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2 authors, including:
Suhardjono Suhardjono
University of Indonesia
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areas represent Java Island, Sumatra, went dialysis were glomerulonephritis years, the CAPD program has been
Bali, and the eastern part of Indonesia. (36.4%), obstructive and infective kidney developing more rapidly, and recent data
According to Central Board Statistics diseases (24.4%), diabetic kidney disease show that the numbers of ESRD patients
data, the year 2006 total population was (19.9%), hypertension (9.1%), other on CAPD have now reached almost 500.
219.2 million. Almost 58.3% lived in causes (5.2%), unknown cause (3.8%), This is <10% of the total ESRD patients
Java Island, 21.1% in Sumatra, 5.7% in and polycystic kidney disease (1.2%). who receive HD.
Borneo, and 14.8% in the eastern part
of Indonesia, including Bali.4 Modalities of ESRD Treatment Kidney Transplantation
Data concerning kidney transplan-
Incidence, Prevalence, and Dialysis tation are very limited, and they were
Causes of Treated ESRD Hemodialysis has become the rou- provided by only a few centers. Kidney
The incidences of ESRD patients tine medical treatment for ESRD. It is transplantation was first performed at
who underwent hemodialysis from estimated that more than 250 hemodi- Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, a
2002 through 2006 were 2077, 2039, alysis units are distributed throughout teaching hospital of the Medical Facul-
2594, 3556, and 4344, respectively. the country. Data show that more than ty, University of Indonesia, Jakarta, in
The incidence rates per million popula- 1600 dialysis machines are now avail- 1977. Kidney transplantation has also
tion in each year were 14.5, 14.0, 18.0, able and distributed among hemodialy- been performed in 3 other centers. The
24.6, and 30.7, respectively. The prev- sis units. Hemodialysis is commonly total number of kidney transplants
alences of ESRD patients on hemodial- performed twice a week for 4–5 hours performed from 1977 to 2006 in these
ysis from 2002 through 2006 were per session in most ESRD patients. centers was 476.
1425, 1656, 1908, 2525, and 3079, Dialysate fluids are mostly bicarbonate Most kidneys are obtained from
consecutively. The prevalence rates per based. Most of the dialysis units offer living related donors, since kidneys from
million populations were 10.2, 11.7, hemodialysis only. cadaveric donors are not fully accepted
13.8, 18.4, and 23.4, respectively. CAPD as an alternative dialysis yet because of social and cultural prob-
Tables 1 and 2 show incidence and therapy for ESRD is offered in 5 of the lems, lack of a legal process, and lack of
prevalence of RRT for ESRD by area, 13 centers included in this study, which technical ability to carry out these
2002 and 2006. use 3–4 fluid exchanges per day. This procedures. The shortage of living donors
Data from a few centers reported that program started in Jakarta in 1999 and has become a serious problem in kidney
causes of ESRD in patients who under- has been increasing slowly. In the last 3 transplantation; therefore, many patients
Table 1. Incidence of renal replacement therapy for end-stage renal disease by area, Indonesia, 2002 and 2006
2002 2006
RRT Modality Total New Incidence Rate RRT Modality Total New Incidence Rate
Patients per Million Patients per Million
Area HD CAPD Transplant on RRT Population HD CAPD Transplant on RRT Population
West Java 176 0 0 176 4.7 886 33 0 919 23.5
Central Java 792 7 4 803 23.0 1219 108 1 1328 37.8
East Java 255 0 0 255 7.2 695 0 0 695 19.5
Jakarta 452 55 6 513 61.2 659 96 10 765 87.9
Sumatra 164 0 0 164 8.6 378 45 0 423 22.0
Bali 49 0 0 49 15.2 137 19 0 156 46.2
East Indonesia 189 0 0 189 18.3 370 0 0 370 34.8
Total 2077 62 10 2149 14.5 4344 301 11 4656 30.7
RRT 5 renal replacement therapy, HD 5 hemodialysis, CAPD 5 continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis.
undergo kidney transplantation abroad. allograft loss and returned to hemodial- cluding treatment for ESRD. Recent
The cost of kidney transplantation and ysis, and 3 patients died with a data show that the financial burden for
the requisite immunosuppressive agents functioning kidney allograft because of ESRD treatment increased from
and both the quantity and quality of cerebrovascular disease, septicemia, or $5,776,565 in 2002 to $7,691,046 in
human resources should also be consid- heart failure within 1 year of transplan- 2006. Government health insurance
ered major problems. tation. data in 2006 showed that 4946 hemo-
Data from 3 kidney transplantation Triple-drug therapy is standard im- dialysis patients and 263 CAPD pa-
centers showed that 49 ESRD patients munosuppressive therapy in kidney tients were insured through socialized
entered a kidney transplantation pro- transplantation. The immunosuppres- health insurance. An estimated 15
gram from 2002 through 2006. Kidney sive drug combination consists of either million people have benefited from this
transplantation from emotionally relat- cyclosporine A, azathioprine, and a insured medical care facility. Recently,
ed donors is now also accepted. Single corticosteroid or tacrolimus, mycophe- underprivileged people have also been
center data show that of 31 kidney nolic mofetil, and a corticosteroid. The covered by the government through the
transplantations, 8 kidneys were ob- dose of tacrolimus or cyclosporine A is Financially Unfavorable Family Health
tained from spouses and close relatives adjusted according to blood monitoring Insurance. This program started in
(emotionally related donors), 4 from and time since the transplant and 2005 and was expected to cover 60
parents to children, 2 from children to stability. Cyclosporine A levels at C0 million people, and it includes ESRD
parents, and the rest from siblings. or C2 can be measured. treatment. In 2006, as many as 5418
Overall, 1-year graft survival is difficult ESRD patients from poor families were
to calculate because of the limited data Financing System insured by the government.5 For those
provided in this study. From 31 kidney Government health insurance covers included in this program, all costs for
transplantations, 5 patients had renal government hospital medical care, in- hemodialysis and CAPD with 3 fluid
Table 2. Prevalence of renal replacement therapy for end-stage renal disease by area, Indonesia, 2002 and 2006
2002 2006
RRT Modality Total Prevalence Rate RRT Modality Total Prevalence
Patients per Million Patients Rate per Million
Area HD CAPD Transplant on RRT Population HD CAPD Transplant on RRT Population
West Java 67 0 0 67 1.8 190 26 0 216 5.5
Central Java 579 3 18 600 17.2 1227 156 16 1399 39.8
East Java 139 0 0 139 3.9 326 0 0 326 9.2
Jakarta 356 65 6 427 50.9 728 151 47 926 106.4
Sumatra 118 0 0 118 6.2 238 41 0 279 14.5
Bali 61 0 0 61 18.9 187 33 0 220 65.1
East Indonesia 105 0 0 105 10.2 183 0 0 183 17.2
Total 1425 68 24 1517 10.2 3079 407 63 3549 23.4
RRT 5 renal replacement therapy, HD 5 hemodialysis, CAPD 5 continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis.