The Dry Grass Sings
The Dry Grass Sings
The Dry Grass Sings
By Stephen Gray
When the sky’s as hot as a baking pot Simile: The sky is so hot
Stanza 1:
that it feels like you will
This mostly speaks And the whole earth shrinks like a skin bake under it.
about dryness and
The mopane leaves clap and the eagle cries
heat, and the effect Simile: The ground is so
this has on the plants. The turtles snap and the thorn-trees scratch dry that it seems like it is
And the dry grass sings and sings. shrivelling up as if it is a
Personification and dead animal skin.
onomatopoeia: The
leaves make a clapping On the crackling mud the crocodile smiles Stanza 2:
Stanza 3: Sounds are relieved, e.g. purr, sigh Because this line was repeated, the change is more
noticeable and obvious.