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1006 Kanji

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(1,006 Kyiku kanji) Kyiku kanji (, lit. "education kanji"), also known as Gakunenbetsu kanji haithy ( , lit. "list of kanji by school year") is a list of 1,006 kanji and associated readings developed and maintained by the Japanese Ministry of Education that prescribes which kanji, and which readings of kanji, Japanese schoolchildren should learn for each year of elementary school. Although the list is designed for Japanese children, it can also be used as a sequence of learning characters by non-native speakers in order to limit the kanji to the most commonly used. ref.: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ky%C5%8Diku_kanji

First grade (80 kanji)

one two three four five six seven eight nine ten hundred thousand up below left right

ichi ni san shi or yon go roku shichi or nana hachi ku or ky j hyaku sen ue shita hidari migi

middle or inside naka large small dai or -kii sh or chii-sai

month; moon day year early tree woods mountain river soil sky rice paddy heaven life flower grass insect dog person name female male child eye ear mouth hand

gatsu or tsuki hi or nichi nen or toshi s or haya-i moku or ki rin or hayashi san or yama sen or kawa do or tsuchi k or sora den or ta ten or ama sei or i-kiru ka or hana s or kusa ch or mushi ken or inu jin or nin or hito na or mei or myo nyo or onna dan or otoko ko moku or me ji or mimi k or kuchi shu or te

foot or leg see sound power spirit yen or circle enter exit stand up rest previous evening book writing character study school village town forest correct water fire ball king stone

soku or ashi ken or mi-ru on or ne or oto riki or ryoku or chikara ki en ny or hai-ru or i-ru shutsu or de-ru ritsu or ta-tsu ky or yasu-mu sen or saki y hon or moto fumi or bun or mo ji gaku or mana-bu k , as in

school gakk

son or mura ch or machi shin or mori sei or tada-shii sui or mizu ka or hi gyoku or tama seki or ishi

bamboo thread shellfish car gold rain red blue white

chiku or take shi or ito kai sha or kuruma kin or kane u or ame seki or aka sei or ao haku or shiro

Second grade (160 kanji)

number many or much a few or a little ten thousand half shape fat thin wide long point circle cross light angle or corner measure s or kazu ta or oo-i sh or suku-nai or suko-shi man han or naka-ba kei or katachi ta or futo-i sai or hoso-i k or hiro-i ch or naga-i ten gan or maru k or maji k or hikari kaku or kado or tsuno kei or haka-ru

straight or correct line arrow weak strong tall or high same parent mother father older sister older brother younger brother younger sister oneself friend body hair head face neck heart time weekday morning daytime

choku or nao-su sen ya jaku or yowa-i ky or tsuyo-i k or taka-i d or ona-ji shin or oya haha or kaa (as in chichi or tou (as in shi or ane kei or ani tei or otouto mai or imto ji y or tomo tai or karada m or ke t or atama gan or kao shu or kubi shin or kokoro ji or toki y ch or asa ch or hiru

night minute; understand week spring summer autumn winter now new old interval direction north south east west far near in front behind inside outside place ground country garden

ya or yoru fun or wa (as in wakaru sh shun or haru ka or natsu sh or aki t or fuyu kon or ima shin or atara-shii ko or furu-i kan or ma or aida h or kata hoku or kita nan or minami t or higashi or azuma sei or sai or nishi en or t-i kin or chika-i zen or mae go or ushi-ro nai or uchi gai or soto j or ba chi koku or kuni en or sono

valley field field village city capital wind snow cloud pond sea rock star room door house Buddhist temple pass through gates road talk say answer voice hear language

koku or tani ya or no gen or hara ri or sato shi or ichi ky f or kaze setsu or yuki un or kumo chi or ike kai or umi gan or iwa sei or hoshi shitsu or muro to or ko or be ka or ke or ie ji or tera ts or t-ru mon or kado d or michi wa or hana-su gen or i-u t or kota-eru sei or koe ch or ki-ku go

read write write down paper picture picture drawing craft teach fine think think about know ability or years old reason calculate make origin eat, meal meat horse cow fish bird feather chirp

doku or yo-mu sho or ka-ku ki shi or kami ga kai or e zu or haka-ru k ky or oshi-eru sei or hare shi or omo-u k or kanga-eru chi or shi-ru sai ri or kotowari san saku or tsuku-ru gen or moto shoku or ta-beru niku ba or uma gy or ushi gy or sakana ch or tori ha or wa or hane mei or na-ku

wheat rice tea colour yellow black come go return home walk run stop active store buy sell noon, sign of the horse (

baku or mugi bei or kome cha shoku or iro or kiiro koku or kuro rai or ku-ru gy or k or i-ku ki or kae-ru ho or aru-ku s or hashi-ru shi or to-maru katsu or i-kiru ten or mise bai or ka-u bai or u-ru


Branches) )
steam bow (archery, violin) -times, to revolve association association ship bright company

go or uma ki ky or yumi kai kai or e kumi sen or fune mei or aka-rui sha or yashiro

cut electricity every fit hit base pleasure public pull section song katana turn use what

setsu or ki-ru den mai g to a-u t or a-taru dai or tai raku or tano-shii kou or yake in or hi-ku ka ka or uta t or katana ban y or mochi-iru nani

Third grade (200 kanji)

pair world both master ride in advance abstract thing serve other substitute ch se or yo ry shu or nushi j or no-ru yo or arakaji-me ji or koto shi or tsuka-eru ta or hoka tai or kawa-ru

dwell use person in charge double whole tool copy row help diligence move win disguise ward doctor leave antitake receive number face(v.) you flavor life peace or sum article

j or su-mu shi or tsuka-u kei or kakari bai zen gu sha retsu jo or tasu-keru ben dou or ugo-ku sh or kat-su ka or ba-keru ku i kyo or sa-ru han or so-ru shu or to-ru ju or u-keru g k or mu-kau kun or kimi

mei or inochi wa or nago-mu hin or shina

member commerce question slope husband begin committee protect cheap fix fruit or content guest

in sh or akina-i mon or toi or to-u han or saka hu or otto shi or haji-meru i shu or mamo-ru an or yasu-i tei or sada-meru jitsu or mi kaku or kyaku

Shinto shrine or prince(princess) ky or miya inn cold opposite office premise shore island state account book flat happiness degrees warehouse shuku or yado kan or samu-i tai or tsui kyoku oku or ya gan or kishi t or shima sh ch hei or tai-ra k or shiawa-se do ko

garden style role wait hurry breath bad sad thought idea feel place hit throw pick up hold finger release put in order trip tribe long ago clear hot dark music or curve

tei or niwa shiki eki or yaku tai or ma-tsu ky or iso-gu soku or iki aku or waru-i hi or kana-shii s or omo-u i kan-jiru sho or tokoro da or u-tsu t or na-geru sh or hiro-u ji or mo-tsu shi or yubi h or hana-su sei or totono-eru ryo or ttabi zoku jaku or mukashi sh sho or atsu-i an or kura-i kyoku

be clothes period of time board pillar root plant business appearance or Mr(Mrs,Ms) side bridge next tooth death ice decide oil wave pour swim ocean, western stream extinguish deep warm harbor

y or a-ru fuku ki or go han or ita ch or hashira kon or ne shoku or u-eru gy or g or waza y or sama or yoko ky or hashi ji or tsugi shi or ha shi hy or kri ketsu or ki-meru yu or abura ha or nami ch or soso-gu ei or oyo-gu y ry or naga-reru sh or ke-su shin or fuka-i on or atata-kai k or minato

lake hot water China charcoal thing ball reason say world agricultural field sick departure climb skin dish mutual prefecture true wear short sharpen thanks god(s) festival luck second

ko or mizuumi t or yu kan tan or sumi butsu or mono ky or tama y shin or m-su kai hatake by or yamai hatsu to or nobo-ru hi or kawa sara s or ai ken shin or ma chaku or ki-ru tan or mijika-i ken rei shin or kami sai or matsuri huku by

research chapter juvenile whistle ordinal number prefix writing brush class box rank end green practice sheep beauty learn someone nurture suffer luggage fall leaf medicine blood list or surface poem investigate

ky or kiwa-meru sh d or warabe teki or fue dai hitsu or fude t or nado hako ky sh or owa-ru ryoku or midori ren or ne-ru y or hitsuji bi or utsuku-shii sh or nara-u sha or mono iku or haguku-mu ku or kuru-shii ka or ni raku or o-chiru y or ha yaku or kusuri ketsu or chi hy or omote shi ch or shira-beru

discuss beans lose wake up road body revolve light farming return follow send fast advance play carry part metropolis distribute alcoholic drink heavy iron silver open institution sunshine

dan mame fu or ma-keru ki or o-kiru ro or michi shin or mi ten or koro-bu kei or karu-i n hen or kae-su tsui or o-u s or oku-ru soku or haya-i shin or susu-mu y or aso-bu un or hako-bu bu to or miyako hai or kuba-ru shu or sake j or omo-i tetsu gin kai or hira-ku in hi or y

floor of a building collect face topic drink public building station nose

kai sh or atsu-maru men or tsura or omo dai in or no-mu kan or yakata eki bi or hana

Fourth grade (200 kanji)

not conflict attach orders since go-between transmit rank low example convenience trust godown climate borrow halt healthy hu s or araso-u hu or tsu-ku rei i naka den or tsuta-eru i or kurai tei or hiku-i rei or tato-eru ben or bin or tayo-ru shin or shin-jiru s or kura k shaku or ka-riru tei or to-maru ken or suko-yaka

side work hundred million portentor trillion child together soldier code cool first separate profit printing viceachievement add toil labor courage wrap graduate cooperation simple Dr. mark participate or three

soba or gawa d or hatara-ku oku ch or kiza-shi ji ky or tomo hei or hy or tsuwamono ten rei or tsume-tai sho or hatsu or ubu betsu or waka-reru ri satsu or su-ru huku k ka or kuwa-eru do or tsuto-meru r or negira-u y or isa-mashii h or tsutu-mu sotsu ky tan haku in or shirushi san

history director each tell circumference chant rejoice container surround harden model public chamber salt gentleman change center lose like seasons

shi shi or tsukasado-ru kaku koku or tsu-geru sh sh or tona-eru ki or yoroko-bu ki or utsuwa or kako-u ko or kata-maru kei or kata d shio shi hen or ka-waru sitsu or ushina-u k su-ku or kono-mu ki

grandson,granddaughtor son or mago perfect government official harm guess nest distinction kan kan gai satsu s or su sa

hope seat sash bottom urban prefecture ease build diameter junior acquire without fail thought love become war fold raise reformation salvation failure scatter fee national flag previous scenery most

ki or mare seki tai or obi tei or soko fu k ken or ta-teru kei to e-ru or toku hitsu or kanara-zu nen ai or ito-shii sei or na-ru sen or ikusa or tataka-u setsu or o-ru kyo or a-geru kai or arata-meru ky or suku-u hai or yabur-reru san or chi-ru ry hata saku kei sai or mo or motto-mo

hope unend tag lumber bundle pine fruit prosperity plan plum contraption poles signpost machine lack curriculum remainder kill poison family name people request govern method cry

b or nozo-mu mi or ima-da matsu or sue satsu or huda zai soku or taba or tsuka sh or take ka or ha-tasu ei or sakae-ru an bai or ume kai kyoku or kiwa-meru hy ki ketsu or ka-keru reki zan or noko-ru satsu or koro-su doku shi or uji min or tami kyu or moto-mu chi or osa-meru h ky or na-ku

shallow bathe pure full fishing lamp nothing so bake illuminate heat breed special give birth target government ministry celebrate ballot kind or seed accumulate emulate laugh pipe node flour chronicle

sen or asa-i yoku or abi-ru sei or kiyo-raka man or mi-chiru ry or asa-ru t or tomo-su mu or na-i zen or shika-shi sh or ya-ku sho or te-rasu netsu or atsu-i boku or maki toku san or u-mu teki or mato sho or sei or habu-ku shuku or iwa-u hy shu or tane or kusa seki or tsu-mu ky or kiso-u sh or wara-u kan or kuda setsu or fushi ko or kona ki

promise tie salary continue put old man stomach vein intestines retainer cruise good art bud England vegetable city clothes need memorize observe instruction test theory section deliberation

yaku ketsu or musu-bu or yu-u ky or tama-u zoku or tsudu-ku chi or o-ku r or o-iru i myaku ch shin k ry or yo-i gei ga or me ei na gai or machi i or koromo y or i-ru kaku or sa-meru kan or mi-ru kun shi or kokoromi-ru setsu or to-ku ka gi

elephant freight savings expense prize army wheel resign environs take along attain choose county quantity record mirror related land group quiet obey request sort fly meal foster

z or sh ka cho or ta-meru hi or tsui-yasu sh gun rin or wa ji or ya-meru hen or ata-ri ren or tsu-reru or tsura-neru tachi sen or era-bu gun ry roku ky or kagami kan riku tai sei or shizu-ka jun gan or nega-u rui hi or to-bu han or meshi y or yashina-u



Fifth grade (185 kanji)

long time Buddha sham affair responsibility becoming too much value preserve discipline straw bag individual provide statue again publish judge control ticket rule effect duty power thick ky or hisa hutsu or butsu or hotoke kari ken nin or maka-seru ji or ni-ru yo or ama-ru ka ho or tamo-tsu sh or osa-meru hy or tawara ko bi or sona-eru z sai or futata-bi kan han or waka-ru sei ken soku or notto-ru k mu or tsuto-meru sei or ikio-i k or atsu-i

phrase possible manage cause group pressure exist level foundation report boundary grave increase dream wife lady contain approach rich guide reside belong linen expert normal tree-trunk

ku ka ei or itona-mu in or yo-ru dan atsu zai or a-ru kin ki or moto-duku h or muku-iru ky or sakai bo or haka z or ma-su or fu-eru mu or yume sai or tsuma fu y ki or yo-ru fu or tomi d or michibi-ku kyo or i-ru zoku fu or nuno shi j or tsune kan or miki

preface valve stretch journey repeating virtue intention respond cheerful gender grace feelings condition accustomed acquiesce skill beckon instruct pick contact present loss branch politics

jo ben ch or ha-ru fuku toku shi or kokorozashi or kota-eru kai or kokoroyo-i sei or sh or saga on j or nasa-ke tai kan or na-reru sh or uketamawa-ru gi or waza sh or mane-ku ju or sazu-keru sai or to-ru setsu tei or sa-geru son or soko-neru shi or sasa-eru sei or matsurigoto

circumstances ko or yue enemy teki or kataki

cut off old times easy outburst clause branch investigate status cherry examine construct military compare eternity river fluid mix decrease fathom standard perform undefiled disaster burn

dan or ta-tsu ky eki or yasa-shii b or aba-ku j shi or eda sa kaku or sakura ken k or kama-eru bu hi or kura-beru ei or naga-i ga or kawa eki kon or maza-ru gen or he-ru soku or haka-ru jun en ketsu or isagiyo-i sai or wazawa-i nen or mo-eru

printing block han crime han or oka-su

form alone rate appear detain abbreviation benefit eyeball rend certain indicate ancestor prohibition shift extent tax fabricate refined elementary manage unite discontinue cotton whole compile exploits

j doku or hito-ri ritsu or hikii-ru gen or arawa-reru ry ru or todo-maru ryaku eki or ma-su gan or me ha or yabu-ru kaku or tashi-ka shi or shime-su so kin i or utsu-ru tei or hodo zei chiku or kizu-ku sei su or moto kei he-ru t or su-beru zetsu or ta-tsu men or wata s hen or a-mu seki

weave guilt flock righteousness till employment fertilizer ability entertain tongue cottage art defense manufacture duplicate rule untie establish permit evidence evaluate lecture apologize

shiki or o-ru zai or tsumi gun mu-reru gi k or tagaya-su shoku hi or ko-yasu n ky or oko-su zetsu or shita sha jutsu or sube ei sei fuku ki ge or kai or to-ku setsu or mouke-ru kyo or yuru-su sh hy k sha or ayama-ru

discriminating shiki safeguard bountiful go or mamo-ru h or yuta-ka

wealth poor blame lend trade

zai hin or mazushi-i seki or se-meru tai or ka-su b

congratulations ga resources approve quality transport mention astray retreat inverted create go beyond suitable acid mineral copper coin prevent limit precipitous occasion shi san shitsu yu jutsu or no-beru mei or mayo-u tai or shirizo-ku or do-ku gyaku or sakara-u z or tsuku-ru ka or ayama-chi teki san k d sen or zeni b or fuse-gu gen or kagi-ru ken sai or kiwa

miscellaneous zatsu

negative deposit territory amount domesticate

hi or ara-zu yo or azu-keru ry gaku or hitai shi or ka-u

Sixth grade (181 kanji)

row riot milk deceased kindness offer actor value wound superior political party hei or nami or nara-bu ran or mida-reru ny or chichi b or na-kunaru jin ky or ku or tomo hai chi or atai sh or kizu y or yasa-shii t

counter for books satsu dispose engrave divide create drama diligence dangerous egg sho koku or kiza-mu katsu or wa-ru s or tsuku-ru geki kin or tsuto-meru ki or aya-ui ran or tamago

strict take in queen negate suck call good

gen or kibi-shii sh or osa-meru g or kisaki hi or ina or iya ky or su-u ko or yo-bu zen or yo-i

become distressed kon or koma-ru droop castle range play music stirred up shape suppose filial piety home eaves religion mid-air treasure proclaim secrecy measurement specialty shoot choku or ta-reru j or shiro iki s or kana-deru hun or huru-u shi or sugata son k taku u sh or s ch h or takara sen or notama-u mitsu sun sen or moppa-ra sha or i-ru

leader revered concerning

sh son sh or tsu-ku

measure of length shaku deliver expand stratum self scroll curtain dry infancy todo-ku ten s ko or onore kan or ma-ku baku or maku kan or ho-su y or osana-i

government office ch sit prolong rhythm obey forget loyalty constitution ego criticism shouldering worship broaden throw away za or suwa-ru en or no-basu ritsu jun or sitaga-u b or wasu-reru ch ken ga or ware hi tan or nina-u hai or oga-mu kaku or hiro-geru sha or su-teru

grope infer command maneuver respect reflect nightfall warmth livelihood melodious desk sheet of... dye stocks rod imitation rights trees longing steps run alongside fountain wash sect settle origin

tan or saga-su sui ki s or ayatsu-ru kei or uyama-u ei or utsu-ru ban dan or atata-kai bo or ku-rasu r or hoga-raka ki or tsukue mai sen or so-meru kabu b mo ken ju or ki yoku or ho-shii dan en or so-u sen or izumi sen or ara-u ha sai or su-mu gen or minamoto

tide violent ashes ripen one-sided group uncommon doubt pain emperor prosper alliance watch over sand magnet me secret serial hole window muscle scheme simplicity sugar lineage deep red

cho or shio geki or hage-shii hai juku or u-reru hen ore kata han i or koto-naru gi or utaga-u ts or ita-i k or sei or mo-ru mei kan sa or sha or suna ji shi or watakushi or watashi hi koku ketsu or ana s or mado kin or suji saku kan t kei k or beni or kurenai

settlement genuine silk vertical shrink

n or osa-meru jun ken or kinu ju or tate shuku or chidi-mu

government office sho the following holy lung back bosom brain abdomen entrails lookover climax young renowned steam warehouse silkworm masses judge attire back supplement yoku sei hai hai or se ky or mune n fuku or hara z rin or nozo-mu shi or ita-ru jaku or waka-i cho j or mu-su z or kura kaiko sh sai or saba-ku s or sh or yosoo-u ri or ura ho or ogina-u

look at perusal chastise visit translate poetry document recognize born sincerity mistake theory everything guard against precious fare bequeath mail home town needle steel closed tall descend majesty exclude

shi or mi-ru ran t or u-tsu h or otozu-reru yaku or wake shi or kotoba shi nin or mito-meru tan sei or makoto go or ayama-ru ron sho or moro kei ki chin i y ky or g shin or hari g or hagane hei or shi-meru kaku k or o-riru hei jo or nozo-ku

hurt difficult leather

sh or sawa-ru nan or muzuka-shii kaku or kawa

place on the head ch or itada-ku bone kotsu or hone

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