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Journal of Language Teaching and Learning, Linguistics

and Literature Issued by English study program of IAIN Palopo

ISSN 2338-4778 (Print)

ISSN 2548-4192 (Online)
Volume 8, Number 1, June 2020
pp. 1 – 12

Students' Perceptions on Vlog as Speaking Assessment

Technique at Yos Sudarso.
Karlina Sharon J.H1, Nurlaily2
Ilmu Pendidikan, Universita Internasional Batam, Kepulauan Riau

Vlogs among students are highly viral and beneficial for developing their
language skills as a learning technique. In this study, the researcher were
interested in describing how to assess students' speaking performance
through fluency and pronunciation using Vlogs and how students perceived it
as an assessment. The subjects of the study were students from grade tenth
science three from Yos Sudarso School. Since the phenomena of pandemic is
happening, hence a backup plan is required for study specifically at home.
This research aims to explain how students’ speaking performance also
finding out students’ first impression on the use of Vlog as a speaking
assessment at SMA Yos Sudarso. The method to collect the data of this
research is sequential design which is both qualitative and quantitative. This
first phase was accompanied by the compilation and analysis of qualitative
data in order to discuss or build on the first phase of quantitative results. The
subsequent qualitative phase of the analysis was structured to be focused on
the outcomes of the quantitative phase. The data of the students' speaking
performance through Vlog show that most of the students have a good result
in speaking through Vlog but some of the students are having difficult
experience to speak in front of the camera. The research results are expected
to be useful and give relevant data on how students of English, as a foreign
language, use vlog as learning tool to assess speaking English performance
and provide teachers innovations in utilizing the latest digital technology and
trends in their teaching. As an evaluation, it is also expected that the result of
this study can be meaningful feedback for the study program and the lecturer
of the Speaking course.
Keywords: Speaking, Speaking Performance, Vlog.

In this study, the researcher tries to discuss students’ perception on Vlog as
speaking English assessment evaluate with students’ speaking performance by
combining it through Vlog as an assignment. Safitri & Khoiriyah (2017) claim that
Vlog become one of the most effective media to enhance students' speaking ability
and in tune with students’ interests. Vlogs among students are highly viral and

Karlina Sharon & Nurlaily
Students' Perceptions on Vlog as Speaking Assessment Technique at Yos Sudarso.

beneficial for developing their language skills as a learning technique. In this study,
the researchers were interested in elaborating how to assess students speaking
ability through the Vlog assignment. Lestari (2018) argues that good speaking
skills are necessary so that students can connect with other individuals and
express themselves well in a global society by using the abundant communication
channels available in today's connected modern society. In any case, the researcher
is engaged in using Vlog as student speaking skill performance in learning
The word "vlog" means "video" and "blog" in combination. A vlog is a short video
containing opinions, stories, or daily activities that are usually written on a blog,
interpret by David et al.,(2017). The video is uploaded on social media or sites like
YouTube that allow viewers to comment. Nowadays, Senior High School students
commonly have their vlog sites, and they also bookmark their favorite vlog sites
accounts for repeated access. This means that students are already using vlogs for
both language ‘input’ by watching and listening to the latest uploads from their
subscribed uploaders, and ‘output’ through producing their video material.The
effect of popularity vlog among students makes it seem worthwhile to explore the
real possibilities of improving speaking through vlogs. This research involving
tenth grade students of senior high school as the main participant in this study.

Literature Review
The previous study that discuss related to speaking is by N. Lestari, (2019). The
research elaborates that one of the important skills in the process of language
learning is speaking and in particular, the rapid growth of computer and Internet
technology has contributed to language learning in language. The research applied
qualitative in a purposeful sampling method that was used to collect samples. It is
explained that the research involved the student experience and point of view, in
the use of the video blog and the students’ strategy to use it whereas the data
received from the student interview and observation. The result indicates that the
student outlook on the use of video blogs to develop speaking skills is positive
through a variety of practices. Besides, students have excellent language skills by
using video blogs as a way to learn the language.
Research by Nurviyani, (2018) comprehends that Vlog is one of the most common
innovations or social media that can be used as an informative tool. This research
evaluated the students' communication skills through Vlog and was performed in
the tenth grade of vocational high school. The purpose of this research was to
classify the implementation of Vlog speech learning, to analyze the strengths and
limitations of Vlog language learning. This research used qualitative research and
utilized non-participants in classroom observation, interviews, and questionnaires.
Results have shown that Vlog can help them in learning speaking and improve their
ability to speak to express their thoughts. Students gave positive responses to the
implementation of Vlog and they found it fascinating and inspired students to
develop their speaking skills. Furthermore, the students were very excited about
learning speaking via vlog.
Another research that was written by Maulidah, (2018) using the implication of
technology and social media. The research explained that students gave positive
responses to the implementation of Vlog learning. It is found that through Vlog, it

IDEAS, Vol. 6, No. 1, June 2020
ISSN 2338-4778 (Print)
ISSN 2548-4192 (Online)

fascinating and inspired students to develop speaking skills. Vlog greatly increases
students' ability to communicate. It can improve student motivation by having an
enjoyable and open learning method. It encourages the effective presentation of
students’ voices. Students would be able to communicate with an authentic
atmosphere to get a lot of speaking visibility. Most important is that Vlog allow
students to develop their English skills.
This research is proposed the explanatory sequential design. According to
Creswell, John W. (2018) through the book Designing and Conducting Mixed
Methods Research in Third Edition that explains the three core mixed methods
designs, one of it is the explanatory sequential design (also referred to as the
explanatory design) which is come into focus in two separate interactive stages.
This design begins with the collection and analysis of quantitative data. This first
phase is accompanied by the compilation and analysis of qualitative data in order
to discuss or build on the first phase of quantitative results. The subsequent
qualitative phase of the analysis is structured to be focused on the outcomes of the
quantitative phase.
This research will employ the sequential design because student assessments will
be accumulated based on the existing speaking assessment rubric, then the value
will be described and assist the final results of the research. The overall purpose of
this design is to help qualitative data describe in detail the initial quantitative
The students got material about Movie review from the researcher. In the following
activity, the students learned about vlogging. The students practice how to vlogging
by review a movie. The purpose of this activity was to introduce new technique of
speaking assessment to students. The assessment will be scored through rubric
that adapted from Language Testing Book: Principles and Classroom Practice by
Brown. Every aspect has its own score. The number 1 represents poor, 2 is average,
3 is good and 4 is excellent. The final score for each aspect is calculated and
multiplied by 5. Each aspect was followed by criteria for a specific score.
This study was conducted at SMA Yos Sudarso, Batam, in students' studies. The
subjects of the study were first-year students of SMA Yos Sudarso, Batam class
tenth science three. To improve the credibility and reliability of the results, the
researcher has taken the data. The video was made up of 25 students.
The researcher has obtained data from a variety of instruments. The details are
taken from the interview and analysis. The goal was to identify the pronunciation
and fluency errors made by students in speaking English and how Vlog can
influence students’ speaking performance. The researcher was provided with the
database from both the teacher and the students. The output is the interview, the
scoring rubric, questionnaire form, and the recording (Vlog) stored as evidence
that can describe what kind of vocal sound pronounced incorrect, the sources of
pronunciation errors that created from students at SMA Yos Sudarso.
1.1. The Aspect of Speaking
a. Pronunciation

Karlina Sharon & Nurlaily
Students' Perceptions on Vlog as Speaking Assessment Technique at Yos Sudarso.








Figure 1. Students’ data of pronunciation score.
From the chart it is concluded that 4 students have the excellent score in
pronunciation and 7 student has the average performance. On the other hand,
there are 14 students who have good score in pronunciation. In the aspect of
pronunciation, several students have difficulty spelling the appropriate English
word, but this does not obstruct the understanding of what is being conveyed. In
other words, the message was still understood in spite of the fact that the
accentuation of the word in each spelling has blunders.
There were also some students that experienced major difficulty in spelling of
words that made the speech is quite hard to understand and need to be listened in
repeat. These students got point 2 in pronunciation.

b. Fluency

Al ud Chi El Je Jon Ka on Re Ric Sta Ha Vi
Figure 2. Students’ data of fluency score
From the diagram it is explained that there are 10 students have excellent score
in fluency. The other ten are good and 5 of them are average. In fluency most
students experience speaking with a little doubt which often interfere with
communication. Some of them speak with hesitation but usually it does not
interfere with communication and it is also found that few students speak fluently
with a little doubt but still do not interfere with communication.

c. Grammar

IDEAS, Vol. 6, No. 1, June 2020
ISSN 2338-4778 (Print)
ISSN 2548-4192 (Online)

Al ud Chi El Je Jon Ka on Re Ric Sta Ha Vi
Figure 3. Students’ data of grammar score

From the chart, it is concluded that 6 students have a good score in grammar and 1
student has an average performance. On the other hand, most of the students have
good performance.

d. Vocabulary
Al d hi El Je Jon Ka on Re Ric Sta Ha Vi
Au C M
Figure 4. Students’ data of vocabulary score
From the data result, it is explained that five students have an excellent score in
vocabulary. The other seventeen students are good and three of them are average.
This can be concluded that in the aspect of vocabulary, the students of Yos Sudarso
grade 10th science 3 already have a fine oral vocabulary and acceptable choice of

e. Interactive Skill

Interactive Skill
Al d hi El Je Jon Ka on Re Ric Sta Ha Vi
Au C M
Figure 5. Students’ data of vocabulary score
From the resulted data, it is explained that there are four students have the
excellent score in interactive skill. The other twenty students are good and one is
average. The interactive skill is seen from how the students active enough to speak
and without hesitation.

1.2. Questionnaire

Karlina Sharon & Nurlaily
Students' Perceptions on Vlog as Speaking Assessment Technique at Yos Sudarso.

To discover out the learners' perceptions, the restricted survey was created by the
researcher towards the incorporation of vlog as an assignment for students’
speaking performance. To begin with, the researcher conveyed the surveys to the
students to pick up the information. There were 29 questions and the results of the
questionnaire will be divided into sub-topics related to the specific questions

From the close-ended questionnaires distributed to students at the end of the
course, most students reacted positively to the use of vlog on YouTube Channel to
enhance students' performance in English. Several students have accepted that the
use of vlog helped to understand the material that was being discussed, and also
increase new English vocabulary. The researcher gave questionnaire in order to
know the students’ response and interest in the learning process. The researcher
concluded from the result of the questionnaire that most students’ impression of
vlog was exciting, it’s useful enough to develop speaking performance to another
level. Nevertheless, through an interview which held virtually, the students
communicated that to produce a vlog would took such effort. Despite from the
content, there are aspects that students were struggled while in the process. For
the illustration, the internet data to collect inspirations for the video or upload the
video to Youtube, quality standard of camera, and minimum idea or skill of video

In speaking, most students decently conveyed the thoughts and suggestions from
the movie that have been chosen. In vlog implementation, it appears that a few of
the students felt pleasant with the vlog as learning media however most of the
students hesitate to create, share and record vlogs even though students think it
can hone speaking performance. This can be supported by Rahayu and Nurviyani,
(2018) the journal manifested some strengths and weaknesses of implementation
in learning speaking through vlog. One of the benefits of vlog learning applications
are such as the ability of students to see the lack or strength of vlog speaking
abilities, the opportunity of students to focus more on speaking practice, the ability
of teachers and students to use technology for learning, particularly for students.
There are two drawbacks in the application of vlog learning, for example the need
for students to make a decent vlog through several stages, the need for students to
have sufficient equipment, such as tablets, laptops or servers, and a good internet
access. In the other hand students were not reluctant to pour the ideas to making
vlogs with the given subjects within the classroom.

Students in common were quite enthusiastic to study English. One of the issues
was that most students felt it was difficult to learn English, specifically in speaking.
Through the interview, the students pour the reason why most of the time students
feel insecure to speak in English was because the judgemental from others. This
lead to other concern that was the students had no opportunities to practice more.
Moreover, the students thought that by vlogging it could be technique to practice
speaking yet afraid to get used to speaking non-standard language or informal

IDEAS, Vol. 6, No. 1, June 2020
ISSN 2338-4778 (Print)
ISSN 2548-4192 (Online)


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Conducting Mixed Methods Researchthe Third Edition.
David, E. R. (Eribka), Sondakh, M. (Mariam), & Harilama, S. (Stefi). (2017).
Pengaruh Konten Vlog Dalam Youtube Terhadap Pembentukan Sikap
Mahasiswa Ilmu Komunikasi Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Dan Politik Universitas
Sam Ratulangi. Acta Diurna, 6(1), 93363.
Lestari, F. L. (2018). Debate Technique as Teacher’s Strategies in Improving
Student’s Higher Education English Speaking Skill. Education of English as a
Foreign Language, 1(2), 10–19.
Lestari, N. (2019). Improving the Speaking Skill by Vlog (video blog) as Learning
Media: The EFL Students Perspective. International Journal of Academic
Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(1), 915–925.
Maulidah, I. (2018). Vlog: the Mean to Improve Students’ Speaking Ability.
145(Iconelt 2017), 12–15. https://doi.org/10.2991/iconelt-17.2018.3
Nurviyani, A. S. R. & V. (2018). A Study of Students’ Speaking Skill through Vlog.
Safitri, N. ., & Khoiriyah, I. (2017). Students’ Perceptions on the Use of English Vlog
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Khoiriyah. The 5th AASIC, 240–247.


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