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Impactor-Installation Manual

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‘CODE: CETHAR LIMITED Sheet $.0, NO.0602123 of 13 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS & MAINTENANCE MANUAL FOR IMPACTOR 1200MM X 1200MM EQPT. M/C. NOS. 697 & 698 McNally SAY Aul IMPACTOR 1200 @ X 1200 MM. WIDE THIS MANUAL IS FOR INSTALLATION OF MACHINE AS. PER FEEDING ARRANGEMENTS SHOWN IN THE GENERAL ARRANGEMENT DRAWING, ERECTION, COMMISSIONING AND RUNNING OF IMPACTOR 1200 @ X 1200 MM. WIDE (1700 EK). PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE YOU PROCEED. FOR ANY CLARIFICATION, PLEASE SEND US A WRITTEN COMMUNICATION. DAMAGE DUE TO NEGLIGENCE, IMPROPER HANDLING, ERECTION OR ANY ALTERATION(S) CARRIED OUT WITHOUT OUR KNOWLEDGE OR OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL OR IGNORANCE OF THESE INSTRUCTIONS WILL NOT BE BORNE BY ‘McNally SAYAJI’ CLIENT : CETHAR LIMITED 4, DINDIGUL ROAD TIRUCHIRAPALLI TAMIL NADU - 620 001 A/C. DANGOTE INDUSTRIES, AFRICA ® 0431 - 2482452/53/54 & 0431 - 2481079 DX venkateshprasad.r@cethar.com MANUFACTURER ° McNally Sayaji Engineering Limited ta ‘A Subsidiary of McNally Bharat Engineering Company Limited ‘Chhani Road Baroda-390 002 india P +91 0265 2793650 2780791-95 F +91 0265 2791914 E mie brémbecl.coin W ver amerallyoharatcom CODE: CETHAR LIMITED Sheet —_$.0. NO.0602123 Zof 13, OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS & MAINTENANCE _MANUAL FOR IMPACTOR 1200MM X 1200MM_ EQPT. M/C. NOS. 697 & 698 INDEX [SR.NO. DESCRIPTION T PAGE NUMBER | 1 | APPLICATION & TECHNICAL DATA 3 of 13 2__| DESCRIPTION 45 of 13 [3 | OPERATION : 1 6-7 of 13 4 | IMPORTANT POINTS FOR MAINTENANCE & OPERATIONAL 8 of 13 PERSONNEL 5 _| LUBRICATION 9-10 of 13 6 __| RECOMMENDED SPARES 11 of 13, 7__ | RECOMMENDED TOOLS 120f13 ‘| [8 _ | DRAWING LIST 13 of 13, MANUFACTURER McNally Sayaji Engineering Limited AscnianySictiy eat necingcomoany ented x) SLND Chan Road Bard $90 00 India 491 0265 2794650 270079195 F +91 0265 2791914 Eins bec con W woe enalybarat con CODE: CETHAR LIMITED Sheet $.0. NO.0602123 3 of 13 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS & MAINTENANCE MANUAL FOR IMPACTOR 1200MM X 1200MM EQPT. M/C. NOS. 697 & 698 APPLICATION DATA No. 22222CK + H322 Material to be Handled |: | Prescreened South African Coal = Feed Size 2 | +6 -80mm Product Size 2 | -6mm @80% Capacity : | 80 TPH Rated / 97 TPH Design TECHNICAL DATA Type : | 1700 EK Non Reversible impactor Size 3 1200mm DIA x 1200mm WIDTH Rotor Speed | 30 M/Sec. (480 RPM Approx.) Motor (Recommended) : | 180 HP 1485 RPM TEFC Sq. Cage, Induction Motor, Frame -315 M PULLEYS Motor Pulley : | 315mm P.C.D. 8 grove of D Section Machine Pulley : | 1006 mm P.C.D. 8 grove of D Section “V" Belts : | Belt D 7650/D298 Set of 8 Nos. Bearings : | Spherical Roller Bearing No.22230 CK+H3130 | Coupling : | Fluid Coupling SMD9 | Bearing (Counter Drive) | : | Spherical Roller Bearing MANUFACTURER McNally Sayaji Engineering Limited ‘A Subsidiary of McNally Bharat Engineering Company Limited (Chhani Rod Bareds-190 002 India P 499 0265 2795050 2780791-95 F +91 0265 2791914 E mseid@mbed.coin W wwrw menalybhara.com ® SAYAgI) CODE: CETHAR LIMITED Sheet $.0, NO.0602123 4 of 13 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS & MAINTENANCE MANUAL FOR IMPACTOR 1200MM X 1200MM. Description General application and construction of Machine. General application The light duty Impact Breaker is a rugged machine. This is suitable for medium hard and soft material like Limestone, Coal etc. Construction of Machine The Impact Breaker essentially consists of the lower housing, upper*housing with side liners, rotor with fixed impact blades and adjustable breaker plate. The housing consists of welded, fabricated steel structure suitably reinforced with heavy cross-members. The upper and lower housings are bolted with each other. The side walls of the housings are screwed with replaceable liner plates. These liners can be replaced through inspection doors. Breaker plate assembly consists of fabricated hinge bracket made from thick plates to which breaker plates are bolted. The bracket is hinged in the upper housing and it can be adjusted to maintain a required gap between impact blade and breaker plate. Due to wear, the thickness of breaker plate will decrease. The breaker plates are so arranged that the material thrown by the impact blades strike it, and gets reflected back to the sphere of action of rotor. Rotor assembly is main and important assembly of the Impactor. The rotor consists of machined shaft of forged alloy steel supported on two self aligned spherical roller bearing of either end. The bearing housing is sealed with dust- proof labyrinths filled with grease. At one end of the shaft a pulley is mounted which transmits drive from motor to the rotor shaft through “V” belts. MANUFACTURER McNally Sayaji Engineering Limited ‘A Subsidiary of McNally Bharat Engineering Company Limited CCihani Road Baroda-390 002 Inia P 91 0265 2793650 2780791-95 F +91 0265 2791914 Emse bed@mbecLoo.in W swrwmenallybharatcon CODE: CETHAR LIMITED eeaek ~$.0, NO.0602123 5 of 13 ‘OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS & MAINTENANCE MANUAL FOR IMPACTOR 1200MM X 1200MM. EQPT. M/C. NOS. 697 & 698 The rotor drum is keyed to the shaft through hubs. The impact blades are bolted by high tensile bolt with the flats supported by back ribs on rotor drum. The impact blades are reversible and are in two pieces so that it can be adjusted as its wear along the width. The impact blades are accurately weighted and those of the same weights are placed in the same row to control the balancing. CChhani Read Bsroda-390 002 Inia 4.91 0265 2793650 2720701-95 F +31 0265 2791914 E mse bedzambec.cain W wrw.mnenalydhart.com Wise McNally Sayaji Engineering Limited y 'A Subsidiary of MeNally Bharat Engineering Company Limited Operation 1. CODE: CETHAR LIMITED Sheet $.0. NO.0602123 6 of 13 ‘OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS & MAINTENANCE MANUAL FOR IMPACTOR 1200MM X 1200MM EQPT. M/C. NOS. 697 & 698 The points to be checked before starting the Impact Breaker for crushing operatior a) b) ° d) a) b) ° d) All bolts and screws of Impact breaker are to be checked. Very wet and sticky material should not be fed as it will stick to the impact blades and breaker plates. It is important to note that during testing (before commissioning) and during running, the motor and starter should be of adequate capacity to bring Impact Breaker rotor to full speed. Ensure that the Impact Breaker is free of any foreign material. The points to be kept in mind for operation of Impactor. The Impactor is non-reversible. The breaker plate are not reversible. The gap between rotor tip and breaker plate can be adjusted on the lower portions with spring loaded spindle arrangement. The clearance between impact blade tips and bottom end of breaker plate, this gap difference gives corresponding reduction ratio. The bottom tip of breaker plate is so adjusted that it gives the required out-put size of material. Impact blades are reversible and can be used two times. The Impactor should run smoothly without vibration and noise. Any sudden noise indicates presence of large size of foreign material or tramp iron. Don’t continue to run with this noise as it will damage the Impactor. Impactor is brought to rest and examined. MANUFACTURER McNally Sayaji Engineering Limited ‘A Subsidiary of McNally Bharat Engineering Company Limited CChinani Road Baroda-390 002 India 91 0265 2703650 2780791.95 F +91 0265 2791914 Emsesorl@mbec.con W www. menallyddara.com, e) f) CODE: CETHAR LIMITED Sheet 5.0, NO.0602123 7 of 13 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS & MAINTENANCE MANUAL FOR IMPACTOR 1200MM X 1200MM. EQPT. M/C. NOS. 697 & 698 Feeding can start when the rotor has reached its full speed. The feeding should take place across the full width of the rotor. Feed should be free of foreign and un-crushable material. Safety device for Rotor Safety device is meant for protection of rotor from over load and un- crushable material. Under normal condition, this device is the gap adjustment for breaker plate. The bottom part of the beaker plate is supported by stud and helical spring. Due to over load the breaker plate will be compressed against spring and oversize trempiron material will fall down. Pre-compression of the spring is set to suit the material. Replacing of Worn-out parts: 1. The breaker plate can be replaced by opening the rear side cover. 2. Side liners in the upper and lower housing can be replaced by removing the upper housing. 3. To arrange/replace the impact blades, open the rear side cover, after that remove the Nib bolts or socket head cap screw. The Impact Blade is free now and can be replace/rearrange easily. MANUFACTURER McNally Sayaji Engineering Limited 'A Subsidiary of McNally Bharat Engineering Company Limited ‘Chan Road Baceda-390 002 India P £91 0265 2793650 2780791-95 F +91 0265 2799914 Ermee.brd@mbect.co.in W www mcnallydharetcon CODE: CETHAR LIMITED Sheet $.0. NO.0602123 8 of 13 ‘OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS & MAINTENANCE MANUAL FOR IMPACTOR 1200MM X 1200MM EQPT. M/C. NOS. 697 & 698 IMPORTANT POINTS FOR MAINTENANCE & OPERATIONAL PERSONNEL During disassembly mark the parts with a piece of chalk for the easy recognition while assembling back to avoid costly mistakes. Grease according to schedule. Check all fasteners from time to time. Vee belt guards are to be in position all the time except during vee belt changing. Before switching on, ensure the movement of rotor towards the Breaker Plate. Impact breaker should run guilty without any unusual noise i.e. no part should collide with one another. The impact breaker must always be started without load. After attaining the rated speed of rotor, start feeding. The material should be strictly fed uniformly across the width of the rotor and should be directed to the crushing zone or sphere action. After some service, if vibrations are noticed, it indicates unusual wear of Impact Blades. Examine the Blades carefully and bring the weight equal to the other blades in the same row. Never run the Impact Breaker without a blade. Ensure that all the vee belts are in position. Never run the Impact Breaker with any one of them missing. MANUFACTURER McNally Sayaji Engineering Limited ‘A Subsidiary of McNally Bharat Engineering Company Limited Chinn Road Baroée390 002 india P 4910265 2793650 2700791-95 F +91 0265 2791914 Eman brd@mbechco in W vrew menalybhartcom CODE: CETHAR LIMITED Sheet $.0. NO.0602123 9 of 13, ‘OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS & MAINTENANCE. MANUAL FOR IMPACTOR 1200MM X 1200MM. EQPT. M/C. NOS. 697 & 698 LUBRICATION Refer drawing of Bearing Assembly and follow the instructions as per lubrication schedule. This is to be strictly followed. Bearing Blocks are filled with grease at our works to last for nearly four weeks. However, check grease before commissioning the Impact Breaker. In case the machine was idle for along time, check the bearing for any rust formation and take necessary action to remove it. Labyrinths are to be with full of grease all the time. While greasing, it is necessary to rotate the shaft so that grease gets filled up all over the periphery of labyrinth alley. Every six months, the labyrinths are to be washed from old grease and filled with fresh grease. To do this, open the covers and clean with Benzene or Kerosene. Every two years of operation, the bearing blocks are to be dismantled, all parts and bearings thoroughly cleaned with kerosene or benzene and checked. Reassemble with fresh grease. Too much grease heats up the bearing while running. During initial periods check the quantity by opening the covers. Do not wipe off the grease from nipples after greasing cycle is over. Depending upon the local condition, the greasing schedule may have to be revised in consultation with Service Engineers from bearing manufacturers. The other rotating parts should be lubricated frequently for low wear with stationary parts. MANUFACTURER McNally Sayaji Engineering Limited ‘A Subsidiary of McNally Bharat Engineering Company Limited CChhsani Road Barods-380 007 India P +91 0265 2793650 2780791-95 F +91 0265 2791914 Emse.brddambec.co.in W worw.nenallybharal.corn CODE : CETHAR LIMITED Sheet 5.0. NO.0602123 10 of 13 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS & MAINTENANCE. MANUAL FOR IMPACTOR 1200MM X 1200MM. EQPT. M/C. NOS. 697 & 698 LUBRICATION CHART OF IMPACT BREAKER Lubri- | Type [Frequency | Lubricant | First | Qnty. | HP | INDIAN cation | Of | of Lubri- | properties | Filling | During oll Part | Lubri- | cation running cation Bearing | Manual | 400 hrs. Lithium 500 50 gms | Lithon- | Mobilux- 3 3 blocks on | by base. brg. | gms rotor | grease Grease shaft | gun Labyrinth | Manuat [Every 3] - do - AS Asreqd.|-do- | -do- rings by days reqd. (inner & | grease outer) | gun rotate shaft till grease goes out Hinge Pin | Manual | Every 10] - do - As | Asreqd.[-do- | -do- Shaft on | by days reqd. body 2x2 | grease =4 gun MANUFACTURER McNally Sayaji Engineering Limited ‘A Subsidiary of McNally Bharat Engineering Company Limited ‘Chhsni Road Baroda-390 002 India +91 0265 2793650 2780791.95 F +91 0765 2791914 Emsels@mbecl.co.in_W wiyw.menallybharacomn SS .s CODE: CETHAR LIMITED Sheet S.0. NO.0602123 11 of 13 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS & MAINTENANCE MANUAL FOR IMPACTOR 1200MM X 1200MM EQPT. M/C. NOS. 697 & 698 RECOMMENDED SPARES [SR. | DRG. NO. /SIZE DESCRIPTION ary. No. | 1 | 1602026-01-01 Impact Blade 6x2 = 12 Nos. 2_| 23827-1212 Grinding Gib (Straight) _ [3x2 = 6 Nos. 3 | 23827-1212 | Grinding Gib (Curved) | 3x 2= 6 Nos. 4 | 135x270x 73 Spherical Roller Brg. No. | 2 Sets HEHEHE 22230 CK + H3130 5 |D7650/D298 V-Belt ‘D’ Section ‘Matched Set of 8 Nos. 6 | PS 3624 ~__|Helical Coil Spring _| 2 Nos. [7 | 9602124.02.01 M Liner Plate 1 Set 8 | 4010/12-02-03 | Bush (AtHinge Pin) __| 2 Nos. 9 | 3018/22-03-03 Nib Bolt (M30) for Impact | 48 Nos.(Approx.) eperecsizes Blade : T40 | M16 X 60 Lg “¢’ Sunk Hex Flat Head | 170 Nos. | ae Cap Screw oe 11 | 6802042.02.06.01 | Motor Pulley “8-D’ TNo. 315 PCD “42 |100@x200x53 | Spherical Roller Bearing | 2 Sets No. 22222CK + H322_ —_ [Machine Pulley 8-D 1006 [1 No. Nib Bolt for Grinding Gib_ | 48 Nos. 13_[4512013.1.01.01 14 | 18779-1212/8-09 MANUFACTURER McNally Sayaji Engineering Limited {A Subsidiary of McNally Bharat Engineering Company Limited ‘Caan’ Road B9r043-390 002 Inca P 4.91 0265 2793650 2780791-95 F +91 0265 279194 Emsebrd@mbecLco.in W wavemenalibharatcon CODE: CETHAR LIMITED Sheet $.0. NO.0602123 12 of 13 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS & MAINTENANCE. MANUAL FOR IMPACTOR 1200MM X 1200MM EQPT. M/C. NOS. 697 & 698 RECOMMENDED TOOLS DESCRIPTION USED FOR QUANTITY D. E. Spanner 13-14 ‘M6 Hex Head - 1 D. E. Spanner 15-16 ‘M8 Hex Head He 7 1 D. E. Spanner 19-20 ‘M12 Hex Head 1 D. E. Spanner 24-26 M16 Hex Head 1 D. E. Spanner 27-29 M18 Hex Head 4 D. E. Spanner 30-32 M20 Hex Head i D. E. Spanner M24 Hex Head 1 [Hook spanner Lock nut of 1408 7 Allen key M10 Grub Screw 2 Screw driver 12 inch General use 1 Hammer 2 Ibs. (approx) _| General use 1 Grease gun with adapter_| For greasing 1 MANUFACTURER McNally Sayaji Engineering Limited tea) ‘A Subsidiary of McNally Bharat Engineering Company Limited CChhani Road Bareds-390 002 India 4.91 0265 2793650 2780791-95 F +31 0265 2791914 E msebdgmbeclco.n W wirw.menallybharat.com CODE: CETHAR LIMITED Sheet $.0. NO.0602123 i 13 of 13 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS & MAINTENANCE MANUAL FOR IMPACTOR 1200MM X 1200MM EQPT. M/C. NOS. 697 & 698 LIST OF DRAWINGS _DRG. NO. Ez DESIGNATION 0602123.00.00 R3 G. A. of IMPACTOR (EK) _____| 1200 8 x 1200 w 2__ | 1802051.01.00M Rotor Assembly a 3 | 22488.1100.01 M Bearing Assembly aH (Counter Bearing) (Bearing No. 22222CK) Type-A | 4 22188.1100.03 M Bearing Assembly (Main Bearing) (Bearing No. 22230 CK) Type-B 5 | 9602124.02.01 M | Location of Liner Plate - 6 | 7602062.05.00 M Spring Assembly for Gap Setting — The above drawings are enclosed for spare parts, location of spare, for understanding of their mounting and dismounting. MANUFACTURER McNally Sayaji Engineering Limited ‘A Subsidiary of McNally Bharat Engineering Company Limited CChhani Read Hareda-200 002 lia P 491 0265 2793650 278079195 F +91 0265 2791914 E msebidambecl.con W worwncnallybhara.com ‘ \ A NX a sts GA HEX. SOCKET GRUB SCREW ‘SPRING DOWEL “SLEEVE. ‘GREASE_NIPPLE HEX, SCREW Eve BO ay BEARING COVER DESCRIPTION rN ASD 2 18 | 9602124.02.01 UNER PLATE SR. 3 17 | 9602124.02.01 LINER PLATE SR. 2 16 | FOR DOOR SIDE | LINER PLATE SR. 2 fe LNER PLATE SR. 4 14) FoR Fee sive | UNER PLATE SR. 2 13 : LINER. PLATE SR. 2 12 | LINER PLATE SR. 3 41. = UNER PLATE SR. 2 10. 7 LINER PLATE SR. 2 se 9 E UUNER PLATE SR. 2 8 z LINER (PLATE SR. “2 7. UNER “PLATE SR. 4 6 [LINER PLATE” SR. 2 3 B LINER® PLATE SR. ie 2. 4 2 LINER PLATE. SR- 4 3 ie LINER “PLATE SR. 24 2 7 LINER PLATE SR. 2 4 | 9602124.02.01 LINER PLATE SR. Z 2 i 36: |. DRAWING. NO. | DESCRIPTION” = _ |MATL.| STD} QTY. IWEIGHT|REMARK' & | DATE |30/01/12| SCALE: ~ [ota “were IN KG, 4 BRN: [BHARAT| LOCATION OF LINER PLATE Res ealsavadi 8 [cup] ee] * Bog [sro Rev. si9 MeMally SAYAJ ENGINEERING LIMITED gio)et © cin Toa: BARODA~390 002 9602124.02.01.M 3 1 3 AL cca . FA = I seas "| eS i os 3 D | ot Pec Le A 36 : t 1900 OPENING [sso] 3 I WOODEN PLAN 5 LA | 330 886 1434 2770. C/e. 328_P.C.D.. 1008 P.c.0. “| 14 z * Poke § & poh g pee oes era ola i 38 H T ps aS § | 6 me 4 4 2 : | joa ¢ gts ee i a ead S| ay ft |e § 1 L I i L + ? a = DESCRIPTION ‘Sh 8B MP, 1200axt200w)se DRWE assiy. |Z i sw y] sous: 3 | — PROVIDE LIFTING LUGS PRACTICALLY AT ASSLY. FOUNDATION _L¢ = ~ FEED TO CRUSHER TO BE INLINE; UNIFORM, FULL WIDTH 3 REGULATED AND VERTICAL FALL OF 1600/1200 MIN./MAX. FOR DESIRED PERFORMANCE. i brane |. 2 | MAINTENANCE SPACE 1M. REQUIRE ALL AROUND THE” EQUIPMENT Re = ND. POWER PACK LOCATION ON ASSLY. Sosa tes = OFFSET OR RIGHT ANGLE FEEDING NOT ACCEPTABLE. : = FOUNDATION BOLTS IN M/S MSEL SCOPE JORVE UNIT] 2.5. TOLERANCES TO BE AS SPECIFIED BELOW UNLESS OTHERWISE FABRICATIC estes ae AND STRUCT > LE rae: 9/506/00~10/PACTOR/1200K12 Brook All /\, |§.0.C. OF BLADE & GRINDING GIB REVISED, REF, CLIENT E-MAIL OT, 21/07/11. REF. CLIENT LETTER OT. 18/04/13. REV. ALTERATION 2.0.3. mm, © Up to £0.50: mm 315 am £.0.80-rmm 2 min | 8 ‘ zw. aS ¢ { a ‘200 06¢-vaoNve ‘av qo uw >» wu ¢ = 00° OO ESISO9O” ca wi oNnzANION Pers ‘uns 002 wus Q00t kz i 2 = = 0001 =.ste e a) - Pa Wie 7] pra mooer x aooet aloo s ALR 2 Saatchi i vid - ies 8 IPvAWS S63 HOLOVANI Geonsnea] 3 | SoS GINS SS Ni AMON “WLOL eziit awos |H/10/50| iva] 3 ot ost ot os [ee pavrae —- [asd [ais ivw NOWLdIOSaa “oN oniavaa [ON ost os | en [va a wy JOVI LOVAINI) 4 PTWLNOZIIOH | WOLLIIA SRO fring 8 uv | Baap Paes aio oven 2 V SINHA 7 [RRR so vved ‘SNISROH| € ‘SINNOL-AT VIVO-GVOT-NOTL asi] [eswe SANT 30S + 2 ae = (ous BINION WoRGHES) “OUe Nin] OLEH + nooeeze| Ss z [Sel - ((o’ia_ ATION TWoRISHaS) “Oetel_BaINNOD| ween + Nozeeze| Oo WIT TOT NOT ie a “avis BOLO Z ‘ a “DSS .C, BAOOND B 'GId SZE_ATTINd HOLON| e L 908 X 00! 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