Effects of Size and Shape On The Specific Heat, Melting Entropy and Enthalpy of Nanomaterials
Effects of Size and Shape On The Specific Heat, Melting Entropy and Enthalpy of Nanomaterials
Effects of Size and Shape On The Specific Heat, Melting Entropy and Enthalpy of Nanomaterials
Journal of Taibah University for Science 11 (2017) 922–929
Effects of size and shape on the specific heat, melting entropy and
enthalpy of nanomaterials
Madan Singh ∗ , Sekhants’o Lara, Spirit Tlali
Department of Physics and Electronics, National University of Lesotho, P.O. Roma 180, Lesotho
Received 19 July 2016; received in revised form 23 September 2016; accepted 25 September 2016
Available online 11 October 2016
A simple theory is proposed to study the size- and shape-dependent specific heat, melting entropy and enthalpy of nanomaterials.
The particle size and shape are demonstrated to affect the specific heat, melting entropy and enthalpy of nanomaterials. The model
is applied to Ag, Cu, In, Se, Au and Al nanomaterials in spherical, nanowire and nanofilms shapes. The specific heat is observed
to increase with the decrease in particle size, whereas the melting entropy and enthalpy decrease as the particle size decreases. Our
theoretical predictions agree well with available experimental and computer simulation results, thereby supporting the validity of
formulation developed.
© 2016 The Authors. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Taibah University. This is an open access article under
the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
Keywords: Nanomaterials; Specific heat; Melting entropy; Surface properties; Thermodynamic properties
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Debye temperature of bulk material [27], that is,
3RTb N N
Hmn = Hmb + ln 1 − 1−
1 2 2n 2n
Cpb ∝ (7) (15)
Table 1
Input data used in the calculations [15,29–31].
Nanomaterials d (nm) Smb (J/mol/K) Hmb (kJ/mol) Tb (K) Cpb (J/mol/K)
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