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Lecture 13

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16-385 Computer Vision

http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~16385/ Spring 2020, Lecture 13
Course announcements

• Homework 3 is due on March 4th.

- How many of you have looked at/started/finished homework 3?

• Take-home quiz 5 is due on March 1st.

Overview of today’s lecture

• Leftover from two-view geometry.

• Revisiting triangulation.

• Disparity.

• Stereo rectification.

• Stereo matching.

• Improving stereo matching.

• Structured light.
Slide credits

Some of these slides were adapted directly from:

• Kris Kitani (16-385, Spring 2017).

• Srinivasa Narasimhan (16-823, Spring 2017).
Revisiting triangulation
How would you reconstruct 3D points?

Left image Right image

How would you reconstruct 3D points?

Left image Right image

1. Select point in one image (how?)
How would you reconstruct 3D points?

Left image Right image

1. Select point in one image (how?)
2. Form epipolar line for that point in second image (how?)
How would you reconstruct 3D points?

Left image Right image

1. Select point in one image (how?)
2. Form epipolar line for that point in second image (how?)
3. Find matching point along line (how?)
How would you reconstruct 3D points?

Left image Right image

1. Select point in one image (how?)
2. Form epipolar line for that point in second image (how?)
3. Find matching point along line (how?)
4. Perform triangulation (how?)

3D point

left image right image

left camera with matrix right camera with matrix

How would you reconstruct 3D points?

Left image Right image

1. Select point in one image (how?)
2. Form epipolar line for that point in second image (how?) What are the disadvantages
3. Find matching point along line (how?) of this procedure?
4. Perform triangulation (how?)
Stereo rectification
What’s different between these two images?
Objects that are close move more or less?
The amount of horizontal movement is
inversely proportional to …
The amount of horizontal movement is
inversely proportional to …

… the distance from the camera.

More formally…
3D point

image plane

camera center camera center

image plane
How is X related to x?

How is X related to x’?


(wrt to camera origin of image plane)

inversely proportional
to depth
Real-time stereo sensing

Nomad robot searches for meteorites in Antartica

Eyesight system

What other vision system uses
disparity for depth sensing?
This is how 3D movies work
Is disparity the only depth cue
the human visual system uses?
So can I compute depth from any two
images of the same object?
So can I compute depth from any two
images of the same object?

1. Need sufficient baseline

2. Images need to be ‘rectified’ first (make epipolar lines horizontal)

1. Rectify images
(make epipolar lines horizontal)
2. For each pixel
a. Find epipolar line
b. Scan line for best match
c. Compute depth from disparity
How can you make the epipolar lines horizontal?
3D point

image plane

camera center camera center

What’s special about these two cameras?

When are epipolar lines horizontal?
When this relationship holds:

R=I t = (T, 0, 0)

Proof in take-home quiz 5
It’s hard to make the image planes exactly parallel
How can you make the epipolar lines horizontal?
Use stereo rectification?
What is stereo rectification?
What is stereo rectification?

Reproject image
planes onto a
common plane
parallel to the line
between camera

How can you do this?

What is stereo rectification?

Reproject image
planes onto a
common plane
parallel to the line
between camera

Need two
homographies (3x3
transform), one for
each input image

C. Loop and Z. Zhang. Computing Rectifying Homographies for Stereo Vision.Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 1999.
Stereo Rectification
1. Rotate the right camera by R
(aligns camera coordinate system orientation only)

2. Rotate (rectify) the left camera so that the epipole

is at infinity

3. Rotate (rectify) the right camera so that the epipole

is at infinity

4. Adjust the scale

Stereo Rectification:

1. Compute E to get R
2. Rotate right image by R
3. Rotate both images by Rrect
4. Scale both images by H
Stereo Rectification:

rotate by R

1. Compute E to get R
2. Rotate right image by R
3. Rotate both images by Rrect
4. Scale both images by H
Stereo Rectification:

1. Compute E to get R
2. Rotate right image by R
3. Rotate both images by Rrect
4. Scale both images by H
Stereo Rectification:

rotate by Rrect

rotate by Rrect

1. Compute E to get R
2. Rotate right image by R
3. Rotate both images by Rrect
4. Scale both images by H
Stereo Rectification:

1. Compute E to get R
2. Rotate right image by R
3. Rotate both images by Rrect
4. Scale both images by H
Stereo Rectification:

scale by H

scale by H

1. Compute E to get R
2. Rotate right image by R
3. Rotate both images by Rrect
4. Scale both images by H
Stereo Rectification:

1. Compute E to get R
2. Rotate right image by R
3. Rotate both images by Rrect
4. Scale both images by H
Stereo Rectification:

1. Compute E to get R
2. Rotate right image by R
3. Rotate both images by Rrect
4. Scale both images by H
Step 1: Compute E to get R

SVD: Let

We get FOUR solutions:

two possible rotations two possible translations

We get FOUR solutions:

Which one do we choose?

Compute determinant of R, valid solution must be equal to 1
(note: det(R) = -1 means rotation and reflection)

Compute 3D point using triangulation, valid solution has positive Z value

(Note: negative Z means point is behind the camera )
Let’s visualize the four configurations…

image plane

optical axis
Camera Icon

camera center

Find the configuration where the point is in front of both cameras

Find the configuration where the points is in front of both cameras
Find the configuration where the points is in front of both cameras
Stereo Rectification:

1. Compute E to get R
2. Rotate right image by R
3. Rotate both images by Rrect
4. Scale both images by H
When do epipolar
lines become
Parallel cameras

Where is the epipole?

Parallel cameras

epipole at infinity
Setting the epipole to infinity
(Building Rrect from e)

epipole e
Let Given: (using SVD on E)
(translation from E)

epipole coincides with translation vector

cross product of e and

the direction vector of
the optical axis

orthogonal vector
If and orthogonal

If and orthogonal


Where is this point located on the image plane?

If and orthogonal


Where is this point located on the image plane?

At x-infinity
Stereo Rectification Algorithm
1. Estimate E using the 8 point algorithm (SVD)

2. Estimate the epipole e (SVD of E)

3. Build Rrect from e

4. Decompose E into R and T

5. Set R1=Rrect and R2 = RRrect

6. Rotate each left camera point (warp image)

[x’ y’ z’] = R1 [x y z]

7. Rectified points as p = f/z’[x’ y’ z’]

8. Repeat 6 and 7 for right camera points using R2

What can we do after
Stereo matching
Depth Estimation via Stereo Matching
1. Rectify images
(make epipolar lines horizontal)
2. For each pixel
a. Find epipolar line
How would
b. Scan line for best match
you do this?
c. Compute depth from disparity
Reminder from filtering
How do we detect an edge?
Reminder from filtering
How do we detect an edge?
• We filter with something that looks like an edge.

* 1 0 -1

horizontal edge filter

* 0
original -1

We can think of linear filtering as a way to evaluate

how similar an image is locally to some template.
vertical edge filter
Find this template
How do we detect the template in he following image?
Find this template
How do we detect the template in he following image?


output What will

the output
look like?


Solution 1: Filter the image using the template as filter kernel.

Find this template
How do we detect the template in he following image?




Solution 1: Filter the image using the template as filter kernel. What went wrong?
Find this template
How do we detect the template in he following image?




Increases for higher

Solution 1: Filter the image using the template as filter kernel. local intensities.
Find this template
How do we detect the template in he following image?

filter template mean

output What will

the output
look like?


Solution 2: Filter the image using a zero-mean template.

Find this template
How do we detect the template in he following image?


filter template mean

output True detection

image False

Solution 2: Filter the image using a zero-mean template. What went wrong?
Find this template
How do we detect the template in he following image?


filter template mean


Not robust to high-

contrast areas

Solution 2: Filter the image using a zero-mean template.

Find this template
How do we detect the template in he following image?


output What will

the output
look like?


Solution 3: Use sum of squared differences (SSD).

Find this template
How do we detect the template in he following image?



output True detection


Solution 3: Use sum of squared differences (SSD). What could go wrong?

Find this template
How do we detect the template in he following image?




Not robust to local

intensity changes

Solution 3: Use sum of squared differences (SSD).

Find this template
How do we detect the template in he following image?

Observations so far:

• subtracting mean deals with brightness bias

• dividing by standard deviation removes contrast bias

Can we combine the two effects?

Find this template
How do we detect the template in he following image?

What will
the output
filter template mean
look like?

local patch mean


Solution 4: Normalized cross-correlation (NCC).

Find this template
How do we detect the template in he following image?


True detections


Solution 4: Normalized cross-correlation (NCC).

Find this template
How do we detect the template in he following image?


True detections


Solution 4: Normalized cross-correlation (NCC).

What is the best method?
It depends on whether you care about speed or invariance.

• Zero-mean: Fastest, very sensitive to local intensity.

• Sum of squared differences: Medium speed, sensitive to intensity offsets.

• Normalized cross-correlation: Slowest, invariant to contrast and brightness.

Stereo Block Matching
Left Right


Matching cost

• Slide a window along the epipolar line and compare contents of

that window with the reference window in the left image
• Matching cost: SSD or normalized correlation
Normalized cross-correlation
Similarity Measure Formula
Sum of Absolute Differences (SAD)

Sum of Squared Differences (SSD)

Zero-mean SAD

Locally scaled SAD

Normalized Cross Correlation (NCC)

SAD SSD NCC Ground truth

Effect of window size

W=3 W = 20
Effect of window size

W=3 W = 20

Smaller window Larger window

+ More detail + Smoother disparity maps
- More noise - Less detail
- Fails near boundaries
When will stereo block matching fail?
When will stereo block matching fail?

textureless regions repeated patterns

Improving stereo matching
Block matching Ground truth

What are some problems with the result?

How can we improve depth estimation?
How can we improve depth estimation?
Too many discontinuities.
We expect disparity values to change slowly.

Let’s make an assumption:

depth should change smoothly
Stereo matching as …

Energy Minimization

What defines a good stereo correspondence?

1. Match quality
– Want each pixel to find a good match in the other image
2. Smoothness
– If two pixels are adjacent, they should (usually) move about the same
energy function
(for one pixel)

data term smoothness term

Want each pixel to find a good match Adjacent pixels should (usually)
in the other image move about the same amount
(block matching result) (smoothness function)
data term
SSD distance between windows
centered at I(x, y) and J(x+ d(x,y), y)
SSD distance between windows
centered at I(x, y) and J(x+ d(x,y), y)

smoothness term

: set of neighboring pixels

4-connected 8-connected
neighborhood neighborhood
smoothness term

L1 distance

“Potts model”
One possible solution…

Dynamic Programming

Can minimize this independently per scanline

using dynamic programming (DP)

: minimum cost of solution such that d(x,y) = d

Match only Match & smoothness (via graph cut)

Ground Truth

Y. Boykov, O. Veksler, and R. Zabih, Fast Approximate Energy Minimization via Graph Cuts, PAMI 2001
All of these cases remain difficult, what can we do?

textureless regions repeated patterns

Structured light
Use controlled (“structured”) light to make correspondences easier

Disparity between laser points on

the same scanline in the images
determines the 3-D coordinates of
the laser point on object
Use controlled (“structured”) light to make correspondences easier
Structured light and two cameras


Structured light and one camera

Projector acts like

“reverse” camera

Example: Laser scanner

Digital Michelangelo Project

15-463/15-663/15-862 Computational Photography
Learn about structured light and other cameras – and build some on your own!

cameras that take video at the speed of light cameras that measure depth in real time

cameras that capture

entire focal stacks

cameras that see around corners http://graphics.cs.cmu.edu/courses/15-463/

Basic reading:
• Szeliski textbook, Section 8.1 (not 8.1.1-8.1.3), Chapter 11, Section 12.2.
• Hartley and Zisserman, Section 11.12.

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