Cleaner and Responsible Consumption: Vasavi Thummala, Rahul B. Hiremath
Cleaner and Responsible Consumption: Vasavi Thummala, Rahul B. Hiremath
Cleaner and Responsible Consumption: Vasavi Thummala, Rahul B. Hiremath
Keywords: India emerged as the ninth –largest aviation market globally, with more than 120 operational airports, notably
Climate change 34 internationally operating, complemented by increasing arguments and counterarguments regarding the avi
Aviation emissions ation’s contribution to the climate change. There is an urgent need to assess, investigate and evaluate different
airlines operating in India, incorporate various mitigation methods into their business models. This paper
Frame analysis
classifies and scrutinizes the actions that airlines are implementing and communicating through their websites
with respect to their responsibility and their views regarding the environmental implications arising due to the
air travels. This paper uses the data available on the internet like the airline’s websites, their annual reports and
the media through which the airlines communicate. The data is analyszed using frame analysis and by employing
the NVivo software, which does a qualitative analysis of various sustainable initiatives adopted by major airlines
and characterizes them into several themes. It helps us to identify the areas of aviation where sustainable efforts
are being made, as well as how to expand the themes in the coming years to make aviation greener and much
more sustainable.
1. Introduction The portion attributed to the sector is set to rise as it is one of the
problematic sectors to attain greenhouse gas emission reductions.
Every year, greenhouse gas emissions increase at a higher rate, Aviation, a rapidly growing industry, releases more carbon dioxide per
making the climate mitigation and adaptation challenges grow. Without passenger-kilometer than any other transport mode. The climate change
a collective effort across all the sectors, there will be little chance of researchers argue that work-related travel trips and conferences, and
preventing the ‘dangerous climate change,’ and the aviation sector has a fieldwork are the main carbon-emitting activities (Whitmarsh et al.,
significant role. Present and future technologies, operational processes, 2020). There are many environmental concerns associated with aircraft
and behavioral changes contribute to a widespread opportunity for like stratospheric ozone reduction, regional and local pollution, which
other sectors to alleviate their CO2 emissions in vague terms. Still, as are caused due to the release of several gases that impact the chemical
they do so, the aviation sector will become an increasingly significant composition of the atmosphere both directly and indirectly. The prac
player. As per the estimated growth projections of the aviation sector, it tices aligning in reduction of these may have a reduction in the emis
contributes to about 15–25 percent of the global CO2 emissions by 2050, sions from the sector.
and the scenarios will be exceeding the carbon budget completely. So, Aviation is one of the rapidly growing industries worldwide, and it
only by acknowledging that the present aviation’s projected emissions has also been the accelerated growing transportation mode in India.
are inharmonious with avoiding ‘dangerous climate change, the industry Airlines are a critical part of our national economy, providing for people
has to fully grab the demand of accelerating innovation and direct it to and goods worldwide, enabling our economic growth. It is the 7th
deliver in a more sustainable way to 2050 and farther on (Bows, A. largest civil aviation market globally, the 3rd largest domestic aviation
2010). market worldwide. It is estimated to overhaul UK to become the 3rd
The development of air travel has been escorted by the escalating largest air passenger (both Domestic and International) market as esti
concerns encompassing the corresponding environmental implications. mated by IATA (International Air Transport Association) forecasts by
As such, the aviation industry is a prime contributor to climate change. 2024. The passenger (both domestic and International) traffic was
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (V. Thummala), (R.B. Hiremath).
Received 12 November 2021; Received in revised form 15 September 2022; Accepted 26 September 2022
Available online 19 October 2022
2666-7843/© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
V. Thummala and R.B. Hiremath Cleaner and Responsible Consumption 7 (2022) 100082
115.37 million in FY21, and the growth rate declined due to the Covid- In the period of deregulation, a steady stream of new aircraft and
19 restrictions compared to the previous years. To serve the needs of the modifications to the existing fleet has appeared that, amongst other
rising air traffic, the Government of India has been working towards the things, have been built on previous experiences to enhance fuel con
increment in the number of airports. The upsurge in demand also led to sumption (Brugnoli et al., 2015). The propelling force to the new aircraft
the escalation of the number of airplanes operating in the sector. But models comes from the internal technical innovation within the aviation
still, India’s aviation sector is substantially not utilized to its full po sector and the developments in the fuel-efficient aircraft manufacturing
tential. However, it had great growth opportunities as it is considered industry. A vital part of the momentum for the fuel efficiency of the
that air transport is still expensive for the majority of the country’s aircraft has come from technological innovations rather than environ
population. In 2019/2020, India’s carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions mental policy initiatives.
decreased by an estimated 30 million tons of CO2 (MtCO2). It was the Global aviation has an annual growth rate of about 5% and plays a
first-time emissions had fallen in the country in four decades, with a prime role in economic activities and climate change emissions. The
drop of three MtCO2 last occurring in 1982. Although factors such as CO2 emissions from the aviation industry can be reduced, and the effi
renewable energy growth and economic slowdown affected these fig ciency of the emissions can be escalated by adopting better aircraft and
ures, measures, such as lockdowns, implemented to slow the spread of network management. The decrease in the size of the aircraft can reduce
the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) had a significant impact in early CO2 emissions (Loetal., 2020). Thus, there shall be incentives provided
2020. According to the source, March 2020 experienced an estimated 15 in the environmental policy for reducing the size of the aircraft on
percent drop in emissions compared to the previous year. various routes by considering the demand variations. Also, it is neces
In the last two years, the Indian aviation industry has grown by more sary to provide an incentive to renovate the aircraft fleets since general
than 20% annually. In the future decades, it is estimated to escalate to a technical progress is a determinant of aviation emission efficiency.
double-digit rate. Concerns regarding its environmental impact has Tourism has emerged as a growth system as it has provided new
arisen as a result of its meteoric surge in economic activity. In 2016, economic opportunities and has become a challenge to reduce emis
India agreed to participate in the Carbon Offset and Reduction Scheme sions. The tourism sub-sectors like aviation and accommodation shall be
for International Aviation (CORSIA), which will be mandatory starting paid much attention to mitigate the emissions using the technology.
in 2026. There is a considerable need for the Government, the airlines’ Also, the Paris agreement insists upon the significant yearly improve
operators, and all the stakeholders involved in the aviation sector to take ment towards a zero-carbon path. So, the focus shall be on building
all the possible preventive measures to cut off the future emissions to prosperous and resilient low-carbon tourism destination systems. Des
avoid the ‘dangerous climate change’ by implementing various miti tinations consequently have a vital role in reducing emissions (Gössling
gating measures in different segments of the industry potential (Terre and Higham, 2021), as they comprise clusters of tourism stakeholders
noire et al., 2019). who can work toward de-carbonization while meeting secondary goals
This paper tries to acknowledge various parts of the aviation industry of increasing profitability and resilience. Given the observed instability
where there is a huge potential to decrease carbon emissions and explore in the global tourism system and its tendency to become more vulner
the different segments or themes where the mitigation measures can be able, there is a need for destinations to understand interdependent risks
adapted and which will have a more outstanding contribution in alle of low profitability, carbon intensity, and climate change, all of which
viating the emissions. demand fundamental changes in volume-growth destination manage
ment approaches that seek to increase tourist arrivals constantly. The
2. Literature review challenge for destinations is to support processes that will help tourism
develop along a net-zero emission trajectory to 2050. Destinations can
Before sixty years, the aviation industry was responsible for a tiny support these processes directly, through the market mix they seek to
proportion of the transport task at a minor stage. Currently, the sector attract, with closer markets being favorable to distant ones while
has become an integral part of the world’s economic activity, resulting fostering discrete markets that use more rather than less sustainable
in about 9 percent of the world’s GDP. The triumph of the aviation in transport modes to both travels to and from the destination and in
dustry is to be continued over the following decades also. Continuous transport preferences and decision making at the destination. Destina
expeditious development in the sector would provide economic benefits tion managers must focus on the mechanisms available through the
and increase mobility among the world’s population. But these advan involvement of a range of tourism system players to increase tourist
tages are accompanied by a cost, most remarkably a notable increase in length of stay. Length of stay is implicated in annual leave provisions,
greenhouse gas emissions. Though currently, it is not a prime diver for transport capacities, services and costs, tour packages, accommodation
global warming, the sector’s estimated growth potential makes it a vital pricing mechanisms, and destination services and activities, among
factor contributing to the emissions. According to the IPCC report, the other things.
emissions are anticipated to increase at a three-fold to seven-fold rate The civil aviation market contributes to about 4–5% of the global
between 2000 and 2050 (Macintosh and Wallace, 2009). International emissions, which implies that the emissions per passenger are very high
aviation is the vital point for the emissions contributions, and as the participating passengers are minimal in the air travels. The
much-needed concern is needed to mitigate the impacts. The United increased consciousness of the environmental emissions shall be shared
Nations Framework Convention for Climate change (UNFCCC) shall by the airlines, policymakers, and air travelers. The inclination of the air
include that the domestic aviation emissions in the national level travelers to pay for the reduction of the offset of the carbon emissions is
emissions and the international civil aviation emissions are not included dependent on the quantity of CO2 reduced, the type of the project
in the national level emissions and submitted as a memo item in the financed by the donation and also the distance that is being travelled,
UNFCCC national inventory reports. and the socio-demographic characteristics of the passengers and mainly
It is estimated that the aviation sector shall be contributing about 2–3 the aim of the project shall be mentioned to the passengers or else the
percent of the global climate change emissions; there has to be a inclination shall be reduced (Rice et al., 2020). The enthusiasm for
noticeable change in the environmental policy to detach the fuel con paying for the offset of the carbon emissions shall be low for the frequent
sumption per passenger and the demand for air travel at a time when flyers (Rotaris et al., 2020), people traveling for business, men, unem
increasingly liberalized markets are pushing up the demands for airline ployed, and people having a lower education degree. Also, another
services. The airline industry has been claiming that this detaching critical factor affecting the inclination of the passengers is the design of
process is already taking place as airline seats are being flown with more the donation proposals. The last factor is that air travelers should be
fuel efficiently because of the deregulation of air transportation markets. advised while—or preferably before—booking their flight about the
In effect, there is a commercial incentive for airlines to be fuel-efficient. quantity of CO2 they will contribute to producing and the social cost of
V. Thummala and R.B. Hiremath Cleaner and Responsible Consumption 7 (2022) 100082
V. Thummala and R.B. Hiremath Cleaner and Responsible Consumption 7 (2022) 100082
Fig. 3. a & 3b: Passenger Traffic Growth in a million from FY18 to FY21.
The Indian Civil Aviation Industry is the third largest civil aviation
market, and it is estimated to become the third-largest air passenger
market by 2024. As per the IATA estimates, the Indian passenger traffic
was 115.37 million in FY21. Domestic and international passenger
traffic declined at a rate of − 9.02% and − 28.64%, respectively, from
2016 to 2020, due to Covid- 19 restrictions and lockdowns (Fig. 3a & b).
Currently, the Indian aviation sector has inadequate infrastructure,
such as the airports’ availability and potential and fleet size (Rathore
et al., 2020). To reduce this gap, both the government and the airlines
are focusing on building the regional airports in the north-eastern part of
the country and increasing the number of operational airports to
Fig. 5. Market Share of International airlines in India (FY2020).
190–200 by FY 2040 to meet the requisites. Due to the increasing pas
senger traffic, there needs to be high operating efficiency. India has one
international operations is the 7th highest in the world, with an
of the highest aviation fuel prices globally, and the rising prices have
approximate value of 127 lakh tons. As the growth rate of the Indian
become a significant concern for policymakers. So, the need for the
aviation sector is no less than 10%, so the corresponding carbon foot
usage of cleaner sources like bio-jet fuels has increased. But in the pre
print can notably escalate if proper mitigation measures are not taken.
sent context in India, these bio-fuels are financially inviable as these
And also, as per the DGCA report, 95% of the emissions arise from
fuels cost 60–70% more than conventional fuels. Already the conven
aircraft, and the remaining 5% is from airport-related operations
tional fuels cost 30–40% of the operational costs, and further shifting to
(Rathore et al., 2020). So, the strategies to be implemented and focused
the bio-fuels would further escalate the sector’s operational efficiency
on shall be related to reducing aircraft emissions. The following bar
significantly (Staples et al., 2018).
chart depicts the market share of the scheduled domestic and interna
According to the Director-General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) report,
tionally operated airlines operating in India (Fig. 4 & Fig. 5).
the carbon footprint of Indian Airlines on both domestic and
V. Thummala and R.B. Hiremath Cleaner and Responsible Consumption 7 (2022) 100082
V. Thummala and R.B. Hiremath Cleaner and Responsible Consumption 7 (2022) 100082
Table 2 ➢ Go Air
Outcome framing.
Positives • “IndiGo has registered a reduction of 1,478,359 tons of carbon
emissions from FY ’15 to FY ’21. In FY ‘23, the airline aims to ➢ Vistara
reduce CO2 emission by 18 per cent per available seat kilometer ➢ Qatar
(ASK) when compared to FY’16,”
• "as a socially responsible airline, it is deeply concerned about the 3.3. Frame analysis
scarcity of natural resources and the increasing impact of climate
change on the planet; we understand the importance of
sustainability for future generations.” (Indigo, 2021) In this analysis, the collected data is analysed in two rounds of frames
• “Air India has adopted an integrated approach to carbon which were developed in classifying the airlines’ sustainable and climate
emissions reduction, which covers every aspect from ground to mitigation actions. The frames are initial and outcome (Cowlishaw,
the air. New procedures have been established which take into
2014). The initial frame analysis (Table 1) includes how the airlines are
consideration current aircraft performance, uneconomical use of
aircraft systems and unnecessary carrying of weight.” (Air India, typically enacting the actions with respect to sustainability and climate
2015) change problems. The outcome framing (Table 2) identifies what are
• “It has the potential to reduce our dependence on traditional positive and negative impacts associated with the ongoing action plans
Aviation Fuel by up to 50 percent on every flight and bring down on sustainability by different airlines.
fares. India is the fastest growing aviation market in the world
today and it is our responsibility to grow using clean and
sustainable technologies.” (Spice Jet, 2018) 4. Analysis & findings
F0B7 “We are pleased to be able to offer our customers the opportunity
to offset the carbon emissions associated with their journeys with The data collected and gathered is made available for conducting the
us. As an environmentally responsible airline, our modern fleet
qualitative analysis using the NVivo software. This thematic analysis
of technologically advanced aircraft, together with our fuel
–efficiency program.” (Qatar, 2020) aims to segregate the various mitigation strategies into relevant themes
F0B7 “It is our ambition as an airline to minimize our impact on the to get a fair idea of the sustainable operations and streamline them. This
environment, and facilitate continued global travel and exercise gives us a clear perspective on which areas are the measures
commerce while limiting carbon emissions.” (Qatar, 2022) taking place, how they can be improvised further to align with the
F0B7 “We have also deepened our commitment to sustainable aviation
by pledging to reduce consumption of plastic by over 50 per cent
carbon emissions targets of 2050, the areas to be concentrated, and the
and shifting to eco-friendly utensils and stainless-steel cutlery for new areas to be explored. So, for designing the mitigation strategies in
our inflight catering. Our employees, across the network in various areas, firstly, we need to know in which sectors the initiatives
which we operate, reaffirm their commitment to a cleaner and are being implemented. Thus, this exercise gives the thematic view of all
greener planet by planting trees on World Environment Day.”
the unstructured data available. The corresponding section demon
(Vistara, 2019)
Negatives F0B7 "At IndiGo, we also believe that the use of all the sustainable strates the content themes identified from the analysed data by per
practices combined together cannot match the impact which can forming the qualitative analysis.
be created by sustainable aviation fuels (SAF). However, we also
understand that SAF is not in mass production," (Indigo, 2021) 5. Themes identified
F0B7 “The ATF (air turbine fuel) tax charged by states for domestic
travel is a particular issue. While Indigo feels that some Indian
states are quite reasonable, the bigger, more important states 5.1. Technological
charge higher ATF taxes, which forces up the average.” (Indigo,
2021) In the contemporary world, with constant changes in the technology,
F0B7 “The infrastructure required for biofuel is also a major
airlines are adopting innovative solution which incorporates Artificial
challenge.” (IIHS, 2019)
F0B7 “Perhaps it is surprising there hasn’t been more collaboration Intelligence, digital solutions for the safety of passengers, security of
around dealing with the fall-out to airlines as for many govern aircraft information, quicker and user-friendly accessibility of data,
ments aviation is a strategic industry.” (Qatar, 2021) historical data analysis, weather forecasting, route optimization, weight
F0B7 “SAF is for now two to five times more expensive than fossil fuel, management systems for the aircraft, etc., to decrease their operational
but costs will come down with volume, and the transition to
cleaner fuels would contribute substantially to solving climate
costs. All these solutions mainly concentrated towards the decremental
change. SAF can be 100% less carbon-intensive over its life cycle of aircraft weight which reduces the fuel consumption and results in the
compared to conventional fuels. The Deploying Sustainable decline of the expenses for both airlines and passengers. Also, in-flight
Aviation Fuels at Scale in India" (WEF, 2021) digitalized operations would save fuel and costs. Airlines are partner
ing with efficient IT solutions providers are discovering innovative so
lutions for the airport infrastructure. Thus, technology plays a crucial
information regarding the environmental and climate change subject.
role in eliminating human errors by automation and increases time
The secondary research method adopted is NVivo software and is
used to study the collected data. This software is a qualitative data
analysis tool that helps analyse unorganized data of any size and find
5.2. Technical
valuable inputs from the data. It recognizes various trends and scruti
nizes the information in multiple ways possible. It also gives the coding
Both airlines and aircraft manufacturers have been focusing on new
for the data surveyed. Also, make certain that there is a correlation
ways to reduce the aircraft’s weight they operate. Small changes in the
between the measures taken and the outcomes obtained by the airlines
design of the aircraft components can result in a substantial difference in
in various possible themes. The selected airlines are:
the operational costs. For instance, altercations in the aircraft’s wings
can reduce wind drag or decrease wind resistance, resulting in a sig
3.1. Domestic nificant decline in fuel consumption. Also, the materials used in making
in-flight components like seats and footrest with the lighter materials
➢ Indigo can further save fuel. Many airlines are now focusing on the design of
➢ Air India fuel-efficient aircraft, which can reduce noise pollution also. Many
➢ Air Asia efficient airlines are being used in today’s travel. Still, more research is
➢ Spice Jet to be done to design the engines suitable for biofuel, and traditional fuel
V. Thummala and R.B. Hiremath Cleaner and Responsible Consumption 7 (2022) 100082
blends will further decrease the emissions and noise footprint. automatic route selection based on performance-based navigation. Most
wastage comes from the cabin operations like garbage from the pas
senger leftovers, cutlery, etc. So, providing the flyers with biodegradable
5.3. Sustainable practices on ground
items, segregation, and recycling of the cabin wastage are prevalent
measures most airlines take to reduce the usage of plastics. Airlines also
The mitigation strategies adopted in in-flight operations reduce
came up with the innovative digital solution of making the magazines
carbon emissions to a great extent. But the on-ground practices also
and food menus in the digital format so that their extra weight is elim
contribute to the emissions from this sector. The airlines are concen
inated. Such inflight strategies may cut down the emissions, and the
trating on strategies that would decrease the emissions like airport op
biodegradable items increase about 80% recyclability.
erations, crew requirements, on-ground flight operations, baggage
operations, etc., which could improve sustainability. Various measures
like using recycled water from airports, aircraft’s operations for the
5.5. Fuel efficiency
airport landscaping, energy conservation practices, changes in the
design of the airport for making it energy-efficient structure, incorpo
The current burning topic of the aviation industry is sustainable
rating renewable energy sources for the provision of electricity for
aviation fuels. Most of the costs occurred for an airline is because of the
different requirements, eco-friendly solutions for the staff and flyers for
fuel used for the travel and other on-ground operations. When blended
transportation needs, automated solutions for the baggage operations,
with traditional fossil fuels, these sustainable aviation fuels reduce
etc., All these accompanied aircraft operations would solve the majority
carbon emissions to a large extent (Chiaramonti, 2019). Exploring the
issue of the emissions from this sector.
development of these fuels will reduce the dependency of airlines on
conventional fuels by about 50%. Using these sustainable fuels reduces
5.4. In-flight operations the costs by a significant amount as they are made from crops, agri
cultural wastes, etc., they are available at a cheaper rate than fossil fuels.
Certain efforts taken during the aircraft travel would save a lot of fuel But, there are many challenges ahead in the implementation, such as the
consumption and subsequent costs. In-flight operational strategies technological difficulties, availability of raw materials, and fuel effi
mainly include switching engines during take-off and taxiing in, ciency, which are the major concerns for further progress. Most airlines
V. Thummala and R.B. Hiremath Cleaner and Responsible Consumption 7 (2022) 100082
are working on developing reliable bio-jet fuels with increased 5.7. Carbon offsetting
The carbon offsetting initiatives may be a part of the airlines’ CSR or
consumer schemes. By implementing this type of scheme, the airlines
5.6. Consumer Action can achieve carbon credits by reducing their footprint in some other
form. For example, the construction of wind farms and solar grids would
Specific initiatives developed by some airlines are giving their pas supplement the Indian renewable energy capacity by reducing de
sengers to contribute out of their choice towards cutting down of carbon pendency on fossil sources for electricity. Also, conducting sustainable
emissions. Some programs like “clean skies for tomorrow,” “Fatanpur development activities with IATA help helps us keep a check on fuel
wind farm,” “Solar micro-grid of Assam,” etc., the airlines take some management. Being in line with IATA’s carbon offset policies makes the
amount from the passengers at the time of booking them and ask them to airlines achieve sustainability goals in the future years.
participate if they are interested. Such type of initiatives makes a
considerable difference while implemented appropriately. The success 5.7.1. Qualitative analysis using NVIVO software outputs
of the consumer action programs mainly depends upon the design of the Coding is done on the available online information from different
scheme. According to some studies, mostly positive responses from the sources for different airlines considered for the thematic analysis. The
passengers will occur when the amount is low, asked at the initial stages process of coding is an analytical approach to classifying the data. The
of booking, and not interrupting their travel booking; chances increase term “code” cites a word or a phrase that encapsulates the core portion
when the cause is mentioned. The contribution also depends on the age, of the data. Coding is a procedure for accumulating all the relevant data
gender, type of travelers – regular or seasonal, awareness, etc. Thus, the into one box known as “Node.” The following diagrams (Figs. 6–12)
airlines shall design the scheme accordingly to find it comfortable for all depict the coding of information of the data related to different airlines
types of users.
V. Thummala and R.B. Hiremath Cleaner and Responsible Consumption 7 (2022) 100082
chosen. engine advances present major effective facilities for CO2 reductions.
The word cloud was developed from the NVivo software (which has Besides, another interesting perspective of the technological de
the in-built feature of developing the word cloud) by importing the data velopments in the growth of sustainable aviation fuels produced from
which is derived from the airlines’ websites. the biological feedstock. These fuels have a great potential to reduce
The following diagram (Fig. 13) below depicts the word frequency of emissions up to 80% than conventional fuels (Neuling and Kaltschmitt,
the analysed data: 2018). So, it is crucial to establish connectivity between new, more
efficient technologies and green environmental ways of flying. Price is
6. Conclusion the most critical factor that decided the inclination of passengers to
wards environmentally friendly habits (Çabuk et al., 2019). Thus, if the
This paper expands on the growing discussion on how the airlines price decreases, a more significant number of passengers will be
should re-work and improve their roles in their climate change re favourable towards sustainability. The airlines need to know the profiles
sponsibility. The aviation industry is acknowledging the expansion and and attitudes of environmentalist passengers to define their target
the urgent need for moving towards sustainable strategies. There shall market and develop market segmentation strategies within green mar
be improvements in all the segments of the industry towards sustain keting activities. The regulatory policies to be introduced also play a
ability. The frame analysis shows how the airlines are working towards significant role in helping the airlines industries achieving sustainabil
the sustainability and makes evident that there is a great need of con ity. The Indian government has proposed a Green Aviation Policy to
crete cooperation between the Government and the airlines to smoothen create a regulatory framework to remedy the environmental issues
the way towards the reduction on carbon emissions. Technology plays a created by the civil aviation industry by identifying key policy areas that
vital role in promoting sustainable development and reducing emissions require guiding principles and regulations. The Green Aviation Policy is
(Capoccitti et al., 2010). Especially we can see the improvement in the crucial for the civil aviation industry, significantly when the sector is
technology side with the innovation in the aircraft designs and radical rapidly growing and is poised to be the third-largest air passenger
V. Thummala and R.B. Hiremath Cleaner and Responsible Consumption 7 (2022) 100082
market by the end of 2029. Furthermore, India also adopted the CORSIA to the sustainable initiatives (Hagmann et al., 2015), their enthusiasm in
(Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation) contributing towards such initiatives, so that the airlines could design
(Chao et al., 2019). The scheme will be aiming to reduce emissions by more ways in attracting the passengers (Büchs, M., 2017).
50% by 2050 than that of 2005. This will be implemented in three
phases: the pilot phase from 2021 to 2023, the first operational phase Declaration of competing interest
shall be 2024 to 2026, and the second operating phase would be 2027 to
2035. Monitoring, reporting, and verification are some of the main The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
features of CORSIA. interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
The Green Aviation Policy is a significant step taken by the Indian the work reported in this paper.
Government to keep emissions by the domestic aviation industry in
check. India will be seen as a role model in the fight against climate Data availability
change as no other country has a dedicated Green Aviation Policy to
tackle emissions by the airline industry. Finally, there shall be a coor Data will be made available on request.
dinating approach between all the industry segments. Then there shall
be aggregated decline in the total emissions of the aviation sector,
making it a viable environmental mode of transport for everyone.
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