Public Computer Cookie Time-Out Value
This section explains how to configure the cookie time-out values for public computers by using forms-based authentication on a Microsoft Outlook Web Access virtual directory that is on a Microsoft Exchange 2007 server that has the Client Access server role installed.
Caution: Although automatic time-out reduces the risk of unauthorized access, it does not completely eliminate the possibility that an unauthorized user might access an Outlook Web Access account if a session is left running on a public computer. Therefore, make sure that you warn users to take precautions to avoid risks.
To use the Microsoft Command Shell to set the cookie time-out values for public computers using forms-based authentication 1. Open the Microsoft Command Shell and run the following command to set the public computer cookie time-out value: set-ItemProperty 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\MSExchange OWA' -name PublicTimeout -value <amount of time> -type dword Note: You must restart IIS by using the command iisreset/noforce for these changes to take effect. 2. Run the following command to view the public computer cookie time-out value: get-ItemProperty 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\MSExchange OWA' -name PublicTimeout
How to Set the Forms-Based Authentication Private Computer Cookie Time-Out Value
This section explains how to configure the cookie time-out values for private computers by using forms-based authentication on a Microsoft Outlook Web Access virtual directory in Microsoft Exchange Server 2007. Private computers are also known as trusted computers. Caution: It is important that you warn users of the risks that are associated with selecting the This is a private computer option. A user should select This is a private computer
only if the user is the sole operator of the computer, and the computer complies with your organization's security policies.
private computer cookie time-out value: set-ItemProperty 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\MSExchange OWA' -name PrivateTimeout -value <amount of time> -type dword Note: You must restart IIS is by using the command iisreset/noforce for these changes to take effect. 2. Run the following command to view the private computer cookie time-out value: get-ItemProperty 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\MSExchange OWA' -name PrivateTimeout
Basic Authentication
Basic authentication is a simple authentication mechanism that is defined by the HTTP specification that encodes a user's logon name and password before the user's credentials are sent to the server. Basic authentication does not support single sign-on. Microsoft Windows Server 2003 authentication enables single sign-on to all network resources. With single sign-on, a user can log on to the domain one time by using a single password or smart card and authenticate to any computer in the domain. Basic authentication is supported by all Web browsers, but is not secure unless you require Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption.
Digest Authentication
Digest authentication transmits passwords over the network as a hash value for additional security. Digest authentication can be used only in Windows Server 2003 and Windows 2000 Server domains for users who have an account that is stored in the Active Directory directory service. For more information about Digest authentication, see the Windows Server 2003 and Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager documentation. Digest authentication is available only on Exchange 2007 virtual directories. Important: If you are using Digest or Basic authentication, when a user uses a kiosk, caching credentials can pose a security risk if the user cannot close the browser and end the browser process between sessions. This risk occurs because a user's credentials remain in the cache when the next user accesses the kiosk. To enable Outlook Web Access on a kiosk, make sure that the user can close the browser between sessions and end the browser processes. Otherwise, consider using a thirdparty product that incorporates two-factor authentication, in which the user must present a physical token together with a password to use Outlook Web Access on the kiosk.
Services (IIS) Web site on the local Exchange server, open the Exchange Management Shell and run the following command: Set-OwaVirtualDirectory -Identity "owa (Default Web Site)" -WindowsAuthentication <$true|$false> For more information about syntax and parameters, see Set-OwaVirtualDirectory.
For more information about how to make communication between client computers and the Client Access server more secure, see Managing Client Access Security.
4. Click the Authentication tab. 5. Select Use one or more of the following standard authentication methods. 6. Select Basic authentication. 7. Click OK. To use the Exchange Management Shell to configure Basic authentication for Outlook Web Access To configure Basic authentication on the default Outlook Web Access virtual directory in the default Internet Information Services (IIS) Web site on the local Exchange server, open the Exchange Management Shell and run the following command: Set-OwaVirtualDirectory -Identity "owa (Default Web Site)" -BasicAuthentication <$true|$false>
For more information about how to make communication between client computers and the Client Access server more secure, see Managing Client Access Security.
For more information about how to make communication between client computers and the Client Access server more secure, see Managing Client Access Security.
How to Configure POP3 to Use TLS or SSL How to Configure IMAP4 to Use TLS or SSL
By default, the values in Table 37 are used for communicating with clients. You can specify other ports to use with POP3 and IMAP4 clients if you want to disable communication through the default ports. For more information about how to configure ports for Exchange 2007 POP3 and IMAP4 clients, read How to Configure IP Addresses and Ports for POP3 and IMAP4 Access.
To use the Exchange Management Shell to configure POP3 to use TLS or SSL Run the following command: Set-PopSettings server Server01 -X509CertificateName CertificateName01 For more information about syntax and parameters, see Set-POPSettings.
110 (POP3) 995 (POP3 SSL) 143 (IMAP4) 993 (IMAP4 SSL)
TLS encryption is not required on port 110. User name and password are sent unencrypted unless the underlying connection is encrypted by using TLS or SSL. For IMAP4, this corresponds to using the "login" command to authenticate to the Exchange 2007 computer that has the Mailbox server role installed.
PlainTextAuthenticati on
110 (POP3) 995 (POP3 SSL) 143 (IMAP4) 993 (IMAP4 SSL)
TLS encryption is not required on port 110 and port 143. However, Basic authentication is permitted only on a port that uses TLS or SSL encryption. For IMAP4, this corresponds to using the "authenticate" command to authenticate to the Mailbox server.
110 (POP3) 995 (POP3 SSL) 143 (IMAP4) 993 (IMAP4 SSL)
Connection on port 110 and port 143 must use TLS encryption before authenticating.
You can use the Exchange Management Shell to configure the ports that you want to use depending on the authentication setting you are using for POP3 and IMAP4 on an Exchange 2007 server.
You can also specify connection time-out limits for users. For more information about how to use the Exchange Management Console to configure authentication options for POP3 and IMAP4, see the following topics: How to Configure Authentication for POP3 How to Configure Authentication for IMAP4 How to Configure Ports for POP3 Authentication How to Configure Ports for IMAP4 Authentication
Outlook Anywhere lets users access Exchange from the Internet. Because traffic on the Internet is more vulnerable than traffic within an intranet, we recommend that you consider a security strategy that involves as many security options as possible.
To use Internet Information Services (IIS) to configure SSL on the rpc virtual directory 1. In IIS, select the Default Web site or the rpc virtual directory, and then click Properties. Note: If you want to configure SSL only for Exchange ActiveSync, select the rpc virtual directory under the Default Web site. Otherwise you will configure SSL for all virtual directories that are hosted on the Client Access server. 2. On the Directory Security tab, in Secure Communications, click Edit. 3. In Secure Communications, select Require Secure Channel (SSL). 4. After you complete this procedure, your rpc virtual directory is configured to use SSL.
To use the Exchange Management Shell to configure authentication for Outlook Anywhere 1. To use Basic authentication for Outlook Anywhere, run the following command: Set-OutlookAnywhere -Name Server01 -ExternalAuthenticationMethod Basic 2. To use NTLM authentication for Outlook Anywhere, run the following command: Set-OutlookAnywhere -Name Server01 -ExternalAuthenticationMethod NTLM For more information about syntax and parameters, see Set-OutlookAnywhere.
2. In the action pane, click Enable Outlook Anywhere. 3. In the Enable Outlook Anywhere Wizard, in the box under External host name, type the external host name for your organization. 4. Select an available external authentication method. You can select Basic authentication or NTLM authentication. 5. If you are using an SSL accelerator and you want to do SSL offloading, select the check box next to Allow secure channel (SSL) offloading. Note: Do not use this option unless you are sure that you have an SSL accelerator that can handle SSL offloading. If you do not have an SSL accelerator that can handle SSL offloading and you select this option, Outlook Anywhere will not function correctly. 6. Click Enable to apply these settings and enable Outlook Anywhere. 7. Click Finish to close the Enable Outlook Anywhere Wizard. To use the Exchange Management Shell to configure SSL offloading Run the following command: Set-OutlookAnywhere -Name Server01 -SSLOffloading $true
How to Configure SSL Certificates to Use Multiple Client Access Server Host Names
This section explains how to use the Exchange Management Shell to configure your Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificates to use multiple host names. When you deploy your computers that are running Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 that have the Client Access server role installed, you must make sure that all your clients, such as Outlook Web Access and Outlook 2007, will be able to connect to the services by using an
encrypted session without receiving an error message that states that the certificate is not trusted. By using the Exchange Management Shell, you can create a certificate request to include all the DNS host names of the Client Access servers. Then you can enable users to connect to the certificate for services such as Outlook Anywhere, Autodiscover, POP3 and IMAP4, or Unified Messaging that are listed in the alternate names attribute. For example, your users may be able to connect to your Exchange services by specifying the name as shown in the following examples: https://CAS01/owa https://CASIntranetName/owa
Instead of having to require multiple certificates and maintain the configuration of multiple IP addresses and Internet Information Services (IIS) Web sites for each IP port and certificate combination, you can create a single certificate that enables clients to successfully connect to each host name by using SSL or Transport Layer Security (TLS). You can create a single certificate by adding all the possible DNS name values to the certificate Subject Alternative Name property on the certificate request. A Microsoft Windowsbased Certificate Services certification authority should create a certificate for such a request. Note: Third-party or Internet-based certification authorities will issue certificates only for DNS names for which you are authorized. Therefore intranet DNS names will likely not be allowed. To configure your SSL certificates to use multiple Client Access server host names, do the following: 1. Use the New-ExchangeCertificate cmdlet to create a certificate request file. 2. Send this file to a Windows Certificate Services certification authority and use the Web server template on the Certification Authority page. This will result in a .cer file that can be imported to the Client Access server. 3. Use the Get-ExchangeCertificate cmdlet to determine the thumbprint for your certificate. 4. After you have imported the certificate, you can assign it to IIS, IMAP4, and POP3 by using the Enable-ExchangeCertificate cmdlet.
To use the Exchange Management Shell to determine the thumbprint of your certificate To determine the thumbprint, run the following command: Get-ExchangeCertificate -DomainNane "CAS01" Note: This command will return multiple certificates if there are several certificates that match the host name that you specified. Therefore, make sure that you select the thumbprint of the correct certificate for your request. To use the Exchange Management Shell to assign the certificate to IIS, POP3, and IMAP4 1. To assign the certificate to IIS, POP3, and IMAP4, run the following command: Enable-ExchangeCertificate -thumbprint <certificatethumbprint> -services "IIS,POP,IMAP" 2. Or, alternatively, to assign the certificate to a server, which in turn assigns the certificate to all services that are running on the Exchange server, run the following command: Import-ExchangeCertificate -path <certificate file name> -friendlyname "Contoso CAS01" | enable-exchangecertificate -services "IIS,POP,IMAP" For more information about syntax and parameters for the Import-ExchangeCertificate, Enable-ExchangeCertificate, Get-ExchangeCertificate and New-ExchangeCertificate cmdlets, see Global Cmdlets.
Table 39 Exchange 2007 virtual directories that are used as paths in ISA Server publishing rules Path Name /owa Description This virtual directory is used by the Microsoft Office Outlook Web Access applicat ion to access mailboxes on Exchange 2007 computers that have the Mailbox server role installed. This virtual directory is used by the Outlook Web Access application to access public folders for mailboxes that are located on computers that are running Exchange 2007, Microsoft Exchange Server 2003, or Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server. This virtual directory is used by the Outlook Web Access application for mailboxes on computers that are running Exchange 2003 or Exchange 2000. This virtual directory is used by Outlook Web Access to access mailboxes on computers that are running Exchange 2003 or Exchange 2000. This virtual directory is used for Unified Message access. This virtual directory is used by the Exchange 2007 ActiveSync application. This virtual directory is used for Exchange Web Services. This virtual directory is used by the Autodiscover service for the Exchange ActiveSync and Outlook clients. This virtual directory is used by the Outlook Anywhere feature in Outlook 2007.
Link Translation
ISA Server 2006 redirects Outlook Web Access requests for internal URLs that are contained in the body of any object in Outlook Web Access, such as an email message or calendar entry. Users no longer have to remember the external namespaces for internal corporate information that is mapped to an external namespace. For example, if a user sends a link in an e-mail message to an internal namespace such as http://contoso, and this internal URL is mapped to an external namespace such as, the internal URL is automatically translated into the external URL when the user clicks the internal URL. ISA Server 2006 can load balance client requests and send them to an array of Client Access servers. When ISA Server 2006 receives a request for a connection to Outlook Web Access, it selects a Client Access server and then sends the name of the Client Access server back to the Web browser in a cookie. In the past, if you used forms-based authentication on the ISA Server computer that had Exchange Server 2003 and ISA Server 2004 or ISA Server 2000 installed, it was not possible to use Gzip compression. This was because ISA Server could not decompress and recompress the information correctly. ISA Server 2006 can decompress, inspect, and then recompress data before it sends the data to your Exchange servers. Note: Gzip compression is available in ISA Server 2004, Service Pack 2 (SP2).
HTTP Compression
When you publish an application through ISA Server, you are protecting the server from direct external access because the name and IP address of the server cannot be viewed by the user. The user accesses the ISA Server computer. The ISA Server computer then creates a connection to the Client Access server according to the conditions of the server publishing rule.
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) bridging protects against attacks that are hidden in SSLencrypted connections. For SSL-enabled Web applications, after ISA Server receives the client's request, ISA Server decrypts the request, inspects it, and acts as the endpoint for the SSL connection with the client computer. The Web publishing rules determine how ISA Server communicates the request for the object to the published Web server. When you use SSL bridging, the secure Web publishing rule is configured to forward the request by using Secure HTTP (HTTPS). ISA Server then initiates a new SSL connection with the published server. Because the ISA Server computer has become an SSL client, it requires the published Web server to respond with a certificate. An additional advantage of SSL bridging is that an organization has to buy SSL certificates from an external certification authority only for the ISA Server computers. Servers that use ISA Server as a reverse proxy can either not require SSL or use SSL certificates that are generated internally. You can also terminate the SSL connection at the ISA Server computer and continue to the Client Access server with a connection that is not encrypted. This is known as SSL offloading. If you do this, the internal URL for Outlook Web Access must be set to use HTTP and the external URL must be set to use HTTPS. The internal URL and external URL can be configured through the Exchange Management Console, or by using the SetOwaVirtualDirectory cmdlet with the InternalURL parameter and ExternalURL parameter in the Exchange Management Shell. For more information about how to use the Set-OwaVirtualDirectory cmdlet and the Exchange Management Console to manage 258
Single Sign-On
Single sign-on enables users to access a group of published Web sites without being required to authenticate with each Web site. When you use ISA Server 2006 as a reverse proxy server for Outlook Web Access, ISA Server 2006 can be configured to obtain the user's credentials and pass them to the Client Access server so that users are prompted for their credentials only one time.
For more information about the new enhancements to ISA Server 2006 when it is used with Exchange 2007, see What's New and Improved in ISA Server 2006.
Deployment Options
When you deploy ISA Server 2006 together with Exchange 2007, you will not have to do any additional configuration to your Microsoft Exchange infrastructure. However, ISA Server 2006 can be configured in different ways to enable Exchange client access by using Outlook Web Access, POP3 or IMAP access, Exchange ActiveSync, and Outlook Anywhere. The configuration options depend on the authentication method that you want to use to access Exchange. Earlier versions of ISA Server, including ISA Server 2004 and ISA Server 2000 when they are deployed with Exchange 2007, do not have the same deployment options for authentication. Additionally, if you are deploying Exchange 2007 with both ISA Server 2006 and an earlier version of ISA Server, you can use the following authentication options: Basic authentication for Outlook Web Access If you plan to use Basic authentication for Outlook Web Access, ISA Server 2006 and earlier versions of ISA Server should all use Web Publishing to publish Outlook Web Access. Client certificate authentication If you plan to use a client certificate-based authentication method, ISA Server will automatically perform authentication on the computer that is running ISA Server. Earlier versions of ISA Server, including ISA Server 2004 and ISA Server 2000, require server publishing to use client certificate authentication. If you use client certificate authentication, you cannot use ISA Server to inspect the SSL packets before they are sent to the Client Access server.
Select web listener The Select web listener page lets you specify the listener for the Exchange server to which you are connecting. A listener is used to specify the authentication type that will be used when the client first contacts the ISA Server computer. The listener contains information about how the ISA Server computer accepts requests from clients, such as the encryption, compression, and authentication that is used on the external connection. You can use this page to create a new listener or edit existing listeners. Authentication delegation The Authentication delegation page lets you specify the type of authentication mechanism that the Client Access server should expect from the ISA Server. Select from the following: No delegation, but client may authenticate directly Basic authentication NTLM authentication Negotiate (Kerberos/NTLM) Kerberos constrained delegation
User sets The User sets page lets you select which users can use this rule to connect to Exchange. If you have configured the ISA Server computer to authenticate users, you should configure the Outlook Web Access virtual directories to use either Integrated Windows authentication or Basic authentication, depending on which type of authentication is required by your organization. When you use Basic authentication or Integrated Windows authentication on the Outlook Web Access virtual directories together with ISA Server 2006 authentication, users are prompted for their logon information only one time. Note: If you select forms-based authentication for the ISA listener, the user will be prompted to reenter authentication credentials if the Outlook Web Access session times out. However, Integrated Windows authentication disallows access from Outlook Web Access to documents on Windows file shares or in Windows SharePoint Services document libraries. If you must access documents from Outlook Web Access, you must use Basic authentication on the Outlook Web Access virtual directory. After you complete the wizard, the wizard creates the Exchange publishing rule. The rule you create appears in the Firewall Policy Rules list on the Firewall Policy tab. Note: After you finish creating your publishing rule, you must wait for the settings to take effect. You can monitor ISA Server 2006 publishing rule progress by using the Monitoring node in the ISA Server 2006 Management console.
For more information about ISA Server 2006 features, see ISA Server 2006 Features at a Glance. For more information about how to use a reverse proxy server, see How to Configure Reverse Proxy Servers for Outlook Web Access.
For more information about how to use the Set-OwaVirtualDirectory cmdlet and the Exchange Management Console to manage Outlook Web Access virtual directories, see the following topics: Set-OwaVirtualDirectory How to Modify Properties on an Outlook Web Access Virtual Directory
For more information about how to configure Outlook Web Access, see: Managing Outlook Web Access Security Configuring Standard Authentication Methods for Outlook Web Access
SSL offloading You can also terminate the SSL connection at the reverse proxy server and continue to the Client Access server with a connection that is not encrypted. This is known as SSL offloading. If you use SSL offloading, the internal URL for Outlook Web Access must be set to use HTTP and the external URL must be set to use HTTPS. You can configure the internal URL and external URL by using the Exchange Management Console or by using the Set-OwaVirtualDirectory cmdlet with the InternalURL parameter and ExternalURL parameter in the Exchange Management Shell. Load balancing A reverse proxy server can distribute the traffic that is destined for a single URL to a group of servers. You can use Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration (ISA) Server as a reverse proxy server. For more information about how to use ISA Server as a reverse proxy server, see the Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server Web site.
Outlook Web Access. If you must access documents from Outlook Web Access, you must use Basic authentication.
For more information about Outlook Web Access authentication methods, see the following topics: Managing Outlook Web Access Security How to Configure Integrated Windows Authentication How to Configure Basic Authentication
For more information about how to use the Set-OwaVirtualDirectory cmdlet and the Exchange Management Console to manage Outlook Web Access virtual directories, see the following topics: Set-OwaVirtualDirectory How to Modify Properties on an Outlook Web Access Virtual Directory
Link Translation
Some published Web sites may include references to internal names of computers. Because only the ISA Server 2006 firewall and external namespaces are available to external clients, these references appear as broken links. ISA Server 2006 includes a link translation feature that you can use to create a dictionary of definitions for internal computer names that map to publicly known names. For authenticated and encrypted client access, ISA Server 2006 provides end-toend security and application layer filtering by using SSLto-SSL bridging. This means that encrypted data is inspected before it reaches the Exchange server. The ISA Server 2006 firewall decrypts the SSL stream, performs stateful inspection, and then re-encrypts the data and forwards it to the published Web server. Stateful inspection is a firewall architecture that works at the network layer. Unlike static packet filtering, which examines a packet based on the information in its header, stateful inspection tracks each connection traversing all interfaces of the firewall and makes sure they are valid.
ISA Server 2006 implements link translation automatically when you configure Web publishing for Outlook Web Access.
ISA Server 2006 implements SSL Bridging Support automatically when you configure Web publishing for Outlook Web Access.
In addition to the features listed in Table 41, ISA Server 2006 is designed to work specifically with the client access methods that you can use with Exchange 2007.
Outlook clients located on the Internet to the ISA Server computer and from the ISA Server computer to the Client Access server are encrypted by using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). In many organizations, users must have mailbox access when they are not in the office. Outlook Anywhere ensures that users can interact with their Exchange information from any location. To support this client access method, specific paths must be published on the ISA Server computer. Table 42 lists the Exchange services that are supported by ISA Server 2006 for Exchange 2007 and used by Outlook Anywhere clients. Table 42 Exchange 2007 services used with ISA Server 2006 Feature Outlook Anywhere Path /rpc/* Description Internet based access to an Exchange deployment by using RPC over HTTP or RPC over HTTPS. Exchange 2007 Unified Messaging puts all e-mail, voice, and fax messages into one Exchange 2007 mailbox that can be accessed from a variety of devices. An offline address book (OAB) is a copy of an address book that has been downloaded so that an Outlook user can access address book information while disconnected from the server. This virtual directory is used for the Autodiscover service and the availability service to provide free/busy information.
Unified Messaging
The Autodiscover service provides access to Microsoft Exchange features for Microsoft Office Outlook 2 007 clients that are connected to your Microsoft Exchange messaging environment.
When you publish an Publishing Exchange Server application through ISA 2007 with ISA Server 2006 Server, you are protecting the server from direct external access because the name and IP address of the server cannot be accessed by the user. The user accesses the ISA Server computer. This computer forwards the request to the server according to the conditions of the server publishing rule.
SSL bridging protects against Best Practices for attacks that are hidden in Performance in ISA Server SSL-encrypted connections. 2006 For SSL-enabled Web applications, after ISA Server receives the client's request, ISA Server decrypts it, inspects it, and ends the SSL connection with the client computer. The Web publishing rules determine how ISA Server communicates the request for the object to the published Web server. If the secure Web publishing rule is configured to forward the request by using secure HTTP (HTTPS), ISA Server initiates a new SSL connection with the published server. Because the ISA Server computer is now an SSL client, it requires the published Web server to respond with a server-side certificate.
certificate should be issued by a public certification authority (CA) because it will be accessed by users on the Internet. If a private CA is used, the root CA certificate from the private CA must be installed on any computer that has to create an encrypted channel (HTTPS) to the ISA Server computer. For more information about how to install a server certificate on ISA Server 2006, see Publishing Exchange Server 2007 with ISA Server 2006.
Connectivity verification method that ISA Server will use to verify that the servers are functioning 2. Create a Web listener When you create a Web publishing rule, you must specify a Web listener to use. The Web listener properties determine the following: IP addresses and ports on the specified networks that the ISA Server computer uses to listen for Web requests (HTTP or HTTPS) Server certificates to use with IP addresses Authentication method to use Number of concurrent connections that are allowed Single sign on (SSO) settings
3. Create an Exchange Web client access publishing rule When you publish an internal Exchange 2007 Client Access server through ISA Server 2006, you protect the Web server from direct external access because the name and IP address of the server cannot be accessed by the user. The user accesses the ISA Server computer. The ISA Server computer forwards the request to the internal Web server according to the conditions of your Web server publishing rule. An Exchange Web client access publishing rule is a Web publishing rule that contains default settings appropriate to Exchange client access. For more information about how to use the Exchange Publishing Rule Wizard, see Publishing Exchange Server 2007 with ISA Server 2006.
SSL bridging protects against attacks that are hidden in SSL-encrypted connections. For SSL-enabled Web applications, after ISA Server receives the client's request, ISA Server decrypts it, inspects it, and ends the SSL connection with the client computer. The Web publishing rules determine how ISA Server communicates the request for the object to the published Web server. If the secure Web publishing rule is configured to forward the request by using Secure HTTP (HTTPS), ISA Server initiates a new SSL connection with the published server. Because the ISA Server computer is now an SSL client, it requires the published Web server to respond with a server-side certificate.
After you confirm these settings, you can configure ISA Server 2006 to provide Exchange ActiveSync access for your clients.
Internet. If a private CA is used, the root certificate from the private CA must be installed on any computer that requires a secure (HTTPS) connection to the ISA Server computer. For more information about how to install a server certificate on ISA Server 2006, see Publishing Exchange Server 2007 with ISA Server 2006. After a server certificate is installed on the ISA Server computer, you can run the New Exchange Publishing Rule Wizard. Running the New Exchange Publishing Rule Wizard to provide Exchange ActiveSync access involves the following steps: 1. Create a server farm (optional) When you have more than one Client Access server within your organization, you can use ISA Server to provide load balancing for these servers. The server farm properties determine the following: The specific servers included in the farm.
The connectivity verification method that ISA Server will use to verify that the servers are functioning correctly. 2. Create a Web listener When you create a Web publishing rule, you must specify a Web listener. The Web listener properties determine the following: The IP addresses and ports on the specified networks that the ISA Server computer uses to listen for Web requests (HTTP or HTTPS). Which server certificates to use with IP addresses. The Authentication method to use. The number of concurrent connections that are allowed. Single sign-on (SSO) settings.
3. Create an Exchange Web client access publishing rule When you publish an internal Exchange 2007 Client Access server through ISA Server 2006, you are protecting the Web server from direct external access because the name and IP address of the server cannot be viewed by the user. The user accesses the ISA Server computer. The ISA Server computer then forwards the request to the internal Web server according to the conditions of your Web server publishing rule. An Exchange Web client access publishing rule is a Web publishing rule that contains default settings appropriate to Exchange client access. For more information about how to use the New Exchange Publishing Rule Wizard, see Microsoft ISA Server 2006. Important: There is a software update that is required for ISA Server 2006 before you can publish Exchange Server 2007. For more information about that update, see Update for Publishing Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 for Internet Security and Acceleration (ISA) Server 2006.
Toolbox pane The toolbox pane appears at the far left of the Details Templates Editor. Drag objects from the toolbox pane to the designer pane. You can add the following elements to the template: Check box Edit text box Group box Label List box Multi-valued drop-down box Multi-valued list box
Note: Not all of the elements are available for all template types. Designer pane The designer pane appears in the middle of the Details Templates Editor. In the designer pane, you can design the template to meet your organization's specifications. Select an item and edit the object's properties in the properties pane. In
addition, you can move or resize objects in the template. To delete an object, select the object, and then press DELETE on your keyboard. To save your changes, from the File menu, click Save. Properties pane The properties pane appears at the far right of the Details Templates Editor. Use the properties pane to edit the properties of an object on the designer pane. For example, you can change the text, height, width, or position of an object.
The Details Templates Editor is a snap-in for the Microsoft Management Console (MMC). You cannot perform this procedure by using the Exchange Management Console or the Exchange Management Shell. You must use the MMC. How to Customize the Details Template
You can use the default details template or you can customize the template to better suit the needs of your users. You can use the Details Templates Editor to customize the following Outlook objects: Contacts Users Groups Mailbox agents Public folders Search dialogs
The objects may be customized by changing field sizes, adding or removing fields, adding or removing tabs, and rearranging fields. The layout of these templates can vary by language. The following languages are supported: Arabic, Basque, Brazilian, Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, German, Greek, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, and Ukrainian. How to Restore a Details Template to the Default Configuration
The Details Templates Editor does not contain an Undo button, nor can you use a keyboard shortcut to undo an action. If you want to undo changes after you have saved, you can restore the template. When you restore a template, all customization is lost, and the template is restored to its original configuration.
You can customize these objects by changing field sizes, adding or removing fields, adding or removing tabs, and rearranging fields. The layout of these templates can vary by language. The following languages are supported: Arabic, Basque, Brazilian, Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, German, Greek, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latvian,
Lithuanian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, and Ukrainian.
Modified This column lists the date and time that the template was last modified. 3. To edit the template, right-click the template, and then click Edit. For example, the English contacts details template is shown in Figure 13. Figure 13 Default details template as viewed from Outlook 2007
4. After you click Edit, there are several tasks you can perform to customize a details template: To move an object in the designer pane, select the object, and then drag it to its new location on the template. As you move the object, you are provided with alignment lines. To change a label's text, select the label in the design pane. In the properties pane, type the new text in the Text box. To create keyboard shortcuts, you can use the ampersand (&) symbol. Place the ampersand (&) before the letter that you want to use as the shortcut. To change the size of an object, select the object, and then drag the sizing handles until the object is the shape and size you want. To delete an object, select the object, and then press DELETE on your keyboard. Note: The Details Templates Editor does not contain an Undo button, nor can you use a keyboard shortcut to undo an action. To undo an addition you made to
the template, you must use the DELETE key. To undo a deletion, you must reapply the setting. You can also revert to the original settings by exiting the Details Templates Editor without saving your changes. If you want to undo changes after you have saved, you can restore the template. When you restore a template, all customization is lost, and the template is restored to its original configuration. For more information about how to restore the details template, see How to Restore a Details Template to the Default Configuration. To add an Edit text box, Listbox, MultiValued Dropdown box, or MultiValued Listbox, in the toolbox pane, drag the object to the design pane. Set the attribute of the object by clicking the attribute drop-down box in the properties pane, and then selecting the attribute that will be used by Exchange Server. Note: You must link the object to an attribute for it to be used by Exchange Server. In addition, the attribute also determines the content that is displayed to the end user in Outlook. If you do not select an attribute, a random attribute is selected automatically. To add a Groupbox, drag the object to the design pane, and then, in the properties pane, type a name in the Text box. Use the Groupbox to group similar objects. To add a tab to the template, right-click an existing tab, and then click Add Tab. A blank tab appears. To name the tab, type the name in the Text box in the properties pane. To remove a tab from the template, right-click the tab, and then click Remove Tab. A warning appears. Click OK to confirm that you want to remove the tab. To change the tabbing order of the objects on a tab so that users can use the TAB key to navigate the objects in the order you want, select the object in the design pane, and then, in the properties pane, use the TabIndex box to change the order. Note: To make sure that users are not able to use the TAB key to access the labels of an object (for example Name or Alias), change the order of the labels so that they are last in the tabbing order. 5. To save changes to the details template, on the File menu, click Save.
How to Add the Details Templates Editor to the Microsoft Management Console
How to Add the Details Templates Editor to the Microsoft Management Console
This section explains how to add the Details Templates editor snap-in to Microsoft Management Console 3.0. In Microsoft Exchange Server 2007, you have the ability to customize the client-side graphical user interface (GUI) presentation of object properties that are accessed by using address lists in the Microsoft Outlook client application. When a user opens an address list in Outlook, for example, the properties of a particular object are presented as defined by the details template in the Exchange organization. You can use the Details Templates editor to customize the following Outlook objects: Contacts Users Groups Mailbox agents Public folders Search dialogs
The objects may be customized by changing field sizes, adding or removing fields, adding or removing tabs, and rearranging fields. The layout of these templates can vary by language.
available stand-alone snap-ins, and then click Add. 6. Click Close to close the Available Snap-ins dialog box, and then click OK on the Add/Remove Snap-in dialog box. 7. To save the Details Templates to the Microsoft Management Console, on the Console menu bar, click File, and then click Save.
For information about how to use the Exchange Management Shell configure details templates, see the following topics: Set-DetailsTemplate Get-DetailsTemplate