Eng TN 20 041511
Eng TN 20 041511
Eng TN 20 041511
The attached form was developed to assist with the inventory and data collection
necessary for conducting evaluations utilizing the BPA evaluation tool. In addition, case
studies are provided which are copied from the draft National Technical Note to show how
to quickly and easily input data into the economic comparison spread sheet and to explain
what it means.
There are four sections to the VFD economic comparison spread sheet. All of the following
information and data is required to conduct an evaluation utilizing the BPA economic tool:
The economic comparison spread sheet may be used by others who are designing a VFD.
The purpose of this evaluation spread sheet is to determine the value of a VFD and
compare with the existing pump or possibly a new pump that fits the site better. A VFD
requires some energy to filter the power and cool the unit, so if there is not enough
flow or pressure variation, a VFD could require more energy than the current
Other benefits and associated values from using a VFD are much harder to determine. The
power savings are also very dependent on the type of pump that is being retrofitted or
selected. A steeper pump curve would generate more savings. The number of hours the
system is operated also directly affects the cost.
The economic comparison spread sheet has comments on certain cells to help explain
what to input. The accuracy of the results will only be as good as the accuracy of the input
VFD Economic Comparison spread sheet – http://www.bpa.gov/Energy/N/agricultural_resources.cfm
Washington NRCS Construction Specification- http://www.wa.nrcs.usda.gov/technical/ENG/specifications/
Fact Sheet and Detailed VFD draft technical note http://www.wa.nrcs.usda.gov/technical/ENG/index.html
Water is pumped from a well to supply a center-pivot sprinkler system. The pumping plant
consists of an electric motor and vertical turbine pump. Power costs are $0.07 per kWh.
The sprinkler irrigation system is a MESA (mid-elevation spray application) pivot system
with 20-psi pressure regulators and nozzles mounted at 6 feet. The sprinkler uniformity for
these types of nozzles is calculated at 85%. The estimated pivot flow rate is 877 gpm (1.95
cfs). The sprinklers irrigate 140 acres of corn with an estimated annual net water
requirement of 28 inches (Fig. 1).
The pumping lift is 100 ft. The pivot is irrigating a field that has a fairly uniform slope of 4%.
The pump design was based upon delivering the total flow with the pivot oriented uphill on
a 4% slope.
Due to the use of pressure regulators in the system, the flow rate is assumed to remain
essentially constant for all conditions. However, it is necessary to determine the total
dynamic head (TDH) for the pivot at different positions.
Because of the field slope, the pressure at the distal end of the pivot lateral is constantly
changing. The pressure regulators provide uniform pressure and uniformity to the nozzles
but the energy use changes when adjusting the pressure to match the conditions required
on the field. This analysis can range from simple to complicated. In most cases a
simplified analysis will provide good information on energy and cost savings. To make
evaluation easier, the field is divided into three major control sections:
1) pivot operating uphill
2) pivot operating on the level
3) pivot operating downhill
* When the pivot is in the downhill condition the minimum pressure of 20 psi plus 5 psi for
the pressure regulators still needs to be supplied. The slope which is steeper than the
friction slope will provide the rest of the necessary pressure.
System Data
The pivot applies 877 gal/min of water on 140 acres. The total operating hours needs to be
either calculated or entered. The operating hours can be entered directly into cell E11 or, if
the net irrigation and sprinkler uniformity are known, the hours can be calculated. For this
example, the sprinkler uniformity efficiency is 85% with a net application of 28”/ year, the
gross application would be 28”/0.85 = 32.9” in cell D11.
For the existing condition the pump provides 877 gpm and a TDH of 263 ft. all the time.
● ●
● ●
Case Study 1 60 HZ
for 55 HZ
various HZ settings 50 HZ
40 HZ
350 35 HZ
Ctrl pt 1
300 Ctrl pt 2
1 Ctrl pt 3
250 Ctrl pt 4
Head (ft)
Ctrl pt 5
200 2 Ctrl pt 6
3 Slider
150 58% eff
70% eff
100 80% eff
82% eff
50 70% eff
% eff
0 % eff
% eff
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 % eff
% eff
Flow rate (gpm)
The plot of the new pump curve with the VFD is shown in Figure 3. The plot shows
operating points, the system curve and the approximated efficiency curves. The 3 points
The VFD adds another loss in the form of efficiency. The default value for the VFD
efficiency is approximately 97%. The power requirements for the various operating points
are 80 hp, 62 hp, and 52 hp, respectively.
The actual energy cost with the VFD for this case study is estimated at $7,986 per season.
The savings in energy operating under these conditions would be $1,665 per season. The
complete input and output data from the economic comparison spread sheet is shown
below. With the initial cost at $9,000, the payback period on the VFD would be 5.4 years.
Operating points/ system curve without VFD Operating points/System curve with VFD
Pump Pump
Flow Efficiency Head VFD freq Efficiency
Point (gpm) Head (ft) (%) Flow (gpm) (ft) (Hz) (%)
1 877 262 79 877 263 60.1 79
2 877 262 79 877 210 54.5 82
3 877 262 79 877 176 50.8 82
Operating points/ system curve without VFD Operating points/System curve with VFD
Point %Hrs Input-HP KWh VFD freq (Hz) HP %Hrs KWh
1 25% 78 34,463 60.1 80 25% 35681
2 50% 78 68,943 54.5 62 50% 55394
3 25% 78 34,471 50.8 52 25% 23012
Efficiency (%)
150 40
0 0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
60 HZ 1770 RPM Flow
50 HZ 1475 RPM
60 eff
Water is supplied to a Pivot from a single well located in the Odessa Aquifer. The pumping
lift from the well ranges from 50 ft at the beginning of the irrigation season to 185 ft at the
end of the season. The sprinkler system operates close to its design point at the end of the
season, but the producer must be careful to avoid air entrainment due to inadequate water
depth over the pump inlet.
System Data
The sprinkler irrigation system is a Low Elevation Spray Application (LESA) pivot system on
relatively level ground with the pivot point located 5 ft higher than the well. It is nozzled for
750 gpm (1.67 cfs) at 36 psi (ground level at Pivot) and the sprinkler package uniformity is
90%. Pressure regulators set at 15 psi are used on the system to control the flow rate
during the season. The sprinkler height is 4 ft above ground. The pivot irrigates 122 acres
of corn with a net irrigation requirement of 24 inches annually and the power costs are
$0.07 per Kw-hr (Fig 6).
The TDH at the beginning and end of the season are summarized below.
The pivot applies 26.7 gross inches of water to the field. (Net irrigation of 24”/90%
uniformity) The estimated seasonal hours of operation is 1963 hrs (T=DA/Q; 26.7inches x
250 Ctrl pt 5
Ctrl pt 6
200 Slider
2 78% eff
80% eff
100 81% eff
80% eff
78% eff
0 75% eff
0 200 400 600 800 1000 70% eff
% eff
Flow rate (gpm) % eff
% eff
Enter all the data into the economic comparison spread sheet to evaluate the 2 conditions.
The VFD adds another loss in the form of efficiency. The default value for VFD’s is
approximately 97%. Horsepower and energy input for the two conditions are 76 hp and 45
hp, respectively.
The actual energy cost is based upon the percent of the total hours that the system is
operated. Assuming the time is split between the 2 operating conditions the energy
savings would be $1,361 per season.
The annual or seasonal savings is compared to the cost of the VFD to calculate the
payback period would be 7.4 years. The second case study economic comparison input
and output is shown below.
Operating points/ system curve without VFD Operating points/System curve with VFD
Pump Pump
Flow Efficiency VFD freq Efficiency
Point (gpm) Head (ft) (%) Flow (gpm) Head (ft) (Hz) (%)
1 750 295 81 750 161 50.5 74
2 750 297 81 750 296 60.1 81
Operating points/ system curve without VFD Operating points/System curve with VFD
VFD freq Input-
Point %Hrs Input-HP KWh (Hz) HP %Hrs KWh
1 50% 74 53,900 50.5 45 50% 32927
2 50% 74 54,287 60.1 76 50% 55824
350 80
Efficiency (%)
50 70
0 68
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
60 HZ 1770 RPM Flow
50 HZ 1475 RPM
60 eff
This farm has 360 acres irrigated by three pivots, wheel lines and solid set sprinklers (Fig.
10). Two of the pivots have corner systems. All of the pivots have end guns. The pipe
sizes and pressure requirement are also shown on fig 11. The fields are all the same
elevation and are planted in a variety of crops: potatoes, alfalfa, small grains, sugar beets,
and corn. The water source for the fields is a single well. The power source is electricity at
$0.10 per kilowatt-hr. The average pumping season is 1700 hours. The pump is an older
vertical turbine operating at 1770 rpm, with 3 stages, each 10.3 inch diameter. The operator
would like to install a VFD to facilitate management, to save energy and to reduce costs.
There are other scenarios possible. These were chosen as the most common and the
percent of time for each is 5%, 25%, 50%, 15%, and 5%, respectively. The motor
efficiency is 95%. The VFD is 97% efficient.
The total estimated annual power cost with the VFD is $12,394 with a resulting estimated
savings of $7,038 per season.
350 40 HZ
35 HZ
Ctrl pt 1
250 Ctrl pt 2
Head (ft)
200 Ctrl pt 3
4 5
Ctrl pt 4
150 2
3 Ctrl pt 5
100 Ctrl pt 6
50 Slider
35% eff
49% eff
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
56% eff
Flow rate (gpm)
A summary of the economic comparison of the inputs and outputs for Case 3 is shown
Figure 13. Case Study 3 - Economic Comparison
Operating points/ system curve without VFD Operating points/System curve with VFD
Pump Pump
Flow Efficiency VFD freq Efficiency
Point (gpm) Head (ft) (%) Flow (gpm) Head (ft) (Hz) (%)
1 2,750 192 81 2750 190 59.7 81
2 2,350 213 82 2350 180 56.5 82
3 1,770 232 73 1770 133 47.3 81
4 1,200 261 56 1200 157 47.8 66
5 560 283 29 560 121 39.8 42
Operating points/ system curve without VFD Operating points/System curve with VFD
VFD freq
Point %Hrs Input-HP KWh (Hz) Input-HP %Hrs KWh
1 5% 172 10,938 59.7 176 5% 11159
2 25% 162 51,498 56.5 141 25% 44643
3 50% 149 94,444 47.3 80 50% 50497
4 15% 148 28,184 47.8 78 15% 14827
5 5% 146 9,255 39.8 44 5% 2814
WA ENG TN-20 Page 16 of 19
Figure 14. Case Study 3 – VFD Pump curve and Economic Analysis
350 90
Efficiency (%)
150 40
0 0
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
60 HZ 1770 RPM Flow
50 HZ 1475 RPM
60 eff
Vaarriiaabbllee FFrreeqquueennccyy D
Drriivvee M
Maarrcchh 22001111
A VFD requires power to operate. In order for the VFD to provide a benefit by reducing
power consumption, variations in pressure and/or flows during the season are necessary.
Enter the estimated flow rates, pressures and time for each below in order to evaluate the
benefit of the VFD.