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Fiker Assen 2015

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Debere Berhan UniversityCollege of natural and

Computational scienceDepartment of Mathematics

Action Research


“How can I Support class six students to solve Mathematics

problem in Cherkos Medihani-Alem Primary school ?”


Fiker Assen AHMED


August 2023/2015E.C

Action research assists teachers to improve instructional and educational management practices.
It is the powerful strategy that can be used to reflect on the pedagogical practices, implement
interventions and initiate the change to enhance system.

The basic purpose of this research is to present how to support class six student to solve
mathematics problem or real problem. In this research, it points out the goals of problem solving
in Mathematics. This study contains problem solving literature, ways to support problem solving
in mathematics and the strategies used. In this study I try to explain my opinions on the strength
of my observation in the classrooms. Data were generated and interventions were applied to
twenty five respondents of class 6. All the components of the action research were strictly
followed to interpret, analyze, and to conclude. The finding received positive results and
reactions from the respondents in general.

Now a day students are facing lot of difficulties in solving the mathematics problems. Most
students face problem solving math problems since it is tricky. Some kids who are good at
memorizing math facts may not understand the phrases and the concepts used in math. The
students who learn mathematics are facing major problems not only in learning the mathematical
content or problems due to ineffective teaching methods but also in understanding the concepts
used in math and its real life application. Math requires deductive reasoning, and passive learners
often struggle with this kind of active problem solving. Mathematical problem solving requires
student with memory and attention. Other problems common to math students include
computational weakness, difficulty in conceptualizing mathematical principles and language
challenges in word problems. With this evidence I did my action research on the topic “how can
I help in solving mathematical problem in a better way for five and six students”. With this
problem solving it is much related in our life like constructing, estimating the measurement of
things, calculating the area of a place, finding the rates and ratios of population, drawing
structures and assuming the time. In my research I collected the pre and post data for my students
in solving the problems by using three tools questionnaire, baseline observation and unit test. I
have represented the data in the graphical form where it will give the comparison of the
improvement of the students in solving the problems.

Literature Review
Mathematics makes sense to students and is easier to remember and apply when students
understand the mathematics they are learning. Also, students who understand mathematical
concepts and skills more readily learn new mathematical concepts and skills. Students who learn
mathematics with understanding feel a real sense of accomplishment and thus are motivated to
learn more mathematics and to succeed in mathematics. Students who understand mathematics
become autonomous learners of mathematics. (Charles, Research Into Practice Mathematics,

Thus, students struggle to take even small steps forward when approaching a new or
unfamiliar problem. Without explicit instruction on how to become a better problem solver,
students improve very little in this area in spite of many years of practice (Malone, 2006).

The specific goals of problem-solving in Mathematics are to improve students'

willingness to try problems and improve their perseverance when solving problems, improve
students' self-concepts with respect to the abilities to solve problems, make students aware of the
problem-solving strategies, make students aware that many problems can be solved in more than
one way, improve students' abilities to select appropriate solution strategies and improve
students' abilities to get more correct answers to problems (Adoğdu, 2008).

Action Research Question
“How can I Support class six students to solve Mathematics problem?”

Aim of my Action research

After my research, researcher should able to find out what are the reason for performing very
weakly in problem solving in mathematics, solution in order to improve the understanding of
mathematics problems and to solve the problem effectively and successful.

For my research I have used qualitative method to analysis the data. Researcher has kept record
in diary through observation of how can I support students to solve the math problem by
individually, paired and group during the math class. Researcher has recorded on the following
data sets in her diary after each unit test:

a) Gender performance in problem solving

b) Wrong understanding of the question

c) Fetching out of in the problem solving questions

d) Getting zero in the problem solving questions

Some of the method that I am going to implement in order to solve better in mathematics
problem are:

1. Be frank and stay friendly with students.

2. Read the question 5 times at the most if doesn’t understand.
3. Solving the problems together in the class.
4. Encourage students to clarify their doubt
5. Giving more questions to solve.
6. Let them to solve in pair, group and as a whole in the class.
7. Let them to frame their own questions and exchange among the group and then solve.

8. Use different skills and strategies in solving.

Tools used are:

1. Baseline data collection through observation in class

2. Questionnaires

Data analysis
1. Do you prefer mathematics problem solving in group or individual. Why?
The questionnaire was carried out on April. I have focused to class six students. There were 25
students respondent. All the students agreed with the statement, “Group solving is better than
individual solving”. They preferred solving mathematics problems in group than individually
because they said they were able to get more idea and it’s easier to understand the question in

2. Why do you think that mathematics is very hard compare to other subject?

Out of 25 students, 16 students were considering mathematics difficult subject compared to other
subjects because mathematics is difficult to understand and the questions takes more time to
understand. 6 students says that mathematics have lots of steps/ways and it very confusing which
steps/ways to use for a particular problem question. 3 students think that it is because of lack of
practice that makes mathematics a hard subject compared to other subjects.

3. Do you think that studying mathematics is useful in your life? If Yes


All the students agree with the statement, “Mathematics is useful in our life”. 25 students say that
mathematics is useful in their life to do their daily activities, achieve their ambitions, solve
calculations, ratios and probabilities and finding time and distance.

Out of 25 students, 18 students prefer their mathematics teacher to explain them the problem
question more since it is difficult for them to understand the question individually. 7 students

prefer their teacher to let them solve questions in group as they are able to understand it more
easily in groups compared to individual.

4. In what way would you prefer your teacher to teach you mathematics?

Out of 25 students, 16 students prefer their mathematics teacher to explain them the problem
question more since it is difficult for them to understand the question individually. 9 students
prefer their teacher to let them solve questions in group as they are able to understand it more
easily in groups compared to individual.

5. When you come across the problem questions what technique do you
use to solve it?

Out of 25 students, 19 students discuss the problem question with their friends before
solving it. 3 students try to solve it individually and 3 students would ask teacher for the
explanation before solving the mathematics problem. This shows that students use
group discussion and explanation as their technique while solving a problem

Tool 2: Collection of the baseline data

Observation of how students are solving the mathematics problem individually, in pair and group
during the math class in the month of April and May.

I have started observing the students in solving the problem from the 1st week of April till the 4 th
week of May. Total students in the class are 25, in which 11 are boys and 14 are girls. I have
given questions to solve individually, pairs, and in groups. During the period of my observation I
noticed that maximum number of students could able to solve the problems in groups compared
to the problem solved individually and in pairs. This result in more number of students could
able to pass and there were few students who scored zero. From the above student’s answer girls
could understand the questions less compare to boys. More girls were not able to understand the
question and where having difficult time in solving problems individually. Whereas they could
understand the questions and score pass mark in groups and pairs. The boys could also
understand the question easily in groups and pairs and where able to score pass mark in problem
After going through the pre-data I came to know that students are very weak in solving the
mathematics problem. They face a lot of difficulties in understanding the question and solving it
individually. I questioned myself what can I do to make the mathematics problems easier for
them to solve, so I started to use a lot of strategies to overcome those challenges. I started to be
frank and stay friendly with students so that they get encourage clarifying their doubts in and
outside the class. When it comes to the problem solving first I solved on the board as an
example to the students. And after that I let them to solve the same problem individually.
Secondly I used read the problem question for 3 to 5 times and explain in details to students.
Sometimes we solve the problem together and other times I also give an activity in pairs and
groups. I let the students to frame their own questions and exchange among the group and then

Sometimes I call few students to solve the mathematics problem on the board to the class and see
how they are solving.

Data analysis
Tool 1: Questionnaires (Post-data)
1. Do you prefer mathematics problem solving in group or individual.

The questionnaire was carried out on August. I have focused to class six students. There were 25
students respondent. All the students agreed with the statement, “Group solving is better than
individual solving”. They preferred solving mathematics problems in group than individually
because they said they were able to get more idea and it’s easier to understand the question in

1. Why do you think that mathematics is very hard compare to other subject?

Out of 25 students, 4 students were considering mathematics difficult subject compared to other
subjects because mathematics is difficult to understand and the questions takes more time to
understand. 3 students says that mathematics have lots of steps/ways and it very confusing which
steps/ways to use for a particular problem question. 18 students think that it is because of lack of
practice that makes mathematics a hard subject compared to other subjects. In predate collection
students were considering mathematics as difficult to understand but after the post data and the
intervention students are more comfortable with mathematics. They believe it is practice that
makes solving mathematics problems easy.

2. Do you think that studying mathematics is useful in your life? If Yes why?

All the students agree with the statement, “Mathematics is useful in our life”. 25 students say that
mathematics is useful in their life to do their daily activities, achieve their ambitions, solve
calculations, ratios and probabilities and finding time and distance. The respondent says that
mathematics is used in day to day life.

3. In what way would you prefer your teacher to teach you mathematics?

Out of 25 students, 9 students prefer their mathematics teacher to explain them the problem
question more since it is difficult for them to understand the question individually. 16 students
prefer their teacher to let them solve questions in group as they are able to understand it more
easily in groups compared to individual. Unlike pre data collection, students prefer more group
activities and pair work since they are learn more by doing themselves. Some students prefer to
by explaining their works to other students.

Tool 2: Collection of the Post data

1. Observation of how students are solving the mathematics problem individually, in
pair and group during the math class in the month of August and September.
2. The observation of the students in solving the problem started from the 1st week of
August till the 4th week of September. A total student in the class was 25, in which
11 were boys and 14 were girls. The questions were given for solving individually,
in pairs, and in groups. During the period of the observation it was notice that
maximum number of students was able to solve the problems in groups compared to
the problem solved individually and in pairs. In groups students were given more
places for sharing their idea and learning. These results in more number of students
passing and there were no student who scored zero. From the above student’s
activity I conclude that girls could understand the questions less compare to boys.
More girls were not able to understand the question and where having difficult time
in solving problems individually. Whereas they could understand the questions and
score pass mark in groups and pairs. The boys could also understand the question
easily in groups and pairs and where able to score pass mark in problem solving. The
Student’s activity also shows that students learn more through group activities. They
were able to understand the problem solving question and solve it in the group
without any problem.
3. Going through the answer given by the students of class six students during the pre-
data collection I found that maximum number of students were answering that they
don’t understand the problem questions as well as the find the mathematics subject is
very tough compare to other subjects. Most of the students were paying less

important towards mathematics problem solving. Students feels more likely to solve
the problems in group as per there individuals answer, because most of the students
found easy while solving the problem in groups. After the pre data analysis I began
to teach in a very different way, made students to sit in the groups mixing of high
achievers and low achievers. I let students to solve on the board every time;
sometimes I let students to frame their own questions. I made students to read the
problem question 4 to 5 times before they solve. I used to conduct a small test every
after finishing a chapter which is out of 10.
4. After having the implementation of different methods the collection of the post data
was done. It was happy to see the answers given by the students. Most of the
students were able to solve mathematics problem easily. They could easily
understand the questions after saying them to read 4 to 5 times until and unless they
don’t understand. Before students were hating the mathematics subject but now they
tends to like the subject, suppose like in percentage before it was around 40% but
now it is 85% which clearly says that students have improved a lot in understanding
the problem questions.
5. If the problem is solved individually the wrong understanding of the question is
more compare to problem solved in pairs and in groups. From this I came to know
that students solve better when they are in groups because they understands more
since they share their information’s to each other.

Good group work has great potential. Students are encouraged to become active rather than
passive learners by developing collaborative and co-operative skills, and lifelong learning skills.
Group work encourages the development of critical thinking skills and it requires the
establishment of an environment of support, trust and co-operative learning can be nurtured. It
also promotes student learning and achievement and students have the opportunity to learn from
and to teach each other. It helps to develop and practice skills in: decision making, problem
solving, values clarification, communication, critical thinking, negotiation, conflict resolution,
and teamwork. Students learn more when they get involved in activities because students have
the opportunity to learn from and to teach each other. Since the focus is on student centered
approach to teaching and learning, and assessment, students are involved in their own learning
which It enhances social skills and interactions. Hence learning outcomes are improved.

During the time of doing research on the title “ how I Support class six students in order to
solve Mathematics problem ” when I collected the pre-data for the questionnaire, I found that
most of the students were not able to solve the problems. Most of the students faced difficult in
understanding the questions whereby they solved wrongly. Students were not very interested in
practicing mathematics and they were paying less attention to it. And most of the students were
getting fewer marks, only few could able to manage the pass mark. But after implementing the
different methodology and strategies on how to understand the questions on mathematics and for
better performance I again collected the post data questionnaire and I found that most of the
students were able to understand the question easily, they became interest on practicing
mathematics and they were performing better in unit test that I have conducted. Another thing
that I found is that students solving better when they are in group compare to individual which
means that they could able get the idea on the questions shared by their friends. As a whole it is a
great achievement that the students have improved a lot in understanding and solving the
mathematics problems.

Adoğdu, M. A. (2008). The importance of problem solving in mathematics curriculum. New
World Sciences Academy, 538-545.

Burke, A. (2011). Group Work: How to Use Groups Effectively. The Journal of Effective
Teaching, 87-95.

Charles, R. I. (2009). Research Into Practice Mathematics. The Role of Problem Solving, 1-7.

Charles, R. I. (2009). The Role of Problem Solving in school mathematics. Research into
practice Mathematics, 1-7.

Appendix one
Tool 1: Survey Questionnaire

1. Demographic information (tick the most appropriate one)

I. Gender: Male :


2. Please circle the appropriate number which corresponds to your level of agreement or
disagreement against the following statements: [1=strongly disagree; 2=Disagree;
3= Neutral; 4= Agree and 5= strongly Agree].

Levels of your agreement and disagreement

Sl. no Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly
# Statement Disagree Agree
I enjoy solving 0 1 9 9 6
1 mathematics problems
I can solve mathematics 0 12 9 4 0
2 problems individually
I can easily understand 0 16 3 6 0
3 the questions.
Group solving is very 0 0 0 6 19
4 useful
I like to solve 0 0 3 10 12
mathematics problem in
5 pair
6 Mathematics is confusing 0 0 5 12 8
My teacher explains the 0 0 1 5 19
7 questions for us.

6. Solving mathematics problem in group is very helpful. Why?

7. Why do you think that mathematics is very hard compare to other subject?
Do you think that studying mathematucs is useful in your life? If Yes why?
8. In what way would you prefer your teacher to teach you mathematics?
9. When you come across the problem questions what technique do you use to solve it?

Appendix Two
Tool 2: Collection of the baseline data

Observation of how students are solving the mathematics problem individually, in pair and group
during the mathematics class in the month of April and May.

April and May (Pre-data)

Number of Performance in Wrong Pass in the problem Getting zero in the

students problem solving understanding of solving questions problem solving
the question questions
32 Male female Male female Male female Male female

Individually(25) 12 13 5 7 8 8 1 3
Paired(12 pairs) 12 13 1 2 10 11 0 0
Group(6 groups) 12 13 0 1 11 13 0 0

Appendix one for Post data collections (Tools 1)

1. Questionnaires (Post-data)

It was carried in the month of August

Statement Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly

Disagree Agree
Sl #
I enjoy solving 0 0 2 10 13
1 problems
I can solve 0 5 9 9 2
2 problems individually
I can easily 0 6 10 6 3
understand the
3 questions.
Group solving is very 0 0 0 5 20
4 useful
I like to solve 0 0 2 5 18
mathematics problem
5 in pair
Mathematics is 0 5 12 7 1
6 confusing
My teacher explains 0 0 0 5 20
7 the questions for us.

Appendix Two (Tools 2: Collection of post data)

August and September month (Post-data)

Number of Gender performance Wrong Pass in the problem Getting zero in the
students in problem solving understanding solving questions problem solving
of the question questions
32 Male female Male female Male female Male female

Individually(32) 12 13 5 6 8 7 2 4

Paired(16 pairs) 12 13 0 0 11 12 0 0

Group(6 groups) 12 13 0 0 12 13 0 0

Content page

Abstract ........................................................................................................................................... 2
Literature Review ............................................................................................................................ 4
Action Research Question............................................................................................................... 5
Aim of my Action research .............................................................................................................. 5
Methodology................................................................................................................................... 5
Tools used are: ................................................................................................................................ 6
Data analysis ................................................................................................................................... 6
Tool 2: Collection of the baseline data ........................................................................................... 7
Intervention .................................................................................................................................... 8
Data analysis ................................................................................................................................... 9
Tool 1: Questionnaires (Post-data) ................................................................................................. 9
Tool 2: Collection of the Post data................................................................................................ 10
Conclusion ..................................................................................................................................... 12
Reference ...................................................................................................................................... 13
Appendix one ................................................................................................................................ 14
Appendix Two ............................................................................................................................... 15


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