Homoeopathic Pharmacy - by D.D.banerjee - 2nd Edition
Homoeopathic Pharmacy - by D.D.banerjee - 2nd Edition
Homoeopathic Pharmacy - by D.D.banerjee - 2nd Edition
This is an augmented work of Dr. Banerjee and is complete in all aspects - starting from basic concepts,
illustrations, mechanism, development, scope and research in pharmacy.
The work is divided into sections for easy reference and all the chapters have been rearranged in a
systematic manner under the respective sections.
The information in each chapter has been updated and elaborated.
The chapter on "Vehicles" is now a complete revised section with 5 chapters in this topic namely :
l Vehicles - in general l Solid vehicles l Liquid vehicles
l Semisold vehicles l Standardization of vehicles
The section "Laboratory" is complete with information on :
l Laboratory premises l Homeopathic laboratory l Laboratory methods
l Instruments l Hazardous instruments l Cleaning of utensils
Each section in this edition provides complete knowledge on the respective subject without any need to
look further. Several new sections & chapters have also been introduced like :
Section on :
l Principles of pharmacy l Analysis of drug
Chapters :
l Methods of preparation - G.H.P. l Methods of preparation - H.P.U.S.
l Preparation of sarcodes and nosodes l Posology and homeopathy
l Table of drugs l Relationship of remedies with duration of action, etc.
Also this edition has explanation with tables, illustrations and examples.
All in all, it a complete textbook for all associated with the field of homeopathy, be it students; graduate or
post graduate, doctors, professors, pharmacists or manufacturer.
Reviews :
I went through the entire book and found some important additions in this edition. These would be quite
useful to the pharmacy students and seem very much user friendly.
Dr. Pravas K. Pal
H.O.D. Dept. of Pharmacy,
Father Muller Homoeopathic Medical College, Manglore
The newly introduced 'Augmented Textbook of Homeopathic Pharmacy' by Dr. D.D. Banerjee (2nd
Edition) is an excellent augmented work, which covers and fulfills most of the important topics in the
subject of Pharmacy. We wish to thank Dr. D.D. Banerjee & appreciate all the work done by him into such a
wonderful book as a 'Text' for the students.
Dr. R.V. Ghanekar
Principle Medical Foundation
Lokmanya Homoeopathic Medical College, Chinchwad, Pune-33
ISBN: 978-81-319-0291-2
B. Jain Large Print
An Imprint of
9 788131 902912
Rs. 299.00
Second Edition
Printed in India by
J.J. Offset Printers
ISBN : 978-81-319-0291-2
Publisher’s Note to the Second Edition
It gives me great privilege to introduce a much awaited work in homoeopathic pharmacy where
much progress has taken place, yet very less has come on paper. Amongst the pioneers who have
devoted and dedicated their time and energies to Homoeopathic Pharmacy, stands the name of
Dr. D.D. Banerjee, whose “Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy” has been read by generations of
homoeopathic students and practitioners.
This is an augmented work of Dr. Banerjee and the book is complete in respect of covering the
subject right from introduction, illustrations, mechanism, pharmacopoeias , development, scope and
research in pharmacy.
The work is divided into sections for easy reference, as the chapters, which were placed
haphazardly in the earlier edition have been rearranged in a systematic manner under the respective
All the topics in Volume II of Dr. Banerjee’s textbook have been incorporated in this new
edition under the respective topics.
Most importantly, the information in each chapter has been updated and elaborated, like the
chapter on “Vehicles” is now a complete section with 5 chapters under it:
• Vehicles - in general.
• Solid vehicles.
• Liquid vehicles.
• Semisolid vehicles.
• Standardization of vehicles.
Similarly, the section “Laboratory” is complete with information on:
• Laboratory premises.
• Homoeopathic laboratory.
• Laboratory methods.
• Instruments.
• Cleaning of utensils.
• Hazardous instruments.
Hence, each section in this augmented edition provides complete knowledge on the respective
subject without any need to look further.
Several new sections and chapters have also been introduced.
Naming a few Sections:
• Principles:
- Principles of prescription.
- Principles of medication.
- Principles of dispensing.
- Principles of external application.
- Principles of drug proving.
• Analysis of drugs:
- Limit tests.
- Chromatography.
- Sampling and methods of analysis.
• Development, scope and research in homoeopathy.
Naming a few Chapters:
- Methods of preparation - G.H.P.
- Methods of preparation - H.P.U.S.
- Preparation of drugs from sarcodes and nosodes.
- Posology and homoeopathy.
- Plant collection with preparation of herbarium.
- Table of drugs.
- Relationship of remedies with duration of action, etc.
Also, this edition is respondent with Tables, Illustrations and Examples. The font too has been
improved to make it more reader friendly.
All in all, it is an augmented textbook in the literal sense of the word making it a complete
textbook for all associated with the field of homoeopathy, be it students, at the graduate or post
graduate level, doctors, professors, pharmacists or manufactures.
We wish to thank Dr. Amar Bodhi R. and Dr. Beena Bodhi for their valuable contribution in
upgrading this book.
A special mention and thanks to Dr. Taru Bhagat, for putting in the excellent work in accom-
plishing this task.
We wish all the readers a happy reading to richer knowledge.
Kuldeep Jain
CEO, B. Jain Publishers
Homoeopathy was founded by Dr. Christian Frederick Samuel Hahnemann. He was born
in Meissen, Germany in 1755 and died in Paris in 1843. The experimental and practical founda-
tion for homoeopathy was carried out between the years 1790 and 1810.
In the year 1790 he observed that real cures were effected by drugs which produced simi-
lar symptoms on healthy human beings. For six years he continued his studies, till in 1776, he
wrote about fifty drugs and an essay suggesting a new way of ascertaining the specific curative
power of a drug. It was published as an article in Hufelands Journal under a title “An Essay on
a New Principle for Ascertaining the Curative Power of a Drug.”
Hahnemann’s fundamental propositions peculiar to homoeopathy are:
(a) The action of drugs is demonstrable by observing the subjective symptoms, objective symp-
toms and pathological changes that occur when they are administered to healthy human
(b) The action of drugs so observed on healthy human beings constitutes their therapeutic
potentiality with respect to the sick individual.
(c) A similarity between disease processes in a particular individual and the known effects of
a particular drug on healthy human beings (known as drug proving of homoeopathy) will
lead to its successful application in the treatment of the diseased individual (i.e. to bring a
change in the altered dynamis).
(d) Conception of dynamis (vital force active—driving force) is applicable in respect to health,
disease and cure.
These propositions are fully expressed in the Law of Similars, which is the foundation of
homoeopathic practice. It is said as “Similia Similibus Curentur”—let likes be treated with
likes. The Law of Similars is a natural law. The term homoeopathy is in fact, derived from the
Greek, meaning like suffering.
In the early days of homoeopathy, the physician would have been expected to prepare his
own medicinal remedies. Now-a-days, with the increased demand for homoeopathic remedies,
we obtain our remedies from the properly trained homoeopathic pharmacists.
Man and Medicine
The first doctor was the first man and the first nurse, the first woman. History of medicine
is as old as history of mankind. It accounts man’s efforts to deal with human illnesses and
diseases from primitive to the present complex array of treatments. It has had its share of many
developments and setbacks.
The healing art was taught and practised from primitive times. He then discovered that
plants might be used as food, some being poisonous and some being medicinal. Folk medicine
or domestic medicine consisting largely of plants and its products originated in this way and it
still persists. Diseases were considered to be supernatural, the work of demons or offended
Gods. The ‘medicine men’ or ‘priest doctors’ were considered as sorcerers. They themselves
prepared the medicines (this practice of doctors preparing their own medicines is rarely seen
now). Administration of vegetable drugs by mouth was accompanied by dancing, grimaces and
all magical tricks.
The history of pharmacy is the history of medicine. It is very difficult to begin or to point
out the just beginning. It is related with the beginning of mankind. No documentary writings or
evidences in respect of historical development of pharmacology can be traced out.
Fighting disease with drugs is a timeless struggle. Its beginning echoed out of primitive
ages when man used to stay in a jungle.
Man’s survival and enjoyment of better health either individually or community-wise has
depended partly upon the success of pharmacology.
The invention of writing marked the dawn of recorded history. Earliest writings were
those of Egyptians. ‘Ebers’, an Egyptian papyri is a list of remedies with appropriate spells or
The medicine chest box of an Egyptian queen of that period, containing vases, spoons,
dried drugs and fruits is an important finding in interpreting their medical thoughts. It was
based on magical and religious beliefs connected with the entry of the evil spirit into the body
of the patient.
The earliest concepts of medicine in India are seen in the sacred writings of Vedas, especially
‘Atharvaveda’, which according to some authorities dates back to the second millennium B.C.
The period of Vedic medicine lasted until about 800 B.C. The Vedas are rich in magical practice
in the treatment of diseases.
From Atharvaveda, developed the science of ayurveda around 1800 - 500 B.C. Most
important medical treatises of that period are ‘Charaka Samhitha’ and ‘Susrutha Samhitha’.
Indian therapeutics were largely dietetic and medicinal. Dietetic treatment was important and
preceded any medical treatment. The Indian materia medica was extensive and consisted mainly
of vegetable drugs, all of which were from indigenous plants. Charaka knew 500 medicinal
plants and Susrutha knew 760. Animal remedies such as milk of various animals, bones, gallstones
and minerals like sulphur, arsenic, gold, lead, etc. were also employed. The physicians collected
and prepared their own drugs. Many medicinal plants like cardamom, cinnamon, etc. later
found their way into the western pharmacopoeias. Alcohol seems to have been used as a narcotic
during operations.
Chinese medicine is also of great antiquity. Most of the Chinese medicinal literature is
founded on an ancient work called the ‘Nei-ching’. Emperor Huang-ti was the author. Li-shi
Chen is the author of the great Chinese pharmacopoeia. In addition to this there were elements
of sympathetic magic and doctrine of signatures. Among the drugs taken over by the western
medicine from the Chinese are aconite, camphor, cannabis sativa, iron, rhubarb, etc. Their
moxibustion and acupuncture techniques are now practised around the world today. Hydrotherapy
and vaccinations were probably introduced by the Chinese.
Early Greek and Roman medicine believed in supernatural influences. However, later
Greek philosophy refused to believe the supernatural theory and set out to find for themselves
the causes and reasons for the strange ways of nature. The medical fraternity was in the process
of shedding off the concept of magic and religion by the time Hippocrates was born (460 B.C.).
He viewed disease with respect to the patient and his environment. He studied the patient and
not the disease. He found the logical method of clinical observation. Interestingly, in one of his
works, he states the application of ‘Similia Similibus’. In his book, ‘Demorbis Popularis’, he
mentions about ‘dolor dolorum solicit’, meaning, one pain to cure another.
Then came the pupil of Plato and tutor to Alexander the Great, Aristotle. He laid the
foundation of comparative anatomy and embryology.
A great physician of the second century was Galen. He laid great stress on the study of
anatomy and physiology. After the fall of Rome, in the early middle ages, the field of medicine
remained stagnant for a long time. Revival of medicine took place during the Renaissance
movement of 14th, 15th and 16th century.
Paracelsus was the strange alchemist of the 16th century. He simplified prescribing and
introduced chemical drugs in place of vegetable remedies.
17th century onwards there were rapid strides in the field of medicine. William Harvey
discovered circulation of blood; Marcelo Marphigi saw a network of tiny blood vessels in the
lung of a frog; Richard Lower traced interaction between air and blood; Lavoisere discovered
oxygen; Antony Von Leeuvenhook invented the microscope. The greatest finding of the 18th
century was the science of homoeopathy by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann. Another important discovery
was vaccination by Edward Jenner.
By the beginning of the 19th century, the structure of the human body was fully known and
concentration was on the advancement of knowledge of pathology and the conclusive verification
of the germ theory by Louis Pasteur, Joseph Lister and Robert Koch. By the end of the 19th
century, causes of many mosquito borne diseases were discovered. Sir Ronald Ross, Carlos
Finley, Sir Patric Manson, etc. were involved with these works. Roentgen had discovered X-
ray; Curies had discovered radium and a new field of psychiatry was opened by Sigmund Freud.
The 20th century saw the discovery of antibiotic, Pencillin by Alexander Flemming. It
revolutionized modern medicine.
Isolation of insulin in 1921, came as a boon to the diabetics and many other discoveries
and inventions were made to make this world a better place for mankind. Beginning of 20th
century also saw the formulation of ‘Laws of Heredity’ by Gregor Johann Mendel. Today
biotechnology is the buzz word. It came into limelight because of the breathtaking break through
of recombinant DNA technology, with which we have entered into an era of gene therapy and
genetic engineering.
Will genetic engineering prove to be the elixir of cure? Are ‘designer babies’ for real?
Time will have its answer.
The genius of Dr. Samuel Hahnemann is that he bestowed medical science for the first
time with laws like that in pure science. This fact makes homoeopathy, a finding of the 18th
century, a better option, even today.
serial dilution is “centesimal”. Later in the sixth edition of Organon of Medicine, which was
published after the death of Hahnemann the “millesimal scale” was introduced. In the treatise
of Materia Medica Pura and Chronic Diseases, different advises and directions for homoeopathic
pharmacology were given.
Previously, homoeopathic medicines were prepared by the physicians themselves. In 1825,
Dr. C. Casparo of Leipzig established a homoeopathic dispensary with a manual.
Gradually different homoeopathic establishments or associations published their pharma-
copoeia. They are :
1. German Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia: First Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia in the world,
published in 1825 by Dr. C. Caspari of Leipzig.
2. British Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia: Published in 1870 by the British Homoeopathic
3. Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States of America: Its first edition was pub-
lished by the American Institute in 1897 with the help of Otis Clap and Sons. It became the
official pharmacopoeia in 1938.
4. Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia of India: Government of India accepted homoeopathy af-
ter the Homoeopathic Enquiry Commission Report in 1948, and published 4 volumes of
Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia with the help of Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia Commit-
tee appointed in September 1962.
Prior to that, a homoeopathic pharmacist M. Bhattacharya Co. compiled a homoeopathic
pharmacopoeia which was very helpful.
Section 1
Introduction to Pharmacy
1-1 Pharmacy and Pharmacopoeia ............................................................................... 3
1-2 Pharmacology ........................................................................................................ 9
1-3 Sources of Homoeopathic Drugs ......................................................................... 15
1-4 Process of Collection of Drug Substances ........................................................... 45
1-5 Preservation of Drugs and Potencies ................................................................... 51
1-6 Standardisation of Drugs ..................................................................................... 55
Section 2
2-1 Vehicles - In General............................................................................................ 67
2-2 Solid Vehicles ...................................................................................................... 71
2-3 Liquid Vehicles .................................................................................................... 81
2-4 Semisolid Vehicles ............................................................................................. 111
2-5 Standardisation of Vehicles ............................................................................... 119
Section 3
3-1 Laboratory Premises .......................................................................................... 125
3-2 Homoeopathic Laboratory Premises .................................................................. 135
3-3 Laboratory Methods ........................................................................................... 139
3-4 Instruments......................................................................................................... 149
3-5 Cleaning of Utensils .......................................................................................... 211
3-6 Hazardous Instruments ...................................................................................... 215
Section 4
4-1 Basic System of International Unit .................................................................... 233
4-2 Systems of Measuring ........................................................................................ 235
4-3 Comparison of Thermometric Scale .................................................................. 239
4-4 Conversion Units and Conversion Factors ........................................................ 241
Section 5
Preparation to Preservation
5-1 Explanation of Some Terms ............................................................................... 245
5-2 Methods of Preparation of Homoeopathic Drugs .............................................. 247
5-3 Modern Methods of Preparation of Drugs ......................................................... 269
5-4 Comparison: New Method and Old Method ...................................................... 277
5-5 Preparation of Medicines from Sarcodes and Nosodes ..................................... 281
5-6 Methods of Preparation - German Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia ................... 285
5-7 Methods of Preparation—H.P.U.S. ................................................................... 299
5-8 Standardisation of Medicine ............................................................................... 309
Section 6
6-1 Study of Different Scales of Preparation ........................................................... 325
6-2 Study of Potentisation ........................................................................................ 335
6-3 Drug - Medicine - Remedy ................................................................................ 345
6-4 Posology and Homoeopathy .............................................................................. 347
Section 7
7-1 Principles of Prescription ................................................................................... 357
7-2 Principles of Medication .................................................................................... 365
7-3 Principles of Dispensing .................................................................................... 369
7-4 Principles of Drug Administration ..................................................................... 371
7-5 Principles of External Application ..................................................................... 377
7-6 Principles of Drug Proving ................................................................................ 397
Section 8
Analysis of Drugs
8-1 Sampling and Methods of Analysis ................................................................... 417
8-2 Limit Tests ......................................................................................................... 427
8-3 Identification of Some Chemicals and Their Tests ............................................ 433
8-4 Chromatography ................................................................................................ 443
Section 9
9-1 Identification of Some Drugs ............................................................................. 457
9-2 Constituents in Plant Substances ....................................................................... 493
9-3 Chemotaxonomy and Active Principles ............................................................. 499
9-4 Drug Action of Some Important Substances ...................................................... 501
Section 10
Law and Ethics
10-1 Homoeopathic Pharmacy Acts ........................................................................... 539
10-2 Conduct and Etiquette........................................................................................ 547
Section 11
Development, Scope and Research
11-1 Scope of Homoeopathic Pharmacy .................................................................... 557
11-2 Development of Homoeopathy in India ............................................................. 577
Section 12
12-1 Plant Collection and Preparation of Herbarium ................................................ 583
12-2 Drugs of Plant Kingdom: Its History and Authority ........................................... 589
12-3 Drugs and Their Local Names ........................................................................... 597
12-4 Table of Drugs ................................................................................................... 605
12-5 Relationship of Remedies with Duration of Action ............................................ 611
12-6 Abbreviations ..................................................................................................... 625
12-7 Indigenous Homoeopathic Drugs ....................................................................... 629
12-8 Preparation of Some Drugs ............................................................................... 633
Section 13
13-1 Glossary ............................................................................................................. 657
Section 1
1.1 Pharmacy and Pharmacopoeia.
1.2 Pharmacology.
1.3 Sources of Homoeopathic Drugs.
1.4 Process of Collection of Drug Substances.
1.5 Preservation of Drugs and Potencies.
1.6 Standardisation of Drugs.
Future age will wonder at us as the present age wonders at us now.
Pharmacy and Pharmacopoeia
1828 to 1830: Chronic Diseases, Vol. 1 to • Quality Control During Preparation: Mother
Vol. 4. tincture, mother solution, mother substance
and their potencies are prepared according
Homoeopathic Pharmacy Includes to the old method (Hahnemann’s method) and
• Collection: Gathering or procuring the the new method (Homoeopathic
required drug substances. Pharmacopoeia of U.S.A.)
• Identification:Ascertaining the genuineness • Quality Control: It is to ensure that drug
and purity of the drug substance. It is done substances and other preparations contain
by macroscopical, microscopical and essential compounds within a pre-determined
chemical studies. range of composition and the impurities do
• Qualitative Analysis: The process of not exceed certain specified limits.
ascertaining the presence or absence of • Dispensing: It means preparing and serving
certain substances in a sample; what the medicinal preparation as per the direction
impurities are present or confirming the of a physician.
absence of certain impurities, etc.
• Quantitative Analysis: Having ascertained Genius of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
the nature of the constituents of a given • It has a philosophical background.
sample, the process of determining how • It treats the patient as a whole and not the
much of each component, or of specified disease alone. According to Hahnemann,
components, is present is quantitative “There is no disease but sick people”.
analysis. Homoeopathy is based on the holistic and
• Preserving: Drug substances have to be kept individualistic approach of disease.
from destruction of their medicinal powers. • Homoeopathic pharmacy is a specialised
• Standardising: Medicines prepared should system of therapeutical art and science, with
conform to the official homoeopathic a particular mode of preparation,
pharmacopoeia or any other authoritative text administration and modus operandi.
so as to maintain a uniformity in the • The theory of dynamisation is the basis of
preparation of medicines. homoeopathic pharmacy.
• Combining: Act of uniting two or more • Preparing homoeopathic medicines is simple
substances physically (mixtures) or and easy, there being only two methods—
chemically (compounds). trituration and succussion.
• Compounding: Act of uniting two or more
• Homoeopathic pharmacy preserves as far as
elements in fixed proportion to form an
possible the healing powers of a drug.
altogether new product. This new product
will have properties different from those of • In drug proving:
constituents. Calcarea sulph., Magnesium a. A drug is only included in our materia
mur., Natrium ars., etc. are all compounds. medica after, “complete proving” on
Note: Combining and compounding is advocated prior healthy persons (§ 108), in both males
to potentization and proving. Law of simplex is and females (§ 127), of different age
concerned with drug proving and drug groups.
administration in sick.
Pharmacy and Pharmacopoeia 5
• Helps in writing a prescription in the proper In 1805, Hahnemann announced his new
form. method of pharmacological process in his treatise
• Knowledge of drugs for external application. ‘Fragmenta de Viribus Medica Mentorum
Positivis Sive in Sano Corpore Humano
Observatis’. The basic principles of
homoeopathic preparation of drugs and
A person who is skilled or engaged in a medicines are enshrined in different aphorisms
pharmacy, one who prepares or dispenses of ‘Organon of Medicine’, ‘The Chronic
medicines, a druggist or pharmaceutical chemist Diseases’ and ‘Materia Medica Pura’. These
legally qualified to sell drugs or poisons. have served as the authoritative books for
different pharmacopoeias published so far.
Different homoeopathic establishments or
PHARMACOPOEIA associations have published their pharmaco-
poeias. They are:
German Homoeopathic
Pharmacopoeia has originated from two
Greek words ‘pharmakon’ meaning ‘a drug’ and Pharmacopoeia (G.H.P.) - 1825
‘poies’ meaning ‘to make’. • In 1825 the first homoeopathic
pharmacopoeia “Dispensatorium Homoeo-
It is the standard authoritative book,
pathicum” was published by Dr. Carl W.
containing a list of drugs and medicines, habitats,
Pharmacy and Pharmacopoeia 7
Vol. IV of H.P.I. 107 1984 The French pharmacopoeia has the following
Vol. V of H.P.I. 114 1987 categories of products:
• Mother tincture TM (of herbs, animals and
Vol. VI of HPI 104 1991
Vol. VII of HPI 105 1998
• Potencies are in decimal D, DH, X or XH
Vol. VIII of HPI 101 2000 and centesimal C or CH.
Homoeopathic Pharmaceutical Codex was • Combination of the above.
published in 2004, and it contains 1001 drugs. The material source comes from the
H.P.I. is included in the second schedule of following:
“Drugs and Cosmetic Act - 1940”. (Until 1971, • Vegetables or botanicals.
we used to follow the American Homoeopathic • Animals.
Pharmacopoeia). • Minerals and inorganic chemicals.
Note: In India, the first unofficial pharmacopoeia, • Organic substances and chemicals.
named ‘Pharmaceutics Manual’ was published by
• Biologicals and microbiologicals.
M. Bhattacharya and Co. Calcutta, in 1893. Since then
it has run into several editions. The tenth edition Pharmaceuticals forms:
published in 1944 incorporated about 70 of the • Drops and combination of mono-dilutions or
important Indian drugs. tinctures.
A thoroughly revised and enlarged twelfth edition • Triturations.
was published in July 1962, under the name and style • Granules or globules (impregnated).
of, “M. Bhattacharya & Co.’s Homoeopathic
• Tablets and capsules.
• Ampuoles.
French Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia • Suppositories.
F.H.P. is called Pharmacopoeia • Pommades.
Homoeopathique Francaise. The permitted vehicles include a wide range
Acceptance of homoeopathy in France is from purified water, alcohols of different
very high. Homoeopathic medicines are available strengths, glycerol, lactose, sucrose, gelatin,
with almost all pharmacists. Some of the products lanoline, vaseline, gum arabic and magnesium
out-sell conventional medicines. It has its own stearate as pharmaceutical aids.
pharmacopoeia and a prescribing trend which is By and large, Hahnemannian principles are
different from other countries. It has many new adopted and the tincture contains from 40 to 90%
drugs in categories of nosodes, organs, tissues, of alcohol as prescribed in the individual
biochemicals/organo-chemicals and minerals, in monograph. The dilutions contain 70% of alcohol
addition to the normal range of homoeopathic for impregnation and 40% for oral use. Adequate
medicines. precautions have been taken in each monograph
In India, its pharmacopoeia is not recognised for the purity of basic material, procedural
but physicians do believe in the new drugs precautions and technique of preparation of the
introduced in France and they tend to use the tincture or triturate; the controls on the alcohol
product when available. percentage, TLC and drug content, etc.
plant and animal sources, including their of different sex and ages who are known as
history, source, collection, distribution, provers with varying doses from crude to
cultivation, identification, composition, highly infinitesimal potencies repeated
quality inspection, preservation and several times. One must take note of the
commerce. sequential order of the phenomena (disease
b. Pharmacodynamics: It is the science or elements and symptoms) which form the true
subject of the powers or effects of drugs and basis of homoeopathic materia medica.
medicines on human beings in health and Drugs are called as ‘artificial disease
disease. Pharmacodynamics carries a special producers or ‘artificial morbific agents’.
significance in homoeopathy as it deals with These findings of poisonings of the
the ‘dynamic action’ of drugs. The object of poisonous drugs reveal the ultimate effects.
pharmacodynamics is to study the It indicates the morbid change in the
‘individual drug action’ over and above the anatomical and physiological sphere. As
general actions. homoeopathy believes in the corporeal and
non-corporeal (mind) states of life, these
METHOD FOR DETERMINING morbid phenomena do not help much in
DISEASE PRODUCING POWER compiling our materia medica but form an
The capacity or power of drugs to produce additional nosological help in the sphere of
an artificial disease is ascertained through the action of a drug and during provings.
following three procedures, especially for Laboratory findings are nothing but
homoeopathic pharmacology: pathological findings with the aid of
1. Homoeopathic Drug Provings: According instruments. These form a part of nosological
to Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, “There is no diagnosis and help indirectly in finding out
other possible way in which the peculiar the simillimum, and diet and regimen.
effects of medicines on the health of Drugs must be proved on both sexes, of
individuals can be accurately ascertained, different age groups and constitutions.
than to administer the several medicines 2. Toxicological Findings (Poisonings and
experimentally in moderate doses to healthy Overdosing): In poisoning, the subject is
persons,” (§ 108). ordinarily a healthy one whereas in over-
Homoeopathic drug provings are a speciality dosing, it must have occured in sick persons
of the experimental pharmacology. No one who were taking the drugs as medicines.
single physician during these two thousand According to Richard Hughes, the
seven hundred years has thought of this knowledge gained from such observations,
natural and genuine mode of listing medicine though sufficiently vague is at the same time
in this way except Albrecht von Haller. He a ‘clue’. It indicates the relative importance
however did not however follow up this of various symptoms and the class of
invaluable practice. diseases to which the drug corresponds. The
Drug proving, is defined as a systematic or revelations of morbid anatomy carry us a step
orderly method of investigating the onwards. They show the organs and tissues
pathogenetic prover of a drug substance. It upon which the poison exerts its influence,
is experimentation on healthy human beings i.e., shows the pathological morbid changes.
Pharmacology 11
i. Generic: Common to all the members of In homoeopathy, the drug action is the sum
a certain class of drugs which serve to total of the action imparted on an individual
distinguish this class from others but do living human being and the sum total of the
not furnish the means to distinguish reaction that it can induce in the vital force of
between different individuals of the the same.
same class. Dynamic effects of Secondary action may be of two types
Arsenicum in certain doses are vomiting namely secondary counter action and secondary
and diarrhea, with cold sweat and curative action.
cramps of the extremities. Though these
are the dynamic effects of Arsenicum, - When the action of the drug is exhausted,
they are generic as other members of the the vital force arouses itself and develops
class to which Arsenicum belongs, viz: an exactly opposite condition of the primary
Cuprum, Veratrum, Tartar emetic, etc., action. This is called counter action.
which in certain doses produce identical - In conditions were such an exactly opposite
symptoms. state does not exist or is not possible, the
ii. Specific: Related to the peculiarities. vital force will strive to utilise its superior
Peculiar action which distinguishes a power to extinguish the changes brought
given drug from all others. It is related about by the primary action of the drug and
to the susceptibility of the patient and thereby restore health. This secondary action
the condition of application, and also the of the vital force is termed curative action.
doses. The curative action depends upon the
Hahnemann describes two types of actions principle of ‘similia similibus curentur’,
of drugs: The ‘primary action’ and the ‘secondary whereas the secondary counter action
action’ in aphorism 63 and 64 of Organon of depends upon the principle of ‘contraria’.
Medicine. The following facts are observed regarding
• Primary Action: Aphorism 63 of Organon the drug action, in relation to their specificity,
holds, “Every agent that acts upon the and the varying doses in which they are
vitality, every medicine, deranges more or administered to healthy human beings:
less the vital force, and causes a certain • Drugs administered in ‘excessively large
alteration in the health of the individual for doses’ produce certain symptoms during the
a longer or shorter period”. This is termed initial stage of their drug actions which are
primary action. followed later by symptoms exactly opposite
• Secondary Action: Also known as dynamic to them.
action of drugs. It is the automatic action of The first series of symptoms are due to the
our vital force, in reaction to the primary primary action of the drug on the organs and
action. Or secondary action is the reaction the latter series of symptoms are the
of the vital force to the primary action. The secondary actions i.e., the reaction of the
secondary or dynamic action produces vital force.
certain physical and mental symptoms which
Hence, drugs administered in ‘large doses’
depend upon the mutual relations between
produce secondary actions, in addition to
the specific properties of drugs and the
their primary actions, e.g., apart from the
‘individual susceptibility’.
Pharmacology 13
Various classifications are in vogue today.
Plant kingdom, as suggested by Eichler (1883) is subdivided into two subkingdoms: Cryptogamae
and Phanerogamae.
Eichler’s System - 1883
Cryptogamae Phenerogamae
Gymnosperms Angiosperm
Monocots Dicots
Choripetalae Sympetalae
1. Subkingdom Cryptogamae (crypto- name suggests, the plant body is not
hidden, gamous - marriage): Are lower plants differentiated into stem, roots and leaves.
or flowerless or seedless plants. As they are There is no vascular system and the
devoid of external flowers or seeds, they are reproductive organs are single celled.
considered to possess hidden reproductive There is no embryo formation after
organs. It is subdivided into three divisions: fertilization. Under this division, three
i. Division Thallophyta (thallus - subdivisions are included:
undifferentiated, phyta - plant): As the a. Algae: Algae are autotrophs.
Sources of Homoeopathic Drugs 17
b. Fulgi: Fungi are heterotrophs. stem, leaves and roots. Vascular system is
c. Lichens: Lichens are plant bodies well developed. Sex organs are multicellular
made up of two individuals, an alga and the embryo develops from a fertilized
and a fungus. Both get mutual egg. On the basis of absence or presence of
benefits from symbiotic association. fruits, it is subdivided into two sub divisions.
ii. Division Bryophyta: They constitute the i. Subdivision Gymnospermae: Seeds
simplest land plants on earth. The plant enclosed in fruits. E.g., Pinus.
body is flat and lacks true leaves and ii. Subdivision Angiospermae: Seeds are
roots. A true vascular system is absent. enclosed in a fruit and based on the
Sex organs are multicellular. An embryo number of cotyledons, they are divided
is formed upon fertilization. Division into two groups, dicotyledons (e.g.,
Bryophyta includes liverworts, gram, pea, etc.) and monocotyledons
hornworts and mosses. (e.g., wheat, rice, etc.).
iii. Division Pteridophyta: This division Majority of drugs used in homoeopathic
constitutes plants having stem, leaves pharmacy belong to Angiospermae.
and roots. A vascular system is present.
Reproductive organs are multicellular. PLANT SOURCES OF HOMOEOPA-
The fertilized egg develops into an THIC DRUGS
embryo. All types of ferns belong to this It includes, fungi, mushrooms, weeds, herbs,
family. leaves, flowers, stems, barks, roots, seeds and
2. Subkingdom Phanerogamae: These are the whole plant.
seed plants. Body is differentiated into true
III. Roots
S. No. Name of Medicine Common Name Season for Collection
1. Aralia quinquefolia Aralia Freshy dried root.
2. Artemisia vulgaris Mugwort Collected in dry seasons.
Take care not to wash.
3. Arum triphyllum Jack-in-the-pulpit Freshly dried.
4. Bryonia alba Wild hops Freshly dried.
5. Calotropis gigantea Madar bark Freshly dried.
6. Ipecacuanha Ipecac root Collected dry, in spring.
7. Paeonia officinalis Peony Collected dry, in spring.
8. Rauwolfia serpentina Rauwolfia Dried root.
9. Senega Snakewort Dried root.
IV. Roots and Rhizomes
V. Roots and Stem
S.No. Name of Medicine Common Name
1. Aletris farinosa Stargrass
2. Apocynum andro- S.No. Name of Medicine Common Name
saemifolium Spreading dogbane
1. Tinospora cordyfolia Gulancha
3. Gentiana lutea Yellow gentian
4. Helonias dioica Unicorn root
5. Leptandra virginica Culver’s root
6. Sarsaparilla Wild liquorice
Sources of Homoeopathic Drugs 19
VIII. Bulb
X. Woods
E.g.: E.g.:
S.No. Name of Medicine Common Name S. Name of Common Type of
1. Allium cepa Dried onion No. Medicine Name Stem
2. Allium sativum Garlic 1. Ostrya virginica Iron wood Heart.
3. Colchicum autumnale Meadow saffron 2. Quassia amara Quassia wood Wood, root and
bark; dried.
IX. Tuber 3. Santalum album Sandalwood Dried.
E.g.: XI. Twigs
S.No. Name of Medicine Common Name
1. Solanum tuberosum Rotten potato
Name of Medicine Common Name
1. Taxus buccata Yew
20 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
XII. Bark
S.No. Name of Medicine Common Name Condition of wood
1. Alstonia scholaris Bitter bark Dried.
2. Azadirachta indica Margosa bark Atleast two years old.
3. Cascara sagrada Sacred bark Atleast two years old.
4. Cinchona officinalis Peruvian bark Dried.
5. Cundurango Condor plant Dried.
6. Holarrhena antidysenterica Kurchi Dried.
7. Joanesia asoca Saraca indica Of young branches gathered in
spring and kept atleast for a year.
8. Mezereum Spurge olive Of young branches gathered in
spring and kept atleast for a year.
9. Rhamnus frangula Alder buckthorn Of young branches gathered in
spring and kept atleast for a year.
XXVII. Nuts (Excluding Outer Shell) 2. Carduus marianus St. Mary’s thistle
E.g.: 3. Chaulmoogra Taraktogenes
head, bearing sense organs and brain. The Urochorda, Cephalochordata and Vertebrata.
exoskeleton is chitinous and jointed. Body The first two subphyla together are known
cavity is reduced and filled with blood and as Protochordates.
is hemocoel. Respiration is through gills, - Subphylum Urochordata includes
tracheae, booklungs, etc. Sexes are separate. exclusively marine animals. Their body
• Phylum Mollusca: Includes mussels, is unsegmented and the adults usually
conches, octopus, etc. It includes aquatic lack a tail. Notochord occurs in the tail
forms. The size varies from a microscopic in larval forms. A hollow nerve cord is
form to giant forms. They have soft and also seen in the larva. Pharynx has
unsegmented bodies. Body is divided into several gill slits.
three regions: Head, dorsal visceral mass and - Subphylum Cephalochordata includes
ventral foot. Outer surface is covered by a tiny fish like chordates, but without a
hard calcareous shell. Respiration is by gills head. It possesses all the characters of
called tenidia. The sexes are separate. chordates. It has a notochord extending
• Phylum Echinodermata (Spiny Skinned): along the entire length. A nerve cord,
It includes starfish, brittle star, sea urchin, without a distinct brain is seen.
sea cucumber, etc. They are all marine, Numerous gill slits and a post- anal tail
gregarious (living in groups) and free-living are also present.
animals. They may be star-like, spherical or - Subphylum Vertebrata consists of
elongated. Body surface is covered all over animals with a well differentiated head.
by calcareous spines. Their symmetry is The nervous system and endoskeleton
radial in adults but bilateral in larvae. These are highly developed. Notochord is
are unsegmented. Their body cavity is replaced by a jointed vertebral column.
modified into a water-vascular system with There are two pairs of appendages.
a tube-like outward extension for Respiration is by gills in aquatic animals
locomotion, called tubefeet. and by lungs in land animals. Sexes are
• Phylum Hemichordata: This includes separate. Vertebrata is divided into seven
worm-like unsegmented animals like classes.
balanoglossus. These animals are marine. ♦ Class Cyclostomata includes
They possess a combination of invertebrate lamprey and hag fish. These are the
and chordate characters. Body is divided into most primitive vertebrates. They are
proboscis, collar and trunk. It is bilaterally without jaws. Mouth is suctorial and
symmetrical. Respiration is through gill slits. they exist as ectoparasites.
Sexes are mostly separate. Notochord is in the form of a
• Phylum Chordata: This constitutes the cylindrical rod. Respiration is
most advanced group of animals. The through gills. A two chambered
distinctive characters of this group are: heart, a single gonard and external
Presence of notochord at some stage of life, fertilization are the other features.
hollow dorsal nerve cord, gill slits at some ♦ Class Chondrichthyes (Cartila-
stage of life and tail behind the anal opening. ginous Fish) includes sharks, rays
Chordates are divided into three subphyla: and skates. They are mostly marine
26 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
and are generally large. Body is mostly terrestrial and live in warmer
either laterally compressed and regions. Body is covered with
spindle-shaped or dorso-ventrally scales. They have two pairs of
flattened and disc-shaped. Mouth is pentadactyl (five digits) limbs
ventral. Skin is covered with scales except in snakes and a few lizards.
and the skeleton is completely Respiration is by lungs. Heart is
cartilaginous. Respiration is through generally 3 chambered.
gills. Heart is two chambered. Snakes are reptiles belonging to the
♦ Class Osteichthyes (Bony Fishes) order Ophidia. They are limbless
exist in all water bodies. Body is reptiles. Sea snakes, cobras, vipers
generally spindle-shaped and and kraits are the most poisonous.
covered with scales. Mouth is Snakes are cold-blooded and their
anterior. Skeleton is partly or wholly body is covered by scales. Some of
bony. Respiration is through them have shields on the head. The
filamentous gills. Heart is two poison glands are modified labial or
chambered. Labeo, Hippocampus, parotid glands. There are two types
Exocoetus, etc. are a few examples. of snake poisons: Neurotoxic
☞ Dipnoi fishes: These are a group (cobra) and hemotoxic (viper).
of fishes possessing both lungs ♦ Class Aves (Birds) are found all over
and gills as respiratory organs the world. Size ranges from the
and are therefore called double smallest humming bird to the largest
breathers. Amphibians are said ostrich. Forelimbs are modified into
to have evolved from such wings. Body is covered with
fishes. feathers. The skeleton is very light
which aids in flying. Mouth is
Examples: Epiceratodus,
surrounded by a beak modified for
Protopterus, Lepidosiren.
different purposes. Respiration is by
♦ Class Amphibia includes frogs, lungs only. Heart is four chambered
toads, newts and salamanders. They in birds.
live in fresh water and moist
♦ Class Mammalia are the most
grounds. Body varies in form and
evolved amongst organisms. These
scales are absent. They usually
are divided into three groups,
possess two pairs of pentadactyl
limbs. Primitive burrowing
1. Monotremes or egg-laying
amphibians lack limbs and tail, and
mammals, like the duck-billed
possess minute eyes which are
functionless, e.g., Ichthyophys,
Siphonops. Respiration is by gills, 2. Marsupials or pouched
lungs or skin. Heart is 3 chambered. mammals like the kangaroo.
♦ Class Reptilia (Creeping Verte- 3. Placental mammals or true
brates) includes lizards, snakes, mammals, like the deer, mouse,
crocodiles, tortoises. They are elephant, man, etc.
Sources of Homoeopathic Drugs 27
Mammals are warm-blooded and are is enormously developed and the heart
viviparous. Mammals have a palate, a is four chambered. The mammals are
pair of pinnae or external ears, a divided into 16 orders; the primates
diaphragm separating the chest and represent the order to which we belong.
abdomen, uro-genital organs to facilitate Sebaceous glands and a muscular
internal fertilization and epidermal hair diaphragm are found only in mammals.
on the skin. The cerebrum of the brain
Subphylum Subphylum
Protochordata Vertebrata
Hemichordat Tunicata Cephalochochordata Amphibia Reptilia Aves Mammalia Cyclostomata Chondrichythyes Osteichthyes
Urochordata Cephalochordata
28 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
2. Acarus:
Trombidium Red acarus of the fly Arachnida Arthropoda
3. Blood:
Limulus or Xiphosura The king-crab or Horse foot ” ”
americana (Asia, North America)
4. Juices:
Araneinum Juice of greasy spider Aranea ” ”
Mephitis mephitica Skunk - poison; fluid secretion Mammalia Chordata
of the anal gland of wild cat
Murex purpurea Purple fish (Syrian coast; Gastropoda Mollusca
Greece; Italy; India; West
Indies and U.S.A.)
Sepia succus Cuttlefish (India, Europe) Cephalopoda ”
5. Shells:
Calcarea calcinata Calcinated oyster shell Bivalvia ”
Pecten Scallop (India; U.S.A.) ” ”
Calcarea ovorum or Toasted egg shell of hen Aves Chordata
Ova tosta
Ovi gallinae pellicula Membrane of egg shell ” ”
6. Backbone:
Gadus lata Cod-fish spp. Osteichthyes ”
7. First Cervical Vertebra:
Gadus morrhua Cod-fish spp. ” ”
8. Thumb-nail:
Castor equi A red substance growing on Mammalia ”
the inside of the legs of the
horse (rudimentary thumb-
nail of the horse)
9. Prickles:
Sphingurus maritini Large rodent (Brazil) ” ”
10. Hide:
Carbo animalis Animal charcoal ” ”
Cervus braziliens Hide of Brazilian stag with hair
on (Brazil) ” ”
11. Gizzard:
Ingluvin Gizzard of a fowl ” ”
Sources of Homoeopathic Drugs 31
12. Extracts:
Orchitinum Testicular extract of man Mammalia Chordata
Oophorinum Ovarian extract of cow or sheep ” ”
Hippomanes Meconium deposit from
newborn horse or calf ” ”
Moschus moschiferus Dried secretion of preputial
follicles of male musk-deer
(east Asia) ” ”
Castoreum The extract from the preputial
sacs of the beaver ” ”
13. Animal Brain:
Lecithin Phosphorus containing
complex organic body ” ”
14. Gall-bladder:
Fel piscinum Fresh gall of dog ” ”
Fel tauri Fresh gall of horse ” ”
Vulpis fel Fresh gall of ox ” ”
15. Liver:
Vulpis hepar Fresh liver of fox ” ”
16. Small Intestine:
Typho-febrinum Large rodent (porcupine), having ” ”
spines or sharp quills in its horny
coat (Sajarur kutilantra)
17. Lung:
Vulpis pulmo or Fresh lung of wolf or fox ” ”
Pulmo vulpis
18. Digestive Fluid:
Homarus Digestive fluid of a live lobster Crustacea Arthropoda
19. Serum:
Serum anguillar Eel serum (Serum of the eel) Pisces Chordata
20. Oil:
Oleum animale Dippel’s animal oil or Bone Mammalia ”
oil (it is the secretion of the
mare i.e. female horse)
Oleum jacoris aselli Fresh liver of the Cod, Osteichthyes ”
Gadus morrhua
D. Venoms :
1. Snake Poison: It is obtained by pressing the poison gland.
Ancistrodon contortrix Pit-viper (hilly region in Reptilia ”
or Cenchris contortrix north and eastern parts of
India and Asia)
32 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
ELEMENTS, MINERALS AND more elements, bonded together so that they can’t
COMPOUNDS be separated by physical medicines. Compounds
are held together by electrovalent or covalent
Elements: Substance that can’t be split Minerals: Naturally formed inorganic
chemically into simpler substances. The atoms substances with a particular chemical
of a particular element have the same number of composition and an ordered internal structure,
protons in their nuclei. These include: Metals, either in their perfect crystalline form or
non-metals and metalloids. otherwise. Includes all organic and inorganic
compounds. Minerals are constituents of rocks.
Chemical Compounds: Chemical
On more general usage, a mineral is any
compounds are substances made up of two or
34 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
Sources of Homoeopathic Drugs 35
The term ‘nosode’ is derived from two Greek
words, ‘noses’ means disease, and ‘cidos’ means
appearance. The treatment of disease by means
of its causal agent or a product of the same
disease is called nosodes.
Sources of Homoeopathic Drugs 41
5. Snake venoms are either collected from wild
Common Name Drug Name snakes or cultivated ones from the snake
Cod fish Oleum jecoris aselli farms. Venom is collected in glass containers
Cray fish Astacus fluvitilis by experts in the field.
Cuttle fish Sepia E.g.:
Jelly fish Medusa Common Name Drug Name
Star fish Asterias rubens
Coral viper Elaps corallinus
2. Wild animals are procured by hunting: German viper Vipera berus
E.g.: Rattle snake Crotalus horridus
Common Name Drug Name Spectacled snake Naja tripudians
Beaver Castoreum Surukuku snake Lachesis mutus
Musk deer Moschus
Sperm whale Ambra grisea 6. ‘Lacs’ are generally collected from
domestic animals.
3. Insects are procured wild or are cultivated E.g.:
in a scientific way also.
Source Drug Name
Cat’s milk Lac felinum
Common Name Drug Name
Cow’s milk Lac vaccininum
Ants Formica rufa
Cream Lac vaccini flos
Cantharides Cantharis Curd Lac vaccinum
Cochineal Coccus cacti coagulatum
Cockroach Blatta orientalis/ Fermentation of Koumyss
americana ass’s milk
Honey bee Apis mellifica Skimmed cow milk Lac defloratum
4. Some are caught by different processes.
Process of Collection of Drug Substances 49
and preparing these medicines are given in - For preparing ‘X-ray’, a chemical testing
the pharmacopoeia. laboratory may be contacted.
- Magnets can be procured from a physical - Potentisation of these medicines has to be
laboratory. done very carefully.
- For preparing ‘Luna’, full moon is suggested. ■
Preservation of Drugs and Potencies
may be sprinkled upon them from time - All containers should be properly
to time. labelled with the proper pharmaceutical
- For preserving pulverised drugs, they name, mentioning their strength/
should be perfectly dry, otherwise their potencies and alcohol contained by %
moisture content may mould. They v.v., date of manufacture, name of
should be dried by spreading the manufacturer, as far as possible while
pulverised material on a water-bath, or storing. The sign ‘ø’ is affixed after the
for bigger quantities in a temperature name of each mother tincture, e.g.,
adjustable drying chamber. Avena sativa ø.
- Animals and animal products decompose - Pyrex or other anti-corrosive glass
very quickly. Hence they should be used bottles with glass stoppers should be
immediately after collection. If required, used for storing acid or caustic
they may be preserved in a freezer. preparations.
- Venoms can be preserved in a deep - Medicines which are affected by sunlight
freeze, being kept in glycerine. are stored in actinic glass bottles covered
with a solution of asphaltum or black
3. Drug substances should be used for
preparation immediately after collection.
- For storing fluoric acid and ø solutions,
4. If a fresh drug cannot be used immediately,
Gutta purcha bottles are used.
it must not be allowed to dry. Keep them in
a cold air space or fridge. - Dr. Burt advices to avoid blue colored
bottles as they have certain dynamic
5. If fresh drugs are to be collected from a effects injurious to medicines.
distant place, they should be packed loosely
- Yellow or amber colored bottles should
and carefully in paper pulp cases or botanical
not be used as even non-medicinal
boxes and kept as cool as possible.
substances contained in these bottles
6. Drugs which need drying before exposed to sunlight sometimes acquire
transportation or preservation should be medicinal virtues.
carefully dried by tying in loose bundles and
- E.g.:
hanging in a shade away from direct sunlight,
rain, dust, worms, insects, etc. Drug Container/Method of
PRESERVATION OF MOTHER PREPA- a. Hepar Actinic glass bottles that are
RATIONS sulphur ø painted on the outside with a
1. Containers: solution of asphaltum.
- Mother tinctures should be stored in new, b. Lachesis ø Glycerine is taken in vial for
well cleaned, colorless, neutral flint preserving it.
glass bottles. c. Phosphorus ø It is preserved under water,
- In case of glass stoppered bottles, both as it is inflammable
the bottle and the stopper should be of in air.
hard potash glass to avoid introduction 2. Method of Preservation:
of glass particles in the mother tincture.
- Mother tinctures should be kept at an
Preservation of Drugs and Potencies 53
even temperature of about 60ºF - Actinic glass bottles which are painted
(15.6ºC). with asphaltum solution or black varnish
- Store in a dry, cool place in airtight, well are used for preserving those potencies
closed, neutral flint glass bottles. which may be affected by light or
- Strong smelling mother tinctures such sunlight.
as Asa foetida, Camphora, Moschus, - Gutta purcha bottles are used for
Terebinthiniae oleum, etc. should be preserving fluoric acid.
kept separately in air tight, well closed 2. Labelling:
glass bottles. - Name of the potencised medicine with
3. Mother tinctures should be well filtered the respective potency and scale used
before storing or when dispensing. should be distinctly marked, both on the
4. Avoid: cork and on the container’s label. For
- Avoid too much heat or cold. Some
mother tinctures may become turbid Belladonna 6x.
with a muddy sediment, or even form Belladonna 6.
crystals if exposed to great cold. Belladonna 0/6, etc.
- Avoid everything that will in the least - While marking the label, the date of
affect the purity of the mother tinctures, manufacture and the name of
such as strong light, direct sunlight, manufacturer should also be stated.
smoke, dust, damp, strong odors, etc. - The original manufacturer should also
write down the batch number and the
percentage of alcohol content by
1. Containers: - If possible, the date of expiry should also
- Potentised medicines should be kept in be given.
well stoppered bottles, which are kept 3. Method of Preservation:
in boxes or drawers.
- Potentised medicines after putting in
- Colored bottles should be avoided. well-stoppered bottles should be
• Blue colored bottles are avoided as preserved in boxes or drawers.
the blue color has some what of a - They should be preserved in dry, cold
dynamic effect which is harmful to places, protected from too much heat or
potentised medicines. cold.
• Yellow or amber colored bottles - Avoid everything that in the least affects
should also not be used as when the purity of the potentised medicines
they are exposed to sunlight they e.g., dust, odor, smoke, damp, strong
sometimes acquire medicinal light, sunlight, etc.
- Bottles should not be filled entirely to
- Hard glass, potash bottles with glass the top as the potentised medicines will
stoppers are used for storing caustic and come in contact with the cork.
acid preparations.
- Potencies should be preserved separately
54 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
from the crude drug substance and arranged alphabetically with increasing
mother tinctures. potency horizontally.
- In the rooms where potentised mother - Separate boxes for separate potencies
substances are to be stored no other should be used.
odorous or non-odorous evaporating 4. If the liquid or solid potentised medicines
substances should be kept. This change their normal color, they should be
precaution should be followed strictly. rejected immediately.
- For storing the potencies in small 5 ml. 5. Preparations of Camphora should always be
or 10 ml. vials, suitable wooden boxes kept separate as they may antidote almost
should be made which should be all medicines of vegetable origin.
6. E.g.:
Medicine Method of Preservation
a. Acidum muriaticum, Acidum nitricum In well stoppered closed containers with glass
b. Acidum sulphuricum Potencies should be freshly prepared in purified water
and kept in ground stoppered bottles.
c. Alumina In a cool place in a tight containers
d. Ammonium carbonicum In well closed, light resistant bottles at a temperature
not above 30 ºC.
e. Benzoicum acidum, Borax veneta, In well closed containers.
Calcarea carbonica, Carbo vegetabilis
f. Camphora In well closed containers away from other vegetable
tinctures and potencies.
g. Croton tiglium, Carbonicum acidum, In well closed, glass stoppered bottles.
Hepar sulphur, Ferrum metallicum
h. Iodium In amber colored, glass stoppered bottles.
i. Hydrofluoricum acidum In well closed bottles whose interior is coated with
parrafin or wax.
j. Kreosotum In air tight containers, protected from light and away
from other drug substances/potencies because of it’s
strong odor.
k. Lachesis Preserve in a vial containing glycerine.
l. Mercurius solubilis In well closed bottles away from light/sunlight.
m. Natrium muriaticum, In an air tight container in a cool place.
Natrium sulphuricum
n. Petroleum In well-stoppered containers.
o. Phosphorus Under water as it is volatile. Keep in a cool, dark
place, protected from sunlight.
Standardisation of Drugs
available in the market in entire longitudinal, indicate comparison with other substances in
oblique or transverse slices, cut in small nature. When no comparative term is indicated,
cubical pieces or broken into pieces or in then it is called characteristic.
different sizes.
Taste: The terms used are acid (sour), saline
Shape Example (salty), saccharine (sweet), alkaline, insipid
(tasteless), acrid, astringent, bitter, pungent,
Conical Aconitum
starchy, gritty, etc.
Cylindrical Sumbul
Color: The terms of colors are standardised
Cylindrical but somewhat Ratanhia according to the recommendations of the Inter
tapering Society Colour Council, National Bureau of
Cylindrical-ovoid Filix mas Standard Method.
Cylindrical in older parts Iris versicolor
but mostly flattened
dorsoventrally Since 1847, the microscope has been used
Subcylindrical Rheum in the examinations of drug substances and drugs.
The microscope is indispensable for searching
Fusiform Jalapa
adulterants in powdered plant and animal drugs,
Sizes are prescribed in length and breadth and also in the identification of pure powdered
or diameter, measuring in c.m. or m.m. drugs. The monograph of the respective drug in
Fracture: To study the way how the plant a pharmacopoeia prescribes the histology and
breaks, when it is subjected to a requisite deals elaborately with the microscopic
pressure to break. appearance of the drug in sectional view and
powdered forms.
External Markings: Such as delicate and
strong furrow; parallel markings; wrinkles; Plant parts are made up of numerous tissues,
ridges and valleys; transverse markings of each of which has a definite function,
various types; annulated and moniloformous indispensable to the life of the plant. The
outgrowth of the roots, etc. histology refers to the arrangement and
individual character of these tissues. These
External Color: These may be white,
histological studies are done with very thin
yellow, yellowish, pale-yellow, grey or ash,
transverse or longitudinal (radial and tangenital)
greyish, grey-yellowish, brown, brownish-red,
sections properly mounted in suitable strains and
brownish-orange to brownish-black, orange, etc.
reagents or mounting media.
Flowers and Leaves: Usual botanical terms
Powdered drugs get very few macroscopic
are in use to identify these and regarding their
features of identification, besides color and taste;
as such finding of the microscopic
Odor: Such as pleasant or agreeable, characteristics are very essential. In the
unpleasant or disagreeable, irritating or non- powdered drug, which must be reduced to not
irritating, smoky, musky. There arc other terms, less than No. 40 powder, the cells are mostly
e.g., aromatic, balsamic, camphoraceous, spicy, broken, excepting those having lignified walls.
terebinthinate, etherial and others. These terms However, the cell contents, e.g. calcium oxalate
Standardisation of Drugs 57
crystals, starch, aleurone, oil, gum, resin, etc. B. Identification of Drug Constituents:
remain scattered within the powder and become
very evident in the mounted specimen, the proper 1. Crystallography
reagent or mounting medium to be used, It means the science of the forms, structures,
obviously depend upon the characteristic tissue properties and classifications of the crystals
elements or cell content to be studied ; and the which help in identifying the constituents of
proper reagent or mounting medium help drugs.
identifying the cell-walls, stone-cell, bast fibres,
leaf epidermal tissues, etc.; studying the stomatal 2. By Melting Point Determination:
index is also helpful in determining the identity It is another important method for identifying
of the drug. pure substances.
- The aqueous solution of alkalies gives a - Assay for crude filicin in Filix mas.
white or yellowish precipitate with The active principles of drugs, e.g.,
sodium carbonate or tannic acid. Strychnine, etc. and animal drugs are more
Thus for assessing the inherent potency of a adapted to strict chemical assays. Hence from
drug, the above and other chemical, biological chemical assays we can assess the potency of
and physical assays are undertaken. Other animal and vegetable source materials in terms
systems, like allopathy, evaluate a drug in term of their active principles.
of its active principle or constituents, where as, Chemical assays include:
homoeopathy deals with the sum total
1. Color reaction test: Of alkaloids with proper
constituents of a drug as a whole. Hence in order
reagents. For e.g.,
to evaluate or standardise drugs, the application
of these assays will have to be considered. - Cascara sagrada, when treated with
ammonia test solution gives a
III. BIOLOGICAL EVALUATION characteristic red color.
The pharmacological activity of certain - The presence of inorganic iodides in
drugs has been applied to evaluate and Thyreoidinum can be tested by adding
standardise them. The assays on living animals, a starch test solution . If iodide is present,
and on their intact or cut-off organs can indicate it will turn blue.
the strength of the drug or their preparations. 2. Molisch and Bradford’s Test: To test the
reducing effects of sugar.
As living organisms are used, these assays
are known as biological assays or bioassays. By 3. Determination of acid value.
applying bioassays we can evaluate or 4. Determination of iodine value.
standardise many drugs, e.g., Cascara sagrada, 5. Determination of saponification value of
Cannabis indica, Cannabis sativa, fixed oils.
Corticotrophinum, Curare, Secale cornutum,
6. Determination of acid-insoluble ash.
Veratrum viride, hormones, steroids, vitamins,
sarcodes, nosodes, antibiotics, alkaloids, etc. 7. Determination of water-soluble ash.
8. Determination of ash value.
9. Determination of sulphated ash value.
Chemical tests are employed to identify
These tests help to determine the identity of
crude drug plants and their parts. Chemical
drug substances and their adulterations.
evaluation covers isolation, identification,
purification and determination of characteristics V. PHYSICAL EVALUATION
of non-cellular drugs of animal origin and drugs
A. Fluorescence Test:
of plants having active principles.
The reactions of certain drugs, either on their
Chemical Assays smooth sectioned surfaces or in their powdered
In case of cellular and non-cellular plant and forms, with filtered ultraviolet light, help us
animal drugs, chemical assay is the only method especially in detecting adulterations, e.g., the
for determining their potency, e.g.: adulterated Rhaponic rhubarb can be
distinguished from the Indian rhubarb (Rheum)
- Alkaloidal assay for Belladonna leaves.
Standardisation of Drugs 59
by its marked fluorescence. A series of powdered Several types of chromatography are present:
plant drugs have such activity, after their a. Column or Adsorption Chromatography:
treatment with various reagents. Many alkaloids Here a large amount of testing materials are
give distinctive colors under this ultraviolet light, available. A modification of the column
e.g.: method is known as Flowing ; another
Aconitine - light blue. modification is known as Partition
Berberine - yellow. chromatography, where two immixible
Emetine - orange. liquids are used; one representing a mobile
phase, the other an immobile phase.
Under this light many other drugs show
distinct intensity of colors or characteristic b. Paper Chromatography.
colors. c. Thin-layer Chromatography: Thin layer
chromatography is a modification of the
The application of physical constants is
Paper chromatography, that is particularly
largely employed to the active principles of
adaptable to the analysis of small quantities
drugs, e.g., alkaloids, and fixed oils, etc.
of the materials to be studied. The later two
Generally applied physical constants for such
are preferably applied for identification
drugs are :
purposes, because of their selectivity,
a. Solubilities. convenience and adaptability to small
b. Specific gravity. amounts of materials.
c. Refractive index. d. Gas Chromatography: It is a specific
d. Melting point. method, wherein the moving phase is gas.
e. Congealing point. There are two types:
f. Optical rotation. i. Gas-liquid chromatography.
g. Water content or loss on drying. ii. Gas-solid chromatography.
C. Counter-current Methods and
B. Chromatographic Study of Drugs: Electrophoretic Methods of Analysis:
Of late, the study of chromatography has These are more complex; however, the same
become most important as a method of basic principles those of the chromatography
separating and analyzing organic and inorganic also apply to these techniques.
For practical purposes, chromatography
means a method by which drug principles and
also the other contributions of drugs or
pharmaceutical preparations can be separated by ANALYTICAL PHARMACOLOGY
absorption or fractional extraction or ionic The purity of drugs depends on the absence
exchange or other means, by the use of a mobile of foreign matter. To procure an absolute pure
solvent phase upon a porus solid stationary phase drug is scarcely possible ; however, a limited
(silica gel or some other substance). The quantity of harmless foreign matter adhering to
materials thus separated in this way are then drugs or mixed with them cannot be determined.
identified by analytical procedures.
60 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
1. Foreign Organic Matter: It refers to any The above two procedures are performed by
other part of the plant or animal tissues that the official method, which consists of
is not required in preparing the drug. The incinerating and weighing the total ash; next boil
permissible percentage of foreign organic the total ash with dilute hydrochloric acid, filter
matter in drugs is usually specified in their and ignite and then weigh the acid-insoluble ash
respective official monographs. thus obtained.
2. Foreign Inorganic Matter: It refers to the iii. Determination of moisture content: If
adhering soil, clay, sand, dirt, etc., for the moisture be present in excess, it will
determination of which acid, acid-insoluble promote mould and bacterial growth,
ash method is applied. However, some drugs and subsequently bring deterioration and
naturally contain acid-insoluble ash. A spoilage of drugs. Moisture is
maximum of 2% acid-insoluble ash is determined by one of the following three
officially permitted, unless otherwise methods, the specific method being
prescribed in the monograph. prescribed in official monographs.
3. Moisture Content: Moisture is present - Gravimetric method.
usually from 5% to 10% in all dried drugs; - Volumetric method (Toluene
an excess of moisture, if present, is an distillation).
adulterant. - Titrimetric (Karl Fischer) method.
SYSTEMATIC ANALYSIS 6. Finaly the analyst will determine the
constituents of the drug sample. The quality
1. An analyst will first determine whether the of standards, which is dependant upon the
sample of the drug conforms to the amount of principles present in drugs,
macroscopic and microscopic standards capable of being extracted in a continuous
prescribed in the official monographs, apparatus, like that of Soxhlet type, and the
particularly noting the morphological extracts thus obtained are determined by
features, e.g., size, color, odor, taste, etc. weight, after removing the solvents;
2. If necessary, he will prepare sections and common solvents used are strong and dilute
check with the histological descriptions as alcohol, ether, petroleum, benzene and water.
described in the monographs. i. Alkaloids: Alkaloids are recovered from
3. He now has to determine the foreign organic the drug sample by extraction. Next they
matter by the official method. are purified with immiscible solvents
4. Next, according to the official procedure a and can be determined gravimetrically
representative amount of the sample is taken, or volumetrically by titration of the
and when the sample is a whole drug, it is quantity of acid required to convert them
pulverised to a powder which will pass into salts.
through a No. 20 sieve. ii. Volatile Oils: The amount of volatile oil
5. Now the analyst takes a prescribed amount present in volatile oil-containing drugs
of the official sample and conducts the can be determined by distilling with
following tests on it systematically: water in the proper Clevenger apparatus,
i. Determination of total ash. which is a continuous distillation
ii. Determination of acid-insoluble ash. apparatus, wherein the separated volatile
Standardisation of Drugs 61
Vehicles - In General
The term ‘vehicle’ implies, “Means of con- 5. It should be capable of carrying the dynamic
veyance or transmission”. In homoeopathy, ve- powers of drugs into the interior of the hu-
hicle is a substance, in which medicines are pre- man organism to fight the disease force.
pared or mixed and given for their internal ad- 6. It should be edible and palatable.
ministration either by oral route or by the olfac-
7. It must preserve the drug substance.
tion method and for external application of medi-
cation. These substances are therapeutically in- 8. It should have a sterilizing property.
ert as such but develop the therapeutic activity
of the medicinal substance. They are the medium
for purification, preparation, preservation, inter- 1. Vehicles are used in the preparation of
nal administration and external application of mother tinctures, mother solutions and
drug substances or medicines. mother powders from crude drug materials,
and without any vehicles these preparation
AN IDEAL VEHICLE could not be made.
1. It must not have any medicinal property of 2. It is used for further triturations and in-
its own. creased potentisation from the mother prepa-
2. It should be chemically neutral; neither ration so that the pharmaceutical message is
acidic nor alkaline in medicinal effects. They easily carried on and the therapeutic values
must not undergo any change or decomposi- are retained of the particular drug substances.
tion. 3. Used as bases for preparing external appli-
3. The above two specific properties are more cations of medicines.
applicable to those which are used in 4. For dispensing medicines or remedies ac-
potentised medicines. cording to the prescriptions of physicians.
4. It must be harmless regarding its action on 5. Vehicles like olive oil, vaseline, glycerine,
human organisms. The pharmacological etc. are themselves applied externally as a
medicinal action of the original drug should mehanical aid only.
not be disturbed in any way.
68 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
The term saccharum lactis originates from 1. It has practically no medicinal action.
Latin words, ‘saccharum’ meaning sugar and 2. Due its hard crystalline particles, it has to
‘lactis’ meaning milk. undergo a thorough grinding with the origi-
nal drug (a process which helps to convey
the latent curative properties of the drug
during trituration) and is available in the
• Sugar of milk.
powdered form easily.
• Saccharum lactis.
• Lactose. Physical Characteristics
Chemical Formula • Hard, crystalline mass or powder.
C12H22O12.H2O • Milky white in color.
Molecular Weight • Odorless.
360.3 • Faintly sweet to taste.
• Sandy or grity on touch.
Chemically • Solubility: 1 g. of lactose is soluble in 5 ml.
It is a disaccharide containing one unit of β- of cold water, and 2.6 ml. of boiling water.
galactose and one unit of levo-glucose. It is insoluble in alcohol.
• A hot saturated aqueous solution of sugar of utes, filter, evaporate 10 ml. of the filtrate to dry-
milk when warmed with an equal volume of ness, and dry at 105oC; the residue weighs not
sodium hydroxide becomes yellow and then more than 7 mg.
brownish-red, and on adding a few drops of
cupric sulphate to the solution, copper is re- Preservation
duced and a red precipitate of cuprous oxide It should be kept in a dry place, in air-tight
forms. containers or bottles, but not for too long as it
• If sodium chloride be present, add silver ni- may turn rancid.
trate solution, a precipitate will issue which
is insoluble in nitric acid. CANE SUGAR
• Sulphuric acid will be detected by the solu-
tion of barium nitrate or chloride. Source
• If an aqueous solution of milk sugar reddens 1. Sugar cane: Most common, 15-20%. It
the blue litmus paper, then acid is present, grows mainly in tropical countries. In India,
which will imply that this milk sugar had mostly this source is used.
been prepared from the milk, that had be- 2. Beetroot: 12-15%. It mainly grows in cold
come sour. climates.
• If copper (from copper vessel used in pre- 3. Miscellaneous: From: Pineapple.
paring the milk sugar) be present, addition Honey.
of a solution of potassium ferrocyanide to Coffee
its aqueous solution will bring a reddish-
brown precipitate.
Further Tests for Purity Synonyms
Acidity: 5.0 gm. dissolved in 50 ml. of • Sucrose.
freshly boiled water, requires for revitalisation • Sucrosum.
not more than 0.5 ml. of mother tincture. In so- • Saccharum purification.
dium hydroxide, phenophthalein solution being
• Refined sugar.
used as indicator.
• Chini (in hindi).
Clarity: Color and odor of solution — 3.0
gm. in 10 ml. of boiling water, the solution is • Mishri (in hindi)
clear, colorless and odorless. Chemical Formula
Arsenic: Not more than 1 part per million. C12H22O11
Copper: Dissolve 2 gm. in 20 ml. of water, Identification
add 1 ml. of dilute hydrochloric acid and 10 ml. Optical rotation is not less
of a solution of hydrogen sulphide; no color is than + 65.9º at 20ºC.
Sulphated Ash: Not more than 0.1 per cent. Physical Characteristics
More Soluble Sugars: Shake 5.0 gm. with 1. Slightly white or colorless crystals.
20 ml. of alcohol (90 per cent v/v) for 10 min-
Solid Vehicles 75
To sink
Impure liquid
Water inlet
Distilled liquid
Distillation Process
Liquid Vehicles 83
Alkali for
Dilute acid for
By an Automatic Water Distillator is produced. This steam passes to the inner cham-
ber through a passage on the top and then comes
Water is purified by this process for large
down for cooling. The cool water exits out
scale commercial purposes. A stainless steel ves-
through an overflow.
sel known as ‘still’ is used . Here, the distillation
and cooling are done by the same water. Properties
Procedure: • Colorless, odorless, tasteless liquid.
• pH does not vary more than 6 to 7 i.e. it is
Some of the cooling water goes through
some holes into the heating chamber where steam
• Specific gravity at 25°C: 1.
• Boiling point: 100°C.
• Freezing point: 0°C
• Ionic product at 25°C: 1 x 10-14.
• Latent heat of fusion at melting point: 79.72
• Latent heat of vaporisation at boiling point:
539.4 cal/g.
• Viscosity at 25°C:8.937 millipoises.
• Surface tension at 25°C: 71.97 dynes/cm.
• Refractive index nD20: 1.3330.
• Due to its negligible ionisation into hydro-
gen and hydroxyl ions, it is practically a non-
conductor of electricity.
H2O H++OH-
Automatic Water Distillator
• Water is a bad conductor of heat.
Liquid Vehicles 85
• It forms crystalline hydrates with many com- Total solids e.g., chlorides, sulphates, etc.
pounds readily. should not exceed 10 parts per million.
E.g.: The relevant tests for acidity or alkalinity,
- Blue vitriol - CuSO4. 5H2O copper, iron, lead, albuminoid ammonia, ammo-
- Green vitriol - FeSO4. 7H2O nia, oxidisable matter and non-volatile matter
• Water is a good ionising solvent for acids, should confirm to the H.P.I. specifications.
bases and salts. Preservation
• It is easily absorbed by several substances,
Immediately after preparation, purified wa-
like concentrated H2SO4, CaO, Silica gel, etc.
ter should be stored in well stoppered pyrex glass
These are generally dehydrating agents.
bottles which have previously been thoroughly
Detection of Impurity cleaned with hot purified water.
Purified water may be detected by its physi- Uses
cal properties:
1. Extensively used for final washing of all the
• It is a colorless, odorless, tasteless liquid. utensils for equipments, e.g. corks, phials,
• pH should not vary more than 6 to 7. vessels, pans, mortars, etc.which are used in
• By boiling point, freezing point and density. preparing drugs and medicines.
• Water leaves no residue on evaporation. 2. Used fo analytical purposes and preparing
Purified water may be detected by some reagents, etc.
chemical tests also. 3. a. In preparing mother soluions of drug
substances which are not soluble in al-
• CuSO4 (anhydrous copper sulphate) powder
cohol, e.g., Ammoium carb., Ammonium
reacts with water to give a blue color.
caust., Natrium, etc.
• Potassium reacts with water to give hydro-
b. In preparing mother solutions drug sub-
gen which undergoes combustion.
stances which undergo chemical changes
K + 2H2O KOH +H2 or decomposition if mixed with alcohol,
The following reagents, if added to purified e.g., inorganic acids
water, it will remain clear but if added to ordi- 4. Used in potentisation.
nary water, they will produce the following dis- 5. Used in preparing some external application,
colorations: e.g., lotions etc.
Test for Reagent Added Water Produces 6. In administration of medicine.
1. Chloride Silver nitrate White turbidity. 7. Used in rectal or vaginal douches.
solution. 8. Used for injection purposes by allopaths.
2. Calcium Ammonium White turbidity. 9. In preparation of variour qualities of weaker
oxalate solution. alcohol, e.g., dispensing alcohol, strong al-
3. Sulphate Barium chloride White turbidity. cohol.
solution + dilute
hydrochloric acid.
Aqueous solutions are unstable, so potencies
4. Ammonia Nessler’s reagent. Brown
in purified water cannot be kept for a long time.
86 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
3. From sugars, e.g., beet sugar, cane sugar, etc. The various steps in valued in the prepara-
4. Synthetically, prepared from hydrocarbon tion of alcohol are:
a. Preparation of Wash:
5. In India, the main source is ‘molasses’, a
• Molasses is subjected to fermentation by the
waste by product from sugar factories, as it
addition of a small amount of (NH4)2 SO4 as
is the cheapest of all other sources.
a food for the ferment after it (molasses) was
Note: 1. Methyl alcohol may be prepared from wood been diluted with water to give a 10% sugar
by a process known as ‘Destructive distilla- solution.
tion of wood’ but not ethyl alcohol.
2. Ethyl alcohol produced from
grains, e.g. rice, wheat, etc. is Alcohol
called grain alcohol. It is best for Vapor
homoeopathic preparations. Molasses Water
Fermentation Wash
Eractionating column
• Ethanol.
(NH4)2 SO4
• Spirit of wine.
Alcohol 95%
• Grain alcohol. Yeast invertase
Chemical Formula Still Steam
Molecular Weight
• Fermentation is carried out in a slight acidic
Boiling Point medium, prepared by the addition of a small
78.50oC amount of H2SO4.
Freezing Point • It is then warmed to about 25º - 30ºC. Yeast
114oC is now added to ferment the molasses.
pH • CO2 is discharged when fermentation begins.
Neutral, when pure. It is completed in 2-3 days.
• Enzymes ‘invertase’ and ‘maltase’ of yeast
convert molasses into ‘glucose’ and ‘fruc-
Manufacture tose’.
1. From Molasses C12H22O11+H2O C6H12O6 + C 6H12O6
ethyl alcohol. ‘malt’ i.e., grain barley that has been al-
lowed to germinate in the dark at low
temperature and then heated and dried
2. From Starch Containing Materials
ii. Malting:
The process includes the saccharification of
starch to maltose followed by alcoholic fermen- • Germinate barley in the dark at 15ºC for
enzyme diastase to develop in it.
tation leading to production of ethyl alcohol.
• Germination is stopped after a couple of
Starch days by the action of heat.
• The malt obtained is now extracted with
Saccharification water. This extract contains diastase in
iii. Mashing:
Alcoholic fermentation • A suitable starchy material is suspended
in water.
Ethyl alcohol • It is then agitated with super heated
steam under pressure to produce a pasty
a. Saccharification mass known as ‘mash’.
It is the conversion of starch into maltose.
iv. Hydrolysis:
i. Preparation: • The mixture or mash is kept at about
• The starchy materials are reduced to a 50ºC for about 30-60 minutes. Fermen-
pulp or paste with water. tation starts and diastase converts starch
• Next it is mixed with a little amount of into maltase.
Liquid Vehicles 89
iii. Alcohol is made to evaporate from a After evaporation, a foreign Fusel oil is present.
porcelain dish, protected from dust. odor issues.
2. For Acids:
Experiment Observation Result
i. Blue litmus is soaked with the alcohol sample. Litmus turns red. Acid is present
3. For Water:
Experiment Observation Result
i. Add white anhydrous copper sulphate The powder turns blue. Water is present.
to the given sample.
ii. Add calcium carbide to the Acetylene gas is Water is present.
alcohol sample. produced.
Difference Between Homoeopathic Alcohol It contains not less than 94.7% v/v or 92.0%
and Absolute Alcohol. w/w and not more than 95.2%. v/v or 92.7% w/
Homoeopathic Alcohol Absolute Alcohol w of C2H5OH.
1. 87% strength Theoretically 100% strength. Preparation:
Practically 95% is the highest.
2. Used in making For purification of milk sugar Strong alcohol is prepared by mixing:
homoeopathic by Stapf process. a. 94.9% by volume of pure ethyl alcohol or
attenuations. C2H5OH.
It can be reduced to homoeo- b. 5.1% by volume of purified water.
pathic alcohol by the addition
of 7 parts of 95% alcohol part This can be diluted to any extent with puri-
of purified water. fied water.
3. For Aldehydes:
Experiment Observation Result
i. To 10 ml. of the alcohol sample add A yellow color is Aldehyde is present
5 ml. of NAOH. Shake and allow produced. in the given sample.
to stand for 5 minutes.
4. For Ketones:
Experiment Observation Result
i. To 1 ml. of the alcohol sample add 3 ml. A precipitate is Ketones are present in
of water and 10 ml. solution of mercuric produced in 3 minutes. the given sample.
sulphate. Heat on a boiling water bath.
5. For Fusel Oil and Allied Impurities:
Experiment Observation Result
i. Allow 25 ml. to evaporate spontaneously A foreign odor Fusel oil and allied
in a porcelain dish protected from dust till is perceptible. impurities are present
the surface of the dish is is barely moist. in the given sample.
ii. Add 1 ml. of sulphuric acid (H2SO4) A red or brown Fusel oil and allied
to the above dish. color is produced. impurities are present
in the given sample.
6. For Oily or Resinous Substances:
Experiment Observation Result
i. Dilute 5 ml. to 100 ml. with The solution is not clear Oily and resinuous
water in a glass cylinder. when examined against substances are present
a black background. in the given sample.
7. For Non-volatile Matter:
Experiment Observation Result
i. Evaporate and dry the Leaves residue more than 0.005% Non-volatile matter
given sample at 105º C. examined against a black background. present.
96 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
Note: Strong alcohol or any kind of alcohol used in - By mixing equal volumes of strong alcohol
preparations of homoeopathic mother tinctures and purified water (official dilute alcohol).
and other medicines or remedies must confirm
all the above standards as specified in the H.P.I., Uses:
Vol. I. • For preparing potencies under decimal scale.
Preservation: • For cleaning utensils.
It should be kept in well stoppered glass
4. Dispensing Alcohol
bottles in a dark, cool place away from fire.
Principally used for the preparation of ab- Molasses: It contains 88% by volumes or
solute alcohol, mother tinctures, official 83.1% by weight of ethyl alcohol and 12% by
alcohol, dispensing alcohol, etc. volume of water.
Note:Strong alcohol or any other alcohol used in
preparations of homoeopathic mother tinctures Synonyms
and other medicines or remedies must confirm • Alcohol officinale.
all the above standards as specified in the H.P.I., • Official alcohol.
Vol. I.
Specific Gravity
3. Dilute Alcohol 0.840 at 15.6º C or 60º F.
Different authorities give different specifi-
1. This alcohol may be made by adding one
cations for preparing dilute alcohol. Viz.:
part by volume of purified (distilled) was to
12.25 parts by volume of strong alcohol.
Specific Gravity
2. 1 part by weight of purified water to 10 parts
0.935-0.937 at 15.6º C or 60º F. by weight of strong alcohol.
Note: Actually more than 1 part by volume of water
• As per H.P.I. (Vol.I): Dilute 695 ml. of strong is to be used, as on mixing strong alcohol with
alcohol to 1000 ml. with purified water. water, shrinkage in volume of water occurs. If
some quantities of the two are mixed, upto 3%
• As per B.H.P.: It has an equal quantity of shrinkage in volume may occur.
rectified spirit 60º O.P. and purified water.
• As per M. Bhattacharya’s Pharmacopoeia:
7 parts of rectified spirit 60º O.P. is mixed As regards its purity it must confirm the
with 3 parts of purified water, both in vol- H.P.I. standards.
ume. Impurity:
• As per Dr. Buchner, Dr. Gruner, Dr. Jahr and Commonest is fusel oil.
Dr. Hampel: Prepared by mixing equal parts
in volume of alcohol and purified water. Uses:
• As per Dr. Dewey: Prepared by mixing 7 • Dispensing alcohol is uysed for preparing
parts of 87% alcohol with 3 parts of purified most of the dilutions as it is more readily ab-
water in volume. sorbed by globules or tablets or milk sugar.
Liquid Vehicles 97
Note: However, in India, we do not use this for dis- Note: Rectified spirit 60 O.P. was originally recom-
pensing. Rectified spirit 60 O.P. which is 3.29% mended in the old B.H.P. For dilution purposes,
stronger than dispensing alcohol is used. this alcohol is popularly used throughout India,
as the dispensing alcohol, in place of the official
5. Rectified Spirit: 60 O.P. or dispensing alcohol of the H.P.U.S. or the
It means pure rectified spirits containing 160 H.P.I.).
per cent of proof spirit (i.e. 60 over hundred of
1. Used for making potencies under the cen-
Specific Gravity
tesimal scale.
0.8294 at 15.6º C or 60° F.
2. Also used for cleaning utensils.
proof spirit). It contains 91.29% by volume of Rectified Spirit: 40 O.P.
ethyl alcohol. It is 3.29% stronger than the dis-
It is prepared by mixing 7 parts of strong al-
pensing alcohol, the difference in the specific
cohol with one part of purified water, both by
gravity between them is approximately 0.01.
volume. It contains 73.37% by weight of strong
Preparation: alcohol.
It is prepared by mixing approximately 375 Density:
ml. of purified water with 1 litre of strong alco- 0.8640.
1½ ounce of potassium carbonate (K2CO3) is poured 10 ounce slaked lime or Calcium hydroxide
in a glass stoppered bottle and 1 pint of rectified spirit [Ca(OH)2] is taken in a covered crucible.
60° O.P. is added to it.
Heated for at least 30 minutes.
Rectified Spirit: 20 O.P. 60 O.P.: Means that in 100 parts of this alco-
hol if 60 parts of purified water is added, then
It is prepared by mixing 6 parts of strong
160 parts of proof will be obtained (all by vol-
alcohol with two parts of purified water, both by
volume. It contains 60.85% by weight of strong
alcohol. 30 O.P.: Means that in 100 parts of this alco-
hol if 30 parts of purified water is added, then
130 parts of proof will be obtained (all by vol-
Proof Spirit
It helps to decide whether any liquid is stron-
Proof spirit is a mixture of alcohol and puri- ger or weaker.
fied (distilated) water, weighing 12/13th of an
To check the misuse of alcohol and to fetch
equal volume of purified water at 10.6º C
money for the respective government, alcohol is
Strength: a dutiable item in every country. As such, for the
purpose of levying excise duty on alcohol, it is
It contains 57.1% by volume or 49.28% by
required to ascertain the exact proof strength of
weight of ethyl alcohol and 42.9% by volume of
the respective alcohols.
Determination of Proof Strength of Alcohol:
Specific Gravity:
In the past, when there was no appropriate
0.91976 at 15.6º C or 60º F.
apparatus or method to ascertain the exact
Expression of Proof Spirit: strength of an alcohol, some crude method was
It is expressed in terms of degrees: employed. Some amount of the alcohol (to be
tested) is poured upon some gunpowder and is
1. Under proof (U.P.).
ignited. If it does not catch fire, it was inferred
2. Over proof (O.P.). that there is much water in the alcohol, and if it
1. Under Proof (U.P.): would easily take fire, then the alcohol did not
Alcohol weaker in strength than proof spirit contain much water.
is known as under proof. For e.g.: Now, with the aid of specially made ‘hydrom-
60 U.P.: Means that 100 parts of this alcohol eters’ we can easily determine the respective
contains 40 parts (by volume) of proof spirit ‘40’ strength or percentage of any alcohol. There are
is arrived at by substracting from 100 the respec- other standard methods by which also the respec-
tive U.P. strength i.e. 100-60=40, of the said al- tive strength of alcohols can be determined ac-
cohol. c u r a t e l y.
30 U.P.: Means that 100 parts of this alcohol For convenience, the Excise authority uses
contains 70 parts (by volume) of proof spirit. a special type of hydrometer, constructed in such
a way, so that the respective proof strength of
2. Over Proof (O.P.) any particular alcohol can be determined easily.
Alcohol stronger in strength than proof spirit In practice, the hydrometer is immersed in the
is called over proof. For e.g.: respective alcohol and the corresponding indi-
Liquid Vehicles 99
cation on the scale of the hydrometer is noted, 3. ‘Spirit I’ is now very carefully decanted to
as well as the respective temperature of the al- the same glask containing slaked lime. Don’t
cohol is noted. Out of these two datas, the corre- let the precipitate come into the flask.
sponding proof strength of that alcohol is directly 4. A condenser is fixed to the flask.
found out from a special chart, provided for this
5. The mixture is kept in the flask for 24 hours
without heating.
Note: (i) Polyhydric alcohol: Chemically the
polyhydric alcohols are those which contain 2 or 6. After 24 hours, heat it gently.
more hydroxyl groups attached to a hydrocarbon 7. Now allow the spirit to distil.
radical. The simplest of these compounds is eth-
ylene glycol, C2H4(OH)2. It is a hydroxyethanol.
This spirit, obtained after distillation is ab-
Many other glycols have come into prominence solute alcohol.
in recent years. They are industrial solvents and
Denatured Spirit
antifreeze mixtures. Some of them are available
as solvents for drugs such as propylene glycol. As alcohol is used mainly as a solvent and
(CH3CH. OH. CH2OH). for intoxicating drinks, it sometimes has to be
Polyhydric alcohol does not exhibit the strong made unfit for human consumption. Hence sub-
narcotic effect on the central nervous system that stances like methyl alcohol , bone oil, benzene,
is elicited by the monohydric alcohol. crude pyridine, etc. are added to rectified spirit
(ii) Sugar alcohol: There is a close relationship to make it poisonous or bad smelling. This mix-
existing between the sugar alcohol and other ture is known as denatured spirit. Generally, also
carbohydrates. some dye is added to color the spirit. This only
makes the alcohol, unfit for consumption. It can
How to Convert Rectified Spirit to Absolute
still be used as a solvent in industries.
For this, initially two procedures are fol- Methylated Spirit
lowed simultaneously. When rectified spirit is denatured by mix-
1. In one instance, ing methyl alcohol, it is known as methylated
• 1½ ounces of K2CO3 or potassium car- spirit.
bonate is taken in a glass stoppered
bottle. 1 pint of rectified spirit 60 O.P. is GLYCERINE
added to it.
• Keep this mixture in a well stoppered It is a trihydric alcohol, containing not less
bottle for two days, shake it every now than 98% of C3H8O3 (H.P.I.). It is the common
and then. Let us call this spirit I. constituent of all animal and vegetable oils and
fats, e.g., coconut oil, olive oil, tallow, cod-liver
2. In the other instance:
oil, etc. In small quantities it is formed during
• 10 ounces of slaked lime, Ca(OH)2 is
alcoholic fermentation of sugars and is present
taken in a crucible which is then cov-
in minute amounts in normal blood.
• Heat it for 30 minutes, minimum. Preparation
• Let it cool. i. It can be prepared from molasses by the fer-
• When absolutely cool, transfer the con- mentation process.
tents to a big flask.
100 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
Basic ferric
CH 2 CH2Cl CH2OH sulphate Filter
Spent Decanted press Steam Steam
HOCl NaOH lye lye
• The clear liquid now obtained, is pumped into • The distillate so obtained contains water
or ‘treating tank’ filled which is steam coils. which is concentrated in vacuum pans until
Here it is treated with HCl which neutralises glycerol with specific gravity 1.26. This glyc-
about three-fourth of the free alkali present erol is 99.9% pure.
in the lye. To neutralise the remaining alkali
it is now treated with alum or basic ferric
sulphate. It also converts the traces of so- Physical Properties:
dium soaps and the free acids still present • Odor: Odorless.
into insoluble iron soaps. A gelatinous pre-
cipitate of Fe(OH)3 and insoluble iron soaps • Consistency: A syrupy liquid; visious, oily
result. liquid.
• Color: A clear, colorless, liquid.
6NAOH + FE2(SO4)3 FE(OH)3 + 3NA2SO4 • Taste: Sweet, followed by a sensation of
• Moisture Content: Hydroscopic i.e., absorbs
2(C17H35COO)3FE + NA2SO4.
moisture from atmosphere or air.
• The liquid and the precipitate is filtered un- • Solubility: Miscible with water, alcohol (90
der pressure through filter presses. A clear %) and methanol; insoluble in chloroform
liquid is now obtained which is concentrated (CHCl3), in solvent ether and in fixed oils.
in vacuum pans to about 80% of glycerol.
• Boiling Point: Pure glycerine boils at 290°C
During the evaporation process, common
unchanged, but impure decompose at its boil-
salts separate out. These are removed from
ing point.
time to time from the bottom.
• If kept for a while at a low temperature, it
• By the above process the crude glycerol is
may solidify, forming a mass of colorless
obtained. It is now de-colorised with animal
crystals. These crystals do not melt until the
charcoal and purified by distillation under
temperature reaches about 17° C.
reduced pressure with superheated steam.
• Specific Gravity: 1.255 to 1.266 at 20°.
Chemical Properties:
• When decomposed by heat or when heated
with dehydrating agents like KHSO4, i.e.
potassium bi-sulphate, it evolves an intensely
irritating and pungent smelling unsaturated al-
Steam dehyde.
To vaccum • It dissolves fixed alkalies, acids, a large num-
ber of salts, pepsin, tanin, gums, starch, soluble
carbohydrates, some active principles of
Steam plants, etc.
H2O Test for Purity
Glycerol + H2O • Acrolein Test: Two drops of glycerine are
102 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
taken in a test tube to which a little pow- • Borax Bead Test: When heated on a bo-
dered potassium hydrogen sulphate (KHSO4) rax bead in a bunsen flame, it gives a green
is added. Heat the test tube cautiously at flame.
first and then more strongly. An irritating • Litmus Test: A 10% w/v solution is neutral
vapor with a pungent smell of scrolein is pro- to solution of litmus.
duced which blackens a filter paper moist-
ened with a solution of ammoniacal silver • When diluted with 6 times its volume of
nitrate (AgNO3). purified water, it gives no precipitate with
solution of barium chloride, silver nitrate and
CH 2 OH CH 2 of time or with sulphuretted hydrochloric
| KHSOH || + 2H2O
CHOH CH • Refractive Index: 1.471 to 1.473 at 20°C
| |
• Weight per ml: 1.225 to 1.260 gm at 20°,
CH 2 OH CHO corresponding to 98.0 to 100.0% of C3H3O3.
Glycerine Arolein
Additional Standards of Purity
• Dunstan’s Test (Borax-Phenolphthalein
It should comply with the standards, as speci-
Test): Take 6 ml. of 0.5% solution of borax.
fied in H.P.I., in respect of:
Phenolphthalein is added drop by drop to it.
A distinct red color appears. To this 20% a. Certain reducing substances.
glycerine is added drop by drop. The red b. Fatty acids and esters.
color disappears, but it reappears on heat- c. Sucrose.
d. Sulphated ash, etc.
Explanation: Borax or sodium borate in
aqueous solution, is partially hydrolysed to bo- Preservation
ric acid and sodium hydroxide. As boric acid is It should be kept in dry, well-closed vessels.
a weak acid, the solution is alkaline. When glyc-
erine is added, glycero-boric acid is formed which
is a strong acid, making the solution acidic. On It is used in medicines for its mild antiseptic
heating or boiling glycero-boric acid it again hy- property.
drolyses to glycerol and boric acid, turning the
External Application:
solution alkaline.
• It is used as an emollient, i.e. for application
• Copper Hydroxide Test: Make a suspen-
on the chapped and roughened skin as it soft-
sion of cupric hydroxide [Cu(OH)2] by mix-
ens or relaxes the skin over which it is ap-
ing 2.5% CuSO4 solution with 3 ml. of 5%
NaOH. Add a few drops of glycerine to this
suspension. A blue color is obtained. Glyc- • It is used in ear discharges, as it absorbs the
erine prevents precipitation of cupric hydrox- pus easily.
ide and no change occurs on boiling the so- • It is used as an application on superficial
lution. ulcers of tongue and mouth.
• Glycerine is an excellent solvent for various
Liquid Vehicles 103
name applied to this hexahydric alcohol which (Glycerides are the esters of glycerine with or-
is widely distributed through the vegetable ganic acids.)
kingdom. It comprises of 75 per cent sweet
medicinal exudation of Manna (Fraxinus Preparation
Ripe olive fruits are crushed in a mill. The
ii. Sorbitol: It is a white crystalline solid which remaining portion is mixed with a solvent like
elicits a cooling sweet taste. It is the most
carbon disulphide (CS2) and boiled. The residual
commonly used hexahydric alcohol.
oil is extracted by expression.
• Oleum amygdalae.
• Oleum amydalae expressum.
106 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
• For Arachis Oil and Sesame Oil Sandalwood oil is a volatile oil. It’s chief con-
stituents are:
Described in ‘Olive oil’, same as in olive
• Santol, which is a mixture of two sesqui-ter-
pene alcohols.
Storage • Santalal, an aldehyde.
It should be kept in well-filled, well-closed • Esters.
• Free fatty acids, etc.
External Use: • Color: Pale yellow.
• Almond oil is a demulcent and emollient. • Odor: Strong, aromatic.
As it is a bland oil; it makes a good basis for
• Taste: Pungent, aromatic.
the preparation of ‘liniment’ in place of ol-
ive oil. • Consistency: Thick.
• It forms a soothing application for chapped • Character: Volatile oil.
hands, excoriations and irritable skin diseases. • Solubility: Freely soluble in strong alcohol.
Internal Use: • pH: Slightly acidic.
• The oil is mildly purgative in 120 to 240 ms • Specific Gravity: 0.073 to 0.985 at 20º C.
doses. Test for Purity
Adulterations are common. It is often adul-
SANDALWOOD OIL terated with castor oil and other flexed oils.
This oil is steam distilled from the wood of
Santalam album Linn., family, Santalaceae.
Liquid Vehicles 107
• Odor: Characteristic odor of Rosemary. It grows in Germany, France, Spain, Italy and
• Taste: Warm, camphoraceous. also cultivated in the state of Jammu and Kash-
mir in India.
• Character: Volatile oil.
• Solubility: In 1 volume of alcohol (90% v/v, Composition
but upon further dilution, it may become tur- • Linalol, an alcohol and its ester Linalyl ac-
bid). etate, are the principal constituents. Indian
• Specific Gravity: 0.894 to 0.912 at 20 º C. oils contain 24.8% and foreign ones 7 to 14%
of linalyl acetate.
• Optical Rotation: From -5° to +10° in a 100
mm. tube at 20º C. • Pinene, C10H16. It is present in some samples
but is not a constant constituent.
• Refractive Index: At 20°, 1.466 to 1.476.
• Limonene, geaniol and a sesquiterpene.
Test of Purity
It contains not less than 2% w/w of esters
calculated as bornyl acetate, and not less than • Color: A colorless, pale yellow or yellow-
9% w/w free alcohols, calculated as borncol ish-green liquid.
C 10 H 8O. • Odor: That of the flowers; agreeable, pleas-
ant, characteristic.
• Taste: Aromatic pungent and some what bit-
The oil should be kept in well-closed con- ter.
tainers, in a cool place, protected from light.
• Character: A volatile oil.
Uses • Solubility: Miscible with alcohol (90%) and
• It is a component of liniment, saponin, etc. absolute alcohol; sparingly soluble in alco-
• It is a stimulant and rubefacient to the skin. hol (60%) and 1 in 4 of alcohol (70%).
It is commonly used in the form of a hair oil. • Specific Gravity: 0.875 to 0.888 at 25°C.
• Largely used in perfumes and cosmetics. • Refractive Index: 1.4590 to 1.4700 at 20º C.
• Optical Rotation: From 3 to 10°, in a 100
LAVENDER OIL mm. tube.
2. For Alcohol:
Experiment Observation Result • Glycerides of chaulmoogric acid, C18H32O2.
i. Shake the sample The volume of Alcohol is
• Glycerides of palmitic acids and fatty acids.
of lavender oil with diminishes. present.
purified water in • Hydnocarpic acid.
equal volume. Properties
3. For Salicylic Acid Ester: • Color: A yellowish or brownish-yellow oil,
or soft cream colored fat.
Experiment Observation Result
• Odor: Characteristic odor.
i. Add a solution of A purple-red Salicylic
• Taste: Slightly acrid.
ferric chloride to coloration acid ester
the lavender oil is produced. is present. • Character: A fatty oil.
sample after • Solubility: Partially insoluble in cold alcohol
saponification. (90%); freely soluble in hot alcohol (90%);
miscible with solvent ether, chloroform and
4. For Benzoic Ester: carbon-disulphide.
It may be confirmed by a solution of ferric
Should be preserved in well-filled, well-closed
Storage containers.
It should be kept in cool place protected from Uses
light, in well-closed container.
It is used as an external application in skin
Uses diseases, especially in leprosy.
External Application:
• It can be applied on superficial ulcers with- CHAULMOOGRA OIL
out alcohol.
• It is used with alcohol for a soothing effect
in headaches. Chaulmoogra oil is obtained by cold expres-
sion of the fresh, ripe seeds of Gynocardis
110 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
Semisolid Vehicles
• White petroleum jelly.
It is a semi-solid mixture of hydrocarbons
obtained from crude petroleum, after kerosene • Paraff. moll. alb.
oil, disel oil, fuel oil etc., have been separated. It • Paraffinum molle album.
is then bleached and purified.
• Color: A white, translucent, soft mass, not
• Petroleum jelly. more than slightly fluorescent by daylight,
• Soft paraffin. even when melted.
• Paraffin soft. • Odor: Odorless, when rubbed on the skin.
• Taste: Tasteless.
Varieties • On Touch: Soft mass; unctuous to touch.
It is availale in two varieties: • Solubility: Soluble in chloroform and solvent
1. White paraffin soft. ether; almost insoluble in alcohol and water.
Practically insoluble in CHCl3 and solvent
2. Yellow paraffin soft.
ether and in light petroleum.
The white variety is better than the yellow one.
• Specific Gravity: 0.815 to 0.880 at 20°C.
112 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
It is commonly used as a detergent.
It is based on the sources from which the
soap is manufactured:
116 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
It is preserved in well-closed containers.
i. Olein (60%).
Uses ii. Stearin.
• As a detergent. iii. Palmitin.
• Used in preparation of soap liniment.
Curd Soap It is prepared by carefully removing the
Source membranes and adhering flesh over the fat in the
abdomen of a hog, and then rendered.
It is made from NAOH (sodium hydroxide)
and purified solid animal fats. Properties
• Color: A white mass.
Synonyms • Odor: Faint odor.
• Sapo animalis. • Taste: Bland taste, free from rancidity.
• Sap. animal. • To Touch: Soft, unctous mass.
• Sodium stearate. • Solubility: It is insoluble in water; very
slightly soluble in alcohol (90%); soluble in
Properties solvent ether, in CHCl3 (chloroform) and in
• Color: White or yellowish-white. light petroleum.
• Taste: Tasteless. • Melting Range: 36° to 42°C. It forms a clear
• Odor: Odorless. liquid from which no water layer separates.
Semisolid Vehicles 117
phenolphthalin solution, or not more than 0.1 • A 10.0% w/v solution is neutral to a solution
ml of HCl to give a red color with methyl of litmus.
red solution. • Weight per ml: 1.252 to 1.257 gms. at 25º
• Aldehyde: To 10 ml. of the alcohol sample, C, corresponding to 98.0 to 100.0% of
add 5 ml. of a solution of NaOH. Shake and C3H8O3.
allow it to stand for 5 minutes. No yellow • Refractive Index: 1.471 to 1.473 at 20º C.
color is produced.
It should comply with the standards, as speci-
• Ketones: To 1 ml., add 3 ml. purified water fied in H.P.I. in respect of:
and 10 ml. of a solution of mercuric sulphate.
Heat on a boiling water-bath. No precipitate a. Certain reducing substances.
is produced in 3 minutes. b. Fatty acids and esters.
• Fusel Oil and Allied Impurities: Let 25 ml. c. Sucrose.
evaporate spontaneously on a porcelain dish, d. Sulphated ash, etc.
protected from dust until the surface of the
dish is barely moist; no foreign odor is per-
ceptible, and on addition of 1 ml. of H2SO4
no red or brown color is produced. • Acid Value: Not more than 2.0.
• Oily or Resinous Substances: Dilute 5 ml. • Iodine Value: 79 to 88.
to 100 ml. with water in a glass cylinder. The • Saponification Value: 190 to 195.
solution remains clear when examined
• Refractive Index: 1.468 to 1.471 at 20° C.
against a black background.
• Weight per ml: 0.910 to 0.913 at 20° C.
• Non-volatile Matter: When evaporated and
dried at 105°C, it leaves not more than • Arachis Oil (Peanut Oil): 1 ml. of the oil is
0.005% of residue. boiled (in a flask with a reflux condenser)
with 5 ml. of 1.5 (N) alcoholic KOH for 10
minutes, 50 ml. of alcohol (70%) and 0.8
GLYCERINE ml. of concentrated HCl in pure olive oil.
• Identification: No turbidity is seen appears above 9°C.
♦ When heated with potassium hydrogen Through this test we determine the presence/
sulphate (KHSO4), it produces irritating absence of arachis oil in the given olive oil
vapors, which blacken a filter paper sample.
moistened with a solution of ammonia- • Sesame Oil: To determine the purity of ol-
cal silver nitrate. ive oil, a little olive oil is shaken with an
♦ It gives a green flame when heated on a equal volume of a mixture of 9 parts of al-
borax bead over a bunsen flame. cohol (90%) and 1 part of strong ammonia.
♦ When diluted with purified water to six The mixture is then heated on a water-bath
times its volume, it gives no precipitate till it is free from alcohol and ammonia. Now,
with a solution of barium chloride, 2 ml. of the oil is shaken with 1 ml. HCl
AgNO3 and of lime or with sulphuretted containing 1% w/v sucrose. It is set aside
HCl. for 5 minutes. The acid layer is not pink or
faintly pink in color.
Standardisation of Vehicles 121
Section 3
3.1 Laboratory Premises.
3.2 Homoeopathic Laboratory Premises.
3.3 Laboratory Methods.
3.4 Instruments.
3.5 Cleaning of Utensils.
3.6 Hazardous Instruments and Precautions.
3.7 First Aid in Laboratory.
God told Zeus, “Give man everything to make his life comfortable.”
Laboratory Premises
Classification schemes are particularly will be related to its form, i.e. shape and size. In
useful to the laboratory designer because the risk- general, a single-storey building is cheapest
assessment approach matches the degree of provided that land is available.
hazard to the containment level required and
other features necessary to provide a safe BARRIER SYSTEMS
working environment.
Containment or barrier systems are designed
to “contain” or separate the hazard from contact
with laboratory workers and with the immediate
It should be designed and constructed building or general environment. Barriers may
according to relevant local or national building be provided to contain hazardous substances at
codes, particularly with regard to fire safety, the source, thereby preventing their release into the
provision of fire-resistant structural elements and laboratory. They also include personal protective
adequate means of escape. equipment and administrative controls.
In addition to the special requirements for There are thus three tiers of barriers:
laboratory activities, the internal environment • Primary: Around the hazard.
must provide for the comfort of the occupants; • Secondary: Around the worker.
extremes of temperature and humidity must be • Tertiary: Around the laboratory.
avoided. The provision and maintenance of a
comfortable internal environment may require Primary and tertiary barriers are relevant to
air-conditioning systems for the building as a laboratory design as they are provided by
whole or for selected rooms or areas. These are equipment, engineering and architectural
expensive to install and operate. Passive features. Secondary barriers are concerned with
measures such as a reflective “sunbreaker” shield personal protection and hygiene.
to protect the interior of the building against
direct solar radiation and the careful placement VENTILATION REQUIREMENTS
of windows and other openings in the external
Ventilation of the laboratory is one of the
walls to create cooling air movement are cheaper
most important design considerations in the
alternatives. Roofing materials should be heat-
provision of a safe working environment. It is
reflective and have low thermal capacity and
also one of the least understood requirements and
certainly can be among the most costly to install,
Infestation by animals, birds, and especially maintain and operate. The purposes of the system
insects should be prevented where possible by include the provision of a comfortable internal
passive building features including fly-screens environment and containment barriers by the
or curtains over window openings or doorways, extraction and dilution of airborne contaminants.
traps or wire-mesh protection for drains and
similar piped supply wall openings. Waste should LOCAL EXHAUST VENTILATION
be regularly removed from the premises, and the Local exhaust ventilation (LEV) involves the
waste disposal storage areas should be made well removal of relatively small volumes of
away from buildings. This is necessary, and contaminated air. The system consists of a partial
appropriate facilities should be provided. The enclosure or hood, a fan to generate air movement
overall capital and running cost of the building
Laboratory Premises 127
and ducting to convey air from the collection area NATURAL VENTILATION
to a discharge point outside the building. Some The cheapest and simplest method of
systems also incorporate air cleaning equipment, ventilating the laboratory is by natural means. It
e.g. high efficiency particulate air filters (HEPA) relies on external wind pressures and temperature
for the removal of micro-organisms, and carbon- differentials to achieve movement of air into and
filled filters to remove contaminants which may out of the laboratory through open windows, air-
Filters Fan
Airflow sensor
be particles (other than micro-organisms), fumes, bricks, pass-through ventilation grills or other
gases or vapors. Poorly designed LEV systems openings in the external structure of the building.
are common in many laboratories. Sound design Natural ventilation is unreliable, as it is difficult
requires specialist engineering advice together to control and its effects on the laboratory
with a thorough understanding of the nature of environment are difficult to predict. Natural air
the chemical or microbiological hazards movements may spread contamination from the
(nosodes, poisons, heavy metals, etc), involved. laboratory into other areas of the building or
bring contamination into the laboratory (e.g.
The simplest form of LEV is the capture exhaust gases from generators).
hood used to contain and remove the
contaminated, hot or malodorous exhausts from MECHANICAL VENTILATION
equipment such as atomic absorption spectro- Mechanical ventilation systems can supply
photometers and those used in gas chromato- air of the required quantity and quality to provide
graphy, or from solvent handing areas or for the comfort of the occupants, dilute nuisance
dispensaries. contaminants and replace contaminated air
128 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
removed through LEV systems such as chemical containment in the event of a mains power
fume cupboards and biological safety cabinets. failure.
In conjunction with a controlled exhaust air Mechanical ventilation systems require
system, air pressure can be maintained to ensure expert maintenance.
a differential between the laboratory and its
Fan Fan
O pa Small extract
- 175 pa
- 25
space requirements must be supplemented by the Suitable wall coverings include washable
following: emulsion, water-based gloss, egg shell paint
• Special or high-risk procedures. finishes, or epoxy paint systems. Tiled walls may
• Storage units including refrigerators and be used in wet or moist areas where frequent or
freezers. rigorous washing is required provided that a
• Fixed equipment such as ventilated suitable non-porous resin-jointing cement is used
enclosures. to give a smooth surface.
• Furnishings, centrifuges and autoclaves. The ceiling finish should be comparable to
• Circulation areas for the occupants. that used for the walls. Ceiling should be solid;
• Movable equipment and trolleys. suspended ceiling harbour pests and make
• Laboratory services. decontamination difficult after accidents have
Space allocations should be based on
systematic analysis of laboratory tasks and other
functions rather than on rank or seniority. SERVICES
Most laboratories require centrally or locally
INTERNAL SURFACES provided basic services including electricity,
running water, fuel gas and drainage. These may
Internal surfaces i.e. of floors, walls and be supplemented as necessary, according to
ceiling should be: national codes or regulations by piped
• Smooth, impervious, free from cracks, compressed gases, compressed air, vacuum or
cavities, recesses, projecting ledges and other steam. Emergency or safety services such as
features that could harbor dust or spillage. deluge showers and eye-wash stations, fire alarm
• Easy to clean and decontaminate effectively. systems and emergency power supplies may also
• Constructed from materials that are non- be included in the laboratory services design
combustible or have high fire-resistance and specifications.
low flame-spread characteristics. Service installations should be designed and
The floor should be level or variations constructed to facilitate safe access for case of
accommodated by ramps rather than steps. It repair and maintenance.
must have sufficient structural strength for the
load put on it, particularly by heavy equipment ELECTRICITY SUPPLIES
and storage cabinets; be resistant to forceable
The general principles of electrical safety
chemical spills and frequent washing by
and the main requirements are summarized here:
disinfectants and detergents. It should have a non-
slip surface and be easily repairable. Most of • Sufficient socket outlets should be provided
these requirements are met by the use of a sealed for all electrical equipment to be supplied
concrete floor painted with a epoxy-resin; individually, thus avoiding the use of long
wooden flooring and floor blocks made from lengths of flexible cables, extension reels,
stabilized soil can be covered by a bonded multiple adaptors or distribution boards.
continuous polyvinyl chloride sheet. Washing is • An emergency back-up supply for essential
made easier if the junction between the floor and safety equipment, refrigerated storage units
walls is covered. and incubators.
130 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
• The provision of a separate power circuit or supplementary tasks. Local lighting may be
“clean” electrical supply for computers and necessary for visually demanding tasks as in
computer-controlled electronic equipment to microbiology. Tasks involving accurate color
prevent mains interference. judgement will require high-color rendering
• Local switches or other means of electrical lamps.
isolation adjacent to all equipment should
be provided unless switched socket outlets WATER SUPPLY AND
are used. DRAINAGE
• The mains supply distribution panel,
preferably located within the laboratory The laboratory will require a reliable supply
safety zone should have all circuit fuses, of running water for washing and cleaning, and
breakers or isolators clearly labelled with as a coolant, solvent or process ingredient. At
provision for isolating incoming power to the least two sinks should be provided in each room,
system as a whole or to individual circuits. one for general laboratory use and the other
reserved for hand washing. The supply system
• Voltage stabilizers and surge devices to
should be fed directly from a water main or from
protect equipment in areas with fluctuating
a cistern of sufficient capacity to hold a day’s
or intermittent supply.
requirement so that laboratory activities are not
jeopardised by interruption in the public supply.
LIGHTING Materials used to construct the supply and
The level of illumination must be sufficient drainage systems should be resistant to and not
to ensure that laboratory activities can be react with chemicals, disinfectants or other
undertaken safely, general hazards in the materials which may come into contact with
laboratory can be seen easily and visual fatigue them. The supply should be protected against
and discomfort avoided. Inadequate lighting may contamination by back-flow or siphonage caused
cause workers to approach the process or by pressure differentials in directly connected
equipment too closely thereby exposing them clean and waste systems. The design and
more directly to hazards. Glare caused by construction of the system should avoid
excessive contrast between adjacent surfaces, by excessive multiplication of Legionella and other
reflection from bright surfaces or from potential pathogens, e.g. from rodents. Bacterial
unscreened lamps may cause distraction as well contamination of water systems can be prevented
as visual fatigue. Moving parts of machines may by:
appear stationary if the frequency of the motion • Maintaining hot water tanks and supplies
corresponds to that of the AC electrical supply above 50°C and cold water supplies below
or is a sub-multiple of it (i.e. a stroboscopic 20°C.
effect). Certain types of lamps commonly used • Keeping storage tanks covered and readily
in laboratories produce harmful ultraviolet accessible for cleaning with drainage points
radiation, e.g. germicidal, tungsten--halogen and at the lowest possible level.
high-pressure mercury discharge light sources. • Keeping pipework as short and direct as
The general level of illumination at the possible.
laboratory bench should be 300 to 500 lux, • Performing routine checks and maintenance
although higher levels may be required for including, chemical and thermal disinfection
Laboratory Premises 131
and water treatment to inhibit corrosion, action type and the supply should be fitted with
scale formation and sedimentation. readily accessible isolating stop-cocks or valves
Emergency facilities such as hydraulic hose and with change-cover connections.
reels or water sprinkle fire extinguisher systems,
drench showers and eye-wash units should be PIPED COMPRESSED GASES
fed from a reliable source with sufficient volume Compressed gases, including air or others
capacity and head of pressure to deal with the which may be highly flammable, toxic or
emergency. corrosive, may be delivered to the laboratory by
The drainage system should be capable of fixed pipes from supply cylinders or bottles
conveying contaminated aqueous waste from the located outside the building. Such installations,
laboratory to the public drainage system in pipes although appearing to be inherently safer than
and fittings of adequate capacity to handle the keeping compressed gas cylinders in the
maximum foreseeable volume and be constructed laboratory, raise a number of design issues. The
of materials with the required heat and chemical issues are beyond the scope of this textbook.
resistance. Certain hazardous aqueous wastes
have to be treated, neutralized or disinfected EQUIPMENT AND FURNITURE
before they are discharged into the public
drainage system. Plastic materials such as high The designer’s and planner’s concern is with
density polythene, polypropylene and polyvinyl the suitability of equipment and furniture for its
chloride may be used, but they can soften and intended use, its location within the laboratory
sag if exposed for long periods to hot liquids or and provision of necessary services, e.g. supply
some organic solvents. Borosilicate glass has of electricity. The essential considerations are:
very good chemical and heat resistance, is easy • Choice of material for work surfaces depends
to decontaminate, and is transparent thus on whether it needs to be resistant to
enabling blockages to be seen readily; it is chemicals, disinfectants, detergents, high and
expensive, however, and difficult to install. low temperatures, abrasion and impact, as
Copper or lead pipework must not be used if the well as ease of cleaning or decontamination.
effluent contains azides because of the formation The surface should be sufficiently durable
and deposition of explosive metallic azides. to withstand heavy use.
Stainless steel pipework is susceptible to attack • Under-bench units or cabinets may be floor-
by hydrochloric and other acidic chloride standing, fitted with castors, suspended or
solutions. cantilevered from the bench frame. The
design should permit easy floor cleaning and
FUEL GAS decontamination beneath the units and
facilitate the interchange of units to give
Bunsen or other gas-fuelled burners are
flexibility for activity needs.
required for heat sterilization, to heat
experimental apparatus and even for space • The work surface and frames of benches and
heaters. Gas may be supplied from a main service tables should be sufficiently strong and stable
by fixed pipework and outlets or from a liquefied to carry the equipment load.
gas bottle or tank located outside the laboratory • Furniture should be ergonomically designed
building. Outlet valves should be of a positive with respect to the height and reach of the
132 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
average operator and whether they are seated Special storage requirements are needed for
or standing; the relative positioning of the following:
furniture and equipment should reflect • Compressed gas cylinders which are kept in
activities which are related or sequential to the laboratory should be restricted to those
one another. gases in actual use or connected to a system
• Shelves and over-bench cupboards should be or item of equipment awaiting use. Cylinders
low enough for their contents to be easily should be secured to a stable fixture or placed
reached. in a cylinder trolley. Ventilated gas cylinder
• The color and surface texture of furniture cabinets are available which protect the
and equipment should be chosen to reduce cylinder against physical damage and fire,
glare and reflection and to enhance and laboratory personnel against gas leaks.
environmental comfort and morale; where • Highly flammable liquids, other than reagent
possible neutral colors should be chosen. bottles of 500 cc capacity or less, should be
• Large equipment and furniture should be stored in fire-resistant cabinets with lipped
placed where they do not compromise the shelves; cabinets should not have ventilation
circulation and emergency routes, disturb air grills or other openings because they destroy
flow to ventilated enclosures, or cast the fire resistance and integrity and allow
shadows on work surfaces. solvent vapor to escape into the laboratory.
Such chemicals should not be stored in
domestic refrigerators or freezers because of
STORAGE FACILITIES the risk of fire or explosion initiated by
Space should be allocated within the sparks from thermostats.
laboratory for adequate and safe storage of • Volatile, hazardous or obnoxious chemicals
frequently used items; otherwise, stores will or those with high vapor pressures should
enrich into the work areas, passageways and be stored in a ventilated cabinet which has
corridors. Highly flammable liquids and gases, an exhaust to the outside; they should not
and other combustible materials such as paper be stored in fume cupboards.
and plastic goods, combine to create a significant • Toxic chemicals including scheduled or
risk to the laboratory in the event of fire. Storage listed poisons and drugs and “notorious”
of materials in passageways and corridors chemicals which are widely recognized as
impedes movement and may be the cause of poisonous by non-laboratory staff should be
“collision” accidents. For these reasons and to kept in a secure, locked store within the
prevent the accumulation of little-used materials, laboratory and be accessible only to
it is advisable that storage facilities are provided authorized users.
for restricted quantities of frequently used items
consistent with daily requirements. Quantities in STORAGE OF CHEMICALS
excess of these should be confined to a storeroom With few exceptions, chemicals kept in the
outside the laboratory or kept in a separate laboratory are hazardous (e.g. toxic, corrosive,
building. Laboratory storage facilities include flammable). Quantities should be restricted and
under-bench units, drawers and shelves for controlled to limit any loss or damage due to fire
chemical reagents and solvents, equipments, or spillage of substances hazardous to the
disposables and other consumables.
Laboratory Premises 133
environment as well as the occupants of the of chemical residues, used solvents, infectious
buildings. or contaminated materials, etc.
Stored chemicals should be protected against
laboratory activities, extremes of temperature and EMERGENCY AND OTHER
the possibility that they might be knocked over SAFETY PROVISIONS
or broken. Bottles containing hazardous
chemicals should be kept in a secondary outer All laboratories should have contingency
container or on chemically-resistant trays or plans for dealing with accidents and natural
lipped shelves at low levels. Incompatible disasters like, fire, flood, storm, earthquake, etc.
chemicals are those which react together These plans should include the following:
violently or release highly toxic or flammable • List of emergency services viz., medical,
products. They should be kept apart in separate engineering, supply services, etc.
storage units or cabinets in separate areas of the
• Identification of high-hazard zones.
laboratory or, if in small quantities, in robust
double containers. Hazardous chemical storage • List of at-risk personnel.
cabinets should be located in the high-risk zone • List of hospitals, doctors and treatment
of the laboratory but not immediately adjacent facilities.
to high-risk activities or processes. • Sources of drugs and special equipment.
BIOLOGICAL AND CLINICAL SPECI- Notices should be displayed prominently
MENS AND MATERIALS giving the following information and telephone
Temperature-controlled storage facilities,
including cold rooms, freezers or refrigerators, • The laboratory itself (emergency services
are necessary for the storage of biological and may not know where it is).
clinical materials to prevent deterioration and the • Fire service.
growth of unwanted organisms. Domestic • Ambulance service.
freezers and refrigerators are suitable for the • Medical and first-aid services.
storage of biological specimens but those used • Laboratory director and safety officer.
for particularly delicate organisms or important
• Police.
specimens should be connected to socket outlook
provided with an emergency back-up supply • Water, gas and electricity services.
which should in turn be fitted with power failure • Engineer.
alarms. Unless spark-proofed, domestic Appropriate facilities and services should
equipment should not be used to store specimens therefore be provided and they include:
preserved in low flashpoint solvents.
• Emergency or secondary electrical supplies
LABORATORY WASTE from a stand-by generator or batteries to
power essential safety and other equipment,
Storage facilities should be set aside for at least for a limited time period e.g.
laboratory waste prior to treatment and disposal emergency lighting, security alarm systems,
either within the laboratory or elsewhere. fire alarm and detection systems, ventilated
Suitable leak-proof or fire-reductant containers enclosures and temperature-regulated
should be provided to allow for the segregation
134 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
equipment in high-level containment clean aprons, gloves, masks, etc, which are either
laboratories. dispossible or freesingly laundered.
• Fire alarms, smoke detectors, sprinklers,
extinguishers and fire blankets.
• First-aid equipment. Eye protection should be worn at all times
when working in the laboratory; special safety
• Spill kits for the containment, treatment and spectacles should be used by everyone as normal
removal of biological, chemical or prescription spectacles are not usually made with
radioactive materials. safety-glass lens.
• Emergency telephone or alarm to summon
assistance or the emergency services. WORK SAFETY
• A clearly labelled and accessible safety panel Do not play around in the laboratory and do
containing stop-clicks, valves or switches to not attempt unauthorised experiments.
isolate all mains or piped services to the
Do not eat or drink in the laboratory, or use
MODERNIZING EXISTING laboratory equipment for storing or holding food
PREMISES or drink, and do not touch your mouth or face
with laboratory chemical or glassware.
The principles outlined in this chapter apply
equally to the refurbishment of an existing AVOID SKIN CONTACT
laboratory. Most laboratories have a finite life Avoid getting chemicals on your skin, even
span and although minor modifications may be solids, and wash off any contamination with large
made at frequent intervals, the accommodation volumes of water. Immediately remove any
and services will need eventual replacement to clothing contaminated with corrosive substance
cope with new work processes, altered staffing, safely and protection are more common then
outdated or inadequate electrical and mechanical good appearance.
services and plants. Major refurbishment
programmes provide the opportunity to asses the WEAR PROTECTIVE CLOTHING
health and safety needs of new processes and
Wear appropriate protective clothing and
review continuing activities. Existing
shoes, and avoid loose hair that might catch
laboratories and their equipment, furniture and
moving equipment or dip into open solutions.
fittings may require extensive cleaning and
decontamination before stripping out and USE FUME HOODS
reconstruction can begin.
Only use toxic substances under fume hoods
where there is adequate extraction.
Very high quality of personal hygiene should Familiarize yourself with the location of
be maintained. The laboratory workers must use safety equipment and safety procedures.
Homoeopathic Laboratory Premises
6. Drugs should be stored in closed cupboards, 2. Dresses must be clean and sterilised.
away from direct sunlight. 3. The shoes must be washable.
4. They should wear a mask and head covers.
WORKERS 5. Workers must wash their hands and feet with
1. They must have a cloak room to change their disinfectant soaps.
clothings and shoes. 6. The workers should be free from all
contagious diseases.
Laboratory Methods
clogged with the solid/semi-solid matter and the the glass rod which is held against the spot
fluid constituent will not be able to pass through. of the beaker.
Rapid Filtration
It is the process of purification of liquid
substances by first converting it (at its boiling
point) into its vapor state through the application
of heat or by reduction of pressure. This is known • Bunsen burner.
as vaporisation and then converting the solid • Tripod stand.
vapor into the original liquid state by cooling. • Wire gauze.
This process is known as condensation and the
liquid collected in the receiver is called distillate. Procedure:
This is a rapid process better than 1. Take the substance to be distilled in a round
evaporation (or vaporisation) as the liquid bottomed distilling flask which has a side-
(solvent) can be recovered. However, the main tube at the top. This side tube is connected
disadvantage is that some substances, which may through a board cork to one end of the
be dissolved in it, may get decomposed, if they Leipig’s condenser. The other end of the
are unstable at the boiling point of the liquid and condenser is inserted into another round
hence, the dissolved substance may not be bottom vessel, called the receiver, to collect
obtained back in its pure original form. the distillate.
2. Close the mouth of the distilling flask with
Process of Distillation a rubber cork. A thermometer is inserted into
Apparatus Required: the cork for noting the temperature of the
• Leibig’s condenser: A two-chambered vessel issuing vapor.
with a central tube jacketed by a water-tube. 3. The distilling flask is placed on a tripod stand
The water-tube has two side tubes near its over the wire gauze and kept in position with
ends. The lower side-tube is attached to a the help of a clamp stand. To avoid unusual
water tap through a rubber tube. On opening bumping of the boiling liquid, a few glass
the tap, water enters the jacket-tube, cooling beads or small pieces of porcelain ware are
the central tube. The water then comes out dropped in it.
through the second side tube which is at the 4. The liquid in the distilling flask is then
upper end. heated. Vapors are produced when the
• Flask: 2; round bottomed; one distilling flask boiling point of a particular liquid is reached.
and one receiving flask (to collect the The vapors come out of the side tube of the
distillate). flask and pass through the condenser, where
144 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
they cool down and condense to the liquid in the fractionating column), is maintained and
form and collect in the receiver. the liquid is collected in a receiver. As soon as
the next higher boiling liquid begins to distil,
Special Process of Distillation the temperature changes and the receiver is also
A. Fractional Distillation then changed, this way, pure liquids are collected
This process is used for the separation and
purification of organic liquids present in a B. Distillation Under Reduced Pressure
mixture. These liquids have different but (Vacuum Distillation)
somewhat close boiling points and may be Atmospheric pressure affects distillation of
separated from one another more or less a liquid, as its boiling point depends upon the
completely by this process. To achieve such prevailing atmospheric pressure. If the pressure
separations, a condenser with a fractionating over a liquid is lowered by some means, its
column are used instead of a single straight boiling point is also lowered. Liquids susceptible
condenser. The fractionating columns are so to decomposition at their normal boiling points
designed that the vapors of higher boiling liquid are distilled at reduced pressures when they boil
(less volatile) are preferentially condensed and at lower temperatures.
they return to the distilling flask, where as the
vapors of low-boiling liquid (more volatile) are This can be done by connecting the distilling
allowed to pass on and condense to liquid in the flask, through the condenser and receiver, to a
condenser. Thus this way, separation of liquids suction pump (either a water pump or an oil pump
is made possible. depending on the extent of vacuum to be created).
The remaining procedure is similar to simple or
As long as a particular liquid is being fractional distillations.
distilled, the temperature, recorded by the
thermometer (inserted in the distilling flask or Distillation is employed for the purification
i. Water.
ii. Alcohol.
More volatile
It is the conversion of a solid to its vapor
Less volatile
Solid Vapor
The result or product of sublimation is
More volatile
known as sublimate.
Some substances that do not sublime at
atmospheric pressure can be made to do so at
Fractional Distillation low pressures.
Laboratory Methods 145
Process of Crystallisation
Apparatus Required:
• Beaker.
• Bunsen burner.
• Filter paper.
• Sugar.
• Water.
• Blotting paper. Procedure:
• Stirrer. • Make a solution of CuSO4 in a beaker.
Procedure: • Concentrate it by heating on a bunsen flame.
1. In a beaker, mix sugar and water with the • Tie a crystal of CuSO4 to a string and suspend
help of a stirrer. it in the CuSO4 concentrated solution with
2. Heat the mixture to boiling and stir till no the help of a stand.
solid particle is left behind. • As the solution becomes cold, CuSO4 from
3. Filter this mixture over the bunsen burner the solution is deposited around the
till the solution becomes concentrated by suspended CuSO4 crystal. As a result, the size
evaporating the watery portion of the of the crystal increases.
Water of Crystallisation
4. Keep this concentrated solution in a cold
place in a beaker. After a day, crystals are When a substance crustallises out of a
seen at the bottom of the beaker. saturated solution, it may do so in combination
148 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
They are used for determining weights of different substances. Most quantitative chemical
processes depend at some stage, upon the measurement of mass; it is by far the commonest procedure
carried out by the analyst. Many chemical analyses are based upon the accurate determination of the
mass of a sample, and the mass of a solid substance produced from it (gravimetric analysis), or upon
ascertaining the volume of a carefully prepared standard solution (containing an accurately known
mass of solute) which is required to react with the sample (titrimetric analysis). For the accurate
measurement of mass in such operation, an analytical balance is employed; the operation is called
weighing, and invariably reference is made to the weight of the object or material which is weighed.
Different types of balances used in the laboratory are mentioned below. Sensitivity of the balances
vary. Sensitivity corresponds to the smallest mass that makes the pointer move over one division on
the scale, e.g., if the sensitivity of a balance is 1 mg., it means that a mass of atleast 1 mg. is needed
to move the pointer.
Only standard weights and measures must be used. They should be properly constructed, used
skillfully and protected from damage. Balances should be periodically checked to obtain accurate
a. Physical Balance or Weighing Platform
Balance or Beam Balance: They are used
for weighing larger quantities, where finer
accuracy is not needed. They are of three
i. Brass-pans Balance: For serving
prescriptions (i.e., compounding
ii. Glass-pans Scale: For hydroscopics (for
substances which absorb moisture) and
caustics (for substances which corrode).
iii. Horn-pans Scale: For weighing milk
sugar and poisonous substances.
b. Chemical Balance: It is used for minute
quantities where fine degree of sensitivity is Chemical Balance
needed as in chemical analysis.
Instruments 151
Two-pan Balance
out of strong plastic or old X-ray films of equal
Set of weights for use:
500 gms. 1 no. 10 gms. 1no.
200 gms. 2 nos. 1 gms. 1no. B
100 gms. 1 no. 2 gms. 2 nos.
20 gms. 2 nos. 1 gm. 1 no. Dispensing Balance
Dispensary Balance
This balance also has two suspended pans
but it has no glass case and no rests.
Sensitivity: 5 -10 mg.
The dispensary balance is more accurate than
the open two-pan balance, but can weigh only
up to 50 gms. Analytical Balance
Instruments 153
Components of the balance the beam at the centre, which is called the
CB-Cross-beam. fulcrum. The sharp end of the knife-edge
KE-Knife edges (KE1, KE2, KE3). rests on a small plate of steel or agate to
S-Stirrups (S1, S2). minimise friction. At the ends of the beam,
Pt-Pointer. two similar agate knife-edges are attached.
P-Pans. Their sharp edges are pointed upwards. They
B-Beam release screw (or pan arrester control).
suspend the pans.
AS-Adjusting screws (AS1, AS2). • The Stirrups or Pan Supporters: These rest
on the terminal knife-edges. In good quality
1. The Balance balances, these are provided with agate
pieces attached at the lower surfaces of their
The essential parts of a common chemical
upper arms. Hooks are furnished at the lower
balance are :
end, from which the pans are suspend. The
• The Crossbeam or Balance Beam: It is the distance from the fulcrum to the centre of
structure from which the pans are suspended. gravity of the stirrups is called the arms of
It is a horizontal metal or alloy casting, the balance and they are equal in length.
generally a thin bar, capable of turning freely
• Pans: These are scale pans on which
about the fulcrum.
standard weights and substances to be
• Knife Edges: These are sharp steel pieces in weighed are placed.
the middle of the crossbeam. They support
154 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
• Pillar: It is attached to the base-plate of the of the instrument. By adjusting these, the pillar
instrument. It supports the beam when at rest. is made, vertical, so that the balance-beam
The pillar is a vertical rod encased within an becomes horizontal; the correct adjustment
outer cover. It can be raised or lowered by a is indicated by the exactly vertical position
key or knob present at the base, when of the plumb line attached to the instrument.
required. The pillar has an agate at the top,
2. The Rider
upon which the central knife-edge of the
beam rests. It is a small piece of wire made of gold,
• The Pointer: It is attached from its upper end platinum, stainless steel, etc. weighing 10 mgs.,
to the middle part of the beam; it’s lower made of platinum, gold, stainless steel, etc. It is
end is free so that it can move freely over a bent twice at about 90°, with a loop in the middle.
graduated scale attached at the bottom of the It is present in a chemical balance for taking
piller. When the beam is horizontal, the fractional weights less than 10 mgs. For this
pointer is vertical. At rest, its lower end purpose, the balance beam is divided by serrated
should point at the zero mark on the scale. marks (like a saw-blade) into 100 equal parts and
marked accordingly.
• The Arresting Arrangement: When the
balance is not being used, the pillar Use of a Rider While Weighing a Substance
supporting the beam is lowered so that the in a Chemical Balance: While weighing, if it is
beam rests on another support attached to found that weights less than 10 mgs. (which are
the outer casing of the pillar as horizontal not provided with in the weight box) are required
projections, and the under-surfaces of the for correct balancing, the rider is moved by the
pans just about touch the pan-rests on the rider carriage and placed by trial and error
base board. Hence, the knife-edge at the method on a suitable position on the beam. From
fulcrum of the beam does not always rest on the position of the rider on the scale engraved
the agate plate and thus its sharpness is on the beam, the extra weight is calculated and
preserved. added to the ‘weights’ placed on the pan. Each
smallest sub-division on the beam of the sartorius
• The Beam Release Screw: Arrests the pans
balance corresponds to 0.2 mgs. and, in the
so that the sudden addition of weights or
Bunge type, it is 0.1 mg. Sartorius type of
chemicals does not injure the delicate knife
balances are generally used in chemical
• The Adjusting Nuts or Screws: Present at
both the ends of the beam. It is generally used 3. The Weight Box
for the initial adjustment of the unloaded It is a wooden box having a hinged lid. It
balance to a reading of zero. By displacing has grooves to keep the standard weights. The
the position of the nuts, the effective weight standard weights are commonly made of brass,
on each side can be altered by a small range, plated with nickel or chromium (stainless steel
and thus the weighing accuracy of the weights are also available). A standard set
balance can be adjusted. generally comprises of the following weights:
• The Plumb Line-and the Levelling Screws:
The levelling screws are present at the base
Instruments 155
100 gms : 1 no. 500 mgs : 1 no. 7. Always use forceps to pick up the weights.
50 gms : 1 no. 200 mgs : 2 nos. 8. Check that the pans are balanced by
20 gms : 2 nos. 100 mgs : 1 no. unscrewing the beam release screw, after
10 gms. : 1 no. 50 mgs : 1 no. closing the glass case.
5 gms. : 1 no. 20 mgs : 2 nos. 9. Properly place the stirrups on the beam
2 gms. : 2 nos. 10 mgs : 1 no. before weighing.
1 gm. : 1 no. 10. If the pans are not clean, use a camel hair
brush to clean it.
Weights above 1 gm. or the heavier weights
are more or less cylindrical, solid metal blocks 11. Use adjusting screws AS1 and AS2 to obtain
with a knob at the top. The fractional weights a perfect balance when compensating for the
are generally rectangular or triangular metal weight of the receptacle in which the
plates. The value of each weight is inscribed or substance will be weighed.
embossed on it and they are arranged in the box - When the screw is turned away from the
in a regular way. The fractional weights are central support, the weight is increased.
generally covered by a glass plate. For handling - When it is turned towards the central
the weights, a pair of forceps is also provided in support, the weight is decreased.
the box.
12. The beam of the balance should be perfectly
Instructions for Use horizontal when freed. Adjust this by
screwing in or out the nuts present at the ends
The following points should be followed
of the beam of the balance.
before, during and after weighing in an analytical
balance: 13. Do not weigh hot substances on a chemical
1. The crossbeam must always be at rest (beam balances.
release screw tightened) before the weights Uses:
and the substance to be weighed are placed
• To weigh small quantities (up to 20 or 200
on the pans.
gms., depending on the model).
2. The crossbeam must always be put back at
• When great accuracy is required, e.g., 3.85
rest before weights and the substance
gms 0.220 gms., 6.740 gms.
weighed are removed from the pans.
3. Keep the balance on a strong, sturdy table WEIGHING PROCEDURE
so that it is not affected by vibrations.
a. Place the bottle containing the substance to
4. Place the balance in a room free from dust be weighed to the left side of the balance.
and fumes.
b. Place on the left-hand pan the receptacle
5. Check the plumb line, to see if the balance
(folded paper or dish) in which the substance
is properly levelled. The level should be
will be weighed.
corrected by adjusting the levelling screws
present at the base of the instrument. c. Place on the right-hand pan the weights
equivalent to the weight of the receptacle
6. Always place the substance to be weighed
plus the amount of the substance to be
on a piece of paper folded in 4, or in a watch
glass or porcelain dish.
156 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
Thus place:
• The weighed substances on the right.
• The unweighed substances on the left.
• This avoids confusion.
e. As soon as the substance has been weighed,
move the bottle to the right hand side of the The most commonly used pieces of
balance. apparatus in volumetric analysis are graduated
flasks, burettes and pipettes. Graduated cylinders
and weight pipettes are less widely employed.
Graduated Cylinder
These are the graduated glass vessels used
to measure the volume of liquid substances.
Measuring cylinders of different capacities
are available.
The reading should be taken at the graduation
mark corresponding to the lower part of the
Instruments 157
M - Meniscus
How to Take a Reading
G - Graduating mark Method of Filling a Volumetric Flask
During Preparation of a Solution
adequate portions of a solution of the substance with distilled water. The plug of the stopcock is
to be analysed. They are also used for preparation removed from the barrel, and after wiping the
of reagents. Before putting the flask in use, make plug and the inside of the barrel dry, the stopcock
sure it is cleansed properly. is lubricated.
ii. Barrel: Also known cannot make full use of the total heating capacity
as ‘burner tube.’ It is of the gas and there is always the danger of
a narrow cylindrical ‘striking back.’
pipe made of brass. 2. Meker Burner
It has an air-hole at
its lower cut. The drawbacks of a bunsen burner are
overcome in this one. It is designed with larger
iii. Ring: Also known holes which supply a higher proportion of air
as the ‘air regulator’ required for the complete combustion of the fuel
or ‘collar.’ It is an gas. It also has a wider barrel with a copper or
annular brass ring nickle grid, or a wire gauge placed at the top
made of brass, fitted which prevents ‘striking back’ of the flare. Thus,
over the barrel at the in this burner a temperature of 1100º to 1200ºC
junction of its lower can be easily attained without danger.
end and the base. Bunsen Burner
This ring has holes
corresponding to
those on the barrel. The ring is placed on the Nickel grid
barrel in such a manner that its holes align
with those of the barrel. As the ring rotates
around the barrel, the air holes can be made
Pion of
fully or partially open, or fully closed, nickel grid
thereby regulating the acess of air into the
burner. Air Air
3. Ring Burner
For heating large vessels, uniformily in
1. Base ii. Barrel iii. Ring laboratories, a ring burner is used. It is made of
Parts of a Bunsen Burner a series of small bunsen burners arranged in a
circle with a cast iron setting.
Coal gas is generally used in a bunsen flame.
For the complete combustion of coal gas, 6
volumes of air to 1 volume of gas, in proportion
are required. However, in a bunsen flame, the
proportion is approximately 2.5 volumes of air
to 1 volume of gas. Hence, the bunsen burner Ring Burner
Instruments 165
4. Teclu Burner of the shape of its flame (it resembles the bats
It is a modification of the bunsen burner wings or tail of a fish). Instead of the air holes,
which produces a luminous flame. The barrel the top of the barrel has a special cap with a
here is shaped like a conical drum at the base. It narrow slit opening. This opening is responsible
also has a circular disc made of brass which for the shape of the flame.
moves up or down depending upon the varying Uses:
Generally used for bending glass tubes as
it’s flame is thin and wide, thus heating a large
area of the tube uniformly.
A flask shaped
apparatus made of
either aluminium or
glass, used for heating
purposes. It’s lower
expanded portion
contains spirit. It
produces less heat in
Teclu Burner comparison to a burner.
amount of air required in the burner. A screw It is used in rural areas
arrangement helps in this movement. It can attain instead of a burner
higher temperatures than a bunsen burner. where there is no gas
Spirit Lamp
5. Fish-tail Burner
Also known as ‘Bat’s wing burner’ because HOT AIR OVENS
This a small cupboard-like chamber made
of stainless steel or aluminium with two or more
perforated, movable racks inside. It has a hinged
door so that the oven can be opened and closed
as required. There is a hole at the top of the
chamber for inserting a thermometer to record
the tempeature of air inside. The hot air oven is
heated electrically or with a burner, which is
placed at the bottom.
The temperature in the chamber, generally
ranges from 50º C to 250º C. For higher
temperatures, a special oven has to be
Fish-tail Burner
166 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
Microwave ovens are now being used very
extensively for drying and heating. They are
particularly valuable when determining moisture
contents of materials, as water is removed very
rapidly on exposure to microwave radiation.
They also give greatly reduced drying times for
Hot Air Oven
An electric oven should not be used for
HOT PLATES drying solids and precipitates at temperatures up
to 250ºC in which acid or other corrosive vapors
Electrically heated hot plates are available in
are evolved. An air bath may be constructed from
a very wide range of shapes and sizes with
a cylindrical metal (copper, iron or nickel) vessel,
controls varying from simple ‘low, medium, high’
its bottom pierced with numerous holes. A silica
triangle, legs appropriately bent, is inserted inside
the bath for supporting an evaporating dish,
crucible, etc. The whole set-up is heated by a
bunsen flame, shielded from draughts. The
Hot Plates insulating layer of air prevents bumping by
reducing the rate at which heat reaches the
to very advanced thermostats and temperature
contents of the inner dish or crucible. An air bath
monitoring. They should satisfy all standard
of similar construction but with special heat-
safety requirements, with totally enclosed wiring
resistant glass sides may also be used; this gives
protected from possible chemical spillages. The
visibility inside the air bath.
best hot plates incorporate a magnetic stirrer;
they are valuable for getting substances into
Instruments 167
INFRARED LAMPS AND HEATERS color changes from blue to pink when the
Powerful infrared lamps with concentrating desiccant is exhausted. The spent material can
reflectors are available commercially and are be regenerated by heating in an electric oven at
useful for evaporating solutions and drying even 150-180 °C (silica gel); 200-300°C (activated
relatively large quantities of solid materials. If alumina); 230-250 °C (Drierite); it is therefore
the lamps are mounted above the liquid to be convenient to place these drying agents in a
heated, evaporation will occur rapidly, usually shallow dish situated at the bottom of the
without spattering. Specially designed infrared desiccator, allowing easy removal for baking as
units can be used with a number of dishes required.
simultaneously. Care must be taken when
handling the lamps; they can become extremely
hot and are fragile immediately after use and
before they have cooled down.
An immersion heater, consisting of a radiant
heater encased in a silica sheath, is useful for
the direct heating of most acids and other liquids
(except hydrofluoric acid and concentrated
caustic alkalis). Infrared radiation passes throgh
the silica sheath with little absorption, so a large
proportion of heat is transferred to the liquid by
radiation. The heater is almost unaffected by
violent thermal shock due to the low coefficient
of thermal expansion of the silica.
Desiccator (Ordinary)
The action of desiccants can be considered
A desiccator is a covered thick walled, hard from two viewpoints. The amount of moisture
glass container designed for the storage of objects that remains in the closed space of the desiccator
in a dry atmosphere. It is air tight with a perfectly is related to the vapor pressure of the inexhausted
fitted lid on its upper ground rim which is desiccant. i.e. the vapor pressure measures the
greased. It is contracted in the middle. A round, extent to which the desiccant can remove
perforated zinc plate, placed on a shelf just above moisture, and therefore measures its efficiency.
the constriction separates the 2 halves. Inside A second factor is the weight of water that can
the base is a drying agent, such as anhydrous be removed per unit weight of desiccant, i.e. the
calcium chloride, silica gel, activated alumina drying capacity. In general, substances that form
or anhydrous calcium sulphate (Drierite) which hydrates have higher vapor pressures but they
keeps the air inside the dessicator always dry. also have greater drying capacities. A substance
Silica gel, alumina and calcium sulphate can be cannot be dried by a desiccant which has a vapor
obtained which have been impregnated with a pressure greater than the vapor pressure of the
cobalt salt so that they are self-indicating; the substance itself.
168 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
used. The lids are arranged one above the other. boiling rod. This consists of a piece of glass tubing
All the lids are perforated except the one placed closed at one end and sealed approxi-mately 1
above. The vessel is partially filled with water cm. from the open end; the open end is immersed
and placed on a tripod stand. Heat it from below in the liquid. When the rod is removed, the liquid
with a bunsen burner, gas or spirit lamp. in the open end must be shaken out and the rod
rinsed with a jet of water from a wash bottle.
Uses This device should not be used in solutions which
i. Helps calculate the moisture content of drug contain a precipitate.
substances. Stirring may be conveniently effected with
ii. For heating substances indirectly at low the so-called magnetic stirrer. A rotating magnet
temperatures. induces a variable speed stirring action within
iii. For sublimation. closed or open vessels. The actual stirrer is a
small cylinder of iron sealed in pyrex glass,
STIRRING APPARATUS polythene or teflon, which is caused to rotate by
the rotating magnet.
The usual glass paddle stirrer is also widely
Stirring rods are made from glass rods 3-5 used. It works in conjunction with an electric
mm. in diameter, cut to suitable lengths. Both motor controlled by a transformer or a solid-state
ends should be rounded by speed device. The stirrer may be connected
heating in the bunsen or directly to the motor shaft or to a spindle
blowpipe flame. The length activated by a gearbox which forms an integral
of the stirring rod should be part of the motor housing; it is possible to obtain
suitable for the size and a wide variation in stirrer speed.
shape of the vessel, e.g., a Under some circumstances, e.g. the
spouted beaker requires a stirring rod that dissolution of a sparingly soluble solids, it may
projects 3-5 cms. beyond the lip when in a resting be better to use a mechanical shaker. They range
position. Glass stirring rods should not be used from wrist action shakers which accommodate
for stirring viscous liquids as they can cause small or medium sized flasks, to powerful
serious hand injuries if they break. A short piece shakers which can take large bottles and give
of teflon or rubber tubing (or a rubber cap) fitted their contents a vigorous agitation.
tightly over one end of a stirring rod of
convenient size is used for detaching particles
of a precipitate adhering to the side of a vessel
which cannot be removed by a stream of water
from a wash bottle; it should not, as a rule, be
employed for stirring, nor should it be allowed It is a thin glass tube
to remain in a solution. with one end closed. During
heating, the test tube is held
BOILING RODS with test tube holder. It is the
Boiling liquids and liquids in which a gas, most important utensil in a
such as hydrogen sulphide or sulphur dioxide, pharmacy or lab.
has to be removed by boiling can be prevented Test Tube
from superheating and ‘bumping’ by the use of a
170 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
Reaumer Scale
Introduced by French physicist, R.A.F. De
Reaumer (1683 – 1757) with freezing point of
water zero and boiling point 80°R.
It is an instrumental device for percolation.
It is associated with sieves and a regulating cork
stopper. For percolation apart from the
instruments mentioned, a glass-rod with cork is
also necessary.
This method is adopted for extraction of
dried drugs, vegetable substances and other
organic (animal) substances. The substance
should be reduced to powder form according to
one of the grades of fineness as specified in the
formula of the respective drug monograph.
Take a clean sterilised percolator and evenly
Percolators Suspended From a Rack.
lay the bottom with layers of powdered glass or
Percolator proper
Filter paper Notched
Drug substance (dry)
Coarse sand layer cork.
Fine sand layer
Medium coarse sand layer
Cotton layer
Head of the percolator
Neck of the percolator
Glass-made stop cork Packet for
Scored percolators
Percolator (A) Improperly and
(B) Properly Packed
Wash Bottle • Initially these were used for substances
which corrode the cork like, acids, chlorine,
These are a flat-bottomed flasks with a bromine and iodine preparations, chloro-
capacity of 500 ml. or 1 litre. It is fitted with an form, kreosote, etc. when in their 1X or 2X
air-tight cork with two holes, through which two potencies. However, nowadays they have
glass tubes pass. One is long and bent at an acute come to replace cork stoppers as they are
angle near one of its ends, while the other is short easier to clean and maintain.
and bent at an obtuse angle at its middle. Both • Stoppers are made of potash or Bohemian
the angles of the tubes are so made that they form glass (71 % SiO2; 18% K2; 11% CaO). They
180° together. The cork with the tubes inserted should be used cautiously in order to prevent
through it, is carefully fitted in the flask with the introduction of glass particles into the
air-tight joints. The longer arm of the tube with drugs from friction produced when the glass
an acute angle almost touches the bottom of the stoppers are opened or closed.
flask while the other arm remains outside and
• Jenna glass (65% SiO2; 8% Na2; 5% Al2O3;
is connected to a jet (made of glass tube) through
12% ZnO ; 10% B2O3) and pyrex glass (81%
a piece of rubber tubing. On the other hand, one
SiO2; 5% Na2O; 2% Al2O3 ; 12% B2O3) are
arm of the obtuse angled tube is inserted just a
also used.
little beyond the cork inside the flask, while the
other arm remains free to serve as a mouth piece All homoeopathic mother tinctures and
for blowing. Till about three-fourths of the flask solutions (except a few) should be stored in glass
with purified water. stoppered bottles. However, for certain acids,
e.g., fluoric acid, glass-stoppered bottles are not
appropriate as the acid eats away the glass,
174 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
rounded convex part, such that each fits into the SPOON
other when pressed. Generally those made of ivory, horn, bone,
porcelain or stainless steel are used.
Sieves are vessels having a meshed or Uses
perforated bottom, used for separating fine i. To transfer liquid or semi-liquid substances
powders from coarser substances. Those used from one container to another.
now-a-days are made of silk, hair or stainless ii. For handling sugar of milk and some
steel wire. However, the A.H.P. advises the use miscellaneous purposes.
of hair or silk sieves only.
Spatula is a broad blade implement used to
Type Uses spread contents, turning contents in a crucible,
1. Silk sieve For preparation of making etc. Its handle is heavier than the blade, so that
triturations: when it is kept on a horizontal surface, the blade
i. For very fine powders (# 80) seldom touches the surface.
use a 80 meshes sieve in a sq.
inch. (all the potencies pass Types
through a No. 80 sieve). It depends on the substance with which the
ii. For fine powders (# 60) use a spatula is made.
60 meshes sieve in a sq. inch.
i. Stainless steel instead of
(all the particles pass through
a No. 60 sieve and not more iron spatula.
than 40% through a No. 100 ii. Solid hard rubber spatula.
sieve). iii. Horn spatula.
Note: Never use the sieves for Blade
sugar of milk, to sift other sub- iv. Bone spatula.
stances. v. Porcelain spatula.
2. Hair or For preparing tinctures: vi. Ivory spatula.
stainless i. For moderately coarse pow-
steel wire ders (# 40) use a 40 meshes Commonly used spatulas
sieve sieve in a sq. inch. (all the par- are, stainless steel spatula, Handle
ticles pass through a No. 40 solid hard rubber spatula and
sieve and not more than 40% horn spatula.
through a No. 80 sieve).
ii. For coarse powder (#20) use
a 20 meshes sieve in a sq. Type Uses
inch. (all the particles pass i. Stainless steel i. It is used during the pro-
through a No. 20 sieve and spatula cess of trituration, to
not more than 40% through a (Modern loosen the powdered
No. 60 sieve). powder material which becomes
Note: When acidic substances have spatula) packed on the inner sides
to be sifted, horse-hair sieves of the mortar. When pres-
should be used.
176 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
• If there is only one mortar and pestle for all amounts at a high temperature. A crucible made
medicines, wash it immediately after every of silica is used for drying substances at very
use. high temperatures.
Accurate Less Accurate Inaccurate
Pipettes Measuring Conical test-
cylinders ing glasses
Tripod Stand Wire Gauze
Volumetric Calibrated
flasks dropping
the wire gauze. If the wire gauze is coated with pipettes
asbestos, the temperature can be controlled and
the surface of the vessel
will not have a blackish
1. Never measure the volume of hot liquids
CRUCIBLE (they will have expanded).
A crucible is made of 2. Never heat graduted glassware over a flame.
porcelain. It is generally 3. Never leave graduated glassware to soak in
used for drying hard an alkaline solution like, sodium hydroxide,
substances in small potassium, ammonia.
178 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
Bright-field Microscopy
This is the commonly used type of
microscope. In brightfield microscopy the field
of view is brightly lit so that organisms and other
structures are visible against it because of their
different densities. It is mainly used with stained
preparations. Differential staining may be used
depending on the properties of different
structures and organisms.
Dark-field Microscopy
In dark-field microscopy, the field of view
is dark and the organisms are illuminated. A
special condenser is used which causes light to
reflect from the specimen at an angle. It is used
for observing bacteria such as treponemas (which
cause syphilis) and leptospiras (which cause
Microscope leptospirosis).
1. Light Microscope: They are called light Phase-contrast Microscopy
microscopes because they use a beam of light
Phase-contrast microscopy allows the
(artificial or sunlight) to view the specimens.
examination of live, unstained organisms. For
A compound light microscope is the most phase-contrast microscopy, special condensers
common microscope used in the laboratory. and objectives are used. These alter the phase
It consists of two lens systems (i.e. a relationships of the light passing through the
combination of lenses) to magnify the image. object and that passing around it.
Each lens has a different magnifying power.
A compound light microscope with a single Fluorescence Microscopy
eye-piece is called monocular; one with two In fluorescence microscopy, specimens are
eye-pieces is said to be binocular. stained with fluorchromes/fluorochrome
2. Electron Microscope: Microscopes that use complexes. Light of high energy or short
Instruments 179
ii. A Pair of Small Milled Heads: They help B. The Magnification System
in fine focussing and are hence also This consists of a system of lenses.
called fine adjusting or focussing knobs.
The lenses of the microscope are mounted
3. The Revolving Nose-piece (Objective in 2 groups one at each end of the body tube.
Changer): It is at the base of the body tube,
placed perpendicular to it. It carries a set of i. The first group of lenses is at the bottom of
2-3 objective lenses, that rotate (and which the tube, just above the preparation under
180 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
X40 X100
X10 X40 X100
To measure the resolving power: R.P. =1/2 • An x4 eyepiece magnifies the image
of the wavelength of light used. produced by the objective 4 times.
Immersion oil increases the resolving power • An x6 eyepiece magnifies the image 6
by conserving light rays that would be lost by times.
refraction if a dry objective were used. Hence, if • An x10 eyepiece magnifies the image 10
immersion oil is not used, the image appears hazy times.
or blurred.
Note: Immersion oil:
• Immersion oil must be used with objectives having
NA more than 1.0. This increases the resolving
power of the objective.
• An immersion oil of medium viscosity and
refractive index of 1.5 is adequate. Any synthetic
non-drying oil with a refractive index of 1.5 and/
or as recommended by the manufacturer should
be used.
Cedar wood oil should not be used as it
leaves a sticky residue on the objective. If cedar
wood oil is used, particular care then needs to be
taken to ensure that the objective is thoroughly Eyepiece
and promptly cleaned with xylene after each
session of use. Petrol can be used in place of If the object is magnified 40 times by the
xylene for cleaning if xylene is not available. x40 objective, then 6 times by the x6 eyepiece,
the total magnification is 6 x 40 = 240.
Liquid paraffin should not be used as it has
a low refractive index which produces an inferior To calculate the total magnification of the
image. It is also unsuitable for scanning object observed, multiply the magnifying power
specimens for long periods, as is required for of the objective by that of the eyepiece.
accurate microscopy. Only the 100x objective Microscopes used in medical laboratories
should be used for viewing under immersion oil. have a magnifying power between 50 and 1000.
All other lenses are to be used without immersion
oil. Monocular and Binocular Microscopes:
Monocular microscopes (have only one
2. The Eyepiece
eyepiece) give better illumination and are
The specimen is viewed through the recommended for use with x100 oil immersion
eyepiece. It has a lens which magnifies the image objectives when the source of light is daylight.
formed by the objective. A movable pointer may
Binocular microscopes (have 2 eyepieces but
be attached to the inside of the eyepiece.
only use 1 objective at a time) are less fatiguing
Magnification: for the eyes when examinations have to be made.
The magnifying power of the eyepiece is Electric illumination is, however, essential for
marked on it. the x100 objective. Here, the tiny eyepieces can
Instruments 183
be moved closer or further apart to adjust the clear glass filled with water can be placed in front
distance between the eyes by a pulling and of the microscope to reduce the intensity of light.
pushing motion.
2. The Two Sided Mirror
C. The Illumination System It is the simplest illuminator providing
1. The Source of Light necessary illumination through reflection of
natural and artificial light.
Electric light should preferably be used,
since it is easier to adjust. It is provided by a
lamp built into the microscope beneath the stage,
or by an external lamp placed in front of the
microscope. A halogen bulb provides the best
illumination. On top of the illuminator is an in-
built filter holder to fit the filter of desired quality.
Halogen Lamp:
Two Sided Mirror
Halogen lamps are low wattage, high
intensity lamps and are the preferred light source.
The mirror reflects rays from the light source
Though costlier, these have the following
on to the object. One side has a plane surface,
advantages over tunsten lamps:
the other is a concave surface. It is supported on
• Emit white light. two sides with a fork fixed on a mount in a way
• Have higher luminosity (brighter). that permits free rotation. The mirror is placed
• Have a compact filament. at the base of the microscope. The concave side
• Have a longer life. forms a low-power condenser and is not intended
to be used if there is already a condenser. The
plane mirror is used for oil immersion objective.
3. The Condenser
A condenser illuminates the specimen and
controls the amount of light and contrast. The
Halogen Lamp
condenser brings the rays of light to a common The wider the diaphragm, the wider the angle
focus on the object to be examined. and consequently the greater the NA and the
It is situted between the the mirror and the smaller the detail seen. But the constrast is
stage. Some condensers have a ‘rack, and pinion’ correspondingly less.
mechanism for up and down adjustment. It can 5. Filters
be raised (maximum illumination) and lowered
In some microscopes colored filters
(minimum illumination) with the help of a raising
(particularly blue filters) are fitted below the
knob or, the knob is absent and the distance is
fixed. It must be centred and adjusted correctly.
They are used to change the light from
The numerical operature, (NA) of a
ordinary electric bulbs into more natural white
condenser should be equal to or greater than that
light. Neutral density filters are used to reduce
of the objective with maximum NA. When using
the brightness without changing the color of the
objectives with low magnifying power, the NA
of the condenser is adjusted with the help of an
iris diaphragm, which is provided below the Under some conditions, green filters are used.
condenser. In Ziehl-Nelsen microscopy, blue or green filters
are preferably not used as AFB, which is stained
To align the condenser with the objective,
red by carbol fuchsin loses its intense red color
condenser centering screws are used.
when blue or green filters are used. Filters can
A swing out type filter holder may be fitted be left in place or removed according to the type
above or under the condenser. It may not be of of preparation being examined.
the swinging type in some microscopes. The filter
holder holds detachable filters when required. D. The Adjustment System
Many modern microscopes have pre- The system comprises of:
centered and fixed condensers. In these, no 1. The Coarse Adjustment Screw
adjustments are required. To reduce glare, just
adjust the opening of the iris diaphragm. The coarse and fine adjustment screws are
used for changing the distance between the
4. The Diaphragm specimen slide and the objective. The coarse
The diaphragm, which is placed within the screw alters this distance rapidly and is the largest
condenser, is used to reduce or increase the angle screw. It is used first to achieve an approximate
and therefore also the amount of light that passes focus i.e. it brings the specimen slide in view
into the condenser. using an objective having low magnification
2. The Fine Adjustment Screw
This moves the objective more slowly and
permits better viewing of the slide. It is used to
bring the object into perfect focus. One revolution
of this knob generally moves the mechanical
stage by 10 μm. The movement should be smooth
Diaphragm and free from jerks.
Instruments 185
• x40 objective.
• x100 (oil immersion) objective.
The screw threads are standard.
• Put the eyepiece (s) in place.
• Fix the condenser under the stage.
• Fix the mirror on the foot.
3. Positioning the Lamp
If electric illumination is to be used, place
the lamp 20 cms. in front of the microscope
facing the mirror, which should be fixed at an
angle of 45°. Place a piece of paper over the
mirror. Adjust the position of the lamp so that it
shines on the centre of the mirror.
If the lamp is fitted with a lens, the filaments
Mirror Adjustment
in the bulb are projected on to the piece of paper
the bulb is in the exact centre of the circle of
light (or the brightest part if daylight is being used).
5. Centering the Condenser (if Centering
is Provided For)
It is very important to center the condenser
correctly. This is quite frequently overlooked.
a. Place a slide preparation without a
coverglass on the stage. Lower the
condenser. Open the iris diaphragm.
Positioning the Lamp Examine with the lowest power
objective (x3, x5 or x10). Look through
covering the mirror. This makes it possible to the eyepiece and bring into focus.
centre the beam more precisely. In some models, b. Close the diaphragm. A blurred circle of
the bulb is turned until a clear image of the filament
is obtained.
4. Preliminary Adjustment of the Mirror
Use the plane side of the mirror. Remove
any colored filters. Open the iris diaphragm to
maximum. Raise the condenser. Place a piece of
thin white paper over the lens at the top of the
condenser. This piece of paper should show an
image of the electric bulb, surrounded by a circle
of light. Adjust the mirror so that the image of Focusing
Instruments 187
eyepiece holder, close your left eye and, using • Occasionally a clear image cannot be
the x40 objective, bring the image into focus for obtained although the objective has been
your right eye with the right eyepiece. lowered as far as possible. This is
Then close your right eye and look through because the fine adjustment screw has
the left eye-piece. If the image is in focus, no been turned right to the end. Turn it back
adjustment is needed. If the image is not clear, as far as it will go in the other direction
turn the focusing collar until it is in focus. The and then focus by raising the objective.
microscope is now adjusted to suit your own • Rack the condenser up slightly if their is
binocular vision. insufficient illumination.
• Look through the eyepiece and turn the 4. Images Seen Under the Microscope
fine adjustment very slowly upwards until Remember that the circle of light seen in the
the image is in focus. eyepiece is called “the microscopic field”.
9 3
Microscopic Field
- If you move the slide towards yourself, 2. Special lens tissue paper or, if unvailable,
the object examined moves away from white absorbent paper (toilet paper). Special
you. lens paper is a paper free from abrasive
• Changing Objectives:
3. A piece of chamois leather, if possible
Modern microscopes are made so that when (otherwise a non-fluffy rag).
you change from a low power objective to a more
powerful one to examine the same object, the 4. Lens cleaning fluid: It is used to clean optical
object remains more or less in focus. If this is surfaces. It does not harm the coatings of
not the case, raise the nose-piece before changing the lens and does not soften the sealers and
to the more powerful objective and refocus. cements around the lens.
Note: Consult the manufacturer’s manual for
specifications regarding lens cleaning fluids, as
requirements are different depending on the
Ethyl ether and xylene are the commonly
used lens cleaning fluids. Petrol can be used if
xylene is not available. Ethyl ether is extremely
inflammable and xylene is toxic. These must,
x10 x40
Changing Objectives always be stored safely to avoid any accident.
Alcohol, acetones or any other ketones should
Before changing objectives, make sure that not be used, unless recommended by the
the object examined is in the middle of the field, manufacturer, as they may dissolve the sealants
so that it is not lost after the change. around the lens.
5. A plastic microscope cover: After using the
When the reading observation has been
microscope, cover it with a plastic or
made, rotate the objective away from the slide.
polythene bag.
Then release the tension from the slide holder
and remove the slide. 6. A small rubber bulb: Maintain an adequate
supply of bulbs and fuses for every
Routine Maintenance of the Microscope microscope.
The microscope needs daily attention to keep 7. A fine paint brush: One should use air to blow
it in good working order and thus to ensure away any dust particles from the surface of
reliable laboratory results. Special care is the microscope. Carefully clean the
required in hot and humid climates. mechanical stage as tiny pieces of broken
Note: In all cases, the manufactures manual glass may be present. A simple air brush can
should be consulted for specific instructions. be made in the laboratory by attaching a
pasteur pipette to a rubber bulb.
Equipment Required
8. In hot, humid climates:
Note: The manufacturer’s manual must be consulted
for specific instructions. • If there is electricity, a warm cupboard
1. Pieces of old cloth and a fine soft linen heated by 1 or 2 light bulbs (40 watts).
handkerchief, all washed and clean. • If there is no electricity, a desiccator 15-
Instruments 191
20 cms. in diameter with not less than • If the microscope does not have a built-in
250 gms. of dry blue silica gel (which light source, then the table should be placed
indicates humidity by turning pink). near a window, away from direct sunlight and
9. Drying agents: Keep dry silica gel or any arrangements made for the provision of a
other drying agent in the microscope cabinet lamp.
to reduce moisture. Regenerate the drying • As far as possible, the microscopy room
agent when necessary. Dry silica gel (blue should be free from dust and should not be
in color) absorbs moisture inside the box. damp.
Its color changes to pink when it is unable • If the microscope is to be used everyday, do
to absorb more moisture. When this occurs, not remove it from the site of installation,
it should be dried by keeping in a hot air provided security is assured.
oven or heating in a sauce pan. When
• When the microscope is not in use, keep it
completely dry, it regains its original blue
covered with a polythene or plastic cover and
color and can be re-used.
take necessary precautions against fungus.
If silica gel is not available, disposable and
(Dust is the worst enemy of the microscope.
cheap drying agents like salt and rice can be used.
Always keep the microscope properly
Rice is convenient and inexpensive. As soon as
covered. Fungus is also a major problem.
it is no longer dry and crisp, it must be replaced.
Always keep the microscope in dry
This method will work only if the cabinet or surroundings.)
box closes tightly. If no good closed space is • In humid areas, store the microscope every
available, a plastic bag may be used provided it night in a cabinet fitted with an electric bulb
is made of thick polythene and sealed each time. (5 W or 40 W). This is switched on at night
If a lamp for heating is used at night, then to reduce humidity.
simultaneous ventilation is an advantage, and the
• If the microscope is used intermittently and
space does not have to be closed tightly.
requires storage for prolonged periods, keep
Installation and Storage of Microscope it in an air-tight plastic bag with about 100g.
• Install the microscope on a sturdy, level table. of a drying agent. Remember to regenerate/
Equipment and instruments which generate replace drying agents (silica gel or dry rice)
vibrations, such as centrifuges and fortnightly or as needed.
refrigerators, should not be placed on or near • If only a wooden box is available, keep the
this table. microscope in it with some dry silica gel or
• The height of the table should be convenient dry rice.
for the user. As an alternative or in addition, Maintenance of Lenses
an adjustable stool should be made available
• Avoid collection of dust and immersion oil
to make microscopy comfortable.
on the objectives and eyepieces by keeping
• The table should be away from water, sinks the microscope covered.
and racks containing chemicals, to prevent
• Do not allow immersion oil to touch any of
damage to the microscope from spashes or
the objectives other than the oil immersion
192 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
• Always keep the eyepieces in place to protect as this might result in scratches on the lens.
the inner surface of the objective. If the field of view is not clear despite
• Close the holes of missing objectives in the cleaning, and the microscope works well with
nose-piece by using special caps that are another lens, then the lens has been permanently
provided, or by sealing with adhesive tape. damaged and must be repaired or replaced.
• Keep the lenses dry and avoid the application If the field of view is not clear even after
of oil or any other liquid to these lenses. changing the lenses (objective and eyepiece),
Removal of Dust from Lenses there is probably dirt or fungus on the tube
prisms. These can be checked by removing the
Check for dust or dirt on the lenses eyepieces, and examining the upper part of the
(eyepieces, objective, condenser and illuminator microscope tube with the light fully open. Fungus
lenses) by seeing if the image appears hazy or is seen as threads, dots or a woolly layer.
with black dots.
Cleaning the Objectives
• If the black dot moves when the eyepiece is
rotated, this means that the dust is on the Inspection of the Objective
eyepiece. • Carefully unscrew the objective from the
• If the black dot moves when the slide moves nose-piece.
then the dust is present on the slide. • Gently remove one eyepiece to use as a
• If these two are ruled out, presume that the magnifier (or use a magnifying glass).
dust is on the objective. Dust on objectives • Grasp the objective in one hand with the front
shows as dots if it is inside. lens face up.
• If the dust is outside the objective it shows
• Hold the eyepiece in the other hand with the
as a hazy image.
top lens facing down.
Do not remove the dust from the lenses by • Bring the eyepiece very close to your eye
wiping these with a cloth as this can scratch the and focus on the objective. Change the angle
lens and damage it permanently. Dust can be of the objective so that light can reflect off
removed with a camel-hair/artist’s brush or by its surface. The two lens surfaces will be
blowing air over the lens with an air brush. Dust about 2.5 cms. apart. Try to avoid them
on the inner surface of the objective can be touching each other.
removed by using a soft camel-hair brush (artist’s
• Inspect the objectives for scratches, nicks,
cracks, deterioration of seal around the lens,
Removal of Oil from Lenses or oil seepage into the lens.
The presence of oil on the lenses produces a Dry Objectives
hazy image. The localization of oil can be done
Breathe on the lens and wipe with a soft
by the same method as has been described above
cloth, moving the cloth across and not circularly.
for localization of dust.
Oil should be removed with the help of lens Oil Immersion Objectives
paper using lens cleaning fluid as recommended Remove the oil with lens paper or absorbent
by the manufacturer. This can be applied gently paper. If there are traces of old immersion oil or
with lens paper. Do not use force to remove oil if cedarwood oil has been used, moisten the paper
Instruments 193
very slightly with xylene or toluene, then wipe This problem can be overcome by cleaning,
again with dry paper. Every evening before polishing and lubricating the sliding channel and
putting the microscope away, remove any dust the ‘rack and pinion’. First remove the dust with
on the objectives by puffing air with the rubber a camel-hair/artist’s brush or by blowing air;
bulb. If necessary, remove any remaining dust clean it with a solvent such as petrol, polish with
using the fine paint brush. mental polish and apply high quality silicone
grease to lubricate the moving parts.
Cleaning the Eyepieces
Stiff movements may also be due to
• Clean the upper surface of the upper lens
mechanical bending of some part. Rectify the
(where you apply your eye) with a soft cloth
fault or call the service engineer. With prolonged
or tissue paper.
use, the up and down movement of the
• Clean the lower surface of the lower lens, mechanical stage becomes loose. The stage,
inside the microscope tube, with a fine paint therefore, slides down during examination
brush. resulting in loss of focus. Adjust the tension with
• If there is dust inside the eyepiece, unscrew the tension adjustment device as recommended
the upper lens and clean the inside lenses by the manufacturer.
using only air from the rubber bulb and a
fine paint brush. Maintenance of Light Source
• The supply of voltage (110 V or 220 V) must
Cleaning the Condenser and Mirror always conform to that specified for the
• The condenser is cleaned in the same way as microscope.
the objectives, with a soft cloth or tissue • An adequate number of spare bulbs and fuses
moistened with xylene. should be available.
• The mirror is cleaned with a soft cloth • Do not touch the bulbs with bare hands.
moistened with alcohol. • Provide adequate ventilation to take care of
Cleaning the Support and Stage heat generated by light.
• Clean with chamois leather or a soft non- • Provide voltage protection, if necessary.
fluffy cloth. • Before switching the lamp on, adjust the
variable voltage regulator to minimum.
• Never use xylene, which may remove the
Switch on the lamp and slowly increase the
black paint from the microscope.
voltage until the desired intensity is
• The stage can be cleaned thoroughly using achieved.
absorbent paper impregnated with petroleum
jelly. Care of the Microscope
Maintenance of Mechanical Moving After Daily Use
Parts • Bring the variable voltage regulator setting
Mechanical moving parts of the microscope to the minimum before turning off the lamp.
may become too stiff or too loose. Turn off the light source of the microscope.
• Gently wipe the immersion oil off the
Stiffness is due to accumulation of dust or
objective, condenser and mechanical stage
because the sliding channel has become rough.
with lens paper or muslin cloth.
194 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
• Replace the cover of the microscope and cupboard is at least 5°C warmer than that of
take necessary precautions against fungus. the laboratory.
Each Month For example:
• Use an air brush to blow away dust. Clean • Temperature of laboratory : 26' C.
the objectives, eyepieces, and condenser • Temperature inside cupboard : 32°C.
with lens cleaning fluid. Do not put fluid
directly on the lenses; instead, apply it to the
lens paper and then clean.
• Remove the slide holder from the mechanical
stage and clean.
• With a tissue moistened with water, wipe the
dust off the body of the microscope and the
window of the illuminator in the base of the
Every Six Months
Thoroughly inspect, clean and lubricate the
microscope after consulting the manufacturer’s
Labs with Electricity
manual. This should preferably be done by
professional service personnel.
Note: The microscopes must be kept in the warm
Additional Precautions to be Taken in cupboard even if the laboratory is air conditioned.
Hot Climates 2. Laboratories Without Electricity: The
A. Hot Humid Climates microscope can always be kept in the open
air, in the shade but near a sunny spot. Never
In hot humid climates, if no precautions are
taken, fungus may develop on the microscope,
particularly on the surface of the lenses, in the
grooves of the screws and under the paint, and
the instrument will soon be useless. This can be
prevented as described below:
1. Laboratories with Electricity: Every
evening, place the microscope in a warm
cupboard. This is simply a cupboard with a
tight-fitting door, heated by one or two 40
watt light bulbs (for a cupboard just big
enough to take 1-4 microscopes, one bulb is
enough). The bulb is left on continuously,
even when the microscope is not in the
Check that the temperature inside the Labs without Electricity
Instruments 195
put the microscope in its wooden box (even or a fine paint brush. If dust articles remain
overnight) but always use a cover. The on the surface of the objective, remove with
microscope must however be cleaned daily lens paper.
to get rid of dust. 4. If there is a wet season lasting more than a
Ideally, the laboratory should be visited every month, take the precautions recommended
3 months by a specialist who takes the above for hot humid climate.
microscope to pieces and:
Fungal Growth on the Microscope
• Inspects the surfaces of the lenses and
the prism for the first signs of fungus. Fungus is common in hot and humid
climates. These conditions prevail for most of
• Lubricates the metal parts with a special the year in south-east Asia, and therefore
liquid oil that has cleaning properties. precautions are necessary. Fungal growth should
B. Hot Dry Climates be suspected when a part or all of the image
becomes unclear or hazy. If fungal growth is
In hot dry countries, the main problem is dust
advanced, the image becomes dim and hardly
(sand storms, etc.). Fine particles work their way
anything can be seen.
into the threads of the screws and under the
lenses. This can be avoided as follows: Fungus can attack all microscopes within a
few years if no precautions are taken, even if
“anti-fungal treated” lenses are used.
The lenses, the eyepiece tube and prisms of
the microscope are often the first place for fungal
growth. The eyepiece tube can be checked by
taking out the eyepieces and inspecting the inner
part of the tube with the light on. Cleaning of
the eyepiece tube is difficult and should be done
only by authorized personnel.
Factors Facilitating Fungal Growth
• Hot and humid environment.
• Storage cabinets made of wood, leather or
plastic without a desiccant.
• Storage in cupboards or drawers.
• Storage in small, dark unventilated rooms.
Cleaning the Lenses
How to Prevent Fungal Growth
1. Always keep the microscope under a air tight
plastic cover when not in use. Put it away in • Store the microscope every night in a cabinet
its wooden box every evening. fitted with an electric bulb (5 W or 40 W).
The bulb should be preferably fitted at the
2. At the end of the day’s work, clean the top of the cabinet so that it is near the tube
microscope thoroughly by blowing air on it (head of the microscope). Keep the bulb
from a rubber bulb. switched on overnight. If this technique is
3. Finish cleaning the lenses with a lens brush used, the cabinet should have holes for
196 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
• Always keep the immersion oil bottle capped • Never leave the microscope without the
and free from dust and debris. eyepieces unless the openings are plugged.
• Use a dropper and not a glass rod to put • Do not exchange objectives of two
immersion oil on the slides without touching microscopes unless you are certain that their
it. mechanical tube length specifications are
• Gently wipe off immersion oil from the lens identical.
after each session of use with lens paper or • Do not keep the microscope in a closed space
muslin cloth. This is sufficient if food quality or under a cover in a humid climate without
oil is used (use synthetic oil recommended taking precautions against fungal growth. If
by the manufacturer). nothing in this regard can be done, then the
• The cover slip should conform to the microscope should be kept without a cover
specifications for the objective of the in a well-ventilated space, preferably under
microscope. Most oil immersion objectives a working fan.
are corrected for cover slip of 0.17 mm. • Do not introduce bubbles into the immersion
thickness. oil by stirring it, or suckling or expelling the
oil violently. A bubble under the objective
Dont’s for Good Microscopy will cause glare and lower contrast, thus
• Do not use cotton wool, ordinary paper, bad reducing the quality of the image.
quality facial tissue or coarse cloth to clean • Never put the microscope away with
the lens as the coarse fibres can scratch the immersion oil on the objective.
surface of the lens. • Never carry the microscope by the limb with
• Do not use xylene (or petrol) excessively to one hand; use both hands, one under the foot,
clean the lens. Excess oil can be usually the other holding the limb.
wiped off with lens paper or muslin cloth. If • Never touch electric bulbs with bare fingers.
good quality immersion oil is used, xylene Natural oil from the skin may burn and
is usually not needed. Avoid using darken its surface causing premature
cedarwood oil. decrease in light intensity. Use lens paper to
• Never clean the lenses of the objectives and hold the bulb when inserting it.
eyepieces with ethanol. • Do not increase the intensity of the light
• Never dip the objectives in xylene or ethanol source beyond the maximum permitted
(the lenses would become unstuck). value.
• Do not clean lenses frequently. This may
cause scratching and chipping of lenses. ELECTRON MICROSCOPE
• Never touch the objectives with your fingers. This is a completely modern microscope.
• Never clean the supports or the stage with Through this, the human eye can see and measure
xylene. the ultra-microscopic particles.
• Never clean the inside lenses of the eyepieces Advantages
and objectives with cloth or paper (this might
• It uses a beam of electrons instead of a light
remove the anti-reflecting coating); use a fine
paint brush only.
198 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
measuring the specific gravity of liquids and of covering different ranges of relative density.
granular solids. In addition, there are also other types of
hydrometers serving special purposes, e.g.,
HYDROMETER ‘Lactometer’ which is used for testing milk.
It is a glass-made instrument used for rapid Uses: It is used for rapid and easy
and easy measurement of relative density or measurement of the ‘relative density’ or ‘specific
specific gravity of different liquids. gravity’ of different liquid.
A common hydrometer consist of three parts:
Points to Note When Reading Hydrom-
1. A long narrow graduated stem (B). eters
2. A tubular bulb (A). Cleanliness: Before using either glass or
3. A round bulb (C). metal hydrometers, it is essential to remove any
The round bulb (C) grease or dirt by washing in water and drying
contains lead shots or with soft, absorbent material, after which the
mercury, making the stem should be kept free from the natural grease
apparatus heavy at the of the fingers.
bottom, to keep it upright Temperature: It is desirable that the
when immersed in a liquid, hydrometer and the liquid under test should be
whose density is to be at the same temperature as the surrounding
ascertained. atmosphere to avoid any change in density whilst
readings are being taken. If the temperature of
The tubular hollow the liquid differs from the temperature
part displaces sufficient adjustment marked on the scale, an appropriate
liquid in which it is dipped correction should be applied.
and it floats vertically with Stirring: Before taking a reading, the liquid
its stem more or less should be thoroughly stirred from top to bottom
immersed in the liquid. to obtain a uniform density. Make certain that
The upper stem is the liquid is free from air bubbles and that both
graduated and these the liquid and the hydrometer are at rest before
markings give the readings taking a reading.
of the relative density of Immersion: To obtain accurate readings,
the liquids. The stem is immerse the hydrometer slowly in the liquid to
made thinner for better a point about 1/8” below the point at which it
sensitivity of the Hydrometer
floats naturally, before releasing.
Observation: When the liquid is clear, the
Since its weight is constant, the hydrometer undersurface should be observed and the eye
dips more in a lighter liquid than in a heavier should be raised gradually upto the surface, first
liquid as while floating, the weight of the seen as an eclipse, becomes a straight line. Where
displaced liquid must be equal to its weight in this line intersects the hydrometer scale is the
every case. correct reading.
Such type of common hydrometers are When the liquid is opaque, such as milk, or
generally made in sets of four or more, each where the liquid is not sufficiently clear to enable
200 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
the above method to be used, the top surface of diameter of 24 mm. with lead shots and wax
the liquid should be observed. An allowance, poised. Scales sub-divided every 0.001° specific
however, should be made for the height of the gravity in a minimum scale length of 70 mm.
meniscus on the hydrometer stem and this height Maximum permissible error 0.001° specific
should be estimated as an equivalent length on gravity adjusted for use at 60° F.
the hydrometer scale. If difficulty is experienced
in estimating this height, float the hydrometer Varieties:
in a clear liquid of the same character as that Range in Degrees Specific Gravity
being tested and take the distance between the
0.650° to 0.700°
top and bottom of the meniscus.
0.700° to 0.750°
Specific Gravity Hydrometers 0.750° to 0.800°
Specially designed for testing light liquids. It 0.800° to 0.850°
is made as recommended by the American 0.850° to 0.900°
Society for Testing Materials. 0.900° to 0.950°
For Petroleum Products and Other 0.950° to 1.000°
Liquids of Similar Surface Tensions
For Alcohol
Long Form Overall length 335 mm. (maximum) with
Overall length 335 mm. (maximum) with torpedo shaped bulbs having a maximum
torpedo shaped bulbs having a maximum diameter of 27 mm. with lead shots and wax
diameter of 27 mm. with lead shots and wax poised. Scales sub-divided every 0.0005° specific
poised. Scales are sub-divided at every 0.0005° gravity in a minimum scale length of 125 mm.
specific gravity in a minimum scale length of 125 Maximum permissible error 0.0005° specific
mm. Maximum permissible error 0.0005° specific gravity adjusted for use at 60° F.
gravity adjusted for use at 60°F.
Varieties: Range in Degrees Specific Gravity
Range in Degrees Specific Gravity 0.950° to 1.950°
0.650° to 0.700° For Alcoholic solutions with specific
0.700° to 0.750° gravities less than 0.950.
0.750° to 0.800°
0.800° to 0.850° Specific Gravity Hydrometers
0.850° to 0.900° (Commercial Grade)
0.900° to 0.950°
Shot and wax poised, with scales graduated
0.950° to 1.000°
and figured in black. Adjusted for use at 60°F
1.000° to 1.050°
(15.5° C) for temperate climates, or 84° F (29°C)
1.050° to 1.100°
for tropical climates.
Short Form 6” Length, 0.050° Specific Gravity Series,
Overall length 270 mm. (maximum) with sub-divided in 0.001° specific gravity.
torpedo shaped bulbs having a maximum
Instruments 201
Range in Range in Baumé Hydrometers
Specific Gravity Specific Gravity For Liquids Heavier Than Water
0.600° to 0.650° 1.300° to 1.350° Shot and wax poised, adjusted for use at 60°
0.650° to 0.700° 1.350° to 1.400° F (15.5° C) for temperate climates or 84° F
0.700° to 0.750° 1.400° to 1.450° (29° C) for tropical climates.
0.750° to 0.800° 1.450° to 1.500° Rational Baumé Scale, where,
0.800° to 0.850° 1.500° to 1.550°
0.850° to 0.900° 1.550° to 1.600° Degrees Sp. Gr. = 144.3
0.900° to 0.950° 1.600° to 1.650° 144.3 - Degrees Baumé
0.950° to 1.000° 1.650° to 1.700°
1.000° to 1.050° 1.700° to 1.750°
1.050° to 1.100° 1.750° to 1.800°
1.100° to 1.150° 1.800° to 1.850°
1.150° to 1.200° 1.850° to 1.900°
1.200° to 1.250° 1.900° to 1.950°
1.250° to 1.300° 1.950° to 2.000° Varieties:
Range Sub-divided Figured Length
Degrees Degrees Degrees
9” Length, 0.050° Specific Gravity Series,
Baumé Baumé Baumé
sub divided in 0.001° specific gravity.
0° to 10° 0.1° 1° 9”
10° to 20° 0.1° 1° 9”
Range in Range in
20° to 30° 0.1° 1° 9”
Specific Gravity Specific Gravity
30° to 40° 0.1° 1° 9”
0.600° to 0.650° 1.300° to 1.350°
40° to 50° 0.1° 1° 9”
0.650° to 0.700° 1.350° to 1.400°
50° to 60° 0.1° 1° 9”
0.700° to 0.750° 1.400° to 1.450°
0.750° to 0.800° 1.450° to 1.500° 60° to 70° 0.1° 1° 9”
0.800° to 0.850° 1.500° to 1.550° 0° to 20° 0.2° 2° 9”
0.850° to 0.900° 1.550° to 1.600° 20° to 40° 0.2° 2° 9”
0.900° to 0.950° 1.600° to 1.650° 40° to 60° 0.2° 2° 9”
0.950° to 1.000° 1.650° to 1.700° 0° to 50° 0.1° 10° 9-½”
1.000° to 1.050° 1.700° to 1.750°
0° to 70° 0.1° 10° 12”
1.050° to 1.100° 1.750° to 1.800°
1.100° to 1.150° 1.800° to 1.850° For Liquids Lighter Than Water
1.150° to 1.200° 1.850° to 1.900° Shot poised, adjusted for use at 60° F (15.5°
1.200° to 1.250° 1.900° to 1.950° C) for temperate climates or 84° F 29° C) for
1.250° to 1.300° 1.950° to 2.000° tropical climates.
202 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
6” Length, 0.200° Specific Gravity 12” Length, 1.000° Specific Gravity Series,
Series, sub-divided in 0.005° specific Gravity. sub-divided in 0.010° specific gravity.
equivalent Milk Scale. Adjusted for use at 60° F for temperate climates or 84° F for tropical climates.
Each in card case with instruction leaflet.
Salinometers are used for Testing boiler water. Cylindrical shaped bulbs, shot poised.
Used for quantitative determination of the distribution of particle sizes in soil.
Specially designed bulbs, shot poised.
Graduated Jars
These are for use with soil hydrometers in the mechanical analysis of soils.
Graduated for a volume of 1000 ml.
Soil hydrometers are also used for determination of particle sizes distribution in soil. Made in
accordance with B.S. 1377.
Range Sub-divided Length Temperature Adjustment
0.995º to 0.001 345
0.030º g/ml g/ml m.m. 20º C
0.990º to 0.001 265
1.010º g/ml g/ml m.m. 20º C
206 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
Starch hydrometers are used for laundry use. Torpedo-shaped bulbs, shot and wax poised.
Urinometers are used for testing urine. Torpedo-shaped bulbs, shot and wax poised.
Refractometry is one of the simplest
physicochemical methods of analysis. The main Rotary
advantage of this method is that it requires a very
small amount of the analyte and can be performed
in a very short time. It is used for identifying drugs
and their purity, and quantitative determination.
Design of a Rotary Polarimeter
It is based on measuring the refractive index a. Side View; b. Back View.
of the analyte. The refractive index is one of the 1. Magnifying glass for reading scale.
fundamental physical properties of a substance. 2. Eyepiece.
A pure substance is characterised by a definite 3. Screw for setting scale at zero with the aid of
refractive index. a removable screw.
When ray of light travels from one 4. Transmission knob.
transparent media into another, the direction of 5. Chamber for tubers.
the ray changes at the interface and the ray is 6. Sample tube.
7. Electric bulb.
8. Rotating housing with ground glass light filter.
Note: The refractive index is measured by a special 9. Tumbler switch.
instrument known as Refractometer.
Instruments 209
The polarimetric method of analysis is based when put to ultraviolet light have violet
on the ability of substances to rotate the plane of fluorescence.
polarization when polarized light passes through
Substances rotating the plane of polarization Photometric methods of analysis are based
of light to the right or left are called optically on the ability of an analyte to selectivity absorb
active. light.
If the plane of polarization rotates to the right The analysis of substance based on the
(clockwise), the substance is said to be measurement of light absorption includes
dextrorotatory. spectroscopy and photocolorimetry.
If the plane of polarization rotates to the left,
Spectroscopy is based on the absorption of
the substance is said to be levorotatory, the prefix
monochromatic light which means light, of a
is (-) sign.
definite wave length (0.2 to 20 μm) in the visible
The deflection of the plane of polarisation ultraviolet and infrared regions of the spectrum.
from the initial position expressed in angular There are various types of spectrometers and
degree is called “Angle of Rotation” and is spectrophotometers for measurement of light
designed by the Greek letter “α”. absorption. Monochromatic lights are used by the
This angle of rotation depends on certain help of an optical system known as the
factors: Monochromator.
a. Nature of the optically active substance.
b. Layer of thickness.
This method is used to determine the
c. Temperature.
hydrogen ion concentration in a solution (the pH
d. Nature of the solvent. of the medium) and establish the equivalence
e. Wavelength of the light and it is determined point of titration.
at 20ºC and at the wave length of Sodium The method is based on the change in the
Spectrum D line (589.3 mm.). potential of an electrode immersed in an analyte
solution and consists of measuring the
FLUROMETRY electromotive force between two electrodes.
Analysis of some drug substances are made
by studying the emission spectra of the analysis. POLAROGRAPHY
Some substances do not give emission by This method is used in qualitative and
themselves but they are chemically converted so quantitative assessment of some medicinal
that they fluoresce. i.e. Adrenalin, Folic acid. Here substances. It is based on measuring the current
are a few examples which fluorence. When put arising in the process of oxidation or reduction of
to ultraviolet irradiation i.e. caffeine and nicotine an analyte on the surface of a microelectrode.
210 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
Cleaning of Utensils
chromate is usually not preferred as it is not very lubricant are applied to the length of the plug on
soluble in concentrated sulphuric acid. This lines roughly midway between the ends of the
mixture is allowed to stand for several hours. It bore of the plug. Upon replacing in the barrel
is then poured off and the apparatus is thoroughly and turning the tap a few times, a uniform thin
rinsed with deionised water and allowed to drain film of grease is distributed round the ground
until dry. joint. A spring or some other form of retainer
It is advisable to clean the tips of burettes by may then be attached to the key to lessen the
filtering sodium dichromate-sulphuric acid chance of it becoming dislodged when in use.
mixture through glass wool placed in the apex
of a glass funnel. This helps in removing sludge CLEANING OF PLATINUM APPARATUS
that may be present in the tips of the burette. All platinum wares should be kept clean and
An effective cleaning agent, claimed to be polished. If a platinum crucible is stained, a small
much faster in action is obtained by cooling a quantity of sodium carbonate (Na2CO3. 10H2O)
mixture of 100 gms. of potassium hydroxide should be fused in the crucible and the molten
(KOH) in 50 ml. of water adding methylated solid poured out on to the slab. The residual solid
spirit to make it upto 1 litre. This mixture should is dissolved out with water and the vessel then
be handled very carefully. Glassware must be digested with concentrated hydrochloric acid.
rinsed with distilled or deionised water everytime This treatment is repeated, if necessary. If fusion
before use. The outsides of the vessel must be with sodium bicarbonate is not effective, it is then
dried with a lint-free glass cloth which is reserved substituted with potassium hydrogen sulphate
exclusively for this purpose and which is frequent (KHSO 4), disodium tetraborate, potassium
laundered. The cloth must not be used to clean hydrogen flouride, etc. All these agents must be
the insides of vessels. handled with proper care. Platinum vessels must
not be squeezed to loosen the solidified cake after
When required, the glassware should be
a fusion. It will cause deformation and denting.
dried in a drying cabinet (except for measuring
vessels, which are never dried by heating). To remove the iron stains, the covered
crucible with a 1-2 gm. of pure ammonium
LUBRICANTS FOR GLASS STOPCOCKS chloride (NH4Cl) is heated for 2-3 minutes.
with distilled water using a brush. It is then hair sieve. After drying they are again rinsed with
dried thoroughly by heating. dilute alcohol and then again dried throughly at
• Iron or Stainless Steel Mortar and Pestle: a moderate temperature, under the sun. Do not
wash corks with hot water of steam as they get
At first it is scrubed under running water
discolored and may loose their shape.
using a hard brush; then rinsed with warm
water and distilled water successively using CLEANING OF TINCTURE PRESS
a soft brush. It is dried with a clean cloth
and alcohol to prevent rusting. The cloth The components of the press are separated
and each washed thoroughly under running
must be frequently laundered.
water. It is then washed with distilled water and
• Glass Mortar and Pestle: First wash with thoroughly dried.
hot water and then with cold water while
rubbing with a hard brush. Dry under high CLEANING OF WOODEN
temperature. While drying, a quantity of INSTRUMENTS
strong alcohol is burnt inside the mortar, tak- Modern laboratories seldom use wooden
ing care of the handle of the pestle. instruments. If used, they must be scrubed with
After mercurial preparations, wash the a hard brush under running water; then it is rinsed
mortar and pestle with HNO3 to neutralise the with a soft brush in warm water; finally cleaned
residue. with distilled water and sun-dried.
Horn spatula is washed under running water. Wipe it after washing and keep it dry to avoid
It is then washed with alcohol and wiped dry with rusting.
a clean cloth. The cloth should be frequently
Horn spaptula should not be washed with Clean it after every preparation. Wash it
hot water. It must be kept away from sodium several times with hot water using a brush. Then
carbonate (Na2CO3. 10H2O). rinse with purified water followed by alcohol and
dry at moderate temperature. The velvet cork that
According to Dr. Hahnemann, in §270 of the
is used is thrown away.
6th edition of Organon:
‘Mortar’, ‘pestle’ and ‘spatula’ must be CLEANING OF BOTTLES
cleaned well before they are used for another Keep the bottles in cold water for 6-7 hours.
medicine, washed first with warm water and Remove the filth using a hard brush. After
dried, both mortar and pestle, as well as spatula removing the filth, wash with warm water and
are then put in a kettle of boiling water for half then rub with a soft brush. Wash now with
an hour. purified water followed by rinsing with strong
alcohol. Expose the bottles to the sun for drying.
Now-a-days corks have been replaced by
glass stoppers as they can easily cleaned. Wash them several times with hot water
However, if they are used, first gently rub them using a phial brush. After washing, rinse with
under tap water followed by purified water in a alcohol and dry at moderate temperature.
Hazardous Instruments
Certain instruments if not handled carefully are liable to cause injury to self and to others. This
section deals with such instruments and methods of eliminating or reducing hazards cause by them.
10. Domestic-type Provide ignition sources • Place warning sign on domestic type
refrigerators (thermostats, light refrigerators: “Do not store flammable
switches, heater strips, etc.) solvents in this refrigerator.
that can ignite vapors from • Modify by relocating manual temperature
stored flammable solvents. controls to the exterior of the cabinet and
sealing all points where wires pass from the
refrigerator compartment.
Note: Self-defrosting refrigerators cannot be
modified in this way.
Calendula lotion should be applied and a The immediate need is to reduce the heat.
protective first-aid dressing done. The accident Quench flames and cool tissues with cold water
should be recorded. The injured worker should or any other non-inflammable fluid in hand.
then go immediately to the first-aid room and Remove smouldering clothes by seizing them in
inform staff of the cause of the injury and the a non-burning area. Otherwise smother the
agent involved. If considered necessary, a flames by whatever means possible.
physician should be consulted and his advice Burns frequently occur in frightening
followed. circumstances and reassurance to the casualty is
of the greatest importance.
2. Burns, Scalds and Corrosive
The casualty may suffer from shock, related
to the extent of the burned area and this is
Burns are caused by dry heat which may arise exacerbated by loss of fluid from the tissues and
from: by oozing from the wound. The injured area
• Fire, flame, contact with hot objects. rapidly becomes red, swollen and blistered.
• Friction. The aims of the first-aid treatment of burns
• Electrical current. are:
Scalds arise from moist heat and are a. To reduce the effects of heat and alleviate
produced by: pain.
• Hot water. b. To lessen contamination and the risk of in-
• Steam. fection.
• Hot oil. c. To reduce discomfort and swelling.
d. To ensure an adequate fluid intake.
The potential for accidents involving acids,
alkalis and other corrosive chemicals is high in e. To get the severely burned or scalded casu-
the health-care laboratory where such substances alty to medical attention as quickly as pos-
are in common use. sible.
loosened, e.g. rings, bracelets, belts, etc., before Fumes from strong acids or alkalis,
the part starts to swell. A lotion of Cantharis ø especially when heated are respiratory irritants
is applied to the part and Cantharis 30 gives and can produce pulmonary edema. Fumes from
internally. The casualty should be given small burning petrol have a very high carbon monoxide
and frequent cold drinks and protected from content.
draughts and cold. In casualties, seen some time The management of such casualties is:
after the injury, it is unnecessary to remove burnt
clothing since it has already been rendered sterile • Remove patient from the danger area.
by the heat. Wet clothing, however, should be • Treat for asphyxia.
removed. • Transfer the patient urgently for medical at-
If the burned area is liable to become dirty, tention.
e.g. hand or foot, it should be lightly covered by
a sterile or clean dressing. 3. Injuries Due to Electrical Current
Injury produced by electric current results
Burns From Corrosive Chemicals
from the passage of the current through the body.
It is important to flush the area with copious Several types of injury may occur.
amounts of running water. Contaminated clothing
should be removed but the first-aider should take Contact Burns
care not to contaminate himself during the These are usually found at the points of the
process. To prevent the accumulation of the body where the current has entered and left. Firm
corrosive substance underneath the affected part contact with moist skin is more damaging than
(sumping), free drainage should be ensured. After contact with dry skin. It should be appreciated
this decontamination procedure, the burned area that tissues deep to the skin may also be affected
is treated as a wound. and that the actual depth of the injury may not
Phenol derivatives (carbolic acid be apparent for some days. If the casualty is not
compounds) are commonly used in pharma- thrown clear, he may be fixed to the point of
ceutical laboratories. These substances penetrate contact and receive very severe local burns. The
rapidly and deeply into tissues. Unless quickly first-aider should switch off the current and pull
removed, their penetrative and corrosive action out the plug. If this is not possible the victim
continues. Systemic absorption can result in should be physically removed from danger. There
serious renal damage. After their immediate is the added danger to the first-aider attempting
treatment, casualties with phenol burns should to isolate the casualty from the electrical source.
be seen urgently by a doctor. Immediate surgery The first-aider should devise an imprompt system
may be necessary to limit further damage. for separating the victim from live contact
without touching him with bare hands. As
Additional Hazards moisture is a conductor, the first-aider should
Asphyxia is a common complication in burns ensure that he is standing on dry, non-conducting
caused by major fires; the oxygen having been material before attempting to remove the casualty
consumed by the fire. This is aggravated by from danger. This can then be attempted with a
smoke which irritates the respiratory tract and length of dry cloth, rubber sheet, non-metallic
lungs. rope or electricians rubber gloves. Contact with
the casualty’s arm pits should be avoided as these
First-aid in Laboratory 223
may be moist from perspiration. First-aid If the unconscious subject is lying on his
treatment of burns may then be started. back, the tongue will fall back and block the
airway. To ensure an open airway:
Flash Burns
a. Support the nape of the neck and press the
If high voltage current jumps a gap, causing top of the head backwards.
an arc, the flash so produced may burn exposed
parts of the skin or damage the eyes. While the b. Press the angles of the jaw forward from
injury is usually superficial, it may look very behind.
alarming as a wide area will be blackened by the These manoeuvres extend the head on the
volatilized, metal; when cleaned, however, much neck and lift the tongue clear of the airway.
of the skin will be found to be intact. A flash If the breathing centre is capable of initiating
burn will usually affect both eyes; if only one breathing, as soon as the airway is opened the
eye is giving trouble the cause is probably a casualty will gasp several times and then start to
foreign body. If the eyes are affected, the casualty breathe.
should receive immediate medical attention.
If the casualty does not start to breathe
Ventricular Fibrillation and Shock spontaneously, then mouth-to-mouth
Although ventricular fibrillation is resuscitation should be attempted.
considered to be the main cause of death by
electrical shock, there is also some evidence that ii. Mouth-to-mouth Resuscitation:
death may be due either to asphyxia or cardiac
For mouth-to-mouth resuscitation the
arrest. Breathing may cease and the carotid pulse
casualty should remain in the “open-airway”
may be impalpable. Under these circumstances,
position. If there is any doubt that the casualty
the resuscitative procedure should commence as
may be infectious, use the resuscitation
a matter of urgency. There are three main steps:
mouthpiece. In cases of cyanide or similar
i. Ensure patent airways. poisoning, where the casualty’s expired air may
ii. Give mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. be toxic to the first-aider, use the one-way valve
iii. Apply external cardiac compression. face mask.
a. Extend the casualty’s neck and tilt the head f. When you see the victim’s chest rise, remove
backwards. your mouth to allow the air to escape from
b. Open your mouth wide and take a deep his lungs, and turn your head to one side.
breath. g. Give the victim four inflations to saturate the
c. Pinch the victim’s nostrils together between blood with oxygen.
your index finger and thumb. h. Check the carotid pulse.
d. Seal your lips around the victim’s mouth; if If the carotid pulse is present, continue to
this is not possible use the mouth-to-nose inflate at the normal breathing rate of 12-18
technique. In this method, close the patient’s breaths per minute; if the stomach contents are
mouth during inflation with the thumb hold- regurgitated turn the victim’s head to one side
ing the lower jaw. and clean out his mouth. When there are signs
e. Blow into the victim’s lungs until they are of natural respiration, adjust your breathing to
filled. coincide with that of the victim. Signs of recovery
include return of natural color, quivering or slight
movement of the body and gasping. When
breathing is restored, place the victim in the
recovery position.
Clearing the Airway If the carotid pulse is absent, the victim’s
pupils are widely dilated and the body color
remains blue-grey, external cardiac compression
should be started while continuing to ventilate
the lungs in the ratio of one inflation of the lungs
to six or eight depressions of the sternum.
When the patient begins breathing unaided
Positioning for and no further first-aid is required place him/her
Resuscitation in the recovery position.
iii. Recovery Position:
For placing the victim in the recovery
position follow the steps given below:
Positioning for • Kneel at the side of the casualty.
Resuscitation • Turn the head towards you.
• Push the casualty’s nearest arm under his/
her back.
• Pull the other arm over the chest.
• Cross the far leg over the nearest leg.
Finding the • With one hand, grasp the casualty’s leg by
Carotid Pulse the clothing on the far hip.
• Pull the casualty over on your knees, while
protecting the head with your other hand.
First-aid in Laboratory 225
Recovery Position 5
226 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
• Conditions affecting the utilization of oxy- defective appliances, cracked pipes or flues in
gen: an enclosed, poorly ventilated space.
− By the blood — carbon monoxide poi- The inhalation of fumes from partial
soning. combustion of fuel and from internal combustion
− By the tissues — cyanide poisoning. exhausts are a danger.
• Local conditions affecting the airways: Clinically There is:
− Spasm — irritant gases. • Pink coloration of lips and skin.
− Obstruction — tongue falling back in the • Confusion, stupor.
unconscious casualty; swelling of tis- • A state resembling alcoholic intoxication.
sues in scalding.
If prolonged exposure has occurred, the
− Compression — swelling due to injury. victim may be in coma.
• Conditions affecting the respiratory centre:
The First-aid Actions Are:
− Poisoning. • If the victim is in a room or an enclosed
• Conditions affecting the mechanism of res- space, before entering, ventilate your lungs
piration: then hold your breath.
- Central origin — epilepsy, rabies, en- • Go in and get the victim out.
cephalitis. • If you cannot do so at once, cut off the source
− Regional origin — injury to upper part of gas.
of the spinal cord. • Obtain a full supply of fresh air by opening
• Compression of the chest: doors and windows.
− Crush injuries. • If a smouldering hazard exists, be very care-
ful not to increase the fire-risk by creating a
Treatment of Asphyxia is Aimed at draught.
• Ensuring an open airway so that air can reach
the lungs. 6. Accidents Involving Chemicals
• Ensuring an adequate circulation so that oxy- In these events prompt action is essential and
gen can reach the tissues. medical assistance is often necessary, but first-
If this is not achieved, then damage to the aid should not be delayed until medical aid
brain and other vital organs will occur. To attain arrives.
these treatment objectives both mouth-to-mouth Areas that have special or unusual chemical
respiration and external cardiac compression will hazards should be posted with appropriate
often be required. Success depends on immediate warning signs and signs that show the location
recognition and swift action. of safety showers and eye-wash stations.
5. Poisoning Eyes
Carbon-monoxide Poisoning If chemicals get into the eyes they should be
washed thoroughly with clean water for at least
With the introduction of non-toxic domestic
15 minutes. Such treatment, given promptly, will
gases, this should become much less prominent.
probably minimize damage to the eye, but no
In the work place it usually arises through
228 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
attempt should be made to touch the eye or to Lungs: Remove from exposure; rest and keep
remove particulate matter, this is part of medical warm; in severe cases, or if exposure has been
treatment. great, obtain medical attention.
Gassing Skin: Drench the skin copiously with water;
remove contaminated clothing; in severe cases
Casualties often arise after failure of a vessel
obtain medical attention; blisters or burns should
or connection resulting in the liberation of gas.
receive medical attention.
The gas may be recognized by smell, by the color
coding on a cylinder or by a notice displayed Mouth: Wash out the mouth thoroughly with
indicating the nature of the hazard. Generally, water and give water to drink together with milk
the affected person should be taken into the fresh of magnesia or milk. Keep patient warm and
air, clothing around the neck and waist loosened quiet.
and the victim kept warm. If breathing is shallow Alkalis
or weak, oxygen will have to be given by a
qualified person. If breathing has ceased, E.g., sodium, potassium, ammonium or
artificial respiration should be commenced calcium hydroxides.
immediately. Anyone exposed to toxic gases Lungs: Remove from exposure, rest and keep
should be kept under observation, however trivial warm; in severe cases or if exposure has been
the exposure may have been. great, obtain medical attention.
Chemical Contamination of Clothing Skin: Drench the skin with plenty of water;
remove contaminated clothing and wash before
Clothing may accidently become saturated
re-use; in severe cases, obtain medical attention.
with solvents or other chemical solutions. The
clothing should be removed immediately and Mouth: Wash out the mouth thoroughly with
decontamination procedures instituted. The water; give copious water followed by vinegar
victim should be kept warm. or 1% acetic acid to drink or give copious
amounts of lemon juice; obtain medical attention.
Accidents Involving Specific Chemicals
This section is devoted to examples of first-
aid actions appropriate to individual hazardous E.g., carbon tetrachloride, chloroform,
chemicals. Foresight is important in dealing with tetrachloroethane, anesthetic gases.
these hazards, and it is necessary for the Lungs: Remove from exposure, rest and keep
laboratory and each individual in it to be aware warm; in severe cases obtain medical attention
of the emergency procedures appropriate to each and apply artificial respiration if breathing has
situation. Where specific antidotes exist, these stopped.
should be posted together with instructions for
Skin: For narcotics which are also corrosive,
their use. Accidents arise from inhalation,
drench the skin with water and wash with soap
infection or exposure to skin.
and water; remove contaminated clothing and
Acids wash before re-use; unless contact has been
E.g., acetic, sulphuric, hydrochloric, nitric slight, obtain medical attention.
and phosphoric acids. Mouth: Wash out the mouth thoroughly with
First-aid in Laboratory 229
Section 4
4.1 Basic System of International Unit.
4.2 Systems of Measuring.
4.3 Comparison of Thermometric Scale.
4.4 Conversion Unit and Conversion Factors.
Home is where I work and I work everywhere.
Basic System of International Unit
The latest system of measurement of quan- produced in vaccum corresponding to the tran-
tities is based on S.I. units. The S.I. unit is the sition between the levels 2p10 and 5d5.
abbreviation of System Internatinal d’ units. It is The kilogram, is the mass of a cylinder of
internationally accepted and was approved by the irridium and platinum kept at “International Bu-
General Conference of Weights and Measures reau of Weights and Measures”.
in 1960.
The second, is the unit of time; it is time
The basic S.I. units are: gap of 9192631770 periods of the radiation cor-
Meter; kilogram; second; ampere, kelvin; responding to the transition between two hyper-
candela and mole. fine levels of ground state of ceasium 133 atom.
Some physical quantities in the basic S.I. The kelvin, the measure of temperature, is
units and their symbols are given below: equal to 1/273.16 part of the thermodynamic
temperature of the triple point of water.
Physical Quantity Unit Symbol
1. Length meter m The ampere, is that constant current which
produces a force of 2x107 Newton per meter be-
2. Mass kilogram kg
tween these two parallel conductors of infinite
3. Time second s length kept 1 meter apart in vaccum.
4. Temperature kelvin K The candela, is the intensity at the surface
5. Luminous intensity candela Cd of 1/600.000 sq. metre of a black body at the
6. Electric current ampere A freezing point of platinum under a pressure
101325 Newton per sq. metre.
The meter, is the length of 1650763.73 wave
lengths or radiations of the atom of krypton-86
234 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
Systems of Measuring
Means determining the volume or extent a International Prototype Metre
particular body occupies, which varies apprecia-
bly with the rise and fall of temperature, spe- tem is the unit of length i.e., the meter. It is de-
cially in cases of gas and liquid. fined as the distance between 2 lines at 0° C on a
There are two systems of measuring drugs: platinum-iridium bar known as Internation Pro-
totype Meter which is deposited at the Internation
1. Metric system.
Bureau of Weights and Measures.
2. Apothecaries system.
The meter is 1,553,164.13 times the wave-
The Metric System: It is defined as the in- length of red cadmium line in air at 760 mm.
ternationally accepted decimal system of weights pressure at 15°C. It is equal to about 39.37 inches
and measures. It is the only legal system at and is written as 1m.
present. It is the one which is used in continental
Europe. It has the following advantages: The Litre, is the unit of capacity. It is the volume
units are divided into tenth, the unit of volume occupied by a mass of one kilogram of water at
236 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
4ºC. It is used to measure liquids. One litre oc- IMPERIAL SYSTEM (BRITISH)
cupies 1 c.c. of space. It is represented as 1 L. It
Applied to weights and measures, used
can be further divided into decilitre, centilitre
throughout the United Kingdom, instead of those
and millilitre.
various ones, which were formerly in local uses.
1L = 1000 ml.
• Measures of Mass or Weights
1ml = 1/1000 L.
Gram is the standard unit for weight. It is Pound Ounces Grains
(lb.) (oz.) (gr.)
the weight of 1 ml. of water at 4º C. It is used for
l = 16 = 7,000
measuring solid substances. It is represented as
1 gm. l = 437.5
Milligrams Grains Milligrams Grain * Standard drop measure (as per recommen-
dation of Brussels conference - 1902):
80 11/3 2.5 1/24 • External diameter at the delivery end is 3 mm.
60 1 2 1/30
• Deliver 20 drops of water, when held verti-
50 3/4 1.5 1/40 cally, total weight of which is between 0.9
40 3/5 1.2 1/50 gm. to 1.1 gm. at 15°C.
30 1/2 1 1/60
1 drop is not exactly 1 minim and 60 drops
25 2/5 0.8 1/80 is not exactly 1 fluid drachm (fl. dr.).
20 1/3 0.6 1/100
Ordinarily 100 drops or 60 minims of water
16 1/4 0.5 1/120
is equivalent to 1 fl. dr. 1 drop is generally con-
12 1/5 0.4 1/160 sidered as being about a minims. However, drops
10 1/6 0.3 1/200 vary so much in size that they should never be
8 1/8 0.25 1/240 used for children nor as a measure of powerful
MEASURES (APPROXIMATE) There is no definite standard for it. Differ-
ent sizes of spoons are available. An average 1
Domestic English Metric teaspoon is equal to 5 ml.
Measures Equivalents Equivalents
Note: Every house should have a measuring
1 drop* = 1 minim = 0.6 ml. glass in which well-marked garduations are eas-
1 tea spoonful** = 1 fluid drachm = 4 mils/5 mils. ily visible. This rules out approximation of any
½ tea spoonful = ½ fluid drachm = 2 ml. kind. A homoeopathic physician should have
1 desert spoonful = 2 fluid drachm = 8 mils. proper knowledge about domestic measures so
that a housewife can easily give or take the proper
1 table-spoonful = 4 fluid drachm = 15 mils.
amount of medicine without any hesitation.
2 table-spoonful = 8 fluid drachm = 30 mils.
1 wine-glassful = 2 fluid drachm = 60 mils.
1 tea-cupful = 4 fluid ounces = 120 mils.
1 tumblerful (small) = 8 fluid ounces = 240 mils.
1 tumblerful (large) = 10 fluid ounces = 300 mils.
Comparison of Thermometric Scale
Temp. - 40° to 100°C
Cent Reau Fhr Cent Reau Fhr Cent Reau Fhr
°C °R °F °C °R °F °C °R °F
-40 -32.0 -40.0 21 6.8 69.8 61 48.2 141.8
-38 -30.4 -36.4 22 17.6 71.6 62 49.6 143.6
-36 -28.8 -32.8 23 18.4 73.4 63 50.6 145.4
-34 -27.2 -29.2 24 19.2 75.2 64 51.2 147.2
-32 -25.6 -25.6 25 20.0 77.0 65 52.0 149.0
-30 -24.0 -22.0 66 52.8 150.8
26 20.8 78.8
-28 -22.4 -18.4 67 53.6 152.6
27 21.6 80.6
-26 -20.8 -14.8 68 54.4 154.4
28 22.4 82.0
-24 -19.2 -11.2 69 55.2 156.2
29 23.2 84.2
-22 -17.6 -7.6 70 56.0 158.0
30 24.0 86.0
-20 -16.0 -4.0 71 56.8 159.8
31 24.8 87.8
-18 -14.4 -0.4 72 57.6 161.6
32 25.6 89.6
-16 -12.8 +3.2 73 58.4 183.4
33 26.6 91.4
-14 -11.2 6.8 74 59.2 165.2
34 27.2 93.2
-12 -9.6 10.4 75 60.0 167.0
-10 -8.0 14.0 35 28.0 95.0
36 28.8 96.8 76 60.8 168.8
-8 -6.4 17.6
37 29.6 98.6 77 61.6 170.6
-6 -4.8 21.2
-4 -3.2 24.8 38 30.4 100.4 78 62.4 172.4
-2 -1.6 28.4 39 31.2 102.2 79 63.2 174.2
0 0.0 32.0 40 32.0 104.0 80 64.0 176.0
+ 1 +0.8 33.8 41 32.8 105.8 81 64.8 177.8
2 1.6 35.6 42 33.6 107.6 82 65.6 179.6
3 2.4 37.4 43 34.4 109.4 83 66.4 181.4
4 3.2 39.2 44 35.2 111.2 84 67.2 183.2
5 4.0 41.0 45 36.0 113.0 85 68.0 185.0
6 4.8 42.8 46 36.8 114.8 86 68.8 186.8
7 5.8 44.6 47 37.6 116.6 87 69.6 188.6
8 6.4 46.4 48 38.4 118.4 88 70.4 190.4
9 7.2 48.2 49 39.2 120.2 89 71.2 192.2
10 8.0 50.0 50 40.0 122.0 90 72.2 194.0
11 8.3 51.8 51 40.8 123.8 91 72.8 195.8
12 9.6 53.6 52 41.6 125.6 92 73.6 197.6
13 10.4 55.4 53 42.4 127.4 93 74.4 199.4
14 11.2 57.2 54 43.2 129.2 94 75.2 201.2
15 12.0 59.0 55 44.0 131.0 95 76.0 203.0
16 12.8 60.8 56 44.8 133.8 96 76.8 204.8
17 13.6 62.6 57 45.6 134.3 97 77.6 206.6
18 14.4 64.6 58 46.4 136.4 98 78.4 208.4
19 15.2 66.02 59 47.2 138.2 99 79.2 210.2
20 16.0 68.2 60 48.2 140.0 100 80.0 212.0
Conversion Units and Conversion Factors
Unit Inches Pounds Tolas Seers Miles Yards Inches Tone Gallons
to (av) to to to to to to to to
Cms. Kg. Grams Kgs. Kms. Meter M. Mtrs Kilos Litres
Tincture: A solution prepared with the help after them; and they are the precursors of the
of alcohol by treating the drug substance, whether corresponding potencies of the respective drugs.
it is of vegetable, animal or mineral origin. It Attenuation: To attenuate means to make
contains only the soluble part of a drug. slender or thin, and ‘attenuation’ means the act
Mother Tincture: It is the original tincture of attenuating. During the attenuating process,
prepared with the aid of alcohol, directly from the material content of the drug continues to be
the crude drug, secured from any source. They rarefied progressively. As such, in homoeopathy
are prepared according to the homoeopathic the word ‘attenuation’ is used synonymously with
technique, retaining all the medicinal properties dilution or potentisation.
of a drug. Dilution: It is the method of mixing one
Solution: It is a mixture of a soluble liquid with another liquid. To dilute means to
substance in water, or a mixture of two or more make or to become thin, and dilution means a
aqueous solutions. diluted thing or being diluted.
Mother Solution: The original solution Serial Dilution: It means that each dilution
prepared with the aid of purified water, directly is prepared from the dilution that immediately
from the crude drugs of any origin, which are proceed it.
not soluble in alcohol. Drug Power or Drug Strength: It means
Mother Powder (Trituration): The original the strength of a drug in a mother tincture, mother
powder prepared with the aid of saccharum lactis solution or mother powder. It indicates the
directly from the crude drug of any kingdom, amount of the drug in proportion to its solvent.
which is neither soluble in alcohol nor in purified Magma: Any crude mixture of mineral or
water. organic material (i.e., plant or animal) in a thin
Mother tinctures, mother solutions and pasty state, a doughy pasty mass.
mother powders are denoted by the sign ø (theta)
246 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
Note: But a doughy mass left after expression of Filter: Means to separate the insoluble
a liquid part of a substance is not a magma in suspended materials from a liquid, solution or
pharmacy. tincture, passing the liquid through some porus
Menstrum: It is a liquid which is capable medium which will not allow the suspended
of penetrating the tissues of plant or animal materials to pass through, and the process is
substances and capable of dissolving the active known as filtration.
principles. Maceration: It is a specific process, being
Merc: It is the inert, fibrous, and insoluble used from ancient times. In this process, a
material remaining after expression of the juice pulverized or finely divided drug or substance is
from drug material or after maceration or simply soaked or dipped for a long time in a
percolation. menstrum, and is properly shaked occasionally,
until the menstrum thoroughly penetrates the
Decant: Means to pour slowly the resulting
cellular structure of the dissolved substance, so
solution or tincture from a mixture of solid
that the soluble content is softened and dissolved
substances in a liquid vehicle, without disturbing
the unmixed solid material or the sediment at
the bottom. The process is known as decantation. Succussion and Trituration: These are the
methods by which mechanical energy is
Strain: Means to separate out the tincture
delivered to our preparation in order to imprint
with force from solid drug materials and the
the pharmacological message of the original drug
process is known as straining.
upon the molecules of the dilutent.
Methods of Preparation of
Homoeopathic Drugs
There are three essential processes involved “trituration”, it is a prolonged circular grinding
in preparation of remedies: with a mortar and pestle. Once this trituration
1. By preparing mother tinctures. has obtained 6x or 1/106, this can be dispersed
into alcohol water diluent. Thereafter it is treated
2. By preparing mother solutions.
like a soluble substance.
3. By triturating the medicinal substance.
From the pharmaceutical point of view there OLD METHOD OF
are two main classes of original substances: PREPARATION OF DRUG
a. Soluble. SUBSTANCES
b. Insoluble. From § 264 - 271 of Organon of Medicine,
Hahnemann has given instructions in preparing
Soluble: In the class of soluble substances,
homoeopathic medicine from vegetable, animal
mother tinctures (alcohol-water extraction) of the
and mineral ‘drug substances.’
plant material are used. The symbol ø is used to
denote the mother tincture of any soluble Dr. Hahnemann discovered his own
substance. For soluble substances, alcohol and methods of making the mother preparation and
water are applied. At each stage, rhythmical the succeeding potencies.
violent agitations are carried out, either by hand His classifications in making mother
or machine, and this is known as “succussion”. preparations are still maintained by some
Insoluble: Insoluble original (i.e. natural) manufacturing concerns.
substances are prepared in a different way. The There are three ways of preparation
diluent in one sense is lactose. The physical depending upon the sources, solubility and
process applied at each stage is known as moisture content of the drug substance.
248 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
• First moisten the pulp with 1/6th part of For 2nd Potency, 2c: Take 1 minim of the
alcohol and thoroughly mix it. The rest 1st potency and mix with 99 minims of alcohol.
of the alcohol is then added and kept in Give ten downward strokes of equal strength to
a well-stoppered bottle. obtain the 2nd centesimal potency.
• Allow the entire mixture to stand for 8 All succeeding potencies are prepared by
days in a cool, dark place. mixing one minim of the preceding potency with
• After 8 days, the tincture is decanted, ninety-nine minims of dispensing alcohol and
strained through the new linen cloth and giving 10 downward strokes.
filtered. b. Decimal Scale:
• Then pour it into a clean phial provided For 1st Potency, 1x: Take 6 minims of
with a best quality, new, non-porous, mother tincture and mix with 4 minims of dilute
velvet cork. alcohol. Give ten downward strokes of equal
strength to obtain 1x potency.
4. Calculation of Drug Power:
For 2nd Potency, 2x: Take 1 minim of the
Ratio of medicinal substance: Strong alcohol 1x potency and mix with 9 minims of dilute
=1:2 alcohol. Give ten downward strokes of equal
But loss of medicinal substance in 1 c.c. strength. The 2x potency is ready.
= 2/3 c.c. All succeeding potencies are prepared by
Net medicinal substance = (1-2/3) c.c. mixing 9 minims of dilute alcohol with 1 minim
= 1/3 c.c. of the preceding potency and giving 10
Vehicle loss in 1 c.c. = 1/6 c.c. downward strokes.
\ Vehicle loss in 2 c.c.= 2x 1/6 c.c = 1/3 c.c Drugs Under Class - III
\ Net vehicle = (2 - 1/3) c.c = 5/3 c.c.
Vegetable Source:
Net Medicinal Solvent/Vehicle Mother • Whole Plant: Absinthium; Acalypha indica;
Substance (Strong Alcohol) Tincture Achyranthes aspera; Adonis vernalis;
1/3 c.c 5/3 c.c. (1/3+5/3) Aethusa cynapium; Anthoxanthum
odoratum; Anthemis nobilis; Arnica
c.c.= 2 c.c.
montana; Chenopodium; Chimaphila
In 2 c.c. mother tincture, net medicinal umbellata; Cistus canadensis; Convallaria
substance = 1/3 c.c majalis; Echinacea angustifolia; Equisetum
In 1 c.c. mother tincture, net medicinal hyemale; Erigeron canadense; Hepatica
substance = 1/3 x ½ c.c = 1/6 c.c. biloba; Hypericum perforatum; Lilium
tigrinum; Lobelia inflata; Lycopus
Drug power (D.P.) = 1/6 c.c.1/6 c.c. virginicus; Mentha piperita; Mitchclean ella
Potentisation by Succussion repens; Nabalus serpentaria; Penthorum
sedoides; Plantago major; Pulsatilla;
a. Centesimal Scale: Ranunculus bulbosus; Ruta graveolens;
For 1st Potency, 1c: Take 6 minims of the Thymus serpyllum; Urtica urens; Verbascum
mother tincture and mix with 94 minims of dilute thapsus; Viola tricolorclean clean clean clean
alcohol. Give ten downward strokes of equal clean clean clean clean clean clean clean
strength. The 1st centesimal potency is ready. clean.
256 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
• Roots: Actaea spicata; Aletris farinosa ; • Flowers: Cannabis sativa; Grindelia robusta;
Apocynum cannabinum; Aralia racemosa; Melilotus alba; Melilotus officinalis;
Artemisia vulgaris; Arum triphyllum; Solidago virgaurea; Trifolium repens;
Asarum canadense; Asclepias incarnata; Trifolium pratense.
Caladium seguinum; Caulophyllum • Fruits: Aesculus hippocastanum; Aesculus
thalictroides; Cimicifuga racemosa; glabra; Carica papaya; Crataegus
Collinsonia canadensis; Ficus indica; oxyacantha; Gymnocladus canadensis; Ilex
Gelsemium sempervirens; Hydrastis opaca; Prinos verticillatus; Xantoxylum
canadensis; Iris versicolor; Inula helenium; fraxineum.
Juncus effusus; Lappa major; Leptandra • Seeds: Avena sativa; Eugenia jambos.
virginica; Menispermum canadense; Nuphar • Bark: Abies canadensis; Alnus serrulata;
luteum; Nymphaea odorata; Paullinia Baptisia tinctoria; Berberis aquifolium;
pinnata; Phytolacca decandra; Pimpinella Berberis vulgaris; Daphnae indica;
saxifraga; PodophyIlum peltatum; Pothos Gossypium herbascum; Myrica cerifera;
foetidus; Raphanus sativus; Rumex crispus; Populus tremuloides; Prunus padus; Ptelea
Sabal serrulata; Sanguinaria canadensis; trifoliata; Rhus aromatica; Rhus glabra; Salix
Symphytum officinale; Trillium pendulum; nigra; Viburnum opulus; Xantoxylum
Triosteum perfoliatum; Veratrum viride; fraxineum.
Wyethia helenoides.
• Algae: Ficus vesiculosus.
• Leaves: Abroma augusta; Aegle folia; Agave • Fungi: Agaricus muscarius; Secale
americana; Cotyledon umbilicus; Ilex cornutum; Polyporus pinicola.
casseine; Eupatorium perfoliatum; Justicia • Lichen: Sticta pulmonaria.
adhatoda; Kalmia latifolia; Lachnanthes
tinctoria; Mimosa humilis; Ocimum Instructions by Dr. Hahnemann
sanctum; Oxydendron arboreum; Plumbago Hahnemann gave instructions for the
littoralis; Rhus toxicodendron; Rumex preparation of the mother tincture and the 1st
acetosa; Salvia officinalis; Sempervivum potency, in Materia Medica Pura under Scilla
tectorum; Thuja occidentalis; Tradescantia (Squilla).
diuretica; Viscum album.
“In order to make the solution of Squilliun
• Stems (Only): Cactus grandiflorus. alcohol, the simplest and best mode is to cut out
• Stem with Leaves: Rhus venenata; Sabina. a fresh piece of 100 grains weight from a very
• Rhizome: Piper methysticum. fresh squill-bulb, to pound it in a mortar,
gradually adding 100 drops of alcohol, till it
• Bulb: Allium cepa; Allium sativum; Scilla
becomes a fine uniform pulp, then to dilute and
thoroughly mix it with 500 drops of alcohol; to
• Herbs: Buxus sempervirens; Gaultheria allow it to stand for some days, to decant the
procumbens; Ledum palustre; Silphium clear supernatant brownish tincture, and to mix
lacinatum. 6 drops of this with 94 drops of alcohol by means
• Young Shoots: Artemisia abrotanum; Myrtus of ten succussions, so as to form the first dilution
communis; Pinus silvestris. (1/100)”.
• Twigs: Ficus religiosa; Juniperus virginiana;
Taxus baccata.
Methods of Preparation of Homoeopathic Drugs 257
Class - IV 3. Procedure :
Class IV includes dry plants, herbs and • Pulverise the dried vegetable and animal
animal substances which may be either dried or substances into a fine powder and the
fresh. fresh animal substances into a fine pulp.
The fundamental rules for preparation of this • Weigh the powder or pounded drug
class has been described by Hannemann in substances and put in a glass jar.
Materia Medica Pura under, ‘Staphysagria’ and • Now add five times its weight of strong
‘Spigelia’. alcohol and mix it with the pulp or
Preparation of Mother Tincture
• After thorough mixing, keep the entire
1. Principle:
mass in a glass-stoppered bottle in a cool,
The tincture is prepared by adding five parts dark place for 15 days.
by weight of strong alcohol to one part by
• Shake the mixture well, twice daily.
weight of pulp or powder of the medicinal
substance. • After 15 days, decant the clear tincture.
The residual substances are strained in
2. Required Material:
the new linen cloth and added to the
a. Ingredients: previously decanted tincture. This is
• Selected drug substance. again filtered through a filter paper and
• Strong alcohol. stored in a glass-stoppered phial.
b. Apparatus: 4. Calculation of Drug Power
• Wooden chopping board. Drug Substance Vehicle (Strong Alcohol)
• Knife. 1 grain 5 grains
• Porcelain or iron mortar and pestle.
However, drug substance loss in 1 grain: ½ grain
• Horn made spatula.
∴ Net drug substance : 1- ½ grain = 1/2 grain
• A linen cloth, new and sterile.
Vehicle loss in 1 grain : 1/10 grain
• A clean small beaker.
∴ Vehicle loss in 5 grains: 5x1/10 grain = 1/2
• A glass-stoppered phial.
• Another clean phial with a new non-
Net vehicle: 5-½ grain = 9/2 grain
porous velvet cork.
• Glass funnel with stand. Net Drug Net Vehicle Mother
• Filter paper. Substance Tincture
• A glass rod. ½ grain 9/2 grain (1/2 + 9/2) grain
• Balance. = 5 grains
• Weight box. 5 grains mother tincture contains drug substance:
• Pen. 1/2 grain
• Paper. Hence, 1 grain mother tincture contains drug
• Gum. substance = 1/2x 1/5=1/10 grain
• Scissors. ∴ Drug power (D.P.) = 1/10
258 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
On the other hand, for preparing 5 grains of dioica; Jalapa; Veratrum viride; Zingiber
mother tincture, 1 grain drug substance and 5 officinale.
grains of vehicle is required. − Dried: Calotropis gigantea;
Potentisation by Succussion Ipecacuanha; Ratanhia; Rheum;
Sarsaparilla; Senega; Sumbul; Valeriana
a. Centesimal Scale: officinalis; Veratrum album.
For 1st Potency, 1c: Take 10 minims of • Leaves (Dried): Eucalyptus globulus;
mother tincture and mix with 90 minims of Pilocarpus; Rhododendron chrysanthemum;
alcohol. Give 10 downward strokes of equal Senna; Tabacum.
strength to get the first centesimal potency.
• Herbs: Gaultheria procumbens; Ledum
For 2nd Potency, 2c: Take 1 minim of the palustre; Spigelia.
first centesimal potency and mix with 99 minims
of alcohol. Give 10 downward strokes of equal • Flowers: Cannabis indica; Cina; Crocus
strength and the second centesimal potency is sativus; Grindelia robusta; Helianthus
ready. annuus; Melilotus officinalis.
All succeeding potencies are prepared by • Fruits: Aegle marmelos; Amloki; Capsicum
mixing 1 minim of the preceding potency with annuum; Carya alba; Colocynthis; Cubeba
99 minims of alcohol and giving 10 downward officinalis; Dolichos pruriens; Piper nigrum;
strokes. Xantoxylum fraxineum.
• Seeds: Cedron; Cocculus indicus; Coffea
b. Decimal Scale:
cruda; Ignatia amara; Illicium anisatum;
For 1st Potency, 1x: Since the drug power is Jatropha curcas; Lathyrus sativus; Nux
1/10, it corresponds to 1x potency. Here 1x moschata; Nux vomica; Physostigma;
potency is same as the mother tincture of the Ricinus communis; Sabadilla; Sinapis alba;
drug. Sinapis nigra; Staphysagria; Syzygium
For 2nd Potency, 2x: Take 1 minim of the jambolanum.
mother tincture or 1x potency and mix with 9
• Bark (Dried): Alstonia scholaris; Azadirachta
minims of alcohol. Give 10 downward strokes
indica; Cinchona officinalis; Cinnamomum;
of equal strength to obtain the 2x potency.
Cundurango; Jonosia asoka; Piscidia
All succeeding potencies are prepared by erythrina; Prunus virginiana; Sassafras
mixing 1 minim of the preceding potency with, officinalis; Terminalia arjuna.
9 minims of alcohol and give to downward
• Juices: Aloe socotrina; Anacardium
orientale; Opium.
Drugs Under Class - IV • Gums: Kino australiense.
Vegetable Source: • Gum-resin: Asa foetida; Euphorbium
• Whole Plant: Arnica montana; Hydrocotyle officinarum; Gambogia.
asiatica. • Algae: Ficus vesiculosus.
• Roots: • Fungi: Bovista; Ustilago maydis.
− Fresh: Abroma augusta radix; Geum • Lichen: Sticta pulmonaria; Usnea barbata.
urbanum; Helleborus niger; Helonias • Spores: Lycopodium clavatum.
Methods of Preparation of Homoeopathic Drugs 259
minims of strong alcohol. Give 10 downward • Clean glass phial with cork.
strokes of equal strength and the 2x potency is • Minim glass.
ready. • Balance with weight box.
All succeeding potencies are prepared by • Conical flask.
mixing 1 minim of the preceding potency with 9 • Pen.
minims of alcohol and giving to downward • Pencil.
strokes of equal strength. • Gum.
Drugs Under Class - VI(A) • Scissors.
Mineral and Chemical Source: 3. Procedure:
Benzoicum acidum; Carbolicum acidum; • First test the purity of the medicinal
Calcarea caust.; Camphora; Amylenum nitrosum; substance. Then take 1 part by weight
Glonoinum; Carbonicum hydrogenisatum; of the medicinal substance in a well-
Chloralum hydratum (chloral hydrate); cleaned round glass phial and add 99
Chloroformum; Methyl alcohol; Myroxylon parts by weight of strong alcohol, taking
toluiferum; Nicotinum; Nitri spiritus dulcis. care that atleast 1/4th part of the phial
remains vacant.
Vegetable Source:
• The phial is closed with a cork and a
Abies nigra; Guaiacum officinale; Opopanax homogenous solution is prepared by
chironium. shaking gently.
Class - VI(B) 4. Calculation of Drug Power:
This class includes those substances which Medicinal Vehicle Mother
are soluble in larger quantities of alcohol. Substance (Strong Alcohol) Solution
Preparation of Mother Solution 1 grain 99 grains 100 grains
1. Principle: In 10 grains of mother solution, the medicinal
• Dissolve 1 part by weight of the substance = 1 grain
medicinal substance in 99 parts by ∴ In 1 grain of mother solution, the
weight of alcohol. medicinal substance = 1/100 grain
• Dissolve 1 part by weight of the ∴ Drug power = 1/100.
medicinal substance in 50 parts by
weight of alcohol (as per G.H.P.). Potentisation by Succussion
2. Required Material: a. Centesimal Scale
a. Ingredients: For 1st Potency, 1c: As the drug power of
• Required medicinal substance. the mother solution is 1/100, it corresponds to
• Strong alcohol. the 1st centesimal potency.
strokes of equal strength. This gives the 2nd III. PREPARATION OF MOTHER
potency. SUBSTANCE
All succeeding potencies are prepared by DEFINITION
mixing 1 minim of the preceding potency with
Mother substance is defined as the drug
99 minims of alcohol and giving 10 downward
pharmaceutically prepared from a drug substance
strokes of equal strength.
which is insoluble in liquid vehicles and is
b. Decimal Scale prepared by the process of trituration with sugar
For 2nd Potency, 2x: As the mother solution of milk. Mother substance is represented as 0.
has a drug power of 1/100, it automatically Class VII, Class VIII and Class IX are
corresponds to (1/100=1/10x1/10) 2x potency. included in this category.
For 3rd Potency, 3x: Take 1 minim of the 2x • Class VII: It includes dry insoluble
potency i.e. mother solution and mix with 9 substances.
minims of dilute alcohol. Give 10 downward • Class VIII: It includes liquid insoluble
strokes of equal strength. This gives the 3x substances.
potency. • Class IX: It includes fresh vegetables
and animal substances.
All succeeding potencies are prepared by
mixing 1 minim of the preceding potency with 9 Class - VII
minims of alcohol and giving ten downward
This class includes dry medicinal substances
strokes of equal strength.
which in their crude state are neither soluble in
Drugs Under Class - VI(B) purified water nor in alcohol.
Mineral and Chemical Source: The fundamental rule for this class has been
Arsenicum album; Benzoicum acidum; described by Hahnemann ‘Materia Medica Pura’
Carboneum chloratum; Carboneum sulphuratum; under ‘Arsenicum’.
Eupionum; Glonoinum; Hydrocyanicum acidum; Trituration or Preparation of Mother
Iodium; Kalium iod.; Kreosotum; Lacticum Substance
acidum; Mercurius corrosivus; Natrium
1. Principle:
hydroiodicum; Petroleum; Sulphur.
1 part by weight of the medicinal substance
Animal Source: to 99 parts (in centesimal scale) or 9 parts
Mephitis; Tarentula cubensis; Trombidium (in decimal scale) by weight of sugar of milk
muscae domestica; Upas antiaris. gives 1st trituration.
• One clean horn spatula. For 5c Potency: Take 1 minim of the 4th
• An empty clean phial of the required potency; add 99 minims of alcohol to it. This
size. gives the 5th potency.
• A stop-clock or a watch. The following potencies are prepared by
• A freshly marked new velvet cork mixing 1 minim of the preceding potency with
• Label paper. 99 minims of alcohol.
• Balance
• Weight box. b. Decimal Scale:
• Paste. For 8x Potency: Take 1 grain of the 6x
• Scissors. trituration and dissolve in 50 minims of purified
• Pen. water. Then mix it with 50 minims of alcohol.
• Gum. 8X potency is ready.
• Scissors. For 9x Potency: Take 1 minim of the 8x
3. Procedure potency and mix it with 9 minims of alcohol to
give the 9x potency.
a. Centesimal Scale:
The following potencies are prepared by
• Add one part by weight of the
mixing 1 minim of the preceding potency with 9
medicinal substance to 99 parts by
minims of alcohol.
weight of sugar of milk to give the
(For details see ‘Trituration’ wide
1st trituration.
‘Potentisation’ chapter).
• The all following triturations are
prepared by adding one grain of the Drugs Under Class - VII
preceding trituration to 99 grains of
sugar of milk. Vegetable Source:
Aloe socotrina; Aesculus glabra;
b. Decimal Scale: Ammoniacum gummi; Benzoicum; China;
• Add one part by weight of the Coffea cruda; Cundurango; Crocus sativus
medicinal substance to 9 parts by (G.H.P); Ignatia amara; Nux vomica; Opium;
weight of sugar of milk. It gives the Polyporus officinalis; Rheum (A.H.P);
1st trituration. Sarsaparilla (G.H.P); Ustilago maydis.
• The following triturations are
prepared by adding one grain of the Animal Source:
preceding trituration to 9 grains of Badiaga; Cantharis; Carbo animalis;
sugar of milk. Corallium rubrum; Sepia; Spongia; Tarentula
Conversion of Trituration Into Liquid
Potency Mineral and Chemical Source:
Iodium; Iridium met.; Niccolum met.; “One grain of white arsenic reduced to
Palladium; Plumbum; Selenium; Stannum powder is rubbed up with thirty-three grains of
met.; Sulphur; Tellurium; Zincum met. powdered milk-sugar in a porcelain mortar
• Compounds: Ammonium brom.; Ammonium (unglazed) with an unglazed pestle for six
carb.; Ammonium iod.; Ammonium phos.; minutes, the triturated contents of the mortar
Ammonium picricum; Ammonium scraped for four minutes with a porcelain spatula,
then rubbed a second time, without any addition
valerianicum; Antimonium ars.; Antimonium
to it, for six minutes and again scraped for four
iod.; Antimonium crudum; Antimonium
minutes. To this thirty-three grains of milk-sugar
oxydatum; Antimonium sulphuratum
are now added, triturated for six minutes and after
aureum; Argentum mur.; Argentum iodatum;
another four minutes of scraping, six minutes of
Argentum nit.; Arsenicum alb.; Arsenicum
triturating and again four minutes of scraping,
iod.; Arsenicum sulphuratum flavum;
the last thirty-three grains of milk-sugar are
Arsenicum sulphuratum rubrum; Aurum
added, triturated for six minutes, whereby after
muriaticum; Aurum muriaticum natronatum;
a last scraping, a powder is produced which, in
Aurum sulphuratum.; Baryta carb.; Baryta
every grain, contains 1/100th of a grain of
mur.; Calcarea ars.; Calcarea brom.; Calcarea uniformly potentised arsenic. A grain of this
carb.; Calcarea fluor.; Calcarea iod.; Calcarea powder is, in a similar way, three times, with
phos.; Calcarea sulph.; Cuprum ars.; Cuprum thirty-three grains of fresh milk-sugar, in one
carb.; Cuprum sulph.; Ferrum ars.; Ferrum hour (thirty-six minutes of triturating, twenty-
brom.; Ferrum iod.; Ferrum sulph.; Ferrum four of scraping), brought into the state of a
carb.; Ferrum magneticum; Ferrum phos.; potentised pulverulent attenuations, one hundred
Carbo veg.; Kalium ars.; Kalium bich.; times, more diluted. Of this one grain (containing
Kalium brom.; Kalium carb.; Kalium 1/10000th of a grain of arsenic) is rubbed up for
chloricum; Kalium iod.; Kalium nitricum; a third hour in a similar manner with ninety-nine
Kalium sulph.; Kalium mur.; Kalium phos.; grains of milk sugar, this represents a pulverulent
Magnesium carb.; Magnesium mur.; arsenic dilution of the million fold degree of
Magnesium oxydatum; Magnesium phos.; potency. One grain of this is dissolved in 100
Magnesium sulph.; Mercurius cyanatus; drops of diluted alcohol (in the proportion of
Mercurius dulcis; Mercurius solubilis equal parts of water and alcohol) and shaken with
Hahnemanni; Mercurius sulph.; Natrium two succussions of the arm (the phial being held
ars.; Natrium carb.; Natrium phos.; Natrium in the hand). This gives a solution which diluted
sulph.; Natrium sulphu-rosum; Paraffinum; by means of twenty-six more phials (always one
Naphthalinum; Anilinum sulph. drop from the previous phial added to ninety-
• Minerals: Graphites; Hecla lava; Benzoicum nine drops of alcohol of the next phial, and then
acidum; Molybdinum sulphuratum; Adamas; succussed twice, before taking one drop of this
Tetradymitum; Silicea. and dropping it into the next phial), furnishes
the required potency, the decillionth (X)
Instructions by Dr. Hahnemann development of power of arsenic.”
Hahnemann gave instructions in his ‘Materia
Class - VIII
Medica Pura’ under ‘Arsenicum’ for the
Class VIII includes medicinal substances
preparation of trituration.
which are neither soluble in purified water, nor
Methods of Preparation of Homoeopathic Drugs 267
Modern Methods of Preparation of Drugs
In Hahnemann’s method (old method) of 2. Second for the fresh plant juices.
preparation, the drug strength of various classes The modern method has also rejected this
of drug substances are different owing to the double standard. Thus a uniformity of standard
difference in the solubility of the drugs in various is secured through the modern method.
solvents. To overcome this lack of uniformity of
drug strength, Homoeopathic Pharmacopoea of At the outset of making homoeopathic
United States (H.P.U.S.) in 1941, barring a few preparations, we shall have to note carefully the
exceptions prescribed a uniform standard of 10% following general principles:
drug strength for most medicinal preparations. After procuring the crude drug substances,
This is the ‘modern or new method’ of the first step will be to qualify them for medicinal
preparation of tinctures and potencies, in which use, which involves two forms or conditions:
the tincture contains 1 gm. of the dry drug i. The liquid form or liquid tincture
substance in 10 c.c. of tincture. The tincture solutions.
hence contains 1/10th part of medicinal
substance i.e. a drug strength of 1/10, which ii. The solid form, or trituration.
corresponds to 1x trituration.. All the drug substances soluble in alcohol,
This modern standard eliminates the purified water or glycerine, will have to be
centesimal scale of potency, the previously properly made into tinctures or solutions and next
adopted classification of medicinal substances their attenuations or dilutions. The moist or
and the different classes of formulas for soluble drug substances can be made into
preparing homoeopathic medicines. triturations with milk sugar, but all partially
soluble or insoluble substances should be made
The old method provided two types of in trituration form only.
Aqueous mother solutions, are prepared from
1. One for the cases of alcoholic tincture of dry substances which are soluble in water, but are
270 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
insoluble in alcohol, as well as from those which dilutions prepared from them. All these
when soluble in alcohol, are subject to the variabilities cause great uncertainty in the
‘chemical changes’ or ‘decompositions’. They strengths of tinctures and their dilutions. As such,
embrace the mineral kingdom especially. the modern method has evolved ways for
They are to be dissolved in the proportion securing uniformity in strength or drug power.
of 1/10, 1/100 or 1/1000, etc. or as the case may All drug substances containing water or fresh
require, depending upon their degrees of succulent plants should be treated according to
solubility. Aqueous solutions are generally the fundamental rule, that dry crude drugs should
unstable and they must not be kept for long be taken as the starting point from whence to
periods. calculate the strength of the tincture.
If any liquid acid or drug contains water, this Hence, the dry crude drug substance has been
must also be taken out from the solvent, and the made the unit from which to estimate the drug
anhydrous acid or drug be taken as the unit of strength in all tinctures and triturations.
strength. Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia of India
Alcoholic solutions of tinctures of solids or (H.P.I.) also follows the ‘new method’. However,
semi-solids are made of various varieties of drug the German Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia
substances, which are partially or wholly soluble continues to follow Hahnemann’s method of
in alcohol. They embrace all plants and different preparation of tinctures and potencies.
parts of plants, e.g., roots, stems, rhizomes, bulbs,
barks, leaves, fruits, seeds, gums resins, balsams, ESTIMATION OF PLANT
alkaloids, etc. They also include minerals and MOISTURE
different chemicals which are more readily
Plant moisture is defined as the juice
soluble in alcohol than in water.
contained in a plant.
Substances like camphor, iodine,
phosphorus, volatile oils, etc., which are
volatilised on triturating, they are better prepared
as tinctures. • Cut the drug substance with a chopping knife
on a chopping board.
Majority of the tinctures or mother tinctures
• Weigh the chopped substance and record it.
are derived from plant materials. To upkeep the
standard and purity, attention must be taken • Weigh an empty crucible. Place the chopped
during preparation. drug substance in the crucible, which is then
placed on a water bath. The gentle heat of
It is to be noted very carefully that tinctures the water bath evaporates the juice of the
must be of uniform strength. The respective plant.
strengths vary greatly due to the ‘variability’ of
• Keep the chopped substance on the water
water contained in the same plant at different
bath and weigh the substance every 15
seasons, conditions of growth, procurement time
minutes after cooling for a minute. This
and storage.
process is continued till the weighing scale
The variability of water contained in the shows no further reduction of weight. This
solvent, especially in alcohol, also adds to the means that there is no more moisture left in
variability of tinctures, and of the succeeding the drug substance.
Modern Methods of Preparation of Drugs 271
2 Percolator
1. Menstrum (vehicle).
2. Sand.
3. Filter paper.
4. Drug substance.
5 5. Stop-cock.
6. Rubber tube.
6 7. Receiver with the markings.
The physical forces acting over the process The dry powdered drug is moistened by
of percolation are: mixing with sufficient menstrum with the help
• Gravity. of a pestle or spatula in a mortar. This makes the
• Viscosity. powder more absorbable by the menstrum.
• Friction. B. If the drug substance is fresh, reduce it to a
• Adhesion. fine, uniform pulp.
• Osmosis. If in large scale, the juice is pressed out from
the pulp and the residue is uniformly mixed
• Capillary attraction.
with an equal quantity of powdered green
• Surface tension. grass. The juice, taken out is kept in the
receiver of the percolator and is allowed to
Preparation of Drug Substance for
mix with the percolated fluid.
A. If the drug substance is dry and hard, it is Preparation of the Percolator
finely powdered to give a uniform
A piece of fine, clean muslin is tied to the
neck of small percolators without a stop-cock. A
The drugs should be reduced to proper ‘tow’ is then placed on the muslin. ‘Tow’ is an
degree of fineness, as specified under each obstruction made of a porous material, kept in
monograph of drugs in different pharmacopoeias or above the neck and below the powdered drug
and all of which must pass through a sieve. substance. It consists of the following layers,
from below upwards:
Standard of Powder Fineness and Relative
Mesh Screen • Plug of absorbent cotton, inserted in the neck.
• 1/4” thick layer of coarse sand.
i. Coarse powder (#20), standard mesh
screen, 20 meshes to the inch. (All • 1/2” thick layer of medium coarse sand.
particles pass through a No. 20 sieve and • Layer of maximum coarse sand. One may
not more than 40% through a No. 60 use powdered green glass instead of sand. It
sieve.) controls the flow of liquid well.
ii. Moderately coarse powder (#40), Preparation of Mother Tincture
standard mesh screen, 40 meshes to the
inch. (All particles pass through a No. 1. Required Material:
40 sieve and not more than 40% through a. Ingredients:
a No. 80 sieve.) • Drug substance.
iii. Fine powder (#60), standard mesh • Menstrum i.e. strong alcohol.
screen, 60 meshes to the inch. (All b. Apparatus:
particles pass through a No. 60 sieve and • Percolator with sieves and stopcock.
not more than 40% through a No. 100 • A glass rod with cork.
2. Procedure:
iv. Very fine powder (#80), standard mesh
• Moisten the prescribed quantity of pulp
screen, 80 meshes to the inch. (All
or powdered drug substance with a small
particles pass through a No. 80 sieve.)
amount of menstrum (strong alcohol).
Modern Methods of Preparation of Drugs 275
• This is spread uniformly over ‘tow’ (the • Allow it to stand for 24 hours or more, as
layers are described above). prescribed in the pharmacopoeia.
• Gently press the pulp/powder down with • After allowing it to stand for the prescribed
a broad flat cork which is fixed at the amount of time, open the valves and regulate
end of a glass rod. This results in a the stop-cock or cork in such a manner, that
uniform, compact mass free from the liquid percolates drop by drop (it should
fissures or empty spaces. not exceed 10-30 drops/minute).
Note: If the mass is coarse or if strong alcohol is • Keep a constant watch over the level of
used, the pressing should be firm. menstrum. It should always be above the
If the mass is of fine powder, the pressing should level of the mass. Hence, a fresh quantity of
be light. menstrum is added at intervals, taking care
that the arrangement in the percolator is not
• The upper surface of the mass is covered with
a disc of filter paper or a thin layer of finely
powdered glass or sand. • The process is continued till the required
amount of menstrum has been procured, and
• Take enough quantity of the menstrum to just
the last drop has been received in the
cover the mass. Pour it slowly and gently
down a glass rod which is attacked to a flat
cork. Pour the menstrum such that the fluid • After the last drop has been received, pour a
may fall on the cork and spread gradually sufficient amount of menstrum to cover the
over the surface without displacing or mass in the percolator. Close the lid to
disturbing the provided glass or sand. prevent percolation. Let it stand for 6 hours.
• After the menstrum has been poured, remove • After 6 hours, open the cork and allow the
the rod and the cork. Close the lid of the liquid to drop into the receiver. Test this
percolator to prevent contamination from tincture in a laboratory for its drug strength
draft and evaporation. Close the mouth of and then filter it through white filter paper
the percolator with a cork as soon as the directly into glass bottles which are tightly
liquid begins to drop. corked.
Maceration Percolation
1. It is a long process requiring around 2-4 It is a shorter process requiring approximately
weeks. 24 hours.
2. Used for hard, gummy and muscilagenous Used for soft, dry, non-gummy and non-
substances. mucilagenous substances.
3. Here only fresh animal or vegetable Here both dry or fresh drug substances can be
substances are used. used.
4. Mother tincture can not be obtained directly. Mother tincture can be obtained directly.
Decantation has to be carried out before Decantation is not necessary before filteration.
5. Menstrum is added to the drug substance. Menstrum passes through the drug substance.
276 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
Further Potentization
As discussed earlier, in the new method, the drug prover of the tincture is equivalent to 1x potency
of the decimal scale.
2x is prepared by mixing 1 part of 1x potency or mother tincture with 9 parts of the vehicle and
giving 10 downward strokes of equal volume.
The succeeding potencies are prepared by mixing 1 part of the preceding potency with 9 parts
of dispensing alcohol and giving 10 downward strokes of equal strength.
Modern Methods of Preparation of Drugs 277
Comparison: New Method and Old Method
There are a lot of differences between the The modern method follows the old method
old and modern method of preparation of drugs. in the preparation of Class VA, VB, VIA, VIB,
There are also some similarities which also must where the respective amount of drug power i.e.
be kept in mind while comparing the two. 1/10, 1/100, etc. has been calculated on the basis
• Both the methods adopt the same process of of their respective solubilities in purified water
‘immersion’ for preparation. or alcohol. The method of preparation for Class
VII is also the same in both the methods. Here,
• In the preparation of certain drugs like
in Class VII, amorphous, crude or insoluble
Causticum, Hepar sulphuris, Calcarea
substances are included which are insoluble in
carbonica, Mercurius solubilis, etc.,
purified water or alcohol or a mixture of both in
Hahnemann showed his originality and
any proportion. Hence, here the dry crude drug
speciality. The modern method also complies
has been taken as a unit of medicinal strength
in full conformity with Hahnemann’s
from where the respective drug power is
particular directions regarding their mode of
1. It was introduced by Dr. Hahnemann. It was introduced by the Ameican and British
2. Only fresh animal and vegetable drug Air dried drug substances are used.
substances are used.
3. In the preparation of mother tinctures, In the new method there is no such
mother solutions and triturations from drug classifications.
substances, belonging to vegetable and
mineral kingdoms, the old method
recommends 9 different classes.
278 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
4. The old method classifies the drug substances There are no such classifications in the
of the plants in 4 classes, depending upon their modern method.
juice content, e.g., most juicy, moderate juicy,
dry plant and animal drugs.
5. In the preparation of mother tinctures from In the modern method there are only two
vegetable and animal kingdom, the old method methods:
prescribes different methods, e.g., for Class I i. Maceration
plant juices to be used; for Class II the plant
ii. Percolation.
substances are mixed with alcohol and then
strained; for Class III and Class IV the drug These are applied according to the nature
substances (dried vegetable and animal) are of the drug substances.
mixed with alcohol and the resulting mixture is
allowed to stand for 8 days.
6. The drug power varies in the old method, e.g. 1/ For securing uniformity in strength, the
2 for Class I and Class II drugs; 1/6 for Class III modern method prescribes a uniform
drugs, and 1/10 for Class IV, Class VA and Class standard of 1/10 drug power in all the
VI A drugs. cases; excepting a few ones, depending
on their low solubility, e.g. Ambra grisea
and Arsenicum album, drug power 1/100;
Chloralum (solution) drug power 1/100;
Moschus, drug power 1/20, etc.
7. The old method prescribes double standards, The modern method eliminates this
wherefrom to calculate the respective drug double standard and calculates the
strength, e.g. from dry drugs and from the fresh respective drug power or strength, taking
plant juice. only the dry drug substance as the unit,
wherefrom to calculate the strength.
8. The old method maintains two scales for the The modern method maintains only the
preparation, the decimal and the centesimal. decimal scale. Preparations according to
50 millesimal scale have also been
started, according to the 6 the edition of
9. In the preparation of mother tinctures, especially Modern method takes into account the
those of fresh substances containing moisture plant moisture and also of the moisture
(i.e. water or juice), the different classes of the content of animal drugs as a part of the
old method cannot produce mother tinctures of solvent or vehicle and not as the part of
uniform and equal strengths, as it does not take the medicinal content.
into account the respective moisture contents
of drug substances. The moisture contents vary
according to the geology and meteorological
conditions and also nature of procurement and
maturity of the substance. In the old method,
the moisture of the plant or the animal substance
is taken as a part of the medicinal content.
Comparison: New Method and Old Method 279
1. Allopathic drugs are made from dried Homoeopathic tincture are usually made from
plants, generally mixed with a foreign fresh plants, because their medicinal
substance. properties are far superior to dry ones.
For e.g., tincture of Sanguinaria contains For e.g. tincture of Sanguinaria is made from
acetic acid; tincture of Opium contains Sanguinaria alone; tincture of Opium and
phosphate of lime; tincture of Rheum Rheum are pure, etc. Only when fresh plants
contains cardamom, etc. are not available, dry ones are used.
2. These tinctures are mixed with other Mother tinctures are not mixed with other
substances. substances. They are preserved and utilised
to prepare potencies in their absolute pure
3. Allopathic tinctures are standardised on the Homoeopathic tincture are prepared using the
basis of the alkaloid, glucosides, etc. whole plants, leaves, fruits, etc., as the case
may be without considering the alkaloid
content in the medicinal substances.
Preparation of Medicines from
Sarcodes and Nosodes
clinical materials from which the primary stocks containing proteins such as blood agar, serum
are prepared. Depending upon the nature of agar have also been recommended. Freshly
material used these may be divided into the isolated organisms invariably of S-type** are
following 4 groups: recommended for use. Stock nosodes should be
*N I: Preparations made from lysate of made from recently isolated organisms only.
micro-organisms capable of producing bacterial Where this is impracticable, the culture should
endotoxin. be kept below 50oC so that they retain their full
antigenic value. Stock cultures are most often
For e.g., Typhoidinum, Paratyphoidinum, E.
maintained in lyophylised state.
coli-bacillinum, Staphylococcinum, etc.
N II: Products made from micro-organisms Repeated subcultures of a strain degenerates
capable of producing exotoxins. For e.g., and lowers its antigenic value and have been
Diphtherinum. found to be less useful and not recommended.
N III: Preparations made from purified Unless otherwise specified in the individual
toxins. monograph, the culture is allowed to incubate
N IV: Preparation made from micro- for 24 hours at 37oC. At the end of incubation,
organisms/viruses/clinical materials from human the micro-organisms are harvested under aseptic
convalescence or diseased subjects. For e.g., conditions by pouring a sterile isotonic salt
Variolinum, Influenzinum, Psorinum, solution on the solid media and then generally
Syphilinum and Morbillinum. shaking or scraping until all the micro-organisms
have been suspended. If scraping is necessary,
removal of culture medium should be avoided.
Subsequently the suspension is centrifuged at
5,000 R.P.M. for 30 minutes (3980-4070G, ICE
Microbes available as pure organism are International centrifuge). The supernatant fluid
obtained from suitable clinical material. The is discarded and bacterial pellets are re-
material collected from subjects suffering from suspended in 0.9 per cent sodium chloride
the disease are isolated, cultured and identified. solution, shaken well and centrifuged again. The
Their properties are studied for complete suspension of bacteria is examined again for
identification as per the individual monograph purity. It is essential that purity of the strain is
and they are lyophilised to ensure preservation maintained during incubation and handling.
and stability of characteristics. Purity is checked at different stages. In case of
contamination, the lot should be rejected and a
The first step involved should be preparation
fresh strain is used. After 24 hours of growth in
of culture medium in which homoeopathic
incubation, a colony is re-examined for checking
nosodes are to be prepared. The solid medium
the characteristics and purity of the strain. The
generally recommended is nutrient agar which
culture is then taken up in the 0.9 per cent
is generally satisfactory in most cases. In other
aqueous sodium chloride solution.
instances special solid culture medium
make a uniform suspension; number of bacteria upto 6x are kept in hermetically sealed ampoules
in each ml. of suspension is estimated and is and stored in conditions prescribed under the
adjusted to 20 millions viable cells per millilitre individual monograph.
(2X1010). It forms the original stock in case of
Group N IV
drugs of groups N I and N II. For group N III and
N IV, the strength of IX should be 1 part of the Preparations are made by the Hahnemannian
pure material in 10 parts of the suspending/ method of trituration class IX, H.P.l., Vol. I, 262,
diluting material which may be lactose or is followed. Attenuations upto 6x should be
glycerine as suggested in individual monographs. stored between 4-6oC.
• Centrifuge speed in all the above operations should
Group N I not be below 10,000 R.P.M. The operation should
Bacteriolysis of the suspension containing be for 30 minutes or till complete separation in a
20 billion viable cells per ml. in distilled water refrigerated centrifuge.
is carried out by a sonicator till most of the • The supernatant liquid should be filtered with a
seitz filter or membrane filter.
bacterial cells are ruptured. The material is
centrifuged at 10,000 R.P.M. for 30 minutes • No chemicals, antiseptic or bacteriostatics should
be mixed at any stage of the operation with the
(3980-4070 G, ICE International centrifuge). The
material. In cases where normal saline solution is
supernatant is filtered through a sietz filter and
used, full care should be taken to completely
the cell free extract containing the endotoxin, is remove the same before attenuation.
treated with an equal volume of strong alcohol. • Preservation of all the products and potencies
This strength is sealed in a separate ampoule and below 6x should be done in a refrigerator at 4o to
is labelled as primary stock nosode. This serves 6o.
as 1x for preparation of homoeopathic dilutions. • Live organisms should be handled with care,
This should be preserved at 4-6o. following aseptic conditions.
Group N II • Bacterial count means total number of organisms/
ml. (live or dead).
The toxigenicity of the strain is established • As far as possible, the substance used in the original
before use. The suspension having 20 billion proving should be taken as the starting raw
viable cells/ml. is mixed with an equal volume material.
of strong alcohol and hermetically sealed under • To check the hygienic condition of the laboratory,
aseptic conditions. It is labelled as primary stock plate count should be done from time to time.
nosodes. This serves as 1x. This should be • Test for sterility as mentioned for aerobic and
preserved between 4-10o. Further attenuations are anaerobic organisms in I.P. 1964 should be made
made in dispensing alcohol in the ratio 1:9. This before issue of any nosode, 6x or below for
must comply with the test for sterility before therapeutic use or for manufacture of higher
being issued. attenuations.
• All potentices below 3x of group N I, N II and N
Group N III III should bear date of manufacture and a life
Preparations are made by trituration in period of six months from the date of manufacture.
lactose with drug strength 1/10. Attenuations ■
Methods of Preparation - German
Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia
43 per cent. Subsequent dilutions are produced METHOD 2b: Mother Tinctures and
in the same way. Liquid Dilutions
The 2nd decimal dilution (2x) with 1 part of Use ethanol 30 per cent to adjust to any
the 1st decimal dilution and 9 parts of ethanol concentration required in the monograph.
62 per cent. Subsequent dilutions are produced
in the same way. For dilutions from the 4th Potentization
decimal onwards use ethanol 43 per cent. Decimal:
Centesimal: The 1st decimal dilution (1x) is made with 3
The 1st centesimal dilution (1c) is made with parts of the mother tincture and 7 parts of ethanol
3 parts of the mother tincture and 97 parts of 30 per cent.
ethanol 62 per cent. The 2nd decimal dilution (2x) with 1 part of
The 2nd centesimal dilution (2c) with 1 part the lst decimal dilution and 9 parts of ethanol 15
of the 1st centesimal dilution and 99 parts of per cent. Subsequent dilutions are produced in
ethanol 43 per cent. Subsequent dilutions are the same way.
produced in the same way.
METHOD 4a: Mother Tinctures and
METHOD 3b: Mother Tinctures and Liquid Dilutions
Liquid Dilutions Method 4a is for mother tinctures
Mother tinctures for Method 3b are produced manufactured according to the maceration or
according to Method 3a, using ethanol 73 per percolation methods described in the Tinkturen
cent (ethanol contents approximately 43 per (tinctures) monograph in the German
cent). Pharmacopoeia using 1 part of the drug to 10
Use ethanol 43 per cent to adjust to any parts of ethanol in suitable concentration (unless
concentration required in the monograph. otherwise stated in the monograph). If adjustment
to a given value is necessary, the required amount
Potentization of ethanol in the concentration prescribed or used
Decimal: for manufacture is calculated according to
The 1st decimal dilution (1x) is made with 3 formula (1). The calculated amount of ethanol is
parts of the mother tincture and 7 parts of ethanol combined with the filtrate. The mixture is left to
43 per cent. stand for not less than five days at a temperature
The 2nd decimal dilution (2x) with 1 part of not exceeding 20o C, after which it is filtered if
the 1st decimal dilution and 9 parts of ethanol required.
30 per cent.
The 3rd decimal dilution (3x) with 1 part of
the 2nd decimal dilution and 9 parts of ethanol Decimal:
15 per cent. Subsequent dilutions are produced The mother tincture is equivalent to the 1st
in the same way. decimal dilution (ø = 1x).
The 2nd decimal dilution (2x) is made with
METHOD 3c: Mother Tinctures and
Liquid Dilutions
1 part of the mother tincture and 9 parts of ethanol
of the same concentration.
Mother tinctures for Method 3c are produced
according to Method 3a using, ethanol 43 per The 3rd decimal dilution (3x) with 1 part of
cent (ethanol contents approximately 30 per the 2nd decimal dilution and 9 parts of ethanol
cent). of the same concentration.
288 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
Ethanol 43 per cent is used for subsequent the 2nd decimal dilution and 9 parts of ethanol
dilutions from the 4th decimal upwards unless a of the same concentration.
different concentration is prescribed; the method Ethanol 43 per cent is used for subsequent
is the same as for the 3rd decimal dilution. dilutions from the 4th decimal upwards; the
Centesimal: method is the same as for the 3rd decimal
The 1st centesimal dilution (1c) is made with
10 parts of the mother tincture and 90 parts of Centesimal:
ethanol of the same concentration. The 1st centesimal dilution (1c) is made with
The 2nd centesimal dilution (2c) with 1 part 10 parts of the mother tincture and 90 parts of
of the 1st centesimal dilution and 99 parts of ethanol of the same concentration.
ethanol 43 per cent, unless another concentration The 2nd centesimal dilution (2c) with 1 part
is prescribed, Subsequent dilutions are produced of the 1st centesimal dilution and 99 parts of
in the same way. ethanol 43 per cent. Subsequent dilutions are
produced in the same way.
METHOD 4b: Mother Tinctures and
Liquid Dilutions
METHOD 5a: Solutions
Method 4b is for mother tinctures Liquid preparations made by Method 5a are
manufactured according to the maceration or solutions produced from basic drug materials and
percolation methods described in the Tinkturen a liquid vehicle. Unless otherwise prescribed in
(tinctures) monograph in the German the monograph, 1 part of the basic drug material
Pharmacopoeia using 1 part of animals, parts of is dissolved in 9 parts (= 1x) or 99 parts (= 1c or
animals or animal secretions and 10 parts of 2x) of the liquid vehicle and succussed. Absolute
ethanol in suitable concentration. If adjustment ethanol, purified water, glycerol 85 per cent and
to a given value is necessary, the required amount the ethanol-water mixtures listed in the CHP are
of ethanol in the concentration prescribed or used used as vehicles.
for manufacture is calculated according to If ethanol 15 per cent is the prescribed
formula (1). The calculated amount of ethanol is vehicle for the liquid preparation, the solution
combined with the filtrate. The mixture is left to may also be produced by the following method:
stand for not less than five days at a temperature 1 part of the basic drug material is dissolved in
not exceeding 20oC, after which it is filtered if 7.58 parts of water, to produce the 1x; add 1.42
required. parts of ethanol to the solution. To produce the
1c or 2x, 1 part of the basic drug material is
dissolved in 83.4 parts of water, adding 15.6 parts
Decimal: of ethanol to the solution.
The mother tincture is equivalent to the 1st
decimal dilution (ø = 1x). Potentization
The 2nd decimal dilution (2x) is made with Decimal:
1 part of the mother tincture and 9 parts of ethanol The 2nd decimal dilution (2x) is made with
of the same concentration. 1 part of the mother tincture and 9 parts of ethanol
43 per cent, unless another vehicle is prescribed.
The 3rd decimal dilution (3x) with 1 part of
Subsequent dilutions are in the same way.
Methods of Preparation — German Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia 289
scraping device that ensures even trituration. Quantities of more than 1,000 gms. are made
Other machines may be used, providing the by mechanical trituration; the type of mixer,
particle sizes produced meet requirements. mixing period, drying time and length of the final
To produce a trituration by machine, triturate mixing stage are determined in a single trial run,
one third of the vehicle, add the basic drug recorded and written down in the operating
material and triturate; finally add the remaining instructions for the production process.
vehicle in two equal portions and triturate. The
time required to produce one trituration by
machine is not less than 1 hour. Mother tinctures, solutions and liquid
Dilutions above the 4x or 4c are made by dilutions are potentized in the relative quantities
diluting 1 part of the dilution with 9 parts of laid down for their production. Lactose serves
lactose or 99 parts of lactose and combining one as the vehicle; the amount of lactose added must
third of the required amount of lactose in a be such that the total weight is 10 parts for
suitable mixer with the whole of the previous decimal and 100 parts for centesimal potencies.
dilution and mixing until homogeneous. Add the
METHOD 8a: Liquid Preparations
second third of the lactose, mix until
Made From Triturations
homogeneous, and proceed in the same way with
the last third of the lactose. Preparations made by Method 8a are liquid
preparations produced from triturations made by
The choice of a suitable mixer and the mixing
Method 6.
time required to achieve homogeneity are
established in a single trial run for each type of To produce a 6x liquid dilution, 1 part of the
apparatus and recorded. Additional requirements 4x trituration is dissolved in 9 parts of water and
relating to the machine in question are succussed. 1 part of this dilution is combined
determined, recorded and written down in the with 9 parts of ethanol 30 per cent to produce
operating instructions for the production process. the 6x liquid dilution by succussion. In the same
way, the 7x liquid dilution is made from the 9x
METHOD 7: Triturations trituration, and the 8x liquid dilution from the
6x trituration. From the 9x upwards, liquid
Preparations made by Method 7 are solid
decimal dilutions are made from the previous
preparations of mother tinctures and solutions
decimal dilution with ethanol 43 per cent in a
and their dilutions with lactose as the vehicle.
ratio of 1 to 10.
The total amount of lactose required is To produce a 6c liquid dilution, 1 part of the
transferred to a suitable apparatus, and the 4c trituration is dissolved in 99 parts of water
prescribed amount of the liquid preparation in and succussed. 1 part of this dilution is combined
the previous dilution stage is gradually mixed with 99 parts of ethanol 30 per cent to produce
in. The moist homogeneous mix is dried with the 6c liquid dilution by succussion. In the same
care, ground if necessary and sieved before way, the 7c liquid dilution is made from the 5c
mixing again thoroughly. trituration, and the 8c liquid dilution from the 6c
The amount of lactose used should be such trituration. From the 9c upwards, liquid
that the preparation will have the prescribed total centesimal dilutions are made from the previous
weight when the manufacturing process is centesimal dilution with ethanol 43 per cent in a
complete. ratio of 1 to 100.
Methods of Preparation — German Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia 291
The 6x, 7x, 6c and 7c liquid dilutions Except for ‘uniformity of content’, they must
produced by the above method must not be used comply with the Tablets monograph for uncoated
to produce further liquid dilutions. tablets in the German Pharmacopoeia.
Permitted excipients are starch, in
METHOD 8b: Aqueous Preparations
Made From Triturations concentrations of up to 10 per cent— and calcium
bicarbonate or magnesium stearate—in
Preparations made by Method 8b are
concentrations of up to 2 per cent. A saturated
aqueous preparations produced from triturations
lactose solution or starch paste or ethanol in
made by Method 6.
suitable concentration is used if granulation is
To produce a 6x liquid dilution, 1 part of the required.
4x trituration is dissolved in 9 parts of water for
injections and succussed. 1 part of this dilution Tablets prepared solely from preparations
is combined with 9 parts of water for injections produced by Method 6 or 7 are single doses
to produce the 6x liquid dilution by succussion. containing 100 or 250 mg. of the particular
In the same way, the 7x liquid dilution is made preparation. The weight of excipients is
from the 5x trituration, and the 8x liquid dilution additional to this.
from the 6x trituration. From the 9x upwards,
liquid decimal dilutions are made from the
previous decimal dilution with water for Tablets are labelled with the dilution stage
injections in a ratio of 1 to 10. in accord with preparation by Method 6 or 7.
6x and 7x liquid dilutions made by the above
METHOD 10: Granules (Globule)
method must not be used to produce further liquid
dilutions. Preparations made by Method 10 are
Aqueous preparations made by Method 8b granules (globuli). They are produced by
are normally processed immediately; their use transferring a dilution to sucrose granules (size
is limited to the manufacture of presentations by 3:110-130 granules weigh 1g) by moistening 100
Methods 11, 13, 14, 15, 39a and 39c, mixtures parts of sucrose granules evenly with 1 part of
by Method 16, and potentized mixtures by dilution. The ethanol content of the dilution
Method 40b. should not be less than 60 per cent. If this is not
Aqueous preparations made by Method 8b the case, it will be necessary to go against
must comply with the ‘Sterility Test’ of the Methods 1 to 4b and produce the final
German Pharmacopoeia if stored. potentization of the decimal or centesimal
dilution which is to be used with ethanol 62 per
Labeling cent.
Preparations made by Method 8b carry the Following impregnation in a closed vessel,
designation ‘aquos.’ after the indication of the the granules (globuli) are air dried. They are
potency; the same applies to presentations made labelled with the dilution stage of the dilution
from them. used to impregnate them.
The following granule sizes may be used in
METHOD 9: Tablets special cases:
Tablets made by Method 9 are produced from
Size 1 470-530 granules weigh 1g.
preparations made by Method 6 or method 7.
292 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
The method differs from Method 2a in that METHOD 12d: Liquid External Appli-
the amount of ethanol 73 per cent required (E) is cations
calculated using the following formula: Preparations made by Method 12d are oils
4MD for external use produced with 1 part of the dried
E= [kg]
plants or parts of plants and 10 parts of vegetable
oil, using the method given below. Groundnut
M = Weight of plant material in kg. oil, olive oil or sesame oil are normally used;
D = Loss on drying in sample, in per cent. other oils must be declared.
Moisten 1 part of the minced drug with 0.25
parts of ethanol. Cover and leave to stand for
Preparations made by Method 12b are
approximately 12 hours before combining with
labelled ‘ad usum externum’
10 parts of vegetable oil. Heat the mixture to 60
- 70oC and maintain it at that temperature for
METHOD 12c: Liquid External Appli-
cations approximately 4 hours. Express and filter.
Storage Labeling
Store protected from light, in sealed Preparations made by Method 12g are
containers, as far as possible. labelled ‘W 5%’.
The mixture containing the total amount of METHOD 18b: Heat Treated Mother
ethanol 86 per cent required is heated to 37ºC in Tinctures and Liquid Dilutions of
a covered container and maintained at that These
temperature for one hour, stirring occasionally. Mother tinctures made by Method 18b are
After cooling, the mixture is processed as under produced like mother tinctures made by Method
Method 2a. 2b and heat-treated.
The mixture containing the total amount of
Potentization ethanol 62 per cent required is heated to 37 º C
Decimal: in a covered container and maintained at that
The 1st decimal dilution (1x) is made with: temperature for one hour, stirring occasionally.
After cooling the mixture is processed as under
2 parts of the mother tincture and 8 parts of Method 2a. Use ethanol 30 per cent to adjust to
ethanol 43 per cent, the 2nd decimal dilution (2x) any value required by the monograph.
with 1 part of the 1st decimal dilution and 9 parts
of ethanol 30 per cent. Potentization
The 3rd decimal dilution (3x) is made with Decimal:
1 part of the 2nd decimal dilution and 9 parts of The 1st decimal dilution (1x) is made with 2
ethanol 15 per cent. Subsequent dilutions are parts of the mother tincture and 8 parts of ethanol
produced in the same way. 30 per cent.
Labeling The 2nd decimal dilution (2x) with 1 part of
the 1st decimal dilution and 9 parts of ethanol
Preparations made by Method 18a are 15 per cent.
labelled ‘ethanol, digested’; the same applies to
Subsequent dilutions are produced in the
presentations made from them.
same way.
Methods of Preparation—H.P.U.S.
All substances soluble in the menstruum or If not soluble in the proportion of 1 to 10,
vehicles are to be made into solutions or tinctures they should be made by adding one (1) part by
and their attenuations. However, moist and / or weight of medicinal substance to 99 parts by
soluble substances may also be made into volume of sufficient solvent to make one hundred
triturations with lactose. Below 8x, all insoluble (100) and the solution marked 2x (or 1c).
substances or partially soluble substances should If liquid substances contain water, this also
be made into triturations only. should be deducted from that contained in the
The first solution or tincture is made in the solvent, and the anhydrous substance taken as
proportion of 1/10 in water or alcohol of suitable the unit of strength.
strength, unless otherwise specified in the
Aqueous solutions are made of substances SOLUTIONS
which are soluble in water but not in alcohol, or Most medicines used in homoeopathic
of those which, when soluble in alcohol, are practice can be prepared in the form of tinctures
subject to chemical change or decomposition. (as well as in the form of attenuations). Tinctures,
Aqueous solutions are, as a rule, unstable, and also referred to as “mother tinctures” are made
will keep but a short time. from a variety of zoological or botanical
Solutions of chemical substances are to be substances which are wholly or partially soluble
made on the decimal scale, that is, in the in alcohol of various strengths. Such substances
proportion of one (1) part by weight of soluble comprise of all plants and parts of plants, such
medicinal substance (solid or liquid) to which is as bark, root, wood, fruit, bud, flower, seed, resin,
added sufficient solvent to make ten (10) parts gum and balsam.
300 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
room at normal temperature, and shaken at • Succus-tapped: The exudations of the living
appropriate intervals. The time necessary for the plant are obtained by puncturing the bark or
extraction and solution of the medicinal incising the plant part to be drained. It may
substance is variable, and it is safe to allow the be necessary to insert a spout or mechanical
further process of maceration to continue from drain to prevent resealing of the orifice. The
two to four weeks. There upon, decant the clear exudation is allowed to thicken. The
liquid and press out the residue. inspissated juice is then processed as
All tinctures made with this additional specified in the particular monograph. The
process, and all attenuations prepared from these final product should be suitably stabilized
tinctures, must bear the term “Decoction” on all to prevent chemical degradation and
labeling as part of the name of the drug, just microbial contamination.
before the designation of the homoeopathic All tinctures made with this additional
strength. process, and all attenuations from these tinctures,
must bear the term ‘succus’ on all labeling as
Succus or Non-alcoholic Solutions part of the name of the drug just before the
In some cases, it is appropriate to provide designation of the homoeopathic strength. In
certain drugs using a process called succus. In general, the drug strength of the succus is other
these cases, as specified in the monograph, a then 1:10 or 1:100, and is specified in the
succus or non-alcoholic extract should be monograph. For further attenuation, the succus
prepared. In all cases, the finished product should should be diluted to 10% drug strength (on a dry
be suitably stabilized to prevent deterioration of weight basis) prior to attenuation.
the extract. A suitable system should be used to
prevent microbial contamination in compliance Maceration
with H.P.U.S. and U.S.P. standards. This process is preferable in the treatment
If the succus is intended for oral, ophthalmic, of large quantities of drug material needing ample
topical or other uses, the appropriate H.P.U.S. time for the extraction of medicinal properties.
and/or U.S.P. guidelines for those particular Such would be the case with gummy and
routes of administration will apply, i.e., a succus mucilaginous substances, or those having much
intended for ophthalmic use should be in full viscid juice which would prevent the alcohol
compliance with H.P.U.S. guidelines for from permeating the mass as rapidly as is the
ophthalmic solutions. case in the process of percolation.
• Succus-expressed: The freshly gathered Having ascertained the quantity of water,
plant or parts thereof are chopped and according to the rule given in the preceding
pounded to a pulp. The pulp is then subjected paragraph, place the material (reduced to magma,
to pressure; the expressed juice is gathered or in its natural state if unreducible) into a
in a clean container. The juice is then mixed macerating jar or wide mouthed bottle, and add
with equal parts by weight of diluent (water, the required quantity of solvent covering, if
alcohol, etc.). The mixture is allowed to stand possible, the whole mass. The jar or bottle should
for eight days or more, after which the liquid be carefully stoppered or sealed to prevent
is decanted and filtered. The final product evaporation. It is placed in a dark room at normal
should be suitably stabilized to prevent temperature and shaken at appropriate intervals.
chemical degradation and microbial The time necessary for the extraction and
302 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
solution of the medicinal substance is variable, • Cover the surface of the mass with a disc of
and it is safe to allow the process of maceration filter paper.
to continue from two to four weeks. There upon • While holding down the mass by suitable
decant the clear liquid and press out the residue. means, pour the solvent upon the contents
If the drug substance is viscid or of the percolator until the mass is covered,
mucilaginous, and is not readily acted on by the allowing the fluid to run gently down the rod
alcohol, use only one-half of the solvent prepared so that the filter medium may not be
for the purpose. After the maceration, press out displaced.
the residue, triturate it lightly in a mortar, add • Cover the percolator to prevent evaporation.
twice its bulk of suitable homoeopathically inert • Close the valve or stop-cock as soon as the
filter medium, and with the remaining half of fluid begins to drop, and allow it to stand 24
the solvent, subject the whole to the process of hours or longer, according to the nature of
percolation. Then add the clear percolated and the contents.
filtered liquid to that previously decanted one
• Allow the fluid to pass through the percolator
and preserve the now completed tincture in a well
into the receiver, drop by drop, regulating it
closed container in an appropriate area.
by means of the stop cock so as to limit the
Percolation flow to 10 to 30 drops per minute.
• The menstruum should be cautiously and
This method is usually preferred for the
frequently added so as to maintain a surface
extraction of dried substances that have been
reduced to the proper degree of fineness. above the powder, thereby preventing access
of air. Proceed in this manner until the
• After carefully weighing the dried material, requisite quantity has passed into the
prepare the menstruum as prescribed in the
monograph under the heading ‘Preparation
and Classification’. Traditionally, homoeopathic tinctures also
have been prepared with the addition of heat.
• Carefully mix the ground substance with a
Three methods are described below:
sufficient quantity of this menstruum to
render it uniformly and distinctly damp, and 1. Incubation: This process can be utilized in
transfer it to a suitable percolator. Allow it the treatment of drug material needing ample
to stand for one hour; then pack it firmly in time for extraction, and in which a gentle
the percolator. elevation of temperature will afford a better
• The percolator should be provided with a breakdown of complex sugar constituents
stop-cock or another device to control the into simple mono and disaccharides, leading
flow through the unit. Insert a plug of to a more complex extraction of medicinal
absorbent cotton into the neck above the stop properties.
cock, and cover this with a layer of suitable Having ascertained the quantity of water,
filter medium. according to the rule given in the preceding
• Spread the powdered substance, first section, place the material (reduced to
sufficiently moistened with a portion of the magma, or in its natural state if unreducible)
menstruum, little by little, evenly upon the into a macerating jar or wide mouthed bottle,
filter, and press the mass down with a broad, and add the required quantity of solvent,
inert tamper. covering, if possible, the whole mass. The
Methods of Preparation — H.P.U.S. 303
jar or bottle should be carefully stoppered the extraction and solution of the medicinal
or sealed to prevent evaporation, and the substance is variable, and it is safe to allow
whole warmed to 37º C. It should be the further process of maceration to continue
maintained at this temperature, with from two to four weeks. There upon decant
occasional agitation, for one hour. After the clear liquid and press out the residue.
cooling, the jar or bottle should be placed in All tinctures made with this additional
a dark room at normal temperature, and process, and all attenuations prepared from
shaken at appropriate intervals. The time these tinctures, must bear the term “infusion”
necessary for the extraction and solution of on all labeling as part of the name of the drug,
the medicinal substance is variable, and it is just before the designation of the
safe to allow the further process of homoeopathic strength.
maceration to continue from two to four
weeks. There upon decant the clear liquid 3. Decoction.
and press out the residue.
All tinctures made with this additional SUBSTANCES
process, and all attenuations prepared from
Zoological substances comprise of living or
these tinctures, must have the term
dried insects or other animals, or parts of animals.
“incubation” on all labeling as a part of the
name of the drug just before the designation Tinctures of zoological substances are
of the homoeopathic strength. obtained by maceration in alcohol at 65 per cent
v/v, except in some cases specified in the
2. Infusion: This process can be preferable in monographs. These tinctures are made to
the treatment of dried botanical drug represent one (1) part by weight of the crude
materials containing large amounts of material in 20 parts by weight of completed
aromatic principles. Such would be the case solution.
with substances having relatively high
The preparation of these tinctures is made
concentrations of dehydrated aliphatic
according to the following process of maceration:
Put the crude substance, suitably divided, into
After carefully weighing the dried material, the quantities of alcohol and water calculated to
the amount of alcohol and water are obtain a 1/20 tincture with an alcohol strength
calculated according to the rules given in the of 65% v/v. Allow maceration for not less than
pharmacopoeia section. Place the material three weeks, stirring sufficiently. Decant, allow
and the alcohol into a suitable container and to stand for 48 hours, and filter.
allow to stand covered for 15 minutes. After The tinctures resulting from either the
this time, the water, previously heated to process of maceration or percolation from
boiling, is poured over the preparation, and, botanical or zoological substances are filtered
under a reflux condenser, the entire mass is directly into containers of glass or other inert
maintained at the boiling point for 5 minutes. materials. These shall be stoppered and placed
After cooling, the container should be well in an appropriate area, each to be marked with
stoppered and placed in a dark room at the sign ø, indicating the strongest liquid
normal temperature, and shaken at preparation made directly from the medicinal
appropriate intervals. The time necessary for substance, and also showing the proportion of
304 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
medicinal substance which the tincture Subsequent liquid or solid attenuations are
represents. Except in special cases specified in made by serial progression, succussing or
the monographs, the shelf life of the tinctures is triturating one (1) part of the preceding
five years from the manufacturing date. The shelf attenuation to nine (9) parts of the vehicle, and
life or its attendant expiration date shall apply represent the following proportions of active
only to the tincture as a finished dosage form, principle (i.e., dried medicinal substance):
and not to any subsequent dilution or product 2x = 10-2
prepared from it. 3x = 10-3
Before use, tinctures of botanical and 4x = 10-4
zoological origin are subjected to tests and assays 5x = 10-5
according to classical analytical procedures: 6x = 10-6
• Description: Color, odor and taste. 7x = 10-7
• Identification: Identity reactions are made 8x = 10-8
to reveal the presence of a specific
constituent or a group of constituents such B. CENTESIMAL SCALE OF
as alkaloids, etc. ATTENUATION
• Test: Determination of the alcohol content One millilitre (1.0 ml.) of the first centesimal
and non-volatile residue, and thin layer liquid attenuation (1c), or one gram (1.0 g.) of
chromatographic analysis. the first centesimal trituration (1c) represents
• Assay: When the tincture contains an active 0.01 gram (10.0 mg.) of the dry crude medicinal
principle in measurable amounts. substance.
One millilitre (1.0 ml.) of the 2nd centesimal
ATTENUATIONS liquid attenuation (2c) or one gram (1.0 g.) of
the 2nd centesimal trituration (2c) represents
The Pharmacopoeia Convention hereby
0.0001 gram (0.1 mg.) of the dry crude medicinal
adopts the decimal, centesimal and fifty
millesimal systems as the standard scales of
attenuation and notation, under which each Subsequent liquid or solid attenuations are
successive attenuation or trituration contains just made by serial progression, succussing or
1/10, 1/100 or 1/50,000 as much of the drug triturating one (1) part of the preceding
substance as the preceding attenuation or attenuation to 99 parts of the vehicle, and
trituration. represent the following proportions of active
principle (i.e, dried medicinal substance):
TION 3c=10-6
One millilitre (1.0 ml.) of tincture, one 4c=10-5
millilitre of 1x aqueous solution, or one gram
(1.0 g.) of 1x trituration represents 0.10 gram of C. FIFTY MILLESIMAL SCALE OF
dry crude medicinal substance. ATTENUATION
One millilitre (1.0 ml.) of 2x attenuation, or One millilitre (1.0 ml) of the first fifty
one gram (1.0 g.) of 2nd trituration contains 0.01 millesimal attenuation (1LM) represents 4.0 X
gram of the dry crude medicinal substance. 10-9 g. of dry crude medicinal substance.
Methods of Preparation — H.P.U.S. 305
Methods of Preparation — H.P.U.S. Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
One millilitre (1.0 ml.) of the second fifty e.g., Arsenicum album, Phosphorus, Sulphur,
millesimal attenuation (2LM) represents 8.0 X etc., their original solutions shall be prepared in
10-4 g. of dry crude medicinal substance. accordance with the respective monographs. In
the centesimal scale, the 1x solution or tincture
Method of Manufacture is divided by 10 to produce the first centesimal
• For solid substances, proceed according to (1c), then by 100 to produce each succeeding
the centesimal scale to the 3c trituration. attenuation, 2c, 3c, 4c, etc.
Initially, for liquid substances, impregnate
Homoeopathic liquid attenuations are
the lactose in a proportion of 1 to 100
designated according to the method of
beginning with the liquid substance (mother
attenuation. The designations, which must appear
tinctures). The second and third triturations
on the labels, are shown in the following table:
are carried out in the same way as when
starting with solid products. Desig- Scale Method of
• Take 0.062 g. of the 3c trituration, add 500 nation Attenuation
drops of a mixture composed of 1 part 95%
v/v alcohol and 4 parts distilled water. x or D Decimal (1/10) Hahnemannian
• Add 1 drop from the result of step 2 to 2.0 CH or c Centesimal (1/100) Hahnemannian
ml. of 95% v/v alcohol. Succus. The result CK or K Centesimal (1/100) Korsakovian
is 1LM. LM Fifty millesimal
• Pour 1 drop of the 1LM on 0.575 g. #10 (1/50,000) Hahnemannian
pellets (500 #10 pellets). Take 1 pellet and
add to 2.0 ml. of 95% v/v alcohol. Succus. The preferred designation for decimal
The result is 2LM. attenuations is x, which clearly indicates the scale
• Pour 1 drop of the 2LM on 0.575 g. > #10 used. All decimal attenuations are prepared
pellets (500 #10 pellets). Take 1 pellet and according to the Hahnemannian method.
add to 2.0 ml. of 95% v/v alcohol. Succus. The preferred designation for Hahnemannian
The result is 3LM. centesimal attenuations is CH, which clearly
• Repeat step 5 until the 30LM is obtained. indicates both the scale used and the method of
attenuation. As C or ‘c’ is a synonym of CH, it
LIQUID ATTENUATIONS can be only used to designate an attenuation that
is prepared according to the Hahnemannian
In the decimal scale, the original quantity of method.
medicine is divided progressively by ten so that
the first decimal (1x contains 1M, the second The preferred designation for Korsakovian
decimal (2x) 1/100, and the third decimal (3x) centesimal attenuations is CK, which clearly
1/1000 of the original substance suspended in, indicates both the scale used and the method of
and attenuated or expanded by, the diluent attenuation.
(alcohol, water, etc.). Each tincture (with some The designation M refers to neither scale nor
exceptions to be stated) is equal or equivalent in method of attenuation. M is equivalent to 1000,
medicinal strength to the first decimal attenuation and is used in place of the numeral 1000 in
(1/10), designated 1x. Korsakovian centesimal attenuations. For
Where certain substances are insoluble in the example, 1M indicates a 1000CK attenuation,
proportion of 1 to 10 and require more solvent, 10M a 10,000CK attenuation.
Methods of Preparation — H.P.U.S. 307
SOLID ATTENUATIONS: ml. bottle, 500 ml. bottles, and sintered glass
TRITURATIONS funnel can be placed 1
60 ml. bottle of 30% v/v alcohol 1
• Attenuations of solid substances are prepared
by trituration of the crude substance with 1 litre bottle of 70% v/v alcohol 1
lactose, U.S.P, in a mortar and pestle for Platinum handle 1
small amounts or in a mechanical triturator
Procedure for Preparation of 1c Attenuation:
for large amounts, in the proportion of one
(1) part by weight of the crude substance and Place 5 ml. of 30% v/v alcohol in a 15 ml.
nine (9) parts by weight of lactose to produce bottle. Place the carded cotton near the burner.
the 1x trituration. Take the culture tube and, using pliers, remove
• As with liquid attenuations, in the decimal the stopper close to the flame of a bunsen burner.
scale each step is accomplished by triturating First, flame the platinum handle along its
one (1) part of the original attenuation with entire length and allow it to cool. Then use it to
nine (9) parts of lactose. In the centesimal scrape as much culture as possible and to put it
scale, one (1) part by weight of the 1x into the 15 ml. bottle, while trying to crush the
trituration is triturated with nine (9) parts by strain against the sides of the bottle in order to
weight of lactose to produce the 1c obtain a homogeneous suspension (this, of
trituration, then is divided by 100 to produce course, depends on the consistency of the strain).
each succeeding trituration, 2c, 3c, 4c, etc. Stopper the 15 ml. bottle.
Triturations may be dispensed in the form Flame the platinum handle again. It should
of powders or tablet triturates, either of which be passed through the flame in a horizontal
may be dissolved or mixed aqueous solutions. position, from left to right. This should be done
slow to avoid spluttering the strain.
ATTENUATION FROM MICRO- Use metal tongs and flame the carded cotton.
SCOPIC FUNGAL STRAINS Stopper the culture tube after having passed the
mouth of the tube through the flame.
Given the risk of contamination during
handling of fungal strains, these attenuations are Potentize the 15 ml. bottle. 1c attenuation is
prepared under a laminar flow hood. obtained.
Alcohol content : 68.0 to 72.0 per cent v/v. per cent w/w and not more
pH : 5.5 to 6.5 than 10.35 per cent w/w of
Wt. per ml. : 0.860 g. to 0.890 g.
Assay : Complies with the assay
Total solids : Not less than 0.30 per cent w/ method given under Calcarea
v. carbonica.
l max : 260 and 268 nm. Potency : 2x.
Identification : Carry out TLC using n-bu- Properties : White amorphous powder.
tanol : acetic acid: water Contains not less than 0.94
(4:1:1 v/v) as mobile phase. per cent w/w and not more
Under UV light three spots than 1.04 per cent w/w of
appear at Rf 0.32. 0.40 and CaCO3.
0.73 (all blue). Assay : Char about 5 g. accurately
weighed in a silica crucible to
CALCAREA ARSENICOSA make ash and proceed with
Potency : 2x. the ash as given in assay
method under Calcarea car-
Properties : White amorphous powder. bonica.
Contains not less than 0.94
Potency : 3x.
per cent w/w and not more
: White amorphous powder.
than 1.04 per cent w/w of
Contains not less than 0.094
per cent w/w and not more
Assay : Complies with the assay than 0.104 per cent w/w of
method given under Calcarea CaCO3.
arsenicosa. Assay : Char about 20 g. in a silica
Potency : 3x. crucible to make ash. Dis-
: White amorphous powder. solve the ash in minimum
Contains not less than 0.094 quantity of dilute hydrochlo-
per cent w/w and not more ric acid and follow the assay
than 0.104 per cent w/w of method given under Calcarea
Ca3(AsO3)2. carbonica.
Assay : Char about 20 g. accurately
weighed in a silica crucible to
Potency : 1x.
make ash and proceed with
ash as given in assay method Properties : Whitish-grey amorphous
under Calcarea arsenicosa. powder. Contains not less
than 9.40 per cent w/w and not
CALCAREA CARBONICA more than 10.40 per cent w/
w of CaF2.
Potency : 1x.
Assay : Complies with the assay
Properties : White amorphous powder. method given under Calcarea
Contains not less than 9.35 fluorica.
Standardisation of Medicine 317
than 9.50 per cent w/w and not spots appear at Rf 0.11, 0.19,
more than 10.50 per cent w/ 0.25 and 0.44 (all brown).
w of Se.
Assay : Compiles with the assay SEPIA
method given under Sele- Mother Tincture.
nium. Alcohol content : 90.0 to 94.0 per cent v/v.
Potency : 2x. pH : 5.9 to 6.8
Properties : Reddish-brown amorphous
Wt. per ml. : 0.850 g. to 0.940 g.
powder. Contains not less
Total solids : Not less than 0.80 per cent w/
than 0.95 per cent w/w and not
more than 1.05 per cent w/w
of Se. l max : 260 and 280 nm.
Assay : Weigh accurately about 5 g. Identification : Carry out TLC of chloroform
Char in a silica crucible to extract using chloroform:
make ash and follow the as- methanol (9:1 v/v) as mobile
say method given under Sele- phase. In iodine vapors two
nium. spots appear at Rf 0.44 and
Potency : 3x. 0.80.
Properties : Brownish amorphous powder.
Contains not less than 0.095
per cent w/w and not more Potency : 1x.
than 0.105 per cent w/w of Se. Properties : White amorphous powder.
Assay : Weigh accurately about 20 g. Contains not less than 9.50
Char in a silica crucible to per cent w/w and not more
make ash and follow the as- than 10.50 per cent w/w of
say method given under Sele- SiO2.
nium. Assay : Take 1 g. dry and char in a
silica crucible at 500°, wash
SENEGA the residue with dilute nitric
Mother Tincture. acid, dry and weigh. It should
weigh not less than, 0.095 g.
Alcohol content : 47.0 to 51.0 per cent v/v.
and not more than 0.105 g.
pH : 4.5 to 5.6
Potency : 2X.
Wt. per ml. : 0.925 g. to 0.960 g. Properties : White amorphous powder.
Total solids : Not less than 1.80 per cent w/ Contains not less than 0.95
v. per cent w/w and not more
l max : 280 and 320 nm. than 1.05 per cent w/w of
Identification : Carry out TLC of chloroform
extract using chloroform: Assay : Same as for 1x; it should
methanol (9:1 v/v) as mobile weigh not less than .0095 g.
phase. In iodine vapor four and not more than 0.0105 g.
Standardisation of Medicine 321
Total solids : Not less than 0.65 per cent w/ phase. Under UV light six
v. spots appear at Rf 0.03, 0.15,
l max : 264 and 320 nm. 0.42, 0.82, 0.89 and 0.95 (all
Identification : Carry out TLC of chloroform blue).
extract using chloroform:
methanol (9:1 v/v) as mobile ZINCUM METALLICUM
phase. With Dragendorff’s Potency : 1x.
reagent three long spots ap- Properties : White amorphous powder.
pear at Rf 0.05 to 0.21, 0.25 Contains not less than 9.40
to 0.35 and 0.41 to 0.47. per cent w/w to not more than
or 10.40 per cent w/w of Zn.
Evaporate 20 ml. mother tinc-
Assay : Complies with the assay
ture on a water bath to remove
method given under Zincum
alcohol. Make it alkaline with
ammonia solution and extract
the aqueous part with 3x20 Potency : 2x.
ml. chloroform. Concentrate Properties : White amorphous powder.
the chloroform extract to 2 ml. Contains not less than 0.94
and carry out Co-TLC with per cent w/w and not more
Veratrine using chloroform: than 1.04 per cent w/w of Zn.
methanol (9:1 v/v) as mobile Assay : Weigh accurately about 5 g.;
phase and Dragendorff’s re- char it in a silica crucible to
agent as spray reagent. Spot make ash and proceed with
corresponding to Veratrine ash as given in the assay
appears. method under Zincum metal-
Potency : 3x.
Mother Tincture.
Properties : White amorphous powder.
Alcohol content : 72.0 to 76.0 per cent v/v. Contains not less than 0.094
pH : 5.5 to 6.4 per cent w/w to not more than
Wt. per ml. : 0.872 g. to 0.882 g. 0.104 per cent w/w of Zn.
Total solids : Not less than 0.35 per cent w/ Assay : Weigh accurately about 20 g.
v. Char in a silica crucible to
l max : 277 and 321 nm. make ash and proceed with
Identification : Carry out TLC of chloroform the ash as given in the assay
extract using chloroform: method under Zincum metal-
methanol (95:5 v/v) as mobile licum.
Section - 6
6.1 Study of Different Scales of Preparation.
6.2 Study of Potentisation.
6.3 Drug - Medicine - Remedy.
6.4 Posology and Homoeopathy.
The spirit is ever lasting, never changing ever.
Study of Different Scales of Preparation
To bring uniformity of strength of various This scale is based on the principle that the
potencies, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann introduced a first potency should contain 1/10th part of the
standard scale for preparation of potencies. It was original drug and each succeeding potency
the centesimal scale. France uses this scale should contain 1/10th part of the previous
exclusively. In english speaking countries too, potency. The potency in this scale is denoted by
this scale is predominantly used. Later Dr. suffixing the letter ‘X’ or ‘x’ to the number
Constantine Hering introduced the decimal scale. indicating the potency i.e. the first potency is IX,
H.P.I. uses this scale for preparation of potencies. the second potency is 2X, and so on.
In 1921 with the publication of the sixth edition This scale is applicable in the old method,
of Organon of Medicine, another scale, viz., 50 established by Hahnemann for potentisation.
millesimal scale or L.M. scale was introduced This scale is used to make lower potencies,
for the preparation of potencies. especially those upto 6X. It is the only scale
used in the modern method of preparation of
• Scales for trituration:
Preparation of Potencies
- Decimal scale.
- Centesimal scale. Liquid Potencies
• Scales for succussion: A well-cleaned and round phial of 15 ml.
- Decimal scale. capacity is taken. 1 ml. of the tincture or solution
is poured in the phial and then 9 ml. of rectified
- Centesimal scale.
spirit (60 O.P.) i.e. dispensing alcohol is added
- 50 millesimal scale. to it. 1/3rd of the phial thereby remains empty
for succussion. It is now filled with a new velvet
cork and ten downward strokes of equal strength
This scale was introduced by Dr. Constantine are given. 1x potency is thus prepared. The phial
Hering (1800 - 80) to potentise snake venoms; is tightly stoppered and labelled properly to
Vehsemeier gave a more detailed description of indicate the name of the medicine, potency and
this scale in 1836.
326 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
Relation Between Decimal and changes advocated by the Master. It was brought
Centesimal Scales to the notice of the profession by Dr. Pierre
Schmidt, M.D., of Geneva in an article entitled,
Decimal Scale Centesimal Scale
The Hidden Treasure of the Last Organon,
1. 1x potency has 1/10th 1c potency has 1/100th published in the British Homoeopathic Journal,
part of the original part of the original
July - October 1954. Another article was
drug. drug.
published by him on this subject in the Journal
2. Here 2x contains: Here 2c= of the American Institute of Homoeopathy,
1/10 x 1/100 = 1c 1/100 x 1/100 =
December - January 1955 - 56. At last, in the
potency and so on. 1/10,000 = 4x potency.
April 1980 issue of ‘The British Homoeopathic
3. It is considered better This provides more
Journal’ Dr. Charles Pahud of Lozen, France
for lower potencies rapidly acting remedies
drew the attention of the World Homoeopathic
upto 6x. in higher potencies.
Physicians all over the World to the sixth edition
of the Organon in his article, ‘My Experience
50 MILLESIMAL SCALE OR L.M. About Hahnemann’s 50 Millesimal Scale
SCALE Potency’. These two learned men can rightfully
The 50 millesimal scale was introduced by be credited with opening the door of the hidden
Dr. Hahnemann in the 6th edition of Organon of treasure of the 6th edition of Organon of
Medicine in § 270. This name was given by Dr. Medicine.
Pierre Schmidt of Geneva. Potencies prepared In India and Bangladesh, the potency
under this method are named by Dr. Schmidt as, prepared by this scale is designated as 0/1, 0/2,
‘fifty-millesimal potencies’ as the material part 0/3, 0/4 and M/1, M/2, M/3, M/4, etc. In the west
of the medicine is said to be decreased by 50,000 it is designated as 1/0, 2/0, 3/0, etc.
times for each degree of dynamisation.
Master Hahnemann used to write 0/1, 0/2,
Hahnemann himself termed this new method as,
‘renewed dynamisation’ (§161).
Some authors have suggested, LM/1, LM/2,
In footnote 1, § 132 he writes, ‘new altered
LM/3, etc., Where ‘L’ stands for 50 and ‘M’ for
but perfected method” — “New dynamisation
method” etc. of Organon.
The numerator ‘0’ representing symbolically
☞ The manuscript of the 6th German edition
the poppy-sized globule employed in each
of the Organon was completed by Dr.
Hahnemann in 1842. In a letter to his
publisher, Mr. Schaub, in Dusseldörf, Methods of Preparation
Hahnemann wrote, “I have now, after
Apparatus and Materials Required
eighteen months of work finished the sixth
edition of my Organon, the most nearly • Sugar of Milk: It should be of the purest
perfect of all. But, Hahnemann died on 2nd quality; it is used for the purpose of
July 1843 and as a result of which it saw the potentisation.
light of the day in 1921 when William • Purified Water: Of the purest quality.
Boericke published it. • Strong Alcohol: Of the purest quality.
Even after it was published, only a few (like • Sugar Globules: Those of the purest quality
Dr. Pahud of Lausanne) took notice of the great
328 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
are used. They should be free from dust porcelain mortar. Add one grain of the
particles which is achieved by passing them powdered drug to it. For 1 minute the
through a sieve. Then they are passed medicine and powder are mixed with a
through another sieve which will allow only spatula and grinded or rubbed for 6 minutes
globules of the prescribed size - hundred of with a pestle; then the mass is scraped from
which weigh a grain. the bottom and sides of the mortar and from
• Glazed Porcelain Mortar: The bottom of the pestle for 3 minutes. This is again
the mortar is roughened before hand with the followed by trituration for 6 minutes,
help of fine moist sand using a pestle and scraping for 3 minutes and mixing for 1
spatula. minute without adding anything new to the
• Bottles (Made-up of Neutral Glass): After
filling the liquid in the bottles for • The second third of milk sugar is now added
potentisation, 1/3rd should be kept empty. and the above mentioned process is repeated
for the same period (i.e. 20 minutes).
• A Small Cylindrical Vessel (Made-up of
Glass, Porcelain or Silver): A small opening • The last third of milk sugar is mixed to the
is present at the bottom of the cylindrical above mixture and the 20 minute process is
vessel in which the globules are put to be again repeated.
medicated. They are moistened with a little • The powder thus prepared is put in a vial,
potentised medicinal alcohol. The globules which is well corked, protected from direct
are then stirred and poured out on blotting sunlight and accurately labelled indicating
paper, in order to dry them quickly. the name of the drug, potency and date of
manufacture. Each grain will contain 1/100
of original drug substance.
The method of preparation of medicines • By the end of one hour, one third process of
according to the new method as described in the preparation of mother tincture is completed.
6th edition, has not yet found its way into any of
the homoeopathic pharmacopoeias. Second Stage:
Hahnemann has explained the mode of • One grain of the above preparation is taken
preparation in § 270 - 271 and their footnotes and triturated with hundred grains of sugar
(150 to 157) in the sixth edition of Organon of of milk in three stages (for a period of 1 hour)
Medicine. as mentioned in the first stage. The potency
prepared will be such that each grain will
Preparation of Mother Tincture contain 1/10,000 of the original drug
• One grain of the drug substance (dry or oily; substance. The prepared mixture is put in a
plant or animal matter) is triturated for three well stoppered and labelled vial.
hours with 1,00,00,00 grains (106 grams) of
sugar of milk i.e. upto the 3x potency Third Stage:
according to the method described below: • One grain of the above potency is triturated
with hundred grains of sugar of milk as
First Stage: mentioned earlier for 1 hour. Thus we have
• One-third of hundred grains (approximately a 3rd centesimal potency, where 1 grain has
33 grains) of milk sugar is taken in a glazed 1/1,00,00,00 of the original drug substance.
Study of Different Scales of Preparation 329
5 5 1010
= 1 x 5c 1 = 10x; 10x = 5c
] of sugar of milk
Grinding, scrapping, mixing 1st trituration
• To convert the liquid potency into globules, 1 hr. (20+20+20)
a small cylindrical vessel, shaped like a
Second Stage (1 Hour)
thimble, made of glass, porcelain or steel
with a small opening at the bottom is taken, 1 grain of 1st trituration +100 grains of sugar
into which poppy-sized globules (100 of of milk
them weigh 1 grain) are put to be medicated. Grinding, scrapping, mixing 2nd trituration
They are moistened with a small quantity of
1 hr. (20+20+20)
the medicine prepared.
• The moistened globules are then spread over Third Stage (1 Hour)
a piece of blotting paper so that the excess 1 grain of 2nd trituration +100 grains of
of medicine is removed. It is found that 500 sugar of milk
330 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
Grinding, scrapping, mixing • From the above prepared dose, instruct the
3rd trituration patient to take only about 1-2 teaspoon of
1 hr. (20+20+20)
the dose and discard the rest. Administer the
Fourth Stage remaining doses in the same manner.
1 grain of 3rd trituration +100 drops In case of any aggravation on taking the
dispensing alcohol + 400 drops of purified water medicine in the above described manner, stop
Mother tincture further dosage. The aggravation will subside in
a short while. After the aggravation subsides, the
0/1 Potency
same remedy is taken after diluting it in a 2nd,
1 drop mother tincture + 100 drops pure 3rd or 4th glass, prepared as described above.
100 succussions This way the aggravation can be controlled.
alcohol 0/1
• Start the treatment from the lowest degree solution may be put in a second glass of water, thoroughly
stirred and teaspoonful doses or more be given. There are
of dynamisation (i.e. 0/1 to 0/3) and patients of so great sensitiveness that a third or fourth glass,
gradually proceed to higher potencies. similarly prepared, may be necessary. Each such prepared
glass must be made fresh daily. The globule of the high
Note: Some physicians start the treatment with 0.2 potency is best crushed in a few grains of sugar of milk which
and then proceed with 0/4, 0/6, 0/8 and so on or the patient can put in the vial and be dissolved in the requisite
start with 0/1 and proceed with 0/3, 0/5, 0/7 and quantity of water.] (with perhaps 8, 10, 12
so on. But this method is wrong as it goes against succussions) from which we give the patient one
the direction, as prescribed by Hahnemann. It is or (increasingly) several teaspoonful doses, in
also not scientific and has proven to be harmful
long lasting diseases daily or every second day,
to many patients.
in acute diseases every two to six hours and in
Time for Second Prescription very urgent cases every hour or oftener. Thus in
Continue the first prescription till the patient chronic diseases, every correctly chosen
experiences continued improvement without homoeopathic medicine, even those whose action
experiencing another complaint which had never is of long duration, may be repeated daily for
before appeared in his life. In such cases, first months with ever increasing success. If the
change the potency of the medicine from low to solution is used up (in seven to fifteen days) it is
high like from 0/1 to 0/2, or 0/3 to 0/4 and so on. necessary to add to the next solution of the same
medicine if still indicated one or (though rarely)
In case new symptoms are observed, another several pellets of a higher potency with which
more homoeopathically related medicine should we continue so long as the patient experiences
be selected and administered in the same manner. continued improvement without encountering
The dose, however may be modified through one or another complaint that he never had before
succussions depending upon the need. in his life. For if this happens, if the balance of
The potency of this new medicine is started the disease appears in a group of altered
from the lowest degrees of dynamisation i.e. 0/ symptoms then another, one more
1. homoeopathically related medicine must be
chosen in place of the last and administered in
Repetition of Doses
the same repeated doses, mindful, however, of
Dr. Hahnemann states in § 248 and § 249 of modifying the solution of every dose with
the 6th edition of Organon that: thorough vigorous succussions, thus changing its
§ 248 degree of potency and increasing it somewhat.
On the other hand, should there appear during
For this purpose, we potentize anew, the
almost daily repetition of the well indicated
medicinal solution [Made in 40, 30, 20, 15 or 8
tablespoonfuls of water with the addition of some alcohol or homoeopathic remedy, towards the end of the
a piece of charcoal in order to preserve it. If charcoal is used, treatment of a chronic disease, so-called (§ 161)
it is suspended by means of a thread in the vial and is taken
homoeopathic aggravations by which the
out when the vial is succussed. The solution of the medicinal
globule (and it is rarely necessary to use more than one balance of the morbid symptoms seem to again
globule) of a thoroughly potentized medicine in a large increase somewhat (the medicinal disease,
quantity of water can be obviated by making a solution in
only 7-8 tablespoonfuls of water and after thorough
similar to the original, now alone persistently
succussion of the vial, take from it one tablespoonful and manifests itself). The doses in that case must then
put it in a glass of water (containing about 7 to 8 spoonfuls), be reduced still further and repeated in longer
this is stirred thoroughly and then give a dose to the patient.
If he is unusually excited and sensitive, a teaspoonful of this intervals and possibly stopped several days, in
332 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
order to see if the convalescence need no further From § 248, it is clear that the repetition of
medicinal aid. The apparent symptoms (Schein- doses in 50 millesimal scale depends upon the
Symptoms) caused by the excess of the nature of the disease. Viz.,
homoeopathic medicine will soon disappear and • In long lasting diseases, like asthma, ulcers,
leave undisturbed health in its wake. If only a cancer, skin diseases, rheumatism,
small vial, say, a dram of dilute alcohol is used hypertension, etc., one or several teaspoon
in the treatment, in which is contained and doses may be given daily or every second
dissolved through succussion one globule of the day.
medicine which is to be used by olfaction every
• In acute diseases like typhoid, malaria,
two, three or four days, this also must be
diarrhea, dysentery, etc., every 2 to 6 hours.
thoroughly succussed eight to ten times before
each olfaction. • In very urgent cases like in tetanus, cholera,
chickenpox, etc., repeat every hour or
§ 249 oftener.
Every medicine prescribed for a case of In chronic cases, the indicated remedy can
disease which, in the course of its action, be given (repeated) daily for months with good
produced new and troublesome symptoms not results even if the remedy has a action of long
appertaining to the disease to be cured, is not duration.
capable of effecting real improvement [As all For second prescription, Dr. Hahnemann
experience shows that the dose of the specially suited
homoeopathic medicine can scarcely be prepared too small writes:
to effect perceptible amelioration in the disease for which it • If the patient experiences continuous
is appropriate (§ § 275-278), we should act injudiciously and
hurtfully were we when no improvement, or some, though it improvement, continue with the previous
be even slight, aggravation ensues, to repeat or even remedy, may be in a higher potency.
increase the dose of the same medicine, as is done in the
old system, under the delusion that it was not efficacious on • If some altered symptoms appear, chose
account of its small quantity (its too small dose). Every another homoeopathic remedy and
aggravation by the production of new symptoms—when
nothing untoward has occurred in the mental or physical
administer it in the same repeated doses.
regimen— invariably proves unsuitableness on the part of • If a homoeopathic aggravation occurs, the
the medicine formerly given in the case of diseases before
dose should be reduced and repeated at
us, but never indicates that the dose has been too weak.],
longer intervals. One can even stop giving
and cannot be considered as homoeopathically
the medicine for several days to see if
selected; it must, therefore, either if the
convalescence need no further medicinal aid.
aggravation be considerable, be first partially
neutralized as soon as possible by an antidote In § 249, Master Hahnemann discusses the
before giving the next remedy chosen more management of cases where, the seleced
accurately according to similarity of action; or medicine (for a disease), in the course of its
if the troublesome symptoms be not very violent, action produces new, troublesome symptoms
the next remedy must be given immediately, in which do not pertain to the disease to be cured.
order to take the place of the improperly selected Accoroding to Dr. Hahnemann such a medicine
one [The well informed and conscientiously careful physician is not homoeopathically well selected and their
will never be in a position to require an antidote in his practice management is as follows:
if he will begin, as he should, to give the selected medicine
in the smallest possible dose. A like minute dose of a better • If the aggravation produced is very violent,
chosen remedy will re-establish order throughout.]. treat it by first giving an antidote followed
Study of Different Scales of Preparation 333
judge the appropriateness of the medicine • It is infallible for cases where only palliation
within 2-4 days of chronic diseases and 2-4 is to be removed. Here, palliation is possible
hours or even earlier in acute diseases. without the least chance of an aggravation.
• When used by olfaction, it cures both acute • This system frees the patient and the
and chronic cases quickly without any severe physician from the tyranny of centesimal
medicinal aggravation. scale. Under this scale medicines can be used
• In 50 millesimal potency, the same off and on, when required. If one prescription
constitutional medicine can be used for both is formed to be wrong, the physician can start
palliative and curative purposes. Here no another carefully selected remedy
separate medicine is required when palliation immediately without first antidoting the
is needed. action of the first.
• Very effective and useful in mental diseases Disadvantages of Using 50 Millesimal
where there is an apprehension of • The medicine has to administered in the
aggravation on using the centesimal scale. liquid form only.
• 50 millesimal has proved useful in one-sided • A standard quantity of phial and cork should
diseases or in other cases which seem be used to preserve the medicine well.
• In case of an aggravation while using this
• Repeated doses of 50 millesimal work scale, bring it to the notice of the physician
miraculously in cases of suppression which immediately. Further dilution and reduction
occurred long ago, putting the patient back in the frequency of repetition may be
on the process of cure. required.
• It has proven to be very efficacious and • The mode of preparation and use of this
helpful when administered in the primary medicine may reduce the enthusiasm to use
stage of psora, syphilis and sycosis. it amongst physicians and patients.
Study of Potentisation
Potentisation or dynamisation process was doctrines of homoeopathy. The subject has been
introduced into the science of therapeutics by taken up and persued by various authors. Dr.
Dr. Samuel Hahnemann. Homoeopathic Hahnemann’s view regarding dynamization also
dynamization is defined as a process by which constantly underwent alterations.
the medicinal properties, which are latent in
natural substances while in their crude state,
become aroused, and then become enabled to act EVOLUTION OF THE THEORY
in an almost spiritual manner on our life; i.e., on OF DYNAMIZATION
our sensible and irritable fibre. This development • In the year 1796, when his first essay
of the properties of crude natural substances announcing the discovery of a new
(dynamization) takes place, in the case of dry therapeutic principle, homoeopathy was
drug substances, by means of trituration in a published no mention of dynamization was
mortar, but in the case of fluid substances, by made.
means of shaking or succussion (Preface to 5th • In 1798, first hints on dilution of drugs were
volume of The Chronic Diseases). found in context to Sabina and Hyoscyamus
Stuart Close in ‘The Genius of Homoeopathy’ 1/16 - 1/30 grains of the concentrated
defines homoeopathic potentisation as: It is a solution and Stramonium 1/100 - 1/1000 of
mathematico-mechanical process for the the concentrated juice.
reduction, according to scale, of crude, inert or • Between 1799 and 1801, he advocated the
poisonous medical substances to a state of use of small doses which he called
physical solubility, physiological assimilability ‘infinitesimal doses’. In his treatise,
and therapeutic activity and harmlessness, for use “Treatise of Medicine and Collection of
as homoeopathic healing remedies. Selected Prescription” several remarks
In other words it is a physical process by concerning very small doses are mentioned.
which the latent curative properties of drugs are • In 1802, he used Veratrum 1/2000 grains,
brought into activity. Mezereum 1/400,000 grains, Stramonium 1/
Drug dynamization is the most controversial 300,000 grains, etc.
336 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
• Through 1803, Dr. Hahnemann’s experience ensues not only the most intimate mixture,
was growing and he was experimenting but at the same time and this is the most
higher and higher without making any final important circumstance, there ensues such a
decision about the dose and potency of drugs. great and hither to unknown and undreamt
• In ‘Medicine of Experience’ published in of change, by the development and liberation
1805, he talks about the dynamic action of of the dynamic powers of the medicinal
drugs and the infinitesimal dose required to substance so treated, so as to excite
cure even the severest disease. However, he astonishment.”
could not explain how the power, of the drug • In 1828-1833, ‘Chronic Diseases’ was
increased by an increase in the triturations published in which he has written about
and succussions. starting treatment with small doses (2nd or
• The 1st edition of the Organon of Medicine 3rd trituration), but experience taught him
was published in 1810 but the theory of to give preference to higher dilutions.
dynamization was not yet rooted. However, During this time, Dr. Hahnemann came upon
it was clear that Hahnemann’s theory was the strange idea of setting up a standard dose
developing as follows: for all curative homoeopathic remedies. This
- He wanted to give small doses as it standard was 30c.
prevented aggravations. In 1833, he published the 5th edition of his
- To reduce the dose, he mixed the drug Organon where Hahnemann’s final
substance with a non-medicinal vehicle discussion in favor of high potency rested
and subjected it to vigorous shaking on his conception of dynamisation of drugs
which increased the curative power of after dilution and succussion was put forth.
the drug. • In 1839, the 2nd edition of ‘Chronic
- Recorded evidence is present that Diseases’ was published where Hahnemann
Hahnemann, between 1812 and 1815 confirmed his dynamization of drugs by
used Arnica in the 18th and Nux in the saying, “Homoeopathic dynamisation of
9th centesimal potency. drugs are real awakenings of the medicinal
properties that lie dormant in natural bodies
- Between 1816 - 1827, Hahnemann
during their crude state, which then become
gradually increased the dilution of
capable of acting in almost a spiritual manner
medicines. At the same time Hahnemann
upon our life-that is to say, on our persistent
made a lot of followers and also faced a
(sensitive) and excitable fibres.
lot of criticism from allopaths.
• In 1825 he wrote in a journal “How can small
doses of such very attenuated medicines as
homoeopathy employs have any ‘effect’ on
the sick?” He writes here, “In the preparation Two process are employed in potentisation
of homoeopathic attenuations a small portion depending upon the solubility of the drug
of medicine is not merely added to an substance.
enormous quantity of non-medicinal fluid, A. Succussion.
or only slightly mingled with it but by the B. Trituration.
prolonged succussions and trituration, there
Study of Potentisation 337
of liquid vehicle in a phial filling 2/3rd of it. It is poured over it so that the oily (dry substance)
then corked tightly. 10 downward strokes of doesn’t stick to the surface of the mortar.
uniform strength are given to the phial held in a
3. Class IX
hand against a hard but elastic body or against
the other hand. To maintain uniformity of This includes fresh vegetable and animal
strength, some authors have suggested that the substances like Psorinum, Medorrhinum, Blatta,
phial must be raised to the level of the shoulder Agaricus, etc. Here the ratio of drug substance
before every stroke. Each stroke should end in a to milk sugar is 2:99 (as per centesimal scale) as
jerk. there is always some loss of the drug substance
by evaporation during trituration.
Two scales are in use for trituration:
It is a mechanical process of potentisation i. Decimal.
of minerals, inorganic substances, etc. which are
ii. Centesimal.
insoluble in liquid vehicles, by grinding them
with suitable solid vehicles. Sugar of milk is the Conditions Required for Trituration
vehicle commonly used. Drug substances 1. The room must be clean, of moderate
included in Class VII, VIII and IX are triturated temperature and dust-proof, for carrying out
to certain attenuations to make them soluble, in the process of trituration.
alcohol. Hahnemann originally described this 2. Utensils should be perfectly clean and
process of preparing medicine in his Chronic odorless.
Diseases, Volume I, page 183.
3. Surfaces of mortar and pestle must be
Substances for Trituration unglazed or made rough by rubbing them
with moist clean white sand.
1. Class VII
4. The mortar and pestle after being properly
Dry medicinal substances insoluble in cleaned in the usual way, should be washed
purified water and alcohol like Arsenicum alb., with alcohol and should be dried thoroughly.
Alumina, Graphites, Corallium, etc. Here the
5. After each trituration has been completed,
trituration ratio (for centesimal scale) is 1:99
all the utensils must be properly cleaned and
(drug substance: sugar of milk). The 99 parts of
dried for the next one.
milk sugar is divided into 3 equal parts of 33
parts each. Trituration takes place by the 3 usual 6. In triturating drugs like Graphites, Mercury,
stages of 20 minutes each. Plumbum, etc. the utensils should be cleaned
sufficiently, thoroughly and repeatedly.
2. Class VIII 7. In triturating Plumbum, the pestle should be
These are liquid insoluble medicinal rubbed very softly.
substances like Petroleum, Naja, Crotalus, 8. In triturating Ferrum metallicum, the mortar
Lachesis, etc. The trituration ratio for centesimal must be kept often warm for removing
scale is 1:99 (drug: milk sugar). Here, 99 parts moisture, while triturating.
of milk sugar should not be divided into 3 equal 9. Dr. Burt advises the use of a small amount
parts as the quantity of milk sugar in very less. of alcohol for moistening the milk sugar
Hence, the entire sugar of milk should be taken during trituration, as it will save the troubles
at a time in the mortar and the drug substance is of scrapping and stirring.
Study of Potentisation 339
Note: i. Triturations are not made arbitrarily, but First Stage: 1 part crude drug and 3 parts
there is some definite process in trituration. milk sugar is taken in a requisite mortar and
Firmly gripping the pestle with the hand properly mixed with a spatula. Then the mixture
having the thumb on the top, the pestle must is steadily and thoroughly rubbed or triturated
be fully pressed down and moved anti-
for 6 minutes in a uniform circular movement,
clockwise or clockwise if the person be a left-
handed. The motion should be circular going
either clockwise or anti-clockwise. Next cleanly
away from the centre spirally and moving scrape the particles adhering to the inner walls
back to the centre. By this process practically of the mortar and the pestle for 3 minutes. Next,
all the particles get a uniform rubbing. mix or stir the whole triturated mass for 1 minute.
ii. To increase the productivity and cost of Thus, the total time required for rubbing or
production mechanical devices are being triturating followed by scrapping and then mixing
employed now-a-days. In this context the followed by stirring would be 6+3 +1 = 10
H.P.I, directs that it is not feasible to give minutes.
strict rules for such mechanical appliances
in all their interdependent details. The same process for triturating for 6
minutes, scraping for 3 minutes and stirring for
Decimal Scale of Trituration 1 minute is to be repeated again.
Principle Thus the first stage of trituration will be
For making the 1st potency, triturate one part completed in (10+10) = 20 minutes.
by weight of the crude drug with 9 parts by Second Stage: In this stage 3 parts by weight
weight of milk sugar for one hour. All the of milk sugar, is added to the above triturated
following potencies are made by taking one part mixture.
of the preceeding potency with 9 parts of milk The same processes as are carried in the first
sugar. stage, are repeated in this case. So, in another 20
Requirements minutes the second stage of trituration will be
1. One clean unglazed motar. completed.
2. One clean unglazed pestle. Third Stage: Similarly this third stage is also
completed in 20 minutes, as in the 2nd stage.
3. One clean horn spatula.
4. Necessary amount of crude drug substance. Thus in (20+20+20) = 60 minutes times the
whole process of a trituration will be completed.
5. Necessary amount of milk sugar.
6. A stop-clock or a watch. Next the triturated material should be stored
in a clean phial, with the name and potency of
7. An empty clean phial of required size.
the medicine pasted on it, e.g., Natrium mur. 1x
8. A freshly marked new velvet cork. or Silicea 1x etc.
9. Label paper, a scissor and paste.
For making 2x trituration, 1 part by weight
Process: of the 1x trituration would be triturated with 9
The entire process of trituration is done in 3 parts by weight of milk sugar as above, time taken
main stages; and the total quantity of 9 parts milk altogether 60 minutes. All the following
sugar is divided in 3 equal parts, i.e., 3 parts of potencies are prepared by taking one part of the
milk sugar is used separately in the following 3 preceding potency with 9 parts of milk sugar.
340 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
the decimal or centesimal scale in the usual Zincum met., etc. (the general rule for
manner but in preparing the 9x potency from 8x these substances is mentioned in
use dilute alcohol; higher potencies are made in Hahnemann’s Materia Medica Pura,
dispensing alcohol. under Arsenicum).
It must be noticed that in centesimal scale v. Certain fresh vegetables and animal
preparation third trituration of drug is converted drugs, like Anacardium, Agaricus, Blatta
into fourth liquid potency, that is, 3c trituration orientalis whose lower triturations can
is converted to 4c liquid potency. not be stored. The principle of
trituration, etc. is mentioned in
Merits of Trituration Hahnemann’s Chronic Diseases, under
1. It arouses the latent medicinal properties of Agaricus and Blatta orientalis.
drugs which remain dormant in their crude Note: Regarding trituration, in aphorium 271 of The
states. Organon of Medicine, Hahnemann has clearly
said, “As pure or oxidised and sulphuretted metals
2. It increases the therapeutic potentialities and
and other minerals, petroleum, phosphorus, as
greater curative values than their crude form. also parts and juices of plants that can only be
A drug in potentised form possesses greater obtained in the dry state, animal substances,
healing power than in its crude form. neutral salts, etc., all these are first to be
3. It has the capacity to reduce and to potentised by trituration...”.
breakdown the drug’s particles to the finest 6. By trituration, the surface area, surface
possible particles. tension of a drug is increased enormously.
4. The drugs insoluble in vehicles like alcohol For example, a cube of 1 cm. has a surface
or water, become soluble by the process of area of 6 sq. cm.; if this cube be further
trituration (after 6th decimal or 3rd divided in cubes of ½ cm. then the total
centesimal trituration) surface area will be 12 sq. cm. If these cubes
5. Certain drugs are insoluble in the liquid be sub-divided in further small cubes, the
vehicles, so for their dynamisation purpose, relevant surface areas will increase
there is no alternative method but to triturate proportionately. By gradually increasing the
only. sub-divisions of these small cubes, the
surface area may be extended to the extreme.
For example:
7. The catalytic effects, colloidal properties and
i. Drug substances, e.g. Carbo veg.,
the absorptive qualities of drugs increase
Corallium rubrum, etc.
proportionately with the increase in surface
ii. Animal products, poisons or secretions area.
and Nosodes, like Carbo animalis, Castor
equorum, Crotalus cascavella or horridus, Demerits of Triturations
Lachesis, Vipera, Bufo, Anthracinum, 1. It is a cumbersome process with low
Hydrophobinum, Variolinum, etc. productivity, especially the old method.
iii. Certain oils etc., e.g., Petroleum. 2. It does not help complete inter-mixing and
iv. Certain minerals, compounds and interchanging of drug substances, where the
metals, e.g., Antimonium crudum, substance to be triturated are more harder
Argentum nitricum, Calcarea carb., than milk sugar, like some hard metals.
Ferrum met., Graphites, Kalium carb., 3. Milk sugar has some aldehydic property,
342 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
which may reduce some drug substances, widened immensely. For example sodium chloride
specially mercury compounds under the (NaCl), our common salt is widely found in nature
process of trituration. and is an essential part of our diet. This white,
Note: To increase the productivity and to minimise crystalline compound in material doses does not
the cost of production mechanical devices are possess any medicinal power. However, when
being employed now-a-days. But strict rules for subjected to potentisation, its marvellous curative
such mechanical appliances in all their powers in the latent state are unleashed which
interdependent details” has not yet been well laid serve to cure an array of diseased conditions.
down. This is one of the most convincing proofs, even
to the most prejudiced, of the fact that the
POTENCY AND DILUTION processes of succussion and trituration used in
Dilution is reduction of concentration of an homoeopathy, bring new powers into this world
active substance by addition of a neutral agent which the nature had kept hidden. Dr. Burnett
or a solvent. This process is employed to decrease takes “Natrium muriaticum as the test of the
the intensity of action of a substance. By this doctrine of drug dynamization”.
process the property of the substance does not Potentisation, not only renders deadly poisons
change. For example, when sulphuric acid is like snake venoms harmless but transforms them
diluted with water, it’s strong acidic character is into beneficent healing remedies. Substances
reduced in intensity but it’s properties do not which are medicinally inert in their crude nature
change. state like charcoal, Lycopodium, etc. are made
The extent of a dilution merely indicates the active and medicinally effective. Other drug
final volume of solution. A five fold dilution substances with weak medicinal powers have
means, addition of a sufficient solvent to make their medicinal qualities enhanced and their sphere
the final volume five times the original. With the of action widened by potentisation.
increase in the quantity, it’s properties are: Dr. Stuart Close in ‘The Genius of
Potentisation is dilution along with Homoeopathy’ points out the advantages of
pharmaceutical techniques of a succussion and dynamisation while distinguishing it with
trituration. This technique is responsible in vaccination.
arousing the latent curative properties of the • Dynamisation is purely physical, objective
substance. By potentisation, the property of the and mechanical.
substance can be changed. Inert crude substances
• It does not involve any uncertain, unseen,
can be converted into therapeutic agents. reliable nor unmeasurable factor. Its
elements are simply the substance or drug
USES AND ADVANTAGES OF to be potentiated, a vehicle consisting of
POTENTISATION sugar of milk, alcohol, or water, in certain
Dr. Samuel Hahnemann recognised that the quantities and definite proportions;
therapeutic action of a drug is the opposite of its manipulation under conditions which are
physiological action. To release the latent energy entirely under control.
of the drug while at the same time, depriving it • The resulting product is stable or may easily
of its destructive action, he perfected a simple, be made so; infact it is almost indestructible,
accurate and reliable mean, called potentisation. it is efficient and reliable in the treatment of
By this process, the field of therapeutics has been all forms of disease amenable to medication.
Study of Potentisation 343
In common parlance the terms drug, medicine been authentically ascertained, whereas the latter
and remedy are used interchangeably. However, has been proved (in homoeopathy on healthy
in homoeopathy a clear distinction is made humans) and its action on various constitutions
between them. and in various dosage is well established. It,
thereby, follows that the action of medicine can
DRUG be predicted prior to its administration.
The word ‘drug’ is derived from the French Therefore, it is employed in science of
word ‘drogue’ meaning ‘a dry herb’. therapeutics (application of medicine in disease
According to WHO the word ‘drug’ is
defined as ‘any substance that, when taken into
the living organism, may modify one or more of
its functions.” A substance becomes a drug due It is the indicated medicine given to sick
to its action and the quantity of material is according to individual symptom similarity. It is
irrelevant. Crude drugs, mother tinctures the medicine that heals. Remedy should satisfy
dilutions and potencies are all drugs as they have three cardinal principles of homoeopathy—law
the inherent power to alter the state of health. of similars; law of simplex and law of minimum
dose. Remedy thus selected brings about rapid
Crude drugs are drugs in their natural state cure in curable diseases. However, despite a
or raw state. They have three grades of action: careful prescription, a physician may sometimes
Mechanical, chemical and dynamic. Mechanical fail in selecting a simillimum. Under such
and chemical action are exhibited in their gross circumstances the subsequent line of action
material state. Dynamic action is brought out by depends on the changes, the first medicine has
potentisation. brought out in the patient. The knowledge of
relationship of remedies, thus becomes
MEDICINE inevitable.
Medicine is a proved drug. The major Remedies bear antidotal, concordant,
distinctive feature between the drug and the complementary, inimical and family relations
medicine is that the action of the former has not with each other.
346 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
• A substance which nullifies the effects of a relation. Halogen family consists of Bromine,
remedy is an antidote. Chlorine and Iodine.
• Remedies whose actions are similar, but of • When the action of one remedy is
dissimilar origin are said to be concordant complimented or augmented by the action
and they follow each other well. Few of another remedy, it is called,
examples of concordant remedies are China complementary relations. For e.g.,
and Calcarea; Pulsatilla and Sepia; Nitricum Belladonna and Calcarea; Sulphur and Nux
acidum and Thuja; Belladonna and vomica; Apis and Natrium muriaticum.
Mercurius. • The relationships of remedies has been
• Remedies which have a relation of enemity detailed by R. Gibson Miller which is given
towards each other are inimical and therefore in this book.
never give inimical medicines successively It should always be borne in mind that
like, Apis and Rhus tox.; Phosphorus and ultimate selection of a remedy should be based
Causticum; Silicea and Mercurius. on similarity it has with the symptoms exhibited
• The relation existing between remedies by the patient. Knowledge of relationship of
whose origin is similar is called family remedies aid in such selection.
Posology and Homoeopathy
In 1796, that is to say six years after his again shaken for a minute. Each drop of this last
experiment with Cinchona bark, which led to the solution, which is the prophylactic preparation
discovery of homoeopathic law, it was found that contains accordingly the twenty-four millionth
he was prescribing Arnica root in powder for part of a grain of extract of Belladonna;
dysentery. For children of four years of age he accordingly, twenty four drops of it are equal to
gave at first 4 grains daily, then 7, 8 and 9 grains one drop of the 3rd dilutions of the so-called
daily, for children of six to seven years, he started centesimal scale.
with 6 grains, gradually increasing the dose to Thus gradually Hahnemann diminished the
12 to 14 grains, for a child of 9 months the doses quantity of doses in a method known as
was first 2 grains which was later increased to 6 potentisation and came to the conclusion that
grains. doses must be smallest as possible.
Three grains of Veratrum album every In an essay “The Spirit of Homoeopathic
morning for 4 weeks was the dose he prescribed Doctrine,” first published in 1813, he stated that
and with which he cured a case severe spasmodic the smallest dose is sufficient and that a greater
asthma. one not necessary because the spiritual power of
In 1797 (Lesser Writing, p. 353) he the medicinal dose not in this instance
prescribed Veratrum for a colic in doses of 4 accomplish its object by means of quantity but
grains once a day. From an another essay (Ibid, by quality or dynamic fitness and a larger dose
does not cure the disease better but leaves behind
p. 369) that his doses were—Ipecacuanha—5
it a complex medicinal disease.
grains, Nux vomica 4 grain, twice a day,
Cinchona bark-in dram doses. In 1814, he recommended Bryonia and Rhus
tox. in 12th dilutions for an epidemic of typhus.
But in his essay “On the Cure and Prevention
of Scarlet Fever” published in 1801 which had In 1819, on the treatment of suicidal mania
referred to his method of treatment of the year the doses of gold were 6x.
1799 where we have the first indication of the In 1821, for the treatment of purpura miliaris
“infinitesimal posology” which is now looked he recommended Aconite in 24th dilution.
upon as an essential part of the homoeopathic Thus between the year 1825 to 1827 we find
system. a revolutionary change on Hahnemann’s
For the cure of the first stage of scarlet fever posology. In the 4th volume of Materia Medica
the dose of Belladonna prescribed was only the Pura published in 1826, Thuja, Spigelia and
432,000th part of a grain of the extract, a quantity Staphysagria where directed to be used in 30th
intermediate between our 2nd and 3rd dilutions. dilution. Hahnemann after his promulgation of
For prophylactic purpose the preparation of psora theory fixed upon the 30th dilution of the
Belladonna used was thus made: A grain of the centesimal scale as the appropriate dilution for
powdered extract was mixed up in a mortar with every remedy and one globule, no bigger than a
one hundred drops of distilled water, three poppy seed imbibed with this dilution as the most
hundred drops of diluted alcohol were then appropriate dose. His object in selecting such a
added, and the whole well shaken up in a bottle. minute dose was partly founded on his notion
One drop of this strong solution was added to that the smallest quantity of the medicine was
three hundred drops of diluted alcohol and more than a match for the disease, and partly, as
shaken for a minute, and of this one drop was he tells us in the fourth edition of the Organon,
added to two hundred drops of alcohol, and this to diminish the action of the medicine as much
352 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
obtained with high potencies on susceptible e.g., Nux-v. 30 was dispersed in water, sugar
persons. of milk or over globules etc.
There is a law of dosage as well as a law of - Repetition of dose. For e.g., Nux-v. 30 was
cure and when a homoeopathic remedy is to be repeated every 4 hours or was given at bed
used it should be based upon that law—natural time, etc.
law and order. The law is fixed and
“The quantity of action necessary to effect I. According to Hahnemann’s introductions in
any change in nature is the least possible; the the 5th edition of Organon:
decisive amount is always a minimum an
1. Condition and Progress of the Patient:
• According to § 245, perceptible and
☞ In this context of ‘dose’ the readers should
continuous progress of improvement
read the following chapters of Organon of
completely contraindicates repetition.
Medicine and Chronic Diseases by
Hahnemann. • Only when improvement ceases, should
one repeat a dose.
Organon of Medicine (5th American
edition). Aphorism 112, 128, 156, 157, 159, 160 • According to § 248; repeat the medicine
and also one or chapters of Chronic Diseases by till cure is achieved or till a different
Hahnemann, theoretical part, American edition. group of symptoms arises which calls
for a different remedy all together.
• “But if these aggravated (page 205)... as
homoeopathically suitable as possible (page 2. Nature of Disease:
206)”. • For chronic diseases, repeat the dose at
• “The first error (page 207)... suitable an interval of 14, 12, 10, 8 or 7 days. If a
antipsoric (page 207). high potency in given, repeat only after
it has run its due course (action). If a
low potency is used, frequent repetition
DIFFERENCE BETWEEN is a acceptable.
• In acute exacerbations of chronic
diseases repeat at shorter intervals.
• In acute diseases, the medicine can be
Allopathic Concept repeated at short intervals like every 12,
The word ‘dose’ relates to the material quantity 8, 6, 4, or every hour or every 5 minutes.
of the medicine used.
3. Nature of Remedy:
Homoeoapthic Concept • Short acting remedies can be repeated
A ‘dose’ relates to the: at frequent intervals.
- Particular preparation of medicine to be used. • Deep acting remedies can be repeated
For e.g., for constipation Nux-v. 30 or 200 less frequently.
is used. • Lower potencies require frequent
- Quantity and form of that preparation. For repetitions.
354 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
• Higher potencies are not repeated so warned against using one remedy for one
frequently. set of symptoms and another remedy for
• Medicines having an alternting action, another set of symptoms in the same patient.
like Ignatia, Bryonia, etc. If after This should not be necessary if one works
prescribing a drug on strict hard enough for the right simillimum.
homoeopathic principles, there is no • § 274 states that if a single medicine is given
improvement, repeat a fresh, equally strictly on homoeopathic principles, it
small dose of the same medicine and renders efficient aid by itself alone.
improvement will soon follow. • If more than one remedy is prescribed it will
II. According to Kent’s instructions: be difficult to establish which one actually
In the second prescription, the 1st medicine cured, and the source of future guidance will
should be repeated if: be obscured.
• Improvement comes to a stand still. • While using two or more remedies there is a
• When original symptoms return after a possibility of synergistic action and the effect
period of time. can be the sum total of the effects of different
WHY ONLY A SINGLE SIMPLE • If symptoms do disappear after following
MEDICINE IS GIVEN AT A TIME polypharmacy, there will be confusion in the
second prescription.
• § 272 states that during treatment of diseases,
only a single, simple medicine should be • As there is only one vital force in a person,
given at a time. the medicine prescribed to act on it should
always be one.
• According to § 273, it is wrong and useless
to give a complex treatment when simple • Polypharmacy may produce drug diseases.
means suffice. • The drugs in our materia medica have been
• In the footnote to § 272, Dr. Hahnemann has proved singly only.
Section - 7
7.1 Principles of Prescription.
7.2 Principles of Medication.
7.3 Principles of Dispensing.
7.4 Principles of Drug Administration.
7.5 Principles of External Application.
7.6 Principles of Drug Proving.
Freedom from ignorance is as essential as freedom from hunger.
Principles of Prescription
The word ‘prescription’ is derived from the means ‘to take’. The oblique dash across
Latin word ‘prescriptio’ where ‘prae’ means R is probably a relic of the symbol Rx
before and ‘scribo’ means write. Prescription that represented a prayer to Jupiter.
means a written direction given by a physician
to his compounder or any pharmacist for 2. INSCRIPTION
preparing a remedy for his patient, which is most This part forms the main part of the
appropriate as considered by the attending prescription.
physician. This part contains:
a. The name of the remedy, potency and
The body of the prescription may be divided b. Also the vehicle, with its required quan-
into the following four parts: tity.
1. The superscription.
2. The inscription.
3. The subscription. It includes the directions or instructions to a
4. The signature. compounder or dispenser as to how he should
dispense the remedy i.e., the way of combining
1. SUPERSCRIPTION and dispensing.
It is the heading, consisting of:
a. Name and address of the patient: Placed
at the top. The word ‘for’ may be writ- It contains:
ten before the name and address of the a. The direction: Which are given to the
patient. patient as to how he will take the rem-
b. Age and sex: Written below the name edy. The instructions should be short,
and address. simple and to the point. This includes.
c. The symbol Rx: It stands for the Latin • How to eat/use the medicine.
word ‘receipe’ (take thou of) which • When to come for a follow up.
358 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
• Any advice regarding diet, any precau- • Forms: A prescription may written in either
tion, lab examination, etc. simple english or in Latin. Simple forms of
b. Signature of the physician with the date and prescription are now generally popular
registration number (which is obtained from amongst the physicians.
the Central Council of Homoeopathy). • Legibility: The writting on the prescription
It is a valuable document and must be should be such that a compounder faces no
properly written and must be preserved by the difficulty while reading the prescription.
pharmacist, compounder or the patient after it • Accuracy: A prescription should accurately
has been served. describe the remedy, potency, dose and time
Note: However, according to some authors a model of administration.
prescription is divided into six parts: While writing a prescription observe the
1. The superscription (or the heading). following points:
2. The name of the patient. • Begin each line with a capital letter.
3. The inscription (or name and quantity of • Write the name of the medicine first and then
ingredients). the vehicle.
4. The subscription (directions to the • Use Latin names for the medicine. Directions
compounder). to dispenser should also be in Latin.
5. The sigma (directions to the patient).
• The directions to the patient should be given
6. The signature of the physician, date and in common language; the dispenser must also
registration. write the directions on the label of the
medicine either in english or in the
CHARACTERISTICS OF AN vernacular of the place.
IDEAL PRESCRIPTION • When in doubt, make sure to always write
• Norms: This means, ‘the rule’ or ‘a pattern’. in english. The dispenser must understand
It is very important in a prescription. A the meaning of expressions used.
prescription should be written in a set order • Read the prescription once before handing
i.e., superscription, inscription, subscription it over.
and signature.
Name of Patient
Address of Patient
Rx Superscription
Medicine, Potency
Dose Inscription
Direction for Preparation Subscription
Quantity of Medicine
Direction to the Patient - Signature/Label
Signature of the Physician
Name of the Physician
Date of Prescription
Registration Number
WRITING Miss Rina Singh
Age: 12 years.
Prescriptions may be written either in a Rx
‘simple form’ or in a ‘Latin form’. Phytolacca dec. 6
Simple Forms gt-1
(i) For, Sac lac. gts. V
M-one dose
Sri Ramnath Mathur, Send 6 such powders.
Naya Bazar, Lucknow. To be taken every two hours interval.
Age: 35 years. Stop when improvement starts.
Report thereafter.
Rx ........................ Superscription Sd/- S. Kundu
Belladonna 30. 20-6-85 Regd. No. 389 (C.C.H.)
8 globules No. 15 in purified water oz. II LATIN FORMS
.............................. Inscription.
In the printed pad
Mix. Put 12 marks. (i) For,
To be taken two hourly ................... Subscription. Mrs. Asha Kundan
43, Panchsheel Enclave, New Delhi.
..................................... Signature Age: 40 years.
..................................... Date Rx
Kali mur. 3x trit.
..................................... Regd. No. Grs.—VII; Ft-7D, Cito disp.
On the printed pad of the physician. Cap. Omn. Hor.
Sd/- P. Sharma
9-4-83 Regd. No. 10385
364 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
Principles of Medication
by dilution with liquids. For the final potency in the isotonic medium; any other isotonic medium,
decimal dilution and centesimal dilution, only a used must be declared. If necessary, nasal
suitably prepared tonicity medium, made with solutions may be suitably buffered. Except for
water for injection, may be used. Preservatives materials which increased viscosity, no additives
or stabilizers may be added only after the final are permissible.
attenuation. Ophthalmic solutions must meet the Nasal solutions in multiple dose containers
specifications for ophthalmic solutions in the US must be preserved in a suitable manner.
Nasal solutions are made by the potentization
SPECIAL LABEL CONSIDERATIONS of base tinctures or solutions, or by dilution with
liquid. For the final potency in decimal dilution
Each container shall bear a label stating the and centesimal dilution, only purified water or a
preservatives used. Multiple dose containers suitable medium may be used. Preservatives or
shall not exceed 15 ml. and must include a stabilizers may be added only after the final
warning that the preparation should not be used attenuation. Nasal solutions must meet the
more than 30 days after the seal has been broken. specifications for nasal products referred to in
the appropriate sections of the USP.
As a rule, ophthalmic solutions should be LABELS
stored protected from light. Containers must not Each container shall bear a label stating all
permit any quality loss by the entry of foreign preservative, isotonicity, viscosity and
substances into the preparation or by diffusion stabilization agents.
of the contents into the container walls. A dropper
should be an integral part of the container. STORAGE
Store protected from light. Containers must
not permit any quality loss by the entry of foreign
The title, nasal solution, applies to the substances into the preparation or by diffusion
preparation of liquids for use as nose drops or of the contents into the container walls.
nose spray. Containers for nasal solutions must ensure an
adequate release of contents either in the form
GENERAL CONDITIONS of drops or by proper atomization.
Nasal solutions should be isotonic and ■
unhydric. As a rule, sodium chloride is used as
Principles of Dispensing
Dispensing means to prepare medicines for, The required quantity of medicine (usually
and distribute them to their users. in drops) is mixed with an adequate quantity of
purified water in a phial and dispensed. The
DISPENSING OF MEDICINE amount of medicine to be dispensed is according
to the prescription of the physician.
FORMS If purified water is not available. Boiled
Two forms of medicinal preparations are water, cooled and filtered, may be used.
present: Aqueous preparations must be used
• Liquid Preparations: Tincture, solutions, immediately as they are instable and decompose
liquid potencies. easily. Hence medicines which cannot be
• Solid Preparations: Trituration. preserved for a long time may be dispensed with
purified water.
Liquid preparations are dispensed with:
An advantage of dispensing the remedy in
• Purified water.
purified water and not sugar of milk or globules
• Sugar of milk. or tablets is that, medicine in this liquid state
• Globules. has a deeper penetrating action which rapidly
• Tablets. communicates to all parts of the body; its action
Triturations are dispensed either: is more spirit- like.
• Singly (i.e. without mixing with any other • Liquid Preparations Dispensed
vehicle) or, with Sugar of Milk
• In the form of tablets (called Tablet The required quantity of medicine (usually
triturates). in drops) is poured on an adequate quantity of
sugar of milk and mixed well. The amount of
medicine and vehicle to be dispensed is based
• Liquid Preparations Dispensed on the prescription.
with Purified Water
370 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
Precaution: Sugar or milk should not be used Liquid Preparation Dispensed with
to medicate aqueous preparation as it will be Tablets
partially dissolved. Inert tables are medicated by placing them
Tincture Trituration in an appropriate container in the proportion of
1 drop on 1 grain (60 mg.) of tablets. Excess
This is sugar of milk saturated with a mother
liquid present is absorbed using blotting paper.
tincture. To make 1x potency of a tincture
The phial is well stoppered and labelled.
trituration; take 10 c.c. of the said mother tincture
and mix with 10 gms. of moderately heated sugar It is an accurate method of dispensing drugs
of milk in a heated mortar. Triturate for 1 hour. in a compact, palatable and an easily
After an hour, the menstruum is completely administerable form.
volatilized and a stable and perfectly dry Aqueous preparations are not dispensed with
substance is produced. tablets as the tablets get dissolved in water.
To make 2x and further succeeding Dispensing Triturations
potencies, take 1 part of the proceeding tincture
Triturations are usually dispensed without
triturate with 9 parts of sugar of milk. Triturate
any further addition of vehicles. An adequate
for 1 hour and an absolutely dry trituration is
amount of trituration is given according to the
prescription of the physician.
Liquid Preparation Dispensed with Tablet triturations are not prepared while
Globules dispensing. They are commercially available.
Three fourth of a dry and clean phial is filled
Eye Drops and Ear Drops
with non-medicated globules. To it is added few
drops of the liquid medicinal preparation. Excess Eye lotions and ear drops made as per the
quantity of medicine present is absorbed into a standards set by H.P.I. are available in markets.
blotting paper which is pressed against the mouth Only such lotions and drops should be used. The
of the phial keeping the phial inverted. Then the practice of preparing them in dispensaries and
phial is well-stoppered and labelled. clinics should be strictly avoided. As the vehicle
in eye lotion is water, it gets decomposed easily
It is an accurate method of dispensing drugs
and becomes a fertile ground for micro-
in a compact, palatable and an easily
organisms. Commercially available eye lotions
administerable form. Aqueous preparations are
are treated with anti-microbial agents. Eye
not dispensed with globules as the globules get
lotions should be kept in refrigerators if possible.
dissolved in water.
Principles of Drug Administration
As homoeopathy bears in the field of that no more than one globule should be taken at
medicine a speciality and an originality, its route a time and that this globule should not exceed a
and mode of administration also has a speciality poppy seed in size.
which will be discussed in this chapter. Medicines may be given in the form of:
• Aqueous solutions.
• Elixirs.
In general, there are various methods of • Emulsions.
introducing drugs into the body. The principal • Mixtures.
methods are:
• Powders.
1. Oral.
• Capsules.
2. Sublingual.
• Pills.
3. Topical.
4. Parenteral. 2. SUBINGUINAL ROUTE
This route is adopted in cases presenting with
a thickly coated tongue which interferes with the
The most commonly preferred route of drug absorption and action of local medicines. For a
administration is the oral route. In the 1st edition local action, gargling has proven useful, like
of Organon of Medicine in § 252, Dr. Hahnemann Phytolacca decandra gargle in cases of acute
has directed that a drop of medicine mixed with tonsillitis. Gargles are solutions of drugs made
sugar of milk or a sugar globule imbibed with in purified water for local action in the mouth or
dilution, is to be laid upon the tongue and allowed throat.
to melt there. He cautions against drinking
anything for sometime after taking the medicine. 3. TOPICAL ROUTE
The sugar globules seem to have been introduced
Topical routes include the skin and the
into homoeopathy from the year 1813.
mucous membranes of nose, rectum and lungs.
Henceforth, Dr. Hahnemann was very particular
372 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
5. In acute diseases, medicine is repeated at 2. Dietic rules must be adapted, like our
frequent intervals like every 24 hours. In medicinal prescriptions, according to each
severely acute cases it may be oftener i.e. individual case. The object of dietetic
even every 5 minutes. restrictions is to prevent the patient from
6. Number of doses administered depends upon taking any medicinal substance that may
five influences: interfere with the medicine he is taking and
to prevent him from taking any food article
• Susceptibility of the patient: Suscepti-
that could aggravate his disease. Always
bility is the quality of an individual to
remember ‘what is one man’s meat is another
receive an impression. Susceptibility
man’s poison’.
varies in different individuals according
to age, temperament, constitution, hab- The diet and regimen which can have any
its, character of disease and environ- medicinal action, in order that the small dose
ment. may not be over-whelmed and extinguished
or disturbed by any irritant i.e.:
• Character and intensity of disease. Fre-
quent repetition in acute disease is ad- a. Nothing should be taken atleast 1/2 an
visable. hour before or after taking the medicine.
• Nature of the disease: It is the dimin- b. No new habits or addiction should be
ished or increased vital response of the indulged in while taking the medicine.
body. c. All emotional stress, strains and excite-
• Stage and duration of disease: How for ments should be avoided.
the disease has progressed will also de- 3. Specific dietery restriction:
termine the dose. • Coffee should be given up altogether in
• Previous treatment of disease: The type chronic diseases. Herbal tea or green tea,
of treatment taken and the duration for being medicinal should not be allowed
which it was taken places an important under any circumstance.
role is altering the susceptibility of the • Black tea should not permitted in pa-
patient. Therefore, it should be deter- tients with nervous symptoms or palpi-
mined before ascertaining the dose. It tation.
must be remembered that in acute dis-
• Strong stimulants like alcohol can be
ease where repeated dose is given, the
discontinued advantageously in many
medication should be stopped immedi-
ately when improvement in the condi-
tion of the patient is seen. • Snuffing is objectionable.
• Tobacco chewing should not be allowed.
Special Instructions
• Women with scanty menses should not
1. There are specific instructions for take saffron or cinnamon.
application of a remedy in cases of
• Persons with weak digestion should not
intermittent fever. The best time is when the
indulge in spices.
temperature is coming down; in cases of
menstrual difficulties, the best time is the • Dried and smoked fish should not be
post-menstrual period. used.
Principles of Drug Administration 375
• In acute diseases, the instinct of the permitted the smoking of tobacco is almost every
patient’s stomach is to be the physicians case. In Germany, during Hahnemann’s time,
guide. However, careful distinguishing drinking tea was a variety, while smoking tobacco
between the real craving of the stomach was almost a universal habit. Hahnemann himself
indulged in smoking!!
and morbid longings for food is of ut-
most importance as satisfaction of mor- However, when Hahnemann himself had
bid longings can cause dangerous impli- undertaken many experiments with his
cations. hypothesis, any new endeavour in
modernising the homoeopathic system, must
4. Restricted dietary items:
always be properly appreciated.
• In those who are addicted to coffee, it is
5. The most appropriate and efficacious time
better to propose it’s discontinuation it
for administering the medicine in cases of
gradually. Black tea or milk tea can be
intermittent fever is immediately or very
taken in moderation.
soon after the termination of the paroxysm
• Habitual smokers should be asked to (vide § 236 - 237, 5th edition of Organon of
limit the number of cigarettes smoked Medicine).
and should be withdrawn from their
6. Medicines should not be given during their
habit gradually.
aggravation time (day or night) of the drug.
• Spices and condiments should be con-
Note: In this context a person concerned with
sumed in only such quantities so as to
homoeopathy should read the following
make the food palatable. aphorisms of the 5th edition of Organon of
Note: Although Hahnemann was absolutely opposed Medicine — 288, 289, 290, 291, 292. Footnote
to the use of tea under all circumstances, he 2(288), 1(239), 1(292).
Principles of External Application
spite of it, gradually to increase and Nature is of the most criminal procedures the medical
constrained to enlarge and aggravate the local world can be guilty of, and yet it has hitherto
symptom always more and more, in order that it been the one generally adopted, and taught from
may still suffice as a substitute for the increased the professional chairs as the only one.
internal disease and may still keep it under. Old Dr. Samuel Hahnemann has recommended
ulcers on the legs get worse as long as the internal the use of local application only in most
psora is uncured, the chancre enlarges as long as inveterate and difficult cases of sycosis.
the internal syphilis remains uncured, [‘the fig According to him:
warts increase and grow while the sycosis is not
“It is not necessary to use any external
cured whereby the latter is rendered more and
application, except in the most inveterate and
more difficult to cure’, in the sixth edition just
difficult cases, when the larger figwarts may be
as the general internal disease continues to
moistened everyday with the mild, pure juice
increase as time goes on.
pressed from the green leaves of Thuja, mixed
§202 with an equal quantity of alcohol (The Chronic
If the old-school physician should now
In the sixth edition of Organon of Medicine,
destroy the local symptom by the topical
Under § 284, it is given:
application of external remedies, under the belief
that he thereby cures the whole disease, Nature “Besides the tongue, mouth and stomach,
makes up for its loss by rousing the internal which are most commonly affected by the
malady and the other symptoms that previously administration of medicine, the nose and
existed in a latent state side by side with the local respiratory organs are receptive of the action of
affection; that is to say, she increases the internal medicine in fluid form by means of olfaction and
disease. When this occurs it is usual to say, inhalations through the mouth. But the whole
though incorrectly, that the local affection has remaining skin of the body clothed with
been driven back into the system or upon the epidermis, is adapted to the action of medicinal
nerves by the external remedies. solutions especially if the inunction is connected
with simultaneous internal administration.”
§ 203
Sixth edition of Organon of Medicine was
Every external treatment of such local published in 1921, years after the death of Dr.
symptoms, the object of which is to remove them Samuel Hahnemann. The authenticity of many
from the surface of the body, whilst the internal sections appearing in the sixth edition is
miasmatic disease is left uncured, as, for instance, controversial. Therefore, the fifth edition of
driving off the skin the psoric eruption by all sorts Organon of Medicine is considered the standard
of ointments, burning away the chancre by by the profession.
caustics and destroying the condylomata on their H.A. Roberts in his book, ‘The Principles
seat by the knife, the ligature or the actual and Art of Cure by Homoeopathy’ says:
cautery; this pernicious external mode of
treatment, hitherto so universally practised, has “If by local applications we mean something
been the most prolific source of all the that will thwart the expression of the disease,
innumerable named or unnamed chronic this certainly should not be considered beneficial
maladies under which mankind groans; it is one according to Hahnemann’s teaching, but if we
380 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
The ideal base for an ointment should not glass; and the spatula be of some special type,
retard the healing or should not bring any allergic so that it acts like a roller to pass over any particle
reaction to the skin. It should be non-greasy, non- in the ointment mixture; and at the end of each
dehydrating and non-irritating. operation the direction of movement of the
spatula may be reversed with a slight twist of
the wrist.
b. Fusion Method
Mix one part by weight or volume of mother
tincture with nine parts by weight or volume of It is used for commercial or large scale
vaseline in the conventional system. production. This method is conveniently applied
when the base of ointments consists of white soft
Requirement paraffin, spermaceti or wax. Small amount of
lanoline, say 3% may also be added for easy
• Apparatus:
penetration in the skin. The base of the ointment
- Slab.
is just melted in a waterbath and the required
- Spatula. medicine is slowly added. The mixture is
- Ointment phial. properly stirred to make it homogeneous. Cool
- Balance with weight box. the mixture, and the ointment is now ready for
- Labeling paper. use.
- Pen, gum, scissors, etc. Now-a-days, ointments are commercially
• Ingredients: prepared by the Fusion method, in a specially
- Required amount of mother tincture. made apparatus, i.e., an ointment mixing vessel
- Required amount of white vaseline. with an electrical heating and cooling device. The
resultant ointments are presented generally in
Procedure aluminium collapsible tubes; and it seems that
9 parts of vaseline is weighed and put on a these tubes do not affect the therapeutic values
clean slab. 1 part of mother tincture is poured of ointments. However, it is better to use only
over it. It is thoroughly mixed with the help of a glass jars.
spatula, till the color of the whole solution For dispensing purpose, a small amount of
becomes uniform. All ointments other than the ointment can be made by rubbing the base
Sulphur and Graphites are prepared as above. with a spatula, and due to friction when it gets
At present, ointments are made by two slightly thinner in consistency, the medicine is
general methods: gradually added drop by drop, which is
a. Mechanical incorporation. thoroughly mixed with a spatula.
b. Fusion. Storage
a. Mechanical Incorporation Method Ointments should be preserved in cool dark
When the medicament is in the powdered places in air-tight glass jars. Preferably
form, this method is applied. It is prepared on a refrigerated, all the ointments.
clean glass-slate or slab with a stainless steel Dispensing
spatula. Small portion of the base is used, to have
Scrape the ointment from the glass-slab or
the best results. The slab should be of ground
from the upper-most layer of the storing jar, and
384 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
serve in a glass ointment pot with a proper label 20. Sulphur iod. ointment.
(name of the ointment, ‘for external use only,’ if 21. Thuja ointment.
necessary, name of the patient should also be
For example:
written on the label). Preserve the rest in a air-
tight glass container in dark cold place, if possible 1. UNG. ARNICAE
in the refrigerator. Rx, Flor. Arnicae iii
Uses Fol. Arnical i
1. Used for bleeding and non-bleeding piles, Adipis praeparatae Ib it
fissures, ulcerations, itchings and another
Moisten the flowers and powdered leaves
bleeding from the rectum.
with half their weight of purified water; now heat
2. Ointments are also used for applying on them together in a waterbath with the lard for
bruises, contusions, blows, bed sores, boils, three or four hours and strain.
chilblains, corns, bunions, etc.
For bruises, contusions and blows where the
3. Used in dressings for torn and jagged
skin is not broken; blackened eyes; blisters on
wounds, indolent ulcers, fistula, psoriasis, the feet from chafing of shoes, chafing; bed sores;
lupus and carbuncles, cracked heels. boils which do not mature well; itchings;
4. They are very useful in burns. chilblains; corns and bunions; corns sore from
Examples of Ointments cutting; muscular rheumatism resulting from
exposure to cold and dampness.
1. Acetate of lead ointment.
2. Aesculus ointment.
Rx, Bals. peru, 3ii
3. Arnica ointment.
4. Belladonna ointment. cerat, cetaei, 3iv M
5. Boric acid ointment. For bed sores.
6. Calendula ointment. 3. UNG. BISMUTHI
7. Calomel ointment. Rx, Bismuth. nit. grs. xxx
8. Cantharis ointment. Adopis praeparatae iM
9. Graphites ointment. For obstinate and intense itching and
10. Hamamelis ointment. irritation such as eczema and other skin
11 Hydrastis ointment. diseases.
12. Ichthymol ointment. 4. UNG. HEPAR SULPH
13. Iodine ointment. Rx, Hep. sulph. pur. grs. iii
14. Iodoform ointment. Adopis praeparatae iM
15. Menthol ointment.
For ganglion.
16. Mercurial ointment.
17. Napthalin ointment.
Rx, Biniod. Merc. Irs. ii
18. Qucabator ointment.
Adipis praeperatae 3iii M
19. Ratanhia ointment.
For stye; acne of the beard; ganglion.
Principles of External Application 385
Precautions Procedure
• Test the purity of the ointments before 9 parts or 4 parts of olive oil or tincture of
putting them in use. soap is taken in a clean glass phial and 1 part of
• The cleansing and mixing should be done mother tincture is poured over it. It is corked
very carefully. tightly and a homogenous mixture is prepared
• Add the note, ‘For External Use Only’ on by vigorous shaking, or by vigorously stirring
the labels under the name of the drug. with a clean hard glass rod (or by power driven
mechanical stirrer in a suitable vessel), so that
LINIMENTS (EMBROCATIONS) the solution becomes uniform.
They are spoken of as embrocations, and are The label on the phial should have the name
generally of oily, soapy, or spiritous consistency. of the mother tincture, with the word ‘liniment’
They are mixtures or solutions of different after it and a note—‘Shake Well Before Use’ and
medicines (generally mother tincture) in oil, or ‘For External Use Only’ in capital letters with
are alcoholic solutions of soap or emulsions, and direction for use.
are suitable for external application, rubbing and For Making Tincture of Soap
painting. They often act as protective coatings. Soft soap: 10 gms.
Camphor is used in their composition for its local
Alcohol fortis: 25 ml.
stimulating action.
Purified water: 15 ml.
Dissolve with gentle heat and strain (H.P.I., Vol.
Principles I).
Mix 1 part by weight or volume of mother Soft Soap: It is a soap, soft, yellowish-white
tincture with 9 parts by weight or volume of olive or greenish or brownish with the characteristic
oil or 1 part of by weight or volume of mother odors of soapy material. It is made by the
tincture is mixed with 4 parts of olive oil or interaction of potassium hydroxide or sodium
tincture of soap (H.P.I.). hydroxide with a suitable vegetable oil or any
oils; or with fatty acids derived therefrom. The
soap prepared from oil contains glycerine during
• Apparatus: ‘saponification’. It yields not less than 44 per
- A clean round phial with a new non-po- cent of fatty acids.
rous well fitting velvet cork. Assay: A weighed quantity of the soap is
- Balance with weight box or measure dissolved in water and the solution is acidified
glass. with dilute sulphuric acid. The liberated fatty
- Weighing bottles. acids are extracted with ether, and the extract is
then washed till the washings are neutral to
- Labelling paper.
litmus, and then it is transferred to a weighed
- Pen, gum, scissors, etc. flask. The solvent is distilled on a water-bath and
• Ingredients: the residue of fatty acids is dried to constant
- Required amount of mother tincture. weight at 80° C.
- Required amount of olive oil or tincture
of soap.
386 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
‘filters’, e.g. sodium silicate. Used mainly as bar The phial should be labelled with the name
laundry soap. of the mother tincture along with the word
‘lotion’ in capital letter with it (either on top or
on the bottom after it e.g., Calendula lotion, Ruta
Used for sprains, bruises and rheumatic lotion. Name of the patient, if possible, directions
pains. of use and date of manufacturing or preparing
should be written on the label. Also the lines
LOTIONS ‘Shake Well Before Use’ and ‘For External Use
These are liquid suspensions or dispersions Only’ must be exhibited with the direction of use.
in an aqueous media, used as external For evaporating lotions, add the medicine in
applications. dilute alcohol in the required proportion.
Preparation Uses
Principle Used in bruised pain arising from falls,
1 part of the requisite mother tincture say, injuries, blows, etc. where the integrity of skin
Calendula, Arnica, etc. and 9 parts (or 99 parts) is not lost.
of purified water are mixed thoroughly. Examples of Lotions
Requirement 1. Apis mel. lotion.
• Apparatus: 2. Arnica lotion.
- One clean lotion phial with a new non- 3. Calendula lotion.
porous velvet cork. 4. Cantharis lotion.
- Balance with weight box or measuring 5. Carboneum sulph. 1x lotion.
glass or a dropper. 6. Ceanothus lotion.
- Labelling paper. 7. Clematis lotion.
- Pen, pasting gum, scissors, etc. 8. Euphrasia lotion.
• Ingredients: 9. Ilex aquilifolium lotion.
- Required amount of mother tincture 10. Metanol lotion (1%).
- Required quantity of purified water. 11. Rhus tox. lotion.
Procedure 12. Ruta lotion.
13. Sabadilla lotion.
The proper amount of purified water is taken
in a phial and the requisite mother tincture is 14. Staphysagria lotion.
poured over it. The phial is corked tightly and 15. Symphytum lotion.
shaken well. For example:
The mixture is shaken vigorously till its color 1. LOTIONES MEDICAT
becomes uniform. The mixture may be mixed Rx, Tr. 3i
thoroughly with a fine clean hard glass rod or a
Aq. dest. ad. vi M
hard wooden stick or by means of power driven
mechanical stirrer in a suitable vessel, and then 2. LOTIO. AC. BENZ.
stored in phials. Rx, Ac. Benz. pur. grs. xv
388 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
e . Spongio-pilene Types
It is a substitute for Linseed poultice and is 1. Hot fomentation.
composed of wool and sponge, with an outside 2. Dry fomentation.
waterproof covering. Steep the sponge surface 3. Cold fomentation.
in hot purified water, wring out and then apply
Hot Fomentation
to the painful part.
Wring a sterilised clean folded cloth out of
Uses hot purified water. If necessary impregnate the
They mitigate pain by relaxing tension and water with a sterilised clean piece of oiled silk
promoting perspiration. Poultices are chiefly and dry flannel to prevent evaporation, and apply
useful in inflammatory conditions like to the painful part.
pneumonia, pleurisy, bronchitis pericarditis, The exact proce-dure to apply hot
peritonitis, acute rheumatism, lumbago, etc. and fomentations is:
to mature and facilitate the discharge of pus in
1. Take a two-fold piece of flannel which is
abscesses and boils.
large enough to cover the affected part.
In order to mature abscesses or disperse 2. Immerse this folded place of flannel in a
inflammations the swize of the poultices should kettle of boiling water or you can pour the
be such that they extend beyond the limits of boiling water over it in a basin.
inflamed margine. However, after discharge has
3. Lift the flannel with the help of a pair of
taken place the size of the poultices should be
tongs or a stick, and put it in a wringer.
just a little larger than the vent through which
Squeeze out as much water as possible. Now
the pus has escaped. They should not be applied
the flannel is ready to be applied over the
for a long time.
affected part.
For pneumonia and all deep-seated
4. Cover it with a large piece of India-rubber
inflammations, poultices must be replaced as
sheeting or oiled-silk, extending about an
soon as they become cool. Do not disturb the
inch beyond the flannel. Place over this a
old poultice till the fresh one is ready to replace
thick layer of cotton-wool and bandage.
it, or else, after the removal of poultice, the part
5. The flannel should be changed every 20 or
should be rapidly dried with a hot towel and then
30 minutes.
covered with a sheet of hot cotton wool.
A strong glass bottle filled with hot water
Poultices must be applied thick and hot, in
can also be applied over the affected parts.
cases of lumbago which are large enough to cover
the affected part. Replace when cool. Continue In some hot fomentations the salt,
the treatment for one to three hours, after which magnesium sulph. is added, whose astringent
the skin should be wiped dry and covered with action helps to draw out the ‘metabolites’ from
flannel, and this again with oiled-silk. the openings of the boils. In general, hot
fomentation helps to increase in circulation and
FOMENTATIONS (FOMENTA) draw away the metabolites from the inflamed
area, thus relieving pain and inflammation.
Fomentations are one of the method of
external applications which does not contain any Uses:
medicine. They are applied for thermal effects. 1. They help in soothing pain, arresting
Principles of External Application 391
inflammation and checking the formation of evaporation, and apply it to the affected part.
pus. Cold fomentation is applied for alleviating the
2. Hot fomentations are often valuable adjuncts temperature temporarily ; an ice bag may also
to poultices. be used. The principle of evaporation works in
cold fomentation. Bleeding is stopped sometimes
3. When applied over boils, acne, etc. they
by applying cold by ice, which brings
reduce in size.
contractions of the capillaries at the area of
4. Poultices also help in expulsion of pus. bleeding.
Dry Fomentations Ice-bag
Dry fomentations are used when heat alone It is made of rubber . Break ice into small
is required and relaxation of tissues needs to be pieces and fill up three-fourth part of the rubber
avoided which moisture would cause. Dry heated bag. The mouth of the bag is pressed to expel
substances like, flannel, bran, chamomile the air remaining in the bag. Now tightly close
flowers, salt, sand, etc. are used. The substances the mouth of the bag. Do not keep the ice-bag on
are thoroughly heated and placed in a bag made the affected area for a long time.
for the purpose of
dry fomentation Ice-bags can be put on the head in meningitis,
which had been or in concussion, and on the knee joint for
previously heated. inflammatory conditions.
can be spread over the skin and which is adhesive Leguiminosae and subfamily, Papilionaceae).
at body temperature. It is also known as Babchi in Hindi.
Preparation Preparation
Base used in preparation of plasters is • Crush seeds to a fineness of 20 meshes.
isinglass. One ounce (30 gms.) of isinglass in • Soak the ground seeds in sesame or til oil, (1
shreds is taken and dissolved in a sufficient part of seeds soaked in 2 parts of oil.
quantity of purified water by boiling the mixture. • Keep like this for 10 days, occasionally
Then the solution is filtered through a clean cloth stirring it.
or towel moistened with distilled or purified • At the end of 10 days strain the solution and
water. The filtrate is evaporated over a waterbath adjust the strength accordingly.
until it gets reduced to 10 ounces (or 300 gms.).
Half of this is spread on a peace of silk, linen, Uses
muslin or leather. The remaining half is mixed 1. Shows marked changes in cases of
with the mother tincture of the required drug and depigmentation of the skin.
spreading is completed. Generally Arnica and 2. Also used in cases of psoriasis, boils,
Calendula plasters are prepared according to the tubercles, liver spots and all other cases of
above procedure, but are in rare use. dirty, looking skin.
Uses 3. In leucoderma.
It’s uses are generally restricted in Mullein Oil
Though the preparation is known as ‘Mullen
• Support and protect the affected part. oil’, it does not contain any oil except the
• Brings the medication in direct contact with essential oils present in the flower.
the affected part.
Examples of Plasters:
It is prepared from the flower extract of
• Aconite plaster.
Verbascum thapsus, belonging to the family
• Arnica plaster.
• Belladonna plaster.
• Calendula plaster. Uses
• Rhus tox. plaster. 1. Used mainly in otic conditions, like otalgia,
otitis, otorrhea, etc.
2. It is recommended in formation of scales in
Medicated oils are made by steeping for ear as it is a bactericide.
sometime the requisite medicinal substances in 3. It softens and thereby facilitates removal of
different oils, e.g., olive’, ‘almond’, ‘til’, hardened wax from ear.
‘rosemary’, etc.
4 It also relieves pain in the ear.
Bouchi Oil
Oil of Wintergreen
It is a colorless oil having an aromatic odor
It is prepared from the seeds of a common and a characteristic pungent taste.
herbaceous weed Psoralea corylifolia L., family,
Principles of External Application 393
Source Uses
It is obtained from the plant Gaultheria 1. Used in perfumes and cosmetics. It is
fragrentissima. The oil is distilled from the fresh medicinally inert.
These are liquids which are introduced into
1. Relieves the pain in gout, rheumatism and
any part of the body through a syringe.
2. It is applied over the scrotum in epididymitis. Types
3. It is known to reduce pruritus.
A. Vaginal Injections
Olive Oil These are prepared according to Dr.
Source Ludlam’s formula. 15 ml. (or ½ oz.) of required
It is a fixed oil obtained from ripe fruit of mother tincture is mixed with 45 ml. (or 1½ oz.)
Olea europaea. of glycerine and 60 ml. (2 ounce) of distilled
water and for each injection 4 to 5 ml. of this
Uses mixture is used in sufficient quantity of tepid
1. It is used topically as emollient, in dentistry water.
as a setting retardant for dental cements.
Urethral injections of various drugs are also
2. It is also a purgative when given internally.
prepared in a similar way or as prescribed by the
Arnica Oil physician.
Source B. Rectal Injections
The dry roots of Arnica are coarsely The prescribed amount of drug is mixed with
pulverised. around 60 ml. arrowroot water or thin starch
Preparation solution. It is and injected slowly, so that it may
be retained.
One part of the powder is mixed with nine
parts of olive oil and kept in a well-stoppered For example:
bottle for two weeks in a warm room. The content 1. INJECTIO. GLYCER. HYDRAST.
is then expressed and filtered. Rx, Hydrast. can. Q 3i
Uses Glycer. 3iii M
1. It is used as a hair oil. Aq. dest. ss.
2. Is also used over bruises.
Rosemary Oil Rx, Pot. permang. cyst. grs.
Source v. ver x
It is a small fragrant evergreen shrub, Aq. dest. i Solve.
Rosmarinus officinalis L., belonging to the
Labiatae family. Oil is prepared by steam SURGICAL DRESSINGS
distillation of the fresh flowering tops.
1. Cotton
A. Absorbent Cotton
394 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
They are always kept in water-proof packings by weight of mother tincture and 1 part by weight
as moisture tends to harden the plaster of ethyl alcohol which was used for preparation
making it useless. of the tinctures are to be mixed.
• Bandages Impregnated with Medicament: Tinctures Prepared According to
Bandages impregnated with Calendula ø, Formula for Class Four
Bellis perennis ø, etc. are used to protect and
If no special direction for the preparation of
soothe the skin, besides promoting healing
any drug substance is given, 1 part by weight of
in chronic conditions, like varicose veins.
mother tincture and 1 part by weight of ethyl
alcohol which was used for preparation of, the
USE tinctures are to be mixed.
All mother tinctures otherwise specified are
When the mother tincture is prepared
to be diluted with equal parts of alcohol of the
according to original Hahnemannian method, the
same strength used for the preparation of the
mother tincture of the drug to be used in the
mother tinctures.
preparation of external application shall satisfy
(For any other details the H.P.I., Vol. 1 may
the following specification. Tincture prepared
be consulted).
according to:
All the container phials or bottles containing
Formula for Class One and Two the external preparations, must bear the line ‘For
If no special direction for the preparation of External Use Only’, on the respective labels
a particular drug substance is given, 1 part by mentioning the name of drug substance in capital
weight of mother tincture and 1.5 parts by weight letter and the amount of all ingredients.
of ethyl alcohol (45%) are to be mixed. ■
Tinctures Prepared According to
Formula for Class Three
If no special direction for the preparation for
any particular drug substance is given, 1.5 parts
Principles of Drug Proving
medicinal substances are to be conducted in order a moist fine mass and then stirred with
to ascertain their pathogenetic effective. double the quantity of alcohol.
For drug proving there are 2 essential 5. Exotic vegetable substances must be
requirements: rendered in the form of powder, for preparing
1. The drug to be proved. tinctures with alcohol when they are in the
fresh state and afterwards be mixed with a
2. The prover.
certain proportion of water.
6. Salts and gums should be dissolved in water
just before being taken.
7. If the plant can only be procured in its dry
PRE-REQUISITE state, and if its powers are naturally weak,
in that case an infusion of it may be made by
The drugs which will be taken for the cutting the herb into small pieces and pouring
purposes of proving must be: boiling purified water on it, so as to extract
• Perfectly well known. its medicinal parts. Immediately after its
• Their purity and genuineness must be preparation, it must be swallowed while
thoroughly assured. warm, as all expressed vegetable juices and
• It should possess all its active properties and all aqueous infusions of herbs or plants
should be free from all mixtures with other without the addition of alcohol may ferment
drugs. and decompose, and thereby lose all
medicinal properties.
1. Substances belonging to the animal and
vegetable kingdoms possess their medicinal In proving medicines to ascertain their
qualities most perfectly in raw state. effects on the healthy body (i.e., on a prover), it
2. Indigenous plants—in the fresh state and must be borne in mind that:
freshly expressed juice mixed with equal • Strong heroic drug substance are liable, even
parts of alcohol (strength of the alcohol has in small doses to produce changes in the
not been well defined by Hahnemann. health even of robust persons.
Strength should be sufficient to burn a lamp). • Those of less heroic powers must be given
The mixture should be allowed to stand for for these experiments in more considerable
48 hours, so that the fibrinous and quantities.
albuminous matter settles down and the clear • The weakest medicines should be preferably
fluid is decanted. given to healthy, delicate, irritable, sensitive
3. Plants that contain much thick mucus like persons to prove.
Symphytum, Viola tricolor, etc., or an excess
of albumen like Aethusa, a double proportion MODE OF ADMINISTRATION
of alcohol is generally required. • The medicine should be taken on an empty
4. Plants that are deficient in juice as Oleander, stomach, daily for several days.
Ledum, etc. must be pounded up alone into
Principles of Drug Proving 399
• The dose should be of 4-6 small globules of • Mental symptoms and subjective symptoms
the 30th potency moistened with a little cannot be expressed by animals. Hence these
water. symptoms are lost in animal drug proving.
• If the drug produces only a slight effect, a • We can’t obtain modalities and sensations
few more globules may be taken daily till from animals. Hence we cannot get a
the effect becomes more prominent. complete symptom.
• Start the proving with a small dose of the • The effect of drugs on animals and humans
drug, and increase the dose day by day if may be different.
required. While proving medicines on humans, we
select healthy human beings and not sick
individuals as:
• The correct/true effect of drugs cannot be
As regards the medicine to be proved: clearly observed on an already deranged vital
• Every medicinal substance must be pure, force. The disease symptoms can get mixed
without admixture of any foreign substance. up with the drug symptoms.
• A prover must not take anything else of a • In the diseased state, the sick individual may
medicinal nature on the same day, nor on be hypersensitive or hyposensitive. Hence
subsequent days, not during the time we want the intensity of symptoms may be altered.
to observe the effect of the medicine. • In case the symptoms of the drug being
• Do not administer large doses of a medicine proved are similar to those of the sick prover,
as they may produce a secondary reaction. the symptoms may be cured or partially
• Don’t give medicine for several successive relieved, and so all the drug symptoms will
days in over increasing doses as too frequent not be clearly visible.
repetition can confuse the symptoms. • In case the drug used for proving is of an
opposite nature, it will bring temporary
THE PROVER palliation.
PRE-REQUISITE • If the drug is of dissimilar nature to the
disease, a complex disease may result.
• Must be normal, in a healthy state. All
functions of the body should be in proper QUALITIES AND TYPES OF A PROVER
balance so we can estimate and weigh the
There are 3 types of provers:
degree of disturbance caused during drug
proving. 1. An ideal prover.
• The circumstances around the prover should 2. The best prover.
be those of his normal surroundings. 3. An idiosyncratic prover.
3. The provings should be commenced with the physician the latter must note down
dilutions and next high dilutions are distinctly the sensations, sufferings,
employed till satisfactory evidence is accidents and changes of health.
obtained and the prover is not susceptible to
their action. Thus we overcome one OBJECTS OF DRUG PROVING
unknown problem, i.e., the measure of the 1. We determine the pathogenetic effect of
susceptibility of the prover. drugs.
4. Where a keen susceptibility is observed to 2. To observe and record the alterations
exist, the greatest care must be exercised not produced by the drug in the normal healthy
to disturb the susceptibility and with this state.
view repeated experiments must be
3. To determine the characteristics of the drug
undertaken at long intervals, using ‘high
and its disease picture.
potencies’ until no new variety of symptoms
are exhibited. Next, after a long period of WHEN IS A MEDICINE THOROUGHLY
non-medication, the prover should be PROVED
administered first with ‘lower potencies’ and
then ‘small doses of the crude drug’ We can only be assured that a medicine has
repeatedly at intervals, and finally after been thoroughly proved when:
another long period of repose, ‘large doses a. Subsequent experiments can reflect little of
of crude drug’ should be administered. the character from its action.
A thorough drug proving after this procedure b. During all re-provings almost always only
may consume a long time for its completion; the same symptoms are exhibited, as had
but still it has an advantage over most of the been already observed by others.
recent provings, as it is thorough as well as c. The symptoms are most carefully recorded
permanent, and of certain use to the complete with regard to their specific
practitioner. sensations, localities, modalities with their
5. In drug proving experiments with dilutions, concomitant factors, so that a complete
or massive doses a considerable long period individual picture of the drug disease has
should be given for ascertaining the action been established.
of each medicine or drug, so that the full d. Clinically verified and has not exhibited any
effect may be properly observed in the clinical symptoms even after repeating.
production of dyscrasias, etc. e. The drug should be proved on suitable
6. Greatest care must be exercised in verifying persons of both sexes, all ages and various
different varieties and series of symptoms constitutions.
by repeated experiments, so that the
‘imaginary’ as well as the chemical and RECORDING OF SYMPTOMS DURING
mechanical symptoms may be excluded. DRUG PROVING
7. The duration of the action of a drug can only • In case of narcotic drug substance proving,
be ascertained by a comparison of several symptoms of secondary action are to be
experiments on different sexes and ages. recorded.
8. If the prover is another person apart from • In all other drugs (except narcotics), the
Principles of Drug Proving 403
symptoms of primary action are to be • The heroic medicines exhibit their action
recorded. even when given in small doses, to healthy
• Some drugs produce alternating actions and even strong individuals.
which should be recorded. • Those that have a weaker action must be
• Record modalities with great precision. given for these experiments in very
• Any alterations from the normal state of considerable doses.
health (however minor) should be recorded. • The weakest medicines however only show
their absolute action in such subjects as are
free from disease, who are delicate, irritable
and sensitive.
• In order to ascertain the effects of less
Merits powerful medicines, we must give only one
Merits of employing the more moderate pretty string dose to the temperate healthy
doses of medicines within certain limit, in drug person who is the subject of the experiment,
proving experiment are that: and it is best to give it in solution. If we wish
to ascertain the remaining symptoms, which
i. The primary effects are more distinctly
were not revealed by the first trial, we may
give to another person, or to the same
ii. Only these primary effects, which are more individual, but only after a lapse of several
worth knowing, occur without any admixture days, when the action of the first dose is fully
of secondary effects or reactions of the vital over, a similar or even stronger portion, and
force. note the symptoms of irritation thence
Demerits resulting in the same careful and sceptical
Demerits of employing excessive large doses
of medicine in proving are : • For medicines that are still weaker we
require, in addition to a considerable dose,
i. The primary effects appear in such hurried
individuals that are, it is true, healthy, but of
confusions and with such violence that
very irritable, delicate constitutions.
nothing can be accurately observed.
ii. The secondary effects also appear being • The more obvious and striking symptoms
mixed up with primary effects. must be recorded in the list; those that are of
a dubious character should be marked with
iii. The danger of poisoning and threatening the
the sign of dubiety, until they have been
life of the prover exists.
frequently confirmed.
• In the investigation of these medicinal
symptoms, all suggestions must be carefully
• A medicine which given to a healthy
• It must be chiefly the mere voluntary
individual alone and uncombined, in
narration of the person who is the subject of
sufficient quantity, causes a determinate
the experiment, nothing like glasswork,
action, a certain array of symptoms, retains
nothing obtained by dint of cross
the tendency to excite the same, even in the
questioning, that should be noted down as
very smallest dose.
404 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
truth, and still less expressions of sensations • It was Dr. Samuel Hahnemann who
that have previously been put in the introduced drug proving on healthy human
experimenter’s mouth. beings (§ 109). However, he acknowledges
• In diseases (the weakest as well as the that Albrecht Von Haller, in his ‘Swiss
strongest medicines) show their absolute Pharmacopoeic’ had explicity recommended
actions, but so intermingled with the to test medicines on healthy beings but did
symptoms of the disease, that only a very not practically carry out such experiments
experienced experimenter and fine observer (footnote, § 108).
can distinguish them. In the ‘Lectures on the Theory and Practice
• Even in diseases, amid the symptoms of the of Homoeopathy’, R.E. Dudgeon mentions
original disease, the medicinal symptoms a few allopathic physicians who made such
may be discovered, is the subject for the experiments. Dr. William Alexander of
exercise of a higher order of inductive minds, Edinburge made experiments on healthy
and must be left to masters only in the art of human beings with Camphor, which nearly
observation. resulted in his own death. Though he pushed
an essay on the subject, it excited very little
As years advanced, his mode of proceeding
attention. Professor Jorg of Leipzig, founded
altered to a certain degree. His most matured
a society for proving medicines on healthy
ideas on the subject are elaborated in the
beings to show that the experiments
Organon of Medicine, from § 105 - § 145.
conducted by Hahnemann were false and so
were his therapeutics. He sought to obtain
indications for the employment of medicines
on the principles of contraria contrariis. He
• A true physician should acquire a knowledge failed miserably in his attempt and
of instruments for the cure of disease. This Hahnemann’s conclusions were justified. As
instrument is the pathogenetic power of professor Jorg had conducted his
medicines. experiments carefully, the results were
• Pathogenetic effects of several medicines immediately incorporated by Hahnemann in
should be ascertained by studying the his pathogenesis and however, Jorg may seek
alterations and symptoms it produces in to repudiate the distinction, he became one
healthy individuals and thereby select of the most useful and extensive contributor
suitable homoeopathic remedies for most of to the homoeopathic materia medica.
the natural diseases (§ 106). • Every medicine exhibits peculiar actions on
• If proving is conducted on sick even though the human frame different from every other
the medicine be administered singly, the and therefore medicine must be thoroughly
peculiar alteration of health produced by the distinguished from one another by careful
medicine will be mixed up with the pure experiments on the healthy body (§ 118
symptoms of disease (§ 107). - § 120).
• There is no other possible way to study the • Stronger medicines develop their action even
peculiar effects of medicines, than to conduct in small doses on robust individuals. Weaker
provings on healthy individuals, in moderate medicines must be given in larger doses in
doses (§ 108). order that we may get to know their powers
Principles of Drug Proving 405
and the weakest will only show their action to produce more distinct alterations in health.
on very irritable delicate to sensitive subjects Moreover, as the degree of action on
(§ 121). different individuals cannot be predicated in
• We should take care that the medicines we a priori, it is best to commence with the
employ for our proving are genuine and smallest dose and increase the successive
unadulterated (§ 122). doses when required (§ 129).
• Indigenous plants should be taken in the form • It is a great advantage when the first dose
of freshly expressed juice mixed with itself takes effect, for then we can learn
alcohol; exotic substances made available in better, the sequence of symptoms the drug
powder or tincture form should be prepared produces. This is not possible if it is required
when freshly gathered, is taken with water, to give several successive doses of the drug
salts and gums should be dissolved in water substance to produce an action. If, however,
just before being taken; plants obtained in we do not care about the sequential order of
dry form and of very weak power, should be the symptom phenomena, but merely wish
taken in the form of infusion, swallowing it to know the symptoms produced by the drug,
while warm (§ 123). the best method is to give it everyday in
increasing doses (§ 130-§132).
• No other substance of medicinal nature
should be taken during the period of drug • Duration of the action of a drug can only be
proving (§ 124). The diet should be regulated ascertained by a comparison of several
so as to avoid all medicinal and stimulating experiments (§ 130).
food and beverages (fruit, salads, herb • When the prover experiences any sensation,
soups). Wine, brandy, coffee or tea should he or she should try to elicit what effects
be avoided for a considerable, time before change of position, walking, the open air, the
the experiment begins. An ideal diet must close room, eating, drinking, coughing,
be simple yet nourishing. Green vegetables, sneezing, etc have on the sensation or
young green peas, green Fresh beans and complaint and note the time of the day when
carrots are, allowable (§ 125 and its foot- it occurs (§ 133).
note). • All the symptoms a medicine can produce
• Over-exertion of mind and body and are not observable on one person, so we
disturbing passions should be avoided. The require to test it on many in order to ascertain
prover must portray in speech and writing them (§134).
his sensations and complaints (§ 126). • A drug can be said to have been thoroughly
• Both males and females are required for proved or fully proved only when numerous
experiments (§127). experiments have been conducted on both
• Best method of proving medicines, even such sexes and various constitutions and
as are deemed weak, is to give the subsequent experiments show very little
experimenter, on empty stomach, daily from novelty in symptoms (§ 135).
four to six very small globules of the 30th • It must be remembered that, though a
potency moistened with a little water for medicine may not produce all its effects on
several days, until an effect of such a dose is a healthy individual, it is capable of
slight, few more globules may be taken daily producing such an effect in a morbid person
406 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
presenting with similar symptoms, even will be free from doubts about the
when given in smallest dose. This fact aids genuineness of symptoms as reported by
in curing the sick (§ 136). others; and his health, far from suffering, in
• More moderate the dose used for the long run will be much benefited by these
experiments, more distinct are the primary trials (§ 141 and its footnote).
actions observed of the medicine. Too large • If the symptoms produced by a medicine
doses give rise to disturbing secondary employed to cure a disease, especially of
actions (§ 137). chronic character, is included in the materia
• All the phenomena (sufferings, accidents and medica, the differentiation of it from original
changes of health) that arise in the symptoms of the malady should be left to
experimenter during the action of a medicine masters in observation (§ 142). Usually in
are solely derived from this medicine and such cases, the symptoms which, during the
must be regarded and registered as its whole course of the disease, might have been
symptoms, even though the experimenter has observed only a long time previously, or
observed the occurrence of similar symptoms never before, (consequently new ones,
a considerable time previously (§ 138). belong entirely to the medicine (§ 142
• If the physician does not perform the trials
on himself, he should closely superintend • A true materia medica is a collection of real,
and scrutinize the experiments of the person pure, reliable action of medicinal substances
he employs for this purpose in minutest obtained by adopting the above mentioned
details. procedures. This is the true homoeopathic
materia medica, an instrument for effecting
• The experimenter must record distinctly all
certain and permanent cure (§ 143).
the sensations and complaints he
experienced with respect to time, duration, • When a considerable store of medicines are
modalities, etc. (§ 139). observers, thus accurately proved on we will
be able to cure every malady in the world (§
• The physician should verify and clarify the
145). The healing art will then come near
symptoms scrupulously while everything is
the mathematical sciences in certainty (§ 145
still fresh in the memory of the experimenter
(§ 139).
• If the patient is not able to write, the GENERAL PRECAUTIONS
physician must be informed everyday of the
details of his sensations and complaints. All • Before the commencement of an experiment,
the narrations must be voluntary (§ 140). few precautions have to be observed to keep
at bay the admission into materia medica of
• But the best method is for the physician to
many symptoms that are irrelevant. The
make his experiments on himself, provided
psychic and physical make up of the prover
he is healthy, unprejudiced and sensitive. If
must be ascertained. The prover must be
he does so, he gains a great advantage in
subjected to a complete medical
tracing the accurate picture of the symptoms;
himself experiences the incontrovertible fact;
he understands his dispositions, he acquires • The mental dispositions should be accurately
and sharpens his power of observations; he sketched by the physician in few sessions.
Principles of Drug Proving 407
Name of the Unit:
Name of the Project Officer:
Name of Provers:
S. No. Name Age Sex
408 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
Excoriative Heart
Bland Action—Force
Obstruction to Respiration Frequency
Right Regularity
Left Rhythm
Any Septal Defects Sounds
Any Condition Arising Out of This Defect. First
Sinuses and Their Conditions Duration
Nasopharynx Character
Tonsils Rhythm
Normal Strength
Hypertrophied Regularity
Excised (cause) Second
Susceptible tonsils Duration
Eustachian Opening (Examination) Character
Sense of Smell Rhythm
Hypo Strength
Hyper Regularity
Normal Reduplicated or not
Any allergic idiosyncrasy Adventitious
Husky, thick Organic murmur
Voice Functional murmur
Nasal tone (Peculiar changes in sound)
Weak Pulse
Catarrh of Nose and Throat Rate
Color Strength
Serous Regularity
Mucopurulent Tension
Acrid Rhythm
Bland Condition of vessel wall
Any Other Finding That is Relevant to the Electro-cardiogram, if found
Points necessary
Name of the Examiner Respiratory System
Date and Signature General Examination
Code No. See for any Respiratory Distress (Alaenasi
General Examination of Cardiac, Movement)
Respiratory, Gastro-intestinal Systems Modalities
Cardiovascular System Cough
General Examination Concomitant
Any Signs or Symptoms Inspiration (per minute)
Suggestive of cardiac disorder viz. Expiration (per minute)
cyanosis, breathlessness, oedema of legs or pain Respiration (per minute)
in chest on exertion etc.
412 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
Section - 8
8.1 Sampling and Methods of Analysis.
8.2 Limit Tests.
8.3 Identification of Some Chemicals and Their Drugs.
8.4 Chromatography.
Who could trust to avaricious apothecaries paying
attention to all these particulars.
416 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
Sampling and Methods of Analysis
Sampling is the process of learning about diversity is a universal quality of mass data,
the population aggregate on the basis of a sample every aggregate has character and properties with
drawn from it. Thus, in the sampling technique limited variation. This makes possible to select
instead of every unit of the universe* only a part a relatively small unbiased traits of the aggregate
of the universe is studied and the conclusions under study.
are drawn on that basis for the entire universe.
The process of sampling involves three elements: CRITERIA OF A SAMPLE
• Selecting the sample.
For the sample results to have any
• Collecting the information.
worthwhile meaning, it is necessary that a sample
• Making an inference about the aggregate (i.e. possesses the following criteria:
drug substance).
• Representativeness: A sample should be so
selected that it truly represents the universe.
• Adequacy: The size of the sample should be
adequate, otherwise, it may not represent the
Sample is that part of the universe which we characteristics of the universe.
select for the purpose of investigation. Care must • Independence: All the items of the universe
be taken in ensuring that a sample exhibits the should have equal chance of being selected
characteristic of the universe. in the sample.
Sampling is based on the assumption that no • Homogeneity: There should be no basic
aggregate will have elements which vary from difference in the nature of units of the
each other without limit. We find that although universe and that of the sample.
* The word ‘universe’ as used in statistics denotes the aggregate(here bulk of drug substance) from which the sample is
418 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
Take 2 or 3 gms. of the air-dried drug,
accurately weighed in a silica disk. It is moistened Gravimetric Method
with concentrated sulphuric acid and ignited The following method is employed for
gently. Again moisten with sulphuric acid, re- determining the moisture content:
ignite, cool and weigh. Calculate the percentage Loss in Drying: Unless otherwise directed
of sulphated ash with reference to the air-dried in the monograph, conduct the determination on
drug. 1 to 2 gms. of the sample, accurately weighed. If
420 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
the sample is in the form of large crystals, reduce 3. Seeds and fruits bigger than 3 mm. should
the particle size to about 2 mm. by quickly be cracked to render them about 3 mm. in
crushing them. Take a glass stoppered, shallow thickness. In preparing the sample avoid the
weighing bottle that has been dried for 30 use of high speed mills.
minutes under the same conditions for the test For all the above three classes, exercise most
and add the contents. By gentle, sidewise shaking possible care, so that no appreciable amount of
distribute the sample as evenly as practicable to moisture is lost during preparation, and that the
a depth of about 5 mm. generally, and not over portion of the drug material is representative of
10 mm. in the case of bulky materials. Place the the official sample.
loaded bottle in the drying chamber, removing
the stopper and leaving it also in the chamber, Following three methods are used for
and dry the sample at the temperature and for determining the moisture content.
the time specified in the monograph. Upon a. Gravimetric Method (as per U.S.P.):
opening the chamber, close the bottle promptly Procedure set forth here determines the
and allow it to come to room temperature before amount of volatile matter (i.e., water drying
weighing. off from the drug). For substances appearing
If the substance melts at a lower temperature to contain water as the only volatile
than that specified for the determination of loss constituent the procedure given below, is
of drying, expose the bottle with its contents for appropriately used.
1 to 2 hours to a temperature 5o to 10o below the Place about 10 gms. of the drug (without
melting temperature. Then dry at the specified preliminary drying) after accurately weighing
temperature. (accurately weighed to within 0.01 gm.) in a tared
evaporating dish. For example, for underground
DETERMINATION OF MOISTURE CON- or unpowdered drugs, prepare about 10 gms. of
TENT FOR VEGETABLE PRODUCTS the “official sample” by cutting, shredding, so
that the parts are about 3 mm. in thickness.
In cases of determining the amount of
volatile matter (i.e. moisture or water drying off Seeds and fruits smaller than 3 mm. should
from the drug), present in the vegetable drug be cracked. Avoid the use of high speed mills in
substances, we can consider them in the preparing the samples, and exercise care that no
following three classes, and proceed accordingly: appreciable amount of moisture is lost during
preparation and that the portion taken is
1. For substances appearing to contain water representative of the ‘official sample.’ After
as the only volatile constituent, take about placing the above said amount of the drug in the
10 gms. of fresh drug material (without tarred evaporating dish, dry at 105o for 5 hours
preliminary drying) after accurate weighing and weigh. Continue the drying and weighing at
(weighed to within 0.01 gm.), having one hour intervals until difference between two
previously cut into smallest possible pieces. successive weights is not more than 0.25 per cent.
2. For unground or unpowdered drugs, prepare Constant weight is reached when two
about 10 gms. of official sample by cutting consecutive weights after drying for 30 minutes
and spreading, so that the parts are about 3 and cooling for 30 minutes in a desiccator, show
mm. in thickness. Place them in a tarred not more than 0.01 gm. difference.
evaporating dish.
Sampling and Methods of Analysis 421
Other methods that can be used for 300 ml. of carbon tetrachloride and 700 ml.
determining the iodine value are presented of glacial acetic acid. To 20 ml. of this
below: solution, add 15 ml. of potassium iodide
solution and 10 ml. of water, and titrate the
Apparatus: solution with 0.1 N sodium thiosulphate. The
Iodine flasks: The iodine flasks have a amount of 0.1 N sodium thiosulphate
nominal capacity of 250 ml. required for the titration is approximately,
but not more than, doubled.
• Iodide trichloride 8 gms.
i. Iodine Monochloride Method:
Iodine 9 gms.
Place the substance accurately weighed, in
Carbon tetrachloride 300 ml.
a dry iodine flask; add 10 ml. of carbon
tetrachloride (CCl4) and dissolve. Add 20 ml. of Glacial acetic acids
iodine monochloride solution, insert the stopper, sufficient to produce 1000 ml.
previously moistened with a solution of Dissolve the iodine trichloride in about 200
potassium iodide and allow to stand in a dark ml. of glacial acetic acid, dissolve the iodine in
place at a temperature of about 17o for thirty the carbon tetrachloride, mix the two solutions
minutes. Add 15 ml. of solution of potassium and add sufficient glacial acetic acid to produce
iodide and 100 ml. water; shake and titrate with 1000 ml.
0.1 N sodium thiosulphate, using a solution of
Iodine monochloride solution should be kept
starch as indicator. Note the number of ml.
in a stoppered bottle, protected from light and
required. (a) At the same time carry out the
stored in a cool place.
operation in exactly the same manner, but without
the substance being tested, and note the number ii. Pyridine Bromide Method:
of ml. of 0.1 N sodium thiosulphate required. Place the substance, accurately weighed, in
(b) Calculate the iodine value from the formula: a dry iodine flask, add 10 ml. of carbon
Iodine value = (b-a) x 0.01269 x 100 tetrachloride and dissolve. Add 25 ml. of pyridine
w bromide solution, allow to stand for ten minutes
Where ‘w’ is the weight in gms. of the in a dark place and complete the determination
substance taken. described under iodine monochloride method,
beginning with the words ‘Add 15 ml.’
The approximate weight in gms. of the
substance to be taken may be calculated by The approximate weight in grams of the
dividing 20 by the highest expected iodine value. substance to be taken may be calculated by
If more than half the available halogen is dividing 12.5 by the highest expected iodine
absorbed, the test must be repeated, a smaller value. If more than half the available halogen is
quantity of the substance being used. absorbed the test must be repeated, a small
quantity of the substance being used.
Reagent: Iodine Monochloride Solution: The
solution may be prepared by either of the two Reagent: Pyridine Bromide Solution:
following methods: Dissolve 8 gms. pyridine and 10 gms. of
sulphuric acid in 20 ml. of glacial acetic acid,
• Dissolve 13 gms. of iodine in a mixture of keeping the mixture cool. Add 8 gms. of bromine
424 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
Apparatus: Shallow, flat bottomed flanged treated before distillation in the following way:
dishes about 75 mm. in diameter and about 25 Acidify liquids containing camphor with 20 to
mm. deep, made of nickel or other suitable metal 25 ml. of sulphuric acid solution.
of high heat conductivity and which is not In a separating funnel add to the treated
affected by boiling water. sample equal volumes of 50 to 80 ml. of a
Method: Weigh accurately or measure an saturated sodium chloride solution and of
accurate quantity of the preparation and place in petroleum ether (B.P. 40º to 50º). Shake the
a tarred dish, evaporate at as low a temperature mixture for about 3-5 minutes; and wait until the
as possible until the alcohol is removed, and heat two layers separate out which takes about 15 to
on a water-bath until the residue is apparently 20 minutes. Next, run the aqueous alcohol layer
dry. Transfer to an oven and dry to constant into another separaing funnel and treat the same
weight at 105°. Owing to the hygroscopic nature test liquid twice more with half the quantity of
of certain residues, it may be necessary to use petroleum ether. Run the aqueous alcohol layers
dishes provided with well fitting covers and to into a distillation flask. Draw in air through the
cool in an efficient desiccator. combined liquid for a minute to remove the last
traces of petroleum ether.
QUANTITATIVE DETERMINATION OF If the liquid contains less than 30 per cent of
ALCOHOL IN HOMOEOPATHIC alcohol, salting out should be done with dry
PREPARATIONS sodium chloride using 10 gms. instead of its
Measure a definite quantity of the test
alcohol liquid and pour it into a round bottomed Before distillation, dilute the test liquid with
flask of 200 or 250 ml. capacity. If the liquid water to a total volume of 75 ml.
contains upto 20 per cent of alcohol take for The receiver, a 100 ml. volumetric flask
determination 75 ml.; from 20 to 50 per cent, 50 should be immersed in a vessel with cold water.
ml., and from 50 per cent and more, 25 ml. Use tightly fitting rubber stoppers for the
In case the test liquid contains volatile matter distillation flask and condenser. The receiver
it should undergo a preliminary treatment, viz., should be immersed in a vessel with cold water.
if the liquid contains volatile acids, neutralize To ensure uniform boiling, place in the flask
them with an alkali solution; if it contains volatile containing the liquid some capillaries, pumice
bases neutralize them with aqueous phosphoric stone or small pieces of porcelain.
or sulphuric acid solution.
If the liquid foams vigorously when distilled,
Liquids containing free iodine are treated, add phosphoric or sulphuric acid (2-3 ml.) or
before distillation with zinc in the form of powder calcium chloride, paraffin or wax (2-3 gms.).
or with a small quantity of dry sodium
Collect 96 ml. of the distillate in the receiver
thiosulphate until decolorization of the liquid.
(100 ml. volumetric flask). Bring its temperature
To bind the volatile sulphurous compounds add
to 25° and make up with water to the mark. The
some drops of aqueous sodium hydroxide
distillate must be clear or slightly turbid.
Note the room temperature while determin-
Test liquids containing camphor, essential
ing the weight of the distilled liquid in an accu-
oils, or other volatile oily matter, ether, etc., are
rately weighed (and corrected as per specifica-
426 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
tion) Pyknometer or Specific gravity bottle. Add between the titration figures is equivalent to the
the corrections for this respective temperature alkali required to saponify the esters.
and find out the relevant weight of the liquid. Each ml. of 0.5 N alcoholic KOH is
Calculate the corresponding alcohol contents equivalent to:
in per cent by volume read off in the standard 0.1061 gm. if benzyl benzoate.
alcoholometric table, specially compiled for this
purpose. 0.09815 gm. of bornyl acetate.
0.09915 gm. of methyl acetate.
DETERMINATION OF ESTERS 0.07608 gm. of methyl salicylate.
Limit Tests
LIMIT TEST FOR CHLORIDES minutes. Compare the color in a Nessler’s glass
with the standard color, by viewing transversely,
Dissolve the specified quantity of the
the color is not deeper than the standard color.
substance in water and transfer to a Nessler glass.
Add 1 ml. of nitric acid, except when nitric acid Standard Color: Dilute 2 ml. of standard
is used in the preparation of the solution; dilute solution of iron with 40 ml. of water. Add 2 ml.
to 50 ml. with water and add 1 ml. of solution of of a 20 per cent w/v solution of iron-free citric
silver nitrate. Stir immediately with a glass rod acid in water and 2 drops of thioglycolic acid,
and set aside for five minutes. The opalescence mix. Render alkaline with iron-free solution of
produced is not greater than the standard ammonia, dilute to 50 ml. with water and allow
opalescence. to stand for five minutes.
Standard opalescence: Measure 1 ml. or the Reagents and Solutions
quantity specified in the monograph, 0.01 N
Standard Solution of Iron: Add 0.173 g. of
hydrochloric acid and 1 ml. of nitric acid into a
ferric ammonium sulphate to 1.5 ml. of
Nessler glass. Dilute to 50 ml. with water and
hydrochloric acid and add sufficient water to
add 1 ml. of solution of silver nitrate. Stir
produce 1000 ml. 1 ml. contains 0.02 mg. of iron.
immediately with a glass rod and set aside for
five minutes. Iron-free Citric Acid: Citric acid which
complies with the following additional test:
Dissolve 0.5 g. in 40 ml. of water, add 2 drops of
thioglycolic acid, mix, make alkaline with iron-
Dissolve the specified quantity of the free solution of ammonia and dilute to 50 ml.
substance in 40 ml. of water or prepare a solution with water, no pink color is produced.
as directed in the text, add 2 ml. of a 20 per cent
Iron-free Hydrochloric Acid: Hydrochloric
w/v solution of iron-free citric acid in water and
acid which complies with the following
2 drops of thioglycolic acid. Mix, make alkaline
additional test: Evaporate 5 ml. on a water-bath,
with iron free solution of ammonia, dilute to 50
add 40 ml. of water, 2 ml. of a 20 per cent w/v
ml. with water, and allow to stand for five
solution of iron-free citric acid in water and 2
428 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
drops of thioglycolic acid, mix, make alkaline washed sand or a pledget of purified cotton in
with iron-free solution of ammonia and dilute to the upper portion, about 3 cm. from the top of
50 ml. with water, no pink color is produced. the tube. Moisten the sand or cotton uniformly
Iron-free Solution of Ammonia: Dilute with a mixture of an equal volume of lead acetate
ammonia solution which complies with the solution and water.
following additional test: Evaporate 5 ml. nearly Remove any excess or
to dryness on a waterbath, add 40 ml. of water, 2 adhering droplets of lead
ml. of a 20 per cent w/v solution of iron-free acetate solution from the
citric acid in water and 2 drops of thioglycolic walls of the tube by
acid, mix, make alkaline with iron-free solution applying gentle suction to
of ammonia and dilute to 50 ml. with water, no the constricted end of the
pink color is produced. tube, into the upper end of
the tube. Fit a second glass
tube 12 cm. in length
LIMIT TEST FOR SULPHATES having an internal
Dissolve the specified quantity of the diameter of 2.5 to 3 mm.,
substance in water or prepare a solution as by means of a rubber
directed in the text, and transfer to a Nessler stopper. Just before
glass. Add 1 ml. of hydrochloric acid, except running the test, place a
when hydrochloric acid is used in the preparation strip of mercuric bromide
of the solution, dilute to 50 ml. with water, and test paper in this tube
add 1 ml. solution of barium chloride. Stir crimping the upper end of
immediately with a glass rod and set aside for the strip so that it will
five minutes. The turbidity produced is not remain in position, about 2
greater than the standard turbidity. cm. above the rubber
stopper. Clean and dry the
tube thoroughly each time
LIMIT TEST FOR ARSENIC Arsenic Test Apparatus
it is used.
Select all the reagents used in this test to have
Standard Arsenic Solution: Dissolve 100 mg.
as low a content of arsenic as possible so that a
of arsenic trioxide that has been finely
blank test results in either no strain or one that is
pulverized, dried over sulphuric acid and
barely discernible.
accurately weighed, in about 5 ml. of sodium
Apparatus: Prepare a generator (see the hydroxide solution (1 in 5) in a 1000 ml.
illustration) by filling a perforated rubber into a volumetric flask. Neutralise the solution with
wide mouth bottle of about 50 ml. capacity. dilute sulphuric acid, add 10 ml. more of dilute
Through the perforation insert a vertical exit tube sulphuric acid, then add recently boiled water to
about 12 cm. in total length and 1 cm. in diameter volume. Pipette 10 ml. of this solution into a 1000
along the entire upper portion (for about 8 cm.) ml. volumetric flask, add 10 ml. of dilute
and constricted at its lower extremity to a tube sulphuric acid, and then add recently boiled water
about 4 cm. in length and about 5 mm. in to volume. Use this solution, which contains 1
diameter. The smaller portion of the tube should mg. of arsenic trioxide in each ml. in preparing
extend just slightly below the stopper. Place the standard stain. Keep this solution in a glass
Limit Tests 429
stoppered bottle. Make a fresh solution when new test paper and compare the stain upon it with the
standard stains are to be prepared. standard stain. The stain produced by the
Test Preparation: Add 1 ml. of sulphuric acid chemical test does not exceed the standard stain
to 5 ml. of a solution of the chemical substance in length or intensity of color indicating not more
(1 in 25), unless otherwise quantity is directed than 10 parts of arsenic trioxide per million parts
in the monograph. Omit its addition entirely in of the substance being tested.
the case of inorganic acids. Unless especially Interfering Chemicals: Antimony, if present
directed otherwise, add 10 ml. of sulphurous acid. in the substance being tested produces a grey
Evaporate the liquid in a small beaker, on a stain.
steam-bath, until it is free from sulphurous acid Sulphites, sulphides, thiosulphates and other
and has been reduced to about 2 ml. in volume. compounds that liberate hydrogen sulphide or
Dilute with water to 5 ml. to obtain the test sulphur dioxide when treated with sulphuric acid
preparation. must be oxidized by means of nitric acid and then
The Standard Stain: Place in the generator reduced by means of sulphur dioxide as directed
bottle: 5 ml. of potassium iodide solution, 2 ml. under ‘test preparation’ before they are placed
of standard arsenic solution, 5 ml. of acid in the apparatus.
stannous chloride solution and 28 ml. of water.
Add 1.5 g. of granulated zinc (in No. 20 powder) LIMIT TEST FOR LEAD
and immediately insert the stopper containing the
exit-tube. Keep the generator bottle immersed Select all the reagents for this test to have as
in water at 25o during the period of the test to low a content as practicable and store all reagent
moderate the reaction so that the stain will take solutions in containers of boro-silicate glass.
the form of a distinctive band to facilitate the Rinse all glassware thoroughly with dilute nitric
comparison of color intensity. When evolution acid (1 in 2), followed by water.
of hydrogen has continued for 1 hour, remove
Special Reagents
the mercuric bromide test paper and place it in a
clean, dry tube for comparison. This stain Ammonium Cyanide Solution: Dissolve 2
represents 2 mcg. of arsenic trioxide. Since light, gms. of potassium cyanide in 15 ml. of strong
heat and moisture cause the stain to fade rapidly, ammonia solution and dilute with water to 100
make comparisons promptly. Stained test papers ml.
may be preserved by dipping in milled paraffin Ammonia Citrate Solution: Dissolve 40 gms.
or by keeping them over phosphorus pentoxide, of citric acid in 90 ml. of water. Add 2 or 3 drops
protected from light. of phenol red solution, then cautiously add
Procedure: Place in the generator bottle 5 stronger ammonia solution until the solution
ml. of potassium iodide solution and 5 ml. of acquires a reddish color. Remove any lead that
test preparation, and add 5 ml. of acid stannous may be present by extracting the solution with
chloride solution. Set the apparatus aside at room 20 ml. portions of dithizone extraction solution
temperature for a period of 10 minutes, then add (see below), until the dithizone solution retains
25 ml. of water and 1.5 g. of granulated zinc (in an orange-green color.
No. 20 powder), and proceed as directed under Dilute Standard Lead Solution: Dilute
the standard stain. Remove the mercuric bromide exactly 10 ml. of standard lead solution with
430 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
sufficient dilute nitric acid (1 in 100) to make the solution in a glass stoppered, lead-free bottle,
100 ml. This solution contains 1 mcg of lead per suitably wrapped to protect it from light, and
ml. store in a refrigerator.
Dithizone Extraction Solution: Dissolve 30 Procedure: Transfer the volume of the
mgs. of dithizone in 1000 ml. in chloroform and prepared sample directed in the monograph to a
add 5 ml. of alcohol. Store the solution in a separator, and unless otherwise directed in the
refrigerator. Before use, shake a suitable volume monograph add 6 ml. of ammonium citrate
of the dithizone extraction solution with about solution, 2 ml. of potassium cyanide solution and
half its volume of dilute nitric acid (1 in 100), 2 ml. of hydroxylamine hydrochloride solution
discarding the nitric acid. (for the determination of lead in iron salts use
Hydroxylamine Hydrochloride Solution: 10 ml. of ammonium citrate solution). Add 2
Dissolve 20 gms. of hydroxylamine drops of phenol red solution and make the
hydrochloride in sufficient water to make solution just alkaline (red in color) by the
approximately 65 ml. Transfer to a separator, add addition of stronger ammonia solution.
a few drops of thymol blue indicator, then add Immediately extract the solution with 5 ml.
stronger ammonia solution until the color portions of dithizone extraction solution draining
assumes a yellow color. Add 10 ml. of sodium off each extract into another separator, until the
hydrodithiocarbamale solution (1 in 25), mix and dithizone solution retains its green color. Shake
add, allow to stand for five minutes. Extract this the combined dithichloroform layer. Add to the
solution with successive 10 to 15 ml. portion of acid solution 50 ml. of standard dithizone
chloroform until a 5 ml. portion of the chloroform solution and the layer formed is of no deeper
extract does not assume a yellow color when shade of violet than that of a control made with
shaken with a dilute copper sulphate solution. a volume of diluted standard lead solution
Add diluted hydrochloric acid until the solution equivalent to the amount of lead permitted in the
is pink (if necessary, add 1 or 2 drops more of sample under examination, and the same
thymol blue indicator) and then dilute with quantities of the same reagents and in the same
purified water to 100 ml. manner as the test with the sample.
Identification of Some Chemicals and
Their Tests
Barbiturates Bicarbonates
Dissolve 5 mg. of the substance being • Solutions, when boiled, liberate carbon
examined in 3 ml. of a hot 0.2% w/v solution of dioxide.
cobaltous acetate in methanol, add 5 mg. of • Treat a solution of the substance being
finely powdered sodium tetraborate and boil; a examined with a solution of magnesium
blue-violet color is produced. sulphate; no precipitate is formed
(distinction from carbonates). Boil; a white
Barbiturates, Non-nitrogen Substituted precipitate is formed.
Dissolve 5 mg. of the substance being • Introduce into a test tube 0.1 gm. of the
examined in 3 ml. of methanol, add 0.1 ml. of a substance being examined suspended in 2 ml.
solution containing 10% w/v of cobaltous nitrate of water or in 2 ml. of the prescribed solution.
and 10% w/v of calcium chloride, mix and add, Add 2 ml. of 2 M acetic acid, close the tube
with shaking, 0.1 ml. of dilute sodium hydroxide immediately using a stopper fitted with a
solution; a violet-blue color and a precipitate are glass tube bent at two right angles, heat
produced. gently and collect the gas in 5 ml. of barium
hydroxide solution, a white precipitate forms
Barium Salts
that dissolves on addition of an excess of
• Barium salts impart a yellowish-green color dilute hydrochloric acid.
to a non-luminous flame which appears blue
when viewed through a green glass. Bismuth Compounds
• Dissolve 20 mg. of the substance being • To 0.5 gm. of the substance being examined
examined in 5 ml. of dilute hydrochloric acid add 10 ml. of 2 M hydrochloric acid or use
and add 2 ml. of dilute sulphuric acid, a white 10 ml. of the prescribed solution. Heat to
precipitate, insoluble in nitric acid, is boiling for 1 minute, cool and filter, if
formed. necessary. To 1 ml. of the filtrate add 20 ml.
of water; a white or slightly yellow
precipitate is formed which on addition of
• To 1 ml. of a 10% w/v neutral solution of 0.05 to 0.1 ml. of sodium sulphide solution
the substance being examined add 0.5 ml. turns brown.
of ferric chloride test solution; a dull yellow
• To about 50 mg. of the substance being
precipitate, soluble in ether is formed.
examined add 10 ml. of 2 M nitric acid or
• Moisten 0.2 gm. of the substance being use 10 ml. of the prescribed solution. Heat
examined with 0.2 to 0.3 ml. of sulphuric to boiling for 1 minute, allow to cool and
acid and gently warm the bottom of the tube; filter, if necessary. To 5 ml. of the filtrate
a white sublimate is deposited on the inner add 2 ml. of a 10% w/v solution of thiourea,
walls of the tube and no charring occurs. an orange-yellow color or an orange
• Dissolve 0.5 gms. of the substance being precipitate is produced. Add 4 ml. of a 2.5%
examined in 10 ml. of water or use 10 ml. of w/v solution of sodium fluoride; the solution
the prescribed solution and add 0.5 ml. of is not decolorised within 30 minutes.
hydrochloric acid. The precipitate obtained,
after crystallisation from water and drying Bromides
at a pressure of 2kPa, melts at about 122o. • Dissolve a quantity of the substance being
436 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
violet-red (do not bring the moistened paper precipitate, insoluble in dilute hydrochloric
into contact with the potassium dichromate acid is produced.
solution). • To 3 ml. of a solution containing about 0.1
mg. of iron or to 3 ml. of the prescribed
solution add 1 ml. of 2 M hydrochloric acid
• To a neutral solution of the substance being and 1 ml. of ammonium thiocyanate
examined add a solution of calcium chloride,
solution; the solution becomes blood red in
no precipitate is produced. Boil the solution;
color. Take two portions, each of 1 ml., of
a white precipitate soluble in 6 M acetic acid
the mixture. To one portion add 5 ml. of
is produced.
ether, shake and allow to stand; the ether
• Dissolve a quantity of the substance being layer is pink. To the other portion add 3 ml.
examined equivalent to about 50 mg. of citric of 0.2 M mercuric chloride; the red color
acid in 5 ml. of water or use 5 ml. of the disappears.
prescribed solution. Add 0.5 ml. of sulphuric
• To 2 ml. of a solution containing about 0.1
acid and 3 ml. of potassium permanganate
mg. of iron or to 3 ml. of the prescribed
solution. Warm until the color of the
solution add acetic acid until the solution is
permanganate is discharged and add 0.5 ml.
of a 10% w/v solution of sodium strongly acidic. Add 2 ml. of a 0.2% w/v
nitroprusside in 1 M sulphuric acid and 4 solution of 8-hydroxy-7-iodoquinoline-5-
gm. of sulphamic acid. Make alkaline with sulphonic acid, a stable green color is
strong ammonia solution, added drop wise produced.
until all the sulphamic acid has dissolved.
Ferrous Salts
On addition of an excess of strong ammonia
solution a violet color, which turns violet- • Dissolve a quantity of the substance being
blue, is produced. examined equivalent to about 10 mg. of iron
in 2 ml. of water or use 2 ml. of the
Esters prescribed solution. Add 2 ml. of dilute
sulphuric acid and 1 ml. of a 0.1 % w/v
To about 30 mg. of the substance being
solution of 110-phenanthroline; an intense
examined or to the prescribed quantity add 0.5
red color is produced which is discharged
ml. of a 7% w/v solution of hydroxylamine
by addition of a slight excess of 0.1 M ceric
hydrochloride in methanol and 0.5 ml. of a 10%
ammonium sulphate.
w/v solution of potassium hydroxide in ethanol
(95%). Heat to boiling, cool, acidify with 2 M • To 1 ml. of a solution containing not less
hydrochloric acid and add 0.2 ml. of a 1% w/v than 1 mg. of iron or to 1 ml. of the prescribed
solution of ferric chloride; a bluish-red or red solution add 1 ml. of potassium ferricyanide
color is produced. solution; a dark blue precipitate is formed
that is insoluble in dilute hydrochloric acid
Ferric Salts and is decomposed by sodium hydroxide
• Dissolve a quantity of the substance being solution.
examined equivalent to about 10 mg. of iron • To 1 ml. of a solution containing not less
in 1 ml. of water or use 1 ml. of the than 1 mg. of iron or to 1 ml. of the prescribed
prescribed solution. Add 1 ml. of potassium solution add 1 ml. of potassium ferrocyanide
ferrocyanide solution; an intense blue solution; a white precipitate is formed which
438 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
rapidly becomes blue and is insoluble in 0.2 ml. of a 10% w/v solution of sodium
dilute hydrochloric acid. nitroprusside in 1 M sulphuric acid. Without
mixing, add 1 ml. of strong ammonia solution
Iodides and allow to stand for 30 minutes; a dark green
• Dissolve a quantity of the substance being ring appears at the interface of the two liquids.
examined equivalent to about 4 mg. of iodide
ion in 2 ml. of water or use 2 ml. of the Lead Compounds
prescribed solution. Acidify with dilute nitric • Dissolve 0.1 gm. of the substance being
acid and add 0.5 ml. of silver nitrate solution. examined in 1 ml. of dilute acetic acid or
Shake and allow to stand; a curdy, pale use 1 ml. of the prescribed solution. Add 2
yellow precipitate is formed. Centrifuge and ml. of potassium chromate solution; a yellow
wash the precipitate rapidly with three precipitate insoluble in 2 ml. of 10 M sodium
quantities, each of 1 ml. of water, in subdued hydroxide is produced.
light. Suspend the precipitate in 2 ml. of • Dissolve 50 mg. of the substance being
water and add 1.5 ml. of 10 M ammonia; examined in 1 ml. of dilute acetic acid or
the precipitate does not dissolve. use 1 ml. of the prescribed solution. Add 10
• To 0.2 ml. of a solution of the substance ml. of water and 0.2 ml. of 1 M potassium
being examined containing the equivalent of iodide; a yellow precipitate is formed. Heat
about 5 mg. of iodide ion per ml. or to 0.2 to boiling for 1 or 2 minutes and allow to
ml. of the prescribed solution add 0.5 ml. of cool; the precipitate is reformed as glistening
1 M sulphuric acid, 0.15 ml. of potassium yellow plates.
dichromate solution, 2 ml. of water and 2
ml. of chloroform. Shake for a few seconds Magnesium Salts
and allow to stand; the chloroform layer is • Dissolve about 15 mg. of the substance being
violet or violet-red. examined in 2 ml. of water or use 2 ml. of
• To 1 ml. of a solution of the substance being the prescribed solution. Add 1 ml. of dilute
examined containing the equivalent of about ammonia solution; a white precipitate forms
5 mg. of iodide ion add 0.5 ml. of mercuric that is redissolved by adding 1 ml. of 2 M
chloride solution; a dark red precipitate is ammonium chloride. Add 1 ml. of 0.25 M
formed which is slightly soluble in an excess disodium hydrogen phosphate; a white,
of this reagent and very soluble in an excess crystalline precipitate is produced.
of potassium iodide solution. • To 0.5 ml. of a neutral or slightly acid
solution of the substance being examined add
Lactates 0.2 ml. of a 0.1 % w/v solution of titan yellow
To 5 ml. of a solution of the substance being and 0.5 ml. of 0.1 M sodium hydroxide; a
examined containing the equivalent of about 5 bright red turbidity develops which gradually
mg. of lactic acid or to 5 ml. of the prescribed settles to give a bright red precipitate.
solution add 1 ml. of bromine water and 0.5 ml.
of 1 M sulphuric acid. Heat on a waterbath, Mercury Compounds
stirring occasionally with a glass rod until the • Place 0.05 to 0.1 ml. of a solution of the
color is discharged. Add 4 gms. of ammonium substance being examined on a well scraped
sulphate, mix and add drop wise, without mixing, copper foil; a dark grey stain which becomes
Identification of Some Chemicals and Their Tests 439
shiny on rubbing is produced. Heat the dried forms, the color of which is not changed by
copper foil in a test-tube; the spot disappears. boiling and which is readily soluble in 10 M
• To a solution of the substance being exam- ammonia and in dilute nitric acid.
ined add carefully potassium iodide solution; • Mix 1 ml. of the prescribed solution with 1
a red precipitate is produced which is soluble ml. of ammoniacal magnesium sulphate
in an excess of the reagent (mercuric com- solution; a white crystalline precipitate is
pounds) or a yellow precipitate is produced formed.
which may become green on standing (mer-
• To 2 ml. of the prescribed solution add 2 ml.
curous compounds).
of dilute nitric acid and 4 ml. of ammonium
• To the prescribed solution add 2 M sodium molybdate solution and warm the solution;
hydroxide until strongly alkaline; a dense,
a bright yellow precipitate is formed.
yellow precipitate is produced (mercuric
compounds). Potassium Salts
• To a solution of the substance being exam-
• Dissolve about 50 mg. of the substance being
ined add 6 M hydrochloric acid, a white pre-
examined in 1 ml. of water or use 1 ml. of
cipitate is produced which is blackened by
the prescribed solution. Add 1 ml. of dilute
adding dilute ammonia solution (mercurous
acetic acid and 1 ml. of a freshly prepared
10% w/v solution of sodium cobaltinitrite;
Nitrates a yellow or orange-yellow precipitate is
produced immediately.
• Dissolve 15 mg. of the substance being
examined in 0.5 ml. of water, add cautiously • Dissolve 0.1 gm. of the substance being
1 ml. of sulphuric acid, mix and cool. Incline examined in 2 ml. of water or use 2 ml. of
the tube and carefully add, without mixing, the prescribed solution. Heat the solution
0.5 ml. of ferrous sulphate solution; a brown with 1 ml. of sodium carbonate solution; no
color is produced at the interface of the two precipitate is formed. Add 0.05 ml. of sodium
liquids. sulphide solution; no precipitate is formed.
Cool in ice, add 2 ml. of a 15% w/v solution
• To a mixture of 0.1 ml. of nitrobenzene and
of tartaric acid and allow to stand; a white,
0.2 ml. of sulphuric acid add a quantity of
crystalline precipitate is produced.
the powdered substance being examined
equivalent to about 1 mg. of nitrate ion or • Ignite a few mgs. of the substance being
the prescribed quantity. Allow to stand for 5 examined, cool and dissolve in the minimum
minutes and cool in ice whilst adding slowly quantity of water. To this solution add 1 ml.
with stirring 5 ml. of water and then 5 ml. of of platinic chloride solution in the presence
sodium hydroxide solution. Add 5 ml. of of 1 ml. of hydrochloric acid; a yellow,
acetone, shake and allow to stand, the upper crystalline precipitate is produced which on
layer shows an intense violet color. ignition leaves a residue of potassium
chloride and platinum.
Phosphates (Orthophosphates)
• To 5 ml. of the prescribed solution,
neutralised to pH 7.0, add 5 ml. of silver • To 1 ml. of a 10% w/v neutral solution add
nitrate solution; a light yellow precipitate 0.5 ml. of ferric chloride test solution, a
440 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
violet color is produced which persists after antimonate solution and heat to boiling
the addition of 0.1 ml. dilute acetic acid. Allow to cool in ice and if necessary scratch
• Dissolve 0.5 gm. of the substance being the inside of the test tube with a glass rod; a
examined in 10 ml. of water or use 10 ml. of dense, white precipitate is formed.
the prescribed solution. Add 0.5 ml. of • Acidify a solution of the substance being
hydrochloric acid, the precipitate obtained examined with 1 M acetic acid and add a
after recrystallisation from hot water and large excess of magnesium uranyl acetate
drying at a pressure of 2kPa melts at about solution; a yellow crystalline precipitate is
159o. formed.
• Dissolve 0.5 gm. of the substance being
examined in 10 ml. of water or use 10 ml. of Sulphates
the prescribed solution. Add 2 ml. of bromine • Dissolve about 50 mg. of the substance being
solution; a cream colored precipitate is examined in 5 ml. of water or use 5 ml. of
formed. the prescribed solution. Add 1 ml. of dilute
hydrochloric acid and 1 ml. of barium
Silicates chloride solution; a white precipitate is
In a lead or platinum crucible mix by means formed.
of a copper wire to obtain a thin slurry the • Add 0.1 ml. of iodine solution to the
prescribed quantity of the substance being suspension obtained in test A; the suspension
examined with 10 mg. of sodium fluoride and a remains yellow (distinction from sulphites
few drops of sulphuric acid. Cover the crucible and dithionites) but is decolorised by adding,
with a thin transparent plate of plastic under drop wise, stannous chloride solution
which a drop of water is suspended and warm (distinction from iodates). Boil the mixture;
gently; within a short time a white ring is formed no colored precipitate is formed (distinction
around the drop of water. from selenates and /tungstates).
• Dissolve about 50 mg. of the substance being
Silver Compounds examined in 5 ml. of water or use 5 ml. of
Dissolve 10 mg. of the substance being the prescribed solution. Add 2 ml. of lead
examined in 10 ml. of water or use 10 ml. of the acetate solution; a white precipitate, soluble
prescribed solution. Add 0.3 ml. of dilute in ammonium acetate solution and in sodium
hydrochloric acid; a curdy white precipitate, hydroxide solution is produced.
soluble in dilute ammonia solution is produced.
Sulphur in Organic Compounds
Add potassium iodide solution; a yellow
precipitate, soluble in nitric acid is produced. • Burn about 20 mg. of the substance being
examined by the oxygen flask method, using
Sodium Salts 15 ml. of water and 2 ml. of hydrogen
• Dissolve 0.1 gm. of the substance being peroxide solution as the absorbing liquid.
examined in 2 ml. of water or use 2 ml. of When combustion is complete, boil the
the prescribed solution. Add 2 ml. of a 15% solution gently for 10 minutes, adding water,
w/v solution of potassium carbonate and if necessary, and cool. The resulting solution
heat to boiling; no precipitate is produced. gives the reactions of sulphates.
Add 4 ml. of a freshly prepared potassium • To about 50 mg. of the substance being
Identification of Some Chemicals and Their Tests 441
examined add 0.25 gm. of zinc and sodium ferric chloride test solution; a dark violet
carbonate reagent; mix and transfer to a color which quickly disappears is produced.
small, thin walled test-tube of hard glass and • Solutions of thiosulphates decolorise iodine
cover with a layer of the reagent. Carefully solution; the decolorised solutions do not
heat the tube to red heat, starting at the upper give the reactions of sulphates.
end and heating towards the bottom, then
• Solutions of thiosulphates decolorise
drop the tube immediately into about 20 ml.
bromine solution; the decolorised solutions
of water. Filter and acidify the filtrate with
give the reactions of sulphates.
hydrochloric acid; fumes which stain lead
acetate paper brown or black fumes are Xanthines
Mix a few mg. of the substance being
Tartrates examined or the prescribed quantity with 0.1 ml.
• Warm the substance being examined with of hydrogen peroxide solution and 0.3 ml. of 2
sulphuric acid; charring occurs and carbon M hydrochloric acid, heat to dryness on a water
monoxide, which burns with a blue flame bath until a yellowish-red residue is produced
when ignited, is evolved. and add 0.1 ml. of 2 M ammonia; the color of
• Dissolve about 20 mg. of the substance being the residue changes to reddish-violet.
examined in 5 ml. of water or use 5 ml. of
the prescribed solution. Add 0.05 ml. of a
Zinc Salts
1% w/v solution of ferrous sulphate and 0.05 • Dissolve 0.1 gm. of the substance being
ml. of hydrogen peroxide solution; a transient examined in 5 ml. of water or use 5 ml. of
yellow color is produced. After the color has the prescribed solution. Add 0.2 ml. of
disappeared add 2 M sodium hydroxide drop sodium hydroxide solution; a white
wise; an intense blue color is produced. precipitate is produced, Add a further 2 ml.
• Heat 0.1 ml. of a solution containing the of sodium hydroxide solution; the precipitate
equivalent of about 2 mg. of tartaric acid or dissolves. Add 10 ml. of ammonium chloride
0.1 ml. of the prescribed solution on a solution; the solution remains clear. Add 0.1
waterbath for 5 to 10 minutes with 0.1 ml. ml. of sodium sulphide solution; a flocculent,
of a 10% w/v solution of potassium bromide, white precipitate is produced.
0.1 ml. of a 2% w/v solution of resorcinol • Dissolve 0.1 gm. of the substance being
and 3 ml. of sulphuric acid; a dark blue color examined in 5 ml. of water or use 5 ml. of
that changes to red when the solution is the prescribed solution. Acidify with dilute
cooled and poured into water is produced. sulphuric acid and add one drop of a 0.1 %
w/v solution of cupric sulphate and 2 ml. of
Thiosulphates ammonium mercurithiocyanate solution; a
• Dissolve 0.1 gm. of the substance being violet precipitate is formed.
examined in 5 ml. of water and add 2 ml. of • Dissolve 0.1 gm. of the substance being
hydrochloric acid; a white precipitate is examined in 5 ml. of water or use 5 ml. of
formed which soon turns yellow and sulphur the prescribed solution. Add 2 ml. of
dioxide, recognisable by its odor, is evolved. potassium ferrocyanide solution; a white
• Dissolve 0.1 g. of the substance being precipitate, insoluble in dilute hydrochloric
examined in 5 ml. of water and add 2 ml. of acid is produced. ■
442 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
as well as some contribution from direct in paper chromatography. A drop of the solution
adsorption on the underlying cellulose. It is a containing the sample is introduced at some point
relatively slow process and has been replaced on the paper which acts in lieu of a packed
by TLC. column. Migration then occurs as a result of flow
by a mobile phase called the developer.
GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY Movement of the developer is caused by capillary
forces. When the movement of the mobile phase
In this, the mobile is a carrier gas. A small is in the upward direction, the development is
amount of the sample to be analysed (analytes) called ascending development; if the flow is in
in the form of gases or vaporized solids is injected the downward direction, it is called descending
into a stream of the carrier gas (inert gas such development. When it is outward from a central
as, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, argon, etc.). It spot, it is called radial development. It should be
carries it into a column containing a suitable noted that the process of allowing the solvent to
medium upon the surface of which the move along the filter paper is called development.
constituents of sample interact and are separated The ratio of the distance the substance moves,
into different bands according to their compared with the distance reached by the
sensitivities. The separated components then solvent front, both measured from the point of
emerge out of the column at intervals and are application of the sample, is termed the Rf. The
sensed by the detector. Typical examples of the symbol Rf stands for Ratio of fronts or Retention
use of gas chromatography are the analysis of factor. The R y value is characteristic of a
petrol and petroleum gases, analysis of food oils particular species, in any given type of separation
and flavorings, etc. and is sometimes used for the qualitative
identification of the unknown species.
PAPER CHROMATOGRAPHY A solution of the mixture (called test
solution) to be separated is applied as a small
The principle of paper chromatography is
spot to a strip of filter paper (Whatman No. 1
based on the fact that solutes have the capacity
filter paper) and dried. Size of the strip depends
to migrate through filter paper at different rates
upon the size of glass jar and number of spots to
as a solution is drawn into strips of paper by
be applied. This is hung in a glass jar such that
capillary action.
it’s end dip’s into the developing solvent at the
Paper chromatography may be regarded as bottom of the tank. At times, a paper clamp is
a type of partition chromatography in which the affixed at the bottom of the paper so as to give
stationary phase is water adsorbed on the weight at the base. As the solvent moves up by
hydrophilic surface of the paper. The organic capillary action across the paper, it meets the test
solvent acts as a mobile phase. Water can be sample. As it rises across the paper, it carries the
replaced by a non-polar stationary liquid phase constituents alongwith it with varying speeds
by suitable treatment of the paper. Aqueous according to their partition coefficient. The glass
solution can then be used as a developer. In paper jar is covered so that the atmosphere is saturated
chromatography, silica gel as the solid support with the solvent. If, it is not covered, the solvent
for the polar phase is replaced by a filter paper also evaporates from the paper. After the solvent
and an organic solvent partially miscible with has traversed ~ 75% of the length of the paper,
water e.g., butanol or collidine is most suitable the paper is removed from the container and
446 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
dried. The solvent front is marked. The strip is Distance travelled by the solute from the origin line.
dried in air and sprayed with a solution of a Rf =
suitable developer. A number of spots appear and Distance travelled by the solvent from the origin line.
they should be encircled with a pencil for Pictorial representation of Rf has been made
permanent record. in which the solute has moved through a distance
Now at this stage, if the substances being A from its point of application, i.e., the origin,
separated are colored, then detection of the spots whereas the solvent has moved through a
of the components on the chromatogram are distance B from the origin. Hence, in this case
visible to the naked eye. In case of colorless Rf = A/B.
substances, they have to be spotted by spraying The Rf value is dependent on the substance,
a developer which can color the spots from their solvent, paper and temperature. The different
colored derivatives or some kind of complex, etc. components are most reliably identified by
The developer is sprayed with the help of a running reference samples under the same
sprayer. conditions. The reference samples contain the
possible components of the mixture. So a
chromatogram is developed using a sample of
Slit Support for paper the mixture, and the samples of the possible
Lid with a line hole for components of the mixture. The positions of the
supporting the paper spots from the spots of reference samples are
compared. Thus, Rf value can be used to assist
Solvent front in identifying the components of a mixture.
Separated components
In descending paper chromatography, a
Container chromatography tank with a trough near the top
of the tank to hold the solvent is used. The paper
Chromatography paper hangs down from this trough and the solvent
descends across the paper.
In radial paper chromatography (or
Point of application (sample)
circular paper chromatography), a circular
Solvent level filter paper is taken. A hole is made in the centre
Solvent of paper and a cotton wick in inserted into the
hole. Spots of the materials to be analyzed are
Ascending Paper Chromatography
placed at the centre of the circular filter paper
away from the fine end of the wick. The paper is
Now dry the chromatograms at room positioned horizontally on the petri-dish
temperature. Once the chromatogram is ready, containing the solvent so that the wick of cotton
the distance travelled by the solvent front is dips into the solvent. The paper is covered by
measured. Each component of the test solution means of another petri-dish. The solvent rises
moves a characteristic distance relative to the through the wick and spreads evenly across the
solvent front. This distances is also measured. horizontally positioned filter paper. The
Now calculate the Rf value. components are separated in the form of
concentric circular zones which can be identified
Chromatography 447
Separated components
Spots of reference
Reference samples
Points of application
Comparison of the Spots of Separated
Components with the Spots of Reference
Circular Chromatography
Solvent Tail paper
Capillary tube
Chromatography Capillary tube
paper strip
Test tube
Spot Paper strip
Reference line
A B C Reference line
Application of samples to the paper
(A) Taking sample from a test tube; (B) Applying the sample to paper; (C) Drying the spot
Chromatography 449
two-dimensional TLC is that it is possible to the adsorbents also leads to slower development
obtain good separations of closely related rates, hence the elution distances are made
materials even on cut squares of chromatographic shorter and smaller solute quantities are used.
plates measuring only 10 cm. x 10 cm.
Quality of the Adsorbent Layer
HIGH-PERFORMANCE THIN-LAYER Layers for HPTLC are prepared using
CHROMATOGRAPHY (HPTLC) specially purified silica gel with average particle
diameter of 3-5 μm. and a narrow particle size
Developments which have taken place in the distribution. The silica gel may be modified if
quality of TLC adsorbents and in the procedures necessary, e.g., chemically bonded layers are
for sample application have led to such available commercially as reverse-phase plates.
improvements in performance of TLC Layers prepared using these improved adsorbents
separations that the expression ‘high- give up to about 5000 theoretical plates and so
performance thin-layer chromatography provide a much improved performance over
(HPTLC)’ has been used for separations in which conventional TLC; this enables more difficult
high resolution are achieved. The main features separations to be effected using HPTLC, and also
which have led to HPTLC are summarised below, enables separations to be achieved in much
but remember that the smaller particle size of shorter times.
454 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
Section - 9
9.1 Identification of Some Drugs.
9.2 Constituents in Plant Substances.
9.3 Chemotaxonomy.
9.4 Drug Action of Some Important Substance.
No portrait painter was ever so careless as to pay no attention to the marked
peculiarity in the features of the person he wished to make a likeness of.
Identification of Some Drugs
Botanical Name: Aegle folia. Gills
Family: Rutaceae. Pileus
Agaricus muscarius
Baptisia tinctoria
• It is an erect, perennial herb.
• Stem: It is 2 to 3 feet high, round, smooth
and branched.
• Leaves: Palmately compound, small, three
foliate and wedge obovate. The leaves are
bluish-green and almost sessile.
• Flowers: Bright yellow about 1.25 cms. long.
They are a few in numerous racemes. Each
flower has an erect petal not much larger than
the straight lateral petals and keel.
• Root: It is fleshy, up to 4 cms. in thickness,
Azadirachta indica and marked by stem sacs. The outer surface
is dark brown while the inner surface is yel-
• Bark: The bark has a dark gray to greyish
black color, rough, feebly fissured and ex-
Botanical Name: Atropa belladonna Linn.
Family: Solanaceae.
Synonyms: A. lethalis; Belladonna baccifera;
Botanical Name: Baptisia tinctoria Vent.
Solanum fluriosum; Deadly nightshade.
Family: Leguminosae.
Habitat: Commonly in Europe. Also cultivated
Synonyms: Sophora tinctoria Linn; Wild indigo. in Kashmir and Simla.
Identification of Some Drugs 461
Berberis vulgaris
Belladonna Description:
• A deciduous shrub.
Parts Used: Whole plant is used.
• Root: Of pale yellow color.
• Leaves: In tufts, somewhat obovate. They
• It is a herbaceous perennial plant with thick, are more or less pointed, serrated and fringed
fleshy branched stem, 3-5 feet high. having three cleft spreadings. Sharp thorns
• Leaves: Alternate, green or brownish-green, are present at the base of each leaf bud.
short stalked, mostly 3 to 9 inch long and • Flowers: Golden yellow flowers with red
ovate. glands; while drooping, many flowered
• Stems: Hollow, flattened, finely hairy when racemes.
• Flowers: Axillary, stalked, solitary, droop- BRYONIA ALBA
Botanical Name: Bryonia alba Linn.
• Root: Thick; juicy; branched spreading.
Family: Cucurbitaceae.
Synonyms: Bryonia vera; Uva angina; Vitis alba;
Wild hops.
Botanical Name: Berberis vulgaris Linn. Habitat: Middle and south Europe.
Family: Berberidaceae. Parts Used: The fresh root before flowering.
Synonyms: Berberis canadensis, B. sinensis; B. Description:
Serrulata, Pipperidge bush.
• A perennial, climbing herbaceous vine
Habitat: Found in Europe and India, especially growing in hedges.
north of Assam.
• Roots: The roots are from 68 to 91 cms in
Parts Used: Bark of root used. length and from 71 to 101.6 mm. thick. Fusi-
form, fleshy, branched, succulent, trans-
462 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
versely wrinkled, yellowish-grey externally when pressed between fingers. Young shoots
and white internally. The root has a disagree- grow from ripe leaves.
able acrid, bitter taste. Odor is nauseating
which disappears on drying. CACTUS GRANDIFLORUS
• Leaves: Deep green colored leaves having Botanical Name: Cereus grandiflorus Mill.
an alternate arrangement. They are cordate, Family: Cactaceae.
five-lobed and rough.
Synonyms: Night blooming cereus.
• Flowers: Small greyish-yellow, monoecious, Habitat: In the hot and stony places of tropical
flowers in axillary racemes. America.
Parts Used: The flowering stems.
Botanical Name: Bryophyllum calycinum Salish. • An evergreen under-shrub with a creeping
Family: Labiatae. root.
Synonyms: Coleus aromaticus; Himsagar; • Stem: 1 feet high, green, branching stem. It
Patharkuchi; Amroda. is succulent and is armed with clusters of 5
or 6 short radiating spines and bristles.
Habitat: Found throughout India.
• Flowers: Large, white sweet scented flow-
Parts Used: The fresh leaves.
ers around 30 cms. in diameter. They open
Description: only once in the evening and then close again
• It grows to a height of 1-3 feet. before the morning.
• Stem: It has numerous soft stems.
• Leaves: They are sessile, smooth and some- CALENDULA OFFICINALIS
what serrate. Leaves yield an aromatic juice Botanical Name: Calendula officinalis Linn.
Identification of Some Drugs 463
Botanical Name: Calotropis gigentia R. Br.
Family: Asclepiadaceae.
Synonyms: Asclepias gigantia, A. procera;
Akanda; Mandar.
Habitat: Distributed throughout India.
Parts Used: Roots.
Calendula officinalis
• An annual herb attaining a height of upto
30-60 cms.
• Leaves: Broad, irreversely oval or lanceolate,
spatula shaped, some what fleshy and downy.
The margines are generally hispid with short Calotropis gigentia
• Stem: The stem is erect, hairy, branchy an-
gular, 15.2 to 45.7 cms. high. The stem has • An evergreen plant.
several branches which are striated, green, • Stem: A large, erect stem growing to a height
succulent and pubescent. of 6-8 feet with several downy branches.
• Flowers: Flower heads are large, solitary • Leaves: Sub-sessile, thick, glaucous, green,
upon each branch, terminal, yellowish-red opposite and cordate leaves.
or orange. Flowers generally appear during • Roots: Long, woody branching root. It is
March to May and fall towards close of night. light greyish-white or greyish- yellow, cy-
Odor is slightly aromatic, disagreeable. Taste lindrical and often curved. The surface is
is bitter, slimy and sourish; mucilagenous. considerably fissured longitudinally.
464 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
Botanical Name: Cephalandra indica Naud.
Family: Cucurbitaceae.
Synonyms: Coccinia cordifolia; Telakucha;
Habitat: Found throughout India.
Parts Used: The fresh green leaves are used.
Botanical Name: Cinchona officinalis Linn.
Family: Rubiaceae.
Synonyms: C. calisaya; C. succirubra; C.
condaminea; Peruvian bark.
Habitat: In India, in the Nilgiris, Assam, Khasia
hills and Sikkim.
Parts Used: The bark. Cinchona bark is derived
from several species. As such, bark of different
species differs more or less in form, marking,
structure, taste and odor. The bark is obtained
from the banches, trunk and root of the tree.
Chelidonium majus
Family: Papaveraceae.
Synonyms: Calandine; Tetterwort.
Habitat: Found in Europe, Germany and France.
Parts Used: The whole plant.
• An erect perennial herb, with a height of
about 30 to 120 cms.
• Root: It is fusiform, several headed. Cinchona officinalis
• Stem: Erect, branching stem which is very
brittle. Description:
• Leaves: They are large, alternate, petiolate, • Bark: The bark of Cinchona calisaya is yel-
glaucous. low; generally in quills, 457-762 cms. long,
• Flowers: Small, yellow, pedunculated flow- diameter 5-8 mm., thickness 3.18 - 6.35 mm.;
ers, umbilated in axillary cluster. They bloom with ridges, if any, longitudinal; numerous
from May to October. transverse and longitudinal fissures; color
• Fruit: It is a two-valved linear capsule con- externally rusty orange-brown or grey with
taining numerous seeds. a dark stain on the outer side; internally light
466 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
Botanical Name: Anamirta cocculus W & A.
Botanical Name: Artemisia maritima Linn.
Family: Menispermaceae.
Family: Compositae.
Synonyms: Anamirta paniculata; Indian cockle;
Synonyms: A. austriaca, A. contra; A. Cina, Berg.; Kakamari.
Worm seed.
Habitat: In India (Malabar, Assam), eastern
Habitat: In temperate region and western Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Burma (Mianmar).
Parts Used: The seeds.
Parts Used: Flowering heads.
Cocculus indicus
Identification of Some Drugs 467
• A large woody climber.
• Bark: Corky.
• Leaves: 10 to 20 cms. long, broadly ovate,
acute or obtuse and rounded or sub-cordiate
at the base. They are thinly coriaceous, gla-
brous above, paler and with small tufts of
hairs in the axils of the veins beneath.
• Flowers: Flowers are small, greenish-white,
pendulous and compound racemose.
• Fruits: The brownish-black dry fruit or drupe
is known as Cocculus indicus. It is finely
wrinkled, about 11-12 mm. long, 9-10 mm.
wide and 6 mm. thick. The drupe is kidney
shaped. The seeds have a white, thin, inter-
nal shell enclosing a single cup-shaped oily
seed which is whitish-yellow, odorless and
intensely bitter. The fruits are present in clus-
ters. The base is marked by a circular stem Colchicum autumnale
scar. The pericarp is tough enclosing a seed.
Seeds are yellowish-gray and urn shaped. • Flowers: They are 1 to 4 or 6, 7 to 10 cm.
across when expanded, generally appearing
COLCHICUM AUTUMNALE in autumn with a slender tube.
• Leaves: Lanceolate, leaves, 25 cm. or less
Botanical Name: Colchicum autumnale Linn.
long or 5 cm. or less wide.
Family: Liliaceae
Synonyms: Meadow saffron; Naked lady; Tuber COLOCYNTHIS
root; Wild saffron.
Botanical Name: Citrullus colocynthis Linn.
Habitat: Cultivated in India.
Family: Cucurbitaceae.
Parts Used: The fresh bulbs (corm) are used.
Synonyms: Colocynthis vulgaris; Cucumis
Description: colocynthis; Bitter gourd; Indra varuni; Makal
• A bulbous perennial herb. phal.
• The underground stem (corm) is tunicate. Habitat: Found in India; Ceylon; Arabia; north
Corm is present in slices up to 2-5 mm. thick. Africa; France; Spain.
It is sub-reiniform to ovate in outline, hav- Parts Used: The pulp of the fruit after rejecting
ing yellowish edges. A few pieces are sub- the outer yellow rind and seeds are used.
conical or plano-convex. The corm slices are Description:
hard and break readily with a short, mealy • An annual, deciduous climber.
fracture. The cut surfaces of the slices are • Roots: Large, long, woody and branched
white and starchy. roots are present.
468 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
Conium maculatum
• Root: Biennial, whitish roots.
• Stems: They are several, slender, rough, an-
• Stem: It is round, hollow, erect, branching
gular and pale green stems above; ashy
and smooth, marked with reddish-brown
stems, deltoid 3-7 lobed and tough.
spots. The stems grow to a height of 4 to 8
• Leaves: Alternate, petiolate, multified and feet.
variable in size.
• Leaves: Leaves are large, alternate and pin-
• Fruits: Papo or gourd, the shape and size is nately decompound, having long furrowed
like that of an orange from 6 to 10 cms. in petiole. They are dark green above, pale be-
diameter. The fruit is yellow with a thin, neath and emit a fetid odor when bruised.
solid, smooth rind, containing a spongy but
very bitter pulp.
Botanical Name: Drosera rotundifolia Linn.
Family: Droseraceae.
Synonyms: Round leaved sundew; Red rot.
Habitat: Europe, North America and Asia.
Parts Used: The whole plant is used.
Digitalis purpurea
• A biennial or perennial deciduous plant,
growing up a height of to 2 metres.
• Leaves: Alternate, ovate or oblong and pu-
bescent. The leaves are greenish above and
whitish beneath. The radial leaves are long Drosera rotundifolia
stalked and often grow upto 1 feet long. The
stem leaves are shorter stalked becoming
smaller towards the top of the stem. The • An aquatic, carnivorous, perennial herb.
dried leaves are dusty green, about 10-30 • Root: It has thin, fibrous roots of a deep
cms. long, 2-4.5 cms. wide, brittle, ovate to brown color.
ovate-lanceolate and petiolate; the upper • Stem: It is almost stemless.
surface is hairy, underneath it is densely
• Leaves: The leaves spread on the ground.
pubscent in common and distinguished by a
They are radicle, clustered, circular with
reticulation of raised veinlets. Markedly bit-
hairy petioles. Leaves are covered with long,
ter taste.
reddish, viscid hairs on the upper surface.
• Flowers: Purple flowers, sometimes white Each of these hairs bears a small gland at
inside with sprinkled black spots. The flow- the tip which when exposed to the sun ex-
ers are numerous, bell-shaped and grow in udes a clear shining juice. The hair are irri-
terminal recemes. They appear from June to table.
470 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
• Flowers: It has small, white flowers open- at the base. The leaves are pubescent be-
ing in the sun shine. They appear in July and neath.
August. • Berries: The berries are scarlet, oval and
Synonyms: Amara dulcis; Dulcis amara; Bitter
sweet; Garden night shade; Scarlet berry. Botanical Name: Ficus indica Linn.
Habitat: Found in Europe, Asia, Africa and north Family: Urticaceae.
America. Synonyms: Banyan tree; Ficus benghalensis;
Parts Used: Whole plant before flowering.
Habitat: Distributed throughout India along the
road-side and also in lower Himalayas.
Parts Used: The hanging aerial roots issuing
from the branches are used.
Synonyms: Peepul tree; Ashwath. Parts Used: The dried bark of the root.
Synonyms: Henbase; Poison tobacco. Habitat: Distributed in India, Asia, Europe, north
Habitat: Found in India and Europe. Africa and North America.
Parts Used: The fresh plant of second year’s Parts Used: The whole plant.
growth. Description:
Description: • A deciduous perennial herb having woody
• It is a biannual, deciduous plant. branches.
• Stem: The stem is tapering, thick and cylin- • Root: It is dark brown in color.
drical. It grows up to 2 feet in height and is • Stem: It is 30 cms. or more in height. The
covered with long, soft, pointed, glandular stem is much branched, producing runners
white hair. from the base, somewhat 2-edged and
• Leaves: Large, pale-green, hairy leaves are smooth.
present. They are alternate, sessile, oblong • Leaves: Opposite, entire and oblong punc-
and irregularly lobed. tate leaves are present. They have numer-
• Flowers: Dull-yellow flowers, appearing ous scattered pellucid dots.
from July to August. • Flowers: Deep-yellow flowers present in the
terminal. They are open, leafy cymes.
HYPERICUM PERFORATUM • The herb has a characteristic balsamic odor.
The taste is bitter, resinous and somewhat
Botanical Name: Hypericum perforatum Linn.
Family: Hypericaceae.
Synonyms: Fuga doemonum; H. umbelicalis; H. IGNATIA AMARA
officinale; H. pseudo-perforatum; H. virginicum;
St. John’s wort. Botanical Name: Strychnos ignatia Berg.
Family: Loganiaceae.
Synonyms: St. Ignatius bean; Beng (Hindi);
Pipata (Bombay); Kayap-pan Kottai (Tamil).
Habitat: Distributed in the Philippine islands and
in China.
Parts Used: The bean.
• It is a small tree.
• Stem: It is erect. Branches are opposite, gla-
• Leaves: 12.5 - 18 cms long; petiolate, ovate,
opposite, acute.
• Flowers: Numerous, white, long, in small ax-
illary panicles; the flowers have the odor of
Hypericum perforatum jasmine.
474 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
• Root: They are tortuous, seldom more than
15 cms. long and 0.6 mm. thick. The color
varies from dark brick-red to very dark
brown. There are closely annulated external
ridges, rounded and completely enriching the
root. The rhizome is of short length attached
to roots, cylindrical, up to 1 mm. in diam-
eter, finely wrinkled longitudinally and with
pith approximately one-sixth of the whole
Botanical Name: Adhatoda vesica Nees.
Family: Acanthaceae.
Ignatia amara
Synonyms: Justicia adhatoda; Vasaka.
• Fruit: It is a pear-shaped fruit having around
20-24 seeds, imbedded in a bitter pulp. The
seeds are about 25.4 mm. long, oblong or
ovate in shape, obscurely angular. One side
of the seed is flat, the other convex. It is
ovate- shaped, gray or clear-brown in color,
having a brownish, translucent hard shell
which is hard to split. The seed is odorous
with a lasting bitter taste. In commerce, the
seed is found without a pericarp, consisting
simply of the al-
Botanical Name: Caphaelis
ipecacuanha (Brot) A. Rich.
Family: Rubiaceae.
Synonyms: Ipecac; C. ametica.
Habitat: It is cultivated in India,
Brazil and South America.
Parts Used: The dried roots.
Root of
Ipecacuanha Justicia adhatoda
Identification of Some Drugs 475
Botanical Name: Lycopodium clavatum Linn.
(ANDROGRAPHIS PANICULATA) Family: Lycopodiaceae.
Botanical Name: Andrographis paniculate Nees. Synonyms: Club moss; Witch meal; Stag’s horn;
Family: Acanthaceae. Vegetable sulphur.
Synonyms: Kalmegh; Kiryat; Kirata. Habitat: Found in India, in Bengal, Sikkim,
Habitat: Throughout India, in the plains. Assam, Khasi and Manipur.
Parts Used: The whole plant is used. Parts Used: The spores are used.
• An erect branched annual plant. It grows to
a height of 1-3 feet.
Lycopodium clavatum
• Roots: Roots are strong spreading fibres re-
sembling a wolf’s feet.
Andrographis paniculata
476 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
• Stem: Have trailing branches, which are sev- ers appearing in lateral clusters.
eral meters long. • Fruit: It is a berry.
• Leaves: It has linear-oval shaped leaves,
which are flat, ribless, smooth and are tiped NUX VOMICA
with fine bristles. The leaves are curved up-
ward and of a light green color. Botanical Name: Strychnos nax-vomica Linn.
• The fructification is in terminal spikes which Family: Loganiaceae.
are present singly or in pairs, with crowded, Synonyms: Poison-nut; Kuchila.
ovate entire pointed scales, bearing in the
axil a transversely oval sporangium which
splits nearly to the base and contains a spore.
The spores, in a mass is a pale yellow pow-
der, too much mobile. The destiny is about
1.06 - 1.09. It is free from grittiness and is
characteristically smooth. The spores float
upon water and do not get wet. They are
inodorous and tasteless. If blown into a
flame; the spores burns with a sparking flash.
They burn slowly in a porcelain crucible. The
shell of the spore breaks after long contin-
ued trituration, rendering it as a light brown
unctuous mass.
Botanical Name: Daphne mererum Linn. Nux vomica
Family: Thymeliaceae.
Synonyms: Chamaelia germanica; C. gridus;
Habitat: Found in the forests of Western Ghats
Mezerium germanicum; Mezereon.
and Himalayas.
Habitat: Europe, especially in central countries.
Parts Used: Seeds, coarsely powdered.
Parts Used: The bark.
• It is a deciduous shrub, attaining a height of • It is a deciduous tree .
1.3 metres. • Trunk: Short and thick with an ash-colored
• Bark: Smooth, grey bark which is easily de- bark.
tachable from the wood. • Leaves: 7-15 cm long, opposite, short peti-
• Leaves: 5 cm. long, alternate, petiolate, lan- oled and oval. Has 3-5 veins, and is smooth
ceolate, entire and smooth leaves are present. on both sides.
They are green and somewhat glaucous be- • Flowers: Many, greenish-white flowers ap-
neath. pearing in the cold season.
• Flowers: Fragrant, purple rose colored flow- • Berry: It is globose, 2.5-7.5 cm. in diameter,
Identification of Some Drugs 477
which are edible. A white milky juice is Parts Used: The whole fresh plant when in
present in all parts of the plant but is most flower.
abundant in the capsules. This can be ob- Description:
tained by incising the capsule and then after
• It is a deciduous, perennial herb.
some hours scraping the leaves when the
juice will have attained different degrees of • Root: Spindle-shaped, multiheaded dark
consistency. Indian Opium is derived in cu- brown thick root.
bical pieces on tissue paper. It is soft and • Stem: It is erect, round and simple; 76.2 to
tenacious inside but becomes brittle on ex- 127.0 mm high.
posure to air. It is brown, yellow when pow- • Leaves: Radical, petiolate, bipinnatified,
dered. The odor is strong, characteristic, having linear segments. At the base, it is
heavy, narcotic and disagreeable. The taste surrounded by several ovate, lanceolate
is warm and nauseous. It is readily inflam- sheaths.
mable and gives its virtues to alcohol and
• Flowers: Bell-shaped flowers, varying in
color from dark blue to dark violet. The
whole plant is surrounded by soft, silky, long
PULSATILLA NIGRICANS hair. It is odorless, but on being rubbed ex-
Botanical Name: Pulsatilla nigricans Linn. hales an acrid vapor. The taste is acrid and
Family: Ranunculaceae. burning.
Botanical Name: Ruta graveolens Linn. Botanical Name: Sambucus nigra Linn.
Family: Rutaceae. Family: Caprifoliaceae.
Synonyms: Common rue; Ruta; R. latifolia; Bitter Synonyms: Black berried European elder.
herb. Habitat: Found in Europe, west Africa, Great
Habitat: Cultivated commonly in gardens Britain, Japan and Siberia.
throughout India. Parts Used: The leaves and flowers are used.
Parts Used: The whole plant is used. Description:
Description: • A deciduous tree growing upto 4 to 9 meters
• An evergreen shrub. high.
• Stem: Several, growing upto 2 feet high. • Bark: Deeply furrowed, whitish bark. The
branches are greyish and strongly
• Leaves: 3 to 4 inch long, alternate, long peti-
480 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
Botanical Name: Sanguinaria canadensis Linn.
Family: Papaveraceae.
Synonyms: S. acualis; S. grandiflora; S. minor;
Blood root.
Habitat: India; United States and Canada.
Parts Used: The rhizome. Secale cornutum
Description: Description:
• Rhizome: It is red, cylindrical and prostrate. • It is a fungus growing upon the seed of the
The rhizome is 2-4 inches long, slightly Secale cornutum.
branched with a fibrous root beneath. • The grains or ergots are generally 1-3 cm.
• Leaves: They arise from the bud of the rhi- long, 1-5 broad, sub-cylindrical or obtusely
zome, are 5-9 palmately lobed on long red triangular, fusiform, tapering towards the
orange colored petioles. The leaves are gla- ends, transversely cracked with three longi-
brous, pale green above, bluish-white be- tudinal furrows. Externally, dark violet to
neath, with orange colored veins. nearly black. Internally, whitish with purplish
straie. Surface as of uniform texture; brittle,
• Flowers: White, showy, flowers, 2.5 to 4
breaks with a smooth surface. It has a vis-
cms. in diameter, on a one-flowered, naked
cid, peculiar, offensive smell. The taste is
scape 15 cms. high. The bud is erect, and
characteristic, rancid, flat and sweetish. The
there are usually eight petals; not crampled.
ergots deteriorate on keeping for a long time.
Botanical Name: Claviceps purpurea Tul.
Botanical Name: Spigelia marylandica Linn.
Family: Hypocreaceae (fungi).
Family: Loganiaceae.
Synonyms: Acinula clavus; Clavaria clavus;
Synonyms: Pink-root.
Ergot of rye.
Habitat: Found in West Indies, north-east
Habitat: In the fields of Rue plant.
America to Florida and Texas.
Parts Used: The whole fungus is used when
Parts Used: The whole plant.
freshly dried and ground to a coarse powder.
Identification of Some Drugs 481
Apis mellifica
from the males by their shorter abdomen. On 5.8-8.7 mm. broad. It is of a bronze-green
the ligula in the female, there remain two color.
paraglossae, and its maxillary palpi are one • The head is inclined, almost cordiform; an-
jointed. A male bee has smooth hind legs, tennae filiform of twelve joints, black;
almost rudimentary mouth parts and the eyes antennuale equally filiform, the posterior
are united above. swollen at the extremity; a longitudinal chan-
• The bee’s body has three parts: nel traverses the thorax, which has the same
- Head. width as the head; hind coxae are large,
- Thorax. prominent; coxal cavities are open behind;
claws toothed; wings brownish-transparent,
- Abdomen.
many, membranous; eyes large of a deep
The parts are separated by constrictions. The brown color; mouth with an upper lip and
head carries the eyes, antennae and mouth two bifid jaws; body is marked with longi-
parts. The thorax has the wings and legs. The tudinal streaks; elongated body, almost round
abdomen carries the wax glands and sting. and cylindrical head and foot full of whitish
CANTHARIS • Odor disagreeable, sweetish, nauseous; taste
Zoological Name: Lytta vesicatoria Febricus. much acrid, almost caustic.
Phylum: Arthropoda. • It has a strong disagreeable odor. The blis-
Class: Insecta. tering property is due to cantharidin
(C10H12O4) which may be extracted from the
Synonyms: Cantharis vesicatoria; Spanish fly;
beetles with ether or chloroform. It is sepa-
Cantharides; Blister beetle; Fabricus; De geer.
rated and purified by crystallisation.
Habitat: Found southern France and Sprain.
Parts Used: Whole dried fly. LACHESIS
Zoological Name: Crotalus mutus.
• The insect is about 12.7-25.4 mm. long and
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Reptila.
Synonyms: Lachesis mutus; Surukuku snake-
poison; Deadly bushmaster.
Habitat: Found in the hot countries of South
Parts Used: The venom.
• The snake is about seven feet long and its
poison fangs are almost an inch long. The
skin is reddish-brown, with large rhomboi-
dal spots of blackish-brown color on the
Identification of Some Drugs 485
Chemical Formula: AgNO3
Molecular Weight: 169.875
Synonyms: Silver nitrate; Argentinitras; Lunar
• Crystallised silver nitrate consists of tabular
rhombic anhydrous crystals which are shin-
Description: ing, colorless and odorless. Taste is burning,
bitter and metallic.
• The horny skeleton consists mostly of sili-
• AgNO3 is soluble in it’s own weight of cold
ceous or calcareous matter, while the spongy
and in half that of boiling water, and in 4
portion is soft, elastic and compressible. The
parts of boiling alcohol. The solutions are
spongy portion is traversed by many lacu-
neutral in reaction.
nae, with circular openings on the surface.
• AgNO3 is fused by the action of heat and
• The selected sponge must be free from for-
solidifies on cooling; at red heat it decom-
eign substances. It should be cut into small
poses leaving metallic silver.
pieces and roasted until brown and friable.
• In an aqueous solution with sodium chloride,
it yields abundant white precipitate of silver
MINERAL KINGDOM chloride, which is soluble in ammonia.
• AgNO3 stains the skin black.
ANTIMONIUM TARTARICUM • It melts at 214º C; specific gravity is 4.3.
Chemical Formula: K(SbO) C4H4O6. ½ H2O • It is freely soluble in water; the solution
Molecular Weight: 333.932 slowly darkness on exposure to light. The
Synonyms: Tartarate of antimony and potassium; solution gives a brown precipitate of silver
Tartar emetic. oxide (Ag2O) with ammonium hydroxide so-
lution, soluble in excess of the precipitant—
the ammoniacal solution on evaporation
• Present as colorless, transparent crystals or
yields the crystals of the amine.
a white, granular, odorless powder, with a
sweet metallic taste. The crystals effloresce • It is prepared in transparent rhombic plates
upon exposure to air. by dissolving silver in hot dilute nitric acid,
HNO3 and concentrating the solution to
• Soluble in 12 parts of water and in 3 parts of
boiling water; insoluble in alcohol.
• It can be prepared by boiling a mixture of Ag+2HNO3 AgNO3 + NO2 + H2O
Identification of Some Drugs 487
occurs as mineral witherite and is purified ammonium phosphate and an excess of am-
by precipitation; contains not less than 98 monia to calcium chloride solution.
per cent of BaCO3. 3Ca++ + 2HPO4-- + 2OH = Ca3 (PO4)2 + 2H2O.
• At red heat, it melts forming a white enamel,
without decomposition; at a more strong CAMPHORA
heat, it decomposes into CO2 and barium
oxide. Chemical Formula: C10H16O
• If there be any undissolved residue in its Molecular Weight: 152.238
solution with dilute HCl, barium sulphate is Synonyms: Camphor officinarum; Camphor;
present. Karpur; Kapur.
• Ammonium or hydrogen sulphides produce Description:
no change in its solution, implying absence • Camphora occurs in white translucent crys-
of the metals. tals or crystalline cakes or as blocks of tough
• Sulphuric acid in excess, precipitates its so- consistency; can be easily cut with a knife.
lution which, is not affected by sodium car- • It has a characteristic odor which is aro-
bonate, implying absence of the metals of matic; taste is pungent and warm followed
the earth. by a cooling sensation.
• Moistened with HCl and heated on a plati- • It slowly evaporates at ordinary temperature.
num wire over a bunsen flame, it imparts a • Very lightly soluble in water, 1 part in 700;
green color to the flame. freely soluble in alcohol, ether, chloroform
• Heat 1 gram with 5 ml. HNO3, cool and di- and carbon-di-sulphide; also volatile and
lute with three times its volume of H2O. Fil- fixed oils dissolve it readily.
ter; the filtrate gives a precipitate with • Specific gravity is 0.990 to 0.995 at 15º C.
H2SO4. • It fuses at 175º C. Boiling point is 205º C;
sublimes entirely on heating.
• Camphora burns with a luminous sooty
Chemical Formula: Ca3 (PO4)2 flame.
Molecular Weight: 310.183 • It breakes easily into irregular masses; but
Synonyms: Calcii phosphas precipitatus; Calcium are too tough, not easily reduceable to pow-
phosphoricum; Precipitated phosphate of der, but when moistened with glycerine or
calcium; Tricalcic phosphate; Calcarea alcohol, they are readily pulverisable.
• It is a white, amorphous or microcrystalline Synonyms: Wood charcoal; Vegetable charcoal;
powder with no odor or taste. Angara.
• Almost insoluble in water; decomposed Description:
slightly by boiling water; insoluble in alco- • It is vegetable charcoal prepared from se-
hol; readily soluble in dilute HNO3 or HCl. lected birch or beech wood.
• Its specific gravity is 3.14. • It is a bluish-black, brittle, porous substance,
• It is formed as a white precipitate on adding with a peculiar glistening aspect and retain-
Identification of Some Drugs 489
ing minutely both the form and texture of • Hydrogen sulphide gas or solution gives a
the wood from which it was made. black precipitate.
• It is odorless and tasteless; insoluble and • It slowly dissolves in ammonium hydroxide,
infusible. Its specific gravity is 1.7. in the presence of air, giving a deep solu-
• When heated in air, it is converted into car- tion.
bon oxide or carbon dioxide. • On addition of excess of ammonia to a solu-
• If burnt, should give no unpleasant odor nor tion in HCl, it produces ultimately a deep-
smoke nor flame. blue colored solution.
• Absence of flame implies that it is free from • A solution of potassium ferro cyanide gives
organic compounds. a brown precipitate. Exposed to air, it is
• It absorbs gases readily. slightly tarnished, not acted upon by dilute
sulphuric acid, attacked by halogens and
in color, of metallic lustre. It is soft, and • In solutions, it produces a bright red precipi-
greasy to touch; is an unctuous, lustrous solid tate with potassium iodide.
composed of hexagonal crystalline scales;
• Its specific gravity is 18 - 25 and is a good Chemical Formula: NaCl
conductor of electricity. Molecular Weight: 58.443
Synonyms: Common salt; Sodium chloride; Table
MERCURIUS CORROSIVUS salt; Sodii chloridum; Natrum chloratum;
Chemical Formula: HgCl2 Chloride of sodium; Laban (Sanskrit); Nimak
Molecular Weight: 271.496 (Hindi); Laban noon (Bengali).
Synonyms: Mercuric chloride; Corrosive Description:
sublimate; Perchloride of mercury; Hydrargyri • A colorless, odorless, transparent cubical
chloridum; Corrosivum; Corrosive mercuric crystals, or a white crystalline powder hav-
chloride. ing a saline taste.
Description: • Salt is soluble in 2.8 parts water at 15º C;
• It is a heavy, white, crystalline mass or rhom- slightly soluble in alcohol (1 part in 50 parts
bic prisms. It is odorless but has a strong of alcohol), insoluble in HCl. Its aqueous
metallic taste. solution is practically neutral.
• It is soluble in 13.5 parts of water in 2.1 parts • It has a specific gravity of 2.163. It fuses at
of alcohol. about 804°C.
• When heated to 277° C it changes to a col- • It is obtained by passing HCl gas into a satu-
orless liquid. rated solution of the salt, thus separating the
• Boiling point is 32° C; its specific gravity is
about 5.4. • With AgNO3 solution, it gives a white pre-
cipitate, which is soluble in ammonia.
• It is commonly prepared by the direct com-
• Salt is permanent in air, but if contaminated
bination of mercury and chlorine. Contains
with magnesium chloride, it becomes moist
not less than 99.5 per cent of HgCl2.
in damp atmosphere.
Chemical Formula: Hg.
Chemical Formula: HNO3
Synonyms: Mercurius; Mercury; Parad
(Sanskrit); Para (Hindi and Bengali). Molecular Weight: 63.013
Description: Synonyms: Aqua fortis; Hydrogen nitrate;
Acidum nitri.
• It is a white, shiny, silvery liquid; too mo-
bile, easily divisible into globules. Description:
• Nitric acid is a fuming liquid which is very
• It is odorless and tasteless.
caustic, and has a characteristic irritating
• It is insoluble in alcohol or water; odor.
unoxidisable in air; soluble in HCl, H2SO4 • It is miscible with water and dilute alcohol
and HNO3. in all proportions.
Identification of Some Drugs 491
• Pure water does not attack it in the absence • Atomic weight is 118.7; boiling point,
of air. It is attacked by all acids when heated. 2,260°C; melting point, 232°C; specific
• Plumbum is insoluble in dilute HCl; slowly gravity, 7.5
soluble in hot concentrated HCl but readily • It is a good conductor of electricity.
in dilute HNO3; scarcely attacked by con- • Stannum is insoluble in water and alcohol
centrated HNO3. but soluble slowly in cold dilute HCl, dilute
HNO3 and in hot H2SO4; and it can be readily
SILICA dissolved by concentrated HCl.
Chemical Formula: SiO2
Molecular Weight: 60.06.
Chemical Symbol: S
Synonyms: Silica; Silicon dioxide; Quartz; Pure
flint. Molecular Weight: 32.07
Description: Synonyms: Brime stone; Flowers of sulphur;
Sublimed sulphur.
• A white, odorless, tasteless, amorphous pow-
• Sulphur is a fine yellow, slightly gritty pow-
• Insoluble in water and in dilute acids, ex-
der. It has a faint odor which is not unpleas-
cept hydrofluoric acid.
ant. It is tasteless.
SiO2 + 4HF SiF4 + 2H2O
• It burns with a blue flame with the produc-
• It is made from sound or silicate mineral by tion of SO2.
fusing with excess of sodium carbonate in a
• Sulphur is almost insoluble in water and in
platinum crucible when sodium silicate is
alcohol; it is incompletely soluble in carbon
formed. The fused mass is extracted with
boiling water. The aqueous extract of sodium
• Melting point, 113°C, boiling point, 444.6°C.
silicate on acidification with HCl yields a
gelatinous precipitate of silicic acid, which • Sulphur is a very poor conductor of heat and
is washed with water, dried and ignited. electricity.
Mg2SiO3 + Na2CO3 MgCO3 +
Chemical Symbol: Zn.
Na2SiO3 + 2HCl 2NaCl + H2SiO3
Synonyms: Zinc; Metallic zinc.
H2SiO3 + H2O SiO2
STANNUM METALLICUM • Zinc is a bluish-white metal. It has a crystal-
line structure or is present as a fine grey pow-
Chemical Formula: Sn.
der free from all but small aggregates.
Molecular Weight: 119.09 • It is soluble in dilute HCl and dilute H2SO4.
Synonyms: Tin; Metallic tin. • It burns in air with a green flame, if heated
Description: strongly, forming white clouds of zinc ox-
• A silver-white, lustrous, soft, malleable eas- ide which settles in wooly flocks
ily fusible and ductible metal. It is slightly (philosopher’s wool).
tenacious, and can be easily powdered. 2Zn + O2 2ZNO
Constituents in Plant Substances
The quality of any drug is determined by the • Carbohydrates are abundantly found in the
amount of medicinal principles present in it. storage region of plants.
These principles or drug constituents are
classified into various groups like: CLASSIFICATION
• Carbohydrates. A. Sugars
• Lipids. B. Non-sugars.
• Fatty acids.
• Alkaloids. A. Sugars
• Glycosides. Sugars are soluble carbohydrate food
• Tannins. materials, generally sweet to taste. Generally
occur as reserve materials in many mono-
• Oils.
cotyledons and in some dicotyledons like beet
• Resins.
root and carrot.
• Gums.
1. Monosaccharides:
CARBOHYDRATES These are the simplest forms of carbohy-
drates. They cannot be hydrolysed further into
PROPERTIES simpler ones.
• Carbohydrates are polyhydroxyaldehydes They may be of the following types:
and polyhydroxyketones, and their conden- • Pentoses: Sugars having 5 carbon atoms.
sation products. These are not common in plants.
• They contain carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Examples: Arabinose, Ribose.
The ratio of hydrogen and oxygen is generally
• Hexoses: Sugars containing six carbon atoms.
• The general chemical formula is Cn(H2O)n,
but there are several exceptions. - Glucose present in all green plants.
• On heating they lose their water and form - Fructose present in fruits.
carbon. - Others like Mannose and Galactose.
494 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
This includes:
• Inulin: Generally occurs in a colloidal con-
dition in the cell sap of vacuoles of plants Alkaloids means, ‘alkali-like’. The classification
like Dahlia. of alkaloids is according to their therapeutic
• Starch Grains: Universally found in green property and chemical structure.
plants excepts some algae. Generally oc-
curs in all parts of the plant, but is more PROPERTIES
abundant in the storage organs, cereals, • Structurally, it is a nitrogen-containing
fruits and seeds. heterocycle, the secondary metabolite of a
• Glycogen: It is present in blue green al- plant, which is basic in nature.
gae, some moulds, fungi and bacteria. It • Most of them have an amino acid as their
serves as reserve food. biosynthetic precursor.
2. Compound Carbohydrates: • Alkaloids are generally active in their
These are complex carbohydrate molecules. pharmacological behavior.
Examples: Gums and mucilages, tannins, • A great majority of the alkaloids are present
glycosides. in the form of soluble salts, but some occur
as free bases.
• If alkaloids are present as insoluble tannates,
first bring them into their free form (before
starting the extraction procedure).
Tricarboxylic acids are (products of the • Alkaloidal bases are mostly soluble in organic
Kreb’s cycle) are the commentery metabolised solvents but insoluble in water. However their
organic acids in plants. Other less common ones salts are soluble in aqueous solvents while
include formic, tartaric and oxalic acids. These insoluble in organic liquids.
Constituents in Plant Substances 495
The term ‘glucoside’ is applied only to those They remain in the liquid state at ordinary
glycosides where the sugar component is glucose. temperature (10°C-20°C). Their solid state is
The names of all glycosides end in “n”. For e.g.: termed as fats. Oils obtained from various parts
of plants fall under two main categories:
Name of Glycosides Source • Volatile or essential oils.
Adonidin Adonis vernalis
• Fixed or fatty oils.
Agaricin Agaricus muscarius
Aloin aloe socotrine VOLATILE OILS
Arbutin Uva ursi They are also known as essential oils, as
Colocynthin Colocynthis plants often owe their characteristic odor to these
Digitalin Digitalis oils.
Phloridgin Pyrus malus Either of the following methods are used to
Saponinum Quillaria saponaria. obtain fixed oils from plants:
• Distillation with Steam: Most of the oils are
TANNINS obtained by this process.
Tannins are heterogenous groups, of • Expression: For e.g., lemon oil.
complex compounds. They are found in several • Extraction.
plants, especially in the leaves and bark. Tannins Properties:
are non-nitrogenous and are phenolic matters
• They are volatile in nature.
soluble in water and alcohol. They have a bitter
• Fixed oils do not leave a permanent grease
taste (astringent).
spot on paper.
They are precipitated by heavy metals,
• They can be distilled.
albumin and alkaloids. Tannin is present in all
vegetable astringents. For e.g., Rhus toxicoden- • They do not form soaps with alkalis.
dron, Hamamelis virginica, Millefolium, Acacia • Fixed oils do not become rancid. However,
germanica. they tend to resinify on exposure to light and
OILS • Generally inflammable.
Oils are chemical compounds of C, H and O • They cannot be saponified and emulsified.
but the ratio of hydrogen to oxygen is not 2:1. • They do not contain fatty acids.
Examples of Volatile Oils:
Common Name Botanical Name Parts
Anise oil Pimpinella anisum Dried ripe fruit.
Caraway oil Carum carve Dried ripe fruit.
Cajuput oil Melanica leucadendron Leaves.
Cinnamon oil Cinnamonum cassia Leaves and twigs.
Clove oil Eugenia caryophyllus Dried flower buds.
Coriander oil Coriandrum sativum Dried ripe fruit.
Eucalyptus oil Eucalyptus globulus Fresh leaves.
Constituents in Plant Substances 497
Some other drugs contain volatile oils, like: • Decompose under the influence of heat and
• Arnica montana (flowers 9.1%; roots 0.5 to become rancid.
1.5%); • Almost bland, non-irritating substances
• Asa foetida (6.17%); (except croton oil) with nutrient and
• Azadirachta indica (blossoms 0.5%); emollient properties.
• Cheiranthes (flowers 0.06%); • Form soap with alkalis.
• Zingiber officinalis (rhizome 1 to 3%). Example:
Common Name Botanical Name Parts
Almond oil Prunus amygdalus Seeds.
These are mixtures of:
Arachis oil Arachis hypogaea Seeds.
• Olein (liquid).
Castor oil Ricinus communis Seeds.
• Palmitin (semi-solid).
Chaulmoogra oil Taraktogenos Seeds.
• Stearin (solid). Cottonseed oil Gossypium arboreum Seeds.
• Other bodies (in small amounts). Croton oil Croton tiglium Dried
Fixed oils are found in seeds, within the ripe
cytoplasm as drops or crystals. They are insoluble seeds.
in water, sparingly soluble in alcohol, freely Linseed oil Linum usitatissinum Seeds.
soluble in ether, chloroform, carbon sulphide and Olive oil Oleum europaeum Fruits.
turpentine. Sesame oil Sesarum indicum Seeds.
Properties: Hydnocarpus oil Hydnocarpus wightiana Seeds.
• Fixed oils are non-volatile and so leave a
permanent grease spot on paper. PLANT EXUDATES
• Cannot be extracted by simple distillation but
• Resin: These are natural or induced exudates
are obtained by applying mere pressure.
from plants. Resin may be obtained in either
498 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
the solid or the semi-solid form in nature. E.g.: Asa foetida, Gambogia, Podophyllum.
They are insoluble in water but are can be • Balsams: It is a semi-fluid fragrant, resinous
readily dissolved in alcohol, ether and volatile vegetable juice. Aromatic acids are present
oil. They are usually oxidised turpins or in a high proportion in balsams.
volatiles of plants. Resin is transparent when For e.g.: Tolu balsam, Peru balsam, Gurgan
pure but opaque if it contains water. balsam.
For e.g., Asa foetida (40-64%), Croton
tiglium, Gelsemium, Hypericum,
Podophyllum, Zingiber officinalis.
• Oleo-resin: Oleo-resins are resins dissolved Generally they are artificially synthesised.
in volatile oils. They can be obtained by However, a few vitamins are synthesized by
incising the trunk of a tree. plants, like:
For e.g., Copaiva officinalis, Turpentine, i. Alfalfa and spinach contain vitamin K.
Rhus tox. ii. Oranges contain vitamin C.
• Gums: Gums are colloidal carbohydrates iii. Wheat germ oil contains vitamin E.
which on swelling or being dissolved in water Many plants do not synthesise vitamins, but
form a viscid adhesive fluid known as they contain their precursors such as:
mucilage. They are exudations from the stems
a. Carotene in carrots is a precursor of vita-
or branches, or both, of plants.
min A.
For e.g.: Ammoniacum gummi, Asa foetida
b. Plant sterol, ergosterol in yeast, moulds
and fungi is the precursor of vitamin D.
• Gum-resins: These are natural mixtures of
gums and resins which are obtained as an ■
exudate from plants.
Chemotaxonomy and Active Principles
Mac Nair showed the distribution of certain Active Principles Plants From Which They
chemical substances in the families of are Derived
angiosperms and its relation to the climate. Aconitin Aconitum napellus
Climatic conditions have a major influence in Aletrin Aletris farinosa
the distribution of plants containing certain Alnuin Alnus rubra
substance e.g., fat, volatile oils, alkaloids, etc.
Aloin Aloe socotrina
ACTIVE PRINCIPLES OR RESINOIDS Ampelopsin Ampelopsis quinquefolia
Apocynin Apocynum cannabinum
These are plant preparations consisting of
Asclepin Asclepias tuberosa
dried and pulverized precipitates obtained by
Atropin Belladonna
mixing a strong alcoholic tincture to any given
plant or part thereof, with three or four times its Baptisin Baptisia tinctoria
bulk of water, by which process all constituents Barosmin Barosma crenata
soluble only in alcohol are precipitated. Bryonin Bryonia alba
500 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
Drug Action of Some Important
In the words of Dr. Stuart Close M.D., the have to avail themselves of the mechanical and
physiological action of a drug is not its chemical influences which drugs can exert and
therapeutic or curative action. It is exactly the have to understand these and know how to apply
opposite of a curative action, and is never them when they are needed. One of the many
employed in homoeopathic practice for spheres where this knowledge is implicated is
therapeutic purposes. In-as-much as the action pharmacy.
of the ‘physiological’ dose and the purpose for
which it is given is avowedly to produce drug DRUG ACTION
symptoms in a direct and positive manner, that
fact should be clearly expressed in the name, in Drug action is defined as the sum-total of
order that there may be no misunderstanding.” the action imparted on an individual living human
being and the sum-total of the reaction that it
Various thoughts are present regarding the
can induce in the vital force of the same.
actions of drugs. Those who believe in the
physiologic actions (i.e. pathogenetic) and Drug action depends upon:
depend on them, their ideas are different from • The dose.
the homoeopaths. Action of a drug depends upon • The general receptive capacity of the body
the dose and the general receptive capacity of mechanism.
the body mechanism.
The therapeutic value of the drug action may GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF DRUG
be said in a time honored dictum. “Drugs, they ACTION
sometimes cure, they often relieve, they always a. Drugs do not restore a diseased tissue to its
console”. normal integrity. They stimulate a function
All writers on the subject of ‘Principles of or depress hyperexcitability while the repair
Drug Action’ begin by differentiating between processes of nature are at work.
the mechanical, the chemical, and the dynamic b. Pharmacological agents, which are obtained
effects of drugs. It is the dynamic effects of from organs of animals, may replace the
medicines that homoeopathy as a ‘therapeutic secretion absent or present in an insufficient
science’ is interested in. But homoeopathists may quantity in man.
502 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
c. Drugs may kill or alter the invading organism, connection with drug action and drug dosage
like virus, bacteria, fungi, etc., thus effecting tends to mislead the unwary and justify the use
the process of cure. of measures which would otherwise be regarded
The living cell is a complex structure, and illegitimate. In one word, is it a euphemism.”
in a dynamic state it acts in a poly phasic manner. In homoeopathy, no medicine is given in
The life process is possibly regulated by certain physiological or massive doses to cure a patient.
biological governors, some of which are enzymes The modus operandi in homoeopathy is on the
and hormones. The interaction created within the dynamic plane. Homoeopathic medicines should
cell by drug substances obey same biological also not be used in physiological doses as some
laws. The cell and the cytoplasm are constantly of them are toxic in nature and injurious to the
undergoing circumstantial changes which health of the patient.
possibly provoke the biological factors to create This textbook uses the word ‘physiological
a condition to process the cure. In creation of action’ to represent the action of drug substances
unstable conditions, instead of cure, palliation when taken in crude state, in maximum or largest
comes. dose consistent with safety. In common parlance
Direct contact by any means is necessary, the it is the ‘maximum dose’.
receptor site of the cell is located in the plasmic
membrane. The receptor site absorbs the TYPES OF DRUG ACTION
molecules of the drug substance or takes up to 1. Stimulate.
rhythm from some constituent of the drug by 2. Depress.
influencing the genetic code or enzyme kinetics.
3. Irritate.
PHYSIOLOGICAL DRUG ACTION Note: In homoeopathy, the question of how a drug
acts has not been explored fully in an arithmetical data.
Dr. Stuart Close M. D., defines physiological By the peculiar process of attenuations, the internal
dose as: “A dose of a drug, empirically selected, dynamic, spiritual power with its pharmacologic
of sufficient quantity and strength to produce a message is liberated from the material bonds and it
definite, pre-determined effect or group of acts upon the dynamicity of the living cell of the human
symptoms. Practically, it amounts to the organism.
maximum dose consistent with safety.”
In other words, physiological action is the
action of a drug in physiological dose. The propensity to effect a more particular
Physiological doses, stimulate the normal organ is made by a peculiar pattern of bio-
physiology or functions of different systems / transformation of the dynamicity of the drug
organs of our body. Hence, the symptoms which substance. Rarely from the homoeopathic point
appear are called ‘physiological symptoms’. of view, the drug action could not be grouped in
Thus, a single medicine may act on different a certain division. Yet conventionally the
systems of the body, like nervous system and following classification has been done:
circulatory system, etc.
A. According to the Centre of Action
Physiological action is a misnomer. Stuart
Close, in “The Genius of Homoeopathy” writes: According to Dr. Burt drugs are classified
The use of the word “physiological” in into two groups:
Drug Action of Some Important Substances 503
2. Spinal: • Diaphoretic.
E.g.: Nux vomica; Gelsemium. • Diuretic.
3. Cardiac: • Vaso-dilator.
E.g.: Aconitum napellus. Pathogenic Effects
Coldness of the whole body; general dry
C. According to the Action of
internal heat, felt first in hands, then in whole
body, especially in thorax, no sensible external
Here it may be grouped as: heat; shuddering, lachrymation, pressing
1. Anti-psoric group. headache, red cheeks.
2. Anti-sycotic group.
Physiological Action
3. Anti-syphilitic group.
The properties of Aconitum are mainly those
PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION OF SOME of aconitine, an extremely poisonous narcotic. It
IMPORTANT DRUGS acts primarily through the cerebro-spinal nervous
system. It first stimulates the cardio-inhibitory
Physiological action of some important drugs are
centre and then paralyses the peripheral sensory
mentioned below. However, the student should
and secretory nerves, and the central nervous
always bear in mind the wisdom of Richard
system. As such, locally Aconitum, is an active
Hughes’s observations regarding physiological
irritant and acts as a paralysant.
• Heart:
“How far they are absolutely true, I cannot
- Inhibitory paralysis, blood pressure less-
say, they are the best at which I can arrive at
present, and that is all I can do. Our comfort is,
that however they may shift in the progress of - The heart’s action is at first showed, but
time and knowledge, homoeopathy as a mode of later it becomes rapid and weak.
the art of healing, is not dependent on them. The • Circulation:
relation it establishes is between the observed - Vaso-motor paralysis.
facts of drug action on one hand, and of disease - The arterioles are contracted.
on the other; and no alteration in our view of the • Temperature:
meaning of either can affect it one bit.” - Depressed with diaphoresis.
• Cerebro-spinal Nervous System:
- Paralysis, first paralyzes the sensory and
then the motor part of the cord.
Centre of Action - Taken internally, it produces tingling and
Cerebro-spinal nervous system. numbness of the lips and mouth.
Non-homoeopathic Use - Death from Aconitum poisoning is due to
• Antipyretic paralysis of the respiratory center from
• Antiphlogistic. direct action of the poison, although this
• Irritant. may be aided by anemia of the medulla
due to imperfect circulation in its con-
• Emetic.
tracted arterioles.
• Paralysant.
506 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
gastro-intestinal tract especially those of - Through the vagus nerves, it produces in-
the stomach. tense catarrhal inflammation of larynx, tra-
- Produces slow digestion resulting in fer- chea and bronchi.
mentation. - Great increase in bronchial mucus.
- Mucous membranes become loaded with • Spinal Cord:
mucus. - Motor and sensory paralysis occurs.
- In large doses it produces severe nausea - Large doses diminish reflex excitability.
and vomiting. • Kidneys:
- Flatulence. - Urine is first increased. However in severe
• Skin: poisoning, scanty and bloody, even sup-
- Corns, callosities and pustules. pressed.
• Female Sexual Organs - Large doses cause fainting, coldness and
- Prolapse of uterus. lowering of bodily temperature.
• Skin:
ANTIMONIUM TARTARICUM - Applied to the skin, it produces a papular
(Ant-t.) eruptions, which become vesicular, then
Centre of Action pustular with a central umbilication.
Cerebro-spinal nervous system. • Circulation and Blood:
- Depresses heart action with consequent
Non-homoeopathic Use
failing of blood pressure when large doses
• Irritant.
are taken.
• Depressant.
- Blood is liquified.
• Emetic.
• Muscular System:
Physiological Action
- Paralysis.
• Mucous Membrane:
- Loss of reflex action.
- Catarrh.
- Act as an emetic; it produces depression, (Apis)
with a nausea of severe intensity in com-
Centre of Action
parison to other emetics. The repeated
Organic (ganglionic) nervous system and
vomitings are accompanied by great strain-
- Small doses taken internally cause nausea Physiological Action
saliva, gastric and intestinal juices. The first proving of Apis was by Dr. F.
- Large doses produce vomiting, diarrhea, Humphreys, New York, and that of the virus by
cramps in the epigastrium. Dr. Hering.
• Respiratory Organs: • Cellular Tissue:
- The drug directly depresses the medullary - Edema and dropsy.
respiratory centers.
508 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
are bloody. Although ptyalism is less than in the - Discharges (saliva, vomit, diarrhea, etc.)
vivus, the saliva is just as acrid and the fetor, if are offensive and excoriating, and contain
anything, more pronounced. mucus and blood.
Clinically, Mercurius cor. has been found
more frequently indicated in nephritis and the MERCURIUS VIVUS
secondary stage of syphilis. (Merc.)
• Eyes: Centre of Action
- Almost specific in syphilitic iritis. The Vegetative nervous system.
symptoms calling for its use are profuse Non-homoeopathic Use
lachrymation scalding the parts over which
• Cholagogue.
it passes, intense photophobia, agonising
burning pain in eyes, tearing pain in bones • Sialogogue.
surrounding the or bit. • Cathartic.
- Corneal ulcers which tend to perforate. • Caustic.
- Hypopion. • Tonic.
• Urinary Tract: • Purgative.
• Alternative.
- Has a special affinity for the kidneys and
urinary tract. • Antiphlogistic.
- Useful in acute nephritis following diph- • Sorbefacient.
theria or scarlet fever or from being chilled. Physiological Action
It is accompanied with general anasarca, Perfectly pure metallic mercury is considered
sallow or red puffy face and albumin, to be non-poisonous. Democrates used it as a
blood and threads of flesh-like pieces of purgative. Inhaling mercury vapor is poisonous.
mucus in the urine. Mercuric chloride is the chief poisonous salt of
- Also used in chronic nephritis, pyelitis, mercury. Some of its salts are corrosive poisons
pyelonephrosis, cystitis and urethritis with and local caustics. All of these, after long and
intense burning, bloody urine and violent continued administration produce the peculiar
tenesmus. cachexia known as “hydrargyrism”, although the
• Sexual Organs: action of the salts differs in some particulars from
- Primary stage of syphilis with a hard or that of the metal alone.
thin Hunterian chancre. The metal itself is inert, but on combining
with the acids and other fluids of the body it
- Used in the tertiary stage when necrosis
becomes actively poisonous, enters the blood
attacks the flat bones more than the long.
current and produces numerous functional and
• Skin:
destructive changes in the organs, tissues and the
- Phagedenic ulcers burn intensely. blood itself.
• Gastro-intestinal system: In small doses, administered over a short
- The entire mucous membrane is affected; period of time, it acts as a blood tonic, increasing
may extend upto ulceration and perfora- the number of red corpuscles, improving the
tion.. general condition of the system and causing a
gain in weight.
524 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
Continued use of small doses, by over- Mercury is eliminated rather slowly and may
stimulation of the lymphatic system, promotes be found in the saliva, sweat, bile, feces, urine
waste and retrogrative processes and, if long and milk (in the fetus in utero and in the nursing
continued, definite symptoms of mercurial infant whose mother has been taking the drug).
poisoning. In autopsies, globules of the pure metal are often
The first symptoms of hydrargyrism are fetid found in the bones, even of mules used in the
breath, swelling and sponginess of the gums with mines.
a blue line along their margins, outpouring of Death may occur from malnutrition and
offensive saliva and a metallic taste in the mouth. exhaustion.
Loss of appetite, loosening of the teeth, pain in The fatal dose is 1 to 4 gms. (mercuric
the stomach and bowels, diarrhea, and rise of chloride).
temperature soon follow. The tongue becomes The fatal period is 5 to 10 days (acute
heavily coated and flabby, taking the imprint of poisoning).
the teeth; ulcers form in the mouth; the throat • Lymphatic Glandular System:
becomes inflamed and raw; the salivary glands - All glandular structures of the body are
are swollen and sensitive; and in extreme cases affected.
the tongue and lips may become gangrenous.
- The lymphatic glands become swollen and
Marked changes occur in the blood. The indurated, and may suppurate.
number of its red corpuscles are diminished, its - Paralysis, congestion, inflammation and
albumin and fibrin are reduced in amount, ulceration.
resulting in impairment of its ozonizing function
• Gastro-intestinal System:
and power of coagulation. Pallor, neuralgias in
the face and elsewhere; headache, insomnia, - The salivary glands are conjested and over-
active producing excessive salivation.
emaciation, edema of the extremities, ulcers,
Excessive fetor.
eruptions on the skin and other signs of disturbed
nutrition follow. - Pancreas is also congested and over-active.
There is inflammation and hypertrophy of
Large doses of mercury or its compounds
the gland.
act in a manner similar to the long continued use
- The liver is enlarged and sensitive. The
of small doses but more rapidly. Tremors may
secretion of bile is augmented. Jaundice.
develop into epileptiform convulsions followed
by coma and death. - The mucous membrane of the intestines
are congested and inflamed.
The symptoms of mercurial poisoning may
- Acts as a cathartic and causes increased
show first on the skin, an eruption resembling
peristalsis of the intestines.
that of scarlet fever being most frequently
- Tendency to hemorrhage from the colon.
observed. The skin is swollen, burns like fire and
later exhibits abundant desquamations, even of - The fibrous tissue of the peritoneum is also
the hairy scalp. It is a curious fact that the congested and inflamed.
inhalation of mercurial fumes, as among workers • Kidneys:
in laboratories, thermometer or mirror factories - Congestion and inflammation of the tis-
or in mines, is greatly apt to affect the nervous sues.
system; while mercury taken per oral or by - Urine may contain albumin and sugar (dia-
inunction more frequently results in salivation. betes).
Drug Action of Some Important Substances 525
Section - 10
10.1 Homoeopathic Pharmacy Acts.
10.2 Conduct and Etiquette.
We are free and tolerant in our private life; but in public affairs we keep
to the law. We give our obedience to those whom we put in positions of
Homoeopathic Pharmacy Acts
Rule 67-A (2) Application for the grant or 64-EE. The certificate of renewal of a sale
renewals of a licence to sell, stock or exhibit for licence in Forms 20-C and 20-D shall be issued
sale or distribution of homoeopathic medicines in Form 20-E.
shall be made in Form 19-B to the Licensing 67-F. Conditions to be satisfied before a
Authority and shall be accompanied by necessary licence in Forms 24-C or 20-D is granted—
fees. • A licence in Forms 20-C or Form 20-D to
Provided that if the applicant applies for sell, stock or exhibit for sale or distribute
renewal of licence after its expiry but within one homoeopathic medicines shall not be granted
month of such expiry the fee payable for renewal to any person unless the authority
of such licence shall be rupees five plus an empowered to grant the licence is satisfied
additional fee of rupees five. that the premises in respect of which the
licence is to be granted are clean. In the case
But at present (i.e. from 1983) the above
of a licence in Form 20-C the sale premises
licence fees of both for the retail and wholesale
is in charge of a person who is, in the opinion
dealer have been increased.
of the licensing authority, competent to deal
The Licensing Authority will issue the in homoeopathic medicines.
requisite licences.
• Any person who is aggrieved by the order
Rule 67-C. Forms of licences to sell drugs passed by the Licensing Authority under sub-
Homoeopathic Pharmacy Acts 541
rule (I) may, within 30 days from the date of why such an order should not be passed by
the receipt of such order, appeal to the State an order in writing stating the reasons
Government, after such enquiry into the therefore, cancel a licence issued under this
matter as it considers necessary and after part or suspend it for such period as he thinks
giving the appellant an opportunity for fit, if in his opinion, the licensee has failed
representing his case, make such order in to comply with any of the conditions of the
relation thereto as it thinks fit. licence or with any provisions of the Act or
67-G. Conditions of licence—Licence in rules made thereunder:
Forms 20-C or 20-D shall be subject to the Provided that if such failure or contravention
conditions stated therein and to the following is the consequence of an act or omission on the
further conditions, namely: part of an agent or employee, the licence shall
• The premises where the homoeopathic not be cancelled or suspended unless the
medicines are stocked for sale or sold are licensing authority is satisfied:
maintained in a clean condition. − That the act or omission was instigated
• The sale of homoeopathic medicines shall or connived at by the owner of the
be conducted under the supervision of a business or, if the owner is a firm or
person competent to deal in homoeopathic company, by a partner of the firm or a
medicines. director of the company: or
• The licensee shall permit an Inspector to − That the owner of the business or an agent
inspect the premises and furnish such or employee of the owner had been guilty
information as he may require for of a similar act or omission within twelve
ascertaining whether the provisions of the months before the date or which the act
Act and the rules made thereunder have been or omission took place and that the owner
observed. had, or reasonably ought to have had,
knowledge of that previous act or
• The licensee in Form 20-D shall maintain
omission; or
records of purchase and sale of
− If the act or omission was a continuing
homoeopathic medicines containing alcohol
together with names and addresses of parties act/omission, and the owner of the
to whom sold. business had or reasonably ought to have
had knowledge of that previous act or
• The licensee in Form 29-C shall maintain
omission; or
records of purchase and sale of
− That the owner of the business had not
homoeopathic medicines containing alcohol.
used due vigilance to ensure that the
No records of sale in respect of
conditions of the licence or provisions of
homoeopathic potentised preparation in
the Act or the rules made thereunder were
containers of 30 ml. or lower capacity and
in respect of mother tincture made up in
quantities up to 60 ml. need be maintained. • A licensee whose licence has been suspended
or cancelled, may appeal to the State
67-H. Cancellation and suspension of
Government whose decision shall be final.
• The Licensing Authority may, after giving
the licensee an opportunity to show cause
542 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
inspect all registers and records maintained licensee an opportunity to show cause why
under these rules and shall apply to the such an order should not be passed, by an
Inspector such information as he may require order in writing stating the reasons thereof
by the purpose of ascertaining whether the cancel a licence issued under this part or
provisions of the Act and the rules made suspend it for such period as he thinks fit,
thereunder have been observed. either wholly or in respect of some of the
• The licensee shall maintain an Inspection substances to which it relates, if, in his
Book in Form-35 to enable an Inspector to opinion, the licensee has failed to comply
record his impression and defects noticed. with any of the conditions of the licence or
with any provisions of the Act or rules made
• The licensee shall comply with the following
conditions in respect of mother tinctures
manufactured by him: • A licensee whose licence has been suspended
− The crude drugs used in the manufacture
or cancelled may appeal to the State
of the mother tinctures shall be identified Government whose decisions shall be final.
and records of such identification shall
− The total solids in the mother tincture
shall be determined and records of such MEDICINES
tests shall be kept. 106-A—Manner of labelling homoeo-
− The alcohol content in the mother tincture pathic medicines
shall be determined and records of the A. The following particulars shall be either
same shall be maintained. printed or written in indelible ink and shall
− The containers of mother tinctures shall appear in a conspicuous manner on the label
preferably be of glass and shall be clean or the innermost container of any
and free from any sort of impurities or homoeopathic medicine and on every other
adhering matter. The glass shall be neutral covering in which container is packed:
as far as possible. • The words ‘Homoeopathic Medicine’.
− In the process of manufacture of mother • The name of the medicine.
tinctures, hygienic conditions shall be − For drugs included in the homoeopathic
scrupulously observed by the licensee. pharmacopoeias of the United States or
Storage handling conditions shall also be the United Kingdom, the name specified
properly observed by the licensee in that pharmacopoeia is printed.
according to homoeopathic principle. − For other drugs, the name descriptive of
− Records shall be maintained of the nature of the drug is printed.
homoeopathic medicines containing • The potency of the homoeopathic medicine.
alcohol and the quantities sold together For this purpose the potency shall be
with names and addresses of parties to expressed either in decimal, centesimal or
whom sold. millesimal system.
85-1. Cancellation and suspension of • Name and address of the manufacturer when
licences— sold in original containers of the
• The licensing authority may, after giving the manufacturer—in case of a homoeopathic
Homoeopathic Pharmacy Acts 545
medicine is sold in a container other than medicines therefrom viz., coca or erythroxylon
that of the manufacturer—the name and coca, cocaine, Cocainum muriaticum, etc.,
address of the seller. Cannabis indica and C. sativa, charas, etc.; opium
• In case the homoeopathic medicine contains and its alkaloids, salts or derivatives etc., e.g.,
alcohol, the alcohol content in percentage Codeinum, Cryptopinum, Narceinum,
by volume in terms of ethyl alcohol shall be Narcotinum etc, etc.
stated on the label. The Drugs and Magic Remedies
Provided in case the total quantity of the (Objectionable Advertisement) Act, 1954 and
homoeopathic medicine in the container is 30 the Rules, 1955
millilitre of less it will not be necessary to state Thereunder, with all their amendments, make
the content of alcohol on the label. provisions to control the advertisement of drugs
B. In addition to the above particulars, the label in certain cases, to prohibit the advertisement for
of a homoeopathic mother tincture shall certain purposes of remedies alleged to possess
display the following particulars: magic qualities. They intend to prohibit the
• A distinctive batch number, that is to say, practice of misleading advertisements and
the number by reference to which details extravagant claims including any notice, circular,
of manufacture of the particular batch label, wrapper or other documents made orally
from which the substance in the container or through any other medium of advertisement,
is taken are recorded and available for relating to certain drugs, numbering 54
inspection, the figures representing the (contained in the Schedule) viz., appendicitis,
batch number being preceded by the blindness, deafness, diabetes, dropsy, female
words ‘Batch No.’ or ‘Batch’ or ‘Lot disease (in general), heart diseases, high or low
Number’ or ‘Lot No.’ or ‘Lot’ or any blood pressure, hydrocele, insanity, leprosy,
distinguishing prefix. leucoderma, nervous debility, rheumatism,
sexual impotence, trachoma, etc., etc.
• Manufacturing licence number, the
number being preceded by the words The Poison Act, 1919 is in Vogue
‘Manufacturing Licence Number’ or Repealing the Poisons Act, 1904
‘Mfg. Lic. No., or “M.L”. “to consolidate ............ the law regulating
C. No homoeopathic medicine containing a the importation, possession and sale of poisons”.
single ingredient shall bear a proprietary The poisons cover not only white arsenic, but
name on its label. any poison, specified in notifications, etc. and,
‘The State Government may by rule regulate the
The Dangerous Drugs Act 1930; The
possession for sale and the sale, whether
Central Manufactured Drugs Rule 1962; The
wholesale or retail of any specified poison.’
Dangerous Drugs (Import-Export and
Transhipment) Rules 1957; The Central The Medicinal and Toilet Preparations
Opium Rules 1934 (Excise Duty) Act 1955
They make provisions and govern the And rules thereunder, with subsequent
preparation, collection, sale, import and export amendments up-to-date are in vogue ‘to provide
of all dangerous drugs; and their derivatives or for the levy and collection of duties of excise on
salts, etc. The dangerous drugs include coca leaf, medicinal and toilet preparations containing
hemp and opium, and all manufactured drugs or alcohol, opium, Indian hemp or other narcotic
546 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
Conduct and Etiquette
The word ‘doctor’ is derived from the Latin (Professional Conduct, Etiquette and Code of
word ‘doccre’ which means ‘to teach’ since the Ethics) Regulations, 1982.
doctor has the function of instructing the patient
Declaration and Oath
and his relatives regarding the treatment.
Medicine, as a profession, is an art with a At the time of registration, each applicant
philosophy. It has some norms of conduct termed shall submit the following declaration and oath
‘ethics’. Ethics deal with the principles of read and signed by him to the Registrar
morality. The ethics have been laid down to be concerned, attested by the Registrar himself or
followed by the students and practitioners so as by a registered practitioner of homoeopathy :
to command veneration from the public and to • I solemnly pledge myself to consecrate my
prevent misuse of the medical knowledge and life to the service of humanity.
exploitation of the society. • Even under threat, I will not use my medical
knowledge contrary to the laws of humanity.
PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT, • I will maintain the utmost respect for human
ETHICS • I will not permit considerations of religion,
nationality, race, political beliefs or social
REGULATIONS standing to intervene between my duty and
my patient.
In exercise of the powers conferred by clause
• I will practice my profession with conscience
(I) of section 33 read with section 24 of the
and dignity in accordance with the principles
Homoeopathy Central Council Act, 1973 (59 of
of homoeopathy and/or in accordance with
1973), the Central Council of Homoeopathy, with
the principles of biochemic system of
the previous sanction of the Central Government,
medicine (tissue remedies).
makes the regulations. These regulations may be
• The health of my patient shall be my first
called the Homoeopathic Practitioners
548 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
• I will respect the secrets which are confided morals, and every practitioner of homoeopathy
to me. owes to the profession and to the public alike a
• I will give to my teachers the respect and duty to attain such a level. It shall be incumbent
gratitude which is their due. on a practitioner of homoeopathy to be temperate
in all matters, for the practice of medicine
• I will maintain by all means in my power
requires unremitting exercise of a clear and
the honour and noble traditions of medical
vigorous mind.
• My colleagues will be my brothers and Practitioner’s Responsibility
sisters. A practitioner of homoeopathy shall merit
• I make these promises solemnly, freely and the confidence of patients entrusted to his care,
upon my honour. rendering to each full measure of service and
devotion. The honored ideals of the medical
Hahnemannian Oath
profession imply that the responsibilities of a
“On my honour I swear that I shall practise practitioner of homoeopathy extend not only to
the teachings of homoeopathy, perform my duty, individuals but also to the entire society.
render justice to my patients and help the sick
whosoever comes to me for treatment. Advertising
May the teachings of master Hahnemann 1. Solicitation of patients directly or indirectly
inspire me and may I have the strength for by a practitioner of homoeopathy either
fulfillment of my mission.” personally or by advertisement in the
newspapers, by placards or by the
distribution of circular cards or handbills is
unethical. A practitioner of homoeopathy
Character of Medical Practitioner shall not make use of, or permit others to
The primary object of the medical profession make use of him or his name as a subject of
is to render service to humanity with full respect any form or manner of advertising or
for the dignity of man; financial reward is a publicity through lay channels which shall
subordinate consideration. Whosoever chooses be of such a character as to invite attention
this profession assumes the obligation to conduct to him or to his professional position or skill
himself in accordance with its ideals. A or as would ordinarily result in his self-
practitioner of homoeopathy shall be an upright aggrandizement provided that a practitioner
man, instructed in the art of healing. He shall of homoeopathy is permitted formal
keep himself pure in character and be diligent in announcement in press about the following
caring for the sick. He shall be modest, sober, matters, namely:
patient and prompt and do his duty without i. The starting of his practice.
anxiety, and shall be pious and conduct himself ii. Change of the type of practice.
with propriety in his profession and in all the
iii. Change of address.
actions of his life.
iv. Temporary absence from duty.
Standards of Character and Morals v. Resumption of practice.
The medical profession expects from its vi. Succeeding to another’s practice.
members the highest level of character and
Conduct and Etiquette 549
− Where the patient persists in the use of making his visits at the hour indicated to the
opium, alcohol, chloral or similar patients.
intoxicating drugs against medical advice.
− Where complete information concerning
the facts and circumstances of the case • The practitioner of homoeopathy shall
are not supplied by the patient or his neither exaggerate nor minimize the gravity
relatives. of a patient’s condition. He shall ensure that
the patient, his relatives or responsible
• The discovery that the malady is incurable
friends have such knowledge of the patient’s
is no excuse to discontinue attendance so
condition as will serve the best interest of
long as the patient desired his services.
the patient and his family.
Acts of Negligence • In cases of dangerous manifestations, he
• No practitioner of homoeopathy shall shall not fail to give timely notice to the
wilfully commit an act of negligence that family or friends of the patient and also to
may deprive his patient of necessary medical the patient when necessary.
Patience, Delicacy and Secrecy
• A practitioner of homoeopathy is expected
Patience and delicacy shall characterize the
to render that diligence and skill in services
attitude of a practitioner of homoeopathy.
as would be expected of another practitioner
Confidences concerning individual or domestic
of homoeopathy with similar qualifications,
life entrusted by patients to a practitioner and
experience and attainments.
defects in the disposition or character of patients
• His acts of commission or omission shall not observed during the medical attendance shall not
be judged by any non-homoeopathic be revealed by him to anyone unless their
standards of professional service expected revelation is required by the laws of the State.
of him but by those standards as are expected
from a homoeopath of his training, standing DUTIES OF PRACTITIONERS TO
and experience.
• A practitioner of homoeopathy shall use any
drug prepared according to homoeopathic Upholding Honor of Profession
principles and adopt other necessary A practitioner of homoeopathy shall, at all
measures as required. times, uphold the dignity and honour of this
Behavior Towards Patients
The demeanor of a practitioner of Membership of Medical Society
homoeopathy towards his patients shall always For the advancement of his profession, a
be courteous, sympathetic, friendly and helpful. practitioner of homoeopathy may affiliate
Every patient shall be treated with attention and himself with Medical Societies and contribute
consideration. his time, energy and means to their progress so
that they may better represent and promote the
ideals of the profession.
A practitioner of homoeopathy shall
endeavor to add to the comfort of the sick by
Conduct and Etiquette 551
an emergency during the absence of the practitioners shall notify the constituted public
attending practitioner of homoeopathy. The health authorities of every case of communicable
attending practitioner of homoeopathy may disease under their care, in accordance with the
prescribe at any time for the patient, but the laws, rules and regulations of the health
consultant, only in case of emergency. authorities. When an epidemic prevails, the
practitioner of Homoeopathy shall continue his
Consultant Not to Take Charge of the Case
labours without regard to the risk to his own
• When a practitioner of homoeopathy has health.
been called as a consultant none but the rarest
and most exceptional consultant taking Dispensing
charge of the case. A practitioner of homoeopathy has a right to
• He must not do so merely on the solicitation prepare and dispense his own prescription.
of the patient or his friends.
Bar Against Consulting a Non-registered
Practitioner The following actions shall constitute
professional misconduct:
No practitioner of homoeopathy shall have
consultation with practitioner of homoeopathy • Committing adultery or improper conduct
who is not registered. with a patient, or maintaining an improper
association with a patient.
DUTIES OF PRACTITIONERS TO • Conviction by a Court of Law for offences
THE PUBLIC involving moral turpitude.
• Signing of or giving by any practitioner of
Practitioners as Citizens homoeopathy under his name and authority
Practitioners of homoeopathy as good any certificate, report or document of kindred
citizens, possessed of special training, shall character which is untrue, misleading or
advise concerning the health of the community improper.
wherein they dwell. They shall play their part in • Contravention of the provisions of laws
enforcing the laws of the community and in relating to drugs and regulations made
sustaining the institutions that advance the thereunder.
interest of humanity. They shall cooperate with
• Selling a drug or poison regulated by law to
the authorities in the observance and enforcement
the public or his patients save as provided
of sanitary laws and regulations and shall observe
by that law.
the provisions of all laws relating to Drugs,
Poisons and Pharmacy made for the protection • Performing or enabling an unqualified
and promotion of public health. person to perform an abortion or any illegal
operation for which there is no medical
Public Health surgical or psychological indication.
Practitioners of homoeopathy engaged in • Issue of certificates in homoeopathy to
public health work, shall enlighten the public unqualified or non-medical persons provided
concerning quarantine regulations and measures that this shall not apply so as to restrict the
for the prevention of epidemic and proper training and instruction of legitimate
communicable diseases. At all times the employees of doctors, midwives, dispensers,
554 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
It is seen that a homoeopathic practitioner care delivery systems in the national programs.
takes upon himself multiple roles: That of a To become partners in attaining ‘Health for
physician, a pharmacist, a botanist, a zoologist, All’, a systematic approach is needed in various
a scientist, to mention a few. This practice has dimensions. This chapter deals in brief with
made him ‘The Jack of All Trades, Master of scope in various fields of health.
None’ and has severely crippled the development
of homoeopathic pharmacy. Homoeopathic
pharmacy remains vastly unexplored. It presents STANDARDISATION OF HEALTH
immense scope in social, economic and academic SERVICES
pursuits. In post-independent India, the There is a significant gap between the health
government recognised the merit of status of developed and developing regions of
homoeopathy and made attempts to develop it the world. While the infant mortality rate (IMR)
into a viable system of medicine. It was clubbed in India in 2001-02 was 70 per 1000, it is
together with Indian System of Medicine negligible in developed countries. This glaring
(ayurveda, siddha and unani) and was established difference is due to many socio-economic factors.
as Indian Systems of Medicine and Homoeopathy According to WHO, World Health Report 1998,
(ISM & H). It is now increasingly felt that the GNP (per capita) is 1240 US$ in developed
foal of the World Health Organisation of “Health countries. Similarly, per capita public
For All” cannot be achieved through allopathic expenditure on heath in % of GDP (1995) is 1.8
system alone and that there is need to involve in developing countries, whereas 6.3 in
ISM & H practitioners in the national main developed countries.
stream for achieving this goal. For the first time,
While accurate statistical data are difficult
a separate National Policy on Indian Systems of
to obtain, it becomes sufficiently clear that in a
Medicine and Homoeopathy 2002 was
country like India (which houses 16.7 % of
formulated. The basic objectives of the policy
world’s population and where 26.10% of the
are to promote good health, expand the outreach
people live below the poverty line), health service
and to ensure affordable ISM & H services to
delivery is an onerous task.
the people as also to integrate ISM & H in health
558 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
on healthy humans increase the correct A materia medica may be defined not only
knowledge of the materia medica that means the by the symptoms or the language of the drugs
latent curative power of the drug and the effects but also by its origin, composition, preparations
of the drug in general, susceptible and and its physical, chemical and biological
idiocyncratic persons. This improves the characters, and without the knowledge of
knowledge of applied materia medica with pharmacy, this part of the materia medica will
greater efficiency to have the ideal cure which not become a complete one.
should be strictly according to the rules of The respective relation between the source
Organon of Medicine. of a drug and drug symptoms is known as the
Knowledge of pharmacy not only improves ‘Doctrine of Signature’. For example:
the knowledge of materia medica but helps to i. The Belladonna plant grows in a soil rich in
have a deep impression in the physician’s mind calcium carbonate. It has been observed that
with greater and perfect ability in respect of Calcarea carbonica (derived from the natu-
practical pharmacology which is a part of the ral sources calcium carbonate by
practical aspect of the materia medica. Hahnemann) complements the action of
Belladonna very well.
OF DRUGS ii. Bryonia alba is prepared from the root. The
root is fleshy, the edges of the root are yel-
With some exceptions, medicines prepared
lowish-white in color, and rough; it tastes
from the drugs of vegetable kingdom are short-
acidic and bitter; odor is nauseating. A Bryo-
acting in nature. In acute forms of diseases, short-
nia patient is also to some extent fleshy; with
acting remedies work very well. Medicines or
a tongue coated yellowish-white; with a
remedies prepared from the nosodes and from
rough irritating temperament; possessing a
many drugs of the animal kingdom are deep-
bitter taste in mouth and if there be any dis-
acting or long-acting whose efficacies are seen
charge, it is bitter.
in chronic diseases.
Medicines or remedies derived from the iii. Lachesis is prepared from the poison of the
drugs of the same family (of any sources, e.g. extremely poisonous snake Surukuku of
vegetable, animal or mineral) have some South America. The snake remains in a
similarity in their actions by producing generic curled position during winter and wakes up
symptoms. For example, all snake venoms of the in spring. It stretches out all-time its trem-
same family of ophiotoxin e.g., Elaps, Crotalus bling tongue all the time and passes an ex-
horridus, Lachesis, Naja, etc. possess some tremely offensive black stool. All these re-
similarity in many of their actions, but they do main in the symptoms of Lachesis.
not follow each other fully in their peculiarities. As such, it can be inferred that the sources
In case of mineral kingdom, the members of the of drugs help to some degree in the knowledge
halogen group, i.e. Fluorine, Chlorine, Bromine, of materia medica.
Iodine have resemblance in many of their actions, Therefore it is obvious that the knowledge
and also their respective salts have much of pharmacy supplements the knowledge of
similarity of action between them. materia medica.
Scope of Homoeopathic Pharmacy 561
[This remarkable change in the qualities of specific medicinal powers contained within and brought
forth by rubbing and shaking. The aid of a chosen,
natural bodies develops the latent, hitherto
unmedicinal medium of attenuation is but a secondary
unperceived, as if slumbering [The same thing is condition.
seen in a bar of iron and steel where a slumbering trace
Simple dilution, for instance, the solution of a grain
of latent magnetic force cannot but be recognized in their
of salt will become water, the grain of salt will disappear
interior. Both, after their completion by means of the forge
in the dilutions with much water and will never develop
stand upright, repulse the north pole of a magnetic needle
into medicinal salt which by means of our well prepared
with the lower end and attract the south pole, while the
upper end shows itself as the south pole of the magnetic dynamization, is raised to most marvelous power’.] or
needle. But this is only a latent force; not even the finest potencies in different degrees.’]
iron particles can be drawn magnetically or held on either
end of such a bar.
§ 270
Only after this bar of steel is dynamized, rubbing it
with a dull file in one direction, will it become a true active Thus two drops of the fresh vegetable juice
powerful magnet, one able to attract iron and steel to mingled with equal parts of alcohol are diluted
itself and impart to another bar of steel by mere contact with ninety-eight drops of alcohol and potentized
and even some distance away, magnetic power and this
in a higher degree the more it has been rubbed. In the
by means of two succussions, whereby the first
same way will triturating a medicinal substance and development of power is formed and this process
shaking of its solution (dynamization, potentization) is repeated through twenty-nine more phials,
develop the medicinal powers hidden within and manifest each of which is filled three-quarters full with
them more and more or if one may say so, spiritualizes
ninety-nine drops of alcohol, and each
the material substance itself.] hidden, dynamic (§ 11)
succeeding phial is to be provided with one drop
powers which influence the life principle, change
from the preceding phial (which has already been
the well-being of animal life [On this account it refers
only to the increase and stronger development of their
shaken twice) and is in its turn twice shaken, [In
power to cause changes in the health of animals and order to maintain a fixed and measured standard for
men if these natural substances in this improved state, developing the power of liquid medicines, multiplied
experience and careful observation have led me to adopt
are brought very near to the living sensitive fibre or come
two succussions for each phial, in preference to the
in contact with it (by means of intake or olfaction). Just as
greater number formerly employed (by which the
a magnetic bar especially if its magnetic force is increased
medicines were too highly potentized). There are,
(dynamized) can show magnetic power only in a needle
however, homoeopathists who carry about with them on
of steel whose pole is near or touches it. The steel itself
their visits to patients the homoeopathic medicines in the
remains unchanged in the remaining chemical and
fluid state, and who yet assert that they do not become
physical properties and can bring about no changes in
more highly potentized in the course of time, but they
other metals (for instance, in brass), just as little as
thereby show their want of ability to observe correctly. I
dynamized medicines can have any action upon lifeless
dissolved a grain of soda in half an ounce of water mixed
things.].This is effected by mechanical action with alcohol in a phial, which was thereby filled two-thirds
upon their smallest particles by means of rubbing full, and shook this solution continuously for half an hour,
and shaking and through the addition of an and this fluid was in potency and energy equal to the
thirtieth development of power.] and in the same
indifferent substance, dry or fluid, are separated
manner at last the thirtieth development of power
from each other. This process is called
(potentized decillionth dilution X) which is the
dynamizing, potentizing (development of
one most generally used.
medicinal power) and the products are
dynamizations [‘We hear daily how homoeopathic * Sec. § 270 is wholly re-written in the Sixth
medicinal potencies are called mere dilutions, when they Edition, as follows:
are the very opposite, i.e., a true opening up of the natural
substances bringing to light and revealing the hidden [‘In order to best obtain this development of
Scope of Homoeopathic Pharmacy 565
power, a small part of the substance to be spatula are then put in a kettle of boiling water for half an
hour. Precaution might be used to such an extent as to
dynamized, say one grain, is triturated for three
put these utensils on a coal fire exposed to a glowing
hours with three times one hundred grains sugar heat.] up to the one-millionth part in powder form.
of milk according to the method described below For reasons given below (b) one grain of this
[One-third of one hundred grains sugar of milk is put in a powder is dissolved in 500 drops of a mixture of
glazed porcelain mortar, the bottom dulled previously by
rubbing it with fine, moist sand. Upon this powder is put
one part of alcohol and four parts of distilled
one grain of the powdered drug to be triturated (one drop water, of which one drop is put in a vial. To this
of quicksilver, petroleum, etc.). The sugar of milk used are added 100 drops of pure alcohol [The vial used
for dynamization must be of that special pure quality that
for potentizing is filled two-thirds full.] and given one
is crystallized on strings and comes to us in the shape of
long bars. For a moment the medicine and powder are hundred strong succussions with the hand against
mixed with a porcelain spatula and triturated rather a hard but elastic body [Perhaps on a leather – bound
strongly, six to seven minutes, with the pestle rubbed dull, book.]. This is the medicine in the first degree of
then the mass is scraped from the bottom of the mortar
and from the pestle for three to four minutes, in order to dynamization with which small sugar globules
make it homogeneous. This is followed by triturating it in [They are prepared, under supervision by the
the same way 6-7 minutes without adding anything more confectioner, from starch and sugar and the small globules
and again scraping 3-4 minutes from what adhered to freed from fine dusty parts by passing them through a
the mortar and pestle. The second third of the sugar of sieve. Then they are put through a strainer that will permit
milk is now added, mixed with the spatula and again only 100 to pass through weighing one grain, the most
triturated 6-7 minutes, followed by the scraping for 3-4 serviceable size for the needs of a homoeopathic
minutes and trituration without further addition for 6-7 physician.] may then be moistened [A small cylindrical
minutes. The last third of sugar of milk is then added, vessel shaped like a thimble, made of glass, porcelain or
mixed with the spatula and triturated, as before, 6-7 silver, with a small opening at the bottom in which the
minutes with most careful scraping together. The powder globules are put to be medicated. They are moistened
thus prepared is put in a vial, well corked, protected from with some of the dynamized medicinal alcohol, stirred
direct sunlight to which the name of the substance and and poured out on blotting paper, in order to dry them
the designation of the first product marked 1/100 is given. and quickly spread on blotting paper to
In order to raise this product to 1/10,000, one grain of the
powdered 1/100 is mixed with the third part of 100 grains
dry and kept in a well-corked vial with the sign
of powdered sugar of milk and then proceed as before, of (I) degree of potency. Only one [According to
but every third must be carefully triturated twice thoroughly first directions, one drop of the liquid of a lower potency
each time for 6-7 minutes and scraped together 3-4 was to be taken to 100 drops of alcohol for higher
minutes before the second and last third of sugar of milk potentization. This proportion of the medicine of
is added. After each third, the same procedure is taken. attenuation to the medicine that is to be dynamized
When all is finished, the powder is put in a well corked (100:1) was found altogether too limited to develop
vial and labelled 1/10,000. If now, one grain of this last thoroughly and to a high degree the power of the medicine
powder is taken in the same way, the 1/1,000,000, i.e., by means of a number of such succussions without
(1), each grain containing 1/1,000,000 the original specially using great force of which wearisome
substance. Accordingly, such a trituration of the three experiments have convinced me.
degrees requires six times six to seven minutes for
But if only one such globule be taken, of which 100
triturating and six times 3-4 minutes for scraping, thus
weigh one grain, and dynamize it with 100 drops of
one hour for every degree. After one hour such trituration
alcohol, the proportion of 1 to 50,000 and even greater
of the first degree, each grain will contain 1/000 of the
will be had, for 500 such globules can hardly absorb one
second 1/10,0000 and in the third 1/1,000,000 of the
drop, for their saturation. With this disproportionate higher
drug used (These are the three degrees of the dry powder
ratio between medicine and diluting medium many
trituration, which, if carried out correctly, will effect a good
succussive strokes of the vial filled two-thirds with alcohol
beginning for the dynamization of the medicinal substance.).
can produce a much greater development of power. But
Mortar, pestle and spatula must be cleaned well before
with so small a diluting medium as 100 to 1 of the
they are used for another medicine. Washed first with
medicine, if many succussions by means of a powerful
warm water and dried, both mortar and pestle, as well as
machine are forced into it, medicines are then developed
566 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
which, especially in the higher degrees of dynamization, of this mechanical procedure, provided it is
act almost immediately, but with furious, even dangerous,
carried out regularly according to the above
violence, especially in weakly patients, without having a
lasting, mild reaction of the vital principle. But the method teaching, a change is effected in the given drug,
described by me, on the contrary, produces medicines of which in its crude state shows itself only as a
highest development of power and mildest action, which, material, at times as unmedicinal material but
however, if well chosen, touches all suffering parts
curatively (In very rare cases, notwithstanding almost full
by means of such higher and higher
recovery of health and with good vital strength, an old annoying dynamization, it is changed and subtilized at last
local trouble continuing undisturbed it is wholly permitted and into spirit-like [ A new footnote is added in the Sixth
even indispensably necessary, to administer in increasing doses Edition as follows: ‘This assertion will not appear
the homoeopathic remedy that has proved itself efficacious but improbable, if one considers that by means of this method
potentized to a very high degree by means of many succussions of dynamization (the preparations thus produced, I have
by hand. Such a local disease will often then disappear in a found after many laborious experiments and counter-
wonderful way.). In acute fevers, the small doses of the experiments, to be the most powerful and at the same
lowest dynamization degrees of these thus perfected time mildest in action, i.e., as the most perfected) the
medicinal preparations, even of medicines of long material part of the medicine is lessened with each degree
continued action (for instance, belladonna) may be of dynamization 50,000 times and yet incredibly increased
repeated in short intervals. In the treatment of chronic in power, so that the further dynamization of 125 and 18
diseases, it is best to begin with the lowest degrees of ciphers reaches only the third degree of dynamization.
dynamization and when necessary advance to higher, The thirtieth thus progressively prepared would give a
ever more powerful but mildly acting degrees.] globule fraction almost impossible to be expressed in numbers.
It becomes uncommonly evident that the material part
of this is taken for further dynamization, put in a by means of such dynamization (development of its true,
second new vial (with a drop of water in order to inner medicinal essence) will ultimately dissolve into its
dissolve it) and then with 100 drops of good individual spirit-like, (conceptual) essence. In its crude
state therefore, it may be considered to consist really only
alcohol and dynamized in the same way with 100
of this undeveloped conceptual essence.’]medicinal
powerful succussions.
power, which, indeed, in itself does not fall within
With this alcoholic medicinal fluid globules our senses but for which the medicinally prepared
are again moistened, spread upon blotting paper globule, dry, but more so when dissolved in
and dried quickly, put into a well-stoppered vial water, becomes the carrier, and in this condition,
and protected from heat and sun light and given manifests the healing power of this invisible
the sign (II) of the second potency. And in this force in the sick body.]
way the process is continued until the twenty-
ninth is reached. Then with 100 drops of alcohol § 271*
by means of 100 succussions, an alcoholic All other substances adapted for medicinal
medicinal fluid is formed with which the thirtieth use–except sulphur, which has of late years been
dynamization degree is given to properly only employed in the form of highly diluted (X)
moistened and dried sugar globules. tincture (a)–as pure or oxydised and sulphurated
By means of this manipulation of crude drugs metals and other minerals, petroleum,
are produced preparations which only in this way phosphorus, as also parts and juices of plants that
reach the full capacity to forcibly influence the can only be obtained in the dry state, animal
suffering parts of the sick organism. In this way, substances, neutral salts, etc., all these are first
by means of a similar artificial morbid affection, to be potentized by trituration for three hours,
the influence of the natural disease on the life up to the millionfold pulverulent attenuation, and
principle present within is neutralized. By means of this one grain is to be dissolved, and brought
Scope of Homoeopathic Pharmacy 567
to thirtieth development of power through [‘Such a globule [ A new footnote is added in the
twenty-seven attenuating phials, in the same Sixth Edition, as follows: ‘These globules (§ 270) retain
their medicinal virtue for many years, if protected against
manner as the vegetable juices. [As is still more
circumstantially described in the prefaces to Arsenic and sunlight and heat.], placed dry upon the tongue, is
Pulsatilla in the Materia Medica Pura. ](a) one of the smallest doses for a moderate recent
case of illness. Here but few nerves are touched
* Sec. § 271 is wholly re-written in the Sixth
by the medicine. A similar globule, crushed with
Edition, as follows:
some sugar of milk and dissolved in a good deal
[‘If the physician prepares his homoeopathic of water (§ 247) and stirred well before every
medicines himself, as he should reasonably do administration will produce a far more powerful
in order to save men from sickness, [‘Until the State, medicine for the use of several days. Every dose,
in the future, after having attained insight into the
no matter how minute, touches, on the contrary,
indispensability of perfectly prepared homoeopathic
medicines, will have them manufactured by a competent many nerves.]
impartial person, in order to give them free of charge to
homoeopathic physicians trained in homoeopathic § 273*
hospitals, who have been examined theoretically and
practically, and thus legally qualified. The physicians may It is not conceivable how the slightest dubiety
then become convinced of these divine tools for purposes could exist as to whether it was more consistent
of healing, but also to give them free of charge to his
with nature and more rational to prescribe a
patients—rich and poor’.], he may use the fresh plant
single well-known medicine at one time in a
itself, as but little of the crude article is required,
disease, or a mixture of several differently acting
if he does not need the expressed juice perhaps
for purposes of healing. He takes a few grains in
a mortar and with 100 grains sugar of milk three * Sec. § 273 is wholly re-written in the Sixth
distinct times brings them to the one-millionth Edition, as follows:
trituration (§ 270) before further potentizing of [‘In no case under treatment is it necessary
a small portion of this by means of shaking is and therefore not permissible to administer to a
undertaken, a procedure to be observed also with patient more than one single, simple medicinal
the rest of crude drugs of either dry or oily substance at one time. It is inconceivable how
nature.’] the slightest doubt could exist as to whether it
was more consistent with nature and more
§ 272*
rational to prescribe a single, simple [ A new
In no case is it requisite to administer more footnote is added in the Sixth Edition, as follows: ‘Two
than one single, simple medicinal substance at substances, opposite to each other, united into neutral
Natrium and middle salts by chemical affinity in
one time. [Some homoeopathists have made the unchangeable proportions, as well as sulphurated metals
experiment, in cases where they deemed one remedy found in the earth and those produced by technical art in
homoeopathically suitable for one portion of the constant combining proportions of sulphur and alkaline
symptoms of a case of disease, and a second for another salts and earths, for instance (natrium sulph. and calcarea
portion, of administering both remedies at the same or sulph.) as well as those ethers produced by distillation of
almost at the same time; but I earnestly deprecate such alcohol and acids may together with phosphorus be
a hazardous experiment, which can never be necessary, considered as simple medicinal substances by the
though it may sometimes seem to be of use.] homoeopathic physician and used for patients. On the
other hand, those extracts obtained by means of acids of
* Sec. § 272 is wholly re-written in the Sixth the so-called alkaloids of plants, are exposed to great
Edition, as follows:
568 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
variety in their preparation (for instance, chinin, symptoms which this medicinal substance had
strychnine, morphine), and can, therefore, not be
already shown in experiments, on the healthy
accepted by the homoeopathic physician as simple
medicines, always the same, especially as he possesses, human body are confirmed, an advantage that is
in the plants themselves, in their natural state (Peruvian lost by the employment of all compound
bark, nux vomica, opium) every quality necessary for remedies [When the rational physician has chosen the
healing. Moreover, the alkaloids are not the only perfectly homoeopathic medicine for the well-considered
constituents of the plants.’] medicine at one time in a case of disease and administered it internally, he will leave
to irrational allopathic routine the practice of giving drinks
disease or a mixture of several differently acting
or fomentations of different plants, of injecting medicated
drugs. It is absolutely not allowed in glisters and of rubbing in this or the other ointment.].
homoeopathy, the one true, simple and natural
art of healing, to give the patient at one time two § 275
different medicinal substances.’] The suitableness of a medicine for any given
case of disease does not depend on its accurate
§ 274 homoeopathic selection alone, but likewise on
the proper size, or rather smallness, of the dose.
As the true physician finds in simple
If we give too strong a dose of a medicine which
medicines, administered singly and uncombined,
may have been even quite homoeopathically
all that he can possibly desire (artificial disease-
chosen for the morbid state before us, it must,
forces which are able by homoeopathic power
notwithstanding the inherent beneficial character
completely to overpower, extinguish, and
of its nature, prove injurious by its mere
permanently cure natural diseases), he will,
magnitude, and by the unnecessary, too strong
mindful of the wise maxim that “it is wrong to
impression which, by virtue of its homoeopathic
attempt to employ complex means when simple
similarity of action, it makes upon the vital force
means suffice,” never think of giving as a remedy
which it attacks and, through the vital force, upon
any but a single, simple medicinal substance; for
those parts of the organism which are the most
these reasons also, because even though the
sensitive, and are already most affected by the
simple medicines were thoroughly proved with
natural disease.
respect to their pure peculiar effects on the
unimpaired healthy state of man, it is yet
impossible to foresee how two and more § 276
medicinal substances might, when compounded, For this reason, a medicine, even though it
hinder and alter each other’s actions on the may be homoeopathically suited to the case of
human body; and because, on the other hand, a disease, does harm in every dose that is too large,
simple medicinal substance when used in the more harm the larger the dose, and by
diseases, the totality of whose symptoms is magnitude of the dose [‘and in strong doses’ in
accurately known, renders efficient aid by itself the Sixth Edition] it does more harm the greater
alone, if it be homoeopathically selected; and its homoeopathicity and the higher the potency
supposing the worst case to happen, that it was [The praise bestowed of late years by some few
not chosen in strict conformity to similarity of homoeopathists on the larger doses is owing to this, either
that they chose low dynamizations of the medicine to be
symptoms, and therefore does no good, it is yet administered as I myself used to do twenty years ago,
so far useful that it promotes our knowledge of from not knowing any better, or that the medicines
therapeutic agents, because, by the new selected were not homoeopathic (‘and imperfectly prepared
symptoms excited by it in such a case, those by their manufacturers’ is added in the Sixth Edition)]
Scope of Homoeopathic Pharmacy 569
selected, and it does much more injury than any very small dose of a highly potentized China would
unfailingly help (in marsh intermittents and even in
equally large dose of a medicine that is persons who were not affected by any evident psoric
unhomoeopathic, and in no respect adapted disease). A chronic China malady (coupled at the same
(allopathic) to the morbid state;* for in the former time with the development of psora) is produced, which,
if it does not gradually kill the patient by damaging the
case the so-called homoeopathic aggravation (§
internal important vital organs, especially spleen and liver,
157–160)–that is to say, the very analogous will put him, nevertheless, suffering for years in a sad
medicinal disease produced by the vital force state of health. A homoeopathic antidote for such a
stirred up by the excessively large dose of misfortune produced by abuse of large doses of
homoeopathic remedies is hardly conceivable.’].]
medicine, in the parts of the organism that are
most suffering and most irritated by the original § 277
disease–which medicinal disease, had it been
appropriate intensity, would have gently effected For the same reason, and because a medicine,
a cure–rises to an injurious height; [See note to § provided the dose of it was sufficiently small, is
246.] the patient, to be sure, no longer suffers from all the more salutary and almost marvellously
the original disease, for that has been efficacious the more accurately homoeopathic its
homoeopathically eradicated, but he suffers all selection has been, a medicine whose selection
the more from the excessive medicinal disease has been accurately homoeopathic must be all
and from useless exhaustion of his strength. the more salutary the more its dose is reduced to
the degree of minuteness appropriate for a gentle
The remaining portion (marked *) of Sec. §
remedial effect.
276 is re-written in the Sixth Edition, as follows:
[‘Too large doses of an accurately chosen § 278
homoeopathic medicine, and especially when
Here the question arises, what is this most
frequently repeated, bring about much trouble
suitable degree of minuteness for sure and gentle
as a rule. They put the patient not seldom in
remedial effect; how small, in other words, must
danger of life or make his disease almost
be the dose of each individual medicine,
incurable. They do indeed extinguish the natural
homeopathically selected for a case of disease,
disease so far as the sensation of the life principle
to effect the best cure? To solve this problem,
is concerned and the patient no longer suffers
and to determine for every particular medicine,
from the original disease from the moment the
what dose of it will suffice for homoeopathic
too strong dose of the homoeopathic medicine
therapeutic purposes and yet be so minute that
acted upon him but he is in consequence more
the gentlest and most rapid cure may be thereby
ill with the similar but more violent medicinal
obtained—to solve this problem is, as may easily
disease which is most difficult to destroy. [ A new
footnote is added in the Sixth Edition, as follows: [‘Thus,
be conceived, not the work of theoretical
the continuous use of aggressive allopathic large doses speculation; not by fine-spun reasoning, not by
of mercurials against syphilis develop almost incurable specious sophistry, can we expect to obtain the
mercurial maladies, when yet one or several doses of a
solution of this problem. [‘It is just as impossible
mild but active mercurial preparation would certainly have
radically cured in a few days the whole venereal disease, as to tabulate in advance all imaginable cases’ in
together with the chancre, provided it had not been the Sixth Edition] Pure experiment, careful
destroyed by external measures (as is always done by observation [‘of the sensitiveness of each patient’
allopathy). In the same way, the allopath gives Peruvian
bark and quinine in intermittent fever daily in very large in the Sixth Edition], and accurate experience
doses, where they are correctly indicated and where one can alone determine this; and it were absurd to
570 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
adduce the large doses of unsuitable (allopathic) of ordinary physicians; [Let them learn from the
medicines of the old system, which do not touch mathematicians how true it is that a substance divided
into every so many parts must still contain in its smallest
the diseased side of the organism homoeopa- conceivable parts always some of this substance, and
thically, but only attack the parts unaffected by that the smallest conceivable part does not cease to be
the disease, in opposition to what pure experience some of this substance and cannot possibly become
nothing;–let them, if they are capable of being taught,
pronounces respecting the smallness of the doses
hear from natural philosophers that there are enormously
required for homoeopathic cures. powerful things (forces) which are perfectly destitute of
weight, as, for example, caloric, light, etc., consequently
§ 279 infinitely lighter than the medicine contained in the
smallest doses used in homoeopathy;–let them, if they
This pure experience shows UNIVERSALLY, that can, weigh the irritating words that bring on a billious
if the disease does not manifestly depend on a fever, or the mournful intelligence respecting her only son
that kills the mother; let them touch, for a quarter of an
considerable deterioration of an important viscus
hour, a magnet capable of lifting a hundred pounds weight,
(even though it belong to the chronic and and learn from the pain it excites that even imponderable
complicated diseases), and if during the treatment agencies can produces the most violent medicinal effects
all other alien medicinal influences are kept away upon man;–and let the weak ones among them allow the
pit of their stomach to be slightly touched by the thumb’s
from the patient, the dose of the homoeopa- point of a strong-willed mesmeriser for a few minutes,
thically selected remedy [‘selected and highly and the disagreeable sensations they then suffer will make
potentized’ in the Sixth Edition] can never be them repent of attempting to set limits to the boundless
activity of nature; the weak-minded creatures!
prepared so small that it shall not be stronger
If the allopathist who is trying the homoeopathic
than the natural disease, and shall not be able
system imagine he cannot bring himself to give such small
to overpower, extinguish and cure it, at least in and profoundly attenuated doses, let him only ask himself
part* as long as it is capable of causing some, what risk he runs by so doing ? If the scepticism which
though but a slight preponderance of its own holds what is ponderable only to be real, and all that is
symptoms over those of the disease resembling imponderable to be nothing, be right, nothing worse could
result from a dose that appears to him to be nothing,
it (slight homoeopathic aggravation, § 157–160)
than what must result from his too large doses of allopathic
immediately after its ingestion.(a) medicine. Why will he consider his inexperience, coupled
* The remaining portion of this Section is with prejudice, more reliable than an experience of many
years corroborated by facts ? And, moreover, the
re-written in the Sixth Edition, as follows:
homoeopathic medicine becomes potentized at every
[‘and extinguish it from the sensation of the division and diminution by trituration or succussion!–a
principle of life and thus make a beginning of development of the inherent powers of medicinal
substances which was never dreamed of before my time,
and which is of so powerful a character that of late years
I have been compelled by convincing experience to
§ 280* reduce the ten succussions formerly directed to be given
after each attenuation, to two. ] their idle declamations
This incontrovertible axiom of experience
must cease before the verdict of unerring
is the standard of measurement by which the
doses of all homoeopathic medicines, without
exception, are to be reduced to such an extent * Sec. § 280 is wholly re-written in the Sixth
that after their ingestion, they shall excite a Edition, as follows:
scarcely observable homoeopathic aggravation, [‘The dose of the medicine that continues
let the diminution of the dose go ever so far, and serviceable without producing new troublesome
appear ever so incredible to the materialistic ideas symptoms is to be continued while gradually
Scope of Homoeopathic Pharmacy 571
ascending, so long as the patient with general continuing good hygienic regulations nothing
improvement, begins to feel in a mild degree the more of the original disease is seen, he is
return of one or several old original complaints. probably cured. But if in the later days traces of
This indicates an approaching cure through a the former morbid symptoms should show
gradual ascending of the moderate doses themselves, they are remnants of the original
modified each time by succussion (§ 247). It disease not wholly extinguished, which must be
indicates that the vital principle no longer needs treated with renewed higher potencies of the
to be affected by the similar medicinal disease remedy as directed before. If a cure is to follow,
in order to lose the sensation of the natural the first small doses must likewise be again
disease (§148). It indicates that the life principle gradually raised higher, but less and more slowly
now free from the natural disease begins to suffer in patients where considerable irritability is
only something of the medicinal disease hitherto
evident than in those of less susceptibility, where
known as homoeopathic aggravation.’]
the advance to higher dosage may be more rapid.
§ 281* There are patients whose impressionability
compared to that of the unsusceptible ones is like
Every patient is, especially in his diseased the ratio as 1000 to 1.’]
point, capable of being influenced in an
incredible degree by medicinal agents § 282*
corresponding by similarity of action; and there
The smallest possible dose of homoeopathic
is no person, be he ever so robust, and even
medicine capable of producing only the very
though he be affected only with a chronic or so-
slightest homoeopathic aggravation, will,
called local disease, who will not soon experience
because it has the power of exciting symptoms
the desired change in the effected part, if he take
bearing the greatest possible resemblance to the
the salutary, homoeopathically suited medicine
original disease (but yet stronger even in the
in the smallest conceivable dose, who, in a word,
minute dose), attack principally and almost solely
will not thereby be much more altered in his
the parts in the organism that are already affected,
health than a healthy infant of but a day old would
highly irritated, and rendered excessively
be. How insignificant and ridiculous is mere
susceptible to such a similar stimulus, and will
theoretical scepticism in opposition to this
alter the vital force that rules in them to a state
unerring, infallible experimental proof !(a)
of very similar artificial disease, somewhat
* Sec. § 281 is entirely re-written in the Sixth greater in degree than the natural one was; this
Edition, as follows: artificial disease will substitute itself for the
[‘In order to be convinced of this, the patient natural (the original) disease, so that the living
is left without any medicine for eight, ten or organism now suffers from the artificial
fifteen days, meanwhile giving him only some medicinal disease alone, which, from its nature
powders of sugar of milk. If the few last and owing to the minuteness of the dose, will
complaints are due to the medicine simulating soon be extinguished by the vital force that is
the former original disease symptoms, then these striving to return to the normal state, and (if the
complaints will disappear in a few days or hours. disease were only an acute one) the body is left
If during these days without medicine, while perfectly free from disease–that is to say, quite
572 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
* Sec. § 282 is entirely re-written in the Sixth homoeopathic medicine upon the vital principle which
affects it in a similar but stronger manner and thus extracts
Edition, as follows:
the sensation of internal and external spirit-like
[‘It would be a certain sign that the doses (conceptual) disease enemy in such a way that it no longer
exists for the life principle (for the organism) and thus
were altogether too large, if during treatment,
releases the patient of his illness and he is cured.
especially in chronic diseases, the first dose
Experience, however, teaches that the itch, plus its
should bring forth a so-called homoeopathic external manifestations, as well as the chancre, together
aggravation, that is, a marked increase of the with the inner venereal miasm can and must be cured
original morbid symptoms first discovered and only by means of specific medicines taken internally. But
the figwarts, if they have existed for some time without
in the same way every repeated dose (§ 247)
treatment, have need for their perfect cure, the external
however modified somewhat by shaking before application of their specific medicines as well as their
its administration (i.e., more highly dynamized internal use at the same time.]).’]
A new footnote is added in the Sixth Edition, as
follows: [The rule to commence the homoeopathic § 283*
treatment of chronic diseases with the smallest possible
doses and only gradually to augment them is subject to a
Now, in order to act really in conformity with
notable exception in the treatment of the three great nature, the true physician will prescribe his well-
miasms while they still effloresce on the skin i.e., recently selected homoeopathic medicine only in exactly
erupted itch, the untouched chancre (on the sexual
as small a dose as will just suffice to overpower
organs, labia, mouth or lips, and so forth), and the figwarts.
These not only tolerate, but indeed require, from the very and annihilate the disease before him–in a dose
beginning large doses of their specific remedies of ever of such minuteness, that if human fallibility
higher and higher degrees of dynamization daily (possibly should betray him into administering an
also several times daily). If this course be pursued, there
is no danger to be feared as is the case in the treatment inappropriate medicine, the injury accruing from
of diseases hidden within, that the excessive dose while its nature being unsuited to the disease will be
it extinguishes the disease, initiates and by continued diminished to a mere trifle; moreover the harm
usage possibly produces a chronic medicinal disease.
done by the smallest possible dose is so slight,
During external manifestations of these three miasms this
is not the case; for from the daily progress of their that it may be immediately extinguished and
treatment it can be observed and judged to what degree repaired by the natural vital powers, and by the
the large dose withdraws the sensation of the disease speedy administration of a remedy more suitably
from the vital principle day by day; for none of these three
can be cured without giving the physician the conviction selected according to similarity of action, and
through their disappearance that there is no longer any given also in the smallest dose.
further need of these medicines.
* Sec. § 283 is entirely re-written in the Sixth
Since diseases in general are but dynamic attacks
Edition, as follows:
upon the life principle and nothing material—no materia
peccans—as their basis (as the old school in its delusion [‘In order to work wholly according to
has fabulated for a thousand years and treated the sick
nature, the true healing artist will prescribe the
accordingly to their ruin) there is also in these cases
nothing material to take away, nothing to smear away, to accurately chosen homoeopathic medicine most
burn or tie or cut away, without making the patient suitable in all respects in so small a dose on
endlessly sicker and more incurable (Chronic Diseases account of this alone. For should he be misled
Part I), than he was before local treatment of these three
miasms was instituted. The dynamic, inimical principle by human weakness to employ an unsuitable
exerting its influence upon the vital energy is the essence medicine, the disadvantage of its wrong relation
of these external signs of the inner malignant miasms to the disease would be so small that the patient
that can be extinguished solely by the action of a
could through his own vital powers and by means
Scope of Homoeopathic Pharmacy 573
of early opposition (p 249) of the correctly with simultaneous internal administration.’ [The
chosen remedy according to symptom similarity power of medicines acting upon the infant through the
milk of the mother or wet nurse is wonderfully helpful.
(and this also in the smallest dose) rapidly Every disease in a child yields to the rightly chosen
extinguish and repair it.’] homoeopathic medicines given in moderate doses to the
nursing mother and so administered, is more easily and
§ 284* certainly utilized by these new world-citizens than is
possible in later years. Since most infants usually have
The action of a dose, moreover, does not imparted to them psora through the milk of the nurse, if
diminish in the direct ratio of the quantity of they do not already possess it through heredity from the
mother, they may be at the same time protected
material medicine contained in the dilutions used antipsorically by means of the milk of the nurse rendered
in homoeopathic practice. Eight drops of the medicinally in this manner. But the case of mothers in
tincture of a medicine to the dose do not produce their (first) pregnancy by means of a mild antipsoric
treatment, especially with sulphur dynamizations
four times as much effect on the human body as prepared according to the directions in this edition (§ 270),
two drops, but only about twice the effect that is is indispensable in order to destroy the psora—that
produced by two drops to the dose. In like producer of most chronic diseases—which is given them
manner, one drop of a mixture of a drop of the hereditarily; destroy it both within themselves and in the
foetus, thereby protecting posterity in advance. This is
tincture with ten drops of some unmedicinal true of pregnant women thus treated; they have given
fluid, when taken, will not produce ten times birth to children usually more healthy and stronger, to
more effect than one drop of a mixture ten times the astonishment of everybody. A new confirmation of
more attenuated, but only about (scarcely) twice the great truth of the psora theory discovered by me.]]
also communicated to the whole organism, but the rest remain to prepare themselves for their eternal
resting place, a fact that is verified by the presence of
it is a weaker power. numerous well-filled graveyards surrounding the most
* Sec. § 285 is entirely omitted in the Sixth celebrated of these spas.’ (A true homoeopathic physician,
one who never acts without correct fundamental principles,
Edition, and replaced by a new Section, as never gambles with the life of the sick entrusted to him as in a
follows: lottery where the winner is in the ratio of 1 to 500 or 1000
(blanks here consisting of aggravation or death), will never
[‘In this way, the cure of very old diseases expose any one of his patients to such danger and send him for
may be furthered by the physician applying good luck to a mineral bath, as is done so frequently by allopaths
externally, rubbing it in the back, arms, in order to get rid of the sick in an acceptable manner spoiled
abnormal sensations, and involuntary muscular attenuation) likewise only for one hour, and to make the
third attenuation (to the 1/1000000) also by one hour of
movements which may be cured by those means.
strong trituration of one grain of the previous mixture with
But the more certain way of applying the last one hundred grains of milk-sugar, in order to bring the
two as well as that of the so-called electro- medicine to such an attenuation that its development of
magnetic machine lies still very much in the dark power shall remain moderate. A more exact description
of this process will be found in the preface to Arsenic and
to make homoeopathic use of them. So far both
Pulsatilla in the Materia Medica Pura.] that the smallest
electricity and Galvanism have been used only
portion of the diluting fluid receives the same
for palliation to the great damage of the sick.
quantity of medicine in proportion as all the rest;
The positive, pure action of both upon the healthy
for the latter becomes much more medicinally
human body have until the present time been but
powerful by the diluting mixture than the former.
little tested.’]
From this every one will be able to judge for
himself how to proceed with the regulation of
§ 287*
the homoeopathic medicinal doses when he
But in this increase of action by the mixture desires to diminish their medicinal action as
of the dose of medicine with a larger quantity of much as possible, in order to make them suitable
liquid (before its ingestion), the result is vastly for the most sensitive patients. [The higher we carry
different whether the mixture of the dose of the attenuation accompanied by dynamization (by two
medicine with a certain quantity of liquid is succussion strokes), with so much the more rapid and
penetrating action does the preparation seem to affect
performed merely superficially and imperfectly,
the vital force and to alter the health, with but slight
or so uniformly and intimately [By the word diminution of strength even when this operation is carried
intimately I mean this : that when, for instance, the drop very far,–in place, as is usual (and generally sufficient) to
of a medicinal fluid has been shaken up once with one X when it is carried up to XX, L, C, and higher; only that
hundred drops of spirits of ine; that is to say, the phial then the action always appears to last a shorter time.]
containing both, held in the hand, has been rapidly moved
from above downwards with a single smart jerk of the * Sec. § 287 is entirely omitted in the Sixth
arm, there certainly ensues a thorough mixture of the Edition and replaced by a new Section, as
whole, but with two, three, ten and more such strokes,
this mixture becomes much more intimate; that is to say, follows :
the medicinal power becomes much more potentized, and
[‘The powers of the magnet for healing
the spirit of this medicine, so to speak, becomes much
more unfolded, developed, and rendered much more purposes can be employed with more certainty
penetrating in its action on the nerves. If, then, the required according to the positive effects detailed in the
object we wish to attain with the low dilutions be the Materia Medica Pura under north and south pole
diminution of the doses for the purpose of moderating
their powers upon the organism, we would do well to give
of a powerful magnetic bar. Though both poles
no more than two such succussion-jerks to each of the are alike powerful, they nevertheless oppose each
twenty, thirty, etc., dilution phials, and thus to develop the other in the manner of their respective action.
medicinal power only moderately. It is also advisable, in
The doses may be modified by the length of time
attenuating the medicine in the state of dry powder by
trituration in a porcelain mortar, to keep within certain of contact with one or the other pole, according
limits, and, for example, to triturate strongly, for one hour as the symptoms of either north or south pole
only, one grains of the crude entire medicinal substance, are indicated. As antidote to a too, violent action
mixed with the first hundred grains of milk-sugar, and to
triturate the attenuation of one grain of this mixture with
the application of a plate of polished zinc will
another hundred grains of milk-sugar (to the 1/10000th suffice.]
Development of Homoeopathy in India
education, code of ethics, etc. The Central network of 51 research centers functioning in
Council of Homoeopathy has made regulations different parts of the country. The council’s
to conduct 5 years BHMS (Bachelor of activities include clinical research on selected
Homoeopathic Medicine and Surgery) degree problems, clinical research in tribal areas, drug
course and 3 years postgraduate course (M.D.) proving research, drug standardization, clinical
besides Minimum Standard Regulations, etc. verification, literary research and, survey and
Address: cultivation of medicinal plants. The council has
Registrar-cum-Secretary made significant achievements in the treatment
Central Council of Homoeopathy, of behavioral disorders, respiratory allergies, skin
5th & 6th Floor , allergies, amoebiasis, filarial and osteoarthritis.
Jawahar Lal Nehru Bhartiya Chikitsa The clinical trials in the treatment of HIV / AIDS
Avum Homoeopathic Anusandhan Bhavan, have also shown positive leads. Fifty one
61-65, Institutional Area, Opposite ‘D’ Block, homoeopathic drugs including 24 drugs of Indian
Janakpuri, New Delhi-110058. origin, have been proved by the council. The
Tel: 91-11-25622906 pharmacognostic and physico-chemical
standards for 136 drugs have been worked out
INFRASTRUCTURE and work on 102 other drugs is in progress. The
India has a vast infrastructure of medical council has successfully cultivated Cineraria
institutions, dispensaries, hospitals registered maritima, an exotic plant used in the preparation
practitioners and drug manufacturing units. of widely used homoeopathic eye drops and a
These are: number of other medicinal plants used in
Registered Medical Practitioners 1,94,000 homoeopathy are being raised and maintained
at a demonstration garden at Udhagamandalam
Institutionally Qualified Practitioners 75,709
(Ooty), Tamilnadu. Under the Literary Research
Number of Dispensaries 7,155 Programme 15 chapters of Kent’s General
Number of Hospitals 297 Repertory of Homoeopathic Materia Medica
Bed Strength 12,836 have been revised and published. The council
No. of Teaching Institutions-Under has published 20 priced and 4 non-priced
Graduate 166 publications. Central Council for Research in
No. of Institutions imparting Homoeopathy also brings out a quarterly bulletin
Post Graduate Courses 21 and the CCRII News Letter which can be
obtained from the Director on request.
No. of Specialties in Post Graduate .
Licensed Pharmacies Manufacturing Address:
Homoeopathic Medicines 857 Director
C.C.R.H., Jawahar Lal Nehru Bhartiya
CENTRAL COUNCIL FOR RESEARCH Chikitsa Avum Homoeo. Anusandhan Bhavan,
IN HOMOEOPATHY 61-6-5, Institutional Area,
Opp-‘D’ Block, Janakpuri, New Delhi-058.
Central Council for Research in
Tel.: 91-11-25505523, 91-11-25592651,
Homoeopathy was established in 1978 at New
91-11-25592162 Fax: 91-11-5506060
Delhi. It is a premier research organization
E-mail: ccrh@del3. vsnl.net.in
engaged in research on various fundamental and
Website: www.ccrhindia.org.
applied aspects of homoeopathy and has a
Development of Homoeopathy in India 579
Section - 12
12.1 Plant Collection and Preparation of Herbarium.
12.2 Drugs of Plant Kingdom: Its History and Authority.
12.3 Drugs and Their Local Names.
12.4 Table of Drugs.
12.5 Relationship of Remedies with Duration of Action.
12.6 Abbreviations.
12.7 Indigenius Homoeopathic Drugs.
12.8 Preparation of Some Drugs.
To fresh woods and pastures new.
Plant Collection and Preparation of
Systematic Botany and Herbarium. This from world-wide, mainly phanerogams. Im-
section has been largely responsible for the portant collections are, collections of the
collection and indentification of a large por- flora of Madras.
tion of the floristic diversity of the Indian • Herbarium of the Division of Botany, In-
sub-continent. Started by Gamble (1890), the dian Agricultural Research Institute,
herbarium of the FRI has grown to become (I.A.R New Delhi) is, maintained by Gov-
one of the largest of its kind in Asia. It houses ernment of India. Number of specimens are
more than 3,00,000 authenticated plant about 10,000 (herbarium, consists of plants
specimens, including more than 1300 type of north India, introduced plants of economic
specimens, as well as a carpological collec- value, wild relatives of crop plants).
tion. Some of the notable publications of the
division, based primarily upon the herbarium PURPOSES OF HERBARIA
collection, are ‘Manual of Indian Forest
The drawings, photographs and descriptions
Botany, ‘World Monograph on the genus
of the plants cannot show what is desired to show
Toorui’’, forest flora of Punjab, Kumaon,
by them about individual variation and details
Chakrata, Andamans, orchids of north-west-
of structure and development. In most cases it
ern India and food from forests.
becomes necessary to compare descriptions with
• Herbarium of the Indian Botanic Gar- actual specimens which are found in widely
dens, Calcutta. It was founded in 1787: It separated regions. Most comparative studies for
is run by the state of West Bengal, Depart- taxonomic purposes are made in the herbarium
ment of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and and laboratory. The plant collections are much
Forests. The number of specimens collec- used for comparison with new material. The
tion is more than one million. The herbarium newly collected specimens are identified by the
consists of plants from world-wide, mainly comparison of their morphology and the
phanerogams and ferns of India and morphology of the plants collected in the
neighbouring countries of south and south- herbarium.
east Asia. In addition to these there are some
authentic collections of cryptogams. METHODS OF PLANT COLLECTION
• Herbarium of the National Botanic Gar- The specimens must be collected in every
dens, Lucknow. Founded in 1948 and in stage of their growth and reproduction and from
1953 taken over by the Council of Scientific different localities and habitates. The single
and Industrial Research (CSIR), New Delhi, specimen may be collected in the late flowering
Government of India. Number of specimens stage having both flowers and young fruits. A
are about half million. The garden has been complete specimen possesses all parts of the
established by C.S.I.R., as a Central Garden plant including the root system. In certain cases,
for India. the roots and other underground parts of the plant
• Madras Herbarium, Agricultural College are necessary for identification. For collection
and Research Institute, Coimbatore. It of the plants one should go out on excursion
comes under Department of Agriculture, several times in a season. A list of instruments
Government of Tamil Nadu. Founded in required by a plant collector, while on excursion
1874, the number of specimens are about half is given below:
million. The herbarium consists of plants
Plant Collection & Preparation of Herbarium 585
of classification. In our country and most and therefore, they are supposed to be so valuable
Commonwealth countries and British colonies that they are always preserved with special care.
the Ben-tham and Hooker’s system of The type specimens are handled with care and
classification is being used for this purpose. are kept away from regular specimens in separate
Engler and Prantl’s system of classification is steel cases by the curators. Usually such
also used to classify the plants in many countries. specimens are kept in separate cellophane
The plants are arranged familywise and an index envelopes.
card of the families is prepared. Within the
families, the genera are arranged alphabetically. ROLE OF HERBARIA IN MODERN
The specimens of one genus are placed in a TAXONOMIC RESEARCH
folded genus cover. The species are also arranged Herbaria and herbarium taxonomists have
alphabetically within the genus. contributed significantly to our understanding of
natural history.
SHEETS AGAINST MOULDS AND Herbaria may be approached for
INSECTS identification of plant specimens and supply of
information not easily available from public
Mold fungi do sufficient harm to the plant libraries. Without active basic research
specimens, if they are not well dressed by some identification of specimens may be often difficult
effective chemical. For this purpose the plant or impossible. In preparation of homoeopathic
specimens are sprayed with a 2% solution of medicines identification of species is of
mercuric chloride which is highly poisonous. The paramount importance.
insects do much harm to the specimens. To
overcome this difficulty, various chemicals have DESIGNING OF MODERN FLORA
been applied to the specimens. Moth balls and
The species concept and the recognition of
naphthalene flakes are placed in the shelves of
intraspecific categories need particular
herbarium to check the insects. These as
examination; in fact a rational process of
repellents to the insects. The mixture of paradi-
taxonomic thought should pervade the entire
chlorobenzene act as an effective repellent to the
work. It should reflect adequately the current
trends in taxonomic thought and practice and at
Heat is also employed sometimes to kill the the same time, keep itself within the limits of a
insects. If the mounted sheets are placed in well balanced, integrated botanical work, a
suitably designed steel almirahs for four to six creative work meant to inspire botanists of all
hours at 60°C, all the insects and their eggs are disciplines and thus help to elevate systematics
destroyed. to its deserved place among the more
sophisticated branches of botany (M.A. Rau,
The type specimens are those on which the Phylogeny is the evolutionary history of a
name of some taxon has been based. These taxon, and attempts to account for its origin and
specimens are those which are used by the author development. The term phylogeny is the autonym
as a basis for the name and description of a of ontogeny. Ontogeny differs from phylogeny
species and designed by him as a type specimen, in that it accounts for the life history of the
588 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
individual plant from its development from the ultimate goal of phylogenetic research is the
zygote to the production of its own gametes. A production of a phylogenetic system of
primary objective of phylogenetic studies in classification. The phylogenetic system shows
botany is the determination of origins and the genetic and lime relationship of any one taxon
relationships of all taxa of both extinct and living to another. According to Turrill (1942),
plants. “Taxonomy is based on characters, phylogeny
on changes of characters.” A phylogenetic system
SIGNIFICANCE OF PHYLOGENY TO of classification for plants would provide the
TAXONOMY answer to questions of their origin to their modes
Phylogeny deals with the evolutionary of evolution to the problems of monophyleticism
history of all taxa. It is a function of taxonomic ‘polyphyleticism’ etc.; the identity of primitive
research at all levels of classification. The and advanced characters.
Drugs of Plant Kingdom:
It’s History and Authority
History and Authority: Master Hahnemann History and Authority: Hahnemann
introduced this drug into the homoeopathic introduced this drug in homoeopathy in 1805.
materia medica in 1805. Allen’s Encyclopaedia Allen’s Encyclopaedia Materia Medica, Vol. II,
Materia Medica Vol. I, 12; Hering’s Guiding 67; X 373, 645.
Symptoms Vol. I, 28. The word ‘Belladonna’ is derived from two
The word ‘Aconite’ is derived from ‘Aconis’, Latin words ‘Bella’ meaning fine or beautiful and
a city of Bithynia (in Asia Minor). Also, ‘Acon’ ‘donna’ means ‘lady’.
means ‘dart’ because the darts were poisoned Its generic name atropa comes from the
with Aconite. Also, Greek word ‘Aconitum’ Greek word ‘atropos’, ‘the inflexible one’.
means ‘with soil’, as this plant grows on a stony
The word ‘napellus’ means ‘little turnip’, it History and Authority: It was introduced to
refers to the shape of the root. homoeopathy by Dr. W.L. Thompson in 1857.
Allen’s Encyclopaedia Materia Medica, Vol. II,
31; X, 372.
History and Authority: Hahnemann This plant was used officially as a medicine
introduced this drug in homoeopathic practice from 1830 to 1840. It somewhat resembles
in 1805. Allen’s Encyclopaedia Materia Medica, asparagus. The indigo was used by the American
Vol. I, 476. Indians as an antiseptic and as a dressing for
The name ‘Arnica’ is derived from the word gangrenous wounds, especially when these
‘Arnakis’ meaning ‘lambskin’ due to the wooly wounds were accompanied by fever.
appearance of the leaf.
‘Montana’ is from latin word ‘mountainous’,
it is the place where it grows. History and Authority: This drug was
590 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
introduced by Dr. Hesse in homoeopathy. Allen’s The word ‘Cannabis’ is derived from the
Encyclopaedia Materia Medica Vol. II, 139. Celtic word ‘Can’, meaning ‘a reed’ and ‘Ab’
This drug was used in medicine by Galen, meaning ‘small’ because of its small slender
Pliny and Dioscorids. The bark of the root was stems.
official from 1860 to 1880. The fruit was official
from 1830 to 1840.
History and Authority: Hahnemann
BRYONIA ALBA introduced it in homoeopathy in 1805.
History and Authority: Hahnemann The word ‘Capsicum’ is derived from
introduced this drug to homoeopathic practice ‘Capsa’, meaning ‘a chest, a box’, because the
in 1816. Allen’s Encyclopaedia Materia Medica, shape of the fruit is like a chest box which covers
Vol. II, 249. or conceals the seeds. On the other hand it may
The word ‘Bryonia’ means ‘growing be derived from the Greek word ‘Kapto’ meaning
rapidly’, as the stem grows rapidly. ‘to bite’, because of its hot pungent properties.
‘Alba’ derived from the Latin word ‘albus’ CARDUUS MARIANUS
meaning white as the roots and flowers both are
yellowish or white. History and Authority: Dr. Reil introduced
this drug in homoeopathy in 1852. Allen’s
CACTUS GRANDIFLORUS Encyclopaedia Materia Medica Vol. II, 635.
History and Authority: Dr. Rubini introduced The word ‘Carduus’ is the genus of this plant
this drug in homoeopathy in 1862. Allen’s and other prickly plants known as thistles.
Encyclopaedia Materia Medica Vol. II, 321. The word ‘Marianus’ is related to Virgin
The name ‘Cactus’ was originally given by Mary (since according to the fable, a portion of
Theophrastus, to a spiny plant of Sicily in Italy. Virgin Mary’s milk fell on the leaves, producing
the white veins).
History and Authority: Dr. Franz introduced
this drug in homoeopathic materia medica History and Authority: Dr. E.M. Hale
practice in 1838. Allen’s Encyclopaedia Materia introduced this drug in homoeopathy. Allen’s
Medica, Vol. II, 419. Encyclopaedia Materia Medica Vol. III, 31.
The word ‘Calendula’ is derived from The word ‘Caulophyllum’ is derived from
‘Calendos’ meaning the first day of the month as ‘Kavlos’, meaning ‘a stem’, and ‘phyllon’, ‘leaf’,
it plant flowers on the first of the month or at as the stem appears to be a leaf stalk.
least once a month. The word ‘Thalictroide’ derived from
‘thallow’, meaning ‘to grow green’, and Troides,
CANNABIS SATIVA resembling green stems.
History and Authority: Master Hahnemann
introduced this drug in homoeopathy in 1811.
Allen’s Encyclopaedia Materia Medica Vol. II, History and Authority: Hahnemann
492. introduced this drug in homoeopathy in 1805.
Drugs of Plant Kingdom 591
in 1805. Allen’s Encyclopaedia Materia Medica The name ‘Euphrasia’ is derived from the
Vol. IV, 92. Greek word ‘Euphrosyne’, one of the muses
The word ‘Digitalis’ is derived from expressing joy or pleasure.
‘Digitus’, meaning ‘a finger’, as it has a finger-
The word ‘Purpurea’ is derived from Latin History and Authority: Dr. Metcase
word ‘purpureus’, meaning ‘purple colored’ as introduced this drug in homoeopathy in 1853.
it has purple flowers. Allen’s Encyclopaedia Materia Medica Vol. IV,
The word ‘Gelsemium’ is derived from Latin
History and Authority: Hahnemann word ‘Gelsimino’ which means ‘jasmine’ and
introduced this drug in homoeopathy in 1805. ‘Sempervirens’ means ‘evergreen’.
Allen’s Encyclopaedia Materia Medica Vol. IV,
The word ‘Drosera’ is derived from the History and Authority: Dr. Preston
Greek word ‘drosarus’, meaning ‘dewy’.
introduced this drug in homoeopathy in 1851.
Allen’s Encyclopaedia Materia Medica Vol. IV,
History and Authority: Hahnemann
The word ‘Hamemelis’ is derived from the
introduced this drug in homoeopathic practice
Greek word, ‘Hama’, meaning ‘at the same time’
in 1811. Allen’s Encyclopaedia Materia Medica
Vol. IV, 178. and ‘Melles’ meaning a fruit.
The word ‘Dulcamara’ is derived from ‘Virginica’ is derived from ‘Virginia’, a state
‘Amarus’ meaning ‘bitter’, owing to the in U.S.A.
transition of tastes which it yields.
EUPATORIUM PERFOLIATUM History and Authority: It was introduced in
History and Authority: Dr. Williamson homoeopathic practice in 1866. Allen’s
introduced this drug in homoeopathy in 1845. Encyclopaedia Materia Medica Vol. IV, 613.
Allen’s Encyclopaedia Materia Medica Vol. IV, The word ‘Hydrastis’ is derived from
178. ‘Hydro’, meaning ‘water’, and ‘Drao’, meaning
The word Eupatorium ‘means’ ‘born of a ‘to act’. It is so named because of the active
noble father’, after King Pontus who discovered properties of the juice.
one of the species. ‘Per’ means ‘through’ and
‘Canadensis’ is related to its habitat, the
‘Folium’ means ‘leaves’ as the stem passes
northern limits of Canada.
through the leaves.
History and Authority: Master Hahnemann
History and Authority: Dr. Hahnemann
introduced this drug in homoeopathic materia
introduced this drug in homoeopathy in 1819.
medica in 1805. Allen’s Encyclopaedia Materia
Allen’s Encyclopaedia Materia Medica Vol. IV,
Medica Vol. V, 25.
594 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
The word ‘Hyoscyamus’ is derived from The word ‘Lobelia’ is derived from ‘Mathias
‘Hyos’, meaning ‘a hog’ and ‘Kyamos’ meaning Lobel’ a Flemish botanist.
‘a bean’, because the bean acts as an intoxicant ‘Inflata’ is derived from the Latin word
upon the swine, but not on other animals. ‘Inflatus’ meaning ‘inflated’, ‘swollen’, because
The word ‘Niger’ means ‘black’, as the the seeds are born in an egg-shelled inflated pod.
inside or throat of the flowers is purplish-black.
History and Authority: Dr. Hahnemann
History and Authority: Dr. Mueller introduced this drug in homoeopathy in 1828.
introduced this drug in homoeopathic materia Allen’s Encyclopaedia Materia Medica Vol. VI,
medica in 1837. Allen’s Encyclopaedia Materia 1.
Medica Vol. V, 53. The word ‘Lycopodium’ is derived from
The word ‘Hypericum’ is derived from ‘Lycos’ meaning ‘wolf’ and ‘Pes’ meaning ‘the
‘Hyper’ meaning ‘above’, and ‘Eicon’ meaning foot’, as the shoots have an appearance of the
‘an image’, because the superior part of the ‘wolf’s foot’.
flower represents a figure. ‘Clavatum’ is derived from the Latin word
‘clavatus’ meaning ‘club-like’.
History and Authority: Dr. Hahnemann MEZEREUM (or DAPHNE
introduced this drug in homoeopathy in 1805. MEZEREUM)
Allen’s Encyclopaedia Materia Medica Vol. V, History and Authority: Dr. Hahnemann
137. introduced in homoeopathy in 1805. Allen’s
The name ‘Ipecacuanha’ is a Portuguese Encyclopaedia Materia Medica Vol. VI, 330.
word meaning, ‘road-side-sick making plant’. It The word ‘Mezereum’ is derived from
is also used as a remedy for bloody flux or ‘Mazariyum’, which was then applied to a
dysentery which goes back as far as the late species of ‘Daphane’.
sixteenth century.
The word ‘Daphne’ is derived from ‘Daio’,
meaning ‘burn’ and ‘Phone’, meaning ‘noise’
because of the cracking noise it makes while
History and Authority: Dr. Kitchen first burning.
introduced this drug in homoeopathy in 1851.
The word ‘Iris’ means ‘rainbow’ due to MILLEFOLIUM
bright and varying color of the flowers. History and Authority: Hahnemann
‘Versicolor’ is derived from the Latin word introduced this drug in the homoeopathic practice
‘Versare’ meaning ‘to change’, because of the in 1833.
changeable color combination of the flower. The word ‘Millefolium’ is derived from
‘Mille’ meaning ‘thousand’ and ‘Folium’
LOBELIA INFLATA meaning ‘leaf’ as the plant has numerous narrow
History and Authority: It was introduced in pointed leaves.
the homoeopathic materia medica in 1841.
Drugs of Plant Kingdom 595
Drugs and Their Local Names
E. Sunflower; S. Adityabhakta; B.
E. Thorn-apple; S. Dhutura; B., H. & U.
Suryamukhi; H. & P. Shyruamukhi; U.
Dhutura; A. Dhotura; O. Dudura; P. & C.
Suryamakkhi; A. Beliphul; G. Suryamukhi;
Dattura; G. Dhatoora; Mar. Dhotra; M.
Bom. Surajmaki; Te. Suryakanta; C.
Ummam; T. Umathi; Te. Ummathi.
Hottutirugana; Mar. Suryaphul; M. & T.
Aesc. Nux-v. 30 d.
Arn. Acon., Ip., Acon., Ars., Bell., Bry., Acon., Ars., 6-10 d.
Hyper., Bar-m., Berb., Cact., Calc., Camph., Chin.,
Rhus-t., Chin., Cham., Calen., Ign., Ip.
Verat. Con., Cur., Hep., Ip.,
Nux-v., Phos., Led., Puls.,
Psor., Rhus-t., Ruta,
Sul-ac., Sulph., Verat.
Relationship of Remedies 613
Asc-t. 40-60 d.
Aur-m-n. Coff.
Bar-c. Dulc. Ant-t., Con., Chin., Lyc., After Calc. Ant-t., Bell., Camph., 40 d.
Merc., Nit-ac., Psor., Puls., Dulc., Zinc.
Rhus-t., Sep., Sulph., Tub.
Bell. Calc. Acon., Ars., Cact., Calc., Acet-ac., Acon., Camph., Coff., 1-7 d.
Cham., Carb-v., Chin., Con., Dulc., Hep., Hyos., Merc.,
Cur., Hep., Hyos., Lach., Op., Puls., Sabad.,
Merc., Merc-i-r., Mosch., Vinum.
Mur-ac., Nux-v., Puls.,
Rhus-t., Sep., Sil., Stram.,
Sulph., Seneg., Valer., Verat.
Bry. Alum., Alum., Ars., Abrot., Ant-t., Bell., Acon., Alum., Camph., 7-21 d.
Rhus-t. Berb., Cact., Carb-v., Dulc., Cham., Chel., Clem.,
Hyos., Kali-c., Mur-ac., Nux-v., Coff., Ign., Mur-ac.,
Phos., Puls., Rhus-t., Sil., Sabad., Nux-v., Puls., Rhus-t.,
Squil., Sulph. Seneg.
Calad. Nit-ac. Acon., Canth., Caust., Puls., Arum-t. Camph., Caps., Carb 30-40 d.
Sel., Sep. -v., Ign., Hyos., Merc.
Calc. Bell., Rhus-t. Aran., Agar., Bell., Borx., Bism., Bar-c., Nit- Bry., Camph., Chin., 60 d.
Dulc., Graph., Ip., Kali-bi., Lyc., ac. & Sulph. Ip., Nit-ac., Nit-s-d.,
Lyc., Nat-c., Nit-ac., Nux-v., do not follow. Nux-v., Sep., Sulph.
Phos., Plat., Podo., Puls., Rhus- After Kali-bi.
t., Sars., Sep., Sil., Ther., Tub. and Nit-ac.
Canth. Camph. Bell., Kali-i., Merc., Phos., Puls., Coff. Acon., Apis, Camph., 30-40 d.
Sep., Sulph. Kali-n., Laur., Puls.,
Carb-an. Calc-p. Ars., Bell., Bry., (Carb-v.) Nit- Carb-v.? Ars., Camph., Nux-v., 60 d.
ac., Phos., Puls., Sep., Sil., Sulph., Vinum.
Carb-v. Dros., Ars., Acon., Chin., Dros., Kali- Carb-an.? Ars., Camph., Coff., 60 d.
Kali-c., c., Lyc., Nux-v., Ph-ac., Puls., Kreos. does Lach., Nit-s-d.
Phos. Sep., Sulph., Verat. not follow.
Caul. Coff.
Caust. Carb-v. Ant-t., Arum-t., Coloc., Calc., Acet-ac., Asaf., Coloc., Dulc., 50 d.
Coloc., Guaj., Kali-i., Lyc., Nux-v., Puls., Coff., Phos. Guaj., Nux-v.
Petros. Rhus-t., Ruta, Sep., Sil., Stann.,
Cham. Bell., Acon., Arn., Bell., Bry., Cact., Zinc. Acon., Alum., Borx., 20-30 days.
Mag-c. Calc., Cocc., Form., Merc., Camph., Chin., Cocc.,
Nux-v., Puls., Rhus-t., Sep., Coff., Coloc., Con.,
Sil., Sulph. Ign., Nux-v., Puls.,
Chel. Acon., Ars., Bry., Cor-r., Ip., Acids., Acon., Cham., 7-14 d.
Led., Lyc., Nux-v., Sep., Spig., Coff., Vinum.
Chin. Ferr. Acet-ac., Arn., Ars., Asaf., Bell., After Dig. Apis, Aran., Arn., Ars., 14-21 d.
Calc., Carb-v., Calc-p., Ferr., and Sel. Asaf., Bell., Bry., Calc.,
Lach., Merc., Ph-ac., Phos., Puls., Caps., Carb-an., Carb
Sulph., Verat. -v., Caust., Cedr.,
Cina, Eup-per., Ferr.,
Ip., Lach., Led., Lyc.,
Meny., Merc., Nat-c.,
Nat-m., Nux-v., Puls.,
Rhus-t., Sep., Sulph.,
Cic. Bell., Hep., Puls., Rhus-t., Op., Arn., Coff., Op., Tab. 35-40 d.
616 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
Cina Calc., Chin., Ign., Nux-v., Plat., Arn., Camph., Caps., 14-20 d.
Puls., Rhus-t., Sil., Stann. Chin., Pip-n.
Clem. Clac., Rhus-t., Sep., Sil., Sulph. Anac., Bry., Camph., 14-20 d.
Cham., Crot-t., Ran-
b., Rhus-t.
Cob. 30 d.
Coff. Acon. Acon.,Aur., Bell., Fl-ac., Lyc., Canth., Caust. Acet-ac., Acon., 1-7 d.
Nux-v., Op., Sulph. Cocc., Ign. Cham., Chin., Grat.,
Merc., Nux-v., Puls.,
Con. Bar-m. Arn., Ars., Bell., Calc., Calc-ar., Coff., Dulc., 30-50 d.
Cic., Dros., Lyc., Nux-v., Phos., Nit-ac., Nit-s-d.
Psor., Puls., Rhus-t., Stram.,
Cor-r. Sulph. Calc., Merc.
Croc. Chin., Nux-v., Puls., Sulph. Acon., Bell., Op. 8 d.
Crot-h. Lach. 30 d.
Crot-t. Rhus-t. Anac., Ant-t., Clem., 30 d.
Ran-b., Rhus-t.
Cupr. Calc. Apis, Ars., Bell., Calc., Caust., Bell., Camph., Cic., 40-50 d.
Cic., Hyos., Kali-n., Puls., Chin., Cocc., Con.,
Stram., Verat., Zinc. Dulc., Hep., Ip., Merc.,
Nux-v., Puls., Verat.
Relationship of Remedies 617
Dios. 1-7 d.
Dulc. Bar-c., Calc., Bell., Calc., Lyc., Rhus-t., Acet-ac., Bell., Camph., Cupr., Ip., 30 d.
Kali-s., Sulph. Sep. Lach. Kali-c., Merc.
Ferr. Alum., Chin., Acon., Arn., Bell., Chin., Con., Acet-ac. Arn., Ars., Bell., 50 d.
Ham. Lyc., Merc., Phos., Puls., Verat. Chin., Hep., Ip., Puls.,
Sulph., Verat.
Graph. Aran., Caust., Euphr., Nat-s., Sil. Acon., Ars., Nux-v. 40-50 d.
Ferr., Hep.,
Ign. Nat-m. Ars., Bell., Calc., Chin., Cocc., Coff., Nux-v., Acet-ac., Arn., 9 d.
Lyc., Ph-ac., Puls., Rhus-t., Sep., Tab. Cham., Cocc., Puls.
Sil., Sulph.
Iod. Bad., Lyc. Acon., Arg-n., Calc., Calc-p., Ant-t., Apis, Ars., 30-40 d.
Kali-bi., Lyc., Merc., Phos., Puls. Acon., Bell., Camph.,
Chin., Chinin-s., Coff.,
Ferr., Graph., Grat.,
Hep., Op., Phos.,
Spong., Sulph., Thuj.
Ip. Ant-t., Arn., Ant-c., Ant-t., Apis, Aran., Arn., Ars., Chin., 7-10 d.
Cupr. Arn., Ars., Bell., Bry., Cact., Nux-v., Tab.
Cadm., Calc., Cham., Chin.,
Cupr., Ign., Nux-v., Phos.,
Podo., Puls., Rheum, Sep.,
Sulph., Tab., Verat.
Kali-bi. Ars. Ant-t., Berb., Puls. Does not Ars., Lach., Puls. 30 d.
follow Calc.
Kali-c. Carb-v., Ars., Carb-v., Fl-ac., Lyc., Nit- Camph., Coff., Dulc., 40-50 d.
Nux-v. ac., Phos., Puls., Sep., Sulph. Helon., Nit-s-d.
Kalm. Benz-ac. Calc., Lith-c., Lyc., Nat-m., Acon., Bell., Spig. 7-14 d.
Puls., Spig.
Kreos. Ars., Bell., Calc., Kali-c., Lyc., After Carb-v. Acon., Nux-v. 15-20 d.
Nit-ac., Nux-v., Rhus-t., Sep.,
Lach. Hep., Lyc., Acon., Alum., Ars., Bell., Acet-ac., Am- Alum., Ars., Bell., 30-40 d.
Nit-ac. Brom., Cact., Calc., Carb-v., c., Carb-ac., Calc., Cham., Carb-v.,
Caust., Chin., Cic., Con., Dulc., Nit-ac., Cocc., Coff., Hep.,
Euphr., Hep., Hyos., Kali-bi., Psor. Led., Merc., Nit-ac.,
Lac-c., Lyc., Merc., Merc-i-f., Nux-v., Op., Ph-ac.
Nat-m., Nux-v., Olnd., Phos.,
Puls., Rhus-t., Sil., Sulph.,
Lyc. Iod., Lach., Anac., Bell., Bry., Carb-v., After Sulph. Acon., Camph., 40-50 d.
Puls. Colch., Dulc., Graph., except in cycle Caust., Cham.,
Hyos., Kali-c., Lach., Led., of Sulph., Graph., Puls.
Nux-v., Phos., Puls., Stram., Calc., Lyc.,
Sep., Sil., Ther., Verat. Sulph. etc.Coff.
Mag-c. Cham. Caust., Phos., Puls., Sep., Ars., Cham., Merc., 40-50 d.
Sulph. Nux-v., Puls., Rheum.
Manc. 30-40 d.
Merc. Bad. Ars., Asaf., Bell., Calc., Calc-p., Acet-ac., Sil. Aran., Ars., Asaf., 30-60 d.
Carb-v., Chin., Dulc., Guaj., disagrees Aur., Bell., Bry.,
Hep., Iod., Lach., Lyc., Mur-ac., before or Calad., Calc., Carb-v.,
Nit-ac., Phos., Puls., Rhus-t., after potenti- Chin., Clem., Con.,
Sep., Sulph., Thuj. sed Mercury, Cor-r., Cupr., Daph.,
but antidotes Dulc., Ferr., Guaj.,
the crude Hep., Iod., Kali-bi.,
substance. Kali-chl., Kali-i., Lach.,
Mez., Nit-ac., Nux-m.
Op., Phyt., Podo.,
Rat., Sars., Sep., Spig.,
Staph., Still., Stram.,
Sulph., Valer.
Mez. Calc., Caust., Ign., Lyc., Merc., Acids, Acon., Bry., 30-60 d.
Nux-v., Phos., Puls. Calc., Kali-i.,
Nat-m. Apis, Ign., Apis, Bry., Calc., Hep., Kali-c., Ars., Phos., Nit-s-d., 40-50.
Sep. Puls., Rhus-t., Sep., Sulph., Thuj. Nux-v., Sep.
Nit-ac. Ars., Calad. Arn., Arum-t., Bell., Calc., Lach., after Acon., Calc., Hep., 40-60 d.
Carb-v., Kali-c., Kreos., Merc., Calc. Con., Merc., Mez.,
Phos., Puls., Sil., Sulph., Sep., Sulph.
Phos. All-c., Ars., Ars., Bell., Bry., Calc., Carb-v., Caust. Calc., Coff., Mez., 40 d.
Carb-v. Chin., Kali-c., Lyc., Nux-v., Nux-v., Sep., Ter.
Puls., Rhus-t., Sep., Sil., Sulph.
Plb. Ars., Bell., Lyc., Merc., Phos., Alum., Alumn., Ant-c., 20-30 d.
Puls., Sil., Sulph. Ars., Bell., Caust.,
Cocc., Hep., Hyos.,
Kali-br., Kreos., Nux-
m., Nux-v., Op., Petr.,
Plat., Stram., Sul-ac.,
Podo. (Sulph.) Coloc., Lac-ac., 30 d.
Lept., Nux-v.
Psor. Sulph., Alum., Bar-c., Borx., Sep.? Coff. 30-40 d.
Tub. Carb-v., Chin., Sulph.
622 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
Ran-b. Bry., Ign., Kali-c., Nux-v., Acet-ac., Anac., Bry., Camph., 30-40 d.
Rhus-t., Sep., Sabad. Staph., Sulph., Clem., Crot-t., Puls.,
Vinum. Rhus-t.
Rhus-t. Bry., Aran., Arn., Ars., Bell., Bry., Apis, disagrees Acon., Am-c., Anac., 1-7 d.
Calc. Berb., Cact., Calc., Calc-p., but Phos. Bell., Bry., Camph.,
Cham., Con., Graph., Hyos., follows well. Clem., Coff., Crot-t.,
Lach., Merc., Mur-ac., Nux-v., (Kent). Graph., Grind., Guaj.,
Ph-ac., Phos., Puls., Sep., Lach., Ran-b., Sep.,
Sulph. Sulph.
Sabad. Sep. Ars., Bell., Merc., Nux-v., Puls. Con., Puls. 20-30 d.
Sars. All-c., All-c., Bell., Hep., Merc., Acet-ac. Bell., Merc., Sep. 35 d.
Merc., Sep. Phos., Rhus-t., Sep., Sulph.
Sep. Nat-m., Bell., Calc., Carb-v., Con., Bry., Lach. Acon., Ant-c., Ant-t., 40-50 d.
Nux-v., Dulc., Euphr., Graph., Lyc., Nit-s-d., Sulph.,
Sabad. Nat-c., Nux-v., Petr., Puls., Vegetable acids.
Rhus-t., Sars., Sil., Sulph.,
Sil. Calc., Fl-ac., Aran., Ars., Asaf., Bell., Calc., Merc. Camph., Fl-ac., Hep. 40-60 d.
Puls., Sanic., Clem., Fl-ac., Graph., Hep.,
Thuj. Lach., Lyc., Nux-v., Phos., Puls.,
Rhus-t., Sep., Sulph., Thuj., Tub.
Spig. Arn., Ars., Bell., Calc., Cimic., Aur., Camph., 20-30 d.
Dig., Iris, Kali-c., Kalm., Nux- Cocc., Puls.
v., Puls., Rhus-t., Sep., Sulph.,
Spong. Brom., Bry., Con., Carb-v., Camph. 20-30 d.
Fl-ac., Hep., Kali-br., Nux-v.,
Phos., Puls.
Squil. Ars., Bar-c., Ign., Nux-v., All-s. Camph. 14-20 d.
Rhus-t., Sil.
Stann. Puls. Calc., Kali-c., Nux-v., Phos., Puls. 35 d.
Puls., Rhus-t., Sulph.
Staph. Caust., Calc., Caust., Coloc., Fl-ac., Ran-b. Ambr., Camph. 20-30 d.
Coloc. Kali-c., Ign., Lyc., Nux-v., Puls.,
Rhus-t., Sel., Sulph.
Stram. Acon., Bell., Bry., Cupr., Coff. Acet-ac., Bell., Hyos.,
Hyos., Nux-v. Nux-v., Op., Puls.,
Stront-c. Bell., Caust., Kali-c., Puls., Camph. 40 d.
Rhus-t., Sep., Sulph.
Sulph. Acon., Acon., Aesc., Alum., Apis, Ars., Sulph., follows Acon., Ars., Camph., 40-60 d.
Aloe, Ars., Bar-c., Bell., Berb., Borx., Bry., Lyc., but Lyc. Caust., Cham.,
Bad., Nux Calc., Carb-v., Euphr., Graph., does not Chin., Con., Merc.,
-v., Psor. Guaj., Kali-c., Merc., Nit-ac., follow Sulph. Nux-v., Puls., Rhus-t.,
Nux-v., Phos., Podo., Puls., (Kent.). Sep., Sil.
Rhus-t., Samb., Sars., Sep. Ran-b.
624 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
Thuj. Ars., Med., Asaf., Calc., Ign., Kali-c., Lyc., Camph., Cham., 60 d.
Nat-s., Merc., Nit-ac., Puls., Sabin., Cocc., Merc., Puls.,
Sabin., Sil. Sil., Sulph. Staph., Sulph.
Zinc. Hep., Ign., Puls., Sep., Sulph. Cham., Nux- Camph., Hep., Ign. 30-40 d.
v., Vinum.
Abies-c., Abies canadensis. Anac., Anacardium orientale.
Abies-n., Abies nigra. Androg-p., Andrographis paniculata.
Abrom-a., Abroma augusta. Anthrac., Anthracinum.
Abrot., Abrotanum. Anthraco., Anthracokali.
Absin., Absinthium. Ant-ar., Antimonium arsenicosum.
Acal., Acalypha indica. Ant-c., Antimonium crudum.
Acet-ac., Aceticum acidum. Ant-t., Antimonium tartaricum.
Acon., Aconitum napellus. Apis, Apis mellifica.
Act-sp., Actaea spicata. Apoc., Apocynum cannabinum.
Aesc., Aesculus hippocastanum. Aral., Aralia racemosa.
Aesc-g., Aesculus glabra. Arg-met., Argentum metallicum.
Aeth., Aethusa cynapium. Arg-n., Argentum nitricum.
Agar., Agaricus muscarius. Arn., Arnica montana.
Agn., Agnus castus. Ars., Arsenicum album.
Ail., Ailanthus. Ars-i., Arsenicum iodatum.
Alet., Aletris farinosa. Ars-s-f., Arsenicum sulphuratum flavum.
All-c., Allium cepa. Ars-s-r., Arsenicum sulphuratum rubrum.
All-s., Allium sativum. Art-v., Artemisia vulgaris.
Aloe, Aloe socotrina. Arum-t., Arum triphyllum.
Alumn., Alumen. Asaf., Asafoetida.
Alum., Alumina. Asar., Asarum europaeum.
Alumin., Aluminium metallicum. Aspar., Asparagus officinalis.
Alum-sil., Aluminium silicata. Aur., Aurum metallicum.
Ambr., Ambra grisea. Aven., Avena sativa.
Am-be., Ammonium benzoicum. Aza., Azadirachita indica.
Am-c., Ammonium carbonicum. Bad., Badiaga.
Am-caust., Ammonium causticum. Bapt., Baptisia tinctoria.
Am-m., Ammonium muriaticum. Bar-c., Baryta carbonica.
Aml-ns., Amylenum nitrosum. Bar-m., Baryta muriatica.
626 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
As a substitute for ergot in uterine hemorrhages. Drug and it's Properties: Comprises of fresh,
Flowers are useful in hemorrhagic dysentery. ripe or half-ripe fruits. Fruit is valuable for
Seeds are useful in urinary discharges. mucilage and pectin. Useful in chronic diarrhea
and dysentery, particularly for patients having
NEEM (Margosa tree) diarrhea alternating with spells of constipation.
Improves appetite and digestion. Antibiotic
Family : MELIACEAE activity of leaf, fruit and root of bael tree has
Botanical Name: Azadirachta indica A. Juss recently been confirmed.
Indian Names : Neem, Nimba (Sanskrit), Nim,
Limbro, Bevu, Vepa. BELLADONNA
Description: Large tree. Leaves pinnate; the Family : SOLANACEAE
leaves are divided into smaller segments called
Botanical Name : Atropa acuminata Royle ex
leaflets and each leaflet looks like a leaf. Flowers,
small, white. Fruits 1.2-1.8 cm. long; green or
yellow; one seed in each fruit. Indian Names : Angurshafa, Sagangur (Hindi).
Another species is Atropa belladona L.
Distribution: All over India, especially in which occurs in Europe. The trade name,
south India. Belladona, is derived from this species.
Drug and it's Properties: Dried stem bark, Description: Erect, branched, perennial herb,
leaves and root bark are used. Bark is a bitter 60-90 cm. high. Leaves brownish green, narrow
tonic, astringent and antiperiodic, i.e., usful in at both ends. Flowers yellowish-brown, bell-
fevers, breaks the periodic sequence of fever (in shaped. Fruit round, about 1.5 cm. across, purple-
malaria), useful in skin disease. Leaves are useful black.
in skin diseases and boils. Antibiotic properties Distribution: Cultivated in Kashmir, at 2000
of leaves and roots in skin diseases have been to 3000 metres altitudes.
Drug and it's Properties: The drug Belladona
consists of dried leaves and other parts of plant
when the plant flowers. The drug obtained fom
Family : RUTACEAE the leaves and above-ground parts decrease the
Botanical Name : Aegle marmelos (L.) Correa secretion of sweat, and salivary and gastric
glands. Strong antispasmodic action in intestinal
Indian Names : Bilya (Sanskrit), Vilvam, Sriphal
colic. Also useful in asthma and whooping cough.
(Sanskrit), Maredu, etc.
The drug obtained from roots has similar
Description: Medium-sized deciduous tree,
properties but contains poisonous substances.
bearing strong auxiliary thorns. Leaves with 3
Used for external applications in rheumatism,
or 5 leaflets. Flowers greenish-white, sweet
neuralgia, inflammations, etc.
scented, in small bunches. Fruits of 8 - 20 cm. in
diameter, globose, green, finally greyish. Rind
woody. Pulp orange colored, sweet, aromatic.
Distribution: Submountaineous regions and
Botanical Name: Datura, stramonium L.
plains all over India.
Indian Names: Dhatura, Ummatthai, etc.
632 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
Description: Bushy plant, upto 1 metre high. Drug and it's Properties: Dried leaves,
Leaves large, ovate, toothed. flowering tops and seeds are used. The chief
Flowers large, white. Fruit ovoid, deeply active principle is Hyoscyamine. The drug is
divided into four, covered with prickles. useful in the same manner as Belladona. Useful
in bronchitis or asthma, and controls salivation
Distribution: Eastern, central and south in mouth. Anti-spasmodic and narcotic.
India. In Himalayas, upto 2500 metres. Inhalation of smoke from the burning leaves
relieves asthma.
Preparation of Some Drugs
ii. Trituration 3 to be converted to 4, 5 and 3. Next the alcohol, which has been converted
upwards with 60 O.P. Rectified spirit. into ether, is thrown away. The trituration of
the mercurial is continued with fresh por-
MERCURIUS SOLUBILIS tions of alcohol for half an hour each time,
until these fluids emit no longer the smell of
Chemical Formula
Approximately Hg4 ON H2 NO3 + NH4 NO2 4. That being done, the alcohol is decanted, and
Synonyms the salt is dried on blotting paper, which is
Latin: Hydrargyrum oxydum nigum Hahne- renewed from time to time.
manni, H. oxydulatum nitricum ammonilatum, 5. Next the salt is triturated for a quarter of an
Dimercurosa nitrate; English: Mercury oxide hour in a glass mortar with twice its weight
black Hahnemann, Ammoniated nitrate of of purified water.
mercury; French: Mercure de Hahnemann; 6. The clear fluid is decanted, and the same
German: Hahnemann’s Queckailber. process is repeated with a fresh quantity of
water, these clear fluids are added to the pre-
ceding, and thus we get an aqueous solution
It is a heavy, greyish-black, velvety powder; of all that the saline mass, consisting of mer-
taste is metallic, slightly acidic; insoluble in curial nitrate, really saturated. The residue
water, alcohol or ether; entirely volalilised by is composed of other mercurial salts of chlo-
heat with decomposition; contains no metallic ride and sulphate.
globules. 7. Finally by precipitating this combined aque-
History and Authority ous solution by caustic ammonia, the so-
called black oxide of mercury is obtained.”
A mercurial preparation devised by
Hahnemann as a substitute for the corrosive Hahnemann’s method is complex, and the
mercurial salts, which were used in his time. resulting product is likely to prove unsatisfactory.
(Allen’s Encyclopaedia of Materia Medica Vol. The following formula of the B.H.P. will give
VI, 296). better result and secure uniformity’in the
Preparation Mercury, by weight 85 gms.
Crude Drug: Pure Nitric acid 48 ml.
Hahnemann discovered its preparation, but Ammonia, strong solution 15 ml.
he had abandoned it, by signifying his preference Purified water in sufficient quantity.
for pure mercury (Mercurius vivus). The process 1. Mix the nitric acid with 235 ml. of water in
recommended by him is as follows: a flask and digest the mercury in the mix-
1. Having purified the mercury, it is dissolved, ture, applying gradually increased heat until
cold, in common nitric acid, which consumes about 70 gms. of the mercury has dissolved.
many days.
2. A small portion of this solution is diluted
2. The resulting salt is dried on blotting paper, with about twenty times its bulk of purified
and triturated in a glass mortar for half an water. It yields a perfectly black precipitate
hour, adding one-fourth of its weight of the with ammonia.
best alcohol.
Preparation of Some Drugs 637
3. Dilute the hot solution with 350 ml. of puri- Molecular Weight
fied water while warm, filter it into a vessel 138.20
containing four times its bulk of cold puri-
fied water. Synonyms
Latin: Corbonas potassicus, S. kalicus,
4. A solution of ammonia, previously diluted
Kalium carbonicum (purum, s. e tartaro),
with 290 ml. of purified water in a thin
Potassae carbonae, Potassi carbonas, Potassi
stream, stirring constantly meanwhile.
carbonas purus, Sal tartari; English: Carbonate
5. As soon as the precipitate subsides, decant
of Potash, Carbonate of Potassium, Potassic
the supernatant liquid, and shake the
carbonate, Potassium carbonate; French:
precipitates with a fresh portion of purified
Carbonate de potasse; German: Kalium
carbonate, Konlensaures kali. Sanskrit and
6. Collect it on a filter, wash thoroughly, and Bengali: Yavakshara; Hindi: Javakhar.
dry it between the folds of filter paper with-
out applying heat.” Description
The official potassium carbonate is a dry,
white, granular powder or a coarse mass or a
Preserve in dry well-stoppered phails white crystalline powder. It is odorless,
protected from light. hygroscopic, having a strong alkaline taste and
reaction. Exposed to air it deliquesces, ultimately
History and Authority
forming a slightly yellowish liquid. It is soluble
The preparation has a historical importance, in 1 part of water at 15°C; it is insoluble in
as it was discovered by Hahnemann. Therapeuti- alcohol. Treated with dilute acids, evolves CO2
cally, it seems to act well, and till is used forming a salt with the acid used. Its aqueous
popularly, but in no way is different or superior solution is alkaline, and gives a white, granular
to Mecurius vivus. According to Jahr, precipitate with an excess of tartaric acid; it
Hahnemann entirely abandoned this preparation imparts a violet coloration to the bunsen flame.
in favour of Mercurius vivus many years before Formerly it was obtained from the ashes of plants,
his death. now prepared by passing COz in a solution of
Preparation KOH, and next by heating the resultant KHCO3.
3. Next, the product is placed in a porcelain A comprehensive and as an accurate test, the
capsule, covered with linen, and placed in a B.P. directs that “150 grains of bitartarate of
damp cellar for two to three weeks, within potassium, heated to redness till gas ceases to
which the last trace of the calcareous earth evolve, leave an alkaline residue which require
would be precipitated. for exact neutralisation, 100 grain measure of
the volumetric solution of oxalic acid.”
According to Hahnemann’s Method BRIEF PREPARATORY METHOD
a. Triturations
i. A clear drop of the above preparation is
used for making the first trituration ac- The nosodes or the morbid preparations are
cording to Class VIII, or in most cases at first triturated and attenuated
ii. Decant the dissolved salt of the above according to the different classes of the old
preparation, add distilled water, and fil- method. A very few are also prepared according
ter; next evaporate to dryness, briskly to the modern method. In the homoeopathic
stirring towards the close of the process. therapy, they are generally used in dilution forms
of higher potencies.
One part by weight of the above is triturated
with ninety-nine parts of milk sugar according DIPTHERINUM
to Class VII.
A nosode. The membrane from a case of
b. Liquid Potencies malignant diphtheria, triturated with milk sugar
According to Class VIII or Class VII, as the to the 6th centesimal, then potentised by Swan.
case may be.
According to the B.H P.
a. Trituration An imponderabilia. The energy imparted by
b. Liquid Potencies electricity (atmospheric or static), The potencies
are prepared from milk sugar which has been
i. 1x in distilled water, 3x with proof spirit;
saturated with the current.
and upwards with rectified spirit.
ii. One with distilled water, to which 5 per HIPPOZAENINUM
cent of rectified spirit has been added; 2
with 20 O.P.; and upwards with recti- The nosode of glanders of Farcy. (The
fied spirit. disease is called “Glanders”, when the catarrhal
symptoms are pronounced. “Farcy” when these
Tests for Purity are not noticeable, the skin being chiefly affected,
If Hahnemann’s preparation be made from with deposits in the lungs. Homoeopathic
pure potassium bitartarate, no tests for the purity preparations of both have been made. Those
of the product will be necessary. But potassium made from Farcy are distinguished by the letter
bitartarate is frequently adulterated with “F”.) Trituration of milk sugar saturated with
chlorides and sulphates of calcium and the virus.
potassium, chalk, terra alba etc.
Preparation of Some Drugs 639
vegetable matter which had undergone Preparations from the tincture obtained as
decomposition for three weeks, and mix- described above, attenuations are prepared
ing with an equal part of alcohol. according to Class Vl-b.
Vide “New, Old and Forgotten Remedies,” A nosode; a product of sepsis, artificial
by Dr. E.P. Anshutz. sepsin. A product of decomposition of the
chopped lean beef in water, allowed to stand in
PSORINUM the sun for two or three weeks.
A nosode. The sero-purulent matter
contained in the scabies vesicle was used for
Hahnemann’s provings The product of ‘Psora A nosode. A toxin of Proteus vulgaris,
sicca’ (epidermoid efflorescence of pityriasis) prepared by Dr. Shedd, same symptoms a
was used for Dr. Gross’s provings. exhibited by Pyrogenium, of which it is main
Trituration (Allen’s Encyclopaedia of SEPTICAEMINUM
Materia Medica Vol. VIII, p. 164), Dr. A nosode introduced and proved by Dr. Swan
Constantine Hering gives the following accounts and was prepared from a portion of septic boil.
(The North American Journal of Homoeopathy,
II, 362): “In the Autumn of 1880, I collected the SOL
pus from the itch pustule of a young and An imponderabilia, prepared by exposing
otherwise healthy negro, who had been infected, milk sugar in a glass pot and by continnous
but whether by means of acari or not, I cannot stirring the vehicle by a glass-rod, under the
say. The pustules were full, large and yellow, influence of the concentrated rays of the sun.
particularly between the fingers, on the hands
and forearms. I opened all the mature, SYPHILINUM OR LEUTICUM
unscratched pustules for several days in
succession, and collected the pus in a vial with The nosode of the syphilitic virus Luesinum.
alcohol. After shaking it well allowing to stand, The matter exuding from a true chancre is
I commenced my provings with the tincture on triturated (Allen’s Encyclopaedia of Materia
the healthy. Its effects were striking and decided, Medica Vol. X, p. 636).
I administered it to the sick with good results,
and sometime witnessed aggravations, I called TUBERCULINUM AND BACILLINUM
this preparation of Psorinum.” The nosodes are glycerine extracts of pus
“When this alcohol is placed in a watch-glass (with bacilli) from tubercular abscesses. The
and allowed to evaporate, small needle-shaped potencies of Fincke and Swan were prepared
and transparent crystals of a cooling, pungent from a drop of pus obtained from a pulmonary
taste will be left behind. I have always been of tubercular abscess or sputa. Those of Heath were
the opinion that this salt, contained in the morbid prepared from a tuberculous lung in which the
product, was the cause of its peculiar effects.” bacillus tuberculosis had been found
microscopically; hence the former was called
Preparation of Some Drugs 641
Tuberculinum and the latter Bacillinum. Both distilling unchanged. Crystallises when cooled
preparations are reliable and effective. to about 10° C, which completely remelts at about
15°C. It may be obtained by the action of
TUBERCULINUM BOVINUM OR sulphuric acid on an acerate or by synthesis.
BOVINE TUBERCULIN Manufactured by the destructive distillation of
wood carbohydrates, or by the oxidation of
The nosode is also called the tuberculin of
alcohol. Contains not less than 99.0 per cent w/
animals (cattles), and now is prepared in
w of C2H4O2.
homoeopathic attentuated forms in London by
Epps and Nelson. Introduced and proved by Dr. Solubility
Kent, procured from the tubercular glands of a
Mixible with water, alcohol, glycerine and
slaughtered cow.
with most fixed and volatile oils; dissolves
camphor, gum-resins and resins.
An imponderabilia, prepared by exposing a
phial containing alcohol to X-ray for half an hour. i. Strongly acidic, even when diluted freely.
Dilutions are prepared according to the ii. When heated to boiling, the vapor is inflam-
centesimal scale. mable and burns with a blue flame.
iii. When diluted with water and neutralised,
responds to the reactions characteristic of
MODERN METHOD iv. Freezing point: Not lower than 14.80°C.
v. Wt. per ml.: At 25°C, about 1.047 gm.
ACIDUM ACETICUM vi. Arsenic: Not more than 2 parts per million.
vii. Chloride: 5 ml., complies with the limit test
Common Name
for chlorides.
Acetic acid.
viii.Lead: Not more than 3 parts per million.
Chemical Formula ix. Copper: In 1 ml. with 10 ml. of water slightly
C4H3O3 acidified with hydrochloric acid add hydro-
gen sulphide; no perceptible coloration, in-
Molecular Weight dicating the absence of more than the slight-
60.053 est traces (also of arsenic and lead).
Synonyms x. Nitrate: On to the surface of a cold mixture
Latin: Acidum aceticum glacial, Aceticum of 2 ml. and 2 ml. of sulphuric acid pour
acidum, Acid of vinegar; English: Glacial acetic gently 1 ml. of cold ferrous sulphate T.S.;
acid; French: Acide acetique crystallisable; no dark or colored zone developes at the
German: Essigsaure, Aceti acidum junction between the two liquids.
xi. Sulphate: 2.5 ml. complies with the limit test
for sulphates.
A colorless, limpid liquid; odor pungent,
xii. Sulphite: To 1 ml. in 10 ml. of water add
characteristic, strong that of vinegar; vesicant
silver nitrate T.S. or barium chloride; no pre-
or caustic. Boiling point, about 118° C, the acid
cipitate or turbidity.
642 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
flowering is used. The root is much stronger and magus, S. maniacum, S. melanoceros, S.
more ‘uniform in strength than the herbor leaves. somniferum, S. sylvaticum; English: Common
Note: There are many species of Aconite, and it dwale, Deadly nightshade; French: Belladonne;
is not certain which were used by Hahnemann. In the German: Tollkraut, Tolkirsche; Hindi:
subsequent provings different species have been used. Angurshefa, Lukmuna, Sagangur; Bengali:
In the provings the symptoms of the herb, seed, root Yebruj; Bombay: Girbuti; Kashmir: Mait brandi,
etc. have not been separated, not even those of Jalakafal; Punjabi: Angurshefa.
different species.
Preparations Common in Europe, especially in southern
a. Tincture Q parts, grows in ruins and waste stony places;
Aconitum—moist magma cultivated to a small extent in Kashmir.
containing solids 100 gms. Flowering Time: Summer.
Plant moisture 350 c.c. 450 Time for Collecting: When in full flower.
Strong alcohol 683 ml.
To make one thousand millilitres of tincture.
A perennial herb, bushy, large. Root is
Alcohol content—64 per cent v/v.
spreading; branches, thick, fleshy and juicy, in
b Dilutions fresh state white internally, pale brown
i. 2x to contain one part tincture, two parts externally. Stems are from 0.91 m. to 1.52 m.
purified water, seven high, smooth, cylindrical, thick, often branching;
parts alcohol, 3x and upwards with recti- younger shoots pubescent. Numerous leaves,
fied spirit 60 O.P. alternate below, and in pairs above, one is smaller
ii. 2x is equivalent to 1, 2 and upwards with than the other. Flowers appear from May to
rectified spirit 60 O.P. August, solitary (rarely 2 to 3 together), stalked,
c. Medications axillary and dropping, bell-shaped, pendulous
3x and upwards, 3 and upwards. and purple in color; berries ripen in September.
If brushed, the whole plant is fetid and has a dark
Old Method purplish color. Fruit is a berry.
Class I and II (for dilutions), excluding root. Constituents
Belladonna herb contains the alkaloids:
Hyoscyamine, B-methylaesculetin (scopletin,
Botanical Name chrysatropic acid; which gives a blue
fluorescence in ultraviolet light), atropine, and
Atropha Belladonna Linn.
traces of hyoscine, belladonnine; and other
Family alkaloids. Further constituents are variable
Solanaceae quantities of volatile bases, including pyridine,
N-methylpyrraline and N-tnethylpyrroldine. All
Synonyms these occur in variable amount in the whole plant,
Latin: Atropha acuminata Royle ex Lindley, roots, stems, leaves also in “the berries. In a good
A. belladonna, A. lethalis, Belladonna baccifera, quality of the dried herb total quantity of
B, trichotoma, Solanum furisoum, S. lethale; S. alkaloids present will be about 0.4 to 1.0 per cent.
Preparation of Some Drugs 645
mouth and eyes being also affected, bring purified water l/1000(3x)
suppressions of their respective secretions. Cortisone Q in strong alcohol 1/1000
Uses Crotalus horridus solution in glycerine 1/100
Croton tiglium in strong alchol 1/100
In addition to the homoeopathic curative
applications, it is used in external applications. Cuprum aceticum solution in
Belladonna linaments are sometimes used as purified water 1/100
counter-irritants. Belladonna suppositories are Elaps corallinus solution in glycerine 1/100
used to relieve the painful spasm of anal fistula. Ferrum picricum in strong alcohol 1/100
Tinctures and solutions other than 10 per Glonoinum in strong alcohol 1/100
cent. Kalium arseuicosum solution 1/100
Kalium chloricum solution in purified
water 1/100
Kalium permanganicum in purified water1/100
Drug strength
Lophophora wiliamsii 1/20
Acidum butyricum Q solution,
Mephitis mephitica Q 1/100
in dilute alcohol 1/00
Moschus Q 1/20
Acidam hydrocyanicum Q using the
acid in a 2% solution with equal Mercurius bromatus Q solution in
volume of alcohol 1/100 purified water 1/100
Acidum picricum Q solution in strong Mercurius cyanatus Q solution in
alcohol 1/100 purified water 1/100
Ambra grisea Q 1/100 Natrium hydroiodium Q in strong
alcohol 1/100
Ammonium aceticum, solution in
purified water 1/100 Phosphorus Q 1/667
Arsenicum album Q solution 1/100 Propylaminum Q solution in purified
water 1/100
Bromium Q solution 1/100
Stannum perchloratum Q solution in
Buthus australis Q solution in purified
purified water 1/100
water 1/100
Succini oleum 1/100
Cactus grandiflorus Q 1/20
Thalium aceticum Q 1/100
Calcarea caustica Q solution in purified
water 1/1000 (3x) Formulas and parts taken for preparations
Carboneum chloratum Q in alcohol 1/100 of different drug substances according to
American Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia and
Carboneum oxygenisatum Q solution 1/100
German Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia (G).
500 c.c. Causticum 1/100
Causticum Q to make
500 c.c. strong alcohol 1000 c.c.
(For Drug Control Authority purpose
Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia of India should
be mentioned where such preparations have been
of Q
Chlorinum Q solution in
Preparation of Some Drugs 647
Section - 13
but some like Piperine are tasteless. Most are Hyoscyamine and its salts H. hydrobrom, H.
odorless, but Nicotine, etc. have a strong odor; sulph. (Hydras can.); Hyoscyamine and its salts
many are deadly poisons, but in minute doses, H. hydrobrom, H. sulph. (Hyoscyamus);
act as valuable therapeutic agents. They are Lobeline (Lobelia); Muscarine (Agarem.);
generally colorless, but a few are yellow, e.g., Nicotine (of Tabacum); Physostigmine (?)
Berberine. As a rule, alkaloids contain the (Physostigma v.); Pilocarpine and its salts P.
element, C, H, O and N. But a few like Nicotine, mur., P. nit. Jaborandi); Piperine (Piper nig.) ;
etc. contain no oxygen; which are usually liquid; salts Sanguinarin nit. and S. tartar.
but most alkaloids are crystalline solids. (Sanguinariacan. an alkaloidal salt Scopolamine
Identification of Alkaloids: Often they are hydrom. (Scopola, Japanese Bell.); Sparteine
identified by their ‘melting points’. Finding out (volatile, of Cystisus scop.) and its salt, salt S.
their solubilities, crystalline forms or ‘specific sulph.; Strateg bube (Several species of
rotations’, etc. may also help in identification. Strychnos, especially Nux-v.) and its salts S.
In general, they give a white or yellow arsenic, S. ferri cit., S. mur., S. nit., S. phos.. S
precipitate, in a solution of mercuric iodide and sulph S. valerin.; Thein (of tea); alkaloid
potassium iodide (Mayer’s reagent); white or Veratrine (of Sabadilla); alkaloids from Opium—
yellowish precipitate with a dilute solution of Codeine and its salts C. hydrochloride, C. phos.;
iodine in potass iodide (Wagner’s reagent) and Cryptopine; Morphine and its salts M. acet., M.
an orange-red precipitate with potassium lact, M. mur., M. sulph.; Narceine, Narcotine etc.
bismuth-iodide (Dragendroff’s reagent), etc. Anesthetics: Drugs which diminish
There are other specific tests for alkaloids also. sensibility by depressing the terminations of
The following alkaloids are used as drugs in sensory nerves (local) or lead to a total loss of
homoeopathy Aconitine (of Aconitum nap.); consciousness (general) e.g., Acidum
Areolin hydrobrom (a salt of Areca cat.); carbolicum; Belladonna; Bromium; Chloralum;
Aspidospermine and its salt A. hydrochlor (of Chloroformum; Cocaine; Ether; Iodoform;
Quebracho); Berberine and its salt B. sulph. (of Kalium bromatum; Opium; Platina; Valeriana;
Berberis vul., Hydrastis can., Columbo, etc.); Veratrum viride.
Brucine and its salt B. nitric, (of Angustura spu., Anhydrotic, Anti-hydrotic, Anti-sudorific:
and Nux-v.); alkaloid Caffeine and its salt C. Drugs which prevent, reduce perspiration that is
citrate (of Coffea, Paullinia s., Ilex para., and opposite to diaphoretic, e.g., Agaricinum;
Thea chin. From China or Cinchona off.— Atropinum; Hyoscyamus niger; Stramonium;
alkaloid Chinine (or Quinine), and its salts C. Belladonna; Opium.
arsenici, C. arsenico, C. ferro. cit., C. hydrocy Anhydrous: This term is applied to a
C. mur., C. salicy., C. Sulph; Chinoidine a substance, when it is completely free from water.
mixture of several alkaloidal bodies; Cinchonine
sulph.; Alkaloid colchicine (of Colchicum aut.); Antidote: It is a substance which modifies
Alkaloid conine and its salts C. bromatum, C. or opposes the effects of a remedy, i.e., Nux
mur. (of Conium mac.); Duboisine and the salt vomica and Coffea; Belladonna and Opium;
D. sulph. (Duboisia; Emetine (of Ipecac; Ergotine Bryonia and Rhus tox.
and E. wiggersi (Secale) Eserine, and its salt E. Antihelmintics: Drugs which are used to kill
sulph (of physostigma ven.). Hydrastine and salt or expel the worms. It may be a vermicide (which
H. hydrochl., H. sulph. (Hydrastis can.); kill the worms) or vermifuge (which expel the
Glossary 659
worms without killing, e.g., Carbon tetrachloride; esters, e.g., Balsam peru, Balsam tolu; (resin
Chelone; Oil of Chenopodium; Cina; Spigelia; 80%, volatile oil 1.5 to 3.0%, free cinnamic and
Stannum; Teucrium marum verum; Thymol; benzoic acids).
Kausso-Brayera. Base: An oxide or hydroxide of metal (or
Antipyretics: Drugs which lower the non-metal). It reacts with acid to produce a salt;
temperature of the body in pyrexia e.g., in a solution of water turns red litmus blue, e.g.,
Acetanilidum (Antifebrinum); Aconitum Magnesium oxydatum.
napellus; Arnica montana; Belladonna; Bryonia Bioavailability: It is defined as the yield of
alba; Micromeria. the active drug from a pharmaceutical
Antiseptics: Drugs which prevent or retard preparation at the required sites in the body.
the growth of micro-organisms as long as they Boiling Point or B.P.: When a pure liquid
remain in contact with them but do not destroy boils under constant pressure and the
them, e.g., Acidum carbolicum; Acidum temperament remains constant, then that constant
boracicum; Arbutinum; Canchalagua; Chlora- temperature under one atmosphere pressure is
lum; Borax; Kreosotum; Myristica sebifera; called the boiling point of that liquid.
Myrtus communis; Pyrogenium; Cinchona; Carbohydrates: A large group of organic
Sulphur. compounds consisting of the elements carbon,
Antispasmodics: Drugs which relax the hydrogen and oxygen only, are termed as
spasm of the muscular coat of the bronchial tubes, carbohydrates. They comprise of:
e.g., Belladonna; Chloroformum; Magnesium A. Sugars:
phos.; Passiflora.
i. Monosaccharides, e.g., d-glucose, grape
Aphrodisiacs: Drugs which increase sexual
sugar or dextrose C5H12O6
desire, e.g., Cantharides; Camphora; China;
Coffea; Ether; Moschus; Nux vomica; ii. Disaccharides e.g., sucrose, cane-sugar
Phosphorus; Stramonium; Nasturium aquaticum; or saccharose, C12H22O12,
Valeriana; Vanilla; Yohimbinum. iii. Tri and Tetrasaccharides.
Astringents: Drugs which cause contraction B. Non-sugars: Polysaccharides e.g., starch and
or shrinkage of the tissues or diminished cellulose.
exudations or secretions, e.g., Adrenalinum;
Carminatives: Drugs which help in
Hamamelis; Hypericum; Sanicula; Zincum
expulsion of gases, e.g., Chamomilla.
oxyd.; Tannicum acidum.
Caustics or Escharotics: Drugs which
Atom: The smallest portion of an element
destroy the vitality of the part on which they are
which can take part in a chemical reaction. The
applied, e.g., Arsenicum album; Mercurius;
ultimate particle of matter is commonly
Sulphuricum acidum.
understood as atom.
Characteristic Symptom: It is the
Atomic Weight: The atomic weight of an
individualising symptom of a drug. In its
element is a number which expresses how many
complete expression it should belong to a drug
times the weight of one atom of an element is
greater than the weight of one atom of hydrogen.
Chemical Symbol or Chemical Formula:
Balsams: They are mixtures or resinous
Symbol or formula is an abbreviation for the full
substances, benzoic or cinnamic acids or their
name of an element or compound. The chemical
660 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
symbol or the chemical formula expresses the they produce a compound. A compound may be
names of the elements, or the names of the separated chemically again into its constituents,
elements constituting a radicle or group or a e.g., water is made from the chemical union of
compound, and contains the respective number the elements oxygen and hydrogen; these two
of atom in each molecule of a radicle or elements can also be separated chemically.
compound. For example, the elements hydrogen, Concordant Remedies: Drugs whose
oxygen and carbon are represented by the symbol actions are similar but of dissimilar origin are
H, O and C respectively; the group ethyl is said to be concordant and they follow each other
represented by symbol CH3 and on 2 molecules well i.e., China and Calcarea; Pulsatilla and
of ammonia contains one atom of nitrogen and Sepia; Nitricum acidum and Thuja; Belladonna
three atoms of hydrogen. and Mercuris.
Chloralum (Chloral Hydrate): Another Condense: It means to make or become
drug used in homoeopathy; it is prepared by the dense. Condensation means the act of making or
action of water on the aldehyde chloral. being dense.
Cholagogues or Hepatic Stimulants: Drugs
Crystallisation and Crystal: When a
which increase the amount of bile actually
solution of a solid in a liquid, saturated at some
secreted, e.g., Aloe soc.; Colchicum; Croton tig.;
higher temperature, is made to cool down, then
Euonymus; Eupatorium per.; Iris versicolor;
a quantity of the solid held in solution is
Leptandra; Manganum; Mercurius; Podo-
deposited at the bottom spontaneously in the
phyllum; Rheum; Sanguinaria; Veratrum alb.
form of particles having regular and definite
Clinical Pharmacology: Evaluation of geometrical shapes. This process is called
drugs in a clinical setting is termed clinical crystallisation and the particles are called
pharmacology. crystals.
Clinical Symptom: One that is observed on
Every solid has got its own crystalline form.
the sick and has not been obtained from a
A crystal of common salt or Natrium muriaticum
proving. A patient under treatment is given a
is cubic. Alum or Alumen crystal is like a double
remedy for certain condition, if a certain marked
pyramid. If a perfect crystal is broken, then it
symptom is not found in the proving of that
breaks in to smaller crystals, and all of which
remedy but it disappears, it is credited to the
are similar as the bigger mother crystal.
action of that remedy and is called a clinical
symptom. The solids which have no crystalline shape
are known as amorphus solids, e.g., Carbon,
Complex Protein: An example is gelatin or
Sulphur, etc.
gelatine, which is used as a drug in homoeopathy.
It occurs in cells of algae, also in animal There are different methods of getting solids
cartilages and bones; it is soluble in water and in their crystalline forms, e.g.,
its solution has the property of setting to a jelly. i. By cooling or evaporating the solution
Complimentary: A relation wherein one of a solid in a liquid.
drug completes the cure which was commenced ii. By sublimation.
by another drug, i.e., Belladonna and Calcarea, iii. By solidification of a melted substance.
Sulphur and Nux vomica, Apis and Natrium mur. Curative Medicine: This field is exclusively
Compounds: If two or more elements occupied by homoeopathy because the cure as
chemically unite in some definite proportion,
Glossary 661
said in the Organon of Medicine could not be which is known as condensation; and the liq-
effected by any other branch of medicine. uid collected in the receiver is called the dis-
Decantation: It is a process of pouring tillate.
gently and slowly a liquid (or solution of tincture) Distillation Under Reduced Pressure or
contained in a vessel, out of a mixture of the said Distillation Vacuo: Some liquids decompose at
liquid and other insoluble solid substances, their boiling points. So, they cannot be distilled
without disturbing those solid substances, which under the atmospheric pressure and they distill
are deposited at the bottom as sediment. under reduced pressure. This is done by
It is a rather crude method of separating a connecting the receiver with a filter pump in
liquid (or solution or tincture) from its insoluble order to exhaust the air out, for reducing pressure
solid contents, which settle down at the bottom. inside, and thus producing partial vacuum. This
This method is applied in cases of mother process is called distillation under vacuo.
tinctures or solutions or other liquid preparations, Deodorants: Drugs which destroy offensive
for making them bright by removing their or disagreeable odors, e.g., Formalin.
insoluble solid contents. Desication: It is a process of drying or
Density: The density of a liquid is the weight removing the moisture contained in any
in grammes in vacue of 1 ml. of that liquid. substance. In practice it is errected by keeping
Dilute (or dil.) and Concentrated (or the substance in any ordinary temperature as well
conc.) Solution: If only a small amount of solute as by heating it at a temperature upto 100°C in
is present in a solution, then it is called a dilute an air own or steam over or electrical oven.
solution, and if the solution contains a relatively Diaphoretics or Sudorifics: Drugs which
large amount of the solute, it is called increase the secretion of sweat. When a
concentrated. diaphoretic acts very powerfully it is called a
Dilution: It is the method of mixing one sudorific e.g., Aconitum nap.; Achyranthes
liquid with another liquid. The more one liquid aspera; Apocynum; Aurum met.; Belladonna;
is added, the more weak the other liquid becomes Chamomilla; Colchicum; Ether; Eucalyptus
in strength. globus; Eupatorium perf.; Gelsemium;
Ipecacuanha; Jaborandi; Opium; Pulsatilla;
Take the first liquid in a suitable vessel, and
Muscarine; Sambucus nigra; Secale cor.;
pour it upon the second liquid contained in
Sulphur; Veratrum alb.; Antipyrinum.
another vessel; the gradual addition of the first
liquid results in rendering the second liquid more Disinfectants: Drugs which destroy the
weak in strength. pathogenic microbes, e.g.,
Distillation: The distillation process consists • Oxidizing Disinfectants: Chlorine and its
of two steps: preparations; Bromine and its preparations;
Iodine and its preparations; Permanganate of
i. In converting a liquid into its vapor state by
potassium; Ozone.
the application of heat or by reduction of pres-
sure (or by both the application of heat and • Antizymotic Disinfectants: Benzoicum
reduction of pressure) is known as vaporiza- acidum; Borax; Carbolicum ac.; Caustic lime;
tion. Chloride of zinc; Cinchona; Eucalyptus;
Kreosotum; Salicylicum acidum; Sulphate of
ii. Then conversion of the said vapor into the
iron; Sulphur; Sulphurus acid; Thymolum.
former liquid state by the application of cold,
662 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
being also decomposed. Salts of weak (or dilute his followers under his suppression.
acids, weak bases or both are partially hydrolyzed Medicine: When a drug has been proved on
in solution. healthy human beings of different ages and of
Hydroxide: It is a compound containing the both the sexes, male or female, and their
hydroxyl radical or group, e.g., Sodium subjective and objective symptoms have been
hydroxide, NaOH. thoroughly known, it is called a medicine.
Hypnotics: Drugs which are employed to A homoeopathic medicine may also be
induce or maintain sleep, e.g., Aspirin; defined as, which is included in any standard
Acetanilidum; Bromide of lithium; Bromide of book of “materia medica” from Hahnemann
sodium; Bromide of potassium; Chloral hydrate; down to the recent authorities; and is prepared
Codeine; Morphinum; Opium; Passiflora; as per homoeopathic pharmaceutical technique,
Sulphonal; Rauwolfia serpentina. and is administered to a patient as per Law of
Ignition Point: It means the act of setting Similars.
on fire. The ignition point of a substance is the Melting Point or M.P.: For a pure solid,
particular temperature at which this burning or during the time of its fusing, the temperature
taking fire occurs. remains constant, this temperature is called the
Inimical Remedies: Drugs which have a melting point of that solid.
relation of enemity towards each other and Metals and Non-metals: The elements are
therefore do not follow each other well i.e., Apis divided into two major divisions:
and Rhus tox.; Phosphorus and Causticum; • Metals e.g., Arsenic (As), Copper (Cu), Mer-
Silicea and Mercurius. cury (Hg), Lead (Pb), etc.
Inorganic Substances: They consist of all • Non-metals, e.g., Carbon (C), Hydrogen (H),
the elements and their compounds. Nitrogen (N); Oxygen (O), etc.
Long Acting or Deep Acting Remedy: A Molecular Weight: The molecular weight
remedy whose action lasts for a comparatively of a substance is a number, which expresses how
long period, e.g., Anthracinum, Bacillinum, many times a molecule of this substance is
Calcarea fluor., Carcinosinum, Kalium carb., heavier than one atom of hydrogen. This is the
Lachesis, Lycopodium clavatum, Mallandrinum, sum total of the atomic weights of the constituent
Natrium muriaticum, Pertusinum, Psorinum, atoms of the molecule.
Silicea, Sulphur, Tuberculinum, etc.
Molecule: A molecule is a smaller part of
Materia Medica: Materia medica is the an element or compound, which can exist freely.
study of drugs—medical materials for the cure A molecule is made of atoms; it may have one or
of the sick. It is a book which contains the more similar or dissimilar atoms.
collected facts from different experimentations,
Mother Tincture: The strongest liquid
clinical experiences, including their
preparation used in homoeopathy and is made
pharmacodynamic effects of the drugs and their
by macerating of the drug or portion of it in
method of application and doses.
alcohol or water.
Materia Medica Pura: A book written by In acid it means the first decimal dilution,
Dr. Hahnemann himself. It is called a Pura that is, one part of the acid to nine parts of
because it contains the pure or the most reliable distilled water.
effect of drugs experimented on himself or to
Glossary 665
Mydriatics: Drugs which dilate the pupils, of solvent to the solution side or the flow of weak
e.g., Acidum salicylicum; Belladonna; solution to the concentrated solution side.
Chloroformium; Cina; Cinchona; Conium mac.; Palliative Medicine: The use of drugs in
Digitalis; Hyoscyamus; Secale cornutum; physiological doses for their effect. This is
Spigilea; Stramonium; Valeriana; Veratrum practically antipathy. Good palliative results are
viride. obtained by the use of homoeopathic remedies
Myotics: Drugs which contract the pupils, also, specially in incurable cases.
e.g., Gelsemium; Jaborandi; Nux vomica; Parasiticides: Drugs which kill the parasite,
Opium; Tabacum. e.g., Cina; Filix mas; Plantago major.
Nosodes: The homoeopathic designation for Pathogenesis of a Drug: The record of all
the morbid product of diseases when employed the symptoms, subjective and objective,
as remedies i.e., Psorinum, Ambra grisea, produced by testing drugs on the human body in
Tuberculinum, etc. varying doses, on different individuals and both
Objective Symptom: Are those which sexes. It includes toxicological symptoms which
appeal directly to the sense of the physician. are an expression of the disturbance in a healthy
Oleo-resins: They are natural mixtures of body produced by a drug or a morbid agent.
resins and volatile oils, obtained by incising Pathogenetic Symptoms: One obtained
trunks of plants, e.g., Copaiva, Turpentine (of from provings on healthy or from toxicological
several species of ‘Pinus’, especially P. palustris). observations.
Optical Rotation: The optical rotation is the Pathognomic Symptoms: Pathognomonic
angle through which the place of polarisation of symptoms are characteristic symptoms of disease
light is rotated when the polarised light passes and belong to a diagnostician.
through a layer of the liquid.
Pharmacal: Pertaining to or relating to
Organic Substances (Compounds): They pharmacy or drugs.
contain the elements carbon, hydrogen and often
Pharmaceutic: Pertaining to the knowledge
oxygen, nitrogen and other elements and
or art of preparing medicines.
compounds. Members of vegetable and animal
kingdoms are mainly made of them. Pharmaceutical: A chemical used in
Osmosis: If a solution is separated from a medicine, pertaining to or engaged in pharmacy
solvent by a semi-permeable membrane relating to the preparation, use, sale of drugs and
(generally an animal membrane, e.g., a bladder), medicines.
then the solvent will spontaneously flow through Pharmaceutics: The science or art of
the membrane to the solution side. In case of two preparing medicines. The science of pharmacy.
different solutions, the weak solution will flow That branch of medical science which relates to
to the concentrated solution side. This kind of the use of medicinal drugs.
diffusion of solvent (or weaker solution) is Pharmacist: A person skilled or engaged in
known as osmosis. pharmacy. One who prepares or dispenses
A Semi-permiable Membrane: It is a medium medicines. A druggist or pharmaceutical chemist.
which when utilised as a pertition between a pure One legally qualified to sell drugs or poisons.
solvent and a solution or two solutions of Pharmacochemist: A pharmaceutical
different concentrations, freely allows the flow chemist, a person who is well conversant with
666 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
A deposit of the dissolved sugar will be left in Salt: A compound of acid and base, e.g.,
the basin; this deposit is called residue. It is said Kalium phos.
that the solution has been evaporated to dryness Saturated solutions: To a test tube half-full
and the process is known as evaporation. of water, gradually add solid common salt while
Resinoids: They came chiefly from the constantly shaking, till no more common salt will
eclectic school and are the dried residues of dissolve. The solution which is formed at this
essence and tinctures of remedies from the stage, is said to be a saturated solution. In case
vegetable kingdom. of such a solution, where it is possible to dissolve
They contain the alkaloids, glucorids, resins, further amount of a solute, then it is known as an
etc. of the plant mixed together i.e., Apocynin, unsaturated solution.
Hydrastin, Podophyllin, Baptisin. Sedimentation: It is the process of allowing
Resinoids (Electric Preparations): The the insoluble heavy solid substances, held in a
resinoids consist of precipitates in powder form; liquid or solution to settle at the bottom of the
derived by mixing a strong alcohol tinctures of container vessel.
plants or parts thereof, with 3 or 4 its bulk of Short Acting Remedy: A remedy whose
water, by which method all alcohol-soluble action lasts for a comparatively short period, e.g.,
constituents are precipitated. They are derived Aconitum napellus, Aethusa cynapium, Allium
from dried materials. It is claimed that these cepa, Avena sativa, Belladonna, Chamomilla,
‘resinoids’ embody and represent the ‘active Colocynthis, Ipecacuanha, etc.
principles’ of the respective plants. No definite Sialogogues: Drugs which increase the
directions not generally adopted rules for these amount of saliva, e.g., Arum triph.; Calcarea carb;
preparations are there, and every manufacturer Digitalis; Helleborus; Iodine; Iris vers.;
seems to be guided by his individual experience. Jaborandi; Ipecacuanha; Kalium chlor.;
It has been observed that well prepared Kreosotum; Mercurius; Muscarine; Natrium
homoeopathic tinctures give far better mur.; Muriaticum acicum; Podophyllum;
satisfaction than these resinoids; so of late they Sanguinaria; Sulphuricum acidum.
are in less use. Examples are” Aletrin (Aletris Solution, Solvent, Solute: At a particular
fat.), Alnuin (Alnus rub.), Baptisin (Baptisia temperature, let some cane-sugar be dissolved
tinctoria), Chelomin (Chelone), Geranin in water forming a clear mixture, then the
(Geranium mac., Irisin (Iris vers.), Macrotin resulting mixture will be called a solution of
(Cimicifuga rac.), Sanguinarin (Sanguinaria sugar in water. Here sugar is called the solute
can.), Trillin (Trillium pend.) etc. and water as solvent. If any substance is dissolved
Resins: Usually they are oxidised turpins or in water, the resulting solution is called the
volatile oils of plants; solid, brittle; in pure state, watery or aqueous solution of that substance.
they are transparent, but on containing water Similarly, an alcoholic solution or any other kind
become opaque generallythey are soluble in ether of solution is named according to the name of
or alcohol and insoluble in water, e.g., Asa foetida the solvent, in which the substance is dissolved.
(40-64%); Podophyllum (rhizome (8%). A solution may be of a solid in a liquid or a liquid
Rubefacients: Drugs which produce in a liquid.
congestion and redness of the skin, e.g., Specific Gravity (or Sp. gr.) Better
Chaulmoogra oil; Croton tig. Relative Density: Specific gravity of a substance
Glossary 669
indicates how many times a given volume of that poisonous substances on living organisms. There
substance is heavier or lighter than an equal are certain important phases of toxicology:
volume if water. • The amount ingested.
Specific Rotation: • Detection of the poisonous substances.
Specific Rotation = • Environmental reactions, i.e. the toxicity of
Angular rotation per dm. of solution industrial dust, smogs and vapors, etc.
Gm. of optically active substance per ml of solution Vesicants: Drugs which produces vesicles
Stomachics: Drugs which increase the over the skin, e.g., Croton tig.; Mezereum; Rhus
activity of secreted gastric juice e.g., tox.
Chamomilla; Aloe; Jaborandi; Tabacum. Volatile Oils: They are found in several plant
Straining: It means pressing or drawing out organs and tissues, and obtained through the
with force or passing through a filter. In our following methods:
laboratory we generally utilise the method • Expression.
straining for pressing or passing mother tinctures • Extraction.
derived from the drugs of vegetable kingdom,
• Distillation with steam, etc.
through a linen cloth, flannel or some porous
materials in order to separate out the tinctures They are pleasant smelling, volatile, soluble
from the insoluble solid substances. For straining in water, and on dissolving impart to it their tastes
purposes, the requisite tincture presses also are and odors. Examples are Cajuputi oil (Oleum
in use. cajupudi), Clove, Eucalyptus, Lemon, orange,
Rose, Sandalwood (Oleum santali), Turpentine
Subjective Symptom: A symptom which
oil (Terebinthinae oleum), etc.
either the prover or the patient experiences and
can express in language. Many drugs contain volatile oils, a few of
them are Apium graveolens (fruits 2-3%, yellow);
Sublimation: It is the process of converting
Arnica (flowers 0.1%, roots 0.5% to 1.5%);
a solid directly into its vaporous state and next
Asafoetida (6.17 %); Azadirachta ind. (blossoms
condensing its vapor back into the solid state,
0.5%); Cheiranthes flowers (0.16%); Zingiber
having the same composition. The product of a
(rhizome 1 to 3%) etc.
sublimation is known as the sublimate.
Water of Crystallization: Many solids
Some solids, like Camphor, Iodine,
while crystallizing out of the aqueous solutions,
Naphthalene, Sulphur, etc. directly pass into their
give crystals containing combined water, taken
vapor state and then by cooling, they again come
up from those solutions. When the water so
to their exact former solid state.
combined with crystals forms an essential part
Therapeutics: It is the application of drugs of their constitutions, is known as water of crysta-
to diseases for their relief or cure, besides this, it llization; the substances are known as a hydrate.
includes all the relates to the science and art of
Weight per Millilitre: the weight per ml of
healing by other remedial measures. Or it deals
a liquid is the weight expressed in gm of 1 ml of
with the application of drugs and medicines in
a liquid, when weighed in air at the specified
diseased condition.
Toxicology: It is the science of poisons. It is
concerned with the mechanism of action of ■
670 Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
Bibliography 671
This is an augmented work of Dr. Banerjee and is complete in all aspects - starting from basic concepts,
illustrations, mechanism, development, scope and research in pharmacy.
The work is divided into sections for easy reference and all the chapters have been rearranged in a
systematic manner under the respective sections.
The information in each chapter has been updated and elaborated.
The chapter on "Vehicles" is now a complete revised section with 5 chapters in this topic namely :
l Vehicles - in general l Solid vehicles l Liquid vehicles
l Semisold vehicles l Standardization of vehicles
The section "Laboratory" is complete with information on :
l Laboratory premises l Homeopathic laboratory l Laboratory methods
l Instruments l Hazardous instruments l Cleaning of utensils
Each section in this edition provides complete knowledge on the respective subject without any need to
look further. Several new sections & chapters have also been introduced like :
Section on :
l Principles of pharmacy l Analysis of drug
Chapters :
l Methods of preparation - G.H.P. l Methods of preparation - H.P.U.S.
l Preparation of sarcodes and nosodes l Posology and homeopathy
l Table of drugs l Relationship of remedies with duration of action, etc.
Also this edition has explanation with tables, illustrations and examples.
All in all, it a complete textbook for all associated with the field of homeopathy, be it students; graduate or
post graduate, doctors, professors, pharmacists or manufacturer.
Reviews :
I went through the entire book and found some important additions in this edition. These would be quite
useful to the pharmacy students and seem very much user friendly.
Dr. Pravas K. Pal
H.O.D. Dept. of Pharmacy,
Father Muller Homoeopathic Medical College, Manglore
The newly introduced 'Augmented Textbook of Homeopathic Pharmacy' by Dr. D.D. Banerjee (2nd
Edition) is an excellent augmented work, which covers and fulfills most of the important topics in the
subject of Pharmacy. We wish to thank Dr. D.D. Banerjee & appreciate all the work done by him into such a
wonderful book as a 'Text' for the students.
Dr. R.V. Ghanekar
Principle Medical Foundation
Lokmanya Homoeopathic Medical College, Chinchwad, Pune-33
ISBN: 978-81-319-0291-2
B. Jain Large Print
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Rs. 299.00