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The Moral Agent - Group 2 morally good and bad and to judge when an unusual

action is appropriate or not

Parts of Presentation
Culture is a complex phenomenon. It contains nearly
I. Culture in Moral Behavior all aspects of shared human experiences. Culture
possesses five basic elements symbols, language,
II. Culture and its Role in Moral Behavior beliefs, values, and norms (Gallinero, 2018)
III. Cultural relativism Plato implied that if a person's cultural surroundings
reward conformity to agreeable norms, it would lead
IV. Filipino Culture
the person to behave much better and quell
V. Human values undesirable conduct (Gallinero, 2018). Furthermore,
moral rules and the sense of moral obligation and
What does culture mean? There are several accountability are products of social convention and
definitions of culture. It is commonly understood that social conditioning. The aspect of morality is taught,
culture is found everywhere and appears to be part of and people learn moral and immoral from cultural
our behavior and life. transmitters: the parents, teachers, novels, films, TV
shows, etc. (De Guzman, 2018).
Culture is the total of the learned behavior of a group
of people that is generally considered the tradition of Many aspects of morality are taught. People learn
that people and is transmitted from generation to morals and aspects of right or wrong from transmitters
generation. It is a symbolic communication, some of of culture: respect parents, teachers, novels, films,
its symbols include a group's skills, knowledge, and television. Observing or watching them, people
attitudes, values, and motives. The meaning of the develop an idea of what is right and wrong, and what
symbols is learned and deliberately perpetuated in a is acceptable and what is not.
society through its institutions.
Anthropologically speaking, culture- including moral
The father of cultural anthropology, Edward Tylor values, beliefs, and behavior is learned from people
stated that in general, culture is the way of life of a while growing up in a particular society or group; and
group of people that "includes their knowledge, belief, so profoundly affects the thoughts, actions, and
art, morals, law, customs, and any other capabilities feelings of people in that group that "individuals are a
and habits acquired by man as a member of society" product of their culture" and "learning a culture is an
(Gallinero, 2018). essential part of human development.

"The moral agent" that we are referring to is no other Social learning is the process by which individuals
than YOU (or anyone) the one who is in charge and acquire knowledge from others in the groups to which
responsible for all of your actions and decisions. they belong, as a normal part of childhood. The
Generally, you will learn from this module how culture process by which infants and children socially learn
and Filipino moral Identity affect your behavior as a the culture, including the morality of those around
"moral agent. them is called "enculturation or socialization".

Culture's Role in Moral Behavior It is commonly assumed that there are discrepancies
between moral judgments and moral behaviors
A culture is a "way of life" of a group of people and because greater self-interest is at stake in behavior.
this so-called " way of life" actually includes moral Some of these discrepancies may be due instead to
values and behaviors, along with the knowledge, differences in the way the moral situation is construed
beliefs, and symbols they accept. Culture is learned in deciding how to behave vs. how to evaluate
as children grow up in society and discover how their behavior. Specifically, the moral situation is
parents and others around them interpret the world. In interpreted from the self’s perspective before a
our society, we learn to distinguish objects such as behavioral decision, whereas in the case of
cars, windows, and houses, recognize attributes like evaluation, it is construed from the perspective of an
sharp, hot, and beautiful; classify and perform observer judging the actor’s decision after the event.
different kinds of acts, and even "evaluate what is Judgment-behavior differences may also arise out of
differences in the complexity of the moral issue being Adults with full mental capacity relinquish their moral
decided. Assessments of moral behavior typically agency only in extreme situations, like being held
involve conflicts between moral and other kinds of hostage. By expecting people to act as moral agents,
pressures, whereas assessments of moral judgment we hold people accountable for the harm they cause
often involve dilemmas in which the conflict is others.
between two moral duties. These differences may
account for much of the divergence between moral Generally speaking, ethics is about matters such as
behavior and judgment. Principles of social cognition the good things that we should pursue and the bad
and decision-making should prove useful in things that we should avoid. The thing here is, it's not
understanding the extent to which moral judgment that it tells you what is right and wrong, but it will help
and behavior are related at different points in and guide you in determining it for yourself. How?
development. These conceptual and analytic tools will guide you in
your ethical thinking, and this will contribute to your
We review contemporary work on cultural factors intellectual competencies and analysis.
affecting moral judgments and values, and those
affecting moral behaviors. In both cases, we highlight Cultural relativism is a philosophical concept that
examples of within-societal cultural differences in suggests that the beliefs, values, and practices of a
morality, to show that these can be as substantial and culture should be understood and evaluated within the
important as cross-societal differences. Whether context of that particular culture, rather than using the
between or within nations and societies, cultures vary standards and values of another culture.
substantially in their promotion and transmission of a
The concept of cultural relativism has been explored
multitude of moral judgments and behaviors. Cultural
and discussed by various philosophers throughout
factors contributing to this variation include religion,
history. One of the most prominent advocates of
social ecology (weather, crop conditions, population
cultural relativism is the philosopher, Ruth Benedict.
density, pathogen prevalence, residential mobility),
In her book "Patterns of Culture" published in 1934.
and regulatory social institutions such as kinship
structures and economic markets. This variability Cultural relativism: Strengths and Weaknesses
raises questions for normative theories of morality but
also holds promise for future descriptive work on Strengths Weaknesses
moral thought and behavior.
•What is considered •It is an answer to cultural
Moral agency is an individual's ability to make moral morally right and wrong annihilation.
judgments based on some. notion of right and wrong should be judged based
and to be held accountable for these actions. When a on cultural context. •If universal standards do
person as an observer assesses the actions or not exist, so thus morality.
behavior of someone, she is making a moral •It might fall prey to the
judgment. idea that universal
standards do not exist.
A moral agent is "a being who is capable of acting
concerning right and wrong. A moral agent makes a
moral decision. That is, when he is placed in a
situation and confronted by the choice of what act to
perform. Cultural sensitivity is the key to cultural tolerance. It
is being aware that cultural differences and similarities
A moral agent is a person who can discern right from
between people exist without assigning them a value
wrong and be held accountable for his or her actions.
– positive or negative, better or worse, right or wrong
Moral agents have a moral responsibility not to cause
(Dabbah, 2014).
unjustified harm.
How can to improve cultural sensitivity?
Traditionally, moral agency is assigned only to those
who can be held responsible for their actions.  Exposure
Children, and adults with certain mental disabilities,
may have little or no capacity to be moral agents.  Education
 Curiosity forgiveness, honesty, and integrity, guiding
individuals' ethical conduct.
 Self-awareness
4. Hospitality and Generosity
Cultural relativism does not mean that all cultural
practices are equally valid or morally acceptable. It is Filipinos are known for their warm hospitality and
a framework for understanding and respecting cultural generosity towards guests and strangers. This cultural
diversity while acknowledging that certain universal trait fosters a sense of empathy, kindness, and
human rights and ethical standards should be upheld. willingness to help others in need.

_________________________________ 5. Strong Sense of Community

FILIPINO CULTURE Filipino culture emphasizes the importance of strong

social connections and mutual support networks. This
Filipino culture is rich and diverse, influenced by a encourages individuals to consider the well-being of
blend of indigenous, Malay, Spanish, American, and the community as a whole, leading to behaviors that
Chinese cultures. It's characterized by strong family prioritize collective welfare over individual interests.
ties, hospitality, fiestas, and traditions such as
bayanihan (community spirit) and respect for elders. These cultural influences collectively shape moral
Cuisine, music, dance (like tinikling), and festivals behavior in Filipino society, influencing how
(like Sinulog and Ati-Atihan) also play significant roles individuals interact with others, make ethical
in Filipino cultural identity. decisions, and contribute to the greater good of the
Several aspects of Filipino culture influence moral
behavior: Filipino culture significantly influences moral behavior
by emphasizing values such as respect for elders,
FAMILY VALUES strong family bonds, hospitality, and communal
responsibility. These values shape attitudes and
The concept of "kapwa" (shared humanity) behaviors toward others, fostering a sense of
emphasizes the interconnectedness of individuals empathy, compassion, and social cohesion within the
within the family and community. This fosters a sense community. Additionally, Filipino cultural practices
of responsibility towards one's family members and often prioritize collective well-being over individual
interests, encouraging cooperation, generosity, and
promotes behaviors that prioritize their well-being.
altruism. Overall, Filipino culture instills moral
principles that guide interpersonal relationships,
1. Respect for Elders
decision-making, and societal interactions.
Filipino culture places a high value on respecting
Human Values
elders and authority figures. This instills virtues like
obedience, deference, and consideration for the Values
wisdom and experience of older generations.
- The term was derived from the Latin word
2. Bayanihan Spirit ‘valeo’ which originally meant strength and
also health, and then by a natural transition, it
The tradition of bayanihan, or communal unity and
came to be effective and adequate.
cooperation, encourages individuals to support each
other in times of need. This promotes acts of - In French the term ‘valeur’ means excellence.
kindness, solidarity, and collective problem-solving
within the community. - They serve as a guide for human behavior.
Generally, people are predisposed to adopt
3. Religious Influence the values that they are raised with.
The predominantly Catholic faith in the Philippines What are human values?
plays a significant role in shaping moral values.
Religious teachings promote compassion, - "Human Values" is a phrase that refers to the
principles and beliefs that are important to
people. But here are the human values control, a feeling of peace and contentment
considered basic inherent values because fills our hearts.
they bring out the fundamental goodness of
human beings: truth, honesty, loyalty, love, 5. Non-violence
peace, etc.
- When our minds are quiet, our emotions are
- No human life is possible without values. in a state of balance; when there is no inner
Human values are those universal concepts, war going on and our desires are kept under
drivers, of action that are found in all cultures, control, a feeling of peace and contentment
in all societies, at all times, and in all places fills our hearts.
where human beings eke about their lives.  Personal non-violence involves respect for
- Human Values in Ethics are concepts that one's well-being, as well as that of others.
govern how people should act. These values  Social non-violence encompasses a
can provide a framework for ethical decision- sympathetic regard for all life.
 Universal non-violence is kindled by a sense
Nature of Human Values of kinship with all forms of life and the earth
itself and brings an understanding of unity in
- Complex & Abstract
Types of Human Values:
Significance of Human Values in Society
These values serve as our motivation, guiding our
1. It is the basis of human beings for leading a
actions and influencing the decisions we make.
better life.
1. Truth
2. It is believed that all holy books of all religions
- People need the truth about the world to contain the values of good life.
3. Human values are seen right from the
2. Honesty childhood of a person.

- When Right Conduct is associated with 4. Preschool is the stage or period that lays the
others, the value takes the form of good foundation of information on human values.
behavior, respect for others, helpfulness, and
5. Value education starts from families and it is
capacity to cultivate good relationships.
continuous at school with the help of educators.
- The highest level of Right Conduct results
when we act per our conscience and carry out
thoughts and intentions that are rooted in UNIT 2- THE MORAL AGENT
A. Culture in Moral Behavior
3. Love
What is culture?
- Love is the undercurrent of all other values.
It manifests at various levels: love for family,  A culture is a way of life of a group
society, mother nature, and God. of people--the behaviors, beliefs,
values, and symbols that they
4. Peace
accept, generally without thinking
- When our minds are quiet, our emotions are about them, and that are passed
in a state of balance; when there is no inner along by communication and
war going on and our desires are kept under imitation from one generation to the
 Culture is the complex whole which 5. Punishments
includes knowledge, belief, art, 6. Musical Styles
morals, law, custom, and any other 7. Folkways
capabilities and habits acquired by 8. Dress codes
man as a member of society (Burke,
 The totality of learned, socially Functions of Culture:
transmitted customs knowledge,
material objects, and behavior 1. Culture provides identity to the people in the
(Schaefer, 2013). society.
2. Culture mirrors the laws of the land.
Two types of Culture: 3. Culture unifies people in many ways that
1. Material Culture: only those who belong in that society
 Material culture is the aspect of understands.
culture manifested by the physical 4. Culture influences our concept of morality.
objects and architecture of a society.
The term is primarily used in Moral Behavior
archaeology and anthropology, but
is also of interest to sociology, Action/s that produces good outcomes for
geography and history. the individuals as members of a community or
 Material culture consists of concrete society. It can be applied to the whole global
and tangible objects like tools, society.
implements, furniture, automobiles,
books, buildings. These concrete Schulman defines moral behavior as “acts
and tangible objects are often man- intended to produce kind and/or fair outcomes.”
To act according to one’s moral values and
 Objects that one might see in a
market, a museum, a home, or a
business, as well as the structure or
building itself, are part of material
culture. Culture and its role in moral behavior

Examples: Money, tools, weapons, 1. It shapes our moral behavior.

utensils, machines, clothing, ornaments, 2. It shapes our perception of what is right and
art, buildings, and monuments. wrong.
3. It gives unity to the people in the society.
2. Non-material Culture:
 Non‐material culture refers to the
nonphysical ideas that people have Factors that influence moral behavior:
about their culture, including beliefs,
1. Family
values, rules, norms, morals,
- The basic unit in a society. It includes
language, organizations, and
one’s biological or adoptive family of
orientation. The same provides us with
Examples: our basic needs to survive and develop
as a significant member of the family.
1. Slangs 2. School
2. Folklore - It may include formal or non-formal
3. Superstitions educational system that provides a child
4. Rituals with his learning needs.
3. Church Strengths Weaknesses
- The institution that determines what is 1. What is considered 1. It might fall
specifically considered as right or morally right and prey into the
wrong should be idea that
wrong. It is composed of believers in the
judged based on universal
same faith. cultural context. standards do
4. Mass media not exists.
- Those agencies that are purposive of 2. It is an answer to 2. If universal
entertaining, informing and educating cultural standards do
through various channels like radio, annihilation. not exist, so
thus morality.
television, printed materials, etc.
3. It promotes 3. It gives birth to
5. Cultural norms
multiculturalism. ethical
- These are shared sanctioned, and relativism,
integrated system of beliefs and which veers
practices that are passed down through away from the
generations and characterized up a idea that there
cultural group. are no
objective moral
Cultural Tolerance

- Cultural relativism should result to

tolerance in order to preserve the
Cultural Relativism
distinctiveness of people regardless of
Is the view that moral beliefs and practices vary whichever culture they came from.
with and depend on the human needs and social - Cultural sensitivity in the key to cultural
conditions of particular cultures (Holmes, 2007) tolerance. It is being aware that cultural
differences and similarities between
Cultural Relativism then should be understood people exists without assigning them a
as a celebration and appreciation of cultural value – positive or negative, better or
diversity (Kellenberger, 2011). worse, right or wrong (Dabbah, 2014).

Is the view that ethical system and cultural How to improve cultural sensitivity?
beliefs vary from one culture to another. It is upheld
that said ethical system are all equal in validity and 1. Exposure
of relevance. It came from the idea that moral 2. Education
standards are product of society. This philosophical 3. Curiosity
principle started from the Greek philosopher 4. Self-awareness
Protagoras of Abdera.

Protagoras of Abdera was born in Abdera. He
Filipinos believe that …
was said to be the oldest and most influential
among all the sophist who came to Athens. He 1. Man is a creature of God.
spent his life travelling throughout Greek to earn
money in higher education and considered as the 2. Man has an immortal soul.
notorious extremely high fees he charged. His only
3. Man has an assigned destiny in life.
audience consisted of wealthy men from Athen’s
social and commercial elite. 4. Man must do good or else be punished by
Cultural relativism: Strengths and Weaknesses
5. Man by nature is good but is morally weak. which is where they raise the backs of
the hands of their elders to their
Regarding morality, Filipinos believe that … foreheads as a sign of respect.
1. Morality is ―batas ng Diyos
5. Filipinos help one another
2. A person should respect his humanity, - More popularly known as bayanihan,
―pagkatao Filipinos help one another— without
expecting anything in return—so that
3. A person should love and care for his undertaking their tasks and
family. responsibilities become much easier.
Sometimes this is called―community
4. A person should strive to live peacefully with

5. A person should fear God and His 6. Filipinos value traditions and culture
punishment. - For Filipinos, traditions in their home
and in their family are important. They
usually set aside a specific day for a
certain celebration like festivals, birthday
parties, reunions, etc. And of course,
every gathering is dedicated to keeping
up with each other over sumptuous
1. Filipinos are very resilient.
- In times of calamities and catastrophes,
7. Filipinos love to party
Filipinos always manage to rise above
- Yes, Filipinos love to hold celebrations
the challenge. Instead of wallowing, they
and fiestas. Bacolod has its Maskara
manage to pick themselves up and
Festival, Davao has its Kadayawan
Festival, and Marinduque has its
Moriones Festival.
2. Filipinos take pride in their families.
- In the Philippines, it is family first. So,
8. Filipinos have the longest Christmas
whether you are part of the immediate
family or you belong to the third or fourth
- Even as early as August, you can hear
generation, you are treated as a family
Christmas songs and jingles being
member. Sometimes, even the closest
played in the malls or in the restaurants
of friends are considered family, too.
in the Philippines. The mood becomes
festive, with many people shopping and
3. Filipinos are very religious
in good spirits. Christmas celebrations
- In all corners of a Filipino house, you
last until around the first or second week
can find brazen images of crosses and
of January.
other religious paraphernalia. They go to
church every Sunday, or sometimes
9. Filipinos love to eat
even twice or three times a week.
- Aside from breakfast, lunch, and dinner,
Filipinos manage to squeeze in a little
4. Filipinos are very respectful
meal in between, too. Whether they eat
- From the moment they are born into this
every hour or every three hours, they
world, they are already taught how to be
savour every bite. Oh, and they do love
respectful by using these simple
going to buffets!
catchphrases—po and opo, words that
end sentences when addressing elders.
10. Filipinos love to sing
They have a culture of pagmamano,
- This is the reason why karaoke has where human beings eke about their
become so prevalent. As part of their lives.
recreation, Filipinos spend some quality
time with their families or friends singing
or belting out new and old songs. Types of human values:

11. Filipinos love art and architecture 1. Truth

- Just look at the massive and tall - Cultivating truthfulness, honesty and
buildings everywhere. Filipinos have a sincerity, self-analysis and purity,
penchant for bringing art and accuracy and fairness, fearlessness and
architecture to a whole new level. They integrity.
love to design creatively, to think - Truth is the aim of belief; falsity is a
intuitively, and have a passion for fault. People need the truth about the
anything different and unique. world in order to thrive. Truth is
important. Believing what is not true is
apt to spoil people's plans and may
Human Values even cost them their lives.
2. Right conduct
Values - When Right Conduct is associated with
others, the value takes the form of good
- The term was derived from the Latin behavior, respect for others,
word ‘valeo’ which originally meant helpfulness, capacity to cultivate good
strength and also health, and then by relationships. It later broadens into
natural transition, it came to being ethical skills and morality, developing
effective and adequate. attributes such as courage, ecological
- In French the term ‘valeur’ mean sensitization, determination, initiative,
excellence. sense of duty. Finally, the highest level
- They serve as a guide for human of Right Conduct results when we act in
behavior. Generally, people are accordance with our conscience and
predisposed to adopt values that they carry out thoughts and intentions that
are raised with. People tend to believe are rooted in love.
that their values are “right” because they 3. Love
are the values of their particular culture. - Love is the undercurrent of all other
values. It manifests at various levels: in
What is human values?
the form of the love of the mother and
- It refers to those values which are at the father for their children, affection
core of being human. The values which between husband and wife, fondness for
are considered basic inherent values in family members and friends, devotion to
humans include truth, honesty, loyalty, one’s motherland, appreciation for
love, peace, etc. because they bring out nature, yearning for God.
the fundamental goodness of human
beings and society at large. 4. Peace
- Human values are closely related to with - When our minds are quiet, our emotions
human life. No human life is possible are in a state of balance; when there is
without values. Human values are those no inner war going on and our desires
universal concepts, drivers, of action are kept under control, a feeling of
which are found in all cultures, in all peace and contentment fills our hearts.
societies, all times and in all places These feelings respond with feelings of
harmony, happiness and profound
gratitude. As we begin to reach towards John Myle A. Resterio
a more subtle and intuitive region, we
Jazhiel Psykie Villanueva
wake up to this intuition, becoming
capable of receiving and expressing it. Richelle S. Ramos
5. Non-violence
- Nonviolence is the zenith of human Leo Janry T. Tumbagahan
achievement, the practice of which is
the ultimate expression of the harmony
of head, heart and hands (thought,
feeling and action). It can be understood
on three levels: personal, societal and

Personal nonviolence involves

respect for one's personal well-being, as
well as that of others. self-control over
negative thoughts, and the importance
of forbearance and pardon.
Social nonviolence encompasses a
sympathetic regard for all life. It includes
refraining from bad company, criticism
and inconsiderate speech.
Universal non-violence is kindled
by a sense of kinship with all forms of
life and the earth itself, and brings
understanding of unity in diversity.

Significance of Human Values in Society

1. Human values play a vital role in the

society, for they are said to be the basis of
human beings for leading a better life.
2. It is believed that all holy books of all
religions contain the values of good life.
3. Human values are seen right from the
childhood of a person.
4. Preschool is the stage or period that lays
the foundation of information on human
5. Value education starts from families and it is
continuous at school with the help of

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