AAR of Kundan Misthan Bhandar
AAR of Kundan Misthan Bhandar
AAR of Kundan Misthan Bhandar
Shri Vipin Chanrlra (Mernber)
+ft Ano q-q (e-q-sl
Shri Amit Gupta (Mcmbcr)
,fr oTfr-d '
TFrr (H(s)
The 22"'t day of October.,20lg
No: 0()/20tg_19
Ruf ing
srBq frft"tq HrHr
Applicarion No: 0g/201B_t 9
sltrEiq qlg4f. 08 / 2018_1s
A pp licant
i M/s. KuncJalr Misthan gha,r,Jon Subl, sh
srrlq-fi Mar'l<et, Ranrrragar. Nain ital (Unaral<
and ),
') J rI rru tudULItal L/IIlcef
erffiorerfffi ASStslant Uolrrrnissiorrer Rarrge_l Il.
Present for the Applicant
J Arsnwalya Shanra, Advocate
GilA-f,fr qn Gr)-i rl sqRarfl
Preserrt 1'or the Jurisdictional bfficer
.tf}-ntr* srfhnTft +t onq *
Date of receipt oruppti*tion"rft"; 26.u6./.u l6
3il?T{ yrfr fi frfs
_.-srv vrc r vr J|\JUat ngaflllg
6 05.09.2018
v \ aft ftls
... '
Not e i lJnder. Seuiorr. 100(i) of' rhc Urrarakl rrcl Goocls alrd
agailtstst this
th -
ltrlirru lies [rc.lirr.c, the aPpellirtc airthor.irl
Ser.r,iccs I ax Act. 20 7, arr a ppcal
- aclvance ruling constilutecj Lrrrder I )clt0n-'99 of^
the Ufiara
ttaral<hand Goods arrd Services Tax
Act. 20 | 7, ithirr a period of 30 clays frorn
th is. order'.
the datr of serviice of
3. In the present rc se applicant
has sought advance ruling
acnvrty of the a hether the
icant is supply of goods or
supply of ..ru] s, nature &
rate of tax on I ms and
"input tax credit.
Therefore, in t s of
Section 9T(2) (d), (e) said
& (g) of Act, the present applicatio
admittEd for thE uestions is hereby
supra in terms of Section gZ(2)
provisions of saifl I Act. The
tion are reproduced below :
'{g) whether dn
to anA goods o !:!::y!",o, tlt:irlg a.mounts
done by the"appricant wit
Eoods or serui :":f:: !3t,n
or both, u.tithin the
to or risutts in a
LT L up,ely of
.meaning of that term.
5.1 Whether suppllr of pure food items such as sr,r'eetmeats, natrrl< ens, cold
drink ar-rd other edible items from a sweetshop which ^l runs a
(90) "principal supplyt' means the sr-rpply o'f goods or servi CS which
constitutes the predominant elemenl of a composite suppiy at to urhich
any other supply forming part of that composite supply is ancil ry;
separateiy and is not dependent on any other. In Mixed SuirRiV, the
of business.
l,-,ppfy i.
Supply. Once Lhe amenability of thc transaction as a composit.
ruled out, it u,ould be a mixed supply, classified in terms of a
{uppiy ot
goods or services attracting highest rate of tax.
in the
normal course of business, I
ln the instant case the nature of restaurant services is such t at lt may
be treated as the main supply and the other suppiies mbined
rn,ith such main supply are in the nature of incidental or anciilary
services. Thus restaurant services get the character of pr orninant
supply over other supplies. Therefore in the present case the su piy shall
be treated as suppiy bf service and the sweet shop shall be eated as
extension of the restaurant in as much as the said activitlr cove under
Schedule II of the Act ibid and the relevant portion of the san read as
ISee sectiot't 7]
6. Composite supply
5.2 Now we come to issue o{ applicability of GST rate. Since we al ady held
above that the activity of the applicant come under the ,u-i.* of
"restaurant services", the same falls under Heading 9963 of ST rates
on services under Notification No. IL12017- Central Rate ) dated
28.06.2017 ( as amended time to time) and the relevant por or-r o1 the
lhe supply 'shall be treated as supply or service and sw et shop
shall be treated as extension of restaurant;
(ii) The rate of GST on aforesaid activity wil be svo as
on dat , on the
condition that credit of input tax .t'rurg"a on goods
and servlces
used in supplying the said service has not been i.k.r,;
(ii i) All the items including takeaway items from the said InlSCS
shall attract GST of 5%o as on date surbject to the conditio
of non
availment of credit of input tax charged on goods and
servi s used
in supplying the said service.
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