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Budget of Work APPLIED ECO SHS 2022 2023

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Differentiate economics as social Examine the utility and application of applied economics to solve Analyze market demand, market supply and
science and applied science in economic issues and problems market equilibrium
terms of nature and scope
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9
Discussion of Psycho- Social 1.explain Discussion of 1. identify the 1. understand 1. understand 1. understand
the subject Activities positive and the following: basic economic the concept of the concept of the market Performance
requirements normative problems of the demand and supply and shortage and Task
economics; 1. define country; price; Presentation of
price; surplus;
Orientation of and applied 2. discuss the 2. analyze the outputs
the School 2. apply the economics; causes of 2. analyze the law of supply; 2. determine
economic economic and
Rules and law of demand; the market
theory in real 2. define basic problems; and 3. enumerate
Regulations world scenario. 3. explain how and the non-price equilibrium;
terms in and 3. explain
3. define applied determinants of
microeconomic applied economics can 3. enumerate supply. how equilibrium
s and economics; be used to the non-price price and
Psycho- Social determinants of
macroeconomi solve economic Summative quantity are
Activities cs 3. differentiate problems. demand. Test # 2 determined.
economics as a
social science
4. distinguish and applied
microeconomic science in
s and terms of nature
and scope;
cs in terms of
nature and
scope; and
5. enumerate
4. identify the
macroeconomi resources;
c activities.
5. enumerate
the basic
questions; and

6. discuss how
to address
problems using
the basic



Analyze different principles, tools, and techniques Analyze the effects of contemporary economic
Determine the implications of market pricing on in creating a business issues affecting the Filipino entrepreneur
economic decision-making
Day 10 Day 11 Day 12 Day 13 Day 14 Day 15 Day 16 Day 17 Day 18
1. understand *Differentiate 1. understand 1. define 1. define 1. define the 1. define 1. define terms First Quarter
the price various market the price floor; perfect monopolistic exchange rate; saving and related to Periodic Test
ceiling; 2. apply structures in 2. apply the competition; competition; 2. understand investment; 2. taxation;
the price ceiling terms of: a. price floor in 2. describe the the peso
understand the
in a real-world number of the real-world characteristics 2. describe the appreciation 2. explain the
scenario; and sellers b. types scenario; and of perfect and importance of
characteristics saving and purpose of
3. analyze the of products c. 3. analyze the competition; depreciation;
of monopolistic investment; taxation; and
consequences entry/exit to consequences and 3. and
of the market d. of the determine the competition; 3. analyze the and 3. discuss
and 3. analyze the
government in pricing power government in pricing power effects of peso the effects of
setting a price e. others setting a price of perfect appreciation effects of
saving and
ceiling. floor. competition 3. determine and taxation on the
investment on
the pricing depreciation. economy.
the economy
power of
monopolistic 4. define terms
competition. related to

5. explain the
purpose of
taxation; and

6. analyze the
effects of
taxation on the



Analyze different principles, tools, and techniques in
creating a business *Apply business principles, tools, and techniques in participating in various types of industries in the locality

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9

1. define 1. understand 1. understand 1. define 1. define retail 1. define service 1. define 1. define e- Summative
environmental SWOT analysis; Porter’s Five manufacturing trade; business; international commerce; Test # 1
Forces Analysis; trade; Quarter 2
scanning; 2. discuss the business;
2. discuss the 2. understand 2. understand 2. understand 2. enumerate
purpose of
2. differentiate purpose of 2. understand the importance the importance the advantages
SWOT analysis; the
Porter’s Five
internal and and Forces Analysis; the importance of the retail of the service importance of and
external and of industry on the industry on the international disadvantages of
environment; 3. identify the 3. apply Porter’s manufacturing economy; and economy; and trade on the e-commerce;
SWOT of a Five Forces economy; and
and industry on the and
business. Analysis in the 3. apply business 3. apply business 3. apply
business economy; and
3. discuss the principles, tools, principles, tools, business 3. apply business
micro and macro 3. apply business and techniques and techniques principles, principles, tools,
environment principles, tools, in the retail in the service tools, and and techniques
factors. and techniques trade business business. techniques in in e-commerce.
in the the exports
manufacturing and import
industry. business.

*Explain the effects of the various socio-economic
factors Evaluate the viability and impacts of business on the community
affecting business and industry
Day 10 Day 11 Day 12 Day 13 Day 14 Day 15 Day 16 Day 17 Day 18
1. define micro, 1. understand 1. discuss the 1. discuss the 1. define 1. define cost- apply the cost- 1. define cost- Periodic Test
small, and the production government efficiency in positive and benefit analysis; benefit analysis effective Quarter 2
medium theory; policies; perfectly negative and in the real-world analysis; and
enterprises; 2. identify the 2. identify the competitive 2. understand scenario. 2. identify the
2. understand various various markets; the process of 1.What is the importance of
the importance socioeconomic socioeconomic 2. explain the 2. evaluate the cost-benefit importance of cost-effective
of micro, small, factors affecting factors affecting impact of the analysis. cost-benefit analysis
impact of the
and medium business and business and perfectly analysis in doing
enterprises on industry in terms industry in terms competitive externalities on a project Review for
the economy; of production; of government markets on the the society; and 2. What are the periodic test
and and policies; and society; and 3. formulate a factors you need
3. apply business 3. explain the 3. explain the 3. compare the policy to tamper to consider in
principles, tools, importance of importance of model of perfect the negative conducting a
and techniques production government competition to externality. cost-benefit
in the micro, theory in policies in the the real-world analysis?
small, and business. business. markets.

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted By:

Maria Elena G. Rimas Chrezalish I. Batulan Marivi T. Camacho

Applied Economics Teacher Subject Group Leader Subject Group Head

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