Thiamethoxam - HPLC
Thiamethoxam - HPLC
Thiamethoxam - HPLC
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mg/kg two hours after application. The residue of and 21 days of application, respectively. Based on
thiamethoxam in pepper fruits decreased to 1.27 the previous results, the calculated half-life period
mg/kg with 7.97% loss after 24 hours of application. (RL50) of thiamethoxam on pepper fruits was
The dissipation continued for thiamethoxam to 3.13 days. The maximum residue limit (MRL)
reach 0.72 mg/kg with 47.82% loss in the third of thiamethoxam in pepper fruits is 0.7 mg/Kg
day of application. The rapid dissipation was according to Codex Alimentarius Commission
found in the seventh day after spraying, which for Pesticide Residues (CAC/PR). 2009 [17]. The
thiamethoxam residue reached 0.083 mg/kg with results presented herein clearly show that pepper
93.98% loss. The degradation continued to reach fruits can be consumed safely by human after 4
0.061 mg/kg with 95.57% loss after 10 days after days from spraying with thiamethoxam.
application. The residues of thiamethoxam on
pepper decreased to 0.034 mg/kg with 97.31 % dinotefuran
loss and 0.01 mg/kg with 99.27% loss after 15 Data presented in Table 2 and Fig. 3
Time after
Residues (mg/kg)±SD % loss % persistence
Initial 1.38±0.54 0.00 100
1day 1.27±2.87 7.97 92.03
3 days 0.72±1.05 47.82 52.18
5 days 0.39±2.59 71.73 28.27
7 days 0.083±2.01 93.98 6.02
10 days 0.061±0.54 95.57 4.43
15 days 0.034±0.81 97.31 2.69
21 days 0.01±0.24 99.27 0.73
RL50(days) 3.11
MRL 0.7
PHI (days) 4
demonstrate the initial deposits as well as the and 0.01 mg/kg with 98.63 and 99.84% loss
residual behavior of dinotefuran in pepper fruits. after 7 and 10 days of application, respectively.
The initial deposit of dinotefuran in pepper fruits The residues became undetectable on 15th and
was 6.59 mg/kg two hours after application. The 21st day after application. Based on the previous
residue of dinotefuran in pepper fruits within results, the calculated half-life period (RL50)
the first 24 hours after application decreased to of dinotefuran in pepper fruits was 2 days. The
5.40 mg/kg with 18.06% loss. The amounts of maximum residue limit (MRL) of dinotefuran in
dinotefuran residue decreased to 1.28 mg/kg pepper fruits is 0.01 mg/Kg according to Codex
with high percent loss (80.58%) in the third day Alimentarius Commission for Pesticide Residues
of application. Data indicated that dissipation of (CAC/PR). 2009 [17], so the pepper fruits can be
dinotefuran residue was rapidly within the first consumed safely after 11 days of application.
three days after spraying. Residues of dinotefuran
in pepper fruits continued and reached to 0.09
TABLE 2. Dissipation of dinotefuran residue in pepper fruits.
Time after application % loss % persistence
Initial 6.59±1.25 0.00 100
1day 5.40±0.95 18.06 81.94
3 days 1.28±1.01 80.58 19.42
5 days 0.67±1.38 89.83 10.17
7 days 0.09±2.09 98.63 1.37
10 days 0.01±0.22 99.84 0.15
15 days ND --- ---
21 days ND --- ---
RL50(days) 2
MRL 0.01
PHI 11
Discussion Conclusion
The evaluations of calibration curve linearity In this work, an HPLC-DAD analytical
of thiamethoxam and dinotefuran were done method based on QuEChERS sample pretreatment
with HPLC-DAD. The correlation coefficient procedures was used for the determination
(R2 = 0.99). The results showed that the matrix of dinotefuran and thiamethoxam residues in
effect was -17.75% for dinotefuran and 4.36% pepper fruits. The developed method is easy and
for thiamethoxam which indicated that no compatible for residue analyses of dinotefuran
interfering endogenous peak appeared and did not and thiamethoxam, the mean recoveries ranged
significantly suppress or enhance the response of from 77–80% and 78–112% respectively, and
the instrument. repeatability of the method, expressed as the
relative standard deviation, was lower than 3%.
The residual amount of thiamethoxam was The calculated half-life period (RL50) of tested
rapidly decreased during the third day of spraying pesticides on pepper fruits were 2 and 3.11 days
followed by gradually decreasing until the end of for dinotefuran and thiamethoxam, respectively.
experimental period, the lowest dissipation rate According to maximum residue limit (MRL) the
per day found from the seventh to tenth day of pre-harvest interval (PHI) of thiamethoxam and
application, while the highest value occurred in dinotefuran in pepper was 4 and 11 days after the
the first 24 hours of spraying. The pepper fruits treatment, respectively.
could be used safely for human consumption after
4 days from spraying with thiamethoxam, because Acknowledgements
the residues below the MRL of thiamethoxam on
pepper. Also, the initial deposit of thiamethoxam This work was supported by Faculty of
(Actara 25% WG) on pepper fruits was lower than Agriculture, Cairo University, Egypt.
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256 M. M. RABEA et al.
تم تجميع عينات ثمار الفلفل عشوائيا من المناطق المعاملة بالجرعات الموصى بها لتحليل متبقيات المبيدات بها
بعد صفر 15 ، 10 ، 7 ، 5 ، 3 ، 1 ،و 21يوم من الرش بالتوازى مع عينات غير معاملة حيث تم تقدير
متبقيات مبيدى داينوتيفيوران و ثياميثوكسام فى ثمار الفلفل بإستخدام جهاز HPLC/DADوكانت طريقة
اإلستخالص المتبعة هى ما يسمى بطريقة QuEChERSحيث تعتبر طريقة سهلة وسريعة وفعالة ورخيصة فى
تقدير متبقيات المبيدات وكانت معدالت اإلسترجاع للمركبين بهذه الطريقة تتراوح مابين %80-77و %112-78
لكال من داينوتيفيوران و ثياميثوكسام على الترتيب .وكانت حدود التقدير لهذه الطريقة 1 – 0.01ملجم/كجم لكال
المبيدين فى عينات الفلفل .كانت الكمية األولية لمبيدى داينوتيفيوران و ثياميثوكسام فى ثمار الفلفل 1.38 ، 6.59
ملجم/كجم على الترتيب ،وأوضحت الدراسة أن فترة نصف العمر للمبيد داينوتيفيوران هى 2يوم فى حين بلغت
3.11يوم لمبيد ثياميثوكسام وذلك بناء على قيمة ( )MRLالخاصة بكال المبيدين والتى تقدر بـ 0.01و 0.7
ملجم/كجم على الترتيب ،وكانت قيمة ( 11 )PHIو 4يوم لكال من داينوتيفيوران و ثياميثوكسام على الترتيب.