Action Oct19
Action Oct19
Action Oct19
See page 30
southern Kenya and northern Environment news, including the revolutionising conservation
Tanzania to give wildlife
incredible London climate lobby!
the space it needs
THE KING IN CRISIS 10 Wildlife gardener Kate Bradbury
Africa’s lions are quietly slipping reveals 10 ways you can prepare
towards extinction, but you can your garden now for winter
help them. By Paul Bloomfield
and Gond people in the Kanha-Achankmar
of the species’ habitat here has been surveyed. So, for the first
corridor, but traditional techniques involve
time, we set up camera traps covering an area of 2,975 sq km
using smoke to subdue the bees and felling tree
in three key mountain landscapes – Qilianshan, Tien Shan and
branches to extract the honey. This leads to
Sanjiangyuan National Nature Reserve. The cameras, which
tree damage, the death of entire bee colonies,
our snow leopard adopters helped to fund, have already yielded
and to honey collectors being stung. We’re
over 60 images of these rare cats in Yanchiwan Nature Reserve,
working with these communities to improve methods
Qilianshan. The amazing camera trap and video images include
for collecting wild honey, with better storage and
The Amazon is thought to be home females with cubs, and the first snow leopard photo ever taken in
home to thousands of whales, perhaps due to their immense seasonal inspired by Our Planet to help protect the natural world. Our deforestation, thanks to local community leaders you helped
productivity and the influx of Antarctic krill. In January we This April, Scotland new version of the child-friendly app ‘Seek by iNaturalist’ train. Spanning 43,000 sq km in Colombia, Chiribiquete
part-funded the British Antarctic Survey whale research team declared a climate – produced with the California Academy of Sciences and National Park is one of the world’s
to tag two humpbacks here. For the first time ever, scientists emergency. From student school strikers to thousands of WWF National Geographic Society – allows youngsters to instantly largest tropical rainforests, and a
can follow South Georgia whales in real time as they journey supporters who joined us in calling for urgency and ambition identify wildlife, thanks to image recognition technology. vital area for endangered wildlife and indigenous
across their summer feeding grounds. Now they can find in Scotland’s climate action, your voice was heard. As new Point the Seek camera at an animal or plant and the app will communities. Forty-eight forest guardians are
out where they go and how their movements overlap with climate change legislation makes its way through the Scottish reveal what it is. The engaged in protecting key boundary areas, which are
areas of high productivity, krill fishery hotspots and Parliament, you’ve helped to secure a net zero target to end goal is to help everyone threatened by illegal deforestation to make way for
marine protected areas. To follow the whales’ journeys, Scotland’s contribution to climate change by 2045, and a discover and protect crops and cattle. With your support, we’ve trained two
visit commitment to help keep global warming below 1.5°C. MSPs local wildlife, while groups of forest monitors in Caquetá and Guaviare
have also agreed to review how the final law can emphasise contributing to scientific provinces to survey their local areas, use GPS, analyse
the importance of 1.5°C, since even half a degree more of data on biodiversity. data and work with local authorities to discourage
warming has real and dire consequences for people and nature. Share your discoveries illegal logging. Even people who previously cleared the
None of this could have happened without you. We’re now on social media with forest illicitly have now become forest guardians,
working with politicians to make sure that, when the Bill is #SeekOurPlanet and and we’re already seeing the rate of
voted into law this autumn, these climate commitments are tag @SeekbyiNat deforestation slow in the
turned into ambitious actions. areas they protect.
In April, we launched a campaign calling
on Parliament to take urgent action on
the nature and climate crisis. On 1 May,
MPs declared an environmental and
climate emergency, making the UK
Wales is home to precious wildlife, but
the first country in the world
many species are in decline. So we’re
to take this symbolic
working with partners to restore and
first step.
connect flourishing ecosystems through
the ‘Summit to Sea’ project. Our aim is to
restore nature across 100 sq km of land
and 20 sq km of ocean, stretching from
Pumlumon, the highest point in mid-Wales,
Thanks to your incredible support, down through wooded valleys to the Dyfi
there were 750,000 names on the Estuary and into marine protected areas
enormous joint petition we handed to of Cardigan Bay. In the coming years,
We turned Downing Street on 30 May. More than we’ll help to restore this area’s natural
an iconic red
100,000 belonged to WWF supporters, and cultural heritage, bring communities
phone box wild
with plants and who joined members of organisations, together and create sustainable enterprises.
birdsong, and
including Greenpeace, in calling
travelled around
the UK inviting for urgent action on the NEWS IN NUMBERS
people to record climate crisis.
a message for
their MPs about
their climate
in Brazil’s Chico Mendes Reserve.
mass gathering on 26 June was organised by crisis the world has ever faced. The question of Canterbury, Rowan Williams – who led a
two coalitions we are part of – The Climate now is what we’re going to do about it, and multi-faith ‘Walk of Witness’ along Whitehall
Coalition and Greener UK. We were proud when we’re going to take the bold actions that during the event – drew parallels with ending You’re helping to stop
to see such an impressive number of WWF are so urgently needed in response. the slave trade, another great popular cause nature being drowned
supporters there on the day, while more than
70 ‘pandas’ were on hand to make sure things
Our chief executive, Tanya Steele, said:
“Public concern for the environment is at
that ultimately triumphed.
Despite the size of the undertaking, the UK A CALL FOR NATURE out in the Arctic Ocean.
As climate change melts
went smoothly. an all-time high, and for good reason. We’re helped lead the world in ending slavery. Now Filled with native plants and birdsong,
our wild phone box was a hit at the sea ice and more
People from all walks of life and all corners destroying the planet and jeopardising the we face another urgent challenge. We have the
6 | Action Autumn
2019 Action Autumn 2019 | 7
PLASTIC ON YOUR PLATE? Once a den has been found, the
patrol team make sure the polar
bears are gone before they crawl
As our shocking new report reveals example. But the bottom line is that this inside. There’s always a chance
the family hasn’t left, or another
that, on average, we ingest a credit- is a universal problem. bear has sought refuge from the
card’s worth of plastic each week, Alec Taylor, our head of marine policy, elements inside!
we’re saying it’s time to act says it’s time to act: “Plastic is polluting
Plastic is polluting the air we breathe, our planet in the deepest ocean trenches,
the water we drink and the food we eat – but now we know that it’s also polluting
and the world is waking up to the reality our own bodies. This report must serve
of the crisis. The findings of a new study as a wake-up call to the UK government
we commissioned might just speed up the – we don’t want plastic in our ocean, and
efforts to do something about it. we don’t want it on our plates.”
The analysis, No Plastic in Nature, We’re rallying public support for
looked at how plastic gets into human a global petition calling for a legally
bodies. It found that, on average, people binding treaty on marine plastic
could be ingesting about 2,000 tiny pollution, which would establish national
pieces of plastic every week. That’s targets and reporting mechanisms, and
approximately five grams of plastic – provide extra support for developing
In a first for UK marine conservation, WWF,
roughly the weight of a credit card! countries to manage waste better. Thanks
Sky Ocean Rescue and partners have deployed
Most of the plastic comes in the water to your incredible support, more than
robot cameras to study basking sharks in
we drink: it was detected in tap water and 500,000 people have already signed.
the Inner Hebrides. The team located and
bottled water all over the world. Another Since 2000, the world has produced as Thanks to your support, this
tagged several sharks, so that an autonomous
major source is shellfish, which retain much plastic as in all the preceding years year’s polar bear cub count in
underwater SharkCam could then follow the
microplastics from polluted seas in their combined, and a third of it has leaked Russia was a great success
animals, filming their behaviour for around
digestive systems. And if you sprinkle into nature. This is not something that With the climate crisis regularly
six hours. It’s hoped the almost 360-degree
some salt on your meal and maybe enjoy can be fixed with small interventions: we in the headlines, the plight of polar
footage will reveal more about the species’
a beer on the side, those are two more need to see urgent global action along the bears is one of the most powerful
social interactions and behaviour, and help
significant sources. whole plastic production chain. symbols of our changing world. It’s
build the case for the creation of a brand
How much plastic you consume The alternative – doing nothing about vital that we monitor them closely
new marine protected area that will help to
depends on where you live – water in the a crisis that is affecting every living to target conservation efforts
safeguard these amazing animals.
US and India contains twice as much creature and ecosystem on Earth – where they are most needed.
early April, as polar bears and
population of wild tigers may be growing Arctic coast.
In July, the government of India announced This year, they found 14
that there are estimated to be around 3,000 tigers maternity dens and the tiny tracks
living in the wild in the country. This new estimate of 23 cubs heading down to the
suggests numerous populations within India may sea ice with their mothers to feed.
be stable or growing. The patrol has noted an increase in
costume by a woman. Amazingly, she smashed population estimate indicates that, at a national against climate change – something which will means for polar bears – and to
it by a huge 25 minutes. Congratulations to level, tiger populations in India may be stable or ultimately benefit wildlife and people. If we use the knowledge to protect this
Kate and all of Team Panda, who raised over even growing. This is very encouraging. Thanks to continue to work together, we can reverse the iconic predator.
£34,000 to help our work around the world. increased conservation efforts including enhanced decline of tigers.”
eath stalks the Kenyan savannah. Under the fierce equatorial
sun, animal activity is not easy to detect. An occasional breeze
twitches the red oat grass and tickles acacia leaves; otherwise,
all is still. But a smell betrays the spot where life has been
extinguished. And as you get closer to the scene, there’s an
insistent buzz of flies. Nearby, a cluster of vultures surrounds the kill,
and tawny fur comes into view: a lion, lying still in the grass. But today
this great predator of the African plains is not killer but corpse, felled by
poison. The vultures, too, are unmoving, victims of the same toxin.
Heartbreakingly, such a scene is a not-infrequent sight in Africa’s
lion range countries. But the aftermath of poisoning still moves the
men and women striving to protect the continent’s wildlife. “The site
where a predator has been poisoned is a sad place to be,” says Michael
Kaelo of the Mara Predator Conservation Programme, our partners in
Kenya. “Sometimes we come across a lion that is not yet dead, and it’s
terrible to see how much it suffers. There’s diarrhoea and uncoordinated
movements – you can see that the poor animal is in agony.”
Tragically, the demise of that individual lion may not be the end of the
dying. Michael explains: “If no one is around to save the lion or remove
its body, it’s inevitable that other animals will come to scavenge from the
corpse. So the poison spreads and, instead of just one target individual
dying, there’s a mass of carcasses.”
It’s impossible to imagine this magnificent hunter under threat – the
lion is an apex predator. Yet Africa’s most iconic carnivore is in serious
trouble. Across the continent, wild lion numbers have declined by over
40% in the past three generations of these big cats.
Historically, the species’ range spanned most of Africa, plus parts
of the Middle East, Asia and the Balkans. Today, apart from a small
population of Asiatic lions in the Indian state of Gujarat (estimated at
523 after a 2015 census), the world’s wild lions are confined to sub-
Saharan Africa, with perhaps 80% of the population in the east and
south of the continent. Lions are locally extinct in 26 African countries.
Indeed, while the species as a whole is classified by the IUCN as
vulnerable, the west African population is critically endangered.
The eight lions
return to feed
A pride of
eight lions
kills two cows
And 25
Poisoning can kill not just the target lions, but also
a myriad of other scavengers, from vultures to
jackals. Thanks to your support, and in particular our
lion adopters, we have helped the Mara Predator
Conservation Programme to train rangers and
community members to identify and respond to 6.30AM
incidents of poisoning, and quickly and effectively The owner
decontaminate the site, to reduce the risk of laces the dead
further harm to wildlife and people. cows with poison
Followed by
a tawny eagle
into ever-closer contact and numbers
of wild herbivores are depleted, lions
often prey on livestock instead. Paul
Seven hyenas
and Nkunini often help to herd cows
feed on the
during weekends, holidays or when
Then two carcasses
adults are unavailable
jackals arrive
This is because wild herbivore habitat is often mislabelled as tiger products. community areas, due to the sub-division of undiscovered or unreported, some high- sickness or even death,” says Michael.
lost and fragmented as land is converted land. These barriers create a huge problem for profile poisonings have raised international
for farming, grazed by livestock or occupied all wildlife, as they block traditional migration awareness of the problem. In April 2018,
by people’s homes, roads and other As the lions’ habitat shrinks, their prey routes and reduce habitat connectivity. worldwide media reported the poisoning of In Kenya, we’re supporting the work of
hunting certain species for wild meat is 2,000 lions, and many of these are found in livelihoods,” Yussuf continues. “Communities made famous by the BBC’s Big Cat Diaries, the bomas (enclosures) in which livestock is
illegal, so it’s hard to accurately quantify community lands and conservancies, living may then kill the predators in retaliation.” died after being poisoned while the series kept overnight are usually constructed from
this threat. in close proximity to people. In tribes such as the Maasai, killing a Dynasties was being filmed in the area. branches, offering little protection from
In addition to having less prey to hunt, In some protected areas such as Tsavo, lion was historically part of initiation into buffalo, which may be driven from lions’ Poisoning is a highly indiscriminate large predators.
lions often die after being caught in snares pastoral communities graze their livestock manhood. “In the past, you could not become ranges by grazing pastoralists – that can method of killing, so it’s very dangerous. So MPCP has supported local communities
set for large and small herbivores, in part illegally, and often come into conflict with a warrior or be seen as brave until you killed mean cattle, the most valuable livestock. “It doesn’t just kill the target predator, the to build stronger bomas using sturdy recycled
because they are attracted to the carcasses lions that might kill their livestock. a lion,” explains John, a Maasai pastoralist “One bull can be worth 50,000 Kenyan lion,” explains Michael Kaelo. “It also kills plastic poles. We’re also working with
of trapped prey animals. “Lion prides have variable home ranges from Narok County. “It gave you pride.” shillings [nearly £400]. That could help pay hyenas, jackals, vultures and any other partners to install solar-powered
The Cerrado may not be a household
name, but this ecosystem is vital to the
health of our planet.
As wild habitat It’s home
is converted and to an
incredible range
fenced off for of wildlife,
farming, grazingasandwell as
supporting food– and
habitation, lions water
and their production
prey –
are millions of people,
increasingly confinedand it plays a
to islands
critical role in fighting
of land, isolating climate
populations andchange
increasing their risk of local extinction
Night falls over Kenya’s Tsavo East
Numbers of herbivores
flashing LED lights that deter predators
from livestock enclosures.
who might otherwise target lions. Thanks
to regular patrolling and improved livestock
bigger picture – specifically, working with
Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) to create a
accurate count of Kenya’s lions – and your
support has been vital. A FUTURE FOR LIONS
on which lions depend “In all homesteads in the Maasai Mara management in these conservancies, wildlife new national strategy for lion conservation. The future for lions in Africa can’t be Lions are under threat like never
are falling, affected by where ‘lion lights’ have been deployed by (including lions) has returned to these areas. To make sure all our conservation efforts are secured by working in just one country. So before. Wild populations are in
habitat loss and hunting
WWF, no livestock has been lost to lions,” It’s a virtuous circle, too: people who benefit based on good science, we need to determine we’re also working with government and decline and they desperately need
for wild meat
our help. With your support, we’re
Yussuf reports. And there’s an added bonus. from these initiatives spread the word to just how many lions survive in Kenya. conservation bodies and local communities
already working with communities to
ILLEGAL WILDLIFE TRADE “The lights protect our cattle, but the solar others who might otherwise try to kill lions. So we’re working with KWS and many on an ambitious transboundary conservation
help them live alongside these apex
panel is also useful for other things,” says local partners on a nationwide lion census programme between southern Kenya and predators. You’re also helping us
Lions are increasingly being
poached for body parts – John. “Our children can do their homework using the innovative Spatially Explicit northern Tanzania. It aims to connect provide field staff with the tools and
bones, teeth and claws – after dark, using lights run on solar energy, Capture Recapture method, which includes eight protected areas and 32 community equipment they need to monitor this
available for study and recreation increases. patterns, each predators such as lions, as well as the wide- £15 could pay for camera equipment
Thanks to you, we also support the MPCP’s as unique ranging herbivores on which they prey. The to photograph lions and assist with
Weather changes can lead
he snow leopard is important to me,” says Gopal Limboo.
“In my home, the high altitude regions of Sikkim, it’s the
only big cat and it has a key role to play in maintaining
balance in the ecosystem. It makes me sad that it’s
endangered.” Laku Tshering Bhutia agrees: “We need
snow leopards to keep our unique but fragile alpine habitat healthy.
This place is everything to us; it’s the source of medicinal plants and
the headwaters of our rivers.”
Gopal and Laku understand the delicate ecological balance of the
high Himalayas better than anyone. Born and raised in the mountains
in Sikkim, north-east India, they used to work as herders, grazing their
livestock in the forests and alpine meadows. Today, though, they are part
of a group of conservation volunteers known as the Himal Rakshaks or
‘mountain guardians’.
We’re working with them to help secure the future of the beautiful
but threatened snow leopard. “Up until now, WWF-UK’s snow leopard
conservation support has mainly focused on Nepal, which is home
to between 300 and 500 snow leopards and therefore an important
stronghold,” explains our big cat expert, Becci May. “But data from the
individual cats we’ve collared with tracking devices has shown that
they move into Sikkim in north-eastern India. It’s an important area,
connecting snow leopard habitats across India, Nepal, Tibet and Bhutan.
“But very little is known about snow leopards in Sikkim – we don’t
know how many there are or how the population is changing. Finding
this out is vital if we’re to protect them effectively.”
Getting reliable information in this remote mountainous region presents
huge challenges. “Areas can be cut off by heavy snowfall or by flooding,”
altitude villages, and help protect
Sikkim’s most important wildlife
areas. They survey wildlife and
report illegal activities
These graceful creatures are most at
home in rugged mountain terrain above
3,000m. Their remote habitat and elusive
habits make estimating their numbers
difficult, but we’re working with others to
improve population estimates.
Is it a panda? A bear? A cat? A raccoon?
No. This solitary tree-dwelling mammal
is a real one-off, and classified as its own
unique family, the Ailuridae. It’s found
across the forests of the Himalayas. Laku Tshering Bhutia coordinates
the Himal Rakshaks in the
Khangchendzonga Biosphere
Reserve. He joined in 2006 in order to
ensure the growth of tourism in the
area did not damage the wildlife
and illegal harvesting of medicinal plants and the flowers. There are also many beautiful Singaman Limboo is one Himal Rakshak “We need a more robust estimate of snow a big difference to local communities when
fungi – all of which, if left unchecked, lakes in the mountains, which are an hoping to become a snow leopard monitor. leopard numbers in Sikkim, as well as the their own people are engaged in, determining
ALPINE MUSK DEER threaten this fragile ecosystem. important source of the rivers and springs on
which we rely for fresh water.”
“I love these mountains and it’s a great
opportunity for me to do something to
populations of wild ungulates they prey on. At
the same time, we need reliable information
and taking forward such initiatives
themselves, rather than someone from the
Native to the Himalayas, this small deer
is classified as ‘endangered’ due to habitat RESTORING NATURE Monitoring snow leopards will be a new protect our local biodiversity,” he says. on livestock densities and the communities outside coming in to tell them what to do.”
loss and hunting. It’s especially sought after Another vital role the Himal Rakshaks play challenge for the Himal Rakshaks. “In “The breathtaking variety of specialist that depend on snow leopard habitat. This is Our crucial snow leopard work in Sikkim
for its aromatic musk gland, which is used
in cosmetics and Asian medicine.
is in mobilising their own communities to the past, we have worked with the Himal plants and animals here amazes me. I feel so we can better understand this important is made possible thanks to you, and our snow
address issues such as waste disposal. This is Rakshaks on tackling issues such as waste a responsibility to protect the wildlife, dynamic and how interactions with local leopard adopters. Together with the Himal
an increasing problem as new infrastructure reduction, but serious scientific monitoring especially endangered species. They are our people affect snow leopards.” Rakshaks, we can help secure the future of
is built and tourism increases in the region, like this is a new challenge,” says Rishi. “We natural treasures.” Conflict between people and snow this amazing landscape, for the people and
bringing a big influx of people. Not only does will help to build their capacity and give them leopards can be a problem, as snow leopards wildlife it supports.
rubbish spoil the landscape that tourists valuable professional skills. With the training A NEW CHALLENGE sometimes prey on livestock and are killed in
come to visit, it also attracts free-ranging and practical experience we’ll provide, they’ll Nevertheless, monitoring snow leopards retaliation. It’s an issue we’ve been working
dogs, which kill wild prey for snow leopards,
and livestock (which causes economic losses
be well placed to help with future species
monitoring and conservation efforts – and
is hard and sometimes dangerous work.
The high altitude areas, which snow leopards
to address in other places, for example by
helping herders to build secure enclosures
Once believed by the ancient Maya to be a
god of the underworld, today the jaguar faces
all-too-human threats. The biggest cat in
the Americas has already been pushed out
of around half of its historic range, and its
remaining rainforest home is under pressure.
Though around 170,000 jaguars are thought
to remain in the wild, we know surprisingly
little about them. So improving our
knowledge of their distribution and behaviour
is critical to protecting them and their final
strongholds, such as the Amazon rainforest.
One way to do that is with camera traps,
which captured this curious cat in Nouragues
Nature Reserve, French Guiana
Success at last! Despite challenges
UNEXPLORED TERRITORY – from the intense humidity to
camera vandalism by a clumsy tapir
To begin his quest, Emmanuel travelled deep
into the heart of the rainforest. His starting – Emmanuel finally captured the
point was a research station located eight first high-definition image of a wild
hours by canoe, then four hours on foot jaguar in this reserve. Discovering
from the nearest village. With their roots more about the jaguars’ habits and
embedded in one of the oldest exposed rock movements will help us to protect
surfaces in the world – the Guiana Shield and connect its most important
– these Amazonian forests are remote and habitats. And it comes at a perfect
mysterious. They form part of one of the time: last year, governments in 14
largest areas of protected rainforest in the countries that are home to jaguars
world, covering a region the size of Scotland. made a public commitment to
Experts believe 80% of the wildlife living ramp up their conservation efforts.
here is still unknown to science. With your support, we’ll continue
working tirelessly to secure a bright
future for these incredible cats.
Even in this remote region,
gold mining is a serious
threat to the jaguar and
the rainforest. The toxic
mercury used to flush
out the gold is released
into the rivers, poisoning
the water, soil and air,
and being absorbed by
plants and animals – and
even the local people
who consume them. It
leaves behind a desolate
landscape. So patrols look
for gold mining camps and
destroy any equipment
they find to prevent
miners from resuming
their illegal activities.
Sadly, gold mining isn’t
responds to human pressures
Why is the Biome Health Project so urgent? internet. In Fiji, we’re even putting acoustic sensors
The project was devised in response to WWF’s Living underwater, and using cameras to video marine life
Planet Report 2018, which revealed that wildlife and map the structure of the coral reefs in 3D.
populations have declined by over half in less than
50 years. We want to understand how biodiversity What have you learned so far?
responds to threats, and design conservation actions We’ve received two million camera trap photos
that will have impact. Given the speed of nature loss from Kenya and 1.2 million from Nepal. To identify
and increase in human pressures, we must act now. the animals in the photos, we’re using an artificial
intelligence algorithm that identifies common species
How does the project work? and removes images taken through false triggers like
The project covers four different ‘biomes’ – large grass moving in the wind. We’re now teaching the
ecological areas that are home to a specially adapted algorithm to distinguish between large rocks and
community of plants and animals – in four countries. animals! In Kenya, the images suggest that servals use
We’ve selected tropical forest, savannah grassland, the protected site the most. This will inform the future
subtropical dry forest and coral reef sites for their management of the park, and could help other sites to
spectacular and distinctive species and the range re-establish serval populations.
of human threats experienced there. We’re looking
at the effects of livestock grazing in the Maasai How are our members helping this project?
Mara in Kenya, fishing in the Great Sea Reef in Fiji, This project wouldn’t be happening without your
deforestation in Borneo in Malaysia, and forest support. Your membership enables us to conduct this
fragmentation in the Terai Arc Landscape in Nepal. groundbreaking scientific research, and to apply our
discoveries to active conservation projects. You’re also
Tell us about the study sites supporting our work to train park rangers and local
In Kenya, the Biome Health We selected several sites in each biome to allow us conservationists in scientific methods such as camera
Project has 250 camera traps to compare the intensity of the threat experienced, trapping, to provide workshops and to support local
keeping an eye on the wildlife
ranging from relatively untouched to high-pressure communities with monitoring their wildlife.
areas. Some sites also host active conservation
26 | Action Spring
2018 Action Autumn 2019 | 27
Provide a perfect damp habitat for
beetles and amphibians by rotting down
autumn leaves into leaf mould. Punch Mulching borders with organic
matter such as horse manure
old compost bags full of holes, fill with
leaves, then sprinkle with water, shake and leaf mould will generate
and tie. Next autumn, use it to mulch food for birds. You’ll soon
your borders. notice robins and blackbirds
9 BUILD LEAF AND life easier for them by transforming
Your garden may be quiet now, but it’s 10 CLEAN OUT YOUR POND
Fallen leaves break down in
full of wildlife preparing for the challenges ponds, releasing toxic gases.
When the pond freezes over
the trapped gases can kill
We’re giving two readers the chance to
win one of four fantastic nature-inspired CROSSWORD
Solve our crossword and you could win a
silk and linen scarves by Erin Donohue
copy of The Deep: The hidden wonders of
We’ve teamed up with one of our most passionate designers, Erin our ocean and how we can protect them,
Donohue, and ethical jewellery and accessories brand, Just Trade, to published by Wildfire, worth £20
offer these beautiful, planet-friendly scarves in time for Christmas.
The scarves come in four stylish designs, including botanical
florals and three iconic species – elephant, polar bear and jaguar Valeria fits a camera
print. Stylish, cosy and long-lasting, these super-soft scarves are trap to a tree in the
Chico Mendes reserve
made from 100% natural fibres – silk and linen – and have been to help protect
hand-printed using AZO-free dyes. jaguars living here
The range has been ethically produced by a Fairtrade factory in
A BEAUTIFUL SCARF These wearable works of art make the perfect gift for
the eco-conscious consumer and are worth £18.
The Amazon is one of the jaguar’s last strongholds. It’s estimated
INSPIRED BY To be in with a chance of winning one, simply follow
that over 70% of the wild population lives here. No wonder the
region is a top priority for WWF. But we know surprisingly little
the instructions below and mark your entry
about these elusive cats or how important protected areas are to
‘Erin Donohue Competition’.
their conservation. So I’ve been helping to find some answers by
setting up cameras to monitor jaguars living in the Chico Mendes
reserve in the heart of the Brazilian Amazon.
6 It puts an animal’s survival at risk – this is part of our plan to monitor them.
ACTION GIVEAWAYS 5 One of the greenhouse gases in e.g. poaching or habitat loss (6)
the Earth’s atmosphere (7,5) 7 The source of solar power (3)
10 African big cat, the population of THE TREES HAVE EYES
We’re giving away two copies of Send an email with your name,
8 Whaling weapon (7)
9 _ rhino, second-largest living land which is in steep decline (4) As the jungle opened up into magnificent tall trees, we reached the
Paul Nicklen’s latest masterpiece address and phone number, mammal after the elephant (5) 12 _ kangaroos, marsupials impacted location chosen for our first camera trap. I helped to attach one
11 The unmistakable cry of a lion (4) by deforestation (4) camera to a tree at knee-height, facing the trail we had made, and
along with Erin Donohue
“To witness the Arctic and Antarctica through Paul 12 Snow leopards have long ones (5) 13 The largest cat in the Americas (6)
a second on the opposite side. This enables us to capture photos
Competition or Born to Ice 14 The IUCN’s conservation database
Nicklen’s lens is to experience hope in action,” writes 15 Non-polluting, like green energy (5)
of both sides of the jaguar as it walks past. Every cat has a unique
Competition in the subject line, 16 Hair on a lion’s neck (4) (3,4)
Leonardo DiCaprio in the foreword of Born to Ice. 15 A word connecting emissions, pattern of rosette markings on its coat, like a fingerprint, that
Crammed within the pages of this photography book to 19 King _ , the world’s longest
venomous snake (5) footprint and offsets (6) helps us identify individuals.
are portraits of the polar regions’ most awe-inspiring Alternatively, post your entry 20 An energy product derived from 17 Where land meets sea (5)
For up to three months, our cameras will capture images of
landscapes and iconic species, described by National to Action Magazine, WWF- plants (7) 18 These unethical shark fin recipes
are decimating shark numbers (5) every animal that passes by. Then we will analyse the thousands
Geographic photographer Nicklen as “the most moving UK, Living Planet Centre, 21 The Himalayas are among the
of photos they capture. The images will help us to understand
habitats of these big cats (4,8) 20 Pollinating insect (3)
images of the millions I have taken over the decades”. Rufford House, Brewery Road, how jaguars, their prey and other wildlife in the forest is coping
They will make you gasp, tremble, laugh and cry – and Woking, Surrey GU21 4LL. Clues down Summer 2019 answers with threats, such as habitat loss and poaching. And to assess how
hopefully remind everyone who sees them that these 1 A wind farm located inland, Prize word: SEALS
effective different protected areas are in conservation efforts.
Only one competition per entry Across 1. Fossil fuel 7. Leakage
are lives worth protecting as the ice dwindles. not at sea (7)
8. North 9. Cubs 10. Paths 14. Arctic We plan to set up camera traps in another 35 sites, so there’s
We have two copies of Born to Ice, worth £80 each, to please. Closing date: Friday 2 _ vehicle, engine-driven form 15. Bleach 18. Pitch 19. Hare 21. Flora
15 November 2019. For of transport (5) 22. Dead Sea 23. Antarctica lots of work still to do. We can’t wait to share the results!
give away courtesy of teNeues ( To enter,
3 They are turned off during Earth Down 1. Flatback 2. Swan 3. Ice cap
follow the instructions on the right and mark your entry terms and conditions, visit: 4. Fin whale 5. Litre 6. Glacial
Hour (6) 11. Titicaca 12. Malaysia 13. Cheetah
‘Born to Ice Competition’. 4 River-mouth formation (5) 16. Acidic 17. Volga 20. Wadi
Dr Valeria Boron, WWF’s jaguar expert
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