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TV interpreting is a special form of interpreting for several reasons. Not only the challenges
interpreters are faced with, but also the expectations towards their performance as well as
the technology involved differ greatly from conventional conference interpreting.
Unlike public broadcasting companies in Germany, the European culture channel ARTE
(Association Relative à la Télévision Européenne) works with interpreters on a regular basis
and has its own language service. A comprehensive survey was conducted amongst TV
interpreters working both for ARTE and other broadcasters. Additionally, editors and TV
interpreters from public television in Germany were questioned. These studies as well as
insights gained from ARTE staff paint a clear picture of interpreting for public television
in Germany and highlight the differences between ARTE and other broadcasting
TV interpreting in Germany 99
and speak on the media of television in German-speaking countries in order to
make communication possible first of all between the persons conversing on the
television screen, but also above all with the audience sitting in front of their TV
sets at home.
The term “media interpreter” has now arrived in Germany, as media
interpreting – which in this article is limited to live interpreting for television
programmes of all kinds – constitutes a special form of interpreting in many
respects. It can also be viewed as a new occupation in the age of globalisation (cf.
Riccardi 2000: 83).
Even though only a relatively low number of interpreters work for television, it
is especially their interpreting which reaches the largest group of recipients, thus
having a major impact on the image the public has of interpreters. For Jürgen
Stähle, an experienced TV interpreter who works inter alia at ARD, ZDF and ARTE2
and has been awarded the Adolf Grimme Prize3, simultaneous interpreting on
television is the showcase of the profession (cf. Stähle 2009: 55). A similar view is
expressed by Ingrid Kurz, also a TV interpreter for many years, working mainly
for ORF4: “Ein Millionenpublikum [bekommt] ein unmittelbares Bild vom Beruf
des Dolmetschers ins Haus geliefert [Millions of television viewers gain direct
insight into the profession of interpreters]” (Kurz 2000: 89). She assumes that
good interpreting enhances the standing of the profession (cf. Kurz 2000: 90).
Vice versa this means that poor interpreting, in which the audience demand for
a “satisfactory product” (Lerke 2010) is not met, has a negative impact on the
image of the profession. This is confirmed by commentaries in various
newspapers on the (poor) Arab-German interpreting on 10 February 2011
broadcast on ZDF’s Heute-Journal, covering President Mubarak’s address to the
Egyptian people5.
In contrast to countries like Italy and Austria, where there have been numerous
publications on TV interpreting since 1990 (summaries can be found in Straniero
Sergio 2007; Kurz 2003, 2007; Pöchhacker 2007), there is a relative dearth of
information on it in Germany. Only recently has the topic been addressed more
intensively, especially in the form of academic theses and dissertations at
universities (cf. Elsagir 1999; Fünfer 2009; Lerke 2010). Interpreters themselves
have remained more or less silent on the topic to date with the exception of
interviews with Sybille von Mühlmann (2002) or the “close-up inside” Vom
Übersetzen zum Simultandolmetschen by Jürgen Stähle (2009).
All publications emphasise that television interpreting is of a rather impersonal
nature all its own. This is attributed among other things to the group of
recipients: on the one hand there are the on-screen users, who communicate with
each other on various topics with the interpreter acting as a mediator between
2.2 Recruitment
It is in this connection that the question arises as to the recruitment criteria for
interpreters. At ARTE a search for suitable interpreters is triggered by enquiries
made by the editorial desk in charge of the Language Service, which supports the
interpreting jobs. In selecting the interpreters, the Language Service uses a pool
With regard to the question as to preparation for the interpreting job, all ARTE
and PB interpreters surveyed unanimously agreed as to the need for such
preparation, although there are considerable differences with regard to the form
and scope of that preparation, as this depends on the respective programme or
the editors in charge.
The interpreters are generally notified about the broadcast and topic as well as
the name of the person who is to be interpreted so that they can conduct their
own research. In the case of entertainment and magazine broadcasts, PB
interpreters in particular usually receive documents with information on the
persons who are to be interpreted as well as a list of possible questions which may
be asked – the same lists which are supplied to the television presenters and
editorial desk. In some cases it is also possible to converse with the guest before
the broadcast. In the case of news and sports events, editors assume that the
interpreter is informed about the speaking style, pertinent terminology and
current developments.
Nevertheless, even at ARTE there are differences depending upon the broadcast,
the way in which it is produced and the manner in which the second language
version is produced. In addition to basic information regarding the individual
Major differences are evident with regards to the technology and equipment used
at ARTE and the public broadcasters. ARTE interpreters at headquarters in
Strasbourg have three sound-proof interpreting booths, each with three
interpreting workstations available for TV interpreting. Each workstation is
equipped with a monitor and an interpreting console with individual headsets
and a microphone designed for television recordings. The interpreters can adjust
the volume of the headsets individually, switch the microphone on and off
themselves and see the picture being broadcast. There is even a “cough” muting
key. Via an additional channel the interpreters have direct contact with the sound
engineers, who are described as helpful and patient, but make significant
demands on the interpreters in the sense that the interpreters are forced to adjust
their microphones and modulate their voice levels in line with the instructions
of the sound engineers. Thus it is important, for instance, to keep a constant
distance to the microphone. The ARTE interpreters expressed their satisfaction
regarding the equipment at the headquarters in Strasbourg.
There are no special booths exclusively used for interpreting by the public
broadcasters. In the booths used the interpreter has a monitor with an image of
the programme. The interpreting consoles are described by the interpreters inter
alia as “home-made” or “makeshift”. In other words, the equipment and the
operation of the equipment varies from assignment to assignment and
broadcaster to broadcaster, which means that the interpreters have to be flexible
and have an ability to adapt. On the whole, the interpreters depend to a high
degree on the sound engineers and their willingness to take the needs of
interpreters into account. Good communication with the sound engineers is
therefore held to be important. This is in line with statements by the programme
editors who for their part have an interest in close collaboration between the
production team, the sound engineers and the interpreters.
Even if the public broadcasting interpreters interviewed indicated that they
were on the whole satisfied with the technical conditions, two specific
suggestions for improvement were made. One interpreter expressed a desire for
interpreters to have more responsibility regarding technical issues, in particular
the possibility of switching on the microphone and going live oneself. Especially
when the sound engineers “are asleep at the wheel”, i.e. when they fail to switch
on the interpreter’s microphone, more control and autonomy on the part of the
interpreter would expedite and improve their work. It was furthermore suggested
that standard operating consoles such as those used in conference interpreting
be used.
The technical conditions at “field” locations, where the interpreter is for
example in the driver’s cabin of the outside broadcast van or in a lorry standing
next to it, appear to be more problematic both at ARTE and the public
broadcasters. Generally speaking, technical problems tend to crop up more often
in such situations. On the whole, technical problems cannot be entirely
eliminated either at ARTE or the public broadcasting companies, however. These
problems are therefore still considered one of the biggest stress factors in TV
8 The questions concerning the skills and abilities were in both cases open questions.
9 Pleasant voice (angenehme Stimme); fluency of delivery (flüssige Wiedergabe); logical
cohesion of utterance (logisch zusammenhängender Text); sense consistency with the
original message (inhaltliche Übereinstimmung); native accent (Muttersprachler).
Diagram 1: Assessment of the quality criteria pleasant voice, fluency, sense consistency by
persons in charge of television programming (Kurz/Pöchhacker 1995),
ARTE interpreters (Fünfer 2009), persons in charge of public broadcasting
programming (data collected for the present paper by Andres/Fünfer 2010-
2011) and public broadcasting interpreters (data collected for the present
paper by Andres/Fünfer 2010-2011). Overview of the relative weighting of
the quality criteria. The higher the value, the more important it is.
10 The PB interpreters were asked to weight the importance of content and form, whereby
fluency and pleasant voice were considered as form and sense consistency as content
in order to ensure a better comparability.
The assessment by the ARTE interpreters who were only allowed to assign each
weight once and those who in some cases assigned the same weight are not
identical to the results of the study by Kurz/Pöchhacker (1995). While persons in
charge of television programming (1995) emphasised content, the ARTE
interpreters considered the criteria of pleasant voice and fluency of the
presentation to be more important. This could be related to the fact that
interpreters at ARTE are integrated into everyday television production and a
halting presentation over time would be very disturbing. What is not readily
evident from Diagram 1 is that a majority of the ARTE interpreters were of the
opinion that there is a difference compared to conference interpreting
assignments in their weighting of the criteria – thus, they viewed sense
consistency to be more important and the criteria involving the presentation such
as pleasant voice or fluency to be less crucial. A distinction according to setting –
even if within television interpreting and not between television interpreting
and conference interpreting – was also made by the public broadcasting
interpreters (2010), accordingly making different weightings (cf. Diagram 1). It is
interesting that more than 20% of the ARTE interpreters surveyed did not or were
not inclined to assign any weighting. This is mirrored by the weighting assigned
by the public broadcasting editors who ranked the various factors equally, but also
by the public broadcasting interpreters who made a distinction according to the
setting (cf. Diagram 1). It is apparently difficult for all respondents to decide on a
clear weighting. Hence if the interpreters are not able to successfully achieve
sense consistency and fluency of presentation together, and if they are forced as
a result of cognitive overload to make sacrifices of one sort or another, their
decision depends on the genre of the broadcast or the discourse: in the case of an
information programme or political declarations, the content is considered to be
more important than with entertainment programmes or broadcasts of sporting
events in which the “comfort factor” and “consumer capitalism” play a significant
role (cf. Katan/Straniero Sergio 2003: 131). If there are any technical or acoustic
deficits causing the interpreter problems in understanding what is said, there is
a tendency to rely on intuition and, in case of doubt, as one interpreter states in
the survey, “to say something which sounds good in the given situation”.
If one examines the statements made by the public broadcasting editors and
thus those persons in charge of the TV programming (2010) regarding the same
topic in detail, it becomes clear that an orientation towards the target group, i.e.
a presentation which is appropriate for the media and thus a pleasant voice are
considered to be absolutely imperative. The word “pleasant”, which was
mentioned in each of the interviews, is by the same token a rubric for a broad
range of adjectives such as lively, interesting, lovely, credible and clearly
articulated. Fluency in speaking is also part of this. Hesitating noises, so typical of
Statements made by 12 ARTE interpreters who have also worked for other
broadcasters differed as far as expectations at ARTE regarding the quality of
interpreting is concerned as well as with regard to the question as to whether they
believe that the expectations on the part of ARTE are greater than those for other
broadcasters. While some of the interpreters surveyed answered this question in
the affirmative, others did not believe there was any difference, noting that
demands on TV are greater on the whole.
There was greater unison with regard to the assessment of requirements at
ARTE in comparison to conferences. Two-thirds of the persons surveyed stated
that demands at ARTE are greater – with this applying to language, reactions,
speed, pronunciation, voice, voice-leading, but also with respect to factors specific
to ARTE such as reviews by the Language Service or the editors, who apply higher
standards than conference audiences.
The amount of stress in live recordings was also held to be greater than at
conferences: nine out of twelve interpreters who assessed work at ARTE as being
stressful on the whole made explicit statements in this regard. The reasons they
cited corresponded to those put forward in the literature (cf. Kurz 2002b): no
contact with the audience, large numbers of listeners and no possibilities for
corrections. Out of the five interpreters who described work at ARTE as not being
3. Prospects
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