1-S2.0-S0144861720300394-Main 2020
1-S2.0-S0144861720300394-Main 2020
1-S2.0-S0144861720300394-Main 2020
Carbohydrate Polymers
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/carbpol
Keywords: In this work, we present a solid silicon substrate functionalized with modified β-cyclodextrin monolayers as an
Aminated β-cyclodextrin optimal surface for organic contaminant uptake. The inclusion and capture of three potential pollutants, 4-
Emerging pollutants chlorophenoxyacetic acid, 4-aminobenzoic acid and phenylethylamine, were studied. 1H-NMR and ROESY
4-Chlorophenoxyacetic acid studies revealed the complete inclusion and details of the conformational orientation of the three guests in the
per-(6-amino-6-deoxy)-β-cyclodextrin matrix, forming three new inclusion complexes that have not yet been
4-Aminobenzoic acid
Pollutant removal
reported. Capture assays for the guests were carried out by immersing the substrates in an aqueous pollutant
solution and by measuring the UV–vis spectra. This substrate showed a high sorption capacity at equilibrium,
between 2.5 × 10−5 and 6.0 × 10−5 mmol/substrate, for the studied pollutants. In addition, this surface can be
reused four times with an efficiency equal to the initial use. Therefore, it could be a versatile platform that could
be applied for the capture of other organic pollutants from water.
Corresponding authors.
E-mail addresses: bahi@ug.uchile.cl, herrera@utem.cl (B.A. Herrera), pjara@uchile.cl (P.S. Jara), nyutroni@uchile.cl (N.I. Yutronic).
Received 4 June 2019; Received in revised form 16 December 2019; Accepted 12 January 2020
Available online 13 January 2020
0144-8617/ © 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
B.A. Herrera, et al. Carbohydrate Polymers 233 (2020) 115865
through intermolecular interactions (Crini, 2014; Del Valle, 2004). The 2.4. Determination of the association constant
internal diameter of native βCD is 7.5 Å (Crini, 2014), which is an
adequate dimension for the inclusion of organic pollutant molecules The association constants (Ka values) of βCDNH2@4CPA,
that contain aromatic rings as well as aliphatic chains. βCD-based βCDNH2@4ABA and βCDNH2@PhEA complexes in water were ob-
materials have been applied to remediate different organic pollutant tained using the phase solubility method (Connors, 1997; Higuchi &
molecules (Salazar, Guerra, Yutronic, & Jara, 2018; Schofield, Bain, & Connors, 1965). The measurements were conducted using a V-760
Badyal, 2012; Taka, Pillay, & Mbianda, 2017). JASCO UV spectrophotometer (see Supplementary Material, S3).
Assembled βCD monolayers (βCDMs) on surfaces represent an in-
teresting research topic in areas such as analyte detection because they 2.5. Preparation of substrates modified with the per-(6-amino-6-deoxy)-β-
offer a unique way to confine molecules in two dimensions by con- CD monolayer
trolling binding events at the interface (Lagrost, Alcaraz, Bergamini,
Fabre, & Serbanescu, 2007; Lu et al., 2019; Méndez-Torres, Sandoval- Silicon wafers (100) were cut to 1.5 cm × 1.7 cm. The small silicon
Altamirano, Sánchez-Arenillas, Marco, & Yáñez, 2018; Pan et al., 2015). wafers were immersed in a boiling solution of NH3:H2O2:H2O (1:1:5) at
The arrangement of βCDMs can act as a template for molecular re- 70 °C for 45 min to obtain an external oxide layer with a thickness of
cognition where the matrix-guest intermolecular interactions are re- 1 nm and an additional native oxide layer. The silicon wafers were
versible, which means that βCDMs are able to include and release the rinsed 3 times with water and dried under a N2 stream.
guest molecules (Ling, Reinhoudt, & Huskens, 2008; Méndez-Torres Substrate functionalization was performed following the method
et al., 2018; Niu et al., 2015; Onclin, Mulder, Huskens, Ravoo, & described by Onclin et al. (2004), with modifications. After forming the
Reinhoudt, 2004). oxidized surfaces, the silicon wafers were immersed in a 2 % APTES
Given the excellent properties of βCD in organic pollutant inclusion, solution in toluene at 70 °C for 20 s. Finally, the substrates were rinsed
in this work, we aimed to contribute to the study of materials useful in copiously with toluene and dried under a stream of N2.
removing contaminating agents from wastewater. We modified a silicon The incorporation of isothiocyanate-terminated layers using a DITC
surface with per-(6-amino-6-deoxy)-β-cyclodextrin (βCDNH2) to study solution and the subsequent incorporation of the βCDNH2 solution for
and evaluate its ability to capture organic pollutants from water, spe- the formation of βCDNH2M was performed as previously described
cifically an herbicide (4CPA), a dye precursor (4ABA) and a drug (Onclin et al., 2004).
(PhEA). βCDNH2 was synthesized following the procedure described by
Ashton, Königer, Stoddart, Alker, and Harding (1996)) (see Supple-
2. Materials and methods mentary Material, S1).
2.1. Reagents and solvents 2.6. Characterization of substrates modified with the per-(6-amino-6-
deoxy)-β-CD monolayer
For preparation of the inclusion complexes, per-(6-amino-6-deoxy)-
β-CD hydrochloride (βCDNH2, synthesized by our group, ≥98 % w/w; 2.6.1. Ellipsometric measurements
see Supplementary Material, S1), 4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid (4CPA, Using a vertical computer-controlled DRE-EL02 system (Ratzeburg,
PESTANAL®, ≥98.0 % w/w; Sigma-Aldrich), phenylethylamine (PhEA, Germany) in a room conditioned at 24 ± 1 °C, ellipsometric mea-
99.5 % w/v; Sigma-Aldrich) and 4-aminobenzoic acid (4ABA > 99 % surements were performed. The incidence angle (φ) was set to 70.0°
w/w; Merck) were used. The preparation of substrates modified with using a laser at a wavelength of 632.8 nm. A multilayer model based on
βCDNH2 was performed using 3-aminopropyl triethoxysilane (APTES, the Jones matrix calculation for the interpretation of ellipsometric data
≥99 % w/v; Sigma-Aldrich), 1,4-phenylene diisothiocyanate (DITC, was used (Silva, Urzúa, Petri, & Dubin, 2010). The expected thickness
≥98 % w/w; Sigma-Aldrich), toluene (LC grade; Merck), 25 % am- for each monolayer was determined using ChemDraw software, version
monia in water v/v solution (Merck), 30 % v/v hydrogen peroxide 15 (Perkin Elmer).
(Merck), and ultra-high purity water, which was purified using an SG- The thickness of the SiO2 layers was determined considering a Si
LaboStar 4-DI ultra-pure water system with a conductivity of 0.055 μS/ refractive index of n = 3.858 ± 0.0180 and infinite thickness in con-
cm. Silicon wafers (100) were purchased from Santa Clara, CA, USA. tact with air (n = 1.00). The refractive index used for each subsequent
Deuterated water (D2O, 99.9 % D atoms; Sigma-Aldrich) was used as stage was n = 1.462 for SiO2, n = 1.424 for APTES and n = 1.5 for
the solvent for the NMR studies. Absolute ethanol (≥99.8 % w/v, GC DITC and βCDNH2 (Palik, 1985). The results correspond to an average
grade; Sigma-Aldrich) was used as the solvent for the regeneration tests. of the measurements from 100 to 200 samples.
B.A. Herrera, et al. Carbohydrate Polymers 233 (2020) 115865
at room temperature under high-vacuum conditions. Silicon tips molecules are included in the matrix, generating an effect of shielding
(AC240TS-R3, Asylum Research) were used with a resonance frequency of their atomic nuclei. For the βCDNH2@PhEA complex, the protons of
of 70 kHz and a constant spring of 2 N/m (see Supplementary Material, the aromatic ring and ethyl chain are shifted towards lower fields,
S4) probably because the PhEA molecule is displaced towards the narrow
matrix edge where the NH2 groups are located, which are electron
density acceptors. This phenomenon is observed with higher intensity
2.7. Sorption of pollutants and reusability of the modified substrate
for the protons of the ethyl chain.
For the three inclusion complexes, there is a noticeable chemical
Pollutant sorption assays were performed at room temperature and
shift in the signals from the H3 and H5 protons of βCDNH2, mainly due
neutral pH. These studies were conducted by immersing six modified
to the inclusion of the contaminant molecules. The displacement to a
substrates in a 0.1 mmol/L initial solution. The variation in their con-
high or low field is due to the degree of interaction between the matrix
centration was recorded in the supernatant solution from 0 to 168 h
and the respective guest and the orientation they adopt within the
using a V-760 JASCO UV spectrophotometer (see Supplementary
matrix cavity. This observation is better clarified in two-dimensional
Material, S5).
resonance studies (see Fig. 2).
Reusability tests of the modified substrate were performed by im-
When analysing the integrals of the signals for the βCDNH2@4CPA,
mersion in a 0.1 mmol/L 4CPA solution. After each assay, the substrates
βCDNH2@4ABA and βCDNH2@PhEA complexes, a 1:1 stoichiometry
were rinsed with ethanol and left in an ultrasonic bath for 5 min to
(matrix:guest) was established (see Supplementary Material, S2.1).
eliminate the included contaminant.
Through ROESY, it was possible to determine the preferential or-
ientation that the guest molecules adopt inside the βCDNH2 cavity.
3. Results and discussion Fig. 2(a)-(c) shows the cross-peaks for the proton signals of greatest
interest for studying the interactions between each guest molecule and
3.1. Characterization of the new inclusion complexes in solution βCDNH2. A strong correlation between the aromatic proton signals of
the guest molecules with the H3 and H5 protons of βCDNH2 demon-
The βCDNH2@4CPA, βCDNH2@4ABA and βCDNH2@PhEA com- strates the inclusion of the aromatic rings. Complementary cross-peak
plexes were characterized in solution using 1H-NMR and ROESY spec- sections in the ROESY spectra are shown in the Supplementary Material
troscopy. 1H-NMR was used to measure the complexation shifts, i.e., the S2.2, which supports the proposed inclusion geometry for the
difference between the free and complexed resonance frequency (in βCDNH2@4CPA, βCDNH2@4ABA and βCDNH2@PhEA complexes.
ppm) for the same nucleus. ROESY was used to elucidate the arrange- βCD inclusion complexes with an average Ka of 490 Lmol−1 have
ment of guest molecules within the matrix (Schneider, Hacket, Rüdiger, been reported (Rao & Stella, 2003). Similar values for some pollutants
& Ikeda, 1998). and molecules containing aromatic rings have been observed (2017,
Fig. 1 shows the full 1H-NMR spectra of the βCDNH2 inclusion Asela et al., 2017; Flaherty et al., 2013; Sierpe et al., 2015). In this
complexes with organic pollutants and the respective proton assign- study, the values of Ka for the βCDNH2@4CPA, βCDNH2@PhEA and
ments. βCDNH2@4ABA complexes were 601, 491 and 40 Lmol−1, respectively
Proton chemical shifts for the individual species and in the inclusion (see Supplementary Material, S3). Higher values of Ka could indicate
complexes are shown below. Table 1 corresponds to the pollutants, and that the pollutants would be more difficult to remove from the sub-
Table 2 corresponds to βCDNH2. strate. However, the values reported for the three complexes support
The NMR study of complexes βCDNH2@4CPA and βCDNH2@4ABA the idea that matrices with βCDNH2M could be used as a strategy of
shows chemical shifts of the aromatic protons of the both guest mole- environmental remediation.
cules to higher fields, probably due to the spatial restriction when these
Fig. 1. 1H-NMR spectra (7.0 mmol/L in D2O) of (a) βCDNH2, (b) βCDNH2@4CPA, (c) βCDNH2@4ABA and (d) βCDNH2@PhEA complexes with the proton as-
signments for all species.
B.A. Herrera, et al. Carbohydrate Polymers 233 (2020) 115865
Table 1
H-NMR chemical shifts of the individual pollutants and in their respective inclusion complexes.
βCDNH2@4CPA complex βCDNH2@4ABA complex βCDNH2@PhEA complex
H assignments δ 4CPA δ complex Δδ (ppm) H assignments δ 4ABA δ complex Δδ (ppm) H assignments δ PhEA δ complex Δδ (ppm)
(ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm)
H’2 4.607 4.531 −0.076 H’3/H’7 7.788 7.844 0.144 H’1 2.800 3.165 0.365
H’4/H’8 6.900 6.881 −0.019 H’4/H’6 6.848 6.922 0.056 H’2 2.686 2.942 0.256
H’5/H’7 7.299 7.292 −0.007 H’4/H’8 7.238 7.274 0.036
H’5/H’7 7.320 7.364 0.044
H’6 7.214 7.312 0.098
3.2. Step-by-step characterization of the solid substrate modified with per- each stage, XPS measurements were performed. Fig. 4(a) shows the
(6-amino-6-deoxy)-β-CD acquired full spectra, which were normalized according to the Si2p
peak. The intensity increases in the characteristic C1s, O1s, S2p and N1s
The surface modification stages were i) amino-terminated mono- peaks indicate the stacking of each molecular monolayer on the surface
layer formation, ii) isothiocyanate-terminated monolayer formation, up to the final formation of βCDNH2M. The analysis performed on the
and iii) βCDNH2 incorporation (see Fig. 3). Each stage was monitored oxide surface detected the presence of silicon, oxygen and carbon,
by ellipsometry, contact angle, XPS, and AFM. The results obtained by where the presence of carbon can be attributed to the XPS source. In the
ellipsometry and contact angle are shown in Table 3. following stages, the appearance of C, N and S signals is concordant
The SiO2 average thickness was 1.0 ± 0.1 nm for more than 200 with the expected composition for the incorporated molecular mono-
samples measured. For APTES monolayers, the average thickness was layers.
0.80 ± 0.05 nm, which corresponds to the expected thickness of the Fig. 4(b) corresponds to the curve fittings of each characteristic
APTES monolayer in a stretched and perpendicular conformation on the peak. In the first stage of the silicon wafer oxidation process, the
surface. The contact angles of 61° for the advance angle and 28° for the characteristic Si2p peaks are observed. The lower binding energy at
receding angle are in agreement with previously reported values, but 99.2 eV is associated with Si° from the bulk silicon wafer, the binding
they are lower than expected for an -NH2 terminal surface. This could energy at 100.4 eV corresponds to Si1+, and the higher binding energy
be related to the hydration of the surface caused by environmental at 103.2 eV corresponds to Si4+ from silicon dioxide (Araya et al., 2012;
humidity, transforming the amino-terminal groups into -NH3+ and in- Flores, Fuenzalida, & Häberle, 2005).
creasing the hydrophilic properties of the surface (Pasternack, Amy, & In the XPS spectrum for the C1s peak, a change in the characteristic
Chabal, 2008). peak during modification was observed (Fig. 4). The most intense peak
For the DITC monolayer, the optimum thickness should be ap- corresponded to the CeC bonds, which appeared at a binding energy of
proximately 1.1 nm, assuming an extended conformation. However, an 284.6 eV when the APTES monolayer was incorporated; this peak in-
average thickness of 0.60 nm was obtained. Therefore, a molecular in- creased to 284.8 eV in the subsequent substrate modifications. A second
clination angle of 33° was predicted. The increase in the advance and peak was identified at 285.8 eV, which was assigned to CeN bonds, and
receding angles after the incorporation of the DITC monolayer corre- their binding energies increased to 286.0 eV and 286.4 eV when
lates with the findings described by Manning, Leigh, Ramos, Preece, monolayers of DITC and βCDNH2 were incorporated, respectively. A
and Eritja (2010)), which attribute this increase to greater surface hy- third peak of lower intensity appeared at 288.0 eV in the APTES
drophobicity. monolayer formation and was attributed to CeO bonds (Thangaraju,
Finally, βCDNH2 was incorporated for βCDM formation. The pH Karthikeyan, Prakash, Babu, & Hayakawa, 2015). Then, this signal
must be adjusted with an ammonia solution since the addition of a slightly increased its binding energy to 288.2 eV, which could be at-
sodium hydroxide solution could favour the reduction of the -NCS tributed to the additional presence of thioamide bonds when the DITC
terminal group to an -NH2 group, which prevents thioamide bond for- and βCDNH2 monolayers were incorporated (Zhang, Zhou, Ding, Fu, &
mation (Lee, Guivarch, Van Dau, Tessier, & Krstulovic, 2003). Wang, 2017).
Table 3 shows a decrease in the contact angle values for βCDM as The curve fittings for the O1s peak show a peak of greater intensity
the surface becomes hydrophilic since the secondary hydroxyl groups of at 532.4 eV, which can be attributed mainly to silicon oxide. Finally,
the βCD molecules are exposed to the surface. The thickness determined the incorporation of βCDNH2M was confirmed by the presence of a
was 0.93 nm, which coincides with the length reported for the βCD peak at 533.4 eV, which was attributable to cyclic CeOeC bonds
unit, evidencing monolayer formation (Del Valle, 2004; Onclin et al., (Beanson & Briggs, 1992).
2004). The characteristic N1s peak at approximately 400.0 eV consisted of
To characterize the chemical composition and electronic state in three distinct peaks at 398 eV, 400 eV and 402 eV, which can be
Table 2
H-NMR chemical shifts of βCDNH2 in its free state and in the respective inclusion complexes.
H assignments Pure βCDNH2 βCDNH2@4CPA complex βCDNH2@4ABA complex βCDNH2@PhEA complex
B.A. Herrera, et al. Carbohydrate Polymers 233 (2020) 115865
Fig. 2. Cross-peaks in the ROESY spectra for the aromatic protons of the guest molecules with the H3 and H5 protons of βCDNH2 and the proposed inclusion
geometry for the a) βCDNH2@4CPA, b) βCDNH2@4ABA and c) βCDNH2@PhEA complexes.
B.A. Herrera, et al. Carbohydrate Polymers 233 (2020) 115865
Table 3 The sorption kinetics were investigated using two kinetic models,
Ellipsometric and contact angle measurements for each monolayer. comprising pseudo-first order (2) and pseudo-second order (3) equa-
Monolayer θa (°) θr (°) Experimental ellipsometric Expected
tions, expressed as:
thickness (nm) thickness (nm)
ln(qe − qt ) = ln (qe ) − k1 t (2)
-NH2 61 ± 1 28 ± 2 0.80 ± 0.05 0.80
-NCS 64 ± 2 38 ± 3 0.60 ± 0.10 1.10 t 1 t
= +
-βCD 49 ± 1 27 ± 2 0.93 ± 0.02 0.79 qt k2 qe2 qe (3)
B.A. Herrera, et al. Carbohydrate Polymers 233 (2020) 115865
Fig. 4. (a) Full XPS spectra acquired during all modification stages. (b) Curve fittings of each characteristic peak in the XPS spectra.
suggests that the rate-limiting step may be a supramolecular inclusion Table 4 shows a 4CPA experimental sorption capacity at equilibrium
process, demonstrating that the pollutant sorption behaviour on the of 4413 × 10−5 mmol/substrate; this value is 50.76 % higher than the
substrates modified with βCDNH2M is dominated by matrix-guest in- capture capacity of the unmodified substrate (see Supplementary Ma-
teractions (Triki, Tanazefti, & Kochkar, 2017; Yang et al., 2013; Zou terial, S5.1).
et al., 2016). Additionally, the presence of included 4CPA was corroborated by
B.A. Herrera, et al. Carbohydrate Polymers 233 (2020) 115865
Fig. 5. AFM micrographs of (a) an SiO2 surface, and monolayers terminated in (b) -NH2 (APTES), (c) -NCS (DITC), and (d) βCDNH2.
Table 4
Summary of results obtained from the kinetic models applied to 4CPA capture.
Kinetic model qe (exp.) qe (calc.) [mmol/ k1 [h−1] R2
[mmol/substrate] substrate]
B.A. Herrera, et al. Carbohydrate Polymers 233 (2020) 115865
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