4.sınıf Olacaklar Takviye Kitapçığı 2023 2024
4.sınıf Olacaklar Takviye Kitapçığı 2023 2024
4.sınıf Olacaklar Takviye Kitapçığı 2023 2024
4th Grades
Level Entrance
B) Find a classmate who fits the description and write their names in the same box.
A. brush my teeth
B. clean our classroom
C. comb my hair
D. do my homework
E. eat breakfast
F. eat dinner
G. eat lunch
H. get dressed
I. get home
J. get up
K. sleep
L. go to school (by bus)
M. leave home
N. listen to music
O. listen to the teacher
P. play computer games
Q. take a bath
R. wash my face
B) Look at the pictures and complete the text about Sam’s routine. Use the simple
present tense.
Sam (Ex.) __wakes__ (wake) up at half past seven. He 1) ___ (get) dressed, and 2)
nine. He 4) ________(start) school at nine o'clock and he usually 5) _________ (finish) school
at half past three. In the afternoon, Sam 6) ________ (do) his homework. He sometimes 7)
________ (play) football with his best friend. Before dinner, he 8) _________ (watch) his
favourite programme on TV. Sam and his mother usually 9) __________ (have) dinner at half
past eight. After dinner, Sam 10) ________ (play) computer games until bedtime. Then, he 11)
A) Look and read. Write yes or no. There are two examples.
B) Read and choose a word from the box. Write the correct word next to numbers 1–5.
There is one example.
A horse
A) Listen to the song ‘Sing for Climate’ and complete the sentences. Use the box to help
We 1) ____ to wise up
We’re on a planet
B) Complete the sentences using the words in the box.
1) Last year, I went to lots of countries with my family. When I grow up, I want to travel
3) Yesterday we didn’t swim in the sea because there were huge _______.
C) Write about the things when you were six years old.
D) Find the words with the past form of the verbs and write them on the lines.
Yesterday I went to the playground near my house. I had a lot of fun. I played on the swings
and the slide. We played hide and seek. I saw my best friend there. We talked about her
birthday and she invited me to her party.
1) __________________ 4) __________________
2) __________________ 5) __________________
E) Match the verbs with their past forms and write the numbers on the lines.
F) Rewrite the verbs in their past forms.
1) Every night Paula watches TV. Last night she _______ TV.
2) Every day, I talk to my friends on the phone. Yesterday I ______ to them on the phone.
3) Every week my mum goes to the supermarket. Last week she ______ to the
4) Every weekend, my brother and sister eat hamburger. Last weekend, they ______
5) Every day I do my homework, yesterday I _______ my homework.
3) My dad drinked a whole bottle of milk yesterday!
4) Three days ago, my parents didn’t went out.
5) Last weekend, I eated sushi in a Chinese restaurant.
My Summer Holiday
I love summer holidays! Last summer, we went to Cyprus with my family. It was very
enjoyable. We arrived at the hotel at 9 o’clock. We had breakfast. Then, we went to the beach
to swim. The beach was crowded but the sea was good. We built a sandcastle which was very
big. Everyone looked at our sandcastle. Then, some children came and they wanted to play
with us. We became friends. We went to a café and ate ice-cream. It was delicious. We were
back from the café at 6 o’clock. We took a shower. When my family was ready, we had dinner.
The dinner was so delicious. I loved this hotel. Everything was wonderful so I am looking
forward to coming to this hotel next summer again!
B) Write a paragraph about your favourite singer / dancer / football player etc..
C) Unscramble the letters to spell food words. Then match them with the pictures.
1) S L I M K A K E H __________________
2) E A T __________________
3) S C K A N A P E __________________
4) R A C E E L __________________
5) E S C A U __________________
6) B R E R T S W A R Y __________________
7) F E F E O C __________________
8) G R O U T Y H __________________
9) S L O N O D E __________________
D) Read the menu and answer the questions.
Delia’s Diner
Starters Desserts
F) Read the story and write True and False.
Yesterday I was playing video games in my room when I heard people screaming. I went out
and saw that my neighbors’ house was on fire! I called the fire department.
In less than 10 minutes the firemen arrived and fought against the fire for one hour until they
made it. Wow! They were really brave! One of them entered the house and saved the
Johnson’s dog that was trapped in the fire. I made a decision: I
want to be a fireman when I grow up.
A) Let’s play a game with Pink Panther and revise the past simple tense.
A) Read the text and find the comparative and superlative adjectives. Then write them
in the boxes.
This is my family. I am (Example) taller than my brother and
sister but my dad is the tallest. My mum is a vet and my dad
is a teacher. I think being a vet is more interesting than being
a teacher because you work with animals. I want to be an
astronaut. I think this is the most interesting job! Being a vet
is easier than being a teacher though, because teachers have
to check lots of homework. My job is the easiest: I’m a
B) Which character is more interesting for you? Why? Tell your partner.
C) Watch the video and complete the sentences.
D) Design your own cake shop. Draw 3 cakes and compare them.
B) Let’s learn about Look like & Be like
LOOK LIKE: It is used to describe how a person looks or about a person’s physical
For example:
For example:
Hair(colour/style/length) Eye Patient
Black Grey Playful
Brown Blue Funny
Grey Green Talkative
Straight Brown Shy
Wavy Bossy
Bald Selfish
Short Rude
Long Sincere
3) What does your brother _______________________? He's tall with blue eyes.
E) Read the text and choose a word from the box. There is one example.
A cat
My name is Fluffy and I live with Sam. My (0) _body_ and tail is
black. I see with my two green (1) __________. I walk and run on my
four (2) __________ and I live in Sam’s (3) ___________. I like eating
meat and fish and I drink (4) ___________. I sleep a lot in the day and I catch (5) __________
F) Joe is going on holiday. Look at the pictures and complete the sentences about his
holiday. Use the correct form of ‘be going to’.
G) Complete the sentences. Use be going to + one of these verbs:
A) Read the sentences. Choose a word to write on the line to create your story.
Read your story to a friend or your teacher.
1) This is the story about playing _________________ football basketball hockey
B) Read the postcards and complete the sentences with Max or Zoe.
Hi! Hi there!
We’re having a great holiday. We’re I’m on holiday with my family here for ten
staying at a hotel in the center of town. It’s days. The weather today is great – hot and
next to a park and there’s a museum, two sunny. We’re staying in a tent and there are
theatres and lots of restaurants in the same horses in the field next to us. The beach is
street. We arrived yesterday and got a taxi five minutes away. You walk out of the field,
from the airport. The driver went really across a bridge and you can see the sea. We
fast. I was excited but Mum was scared. went swimming this morning when we got
Today we went on a bus tour round the city here, but the water was quite cold. Dad was
and saw lots of really cool buildings. tired after driving here so he didn’t come.
Tomorrow we’re going to go to the top of Tomorrow I’m going to go sailing with Mum,
the highest one. and Luke and Dad are going to walk in the
See you next week.
See you soon!
Example: Zoe is on a camping holiday.
1) is staying in a hotel.
2) ’s holiday started yesterday.
3) is on holiday with his/her parents and brother.
4) travelled by plane.
5) is going to go sailing tomorrow.
1) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Adopted from Twin
E) Read the comic and complete the activities:
Who is the main character?
a. Superhero girl. b. Superhero’s mum.
1) What is the comic about?
a. A regular girl. b. A special girl.
2) Look at the comic. Circle two things you can see in the pictures.
a. She likes cake.
b. She can fly around town.
c. She helps dogs.
d. Her parents are superheroes, too.
F) Read the comic again. Number the actions in the correct order.
catch bad guys.
crawl up buildings.
fly around town.
help people and animals.
see through walls.
make the walls shake.
H) Read the text and answer the questions:
Peter: I want to go to Europe. I love castles, and the best place to see
castles is in Europe. The tower of London in England is the first castle
I want to visit. It is a palace, but it was also a prison for hundreds of
3) Project: Think about the places you would like to visit. Write words about them.
Places I Want to Visit Things I Like There
I) Watch the following story about “My Summer Vacation’ Write 3 –wh questions
about the video and answer them. Now ask your friends these questions.
1) _____________________________________________________________________________?
2) ____________________________________________________________________?
3) ____________________________________________________________________?
K) Read the text. Label the parts of the mammoth.
Continents(where it lived)
Time Period(when it lived)
Height(how tall it was)
Weight(how big it was)
Description(what it looked
Food(what it ate)
2) Now draw your prehistoric animal and write a paragraph about it.
L) Listen to the song and fill in the blank spaces: