Report Ati
Report Ati
Report Ati
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PN Data Collection 33 66.7% The data collection step of the nursing process involves the nurse’s
ability to apply nursing knowledge to the systematic and continuous
collection, organization, validation and documentation of data about
a client’s present health status. The nurse must use therapeutic
communication and technical skills to safely collect comprehensive
client data and draw conclusions.
PN Planning 26 65.4% The planning step of the nursing process involves the nurse’s ability
to contribute to developing a plan of care for a client who has
specific health alterations or needs for health
promotion/maintenance. The nurse will assist in establishing
priorities, measurable client goals and nursing interventions to assist
the client to achieve his goals.
PN Implementation/Therapeutic 16 62.5% The implementation step of the nursing process involves the nurse’s
Nursing Intervention ability to apply nursing knowledge to implement interventions to
assist a client to promote, maintain, or restore his health. The nurse
uses problem-solving skills, clinical judgment, and critical thinking
when using interpersonal and technical skills to provide client care.
During this step the nurse will also delegate and supervise care and
document the care and the client’s response.
PN Evaluation 13 84.6% The evaluation step of the nursing process involves the nurse’s
ability to evaluate a client’s response to nursing interventions and to
reach a nursing judgment regarding the extent to which the client
has met the goals and outcomes. During this step the nurse will
also assess client/staff understanding of instruction, the
effectiveness of interventions, and identify the need for further
intervention or the need to alter the plan.
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Priority Setting Points Score Description
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Thinking Skills Points Score Description
Foundational Thinking 5 60.0% The ability to comprehend information and concepts. Incorporates
Blooms Taxonomy categories of Remembering and Understanding.
Clinical Application 83 68.7% The ability to apply nursing knowledge to a clinical situation.
Incorporates Blooms Taxonomy category of Applying.
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PN Safety and Infection Control 4 100.0% The nurse uses preventive safety measures to promote the health
and well-being of clients, significant others, and members of the
health care team.
PN Health Promotion and 13 92.3% The nurse contributes to the plan of care to promote prevention and
Maintenance detection of illness and support optimal health.
PN Psychosocial Integrity 2 100.0% The nurse contributes to the plan of care to promote and support the
emotional, mental and social well-being of clients and significant
PN Basic Care and Comfort 4 75.0% The nurse contributes to the plan of care to promote comfort and
assist client to perform activities of daily living.
PN Pharmacological Therapies 5 80.0% The nurse provides safe care for clients receiving medications and
parenteral therapy.
PN Reduction of Risk Potential 9 33.3% The nurse contributes to the plan of care to decrease clients’ risk of
developing complications from existing health disorders, treatments
or procedures.
PN Physiological Adaptation 7 57.1% The nurse contributes to the care of clients who have an acute,
chronic or life threatening illness.
No of Individual
Clinical Areas Points Score Description
Maternal Newborn 1 100.0% Ability to apply nursing knowledge to perinatal nursing care. Topics
include antepartum, intrapartum, and postpartum nursing care as
well as care of the newborn.
Nutrition 5 100.0% Ability to apply nursing knowledge to normal nutrition and diet
therapy. Topics include the collection of data regarding nutritional
status; implementation of actions to promote normal nutrition or
dietary modification in response to illness; and evaluation of the
client’s response to diet therapy.
No of Individual
QSEN Points Score Description
Safety 7 100.0% The minimization of risk factors that could cause injury or harm
while promoting quality care and maintaining a secure environment
for clients, self, and others.
Patient-Centered Care 10 70.0% The provision of caring and compassionate, culturally sensitive care
that is based on a patient’s physiological, psychological,
sociological, spiritual, and cultural needs, preferences, and values.
Evidence Based Practice 69 65.2% The use of current knowledge from research and other credible
sources to make clinical judgments and provide client-centered
Teamwork and Collaboration 2 50.0% The delivery of client care in partnership with multidisciplinary
members of the health care team, to achieve continuity of care and
positive client outcomes.
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Human Flourishing 8 75.0% Human flourishing is reflected in patient care that demonstrates
respect for diversity, approaches patients in a holistic and patient-
centered manner, and uses advocacy to enhance their health and
Nursing Judgment 76 67.1% Nursing judgment involves the use of critical thinking and decision
making skills when making clinical judgments that promote safe,
quality patient care.
Professional Identity 3 66.7% Professional identity reflects the professional development of the
nurse as a member and leader of the health care team who
promotes relationship-centered care, and whose practice reflects
integrity and caring while following ethical and legal guidelines.
Spirit of Inquiry 1 100.0% A spirit of inquiry is exhibited by nurses who provide evidence based
clinical nursing practice and use evidence to promote change and
No of Individual
Clinical Judgment Points Score Description
Recognize Cues 15 73.3% Filter information from different sources (i.e., signs, symptoms,
health history, environment).
Identify relevant information related to the client’s condition.
Use knowledge, experience and evidence to assess clients.
Use verbal, nonverbal, written, and electronic modes of
Recognize relevant subjective/objective client data.
Identify subtle and apparent changes in client condition and related
Analyze Cues 6 66.7% Link recognized cues to a client’s clinical presentation and
establishing probable client needs, concerns, or problems.
Compare client findings to evidence-based resources and standards
of care.
Analyze expected and unexpected findings in health data.
Anticipate illness/injury and wellness progression.
Identify client problems and related health alterations.
Analyze client needs.
Identify potential complications.
Identify how pathophysiology relates to clinical presentation.
Identify data that is of immediate concern.
Prioritize Hypotheses 1 0.0% Establish priorities of care based on the client’s health problems (i.e.
environmental factors, risk assessment, urgency, signs/ symptoms,
diagnostic test, lab values, etc.).
Organize client assessment information according to changes,
patterns and trends.
Use standards of care and empirical frameworks for priority setting.
Establish and prioritize client problems/needs based on the analysis
of information and factors.
Generate Solutions 12 50.0% Identify expected outcomes and related nursing interventions to
ensure clients’ needs are met.
Collaborate with members of the interprofessional healthcare team
to establish client outcomes and the plan of care.
Collaborate with client and care partners to establish client
outcomes and the plan of care.
Identify optimal client outcomes based on information and factors.
Identify evidence-based nursing actions to effectively address the
clinical situation of the client’s health problem.
Prioritize plan of care to achieve optimal client outcomes.
Prioritize nursing care when caring for multiple clients.
Re-prioritize nursing actions as the client’s condition changes.
Modify a plan of care to assure achievement of optimal client
outcomes when indicated.
Determine the potential impact of selected interventions.
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