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Author(s): Conor Fahy

Source: The Year's Work in Modern Language Studies, Vol. 22 (1960), pp. 258-278
Published by: Modern Humanities Research Association
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/25831511 .
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258 Italian Studies


By Conor Fahy, Lecturer in Italian at University
College, London

i. General

Among the numerous contributions of a general nature to be

recorded this year, perhaps the most important isA. Chastel, Art
et humanisme a Florence au temps de Laurent leMagnifique, Paris,
PUF, 1959, a comprehensive study of Florentine culture in the
second half of the 15th c, and of its connexions with art. The book
is to be related to the recent vol. by E. Wind (Pagan Mysteries in
the Renaissance, 1958?YWML, xx, 251), which appeared when
C.'s work was already written, and with the conclusions of which
C. does not entirely agree. Also publ. in 1959 (Geneva, Droz), is
vol. 11of G. de Tervarent, Attributs et symboles dans Vart profane,
1430-1600. A third general work of considerable interest is C.
Roth, The Jews in theRenaissance, Philadelphia, Jewish Publication
Society of America, 1959, mainly concerned with Italy.
R. Montano is publishing inDelta a lengthymonograph entitled
'L'idea del Rinascimento', ofwhich I have seen parts 1 (Delta, 10,
1957), 11 (ib., 13, 1957) and m (ib., 14, 1958). H. Baron, JHI, xx,
1959, 3-22, suggests that the attitude of modern historians to the
Querelle of theAncients and Moderns fails to take into account the
tendency ofmany Italian 15th- and i6th-c. humanists to regard their
culture as having equalled or surpassed that of the ancients.
G. Weise, Par, xi, 121, 3-14, discusses 'La duplice interpretazione
dell'antichita classica nel Rinascimento e nel Barocco'.
Several volumes of studies have been published recently. Of
particular interest to British scholars is Italian Renaissance
Studies; a Tribute to the late Cecilia M. Ady, London, Faber &
Faber. In addition to several articles concerning humanistic and
vernacular lit.,which will be recorded individually below, this rich
vol. contains the following general or historical studies: E. F.
Jacob, 'An approach to the Renaissance'; D. Hay, 'Italy and
barbarian Europe'; J. R. Hale, 'War and public opinion inRenais
sance Italy'; L. F. Marks, 'The financial oligarchy in Florence
under Lorenzo'; N. Rubinstein, 'Politics and constitution in
Florence at the end of the 15th c.'; D. M. Bueno de Mesquita,
'Ludovico Sforza and his vassals'; P. J. Jones, 'The end of

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Humanism and the Renaissance 259
Malatesta rule in Rimini'; P. Partner, 'The "Budget" of the
Roman Church in the Renaissance period'; E. H. Gombrich, 'The
early Medici as patrons of art'; E. Wind, 'Maccabean histories in
the Sistine ceiling'; C. A. J. Armstrong, 'An Italian astrologer at
the court of Henry VII'. Another important vol. is Umanesimo e
esoterismo (Archivio difilosofta, fascs 2 and 3), consisting of papers
presented to the V Convegno internazionale di studi umanistici, held
in Switzerland i960. The papers, which concern mainly
in Sept.
neo-Platonic philosophy and art, continue the line of inquiry
visible in the contributions to the previous Convegno internazionale
held in 1958, and publ. in the vol. Umanesimo esimbolismo (YWML,
xx, 252). Papers of particular interest to students of lit. will be
noted individually below. A third impressive series of studies is
contained in the 3 vols of Studi in onore di R. Filangieri, Naples,
Arte tipografica, 1959, which form a splendid tribute to the
distinguished archivist towhose memory they are dedicated. Most
of the studies concern the history of the Kingdom of Naples, but
I note the following ofmore general interest (all in vol. 11):M. G.
Castellano Lanzara, L'origine della stampa a Napoli e biblioteche
di Stato nelle Due Sicilie'; J.Lopez de Toro, 'Jorge de Trebisonda
traducido por Alonzo Ortiz de Castro'; O. Morisani, 'I fiorentini
excellenti in pictura et sculptura di C. Landino'; T. De Marinis,
'Una lettera inedita di J. Sannazaro'; O. Kurz, 'Sannazaro and
Mantegna'; A. Altamura,' Per la biografia di S. Capece'; G. Plessi,
'Note di araldica italiana post-rinascimentale'. Fasc. 4 of RSI,
lxxii, is dedicated to thememory of F. Chabod, and contains a series
of articles by various hands discussing different phases and aspects of
C.'s activity; among these contributions I note: E. Sestan, 'Rina
scimento e crisi italiana del '500 nel pensiero di F.C; D. Canti
mori, 'C. storico della vita religiosa italiana del '500'; G. Galasso,
'Carlo V e Milano nell'opera di F.C. I note also E. Battisti,
Rinascimento e Barocco, Turin, Einaudi (on history of art, but of
interest to students of lit.); E. Carrara, Studipetrarcheschi ed altri
scritti,Turin, Bottega d'Erasmo, 1959; G. Toffanin, Ultimi saggi,
Bologna, Zanichelli (rev. A. Buck, E, xiii; G. Vallese, Fid, i, 1959).
P. O. Kristeller's Latin Manuscript Books before 1600. A List of
the Printed Catalogues and Unpublished Inventories of Extant
Collections, New York, Fordham U.P., a new and revd. ed. of the
lists publ. in Trad, vi, 1948, and ix, 1953, is a fundamental research
tool for those requiring information about catalogues of MSS.

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26o Italian Studies

(and not only Latin MSS.) in the libraries of the world. Another
book which should be mentioned in this section because of its
general importance is E. Pastorello, Inedita manutiana l502-15gj.
Appendice alVinventario, Florence, Olschki; this modestly-titled
book contains the text of 500 unpubl. letters from the carteggio of
the famous family of Venetian printers.
The appearance of the first two vols of the Dizionario biografico
degli italiani, Rome, Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, augurs
well for the completion within a reasonable period of this under
taking, which will provide, in 40 vols, a well-printed, scholarly,
up-to-date, and much needed national biography. Other bio
graphical items: R. Creytens, 'Les ecrivains dominicains dans la
chronique d'Albert de Castello (1516)', AFP, xxx, publishes an
important list of Dominican writers occurring at the end of the
Brevissima chronica of Alberto da Castello in the ed. of 1516; V.
Caputo, Gli antichi poeti italiani fino al secolo XVIII. Dizionario
biografico,Milan, Gastaldi, unfortunately of little scholarly value.
I also have note of the following studies: H. Brown, 'The
Renaissance and historians of science', SRen, vii; M. P. Gilmore,
'The lawyers and the Church in the Italian Renaissance', Renais
sance Studies (being The Rice Institute Pamphlet, xlvi, Jan.);
H. De La Croix, 'Military architecture and the radial city plan in
i6th-c. Italy',ABw/, xlii; G. Bonomo, Caccia allestreghe, Palermo,
Palumbo, 1959 (on witches, especially in Italy, I3th-i9th cc).


Vol. I of Nicholas of Cusa's Opuscula, constituting vol. iv in the

complete ed. of his works, has now appeared, ed. P. Wilpert,
Hamburg, F. Meiner, 1959. Contents: De Deo abscondito, De
quaerendo Deum, De filiatione Dei, De dato patris luminum, Coniec
tura de ultimis diebus, Dialogus de genesi. Studies on N. incl.
E. Zellinger, Cusanus-Konkordanz, Munich, Max Hueber, and
E. Meuthen, Die letzen Jahre des N. von K. Biographische Unter
suchungen nach neuen Quellen, Cologne-Opladen, Westdeutscher
Verlag, 1958 (rev. G. G. Musso, RSI, lxxii). A general art. by
F. Masai, 'Platonisme et christianisme au XVe siecle', RUB, x,
1957-8, links N. with Ficino, upon whom there are three articles
in Umanesimo e esoterismo: R. Klein, 'L'enfer de F.'; M. de
Gandillac, 'Astres, anges et genies chez M.F.'; and G. Radetti,

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Humanism and theRenaissance
'Demoni e sogni nella critica di Callimaco Esperiente al F.\ The
same vol. also contains P. Zambella, 'Umanesimo magico-astro
logico e raggruppamenti segreti nei platonici della preriforma\
On Bruno I note A. Guzzo, G.B., Turin, Ediz. di 'Filosofia', a
general study of B.'s life and works, in part a re-elaboration of an
earlier study; and I. Vecchiotti, Premessa a Jacobi seguita da un
saggio sul B., Rome, Ediz. Corso, 1959. Two further vols of
Campanella's unpubl. Theologia have appeared, both ed. R.
Amerio, Rome, Centro internaz. di studi umanistici, and entitled
respectively De homine and Ilpeccato originate. Another text of C.
publ. in i960 is Discorsi della libertd e della felice suggezione allo
stato ecclesiastico, Turin, privately printed, ed. L. Firpo from a
MS. with autograph corrections. The vol. also contains a fac.
reprint of the unique and rare 1633 ed. of this work. Studies on
Campanella include A. Dupront, 'Croisades et eschatologie',
Umanesimo e esoterismo, and A. Corsano,' La poetica delC, GCFI,

P. Rossi's studies on Renaissance works on the art of memory,

which have been noted from time to time in previous vols of
YWML, are now to be found, with other material, in Clavis
universalis: arti mnemoniche e logica combinatoria da Lullo a
Leibniz, Milan-Naples, Ricciardi. A minor i5th-c. example of
such works is discussed byM. P. Sheridan,' Jacopo Ragona and his
rules for artificial memory', Man, iv.
Two important reviews: R. Cessi, AVen, 5th ser., lxvi, on B.
Nardi, Saggi sulVaristotelismo padovano, 1958; and H. Baron, JHI,
xxi, on E. F. Rice, The Renaissance Idea ofWisdom, 1958 (YWML,
xx, 71, 246; xxi, 223).


Among useful publications I note A. F. C. Ryder, 'La politica

italiana di Alfonso d'Aragona', ASPN, n.ser., xxxix, 1959 (con
tinuation of study noted in last year's YWML, where author
wrongly listed as G. F. Ryder); E. Pontieri, 'Alfonso V d'Aragona
nel quadro della politica italiana del suo tempo', AASN, lxxi;
G. Franceschini, Figure del Rinascimento urbinate, Urbino,
Stabilimento Tipografico Edit. Urbinate, 1959, containing three
studies on Federico da Montefeltro, and three on female members
of the same family, incl. Battista Montefeltro Malatesta (rev. R.
Weiss, EHR, lxxvi, 1961); A. Tenenti, 'I corsari inMediterraneo

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262 Italian Studies
alPinizio del '500', RSI, lxxii; D. L. Hicks, Sienese society in the
Renaissance', with H. Baron's comment thereon, both inCompara
tive Studies in Society and History, ii, 1959-60; G. Fatini, 'II
tramonto della liberta senese (1559)', NA, cccclxxviii, discussing
the recent book on Siena in the 16th c. by A. D'Addario (YWML,
xxi, 223); A. D'Addario, L'indipendenza senese problema politico
italiano ed europeo', BS, lxvi, 1959; B. Belotti, Storia di Bergamo
e dei new ed., vol. ill
Bergamaschi, Bergamo, Tip. Bolis, 1959?a
on Renaissance; W. K. 'Recent trends in the economic
historiography of the Renaissance', SRen, vii.
Worthy of special mention are three articles providing informa
tion on Renaissance universities: U. Nicolini, 'San Giovanni da
Capestrano studente e giudice a Perugia (1411-1414)', AFH, liii;
C. Piana, 'La facolta teologica dell'universita di Bologna nel
1444-1458', AFH, liii; G. Prunai, 'Lo studio senese nel primo
quarantennio del principato mediceo', BS, lxvi, 1959, a lengthy
and well-documented account.
On ecclesiastical history I note: Problemi di vita religiosa in
Italia nel '500, Padua, Antenore, being the Atti del Convegno di
storia della Chiesa in Italia, Bologna, 1958?an important vol.;
Memorie storiche della diocesi di Milano, vols v and vi, Milan,
Tip. G. De Silvestri di Baldini e Ghezzi, 1958 and 1959, con
taining articles by C. Marcora on the two Ippolito D'Estes who
were archbishops ofMilan in the 16th c, together with a 'Serie
cronologica dei vicari generali della diocesi di Milano (dal 1210 al
1930)'; three works on the i5th-c. Venetian saint, Lorenzo
Giustiniani, viz. San Lorenzo Giustiniani protopatriarca di Venezia
nel V centenario della morte, 1456-1956, Venice, F. Ongania, 1959,
A. Costantini, Introduzione alle opere di San Lorenzo Giustiniani
primo patriarca di Venezia, Venice, Studium cattolico veneziano,
and S. Tramontin, Saggio di ib.; two
bibliografia Laurenziana,
interesting Borgian contributions from G. Soranzo, the first (ArR,
2nd ser., xxvi, 1959) denying the existence of an immoral relation
ship between Alexander VI and Giulia Farnese, the second
(AMAP, lxxi, pt. 3, 1958-9), urging the necessity of a really crit.
ed. of Burkardus's 'Liber notarum'; A. Lodolini, 'Considerazioni
sul pontificato di Clemente VII', ArR, 2nd ser., xxvii; M.
Bendiscioli, La Riforma cattolica, Rome, Studium, 1958; A.
Staring, Der Karmelitengeneral Nikolaus Audet und die katholische
Reform des XVI Jahrhunderts, Rome, Institutum Carmelitanum,

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Humanism and the Renaissance 263
1959; F. Gaeta, Un nunzio pontificio a Venezia nel '500, Girolamo
Aleandro, Venice-Rome, Istituto per la collaborazione culturale;
D. Cantimori, Prospettive di storia ereticale italiana del '500, Bari,
Laterza (rev. RLI, lxiv); E. Pommier, La societe venitienne et la
reforme protestante au XVIe siecle', BISV, i, 1959; P. McNair,
'Ochino on sedition. An Italian dialogue of the 16th a', ISt, xv;
G. Tognetti, 'Sul "romito'' e profeta Brandino da Petroio', RSI,

2. Humanism

B. L. Ullman, The Origin and Development ofHumanistic Script,

Rome, Ediz. di storia e letteratura, containing the results of a life
long familiarity with early humanist MSS., establishes, contrary to
the generally held view, that the inventor of humanistic bookhand
was Poggio, probably encouraged by Salutati, while Niccoli
appears to have been the originator of the humanistic cursive; rev.
P. O. Kristeller, Man, v, 1961. M. Meiss, Towards a more

comprehensive Renaissance palaeography', ABul, xlii, urges that

epigraphy should be included in the study of Renaissance script,
and compares early i5th-c. Florentine inscriptions with examples
from the paintings of Mantegna, whom he regards as having
initiated a new style of capital lettering (cf. Id., A. Mantegna as
Illuminator: an Episode in Renaissance Art, Humanism and Diplo
macy, New York, 1957). E. Casamassima, B, lxii, discusses the
meaning of the term litteraegothicae during and after the humanistic
handwriting reform.
R. Weiss, in a long art. (Rin, ix, 1958), traces the history of
antiquarian studies in Italy from the 12th c. to the sack of Rome.
E. W. Bodnar, Cyriacus ofAncona and Athens, Brussels-Berchem,
Latomus, contains a study of the Athenian inscriptions recorded
an examination of theMS. tradition of
by Cyriacus, preceded by
a survey of Cyriacus's in
Cyriacan inscriptions and voyages
romance in Renaissance
Greece. C. Mitchell, 'Archaeology and
Italy', in Studies.. .Ady, examines the attitude of several
sance antiquarians towards spurious inscriptions.
e poetica fra
F. Tateo's extremely interesting study, Retorica
Medioevo e Rinascimento, Bari, Adriatica editrice, for which see
supra, pp. 247, 255, deals in its concluding section with the 15th
and i6thcc. Contributions of general interest include R. Weiss,
'Italian humanism in Western Europe', in Studies.. .Ady,

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264 Italian Studies
G. Saitta,' Originalita deireducazione umanistica in Italia OPL> vi,
1; M. T. D'Alverny, 'Quelques aspects du symbolisme de la
"Sapientia" * chez les humanistes', Umanesimo e esoterismo; J.
Sparrow, Latin verse of the high Renaissance', in Studies.. .Ady.
T. Hankey, JWCI, xxii, 1959, gives the text of epigrams by C.
Salutati written to accompany a series of portraits of eminent men
which decorated a room of the Palazzo Vecchio, Florence. E.
Garin, RCSF, xv, discusses Salutati's position vis-a-vis scholastic
thought in the light of "Oilman's recent edition of S.'s De saeculo et
religione. J.R. O'Donnell, MedS, xxii, analyses SalutatPs views on
the poet as legislator of the world. In an important study, G. M.
Cagni (jB, lxii) succeeds in identifying among theMSS. Palatino
Latini at the Vatican no less than 177MSS. which belonged to the
library of Giannozzo Manetti?'una superba raccolta di testi
latini', as he justly remarks. E. Battisti, in an appx to his art. 'II
mondo visuale delle fiabe', Umanesimo e esoterismo, publishes for
the first timeManetti's account of the consecration of the Duomo
at Florence, 1436. A. Rotondo, 'Nicolo Tignosi da Foligno
(polemiche aristotelichedi un maestro del Ficino)', Rin, ix, 1958,
provides an interesting and significant discussion of the activity
and ideas of this i5th-c. Aristotelian, and of his links with con
temporary humanism. E. M. Waith, RN, xiii, suggests a possible
source for part of Landino's Disputationes Camaldulenses. C.
Trinkaus, SRen, vii, discusses the prolusions to courses in the
university of Florence given by Bartolommeo della Fonte between
1481 and 1487; in appx he gives some useful information on MSS.
of Bartolommeo's works. I note also J. Ruysschaert, 'Nouvelles
recherches au sujet de la bibliotheque de Pier Leoni, medecin de
Laurent leMagnifique', BCLSMP, 5th ser., xlvi.
There are various contributions dealing with humanism in the
several regions of N. Italy. A. Azzoni, Berg, liv, has an interesting
art. on Gasparino Barzizza, publishing the text of B.'s Epilogus de
magistratibus Romanis, and discussing the various '500 eds of his
Vocabularium breve, the Italian section of which shows many
interesting linguistic variants. Studi suMaffeo Vegio, Lodi, ASLod,
1959, contains four articles, of which the most substantial is that
by G. Dossena on V.'s Latin poetry. F. De Marco, Ae, xxxii,
discusses a dedicatory poem addressed to the Doge of Genoa,
T. Fregoso (1436-42), and prefixed to a Vatican MS. containing
Sallust's historical works. W. L. Grant, Man, iii, 1959, corrects a

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Humanism and the Renaissance 265
lapsus calami whereby an eclogue by F. Patrizi in a Vatican MS.
is attributed, both in the MS. and in the printed catalogue, to
F. Filelfo. T. Foffano, IMU, iii, publishes the text of a letter of
1432 by F. Pizolpasso describing the building work commissioned
by Card. Branda Castiglioni at Castiglione Olona?also of interest
to historians of art. L. Montobbio, Bollettino del museo civico di
Padova, xlvi-xlvii, 1957-8, lists 101 books in the library of Vittore
Dolce da Feltre (died 1453). There is a long rev. by R. Abbondanza,
BISV, i, 1959, of F. Gaeta's book on P. Barozzi (YWML, xx, 258).
R. Weiss, IMU, iii, discusses a group of poems in celebration of
Domizio Calderini (died 1478); these includeverses by Politian,
also to be found on a cippo erected inmemory of C. at Torre del
Benaco and still extant. R. Brenzoni, Fra Giovanni Giocondo
Veronese, Florence, Olschki, contains a scholarly biographical
study of this versatile artist and humanist (rev. M. Cessi Drudi,
AVen, 5th ser., lxvii). I note E. Coccia, Le edizioni delle opere del
Mantovano, Rome, Institutum carmelitanum?apparently a bibl.
covering the period 1501-1959. V. Branca, 'Notizie di manoscritti>,
Lltal, xii, contains information on MSS. of F. Barbara's De re
uxoria. I note P. Lehmann, 'Das Bucherinventar eines italieni
schen Humanisten von etwa 1471IMUy iii. C. Dionisotti,' Aldo
Manuzio umanista', LItaly xii, shows how Aldo's editorial activi
ties fit,or perhaps better, do not fit into the panorama of contemp.
Italian humanism. While on Aldo, a biog. contribution by G.
Capilupi, 'Una disavventura mantovana di A.M. il vecchio
(1503)', Nova Historia, xii, 1.There is a useful art. by C. Lucchesi,
ADSPRy n.ser., vi, 1954-5 (publ. 1958), on the humanist Giovanni
Aurelio Augurelli of Rimini, teacher of P. Bembo, and interested
in Italian as well as in the classical languages. V. Cocco, StOf vi,
1958, publishes some minor inediti of Guido Postumo de' Silvestri.
I. Zicari, StOy vii, 1959, publishes a Latin speech by P. Collenuccio.
G. Manfre, ABIy xxviii, continues his study of the library of
Giovanni Garzoni of Bologna (1419-1505) (YWMLy xxi, 226).
R. Weiss, I Sty xv, lists the contents of Cod. Vaticano d.M. 77,
a collection of Latin poems by Leonardo Montagna
dedicated to Lorenzo Zane, Archbishop of Spalato.
On Valla, there is an art. by G. B. Alberti, 'Autografi greci di
L.V. nel codice vat. greco 122', IMUy iii. This art. contains refs
to two recent articles by A. on V.'s transl. of Herodotus. Two
articles by C. Vasoli, 'La Dialectica di Giorgio Trapezunzio',

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266 Italian Studies
AM AT, 1959-60, and 'Ricerche sulle Dialettiche quattro
centesche,) RCSF, xv (G. Argiropulo's Compendium de regulis et
formis ratiocinandi and the dialectic works of Giorgio Valla) should
be read in conjunction with Vasoli's study of L. Valla's Dialecticae
disputationes (YWML, xx, 258).
Carlo da Capodimonte, O.F.M. Cap., RSCI, xiv, makes out a
good case for regarding Poggio Bracciolini as the author of the Vitae
quorundam pontificum publ. in appx to Duchesne's ed. of Liber
Pontificate. On Poggio, I note also D. Bacci, P.B. nella luce dei suoi
tempi, Florence, Tip. E. Ariani, 1959. On Ciceronianism in early
i6th-c. humanism, see G. Vallese, 'L'umanesimo al primo '500:
da Cristoforo Longolio al Ciceronianus di Erasmo', PId, i, 1959.
The most important work on humanism in South Italy is F.
Tateo, Astrologia emoralitd inG. Pontano, Bari, Adriatica editrice,
a study of the astrological poems Urania and Meteorum liber, of
the poem De hortisHesperidum, and of the treatises De Fortuna and
DePrudentia; these works reveal 'due motivi essenziali delPanima
pontaniana, il senso ora accorato, ora stupito e risentito del
destino umano, e Pinteresse sempre piu vivo, nelPambito della
ricerca etica, per Paspetto pratico della vita\ Connected with the
* "
astrological side ofT.'s study is an art. by E. Garin, Le elezioni"
e il problema delPastrologia', in Umanesimo e esoterismo. Tateo has
also published, FiR, vi, 1959, a study of Pontano's theory of
poetry, as expressed in the dialogue Actius and the De Sermone.
Other contributions concerning the South include C. De Frede,
'Biblioteche e cultura di giuristi napoletani del '400', GJ; N. D.
Evola, 'Un umanista siciliano del sec. xv: Priamo Capozio', ASS,
3rd ser., ix, 1957-8; A. De Rosalia, 'La vita di Costantino Las
caris', ASS, 3rd ser., ix, 1957-8, with unpubl. 'documents.
I also note the following studies: R. Pratesi, Nuovi documenti
sul B. Alberto da Sarteano', AFH, liii;W. L. Grant, 'A neo-Latin
"heraldic" eclogue', Man, iv?by Antonio Geraldini; J. Zathey,
'Quelques recherches sur Phumaniste Kallimach (Filippo Buon
accorsi 1437-1496)', Umanesimo e esoterismo; F. Secret, 'Umanisti
dimenticati', GSLI, cxxxvii?Georgius Benignus, F. Calvus,
Giovanni Gatto; B. Fava, 'Francesco Luisini da Udine, lettore
pubblico di lettere greche e latine a Emilia dal 1550 al
1554', AMDM, 8th ser., xi, 1959; S. Graciotti, 'La fortuna di una
elegia di Giano Vitale, o le rovine di Roma nella poesia polacca',
Ae, xxxiv.

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Humanism and theRenaissance 267

3. Vernacular Literature


This year I should like to draw attention to two biographical

studies. The first is R. RidolfTs Vita di Francesco Guicciardini,
Rome, Belardetti; with the same author's biographies of Savona
rola and Machiavelli, it completes a remarkable trilogy of scholarly
yet very readable studies of three great figures of Renaissance
Florence (rev. E. Allodoli, NA, cccclxxviii; M. Martelli, Bel, xv;
J.H. Whitfield,Fid, i, 1959;RLI, lxiv).The secondbiographyis
F. Cerreta's Alessandro Piccolomini, letterato e filosofo senese del
'500, Siena, Accad. senese degli Intronati, a welcome work which
provides, for the first time, a well-documented account of Piccolo
mini's life, towhich is added a discussion of P.'s Annotazioni(i$7$)
on Aristotle's Poetics (rev. G. Fatini, NA, cccclxxxi). It is to be
hoped that Cerreta's biography will stimulate interest in P.'s
important literary works, coming as it does at a time when there
seems to be a deepening concern with the second half of the 16th c,
and an increasing desire to distinguish the special characteristics of
its literary products. The recent book of R. Scrivano, //manierismo
nella letteratura del '500, Padua, Liviana, 1959, is an interesting
example of this tendency (rev. D. Delia Terza, Bel, xv), though
the significance of manierismo in relation to literature needs
definition (for a gallant but not altogether convincing attempt see
G. Weise,' Manierismo e letteratura', RLM, xiii). This is a suitable
moment to record the publ. of vol. 1 of Trattati d'arte del '500 fra
manierismo e controriforma, Bari, Laterza, ed. P. Barocchi. Contents
are: B. Varchi, Lezzione della maggioranza delle arti and Libro
della beltd e grazia; Paolo Pino, Dialogo di pittura; L. Dolce,
Dialogo della pittura intitolato VAretino; Vincenzio Danti, Trattato
delle perfette proporzioni; Cristoforo Sorte, Osservazioni nella
pittura. Two more vols will follow.
There have been several contributions of note on the questione
della lingua. In addition to B. Migliorini's eagerly awaited and
masterly Storia della lingua italiana, Florence, Sansoni (rev.
M. Corti, LItal, xii; G. Nencioni, LN, xxi; N. Rodolico, ASI,
on the Renaissance,
cxviii), which includes two lengthy chapters
we have a useful monograph byM. Vitale, La questione della lingua,
Palermo, Palumbo (brief revs LN, xxi; NA, cccclxxx). C. Grayson,

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268 Italian Studies
in addition to his inaugural lecture, A Renaissance Controversy:
Latin or Italian, Oxford, Clarendon Press (rev. LN, xxi), publishes,
in Studies.. .Ady, a lucid discussion of the differences in the
attitude of Lorenzo de' Medici and ofMachiavelli to the Tuscan
literary tradition and its universality. Grayson's recent ed.
(YWML, xxi, 228) of Prose e lettere edite e inedite di V. Calmeta
(rev. C. Fahy, MLR, lvi, 1961; M. Marti, LItal, xii; P. V.
Mengaldo, LN, xxi; G. Velli, RN, xiii) is taken by P. V. Mengaldo,
RLI, lxiv, as the starting point for some interesting observations
on the lingua cortigiana. U. Pirotti, in an
interesting and well
written art., Con, n.ser., xxviii, considers the position of Benedetto
Varchi in the questione della lingua. Both Pirotti and Mengaldo
enhance the value of their contributions by extending their exami
nation from the linguistic theories to the linguistic practice of
their authors.
Students of i6th-c. lit. should not miss C. DionisottPs thought
provoking art., 'Chierici e laici nella letteratura italiana del
primo '500in Problemi di vita religiosa, cit. supra. D.'s analysis of
the distribution of writers between the Church and the laity, and
between various types of ecclesiastic and various regions of Italy,
sheds a new light on the state of the world of letters and of culture
in '500 Italy.
On historiography there are two general articles: C. Varese,
'Aspetti e limiti quattrocenteschi della "florentina libertas"',
RLI, lxiv; and R. Colapietra, 'La storiografia napoletana del
secondo '500', Bel, xv. In connexion with the firstof these, I note
the appearance of vol. I of Giovanni Rucellai ed il suo Zibaldone,
London, Warburg Institute, ed. A. Perosa (rev. R. Fubini, GSLI,
cxxxvii; G. Ponte, RLI, lxiv). This vol. contains extracts from the
Zibaldone, arranged by the ed. according tomaterial, together with
notes, apparatus and glossary. A second vol. will contain an
historical study of R. by Perosa, the reproduction and discussion
by R. Salvini of recently discovered frescoes in the Palazzo
Rucellai, and an assessment by R. Wittkower of R.'s building
activities. The whole should provide a valuable new source of
information on Florentine I5th-c. culture.
In addition to F. Cerreta's discussion of PiccolominPs Annota
zioni on Aristotle's Poetics (see supra), I note the two
contributions on i6th-c. literary theory: G. Mazzacurati, 'V.
Borghini e il classicismo toscano nel secondo '500', PId, i, 1959;

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Humanism and theRenaissance 269
and G. Vernazza, 'La tradizione manoscritta delle lezioni di
P. Torelli sulla Poetica di Aristotele', ASPP, 4th ser., x, 1958.
On dialect lit.,worth noting are Lapoesia dialettale napoletana,
Naples, ESI, 1959, 2 vols, ed. E. Malato?an anthology; B. Gamba,
Serie degli scritti impressi in dialetto veneziano. Seconda ed. con
giunte e correzioni inedite riveduta e annotata da N. Vianelloy
Venice-Rome, Istituto per la collaborazione culturale, 1959 (rev.
G. B. Pellegrini, LN, xxi; G. Gambarin, AVen, 5th ser., lxvii).
N. Sapegno, Pagine di storia letteraria, Palermo, Manfredi,
includes essays on Politian and Leonardo. There is a 7th ed. of
V. Rossi, //Quattrocento, and a 6th of G. Toffanin, 77Cinquecento,
both Milan, Vallardi, and both with bibl. supplements up till 1959.

Lyric Poetry
L. Pini, 'Per l'edizione critica delle canzonette di L. Giustinian',
MAL, Classe di scienze morali, storiche efilologiche, 8th ser., ix, 3,
is a fundamental study, reclassifying theMSS. and printed eds of
G.'s poems, and rejecting the theory that the 'Tuscan' group of
MSS. represents a revision by the author. Sir M. Bowra, 'Songs
of dance and carnival', in Studies.. .Ady, discusses and compares
the canzoni a hallo and canti carnascialeschi of Lorenzo and
Politian. B. Weinberg, 'The Sposizione of Petrarch in the early
'500', RPh, xiii, discusses some 15th- and i6th-c. expositions and
commentaries on the Canzoniere. D. E. Rhodes, I St, xv, describes
an anonymous vol. of Italian poems in the B.M., printed ca. 1550.
R. Scrivano, RLI, lxiv, devotes a careful art. to the poetry of
Veronica Franco, seeking to differentiate and distinguish it from
the work of her contemporaries. On Franco, I note also L. Russo,
'V.F. e la "corruttela" del '500', OPL, iv, 1958, 6. Further
contributions of interest are recorded under Boiardo, Michelangelo
and Tasso in the section individual authors, infra.

Epic Poetry
A. Altamura, II Romanzo di Francia, testo inedito napoletano del
secolo XV, Annali dell'istituto superiore di scienze e lettere di S.
Chiara, ix, 1959, examines the language and contents of a i5th-c.
Neapolitan version of the Libro di Fioravante. M. Boni, ADS PR,
n.ser., vi, 1954-5 (publ. 1958), gives, with critical discussion, the
text of a i5th-c. North Italian poem in ottava rima, La morte degli

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270 Italian Studies
uomini famosi, listing famous men recently dead. A. Azzoni, 'II
Gradasso', Berg, Hi, 1958, provides some information about popular
eds of the Renaissance epics containing selections and isolated
episodes, and also discusses DomenichPs rifacimento of the Orlando
Innamorato, less drastic than that of Berni. Other relevant contri
butions are recorded under Ariosto, Boiardo and Tasso in the
section individual authors, infra.

H. M. C. Purkis provides some notes on 'II rapporto tra gli inter
ludi e Popera teatrale nellTtalia del sedicesimo secolo,) LM, x.
I note M. T. Herrick, 'Susanna and the elders in i6th-c. drama',
in Studies in Honor of T. W. Baldwin, Urbana, 1958; this art.
contains some Italian material. L. Dondoni, RIL, xciii, 1959,
discusses the chorus at the end ofAct iv of G. B. GiraldPs tragedy
Epitia, and its relations to a poem of Catullus. J. V. Falconieri,
NLB, v, 1959, lists fifty-one 16th- and i7th-c. eds of Sacre rappre
sentazioni, now in the Newberry Library, Chicago. For a further
contribution, see under Machiavelli in the section individual
authors, infra.
A text worthy of note is D. di Chinazzo, Cronica de la guerra da
Veneciani a Zenovesi, Venice, Deputazione di storia patria per le
Venezie, 1958, ed. V. Lazzarini?early 15th c. E. Santini, 'La
Protestatio de Iustitia nella Firenze medicea del sec. XV', Rin, x,
1959, publishes the text of 11 protesti?vernacular allocutions
delivered in i5th-c. Florence by the gonfalonieri upon taking
office, incl. those by Donato Acciaiuoli (1469) and Giannozzo
Manetti (no date). Of relevance because of the work's popularity
in its Italian transl. (byMambrino da Fabriano) is F. Pues's art. on
'La Silva de varia leccion de Pero Mexia', LR, xiii, 1959 (a suivre).
W. H. J.Kennedy, SRen, vii, gives the text of eight unpubl. letters
of the 15th and 16th cc, mostly from members of the Medici
individual authors

alberti. An important event is the publ. of vol. 1 of Opere volgari,

Bari, Laterza, ed. C. Grayson, containing the Delia famiglia, the
Cena familiaris and the Villa. This is a crit. ed., with ample Nota
sul testo, inwhich the problems presented by theMS. tradition of

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Humanism and the Renaissance 271
the Delia famiglia are discussed and resolved (rev. M. Petrini,
Bel, xv). That the crit. ed. of the works of one of the major
Italian authors should be entrusted to a British scholar is a notable
tribute to the editor and through him to the standard of Italian
studies in Britain. C. Grayson, IMU, iii, further publishes a
short Latin text by A., Uxoria, which also exists, under the title
Avvertimenti matrimoniali, in a vernacular version. I note V.
Zoubov, 'Quelques aspects de la theorie des proportions esthe
tiques de L.B.A.', BHR, xxii.
aretino, p. The Ragionamenti are publ., from the ed. of 1584, in
a vol. which also contains a
study of A. by A. Foschini, Milan,
DalPOglio. I note the appearance of Books i and 11 of Lettere,
Milan, Mondadori. Vol. ill, torn. 11of Lettere sulVarte,Milan, Ed.
del milione, has now appeared, containing biogs of the artists
mentioned or alluded to inA.'s letters, together with an index to
all 3 vols. Va, xvi, 1958; xvii, 1959 and xviii contains the following
studies by A. Del Vita: 'Revisione di Unprocesso a Pietro Aretino'
?a discussion of the study of A. in Graf's Attraverso il Cinque
cento; 'La Burla di Messer Giorgio: pasquinata di P.A.'; 'L'A.
antipetrarchista e precursore del '600'; 'La nascita e la morte di
P.A.'; 'Le opere sacre di P.A.'.
ariosto. The most
important event in Ariosto studies is the
publ. of the first complete crit. ed. of theOrlando Furioso, Bologna,
Commissione per i testi di lingua (Coll. di opere inedite o rare, 122),
based on the 1532 ed., with the variants of the 1516 and 1521 eds.
The vol. appears under the names of S. Debenedetti and C. Segre,
the latter having utilized a considerable amount ofmaterial left by
Debenedetti at his death. The text reproduced is virtually that of
the 1928 Laterza ed. prepared by Debenedetti. The vol. will be of
great value in studying the development of A.'s poetic technique,
but it is to be regretted that Segre has not always seized the
opportunity of perfecting Debenedetti's editorial work (rev. C.
Fahy, MLR, lvi, 1961; G. Fatini, NA, cccclxxx; A. Gilbert, It,
xxxvii). E. Saccone, ASNP, 2nd ser., xxviii, 1959, publishes two
Note ariostesche, consisting of observations on the language and
style of the Furioso. Among other things, these notes refute the
theory that the corrections and additions to the Furioso between
the 1516 and the 1532 eds indicate a progress from a primitivo
boiardismo towards the achievement of the typical Ariostean
balance; according to Saccone, this balance had already been

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272 Italian Studies

substantially achieved the Cinque Canti,

in the firstFurioso. On
there is an important art. by C. Dionisotti,
GSLI, cxxxvii,
arguing, against Segre in Opere minori delVA., 1954, that these
verses were
originally written before 1521. E. Zanette, 'Silenzi
di P. Bembo', NA, cccclxxx, traces somewhat superficially the
relations between A. and B. E. Turolla, LItal, xii, gives a brief
history of textual studies on the Furioso, up to and including the
ed. recorded above.
bembo. A useful vol. ofProse eRime is publ. Turin, UTET, ed.
C. Dionisotti; contents: Gli Asolani, Prose della volgar lingua,Rime.
G. Pettenati, SFI, xviii, shows evidence of some links between a
passage of Bk. 11of the Prose and the De compositione verborum of
Dionysius of Halicarnassus, of which an ed. was publ. by Aldus
in 1508-9.
boiardo. G. Reichenbach, GSLI, cxxxvii, suggests that the
original ed. (1483) of the Innamorato, now lost, was probably
divided into three books, though only containing the material of
Books 1?11 (like the newly discovered ed. of 1491?YWML, xx,
270). A. Benvenuti, in an interesting art., GSLI, cxxxvii, takes a
fresh look at B.'s canzoniere, disregarding conventional judgements
and acquired prejudices.
botero. L. Firpo, AdL, viii, concludes his bibl. study of Gli
scritti giovanili di G.B.\ The whole is publ. in book form,
Florence, Sansoni antiquariato.
bruno. G. Aquilecchia, SFI, xviii, replies toL. Firpo's criticisms
(YWML, xx, 263) of his ed. of the Cena with a lengthy and
important art., 'Lo stampatore londinese di G.B. e altre note
per Pedizione della Cena\ R. Tissoni publishes 'Saggio di
commento stilistico al Candelaio\ GSLI, cxxxvii. R. McNulty,
RN, xiii, makes an interesting contribution to the biography of B.
with the publication of remarks by George Abbot on B.'s Oxford
visits. Some copies of early B. eds in Leningrad are listed
J. S. G. Simmons, BCol, ix, from a Russian art. by A. Gorfunkel.
G. Aquilecchia, LItal, xii, and J. G. Fucilla, FiR, vi, 1959, note
copies of B. eds and of critical works not recorded in the 2nd ed.
of SalvestrinPs Bibliografia.
cellini. Opere di B. Castiglione, G. Della Casa, B. Cellini,
Milan-Naples, Ricciardi, contains the Cortegiano, the Galateo and
two orazioni by Della Casa, and the Vita, and Trattati eDiscorsi of
Cellini. C. W. Brentano, ABul, xii, 1959, gives the text of an

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Humanism and theRenaissance 273
unpubl. letter of C, dated 1526. Vay xvii, 1959, and xviii, contains
a series of articles by F. Flora on the Vita.
colonna, f. The two-vol. study of Colonna by M. T. Casella
and G. Pozzi, F.C. Biografia e opere, Padua, Antenore, 1959
(briefly mentioned YWML, xxi, 233), represents a considerable
achievement. Vol. 1,by Casella, deals with C.'s life,utilizing much
unpubl. material; vol. 11,by Pozzi, discusses theHypnerotomachia
Poliphili, and prints the text of a poem in terza rimaf Delphili
Somnium, claimed to be by C. Without wishing to minimize the
valid results achieved, particularly in the firstvol., by the diligent
researches of the two authors, one cannot help noting a tendency
on both their parts to present as ascertained fact what is only a
plausible hypothesis (rev. L. Ciapponi, Archivio storico ticinesey
no. 2; R. Weiss, ISt, xvi, 1961?this rev. doubts that C. is the
author of the Delphili Somnium).
cornazzano, a. C. Fahy, By lxii, discusses the De mulieribus
admirandisy a terza rima work written ca. 1466, noting in appx
the connexion between a chapter of this work and a novella of
corso, r. R. Finzi, AMDMy 8th ser., xi, 1959, provides a useful
study of C.'s life and works.
davanzati, b. I note two studies, 'B.D. dal volgarizzamento di
Tacito allo Scisma dyInghilterra\ in E. Bonora, Stile e tradizioney
Milan, Cisalpino; J. von Stackelberg, 'B. Davanzatis florentiner
Tacitus', RFy lxxii.
fausto da longiano, s. A. Scarpellini, Con, n.ser., xxviii,
examines F.'s transl. of part of theFamiliares of Cicero, so unjustly
overshadowed by an inferior transl. of the same work publ. by the
Aldine press in 1545.
folengo. I note C. F. GofEs, 'Una collaborazione di Merlin
Cocai con M. Alcofribas Nassier', Rin, x, 1959; C. Cordie, 'Sulla
fortuna di T.F.', ASL9 lxxxvi, 1959.
grazzini, a. f. There is an interesting survey of the personality
and works of this typical example of i6th-c. fiorentinitd by G.
Grazzini, 'Uocchiolino del Lasca', NA, cccclxxix.
Leonardo. Vol. xviii of Raccolta Vinciana contains the following
contributions of interest to students of lit.: V. P. Zoubov, Leon
Battista Alberti et Leonard de Vinci'; K. T. Steinitz, 'Biblio
graphy never ends.. .Addenda to Leonardo da Vinci's Trattato
delta Pitturay Copenhagen, 1958'; A. Marinoni, 'Rebus'; G.
l8 MLS

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274 Italian Studies
Fumagalli,'Gli "omini salvatichi,, di L.'; A. Marinoni,'Giucco da
Gello'; C. Pedretti, 'Un frammento inedito di lettera al rovescio
di un disegno di L.'; A. Lorenzo, 'Un apografo del Trattato della
pittura presso la Raccolta Vinciana'; G. Fumagalli, 'II L. di F.
Flora'; A. Marinoni, 'L'interpretazione del pensiero filosofico
leonardesco di E. Troilo'; A. Lorenzo, 'Bibliografia, I954-8,. An
and important contribution to the chronology of the
various chapters of the Trattato dellapittura ismade by C. Pedretti,
ArM, n.ser., xxiv, 1959; n.ser., xxv. Id. also contributes Saggio di
una cronologia dei fogli del codice Arundel di L. da V.', and
'Spigolature nel codice atlantico', both in BHR, xxii. G. Fuma
galli, 'La pagina macchiata di L.', LM, x, criticizes PedrettPs
conclusions, in his Studi Vinciani, on the meaning of a phrase
obscured by an inkstain on one of the pages of the codice atlantico.
There are two articles by F. Severi in Va, xvii, 1959, 'Lo stile e
la filosofia di L.', and 'L. naturalista, biologo, geografo\ A bibl.
survey of recent studies on L. is provided by A. Chastel, BHR,
lorenzo de' medici. G. Soranzo, Rin, ix, 1958, briefly discusses
little known eulogies of L. by Matteo Bosso, Pietro Dolfin, and
Pietro Martire d'Anghiera.
machiavelli. I note G. Prezzolini, Vita di N.M. fiorentino,
Milan, Mondadori. G. Sasso's book on M.'s political thought
(YWML, xx, 265-6; xxi, 235) has had further revs: V. De
Caprariis, GSLI, cxxxvii; F. Manzotti, Con, n.ser., xxviii. In
NRS, xliv, Sasso replies to the severe rev. of his book by J. H.
Whitfield (YWML, xxi, 235). Interesting general comments on
M.'s language are offered by F. Montanari, 'Fantasia e calcolo nel
linguaggio del M.\ Con, n.ser., xxviii. I have not been able to see
N. Matteucci, 'L'utopia del M.\ Mu, viii, 1959, or B. T. Wilkins,
M. on history and fortuneBucknellReview, viii, 1959. C. Pincin,
'Sul testo del M.: la prefazione alia prima parte dei DiscorsV,
A AT, Classe di scienze morali, storiche efilologiche, xciv, 1959-60,
discusses the relationship between MSS. and eds of the firstpart of
the Proemio. L. Russo, 'II teatro di M.\ OPL, v, 1959, writes on
the Mandragola and the Clizia. Also on M.'s comedies is R.
Bacchelli, '"Istorico, comico e tragico", ovvero M. artista', NA,
cccclxxviii. I learn that the first number, Oct. 1959, of a new
review, Cultura e societd, which I have been unable to see, is
entirely dedicated toM., and contains the following: R. Ramat,

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Humanism and the Renaissance 275
'Nota per una definizione storicistica non categoriale di N.M.';
M. Santoro, 'M. e ^umanesimo,; F. Alderisio, 'Morale o im
morale N.M.?'; Id., 'M. e il Cristianesimo,; R. Mazzetti, 'Re
ligione e Cristianesimo nel pensiero del M.'; E. Oggioni, 'La
filosofia politica di M. e il Cristianesimo'; F. Villani, 'II M. e il
"mito" del M. in Inghilterra\
masuccio. F. Ageno's rev. (RPh, xiv) of Petrocchi's recent ed.
of theNovellino (YWML, xix, 263) is, like somany of this excellent
scholar's reviews, a major contribution to its subject. Of lesser
weight E. Esposito, 'Appunti sul Novellino di M.S.', OPL, iv,
Michelangelo. E. N. Girardi has prepared a crit. ed. of the
Rime, Bari, Laterza (rev. G. Contini, LN, xxi). A useful vol. is
R. Buscaroli, M.: la vita; la teorica sulVarte; le opere, Bologna,
Tamara, n.d. Of interest,M. Rzepihska, 'Contributo ai Dialoghi
romani di Francisco d'Hollanda', Com, xi.
politian. I have only one item to record this year (apart from
the news of the reappearance in Italy of the lost second volume of the
Miscellanea, on which we await more information). It is I. Maier,
'Un inedit de P.: la classification des Arts9, BHR, xxii.
salviati, l. P. Brown, 'L.S. and the Discorso sopra le prime
parole di Cornelio Tacito9,1 St, xv, makes some interesting observa
tions on the content and style of this work.
Savonarola. P. G. Ricci has prepared an ed. of De simplicitate
christianae vitae, Rome, Belardetti, 1959, a vol. in the Edizione
nazionale of S.'s works. In addition to the Latin text, it contains
the Italian transl. by Girolamo Benivieni. I note E. Ibertis,
Gioventu savonaroliana, Pinerolo, Alzani, 1959; and G. Mounin,
Savonarole, Paris, CFL. E. Garin, 'Ricerche sugli scritti filosofici
di G.S.: opere inedite e smarrite', BHR, xxi, 1959, gives details
of MSS. containing Plato abreviatus and Book xi (Logicales
quaestiones centum) of Compendium logicae. C. Santoro, B, lxi,
1959, describes an incunable in the Bibl. Trivulziana with
marginal notes by S. (On the recently discovered copy of the
Jenson Bible of 1476 with notes by S. see also jB, lxi, 1959.)
segni, b. An important contribution by R. Ridolfi, Bel, xv,
describes a MS. of the Istorie fiorentine recently acquired by the
author, which shows that S.'s history was originally confined to
Florentine affairs, and that only in a second period, beginning in
1555, when Guicciardini's Storia d9Italia began to be diffused in

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276 Italian Studies
Florentine circles, did S. include those accounts of events in other
parts of Italy and in Europe which disturb the balance of the last
books of his Istorie.
tasso, t. L. Caretti, StT, x, gives the plan of the complete ed.
of TVs works now in course of publ. by Mondadori (vol. 1 of
Tutte le poesie, containing the Liberata, was publ. in 1957).
Caretti is to edit the vols of TVs poetic works, and the prose works
will be edited by E. Raimondi, L. Poma and G. Resta. Caretti's
art. is also useful in giving details of crit. eds being prepared
simultaneously by his collaborators for other publishers.
F. Pool's study, Desiderio e realtd nella poesia del T., Padua,
Liviana, is reviewed inRLI, lxiv; and StT, x. E. Raimondi, Con,
n.ser., xxviii, reviewing vol. 1 of Tutte le poeste mentioned supra,
makes some general remarks on the nature of TVs art, his develop
ment from the Gierusalemme to the Liberata, and the narrative
structure of the latter. G. Getto, 'Lo spettacolo del mondo e la
poesia della Gerusalemme9, LItal, xii, discusses those passages in
the poem, specially cantos xiv, xv and xvi, inwhich T. leaves the
theme of arms to treat of other matters, and notes in the descrip
tions of sea and landscapes themes of Baroque and Romantic
poetry. A. Jenni, 'II realismo borghese nella Liberata9, LItal, xii,
discussing what he considers as a part of the tendency keep
ing the G.L., despite itsmany epic qualities, *al di qua delPepica
assoluta', notes the presence of realismo borghese inmany details
and observations, above all in the episode of Vafrino spying in
the enemy camp. B. T. Sozzi contributes a 'Nota sulPepisodio di
Olindo e Sofronia', StT, x. D. Bianchi discusses, somewhat

synthetically and generally, 'La rima nella G.L.\ RIL, Classe di

lettere e scienze morali e storiche, xciii, 1959. A short study by
G. Ragonese, Sul 'Rinaldo* del T., Rome, Gismondi, 1959, is rev.
NA, cccclxxix. A. M. Lagomarzini, StT, x, describes MSS. and
eds ofTVs unfinishedreligiouspoem ItMonte Oliveto (1588). An
extremely interesting art. by N. Bonifazi, StT, x, discusses the
relations between T. and Duke Alfonso's powerful secretary
G. B. Pigna, rejecting the view that there was any enmity or
rivalry between them, and also examines P.'s still unpubl. collec
tion of poems, It ben divino, in honour of Laura Bendidio. I note
D. Consoli, La lirica amorosa del T. e la vaghezza, Rome, Signo
relli, 1959 (rev. RLI, lxiv). A thorough art. by L. Poma, StT, x,
locates, describes and discusses aMS. (codice Torella) containing

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Humanism and theRenaissance 277
letters and poems of T., and fragments of the Discorsi, all auto
graph. I note A. Altamura, 'I carmi latini del T. secondo gli
autografi di Napoli e di Parma', Biblion, i, 1959. A. Tortoreto,
StT, x, urges the publication of all the notes inT.'s copy (now cod.
vat. lat. 9966) of the 1574 ed. of the works of Fracastoro; those on
F.'s astronomic and astrological works probably relate to T.'s post
as lecturer 'della sfera e di Euclide' at Ferrara, 1574-9. Worthy of
note is the entertaining attempt by G. P. Galizzi,
Berg, liv, to
establish the final resting-place of the mortal remains of T.'s
father, Bernardo.
On Tasso bibliography, the outstanding publ. is the catalogue of
the Raccolta Tassiana at Bergamo, publ. by the Banca Piccolo
Credito Bergamasco. Reviews of recent Tasso studies are contri
buted by B. T. Sozzi, GSLI, cxxxvii; A. Tortoreto, StT, x.

4. Archives, Libraries, Manuscripts,

Printed Books

Dispensa 3-4 of A SI, cxviii, consists of Notizie degli archivi

toscani, supp. to the vol. of the same title published as Dispensa
2-3 of ASI, cxiv, 1956 (YWML, xix, 266). This new vol. has 298
contributions with additions or corrections to information given in
the earlier vol., or accounts of archives not yet recorded. Other
publications on archives include A. Lodolini, UArchivio di Stato
di Roma: epitome di una guida degli archivi delVamministrazione
centrale dello stato Pontificio, Rome, Istituto di studi romani; and,
on Florence, M. Del Piazzo, Signoria, died di balia, otto dipratica:
Legazioni e commissarie, missive e responsive. Inventario sommario,
Rome, Istituto poligrafico dello Stato.
C. F. Buhler, The Fifteenth Century Book, Philadelphia, Penn
sylvania U.P., has chapters on scribes, printers and decorators.
I note the following catalogue of MSS.: S. Prete, / codici delta
Bibl. Comunale di Fermo, Florence, Olschki. Other publications
on MSS. in libraries ancient and modern include: F. Pintor, 'Per
la storia della libreria medicea nel Rinascimento. Appunti
d'archivio', IMU, iii?a republication of two per nozze contribu
tions; E. Mioni, 'Altri due MSS. greci di S. Michele di Murano',
IMU, iii; A. Azzoni, 'I libri del Foresti e la bibl. conventuale di
S. Agostino', Berg, liii, 1959; M. Harrsen, 'Mediaeval and
Renaissance miniatures in the John Frederick Lewis collection in

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278 Italian Studies

Philadelphia', Sc, xiv; V. Fanelli, 'Le lettere di Mons. Angelo

Colocci nel Museo Britannico di Londra', Rin, x, 1959; V. Mori,
'Saggio biografico sul Vescovo bibliofilo Angelo Rocca (1545
1620)', ArRf 2nd ser., xxvi, 1959.
L. Donati, Troblemi cronologici delPincunabulistica italiana',
B9 lxii, issues a on the frequency of dating ab
salutary warning
incarnatione' in incunables, and on the irregular and sometimes
erroneous way in which such dates are recorded in catalogues of
incunables. C. F. Biihler, 'Incunabula formerly assigned to
Bologna', GJ, gives lists of books whose Bolognese origin he
I note S. Samek Ludovici, Illustrazione del libro e incisione
in Lombardia nel '400 e '500, Modena, Artioli; and P. Bietenholz,
Der italienische Humanismus und die Blutezeit des Buchdrucks in
Basel. Die Basler Drucke italienischer Autoren von 1530 bis zum
Ende des 16 JhSy Basle-Stuttgart, Helbing & Lichtenhahn, 1959.

5. Bibliography
Vol. ii of U. Bosco's essential Repertorio bibliografico delta lettera
tura italiana, Florence, Sansoni, has now appeared, covering the
period 1950-3. Another useful publ. is H. H. Golden, etc.,
Modern Italian Language and Literature: a Bibliography of
Homage Studies, Cambridge (Mass.), Harvard U.P., 1959, which
starts with the 15th c. J. G. Fucilla continues his invaluable
current bibls in SP, lvii, and PMLA, lxxv, as does J.-F. Bergier in
BHR, xxii. Rin appears to have become somewhat behindhand in
publication, the latest number received being fasc. 1, 1959, and
there have been no bibl. contributions further to those for the year
1957 recorded in YWML, xx, 271.


ByD. S. Duncan, Head of the Department of Italian,

Birkbeck College, University of London

i. General

Although interest in the literature of the period is increasing, it is

still very far from reflecting the enthusiasm and intensity of
purpose lavished on art-historical and, to a lesser extent, historical
studies. Partly, this must be due to the inescapable fact that the

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