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i. General
(and not only Latin MSS.) in the libraries of the world. Another
book which should be mentioned in this section because of its
general importance is E. Pastorello, Inedita manutiana l502-15gj.
Appendice alVinventario, Florence, Olschki; this modestly-titled
book contains the text of 500 unpubl. letters from the carteggio of
the famous family of Venetian printers.
The appearance of the first two vols of the Dizionario biografico
degli italiani, Rome, Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, augurs
well for the completion within a reasonable period of this under
taking, which will provide, in 40 vols, a well-printed, scholarly,
up-to-date, and much needed national biography. Other bio
graphical items: R. Creytens, 'Les ecrivains dominicains dans la
chronique d'Albert de Castello (1516)', AFP, xxx, publishes an
important list of Dominican writers occurring at the end of the
Brevissima chronica of Alberto da Castello in the ed. of 1516; V.
Caputo, Gli antichi poeti italiani fino al secolo XVIII. Dizionario
biografico,Milan, Gastaldi, unfortunately of little scholarly value.
I also have note of the following studies: H. Brown, 'The
Renaissance and historians of science', SRen, vii; M. P. Gilmore,
'The lawyers and the Church in the Italian Renaissance', Renais
sance Studies (being The Rice Institute Pamphlet, xlvi, Jan.);
H. De La Croix, 'Military architecture and the radial city plan in
i6th-c. Italy',ABw/, xlii; G. Bonomo, Caccia allestreghe, Palermo,
Palumbo, 1959 (on witches, especially in Italy, I3th-i9th cc).
2. Humanism
3. Vernacular Literature
Lyric Poetry
L. Pini, 'Per l'edizione critica delle canzonette di L. Giustinian',
MAL, Classe di scienze morali, storiche efilologiche, 8th ser., ix, 3,
is a fundamental study, reclassifying theMSS. and printed eds of
G.'s poems, and rejecting the theory that the 'Tuscan' group of
MSS. represents a revision by the author. Sir M. Bowra, 'Songs
of dance and carnival', in Studies.. .Ady, discusses and compares
the canzoni a hallo and canti carnascialeschi of Lorenzo and
Politian. B. Weinberg, 'The Sposizione of Petrarch in the early
'500', RPh, xiii, discusses some 15th- and i6th-c. expositions and
commentaries on the Canzoniere. D. E. Rhodes, I St, xv, describes
an anonymous vol. of Italian poems in the B.M., printed ca. 1550.
R. Scrivano, RLI, lxiv, devotes a careful art. to the poetry of
Veronica Franco, seeking to differentiate and distinguish it from
the work of her contemporaries. On Franco, I note also L. Russo,
'V.F. e la "corruttela" del '500', OPL, iv, 1958, 6. Further
contributions of interest are recorded under Boiardo, Michelangelo
and Tasso in the section individual authors, infra.
Epic Poetry
A. Altamura, II Romanzo di Francia, testo inedito napoletano del
secolo XV, Annali dell'istituto superiore di scienze e lettere di S.
Chiara, ix, 1959, examines the language and contents of a i5th-c.
Neapolitan version of the Libro di Fioravante. M. Boni, ADS PR,
n.ser., vi, 1954-5 (publ. 1958), gives, with critical discussion, the
text of a i5th-c. North Italian poem in ottava rima, La morte degli
H. M. C. Purkis provides some notes on 'II rapporto tra gli inter
ludi e Popera teatrale nellTtalia del sedicesimo secolo,) LM, x.
I note M. T. Herrick, 'Susanna and the elders in i6th-c. drama',
in Studies in Honor of T. W. Baldwin, Urbana, 1958; this art.
contains some Italian material. L. Dondoni, RIL, xciii, 1959,
discusses the chorus at the end ofAct iv of G. B. GiraldPs tragedy
Epitia, and its relations to a poem of Catullus. J. V. Falconieri,
NLB, v, 1959, lists fifty-one 16th- and i7th-c. eds of Sacre rappre
sentazioni, now in the Newberry Library, Chicago. For a further
contribution, see under Machiavelli in the section individual
authors, infra.
A text worthy of note is D. di Chinazzo, Cronica de la guerra da
Veneciani a Zenovesi, Venice, Deputazione di storia patria per le
Venezie, 1958, ed. V. Lazzarini?early 15th c. E. Santini, 'La
Protestatio de Iustitia nella Firenze medicea del sec. XV', Rin, x,
1959, publishes the text of 11 protesti?vernacular allocutions
delivered in i5th-c. Florence by the gonfalonieri upon taking
office, incl. those by Donato Acciaiuoli (1469) and Giannozzo
Manetti (no date). Of relevance because of the work's popularity
in its Italian transl. (byMambrino da Fabriano) is F. Pues's art. on
'La Silva de varia leccion de Pero Mexia', LR, xiii, 1959 (a suivre).
W. H. J.Kennedy, SRen, vii, gives the text of eight unpubl. letters
of the 15th and 16th cc, mostly from members of the Medici
individual authors
5. Bibliography
Vol. ii of U. Bosco's essential Repertorio bibliografico delta lettera
tura italiana, Florence, Sansoni, has now appeared, covering the
period 1950-3. Another useful publ. is H. H. Golden, etc.,
Modern Italian Language and Literature: a Bibliography of
Homage Studies, Cambridge (Mass.), Harvard U.P., 1959, which
starts with the 15th c. J. G. Fucilla continues his invaluable
current bibls in SP, lvii, and PMLA, lxxv, as does J.-F. Bergier in
BHR, xxii. Rin appears to have become somewhat behindhand in
publication, the latest number received being fasc. 1, 1959, and
there have been no bibl. contributions further to those for the year
1957 recorded in YWML, xx, 271.
i. General