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BSC Psychology

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Practical Subject


04 - Year B.Sc. (Hons.) Program

B.Sc. Programme
[Effective from 2021-22]

(DSCC) and SEM I & II,



Effective from 2021-22

AS PER N E P - 2020

Karnatak University, Dharwad
Four Years Under Graduate Program in PSYCHOLOGY for B.Sc. (Hons.)
Effective from 2021-22

Instruction Total hours Formative Summative

Sem Type of Theory/ hour per Duration Total
of Syllabus Assessment Assessment Credits
Course Practical of Exam Marks
week / Sem Marks Marks

I Foundations of
DSCC - 1 04 hrs 56 02 hrs 40 60 100 04
Psychology - I
Practical - I 04 hrs 52 03 hrs 25 25 50 02
OEC - 1 Health
03 hrs 42 02 hrs 40 60 100 03

*SEC - 1 Communication
Skills 03 hrs 30 02 hrs 20 30 50 02

II Foundations of
04 hrs 56 02 hrs 40 60 100 04
DSCC - 2 Psychology - II
Practical - II 04 hrs 52 03 hrs 25 25 50 02
OEC - 2 Psychology and
03 hrs 42 02 hrs 40 60 100 03
Mental Health

Details of the other Semesters will be given later

* Student can opt digital fluency as SEC or the SEC of his/ her any one DSCC selected

Name of Course (Subject): PSYCHOLOGY

Programme Specific Outcome (PSO)
On completion of the 03/04 years Degree in PSYCHOLOGY the students will be able to:

PSO 1 : Acquire in-depth understanding of basic principles of functioning of mind and

PSO 2 : Accurately assess fundamental psychological phenomena

PSO 3 : Apply the knowledge of psychology to face life’s challenges and develop skills for
effective living

PSO 4 : Become effective counselors, psychologists and trainers

B.Sc. Semester – I
Discipline Specific Course (DSC)

The course PSYCHOLOGY in I semester has two papers (Theory Paper – I for 04 credits & Practical Paper -
II for 2 credits) for 06 credits: Both the papers are compulsory. Details of the courses are as under.

Course No. - 1 (Theory)

Instruction Total No. of Formative Summative

Type of Theory / Duration Total
Course No. Credits hour per Lectures/Hours / Assessment Assessment
Course Practical of Exam Marks
week Semester Marks Marks

Course - 01 DSCC Theory 04 04 56 hrs 2hrs 40 60 100

Course No. - 1 (Theory): Title of the Course (Theory): Foundations of Psychology – I

Course Outcome (CO):

After completion of course (Theory), students will be able to:

CO 1 : Understand the fields and methods of Psychology
CO 2 : Effectively use memory techniques in learning and remembering
CO 3 : Assess various psychological phenomenon

Syllabus - Course 1 (Theory): Title – Foundations of Psychology - I Total Hrs: 56

Unit-I : Genesis and Goals of Psychology 14 hrs
Psychology: Emergence and Development; Definition and Goals of Psychology. Key
Perspectives: Psychodynamic, Behavioural, Humanistic, Biological and Cognitive

Psychology as Basic Science: General, Bio–Physiological, Social, Child,

Developmental, Abnormal and Cognitive Psychology

Psychology as Applied Science: Educational, Clinical, Industrial, Sports and Military

Methods of Psychology: Introspection, Observation, Experimental, Clinical and Survey

Goals of Psychology: Understanding, Describing, Predicting and Control of Behaviour

Unit-II: Biology and Behaviour 12 hrs

Neuron: Structure and functions; Neural impulse; Synapse and Neurotransmitters
Nervous System: Structure and Functions of Central nervous system and Peripheral
nervous system

Methods of Studying Brain Functions: invasion, lesion, ablation, chemical and

stimulation method
Endocrine system: Functions and Effects: Pituitary, Thyroid, Parathyroid, Adrenal and

Unit-III: Sensation, Attention and Perception 14 hrs
Sensation: Definition and Characteristics; Types of Senses and Receptors involved in
each Sensation.

Attention: Meaning and Phenomena (Span of Attention, Division of Attention,

Fluctuation and Distraction), Determinants: Objective and Subjective.

Perception: Meaning and Characteristics, Gestalt Laws of Perceptual Organization.

Depth Perception: Meaning, Perceptual Constancies, Monocular and Binocular Cues;

Errors in Perception 1) Illusion: Horizontal & Vertical, Muller Lyer and Illusion of
Movement. 2) Hallucination: Visual, Auditory and Tactile

Unit-IV: Learning and Memory 16 hrs

Learning: Introduction, Definition, Factors influencing Learning: Motivation,
Reinforcement and Association.

Types of Learning: Trial and Error Learning: Experiment and Laws. Classical
Conditioning: Experiment and Laws - Extinction, Spontaneous Recovery,
Generalization, Discrimination, Higher Order Conditioning.

Operant Conditioning: Experiment (experiment on Pigeons) Reinforcement, Schedules

of Reinforcement, Shaping and Chaining; Cognitive Learning: Insightful (Kohler) and
Observational (Bandura).

Memory: Basic Processes – Encoding, Storage and Retrieval; Types of Memory:

Sensory Memory, Short-Term Memory, Long-Term Memory, Working Memory,
Semantic Memory, Autobiographical Memory and Flashbulb Memory

Techniques to improve Memory: Mnemonics, Chunking, SQ3R (Survey, Question,

Read, Recite and Review); Forgetting: Nature and Causes of Forgetting

Text Books:
• Robert Feldman. (2011). Essential of Understanding Psychology (10th Edition)
• Morgan, C. T., King, R. A., Weiss, J. R. & Schopler, J. (2012). (Latest Edition). Introduction to
Psychology. Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt. New Delhi
• Nataraj, P. (latest edition). Psychology for Beginners. Mysore: Srinivasa publication
• Parameshwaran, E. G., & Beena, C. (2010). An Invitation to Psychology, Neelkamal Pvt. Ltd. Hyderabad
Books for Reference:
 Mangal S. K. (2000). General Psychology. New Delhi: Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd
 Shashi Jain (Latest edition). Introduction to Psychology. New Delhi: Kalyani Publishers
 Rajamanickam, M. (2008). Modern General Psychology. Vol 1 & 2. Concept Publisher. New Delhi

B.Sc. Semester – I
Discipline Specific Course (DSC)

Course No.-1 (Practical)

Course No. Type of Instruction

Theory / Credits Total No. of Duration Formative Summative Total
Course hour per week
Practical Lectures/Hours / of Exam Assessment Assessment Marks
Semester Marks Marks

DSCC Practical 02 04 52 hrs 3hrs 25 25 50

Course No.1 (Practical): Title of the Course (Practical): PRACTICAL - I

Course Outcome (CO):

After completion of course (Practical), students will be able to:

CO 1: Conduct experiments
CO 2: Learn and apply the statistics for data interpretation
CO 3: Do individual and group discussions
CO 4: Measure various psychological phenomena

List of the Experiments for 52 hrs / Semesters

1. Directed observation on the accuracy of report

2. Colour blindness
3. Localization of sound
4. Mapping of colour zones
5. Set on attention
6. Bilateral transfer of training
7. Muller-Lyer Illusion
8. Illusion of movement (Phi-Phenomena)
9. Meaning on retention
10. Retroactive inhibition
11. Proactive inhibition
12. Span of attention
• Grouping of Data: Tabulation and frequency distribution
• Measures of Central tendency: Mean and Median for Grouped and Ungrouped data

General instructions: 1. Minimum 08 practicals to be conducted

2. STATISTICS is compulsory

Books for Reference:

 Experimental Psychology. P. Nataraj
 Experimental Psychology. Postman & Eugen
 Experimental Psychology. Anne Anastasi

Scheme of Practical Examination (distribution of marks)

25 marks for Semester End Examination

Plan and procedure 05

Conducting one experiment 05
Results and discussion 05
Viva 05
Statistics (Compulsory) 05
Total 25

25 Marks for IA (Formative Assessment) Examination

Journal Marks 15
IA Test 10
Total 25

B.Sc. Semester – I
Open Elective Course (OEC-1)
(OEC for other students)

Total No. of Formative Summative

Type of Theory / Instruction Duration Total
Course No. Credits Lectures/Hours / Assessment Assessment
Course Practical hour per week of Exam Marks
Semester Marks Marks

OEC-1 OEC Theory 03 03 42 hrs 2hrs 40 60 100

OEC-1: Title of the Course: Health Management

Course Outcome (CO)

After completion of course, students will be able to:

CO 1 : Understand health, illness and their continuum

CO 2 : Understand the sources of stress and gain skills to overcome stress in their life and work
CO 3 : Identify strengths and weaknesses in themselves and adopt strategies to enhance their
strengths and minimize their weaknesses

Syllabus- OEC: Title - Health Management Total Hrs: 42

Unit-I: Introduction to Health and Illness 14 hrs
Health and Illness: Illness, Health and Wellbeing; Health Continuum
Models of Health and Illness: Medical, Bio-psycho-social; Holistic Health
Nature: Nature and Sources of Stress; Personal and Social Mediators of Stress
Effects of Stress: Effects of Stress on Physical and Mental Health; Coping and Stress

Unit-II: Health Management 14 hrs

Health Enhancing Behaviours: Exercise, Nutrition, Meditation, Yoga; Health
Compromising Behaviours (alcoholism, smoking, internet addiction)
Protecting Health: Health Protective behaviours, Illness Management.

Unit-III: Promoting Human Strengths and Life Enhancement 14 hrs

Strength: Meaning; Realizing Strength; Maximizing Unrealized Strength.
Weakness: Meaning, Identifying and Overcoming Weakness. Strategies to develop
Hope and Optimism.


 Carr. A. (2004) Positive Psychology: The science of happiness and human strength UK: Routledge.
 DiMatteo, M. R &. Martin, L. R.(2002). Health Psychology. New Delhi: Pearson.
 Forshaw, M. (2003). Advanced Psychology: Health Psychology. London: Hodder and Stoughton.
 Hick. J. W. (2005). Fifty signs of Mental Health. A Guide to Understanding Mental Health. Yale
University Press.
 Snyder, C R., & Lopez. S.J.(2007) Positive Psychology: The scientific and Practical Explorations of
Human Strengths. Thousand Oaks, CA Sage.
 Taylor. S. E. (2006). Health Psychology (6th Edition). New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill.

B.Sc. Semester - I

Title of Paper: Communication Skills

Instruction Total No. of Formative Summative

Type of Theory/ Mode of Duration Total
Credits hour per Lectures/Hours Assessment Assessment
Course Practical Examination of Exam Marks
week / Semester Marks Marks

SEC-I Theory 02 03hrs 30 Theory 20 30 50

Course Outcome (CO):

After completion of Skill Enhancement course, students will be able to:

CO 1: Understand the basic process of communication, both verbal and non-verbal

CO 2: Identify their own psychological barriers to effective communication and will be able to
overcome the barriers
CO 3: Develop effective listening skills, develop cultural sensitivity and improve their interpersonal

Syllabus- SEC-1: Title – Communication Skills Total Hrs: 30

Unit-I: Basic Concepts in Communication 10 hrs
Communication: Nature and process of communication, principles of communication,
towards communication competence
Communication skills: articulating the message, active listening skills, giving and
receiving feedback
Choosing appropriate channel and medium of communication, benefits and
challenges of technology mediated communication. Personal attitudes and

Unit-II: Communication Styles 10 hrs

Verbal and nonverbal Communication: Bodily communications in human society.
The application of appropriate communication
Nonverbal communication: proxemics, posture, facial expression, eye contact,
paralanguage, movement, silence
Barriers: Psychological barriers in communication, self-talk and self-concept, drives
affecting communication apprehension.
Identifying personal barriers, overcoming barriers for effective communication, Cultural
differences in communication in multicultural context

Unit-III: Communication Barriers and Breakdowns 10 hrs

Communication in relational context: Understanding dynamics of interpersonal
communication, Self-disclosure and trust, Emotions and Power, Assertiveness, Conflict
resolution and harmony
Communication Art: Art of nonviolent communication, Communication and diversity,
Public and Mass Communication: Influence on collective psyche.

 Adler. R. B., & Proctor II, R.F. (2012). Looking out/Looking in. (14th ed.). USA: Wadsworth
CENTAGE Learning
 Adler. R, B & Proctor, P. F. (2009). Communication Goals and Approaches. Wadsworth
CENTAGE Learning, India
 Argyle, M. (1975). Bodily communication. London: Methuen Co. Ltd
 Civinkly. M. (Ed.) (1974). Messages: A reader in human connection. New York: Random House
 Gudykunst. W. B. (Ed.) (2003). Cross-cultural and intercultural communication. Thousand Oaks.
CA: Sage Publications
 Rosenberg. M. B. (2012). Living nonviolent communication: Practical tools to connect and
communicate skillfully in every situation. Boulder, CO: Sounds True

Details of Formative assessment (IA) for SEC: 40% weightage for total marks

Type of Assessment Weightage Marks of IA Test Duration Commencement

Written test-1 10% 05 1 hr 8th Week
Written test-2 10% 05 1 hr 12th Week
Seminar 10% 05 10 minutes --
Case study / 10% 05 ------ --
Assignment / Field
work / Project work/
Total 40% of the 20
marks allotted
for the paper

Faculty of Science
04 - Year UG Honors programme: 2021-22


(30 marks for semester end Examination with 1 hr duration)

1. Question number 1-06 carries 1 mark each. Answer any 05 questions : 05 marks


2. Question number 07- 11 carries 05 Marks each. Answer any 03 questions : 15 marks


3. Question number 12-15 carries 10 Marks each. Answer any 01 question : 10 marks

(Minimum 1 question from each unit)

Total: 30 Marks
Note: Proportionate weightage shall be given to each unit based on number of hours

Details of Formative assessment (IA) for DSCC theory/OEC: 40% weight age for total marks

Type of Assessment Weight age Marks of IA Test Duration Commencement

Written test-1 10% 10 1 hr 8th Week
Written test-2 10% 10 1 hr 12th Week
Seminar 10% 10 10 minutes --
Case study / 10% 10 ------ --
Assignment / Field
work / Project
work/ Activity
Total 40% of the Total = 40
maximum marks
allotted for the

Faculty of Science
04 - Year UG Honors programme: 2021-22


(60 marks for semester end Examination with 2 hrs duration)

1. Question number 1-06 carries 2 marks each. Answer any 05 questions : 10marks


2. Question number 07- 11 carries 05Marks each. Answer any 04 questions : 20 marks


3. Question number 12-15 carries 10 Marks each. Answer any 03 questions : 30 marks

(Minimum 1 question from each unit and 10 marks question may have sub
questions for 7+3 or 6+4 or 5+5 if necessary)

Total: 60 Marks

Note: Proportionate weight age shall be given to each unit based on number of hours

B.Sc. Semester – II
Discipline Specific Course (DSC)

The course PSYCHOLOGY in I semester has two papers (Theory Paper –I for 04 credits & Practical paper-II
for 2 credits) for 06 credits: Both the papers are compulsory. Details of the courses are as under.

Course No. - 2 (Theory)

Total No. of Formative Summative

Type of Theory / Instruction Duration Total
Course No. Credits Lectures/Hours Assessment Assessment
Course Practical hour per week of Exam Marks
/ Semester Marks Marks

Course-02 DSCC 04 04 56 hrs 2hrs 40 60 100

Course No.2 (Theory): Title of the Course (Theory): Foundations of Psychology - II

Course Outcome (CO):

After completion of course (Theory), students will be able to:

CO 1: Understand the cognitive processes

CO 2: Apply the knowledge of Psychology in everyday life
CO 3: Assess various psychological processes such as emotion, motivation and personality

Syllabus- Course 2 (Theory): Title – Foundations of Psychology - II Total Hrs: 56

Unit-I: Emotion 14 hrs
Nature: Definition and Characteristics, Types of Emotions - Primary and Secondary
Theories of Emotions: James - Lange, Cannon - Bard, Schechter - Singer and Lazarus
Changes accompanying Emotions: Physical, Physiological and Psychological,
Physiological basis of Emotions
Measurement of Emotions: Emotional intelligence, Enhancing Positive Emotions

Unit-II: Motivation 14 hrs

Nature: Meaning, Definition and Motivation Cycle
Physiological motives: Hunger, Thirst, Sex, Sleep and Maternal; Psychosocial motives –
Affiliation, Achievement, Power and Aggression, Maslow’s Theory of Motivation
Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation, Strategies to Enhance Motivation

Unit-III: Intelligence, Thinking and Reasoning 14 hrs

Intelligence: Meaning and definition, factors influencing intelligence; Theories:
Spearman, Thurstone, Sternberg and Gardner

Distribution of Intelligence: Concept of IQ, Mentally gifted (Genius) and Mentally

Challenged (APA classification); Measurement of Intelligence: Tests: Verbal, Non-

Verbal and Performance tests, Power and Speed tests, Individual and Group tests, Culture
Fair and Culture Free Tests
Thinking: Nature and Definitions; types of thinking: Convergent and Divergent
thinking, language and thought; Concept Formation

Reasoning: Inductive Reasoning and Deductive Reasoning, Problem-solving and

Decision-making; Creative thinking.

Unit-IV: Personality 14 hrs

Nature: Meaning and Definitions; Approaches: Freud’s Psychodynamic, Cattell’s Trait
Approach, Bandura’s Social learning,

Types of Personality: Sheldon, Jung, Type A, B, C and D

Assessment of Personality: Objective methods (Rating Scales, Interview and

Behavioural tests), Self-Report Inventories – Big Five and EPI, Projective tests –
Rorschach’s, TAT and CAT (Nature, merits and demerits of each method)

Text Books:
 Morgan, King, Weizs and Schopler (Latest edition). Introduction to Psychology, New Delhi: Tata
McGraw Hill
 Nataraj, P. (Latest edition). General Psychology. Mysore: Srinivasa Publication
 Baron, Robert A. (2002). Psychology. New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India
 Feldman, Robert S. (2004). Understanding Psychology. New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill

Books for References:

 Mangal S. K. (2000). General Psychology. New Delhi: Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd
 Vinay Prabhu. (2002). General Psychology. Mumbai: Vipul Prakashana
 Shashi Jain (Latest edition). Introduction to Psychology. New Delhi: Kalyani Publishers
 Hilgard, Atlkinson & Atkinson (Latest edition). Introduction to Psychology. Oxford IBH Publishing
Co. Pvt. Ltd

B.Sc. Semester – II
Discipline Specific Course (DSC)

Course No. - 2 (Practical)

Course Type of Instruction

Theory / Credits Total No. of Duration Formative Summative Total
No. Course hour per week
Practical Lectures/Hours of Exam Assessment Assessment Marks
/ Semester Marks Marks

02 DSCC Practical 02 04 52 hrs 3hrs 25 25 50

Course No.2 (Practical): Title of the Course (Practical): PRACTICAL - II

Course Outcome (CO)

After completion of course (Practical), students will be able to:

CO 1: Conduct experiments
CO 2: Learn and apply the statistics for data interpretation
CO 3: Do individual and group discussions
CO 4: Measure various psychological phenomena

List of the Experiments for 52 hrs / Semesters

1. Judgement of Emotions
2. Emotion and Free Association
3. Achievement Motivation
4. Assessment of Aggression
5. Otis test of Intelligence
6. Raven’s Progressive Matrices (RPM)
7. Yerke’s Multiple-choice test
8. Concept Formation
9. Eysenck Personality Inventory (EPI)
10. Bell’s Adjustment Inventory
11. Reasoning Test
12. Emotional Intelligence

• Grouping of Data: Tabulation and frequency distribution
• Measures of Central tendency: Mean and Median for Grouped and Ungrouped data

General instructions: 1. Minimum 08 practicals to be conducted

2. STATISTICS is compulsory

Books for Reference:

 Experimental Psychology. P. Nataraj
 Experimental Psychology. Postman & Eugen
 Experimental Psychology. Anne Anastasi

Scheme of Practical Examination (distribution of marks)

25 marks for Semester End Examination

Plan and procedure 05

Conducting one experiment 05
Results and discussion 05
Viva 05
Statistics (Compulsory) 05
Total 25

25 Marks for IA (Formative Assessment) Examination

Journal Marks 15
IA Test 10
Total 25

B.Sc. Semester – II
Open Elective Course (OEC-2)
(OEC for other students)

Instruction Total No. of Formative Summative

Course Type of Theory / Duration Total
Credits hour per Lectures/Hours / Assessment Assessment
No. Course Practical of Exam Marks
week Semester Marks Marks

OEC-2 OEC Theory 03 03 42 hrs 2hrs 40 60 100

OEC-2: Title of the Course: Psychology and Mental Health

Course Outcome (CO)

After completion of course, students will be able to:

CO 1: Understand the status of mental health problem in India and the world.
CO 2: Start conversations about mental health and create mental health awareness amongst non-Psychology
CO 3: Identify people suffering from common mental health problems like anxiety and depression and learn
to provide psychological first aid to people
CO 4: Understand and enhance positive mental health and wellbeing

Syllabus- OEC: Title – Psychology and Mental Health Total Hrs: 42

Unit-I 16 hrs
Mental Health: Concept of mental health, Issues of mental health in India and the globe, Some
common conditions and their epidemiology
Importance of mental health: identify mental health challenges to help reduce the stigma
of mental illness

Mental Health issues: Issues in adolescents and young adults: Bullying, academic grades,
body image, relational issues with parents and friends/romantic partners, sexual orientation
Unit-II 10 hrs
The invisible monsters: Anxiety - Signs and Symptoms
Depression: Signs and Symptoms, Causes
Suicide: Preventative treatment measures, becoming gatekeepers of suicide
Unit-III 16 hrs
Psychological Help to increase Well-being: Reaching out and providing initial help;
Recognizing the signs that someone may need support; Knowing what to do and what not
to do when a person reaches out for help
Psychological first aid: Utilizing the RAPID model (Reflective listening, Assessment of
needs, Prioritization, Intervention, and Disposition), guiding the person towards appropriate
professional help
Mental Health Practice and Care: Counseling, therapy, guidance, mentoring, Peer
mentoring: concept and skills

1. Butcher, J.N., Hooly, J. M, Mineka, S. & Dwivedi, C.B (2017). Abnormal Psychology. New Delhi:
2. Muir-Cochrane, E., Barkway, P. & Nizette, D. (2018). Pocketbook of Mental Health (3 Edition).
3. Snider, Leslie and WHO (2011).Psychological First Aid: Guide for Field Workers. Retrieved from
4. WHO (2003). Investing in Mental Health. Retrieved from

Details of Formative assessment (IA) for DSCC theory/OEC: 40% weightage for total marks

Type of Assessment Weightage Marks of IA Test Duration Commencement

Written test-1 10% 10 1 hr 8th Week
Written test-2 10% 10 1 hr 12th Week
Seminar 10% 10 10 minutes --
Case study / Assignment / 10% 10 ------ --
Field work / Project
work/ Activity
Total 40% of the maximum Total = 40
marks allotted for the

Faculty of Science
04 - Year UG Honors programme: 2021-22


(60 marks for semester end Examination with 2 hrs duration)

1. Question number 1-06 carries 2 marks each. Answer any 05 questions : 10marks


2. Question number 07- 11 carries 05Marks each. Answer any 04 questions : 20 marks


3. Question number 12-15 carries 10 Marks each. Answer any 03 questions : 30 marks

(Minimum 1 question from each unit and 10 marks question may have sub
questions for 7+3 or 6+4 or 5+5 if necessary)

Total: 60 Marks

Note: Proportionate weight age shall be given to each unit based on number of hours


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