Sri Venkateswara Puja Vidhi
Sri Venkateswara Puja Vidhi
Sri Venkateswara Puja Vidhi
Om Om Om
Shri Shri Shri Tridandi Srimannaaraayana
Ramanuja Chinna Jeyaar Swamiji Gurubhyo Namaha
Om Shri Lakshmanachãarya Gurubhyo Namaha
Harih Om
Anugyãam Dehi ||
Dhyãana Sloka
Om Pãarthãaya Pratibhodhitãam | Bhagavatam| Nãarãaya Neena Swayam|
Vyãaséna Gratitãam Purãana Munina| Madhyé Mahãa Bhãaratam|
Adweytãamruta Varshiniim| Bhagavatiim| Astha Dhasha Dhyãayiniim|
Ambhatwãam Anusan Dadhãami | Bhagavad Giteh Bhava Dhweshiniim |
Namostuté Vyãasa Vishãala Budhee | Phullãaravinda Yatapatra Nétra |
Yenatwayãa Bhãaratha Teila Purnah | Pradjwãalito Gnãanamaya Pradipaha |
Prapanna Pãarijãatãaya | Trotra Vétre Kapãalayé |
Gnãana Mudrãaya Krishnãaya | Geetãamruta Duhé Namaha |
Sarvo panishado Gãavo | Dugdha Gopãala Nandana |
Pãartho Vatsah Suddhir Bhoktãa | Dugdham Geetãamrutam Mahat |
Vasudé Vasutam Dévam | Kamsa Chãa Nuramardanam |
Dévaki Paramãanandam | Krishnam Wandé Jagat Gurum |
Bhishma Dronah Tatha Jayat Ratajala | Gãandhãara Niilotpalãa |
Shaila Grahavati Kripéna Vahani | Karnéna Véélãakula |
Ashwathãamãa Vikarna Ghora Makara | Dhuriodhana Vartini |
Sortirna Khalu Pãandavey Rananadhi | Keyvartaka Keshava |
Pãara Shaya Vachassaroja Mamalam | Geetãatha Gandhot Katam |
Nãana Khianaka Késaram Hari Kathãa | Sambo Dhanãa Bodhitam |
Lokésajanah Sadpahey Raharahãa | Pépi Yamanam Mudãa |
Bhuyat Bhãarata Pankajam Kalimalãa | Pradwam Sina Shréyasé |
Muukham Karoti Vãachãalam | Pangum Langhayate Girim |
Yatkripa Twamaham Vandé | Paramãananda Mãadhavam |
Sri Venkareshwara Page 2
Yam Brama Varunéndra Rudra Marutaha | Stunvanti Divyastavey |
Vedié Sãangha Pado Kramo Padishadé | Gãayantiyam Sãamagãa |
Dhyãana Vashthitah Tat Gaténa Manasa | Pashiantiyam Yoginah |
Yasiantam Navidu Surãasura Gana | Dévaya Tasmey Namaha |
Sarvãa Dharma Pari Thyéja | Mãamékam Sharanam Vraja |
Aham Twa Sarva Pãapebyaha | Moksha Isyãami Mãa Suchaha |
3 Prãanãayãamah
Diipa Sthãapanãa
Atha Devasya Vãama Bhãage Diipa Sthãapanam Karishye .
Agninãagni Samidhyate Kavirgraha Patiryuvãa Havyavãat.h Juvãasyah ..
Diipam Jyoti Parãa Brammam, Diipam Sarvo Tamopaham
Diipenna Sandhyate Sarvam, Sandhya Diipam Namoastute (Light The Lamps)
5 Dhãanya Rãashi
Om Aushadhãaya Sanvadante Somena Saharãagya |
Yasmai Kruineti Brãahmanastham Rãajanh Pãarayãamasi || (Touch The Grains/rice/
6 Sankalpah
Om Shriimãan.h Mahãaganãadhipataye Namah .
Shrii Gurubhyo Namah .
Shrii Sarasvatyai Namah .
Shrii Vedãaya Namah .
Shrii Vedapurushãaya Namah .
Ishtadevatãabhyo Namah . (Prostrations To Your Favorite Deity)
Kuladevatãabhyo Namah . (Prostrations To Your Family Deity)
Sthãanadevatãabhyo Namah . (Prostrations To The Deity Of This House)
Grãamadevatãabhyo Namah . (Prostrations To The Deity Of This Place)
Vãastudevatãabhyo Namah . (Prostrations To The Deity Of All The Materials We Have Collected)
Shachiipura.ndarãabhyãam Namah . (Prostrations To The Indra And Shachii)
Umãamaheshvarãabhyãam Namah . (Prostrations To Shiva And Pãarvati)
Mãatãapitr^ibhyãam Namah . (Prostrations To Our Parents)
Lakshmiinãarãayanãabhyãam Namah . (Prostrations To The Lords Who Protect Us - Lakshmi
And Nãarãayana)
Sarvebhyo Devebhyo Namo Namah . (Prostrations To All The Gods)
Sarvebhyo Brãahmanebhyo Namo Namah . (Prostrations To All Brahamanas - Those Who
Are In The Religious Path)
Yetadkarmapradhãana Devatãabhyo Namo Namah . (Prostrations To Lord
Satyanãarãayana, The Main Deity In This Puja)
Dashãangam Guggulam Divyamuttamam Gana Nãayaka |
Dhuupam Gruihãana Devesha Gauri Putra Namoastute ||
Sarvagya Sarva Devesha, Sarva Siddhi Pradãayaka |
Gruihãana Mangalam Diipam, Rudra Putra Namoastute ||
|| Atha Prãarthanãa ||
Sri Venkareshwara Page 15
Om Vakratunda Mahãakãaya Koti Suurya Samaprabha |
Nirvighnam Kuru Me Deva Sarva Kãaryeshhu Sarvadãa ||
Gangãyai Namah |
Yamunãyai Namah |
Godãvaryai Namah |
Sarasvatyai Namah |
Narmadãyai Namah |
Sindhave Namah |
Kãveryai Namah |
Pushhpaih Puujayãmi ||
Kalashadevatãabhyo Namah |
Sakala Puujãarthe Ãakshatãanh Samarpayãami ||
14 Shankha Puujana
(Pour Water From Kalasha To Shankha Add Gandha Flower)
.. Chaturdala Devatãa ..
|| Chaturdala Devatãa ||
Om Ganapataye Namah | Om Durgãayai Namah |
Om Kshetrapãalãaya Namah | Om Vasoshpataye Namah |
20 Piitha Puujãa
Piithasya Adhobhãage Ãadhãara Shaktyai Namah ||
Kuurmãaya Namah ||
Dakshine Kshiirodadhiye Namah ||
Sinhãaya Namah ||
Sinhãasanasya Ãagneya Kone Varãahãaya Namah ||
Nairuitya Kone Gyãanãaya Namah ||
Vãayavya Kone Vairãagyãaya Namah ||
Iishãanya Kone Aishvaryãaya Namah ||
Puurva Dishe Dharmãaya Namah ||
Dakshina Dishe Gyãanãaya Namah ||
Pashchima Dishe Vairãagyãaya Namah ||
Uttara Dishe Anaishcharãaya Namah ||
Piitha Madhye Muulãaya Namah ||
Nãalãaya Namah ||
Patrebhyo Namah ||
Kesarebhyo Namah ||
Karnikãayai Namah ||
Karnikãa Madhye Sam Sattvãaya Namah ||
Ram Rajase Namah ||
Tam Tamase Namah ||
Somamandalãaya Namah ||
Somamandalãa Dhipataye Vishnave Namah ||
Vahnimandalãaya Namah ||
Vahnimandalãa Dhipataye Iishvarãaya Namah ||
|| Karanyãasah ||
|| Anganyãasah ||
Sri Venkareshwara Page 29
Ãam Hruidayãaya Namah || Hriim Shirase Svãahãa ||
Kraum Shikhãayai Vaushath || Ãam Kavachãaya Humh ||
Hriim Netratrayãayavaushath || Kraum Astrãaya Phath || Bhurbhuvasvaromh ||
23 Dhyãanam
Om Om (Repeat 15 Times)
Om Shãantãakãaram Bhujagashayanam Padmanãabham Suresham
Vishvãadhãaram Gaganasadruisham Meghavarnam Shubhãangamh |
Lakshmii Kãantam Kamalanayanam Yogihruiddhyãanagamyam Vandevishnum
Bhavabhayaharam Sarvalokaikanãathamh ||
(You Can Add More Related Shlokas)
Ãasanam Samarpayãami ||
Arghyam Samarpayãami ||
Ãachamaniiyam Samarpayãami ||
29 Snãanam
Yatpurushena Havishãa Devãa Yagyamatanvata |
Vasanto Asyãasiidãajyamh Griishma Idhmash Sharaddhavih ||
Snãanam Samarpayãami ||
30\ |6 Shuddhodaka Snãanam (Pure Water Bath) Sprinkle Water All Around
Om Ãapohishtãa Mayo Bhuvah | Tãana Uurje Dadhãatana | Mahiiranãaya
Chakshase | Yovah Shivatamorasah Tasyabhãajayate Hanah | Ushatiiriva
Mãatarah | Tasmãath Arangamãamavo | Yasya Kshayãaya Jinvadha | Ãapo Jana
Yathãachanah ||
31 Pratishthãapanãa
34\ |1 Kanchukii
34\ |3 Tãadapatrãani
Tãadapatrãani Divyãani Vichitrãani Shubhãani Cha |
Karãa Bharana Yuktãani Mãatastat Pratigruihyatãamh ||
34\ |4 Haridrãa
Haridrãa Ranjite Devii Sukha Saubhãagya Dãayinii |
Haridrãante Pradãasyãami Gruihãana Parameshvari ||
34\ |5 Kunkuma
Kunkumam Kãamadãam Divyam Kãaminii Kãama Sambhavamh |
Kunkumãarchite Devi Saubhãagyãartham Pratigruihyatãamh ||
34\ |6 Kajjala
Suniila Bhramarãabhasam Kajjalam Netra Mandanamh |
Mayãadattamidam Bhaktyãa Kajjalam Pratigruihyatãamh ||
34 Yagyopaviitamh
38 Akshata
Tasmãadashvãa Ajãayanta Ye Ke Cho Bhayãadatah |
Gãavo Ha Jagyire Tasmãath Tasmãajjãatãa Ajãavayah ||
39 Pushpa
Mãalyãadiini Sugandhiini Mãalyatãadiini Vaiprabho |
Mayãa Hritãani Puujãartham Pushpãani Pratigruihyatãamh ||
41 Athãangapuujãa
Om Shrii Venkateshãaya Namah | Pãadau Puujãami ||
Om Shriinivãasãaya Namah | Gulphau Puujãami ||
Om Lakshmiipataye Namah | Jãanunii Puujãami ||
Om Anãamayãaya Namah | Janghe Puujãami ||
Om Amruitãanshãaya Namah | Uuruunh Puujãami ||
Om Jagadvandyãaya Namah | Guhyam Puujãami ||
Om Govindãaya Namah | Jaghanam Puujãami ||
Om Shãashvatãaya Namah | Katim Puujãami ||
Om Prabhave Namah | Udaram Puujãami ||
Om Sheshãadri Nilayãaya Namah |Hruidayam Puujãami ||
Om Devãaya Namah |Pãarshvau Puujãami ||
Om Keshavãaya Namah | Pruishthadeham Puujãami ||
Om Madhusuudanãaya Namah | Skandhau Puujãami ||
Om Amruitãaya Namah | Bãahuunh Puujãami ||
Om Mãadhavãaya Namah | Hastãanh Puujãami ||
Om Kruishnãaya Namah | Kantham Puujãami ||
Om Shrii Haraye Namah | Vadanam Puujãami ||
Om Shrii Venkateshãaya Namah | Nãasikãam Puujãami ||
Om Shriinivãasãaya Namah | Shrotre Puujãami ||
Om Lakshmiipataye Namah | Netrãani Puujãami ||
Om Jagadiishvarãaya Namah | Bhravau Puujãami ||
Om Parabrahmanenamah | Bhruumadhyam Puujãami ||
Om Ordandavikramãaya Namah | Lalãatam Puujãami ||
Om Parãatparãaya Namah | Shirah Puujãami ||
Om Shrii Venkateshvarãaya Namah Sarvãangãani Puujãami ||
44 Nãama Puujãa
Om Keshavãaya Namah |
Om Nãarãayanãaya Namah |
Om Mãadhavãaya Namah |
Om Govindãaya Namah |
Om Vishnave Namah |
Om Madhusuudanãaya Namah |
Om Trivikramãaya Namah |
Om Vãamanãaya Namah |
Om Shriidharãaya Namah |
Om Hruishiikeshãaya Namah |
Sri Venkareshwara Page 46
Om Padmanãabhãaya Namah |
Om Dãamodarãaya Namah |
Om Sankarshanãaya Namah |
Om Vãasudevãaya Namah |
Om Pradyumnãaya Namah |
Om Aniruddhãaya Namah |
Om Purushottamãaya Namah |
Om Adhokshajãaya Namah |
Om Nãarasinhãaya Namah |
Om Achyutãaya Namah |
Om Janãardanãaya Namah |
Om Upendrãaya Namah |
Om Haraye Namah |
Om Shrii Kruishnãaya Namah |
Om Parashurãamãaya Namah |
Om Rãamãaya Namah |
Om Buddhãaya Namah |
Om Kalkine Namah |
Om Shrii Venkateshvarãaya Namah | Nãama Puujãam Samarpayãami ||
Read Out Or Narrate Here The Story Of Shriinivãasa Padmavatii Kalyãana
Namasteastu Mahãamãaye Shriipiithe Surapuujite .
Shankha Chakra Gadãahaste Mahãalakshmi Namoastute .. 1..
Namaste Garudãa Ruudhe Kolãa Surabhayankari .
Sarva Pãapahare Devi Mahãalakshmi Namo.astute .. 2..
Sarvagye Sarvavarade Sarva Dushhta Bhayankari .
Sarva Duhkhahare Devi Mahãalakshmi Namoastute 3..
Siddhi Buddhi Prade Devi Bhukti Mukti Pradãayini .
Mantrapuute Sadãa Devi Mahãalakshmi Namo.astute 4..
Ãadyanta Rahite Devi Ãadya Shakti Maheshvari .
Yogaje Yoga Sambhuute Mahãalakshmi Namo.astute 5..
Sthuula Suukshma Mahãaraudre Mahãashakti Mahodare
Mahãa Pãapahare Devi Mahãalakshmi Namo.astute .. 6..
Padmãasa Nasthite Devi Parabrahma Svaruupini .
Parameshi Jaganmãatar Mahãalakshmi Namo.astute 7..
Shvetãam Baradhare Devi Nãanãa Lankãara Bhuushhite .
Jagatsthite Jaganmãatar Mahãalakshmi Namo.astute 8..
Mahãalakshmy Ashhtakam Stotram Yah Pathed.h Bhakti Mãannarah .
Sarvasiddhi Mavãap Noti Rãajyam Prãapnoti Sarvadãa .9..
Ekakãale Pathennityam Mahãa Pãapa Vinãashanam.h .
Dvikãalam Yah Pathennityam Dhana Dhãanya Samanvitah .. 10..
Trikãalam Yah Pathennityam Mahãa Shatru Vinãashanam.h
Mahãalakshmir Bhavennityam Prasannãa Varadãa Shubhãa .. 11..
.. Iti Shriimahãalaxmiistava ..
Sri Venkareshwara Page 53
49 Shriilaxmy Ashhtottara Shata Nãamãavalih
Om Prakr^ityai Namah .
Om Vikr^ityai Namah .
Om Vidyãayai Namah .
Om Sarva Bhuuta Hitapradãayai Namah .
Om Shraddhãayai Namah .
Om Vibhuutyai Namah .
Om Surabhyai Namah .
Om Paramãat Mikãayai Namah .
Om Vãache Namah .
Om Padmãalayãayai Namah .
Om Padmãayai Namah .
Om Shuchaye Namah .
Om Svãahãayai Namah .
Om Svadhãayai Namah .
Om Sudhãayai Namah .
Om Dhanyãayai Namah .
Om Hiranmayyai Namah .
Om Laxmyai Namah .
Om Nityapushh Tãayai Namah .
Om Vibhãavaryai Namah .
Om Adityai Namah .
Om Ditye Namah .
Om Diipãayai Namah .
Om Vasudhãayai Namah .
Om Vasudhãa Rinyai Namah .
Om Kamalãayai Namah .
Om Kãantãayai Namah .
Om Kãamãaxyai Namah .
Om Krodha Sambhavãayai Namah .
Om Anugraha Pradãayai Namah .
Om Buddhaye Namah .
Om Anaghãayai Namah .
Om Harivallabhãayai Namah .
Om Ashokãayai Namah .
Om Amr^itãayai Namah .
Om Diiptãayai Namah .
50 Dhuupam
Vanaspatyudbhavo Divyo Gandhãadhyo Gandhavuttamah |
Venkateshvarãaya Mahipãalo Dhuupoyam Pratigruihyatãamh ||
51 Diipam
Sãajyam Trivarti Sanyuktam Vahninãa Yojitum Mayãa |
Gruihãana Mangalam Diipam Trailokya Timirãapahamh ||
52 Naivedyam
(Dip Finger In Water And Write A Square And 'shrii' Mark Inside The Square . Place Naivedya On 'shrii'
; Remove Lid And Sprinkle Water Around The Vessel; Place In Each Food Item One Washed Leaf/
Om Namo Nãarãayanãaya |
Shrii Padmãavatii Sahita Venkateshvarãaya Namah |
Naivedyam Samarpayãami ||
(Cover Face With Cloth And Chant Gãayatrii Mantra Five Times Or Repeat 12 Times Om Namah
Nãarãayanãaya )
Sri Venkareshwara Page 58
Sarvatra Amruitopidhãanyamasi Svãahãa |
Om Shrii Padmãavatiisahita Venkateshvarãaya Namah |
Uttarãaposhanam Samarpayãami || (Let Flow Water From Shankha)
55 Karodvartanamh
Karodvartankam Devamayãa Dattam Hi Bhaktitah |
Chãaru Chandra Prabhãam Divyam Gruihãana Jagadiishvara ||
56 Tãambuulam
Puugiphalam Satãambuulam Nãagavalli Dalairyutamh |
Tãambuulam Gruihyatãam Deva Yela Lavanga Sanyuktamh ||
57 Dakshinãa
Hiranya Garbha Garbhastha Hemabiija Vibhãavasoh |
Ananta Punya Phaladãa Athah Shãantim Prayashcha Me ||
59 Karpuura Diipa
Adhiven^katashailamudãaramate Janatãabhimatãadhikadãanaratãat.h |
Paradevatayãa Gaditãannigamaih Kamalãadayitãanna Param Kalaye || 4
Kalavenuravãavashagopavadhu Shatakotivr^itãatsmarakotisamãat.h |
Prativallavikãabhimatãatsukhadãat.h Vasudevasutãanna Param Kalaye || 5
Avaniitanayãakamaniiyakaram Rajaniikarachãarumukhãamburuham |
Rajaniichararãajatamomihiram Mahaniiyamaham Raghurãama Maye || 7
Sri Venkareshwara Page 60
Sumukham Suhr^idam Sulabham Sukhadam Svanujam Cha Sukhãayama
moghasharam |
Apahãaya Raghudvahamanyamaham Na Kathajnchana Kajnchana Jãatu Bhaje || 8
viśāla vakṣaḥsthalaḥ,
timiramoha gārbhagehaḥ,
śritajana vatsalatātiśayaḥ,
yadukulakāmbhojī ānandabhairavī
guṇakriyā meghagarjanī
bhavanto mahāntoznugṛhṇantu,
brahmaṇyo rājā dhārmikozstu,
deśoyaṃ nirupadravozstu,
sarve sādhujanāssukhino vilasantu,
samastasanmaṅgaḷāni santu,
sakalakaḷyāṇa samṛddhirastu ||
hariḥ oṃ ||
62 Namaskãara
Saptãasyãasanh Paridhayah Trissapta Samidhah Kruitãah |
Devãa Yadyagyam Tanvãanãah Abadhnanpurusham Pashumh ||
64 Mantra Pushpa
Om, Yopaam pushpam veda
Pushpavaan prajavaan pashumaan Bhavathi
Chandramaa vaa apaam pushpam
Pushpavaan prajavaan pashumaan Bhavathi
65 Shankha Bramana
(Make Three Rounds Of Shankha With Water Like Ãarati And Pour Down; Chant Om 9 Times And Show
66 Upayana Dãanam
Brãahmana Suhãasini Puujãa (Wash Feet Wipe Offer Gandha Kumkum Flowers Sapãad Fruits And
Gitfs And Make Obeisances)
Punah Puujãa
68 Ãatma Samarpana
Yasya Smruityãa Cha Nãamnoktyãa Tapah Puujãa Kriyãadishu |
Nyuunam Sampuurnatãam Yãati Sadyo Vande Tam Achyutamh ||
Namasmaromi |
Shrii Venkateshvara Svãamii Devatãa Prasãadam Shirasãa Gruihnãami ||
69 Kshamãapanam
Aparãadha Sahasrãani Kriyante Aharnisham Mayãa |
Tãani Sarvãani Me Deva Kshamasva Purushottama ||
|| Shrii Kruishnãarpanamastu ||
Ateytwam Vishnave, Cheran Nirvapade,
Yagunvey Vishnu, Yaguya Evan Tata Pratishtate,
Sortra Juhoti Om Vishnave Swaha, Yagnye Swaha, Pratishthaapa Swayeti.
Om Naaraayanaya Vidmahi Vaasudevaya Dhimahi Tanno Vishnu
72. Govindhashtakam
Sathyam Jnanam Anantham Nithya Manakasam Paramakasam
Goshta Prangana Ringana Lolam Anayasam Paramayasam
Maya Kalpitha Nanakara Manakaram Bhuvanakaram
Kshmama Nadha Manadham Prana Matha Govindam Paramanandham.
Mruth Sanamathsihethi Yasodha Thadana Shaisava Sam Thrasam
Vyadhitha Vakthralokitha Loka Loka Chathurdasa Lokaleem
Loka Thrayapura Moola Sthambham Loka Loka Mana Lokam
Lokesam Paramesam Prana Matha Govindam Paramanandham.
Sri Vari Feet Narayanagiri (Tirumala)
Srirasthu Shubhamastu Avighnamasthu
Written by
Timmaraju Viswapathi Rama Krishna Murthy (M.Tech)
(T.V.R.K. Murthy)
Shri Designs
Vedic Logo designers
In this universe, there is no place which is more auspicious than Venkatadri. There is no God
greater than or equal to Sri Venkateswara Swamy, neither in the past nor would be in the
future. Sriman Narayana, the resident of Vaikunta, in this Kaliyuga, has taken form on the
divine Tirumala hills as Sri Srinivasa to bless all His devotees.
Sri Srinivasa’s leelas are wonderful, those who believe would be blessed with prosperity. He
is all pervasive and saves those in need. From ages the Lord has been blessing his
devotees and providing salvation to them.
My parents, Late Brahmasri Timmaraju Narasimha Rao and Smt.Naga Ratnamba were
great devotees of the Lord and served Him throughout their life. Every day early in the
morning, my father used to read Venkateswara suprabhatam which was instrumental in
developing my devotion to the Lord. From that time, He became my whole and soul. Though
I have studied engineering, my heart always used to be on Veda Shastras. Sri Srinivasa
would always be present in my core.
I was born in 1956 in my maternal grandfather’s home at Pothanuru village in Eluru Taluk. I
did all my education in Pothanuru, Nagarjuna Sagar, Hyderabad and Warangal. In 1983, I
took my engineering degree from Regional Engineering College, Warangal. Till 1988 I
worked in Alwyn Company and later till 1998 I worked in Matrusri Engineering College. After
that I have been closely associated with various business houses by the way of designing
their titles and logos based on Veda Shastra. With the Lord’s grace almost all of the
businesses are prospering well in their fields. All these achievements are only due to the
blessings of Sri Srinivasa.
Sri Srinivasa has ample love for His devotees. Once we overcome our ego and love for
materialistic things and submit ourselves to HIM, the Lord will take care of us. In this Kali
Yug, there is no God who is superior to Him. That is the reason, thousands of people visit
the Tirumala hills every day to have darshan of the Lord.
Lord Srinivasa leela’s are amazing. If one whole heartedly worships Him, He will bestow all
His blessing on them. If one realises Venkateswara Tatwam then there is no greater bliss
than that.
This book, Sri Venkateswara Vratha Kalpam was written with the Lord’s grace and
blessings. In this Kali Yuga, human beings are suffereing from a number of problems.
Performing this vratham at least once in the life time would help overcome all these
The first chapter of this vratham was written on the holy hills of Tirumala. Swamy varu
Himself blessed and gave His permission to write this vratham. I am forever grateful to Sri
Venkateswara Swamy for blessing a common man like me with this vratham. What can I
offer to the divine Swamy who is Omnipresent in this whole universe? What ever is mine is
His only.
Lord Himself blessed me with the first chapter. The rest four chapters were written with the
blessings of great sages, Viswamitra, Bharadwaj, Vashista and Athri Maharishis. It is only
due to my previous births’ good deeds, that I was blessed with the grace of these great
The experiences that I had while writing these chapters are indescribable. When writing the
book I always visualised and worshipped Lord’s as well as the four Maha Rishis’ divine feet.
Tirumala is a wonderful divine place. If we sit alone in any place on Tirumala and meditate
with full concentration, we can hear the sound of OM. It will echo in our hearts. In addition,
we can also hear Vedas, Upanishads and all the Puraanas. Even now Gods, Goddesses,
Demi gods and Maharishis roam around the divine Tirumala hills. We will be able to step on
these sacred hills to have darshan of Lord Venkateswara based on our previous birth’s good
deeds (punyam) only.
It is very easy to perform this vratham. As the Lord Himself declared, one can perform the
vratham based on one’s capability. All problems can be overcome by performing this
vratham. However the only important criteria is devotion. To maximize the benefits, one must
perform the vratham with complete faith and devotion and concentrating one’s mind only on
the Lord’s feet.
Sriman Narayana knows all our problems, limitations and facilities. That is why He has
bestowed upon us the easiest way to receive His blessings. Devotees who either perform
the vratham or hear the stories or partake the prasadam would be blessed with prosperity.
All their problems would be resolved.
The writing of this book was done like a Yagnam. I dedicated the first copy of this book to the
‘Divine Feet of the Lord’ at Narayanagiri on Tirumala Hills. I believe that it was Sri Srinivasa’s
grace as well as the blessing of Gods, Goddesses, Demi Gods and Maharishis, that a mere
mortal like me was able to write this divine vratham.
While writing this book, my wife Smt. Venkata Rukmini Vaideyhi, my daughters Chi.
Aanandi, Chi. Aamukta and son Chi. Aditya Srinivas contributed a lot. I pray to Sri Lakshmi
Srinivasa to bless my brother Chi. Timmaraju Phani Kishore and Sri Vasavi graphics owners,
Smt and Sri P.Jagadeesh, who have done the DTP processing and printed the book. A
number of Lord Srinivasa’s devotees contributed to the publication of this book. I believe all
that is due to the grace of Lord. I pray that Lord Sri Lakshmi Srinivasa should shower His
constant blessings on them and their families.
My sincere pranamam to the knowledgeable Brahmasri Avvari Venkateswara Sharma for his
invaluable inputs and blessing while publishing the third edition.
There are no boundaries among devotees and there is no differentiation in devotion.
Devotion is like a river of nectar. Sriman Narayana is the central force for all devotees. I offer
my salutations to all his devotees.
How fortunate I am that I was blessed to write this divine vratham which is dear to Sri
Srinivasa? What more do I need? I offer my obeisance to the Parabramha who has given me
this opportunity. I promise to Lord Srinivasa that I would dedicate my life to His service and
would make sincere efforts to spread the greatness of Sri Venkata Tatwam and make it
popular among the people.
This book was written in 2005. Till now so many editions have been published and
distributed free of cost to devotees. The vratham is being performed in many temples and in
many countries across the world. So many devotees are performing this vratham regularly
and overcoming their problems with Sri Srinivasa’s grace. It is nothing but His blessing.
I pray to Sri Lakshmi Srinivasa to bless each and every person who has contributed to this
book, either directly or indirectly with health, wealth and prosperity. I implore Lord Sri
Lakshmi Srinivasa to shower His blessings on all His devotees who either perform the
vratham, or listen to the stories or partake the prasadam.
Vratham Procedure
Sri Venkateswara vratham can be performed in two ways. In the first method one can call a
priest and perform it in an elaborate way like the Sri Satyanarayana Vratham. It can be
performed before marriage, house warming ceremony or starting of a new business or on
any auspicious functions. In the second method, one can directly read the stories and offer
any prasadam to LORD SRINIVASA. They would also get the benefit of performing the
First Method:
In this Kaliyuga, the easiest way to receive the blessings of Sri Venkateswara Swamy is to
perform Sri Venkateswara vratham.
As soon as one performs the vratham, all difficulties can be overcome. Ordained by the Lord
Himself, this vratham is very easy to perform. It can be performed by anyone and anywhere.
All financial, health and various other problems related to mental and physical conditions
would surely be resolved if one performs this vratham. Likewise, one can perform this
vratham before any auspicious event like marriage, house warming etc. Anyone seeking a
good career and positive results in one’s own business could also perform this vratham for
fruitful outcomes.
As specified earlier, the vratham can be performed at any time. Performing the vratham
especially in the months of Margasira, Magha, Karthika or the days with tithis -Pournami,
Panchami, Saptami, Ekadasi or on the days of Sravana, Swati nakshatras yields favourable
results. This vratham can be performed either in the morning or evening time on a given day.
This vratham comprises of five chapters. The first one has been inspired by the Lord Himself
and the remaining four stories were blessed by the great Saints — Viswamitra, Vasishta,
Bharadwaja and Athri. This vratham can be performed not only in one’s house, own or
rental, but also in a temple, any holy place or even on the banks of a river.
It is recommended that one should invite one’s friends and relatives while performing the
vratham. First of all, the ‘puja area’ has to be cleaned properly. A ‘mantapam’ (stool) has to
be installed in the ‘puja area’ with the Lord’s photo placed on it. A photo of Kalyana
Venkateswara Swamy along with his consorts Sridevi and Bhudevi is recommended. One
can also place a small idol of the Lord or a one rupee coin (to represent the Lord) during the
Puja. A kalasam has to be arranged.
The puja starts with the worship of the Lord Vinayaka (made of turmeric) to overcome all
obstacles for performing the vratham. Navagraha Devatas and Ashta Dikpalakas have to be
invoked to be virtually present during the Puja or one can even pray to them by meditating
upon them. Then the five stories have to be read. Sri Venkateswara Swamy said that
whereever the vratham would be performed with full faith and devotion, HE would surely visit
in some form or other to partake the Prasadam.
Second Method:
One interesting aspect is, Lord Himself had said that if one cannot do vratham elaborately
due to any circumstances like lack of time, financial problems or any other issues, one can
perform it alone.
Just place the picture of the Lord in front, pray to Lord Vighneswara, navagrahas, and
If possible read the Sree Venkateswara, Sree Mahalakshmi, Sri Padmavathi Astotharam’s,
then read five stories of the vratham.
In General:
Keep Tulasi leaves, coconuts, fruits and flowers in a plate. Pray to Lord and read all the five
chapters. Offer Naivedhyam of coconut and fruits and then have the same as Prasadam.
This is bound to yield instant good results.
After reading each chapter, a coconut can be offered as ‘Naivedyam’. Or one can break only
one coconut at the end of the vratham. For the Maha Prasadam—wheat rawa, sugar have to
be mixed with ghee (like that of the Satyanarayana Swamy Prasadam). Banana has to be
added to the naivedhyam before offering the same to the Lord. Devotees must chant
‘Govinda Govinda Govinda’ thrice after the completion of each chapter.
Since Swamy Varu is fond of Tulasi leaves, one has to make sure to use them in the Puja for
good results. After the completion of the puja these Tulasi leaves can be distributed among
the devotees along with the Prasadam. The blessed Tulasi leaves would help heal many
diseases and bestow prosperity on devotees. Once the vratham is completed the coconuts
offered during the puja must be broken into small pieces and distributed along with the Maha
When feasible it is advisable to perform the vratham along with kalasam and the whole
process. If it is not viable only then follow the second process by just reading the five stories
and offering any naivedyam.
All of us need to understand one thing!!! Only the Lord is aware of all our problems and no
one else. Hence pray to the kind hearted Lord and seek his grace by performing the vratham
to fulfil one’s wishes. All the problems would be removed and one would be blessed with
Take water from the small tumbler in front of you drink 3 spoons while saying
Om Bhoohu, Om Bhuvaha, Om Suvaha, Om Mahaha, Om Janaha, Om Tapaha, Om
Satyam, Om Tatsavitur-Varenyam Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi, Dhiyoyonaha
Prachodayaath, Om Aapo-jyoteera-somrutham Brahma Bhoorbhuvassuvarom
(One should not use same vessel that is used for sankalpam and achamanam for Kalash.
Drop a few drops of water to one side (udakam)
Put the kalash to the right side of Swami, and put gandham, kumkum and akshinthas, then
place a flower in it and read the following sloka).
(Dip a flower in the kalash and sprinkle that water on the Lord, pooja plate and on yourself)
(Place a small piece of jaggery in a plate and sprinkle some water around it).
Om Bhoorbhuvassuvaha Om Tatsavitur-varaenyam
Bhargo Daevasya dheemahi, Dhiyo Yonahah Prachodayaat
Sathyam Thvarthena Parishinchaami
(When reading at night say, “Rutham Thwa Sathyena Parishinchaami”)
Praana Prathishta
Shaanthaakaaram Bhujagashayanam Padmanaabham Suresham
Vishwaakaaram Gagana Sadrusham Meghavarnam Shubhangam
Lakshmikaantham Kamalanayanam Yogihrudhyana Gamyam
Vande Vishnum Bhavabhayaharam Sarvalokaikanaatham
Sree Lakshmi Padmavathi Sametha Sree Venkateswara Swamine Namaha
Dhyaayaami, Dhyaanam Samarpayaami
(Place a flower or Tulasi leaf near the Lord’s idol or picture)
Aavaahayaami Devaesha Siddhagandharva Sevitha
Yadrahasyamidam Punyam Sarvapaapaharoharaha
Sree Lakshmi Padmavathi Sametha Sree Venkateswara Swamine Namaha
(Place a flower or tulasi leaf near the Lord’s idol or picture)
Deva Deva Jagannadha Pranutha Kleshanaashana
Rathna Simhaasanam Divyam Gruhaana Madhusudana
Sree Lakshmi Padmavathi Sametha Sree Venkateswara Swamine Namaha
Rathna Simhaasanam Samarpayaami
(Place a flower or leaf near the Lord’s idol or picture)
Vaanchitam Kurume Deva Dushkrutham Cha Vinaashaya
Paadyam Gruhaana Bhagavan Maathuruthsanga Samsthitha
Sree Lakshmi Padmavathi Sametha Sree Venkateswara Swamine Namaha
Paadayo, Paadyam Samarpayaami
(Take a spoon of water and pour it in a plate)
Kurushwamae Dayaam Deva Samsaaraarthi Bhayaapaha
Dadhiksheera Phalopaetham Gruhaanaarghyam Namosthuthe
Sree Lakshmi Padmavathi Sametha Sree Venkateswara Swamine Namaha
Hasthayorarghyam Samarpayaami
(Take a spoon of water and pour it in a plate)
Nama Sathyaaya Shuddhaaya Nityaaya Gnyaanaroopine
Gruhaanaachamanam Deva Sarvalokaika Naayaka
Sree Lakshmi Padmavathi Sametha Sree Venkateswara Swamine Namaha
Mukhe Aachamaneeyam Samarpayaami
(Take a spoon of water and pour it in a plate)
Panchaamrutha Snaanam
Swarna Paatrodhakam Ganga Yamunaadi Samanvitham
Shuddhodakam Gruhaanaesha Snaanam Kuru Yadhaavidhi
Sree Lakshmi Padmavathi Sametha Sree Venkateswara Swamine Namaha
Shuddhodaka snaanam Samarpayaami
(Take a spoon of water and pour it in a plate)
Thapthakaanchana Sankaasham Peethambara Midam Hare
Sugruhaana Jagannatha Sreenivasa Namosthuthe
Sree Lakshmi Padmavathi Sametha Sree Venkateswara Swamine Namaha
Vastrayugmam Samarpayaami
(Take a long piece of cotton and apply haldi and kumkum and offer to God)
Yagnopaveetham Paramam Pavithram
Prajapatheryathsahajam Purasthaath
Aayushyamagryam Prathimunchashubhram
Yagnopaveetham Balamasthu Tejaha
Sree Lakshmi Padmavathi Sametha Sree Venkateswara Swamine Namaha
Yagnopaveetham Samarpayaami
(Take two long pieces of cotton and apply haldi and kumkum and offer to God. Else offer a
flower and say Yagnopaveethartham pushpam)
Chandanaagaru Kastoori Ghanasaara Samanvitham
Gandham Gruhaana Govinda Naanaagandhamschadhaaraya
Sree Lakshmi Padmavathi Sametha Sree Venkateswara Swamine Namaha
Divyaparimala Gandhaan Samarpayaami
(Offer sandal wood paste or chandan or gandham to the Lord)
Govindaa Paramaananda Haridraa Sahithaakshathaan
Visweshwara Vishaalaaksha Gruhaana Parameshwara
Sree Lakshmi Padmavathi Sametha Sree Venkateswara Swamine Namaha
Akshataan Samarpayaami
(Sprinkle akshinthallu i.e., rice mixed with turmeric powder and ghee)
Sugandheeni Supushpaani Jaajeekundamukhanicha
Maalathi Vakulaadevi Poojartham Prathigruhyathaam
Sree Lakshmi Padmavathi Sametha Sree Venkateswara Swamine Namaha
Pushpam Samarpayaami
(Offer flowers to the Lord)
Athaanga Puja
(This is a Prayer to all parts of body of Lord Venkateswara. Offer a flower, tulsi leaves or
akshatha or after saying each line)
Dashaangam Guggulopaetham Goghruthaena Samanvitham
Dhoopam Gruhaana Devaesha Sarvaloka Namaskaraa
Sree Lakshmi Padmavathi Sametha Sree Venkateswara Swamine Namaha
(Offer agarbatthi)
Trilokesha Mahaadeva Sarvagnaana Pradhaayaka
Deepam Daasyaami Devaesha Rakshamaam Bhakthavathsala
Sree Lakshmi Padmavathi Sametha Sree Venkateswara Swamine Namaha
Deepam Darshayaami
(Offer the deepam)
Sarvabhakshyscha Bhojjyscha Rasysshaddhbi Samanvitham
Naivedyanthu Mayaaneetham Gruhaana Purushotthama
Sree Lakshmi Padmavathi Sametha Sree Venkateswara Swamine Namaha
Naivedhyam Samarpayaami
(Offer Naivedhyam by saying these words. If you’re offering a banana say
”Kadhaleephalam”, for coconut say “Naarikela Phalam Nivedayaami” , for jaggery
“Gudopahaara Naivedhyam Samarapayaami” )
Poogheephalai Sakarpoorai Rnaagavallee Dalayryutham
Muktaachoorna Samaayuktham Thaamboolam Prathigruhyataam
Sree Lakshmi Padmavathi Sametha Sree Venkateswara Swamine Namaha
Taamboolam Samarpayaami
Sriyah Kanthaaya Kalyaana Nidhaye Nidhayerdhinam
Sri Venkata Nivaasaaya Srinivasaya Mangalam
Sree Lakshmi Padmavathi Sametha Sree Venkateswara Swamine Namaha
Neeranjanam Darshayaami (Show karpuram and take a spoon of water and pour it in a
Niranjana Annataram Punaraachamaneeyam Samarpayaami
Om Sahasra Sheersham Daevam Viswaaksham Viswashambhuvam
Vishwam Naaraayanam deva maksharam Paramam Padam
Viswathaha Paramaa Nnithyam Vishwam Narayanagum Harim
Vishwamevedam Purushasthadvishva Mupajeevathi
Pathim Viswasyaathmeshvaragum Shaaswathagum Shiva Machyutam
Pradhakshina Namaskaaram
Yaanikaani Cha Paapaani Janmaantara Krutaani Cha
Taani Taani Pranashyanti Pradhakshina Padhe Padhe ||
Paapoham Paapakarmaaham Paapaatmaa Paapasambhavaha
Traahimaam Krupamayaa Deva Saranagathavathsala ||
Anyadha Saranam Naasthi Thvameva Saranam Mama
Tasmatkaarunya Bhaavena Raksha raksha Janardhana ||
Vividhopachaara Pooja
Chatra Dhaarayaami | Chaamaram Veechayaami ||
Nrityam Darshayaami | Geetham Shraavayaami ||
Vaadyam Ghoshayaami | Aandolikaan Aarohayaami||
Ashwaanaa Rohayaami | Gajaanaa rohayaami ||
Samastha Rajopachara, Shaktyopachara, Yantropachara,
Devopachara, Sarvopachara Poojam Samarpayaami ||
On one of the auspicious days, at Tirumala, the Bhooloka Vaikunta, Lord Sri
Venkateswara, also known as Srinivasa, the Kaliyuga Avatara of Lord Sriman
Narayana, addressed a devotee by name ‘Viswapathi’ to write and popularize ‘Sri
Venkateswara vratham’ under His aegis.
In the Lord’s words, “Oh My dear devotee Viswapathi! I am going to describe a
special vratham to you.This vratham is very dear to me. It is very easy to perform.
People born in this Kaliyuga are facing great difficulties due to the result of their
previous births’ as well as this birth’s bad deeds. Among these people, some of my
devotees pray to me to relieve them of their hardships. They undertake all travails to
reach Tirumala to seek My Darshan.
I love My devotees very much. I take every devotee into My fold who completely
surrenders himself/herself unto Me and follows the path of Dharma in his/her life.
The Vratham that I am about to describe to you shall become popular as ‘Sri
Venkateswara Vratha Kalpam.’ This vratham is very dear to Me. Who so ever
performs this vratham with patience and devotion would immediately get rid of all
his/her miseries. This vratham can be performed by anyone and everyone at any
place. Performing during the auspicious months of Margasira, Magha, Karthika or
the Tithis of Pournami, Panchami, Sapthami, Ekadasi or the days with Sravana,
Swati nakshatras would give maximum results.
I know the various adversities faced by My devotees in this Kaliyuga. To overcome
difficulties, be it financial, career, health or business or even to secure mental peace
one can perform this vratham. One can also perform this vratham before any
auspicious function in their homes like marriages, house warming etc.The function
will go on smoothly without any hurdles by performing this vratham. They would be
blessed with prosperity and happiness.
One can perform this vratham either in the morning or evening. There are five
chapters in the vratham. All the chapters have to be read with devotion. One can
perform the vratham at their own house or rented premises or in a temple or at any
holy place or even on the banks of a river.
It is advisable to invite your friends and relatives for this vratham. This vratham shall
bestow good health, happiness, prosperity to devotees who perform the vratham and
to those who attend the same and partake the prasadam. In the olden days many
Maharshis who were My very dear devotees, performed this vratham and had
obtained My Divine Grace. Human beings who perform the vratham with full faith
and devotion would surely be blessed with prosperity and happiness. If one performs
this vratham with full concentration the results would be maximized.
This vratham is very easy to perform. I know your difficulties and limitations in this
Kaliyug. The benefit of performing this vratham would be equivalent to that of
performing penance, or a big yagna or yaga of the earlier yugas.
Before starting the vratham one has to thoroughly clean the area chosen to perform
the vratham. Arrange a mantapam and install My photo along with My Consorts
(Sridevi and Bhoodevi). If one can not get such a photo, one can keep a photo of
Mine alone too.The mantapam can be arranged against a wall. One can also keep
photos of other Gods/Goddesses of their choice. Meditate upon all the Navagrahas
and Ashta Dikpaalakas or invoke them at the beginning of the puja. Or pray to them
in one’s mind for the successful completion of the vratham.
Pray and worship Lord Vighneswara (made from turmeric) at the onset of puja. After
that, read all the five chapters associated with the vratham. This is the first chapter.
The other four chapters would be dictated virtually by great Saints Vishwamitra,
Vasishta, Bharadwaja and Atri who are very dear to Me. After completion of the five
chapters one can read My stotrams that are dear to Me. After completion of each
chapter devotees have to chant thrice – Govinda, Govinda, Govinda.
One can also perform this vratham in a simpler way. I understand the limitations of
people in Kaliyuga. That is why I am telling you a much easier way. Devotees who
cannot afford to do it in an elaborate way can do it all alone by meditating upon Me
by keeping My photo. Meditate on Lord Vinayaka, Navagrahas, Ashta Dikpalakas
(just close eyes and pray all those gods for a while). Then devotees can just read the
five stories, and offer any fruit (sugar, jaggery or any sweet) as ‘Naivedya’ to Me and
then take it as My prasadam. Performing in a simple way also would lead to fulfilling
of one’s wish. All the miseries would be resolved. One would be blessed with
I personally, shall come to the devotees’ house in some form or other to partake the
prasadam. The only condition would be that they have to perform the vratham with
full faith and devotion. My blessings would always be there with the devotees.”
In this manner, Bhagawan Himself described the process of Sri Venkateswara
vratham to a devotee named ‘Timmaraju Viswapathi Ramakrishna Murthy
(Viswapathi)’. He blessed this very dear devotee on Tirumala, His favourite abode.
We, the people born in Kaliyuga, should perform this vratham to seek the divine
Blessings of Lord Sri Venkateswara. We shall not only overcome all our troubles
after performing the vratham but would also live peacefully throughout our life.
|| End of first chapter ||
Shriyah Kaanthaaya Kalyaana Nidhaye Nidhayerdhinaam
Sri Venkata Nivaasaaya Srinivaasaaya Mangalam
result, Devayya and his neighbourhood remained safe even after the thunderstorm.
If you perform the vratham, you will get back your lost wealth and prosperity.’
Soon after hearing the divine voice, all of them rushed to the temple.Together they
made arrangements for the puja and performed the vratham collectively. Later on,
they found their homes and wealth safe and secure as before. Thereafter, the entire
clan of businessmen in that town religiously performed Sri Venkateswara vratham on
every Ekadasi. They continued to live happily for the rest of their lives and attained
Moksha in the end.’
Sri Vashista Muni thus completed the third story.
thought, he put the contents of the packet into his mouth and it tasted sweet. Soon
after he was calm and relaxed.
A miracle happened at that instant! The fire stopped at the adjacent shop of
Dhanagupta. Not even a small spark fell on his shop. He was utterly amazed and
dumbfounded. He thought ‘What a wonder! What an incredible thing? How did it
Word spread around about the fire in the market and in no time Dhanagupta’s family
rushed to the spot out of fear. Praying to Sri Venakteswara they reached the shop.
They were very surprised to see that the fire had stopped just before reaching their
shop and that it had gutted all other shops. Then Kumari remembered the prasadam
packet. Dhanagupta realized what he ate in anxiety was nothing else but Lord’s
prasadam. Kumari explained to her parents about the vratham and the prasadam.
Dhanagupta understood that it was the prasadam that had saved him and his shop
from destruction.
He begged the Lord to forgive him. The same evening, he invited everyone in the
village and with lot of devotion performed Sri Venkateswara Vratha Kalpam. From
then on he turned a great devotee of the Lord and spent the rest of his life in service
of Swamy and ultimately attained moksha.
See how one was saved from a big catastrophy by just consuming the prasadam
that too without knowing it is Lord’s sacred prasadam. Sri Venkateswara vratham is
so powerful. When ever feasible all of you perform Sri Venkateswara vratham and
obtain Sri Srinivasa’s blessings.’
Saying so Bharadwaaja concluded fourth chapter.
Mithrudu was very happy and prayed ‘Swamy! I am very fortunate! I will perform the
vratham today itself, please tell me the procedure’. The Brahmin explained in detail
Sri Venkateswara vratham to Mithrudu.
With great fervour Mithrudu returned home and narrated the whole story to his wife.
They invited their neighbours, performed the vratham, ate the prasadam and
distributed it to everyone. As soon as they finished the vratham they could hear
some commotion outside their house. Mithrudi’s son ran inside and said ‘Father! The
royal guards have come. The king had sent gifts to you’. The royal guards came in
and said that the King has appointed Mithrudu as the Royal washer man and that he
had sent one thousand coins as a gift. And that he was supposed to join his duty in a
week’s time.
Mithrudu’s joy knew no bounds. He couldn’t wait even for a day and started for the
palace the following day with bag and baggage. In this happiness, he completely
forgot about his promise to the old Brahmin. However on his way to the palace when
he remembered the promise, he thought he could meet the old Brahmin in a month’s
time. He joined in the royal palace as a washer man and forgot all about the old
Brahmin. Days and months passed by. Lord Sriman Narayana, who had taken the
form of the old Brahmin, was angry with Mithrudu. Bhagawan thought that this is
typical of human nature and wanted to teach him a lesson
As a result the next day, the Queen’s jewellery was lost and Mithrudu was alleged as
the thief. Mithrudu was imprisoned and put behind bars. He was tortured by the
prison guards in various ways. Mithrudu was deeply disturbed over the happening.
Then Sri Srinivasa came in his dream and told that He Himself had come in the form
of the old Brahmin and that due to Mithrudu’s non conformity to the promise he had
to undergo the suffering. Immediately Mithrudu prayed ‘Swamy! I am a sinner. I have
offended You. Please pardon me. From now on I will perform the vratham every
month. Until my death I will offer half of my earnings to you’. The compassionate
Lord was pleased and immediately pardoned him.
As a result of the Lords’ grace, the queen’s jewellery was found elsewhere. The king
realised that Mithrudu was innocent and hence released him from the jail. From then
on, Mithrudu performed Sri Venkateswara vratham every month and offered half of
his monthly earnings to the Lord. He spent the rest of his life happily and in the end
attained Mukti.’
|| End of fifth chapter ||
Shriyah Kaanthaaya Kalyaana Nidhaye Nidhayerdhinaam
Sri Venkata Nivaasaaya Srinivaasaaya Mangalam
(Read after the vratham)
Manthraheenam Kriyaaheenam Bhaktiheenam Janaardhana
Yathpoojitham Mayaa Deva Paripoornam Tadasthuthe
(Perform namaskaar)
Take Theertham
Om Bhoorbhuvasuvaha, Om Tatsaviturvarenyam Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi
Dhiyo yonaha Prachodayaath, Sathyamthvarthena Parishinchaami,
Amruthamasthu Amrutho pastaranamasi,
Om Praanaaya Svaaha, Om Apaanaaya Svaaha, Om Vyaanaaya Svaaha,
Om Udaanaaya Svaaha, Om Samaanaaya Svaaha, Om Brahmane Svaaha,
Sree Lakshmi Padmavathi Sametha Sree Venkateswara Swaminey Namaha
Mahaa Naivedhyam Samarpayaami
Yagnena Yagna Mayajanta Devaaha thaani Dharmaani Prathamaa nyaasan
Thehanaakam Mahimaanassachante Yatra Poorve Saadhyaassanti Devaaha
Sree Lakshmi Padmavathi Sametha Sree Venkateswara Swamy Yadhaastaanam