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ISO-5534-1985 Solids

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International Standard


Cheese and processed cheese - Determination of total

solids content (Reference method)
Fromages et fromages fondus - D&ermination de Ia matikre Seche (Methode de rkfbrencel

First edition - 1985-06-01

ISO 5534:1985

13 UDC 637.3 : 543.82 Ref. No. ISO 55344985 (E)


dairy products, Descriptors

cheeses, :tests, determination of content, solids.

z- Price based on 2 pages

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of
national Standards bodies (ISO member bedies). The work of preparing International
Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Esch member
body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has
the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, govern-
mental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.

Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to

the member bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by
the ISO Council. They are approved in accordance with ISO procedures requiring at
least 75 % approval by the member bodies voting.
International Standard ISO 5534 was prepared by Technical Committee
ISO/TC 34,
Agricultural food products. (standards.iteh.ai)
NOTE - The method specified in this International ISO 5534:1985 with the
Standard has been developed jointly
International Dairy Federation (IDF) and the Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC)
and will also be published by these organizations.

0 International Organkation for Standardkation, 1985

Printed in Switzerland

Cheese and processed cheese - Determination of total

solids content (Reference method)

1 Scope and field of application 5.5 Short glass stirring rods, flattened at one end and fit-
ting into the dish (5.4).
This International Standard specifies the reference method for
the determination of the total solids content of cheese and pro- 5.6 Quartz sand or sea Sand, which Passes through a
cessed cheese. lt may not be applicable to process cheese woven wire cloth sieve of nominal aperture size 500 Pm, but is
preparations as defined in FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius retained by a sieve of nominal aperture size 180 Pm, and which
Commission, Milk and milk products Standards, No. A-8 (CL Passes the following suitability test.

2 References 5.6.1 Place approximately 20 g of sand in a dish containing a

stirring rod. Heat the open dish and Sand, stirring rod and lid in
ISO 707, Milk and milk products - Methods of sampling.
the oven (5.3) for at least 2 h. Fit the lid, allow the dish to cool
in the desiccator (5.2) to the temperature of the balance room
and weigh to the nearest 0,l mg.
FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius Commission, Milk and milk
products Standards, No. A-8 (c) (1970). General Standard for
5.6.2 Moisten the sand with approximately 5 ml of water, mix
process(ed) cheese prepara tions.
the sand and water using the stirring rod, and heat the dish and
Sand, stirring rod and lid in the oven (5.31, for at least 4 h. Fit
3 Definition ISO 5534:1985the lid, allow the dish to cool in the desiccator (5.2)
temperature of the balance room and weigh again
to the
to the
total solids content: The https://standards.iteh.ai/catalog/standards/sist/c9ea7b63-61a9-443c-aa2b-
mass remaining after completion of nearest 0,l mg.
the heating process specified in this International cdff77af66db/iso-5534-1985
The differente between the two weighings shall not exceed
The total solids content is usually reported as a mass fraction, 0,5 mg.
and is then conventionally expressed as a percentage by mass.
NOTE - If this requirement is not met, the sand tan be made suitable
for the determination as follows.
4 Principle
Leave the sand immersed in 25 % (mlm) hydrochloric acid for 3 days.
Evaporation of the water from a test Portion in the presence of Stir occasionally. Decant the supernatant liquid as far as poss-
ible. Then wash the sand with water until the acid reaction has dis-
sand at a temperature of 102 & 2 OC in a drying oven.

Heat the sand at approximately 160 OC for at least 4 h. Then repeat the
5 Apparatus and materials
test for the suitability of the sand as described.

The water used shall be distilled water or water of at least

equivalent purity. 5.7 Appropriate devices for grating, grinding or mixing
the Sample.
Usual laboratory apparatus, and in particular

5.1 Analytical balance.

6 Sampling

See ISO 707.

5.2 Desiccator, provided with an efficient desiccant (for
example freshly dried silica gel with a hygrometric indicator).
7 Preparation of the test Sample
5.3 Drying oven, ventilated, capable of being maintained
thermostatically at 102 & 2 OC throughout the total working Unless specified otherwise, remove Prior to the analysis the
space. rind, smear or mouldy surface layer of the cheese in such a way
as to provide a Sample representative of the cheese as it is
5.4 Rat-bottom dishes, of height 20 to 25 mm, diameter 50 usually consumed. Grind or grate the Sample by means of an
to 75 mm, and of appropriate material (for example stainless appropriate device (5.7); mix the ground mass quickly, and, if
steel, nicke1 or aluminium), provided with weil-fitting, readily necessary for semi-hard and hard cheeses, grind a second time
removable lids. and again mix thoroughly. Clean the device after grinding each
ISO 55344985 (EI

Sample. If the Sample cannot be ground or grated, mix it Allow to cool as in 8.3.3 and weigh to the nearest 0,l mg.
thoroughly by intensive kneading. These operations shall be
completed as quickly as possible to avoid loss of moisture.
8.3.5 Repeat the operations described in 8.3.4 until the dif-
ference in mass between two consecutive weighings does not
Transfer the test Sample to an airtight Container until the time
exceed 0,5 mg. Record the lowest mass.
of analysis, which shall be carried out as soon as possible after
grinding. If delay is unavoidable, take every precaution to en-
sure proper preservation of the Sample and to prevent conden-
sation of moisture on the inside surface of the Container. 9 Expression of results

Ground cheese showing unwanted mould growth or beginning 9.1 Method of calculation and formula
to deteriorate shall not be examined.
The total solids content, expressed as a percentage by mass, is
equal to
8 Procedure

m2 - mo
8.1 Preparation of the dish x 100
m1 - mo
Heat a dish (5.4) containing approximately 25 g of sand (5.6)
with its lid alongside and a stirring rod (5.5) on top of the lid, in where
the oven (5.3) for 2 h.
m. is the mass, in grams, of the dish (including Sand), lid
,Place the lid (with the stirring rod on top) on the dish, im- and stirring rod (sec 8.1);
mediately transfer to the desiccator (5.21, allow to cool to room
temperature (at least 45 min), and weigh the dish, with lid and ml is the mass, in grams, of the dish (including Sand), lid,
rod, to the nearest 0,l mg. stirring rod and test Portion (see 8.2);
m2 is the mass, in grams, of the dish (including Sand), lid,
8.2 Test Portion
stirring rod and dried test Portion (see 8.3.5).

Tilt the sand to one side of the prepared dish (8.1) place on the Round the value obtained to the nearest 0,Ol (mlm).
clear space about 3,0 g of the prepared test Sample, replace the ISO 5534:1985
lid with the stirring rod on top and weigh the dish to the nearest
9.2 Precision
0,l mg.
NOTE - These values are tentative, pending the result of a col-
laborative study.
8.3 Determination

8.3.1 Thoroughly mix together the test Portion and the Sand, 9.2.1 Repeatability
and spread the mixture evenly over the bottom of the dish.
Leave the stirring end of the rod in the mixture with the other The differente between two Single results found on identical
end resting on the rim of the dish. test material by one analyst using the same apparatus within a
short time interval shall not exceed 0,lO g of total solids per
NOTES 100 g of product on average more than once in 20 cases in the
normal and correct Operation of the method.
1 Mixing of sand and hard cheese may be facilitated by adding suffi-
cient water (approximately 3 ml) to saturate the Sand.
9.2.2 Reproducibility
2 With cheeses which melt to a horn-like mass at a temperature of
102 f 2 OC, it is recommended that the dish containing the crushed The differente between two Single and independent results
cheese first be heated on a water-bath or steam-bath, directly exposing found by two Operators working in different laboratories on
the maximum surface area of the bottom of the dish to steam. The identical test material shall not exceed 0,20 g of total solids per
contents of the dish should be thoroughly mixed with the glass rod 100 g of product on average more than once in 20 cases in the
from time to time to prevent the formation of a hardened surface layer. normal and correct Operation of the method.

8.3.2 Lay the stirring rod flat inside the dish and heat the dish
with its lid alongside, in the oven (5.3) for 3 h. Place the lid on 10 Test report
the dish and immediately transfer to the desiccator (5.2).
The test report shall show the method used and the results ob-
tained. lt shall also mention any operating details not specified
8.3.3 Allow the dish to cool to room temperature (at least in this International Standard, or regarded as optional, together
45 min) and weigh to the nearest 0,l mg. with details of any incidents likely to have influenced the
8.3.4 Again heat the dish, with its lid alongside, in the oven,
but for only 1,5 h. Place the lid on the dish and immediately The test report shall include all the information necessary for
transfer to the desiccator. the complete identification of the Sample.

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