MSC Project Report Guidelines
MSC Project Report Guidelines
MSC Project Report Guidelines
1. Introduction
a. Project Overview (Aim)
b. Project Scope (Functions)
2. System Analysis
a. Need for the system
b. Proposed system
c. Feasibility study
d. Software requirement specification
i. Introduction
- Purpose, Document conversion, intended users, product scope,
benefits / objectives, goals etc.,
ii. Overall Description
- Product perspectives, Functions, User Class and Classification
- Operating system details
- Hardware requirement
- Design and Implementation
- User Documentation
3. System design
Your project work details along with
Dataflow diagram
Database design
1. Project reports should be typed on one side of the paper with 1½ line spacing on a a-4
size bond paper. The margins should be as follows: Left = 4 cms; Right = 2.5 cms; Top
and Bottom = 3 cms. The project Report should be hardbound.
2. The minimum number of copies of reports required will be Two(2), as follows:
(a) 1 copy to guide, KSOU/Mysore
(b) Student copy
3. The organization of the Project Report should be as follows:
(a) Title Page
(b) Certificate
(c) Acknowledgement
(d) Table of Contents
(e) Introduction
(f) Main Project – Chapter wise
(g) Summary of the Project work
(h) List of References
4. Chapter heading may be centered with letters in font size 18. sections and sub-sections
along with their heading must be left justified in font size 16. the body of the text of the
project should have font size 12.
5. The figures and Tables must be numbered chapter wise. For e.g. Fig. 3.1 (Name),
Table 3.1 (Name), etc.
6. The Project work should be brief and include descriptions of work carried out by
others only to the minimum extent necessary. Where short excerpts from published work
are desired to be included, they should be within quotation marks and appropriately
identified and given under references.
7. Proper attention should be paid not only to the technical contents but also to the
organization and write-up of the report including correct language, clarity of expression.
Care should also be taken to avoid spelling mistakes and typing errors. The student
should note that project report write-up forms an important component in the overall
evaluation of the project.
8. Students are also requested to prepare a virus-free disc of the project report and take it
to the final university examination.
9. Students are strictly warned against Plagiarism of project reports. Such an act
may not only lead to failure in the examination but also to further disciplinary